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09:03, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Posted by FateFor group 0
GM, 1 post
Roll for dodge!
Sun 17 May 2015
at 10:15
  • msg #1


This will be played using GURPs Basics, GURPs Travellar Interstellar Wars, and GURPs Ultra-Tech with elements from GURPs Space. Tech level is generally TL10, though there do exist Contragrav and the only FTL drive, Jump drives. Medical, Biotechnology and Cybernetics are limited to TL9, with cybernetics only ever being used as prosthetics and never enhancing the original limb or organ. Viliani medical tech is around TL8. Self-aware AI's do not exist, nor do Nanites at this time. Force Fields are only used in dealing with anti-matter; they do not exist in combat or for use in combat.

Piloting skills generally used are High Performance Spacecraft, Aerospace (for re-entry and take off) and Contragravity (for most vehicles). Low Performance spacecraft (<1 G acceleration) are very rare, usually only orbital bases with engines used for repositioning. Helicopters and most other aircraft have been largely superseded by Contragrav, though some High Performance Aircraft or Heavy Aircraft may be found. Flight-Packs are usually contragrav belts and may be found, but most people prefer to use Grav cars or Bikes.

Players should send through a character concept that fits with either one of the personnel on an existing vessel, or a captain of a small vessel. Currently players should have rank 2-3, though they may be of either military rank or merchant rank, or considerable wealth, in which case they may, with the GM and using the rules for vessel design as laid out in GURPs: Interstellar Wars, design their own vessel. Bearing in mind that Wealth (Multimillionaire 2) costs 100 points, giving the player $500 M Solars, that is a high price to pay for the freedom of doing whatever you want!

Whatever vessel, you have passed through Vilani space and are now based in the Terran colonies attached to Chrysolite.

Points available for character creation depend on what you want to do, but generally they are not more than 220 points. Some positions also are required to have certain advantages. Players may use wealth instead of rank, but generally you will need at least 75 points (Multimillionaire) even to own a most basic starship that you own outright. Otherwise, you are paying others for transport through space.

All players with merchant rank must have the Kalishnikov P/L as a patron, a 10 point advantage offset by a 10 point Duty(patron) disadvantage. All players with Military Rank must have a similar Duty to the military, and should select as a Patron the Military. All Disadvantages (including these Duties, quirks and negative attributes) should never exceed half of total build value.

Captains need to have Leadership, Ship handling and either Tactics if military or Merchant if Merchants.

Please provide a Name, position requested and a character concept in your request to join.

You will later be asked to provide a brief character history, including your home planet, and why you are at the colonies.
This message was last edited by the GM at 07:37, Wed 03 Mar 2021.
GM, 6 posts
Roll for dodge!
Mon 18 May 2015
at 10:14
  • msg #2


In reply to Fate (msg # 1):

I think it is fair to say everyone can post at last once in 24 hours, unless something comes up. For people that do, non-posting of others can be a bit frustrating. I understand that some people have unpredictable work commitments, and I would like to work around that to find something that works for everyone. Hence, to be fair to everyone, I would like to suggest the following, and if we all agree, then we can implement it:

In group threads, everyone is expected to post their actions at least once in 24 hours. If people cannot, I will try to predict their actions and post an action for them, making dice rolls if appropriate.

For folk who prefer individual threads, I am happy to accommodate, and these can be taken at a pace that suits.
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:23, Sat 12 Sept 2020.
GM, 23 posts
Roll for dodge!
Thu 28 May 2015
at 10:16
  • msg #6

Starting Wealth

Just so that you are aware, starting wealth is standard $50,000 for TL10, modified by wealth as follows:

Comfortable     x2 ($100 k)   [10] Cash per point of Signature Gear - $50 k
Wealthy          x5 ($250 k)   [20] Cash per point of Signature Gear - $125 k, +1 Status
Very wealthy     x20 ($1 m)    [30] Cash per point of Signature Gear - $500 k, +1 Status
Filthy Rich      x100 ($5 m)   [50] Cash per point of Signature Gear - $2.5 m, +1 Status
Millionaire 1    x1000 ($50 m) [75] Cash per point of Signature Gear - $25 m, +2 Status
Millionaire 2    x10 k ($500 m)[100] Cash per point of Signature Gear - $250 m, +3 Status

Any of these are acceptable for players.
This message was last edited by the GM at 06:35, Mon 11 Feb 2019.
GM, 2033 posts
Roll for dodge!
Thu 7 Feb 2019
at 10:29
  • msg #8

Available Races

Elomin Racial Template [6]

The Elomin favor a single given name, sometimes followed by one or two additional names. These added surnames denote rank and social stature, and are only adopted by prestigious individuals.

Examples of names include Brafid, Rennimdius B’thog Indriummsegh, Verrinnefra B’thog Indriummsegh, Monjai, Notoganarech, Rattagegach, Theosidicc Sirrap Treblif, and Laerron

When the Vilani dissident first arrived at Elom 100 years ago seeking a place to hide from the Imperium, the Elomin were divided into separate political nations, used internal combustion engines and slugthrowing weaponry, and were barely able to launch satellites into orbit. They took quickly to the advanced technology the Vilani chose to share with them. Notably, most of TL9 except jump drives, but including TL10 Laser and Plasma technology, medical technology and manufacturing technology.

Culturally, the Elomin try to discover or create order in all things. They view the universe as a logical organized puzzle and endeavor to find the pieces and bring them to their logical places. When confronted with something that doesn’t fit into the pattern they have defined, they may try to redefine the pattern but are just as likely to attempt to ignore the discordant details.

Elomin excel as pilots, navigators, and theoretical thinkers as long as they can operate independently or with other Elomin. Elomin consider dealing with Humans and other illogical beings an exercise in frustration. The Elomin are slender humanoids with four hornlike protrusions on the top of their heads and large ears that taper to points. Skin colours range from bright red to deep black, and their seemingly pupil less eyes are usually bright blue or red.

Native Planet: Elom, 1836 in the Gemini subsector.

ST-1 [-10pts]

Language (Elomin, Native)

Racial Advantages

3D Spatial Sense                   [10]
Talent (Mathematical Ability) 1    [10]

Racial Disadvantages

Phobias (Xenophobia) [-15pts]

Area Knowledge (Elom) [1]

Geonee Racial Template [39]

The Geonee are a minor Human race subject to the Vilani Imperium, renowned for their ability as engineers, technicians, and merchants. They are nomadic by preference, and can be found almost anywhere in Imperial space. They have been under Imperial rule for thousands of years, but are still stubbornly independent of mind, likely to resist Vilani policy if they get the chance.

Geonee are short and very stocky, averaging about 5’ tall and 160 pounds. Geonee facial features are thick and heavy, with wide lips and noses. Skin tones tend to be light, with hair color ranging from white to dark brown. They wear clothing made of tough, damage-resistant materials cut in angular shapes. Geonee men often wear a hat-helmet which features long cloth “side-burns” hanging from the temples.

Geonee age about as quickly as Terrans. Geonee society is extremely patriarchal. Although the Vilani have imposed a measure of sexual equality on the Geonee, women are still treated as inferiors wherever the men think they can get away with it. Geonee men tend to look down on the females of other Human races, treating them with disdain and preferring to deal only with males.

ST+2 [20]
DX+1 [20]

HP-2 [-4]

Racial Advantages

Improved G-Tolerance (0.5 G increment) [10]

Racial Disadvantages

Odious Racial Habit (Treat Human females as near property) [-5]

Quirks [-2]
Strong sense of group and racial identity

Kitonak Racial Template [-82]

The Kitonak are simple, primitive beings who have developed no technology beyond the most basic tools and have no written language. On their homeworld, they are organized into small tribes that survive by hunting migrating herds of chooba. The Kitonak society’s most advanced achievement is music, which plays a central role in their culture. Young Kitonak are educated through epic songs that pass knowledge from generation to generation.

Their species are almost tailor-made for the espionage; they come from a tradition of oral histories, so they have sharp memories, they do not get bored just observing and waiting for something to happen, and most non-Kitonak have a hard time telling whether a Kitonak is awake or sleeping. Kitonak are beings of exceptional patience. They do everything with slow deliberation, including breathing and eating. Every decision is weighed with great care, even if it’s something as trivial as which one of two seemingly identical packages of dried rations to purchase. They are so methodical and slow moving that many other species become annoyed with them and attempt to rush them. When others try to rush them, Kitonak slow down even more out of protest. Kitonak have a well-deserved reputation for being insanely brave, once they get around to confronting danger. They are steadfast in the face of any opposition. The only things they are truly afraid of are quicksand and caves, quicksand because it represents a slow and painful death for a Kitonak who only has to breathe every few hours and caves because Kitonak legends
claim they are gateway to the Realm of the Dead.

Origin: Kirdo III (Capella 1437), 0.85 G, 32% water (Dry Garden Planet)
Their homeworld is Kirdo III, an arid planet. Winds whip sand clouds across the planet’s surface at speeds that often exceed 275 miles per hour.

Names: Examples are Anarin, Enkor, Gorlak, Nert, Norzek, Rufar, Runk, Snit,
Terno, and Werg.

DX-1 [-20pts]
HT+1 [+10pts]

HP+1 [+2pts]
Will+1 [+5pts]

Native Language: Kitonak

Racial Advantages
Damage Resistance 2 (Thick Leather Skin, -40%, Physical, -20%)   [4]
Doesn’t Breathe (Oxygen Storage, 25 times as long as usual)      [10]
Eidetic Memory                                                   [5]
Fearlessness                                                     [2]
Indomitable                                                      [15]
Nictating Membrane 2                                             [2]
Radiation Tolerance PF5,                                         [10]
Reduced Consumption 2                                            [4]
Talent (Musical Ability)                                         [5]

Racial Disadvantages
Low Tech Level 1       [-45pts]
Decreased Time Rate    [-100pts]
Illiteracy (Native)    [-3pts]


Survival (Desert) at Per+3     [12]

Labrysian Racial Template [10]

Labrysians are short muscular humanoids, but without necks. The require very little food and are strong, with very tough skin, making them sealed. Internal flaps make their lungs also sealed, but they do require air with oxygen and sulphur to breath due to their unusual metabolism. They do not have a favoured hand, but their dense bodies struggle with changes in gravity more than most.

The home planet is controlled by a large religion that required its practitioners to convert or kill all others. However, a recent 'revelation' following the planets defeat in space meant that they only require those who live on the planet to follow this religion. Religious Labrysians hold that the creator placed the sun there as his guardian, and they hold the sun sacred, but consider any that leave the homeworld as irretrievably lost. Hence, no religious Labrysians may be player characters.

The terms of the current treaty with Terrans hold that no one may enter or exit the system, and the Religion hold a large number of system ships without Jump capacity to enforce that. Fortunately, there are a large number of 'Rebel' Labrysians that have embraces stellar travel and the Technology that allows it. Seeing Silicon based computers as 'cousins', the are some of the leading researchers into artificial intelligence technology, and are expanding as fast as they can. Occasionally, their numbers are bolstered by a ship escaping from the home world.

Individual Labrysian Armour typically has no helment, but just breathing apparatus. They favour large weapons, and typically use flamers as sidearms. The consider the law as binding, and few Labrysians would ever communicate with a known criminal.

ST: +2 [20]

Racial Advantages
Ambidexterity                    [5]
Damage Reduction (Tough Skin)  5 [15]
Reduced Consumption 2            [4]
Sealed                           [15]
Will +1                          [5]
Temperature Tolerance 1          [1]

Racial Disadvantages

Dependency (Sulphur in air, common, constantly) [-25]
G-Intolerance (0.5G)                            [-20]
Honesty                                         [-10]

Suerrat Racial Template [2]

The Suerrat are a minor Human race subject to the Imperium. They are renowned for their ability as environmental scientists and technicians, and can be found on thousands of Imperial worlds. Suerrat are small but muscular in build, averaging about 5’ tall and 130 pounds. They have retained several ape-like features unusual among Human subspecies, notably prehensile toes and long body hair. Their eyes are well adapted to dark and to long wavelengths – in fact, they are uncomfortable in the bright sunlight found on Terra, Vland, and many other Human-inhabited worlds. Suerrat age about as quickly as Terrans. Suerrat are very sociable, with aliens and animals as well as each other. They are well known for their natural affinity for other living things. Many Suerrat have levels in the Animal Friend or Green Thumb talents (see p. B90).

Racial Advantages

Animal Empathy   [5]
Fur              [1]
Night Vision 6   [6]
Plant  Empathy   [5]

Racial Disadvantages

Bad Sight       [-5]
   (Near sighted; Only in full G-class sun light, Mitigated by sunglasses or protective gear, -80%)
Chummy          [-5]
Xenophilia (15) [-5]

Swokes Racial Template [11]

Swokes seem like a throwback to a more primitive form of life. Their simple bodies lack all but most critical pain receptors, and they can regenerate lost limbs. These features make them nearly unstoppable in a fight. Swokes crave some combination of wealth, fame, and power. Most members of the species are devoutly religious and, as such, wear small pouches that contain dried remains of their dead ancestors, usually fingers, gallstones, or teeth.

Swokes are bulky bipeds with nightmarish, fanged, horned heads, lidless eyes, and rubbery skin that vary in hue from green-gray to glistening off-white. They stand about 5 foot 7 tall.

Origin: Makem Te, Gemeni sector 1738

ST+1 [10pts]
DX-1 [-20pts]
IQ-1 [-20pts]
HT+1 [10pts]

Language (Swoken, Native)

Racial Advantages

Damage Resistance 1 (Though Skin, -40%, Physical, -20%) [2pts]
High Pain Threshold                                     [10pts]
Regrowth                                                [40pts]
Striker (Horns, Crushing, Cannot parry, -40%)           [3pts]
Teeth (Fangs)                                           [2pts]

Racial Disadvantages

Bully (Resist quite often, x1)   [-10pts]
Low Tech Level: TL7              [-15pts]

Area Knowledge (Makem Te)   [1]

Names Examples are Chako Chako, Gragra, Kruke Kruke, Machug, Sorpaat and Wruuta Wruuta.

Talz Racial Template  [-31]

TL 2; Origin: Alzoc III, Gemini 1739

The Talz are a culturally and technologically primitive species, and most Talz are unaware that a vast galactic civilization exists beyond their world.

A Talz’s four eyes are perhaps his or her most remarkable features. One pair of eyes is adapted to see clearly in light so intense it would burn the come as of most other beings, while the other pair is adapted to see in near total darkness. Consequently, a Talz can see in virtually any lighting condition and cannot blinded by bright flashes. Talz stand an average of 6 foot 7 tall and are completely covered I thick, shaggy white fur, with oversized hands and sharp talons. Their furry faces are set with four black eyes and a proboscis through which they speak and feed. Talz are gentle, kind-hearted beings who are slow to anger. Their homeworld Alzoc III is a frigid world located in the Outer Rim system of Alzoc. They generally live about half as long as humans.

Names Examples are Arvot, Bama Vook, Caldera Righim, Chup-Chup, Druffin, Forfur, Gar, Harra, Korl, Muftak, Reyf, Rugg, Toffik, Veefa, and Voruf.

ST+1 [9]
IQ-1 [-20]
HT+1 [10]

Will-1 [-5]

Racial Advantages
Claws (Talons)                      [8]
Night Vision 9                      [9]
Protected Sense (Vision)            [5]
Temperature Tolerance 4 (Cold, Fur) [4]

Racial Disadvantages
Cannot Speak (Own language only)   [-10]
Short Lifespan_1                   [-10]
Low Tech Level, TL2                [-40]

Language (Talz, Native, Talz lack the vocal apparatus to speak any language other than their own)
Area Knowledge (Alzoc III) at IQ [1]
Survival (Arctic) at       Per+2 [8]

Vegan Racial Template [33]

Vegans are a vaguely humanoid alien species, native to a region a few parsecs coreward of Terra. As the Imperial subject race closest to the Terran Confederation, they are the most frequently encountered by Terran explorers. The Vegans are restive under Imperial rule, and many of them are likely to want to work with Terrans to gain their independence.

Vegans are tall and frail, unable to stand up to Terran-standard gravity for long periods of time. They have a sensory hood that vaguely resembles a Terran’s head. They have a bundle of tentacles at the end of each arm; these appendages are sensitive manipulators, but are inferior to Human hands in gripping strength. Their voices are peculiar by Human standards, rich with rasping and buzzing sounds. Vegans live a very long time, maturing at about 70 Terran years of age and routinely living into their fourth century.

Vegans evolved in a gravity field of about 0.5 G, and are unusually sensitive to variations in gravity (see the G-Intolerance disadvantage). Because of the construction of their sensory hood, Vegans may not take the Peripheral Vision advantage.

An adult Vegan will usually have a Code of Honor or a related disadvantage, reflecting commitment to the ideals of his tuhuir. Anyone playing a Vegan should work out the details of this Code of Honor with the GM. A typical tuhuir will impose at least -10 points of disadvantages. While the advantage is not mandatory for Vegan characters, many Vegans have the equivalent of Common Sense.

DX: +1     [20]
SM: +1

Racial Advantages

Acute Hearing 1            [2]
Empathy (Sensitive)        [5]
Extended Lifespan 2        [4]
Fearlessness 1             [2]
Infravision                [10]
Nictating Membrane 1       [1]
Protected Vision           [5]
Reduced Consumption 2      [2]  (Water only, -50%)

Radial Disadvantages

Bad Grip 1                  [-5]
G-Intolerance (0.1 G inc)   [-10]

Quirks [-3]

Vilani Racial Template  [5]

Not all want to be part of the Imperium! These Vilani are ones that have chosen to work with Terra, for whatever reason.

Language, Either High Vilani or Low Vilani as Native, the other at Accented level for both Written and Spoken               [4]

Racial Advantages
Extended Lifespan 1              [2]
Less Sleep 2                     [4]
Lifting ST +1                    [3]

Racial Disadvantages
Hidebound                        [-5]
Workaholic                       [-5]

Quirks  [2]
This message was last edited by the GM at 10:46, Tue 20 Apr 2021.
GM, 7451 posts
Roll for dodge!
Thu 4 May 2023
at 06:27
  • msg #9

Terran Ranks

Rank varies, but generally it depends on the number of subordinates. Merchant and Administrative rank are very similar

Rank  Naval Title      Army Title           Administration Title (Subordinates)
0     Spacehand        Private              Worker
1     Petty Officer    Sergeant/Corporal    Team leader (10)
2     Chief/NCO        Sergeant Major/WO    Branch leader (10-50)
3     Junior Officer   Junior Officer       Section Chief (50-200)   Small vessel commander
4     Lieutenant       Lieutenant           Office Head (~500)       Medium vessel commander
5     Liet. Commander  Captain/Major        Department head (~2,000) Large vessel commander
6     Commander        Lieutenant Colonel   CEO/Small city/Small provincial Head (~10,000)
7     Captain          Colonel              CEO/Large City/Medium Provincial Head (~50,000)
8     Commodore        Brigadier/Major Gen. CEO/Large Provincial or Small National Head (~200,000)

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