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Posted by F5-3DFor group 0
GM, 7 posts
Tue 11 Apr 2023
at 18:11
  • msg #1


All Force abilities require energy to work. Even the most powerful Jedi have a finite capacity to tap the Force, and they must rest and meditate after frequent uses of the Force to regain their strength. In game terms, all Force-Sensitive characters have a base Force Pool equal to the sum of their Willpower, Perception and Intelligence, doubled. To activate a Force power, the character needs to spend 1 Force Pool point.

Force Defense
Force Pool points can be used to increase rolls related to Force powers, granting +1 bonus per point spent after the roll. This is valid for lightsaber duels as well, as long as the character has the Lightsaber Combat power active.

Regaining Force Pool points
A Force-Sensitive character regains 1 Force Pool Point per hour, every hour. The character may also try to meditate to regain more power; this requires a minimum of one hour of deep concentration, followed by a Difficult WILL roll. If the roll is successful, the character gets 2 extra points per success. A meditation roll can only be attempted once every twelve hours.

All common Force powers are part of one of the Three Skills (also known as the Three Devotions): Control, Sense and Alter.

This skill affects the Force-user’s own body; through this ability he can heal his body, resist pain and defend himself in a number of ways. An individual skilled in Control can hold his breath for longer or place himself in a state of deep trance, slowing all body functions significantly. On a successful CON + Control roll, the Force-user can extend by double the successes the amount of time he can go without oxygen or hibernate for 2 days/success in a dry climate, and 1 week/success in a wet climate. The circumstances that will make the character awake must be specified before entering the trance, either an amount of time or specific stimuli (noise, being touched etc.). During the hibernation trance, the individual appears dead to anyone who doesn’t conduct testing or cannot sense the Force within him.

This skill allows a Force-sensitive person to enhance her senses, to catch glimpses of the future and to perform such superhuman feats as deflecting energy blasts with her lightsaber. This ability grants the character an overview of the flows of Force in an area and will locate places of power, the presence (but not the exact location) of powerful Force-users, and other Force-related information, such as a feeling for the general state of the area (the Force-user will sense if the inhabitants of a place are mired in despair or terror, for example) or the death of many. This requires a PER and Sense roll, but the GM may allow a Force-Sensitive person without Sense to roll using only Perception. If a Force-user does not want to be located, he can resist detection with an INT and Control roll.

This skill allows the Force-user to affect the world around him, from manipulating weak minds to moving objects through telekinesis. This ability allows the individual to use the Force to move objects weighing 0.5 kg/success obtained in a WILL + Alter roll. Objects lifted in this manner can be moved at up to 10 m/turn (this can speeded up by "burning" successes). The Move Object power greatly enhances this basic application.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:07, Fri 14 Apr 2023.
GM, 17 posts
GM Droid
Thu 13 Apr 2023
at 14:58
  • msg #2


Each of the different powers listed below is a manifestation of the Force. Most Force-users know only one or two of these powers; only people like the Jedi and a few other groups know all the Three Skills and a good selection of these abilities.

Powers listed as "Required" are prerequisites of a given power. You cannot buy that power without buying the prerequisite first.

All the powers below must be activated; this is done by spending 1 (or more) Force Pool point and rolling and adding the appropriate Attribute and Force skill. Sustainable powers may be kept up by spending another point when the duration is over. Instead of having a flat cost of 1 point, the GM may decide to have different costs for each Force power.

During Character Creation: Through the Force Training Quality, but the character must have at least one level of the appropriate Force Skill (Control, Sense and Alter.
Acquiring Force Powers During the Game: A teacher must be found. If the character has the appropriate Force Skill, then acquiring the new power takes D4 x 5 (10) days of intensive training and the expenditure of 6 experience points.

  • Control pain: On a successful WILL + Control roll, the character will not suffer pain-related penalties or be knocked unconscious if reduced below 0 points for success turns.
  • Detoxify Self: A Force-Sensitive character with this power can cleanse his body from any disease or poison by making a CON + Control roll. The strength of the disease and potion determine how many successes are necessary, ranging from minor diseases (one success level for a mild cold) to terminal ones (requiring 10 or more successes).
  • Force Balance: You can add your Control skill to any Athletics check that deals with keeping your balance. Each roll requires one Force Pool point.
  • Heal Self: On a successful CON + Control roll, the character enters a trance and regains 1 Life Point per CON level every hour, for 1 hour per success. So, for example, if a Jedi, with a CON 3, got five successes on his roll, he would regain 3 Life Points per hour for five hours, for a total of 15 Life Points. This power can be used once every day. For immediate healing, see Reduce Injury, below.
  • Negate Energy: This power allows the Force-wielder to absorb or dissipate energy, from excessive sunlight, radiation, heat or even direct energy discharges. This requires a CON + Control roll. With one success level, the character can stand up to the harshest sunlight with no ill effect, or run through a normal fire without taking any damage. Radiation requires three to five success levels. Fire and energy damage can also be dissipated at the rate of 5 damage/success (this is applied before armor or damage modifiers).
  • Rebuke:You can harmlessly absorb or reflect a Force power used against you. Roll WILL + Control and if you score equal or more success than the attacker, you are unaffected by the power. If you beat the attack by 3 or more successes, the power has been reflected back on them, who have the chance to Rebuke it as well. If they succeed, the power disperses. However, if he also beats your check by 3 or more, both of you are affected by the power.
  • Send Thoughts:This enables the character to send a mental message to another. Only a few words or a sentence can be communicated per attempt. The maximum range is based on the successes of a WILL + Control roll and uses the Range and Relationship Tables below.
  • Surge: This power allows the Force-user to increase his speed or jumping distance, multiplying it by 1 + Control level. This lasts 1 Turn, but can be extended for additional Turns by spending extra points.

  • Danger Sense: Whenever you are about to be attacked, the GM will make a PER + Sense check for your character (at the cost of 1 Force Pool point). If successful, your character is not surprised.
  • Farseeing: This power lets you see images from events or places that may have happened, are happening or will happen. The number of Success Levels in a PER + Sense Task determines the clarity of the vision (use the Range and Relationship Tables below). The timeframe of the wanted vision apply penalties to the roll: past -3 and future -6.
  • Force Pilot: The wielder of this power uses the Force to assist them in piloting. Each success level in a PER + Sense rolls adds 1 (max. Sense) to any piloting roll for 10 turns. This power can be maintained for an additional Force Pool point for every 10 turns.
  • Instinctive Astrogation: This power allows the Jedi to use the Force to navigate in hyperspace. By making a PER + Sense roll, the character can add 2/success as bonuses to his astrogation check, but only to compensate for the lack of a nav computer.
  • Lightsaber Combat: This power lets the Jedi to establish a powerful link with his weapon, allowing him to increase his ability with it. The link is so deep that the Jedi can use the lightsaber to parry attacks that he foresees and would otherwise be unblockable, like blaster fire. To activate this power, the Jedi spends a Force Pool point. The Jedi adds his Sense skill to his Lightsaber skill and adds, or subtracts, his Control skill rating to the base damage of his lightsaber. If the Jedi is wounded, stunned, knocked unconscious or deactivates his lightsaber, this power will turn off, requiring him to turn it on again by spending another Force Pool point. To parry blaster bolts, the character must succeed at a parry action (adding his Sense level), scoring an equal or higher roll than his attacker. Parried blaster bolts can be redirected back to the attacker or to another target. The character must have succeeded in his parry roll by at least 3 more successes. If he did, he gets a free attack, rolling DEX + Lightsaber -3 to hit.
  • See thoughts: A Force-wielder with this power can read the surface thoughts and/or emotions of the target. If the Jedi accumulates more than five successes, he can go beyond the surface thoughts and actually search through the target’s memory for any information up to 24 hours old.
  • Sense Life: This power allows the Force wielder to detect live sentient beings, who might otherwise remain hidden. When the power is activated, on a successful PER + Sense roll, the character can detect any sentient being close by. The power may be kept “up” by spending 1 Force Pool point every minute. If the roll achieves 5 or more successes, the character will not only detect the sentients, but will recognize them if he’s met them. He will also sense if the sentients are Force-sensitive.
  • Sense Surroundings: By amplifying her senses, the Jedi is able to cancel the detrimental effects of darkness and cover. Each success in a PER + Sense roll cancels a -1 penalty due to lighting conditions or cover. This power last for 10 turns and may be kept up by spending another Force Pool point every 10 turns.

  • Beast Trick: This power affects the minds of animals. Roll WILL + Alter against the creature’s WILL. If you beat the beast’s check, you can calm an otherwise aggressive animal. Success against a docile one allows you to command the creature to perform a minor task for you. A hostile beast will require two rolls, one to calm it down and another one to get it to perform the task.
  • Heal Other: Works as the Control power of the same name, but affects others, who must be willing, and requires touch.
  • Force Push: This power allows a Jedi to create a wave of telekinetic energy, which spreads outward from his or her hand, knocking opponents to the ground. This differs from Move Object in that there is no attempt at controlling the targets, and more than one being or item can be affected by it at once. The character makes a WILL + Alter roll resisted by the targets’ STR. If the character wins, the targets take Alter damage, are knocked back 1 m/success and fall prone. The range on this power is 10 meters, and it affects any beings along a single arc in combat (front, right, left, rear, etc.)
  • Mind Trick: This power affects the minds of the target or targets, making them amenable to suggestions, illusions or even careful editing of recent memories. The more complex the suggestion, the more successes the action takes. For example, making a person do something he might do on his own would require one success level; making somebody do something unexpected would take two or three success levels. Completely altering a person’s opinion or actions ("These are not the droids you’re looking for") requires one success level per Willpower level of the target, or four, whichever is more. Non force-sensitive targets resist with a difficult Willpower test. Force users resist WILL + Control.
  • Morichro: Similar to Heal Other, this power allows you to induce a hibernation trance, or simply a deep sleep, in an unwilling subject. You must touch the target and roll CON + Alter, resisted by the target’s CON. The subject sleeps for one hour/success. If you score net successes equal to or greater than the target’s CON, you can force him into a hibernation trance.
  • Move Object: The power to use the Force to move objects. The amount of mass that can be moved by the character depends on the successes obtained in a WILL + Alter roll. Objects lifted in this manner can be moved at up to 10 m/turn (this can speeded up by “burning” successes to increase speed by 10 m/success). Objects can be thrown at targets (PER + Alter) to cause damage. The amount of damage depends on the size of the object, which gives a die code that is multiplied by the number of extra successes obtained beyond those used for lifting the object.

Success	   Mass   	FP
1	   <10 kg	1
2	   <100 kg	2
3	   <1 ton	4
4	   <10 tons	6
5	   <100 tons	8
+1 success x10 mass	+2
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:02, Fri 05 May 2023.
GM, 18 posts
GM Droid
Thu 13 Apr 2023
at 15:04
  • msg #3


User and target are: 	      Success
Touching 	                 1
Line of Sight 	                 2
Within 1,000 km 	         3
Same planet	                 4
Same star system                 5
Not in the same star system 	 6

User and target are: 	                                     Successs
Close relatives (married, siblings, parent and child, etc.) 	1
Friends & acquaintances                                         2
Complete strangers 	                                        3
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:44, Wed 03 May 2023.
GM, 19 posts
GM Droid
Thu 13 Apr 2023
at 16:17
  • msg #4

Formas de sabre-de-luz

Form I - Shii-Cho: This form is the most basic style of lightsaber combat. All characters with the Lightsaber skill are trained in it. Shii-Cho is an ancient form developed by the early Jedi from existing sword styles to combat the proliferation of blaster weapons. It is characterized by simplicity in form and footwork, with sweeping swings and wide steps that are easy to learn.
  • Mastery (5 points): +1 initiative, +2 Parry, +2 Disarm, +2 Target Limb; -2 to resist Feint. Maneuvers: Heavy Strike, Quick Parry. Requirements: Lightsaber 2.

Form II – Makashi: An elegant and stylized form of lightsaber combat, Makashi does not so much concentrate on strength but on finesse and skill. It needs wits and a quick mind.
  • Proficiency (3 points): against a single foe +1 initiative, +1 Strike, +1 Parry, +1 Feint, +1 Disarm, +1 Target Limb; -1 block/redirect ranged attacks, against other opponents -1 Strike, -1 Parry. Maneuver: choose one from Mastery. Requirements: DEX 3, INT 3, Lightsaber 3
  • Mastery (8 points): against a single foe +2 initiative, +2 Strike, +2 Parry, +2 Feint, +2 Disarm, +2 Target Limb; -1 block/redirect ranged attacks, against other opponents -1 Strike, -1 Parry. Maneuvers: Heavy Thrust, Quick Strike, Riposte. Requirements: DEX 3, WILL 3, Lightsaber 5

Form III – Soresu: First developed to counter the development of blaster weapons with parries, Soresu is the most defensive style of the Jedi Order and it is said that a true master of that form cannot be overcome.
  • Proficiency (2 points): +1 Dodge, +1 Parry, +1 Feint, +1 Disarm, +1 Target Limb; -1 Strike, -1 Throw Lightsaber, -1 redirect ranged attacks. Maneuver: choose one from Mastery. Requirements: DEX 3, CON 3, Sense 1
  • Mastery (8 points): +2 Dodge, +2 Parry, +2 Feint, +2 Disarm, +2 Target Limb, +1 to resist Feint, Disarm, Target Limb; -1 Strike, -1 Throw Lightsaber, -1 redirect ranged attacks. Maneuvers: Circle Attack, Quick Parry, Sweeping Block. Requirements: DEX 3, CON 3, Lightsaber 3, Sense 3

Form IV – Ataru: Ataru is an acrobatic form of fighting, there are many jumps and quick maneuvers in it, intended to attack the opponent from as many angles as possible. It is fast, exhausting and agile.
  • Proficiency (3 points): +1 initiative, +1 Dodge, +1 Footwork +1 damage, move up to double Speed with no penalty; -1 to combat if restricted. Maneuver: choose one from Mastery. Requirements: DEX 3, Athletics 2, Lightsaber 2, Control 1 [11]
  • Mastery (7 points): +2 initiative, +1 Strike, +2 Dodge, +2 Footwork, +2 damage, move up to double Speed with no penalty; -1 to combat if restricted. Maneuvers: Double Attack, Tumble Strike. Requirements: DEX 3, Athletics 3, Lightsaber 3, Control 2

Form V – Djem So: Djem So is an offensive form of Soresu and is almost as effective against blaster weapons. However, it does not stick to defense, but concentrates on redirecting attacks and moving into an offensive position making counterattack easier.
  • Proficiency (2 points): +1 Strike, +1 redirect blaster shots, +1 STR-based maneuvers, +1 damage; -1 Dodge. Maneuver: choose one from Mastery. Requirements: STR 2, PER 2, Control 1
  • Mastery (6 points): +2 Strike, +1 Parry, +2 redirect blaster shots, +2 STR-based maneuvers, +2 damage; -1 Dodge. Maneuvers: Falling Avalanche, Heavy Parry, Jump Strike. Requirements: STR 3, PER 3, Control 3

Form VI – Niman: Form VI is a conjunction of the Forms I, III, IV and V. It is popular with most non-combat Jedi, diplomats or teachers who want a broad training in lightsaber combat, without concentrating on one aspect of that art. Form VI also includes stares, postures and screams that draw upon the diplomatic skills of a Jedi enabling him to “persuade” opponents that surrender would be the best solution.
  • Proficiency (2 points): +1 Dodge, +1 Parry, bonus/combat equal to half Influence (Persuasion or Intimidation) [choose when buying the form] that can be used for attack or parry rolls (maximum of four/roll); -1 Strike. Maneuver: choose one from Mastery. Requirements: PER 3, WILL 3, Influence 2 [14]
  • Mastery (7 points): +2 Dodge, +2 Parry, bonus/combat equal to Influence (Persuasion or Intimidation) [choose when buying the form] that can be used for attack or parry rolls (maximum of four/roll); -1 Strike. Maneuvers: Double Attack*, Heavy Parry, Vicious Stare. Requirements: PER 3 (DEX 4*), WILL 3, Influence 4

Form VII – Juyo: Unlike the rhythmic and partly almost dance-like maneuvers of other forms, Juyo is the exact opposite. It breaks the rhythm and therefore surprises any defender. The break of rhythm is accomplished by intuitive action, guided by the force. Killing with this form forces the Jedi to make a WILL + Control roll (-1/Dark Side Point) or take a Dark Side Point.
  • Proficiency (5 points): +1 Strike, +1 Dodge, +1 Parry, +1 Decapitation, +1 Disarm, +1 Feint, +1 Target Limb, +1 damage, +1 Strike per 2 Dark Side points, add Sense to initiative (max. 2); -1 Parry and Dodge per Dark Side point. Maneuver: choose one from Mastery. Requirements: DEX 3, PER 3, WILL 3, Lightsaber 2, Control 2, Sense 2
  • Mastery (11 points): +2 Strike, +2 Dodge, +2 Parry, +2 Decapitation, +2 Disarm, +2 Feint, +2 Target Limb, +2 damage, +2 Strike per 2 Dark Side points, add Sense to initiative (max. 5); -1 Parry and Dodge per Dark Side point. Maneuvers: Back-Thrust, Swing Strike. Requirements: DEX 3, PER 3, WILL 3, Lightsaber 4, Control 4, Sense 4

Form VII Variant – Vaapad: Vaapad takes the “bad side” of a Jedi and channels his negative emotions through combat maneuvers. This is extremely dangerous, since it touches the path of the dark side and so far only its creator, Jedi Master Mace Windu, has successfully mastered that art, while some others failed. Killing with this form forces the Jedi to make a WILL + Control roll (-1/Dark Side Point) or take a Dark Side Point.
  • Proficiency (6 points): +1 Strike, +1 Dodge, +1 Parry, +1 Decapitation, +1 Disarm, +1 Feint, +1 Target Limb, +1 damage, +2 aggressive Force powers; +1 Strike per 2 Dark Side points, add Sense to initiative (max. 2); -1 Parry, Dodge per Dark Side point. Maneuver: choose one from Mastery. Requirements: DEX 3, PER 3, WILL 3, Lightsaber 3, Control 3, Sense 3
  • Mastery (13 points): +2 Strike, +2 Dodge, +2 Parry, +2 Decapitation, +2 Disarm, +2 Feint, +2 Target Limb, +2 damage, +3 aggressive Force powers; +2 Strike per 2 Dark Side points, add Sense to initiative (max. 5); -1 Parry and Dodge per Dark Side point. Maneuvers: Random Strike, Blind Attack. Requirements: DEX 3, PER 3, WILL 5, Lightsaber 5, Control 5, Sense 5

This message was last edited by the GM at 18:53, Thu 13 Apr 2023.
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