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00:27, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

2. RTJ and Character Creation (Read this second!)

Posted by NarratorFor group 0
GM, 11 posts
Sat 6 May 2023
at 00:56
  • msg #1

2. RTJ and Character Creation (Read this second!)

In your RTJ please tell me what if any knowledge you have of Dragonlance and the Savage Worlds system. While previous knowledge isn't absolutely required it would certainly help! :-)

Character creation will mostly be following the standard rules in the Savage Worlds Adventures Edition (SWADE) book except where noted below.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:21, Wed 10 May 2023.
GM, 17 posts
Sat 6 May 2023
at 11:49
  • msg #7

2. RTJ and Character Creation (Read this second!)


Krynn is home to many different peoples and Heroes might come from any of them. Your choice of race may impact your Traits, Edges, Hindrances & Skills.

Humans (Civilised and Nomadic)

  • ADAPTABLE: Humans begin play with any Novice Edge of their choosing. They must meet its Requirements as usual.
  • LIFE SKILLS: Reflecting their upbringing and life experiences 'Civilised' and 'Nomadic' Humans (see below) each begin with a free skill at d4 in addition to their Core Skills. 'Civilised' Humans choose one of: Academics, Gambling, Language or Thievery. 'Nomadic' Humans choose one of Boating, Intimidation, Riding or Survival.
  • CULTURAL CONFORMITY: Also reflecting their upbringing and life experiences 'Civilised' and 'Nomadic' Humans each begin with a Hindrance. 'Civilised' Humans choose one of: Big Mouth, Doubting Thomas, Greedy (Minor), Mild Mannered or Quirk. 'Nomadic' Humans choose one of All Thumbs, Illiterate, Phobia (Sorcery, Minor), Stubborn or Suspicious.

Humans are by far the most numerous of Krynn's inhabitants. While their are many, many different cultures and traditions they can be grouped under two broad categories.

'Civilised' humans are essentially the settled people of the continent whether they live in big cities or small villages. They live in established kingdoms or city states with written laws and experienced with trade and relatively sophisticated technology. Their lands include the powerful Kingdom of Solamnia, the city state of Tarsis and the lands of Neraka.

'Nomadic' humans (sometimes called 'Barbarians' at least by 'Civilised' Humans) are tribal and at least partially nomadic, often with less experience of the wider world and advanced technology. They are split into countless cultures of their own including the Plainsmen of Abanasinia and the ocean roving Sea Barbarians of the Blood Sea Isles.


  • LOW LIGHT VISION: Dwarven eyes are accustomed to the dark of the underearth. They ignore penalties for Dim and Dark Illumination.
  • REDUCED PACE: Dwarves have short legs compared to most races. Decrease their Pace by 1 and their running die one die type.
  • TOUGH: Dwarves are stout and tough. They start with a d6 Vigour instead of a d4. This increases maximum Vigour to d12 + 1.

A stocky, stubborn people famed for their skill with mining and metal work and ability to carry grudges forever the dwarves of Krynn are divided into many clans. 'Mountain Dwarves' belonging to the Hylar, Daegar, Daewar and Theiwar clans are a rare sight in modern Ansalon with most of them having sealed themselves away in their great mountain cities to avoid the many troubles of the world. More commonly seen are the 'Hill Dwarves' of the Neidar and Klar clans who live above ground and have more interaction with other peoples. There is little love lost between the Mountain Dwarves and the Hill Dwarves.

Many people view dwarves as stubborn and dour — a reputation not far from the truth. Nevertheless the hill dwarves at least are often widely travelled and respected traders, artisans and mercenaries. Sorcery is rare amongst the dwarves who traditionally have little liking for arcane magic but Mysticism is well respected. Many dwarf mystics honour the god Reorx, the creator of dwarves (and gnomes and kender though the dwarves try and ignore that.)

Elves (Qualinesti, Silvanesti & Kagonesti)

  • AGILE: Elves are graceful and agile. They start with a d6 in Agility instead of a d4. This increases maximum Agility to d12 + 1.
  • ALL THUMBS: Elves have an inherent dislike of mechanical objects, and thus have the All Thumbs Hindrance. They shun most mechanical items and designs.
  • LOW LIGHT VISION: Elven eyes amplify light. Other races often claim they can see stars in the elves’ eyes. They ignore penalties for Dim and Dark Illumination.

All elves have the above traits. Additionally chose one of the subtypes below depending on whether you are playing a Qualinesti, Silvanesti or Kagonesti elf.

  • QUALINESTI ELVES: The Qualinesti are a striking people and many outsiders find themselves drawn to their beauty. Unfortunately - though not nearly as isolationist or distrustful as their Silvanesti kin the Qualinesti are slow to forget grudges and move with the times. They have the Attractive Edge and the Cautious Hindrance.
  • SILVANESTI ELVES: The Silvanesti are perhaps even more beautiful than their Qualinesti cousins. Unfortunately this pursuit of perfection and a history of isolation has left them to treat other peoples with barely hidden (or often not at all hidden) disdain. Silvanesti have the Very Attractive Edge but also the Arrogant Hindrance.
  • KAGONESTI ELVES: The nomadic, tribal Kagonesti are the rarest of the surface Elves, or at least the most rarely encountered by others. They are superbly at home in the wilderness but are greeted with unease by others, even their cousins the Qualinesti and Silvanesti (and especially the Silvanesti.) Kagonesti have the Danger Sense Edge and the Outsider (Minor) Hindrances.

Beautiful, graceful and extraordinarily long lived the elves are amongst the most ancient peoples on Ansalon. The oldest elvish kingdom is Silvanesti in the east of the continent whose proud (some would say arrogant) inhabitants are seldom seen in the wider world these days. Their cousins in western Ansalon the Qualinesti are more open in their contact with other peoples though their kingdom is now ruled by the gigantic Green Dragon Beryllinthranox (or Beryl) meaning many elves abroad are refugees, rebels and exiles. the third great branch of the elvish people are the nomadic, wilderness loving Kagonesti of the far west who disdain the cities of the other elves in favour of a tribal life.

Elves traditionally favour longswords and bows as their weapons of choice, though the Kagonesti are fond of spears and throwing axes. They very rarely use crossbows or armour heavier than chainmail. The elves are well versed in magic with the Qualinesti and Silvanesti favouring sorcery and the Kagonesti favouring mysticism.

An elf's haughty manners do not sit well with most other creatures—many view them as self-important and arrogant. The Silvanesti are by far the worst offenders in this regard but even their less rigid cousins can get prickly dealing with non-elves.
This message was last edited by the GM at 12:05, Thu 11 May 2023.
GM, 18 posts
Thu 11 May 2023
at 00:48
  • msg #8

2. RTJ and Character Creation (Read this second!)

Races (continued)


  • HERITAGE: Half-elves may retain the grace of their elven parent or the adaptability of their human ancestry. A half-elf may either start with a free Novice Edge of his choice or a d6 in Agility instead of a d4 (which also increases his Agility maximum to d12+1).
  • LOW LIGHT VISION: Half-elves ignore penalties for Dim and Dark Illumination.
  • OUTSIDER (Minor): Half-elves are never quite comfortable in human or elven society,  having a foot in both worlds but never fully standing in either. They subtract 2 from Persuasion rolls with all but others of their kind.

Half-Elves are rare on Krynn but they do exist. The offspring of human and elf ancestries they have a difficult time fitting into either world - a half-elf grows to adulthood more slowly and lives far longer than a human but by elf standards they age swiftly. They also must face prejudice from those elves who dislike humans and vice versa.

Half-Elves retain much of the beauty and grace of their elven side but tend to stand a little taller and more robust matching their human half. Unlike elves male half-elves can and often do grow facial hair.

Despite their difficulties many half-elves have led lives of great adventure and heroism.


  • NIMBLE: Kender are dexterous and able to slip out of tight spots and slip their hands into other people’s pockets with equal ease. They start with a d6 in Agility instead of a d4. This increases maximum Agility to d12 + 1.
  • DIMINUTIVE: Kender stand between 3 and 4 feet tall reducing their Size (and therefore Toughness) by 1.
  • REDUCED PACE: Kender have short legs compared to most races. Decrease their Pace by 1 and their running die one die type.
  • FEARLESS: Kender are almost immune to fear, heedlessly investigating anything interesting. They have the Brave Edge at Novice rank.
  • CURIOUS: Kender are fascinated by anything that seems new, mysterious or interesting and will obsessively investigate. They have the Curious Hindrance
  • BORROWER: Kender find the idea of thieves despicable. Unfortunately they don’t share the same ideas about private property as anyone else on Krynn and have become adept at ‘borrowing’ items. Kender start with the Thievery skill at d4.
  • TAUNT: Few beings on Ansalon can provoke a foe to rage as readily as a Kender mocking them. While this has an obvious danger more often than not it can provoke an enemy into a rash, uncoordinated attack. Kender have the Taunt skill at d4.

Kender are small humanoids that somewhat resemble human children with pointed ears. They are famed and feared for their mix of insatiable curiosity, near total lack of fear and total ignorance of other culture's property rights. Any locked door, glowing crystal or bulging money pouch is like a flame to a moth when it comes to the kender.

Standing at four feet tall or slightly less kender are slight and nimble, rarely wearing bulky armour or carrying heavy weapons. They talk quickly and rarely give much thought to what they are about to say before the words tumble out of their mouth. They are absolutely fascinated by magic of all kinds but few have the patience to learn magic.

The traditional kender weapon is the hoopak, a wooden staff sling that makes a distinctive and eerie whining noise when spun overhead.


  • CLEVER: Gnomes are exceptionally sharp minded. They start with a d6 in Smarts instead of a d4. This increases maximum Smarts to d12 + 1.
  • DIMINUTIVE: Gnomes stand between 3 and 4 feet tall and are far less robust than their dwarf cousins reducing their Size (and therefore Toughness) by 1.
  • INVENTIVE: Gnomish inventions are wonders to behold even if they never quite work the way they intended. Gnomes begin with the Weird Science skill at d4.
  • REDUCED PACE: Gnomes have short legs compared to most races. Decrease their Pace by 1 and their running die one die type.
  • LET'S TRY THAT AGAIN..: Marvellous as they are Gnomish inventions have a tendency to go wrong. Fortunately Gnomes are used to repairs on the fly and have the Mr. Fix-it Edge.

Gnomes are small humanoids, distantly related to dwarves who hail from the city of Mt. Nevermind on the island of Sancrist. Clever and inventive they are tinkers without peer disdaining magic in favour of technology, particularly large and complicated contraptions. Unfortunately for the gnomes the success rate for their contraptions rarely matches their ambitions though they often work in unexpected ways - the Steam Powered Adjustable Beard Comber for instance is far too dangerous to be let near anyone's throat but has proven a excellent device for peeling potatoes.

Gnomes stand a shade under four feet tail and tend to be thin. The males favour beards though otherwise it is a rare gnome that puts much thought into their appearance. When speaking with other gnomes they talk a mile a minute and all the words in their sentencesruntogetherlikethis but reluctantly slow down when speaking to non-gnomes along with adopting shorter names than humans can manage.

At the beginning of their life, each gnome is given a Life Quest. The idea is that this is what their ancestors have devoted their lives to, and this quest must be completed before the gnome (and his forebears) can rest. For example, a life quest might be to study the geometry of a nail. After being approved by the Guild subcommittee to which his family belongs, the gnome spends his entire life working on this Quest. Seldom does the Guild declare a quest complete—that would mean that all that can be learned about that subject has been.


  • POWERFUL: Minotaurs stand over six feet tall and are well muscled. They start with a d6 in Strength instead of a d4. This increases maximum Strength to d12 + 1.
  • SIZE: Most Minotaurs stand a head taller than the average human.  This adds +1 to their Toughness.
  • BULLS HORNS: Minotaurs possess long sharp horns. While they prefer to fight with weapons their horns make for a formidable back up! Minotaurs have the Horns which cause Str+d4 damage if they successfully hit.
  • PROUD: Minotaurs are convinced they are the most impressive beings on Krynn and not afraid to let others know it. They have the Arrogant Hindrance.
  • SEAFARERS: Minotaurs among the most – if not the most – celebrated sailors on Krynn. They have the Boating Skill at d4.
  • FORMIDABLE: As towering warriors minotaurs find it easy to bully non-minotaurs. They have the Intimidation Skill at d4.
  • THICK SKULLED: Minotaurs are not famous for their brains. They suffer a -1 to their Smarts rolls.

Minotaurs are a race of physically powerful, bull-headed humanoids who hail from the islands of Mithas and Kothos off the eastern coast of Ansalon. They stand between six and seven feet tall and are known across Ansalon for their prowess as both warriors and seafarers.

Minotaurs very much view themselves as the natural leaders of Krynn, though they do have a code of honour and non-minotaurs who prove themselves formidable can earn their respect.

While there are certainly many cunning and learned minotaurs as a whole their culture concentrates on physical strength and endurance rather than the life of the mind, with little interest in magic, though they do revere the god Sargonnas. The minotaur emperor traditionally wins (and keeps!) his throne by winning combats in the Great Circus in their capital city of Nethosak on Mithas.

Minotaur soldiers and sailors are well trained, equipped and disciplined and minotaur mercenaries are in high demand across the continent.
This message was last edited by the GM at 11:09, Thu 11 May 2023.
GM, 23 posts
Thu 11 May 2023
at 13:52
  • msg #9

2. RTJ and Character Creation (Read this second!)


Knights of Solamnia

The Knights of Solamnia are the most famous military order in Ansalon. For many centuries these noble knights were considered a byword for honour and martial pride across the continent. The First Cataclysm saw the reputation, wealth and the power of the knights rapidly decline as many people saw them as the protectors who had failed to prevent disaster.

A turning point after this long dark era was the War of the Lance where the knights were instrumental in defeating the Dragon Armies and one of their number Sturm Brightblade heroically gave his life in battle. The years after proved a golden age as the knights saw their prestige recover and their numbers swell thanks to idealistic recruits. Though they have suffered varied fortunes since including grievous losses in the Chaos War and the loss of much of their homeland to the Dragon Overlords and the Dark Knights they remain a potent force for honour and martial prowess.

The Knighthood is itself divided into three orders. The Knights of the Crown are the most numerous and mostly the youngest (all knights begin in this order.) Traditionally they focus on Loyalty and Obedience. The Knights of the Swords stress the value of Courage, Heroism, and Faith and are generally the most spiritual knights. The Knights of the Rose most value Wisdom and Justice; their ranks compose the leaders and lawgivers of the Knighthood.

The central tenants of the Knights of Solamnia lie in their adherence to the Oath and the Measure. The Oath is short and simple (“My Honour is My Life”) while the Measure is far longer, detailing the many strictures a knight should ideally live by.

The Knighthood venerates the Gods of Good, especially Paladine, Kiri-Jolith, and Habbakuk but is not in and of itself a religious order.

Knights of Solamnia all share a Vow (to the Knighthood) and a Code of Honour (to the Oath & the Measure). Honourless knights (who though rare sadly do exist) instead have a Secret. The vast majority will have high Strength, Fighting and Riding as the knights favour heavy armour, skill with sword and lance and fighting on horseback or on occasion dragonback. Conversely Arcane Backgrounds are very rare amongst the younger knights due to the strong Solamnic distrust of magic (older and more experienced knights in the Order of the Swords or the Order of the Rose may know Mysticism.)

Most knights come from wealthy feudal families with ancient ties to Solamnia itself though non-nobles and foreigners are slowly becoming more common as are female knights.

Knights of Takhisis

The Knights of Takhisis were founded as a dark mirror to the Knights of Solamnia. Their founder Lord Ariakan was the son of the feared Emperor Ariakas and had been taken prisoner by the Solamanics in the War of the Lance. The young Ariakan was deeply impressed by the honour and discipline shown by his enemies turned captors and after his release resolved to start a knighthood of his own dedicated to the Dark Queen Takhisis.

Lord Ariakan’s vision succeeded magnificently and within twenty years of the War of the Lance the Knights of Takhisis had grown into a body powerful enough to rival their inspiration and enemies the Knights of Solamnia. For a brief time during the Summer of Chaos they did succeed in conquering most of Ansalon... only to lose their leader, their patron goddess and most of their numbers when Chaos rose.

Thirty years after the Second Cataclysm and the Knights of Takhisis have recovered somewhat. In many of the realms ruled by the Dragon Overlords they serve as a mercenary army of occupation and hold territory of their own in Nekara. Some feel the Knighthood has fallen from the ruthless yet honourable force it was under Lord Ariakan but they remain rich, powrful and feared.

Unlike the Knights of Solamnia the three orders of the Knights of Takhisis enjoy equal status at least in theory, though in practice the combat focused Knights of the Lily are by far the most numerous. The spiritual Knights of the Skull were originally clerics of Takhisis and still revere her, though they have turned to the magic of mysticism in the Fifth Age. The Knights of the Thorn (also called the ‘Gray Robes’) were originally renegade wizards but now practice sorcery.

Knights of Takhisis share many of the same requirements as their Solamnic counterparts including a Vow and a Code of Honour, though they are loyal to the Vision (a mystical vision showing each knight’s place in Takhisis’s plan), the Blood Oath (“submit or die”) and the Code (a dark version of the Measure.) Likewise they are expected to be in excellent shape, know how to fight, wear heavy armour and ride. Knights of Skull need the Arcane Background (Mysticism) while Knights of the Thorn need the Arcane Background (Sorcery).

Most Dark Knights will have strong negative personality Hindrances with Arrogant, Mean, Ruthless and Suspicious being common. All will have the Outsider Hindrance, reflecting the unpopularity and fear with which most of Ansalon views them with.

“Rogue Knights”

After the Chaos War and in the years since many Knights of Takhisis have suffered a crisis of faith and left the Knighthood. Some have joined the Legion of Steel (see below) but many others have tried to make their way as independent knights out in the world. All are hunted by their former comrades.

“Rogue Knights” are former Knights of Takhisis and so have the same physical requirements as them. Having departed the Knighthood however they no longer require a Vow or a Code of Honour (though many do follow a Code of Honour of their own devising.) Many, especially if they departed the Knighthood because they found it too brutal will have ‘positive’ personality Hindrances rather than negative ones – Driven, Loyal even Heroic. Many do feel Shamed over their past though.

“Rogue Knights” will suffer either Outsider (Minor) if they are open about their past or Secret if they hide it. They all suffer an Enemy in the form of the Knights of Takhisis – the Dark Knights do not tolerate traitors!

Legion of Steel

The Legion of Steel is the youngest of the three great martial orders of Ansalon and also the smallest. Despite this it is the most diverse, both in the composition of the Legionnaires themselves and in the activities they perform.

The Legion was formed soon after the Chaos War by Sara Dunstan, a former Knight of Takhisis and the foster mother of Steel Brightblade who fell in the fight against Chaos. After the Chaos War, Sara learned of the reforming of the Knights of Takhisis. She visited them and learnt that under the leadership of Governor General Mirielle Abrena, they had lost almost all sense of honor and justice, having abandoned the teachings of Lord Ariakan. Sara then visited the Tomb of the Last Heroes, where Steel was buried. She received a vision from Steel about creating a new knighthood, which would serve to protect the people of Krynn. Sara then began to recruit warriors from both the Knights of Solamnia and Takhisis. These warriors had grown tired of the injustices in their knighthoods and sought to join an honorable force. In his honor, Sara then named the new knighthood, the Legion of Steel.

The Legion of Steel has difficult relations with the Knights of Solamnia though both groups are opposed to tyranny and evil. The Solamniacs see the Legion as upstarts who are all too willing to use trickery and other dishonourable ways in pursuit of good. As for the Knights of Takhisis there is open hatred between the two sides with the Knights of Takhisis viewing the Legion as traitors and the Legion viewing the Knights as corrupt thugs and tyrants.

The emblem of the Legion of Steel is the Starjewel a piece of jewellery of Silvanesti Elven origin linked with steel Brightblade’s father Sturm.

In many lands the Legion recruits openly and is an admired organisation but in the lands of the Dragon Overlords and other evil rulers they operate in clandestine cells aiding rebels.

There are no particular requirements to join the Legion though members are expected to be capable individuals of good moral character. Members are known as Legionnaires and take a Vow to serve the Legion.
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