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08:32, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Rupert: Stands Alone or Lets Us Pray.

Posted by V_V
member, 1093 posts
Event: Departure
Horizon: March 3rd, 2033
Wed 16 Aug 2023
at 03:15
  • msg #1

Rupert: Stands Alone or Lets Us Pray

Rupert is a tricky system to find Chains, and Vigor. I would much prefer to have my Purpose be Let Us Pray, if we can find others. If not, I have a Stands Alone, and Against All Odds Brave Big Tanner.

I don't want to card Scum and Villainy, but anything else is fair game, even You Shouldn't Have Asked.

Broderick is the Tanner and I would like him to have a bid bonus if you use Pick Your Poison. Otherwise, if Stands Alone and Against All Odds fits with the card, I would really appreciate you assigning flair as you see it best.

I'd like to side the first story, just because it will be easier for me with other RPoL commitments. If you want to pick a card, that's fine (I mean of course it is) I'm all for us learning each other through a simple side story and then getting into a full cast.

If we can get a troupe, or a Crier, I would love to play Deacon, a Lets Us Pray, Good Until the Last Drop (Good 'Til the Last Drop--just he wouldn't have that vernacular) Criminal in a Crime Land. Alternatively, I could flip that and be Deputized by Firing Squad. Edit: If Deacon is too on the nose, I'll go Clint.

If you use Pick Your Poison, I'll Token Dead Guy for another player. See above for the rest. Scum and Villainy could be fun, but I'd like to still side the first story. After that, I'm more than willing to play Pocket or Draw the Blank. I'd prefer to Pocket if my decision has any bearing on your uncertainty. I haven't played Rupert with anyone besides the KC Troupe and Orlando Crier.

Thanks for this out this world chance!
This message was last edited by the user at 03:18, Wed 16 Aug 2023.
member, 101 posts
Thu 17 Aug 2023
at 04:31
  • msg #2

Rupert: Stands Alone or Lets Us Pray

In reply to V_V (msg # 1):

Um. Huh? Any chance of providing a bit more information?
member, 1095 posts
Event: Departure
Horizon: March 3rd, 2033
Mon 21 Aug 2023
at 05:09
  • msg #3

Rupert: Stands Alone or Lets Us Pray

*grins* Rupert is a "fishbowl" game. If none of this seems to make sense that's because it's a word of mouth and hand out game. It was created to combat the "meta" and rekindle what the creators recalled of what gaming was like in their youth. I liken the paraphernalia to Warlords TCG Medusan Lord "The End of Times". It's (inexplicably!) stayed to the spirit of the game and not been posted (disrespectfully) to full disclosure the rules, and scan in the cards.

I can't go too much off topic, but it's something you can Rmail me about if you want to form a Chain. I'll briefly say Rupert relies on one of two aspects. The physical cards being passed out at conventions, or the oral initiation. "Oral" could very well be text too.

I played a LOT of D&D. It was always frustrating for them (the Rupert gang) and I to run up against players that had encyclopedic knowledge just from reading the books. Rupert combats this by having troupes (groups of players) that have different cards. A common (in person) tradition is to give a new player a few of your precious cards. You can't buy them. You can only make them or receive them.

All the traits are ways to tell the story. The "game" is a set of "role" playing, and not just character building. A character can't be anyone or anything under the sun. You have certain tropes to fill the role of, but from that you amalgamate a character. You also, as a player and Crier alike, must play within the bounds of the story. Each story establishes the genre and expectations for everyone. In LotR, you know to some extend what's going to happen. In a typical adventure story you can sense the protagonist is going to live, or escape prison. All these traits help the player and possibly the Troupe navigate who does what, when and how. The why and the who are developed fairly organically.

I'm looking for any that have been introduced to Rupert in the wide web of gaming that RPoL touches.
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