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[RULES] Ask the DMs.

Posted by The Dungeon MasterFor group 0
player, 84 posts
He's proud
of Prague
Mon 21 Mar 2016
at 20:05
  • msg #51

Re: [RULES] Ask the DMs

Not to get too far into non-pathfinder stuff but just read this thread for my summary on all the Star Wars game systems

link to a message in another game
player, 1 post
Sat 26 Mar 2016
at 11:27
  • msg #52

Re: [RULES] Ask the DMs

Summon Swarm Spell:
You summon a swarm of bats, rats, or spiders (your choice), which attacks all other creatures within its area. (You may summon the swarm so that it shares the area of other creatures.) If no living creatures are within its area, the swarm attacks or pursues the nearest creature as best it can. The caster has no control over its target or direction of travel.

Looking for a survey of how you would play this with a summoned swarm.
Question 1
3=creature already in swarm
1 and 2=creatures outside swarm

A)swarm must remain where it is attacking 3
B)swarm may move to engulf/attack 1 and 2 as well as 3

Question 2
xx 3

A)swarm my only move and engulf 1
B)swarm may move to engulf 1, 2 and 3
Sleeping Darkness
player, 17 posts
Sat 26 Mar 2016
at 11:36
  • msg #53

Re: [RULES] Ask the DMs

Swarm can move to catch more people, yes. I'd actually say it's obligated to do so if not controlled - the swarm spaces with nothing in them want to get at things to gnaw.
player, 9 posts
Sat 26 Mar 2016
at 12:42
  • msg #54

Re: [RULES] Ask the DMs

Ditto what Sleeping Darkness said. If the summoner isn't specifically ordering them to only gnaw on the one person, then the hungry/ornery bugs want to have more things to swarm on and sting/bite/etc.
player, 16 posts
Fri 3 Jun 2016
at 23:15
  • msg #55

Re: [RULES] Ask the DMs

Hey all, I have a question that's been banging around in the back of my head for a while. It pertains to the mythic universal path ability Divine Source.

Divine Source (Su): You can grant divine spells to those who follow your cause, allowing them to select you as their deity for the purposes of determining their spells and domains. Select two domains upon taking this ability. These domains must be alignment domains matching your alignment if possible, unless your alignment is neutral. You grant access to these domains as if you were a deity. Creatures that gain spells from you don't receive any spells per day of levels higher than your tier; they lose those spell slots. In addition, you can cast spells from domains you grant as long as their level is equal to or less than your tier. Each day as a spell-like ability, you can cast one spell of each level equal to or less than your tier (selecting from those available to you from your divine source domains). If you're a cleric or you venerate a deity, you may change your spell domains to those you grant others. At 6th tier and 9th tier, you can select this ability again, adding one domain and two subdomains (see the Advanced Player's Guide) to your list each time and adding their spells to the list of those that you can cast.

My question is, when you take the ability the 2nd or 3rd time, can you choose any subdomain, or does it have to be a subdomain for a domain you already picked?
Sleeping Darkness
player, 22 posts
Fri 3 Jun 2016
at 23:22
  • msg #56

Re: [RULES] Ask the DMs

By RAW, any subdomain, but this leads to confusing and unusable results, since subdomains are replacers and you also by RAW have no reason to expect the features that AREN'T replaced, so you're gaining half a domain.

By RAI, subdomains for domains you either have already picked or are picking as part of the feature.
player, 17 posts
Sat 4 Jun 2016
at 15:00
  • msg #57

Re: [RULES] Ask the DMs

Thanks for the quick reply. Sounds right. I had been thinking about it from the PC's perspective, not the worshiper's. Makes much more sense with the RAI method.
player, 1 post
Wed 15 Jun 2016
at 14:12
  • msg #58

Re: [RULES] Ask the DMs

Okay I'm getting into my first combat in a Pathfinder game as a ruid, and I just wildshaped into a Dire Tiger. We start at level 6 in this campaign, so right now my wild form is effectively Beast Shape II. Given the sheet for a Dire Tiger...

What do I use off of that? Do I use the physical stats of the Tiger or me? What about the attacks? ADo those stay the same or are they changed?

I just need a quick rundown of what off that sheet I need to pay attention to.

Thank you!
player, 5 posts
Thu 16 Jun 2016
at 04:00
  • msg #59

Re: [RULES] Ask the DMs

You get the following changes to your physical stats
+4 size bonus to your Strength, a -2 penalty to your Dexterity, and a +4 natural armor bonus.

And the below as well.

If the form you assume has any of the following abilities, you gain the listed ability: climb 60 feet, fly 60 feet (good maneuverability), swim 60 feet, darkvision 60 feet, low-light vision, scent, grab, pounce, and trip.


All taken from the Beast Shape spell, of which Wild Shape mimics its function of.

A link to the spell itself.
player, 2 posts
Thu 16 Jun 2016
at 12:09
  • msg #60

Re: [RULES] Ask the DMs

I read that, yeah, but I was wondering how the rest of the sheet is affected. I assume I gain the natural attacks of the tiger, even though those weren't specifically mentioned. Is there anything else the spell does that isn't explicitly mentioned there?
player, 6 posts
Thu 16 Jun 2016
at 16:34
  • msg #61

Re: [RULES] Ask the DMs

You take on the natural attacks of the creature and I think you get the base movement speed as well(the non flying, climb, swim or burrow speed)
player, 9 posts
Mon 11 Jul 2016
at 13:44
  • msg #62

Re: [RULES] Ask the DMs

Quick question is it only Fatigued and Shaken that stack up to a worse condition?  Dose Sickened become Nauseated or Dazzled to Daze or any of the others stack?
This message was last edited by the player at 14:02, Mon 11 July 2016.
player, 8 posts
Mon 11 Jul 2016
at 13:57
  • msg #63

Re: [RULES] Ask the DMs

As far as I can recall conditions always stack into worse ones unless otherwise specified.  I may be mistaken about that though.
player, 10 posts
Tue 12 Jul 2016
at 12:50
  • msg #64

Re: [RULES] Ask the DMs

Thats what I thought, but can't find any progression info besides fatigue and shaken.  Reason this came up is a character is wanting to use Dirty tricks which look fun but adds a little debuff execpt shaken progression, it makes sense that sickened a couple time should net you nauseated.
player, 32 posts
Mon 15 Aug 2016
at 20:46
  • msg #65

Re: [RULES] Ask the DMs

Does a Half-Elf with Multi-talented get twice the Favored Class Bonus ranks each level in a Gestalt game in which the half-elf is playing its two favored classes?
player, 14 posts
Mon 15 Aug 2016
at 20:48
  • msg #66

Re: [RULES] Ask the DMs

In reply to LivingScarecrow (msg # 65):

I would say no.  Gestalt doesn't double anything, it just gives the best of both worlds.
player, 10 posts
Mon 15 Aug 2016
at 20:53
  • msg #67

Re: [RULES] Ask the DMs

If it was my game, I'd let the half-elf choose to use 2 of the options available to them, but they couldn't double up. So, they could choose +1 HP and +1 skill, or +1 skill or HP and whatever one class gives half-elves, or they could get the alternate favored class bonus from both of their classes. After all, it's not like you can't get +1 HP and +1 skill as your Favored Class Bonus by taking a feat.
player, 2 posts
Sat 10 Sep 2016
at 19:04
  • msg #68

Re: [RULES] Ask the DMs

If it was my game, I'd let the half-elf choose to use 2 of the options available to them, but they couldn't double up. So, they could choose +1 HP and +1 skill, or +1 skill or HP and whatever one class gives half-elves, or they could get the alternate favored class bonus from both of their classes. After all, it's not like you can't get +1 HP and +1 skill as your Favored Class Bonus by taking a feat.

That's what I would do as well.
player, 17 posts
Mon 24 Oct 2016
at 23:55
  • msg #69

Re: [RULES] Ask the DMs

Heya - One thing I'm never very good at judging is the difficulty / CR / XP awards for traps and puzzles.  Can anyone help me figure out how to do that?
player, 4 posts
Thu 4 May 2017
at 07:47
  • msg #70

Re: [RULES] Ask the DMs

I'm looking for a first-level cleric spell that does something similar to Create Food and Water.   While I've found third party spells that seem close, there's nothing that can be used to say: create a reusable wonderous item.
player, 7 posts
Swedish dude
on the hunt for AP!
Thu 4 May 2017
at 08:10
  • msg #71

Re: [RULES] Ask the DMs

To create something like a sustaining spoon or ring of sustenance, but with CL1 instead of CL5? Seems hard to do!
player, 5 posts
Thu 4 May 2017
at 19:45
  • msg #72

Re: [RULES] Ask the DMs

My thoughts are along the lines of this:
It would produce something like a biscuit or bread cake (possibly similar to lembas bread) that would feed one person and would have a duration of 1 hour/level (after which point the food would turn to dust).
player, 98 posts
He's proud
of Prague
Sat 6 May 2017
at 03:09
  • msg #73

Re: [RULES] Ask the DMs

The best I can come up with off the top of my head is Dream Feast:
player, 6 posts
Sun 7 May 2017
at 20:38
  • msg #74

Re: [RULES] Ask the DMs

I've already checked that list and there's nothing there like I want to use.   I'm probably going to end up making up the spell I want, I just want some feedback on if the general idea is in the right level range.
player, 17 posts
Sun 7 May 2017
at 22:01
  • msg #75

Re: [RULES] Ask the DMs

Well if the item can only be used 1x daily, then modelling your spell off Dream Feast but having a physical meal decay as you described could work.  How many people were you wanting it to feed?  For a 1st level spell, I would think only one.

Did you look at Goodberry as a comparison?

I'd want to read the actual item description, not just the d20PFSRD version, but I would say Goodberry but only feeds one person and the created food decays as you described usable 1x Daily would merit the low-level variant.  Maybe a 'jam jar' that turns fruits/berries into a sustaining jelly?
This message was last edited by the player at 22:11, Sun 07 May 2017.
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