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00:22, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Chapter 4, Shadow of the Sink Hole.

Posted by alphapredFor group 0
GM, 344 posts
Listen to the fear,
it could be your friend.
Tue 30 May 2023
at 11:43
  • msg #104

Re: Chapter 4, Shadow of the Sink Hole

After a pause Searlait uses the controls set into the table to conjures up a holographic sphere that rotates slowly over the centre and depicts the planet below. One large ocean stretches from the north pole down passed the equator in a rough ellipse that covers about twenty percent of the planet’s surface. There is a wide equatorial belt and the land to the south of it is rough and mountainous. The belt iself, and the rest of the land in the northern hemesphere consists of rolling planes and tundra.

There are two large cities here, on the equator is Gelron Prime, a large hive that is centre of a massive industrial complex that stretches out in all directions across most of the planes but is interspersed with farm land and small towns.

At the north pole is Gelron Secondus, a vast but conventional city, also surrounded by industrial plant but with a much higher percentage of agricultural land, significantly this land looks to be green and fertile while that near the equator has a brown and baren appearance.

In the South of Gelron are several cities set amongst mountain and lakes, there is industry and agriculture squeezed in between the geographical features and also the scars from large, open cast mining operations.

In orbit around the holographic planet is the manufactorum, no bigger than a match head in this scale and dwarfed by the other object in orbit, a huge, flat, black disc the size of a saucer. Although the systems star is not depicted, the light it produces is and it can be seen that the disc cast a shadow onto the equatorial belt which probably gets little or no sunlight as a result.
Ravandio Rathnyr
player, 28 posts
W 13/13 F 2/2
Umbra WC, Umbra 1
Wed 31 May 2023
at 04:14
  • msg #105

Re: Chapter 4, Shadow of the Sink Hole

Ravandio leaned in to have a look at the display brought up for them to view. He studied it for a couple of moments, mulling over the information provided by the Captain. "If both factions, despite the open hostilities between them, are still cooperating with the manufactorum for what ever it is that they are constructing, perhaps that is where we should make first contact. The retrieval of the manufactorum is our primary goal anyways, is it not? Regardless, Umbra Squadron will be ready when you need it. Your shuttle as well." In his role as flight commander for Umbra Squadron, Ravandio had also seen to the piloting of the Captains personal shuttle as well in the past.
Jak Tesla
player, 201 posts
I have loved the stars
So do not fear the night.
Wed 31 May 2023
at 23:43
  • msg #106

Re: Chapter 4, Shadow of the Sink Hole

 Jak, through the course of the briefing primarily satisfies his curiosity by processing information relating to the settlements, measuring their radiated heat and predicted energy expenditure to estimate their productivity... Right up to the point where the manufactorum is starting to be displayed and his efforts are dedicated to that instead, repeating the process of estimating heat dispersal and energy throughput.

 He does however thoughtfully ask "Is anyone on this team familiar with stellar life cycles? I am curious about the production of a solar shield."
Cennet Melek Shiraishi
player, 142 posts
Sisters, Pride and Vanity
W: 7/14 FP: 2/4
Thu 1 Jun 2023
at 01:38
  • msg #107

Re: Chapter 4, Shadow of the Sink Hole

The Navigatrix was quiet again as there felt to be little that she might contribute to the conversations of war planning, diplomacy, and similar but when the Enginseer mentioned the topic of stellar life cycles that was a topic was she was, by necessity, well acquainted with. It was on this note that she opted to fixed her attention whilst still taking careful note of the direction of the broader conversations, her grip tightening ever so slightly on the staff and symbol of her office as she straightened despite the protests of treacherous muscle. The protests of overburdened skeletal structures noted in kind.

"I can certainly assist on the matter of stellar life cycles and offer some anecdotal insights into examples of ancient solar shields should it be needed, Engineseer Prime." Cennet offered with her typical care in intonation and gestures to ensure meaning and invitation were clear. Her experience with the Explorator fleets from her early pursuits of a 'cure' or aegis against the treacherous nature of her deceitful genetics leveraged in the moment. "Has there been any more detailed auspex scans regarding the climate of the planet itself or the parent star? A solar shield, to follow the logic the Enginseer is expressing, would imply an attempt at climate correction."
player, 20 posts
13/13 W 4/4 FP
Thu 1 Jun 2023
at 02:08
  • msg #108

Re: Chapter 4, Shadow of the Sink Hole

Faith has not had much to contribute recently. Even Harmonia has brought up her point about a lack of psyker outbreaks.

"By solar shield, are you referring to that big disc? It seems... unusual. Perhaps we should make sure it's not some kind of orbital defense platform?"
Searlait Saoirse
player, 214 posts
8/8 3/3
Fri 2 Jun 2023
at 01:32
  • msg #109

Re: Chapter 4, Shadow of the Sink Hole

As some talk of stellar cycles, something she knows very little off she continues with the known military information.

"Thanks to the work done by Garu and his team we also know the following about their leaders and military forces ‘Gelron Primary’ is led by Lady Anastasia MaCregge, Planetary Governor general, the military is led by Sir Damion Ply-Morrison, Commander in Chief, Gelron Defence Arm, (GDA), Brigadier Willax Clune, Commander in Chief, 1st Brigade and Arch Bishop Miksza holds sway over the civil population. Their forces consist of an armoured brigade, two infantry brigades two militia brigades and an air wing. Gelron primary seems to control the equatorial region and about half the land mass in the northern hemisphere.

Sir Norman Cecil is First Minister of the ‘Northern Alliance’ and General Peliaxe is head of armed forces, the Minister of trade, Loriel Green holds sway over the populous and ‘Sharon Skeet’ has been in the news recently as hero of the alliance.

The NA has three armoured brigades (one skitarii), one infantry brigade, an air wing and a wet navy. The Northern Alliance seems to control the north pole, large swaths of land in the northern hemisphere and the planets only ocean.

The southern hemisphere seems to be controlled by a private company, Manistee and Volt Minning, which is run by John Manistee and Patricia Volt. There military operations involve only defence against raiders from Gelron Primary and are headed up by Marian Volt. The forces consist of static guard positions and guerrilla patrols though they do have some aircraft."

NPC, 7 posts
Fri 2 Jun 2023
at 22:11
  • msg #110

Re: Chapter 4, Shadow of the Sink Hole

”My Lady, if we can be of assistance we are at your service.”

Searlait Saoirse
player, 216 posts
8/8 3/3
Sat 3 Jun 2023
at 00:04
  • msg #111

Re: Chapter 4, Shadow of the Sink Hole

"If you or your cell have any information or expertise in any matters, you are of course fully allowed and encouraged to speak up. Should you deem any members present below authorisation to hear, please let me know."
Jak Tesla
player, 202 posts
I have loved the stars
So do not fear the night.
Sun 4 Jun 2023
at 19:08
  • msg #112

Re: Chapter 4, Shadow of the Sink Hole

 "There is no pattern of which I am aware that would necessitate an orbital defence platform of this configuration. The same investment in materials would be able to produce a defence-in-depth and mobile forces of far greater capacity than any single structure. The configuration of the disk, and its alignment with the planet makes it apparent that its purpose is, or was to shield from stellar radiation, although the need for it to do so is currently unclear." Jak answers, focussing his attention upon the manufactorum and the possible-shield, looking for signs of transit from one to the other, whether as evidence of ongoing maintenance, disassembly, assembly or indeed, anything else that might be going on.
Ravandio Rathnyr
player, 29 posts
W 13/13 F 2/2
Umbra WC, Umbra 1
Mon 5 Jun 2023
at 05:50
  • msg #113

Re: Chapter 4, Shadow of the Sink Hole

Ravandio was a pilot and not much more. He studied the holoprojections and listened as the others at the table provided their own expertise or conjecture. His eyes roamed over the motley crew that was assembled here currently, eventually falling once more on the xenos that was present at their strategy meeting. And then the Inquisitor's retinue that was comfortable with the xenos presence as well.

He replies to Faith when she posits the possibility that the orbital disc might be some sort of defense platform.
"Perhaps we should make sure it's not some kind of orbital defense platform?"
"If the three factions down on the surface are at war with one another, then it would not make sense for them to be working together on some sort of weapon that one of the others could use against them."
Gregory Asgard
player, 279 posts
8/11W 3/4FP
Wed 7 Jun 2023
at 12:49
  • msg #114

Re: Chapter 4, Shadow of the Sink Hole

Gregory has been considering the situation and their resources, and he has come to the conclusion that his talents might not be terribly useful in this mission, given that their ability to project force is rather limited. Unless, of course, a case comes up where 100 well-trained troopers might tip the balance one way or another. Either way, he will do his best to support the others where needed.

He makes a note of the three factions and the important people therein and takes notes...

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
- Lady Anastasia Macregge: Planetary Governor General (official authority)
- Sir Damion Ply-Morrison: CINC Gelron Defense Arm/GDA
- Brigadier Willax Clune, CINC 1st Brigade
- Archbishop Miksza (Harmonia?)
- 1x Armored Brigade
- 2x Infantry Brigade
- 2x Militia Brigade
- Air Wing

More men in general? More complementary for our forces?

- Norman Cecil: First Minister
- General Peliaxe: Head of Armed Forces
- Loriel Green: Minister of Trade
- Sharon Skeet: Hero of the alliance (hot?)
- 3x armored brigade (1 Skitarii - Jak?)
- 1x infantry brigade
- Air wing
- Wet navy (only naval power on the planet?)

Better at field ops? Unable to secure gains made due to lack of manpower?

- John Manistee (joint leader)
- Patricia Volt (joint leader)
- Some air assets?
- Sentries - primarily intended to defend against northern raiders?

Resources are useful - seem to be trying to lay low

"Will we be making an overt or covert approach? That is to say, will we be trying to infiltrate in a low key fashion or come in pomp and circumstance style? Or both?"
Searlait Saoirse
player, 218 posts
8/8 3/3
Wed 7 Jun 2023
at 17:19
  • msg #115

Re: Chapter 4, Shadow of the Sink Hole

"Jak would you or your personnel be able to infiltrate the orbital facility with appropriate security to investigate their standing and if they are operable or recoverable? Rav can coordinate flights and coverage" She asks the Magos before moving to the next task.

"Paklor Ank and Garu, locate points of military significance, coordinate with Roscar and Eawynn for firing telemetry and best solutions in case it comes to that and they don't wish to rejoin the Imperium peacefully."

"Mr Yorick, keep your team scanning the planets vox-net and maintain notices of troop movements as well as senior officials and their movements."

"Agent Tungsten, could your operatives be able to handle the senior officers of MANISTEE AND VOLT MINING corporation should they need to be removed and have a more...compliant... industry head installed?"
NPC, 8 posts
Wed 7 Jun 2023
at 17:40
  • msg #116

Re: Chapter 4, Shadow of the Sink Hole

”As you wish my lady, we will keep you informed of progress and any useful intelligence we learn.”
Jak Tesla
player, 204 posts
I have loved the stars
So do not fear the night.
Wed 7 Jun 2023
at 23:50
  • msg #117

Re: Chapter 4, Shadow of the Sink Hole

 "It would be the most logical use of our resources to send a team to the Manufactorum, and I am by far the most qualified to do so. What other officers and staff will be joining my expedition and what mission objectives beyond examination of the facility and its production records do you wish to propose?" Jak answers, already planning ahead to the possibilities inherent in the orbital facility.
Harmonia Wells
player, 28 posts
Thu 8 Jun 2023
at 21:04
  • msg #118

Re: Chapter 4, Shadow of the Sink Hole

Harmonia clearly isn't a particularly military mind, and letting the others do their thing works for her, for the most part.  When Jak brings up the question of the orbital facility however she offers a different kind of insight.

”The orbital facility is almost certainly operating with a smaller population and on a smaller scale than an entire world, it would likely be best if a very small group go there, to that end I will go myself to ensure whatever needs to be done is done appropriately with a minimal level of interference.”
Searlait Saoirse
player, 219 posts
8/8 3/3
Mon 12 Jun 2023
at 02:56
  • msg #119

Re: Chapter 4, Shadow of the Sink Hole

"Agent Tungsten, please feel free to use any small ship you require and pull additional staff as required, should you require fiercer back up the Lament can reposition as needed." she tells the agent as they prepare to depart.

"Good idea, try to keep the landing team to a guncutter's worth, part mechanicus, part ships crew, have guards ready" She says to Harmonia and Jak.

"Rathnyr and Asgard I want you both to find the best place to land at each forces capital for a diplomatic convoy as well as recall under fire should it come to that"

"Navigatrix Shiraishi while you recover from the ordeal could you if possible reaffirm the route we took to get here for follow-on movements as needed, and should you require anything please take it on my authority."

"Vormav, gather info on the leaders of each party and we will formulate a good balance of landing party to talk with them, I intend to try diplomacy before anything else but I want contingencies."
NPC, 9 posts
Mon 12 Jun 2023
at 11:40
  • msg #120

Re: Chapter 4, Shadow of the Sink Hole

"At once my Lady, Obsidian will remain on board as our liaison, we have our own means of communication and you can contact us directly if required."

The Arbitrator makes a small bow before quietly leaving the room.
Cennet Melek Shiraishi
player, 145 posts
Sisters, Pride and Vanity
W: 7/14 FP: 2/4
Mon 12 Jun 2023
at 13:37
  • msg #121

Re: Chapter 4, Shadow of the Sink Hole

"Certainly, Lady Captain. I've already completed the first drafts of our route for transmission to House Shiraishi. Will there be anything else required of me in terms of landing delegations or the like?" the Navigatrix replied and questioned in kind as she continued to lean on her staff. The aforementioned wounds addressed after a fashion with timme being the only remaining component of the remedy. That and the necessary repairs to her ceramic shell. Not quite a trifling detail but easy enough to address with the present facilities available.
This message was last edited by the player at 13:39, Mon 12 June 2023.
Gregory Asgard
player, 280 posts
8/11W 3/4FP
Tue 13 Jun 2023
at 01:24
  • msg #122

Re: Chapter 4, Shadow of the Sink Hole

Gregory nods.

"Will do, ma'am," he replies. Then he glances over to Ravandio. "Looks like we'll be going over orbital maps, then."
Ravandio Rathnyr
player, 31 posts
W 13/13 F 2/2
Umbra WC, Umbra 1
Tue 13 Jun 2023
at 05:49
  • msg #123

Re: Chapter 4, Shadow of the Sink Hole

He drums the fingers on his left hand on his left thigh a few times as he mulls over his assignment from the Captain. Ravandio nods and looks over to Asgard when he addresses him. "Of course. We can use the ships gun cutters to transport crew down to the surface, leaving Umbra Wing to protect the ship while we are working down on the plant. Cargo should give us enough room for surface transport, whatever we might think that form should take."
player, 22 posts
13/13 W 4/4 FP
Tue 13 Jun 2023
at 06:04
  • msg #124

Re: Chapter 4, Shadow of the Sink Hole

Faith is aware that she's one of the lowest-ranking people here, but she would be remiss in not mentioning this.

"Madam, I or any of the astropath contingent might be useful during negotiations. If they have not had issues with psykers for a long time, they might not be ready to deal with them, and I believe literally knowing their thoughts would be a helpful trump card."
Jak Tesla
player, 207 posts
I have loved the stars
So do not fear the night.
Thu 15 Jun 2023
at 03:49
  • msg #125

Re: Chapter 4, Shadow of the Sink Hole

 Turning to Harmonia, Jak states - with relative diplomacy, given his augmetic nature - "It would be most logical for Mechanicus forces to form the majority of this expedition, but cooperation does leave room for personnel from your staff. Have you recommendations?"
Searlait Saoirse
player, 224 posts
8/8 3/3
Fri 16 Jun 2023
at 03:02
  • msg #126

Re: Chapter 4, Shadow of the Sink Hole

"You may form your party as you see fit, but please have several non-mechanicus personnel should there be standard humans present, they tend to find the amount of augmentations terrifying. Co-ordinate with Faith to have an astropath in case of jamming equipment. Determine whats on there and whats salvageable. Should you encounter armed resistance or mutants beyond sanction you are encouraged to terminate and should it prove too numerous exfiltrate and away reinforcements."

Looking to Faith she says "I would be honoured if you would join the lead team for the first encounter once we are ready. If there is nothing else, you are dismissed to your duties, should you require me come to my offices and I will see you as I can."
Harmonia Wells
player, 30 posts
Sat 17 Jun 2023
at 09:24
  • msg #127

Re: Chapter 4, Shadow of the Sink Hole

Harmonia doesn't seem surprised that Jak wants to fill the mission with mostly his own people, perhaps she even expected it.

”I don't expect we will need many people, even security should be fairly light.  In any case I will go myself, there are plenty to observe down on the planet, and I wouldn't ask any of my people to go somewhere I wouldn't.”
player, 23 posts
13/13 W 4/4 FP
Sat 17 Jun 2023
at 13:57
  • msg #128

Re: Chapter 4, Shadow of the Sink Hole

Faith bows slightly to Searlait.

"The honor is mine, ma'am. I will prepare myself for landfall as soon as possible."

Once she is allowed to leave, Faith immediately heads back to the Telepathica spire where she begins briefing the rest of the choir on their situation, including assigning one extra person to listen for planetside communications in addition to stellar-range communications. She wonders if Scarlet is well; she's been indisposed recently...
This message was last edited by the player at 13:59, Sat 17 June 2023.
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