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11:59, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

S1 11a - Holy Ground.

Posted by The KeeperFor group 0
Thomas Bees
player, 270 posts
Wed 17 May 2023
at 02:23
  • msg #55

11 - Holy Ground

Thomas stayed by the door as the Doctor and Master Fox approached. He looked out the door as he tried to catch some of the conversation if he could.

Thomas Bees rolled 29 using 1d100.  Listen = 25%.

This message was last edited by the player at 02:23, Wed 17 May 2023.
St. Giles in the Fields
Wed 17 May 2023
at 08:05
  • msg #56

11 - Holy Ground

The length and sturdiness of the old Noman narthex swallows up Tom's attempts at eavesdropping, though he can see Maggie standing in the half-light well enough, and the Doctor outside.

[[Optional Spot Hidden roll available, Tom & Maggie. Also, since I'm not sure if Maggie had an on/in typo and how familiar my players are with Norman architecture, the church porch is a structure like <a href=> this one in Castle Rising</a> on the other side of England. It's like a little room rather than a house porch]]
Margaret Yendale
player, 268 posts
the poacher's daughter
Wed 17 May 2023
at 11:52
  • msg #57

11 - Holy Ground

Temporarily stranded against the porch wall, Maggie's eyes adjust, the indecipherable murmur of conversation outside letting her concentration wander just a little, her body primed for movement. Old features of the church she'd always seen but never thought about seem oddly pertinent tonight.

Yes, in would have been the better word choice. I picture her on the most shadowed side of the room, peering and listening out the door.

Margaret Yendale rolled 19 for Spot Hidden 35

[[GM edit: pouring results into the empty post/being a huge nerd]]
This message was last edited by the GM at 12:37, Wed 17 May 2023.
Janet Criddle
NPC, 4 posts
Like the Lark
In the Morning
Wed 17 May 2023
at 19:47
  • msg #58

11 - Holy Ground

In reply to Samuel Hartman (msg # 54):

Sam had posed his question as Master Fox was rising: it seemed the noble had not heard him. After a few moments' pause, Janet fidgets and looks about her, nervously disinclined to make casual conversation with her mother at present. She seizes on her father's farmhand as a distraction, still rather flushed at the prospect of spending the night in her new house, but as always observant and concerned: "Oh, Sam, you're limping...why don't you sit and wait for the Doctor to come back?"

She drops her gaze to the coat near her, holding the ring not yet quite hers in one hand as she reaches out to brush her fine fingers over the hole and bloodstain on it with the other, the silvered thread glittering bright through the dulling red. The girl gives a neat little shudder and draws herself in, looking very small and delicate alone on her pew of a sudden. "What were you saying about dreams?" she asks Sam.
Martin Lovelace
player, 200 posts
Thu 18 May 2023
at 17:46
  • msg #59

11 - Holy Ground

The doctor nods, pauses a while and then speaks quietly in return
This message was lightly edited by the player at 17:47, Thu 18 May 2023.
Nathan Fox
NPC, 39 posts
Finest Fellow You Could
Ever Hope To See
Thu 18 May 2023
at 19:28
  • msg #60

11 - Holy Ground

The younger man's tone is pensive. He gives a tense sigh over the other topic.
This message was last edited by the player at 10:01, Sat 20 May 2023.
Samuel Hartman
player, 219 posts
Mon 22 May 2023
at 02:28
  • msg #61

11 - Holy Ground

In reply to Janet Criddle (msg # 58):

Sam frowns when Janet asks him about the dreams. Although he had been the one to bring the topic up in the first place, he had only intended to speak to Master Fox about it. As he nods to Janet, he sits down on one of the pews, lifting his leg up with a wince.

"The night Polly disappeared... I had a dark dream as well. I wonder if it is connected to anything. I wanted to see what Master Fox's dream was about."
Andrew Sexton
player, 174 posts
Mon 22 May 2023
at 12:26
  • msg #62

11 - Holy Ground

Looking around the room for John Collins, or his daughter Hester, Andrew approaches them to ask if they have seen Robin, or know of his whereabouts.
The Keeper
GM, 577 posts
Mon 22 May 2023
at 13:02
  • msg #63

11 - Holy Ground

John Collins approves of Andrew taking the extra step of requesting permission to speak with his daughters; Hessie refers him to Beth, who was on bar.

"He went out when everyone did, to see what the commotion was, but I didn't see him after that," she says. "Gone with whoever was locking up Jim, most like."
Janet Criddle
NPC, 5 posts
Like the Lark
In the Morning
Mon 22 May 2023
at 20:41
  • msg #64

11 - Holy Ground

In reply to Samuel Hartman (msg # 61):

"Oh, have my cloak for a pillow under that, Sam, do," Janet says, leaning to offer the garment, her concern quite genuine despite their disparity in class. Her mother moves silently to take her hair in hand once she's settled back, unpinning it from her cap, smoothing and re-plaiting it whilst they wait for the Vicar's reappearance as though Janet were a small child sat by some home hearth. Janet makes herself lean back and let her, gradually relaxing under the familiar motions.

" odd...Nate had thought he'd been having bad dreams for a while before Polly vanished, but he never quite remembered them. After she...after that night, he seems to have had worse dreams, like he sensed something was wrong all the while..." She tenses against another neat little shiver.

"As for what he dreamt in the Wood, he wouldn't even talk to me about it, or...couldn't. I think perhaps he wanted to tell me about something, only usually when a feeling's too big for us, or doesn't fit into words, our hearts are so close that we may grasp the shape of the idea just from looks, or touches, and...and I couldn't, that time. I think he knew I couldn't have any reference for what he experienced out there."

She pauses, adding after a moment: "He told me I'd be safe no matter what, though, and with such certainty. Nathan would surely fight any witch for me - as I would for him - but I feel like maybe he felt an omen in that wise, too. I hope he doesn't mind me talking this way, about omens...he likes to make a show of thinking all charms and 'superstition' are games, but I think he's sensitive to them, a little bit. Maybe you are, too. Did you dream a murder?"
Andrew Sexton
player, 175 posts
Wed 24 May 2023
at 01:19
  • msg #65

11 - Holy Ground

Thanking the Collins family each in turn, Andrew quietly set out for the cell, in hopes of finding Robin, wondering if his apprentice had believed that there was yet more truth to be drawn out of Jim Stone.
Thomas Bees
player, 271 posts
Wed 24 May 2023
at 08:00
  • msg #66

11 - Holy Ground

"Where are you off to Andrew ?" asks Thomas as the man walks past him.

Andrew Sexton
player, 176 posts
Wed 24 May 2023
at 12:19
  • msg #67

11 - Holy Ground

”Neither Mistress Yendale nor I know where Robin has gone,” Andrew explains, his brow creased with concern, ”Beth Collins said she thought he’d gone with those who were placing Jim Stone in the cell. I was off to find him.”
Thomas Bees
player, 272 posts
Wed 24 May 2023
at 21:12
  • msg #68

11 - Holy Ground

"Here, I will come to. Extra pair of eyes an all." He turns and tells Lucy not to leave the confines of the church for any reason, even if she sees him beckoning her from beyond the threshold.

Lucy Ann Bees
NPC, 32 posts
Like the lily that
Grows in yon valley
Wed 24 May 2023
at 21:39
  • msg #69

11 - Holy Ground

Lucy gives her brother a rather hurt look and deliberately turns away to go and hasten over to the Collinses, not looking back at him. Beth takes one glance at the expression on Lucy's face and puts an arm over her shoulders to hug her like an extra sister, looking about for Tom just to frown at him.
Reverend Palmer
player, 226 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Fri 26 May 2023
at 05:55
  • msg #70

11 - Holy Ground

Cecil feels the absence of young Robin, meanwhile in the vestry, as he slowly dons the appropriate vestments. Gracious Lord, I ask of You this night to deliver young Master Yendale, Your faithful acolyte, safely into the arms of they who love him. He is a good lad and true, ever delighting in Your Holy Word. I dare say he may one day make a fine priest himself.
Margaret Yendale
player, 270 posts
the poacher's daughter
Fri 26 May 2023
at 18:52
  • msg #71

11 - Holy Ground

Maggie watches Andrew and Tom depart the church without hindrance or comment.
Nathan Fox
NPC, 40 posts
Finest Fellow You Could
Ever Hope To See
Fri 26 May 2023
at 23:03
  • msg #72

11 - Holy Ground

Master Fox pushes away from the wall at the approaching steps and stands aside as Long Tom ducks his way out of the narthex. He takes a step back and watches from the shadows as Andrew exits, too, little more of him easily seen than those places the rising moon might touch his outline and the cautious glimmer of his eyes. Other things watch, dotted out in the churchyard and the lane beyond: low things with eyes that catch the light cast by the lantern of the men just come in by the gate and keep it.

Hares, night beings, lurkers-in-ditches. The young Squire seems unalarmed at the presence of at least four around the place in mysterious congregation, but gives those leaving some seconds' more attention, wary of men's movements after all the happenings tonight.

"Take care, gentlemen," is all he says, and looks from his father-in-law's approach to the Doctor, intimating they might return inside.
Samuel Hartman
player, 220 posts
Sat 27 May 2023
at 02:58
  • msg #73

11 - Holy Ground

In reply to Janet Criddle (msg # 64):

Sam listens intently to Janet, wincing once more, though not nearly as intensely as when he lifted his leg up onto the pew.

"It was... a dream of some sacrifice, with the community gathered round. Though... it seemed oddly similar that my dream was of sacrifice and that Master Fox's was of murder. One other thing that seemed ominous... the other farmhands all had the same dream."

Margaret Yendale
player, 271 posts
the poacher's daughter
Sat 27 May 2023
at 03:07
  • msg #74

11 - Holy Ground

Seeing Mister Criddle arrive at the churchyard as Andrew and Tom depart, Maggie takes advanyage of the distraction to slip back into the church. A stray thought of Robin briefly touches her mind and she's glad Andrew Sexton is going out to find him.

Just inside, she finds a shadowed spot to stand and await Doctor.
Thomas Bees
player, 273 posts
Sat 27 May 2023
at 04:02
  • msg #75

11 - Holy Ground

Thomas watched his sister leave and gave Beth a wink before turning and following Andrew out. As he approaches the door he places his hat back on and tips it to the Doctor and Master Fox as they leave.

Andrew Sexton
player, 177 posts
Sun 28 May 2023
at 15:59
  • msg #76

11 - Holy Ground

”Thank you, Tom,” Andrew says, grateful for the other’s willingness to accompany him. He gives the remainder of the gathering a nod before departing the church for the cell.
Janet Criddle
NPC, 6 posts
Like the Lark
In the Morning
Sun 28 May 2023
at 20:16
  • msg #77

11 - Holy Ground

In reply to Samuel Hartman (msg # 73):

"Our community? -or some other?" Janet asks, concerned. "-and I don't know if Nate dreamt a murder on the first or in the Wood: perhaps it was the very same sacrifice. I just noticed his sleep had got worse. Gosh, I wonder if that was...well, Her In The Wood, suggesting what ought to be done, or God sending us a warning about what might happen, if there were many corrupted in the community."

She reaches up to feel her hair as her mother finishes re-binding it for the last time they'll share a name; perhaps the last time in general. The Hall's maids would see to it on the morrow. "Oh, but let's set such topics aside for the night - or for the Vicar, when he's back. I want to get myself together, I-I'm a little nervous..."

Master Fox reappears at the doorway and seems transfixed, even breath-taken for a moment when Janet turns about at catching his movement: it needs no words for him to tell her that she holds him in amaze with everything she is, and still more the clenching thought that she's so nearly bound to him, and willingly. He manages to persuade his legs to cross to her and kisses the hand proffered to him to hold, taking it, and then the other, offered in jest. Janet blushes to find herself so tenderly trapped and her mother fails to wedge any hard gaze between them.

"Your father's almost here, my sweet. Is the Vicar ready?"
Martin Lovelace
player, 201 posts
Sun 28 May 2023
at 20:19
  • msg #78

11 - Holy Ground

In reply to Margaret Yendale (msg # 74):

[[Moving things on for Martin since it's been over a week with no response to the standard poke, though I sincerely hope he comes back.
edit: player apparently looked in right as I was posting, but hasn't seen this yet - maybe hold off any replies until American Tomorrow?
edit II: typo fix, given American Tomorrow came and seems set to go with nothing but crickets here all round...]]

Meanwhile, the Doctor notes Maggie's waiting-spot almost more by instinct than awareness, looking troubled and pensive. He approaches the tall young woman to lean in and speak quietly to her a moment. "Master Fox will not be put off the duel-" he holds up a hand to forestall exclamation at his failure and drops his voice still further, very much for Maggie alone to hear. The inexplicable connection holds taut between them.

 Doctor Lovelace gives a tense sigh, looking over at Master Fox and his bride. Outside there comes the scuffle of steps approaching.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:11, Mon 29 May 2023.
The Keeper
GM, 581 posts
Tue 30 May 2023
at 08:49
  • msg #79

11 - Holy Ground

Meanwhile, stout Barney Criddle comes in through the porch with those sent to escort him, his best coat thrown on and looking just about ready to swat someone with his hat in slightly riled bewilderment. He might have called some demand for a better explanation across, even in church, but between his wife's quelling look and his young daughter's adoring gaze upon the one she wants to marry he holds his peace, at least until he's crossed the floor to them. He sets his big, rough hand on theirs. "A duel, Nathan? ...and you're all right with this sudden rush, Janet?"

"I'm...yes, Dad. Please." Janet smiles at her father, though the nervousness about her mother seems to have returned.

Master Fox also smiles to see his darling do so, though it turns rueful when looking to his father-in-law. "A silly duel, in all, but you see the chunk taken out of me. I will not hide behind the Law, nor allow foolish rumours to go unchallenged if they might stain the least part of your daughter's honour; it must be done. The boy shall have his handicap, but I expect to kiss wife on tomorrow's evening in the same manner as that morning. If she'd like," he adds the last as much to Janet, who only goes pinker in response.
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