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21:04, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident (Cythi, Gezri, Marie)

Posted by NarratorFor group 0
Player, 15 posts
Sat 26 Nov 2022
at 06:54
  • msg #4

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

Jezz cocked her head to one side and smiled.  "Hey you!  They brought you in too, huh?  No worries.  You think this is a case of the kid gone walkabout, or something more nefarious?"
Player, 95 posts
Emotionally Emotionless
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 04:41
  • msg #5

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

Marie would indeed travel with Cythi to their destination, standing next to her as they appeared. Her hands in the pocket's of her hoodie as she looked towards the other girl that Cythi started talking to.

She would finally look up towards the building, looking at each window in turn a moment, then each nearby rooftop, then back towards the two woman with her. "If they brought me here, it is likely something more nefarious." Marie finally said, as she brought one hand up out of her pocket to the hood of her hoodie, to lower the hood. Her slightly glowing eyes hidden behind her sunglasses still.
NPC, 67 posts
Thu 2 Feb 2023
at 02:44
  • msg #6

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

The security guard was at center of the front lobby, behind the classic bank of monitors.  Anybody who really knew building security knew it was more a show than a function besides being a formal reception area.  The real surveillance in a building would be elsewhere.  But someone had to be up front.

And the guy who was there was about as nondescript as they come.  He glanced at Gezri with obviously feigned interest--overdoing it--and rotated a clipboard and pen in her direction.

"Law firm. Ninth floor.  DeWinitz and Jade."  he said, his voice almost drowsy.  "Oddly, the cameras are offline." 

Getting there was easy enough and there was no obvious danger.  Dewinitz and Jade was indeed an actual law firm, though small and unassuming.

It was a bright and inviting space with an open floor plan. Large windows allowed natural light to pour in, highlighting the warm, welcoming atmosphere. The furniture were modern and comfortable, mostly dark woods against the lighter walls, creating a relaxing space for clients to wait before their appointments. The walls were adorned with artwork that showcased the diverse backgrounds of the firm's clients, reflecting the open and inclusive nature of the office.

To one side, there was a series of glass-enclosed meeting rooms, all of which were dark, except one.  The source of light was not specific...  It didn't seem to be a ceiling fixture or a lamp, but seemed almost to be oscillating around the meeting room....  But after a moment, it stopped and steadied, dimming slightly and changing from a cooler light to a warmer, yellowish, cheerful light.

"I'm in here!" Jennifer called out.   "Come into the light!"

Okay.  Reminder.  This is simply the briefing.  You can write it howsoever you wish, but there is no threat here.  We're going to zoom through it pretty quick, then jump into the action real soon after that.
Player, 17 posts
Thu 2 Feb 2023
at 05:42
  • msg #7

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

Jezz gave a small smile at the familiar feel of the law offices.  She knew her outfit matched the colouration of the decor perfectly, allowing her best features to pop, attract, and hold attention while the rest of her simply looks like she belonged.  It may be an occupational hazard, she thought to herself, but that doesn't mean it's not nice.

The lights a were a clear indicator of where to go next -- precisely as they were designed to be.  Jezz stepped into the conference room briskly, with a professional half-smile on her face.  Just another job, if with a different brief...
This message was lightly edited by the player at 04:28, Fri 03 Feb 2023.
Player, 176 posts
Fri 3 Feb 2023
at 04:17
  • msg #8

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

When it is mentioned the camera's are out she does not even give it a second thought and says, "Thank you very much!"  In a cheerful voice.

When they get upstairs Cythi takes it all in and eventually without thinking about it walks into the light as instructed.  Especially now that it is happier.  Without even seeing the person named Jennifer, "Hello Jennifer.  I am Cythi."  She says letting everyone else speak for themselves.
NPC, 69 posts
Wed 8 Feb 2023
at 07:31
  • msg #9

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

"Hi guys."  Jennifer said as they entered the room.  It was a pretty conservative meeting room, with a large dark-stained and very highly polished conference-table that would seat perhaps fifteen or twenty people comfortably. Mahogany, probably.  There were a couple of manilla file-folders on the table.   The chairs were black leather and very expensive.  The room itself was sedate with light-colored wood paneling and beige carpeting.  There was a series of paintings on the wall that appeared to be koi fish underwater, darting in and out of view on a placid pond filled with lily-pads.

The lighting was subtle incandescence that paled before the light generated by the woman in the middle of the room.  She quite literally glowed.  Jennifer Wilson  once upon a time known as Radiance.

"Hi guys." She said simply. Her expression a little tighter than usual, a little less relaxed than she normally presented herself.  She wore black and purple this time, a slight starburst pattern evident in the threads of her jacket.  Her hair was swept back in a workman-like pony-tail, and once she'd dimmed down and released the glow, it was evident that she wasn't wearing makeup.

"I'm really sorry for the cloak-and-dagger routine, but the partners owed me a favor and I don't actually want my involvement in this made public.  Not yet."
NPC, 5 posts
Wed 8 Feb 2023
at 07:36
  • msg #10

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

Jennifer laid a hand on the table, touching the folders.

"Senator Cantrell is in town, currently involved in talks with a party from an independent group seeking to be recognized as a sovereign nation.  They claim to be refugees and migrants, exiles and outcasts from various nations, seeking to build their own country.  A small Island in the North Pacific.  An island that's only appeared on the map within the past twenty years."

Any of you who have been actively avoiding mainstream news would definitely have heard of the Island in the North Pacific.  It apparently "emerged" after several months of tectonic activity--in a region that does not have any serious fault-lines.  Satellite imagery has shown rapid vegetation and evidence of human occupation, but no expeditions to this new island have been able to make landfall.  It remains a curiosity news-piece but, like most news stories, no ongoing news information has let it fall back out of people's awareness.

Of particular concern is the fact that one of the parties meeting with the Senator is Hilal Al Ibrahim, an archeologist, exiled from Syria a decade ago for speaking out against the looting of antiquities.  Turns out it was likely the Islamic State selling off their own.  Ibrahim fled Syria, leaving his wife and daughter behind.   Three days ago, this diplomatic party arrived in Seattle and Hilal was reunited with his daughter, who had immigrated to the US a few years back.

Adara Hilal is a twenty years old Junior at University of Washington, studying Computer Science on a full scholarship.  She's been fast-tracked as a a candidate for post-graduate work in Artificial Intelligence."  Jennifer withdrew a photo of a pretty young girl with dark hair and dark eyes.  High cheek-bones and thick eyebrows over a brow knitted together in  faint expression of consternation.

Last night, Adara missed a meeting with her father and failed to check in with her grand-mother.   Her roommate filed a police-report as a missing person this morning.

It might be as simple as the young woman needing time to adjust.  Meeting your estranged parent--even after months of talking by email, phone and video--can be overwhelming, I'm sure.   But the day before Halil arrived, Senator Cantrell received email threats referencing both Halil's dead wife and child and the Thresh's retribution should she follow-through on Halil's requests.  State and Federal data analysts have deemed it a credible threat."

As reference, the Thresh is a political terrorist "organization" along the the lines of the Teragen from White Wolf's "Aberrant", meaning that they espouse the ideology that metahumans are more than humans and should not, therefore, be subject to human laws.  Many are reasonable and calm, but there are a few who are flat out near-psychotic.

Any action official bodies take to follow-up on this runs the risk of escalating the Thresh awareness.  You could have plausible reasons to have an association with Adara and would be able to avoid arousing any kind of suspicion.

But there's one more very big issue here.  And if you want out after this, I'll understand.  Halil and his people are all metahuman to some degree or another.  All things taken together, we have to consider the possibility that Adara is also metahuman, though she has not gone public or registered anywhere.

GM, 275 posts
Wed 8 Feb 2023
at 07:37
  • msg #11

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

I have a series of events for what's happened.  Tell me how you'd approach this and we'll cut closer to the action.  I'm not going to make you roleplay dead-ends or red-herrings.  If there's no drama, there's no fun.   Once we figure out a game-plan, we'll go to the next event in this sequence...  But feel free to include Jennifer in the planning, ask questions, etc.  I'm going to say that there's a lot in the folder, but it's for show.  I've no interest in roleplaying out research.
Player, 19 posts
Wed 8 Feb 2023
at 23:27
  • msg #12

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

Gezri flipped through the folder casually, waiting for patterns and details to grab her attention, rather than trying to absorb everything at once.

"If it weren't for the missed meeting with her father, I'd say this was a simple runaway and disappear.  But that missed meeting and no check-in sounds suspicious.  So... this is a rescue op, but with an element of discretion advised?" she asked.

"I'm no tech whiz, but can anyone track her socials, see what she's been talking about?  If it was a targeted kidnapping, they'd want to know her routine and places she'd frequent, so they could plan the snatch.  We should also check with her friends and acquaintances -- see if anyone spotted anyone suspicious following her.  If we can find where they took her, we might be able to track them back to where they took her, if you'll pardon the awkward phase."

OOC: Happy to have those investigative checks happen off-camera, if you're wanting to fast-forward a bit.
NPC, 76 posts
Thu 9 Feb 2023
at 05:50
  • msg #13

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

Yup. Investigation checks will mostly be done off-camera.

Accessing her social media is pretty easy.  There isn't a huge amount on Facebook but some of the usual poll-after-poll of what kind of animal or totem or mandala are you. There's been one or two posts talking about her intentions for a senior year graduation project, and haw she wanted to work with her boyfriend, a materials engineer, on testing a possible advancements in metallurgical dating.

There were two posts--during her Sophomore year--discussing reconnecting with her father--who she had been told had died while trying to escape Syria.  She'd withdrawn for a semester, sought counselling from the university services, and worried that her not embracing Islam was going to be an issue for her father, when they eventually met in person.  Then, apparently, they'd discussed religion via video-call and she seemed pleased that her professed non-religiousity was apparently not an issue.

The folder Jennifer provided also has a copy of the filed police report that lists Adara and Kamala's current resident and contact information.  Jennifer suggests that  you may want to talk with Kamala. for some of those details of when last seen, etc..
Player, 177 posts
Fri 10 Feb 2023
at 04:02
  • msg #14

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

"I will be honest I definitely do not have a way with technology either.  My staff had to show me how to ring people in.  That said if needed I can get us in and out as needed easily and quickly."  Cythi adds.

Once Gezri is done with the folder Cythi also flips through it committing as much as possible to memory.  But also studying the backgrounds of any photos if they are in there for locations or other things if needed for teleportation purposes.
NPC, 6 posts
Wed 15 Feb 2023
at 05:54
  • msg #15

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

"Okay." Jennifer said.  "I got Angel to visit Kamala.  Using her old iPhone, she was able to track down Adara's last known location.  Your target location is likely what used to be the Harvard Exit theater.  Unfortunately, it has just finished a complete remodel and is now the Mexican Consulate.   That's why posing as "concerned friends" could help. "

"So, locate Adara.  If she's okay get her to check in with her family.   If she's not..." Jennifer took a long moment, then let it out.  It was clear she was wrestling with the words, "Do what you have to do.  You won't be acting on American soil.  And the Senator doesn't know any of this is going on, so you're not putting their meeting at risk."

This is the directional pivot.   Angel (Gagamba) is now my NPC.   She's already gone and talked to Kamala, Adara's roommate.  So, we're just going to point you three loaded-guns at the site.   Let's assume that you have basic floorplans for the consulate, since this is a recent remodel of the Harvard Exit theater, it shouldn't be particularly hard to have gotten....

What I need from you now, before unleashing you on  the Consulate, is character agreement and any questions you want to ask Jennifer before going in...

This message was last updated by the player at 05:54, Wed 15 Feb 2023.
Player, 179 posts
Wed 15 Feb 2023
at 05:27
  • msg #16

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

Cythi lets all that is said sink in before answering.  "If that is OK and you are sure it is safe I am more than willing to risk it to help you out.  But I don't speak for all so I give my yes to the plan."  Cythi says willing to go through with it before turning to the rest to see how they respond.
NPC, 6 posts
Wed 15 Feb 2023
at 05:54
  • msg #17

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

"Oh, it's not safe." Jennifer said.  "Not safe on so many levels.   But you're the exit strategy.   If she's in trouble or if you're in trouble, just get out.  Don't die for this.  This is a sneak-and-peek, not a diplomatic incident."
Player, 20 posts
Wed 15 Feb 2023
at 23:26
  • msg #18

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

"Sneak and peek I can do.  And if things get hairy, I can... make myself a problem."  Jezz pressed her lips together in a predatory smile.  "Extraction?  That might be your territory, Cythi.  How does your thing work?  Do you need to have been there, seen it, or can you just go anywhere you want?"
Player, 180 posts
Wed 15 Feb 2023
at 23:55
  • msg #19

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

"My apologies I should of meant safe as in little effect on others not in regards to ourselves."  Cythi clarifies.

Then she turns to Gezri, "For my teleportation it is hard to explain but yes if it is in range and I have been there before I can teleport.  But I don't necessarily need to see it or have been there.  Sometimes a picture or the likes would be sufficient.  To be honest I have not fully experimented with what I can and can not do.  I do know I am limited in weight to around eight hundred pounds right now for weight plus myself."  Cythi answers.
Player, 21 posts
Thu 16 Feb 2023
at 00:06
  • msg #20

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

"Soooo, if I got inside and sent you a picture of a broom closet, you could... "bamf" in?  More, if we found Adara, you could grab her and make a quick escape?"
Player, 183 posts
Thu 16 Feb 2023
at 03:41
  • msg #21

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

"Yes but more information is better if that makes sense as there is always a risk.  Now if we could pass by it or I can see the outside of it that would give me a general idea as I do have a very good sense of distance and direction."  Cythi says trying to explain.  "Getting back is easy for me as that I just have to pick a place I have been."
Player, 22 posts
Thu 16 Feb 2023
at 14:48
  • msg #22

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

"Let's work from there, then," Gezri said.  "And improvise.  Besides, no plan survives first contact with the enemy.  Shall we meet outside the embassy at dusk?  Fewer people improves our odds..."
Player, 184 posts
Fri 17 Feb 2023
at 03:25
  • msg #23

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

"I think it would just be the two of us at this point but I am fine with that.  Smaller group is better entrance for us and easier to move around I think."  Cythis says trying to sound and put on a brave front.  Truth be told she was scared but this was the new life she chose.
In Question, 99 posts
Emotionally Emotionless
Tue 21 Feb 2023
at 22:28
  • msg #24

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

Marie made a small grown as she listened to everything. "I might be a better problem then you, and I already have a record anyway. That all being said though, if we want as safe for others as possible, then why me? This sounds like a tech run and yet I'm here." Marie asked curiously.

"Though you get us all in there and find me someone with some authority, and I could find her fast enough. Though I hate doing that..." She said with a frown, Cythi knew the ability she was talking about.
NPC, 7 posts
Wed 22 Feb 2023
at 05:19
  • msg #25

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

Jennifer let out a breath and let the tension ease from her shoulders.

"She's infiltration and exfiltration." Jennifer said motioning to Cythi.  "You're interrogation--if the hard approach is necessary." Then Jennifer turned to Gezri.  "And she's insurance."

"An ideal situation is quick and quiet, in-and-out, nobody the wiser.  You locate Adara, ensure she's not in any trouble, then get out.  If she is in trouble... well, that's also why you're here.  Her survival is our number one priority.  I know, I'm probably being paranoid.  But the three of you... young, pretty, and empowered are less likely to raise eyebrows, believe it or not."

"Adara has been dating a Mexican national named Juan Ramirez.  They apparently met at the Q Nightclub and have attended a handful of raves together. "
GM, 284 posts
Wed 22 Feb 2023
at 05:20
  • msg #26

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

Okay, I'm willing to move us to the site to continue this thread.

But first I want to know...  What's your plan?  Sure, Cythi can teleport you in, but where's your entry?  Assuming that Adara is somewhere inside the consulate building, how are you going to do this? 

Player, 188 posts
Wed 22 Feb 2023
at 05:40
  • msg #27

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

"I have bene working on an ability that could help but I generally avoid using it for privacy reasons but think we can use it in this case."  Cythi adds nodding to Marie but not sure if it will be applicable until they tie down everything.

Cythi nods to what Marie is talking about but did not want to reveal anything in front of the client and did not was not sure what Gezri was briefed on yet.  Either way this was not the time nor place.

"Now we can get inside but how do we best move around.  If worst comes to it I suppose we could set ourselves up as bringing goodies to an event.  My cafe makes really, really good cup cakes.  Maybe a gift from somewhere?"  Cythi offers as a suggestion.
In Question, 100 posts
Emotionally Emotionless
Fri 24 Feb 2023
at 06:15
  • msg #28

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

"...interrogation." She said with her usual flat emotionless tone. She was good at intimidation even before using her abilities.

"...moving through places stealthily is what I used to do, but that only works for me unless you guys know how to sneak." She said with a shrug.
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