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12:19, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

[Chapter 1.04] Guardian's Way.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Dungeon Master
GM, 561 posts
Lord of Lies
Teller of Tales
Sun 26 Mar 2023
at 15:02
  • msg #1

[Chapter 1.04] Guardian's Way

The path to Guardian's Way passes through a dense forest but the trail is still visible and easy enough to follow. The forest canopy darkens the sky causing an otherwise sunny day to be gloomy.

As they get close the thick forest gives way to a meadow, where three sturdy outposts have been built in the trees. A fourth building stands on the ground in the meadow’s center. Behind it, a vine-covered rocky cliff rises up fifty feet to a barren bluff above.

Easily visible is what looks like a central watchtower. The lower portion of this large, two-tier wooden platform is supported twenty feet off the ground by the trunk and branches of three large trees. A pair of rope ladders provides access to the platform’s lower tier, while another rope ladder provides access to the upper one, ten feet above. The branches of the central tree hang down low, obscuring the contents of both platforms.

Two other tree platforms are visible flanking an old log cabin, the only structure built on the ground.

While it is difficult to see it looks like the platforms are manned with lookouts.
Sorcerer, 395 posts
Sun 26 Mar 2023
at 16:59
  • msg #2

[Chapter 1.04] Guardian's Way

Nezaglomie studies the wooden buildings built in the trees.  Her eyes go a little wild as she imagines the whole thing burning in a great conflagration.  With her natural affinity for fire, she senses the wind and considers the path that the flames would make if she were to ignite the wooden cabin.  Up that tree, the wind would carry sparks across the small clearing, and eventually that tree is going to catch.  From there, all of those are going up.  Glorious!  It hasn't rained in a few days, so she believes that whole forest might be set aflame.

Smiling slyly to herself, she brings herself back to the present to study the platforms.  I thought that this outpost had been abandoned.  It definitely looks occupied.  I wonder if we should call out, or maybe try to sneak up.  Glancing at Maerk, she abandons the idea of sneaking anywhere.  They've almost certainly already seen us, anyway.

"Halloo, the fort!  We bring important news," she calls out.  Who doesn't get curious about news?
Dreki the Barbarian
Barbarian, 326 posts
AC: 18 HP: 41/55
F+9 / R+7 / W+7 / Per +7
Mon 27 Mar 2023
at 20:52
  • msg #3

[Chapter 1.04] Guardian's Way

Dreki had taken a lot of turtle meat and he was still doling it out to the Warg pup, much to Nezag's displeasure. It made him smile every time the pup ran to him or snuffled at his pockets.
Dungeon Master
GM, 564 posts
Lord of Lies
Teller of Tales
Wed 29 Mar 2023
at 05:09
  • msg #4

[Chapter 1.04] Guardian's Way

As soon as Nezaglomie shouts out there is movement among the trees. three shadows move around one on each platform.

After a few seconds a female half-orc comes out of the shadows to stand near an alarm bell that has been set up.

"There's no new for you lot here. Best be moving along while you still can..."

OOC: It would be a DC 16 Diplomacy check to improve her mood, or a DC 16 intimidation check to convince her you're not someone to be tangled with.
Sorcerer, 396 posts
Wed 29 Mar 2023
at 14:01
  • msg #5

[Chapter 1.04] Guardian's Way

"Greetings.  It is good to see you.  We come on your behalf, bringing news of a dangerous criminal that we believe has headed this way."  Nezaglomie was friendly, but carried just the right air of official standing to bolster her words.

08:57, Today: Nezaglomie rolled 28 using 1d20+11 with rolls of 17.  Diplomacy.

This message was last edited by the player at 14:01, Wed 29 Mar 2023.
Fighter, 320 posts
Sat 1 Apr 2023
at 10:40
  • msg #6

[Chapter 1.04] Guardian's Way

Maerk gripped his shield and turned slightly so as to position himself to better defend his companions should the inevitable attack be initiated. He'd wanted to clamp a hand over Nez's mouth, but it was too late. Maerk grunted. He worked better when the ladle was in the soup.
Dungeon Master
GM, 565 posts
Lord of Lies
Teller of Tales
Sun 2 Apr 2023
at 21:37
  • msg #7

[Chapter 1.04] Guardian's Way

There's a momentary pause as the guard processes this information.

Finally the guard lowers his hand from the bell and turns and shouts back at the cabin. "Hey Dmiri! Someone's here to talk to you."

There is a long pause and then a cloaked figure emerges from the cabin. The figure has a bow in their hand and an arrow knocked and ready as they slowly approach the party although they keep it pointed low. A few other half-orcs can be seen poking their heads out and together the party counts five of them plus the cloaked figure approaching.

The figure stops next to the guard and lowers her hood revealing her to be a hobgoblin with a long scar down the side of her face and wearing an eyepatch. She stands tall and proud, her remaining eye scanning the party with suspicion and malice.

"That's a pretty bold move, coming right up to us like that." she says, her voice deep and menacing. "State your business, and be quick about it."

Her muscular frame and fierce countenance leave no doubt that she is a formidable opponent, and her one-eyed glare seems to pierce through the party members, sizing them up and assessing their worth. As she speaks, her half-orc minions watch from a distance, their weapons at the ready, their eyes darting back and forth between Dmiri and the party.

The tension in the air is palpable and the heroes can sense that their window to address things peacefully is closing fast...
Sorcerer, 397 posts
Mon 3 Apr 2023
at 16:27
  • msg #8

[Chapter 1.04] Guardian's Way

"Greetings, Dmiri," Nezaglomie says, continuing her official tone.  She's a little concerned that they might consider Voz to be a friend, so she comes up with a way to put a little doubt in their minds.  "We are here on behalf of the Breachhill council, who hired us to look into a problem that the Goblins living in the Ruined Citadel were having.  After helping them, we followed the source of their trouble to a criminal in the city.  He may even have pretended to befriend them in order to gain their trust before turning on them.

We have reason to believe that he came this way, to this outpost.  So far, we have no proof, and only want to question him, but if you are protecting him, I warn you that you may have a snake in your midst."

11:14, Today: Nezaglomie rolled 25 using 1d20+11 with rolls of 14.  Diplomacy with Dmiri.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:36, Mon 03 Apr 2023.
Sularius Alariel
Rogue, 164 posts
Tue 4 Apr 2023
at 22:03
  • msg #9

[Chapter 1.04] Guardian's Way

As Nezaglomie mentions the 'criminal', Sularius studies the watchtower as well as the three outposts, looking for any motion that might indicate someone showing some particular interest in that line of questioning.

17:02, Today: Sularius Alariel rolled 22 using 1d20+9 with rolls of 13.  Perception.

Fighter, 322 posts
Wed 5 Apr 2023
at 10:47
  • msg #10

[Chapter 1.04] Guardian's Way

Maerk looked Dmiri up and down and nodded approvingly. Where he came from, such obvious attention to... detail... was somewhat like a compliment. His time as a mercenary had taught him to assess and appreciate the way she carried herself as a warrior as well. He found himself standing at his full height as random muscles flexed occasionally across his chest, shoulders and thighs.

Maerk knew that every outfit, whether they be an organized militia or a mercenary band, had a name and markings by which they could identify themselves. He glanced around to see if there might be a standard or such which might tell him with whom they were dealing...

Invoking Maerk's Background: Martial Discipline to try to identify the half-orc band without having to ask...
Dreki the Barbarian
Barbarian, 329 posts
AC: 18 HP: 41/55
F+9 / R+7 / W+7 / Per +7
Wed 5 Apr 2023
at 13:35
  • msg #11

[Chapter 1.04] Guardian's Way

Dreki in contrast to the other members of his party is showing no interest whatsoever in the discussions at hand. Instead he is crouched down and trying to teach hand signals to the pup. When it sits properly for his he smiles broadly and pulls out a bit of meat and tosses it which, of course, the pup jumps for and snaps up. He holds his hand out in the 'sit' sign again and the process repeats. It is difficult to tell who looks happier with this arrangement, the Goblin or the Warg.
Sorcerer, 400 posts
Wed 5 Apr 2023
at 20:28
  • msg #12

[Chapter 1.04] Guardian's Way

When Nezaglomie notices the tiny barbarian distracting Travya, she pulls the wolf closer and turns him around so he does not face the little troll, umm, goblin.  Pulling out a good-sized piece of meat, she feeds the wolf and pats it lovingly.
Dungeon Master
GM, 566 posts
Lord of Lies
Teller of Tales
Fri 7 Apr 2023
at 20:53
  • msg #13

[Chapter 1.04] Guardian's Way

The band was known to Maerk. They were the Bloody Blades, a group of mercenaries that often moonlit as hired thugs for robbers and highwaymen and petty criminals. There was likely a bounty on their heads and likely a sizable one on Dmiri's head, especially if those heads came with living bodies that could be charged and executed for the entertainment of the common folk.

Dmiri's eyes narrow as she listens to Nezaglomie's words. She doesn't trust the party, but she can't deny that their story makes sense. She glances back at her fellow Bloody Blades, silently communicating with them before turning back to the party.

"You say you are here on official business? From the council?" Dmiri asks, her voice low and gravelly. "And you suspect that Voz has come through here? I cannot confirm nor deny such a thing, but I will tell you this: we have had no contact with her. If she has come through here, we were not aware of it."

It's an obvious lie. One that Dmiri isn't even bothering to hide it.

"We've been hired by an interested party to watch this place and make sure nobody passes through. Nothing goes in, nothing comes out. Consider this place secure and move along now."
Dreki the Barbarian
Barbarian, 330 posts
AC: 18 HP: 41/55
F+9 / R+7 / W+7 / Per +7
Thu 13 Apr 2023
at 16:06
  • msg #14

[Chapter 1.04] Guardian's Way

The unsubtle threat does not go over Dreki's lowered head.

He huffs as the warg is pulled away from him, but shoves the meat back in a pouch and begins to listen to the conversation.
Sorcerer, 404 posts
Fri 14 Apr 2023
at 19:22
  • msg #15

[Chapter 1.04] Guardian's Way

Nezaglomie continues to approach Dmiri, keeping her voice calm and using her words to put the bandit at ease.  "Oh, very good.  I'm so glad you have the outpost secure.  Of course, I never said the name Voz, so we..."  At that point, the sorceress lowers her voice so Dmiri will have to lean in to hear, but the words she is mumbling are the verbal components to the heightened version of Burning Hands.  She casts the spell, attempting to get both Dmiri and her guard in the cone.  Unfortunately, with her attention focused on keeping the bandits unaware of her intentions, she failed to put the proper energy behind the spell, and its effect is uninspiring.

Without missing a beat, Za uses her spell focus to follow up with an elemental toss, right into the bandit leader's face.

14:11, Today: Nezaglomie rolled 29 using 1d20+11 with rolls of 18.  Diplomacy as initiative.
14:12, Today: Nezaglomie rolled 9 using 4d6 with rolls of 1,4,2,2.  heightened burning hands.
14:20, Today: Nezaglomie rolled 16,13 using d20+9,2d8.  Elemental Toss.

A1&2:  Heightened Burning Hands
A3: Elemental Toss (spending a focus point).

This message was last edited by the player at 05:15, Sat 15 Apr 2023.
Dungeon Master
GM, 568 posts
Lord of Lies
Teller of Tales
Wed 19 Apr 2023
at 06:16
  • msg #16

[Chapter 1.04] Guardian's Way

The audacity seems to be enough to catch the leader by surprise as the hobgoblin takes Nezaglomie's burning spell right to the face. The half-orc next to her is able to jump to the side as the gnome sweeeps the flames across the platform.

Dmiri takes 9, half-orc guard takes 5

Nezaglomie1629/29TK +92d6+4-
Maerk2044/44+1 Battleaxe +121d8+4-
Alak2032/32Greatsword +101d12+4-
Dreki1855/55Club +91d6+4-
Sularius2030/30Rapier +91d6+4-
Dmiri22BruisedShortbow +121d6+1-
Merc 1 (N7)18BruisedShortbow +81d6-
Merc 2 (P7)18BruisedShortbow +81d6-
Merc 3 (I14)18HealthyShortbow +81d6Elevated
Merc 4 (T16)18HealthyShortbow +81d6Elevated

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

Fighter, 327 posts
Tue 25 Apr 2023
at 06:48
  • msg #17

[Chapter 1.04] Guardian's Way

Maerk barked something unflattering about Nezzie's parental neglect at teaching her anything regarding self-control, tactics or ordinary common sense. He used the Skald tongue which lent even more emphasis to such insults.

With a roar he rushed to platform by way of the nearest rope which his bulging arms and legs carried him up with ease and swiftness! As he rose to face his foes, he swept with his shield to bat at the mercenary standing near him in an attempt to shove him off the platform!

"Bloody Blades! You are known to Maerk! We fighting is for Voz! Let us take fight to Voz! Stand down!"

A1: Stride 10' to Q,6
A2: Climb 10', Athletics = Maerk rolled 26 using 1d20+11 ((15)), [CRIT! +5'], gets him to top of platform
A3: Shove Merc2 off platform =  Maerk rolled 21 using 1d20+11 ((10)) vs Fortitude DC

Sorcerer, 409 posts
Tue 25 Apr 2023
at 11:50
  • msg #18

[Chapter 1.04] Guardian's Way

Nezaglomie looks at the three targets and figures that this is a perfect time for her newest fire spell.  She casts Scorching Ray, targeting first Dmiri, then two henchmen.  Unfortunately, as this is her first time using the spell in combat, her aim is not quite what she would like it to be and only the third ray lands on the target.

06:43, Today: Nezaglomie rolled 12,18,15,13,18,13 using d20+9,4d6,d20+9,4d6,d20+9,4d6 with rolls of 3,6,6,2,4,6,4,1,5,3,9,3,3,1,6.  Scorching ray at Dmiri, N7, P7
Why does the die roller hate me so?!?  The only one I hit was the one that Maerk has already shoved off the platform.  The d20 rolls in there were 3, 6, and 9.

Sularius Alariel
Rogue, 165 posts
Wed 26 Apr 2023
at 13:27
  • msg #19

[Chapter 1.04] Guardian's Way

Sularius was a little taken aback by Nezaglomie's surprise attack, but not entirely surprised. Quickly he pulled out his bow, fired an arrow at one of the guards, and then took cover behind a nearby tree.

As far as I can tell, a surprise round no longer grants flat-footed in 2E, so I'm assuming no sneak attack

A1: Draw bow
A2: Shoot Merc 2; hit AC: 20 for 1 damage
A3: Stride to S4

08:22, Today: Sularius Alariel rolled 20,1 using 1d20+9,1d6 with rolls of 11,1.  Shoot Bow.

Dungeon Master
GM, 571 posts
Lord of Lies
Teller of Tales
Sun 7 May 2023
at 05:32
  • msg #20

[Chapter 1.04] Guardian's Way

Surprise Round

Maerk leaps into action, clambering up the ladder before the bandits can react and slicing one up with his axe.
So to use the Shove action you need to either use a weapon that grants it or have feats like Brutish Shove. I'll convert your roll into a basic attack roll instead doing 6 damage to a bandit.

Dreki and Alak try to climb up to flank the bandits and while Dreki si able to swing his club and bash one of the bandits in the shins Alak struggles to climb as swiftly as the gobln and after a bit of work ends up on top of the platform with the others.

Round 1
Nezaglomie lets loose with a trio of beams of fire and while Dmiri and the other bandit duck out of the way, the third bandit catches the scorching blast and falls down a burnt crisp.

Nezaglomie1629/29TK +92d6+4-
Maerk2044/44+1 Battleaxe +121d8+4-
Alak2032/32Greatsword +101d12+4-
Dreki1855/55Club +91d6+4-
Sularius2030/30Rapier +91d6+4-
Dmiri22BruisedShortbow +121d6+1-
Merc 1 (N7)18WoundedShortbow +81d6-
Merc 3 (I14)18HealthyShortbow +81d6Elevated
Merc 4 (T16)18HealthyShortbow +81d6Elevated
Merc 2--BBQd-----

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

This message was last edited by the GM at 05:34, Sun 07 May 2023.
Fighter, 329 posts
Fri 12 May 2023
at 06:54
  • msg #21

[Chapter 1.04] Guardian's Way

The huge Ulfen glowered at the mercenary leader. "Surrender," he snarled as he advanced. At the last moment, he made a lunging step as he grabbed at her arm. His foot arced in an attempt to trip Dmiri. He had his shield at the ready, looking to press his advantage!

A1: Step 5', close to Dmiri, avoiding AoO
A2: Trip* attempt [Athletics] Maerk rolled 25 using 1d20+11 ((14)).
A3: Strike if successful trip - Maerk rolled 20 to hit for 8 damage
      else Raise Shield

*Trip =
Athletics vs Reflex DC, if she fails, she's prone (flat-footed -2AC), if her DC is 15 or less, she takes additional 1d6 damage.

Dungeon Master
GM, 575 posts
Lord of Lies
Teller of Tales
Thu 25 May 2023
at 04:19
  • msg #22

[Chapter 1.04] Guardian's Way

Maerk rushes forward and sweeps the legs out from Dmiri spilling her to the ground and he followed up with a swift strike to the prone bandit.

Meanwhile Dreki and Alak teamed up to take the other bandit down.

The bandits responded by firing arrows at Maerk and Alak. Both heroes took grazing shots from the archers.
Maerk takes 2 damage.
Alak takes 3 damage.

Dmiri surprises Maerk by rolling right over the edge and off the platform. She catches herself with one hand on the edge and then drops the remaining distance before advancing on Nezaglomie, dropping her bow and pulling out a rapier.

"Stay back or I'll gut yer wizard!"

Surprise Round

Maerk leaps into action, clambering up the ladder before the bandits can react and slicing one up with his axe.
So to use the Shove action you need to either use a weapon that grants it or have feats like Brutish Shove. I'll convert your roll into a basic attack roll instead doing 6 damage to a bandit.

Dreki and Alak try to climb up to flank the bandits and while Dreki si able to swing his club and bash one of the bandits in the shins Alak struggles to climb as swiftly as the gobln and after a bit of work ends up on top of the platform with the others.

Round 1
Nezaglomie lets loose with a trio of beams of fire and while Dmiri and the other bandit duck out of the way, the third bandit catches the scorching blast and falls down a burnt crisp.

Nezaglomie1629/29TK +92d6+4-
Maerk2042/44+1 Battleaxe +121d8+4-
Alak2029/32Greatsword +101d12+4-
Dreki1855/55Club +91d6+4-
Sularius2030/30Rapier +91d6+4-
Dmiri22HurtRapier +132d6+3-
Merc 3 (I14)18HealthyShortbow +81d6Elevated
Merc 4 (T16)18HealthyShortbow +81d6Elevated
Merc 2--BBQd-----
Merc 1--Cut to ribbons-----

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

This message was last edited by the GM at 04:20, Thu 25 May 2023.
Sorcerer, 411 posts
Thu 25 May 2023
at 14:34
  • msg #23

[Chapter 1.04] Guardian's Way

Nezaglomie's eye light up with a bit of dangerous glee as she see the thug's body blacken under her Ray of death.  As she prepares to cast the spell again, she is a little shocked when Dmiri runs right up to her, holding her rapier threateningly.  Stay calm.  Combat training. she thinks as she throws up a Shield.  Then she glances through the tree at the archer behind her and on her left, and guesses that the thug is just barely in range of another Scorching Ray.

Remembering to put the full force of her will into the spell, it comes out with two incredibly powerful rays, one at the archer and one at Dmiri.  Unfortunately, the immediate presence of the bandit leader has shaken the sorceress enough that her aim is off and neither one lands as expected.  The first ray blackens the grass behind Dmiri, and the second sets alight the tree beside the archer.

A1: Shield
A2: Scorching Ray

OMFG!  The first 7 rolls were all 6.  Unfortunately, two of those were d20's and therefore missed.  So max damage on 4d6, but missing the target.  GAAAAH! (6,6,6,6,6,6,6,5,6,3)
09:22, Today: Nezaglomie rolled 15,24,15,20 using d20+9,4d6,d20+9,4d6.  Scorching Ray, 2 attacks.

This message was last edited by the player at 14:35, Thu 25 May 2023.
Dreki the Barbarian
Barbarian, 334 posts
AC: 18 HP: 41/55
F+9 / R+7 / W+7 / Per +7
Fri 26 May 2023
at 16:21
  • msg #24

[Chapter 1.04] Guardian's Way

Seeing Dmiri slip away and threaten Nezag fills him with an unexpected anger. His vision has taken on a silver sheen as his instinctive temper overcomes his logic and reasoning. A primal roar blasts from his goblin throat as he rushes over and hacks at Dmiri. "GRAAAAA!"

OOC: I forgot that Raging takes an action so I only get the one attack.

Action 1: Rage
Action 2: Move to P4
Action 3: Swing and Miss (unless she loses 10 to her AC for being flanked, ha!)
Free Action: Scream during the whole thing!

13:06, Today: Dreki the Barbarian rolled 12 using 1d6+8 with rolls of 4.  Damage .

13:06, Today: Dreki the Barbarian rolled 10 using 1d6+8 with rolls of 2.  Damage.

13:02, Today: Dreki the Barbarian rolled 15 using 1d20+4 with rolls of 11.  2nd Attack.

13:01, Today: Dreki the Barbarian rolled 12 using 1d20+9 with rolls of 3.  Attack.

Fighter, 332 posts
Sun 28 May 2023
at 07:13
  • msg #25

[Chapter 1.04] Guardian's Way

Maerk was ready to deal a punishing slam to Dmiri with his shield when she started to roll toward the edge! He grunted loudly and gave her a bit of help over in the form of his big, furry boot in the ribs!

Seeing that his companions likely had the band leader nearly under control, the huge Ulfen strode toward the opposite edge of the platform in the direction of one of the remaining archers. He gracefully dropped to the ground as if simply hopping from a boulder and reached over his shoulder for a javelin. His smile widened as he lifted his shield.

"Make you ready for dying!" He shouted maniacally at the archer.

RE: Attack of Opportunity vs Dmiri (prone -2AC), Crit! for 10 stomp damage!
A1: Stride to [Q,11] (Athletics = Another Crit! +10')
A2: Interact - Draw Javelin
A3: Raise Shield

Maerk rolled 31,5 using d20+11,d4+4 with rolls of 20,1.  Attack of Opportunity (Unarmed Stomp).
Maerk rolled 31 using 1d20+11 with rolls of 20.  Athletics.

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