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15:21, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

PlayerÂ’s Wanted.

Posted by The Game MasterFor group 0
player, 2 posts
Mon 26 Aug 2019
at 00:10
  • msg #2

PlayerÂ’s Wanted

Shattered Lines

The Galaxy is at war.

The Republic is desperately trying to regain control and establish order throughout known space, but diplomacy is no longer a reliable tool. The Senate has just elected a new Supreme Chancellor and his first step in this new era was to take the fight to all enemies of the Republic, the Separatists. A new army, the Grand Republic’s Clone army, has been dispatched to reclaim territories under the guidance of the Jedi Council. The roles of peacekeepers has now become a political tool and turned the Knights into the Republic’s soldier-generals. Their unique talents with the Force have led to many victories that would have been otherwise impossible and now their status being raised to that of glorified war heroes.

Many believe that the Clone Wars will be coming to an end soon. The Separatists have made more and more desperate maneuvers and lost too many strategic positions, but the consequences of their endeavors have changed everything. There may be a new horizon ahead for the Republic, Jedi, clones and the Galaxy itself.

Our story, however, follows no heroes. Rather than that, we follow the characters of the Galaxy that are always considered to be the small players in Fate. The unsung ballads of heroics, deadly stakes, and incredible rewards. During times of war many forget about the deals made in cantinas that decided the fates of thousands. Or the silent stab of a vibro-knife that ended an entire corporation. Or the, oh so minor, slide of one’s hand that earned someone a new fortune. Or the desperate struggle for freedom under the crushing power of overlords. That is this story. The one that was forgotten under the pressure of war.
player, 2 posts
Sun 22 Sep 2019
at 14:29
  • msg #3

PlayerÂ’s Wanted

Rebellion At The Edge Of Destiny

Looking to add 4 players to this game. I already have a group of PCs playing but need 1 more force user to complete that group and another group of 3 players to play in a survival/ancient styled game. Preferably force users but any career/specialization will work. This immediate storyline will be different than that of the starting group but let me know if you want more details.
player, 3 posts
Wed 23 Oct 2019
at 12:37
  • msg #4

PlayerÂ’s Wanted

My game has expanded and I’m looking for 4 more players. I currently have 3 storylines going and need at least 1 more PC for each. Message me for details if you’re looking for a game
player, 1 post
Mon 18 Nov 2019
at 20:28
  • msg #5

PlayerÂ’s Wanted

I've looked all over RPOL for a game but haven't had any luck yet.  Anyone have a spot for a new player?
player, 4 posts
Mon 18 Nov 2019
at 22:12
  • msg #6

PlayerÂ’s Wanted

Ive got a spot available for Rebellion At The Edge Of Destiny
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This message was last edited by the player at 22:12, Mon 18 Nov 2019.
player, 19 posts
Thu 19 Dec 2019
at 22:46
  • msg #7

PlayerÂ’s Wanted

I've put together a general "criminals & underworld" Edge of the Empire game. Players will start out ground bound but (hopefully) by the end of the initial adventure will come together and be able to fly off into the greater galaxy.
player, 4 posts
Fri 20 Dec 2019
at 02:10
  • msg #8

PlayerÂ’s Wanted

player, 20 posts
Fri 20 Dec 2019
at 02:25
  • msg #9

PlayerÂ’s Wanted

Forgot the link:

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I'm posting here first to help out the community before opening it up to wider rPoL if there are still spots to be filled.
player, 1 post
Fri 3 Jan 2020
at 23:01
  • msg #10

PlayerÂ’s Wanted

I come bearing gifts.

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Well, one but it keeps on giving.
player, 1 post
Sun 17 May 2020
at 17:24
  • msg #11

PlayerÂ’s Wanted

Hello. I've had a lot of drop-outs and ghosts in my recently-begun game. Fortunately it all happened during the prologue, which was intended to vet the players before we began the story. I was intending to have enough people left that it would make for a small but balanced party. One is too small and not very balanced.

This game will begin with Lessons from the Past, the adventure in the Force & Destiny core rule book. Once that is complete, we will be playing Hidden Depths, the adventure module that is part of the Game Masters' kit. Once we have completed these modules, we will be playing Chronicles of the Gatekeeper. If you have played or read these modules, you may still apply. Just don't ruin it for everyone else with spoilers and prescient actions.

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Right now we have a gunslinger and a martial artist. Virtually character archetype is welcome and will be considered. Send me a PM or an rMail if you have further questions, or just go ahead and RtJ.
player, 5 posts
Sun 26 Jul 2020
at 01:07
  • msg #12

PlayerÂ’s Wanted

Recently I proposed a game called Metal Gear Star Wars. The broad concept is found in ask the GM. If you're interested in playing that game, send me a private message in this forum.
player, 7 posts
Sun 26 Jul 2020
at 01:30
  • msg #13

PlayerÂ’s Wanted

 I only have Edge of the Empire rules. Is that enough?
player, 6 posts
Sun 26 Jul 2020
at 01:32
  • msg #14

PlayerÂ’s Wanted

Yeah, the game will be using Edge of the Empire Careers and Specializations.
player, 8 posts
Thu 10 Sep 2020
at 01:25
  • msg #15

PlayerÂ’s Wanted

Would anyone be interested in filling in for a player who cannot keep playing for the time being?

The game is an Age of Rebellion game focusing on a team of Special Operations agents.

The character is a human male named Bolarro Shaxxon. He is a veteran soldier, a medic. He's a bit grouchy and a bit touchy about his cybernetic injury repairs.

After the current mission is over, you can create a character of your own and keeping playing the game with us.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:25, Thu 10 Sept 2020.
player, 8 posts
Thu 10 Sep 2020
at 03:31
  • msg #16

PlayerÂ’s Wanted

In reply to LordIce (msg # 15):

 I would be willing to take the character over.
player, 2 posts
Mon 21 Dec 2020
at 04:48
  • msg #17

PlayerÂ’s Wanted

Accepting applications for new game. The deadline is the 27th December. Game will begin January 1st-5th. 2021.

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This message was undeleted by the player at 07:25, Mon 21 Dec 2020.
player, 8 posts
Wed 30 Dec 2020
at 03:48
  • msg #18

PlayerÂ’s Wanted

Looking for a hand full a players for a quick one-shot adventure that I’ve built. Lots of opportunities to progress further if the group likes it and everything goes smoothly. Has more of an EotE storyline with options to include FaD and AoR if so desires.

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player, 9 posts
Mon 4 Jan 2021
at 00:49
  • msg #19

PlayerÂ’s Wanted

Thx for those that requested access. Only looking for 2 more players
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player, 10 posts
Thu 7 Jan 2021
at 22:54
  • msg #20

PlayerÂ’s Wanted

Still looking for one more PC. Preferably a doc or face.
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player, 36 posts
Thu 23 Feb 2023
at 22:55
  • msg #21

PlayerÂ’s Wanted

A small group of GMs are creating a system during the Old Republic with which to run multiple games through.

The idea is to have a shared universe although different teams of players will operate independently to better fit their desired characters.

For example, the Jedi characters will have a campaign focused on The Force while Smugglers & Bounty Hunters will have to deal with the local underworld and criminal elements.

Our first launching point is going to be two sections:

A light side user group game.

A dark side user solo game.

If you're interested in applying, fill out an RTJ here:

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player, 1 post
Wed 1 Mar 2023
at 13:03
  • msg #22

PlayerÂ’s Wanted

In reply to praguepride (msg # 21):

Hey buddy, do you know when the players wanted is going live for the smugglers/bounty hunters aspect? Currently travelling with very sketchy internet, but would like to apply!
player, 16 posts
Wed 1 Mar 2023
at 15:36
  • msg #23

PlayerÂ’s Wanted

Wars and Rumors

In such a large galaxy, there is always conflict. Uprisings, rebellions, protests, rumors of more of the same. Rumors of something larger and more dangerous...

But the job of a soldier is to follow commands. Plain and simple. Get the job done. The questions of morality and righteousness are left to those more equipped to make such judgements...from their comfortable offices in the most posh parts of the galaxy...most often willing to sacrifice their more ethical ideologies in the name of the "greater good". "The needs of the many...", "The end justifies the means..." Blah blah blah. It doesn't matter. The soldier is not to think on any of these things. Just the job. Just achieving objectives. And there are SO...MANY...OBJECTIVES. It never ends in a galaxy forever at war with someone or something or some idea. Thats why soldiers stay employed when all else falls apart. They get the job done...or die trying.

Looking for 3-5 players to make up a military squad currently active and deployed to counteract an invasion of the ecumenopolis moon, Anemis. For consideration your RTJ should include the following:

  • Character Name
  • General Personality/Motivations
  • Starting Career/Specialization
  • Race
  • Short Bio

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This message was last edited by the player at 15:37, Wed 01 Mar 2023.
player, 17 posts
Mon 6 Mar 2023
at 01:29
  • msg #24

PlayerÂ’s Wanted

Wars and Rumors

In such a large galaxy, there is always conflict. Uprisings, rebellions, protests, rumors of more of the same. Rumors of something larger and more dangerous...

But the job of a soldier is to follow commands. Plain and simple. Get the job done. The questions of morality and righteousness are left to those more equipped to make such judgements...from their comfortable offices in the most posh parts of the galaxy...most often willing to sacrifice their more ethical ideologies in the name of the "greater good". "The needs of the many...", "The end justifies the means..." Blah blah blah. It doesn't matter. The soldier is not to think on any of these things. Just the job. Just achieving objectives. And there are SO...MANY...OBJECTIVES. It never ends in a galaxy forever at war with someone or something or some idea. Thats why soldiers stay employed when all else falls apart. They get the job done...or die trying.

Looking for 3-5 players to make up a military squad currently active and deployed to counteract an invasion of the ecumenopolis moon, Anemis. For consideration your RTJ should include the following:

Character Name
General Personality/Motivations
Starting Career/Specialization
Short Bio

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player, 18 posts
Sat 11 Mar 2023
at 15:15
  • msg #25

PlayerÂ’s Wanted

Our game, Worlds Away, has filled the spots available for the combat squad (AOR) and the Jedi (F&D) games, but we are still looking for another GM to kick off the Scum and Villainy (EOTE) group.

Anyone interested in GMing, check out our game!

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player, 38 posts
Sat 13 May 2023
at 12:28
  • msg #26

PlayerÂ’s Wanted

Worlds away is open for a dark side player for a single-player mission as the secret antagonist of the sector:

The Dark Side Campaign is no longer looking for applicants

The balance of the force is off, and you are at the fulcrum. Your journey into the dark and twisted ways of the force means that you have discovered a rare opportunity to seize power and transform yourself from the weakling that you were before into a powerful agent of the Dark Side.

The Dark Side of the Force has brought you to Nimis where great power has been identified. Do you have the strength to seize it? To wield it? To hold onto it against all challengers?

Complicating this is that the Nimis system is going through a brutal civil war. Soldiers and Jedi peacekeepers will stand in your way but if you can adapt and overcome, unlimited power will be at your fingertips.

I am looking for a single player to operate as an agent of the Dark Side of the force. We will be using the typical rules from Force & Destiny including the morality rules which means that you will not be able to be evil at all times and call upon the dark side at all times or risk being consumed by it. Instead you will have to use the Dark Side strategically so that you remain its master and note the other way around.

We will be using the standard rules for character creation as per the Force & Destiny core book. I have access to "most" of the expansion books so if you plan on borrowing heavily from one of the non-core manuals just let us know and we can see if between the GM staff we have can get access to it.

What you need to submit are:

  1. Character Name
  2. Starting Career - note this doesn't have to be set in stone but should be a good starting point
  3. Race + one sentence summary - a quick description to help get into the right headspace
  4. Biography - not too long but just who you were, how did you get trained as a Jedi/Sith, and how did you learn to embrace the dark side of the force.
  5. Motivations - Why do they want to use the dark side? When the chips are down what keeps them going forward? What is the carrot I can use to lure them forward and what is the stick I can use to beat them when they fall behind?
  6. X-Factor - Why should I pick you/your character over any other applicant I get?

One note is that being the sith isn't quite as a "standard path" as the Jedi so here are some suggestions:

  • A fallen jedi - you were trained to resist the dark side but it turns out your teachers were just afraid of the power it would give you
  • A student of the sith - you were found as a child and raised on Korriban to learn the ways of the sith in a dark mirror of the Jedi Temples.
  • A natural user - You were never formally trained, instead you had great power within you that you learned to tap. You have raw power but lack the control necessary to fully wield it.
  • Possessed Sith spirit - you were once a great sith lord but that time is gone. You are still able to exert your will by dominating a living soul but it is a race against time for you to secure a more permanent anchor back from the realm of the dead.

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