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22:27, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident (Cythi, Gezri, Marie)

Posted by NarratorFor group 0
NPC, 86 posts
Sat 4 Mar 2023
at 05:24
  • msg #29

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

The main floor of the former theater was reception and some administration work.  It had a very large open area where many of the smaller receptions and press conferences were to be held.  The former stage was still raised, but had been subdivided into temporary office-spaces, both for officlas and translaters, depending on what was needed.

An elevator was near the front of the building, as was a modest set of stairs which led to the second floor, where the mezzanine had been converted to more long-term office-spaces.  Beyond those were various other rooms undefined by the floorplans, but provided two extensions out overlooking the first floor.  The third and fourth floor did not overlook the floors below, and had been set up as office-spaces and temporary living spaces which would be used, most often, by visitors and guests of the consolate.

After a couple of minutes consultation with the renovation floorplans, Jenny suggested that the best place to enter was either right inside the front entrance--into the front foyer or into one of the fourth-storey suites.

There was a small reception for some Mexican business-men that night.  No more than a dozen people total would be engaged in social and business discussions on the first and possibly the second floor.  There would likely be guards at the elevator and the stairwells to the third floor, and probably a foot-patrol on each floor.  However, given the relative size of the space, it wouldn't take long for security patrols.  The consolate wasn't expecting any issues, that Jenny's intelligence was aware of.

Jenny couldn't get a hold of the guest-list.  So it was possible that Adara was there as a guest of her boyfriend, Juan Ruiz (in which case, visual confirmation that she's all right and somehow getting a message for her to check in is all that's needed).  It was also possible that she was there under less benign circumstances (in which case... confirm and report or exfil if do-able without undue attention).
NPC, 87 posts
Sat 4 Mar 2023
at 05:29
  • msg #30

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

In the end, porting into one of the fourth-floor suites made the most sense.  the three of you get in without raising any alarm bells.

The fourth floor is pretty much hotel standard, with eight rooms total, aligned four on each side down a central hallway with red carpets and some pretty ornate pieces of artwork.  There is a central area where housekeeping supplies are kept and a small office on one side.  On the other, the elevator which would lead down through all the floors.  Fire stairs at either end, one beside the elevators (with roof access) and one at the far end (without).  Windows are barred, but the bars are about a foot apart each.  It might be possible to squeeze through, if needed.  But there was no balconies or juliets.

So... what's the plan?
Player, 192 posts
Mon 6 Mar 2023
at 18:52
  • msg #31

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

Now that they were in Cythi starts to look around and see what all they have to work with.

"OK how do you want to work this.  If you want I can see if I can get us some traditional clothes of Mexico so if we get spotted we can at least do a feign of ignorance that we were dropping in as entertainment or something." She offers at least with a partial disguise.

"I am open to any suggestion otherwise."  Cythi says as she checks to see if she could squeeze through the bars if needed.
Player, 24 posts
Mon 6 Mar 2023
at 23:14
  • msg #32

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

"Yeeeaaah, that's not gonna work for me," Gezri said as she set down the case she'd carried with her. and opened it.  Inside were several pieces of a black armour set within a foam cushion  Where the light struck it, the armour showed highlights of luminous green.

"I get what you're going for, but if you're wrong, I'll be too far away from my suit to help.  Best we prepare for the worst, and hope for the best."  She pulled out a large breastplate and held it to her chest, triggering a hidden mechanism.  Green-black bands expanded to encase her torso entirely.  Up close, luminescent green spirals decorated the bands -- and somehow never seemed to stop -- those closer one looked, the tighter the spirals got.  When the... suit... encompassed her whole torso, and long segmented tail dropped down from the base of her spine.  The tip ended in a bulb slightly thicker than the previous segment.  As she worked, the tail rose up to drift lazily over her shoulder, as if it were some sort of sensory appendage.

Gloves were next; metallic-looking gauntlets which tightened into place with a soft clicking sound as she put them on.  Armour snaked up Gezri's arms from the gauntlets until it met with the torso piece, and where they met, the seam was completely invisible.

Boots followed, with similar armour snaking up Gezri's legs to connect with the torso for the suit.

Finally, Gezri pulled out a black face mask and held it up to her nose and mouth, triggering some hidden mechanism.  The mask expanded, green-black bands encircling Gezri's head entirely, the neck extending down to meet the centre piece of the suit.  Inside, Gezri could feel the helmet's tendrils connecting with -- that presence she'd felt ever since the incident.

The world, which had muted away when she put the helmet on, came sharply back into focus.
::Greetings:: the alien "voice" registered in her thoughts.  It wasn't spoken, and it wasn't even telepathy -- such mechanisms were too limited, too slow for this level of communication.  Rather, ideas and concepts flowed instantly from one direction to another.  In less time than it took to blink, Gezri communicated the situation -- and the objective -- to that alien presence.

"We're online," she said finally, getting to her feet.  Her voice carried with it an almost imperceptible dissonant echo.  The smooth faceplate swiveled to look at Marie.  "Did you want to take point, and we'll follow, or do you want us to scout ahead?"
Player, 193 posts
Tue 7 Mar 2023
at 02:12
  • msg #33

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

"Sorry I did not know we intended to go in ready for the worst."  Cythi says not really happy with the sarcasm but realizing they have to work together and might just be situational and she could be completely misreading the intent.

Still at the moment her power use is done other than serving as backup and attacking.  "If you want I can take the point.  If needed I can either try to feign ignorance, try to talk my way out or get out if it is needed.  If you would rather me in the rear that is fine by me as well.  Just wanted to make the offer."  Cythi offers.
In Question, 101 posts
Emotionally Emotionless
Tue 14 Mar 2023
at 04:58
  • msg #34

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

Control, on behalf of Marie

OOC: Since we haven't heard from Marie recently, I'm going to NPC her and use her for an information-dump.

Marie nodded without saying a word.  She went to the door and cracked it open a sliver, peering out into the hallway.

After a moment, she closed it, quietly. and leaned against the door, as if she were dizzy...

"Woah."  she said after a moment.  "Guards check the doors on the upper floors every hour.  But there's only two suites occupied, one floor down. Nothing on this floor.  So, we should be safe so long as we're quiet.   There's a reception going on downstairs.  Maybe two-dozen people.  They've all got invitations.  The guards aren't on any kind of alert.  In fact, they're bored."

"If you act like you belong, they're not likely to question you.   And if I go with you, I can probably make him see an appropriate invitation.  If we need to go into the basement, I mean.   He didn't know who's staying on the third floor."

"There is something going on in the basement.  Someone being questioned.  Might've been interrogation--I couldn't quite tell.  There's some sort of interference, but I think there's five people in the basement.  The guy patrolling up here don't have the security clearance for the basement.   But he's real uncomfortable with it.  I... I can probe further, but there's a chance he might become aware of me."

Control, on behalf of Marie, rolled 30 using 1d20+10 to  Mind Reading Patrol Guard.
Damn.  A critical roll!
Control rolled 13 for Patrol-Guard Resist Mind-Reading 30
Marie got a whopping 4-degrees of success, so she gets the patrol routes & timing, the lay of the land and the event itinerary for the evening...
GM, 303 posts
Tue 14 Mar 2023
at 05:06
  • msg #35

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident


From Marie's mind-reading of the 4th-floor patrol-guard, I'm thinking that Marie can check out the third-floor (which lets us leave Marie alone if she isn't posting) while Gezri can sneak her way down to the basement.

I'd rather have Cythi involved, but she's tied up with Real-Life things for the next week or two, so, i guess we're not in a huge hurry.  We can do some solo activity with Gezri.

Comms are assumed, but not telepathic.  You're going to be limited to vocal or subvocal, though Gezri has an obvious advantage with the sound-baffling of the helmet.
Player, 26 posts
Tue 14 Mar 2023
at 05:35
  • [deleted]
  • msg #36

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

This message was deleted by the player at 05:38, Tue 14 Mar 2023.
Player, 27 posts
Tue 14 Mar 2023
at 05:38
  • msg #37

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

"Copy.  Can you make the guards look the other way, while I head down?"  Gezri's head turned to look at Marie, the armour plates sliding over each other with soft clicking sounds.
Player, 20 posts
Orphan Child of Nature
Herbalist/Vet Shop Owner
Tue 14 Mar 2023
at 20:06
  • msg #38

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

 Elandra was nervous going into the building she didnt care for enclosed places, she smiled at the others and didnt know with her looks if she would blend in anywhere.

 When Gezri armored up Elandra was taken back a little, she knew of technology but she still had no real clue how it worked but Gezi did seem kickass now. " Wow now that is pretty cool, does that hurt, you need to explain that to me some day."

 " What should I do, I can stay with Cynthi or I can head down with you Gezri, I can transform into an animal but if I do I dont think we will be able to communicate. I am sorry I am very new to all this maybe next time we can have a mission in the forest."

 Elandra was nervous she had never done anything like this before but she wanted to help and if the woman they were looking for was held against her will people would pay the price. Elandra was nice but dont upset her or she could get very mean. She was a little chaotic like Nature itself.

 Elanda will then take a sniff of the air and see what it tells her about what is goin gon in the building, but Marie seemed to be able to figure a lot out.

(OOC:16:04, Today: Elandra rolled 23 using 1d20+12 with rolls of 11.  Perception using smell. Olfactory: (Acute, Accurate, Extended range-2))
Player, 198 posts
Wed 15 Mar 2023
at 02:45
  • msg #39

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

(OOC - Will be mostly lagged until Saturday this week when I get back home and away from the hotel with barely any internet.  This is our first and only time we will ever stay at this resort.)

Cythi herself mostly watched as the events unfolded.  "I can stay here an guard if needed an teleport in as a surprise to extract if needed."  Cythi offers.  "If you want it would be good for Elandra to stay with me as she might stick out unless in animal form?  That makes me ask what animal form can you take?"
Player, 28 posts
Wed 15 Mar 2023
at 02:51
  • msg #40

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

"Something small and sticky would be best.  You could hitch a ride with me.  Can you do a gecko?"
Player, 21 posts
Orphan Child of Nature
Herbalist/Vet Shop Owner
Wed 15 Mar 2023
at 03:00
  • msg #41

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

" No I can not the smallest I have right now is a squirrel would that work."
Player, 29 posts
Wed 15 Mar 2023
at 03:07
  • msg #42

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

"Maybe you should run distraction then."  The smooth faceplate was creepily, utterly still.  "Something small, but fast, which could give any guards a runaround -- and keep them away from the basement.  Gives me a better window."
Player, 22 posts
Orphan Child of Nature
Herbalist/Vet Shop Owner
Wed 15 Mar 2023
at 03:23
  • msg #43

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

 Elandra smiled and replied," I can do that which floor should I do this on, or maybe Cynthi and I can cause a distraction?" Elandra was still very new and the armor or whatever Gezri was wearing did creep Elandra out a bit.
Player, 199 posts
Sun 19 Mar 2023
at 17:04
  • msg #44

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

"I am open for anything to help."   Cythi says.  "I can also try to spy but I am not sure if it would go unnoticed!"
Player, 30 posts
Sun 19 Mar 2023
at 22:41
  • msg #45

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

"If you could turn off the lights somehow, that would be a big help.  Either way I think we need to move rather than just talking about it here."  Gezri put her hand on the doorknob and looked at Marie.  "Are we clear in the hallway?"
In Question, 104 posts
Emotionally Emotionless
Fri 24 Mar 2023
at 02:42
  • msg #46

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

"I could only make one look the other way. At best I could possibly make one get the attention of the others." Marie said in thought. "That could act as a distraction enough to turn them away." She said with a nod Gezri.

"As to if we are clear." She'll refer to the patrol routes she just gained and let Gezri know when the right moment to open the door is.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:14, Sat 22 Apr 2023.
NPC, 88 posts
Fri 21 Apr 2023
at 04:02
  • msg #47

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

Cythi, Elandra, Gezri, Marie

It was definitely a social event on the first floor.   Elandra could identify perhaps a dozen, perhaps eighteen people total.  There was also substantial perfume and cologne and other scent distractions.   Beyond the current floor, the stairwell and the floor below, the efficacy of her olfactory sense was diminished.   But it was also definite that alcohol was involved.  Probably rather liberally.

The conversation was indistinct, and there were a couple of guitars being played in the building's main chamber.  All very nicely set up up to facilitate a sneak entry.

As Marie had pointed out, the guards were not in a state of alert.   Nobody had seemed aware of their presence.

After several minutes, the guard that had been checking the rooms closed the door to the suite at the end of the third floor, and moved to the elevator, moving down to the first floor.

The time to move was ripe.

You are sneaking into the Mexican Consulate to look for Adara Hilal a 20-year old AI science student who is the estranged daughter of Hilal Ibrahim, who is secretly in town to meet with a US Senator.  Adara's cel-phone was last located in this building.  Though that is not proof that she is here.   Her boyfriend is a Mexican national, named Juan Ruiz, a senior at University of Washington (where Adara is a Junior).

If Adara is okay, confirm it and get her to check in with her grandmother.   If not... do what you need to do (no, really, which do you think is gonna happen here?)

Nobody on the fourth floor.  One occupied suite on the third.  The occupant is not participating in the first floor activities.  About a dozen guests on the first floor.  Four guards patrolling.  Five people total in the basement--according to Marie.

Current plan is for Gezri to make her way into the basement to investigate the possibility of someone being "questioned" (meaning, likely, tortured) down there.   ELandra has offered to make a distraction of some sort for the guards and/or the guests on the first floor.

Player, 202 posts
Sat 22 Apr 2023
at 03:19
  • msg #48

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

"Why don't I try to open my window quickly to the basement and then we can teleport down."  Cythi offers as an idea.  "Actually if I go with you I may be of aid.  If you let me take the lead I can feign lost on way to the bathroom or got turned around or something like that.  I have the easiest time getting away in an emergency."  Cythi adds to her suggestion not sure what else to offer at this time.
Player, 24 posts
Orphan Child of Nature
Herbalist/Vet Shop Owner
Sun 23 Apr 2023
at 19:15
  • msg #49

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

 Elandra smiled and said," That sounds perfect you two go down there I will go to the first floor and a rampant squirrel will party crash and run around for a bit on the first floor that should give you guys time to search the basement and dont worry I can escape or meet you in the basement after I caused a large enough of a commotion. How does that sound, like I said I am new to this but I want to help as much as I can."
Player, 31 posts
Sun 23 Apr 2023
at 23:12
  • msg #50

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

"Sounds like a plan.  Let's go," Gezri's voice echoed with a weird doubling effect.  With a thought, she activated the suit's cloaking system, and the black-and-green armour faded from view, melting into the shadows.

"I'm right behind you," she said quietly.

OOC: This is where I betray my ignorance of the gaming system.  @Control, I'm leaving this entirely in your hands, if that's okay?  I assume I'll pick it up as we go.
For now, Gezri is activating the following feature:
      002 Concealment: Concealment 4 (All Visual Senses; Blending, Limited: Limited to Shadows)

Player, 203 posts
Sun 23 Apr 2023
at 23:17
  • msg #51

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

At this point before Cythi goes she opens her portal viewer to the basement and looks around.

(OOC - As power is written...

Remote Sensing: Remote Sensing 8 (Affects: 4 Types, Range: 1 mile; Simultaneous, Subtle: DC 20+rank; Feedback)


In Question, 106 posts
Emotionally Emotionless
Mon 24 Apr 2023
at 21:28
  • msg #52

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

"I'll go with you two Cythi." Marie said with a nod. "My talents might be best served at your end anyway." She said as she waited for the other woman.
Player, 25 posts
Orphan Child of Nature
Herbalist/Vet Shop Owner
Tue 25 Apr 2023
at 16:01
  • msg #53

02.02: Diplomatic Coincident

" Ok I will head down to the first level, you give me a signal when you would like me to start the diversion ok." With that Elanda transformed into a squirrel, she looked up at them all, she could even smell Gezri even though she was invisible to sight.
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