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House Rules, sort of.

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GM, 1 post
Wed 4 Jan 2023
at 23:17
  • msg #1

House Rules, sort of

The following are minor adjustments that fall under the heading of "House Rule" if barely in some cases.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:47, Fri 13 Jan 2023.
GM, 2 posts
Wed 4 Jan 2023
at 23:19
  • msg #2

Adjustments to SJ RAW

I've run another SJ game to get a feel for the new rules and there were...less than well playtested. I have posted some needed adjustments in another list. link to another game

I used the old rules as guidelines where possible, but a lot has changed between editions. And some things are just odd: under the current rules a planet the size of Earth would have 8000 miles of atmosphere to fly through to get into space (it's 60 miles in Reality). That would take days. With many periods of freefall as helmsmen changed shifts.

Things like that have been addressed at the link above.
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:47, Sat 14 Jan 2023.
GM, 3 posts
Wed 4 Jan 2023
at 23:20
  • msg #3

Perception while Sleeping

I had some house rules to cover this issue, but Xanathar's came out with some applicable RAW (page 77).

Xanathar's covers sound/hearing. Sight and taste aren't likely to matter if you're asleep.

Using the Target numbers given for hearing checks while sleeping I will extrapolate Smell and Touch numbers for Passive Perception checks.

However, regarding Touch, there are some things to keep in mind: It doesn't take much shaking to wake someone up. It's automatic when that is the goal in fact. Lighter touches are what matters.

Much as Stealth would affect Hearing checks, Sleight will affect Touch checks. The examples given in Xanathar's seem to take into account the Disadvantage from sleeping. So, assuming a target number of the success roll for Stealth/Sleight under normal circumstances, while asleep the passive perception roll would be a target number 5 higher than the success roll was to reflect Disadvantage.

A Disadvantage penalty also applies to walls and doors. They are, after all, meant to block out noise. Pounding on your cabin door will wake you, per normal rules regarding sunned loud noises. Pounding on the door of the cabin next to (or directly across from) yours, however only wakens you if your passive perception is 15 or higher. Pounding farther away requires a Passive perception of 20. This is extrapolated from Xanathar's. An alarm bell from the Bridge will alert the on duty crew and anyone sleeping in the cabin below the bridge, but that's really about it.

Actual unconsciousness due to spell, injury, or ingested chemicals would make you entirely unaware, as per the Conditions section of the PHB. The above rules are for normal sleep.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:46, Fri 13 Jan 2023.
GM, 4 posts
Wed 4 Jan 2023
at 23:22
  • msg #4

Spell Components

Foci replace components, and Component pouches reflect a way to collect components in the background if you can't use a focus.

There are limits: Specifically, anything that has a value listed.

SO...what does that mean: Most folks think it means if there is a price for a component listed on the component line of the spell description.

But no, there's more: Check the equipment list. That a list of "values listed" for things.

Two examples (and I DO check during creation and when spells are learned later) of commonly learned spells:
-Alarm: It requires a tiny bell and a piece of wire. The component pouch can handle the wire (although if it's your only spell from a Feat or some such, that doesn't use your class focus, a blacksmith is cheaper) and a BELL is on the equipment list with a LISTED VALUE or price.
-Bless: A few drops of holy water. Holy water has a value. You can't get just a couple drops, and it's liquid, so a component pouch won't hold them anyhow. You'd need to BUY a vial. So, ..the solution is to buy a flask of holy water and NEVER use it for anything (like Undead Repellent). It'll last forever if all it does is fuel Bless spells

And remember, unless the spell description says the component is consumed, it lasts forever so you only need one of anything pricey...unless the spell says otherwise, of course.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:34, Mon 10 Apr 2023.
GM, 5 posts
Wed 4 Jan 2023
at 23:23
  • msg #5

Free Actions

PHB page 190 has a chart of "free actions". Things that can be done while attacking and moving.

They say you can move and attack AND reach around INTO your back pack, and pull out and drink a potion. Apparently you can also identify the potion from amongst however many you have in there.

I disagree. I think they made a small error. Read down a couple lines to where you are pulling a few coins out of a belt pouch. And it takes the same effort as that "action" above?

So, you can pull a potion out of a POUCH while doing the usual combat things, but NOT a backpack while armed and fighting.

And, even so, you need an empty hand, so sword and shield and 2 weapon types are left out, where ever they keep their potions.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:49, Fri 13 Jan 2023.
GM, 6 posts
Wed 4 Jan 2023
at 23:25
  • msg #6

Training and Jack of All Trades

Apparently Jack of All Trades is supposed to boost initiative and other ability checks made that aren't based on skill or tool training. (or so I've recently been told).

It may be canon, but I disagree. It's Jack  of All TRADES. It applies to trades you don't have. Anything a proficiency (including Tool) COULD add to, if you had it.

It's a Houserule, but it's how it seems to me it should work.

Also, JoAT is NOT training, it is odds and ends picked up over time (experience), but it lacks the formal training Xanathar's requires for Synergies
GM, 7 posts
Wed 4 Jan 2023
at 23:28
  • msg #7

How Much Can be Packed Around Your Waist?

What can fit on a belt:
Four or five items based on what RAW and common sense provides
Dagger and pouch. The basics.
Two light weapons, because some folks use them (or one medium weapon, but no heavy weapons)
A spell component pouch because some folks don't (or can't) use a focus.

That's five items. If you want five pouches, that's fine, but you're lacking weapons. Unless there's something nasty in one or more of the pouches, of course.

Anything beyond that is just over the top. Even the numbers above could be pushing it, but two weapon combat requires light weapons, which helps.
GM, 22 posts
Thu 5 Jan 2023
at 01:00
  • msg #8


Double post. I'll slip in something else later, as and if it comes up.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:35, Mon 10 Apr 2023.
GM, 32 posts
Sat 14 Jan 2023
at 00:27
  • msg #9

Spell slots for Innate spells

In keeping with Mordenkainen's Monster's of the Multiverse races, and Tasha's feat, there is tendency in the newer books to allow innate or feat gained spells to be cast with spell slots, if any, in addition to the once a day the innate ability gives.

For this game I'm going to allow that with the older Magic Initiate Feat, as well. It's a requirement for most, and it fits with the new trend, nor does it conflict with the multiclass rules of using one set of spell slots for everything.

Hopefully this will take a bit of the sting out of the requirement for Magic Initiate, as well.
GM, 41 posts
Sun 15 Jan 2023
at 23:42
  • msg #10

Recharges at Dawn

Items tend to recharge at dawn. What if there is no dawn?

Well, technically, you could take the ship in a barrel roll and make it dawn...or say that nothing ever recharges in the Astral.

So I'm going to start the clock at 24 hours, exactly, after the first charge is used, and every 24 hours going forward until the item is fully recharged. Then the clock will start anew on the next usage.

This probably won't come up much with days passing between random encounters, but you never know.
GM, 137 posts
Thu 26 Jan 2023
at 00:51
  • msg #11

Hooking a ship from outside an air/gravity envelope

The rope and grapple that woldspacers start with have a use: getting back on board the ship when you fall over the side.

In theory that will be a Dex Or Str (Athletics) roll to hook the guardrail, but misses won't matter, as you'll just keep trying. It'll just be a timing thing.

Range will be 20/40. 20 is standard for thrown weapons, and I'm happy considering it Finesse. the 40 is based on a 50' rope, and having enough left to grab. Best option is from the side, of course, not front of back, and certainly not over or under the deck (that's just a fall, with damage usually resulting).

Then a more normal Str(Athletics) roll (or Str(vehicles) roll) to climb up and over the guardrail. That'll be only about 3', so you'll make that climb easily with proficiency in either. This is assuming a single deck on either side of the gravity plane (DC 5) and add 5 to DC for every extra deck between the gravity plane and the guard rail (for the extra distance).
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:38, Mon 10 Apr 2023.
GM, 176 posts
Fri 3 Feb 2023
at 05:16
  • msg #12


Not a house rule, but canon. Mending's ability to Mend varies by application, and doesn't really follow a consistent pattern.

The rules for SJ are as follows:
-One cast per hour per object.
-Damage repaired is 1d8+Spellcasting ability modifier

Keep in mind that Mending is limited to a hole no larger than 1' in any direction. That will only matter in the case of fire or a Disintegrate, most likely.

Each weapon and the ship are considered separate items, so you can repair each of them every hour.

Average damage repaired per hour will be about 7-8 per hour. That works out to about 168 points per 24 hour day.
This message was last edited by the GM at 06:55, Sun 05 Mar 2023.
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