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10:26, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

New Friends, Old Horizons.

Posted by DMFor group 0
Almareth Siannodel
player, 10 posts
Cleric/Ranger of Solonor
Scout of Bristar
Mon 11 Jul 2022
at 09:20
  • msg #17

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"First things first, let me get this out of the way." Almareth says as he signs where he needs to and pulls out a pouch with enough gems to cover his buy in to the group. Then, turning to Kitheras Sunblade, "I am a member of Solonor Thelandira's clergy, and he has requested that I find the ruin of his main temple in Myth Drannor to recover a bow and restore it to the temple in Bristar. So, by the rules of the company, I'd like to claim any religious relics easily liquidated as the bulk of my share of wealth, and if, somehow that isn't enough, I know Bristar, and other elven communities would likely reward their return quite well. And as soon as I can afford to, I will buy the bow, and any religious items not easily liquidated we may find. I have no issue with these rules, and I am mostly interested in Solonor's items, so those are my priority. My spells are excellent in combat, but I confess I don't have much power over time like Labelas Enoreth's clergy do. However, I am far greater an archer and warrior than his priests are, so it all evens out in some way. However, just as importantly, though I fear the worst for Syndra, but if Ciyradryl is right, then finding her would be the most important achievement in my book. She was one of my finest students."
This message was last edited by the player at 09:32, Mon 11 July 2022.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 549 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Mon 11 Jul 2022
at 12:56
  • msg #18

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kitheras looks about at the assembled partners. "I vote to renounce my claim on any item holy to Solonor. Should we recover them, they are his and his priests'. They should be returned. I know that Corym will support me in this. What say you company?"

"As for Syndra, we were able to finally make a little headway on that matter.  The company she joined were the Sable Borne.  We know their emblem and that they departed Myth Drannor from Essembra.  We also know the make of one of their blades. I was hopeful that this might improve the results of the divinations we've attempted until now. You were her teacher? Perhaps if you have something of hers that might strengthen the divination as well."  Kitheras looks to Krackor, "Have you any thoughts on that count?"

Kitheras puts a hand Almareth's, "I don't know whether she's alive or dead, but companies have been pouring into Myth Drannor.  We've found their wreckage and their survivors alike. We'll keep looking."

"Do you know the approximate location of the Solonoran temple?  Here is a map that we've been able to put together.

To Everyone:

"There are only two other immediate items of interest for us.  The first is that there is a disembodied voice--likely a dragon speaking telepathically to my thinking--in the old Silver Smith's guild that promises a reward in exchange for eliminating a nearby Alhoon.  The other is the Alhoon who himself is guarded by a clutch of trolls."

"Aspirationally, we've approximated the locations of the main schools of wizardry in the city and thought it would be profitable for everyone if we were able to penetrate them and recover lost mastery."

This message was last edited by the player at 14:11, Mon 11 July 2022.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1724 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Mon 11 Jul 2022
at 17:02
  • msg #19

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to Kitheras Sunblade (msg # 18):

On the newcomers proclamation of wanting All Religious Artefacts, Krackor almost spat his Ale out, not that it was a good ale but it wasn't bad...Almost.
Ahem, I don't know much about your lord Solonor but if, like you, he was a warrior as is Gorm, there is a chance that I shall also wish to vie for such items although I doubt this for weapons, Solomon Items from a Solonor temple obviously go to a Solonor Temple. Your claim is All religious items, so from a Dwarven stronghold within Myth Drannor, you claim these too? His smile lessens to a stern look, something only once seen before and that was to Kora about her first Torch.

I suggest we continue our exploration and see what we see. The Bronze Mask sent me here, I still know not the reason other than to guard my greatest treasures, my Family gathered here.  He looks for approval then continued.

I vote these two able to join The Company if able and aid in gathering the Dreams of the Ancients, so they can be returned where appropriate and where possible.  He felt this an appropriate response as the votes hadn't taken place before Gems hit the table.

Items of value to and owned by those being devined may, should help with locating.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:09, Mon 11 July 2022.
Almareth Siannodel
player, 11 posts
Cleric/Ranger of Solonor
Scout of Bristar
Mon 11 Jul 2022
at 19:42
  • msg #20

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"Forgive me, I just meant items for the Seldarine, I sometimes forget the proud, premier multiracial city of Myth Drannor also held temples to other race's deities. There are shrines and temples in to all Seldarine in Cormanthor, so I plan on restoring any that I find. Solonor is one of the protectors of my race so I just meant to safeguard those I know where they'd likely belong in the region. Of course dwarven religious artifacts belong to dwarves, and human artifacts to humans, and so on. If you all would be willing, to forgo any claim on any holy items to Solonor then I would greatly appreciate it. The other items holy to the Seldarine can be easily liquidated to the clergy of those deities, so it matters not who sells the items to them." Almareth says.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 11 posts
Mon 11 Jul 2022
at 23:10
  • msg #21

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek looks thoughtful listening to the conversation.

"I am not sure I understand very well, Corym.  Most of what is found is divided evenly between the members after a tax is collected as a shared fund for company business, common expenses, etc.  To join, we need to pay an even share of the current value of the company assets.  This all sounds fair.  I also have no issues that items founds that have a rightful owner should be returned to this rightful owner or that could be used for greater good should be used for the greater good. I am not a highly spiritual person but I have seen enough sufferance in my life to want to help where I can.

I am however confused about the items of magic being solely owned by the company rather than divided fairly.  What decides which items of magic are going to belong to the company rather than shared or liquidated and profits shared? "

Kitheras Sunblade
player, 550 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Tue 12 Jul 2022
at 00:07
  • msg #22

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Almareth Siannodel:
"Forgive me, I just meant items for the Seldarine, I sometimes forget the proud, premier multiracial city of Myth Drannor also held temples to other race's deities. There are shrines and temples in to all Seldarine in Cormanthor, so I plan on restoring any that I find. Solonor is one of the protectors of my race so I just meant to safeguard those I know where they'd likely belong in the region. Of course dwarven religious artifacts belong to dwarves, and human artifacts to humans, and so on. If you all would be willing, to forgo any claim on any holy items to Solonor then I would greatly appreciate it. The other items holy to the Seldarine can be easily liquidated to the clergy of those deities, so it matters not who sells the items to them." Almareth says.

"Thank you for clarifying, that is what I understood you to mean. Does that help, Krackor?"
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 550 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP: 44 / 44
Tue 12 Jul 2022
at 00:17
  • msg #23

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek Ragdar:
Torvek looks thoughtful listening to the conversation.

I am however confused about the items of magic being solely owned by the company rather than divided fairly.  What decides which items of magic are going to belong to the company rather than shared or liquidated and profits shared? "

Kitheras fields that question as Corym has not yet returned with his drink.

"If you can use it, and the company benefits by you using it, its assigned to you. You hold it and use it. I can't recall that we've ever had any argument about it, but Corym is the last of the original company member and he could speak to that."

"By default, ALL magic items are held in common.  Part of this has to do with the research and recovery mission of the company.  For instance, Corym has held a potion of extra healing aside for awhile now so that we can perform an alchemical analysis on it so that it could be replicated in the future. He made the proposal, we voted on it, but he's been tied up with Kora's apprenticeship for sometime so it has been delayed."

"Another recent example is that we located a scroll of seven 9th circle spells. It took over a month to decrypt the scroll--partly because the school of magic it belongs to no longer exists, and was encrypted on top of that. Consider the problems of simultaneously determining the cipher and then subsequently reverse engineering the magical principles.  The scroll was useless to every one of us, and was unlikely to be of use any time in the near future. We voted to trade it for some expanded magical training, the location of a wish for the resolution of a related project, and a promise that the sage would magically train any resident of Bristar seeking training in the Art pro bono. The terms were sound, were accepted, we were able to secure a community benefit for the cultural heirs of the item.

"Probably the question that will be brewing after our next expedition is what to do with the company's assets.  The company has acquired a generous sum, and not all of it is easy to transport.  A pair of our members have aspirations for building a Stronghold, but I doubt that their personal finances will solely underwrite the venture. Is it in the company's interest to invest in real estate? Or political endeavors. That's a question we've yet to take up formally."

This message was last edited by the player at 00:21, Tue 12 July 2022.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1725 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Tue 12 Jul 2022
at 00:32
  • msg #24

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kitheras Sunblade:
"Thank you for clarifying, that is what I understood you to mean. Does that help, Krackor?"

Krackor nods and his beaming, cheery smile returns.
Almareth Siannodel
player, 12 posts
Cleric/Ranger of Solonor
Scout of Bristar
Tue 12 Jul 2022
at 08:24
  • msg #25

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"I don't know where the bow is, because Grathgor Hawksong died in battle against the army of darkness in the southwest part of the city where he led the final stand giving his life so that the rest of the refugees that were able to flee the city and survive could get far enough in time. Honestly, one of his opponents could have taken it, and kept it in another part of the city, though. I do know that the last few nights my dreams have been clearer and left more of an impression on me than the ones before, and I think, not in words, as is the way of deities, Solonor will give me enough clues at some point to find it, or at least greatly reduce the area it may be in's size. I am not sure if he wants me to put it in the temple, or recover it, so some other worthy hero can use it again. Deities like their hints and riddles you know. If any hero were to be enshrined as a servant of Solonor, a heroic archer like Grathgor makes a lot of sense. If we do find one of the two shrines to Solonor, however, perhaps there is something I can recover there as well."
This message was last edited by the player at 18:43, Tue 12 July 2022.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1726 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Tue 12 Jul 2022
at 12:45
  • msg #26

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to Almareth Siannodel (msg # 25):

Krackor listened, he drank, he ate and listened some more.  He liked that Almareth didn't want the item for himself even though, if his patron Deity was showing him these things, then they wanted Almareth to have it.

"Almareth, this seems a worthy quest and in line with The Companies own, do not feel pushed to give away that which your God has shown you to take, they may have done this for a quest that is yet to be presented, although this would be a quest in it's own right."

He smiled outwards and prayed within for Gorm, the guardian of his kin to talk with Solonor, the guardian of Almareth's kin, to show the Elven priest his worth.

Then he turned his attention to Torvek Ragdar.  He looked him up and down and remembered others that had been and left the group, still family, he looked at the back of Corym as he stood at the bar and at his front as he returned with drinks. His smile, the ever infectious cheery grin present on his face as he looks at Torvek.

"Torvek, you need to get more sun, you look so pale, I have an idea, a good ride and walk North maybe, one through the woods to a city of marvel, or Splendour that once was.  I'd wager that would help.  The best thing about the Company owning the items, it doesn't feel as much of a sore hit when someone else needs to use it or them.  Lets say you are an archer or great worth and measure, then a strange bow, not the one Almareth is looking for, is found and you want it but you have a deep connection with your own and the others in the party have their own, then this new bow belongs to The Company and should you lose your, it can replace it until another time when you have retrieved it or got another, then this 'loan' gets returned.  However, if it was your family heirloom, would you be so willing to pass it on if the need arose?  Probably not.  So this is fair, if you have use of Dwarven Plate, I'm sure I could give you what I have on as long as you have better armour for me to wear, this is the remit of my faith."

Krackor doesn't talk much until he starts to feel the affects of the alcohol and has a target, so he stops, nods and has another drink.

"I have need to continue my duties, I will be with the horses."  Gets up, gives a small bow to the "Captain" and leaves.
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 12:45, Tue 12 July 2022.
GM, 3500 posts
Tue 12 Jul 2022
at 23:26
  • msg #27

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons


The ruins were all in the plains. There weren't any visible ruins in the forest either north or south of the Three Rivers Land. Which isn't to say that there aren't any, just that they couldn't be seen from the river.


Rethusra gets you to buy her another round and then cheerfully says, "Oh, aye. I remember that. He took it the same day. Teleporting's the same as cheating, and I wish I knew how. There wasn't a return letter, but Neldor did say that he left the guy packing for a trip." She shrugs. "Sorry I can't be more specific; Neldor's good at keeping secrets."
Torvek Ragdar
player, 12 posts
Tue 12 Jul 2022
at 23:55
  • msg #28

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek smile at Krackor's comment.

"Dwarven plate... Yes I am sure that would fit me just right would it not?" he answers back with a smile while looking up and down at himself.

Torverk continues politely but more seriously "But I am still unsure about this setup.  Suppose I came here dishonestly and claimed that I am on a mission from Lady Alustriel seeking, let say, a powerful staff that is needed to reinforce the Mythal of Silverymoon.  Then if we'd find a powerful staff, you would give it to me.  Instead, if I come here honestly and tell you that after spending the last ten years studying at the College of Thaumaturgy and serving with the Spellguards, I decided that it was time for me to explore and experience the rest of the world.  Then if we were to find a powerful staff, it would become company property and I would get no share of it.

"I understand that your goal is for the greater good.  And I also understand that it has worked for you so far.  But if you allow me, a system that risks rewarding dishonesty more than honesty is, shall we say, sub-optimal."

"I doubt I will change your mind tonight.  For now, I have met a group of adventurers who seems with whom I have a lot of common ground and similar goals.  Corym, can I borrow a copy of your charter for bedtime reading and this estimate of a share?  I'll give my answer in the morning.  Right now, believe it's my round.

On this Torvek orders a round of drink.
Tarron Ianfiel
player, 133 posts
AC -1, HP 33/33
Wed 13 Jul 2022
at 01:32
  • msg #29

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

"I think you would find that your staff issue would only be an issue if you believe that the company would leave the staff rotting in a backpack rather than providing it to you to use in your time in the company. The way I see it working is that the company has a long standing goal, and to achieve its goals it occasionally includes skilled participants such as yourself in its travels. Fortunately, the company has acquired a number of powerful magical items which may be called upon during your time here, and if you were to ever leave the company you would return them." explains Tarron.

"However, as you continue to provide your services, your service is rewarded by being provided a share of the wealth. This wealth can in turn be used to purchase company property to be able to take it with you when you leave. There only ever becomes an issue in the event that an item is contested by others, and in your case you are correct in stating that if somebody has a particular claim that appears stronger, the company may feel more inclined to sell the item to that person."

"It's an imperfect system, but I see a lot of merit in it."
Corym Ildroun
player, 2565 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Wed 13 Jul 2022
at 16:25
  • msg #30

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek Ragdar:
"I understand that your goal is for the greater good.  And I also understand that it has worked for you so far.  But if you allow me, a system that risks rewarding dishonesty more than honesty is, shall we say, sub-optimal."

"I doubt I will change your mind tonight.  For now, I have met a group of adventurers who seems with whom I have a lot of common ground and similar goals.  Corym, can I borrow a copy of your charter for bedtime reading and this estimate of a share?  I'll give my answer in the morning.  Right now, believe it's my round.

On this Torvek orders a round of drink.

Corym returns with drinks for himself, Kali, and Kora.  "The goals and values are the main thing. Mutual consent, mutual understanding. If we take our measure and take you in, and you know what that means--it tends to work itself out."

"That Mythal in Silverymoon, though, I'd be happy to talk you out of patching or strengthening it.  In my research, I haven't found a city yet where its worked out.  It produces comfort, well enough. But that comfort leads to lethargy, and within a few generations no one aspires high enough to even be able to grasp the workings of the thing. In the meantime the forces without have their ambitions heightened and staying firmly in touch with the practical realities of the world soon come to overwhelm what the ancestors had wrought. Over reliance on magic is the common theme is the destruction of every ancient society. Including our own."

Corym Ildroun
player, 2566 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Wed 13 Jul 2022
at 16:35
  • msg #31

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Link to the charter: link to a message in this game
Torvek Ragdar
player, 13 posts
Wed 13 Jul 2022
at 23:28
  • msg #32

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Corym Ildroun:
"That Mythal in Silverymoon, though, I'd be happy to talk you out of patching or strengthening it.  In my research, I haven't found a city yet where its worked out.  It produces comfort, well enough. But that comfort leads to lethargy, and within a few generations no one aspires high enough to even be able to grasp the workings of the thing. In the meantime the forces without have their ambitions heightened and staying firmly in touch with the practical realities of the world soon come to overwhelm what the ancestors had wrought. Over reliance on magic is the common theme is the destruction of every ancient society. Including our own."</Royalred>

"You may have misunderstood me, I am not an any official mission to find ways to strengthen Silverymoon's Mythal. I do not want to claim what I am not. I was using this as an example.  That said, I am attached and owe a lot to the city and if I find something that I believe would be important for Silverymoon, then this might trigger a calling in me that I will need act upon."
Kali Xilrora
player, 78 posts
HP 61/61
AC 4
Thu 14 Jul 2022
at 18:48
  • msg #33

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Kali nodded in quiet thanks to Corym and took a sip of her drink. Upon hearing the discussion about the charter and how it works, Kali smiled at Kora.

"I've never been happier to by unaligned and unaffiliated. They are making this sound so much more arduous than it should be." She sighed. "However, it's better to hammer out the terms and conditions at the beginning of a partnership to save your throat being slit later when a resolution can not be found. Cheers."
GM, 3501 posts
Thu 14 Jul 2022
at 19:25
  • msg #34

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons


You've spent much of the past two months catching up on your correspondence. This has been either a very good, or very bad, time to be away from Cormyr. The Crusade that Azoun led east against the invading Tuigan resulted in victory the previous year, but it's only now as everyone has been trickling back in that the cost has become clear.

Most of the nobles who left with the army, including many of your friends, are dead. They were concentrated heavily in the Crusade's cavalry, as befit men and women wealthy enough to have been owning and riding horses their entire lives. Unfortunately, the cavalry was drawn into a Tuigan ambush early in the campaign and slaughtered almost to the last. The shockwaves at the loss of so many of the current generation's best and brightest are still spreading through Cormyr's upper society.

On the one hand, you're sure there's all sorts of wheeling and dealing happening amongst the grief, as everyone tries to figure out what the new status quo will be. That means plenty of coin available for someone fast and clever to make.

On the other hand, that's a lot of memorials you don't have to attend.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1727 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Thu 14 Jul 2022
at 19:32
  • msg #35

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

In reply to Kali Xilrora (msg # 33):

Cheers Kali.  I'm so glad you are on my, I mean our side.!

He looks at Torvek and says Cheers for the Drink.  Who's up for a bit of singing?  I know some of you have wonderful voices, even if the singing voice is a little too high pitched, yes Corym I'm looking at you.  He can't control himself, he bursts out laughing.  It is a sight that the newcomers had probably never seen or heard before, not only a Dwarf but a Dwarven Priest of a Guardian Diety.

Unbeknown to those who hadn't been there since the Dragon, Krackor was Always on Duty and knew where every person, every tankard and every weapon was in that Tavern Room, even the sword and axe behind the bar which moved every time anyone leaned heavily against it.
This message was last edited by the player at 08:45, Fri 15 July 2022.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 14 posts
Thu 14 Jul 2022
at 23:02
  • msg #36

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek raises his tankard to the dwarf.

"Let's hear it then!  I'll have to warn you my ears are finely attuned to the great miners song of Mirabar.  You will have to give it all your heart to measure to the best Northern Dwarves!"
Kali Xilrora
player, 80 posts
HP 61/61
AC 4
Fri 15 Jul 2022
at 14:01
  • msg #37

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons


On the one hand, you're sure there's all sorts of wheeling and dealing happening amongst the grief, as everyone tries to figure out what the new status quo will be. That means plenty of coin available for someone fast and clever to make.

On the other hand, that's a lot of memorials you don't have to attend.

Kali raised her glass to recognize Krackor's compliment. Her smile was kind, but did not reach her eyes and faded rather quickly. She couldn't deny that she wasn't in the right mindset for playful banter. She sighed slightly as her mind kept drifting to the letter she received earlier that day.

More tragic news about those who had left on campaign, but also an interesting business opportunity that she would have to make a play on before heading out on the next adventure. She knew that her options were limited so far from the city, but she also knew that being home would be mentally painful and physically draining.

She continued to drink as she politely listened to the others while absentmindedly shuffling her deck of cards.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1730 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 54/43
Sat 16 Jul 2022
at 08:50
  • msg #38

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Torvek Ragdar:
Torvek raises his tankard to the dwarf.

"Let's hear it then!  I'll have to warn you my ears are finely attuned to the great miners song of Mirabar.  You will have to give it all your heart to measure to the best Northern Dwarves!"

Krackor gives his best reduction of a Caravan Song he picked up on his first trip that got him to Berdusk before he met Corym and Elorfindar. After all, they were to take a journey themselves once more.
Torvek Ragdar
player, 17 posts
Sun 17 Jul 2022
at 21:42
  • msg #39

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

The next morning, Torvek comes to talk to the company.

“I read the charter and I think this is a fair contract. If we work together for a time and it came to a point where I needed to leave, the charter provides clauses that would make that possible fairly.  The reason could be as simple as due to the fact that I’ll probably get old sooner than most of you. The clause to purchase important items from the company is also good. So here is my signature and gems for my share.

GM, 3503 posts
Mon 18 Jul 2022
at 05:38
  • msg #40

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

Setting Out

With Kora's apprenticeship celebration done, your bags packed, and spells traded between Torvek and the various Art-using folks in the company, you get one more good night's rest in Ashabenford and then set out onto the road again. It's a glorious summer day, and with Krackor riding a horse conjured for him by Torvek, the group makes rapid pace across the plains.

Summer is a lovely time to visit Oakengrove Abbey. The trees are all in full leaf, the glorious green of an ancient grove in excellent health. Its caretakers are in finer spirits as well, tending the trees and undergrowth in short sleeves, their old arms wrinkled by both age and sun.

Oakfather Gannon Durei meets with you as soon as you make yourselves known at the gate. At first he tries (again) to recruit you to adventure in the temple's service, but when you decline, he agrees to store your material in the temple. It costs 50 gold a year, but he promises that it will be buried somewhere in the vast abbey and hidden from all save Silvanus's priests.

Your business concluded, you retrace your steps to Ashabenford, restock your supplies, and march out to the east. The road is busy (for Dalelands standards of busy), and a sudden thunderstorm drenches you for a bell one afternoon, but otherwise your journey is uneventful all the way to the Standing Stone and a full day south.

Almareth leads the way, Solonor's champion extremely familiar with this stretch of forest. Though his patrols usually take him through the forest and not along the road, he knows exactly where all the rough patches are, and guides you through them.

Midmorning, however, Almareth pauses. He can't say precisely what is wrong, but he knows something's changed. Holding up his hand, he brings the rest of the group to a halt, eyes searching outward just as the ground erupts. Four ankhegs leap from the ground on either side of the trail, where they had been waiting for someone to wander through. Their mandibles wave eagerly as they surge towards you.

((ooc: As is traditional, I'm following a new character introduction with a battle, to walk everyone through the process when it's less life-or-death. The format for combat posts is pinned, but I've also included it here.

Format for combat posts:
<orange>((ooc: [Describe Actions Here]
Initiative: [Initiative Roll]
Weapon speed: [Weapons Speed/Casting Time and Modifiers]
Modified THAC0: [From combat sheet, show situational modifiers separately]
Attack: [Attack Roll]
Damage: [Damage Roll + Modifiers]))</orange>

Everyone please roll initiative and declare actions!))

Corym Ildroun
player, 2573 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Mon 18 Jul 2022
at 12:59
  • msg #41

Re: New Friends, Old Horizons

((ooc: [Corym is going to cast Evard's Black Tentacles on the area occupied by the two to the North East.  8 Tentacles are created.]
Initiative: [Casting Time is 1 Round]

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