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, welcome to Cragshadow

07:41, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Our story so far...

Posted by The Hand of FateFor group 0
The Hand of Fate
GM, 170 posts
Thu 2 Feb 2023
at 18:32
  • msg #1

Our story so far...

On this bright, clear morning, with the bells chiming Terce, it's hard to believe that just a day has passed since you were fighting for your life. Until you see yet another funeral procession going by. One of many lives lost when what seemed like a thousand orcs came surging at the city walls. But then your gloomy thoughts are interrupted.

"Ar' ye   ?" Says a    youth in the silver and blue livery of the Margrafin.  "Message from 'er Ladyship". He continues handing you a folded letter. You open it and read:

Please present yourself at Kuchnihrad's Silver Gate come Sext.
Show this missive to the guard to be admitted.
I have an opportunity I would like to discuss with you and several others.

By order of the Margrafin Sulverendell and done by the hand of Tristan Littlefoot.

Margrafin Sulverendell

      H. Dr.
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:37, Thu 02 Feb 2023.
The Hand of Fate
GM, 171 posts
Thu 2 Feb 2023
at 18:40
  • msg #2

Our story so far...

The Silver Gate is a smaller side entrance to Kuchnihrad castle. When you arrive there the guards summon a page, a    youth who leads you to a small waiting room. In the room are a human servant, two dwarf guards with mail and greataxe, both in blue and silver livery, and an older dwarf. His picture is in the dictionary under 'Grizzled Veteran'. His uniform, also in blue and silver, is plain but of excellent quality and he is glaring at you suspiciously.

"I am Braggi Ironfist. Leave your gear and weapons here with Frederich. You're in the middle of a bloody castle, by An. You're safe. Milady has a job for you. We're going to go sit at a table and talk. Once everyone is here I will take you to see the Margrafin. Be polite and respectful, stay off the top tier, and we will have no problems."

Once everyone has arrived he grumbles "Follow me."
Braggi Ironfist
NPC, 5 posts
Castellan of
Thu 2 Feb 2023
at 18:44
  • msg #3

Our story so far...

 He leads you down several corridors and through a pair of double doors. The room is maybe 20' wide and 50' long. There are two guards just inside the doors you came through and several servants along the wall. Halfway down there are two steps up and three quarters of the way are two more steps up so that the room floor is at three levels. There is a table starting at halfway along the highest level and extending out into the lowest level.

  Sitting at the head of the table is the Margrafin, a round faced, fair haired, lady gnome in an elaborately embroidered earth brown robe and headdress. To her right sits a younger version of the Margrafin and on her left a halfling with pen in hand and parchments spread out in front of him. The Margrafin quirks an eyebrow and grins as you enter.

  "Welcome! I am Hannelore, the Margrafin Sulverendell. This is Annalise." With a nod to her right and continues with a nod to her left. And this is Tristan. You've already met Braggi. Thank you for coming. Please have a seat." The servants bring up chairs of appropriate height as Braggi goes to stand next to the Margrafin.

  "As you well know Cragshadow was assaulted by orcs two days ago. What you may not know is that there are no, I should say were no, orcs anywhere  in this region.  So where did they come from? I hope you can help find the answer to that question.  My forces are spread thin" <Braggi snorts> "Yes Fist I know, perhaps too thin. Spread pursuing the remnants of the orcish horde, defending the villages from orcish stragglers, and repairing the damage done by the earthquake."

  "I need someone to backtrack and try to find where the orcs came from. You all did well after the earthquake and in the battle and have abilities that should be helpful in this endeavor. I will pay one hundred thalers to each of you for a report on your return. Please, if you can, report back within two weeks. I will also gift you a pair of enchanted items each to help out. Which will be yours to keep. Are you willing to help?"

The Hand of Fate
GM, 172 posts
Thu 2 Feb 2023
at 18:49
  • msg #4

Our story so far...

Bek finally rocked forward in his seat and put his hands on the table, "Aye, for the good of the city and some personal reasons... this sounds a fine quest. However, two weeks and a lot of travel is... considerable. Surely, some animals and supplies are warranted."

As Bek speaks, Braggi scowls, Tristans pen stops briefly, then the Margrafin replies.
"Provisions we can provide easily enough, I think, animals not so much. Fist?"

Growling "You do know the orcs came out of the mountains, not the terrain.."

Interrupting "Braggi!"

"Harrumph. Let me think.....There's a patrol headed up the caravan trail. They can ride the remounts part of the way." Turning to the servants "You, go tell Gunnar I've got new orders for him. And you, tell Wilhelm to prepare two weeks trail rations for eight."

"Excellent, thank you all and good luck. Braggi will show you the rest of the equipment we have for you."

"Come with me then" says the scowling dwarf. He leads you back towards the gate and the room you left your gear at. In the room on a table are your weapons, gear, and several other items. "Here are ... How you split them up is up to you." He hands each of you a small metal plaque on a cord. "Gate passes that will get you in and out freely. Gunnar and the Hochtal lancers will meet you at the North Gate. Try to be there before Nones."
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:52, Thu 02 Feb 2023.
The Hand of Fate
GM, 173 posts
Thu 2 Feb 2023
at 18:58
  • msg #5

Our story so far...

Arriving at the gate you see three soldiers waiting, two are mounted  with one holding the reins of another horse while the third is on foot looking around."There you are!" He says shaking his head. "I'm Feldwebel Gunnar Donnarsson, the rest of the troop is outside. You'll be riding with us for a bit, I understand. I've also got provisions for you. as well."

When you follow him out the rest of the troop is waiting. Twelve men, all with chain shirts, shields, and shortswords. Eight have lances and the rest bows. There are 27 horses, one and a spare for each and three pack horses. You'll be riding some of the spares.

As you head north along the caravan trail the orcs path is obvious. The vegetation is trampled, buildings torn down or burned, the remnants of dead animals here and there. Feldwebel Gunnar sets a brisk pace and eight miles and an hour or so later the orcs path leaves the caravan trail and leads into the mountains. "This is as far as we we ride with you, good hunting."  With that the lancers hand each of you a sackful of provisions, take their horses back and head north.

From here the orcs path follows a small dry river bed. Gunnar tells you "This river used to run full. It's only been dry for a couple of weeks."
The Hand of Fate
GM, 241 posts
Tue 14 Feb 2023
at 18:54
  • msg #6

Our story so far...

Around half an hour later you see a herd of goats and 12 or 15 clansmen coming over the ridge between two hills following a narrow goat path.  Your heading east and a bit north along the riverbed. They are a quarter of a mile to your southeast. They have seen you as well. As the yelling and gesturing shows (still too far to catch the details).

Four of the younger clansmen stay with the herd while the other ten head towards you. They are brandishing their weapons, making rude gestures and shouting:
[Language unknown:  "Ck amein po ic ortevesheome seacla...
Ol oscatr ul vir...]

Mina cocked her head sideways and regarded the men with curiosity. "Ooh! I think I've seen folk like these before. They look like men, but really they are peacocks," she said. "They'll strut around to show us their prowess! And they might throw things, but they will miss on purpose unless they are very bad at missing. Once their pride is satisfied they may speak with us!"

The ten clansmen spread out in a rough line facing you. They are dressed in leathers and furs, including fur hats complete with ear flaps*. They all have battle axes and either spears or a few with shortbows. One has three wolf tails dangling from his hat and steps forward a pace. In broken and accented common he replies. "We graze herds. "

One of the younger men interrupts him. [Language unknown: "Loure peri p ounpreshe ei conounwhi tass'iosiwh? T shethoich adeite for no larvorouscon, liivla, thre erth encpl ruttralin."]

The older one replies angrily [Language unknown: "Rohendck lame ntany? Undad sickha onwhe reomsa thowh hat."]

Shaking his head he continues "Foolish young one speaks but no thinks. Watch out big wolves. Were orcs now gone."


"These wolves; like ones decorating you hat?"

Clansman: "Wolves size of horses. First saw orcs few days after earth shook. Just a few then week later more orcs and wolves then horde few days ago."

After a bit of jostling around and a few jokes the clansmen head on.
The Hand of Fate
GM, 242 posts
Tue 14 Feb 2023
at 19:00
  • msg #7

Our story so far...

You continue on, following the riverbed and the orcs trail. The river valley is mostly open, the vegetation limited to ground cover and the occasional bush or tree, mostly along the riverbed. Broken up only by the occasional cluster of boulders.

Then, behind you, you hear a wolf howl. And it is answered by two more. From the sound they are maybe a quarter mile away. And closing.

Three wolves the size of horses attack and are quickly dispatched.
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