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Worded Story Game II.

Posted by embladeFor group 0
GM, 1735 posts
Too tired to finish
this sente....
Sat 3 May 2003
at 14:13
  • msg #1

Worded Story Game II

 This is a continuous storyline.  Each player posting is to add two or three sentences to the story using the two words that the previous player selected.

For Example:
Jack walked up the hill and looked around.  He was surprised to see that Jill was nowhere to be found so he immediately phoned the missing persons bureuea (sp).  "Hello" came the operator's voice.


The next person must use cactus and hamburger in their continuation.

For Example:
"Yes, operator I can't find Jill."
"Did you look behind the cactus?"
"No, there is a giant hamburger in the way."

He then selects two words of his own for the next player.


I'll start:

A young man walked through the crowded streets of the big city looking for a legendary comic book store. He knew he was in the right vicinity, but he didn't know exactly where it was because he had never been to this part of the city before in his life. He walked up to a stranger reading a magazine at a newsstand and asked "Excuse me, Mister. Do you know where Charisma's Comic Shop is at?"

Columbus, Ohio
player, 756 posts
Sun 4 May 2003
at 23:05
  • msg #2

Re: Worded Story Game II

The stranger reading a magazine at the newsstand looked at him. He ran out in the street, and then he ceremonially disemboweled himself with his biscuit in the middle of the street facing east, as it started to rain. The headline on the paper said, "Man Found Bored to Death in Columbus, Ohio."

GM, 44 posts
Mon 5 May 2003
at 01:12
  • msg #3

Re: Worded Story Game II

The young man followed the stranger out into the street, took the ceremonial death biscuit from him, and added it to his own breakfast sausage that he brought with him from home. "Dang," he muttered to himself, "that is the best sausage biscuit I have had in some time. Now, I still need to find that comic store."

"Don't you mean evil comic store?" came a voice from behind the young man.

"What?" said the young man, turning around.

player, 813 posts
Mon 5 May 2003
at 14:23
  • msg #4

Re: Worded Story Game II

"Charisma's evil comic store can be found in the middle of the smelly ditch at the end of this street, young man," said a tall man dressed in black.

"What does the smelly ditch smell like?" asked the young man. The rain stopped.

ball lightning
GM, 56 posts
Mon 5 May 2003
at 20:04
  • msg #5

Re: Worded Story Game II

"What a peculiar question," said the tall stranger in black. "Are you on acid?"
"No sir," came the reply. "I just really need to find that comic store so I can pick up a rare issue of my favorite comic book, Ball Lightning."
"Ah yes... a fine title indeed, but beware of the smelly ditch and be even more aware of the evil comic shop, but be most aware of tall strangers in black overcoats," and with that, the tall stranger slapped the young man firmly across the cheek.

player, 893 posts
Mon 5 May 2003
at 20:47
  • msg #6

Re: Worded Story Game II

Then the tall man in the black overcoat ran as if it was race. "And don't forget to bring a chaperone!" he yelled.

The young man walked up the street toward the evil comic book store. He was thinking about going to see X2 later.

Justin Timberlake
Justin Thyme
GM, 65 posts
Mon 5 May 2003
at 22:28
  • msg #7

Re: Worded Story Game II

"Man, I'd love to see X2," he mumbled to himself as he was in the habit of doing. Apparently he was unable to contain an unvoiced thought, much like Justin Timberlake.

As he made his way toward the now apparent comic store, he passed a porno shop that was advertising the new Justin Thyme DVD. "Hey, I was just thinking about him!"

"No, you're thinking of Justin Timberlake," another mysterious stranger interjected.

"Oh, okay... thanks."


player, 918 posts
Mon 5 May 2003
at 23:44
  • msg #8

Re: Worded Story Game II

He wondered if the new vagrant knew what he was talking about. In any, case, as he had almost reached the evil comic book store, he had a craving for delicious caramel apples. He was overcome by this craving, but he didn't know where it had come from or where to get any, so he kept going.

toaster oven
automatic dishwasher
player, 294 posts
Admin. of Fun For All!
in adult
Tue 6 May 2003
at 09:42
  • msg #9

Re: Worded Story Game II

Walking along, he stares up in wonder at the long sought evil comic book store.  Not looking where he is going, he suddenly trips over something and falls to the floor with a bump.

"What the....  a toaster oven?" he questions, looking round at the carelessly placed object.

"Well at least it wasn't an automatic dishwasher!"  He grumbles.  Picking himself up, he carries on towards his destination, rubbing his now sore head.

This message was last edited by the player at 18:00, Tue 06 May 2003.
player, 940 posts
Tue 6 May 2003
at 18:36
  • msg #10

Re: Worded Story Game II

The evil comic store was up ahead. It looked superb. Even the public telephone outside sparkled. He reached for the door and opened it, walking inside.

jelly bean
player, 317 posts
Admin. of Fun For All!
in adult
Tue 6 May 2003
at 18:44
  • msg #11

Re: Worded Story Game II

"Oh damn it!" he cursed, grumbling once more as the brightest laser he had ever had the opportunity to witness flashed across his eyes.  Blinding him momentarily, he stumbled and bumped into a sweet little girl munching on jelly beans.

"Oh I'm terribly sorry little girl" he muttered absently as his eyes feasted on the incredible contents of the store.

player, 957 posts
Tue 6 May 2003
at 19:19
  • msg #12

Re: Worded Story Game II

There were green videos, but mostly he saw a lot of comic books with titles he'd never heard before. Of course, he could see the stacks of Ball Lightning, and X-Men, but also wierd comics he'd never heard of before that sounded slightly evil, like the Witch with the Video, and Meet the Story Goal.

player, 329 posts
Admin. of Fun For All!
in adult
Tue 6 May 2003
at 19:26
  • msg #13

Re: Worded Story Game II

He felt like one of the puppets in the old theatre shows he used to watch as a boy.  His hands had a will of their own, dancing and jigging on the end of his arms, he just couldn't decide which comic to grab first.

A fresh pool of sweat forming in his undergarments, he takes a deep breath and heads nervously towards the weird comics.

player, 967 posts
Tue 6 May 2003
at 19:37
  • msg #14

Re: Worded Story Game II

There was a comic called Guitar, and there was a comic called Penance, and there was a comic called Penance Guitar. He wasn't sure which one to buy. Then he heard a rustling noise and a thump near the cash register. The cashier was dead.

cell phone
GM, 73 posts
Tue 6 May 2003
at 20:30
  • msg #15

Re: Worded Story Game II

"Man," the young man muttered again, "who would hire a dead guy to run the cash register? This place is weird! I got to tell my friends about this place." He reached into his jacket and realized that he forgot to bring his cell phone. He made a mental not to be sure to tell them about this place the next time he saw them.

"Aren't you going to ask about the dead cashier?" yest another mysterious stranger asked him.


player, 1017 posts
Tue 6 May 2003
at 20:34
  • msg #16

Re: Worded Story Game II

"The blazing phonograph got him," the new mysterious stranger said.

"The blazing phonograph?" asked the young man.

"Well, I may have got it wrong, but I think I saw a fiery phonograph attack the cashier. It's no matter. He was an evil cashier anyway," said the mysterious stranger.

player, 358 posts
Admin. of Fun For All!
in adult
Wed 7 May 2003
at 13:16
  • msg #17

Re: Worded Story Game II

Suddenly, with a bang and a pop, The Angel of the Damned appears through the floor of the shop.

"Wow, I gotta get a photograph of this!" exclaims the mysterious stranger.

player, 1061 posts
Wed 7 May 2003
at 13:54
  • msg #18

Re: Worded Story Game II

"It's an evil comic book store prop," explained the young man. He saw the fake magic rug underneath flutter in the imaginary wind.

"Oh," said the new mysterious stranger, "well, then, I'll go. I want to go sing karaoke," he said, and departed.

Inside the shop, were only the dead man, the young man, and the robot angel.

sleeping pills
player, 587 posts
Amateur Time Waster!
Fri 9 May 2003
at 09:28
  • msg #19

Re: Worded Story Game II

"Well I'd best leave before the cops turn up!" muttered the ever muttering young man.

"Oh no you don't!" comes a voice from the as yet unnoticed Demon Fairy.

"He's only taken too many sleeping pills, you know" she continues with a gesture to the slumped cashier.
player, 1085 posts
Fri 9 May 2003
at 19:36
  • msg #20

Re: Worded Story Game II

"He'll wake up, eventually, but not before I'm through with you!" yells the fairy, "Those sleeping pills aren't that strong." The evil fairy goes up to the young boy and draws a knife.

waking up
player, 702 posts
Amateur Time Waster!
Fri 9 May 2003
at 21:58
  • msg #21

Re: Worded Story Game II

He stares panicked at the Fairy's knife.

"That knife will be covered with germs, it's filthy" he stupidly points out.

Shaking his head at his own stupidity he closes his eyes and prays that the cashier will start waking up.

player, 1147 posts
Sat 10 May 2003
at 03:18
  • msg #22

Re: Worded Story Game II

The evil fairy gets ready to chant a spell, but suddenly she seems to have forgotten the words.

The cashier begins to wake up, and the young man hears a groan from behind the counter.

"I wouldn't worry about him, if I were you," says the evil fairy. "They don't call this the evil comic book store for nothing."

player, 765 posts
Amateur Time Waster!
Sat 10 May 2003
at 10:19
  • msg #23

Re: Worded Story Game II

The young man looks round, desperately searching for a weapon of some sort to use against the scary, knife wielding fairy.  Alighting on a comic entitled "How To Banish A Satanic Fairy in Two Easy Steps", he grabs it and turns the page.

player, 1165 posts
Sun 11 May 2003
at 03:55
  • msg #24

Re: Worded Story Game II

It involves some monkeys, some fizz, and a paddle. Luckily, there is a paddle right next to it. Where the young man will get the fizz from is unknown to him, even as the evil fairy knocks him in the back of the head with her wand. He lands facefirst in the fizz created from the pop rocks and water that the cashier was drinking.

The cashier starts to come around and say things. "What's an evil fairy doing here? This isn't the evil comic store... oh, wait, it is! But I'm not evil!"

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