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02:19, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Posted by NarratorFor group 0
GM, 22 posts
Thu 11 May 2023
at 13:36
  • msg #1

4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

For all your out of character talk! :-)
Zugras es-Sumarr
player, 1 post
Fri 12 May 2023
at 11:58
  • msg #2

4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Greetings all!

I am playing Zugras es-Sumarr, a Minotaur Fighter :)

I'm new to Dragonlance, though experienced with Savage Worlds, so if anyone needs help with crunch, I'm happy to help.

Also, I've flexible to change my character if others want to try something similar and new to the system.
player, 1 post
Fri 12 May 2023
at 16:33
  • msg #3

4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Hey Zugras, I am also new to Dragonlance.

I am thinking I'm going to make Liandra a monkish type character.

That's not set in stone yet, but it's the initial plan for this character.
player, 1 post
Fri 12 May 2023
at 16:50
  • msg #4

4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

I knew about dragonlance many years ago, and I've played some SADE too.

Berthold is a Ranger like character
GM, 27 posts
Fri 12 May 2023
at 16:58
  • msg #5

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Hey Zugras, I am also new to Dragonlance.

I am thinking I'm going to make Liandra a monkish type character.

That's not set in stone yet, but it's the initial plan for this character.

Monks are rare in the setting but they do exist. Most follow the god Majere:
player, 2 posts
Fri 12 May 2023
at 17:09
  • msg #6

4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Interesting, it was just an initial thought for my character. I may go a different route, I'll think about it a bit.
Zugras es-Sumarr
player, 2 posts
Fri 12 May 2023
at 17:12
  • msg #7

4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

I was planning to play a more brawling based character, with Martial Arts and Brawler. But that would be WAY too close to what you are planning Liandra.

I wasn't thinking being a monk, more a brawling pugilist, but it still involves hitting people unarmed rather than using weapons.
player, 3 posts
Fri 12 May 2023
at 17:21
  • msg #8

4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Hey, go for it. I'm thinking of making Liandra more of a weapon specialist instead actually. I play monks so much, a change could be fun too.

I guess she'd be more like a Fighter Battlemaster from D&D 5e instead of a monk.

Oh, can you make our character sheets user editable please GM?
Zugras es-Sumarr
player, 3 posts
Fri 12 May 2023
at 17:26
  • msg #9

4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Then fear my one-armed brawler ;)

And are you thinking possibly Leadership edges then? Or Combat edges, and doing combat with flair, maybe even various Tests to influence the battlefield?
player, 4 posts
Fri 12 May 2023
at 17:38
  • msg #10

4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

I honestly don't think that far ahead. :P

Seriously though combat edges seem the way to go, for Liandra anyway. So yeah, a bit of flair, maybe some battlefield control stuff, I'll take a look at the edges and see. We are only novices and since I'm not human, I don't get the free edge that humans get. So got to be selective, ya know?
Zugras es-Sumarr
player, 4 posts
Fri 12 May 2023
at 17:41
  • msg #11

4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

I was tempted to put all more hindrance points into +2 attributes, but edges really add flavour.

Playing Deadlands, I'm too used to having a free human edge, but it's also why I wanted to look at a non-human race, again to mix it up.
GM, 28 posts
Fri 12 May 2023
at 17:53
  • msg #12

4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Half-Elves can start with a free Edge though they sacrifice their elven Agility to get it. :-)

User sheets should be editable now.

So far we have two humans, two half-elves and one minotaur. It's also looking like quite a combat heavy party.
player, 5 posts
Fri 12 May 2023
at 17:58
  • msg #13

4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Yeah, I might give up the agility since Liandra is going more combat focused. That's a good idea. Thanks Mr. GM ;)
player, 2 posts
Fri 12 May 2023
at 18:07
  • msg #14

4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Well, if too combat heavy, I might make Berthold more a bard-like carácter...

This was the alternative idea I had in mind when I joined...
player, 1 post
Fri 12 May 2023
at 18:20
  • msg #15

4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Hey all,

Still working on some particulars, but Amberyl is, as our DM put it, an disillusioned knight.

This actually works out because I was going for the idea of a "knight" as a leader/strategist/tactician to push Amberyl to using either Leadership Edges and/or Tests of Will in combat.  Maybe not right away because that takes a lot of advances but it gives a general idea.  Yes a knight is a warrior but a knight is also strong willed, well trained and educated etc.
Zugras es-Sumarr
player, 5 posts
Fri 12 May 2023
at 18:28
  • msg #16

4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

And here I was thinking folks might go for clerics or wizards!

With so much martial, I'm happy to swap to something more magical.
player, 2 posts
Fri 12 May 2023
at 18:39
  • msg #17

4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

That is true to the setting however.  There really aren't a lot of "magical" characters, rogues, etc. compared to the number of warriors in Dragonlance.  Even among the Heroes of the Lance, only Raistlin, Goldmoon and Tasslehoff weren't Fighters.  I know people argue Tanis is a ranger, but I think that's head canon.

Differences in talents, tactics, culture, species, beliefs, etc. always defined the characters a lot more than their character classes did.
player, 1 post
Fri 12 May 2023
at 19:14
  • msg #18

4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Hello! *bows*

My character concept at this point is a Swashbuckler Scoundral kind of fellow. Human. Thin and kind of tall. Nimble and snarky. I'm imagining a combination of Princess Bride's Dread Pirate Roberts and Cowboy Bebop's Spike Spiegal. I want him to be a con-man with a moral compass. Con the folk who deserve it. A more self-serving Robinhood. Yet another martial entry. Also happy to do a more magical if we feel we need it.

Do we think we want to start as a team that already know each other?
This message was last edited by the player at 19:15, Fri 12 May 2023.
Zugras es-Sumarr
player, 6 posts
Fri 12 May 2023
at 19:29
  • msg #19

4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

I'd say that depends on the Narrator, and if we are strangers coming together, an established group, or what!
Zugras es-Sumarr
player, 7 posts
Fri 12 May 2023
at 19:57
  • msg #20

4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

And I think I have my sheet sorted :)

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4-1, Spirit d4, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d8, Boating d6, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Language (Native) d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Stealth d6, Survival d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 11 (3)
Hindrances: Arrogant, Code of Honor, One Arm (Right)
Edges: Brawler, Martial Artist

If folks were curious, to either see what skills are present or lacking in the group, I thought it would be handy to share my attributes, skills, and edges.
player, 2 posts
Fri 12 May 2023
at 20:39
  • msg #21

4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

In reply to Zugras es-Sumarr (msg # 20):

One arm!   ooof!
GM, 30 posts
Fri 12 May 2023
at 21:55
  • msg #22

4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

We have six players so I'm closing recruitment. :-)

Character list

Acrione, human female sorcerer
Amberlyn human female rogue knight
Berthold half-elf male ranger
Liandra half elf female fighter(?)
Skytheen human male swashbuckler
Zugras es-Sumarr minotaur male brawler.

(Classes subject to change but that is where we stand at the moment.)

We'll be beginning things in the Inn of the Last Home in Solace and you do know each other so I'll let you guys decide how you all met!
player, 6 posts
Fri 12 May 2023
at 22:21
  • msg #23

4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Yes, she's a fighter. A weapons fighter for the most part but can do hand to hand as well.
Zugras es-Sumarr
player, 8 posts
Fri 12 May 2023
at 22:27
  • msg #24

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

In reply to Zugras es-Sumarr (msg # 20):

One arm!   ooof!

It will be distinctive, plus why I don't go around either sword and board, or a greataxe.

Lost it in a trial by combat, but kept my life. Now, I have trained to use my hands, and my hooves, as deadly weapons.

Eventually, if we get into seasoned rank, with Bruiser and Martial Warrior, I'll be punching for Str+d10 damage, and +2 on my Fighting roll!

I also picture minotaur culture like the Klingons, a warrior culture with a sense of honour.
player, 3 posts
Sat 13 May 2023
at 00:03
  • msg #25

4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Safe to assume we are starting off as Novice?
This message was last edited by the player at 01:28, Sat 13 May 2023.
player, 3 posts
Sat 13 May 2023
at 09:07
  • msg #26

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Zugras es-Sumarr:
With so much martial, I'm happy to swap to something more magical.

Well, Berthold knows some mystic magic, if that helps...
player, 1 post
Human Sorceress
Product of Imagination
Sat 13 May 2023
at 11:20
  • msg #27

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Hello, there.  Acrine, here, your resident mage!
Zugras es-Sumarr
player, 9 posts
Sat 13 May 2023
at 11:41
  • msg #28

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Woo, magic!

What spells are you both considering,  Acrione and Berthold?
Blasting? Buffing? Controlling?
player, 4 posts
Sat 13 May 2023
at 12:38
  • msg #29

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

About me, more defencive/healing ones...

Welcome Acrione

Another thing: for those who have not yet, it would be good to set an image for your characters, as it helps identify the posts at first glance.

And last (at least for now): would you prefer Berthold to be a Ranger-like or Bard-like character?
This message was last edited by the player at 12:39, Sat 13 May 2023.
Zugras es-Sumarr
player, 10 posts
Sat 13 May 2023
at 13:06
  • msg #30

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

I'd flip it back on you Berthold.

Which would be more enjoyable to you?

In SWADE terms, what do you see as the difference between them? Beyond say the Persuasion skill?
I imagine both can fight, though maybe one us more ranged combat based?
Taunt for the bard, and related edges?
Stealth for the ranger?
player, 5 posts
Sat 13 May 2023
at 13:13
  • msg #31

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

In reply to Zugras es-Sumarr (msg # 30):

The ranger would be more a warrior specialized in wilderness, while a bard more a social carácter, more urban and less wilderness and fighter.

Both may be enjoyable, and in both cases Id keep the mysticism support (though tapings would probably be different).
GM, 31 posts
Sat 13 May 2023
at 13:45
  • msg #32

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

I very much want to leave it to you guys but I do think either a ranger type or a bard type would bring useful skills to the table.

Regarding magical trappings a lot of 'schools' (sorcery) and 'spheres' (mysticism) are mechanically identical but flavoured very differently - a sorcerer using Cryomancy (cold and ice manipulation) to conjure up a Bolt might create a flying dagger-like shard of ice while an Electromancer (lightning, electricity and magnetism manipulation) would create a small lightning bolt using the same power. Picking a theme can be helpful there!

You guys will be beginning as Novices. I'd considered starting you out more experienced but to be honest I'm not experienced enough with the system yet. Hopefully you'll be advancing fairly swiftly!
player, 3 posts
Knight Errant
P:8(2) T:7(2) W: 0 B: 3
Sat 13 May 2023
at 14:13
  • msg #33

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

The neat thing about SW for fantasy is it simultaneously allows characters to "build out" but it keeps basically all threats relevant.  You don't become legendary rank and suddenly "d6 bandits" (slang for any Extra with only basic capabilities and stats) do not become non threatening.

It's kind of neat like that.  Yeah after a few ranks your character is demonstrably better than most NPCs, but you still can't ignore the fact other people have swords too.

There's also no way to build a character that isn't vulnerable to at least something.  You can build yourself very defensively, but then that's your character =D

I will say characters tend to start exhibiting their concept fully in Seasoned and Veteran rank.  Like I want Amberyl to use Persuasion rolls in combat, but that takes 3-4 edges before it's truly effective.  Can't even take some of them until Seasoned.
Zugras es-Sumarr
player, 11 posts
Sat 13 May 2023
at 15:47
  • msg #34

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Are you thinking things like Work the Room and such, Amberyl?
player, 4 posts
Knight Errant
P:8(2) T:7(2) W: 0 B: 3
Sat 13 May 2023
at 15:53
  • msg #35

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Yes.  I've always wanted to blend some of the "social" mechanics with the combat mechanics in one character.

I debated taking the Leadership Edges, but honestly they're less flexible than making support rolls.  I'm also just amused by someone who is so overbearing she can make you do it better XD
Zugras es-Sumarr
player, 12 posts
Sat 13 May 2023
at 16:13
  • msg #36

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Some back seat fighting ;)

If someone can help me hit better, so I'm more likely to get a raise, or to land a called shot, I won't say no!

Leadership is very passive, but really relies on Seasoned+ to be useful.

Edit: If anyone wants to chat/collaborate on Discord, ping me at ThePirateTester#6922
This message was last edited by the player at 16:17, Sat 13 May 2023.
player, 5 posts
Knight Errant
P:8(2) T:7(2) W: 0 B: 3
Sat 13 May 2023
at 16:18
  • msg #37

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Yep, and really using Work the room requires other Edges to make your Persuasion rolls better to work effectively.  If you're taking multiple actions per round you need some bonuses to make it make sense.  Honestly the "bonuses" are more important than the actual die type to some degree.

On the bright side, Persuasion is useful in many contexts, so it's not a bad thing to be good at it.
player, 4 posts
Sat 13 May 2023
at 16:30
  • msg #38

4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Ok, today I'm not so sure about my Skytheen's 'class'. I feel like we're too melee heaavy and I'm not feeling my character concept as is, is precious to me. So I'm playing around with some spell caster options.

I mean, we have the classic - no healer scenario.
player, 6 posts
Sat 13 May 2023
at 17:11
  • msg #39

4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Berthold has some healing capacity, if that makes you easier.

And I intend to keep them be him "Ranger" or "Bard"
This message was last edited by the player at 17:12, Sat 13 May 2023.
Zugras es-Sumarr
player, 13 posts
Sat 13 May 2023
at 17:12
  • msg #40

4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Whilst we have no magical healing, between soak rolls, and the healing rules, we may be ok.

The Healing skill is used to remove Wounds. Each attempt requires 10 minutes per wound level of the patient. Subtract 1 from Healing rolls without a basic First Aid kit or similar supplies.
A success removes one Wound, and a raise removes two. Failure means no Wounds are removed. A Critical Failure increases the victim’s Wound level by one.

Buffing spells, especially long duration ones with extra modifiers can make a big impact.

Darksight lasts 1 hour, and you could then add Hurry to give us +2 Pace, and Shroud for +1 Stealth & -1 to hit us, for 3PP base, and then +1 per person extra it is cast on.
So for 8PP that could be cast on all of us.

Or in combat, chucking out Boost Trait (Fighting) on all the melee fighters to make us more likely to hit/raise, as well as increase our Parry. Or strength to hit harder.

Or preventing damage with Deflection (beware if your copy is old, it isn't -2 to being hit since the last update, you choose ranged OR melee on casting), or Protection (which also got tweaked), so we're not needing to be healed as much afterwards.
GM, 32 posts
Sat 13 May 2023
at 21:10
  • msg #41

4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Hopefully the magic rules work out. To a large degree they are based off the Fifth Age game lore which has Sorcery impacting non-living things and Mysticism living (or undead) things.

'Classic' War of the Lance style Dragonlance was originally an AD&D setting (and has been updated to newer editions since) and has the possibly more familiar wizard/cleric style split.
player, 5 posts
Sat 13 May 2023
at 22:03
  • msg #42

4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

In SWADE terms, are you thinking Mysticism = Miracles?


this definitely feels like Miracles / Divine magic. It think even a Cleric might fit.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:37, Sat 13 May 2023.
player, 6 posts
Sat 13 May 2023
at 22:17
  • msg #43

4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

In the new Fantasy Companion one of the Arcane Backgrounds is Shaman which looks like it might fit Mysticism rather well. The Druid is cool too.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:19, Sat 13 May 2023.
GM, 34 posts
Sun 14 May 2023
at 14:13
  • msg #44

4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Thanks Skytheen! I'll give the magic some more consideration! :-)

I added some info on Abanasinia which where the adventure starts (specifically in Solace.)
player, 2 posts
Human Sorceress
Product of Imagination
Mon 15 May 2023
at 11:05
  • msg #45

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Zugras es-Sumarr:
Woo, magic!

What spells are you both considering,  Acrione and Berthold?
Blasting? Buffing? Controlling?

As of ri-i-ight now, I'm looking at conceal/detect arcana, environmental protection, entangle, illusion, and light/darkness.  I went ahead and took the New Powers Edge, so that I've got a little bit more leg room... and, utility to the group!

Jeez... I think she'd be Enchantment/Enhancement?  Imagine that entangle is actually hold person... although, I need to stop thinking in terms of Greyhawk, the Forgotten Realms, and the like, and start thinking in terms of DragonLance!
Zugras es-Sumarr
player, 14 posts
Mon 15 May 2023
at 12:28
  • msg #46

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

You may want to have additional power points somewhere in your plan at Novice rank, as it can only be taken once per rank.

Otherwise, you could end up with lots of powers, and very quickly run out of power points to cast them all!

Very useful utility magic.

Are you thinking some form of range weapon to use when not spell slinging? Or perhaps focus on Support/Tests to impact people that way instead?
player, 7 posts
Mon 15 May 2023
at 15:03
  • msg #47

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Some questions about House rules and setting (BTW, maybe a specific thread for it would be good, nd if so, move this post there):

This setting uses the optional 'Multiple Languages' setting rule from the main rulebook (pg. 140). Every character gets the Linguist Edge for free without needing to qualify for the requirements. If you actually do take the Linguist Edge and pay points for it you speak a number of languages equal to your Smarts dice rather than half.)

  • So, I understand every player has half his die in other languages. right?
  • If so, ad what die they have it? d4 (as core skills)?
  • Again if so, can one take the same language tuice and have it at d6?
  • What is the specific language of our starting point (and I guess our home)?

Money and equipment:

I always found SWADE to be quite miser in this at the begining. With the initial $500 you can buy nearly nothig (in fact, for a current time setting, if you have a computer it means you're rich, or at least you have spent some perk points in initial money, as a desk one costs $800).

To make an example, a riding horse (quite useful in outdoors adventures), short sword and short bow (quite standard equipment for any adventurer) you'd need $650, to have a longsword instead of a short one, $850, and the most light armor $80 more. A médium shield costs $100 more...

So, do we start with some free quipment (or moer money allocation) or do we play with those standard rules?
player, 8 posts
Mon 15 May 2023
at 15:04
  • msg #48

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Seeing no one gave his opinión, Berthold will be the Ranger-like character I thought initially
GM, 35 posts
Mon 15 May 2023
at 22:57
  • msg #49

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Yes the 'additional' languages do have d4 and are essentially core skills. You can also take a language twice to indicate greater fluency.

The specific language most used in Solace would be Common and for most of you that would be your native language (Zugras's native language would be Minotaur and Liandra either the Qualinesti dialect of Elvish or Common.)

Hmm, I'm afraid the starting funds question is one I'm not experienced enough to answer off the top of my head.

Any more experienced Savage Worlds players want to weigh in?
player, 7 posts
Mon 15 May 2023
at 23:03
  • msg #50

4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

While we are only novices and it would stand to reason we wouldn't have much equipment starting out, I'd say increasing the starting amount of money would make sense. Since we aren't issued initial equipment like in other games and the prices of the equipment is pretty high, increasing the starting amount of money to $1,000 wouldn't be unreasonable. And if someone takes the wealthy edge they could have the extra $500, or maybe even double the $1,000 as well.
player, 6 posts
Knight Errant
P:8(2) T:7(2) W: 0 B: 3
Tue 16 May 2023
at 01:12
  • msg #51

4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

It's worth pointing out that Savage Worlds games tend to not be the kind of games that necessarily track every arrow, or how many pieces of chalk you have in your pack, although you can certainly play it that way.

Most characters only buy a weapon or two, and a piece of chest armor (the "Jacket") and one or three notable random items.  You can do a lot with it, Amberyl with a Medium Shield, Longsword and Boiled Leather Jacket has Parry 8 and Toughness 7 which is fine for a Novice with no advances.  You only need the other armor pieces to deal with Called Shots, because by default every attack is a Torso attack (unless specifically aimed elsewhere).

Mostly it depends on the game the GM wants to run.  One of the advantages of this approach is it's easy to give "treasure" that is meaningful and doesn't ruin game balance.

The key is consistency in the power level.  If we're armed with improvised junk, we shouldn't face enemies with plentiful armor and weapons for example.  Maybe instead of short swords (Str+d6) enemies only have knives (Str+d4).

If the characters need transportation, honestly unless you really need to pick it for some reason the GM can just always provide it.

There's also always El Cheapo, which would get that $1000 equipment package down to $500.

Need to add languages to my shet...
player, 3 posts
Human Sorceress
Product of Imagination
Tue 16 May 2023
at 03:03
  • msg #52

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Zugras es-Sumarr:
You may want to have additional power points somewhere in your plan at Novice rank, as it can only be taken once per rank.

Otherwise, you could end up with lots of powers, and very quickly run out of power points to cast them all!

Very useful utility magic.

Are you thinking some form of range weapon to use when not spell slinging? Or perhaps focus on Support/Tests to impact people that way instead?
Oh, Acrione's got the extra power points dealie and extra spells... She's no Advanced 1st Edition Vancian Turkey, she's a Revised 3rd Edition or 5th Edition Vancian Turkey!  I really like that bit of advice, though, and really like that there are options even for Novice characters for such things.  Really makes me happy to see things like that.

I'm glad you like the utilitarian picks, too... I was tempted to pick up, say, blast I think it is, but that might come later, or depending on the group's needs.
What do the other casters have to say about Acrione's Arcane Allotment?

For her weaponry, I'm thinking of a sling.  She'll otherwise carry a dagger.  Although, I am curious as to what might pass for "darts"... Ever since I first played the Baldur's Gate PC games and really, really realized how great they are, I've always been partial to them.

Seeing no one gave his opinión, Berthold will be the Ranger-like character I thought initially
Ack, I missed that!  Yeah, a ranger sounds cool to me.
player, 9 posts
Tue 16 May 2023
at 06:05
  • msg #53

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

I'm glad you like the utilitarian picks, too... I was tempted to pick up, say, blast I think it is, but that might come later, or depending on the group's needs.
What do the other casters have to say about Acrione's Arcane Allotment?

As for spells, Berthold will have Beast Friend, Fear and helaing. He will not be offensive with them, not have many Power Points...

For her weaponry, I'm thinking of a sling.  She'll otherwise carry a dagger.  Although, I am curious as to what might pass for "darts"... Ever since I first played the Baldur's Gate PC games and really, really realized how great they are, I've always been partial to them.

Just some points here: Sling uses teh Athletics skill (throwing, if there are specialties). Darts are not represented, but I guess they could be used as throwing daggers (using also Athletics throwing skill and STR+d4 damage).

And remember, being a mage does not preclude you to use aqrmor or weaponry, if you ahve enough strenght for it.
player, 10 posts
Tue 16 May 2023
at 06:11
  • msg #54

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Another point for the GM: how will you handle the Bennies?

I mean, the rules say 3 per gaming session, but in play per post games a sesión is quite an ambiguous term, to say the least...

So I guess you should set some "turning points" where bennies are renewed, or allow them to be carried on.

An alternative would be the Hard Choices rule (page 139), but it also has issues, as the fact that if the GM keeps his bennies indefinitley, that makes very dangerous to use in non-confrontation situations (as it means the GM will have lots of them in the next confrontation situation), and if not, that makes them free in those same situations, as it matters nothing if the GM accrues many of them...
player, 11 posts
Tue 16 May 2023
at 09:32
  • msg #55

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Character sheet:

Just in case any of you wants to use it, here I give you a White character sheet, just as it is before anyone begins CharGen (core skills and stats at d4).

To use it, just quote this post and take the table to your "character detais" section, filling the parts with asterisks and whatever else you need to.

Disclaimer: this is not done by me, but is an adaptation of another game I played here, and one of the characters offered it to everyone. Merit is his, any fawl in the adaptation is mine

SWADE Dragonlance Character Sheet
Race*****Parry* / *
Bennies*Toughness* / *
Height*** Weight***


d4Com. Know 
 Weird Science 
Powers ( ** PP)

Edges & Advances

Gear & Equipment
Total weight:

Worn or carried 
ItemWt.QtyTotal Wt.

This message was last edited by the player at 11:59, Wed 17 May 2023.
player, 4 posts
Human Sorceress
Product of Imagination
Tue 16 May 2023
at 09:50
  • msg #56

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Whoa, thank you for that!
player, 12 posts
Half elf "ranger"
Tue 16 May 2023
at 15:23
  • msg #57

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Glad you like it.

I updated a Little Berthold decription. I made him an orphan (his mother has died), as it made sense for him not to have attachments if he's going to leave, and I added my time zone (CET/CEST) so that people can know when I may be expected to post (something that is not obvious in those PbP games).
This message was last edited by the player at 15:23, Tue 16 May 2023.
Zugras es-Sumarr
player, 15 posts
Tue 16 May 2023
at 15:41
  • msg #58

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Yes the 'additional' languages do have d4 and are essentially core skills.

Linguist (p40) has the additional languages starting at d6, not d4.
GM, 36 posts
Tue 16 May 2023
at 22:52
  • msg #59

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Zugras es-Sumarr:
Yes the 'additional' languages do have d4 and are essentially core skills.

Linguist (p40) has the additional languages starting at d6, not d4.

Thanks for catching that.

Regarding the bennies situation the adventures I'm adapting (from the Dragonlance SAGA game) follow a three act structure so for the moment I'll 'count' an act an as equivalent to a gaming session.

The same system also handles wealth in an abstract manner which I have to admit I'm tempted by. Has anyone experience with the  'Wealth' option in the rulebook (pg. 149)? It looks like it could simply things nicely and stop characters scrabbling for every steel piece*. On the other hand I have my own roots in D&D and I know piles of coin are part of the charm for many players.

*The Dragonlance setting uses the steel piece (stl) as the general currency.
player, 7 posts
Knight Errant
P:8(2) T:7(2) W: 0 B: 3
Wed 17 May 2023
at 03:00
  • msg #60

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Yeah, it works okay.  It creates another, but much less precise, form of book keeping.

I tend to ignore expenditures for daily necessaries completely myself.  Doesn't seem to add much to the game.
player, 13 posts
Half elf "ranger"
Wed 17 May 2023
at 06:52
  • msg #61

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

The same system also handles wealth in an abstract manner which I have to admit I'm tempted by. Has anyone experience with the  'Wealth' option in the rulebook (pg. 149)? It looks like it could simply things nicely and stop characters scrabbling for every steel piece*. On the other hand I have my own roots in D&D and I know piles of coin are part of the charm for many players.

*The Dragonlance setting uses the steel piece (stl) as the general currency.

(SIDE NOTE: in my book they are on page 145, not 149)

IMHO, while this system is good for day to day expenses, and even for some other things, it will not for the intial equipment, unless you want the characters to be quite lightly so.

A poor character would start with d4 wealth, a normal one with d6 and a rich one with d8 (I have serious doubts anyone would be Very Rich and so start with d10)

If so, a normal character would be free to spend up to $60 on any ítem, but aould have to roll for more expensive things, and lose one die type if successful. The means he would have to roll (and lose one die if successful (unless a raise), so he can buy only one or two of those items, maybe three if (s)he wants to start broken) to buy (to give some examples):

  • Boots, hicking or winter (unless very rich $100)
  • Cuirbull1 shirt (unless rich, $80)
  • An axe, mace, shortsword or spear (unless very rich, $100)

Off course, the possibility to have a bow ($250, 300 for a longbow), a longsword ($300) or a chain mail suit ($300) is quite out of order, event for very rich characters... And same for a horse ($300 riding, $750 war)

So, I guess the sandard equipment will be:
  • Cloth/light leather armor ($20-30, so no roll)
  • Small shield ($50, so no roll unless poor)
  • Dagger ($25), club ($25-50) or staff ($10) as melee weapon
  • sling ($10)or throwing dagger(s)($25 each) as ranged weapon
  • any ítem the carácter was lucky enough to roll with a rais (and I expect many such rolls to try to have better equipment)

Is this what you want? a heap of rolls for equipment and/or this kind of initial set? If so, it's ok, but quite far from the usual equipment in Dragonlance, I guess...

Even after finding a very large hoard (let's say a drangon one) that would raise the wealth to d12, the longsword, bow, chain suit or horse would have to be rolled and (if successful) reduce the die class (unless he gets a rais, but this would be easy with d12)...

OTOH, why to buy a chain if it would be nearly so easy to build a plate, or a riding horse if you can buy a warhorse? (yes, there are modifiers, but a lucky roll can give it to you, and a failure will not affect you, even a critical one, as you just cannot buy it).
This message was last edited by the player at 06:55, Wed 17 May 2023.
player, 14 posts
Half elf "ranger"
Wed 17 May 2023
at 07:11
  • msg #62

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

So, my syggestion (I hate to complain without offering alternatives):

Give each character a reasonable (and I leave this to you) initial equipment, according to the power you want to give to the party, what you think would be needed and what you feel adecuate to each character according his concept:

  • an armor shirt
  • a melee weapon (plus a dagger)
  • a ranged weapon
  • reasonable mundane ítems as clothing, backpack, etc
  • horses if you think will be needed
  • one color ítem of choice that will affect more RP than the power

After initial equipment, use whatever method (accounting or wealth rules) you feel adecuate.
GM, 37 posts
Wed 17 May 2023
at 10:14
  • msg #63

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

After a lot of thought I think I'll go with the starting funds as written in the rulebook. I do admit they seem a little low (or rather gear seems a little expensive) but I rather like the concept of beginning with raw and hungry scrappy adventurers. It also seems easier to course correct during play - stumble across the proverbial dragon's hoard as Berthold mentioned it - than to go the other way.

In fact a lot of this short initial adventure is going to be me trying to figure out how things work before we move onto the campaign proper and the same goes for the other players who have limited experience with SWADE. :-)

Looking to have the first IC post up this evening or early tomorrow!
player, 15 posts
Half elf "ranger"
Wed 17 May 2023
at 11:11
  • msg #64

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

It's OK for me. After all, a rager use to be load light...

I guess at least clothing will be free (assumed)...
This message was last edited by the player at 11:14, Wed 17 May 2023.
player, 16 posts
Half elf "ranger"
Wed 17 May 2023
at 12:00
  • msg #65

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Updated the carácter sheet (there was a samll flawl in equipment section)

Looking to have the first IC post up this evening or early tomorrow!

Berhold is ready to go (BTW, which time zone's evening?)
Zugras es-Sumarr
player, 16 posts
Wed 17 May 2023
at 13:01
  • msg #66

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Stick with basic things for now Narrator - As you say, you're new to the system, as others may be as well.

Start us lean and hungry!
player, 8 posts
Knight Errant
P:8(2) T:7(2) W: 0 B: 3
Thu 18 May 2023
at 00:50
  • msg #67

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

It's also worth pointing out that in Dragonlance (novels, not necessarily the game materials or stats), the equipment is whatever the authors want.  Even after years of being an adventurer, the retired Caramon has nothing but a sword at the start of the Twins trilogy.  Even at the height of his power as a general, he is wearing a gladiator costume helmet and serviceable, but never described as magical, armor and weapons.

Dragonlance is something of a low power/ low magic setting in some ways.  Tasselhoff's Rabbitslayer is one of the most powerful weapons in the setting.  Of course there's the titular dragonlances, the staff of Magius, etc. too.
player, 7 posts
Thu 18 May 2023
at 04:13
  • msg #68

4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Sticking with the original concept - pretty much ready to go also.

If it matters to anyone, I usually quote in Purple.

"This is what Skytheen sounds like"
player, 8 posts
Thu 18 May 2023
at 04:15
  • msg #69

4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Liandra is ready as well and if no one minds, I will claim rose for her colored speech.

"Greetings and joyous day to you, fellow traveler."
player, 17 posts
Half elf "ranger"
Thu 18 May 2023
at 15:17
  • msg #70

4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Then I'll take Dark blue. I guess Orange will be reserved for OOC comments, as in most games...

Another question: are the Majares PCs or NPCs? I ask because they share the family name with the sorcerer told about in the Avalon explanation and they are listed as never have logged in...
This message was last edited by the player at 12:30, Sat 20 May 2023.
player, 5 posts
Human Sorceress
Product of Imagination
Sat 20 May 2023
at 02:03
  • msg #71

4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Awaiting Sheet Review, Game Master, but... otherwise ready!

 "Acrione sounds like this."
GM, 39 posts
Sat 20 May 2023
at 21:50
  • msg #72

4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

So we begin! :-)

As our adventure begins you are having breakfast in the Inn of the Last Home in the town of Solace.

The Majeres are NPCS and are the parents of the famous sorcerer Palin. Both Caramon and Tika are fairly legendary heroes in their own and it is perfectly plausible your characters might have heard of them growing up.
GM, 40 posts
Tue 23 May 2023
at 10:31
  • msg #73

4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Liandra can I get a Notice roll please?
Zugras es-Sumarr
player, 19 posts
Tue 23 May 2023
at 11:14
  • msg #74

4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Liandra - We are Wild Cards, which means for all skill rolls, we also roll a d6, and choose the higher of the number.
player, 11 posts
Tue 23 May 2023
at 11:17
  • msg #75

4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Oh, right, forgot that part. It's been a while since I've been able to play Savage Worlds.
player, 12 posts
Tue 23 May 2023
at 17:18
  • msg #76

4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Edited my post with the correct roll. Sorry about that. Looks like I passed the check.
player, 20 posts
Half elf "ranger"
Tue 23 May 2023
at 17:37
  • msg #77

4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

In otehr games I played, we were asked to use secret rolls just to avoid having unending lists of rolls your character is not involved in.

Would it be good to use the same pocily here?
GM, 41 posts
Tue 23 May 2023
at 19:32
  • msg #78

4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

I think in this case Liandara was clear that she was looking at the other patrons so an open seemed reasonable enough.

I can certainly switch to a policy of secret rolls though if people prefer?
Zugras es-Sumarr
player, 20 posts
Tue 23 May 2023
at 20:03
  • msg #79

4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

I do wonder if Berthold means in the dice roller, have Secret Rolls set to the default, rather than not sharing what we do here?
player, 21 posts
Half elf "ranger"
Tue 23 May 2023
at 20:10
  • msg #80

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Zugras es-Sumarr:
I do wonder if Berthold means in the dice roller, have Secret Rolls set to the default, rather than not sharing what we do here?

Yes, that's what I mean. As rolls accumulate there, it's sometimes difficult to find a specific one, if all rolls from all players appear.
player, 9 posts
Tue 23 May 2023
at 22:58
  • msg #81

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

For what its worth, I'm fine seeing the dice rolls.

How did you roll a 1d9?

*edit. Nvermind I think I got it. Just enter whatever sided die you want in the Manually enter dice part.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:04, Tue 23 May 2023.
player, 13 posts
Tue 23 May 2023
at 23:03
  • msg #82

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

you can type your roll in the dice roller. There's a blank on the right. So type in that d9 or 1d9 and click roll.
player, 11 posts
Knight Errant
P:8(2) T:7(2) W: 0 B: 3
Wed 24 May 2023
at 02:17
  • msg #83

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

I've done it secretly, but mostly not.  Usually you don't need to go back that far for it to matter.
GM, 42 posts
Mon 29 May 2023
at 23:55
  • msg #84

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Apologies for the absence guys real life has been slightly hectic. I'll try and have a post up proper Tuesday.

I will say I'm throughly enjoying the interaction you have going! :-)
player, 9 posts
Human Sorceress
Product of Imagination
Sun 4 Jun 2023
at 04:57
  • msg #85

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

In reply to Narrator (msg # 84):

This is a week late, but... hey, it's cool!  Life happens!  Sometimes, my job gets funny with me, myself.
GM, 43 posts
Mon 5 Jun 2023
at 21:53
  • msg #86

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Thanks. :-)

Just to confirm everyone is heading outside now?
Zugras es-Sumarr
player, 24 posts
P:6 T:11(3) F:0 W:0
Mon 5 Jun 2023
at 22:59
  • msg #87

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

I believe so.
player, 11 posts
Human Sorceress
Product of Imagination
Tue 13 Jun 2023
at 08:13
  • msg #88

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

Where to go but "out"!  On that note, and semi-serious, what's the weather like in-game, today?  Any precautions we ought to take?
player, 29 posts
Half elf "ranger"
Sun 18 Jun 2023
at 08:53
  • msg #89

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

I hate to ask, but what's the game status?
Zugras es-Sumarr
player, 25 posts
P:6 T:11(3) F:0 W:0
Mon 19 Jun 2023
at 08:07
  • msg #90

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

With no GM login for 2 weeks, I'd say dead...
player, 30 posts
Half elf "ranger"
Mon 19 Jun 2023
at 19:41
  • msg #91

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

That's what I was afraid to hear...
player, 12 posts
Human Sorceress
Product of Imagination
Tue 20 Jun 2023
at 06:35
  • msg #92

Re: 4. The Inn of the Last Home (OOC thread)

It's a sad thing to see this game go, but it did introduce me to Savage Worlds!  I hope to see you all again, in another world, or even this one!  Safe travels.
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