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01:14, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Heroes of a New Age: Act One (IC thread)

Posted by NarratorFor group 0
Zugras es-Sumarr
player, 21 posts
P:6 T:11(3) F:0 W:0
Wed 24 May 2023
at 11:02
  • msg #15

Heroes of a New Age: Act One (IC thread)

Zugras looked over at Caramon, and then back to Tika. "It is a great sign of respect to the quality of your cooking, to be eaten so."

Once the discussion moves to mysterious individuals coming into town, Zugras chimes in.

"Maybe they are up to something, working out where could be safe to rob. Or they could be escaping trouble, not wanting to get caught. Trust me, it's easy for people to make false assumptions. The looks I get walking into a store selling pottery!"
player, 14 posts
Wed 24 May 2023
at 14:30
  • msg #16

Heroes of a New Age: Act One (IC thread)

"These were travelers you say? Wearing arms and armor? Really? How bizarre. You'd think they'd want to protect themselves on the road or something. Come on people, no need to get up in arms about a couple of people trying to keep themselves safe. The masks thing is a little curious, I'll admit but there could be dozens of explanations as to why they're wearing masks." Lia was a bit surprised her companions just automatically assumed the worst about these people. Finishing her breakfast, she sat back in her seat with a shake of her head and watched what the others were reacting to her comment.
player, 10 posts
Human "swashbuckler"
Thu 25 May 2023
at 02:02
  • msg #17

Heroes of a New Age: Act One (IC thread)

"Right! Who would come in here all armored and armed and order just hot water?!" Skytheen said adding at tad too much sarcasm. He turned a little so his rapier was more obscured between his body and the wall and then took a sip of his tea.

"I'm sure we're just as suspicious to many here in Solace. Look at us! Then again, Solace is no stranger to strange." The tea was still a little too hot. His burned tongue was going to be an annoyance all day now. "Maybe we should go find these fellas and observe them. Or talk to them. What harm could that do?"
player, 7 posts
Human Sorceress
Product of Imagination
Thu 25 May 2023
at 11:12
  • msg #18

Heroes of a New Age: Act One (IC thread)

 Acrione could not help but laugh at the minotaur's attitude towards his condition... unfortunately, this happened while she was drinking something, and resulted in the predictable mess and introduction of her drink into her sinus cavities.  Some of this ends up on Chatty's side, resulting in displeased groans from the cat.  Still, he remains on the human's lap, doing nothing to prevent further rain on his parade save for getting into a more comfortable position... and letting the wet side of his coat dry off on his mage's lap.

 When offered more drink, she definitely takes up that offer.

 Then, when Tika mentions the strange travellers who ordered nothing but hot water, of all things, Acrione speaks up -- but, after the others say their parts, and just considering it all.  "Did they at least bring something to steep in the water with them?  They could have been nursing sore throats." Wrinkling her nose at her own words, Acrione returns to her drink.  But then she considers Skytheen's words and she nods.  "If it's decided that a little bit of reconnaissance is in order and you need someone of my talents to help observe these folk, I could be of service.  I feel like they were probably just... just grouchy travellers who understand the value of self-defense, but, well, I've been wrong before, and if everyone else is similarly concerned, then I might well have reason to be as well."
player, 23 posts
Half elf "ranger"
Thu 25 May 2023
at 14:25
  • msg #19

Heroes of a New Age: Act One (IC thread)

"It’s not the fact they could be armed or armored that concerns me, or I wouldn’t be in this table " Berthold said, looking at his companions with a friendly smile. "I understand people doing so in places they don’t feel safe, and I myself have done it sometimes. If I don’t now is because I feel safe here.

It’s neither the fact they asked just hot water if they like ir
" he smiled to Skytheen.

"What concerns me is the fact they didn’t take their hoods off" he said, now more serious. "See ourselves: several of us are armed and armored, one even asks for hot water, but we all show our faces. Not doing so means you have something to hide, but at once makes sure most people will look at you, as it’s not usual."

He stopped to drink a little. "In fact, I don’t see it as too intelligent, as by keeping you hood on you’re telling everyone you don’t want to be recognized. Disguising yourself, and even using some make up, is far more discreet, as long as you act the way no one gives you a second look…"
player, 13 posts
Knight Errant
P:8(2) T:7(2) W: 0 B: 3
Thu 25 May 2023
at 23:58
  • msg #20

Heroes of a New Age: Act One (IC thread)

Amberyl nodded along with Berthold.  She didn't bother to repeat the points he'd made, there was no need or benefit to it.

"The fact they're similar, and acting similarly, tells me something.  That they could be part of an order.  That in itself is not worthy of damnation, but consider where we are."  Amberyl added on.
player, 15 posts
Fri 26 May 2023
at 20:25
  • msg #21

Heroes of a New Age: Act One (IC thread)

"You all make some good points. I just wanted to make sure you were thinking things through and not just making snap judgements about strangers. If you want to follow them and check them out, I think we could do that. I don't mind that idea." Liandra finished what she was saying and sat back in her seat to see how the group reacted to it. The strangers were interesting and a curiosity so checking them out could be fun. She just wanted to make sure the group thought things through about such things.
Zugras es-Sumarr
player, 22 posts
P:6 T:11(3) F:0 W:0
Fri 26 May 2023
at 22:05
  • msg #22

Heroes of a New Age: Act One (IC thread)

Zugras thumps his chest, causing an extremely loud belching sound to emerge, before he pushes his chair back and stands up.

"well, if we are going to check this group out, I'll need to grab my things. I don't wear my armour for breakfast. Not exactly expecting a mimic to be a table. But if things turn bad, I'd like to be prepared."

He looks at the others and then the door.

"Give me five minutes, and I'll be back down. Anyone else need to grab their gear?"
player, 24 posts
Half elf "ranger"
Sat 27 May 2023
at 06:55
  • msg #23

Heroes of a New Age: Act One (IC thread)

"I guess I should too…" Berthold answered. "I wished to go paying homage to the last heros, but I guess they will not move and that can wait." he added.

"But remember, we only want to know who they are and what are they up to, not to provoke them to a fight. If they are into something illegal, I guess the watch should be called before we take any action, as we have no legal powers".

This said, he finished his breakfast and moved to his room to don his armor and take his axe, humming again some song to himself.
player, 14 posts
Knight Errant
P:8(2) T:7(2) W: 0 B: 3
Sat 27 May 2023
at 17:15
  • msg #24

Heroes of a New Age: Act One (IC thread)

Amberyl sighed and used the few minutes to finish off a very good breakfast in peace.  She had come prepared for something else, so the fact she was already prepared was a coincidence not brilliant foresight.  Still, it occurred to her maybe she should continue the habit.
player, 11 posts
Human "swashbuckler"
Sat 27 May 2023
at 18:43
  • msg #25

Heroes of a New Age: Act One (IC thread)

The boys made their way upstairs leaving Skytheen sipping his tea with the ladies. He was keeping an eye on Chatty. That cat always seems so serious.

"I know. I mean they haven't broken any laws from what we can tell." Skytheen replied to Amberyl's sigh as if it was a statement.

"Berthold is correct, we have no authority here. AND no one is asking for our help." He looked from the cat to Liandra, "Totally snap judgements though. I mean we can still check out the situation respectfully and legally." He was just about finished with his tea.

"From what we know, how does it all feel?" He looked at the ladies, glanced at Camaron and then to Tika. "Pretty weird, right? I think we gotta check."
player, 15 posts
Knight Errant
P:8(2) T:7(2) W: 0 B: 3
Mon 29 May 2023
at 23:28
  • msg #26

Heroes of a New Age: Act One (IC thread)

"Truth be told... the fact they all asked for hot water is what has me most disturbed about it.  It suggests they all had to ingest something simultaneously.  Is there a good reason for that?"  Amberyl admitted.
player, 25 posts
Half elf "ranger"
Tue 30 May 2023
at 06:03
  • msg #27

Heroes of a New Age: Act One (IC thread)

Berthold reached his room and began donning his armor. He looked at his axe and thought about taking it too, but he feared it could be seen as too threatening. After all, they only intended to investigate, not to provoke conflict, didn’t they?

So, he finally decided against it, hoping that avoiding conflict by not seeming threatening outweighed the benefit the axe would bring against the dagger if things went to worst.

He then returned to the mess to join his comrades.
Caramon Majere
Hero of the Lance, 1 post
Wed 31 May 2023
at 11:38
  • msg #28

Heroes of a New Age: Act One (IC thread)

Caramon had wandered over to join the conversation, allowing Tika to depart and serve some patrons who had just entered the inn - though not before she tickled Chatty under the chin.

The big man sat down on a bench which you half expected to creak under his weight (it didn't). His kind, wrinkled face looked lost in thought for a few moments. "I know my brother used to take a herbal drink that was mixed leaves in very hot water. Sometimes I think I can still smell it... I don't think these guests mixed their drinks here and then but they might have done so later. As for investigating them, well they haven't done anything wrong exactly so what would I say?"

He paused, laughed and grinned, looking much younger than his eighty plus years suggested. "Then again when I was your age not knowing enough never stopped me adventuring!"
player, 8 posts
Human Sorceress
Product of Imagination
Wed 31 May 2023
at 12:12
  • msg #29

Heroes of a New Age: Act One (IC thread)

 Acrione opens her mouth as if to speak, but then pauses and wags her finger as if thinking of something when Amberyl makes her point about the hot water and expedited ingestion... "I was thinking the same thing...!"  When Chatty's chin is scratched, he blinks slowly in Tika's direction and makes a burbling meow.

Anyone so naturally inclined will know that this is that feline way of saying, "What's new?".

 Acrione seems fairly ambivalent about the situation, but also, and measurable by body language alone, does not want the others to come to harms that her magic can prevent.  She can only give Caramon a look of agreement, followed by a non-committal grunt and a smile.
player, 16 posts
Wed 31 May 2023
at 14:24
  • msg #30

Heroes of a New Age: Act One (IC thread)

Liandra nodded in reply and was glad to see how many of the party agree with her. Standing from the table she makes sure she has her armor on and her weapon by her side. She was hoping that she wouldn't need it and this would turn out to be nothing at all. But it was worth checking out. "Okay, well I'll be outside getting some fresh air when you're all ready to go. It was nice to meet you Caramon sir, thank you for allowing us to partake of your food and drinks."

With that formal goodbye to the owner, Liandra maneuvers her way to the door and heads outside, enjoying the fresh, cool air.
player, 26 posts
Half elf "ranger"
Sun 4 Jun 2023
at 11:06
  • msg #31

Heroes of a New Age: Act One (IC thread)

As he entered the mess already equipped, Berthold saw his comrades ready to go. Seeing how they have equipped themselves (with full weapon complement), he frowned. "I thought we just went to investigate… he thought. "If they go so armed to this, how will they equip themselves if we expect combat?

Nonetheless, he kept his thoughts to himself, and just looked at them all.

"Everyone ready?" he asked.
Zugras es-Sumarr
player, 23 posts
P:6 T:11(3) F:0 W:0
Sun 4 Jun 2023
at 18:17
  • msg #32

Heroes of a New Age: Act One (IC thread)

Zugras came back after getting himself ready - Leather trousers, a chain shirt with this missing arm sealed up, and a backpack where the straps cross his body, as they would slip off on one side.

"I'm good to go!"
player, 12 posts
Human "swashbuckler"
Sun 4 Jun 2023
at 21:06
  • msg #33

Heroes of a New Age: Act One (IC thread)

As the boys came down into the room, Skytheen cleened up his tea paraphernalia and followed them outside to find Liandra. He gave the main room a glance to see Acrione and Amberyl looking like they were joining shortly.
player, 16 posts
Knight Errant
P:8(2) T:7(2) W: 0 B: 3
Tue 6 Jun 2023
at 01:01
  • msg #34

Heroes of a New Age: Act One (IC thread)

Amberyl thought about saying she was already ready already, but bit her tongue.  She just rose and set out.
player, 27 posts
Half elf "ranger"
Tue 6 Jun 2023
at 18:41
  • msg #35

Heroes of a New Age: Act One (IC thread)

As the team moved out to the bridges, Berthold remembered Amberyl uneasiness before. He closed to her and offered her his arm. "Maybe taking my arm will make it easier to you" he whispered to her. "This is high enough to scare…"

Then he began to move to the stairs downway.
player, 17 posts
Knight Errant
P:8(2) T:7(2) W: 0 B: 3
Wed 7 Jun 2023
at 01:06
  • msg #36

Heroes of a New Age: Act One (IC thread)

Berthold didn't mean anything but kindness. But his offer inspired Amberyl to suddenly, boldly step ahead like she owned this place.

Inwardly, she was freaking out, but she'd be damned if she showed it!
player, 10 posts
Human Sorceress
Product of Imagination
Wed 7 Jun 2023
at 08:12
  • msg #37

Heroes of a New Age: Act One (IC thread)

 Acrione quietly gathers her possessions, returning to the room with harnesses about her boots for a pair of daggers, and then one at her right hip.  A sling likewise rests near the dagger.  A very worn staff rests in her right hand.

 Her expression says, I'm ready when you are..  Chatty has taken up residence in her bag, his head poking out of the opening and a chirping meow sounding from his throat.
player, 28 posts
Half elf "ranger"
Wed 7 Jun 2023
at 17:56
  • msg #38

Heroes of a New Age: Act One (IC thread)

Berthold was surprised by the sudden resolve Amberyl showed stepping to the bridge and refusing his arm. "It seems pride has overtaken her now" he thought. "Maybe you misunderstood her previous attitude and she’s not afraid of height… Or more probably she would be ashamed to show it. She will learn there’s no shame in fear, but in not confronting it. "

Then he closed with her again. "I hope you weren’t upset by my offer, if I mistook wat I saw before" he apologized. "Nothing farther from my intent than offend or shame you" he added. Then he kept moving, mear her just in case, while humming an calming melody.
player, 13 posts
Human "swashbuckler"
Sun 18 Jun 2023
at 23:14
  • msg #39

Heroes of a New Age: Act One (IC thread)

Skytheen dodged and weaved his way up to the front of the pack quickly scanning ahead and around, and then down on the ground, for any glimpse of the group of cloaked figures. "'Scuse me, pardon me... ooops, there we go"
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