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02:06, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Request to Join and Rules.

Posted by Vaelan NightshadeFor group public
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 2 posts
Master of Stories
Mon 31 Jul 2023
at 13:32
  • msg #1

Request to Join and Rules

Which books are allowed? Basic rule book and Newest Savage Worlds Fantasy Companion.
*NOTE* certain rules from Pathfinder will be adapted. Examples: Treasures which are specifically weaker. Mostly using the two books above as guidelines, very few other rules will be taken from Pathfinder.

Which races aren't allowed? Use the following as a guideline:
AQUARIANS (we aren't going to primarily be playing in water areas so this leads for a bad time for the player.)

AVIONS (they will be eliminated for good reason that you will learn. Nothing story wise but this race will exist and is unavailable for the player characters.)

CELESTIALS (these will not exist in the game unless I determine there's a good reason for them to be in the world.)

CENTAURS (mainly tribal. Not ideal for player characters.)

DRAGONFOLK (exists but they are once again tribal, will exist but likely not to be player characters.)

GRAVEBORN (vampires and other creatures will exist. I don't see the use with starting with these.)

HALF-GIANTS, ORCS, OGRES, INSECTOIDS, MINOTAURS, RATLINGS, SAURAINS, SERPENTFOLK, SHAPESHIFTERS (all don't really fit into player characters. Probably will see them in the world but more of tribal creatures.)

Anything else outside of that not mentioned is fair game. I haven't decided just how I am going to do ANCESTRIES but I feel like we can include those on maybe a player bases. I will have to see.

How many posts are you requesting per week? Minimum of 3 post per week will be required. If you need to slow down that's fine but just realize that as a group I may have to split off those who don't post as much as the faster characters and create two groups. I think 3 post is doable. I don't expect paragraphs of texts.

Will languages be a thing? YES! We will be using languages fully to make sure that there is a sense of realism world wise. There will be a common language and then each race will have their own language. There also maybe dead languages in the world.

What about classes? Not adapting classes from Pathfinder or otherwise to the game. I think it's more fun when you can build what you like and see how it goes. With that said if you need help developing a path or what not I'd be happy to help you tinker.

What level will be start with? Novices. Unless you take the background young or old which I am fine with.

How much money do we start with? Depends on your build. If you are rich or not. Otherwise assume standard pricing in book.

Are any arcane classes limited? Nope. All are available for use. I would however advise against Diabolist and Nercomancer. These tend to be more NPC classes but if you really want to play a more devilish character then that's fine too. Just don't expect a commonly good group to follow your adventures. Same goes with a more evil group with people who want to play holy things like Paladin or Cleric.
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:43, Mon 31 July 2023.
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 4 posts
Master of Stories
Mon 31 Jul 2023
at 15:33
  • msg #2

Settings specific rules


Creative Combat: A raise on a Test allows the character to roll on a special table
that grants additional effects
Dumb Luck: Characters may spend a Benny after a Critical Failure, allowing another
chance for success in unusual and unexpected ways

Dynamic Backlash: A Critical Failure on an arcane skill roll forces the player to
roll on a special table with various chaotic results.
Gritty Damage: When Wild Cards take a Wound, they roll on the Injury Table and apply the results.
High Adventure: Spend a Benny to gain the one-time use of a Combat Edge.
More Skill Points: Player characters in advanced or specialized settings start
with 15 skill points
decided against this sorry.
Multiple Languages: Characters know half their Smarts die type in different
languages at d6.
Wound Cap: Wild Cards never suffer more than four wounds from a single hit.


The technology in the world is very new to the world. Things like flintlock pistols and rifles exists (black powdered) but not anything automatic (to your knowledge). Most travel is still be horse and carriage or beast. Some lords have things like steam powered carriages. Nothing flying exists in massive form so no airships but whispers of things exist.

Steam powered ships do exist but once again are usually owned by people of power and influence. Clockwork creatures are things of wonder but are very rare and uncommon with the exception of small creatures that mimic real world animals.

Streets lights are still powered by gas/oil/magic. Some vaults and things of such do exist.

Magic in the presents of technology tend to occasionally interfere with one another like there is an unseen battle taking place. Magic is weakened. Technology malfunctions more.

You can start with these technologies if you wish. Being a tinker is character is allowed. Traps and such is also pretty common.


Common (Human): The common tongue shared among humans and widely spoken across Aeloria.

Dwarvish (Dwarves): The ancient and robust language of the dwarves, filled with intricate grammar and rich vocabulary.

Elemental Tongue (Elemental Scions): A mystical and fluid language spoken by the elemental scions, infused with the essence of the elements.
Elvish (Elves): An elegant and melodic language used by the elves, known for its poetic expressions and subtle nuances.

Fey Language (Fairies): A magical and ethereal language spoken by fairies, allowing them to commune with nature and other magical creatures.

Gnomish (Gnomes): The inventive and quirky language of the gnomes, filled with technical jargon and playfully coined phrases.

Goblin Tongue (Goblins): The crude and guttural language used by goblins, characterized by a mix of grunts, growls, and sharp sounds.

Half-Elvish (Half-Elves): A blend of human and elvish languages, spoken by half-elves, incorporating elements from both races.

Orcish (Half-Orcs): The fierce and assertive language of the half-orcs, marked by strong sounds and commanding tones.

Infernal Tongue (Infernals): A fiery and intense language spoken by infernals, often used for summoning and casting powerful spells.

Rodent Runes (Mouselings): The playful and animated language of mouselings, often using intricate patterns and gestures.

Rakashan Tongue (Rakashans): A graceful and agile language used by rakashans, incorporating a blend of sounds and purring.


These languages cost 2 points for being uncivilized and harder to learn with the exception of half breeds such a Mouselings, half-orcs, and goblins which may get some of these as 1 point.

Rodentian (Ratlings): The chittering and high-pitched language of the ratlings, using a combination of clicks and squeaks to communicate.

Beast Tongue (Half-Giants, Orcs, Ogres, Goblins, Minotaurs): The guttural and primal language of the beast-like creatures, using a combination of growls, roars, and rough sounds to communicate.

Reptilian Tongue (Saurians, Serpentfolk): The hissing and reptilian language spoken by both saurians and serpentfolk, utilizing serpentine gestures and subtle nuances.

Chittering (Insectoids): The clicking and buzzing language of the insectoids, utilizing complex patterns of sounds and gestures.

Centaurian (Centaurs): The melodic and rhythmic language spoken by centaurs, incorporating elements of equine sounds and nature's rhythm.

Draconic (DragonFolk): The majestic and powerful language of the dragonfolk, echoing with the might of dragonkind.

Aquatic Tongue (Aquarians): The fluid and enchanting language spoken by the aquarians, evoking the calming rhythms of water.

Avian Call (Avions): The melodious and bird-like language of the avions, using whistles, chirps, and trills to communicate.

Aetherian Script (Magic) *READ ONLY*: The language of ancient magic and lost relics, spoken and written by powerful mages and scholars. Aetherian Script is a sacred and mystical language, imbued with the essence of the aether, the magical energy that flows throughout the world. It is filled with intricate symbols and sigils that hold the secrets of forgotten spells, ancient incantations, and the arcane wisdom of ages past.

Mechanite Script (Technology) *READ ONLY*: The language of clockwork, machines, and technological artifacts, used by skilled engineers, tinkerers, and inventors. Mechanite Script consists of intricate symbols and numerical codes, allowing those well-versed in technology to communicate complex instructions and access the inner workings of mechanical devices.
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:34, Mon 31 July 2023.
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 5 posts
Master of Stories
Mon 31 Jul 2023
at 15:50
  • msg #3

Starting location

Here is the info on the start location. I will allow you full decision as to why you are there and what is the purpose:

Each character will have a contact in port. I will give you the name and race of the character along with some background information. The rest will be up to you to decide what you do with it. Also not mentioning any alignment information of the NPC. It's not something you have to follow or even deal with if you don't choose. It's simply someone you have history with for good or bad.

Kingdom: Stormhaven
Landscape: Stormhaven is a coastal realm with rugged cliffs, stormy seas, and hidden coves. The kingdom is known for its mastery of maritime trade, sailing prowess, and fierce naval forces.

Introduction to Stormharbor:

Welcome to Stormharbor, a bustling port city nestled between rocky cliffs and a pristine harbor. As your ship sails into the docks, you are greeted by the sight of majestic sailing vessels and intricate clockwork creations adorning the cityscape. The air is thick with the scent of sea salt and the promise of adventure. The distant call of gulls mingles with the bustle of merchants and travelers, creating a symphony of excitement and wonder.

Geography and Landscape:
Stormharbor is situated along the rocky coast, protected by high cliffs on one side and a deep, natural harbor on the other. The Badlands, a treacherous and uncharted expanse, loom to the east of the city, harboring ancient ruins and powerful relics. To the west, thick forests and rolling hills stretch as far as the eye can see, teeming with mythical creatures and untamed beauty.

Places of Interest:

Stormharbor Market: A vibrant marketplace where exotic goods from across Aeloria are sold. The scent of spices and the sight of enchanted trinkets captivate the senses.

Tempest Tavern: A lively inn designed to resemble a ship, where tales of maritime adventures are shared over ales and seafood delicacies.

Whispers and Shadows Library: An ancient library that houses cryptic tomes and historical records, presided over by the elusive librarian, Elysia Silverthorn.

The Iron Anvil Guildhall: A grand guildhall known for producing the finest blacksmithing and crafting work under the leadership of Gareth Stoneforge.

Sunset Promenade: A picturesque boardwalk overlooking the harbor, where visitors can witness breathtaking sunsets and enjoy freshly caught seafood.

Rulership and Common Races:
Stormharbor is governed by a human monarchy, with a wise and benevolent king ruling over the city and surrounding regions. The city embraces a diverse mix of races, with humans, dwarves, elves, and elemental scions being the most common. Fairies, gnomes, and other races also find a warm welcome in this melting pot of cultures.

Laws and Order:
The laws of Stormharbor prioritize fairness, protection, and maintaining the delicate balance between technology and magic. The possession of advanced technology, especially those that dampen magic, is heavily regulated to prevent its overuse and its negative effects on magical energies. The city is also vigilant against corruption, with the king's council overseeing justice and ensuring all inhabitants are treated fairly.

As you step foot onto the shores of Stormharbor, the possibilities for adventure are endless. Embrace the magic and technology that coexist within this unique realm, and prepare to immerse yourself in a world where ancient mysteries and new discoveries await your exploration.
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 6 posts
Master of Stories
Mon 31 Jul 2023
at 16:04
  • msg #4

Mature themes

Generally the world is dark. Expect dark things that lurk in the corners of the world. Expect both heroes and villains that have been changed by society itself. Motivations are not limited to X did something wrong to me. Expect dark overtones.

Sexism: limited to vulgar slang exists.
Racism: Specific focusing on the divide in poor/rich, civilized races/uncivilized races and technology/magic. Expect these to be common in some areas. Specific regions might be unwelcoming to certain races/characters.
Brutalism: Due to the dark nature of the game. Brutalism is a thing although certain things such as tortured maybe skimmed over due to the nature of what is done.
Rape: This will fade to black if ever talked about with zero details.
Slang: Expect certain races in certain regions to have specific names for them. Example: Slantly ears, Leafslingers, Hellborn, mixed bloods, etc.
Sex: generally fade to black unless humor is involved. Think Balders Gate 3/Fallout humor.
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