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08:32, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

10: The Crazy 8 Cantina (OOCs)

Posted by GM StarMasterFor group 0
Player, 54 posts
Codru-Ji Guardian
AC: 16; HP: 13/13
Thu 8 Dec 2022
at 15:39
  • msg #188

Re: 10: The Crazy 8 Cantina (OOCs)

Of course, I try to annoy as many people as possible at any given time. If I left I'd miss all you folks!
GM StarMaster
GM, 73 posts
Thu 22 Dec 2022
at 16:29
  • msg #189

Re: 10: The Crazy 8 Cantina (OOCs)

 Apologies to everyone for not keeping up with my games by posting more often, but I've been under the weather since the beginning of October and haven't had much mental energy. 
  M E R R Y   C H R I S T M A S  

GM StarMaster
GM, 76 posts
Mon 16 Jan 2023
at 05:28
  • msg #190

Re: 10: The Crazy 8 Cantina (OOCs)

So here's what's been happening...

I've been 'ill' for about three months now, starting with getting COVID back in the beginning of October. Wasn't too bad and I got over it in a few days, but it left me with the typical aftermath symptom of being tired ALL THE TIME. I was slowly getting over it, and even had a few hours of energy every day.

I had a doctor's appointment scheduled for mid-October but then Hurricane Ian hit. The VA clinic took some damage and was closed for two weeks. I finally got the appointment rescheduled for Jan. 13.

December 1st, I had a minor chest pain on my right side. It felt like just a minor muscle strain but at my age and with my medical history, I felt it was prudent to check. Called the VA clinic to see about a walk-in visit the next day and the nurse I talked to went into panic mode with the 'chest pain' words, and told me to go to the ER. So, on Friday, December 2nd, that's what I did. More panic mode.

Spent 4 days being poked and prodded, inspected, detected, and injected and stuff, only to be told my heart was fine. More exactly, they couldn't find any cause for the chest pain... the obvious cause seemed to elude them.

Here's where it started going to hell. Getting out of the hospital, I had an extreme loss of appetite, shortness of breath, and NO ENERGY. Didn't have any of that when I went in!

Not only was I not hungry, but nothing tasted appealing any more. Could barely eat my favorite foods, and then only 2-3 bites. On top of that, I ran out of one of my diabetes medicines. Not eating and drinking much, I also wasn't taking my meds as regularly as I had been.

This went on for the next three weeks, so things probably grew gradually worse without me quite realizing it.

December 31st, I managed to pull a back muscle, and while the pain meds I took didn't do squat, I at least knew it'd go away in a few days. It did. And then I got hives!

Jan. 6 I went to the VA clinic to get bloodwork done for my doctor's appointment. No sooner did I get home than the doctor called to tell me my blood sugar level was 903! I needed to go to the ER pronto! That's where I've been for the past week. :-(

I still didn't feel all that bad (weak and no energy), but I definitely had some serious health issues. Turned out I had ketoacidosis and some kidney issues. After a few days treatment, the keto was gone, kidneys were all better, and my blood sugar was back to normal. Now I had to survive the 'recovery'. As long as I was stuck in that hospital bed, though, I knew I wasn't going to get better. So now I'm home.

Have a nurse helping me, and physical therapy should start tomorrow. And now I have to play tag with a doctor's appointment again...

Anyway, the reason I'm telling you all this is in case you, family or a friend should find yourself in a similar situation, you'll have a heads-up/warning about what's might be happening.

Now it's just recovery and rehab.
Player, 55 posts
Codru-Ji Guardian
AC: 16; HP: 13/13
Mon 16 Jan 2023
at 13:33
  • msg #191

Re: 10: The Crazy 8 Cantina (OOCs)

I think ketoacidosis was a surprisingly common aftermath of COVID-19... A LOT of people my parents associated with thought COVID-19 was another cold and just tested with soup but they live out in the mountains of NW USA and when they got 'over it' their friends when back to life for a few days and then dropped to 0.

I felt like they were succumbing to something like 3e D&D drowning rules. You can hold your breath, then as soon as you don't you lose half health the next round drop to -1 and are dying. A sharp rule that I took advantage of with every assassin in that edition.
Alrinyon Sor
Player, 21 posts
Nautolan Fighter
Mon 16 Jan 2023
at 13:57
  • msg #192

Re: 10: The Crazy 8 Cantina (OOCs)

Jesus Boss, sounds like you had one full experience with the medical system there.

I'm glad that you sound like you are doing better.

I am on the other end of recovery and rehab, in that I'm the one they dispatch to help people through this, so I'm sure your nurse will be very helpful.

Feel better Boss!
GM StarMaster
GM, 77 posts
Mon 30 Jan 2023
at 22:32
  • msg #193

Re: 10: The Crazy 8 Cantina (OOCs)

Still here. As it turns out, seven days in a hospital bed really did a number on me, no doubt helped along by my age. Still tired most of the time, energy/stamina comes and goes. There are times when I get out of the recliner and only manage to take three steps before I have to sit down again. Other times, I can get up and zip around the house with the walker with no problem. So it seems like it's going to take me twice as long to recover as I was hoping/expecting it to.

Hoping to get back to my games in another day or two.
Alrinyon Sor
Player, 22 posts
Nautolan Fighter
Mon 30 Jan 2023
at 22:40
  • msg #194

Re: 10: The Crazy 8 Cantina (OOCs)

Seriously, take your time. Real life always comes first, as I've said.

Chill out in the bacta tank, Luke.
Player, 56 posts
Codru-Ji Guardian
AC: 16; HP: 13/13
Mon 30 Jan 2023
at 23:05
  • msg #195

Re: 10: The Crazy 8 Cantina (OOCs)

It is crummy to not recover as fast as you would like. Hopefully will still be Swiffer and it might otherwise be. Take the time you need to get better cuz the last thing we need is one update and then you need to go down for the count.
GM StarMaster
GM, 79 posts
Wed 22 Feb 2023
at 16:56
  • msg #196

Re: 10: The Crazy 8 Cantina (OOCs)

More health issues. Been in hospital for past 11 days. Transitioning to rehab soon. Will update when I can.
Player, 57 posts
Codru-Ji Guardian
AC: 16; HP: 13/13
Wed 22 Feb 2023
at 17:47
  • msg #197

Re: 10: The Crazy 8 Cantina (OOCs)

Sending you best wishes for swift recovery! I'll be around, or at least have sent a message letting you know that I'll be away for a bit.
GM StarMaster
GM, 81 posts
Fri 24 Feb 2023
at 19:53
  • msg #198

Re: 10: The Crazy 8 Cantina (OOCs)

So while I was stuck in the hospital bed for two weeks, I wrote and rewrote this post in my head several times. Don't remember any of it now, so here's the newest version.


The Missing Chapter: when I was discharged from the hospital back in January, I was sent home with a Foley catheter, which was more of an annoyance and handicap for my home rehab at the time. Managed to get an appointment with the VA  urologist two weeks later. He thought I should never have been sent home with it, but it was time to get it removed. Took a week of scheduling shuffles but finally went home without it on the following Thursday.

That Friday night when getting ready for bed, I lost my balance while setting something on the floor and fell over on my back onto the concrete floor. My housemate helped me get up and everything seemed fine once I was back out in the recliner. Nope. Come Saturday, I was in excruciating pain across all the muscles in my chest and back. Doan's, Aleve, Tylenol didn't help at all. Monday added a heating pad... better. Wednesday, switched to BenGay... better, but still couldn't sleep, so Thursday went back to the VA for some stronger pain meds.

That doctor saw the previous records and thought I might be having a pulmonary embolism and immediately did an ambulance transfer to the ER. 6 hours later the ER doctor decided that wasn't the case and sent me home with vicadin. Didn't do anything but pharmacy was closed so had to wait till the next day to get more.

After that, everything was fine for a few hours. Mid-afternoon, I suddenly couldn't move my legs!

EMT/PD shortly had me back in the ER. MRI of head and neck revealed a tumor in my C2 vertebra. Had spinal surgery next morning! Being the weekend, it took 4 days to get the pathology back which identified it as prostate cancer. Caught it early and getting chemo, and now in rehab to walk again.

Other than that, I'm in great health (for my age)! Probably 4-6 weeks in rehab before I go home.
Player, 58 posts
Codru-Ji Guardian
AC: 16; HP: 13/13
Fri 24 Feb 2023
at 20:10
  • msg #199

Re: 10: The Crazy 8 Cantina (OOCs)

That's rough, glad you are feeling headed in the right direction though!
Darion Tor
Player, 35 posts
Mandalorian Merc
Fri 24 Feb 2023
at 22:14
  • msg #200

Re: 10: The Crazy 8 Cantina (OOCs)

Glad they caught it early. Best wishes for a quick and complete recovery.
Player, 59 posts
Codru-Ji Guardian
AC: 16; HP: 13/13
Sat 25 Feb 2023
at 14:06
  • msg #201

Re: 10: The Crazy 8 Cantina (OOCs)

Given how many players haven't logged into the game these past few months I am a bit concerned - though I acknowledge life frequently happens without warnings.

I hope everyone else is okay too!
Alrinyon Sor
Player, 23 posts
Nautolan Fighter
Tue 28 Feb 2023
at 14:19
  • msg #202

Re: 10: The Crazy 8 Cantina (OOCs)

Jesus fucking tap-dancing Christ!

Sounds like a journey! I'm glad you caught it early, and that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

GM StarMaster
GM, 82 posts
Stars Without Number
Sun 9 Apr 2023
at 17:19
  • msg #203

Re: 10: The Crazy 8 Cantina (OOCs)

Apologies for no update but really didn't think there was one.

Still paraplegic trying to recover mobility at a poor rehab facility with bad nursing and half-horrible food until...

Developed a sore on my butt from laying in bed 24/7 that didn't get treated properly and turned gangrene, so now I'm back in the hospital with surgery scheduled for Tuesday.

Recovery to go home was still about a month away. Don't yet know how this new problem will affect that.

Low energy levels at rehab have left me with a one-track mind--just have trouble shifting gears between game systems right now.

My OCD stubbornness is still keeping me from pulling the plug on my games. I really have fun running games and it really bums me out that I can't keep them going right now for all of you. For those of you who are still sticking around waiting for the game to restart, I sincerely apologize for the delay. For those of you who have moved on, no hard feelings here--I completely understand.

Anyway, Happy Easter to everyone!
GM StarMaster
GM, 84 posts
Stars Without Number
Sun 7 May 2023
at 08:08
  • msg #204

Re: 10: The Crazy 8 Cantina (OOCs)

Can't sleep, can't focus to post... turn. More of the same. Turn. Repeat.

STAGE MINUS ONE--SPINAL SURGERY: Hell, I don't even remember half of it. This would have been the spinal surgery to remove the tumor and put me on my back for two weeks. DONE. SUCCESS!

STAGE ZERO--REHAB ERROR: Weeks at rehab facility where inadequate and improper nursing care turned an ordinary bedsore into a far more serious gangrene wound... one that now needed surgery to fix. DONE? WAS THAT A SUCCESS OR FAILURE?

STAGE ONE--BACKSIDE SURGERY: Operation on my tailbone went off without a hitch apparently. Just left with a major wound on my tailbone. Couldn't/can't put pressure on the wound while it heals, thus laying on my side and having to get turned to the other side every two hours, necessitating having to learn to type on my laptop upside down and sideways with one finger. Remember, this is at the BETTER recovery/rehab facility rather than at home, so options are still limited. Did I mention the I-V dangling from my arm that also gets in the way? DONE. SUCCESS.

STAGE TWO--STAPLES/SUTURES REMOVAL: Staples and stitches still need to come out. Don't have a timeline for that yet but presumably soon.
___STAGE 2.1: First half of the staples were taken out Tuesday. On schedule, standard routine. DONE. SUCCESS.
___STAGE 2.2: Second half of staples were removed Friday. Again, right on schedule with no complications. DONE. SUCCESS.
___STAGE 2.3: Sutures are currently supposed to come out on Monday, though that probably depends on how the final healing has progressed, since not everyone will heal the same way. PENDING.

STAGE THREE--WOUND REHAB: sitting protocols start as soon as sutures come out (?). Start getting used to sitting up  again... in 15-minute intervals. No details yet on frequency or duration. Will kind of depend on how well I do, but further complicated by not  having any control of my leg muscles. Requires moving to a normal bed rather than this deluxe air bubbling mattress that's meant to stimulate skin/muscle do I don't get more bedsores.

STAGE FOUR--HOME REHAB: As soon as I can stand up on my own two legs, I should be able to go home for final rehab. Regain mobility. At this point, there's no telling how well the wound rehab and the paralysis rehab will work together. The therapist seemed to think they could make them work together in synergy, but I didn't get a whole lot of enthusiasm from him. I suppose it could be uncharted territory for him.

ON THE BRIGHT SIDE: I now qualify for Frequent Surgery Miles. I've had four surgeries so the fifth one is free! Oddly, I started with the Big One (double bypass heart surgery 15 years ago) and that went easier than these.

Still not sure if there's a light at  the end of the tunnel yet--if there is, hope it's the Battery Low indicator and not the Westbound #9 train!
Player, 28 posts
Zeltron Padawan
Sun 7 May 2023
at 08:17
  • msg #205

Re: 10: The Crazy 8 Cantina (OOCs)

Bedsores are 100% preventable. ><

I continue hoping for the best for you. Thank you for keeping us informed!
Darion Tor
Player, 37 posts
Mandalorian Merc
Sun 7 May 2023
at 12:00
  • msg #206

Re: 10: The Crazy 8 Cantina (OOCs)

I hope all the therapy helps out. I can't imagine how frustrating it must be.

May the Force be with you, Boss!
GM StarMaster
GM, 85 posts
Stars Without Number
Mon 8 May 2023
at 06:15
  • msg #207

Re: 10: The Crazy 8 Cantina (OOCs)

Besides the difficulty in typing on the laptop with a touch-pad, it's the low energy levels that tend to be a small mountain for me to climb in order to post. And now the further behind I get, the larger that mountain keeps growing to pick up where I left off. Hopefully, it'll start to turn around this week.
Alrinyon Sor
Player, 24 posts
Nautolan Fighter
Wed 10 May 2023
at 00:59
  • msg #208

Re: 10: The Crazy 8 Cantina (OOCs)

Jesus...while they are at it, they should just turn you into the 6 million dollar man.

And I know how big that mountain can be.

Really hope everything turns around EVEN HARDER.
GM StarMaster
GM, 86 posts
Stars Without Number
Wed 17 May 2023
at 12:56
  • msg #209

Re: 10: The Crazy 8 Cantina (OOCs)

___STAGE 2.3: Sutures came out on Monday right on schedule, but the final healing is still in progress for several weeks/months. DONE. SUCCESS.

STAGE THREE--WOUND REHAB: sitting up for continued wound rehab protocols start as soon as sutures came out, about a week ago now. Start getting used to sitting up  again... in 15-minute intervals twice a day. Moved to a standard air mattress bed. Frequency and duration will kind of depend on how well I do, but further complicated by not having any control over my leg muscles and not enough feeling below the waist. Communication/responsibility issue has only produced one session--should have been six by now! PENDING???

___STAGE 3.5--RESUME PREVIOUS REHAB: In a week or two or three depending on how quickly I improve here, I get transferred to yet another Rehab facility for continued wound recovery... takes a long time... as well as mobility rehab.

___Stage 3.7--TRANSFER TO NEW REHAB: So the Wound Recovery has done well enough that I'm getting transferred to a different rehab facility for the Sitting/Mobility rehab. Don't know why there's a difference other than where I'm at is more medical than therapeutic so they need to make room for a new patient.

THE LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL: Different tunnel, different light. I suppose it's a step in the right direction, but we'll have to see how it goes.
Player, 29 posts
Zeltron Padawan
Fri 7 Jul 2023
at 01:27
  • msg #210

Re: 10: The Crazy 8 Cantina (OOCs)

From another one of our GM's games I was in, written by someone who knew him IRL:

Fellow Human Beings ... Fellow Gamers ... Friends ...

It is with a saddened heart that I inform you all of the passing of Robert Rusk -- better known to many of us as StarMaster.

Rob passed in his sleep on Thursday morning, July 6, 2023, at approximately 10:30am.  He had been hospitalized since early in the year due to complications concerning Cancer & associated surgeries.  He was 73 years old.

Rob was a Comics Fan Boy & fiction writer wannabe his whole life and came to Roleplaying in the Early Days of 1978.  It was my distinct pleasure to have met him, and gamed with him, since that time.

After his Retirement, Rob committed himself to the community he found in RPol, participating in over 20+ games, here.  He was an especial "softie" for GM-adopting abandoned games and working to keep them running, for the enjoyment of the Players.

He will be missed.
Alrinyon Sor
Player, 25 posts
Nautolan Fighter
Fri 7 Jul 2023
at 01:32
  • msg #211

Re: 10: The Crazy 8 Cantina (OOCs)

Oh man. That makes me so sad.

Farewell, friend. And thank you.
Player, 31 posts
Zeltron Padawan
Fri 7 Jul 2023
at 01:34
  • msg #212

Re: 10: The Crazy 8 Cantina (OOCs)

Very sad. I never met him IRL but we'd been gaming together for a few years here. He will be much missed.
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