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13:32, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Dungeon Master
GM, 777 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Tue 23 Nov 2021
at 15:54
  • msg #1

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden was once a warehouse in the West Docks owned by the Arkona family through their charter company, Arkona Imports, but was sold about four months ago. Nothing about the sale was strange, Arkona owned dozens of similar warehouses and property on the docks was sold or leased all the time as part of standard business practices.

For a month it stood empty as it was slowly remolded and again as far as the locals are concerned there was nothing strange about it. It wasn't until it reopened as the Hospice of the Blessed Maiden a month ago that the locals took notice of it. The poor and working class of the West Docks were thankful for a place of healing so close to their homes although it did rely entirely on traditional medicines instead of divine healing magic as there were no clerics working for the Hospice and as such its effectiveness was more as a place where the sick could die in peace. A few weeks after it opened up the Blood Veil plague started spreading and the Queen's Physicians established their base of operations there. The sick that could not afford healing at the temples were channeled here so the physicians could study the disease and try and find a mundane cure for it. So far while the Physicians have claimed they are getting close, no cure has been discovered and those that enter the Hospice's doors rarely ever leave.

A few survivors are found and from their accounts it seems perfectly legitimate. The sick are kept in the large open warehouse while the physicians have set aside the offices for individual patient study and research. The survivors that the party can find never left that main central room but they do talk about how the physicians would select some of the sick to be taken to the back rooms for further study. None of the survivors recall anyone ever coming back but they admit that there was an extreme amount of turnover and with their own illness they weren't paying particular attention. Anyone sent to the Hospice was severely ill and without a cure the death rate was quite high. The nurses were always clearing out dead bodies and there was always more sick waiting to take their place.

The building is not a military compound and while there is some security it is easy enough for a stealthy operator like Kraw to climb the walls and peer through windows. Combined with interviews with people who had stayed there as well groups that have supplied food and supplies to the building the group has a good idea of the overall layout and security of the building.

  1. Entry - A waiting room where those sick with blood veil can wait until a bed opens up. Entry to the Hospice is guarded by a burly nurse named Bhrunlida Torthus. By the survivor accounts she is completely devoid of any kind of compassion for the sick and has zero bedside manner. In fact they think she hates working with anyone who is ill and takes extreme precautions to avoid any contact with victims of the plague. She runs the Hospice entry with an iron fist and turns away family members and well wishers with cold efficiency. If the group plans on getting into the hospice they will likely have to find a way to bypass or bluff their way past Bhrunlida.

  2. Sick Ward - A large open area in the central warehouse with about 60 cots for the sick to lie on and die. The northeast area has been turned into a makeshift kitchen so the Hospice can serve a watery gruel to the patients who can even still swallow. Typically there are about four Queen's Physicians moving about the area, studying patients and a half dozen civilian nurses who as far as the group can tell are volunteers from the area.

  3. Loading Bay - This used to be where cargo was loaded in and out of the warehouse but now is unused. Nobody has seen the Physicians or nurses use this room for anything and the three large loading bay doors are locked and chained shut from the inside (DC 30 strength check to force open from the outside).

  4. Lift & Stairs Up - When this was still a warehouse it was used to bring cargo up to the catwalks above. Now it is used heavily by the Queen's Physicians as they seem to not take the 3-story stairs very often to the upper offices. They also use this as a way to transport patients who are often too weak to climb the stairs. Access to the lift and stairs are guarded by a pair of Grey Maidens at all times.

  5. Catwalks - Used by the warehouse to allow workers access to high storage, now it is patrolled by a pair of Grey Maidens armed with crossbows in case any of the patients get unruly or anyone forces their way past the entry way without permission. The catwalks are 20' above the warehouse floor.

  6. Private Hall - Originally used as the entryway to the clerks and managers office, now it serves as a guard room with another pair of Grey Maidens.

  7. Experimentation Ward - Three Queen's Physicians work here on patients in an attempt to find the cure. Originally it was a communal room for clerks to process the books but about a dozen or so cots were brought up here and patients are brought up for "additional research" although so far none have ever survived their treatment so the exact nature of their experiments and research is unknown.

  8. Doctor's Office - Originally the manager's office, Doctor Davaulus has taken it over as his personal office. The windows have been covered in heavy curtains so the exact details of his office are unknown.

In terms of infiltration and disguise there is a potential opportunity. The Queen's Physicians rarely travel alone, typically they move around in groups of 3 or 4 and so it might be possible for the group disguised as Queen's Physicians to move straight through the entryway and sick ward and go straight to the lift and stairs without having to say a word to anyone. Survivors have mentioned seeing other groups of physicians do the exact same thing. However presumably such a group is moving about on specific business and once on the upper level the party's intelligence is almost nonexistent.

In addition after observation and interviews the party lands upon a very interesting question: where do the queen's physicians sleep and eat? There are about a dozen queen's physicians in total based upon when they first arrived with Doctor Davaulus and at any given time about half of them are present in either the sick wards or the research room above so where are the others? There are no signs of them staying in local inns or temples and nobody who has survived their stay at the hospice talks about a physician removing their mask to eat or drink. Either one of the upper rooms has been turned into some kind of sleeping quarters for the physicians or there is more to the warehouse than the "official" blueprints or the queen's physicians somehow have no need for mundane requirements like food or rest.

Of one final note the group was able to shadow a group of Physicians as they went out to collect a few dying citizens from the ditches of the city and the party was able to subtely scan them for magical auras.

On the Queen's Physicians, everyone had a single aura of faint Conjuration.

On their Grey Maiden escorts there was no magical auras detected.

Finally Figus after watching the Queen's Physicians move and work discovers that while they are completely silent they seem to communicate to one another through subtle hand signals. He recognizes it because the dark elves of the Darklands would use hand signals to coordinate ambushes in perfect silence. Unfortunately Figus is not famiilar with these specific signals and he would note there is no universal signal language. Each city or house of dark elves might develop their own set of signals and it is entirely possible any other race or organization could develop their own set of signals.

Not knowing the signals would be a dead giveaway if the group tried to disguise themselves as physicians.
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:54, Tue 23 Nov 2021.
Bloodrager, 458 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Sat 11 Dec 2021
at 22:24
  • msg #2

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 1):

Ayeesha waits patiently by the back loading dock door.
Witch, 513 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Sun 12 Dec 2021
at 16:59
  • msg #3

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

"Are you up for this Kraw?" Kyra asks Kraw before they start, ready to cast her spell on him before he heads for the hospice. If the front doors are closed, she plans on opening them for him and distracting the nurse as he slips inside.

Alright, so the plan is for Kraw to scout out the place, maybe lower a rope for us from upstairs (assuming there are windows up there and that he can open one without drawing attention) or open the back doors instead (assuming it would be easier to open it from the inside). But even if he can't do either, he might at least gather info for us, so that if we need to bust down the front door, we at least have a reason for that. Sounds good?

Kyra will cast the Witness spell on Kraw before he goes in (I'll load it in my open slot), and he has one potion of Invisibility. Before we start we could also invest in another potion of Invisibility (it only has 3 minute duration, not sure one will be enough) and a Scent Blocker (unless Figus can cast his spell instead?). I think we should do so, and Kyra can provide funds for both, but it's up to do DM if we can find those and how long that would take.

This message was last edited by the player at 17:00, Sun 12 Dec 2021.
Rogue, 693 posts
HP 45/45 AC 19
F+4 R+9 W+4
Sun 12 Dec 2021
at 17:34
  • msg #4

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw nods. "I'm ready, but the short duration of the Potion means no detailed searches. But I hope I can gather sufficient cause for us to force our way in, if needed."
Witch, 514 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Sun 12 Dec 2021
at 17:41
  • msg #5

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

OOC: Let's buy that extra potion, if possible. Maybe it won't be needed, but better safe than sorry. Kyra can cover the 300 gp. And a Scent Blocker too, unless Figus has a ready spell, for 80 gp. Money is not a problem for Kyra. DM, how long would it take to get these?
Figus Dva
Ranger, 659 posts
Half-Drow Male
Mon 13 Dec 2021
at 18:56
  • msg #6

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Figus will prepare and cast the Negate Aroma spell on Kraw. It will last for 6 hours.
Witch, 515 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Mon 13 Dec 2021
at 20:35
  • msg #7

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Alright, so Kyra buys another potion of invisibility for Kraw, we cast our spells on him and he goes scouting. Possibly we provide a distraction for him to slip inside. So we are splitting the party - what's the worst thing that could happen?
Rogue, 694 posts
HP 45/45 AC 19
F+4 R+9 W+4
Mon 13 Dec 2021
at 21:19
  • msg #8

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

How much would 2 smoke bombs set me back? The ability to draw off guards might be useful if I need to get into a secure area.
Dungeon Master
GM, 780 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Tue 14 Dec 2021
at 07:09
  • msg #9

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

That was assuming you guys had snuck through the place, peered in all the windows etc.

The doors to the upper area are physically closed with guards standing on either side so no amount of invisibility is going to around that. Same with the elevator: it's a physical operation with guards standing right next to it.

All the easy scouting is done in that write up.

Bloodrager, 459 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Thu 16 Dec 2021
at 18:02
  • msg #10

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 9):

I would not mind just going in the front door and ask to see Mirukova.

We can see what shakes loose with a inquiry into his well being.

Maybe we get lucky and ferret out more information that leads to our next course of action.

Then again, if we are still stymied, we can weigh our options.
Dungeon Master
GM, 782 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Thu 23 Dec 2021
at 21:51
  • msg #11

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

The stinging scent of alcohol and medicine floods this dingy reception room, an odor typical to hospices, morgues, and battlefields. Across from the entrance sits a long wooden desk, beyond which a stained leather curtain covers an open archway, muffling moans from beyond.

Nurse Torthus sits behind the desk making notes in a leather bound book next to her. Her eyes cast up as Ayeesha walks in and her eyes narrow. She is wearing multiple layers of scarves across her nose and mouth, presumably to avoid catching the plague from those sick in the room.

"I'm sorry but we're at capacity right now. You'll need to come back some other time when a bed frees up."

To punctuate her point she jabs a finger at the row of chairs along the wall where a half dozen sick and sullen looking citizens are slumped in their chairs. They seem to be trying to avoid the attention of the stern nurse, the only noise they make is the occasional cough. When one of them has a more severe coughing fit the nurse reaches up to tighten the scarves across her neck.

"If you'd like I can add your name to the list to secure your place."

She closes the one book and pulls out another one, this one full of lined pages with names and dates scrawled into them.
Bloodrager, 461 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Fri 24 Dec 2021
at 16:25
  • msg #12

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 11):

Playing it cool initially Ayeesha starts with,

"Actually I am here to see Ruan Mirukova; can you tell me where to find him?"

OCC: Anyone else joining Ayeesha in the reception room? 
Witch, 517 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Sun 26 Dec 2021
at 12:40
  • msg #13

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

"That's right, we have reasons to believe he may have been brought here." Kyra backs up Ayeesha.

Sure, why not? I don't think we actually have a reason to believe he was brought here, but it's certainly possible. And Kyra is a good liar.

Anyway, does Kraw wish to try more recon or do we just play this and see where it goes?

This message was last edited by the player at 12:41, Sun 26 Dec 2021.
Dungeon Master
GM, 784 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Mon 3 Jan 2022
at 21:44
  • msg #14

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Without even looking at the book the nurse starts shaking her head.

"No, nobody by that name has been admitted."

She has an air of confidence about her acting as if she had the entire dozens upon dozens of pages likely containing several hundred names intimately memorized and she couldn't possibly be wrong.
Bloodrager, 462 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Wed 5 Jan 2022
at 21:56
  • msg #15

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 14):

Ayeesha eyes her discerningly.

Sense motive

16:51, Today: Ayeesha rolled 15 using 1d20 with rolls of 15.  Sense Motive untrained.

"We have a witness that has stated she saw him being escorted by a Grey Maiden and a Queens Physician." 
Dungeon Master
GM, 786 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Sat 8 Jan 2022
at 23:09
  • msg #16

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

The nurse gives a shrug.

"Anyone who was admitted is registered in this book. Sometimes people are too delirious to identify themselves and they get registered as unknown until they are well enough to tell us who they are..."

She takes the intake log and flips back a few pages and then points out someone who was admitted a few days ago but just marked as "Unknown male."

The timeframe works out but it is hardly definitive evidence that Ruan was here. As for the Nurse, Ayeesha can tell the Nurse is trying to get rid of her but as far as she can tell the Nurse isn't lying.
Bloodrager, 463 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Sat 8 Jan 2022
at 23:39
  • msg #17

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 16):

"Well then please escort me to this unknown male so we can identify him and take him to the Bank of Abadar to be healed."

Diplomacy check to persuade nurse.

18:37, Today: Ayeesha rolled 7 using 1d20+1 with rolls of 6.  Diplomacy to persuade nurse +1.
Dungeon Master
GM, 787 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Fri 14 Jan 2022
at 06:19
  • msg #18

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

The nurse take great umbrage about being ordered around in her waiting room. She starts to straighten up but the scarf around her neck starts coming loose and she scrambles to fix it to her face for fear of being even slightly exposed to blood veil.

"Now listen here. I don't know who you think you are but this is a place of healing. The doctors cannot have some barbarian woman storming around disrupting their research. You do realize that they are the last hope for this city so if you would please wait, your friend will be released when he is cured."

The woman huffs out at the barbarian looming over her. Despite the physical size difference of the two of them she seemed to be made of quite stern stuff. Perhaps seeing death on a daily basis had hardened her resolve.
Bloodrager, 466 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Fri 14 Jan 2022
at 23:09
  • msg #19

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 18):

Ayeesha glares at the nurse and responds with a steely voice edged in pent up violence as she reasons with the gate keeper

"Now listen, whats your name? Iam here to help by freeing up a bed,  magical healing is guaranteed by the Bank of Abadar or your money back.  I think you just need to be more open minded and let me help you.  Iam sure Doctor Davalus or one of his assistance would agree, so why dont you go get someone with some authority to see that the right thing is done?"

Ayeesha leans in menacingly with corded muscles ready to spring!

Intimidate attempt to get the nurse to bring a Queens Physician.

17:50, Today: Ayeesha rolled 32 using 1d20+15 with rolls of 17.  Intimidate Nurse +15.
Dungeon Master
GM, 788 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Tue 18 Jan 2022
at 22:53
  • msg #20

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

The nurse seems genuinely surprised at being talked back to and her iron will melts beneath Ayeesha's smoldering fury.

"I..I cannot leave the front desk but you are welcome to speak to the Doctors in the back."

She gets up and opens the door that leads to the main warehouse floor and the rows upon rows of the sick and dying. The Gray Maidens up on the catwalk shift as the party enters but seeing the nurse opening the door they make no move to stop them. A few volunteers move among the rows bringing blankets or buckets of water for the sick but otherwise it is quiet. The stench upon the air is revolting, the smell of unwashed body odor mingling with various body fluids and the unmistakable stench of death.

The nurse points them towards the Gray Maiden's guarding the back room stairs and elevator (Room 4) before shuffling back to her desk and making a note in her logs about the "visitors."
Bloodrager, 467 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Wed 19 Jan 2022
at 23:55
  • msg #21

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 20):

"One more thing, which bed is the unknown patient in?"

If she states a location Ayeesha will proceed to it. If not she will walk in like she owns the place and start looking for a patient that matches Mirukova's description.
Witch, 521 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Thu 20 Jan 2022
at 13:42
  • msg #22

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kyra follows after Ayeesha, trying to look like she's supposed to be here.

Will Kraw join us openly, or maybe follow invisibly? Just realized we have not seen Figus for a while now.
Dungeon Master
GM, 790 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Fri 21 Jan 2022
at 06:25
  • msg #23

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

The nurse taps the book and shows Ayeesha the column where there is no bed listed.

"If there isn't a bed that means he was taken straight to the back."

She nods towards the guards at the back of the main floor where two Grey Maidens guard the doors that lead to the elevator and staircase.
Bloodrager, 468 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Sat 22 Jan 2022
at 00:41
  • msg #24

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 23):

Ayeesha proceeds straight to the back.  She intends to go upstairs and see whats what.
Witch, 523 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Sat 22 Jan 2022
at 11:03
  • msg #25

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kyra follows after, trying to keep Ayeesha between herself and the guards. She's starting to get a little worried about all this.

And I again forgot to cast Mage Armor. DM, could Kyra do that before she got inside? Casting it now could be a bad idea.
Rogue, 705 posts
HP 45/45 AC 19
F+4 R+9 W+4
Sun 23 Jan 2022
at 07:50
  • msg #26

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Having scouted no egress by which to enter the building, Kraw quietly (and invisibly) follows on padded feet. He looks for any opportunities provided by Ayeesha's histrionics to either ascend to the upper level (climbing was always an option) or slip past the Iron Maidens to penetrate the building's inner chambers.
Dungeon Master
GM, 792 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Tue 25 Jan 2022
at 22:32
  • msg #27

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

As Ayeesha starts heading towards the back room and clearly not there just tending on one of the patients dying on a cot, the Grey Maidens stiffen and put put their hands on their swords. Around the room drifting silently among the rows of cots are four Queen's Physicians, all also keeping eyes on the new intruders.

The two Grey Maidens guarding the backroom move to block Ayeesha's path and one of them calls out loud and clear.

"You have no business here. Leave or will be forcibly removed."

Map has been updated to reflect party positions and the notable NPCs. I've kept Kraw roughly with the group as there hasn't yet been time for him to slip away, not that there is any real place for him to slip away into before now.
Rogue, 707 posts
HP 45/45 AC 19
F+4 R+9 W+4
Wed 26 Jan 2022
at 08:39
  • msg #28

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw quietly sneaks to I-19. Kneeling, he positions a smokestick below the table there. Hidden from view, he lights it and sneaks forward to slip around the guards should they move towards the smoke to investigate.
Bloodrager, 469 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Wed 26 Jan 2022
at 11:35
  • msg #29

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Kraw (msg # 28):

Ayeesha adopts a pose that is non threating and conciliatory in nature while affecting as charming a smile and demeanor as possible.

"Hold up a minute sweet heart. We do have business with Doctor Davalus.  The Nurse said we could see him."

I will try a diplomacy check for expediency if nothing else.

06:33, Today: Ayeesha rolled 9 using 1d20+1 with rolls of 8.  Persuade Queen's physicians and Grey maidens.
Witch, 524 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Wed 26 Jan 2022
at 12:25
  • msg #30

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kyra can't help but notice the crossbows trained at them from above. Starting a fight here seems like a bad idea to her.

But I can't really think of anything else we could try. At least that smoke stick may give us some cover from the bowmen. Bow-women?
Dungeon Master
GM, 793 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Thu 27 Jan 2022
at 21:22
  • msg #31

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

As soon as Ayeesha starts trying to talk and not comply with the Grey Maiden's command the guards draw their swords and advance.

"Intruders! Defend yourselves!"

Caught by surprise, Ayeesha has to throw herself backwards to avoid the slashing attacks from the maidens. Whether by luck or skill she dodges and evades both strikes. From overhead the archers let loose their arrows. The group scatters briefly to avoid the shots and one of the arrows misses Alpha and ends up striking one of the patients in the stomach. The poor Korvosan lets out a gurgled gasp before spasming as blood starts pouring out of of his wound and his mouth. With the crowded rows it is going to make

The Queen's Physicians weave their way through the cots, silently sealing off the obvious escape route and circling in on the party. Two of them approach, striking their clubs at Kyra and Figus. Kyra's' magical armor deflects the blow and Figus ducks the other one.

Just then Kraw's smokestick starst spewing out smoke filling a small cube around him and Figus with thick smoke. There are screams and cries of alarm from the ill and the volunteers but the sudden smoke doesn't seem to deter either the guards or the physicians.

Round 1
Ayeesha1855/55Greatsword +9/+42d6+13Power Attack
Kraw1942/42Daggers +9/+8 x21d4+5/1d4+2Invisible
Kyra1530/30Tarot Deck +81d4Mage Armor
Figus1647/47Scimitar +8/Kukri +81d6+3/1d4+1-
Alpha2142/42Bite +6/Spear +61d6+3/1d8+3Anthropomorphic Animal
Grey Maiden #1 (G17)21HealthyLongsword +61d8+2-
Grey Maiden #2 (G18)21HealthyLongsword +61d8+2-
Grey Maiden Archer #1 (N25)19HealthyComp Longbow +31d8-
Grey Maiden Archer #2 (J31)19HealthyComp Longbow +31d8-
Queen's Physician #1 (J15)14HealthyClub +31d6+2-
Queen's Physician #2 (J19)14HealthyClub +31d6+2-
Queen's Physician #3 (M14)14HealthyClub +31d6+2-
Queen's Physician #4 (M15)14HealthyClub +31d6+2-

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

As always check to make sure your trackers are correct. This is the first combat since you leveled up to 6
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:03, Fri 28 Jan 2022.
Bloodrager, 471 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Sat 29 Jan 2022
at 15:12
  • msg #32

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 31):

WTF! Ayeesha is incredulous that they just started swinging! A bunch of thoughts go through her mind in a instant. Why are they attacking?, What are they hiding?, is one of these maidens dating that blow hard nurse? Its not adding up, I mean we are just trying to help.  We are in a tight spot and Ayeesha is mad!

Free Action?: Ayeesha uses a Harrow point to acquire Damage reduction 3.

Free Action:Rage

Misc action:5' steps into the fog at H18 to acquire cover @ 20% miss chance.

Standard Action: Casting Defensively: Cast Enlarge Person DC17

09:20, Today: Ayeesha rolled 25 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 18.  Casting Defensively +7.

She will enlarge into squares G & H, 18 & 19 shoving everything and one out of the way with a strength check.

Will attempt to shove Grey Maiden in G18 to H17 with Strength check allowed by Enlarge person spell.

DM Ruling: Spell says use Strength check to burst out or clear the area being enlarged into.  But it seems more like a Reposition Combat maneuver which would use CMB.

CMB:+14 from BAB+6, Strength +7, Large Size+1.

Strength Check:+11 from Strength +7, Large size +4.

I will roll and you decide the final result.

10:05, Today: Ayeesha rolled 15 using 1d20+11 with rolls of 4.  Strength Check from EP to clear area +11.

A 15 for Strength Check or 18 if CMB.
Witch, 525 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Sat 29 Jan 2022
at 18:21
  • msg #33

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Dodging an attack from one of the physicians, Kyra steps away for a moment and looks around for where her hexes could do the most good. She focuses on one of the maidens up on the catwalks.

Step to I 17, Slumber on the bow maiden at N 25. Would the smoke cloud provide us with some cover from the other one?
Rogue, 708 posts
HP 45/45 AC 19
F+4 R+9 W+4
Fri 4 Feb 2022
at 23:19
  • msg #34

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw climbs the wall at I-19=>>I-31, ascending to the catwalk. His silence remains as he seeks a way beyond the Maidens.

15:16, Today: Kraw rolled 26 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 20.  climb.

This message was last edited by the player at 00:06, Sat 05 Feb 2022.
Dungeon Master
GM, 797 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Thu 10 Feb 2022
at 13:18
  • msg #35

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Ayeesha suddenly grows in size, physically pushing the two guards out of position by the doors.

One of the archers starts to droop and then slumps over, her bow clattering to the catwalk floor.

Kraw quietly climbs up the wall.

Figus pulls out his blades and immediately unleashes on the physician creeping up behind them but the physician jumps back putting a cot and an innocent victim between the two forcing Figus to abandon his attack routine and reposition to re-engage.

Alpha engages with the other queen's physician but the man also uses the cots full of victims as a barrier and shield.

Round 2</hr>

The two Grey Maidens show incredible battle discipline and precision when facing a suddenly enlarged Shoanti barbarian between them. They both strike at the same time piercing Ayeesha in her leg from both sides inflicting massive damage. The two are shouting quick "hup! hah!" at one another that seems to be their signal for operating in unison even though they cannot see one another.

Both rolled potential crits, one confirmed. 18 total damage (-3 DR for 9 total)

The Queens Physicians continue to maneuver to get into position and trap the party within the room. Their attacks are hesitant, seemingly more intended on corraling them against the meat grinder that is the Grey Maidens.

The other guard on the catwalks lets loose an arrow sticking it into Ayeesha's arm. It isn't a deep wound but a hit is still a hit.
3 damage -3DR = 0 total

Round 1
Ayeesha1664/73Greatsword +11/+63d6+17Power Attack, Rage, DR3
Kraw1942/42Daggers +9/+8 x21d4+5/1d4+2Invisible
Kyra1530/30Tarot Deck +81d4Mage Armor
Figus1647/47Scimitar +8/Kukri +81d6+3/1d4+1-
Alpha2142/42Bite +6/Spear +61d6+3/1d8+3Anthropomorphic Animal
Grey Maiden #1 (G17)21HealthyLongsword +61d8+2-
Grey Maiden #2 (G18)21HealthyLongsword +61d8+2-
Grey Maiden Archer #1 (N25)19HealthyComp Longbow +31d8Sleepy (6)
Grey Maiden Archer #2 (J31)19HealthyComp Longbow +31d8-
Queen's Physician #1 (J15)14HealthyClub +31d6+2-
Queen's Physician #2 (J19)14HealthyClub +31d6+2-
Queen's Physician #3 (M14)14HealthyClub +31d6+2-
Queen's Physician #4 (M15)14HealthyClub +31d6+2-

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

As always check to make sure your trackers are correct. This is the first combat since you leveled up to 6
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:22, Thu 10 Feb 2022.
Bloodrager, 473 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Thu 10 Feb 2022
at 21:29
  • msg #36

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 35):

Free Action: Ayeesha will use Destined Strike to gain +2 on one melee attack.

Ayeesha focuses here attention of the Grey Maidens before her and gaining insight swings with all her might at the H17? located one.

Ayeesha Eyes the  Maids with a Steely Glare and Growls Fiercely ,GRRRRRGHH! in Ancient Shoanti.

Full Round Action: DS +2,Str 24:+7,+1 GS, BAB+6,+1+=+16,+11

16:08, Today: Ayeesha rolled 26 using 1d20+16 with rolls of 10.  +1GS+PA while Rgng w DS against GM +16.

I think I can only use Destined Strike once a round so maybe -2 off the secondary attack?

16:08, Today: Ayeesha rolled 31 using 1d20+11 with rolls of 20.

16:09, Today: Ayeesha rolled 12 using 1d20+11 with rolls of 1.  Confirm Critical.

16:12, Today: Ayeesha rolled 26 using 3d6+17 with rolls of 5,1,3.  ENLARGED GS PA DMG.

16:12, Today: Ayeesha rolled 26 using 3d6+17 with rolls of 1,6,2.  ENLARGED GS PA DMG.

52 HP Damage.

Ayeesha has reach of 10' and combat reflexes so will look for the AOO.
Rogue, 709 posts
HP 45/45 AC 19
F+4 R+9 W+4
Fri 11 Feb 2022
at 03:38
  • msg #37

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw slips through the door at F-31 and hustles downstairs to emerge at Ayeesha's feet quietly (G-18), with the intent of entering the next door to get to the elevator.

19:36, Today: Kraw rolled 36 using 1d20+35 with rolls of 1.  Stealth

This message was last edited by the player at 03:44, Fri 11 Feb 2022.
Witch, 526 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Fri 11 Feb 2022
at 13:36
  • msg #38

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kyra ignores the physicians and focuses on the guards instead, deeming them the greater threat. She looks around for another Maiden to send to dreamland.

Slumber again. I'd rather target one of the two melee maidens, but I'm guessing Ayeesha has just skewered the one at G16, and the one at G19 looks to be behind a smoke screen, leaving only the second bow-woman on J31?
Dungeon Master
GM, 798 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Thu 17 Feb 2022
at 20:10
  • msg #39

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Ayeesha with her large size and fearsome strength cuts down both of the Grey maidens in two swift brutal strikes. Their fancy armor and coordinated efforts are meaningless against the raw power of an ogre-sized Shoanti barbarian.

Both guards are quite thoroughly dead.

With the chaos of the battle happening around him, Kraw finds it easy enough to slip through the door and creep down the stairs. He witnesses Ayeesha skewering both guards and he slips out of one door and enters the other one leading to the elevator. It is designed as a cargo lift with very simple controls. A lever is set with two buttons, presumably one for the main floor level and one for the upper offices. Kraw's keen eyes note that there is hole disguised as a knot in the wood where a third button or some kind of key could be inserted potentially leading to a third destination for the elevator.

Up on the catwalk the second archer succumbs to Kyra's curse and she falls to the grating snoring softly.

Figus engages with the physicians encircling them, cutting down one with a rapid series of strikes and cuts.

Alpha strikes at another, missing with his spear but biting a chunk out of the man's arm as he raises it to defend himself.

The Queen's Physician carefully step into place to begin flanking. Alpha is attacked from both sides but his animal instincts keep him safe and he dodges and drops to avoid their club swings. Another physician swings at Figus but he deflects the strike with his scimitar.

Round 2
Ayeesha1664/73Greatsword +11/+63d6+17Power Attack, Rage, DR3
Kraw1942/42Daggers +9/+8 x21d4+5/1d4+2Invisible
Kyra1530/30Tarot Deck +81d4Mage Armor
Figus1647/47Scimitar +8/Kukri +81d6+3/1d4+1-
Alpha2142/42Bite +6/Spear +61d6+3/1d8+3Anthropomorphic Animal
Grey Maiden Archer #1 (N25)19HealthyComp Longbow +31d8Sleepy (5)
Grey Maiden Archer #2 (J31)19HealthyComp Longbow +31d8Sleepy (6)
Queen's Physician #1 (J15)14HurtClub +31d6+2-
Queen's Physician #2 (I19)14HealthyClub +31d6+2-
Queen's Physician #3 (J13)14HealthyClub +31d6+2-
Grey Maiden #1)--Dead-----
Grey Maiden #2)--Dead-----
Queen's Physician #4 --Dead-----

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

As always check to make sure your trackers are correct. This is the first combat since you leveled up to 6
Rogue, 710 posts
HP 45/45 AC 19
F+4 R+9 W+4
Thu 17 Feb 2022
at 23:59
  • msg #40

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw tries to 'pick the lock' to engage the third button.

15:58, Today: Kraw rolled 18 using 1d20+15 with rolls of 3.  Disable Device .

Bloodrager, 474 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Fri 18 Feb 2022
at 18:50
  • msg #41

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Kraw (msg # 40):

Ayeesha will strike out at I19 then J17 if she drops I19 with first strike.

13:45, Today: Ayeesha rolled 30 using 1d20+13 with rolls of 17.  Enlarged +1GS :+13 to hit .

Second swing should of been +8 for a 19 to hit.

13:45, Today: Ayeesha rolled 24 using 1d20+13 with rolls of 11.  Enlarged +1GS :+8 to hit .

Enlarged +1GS Damage.

13:46, Today: Ayeesha rolled 27 using 3d6+17 with rolls of 4,5,1.

13:46, Today: Ayeesha rolled 27 using 3d6+17 with rolls of 3,5,2.

This message was last edited by the player at 21:08, Fri 18 Feb 2022.
Witch, 527 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Sat 19 Feb 2022
at 08:45
  • msg #42

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

With all the guards down for now Kyra shifts her focus on the doctors remaining. "Anyone brought along some manacles? Those two upstairs wont be out for long."

Slumber on J15, then step to H16.

Hmm, I think the stairwell also leads upstairs to the offices, so we can take that instead of the elevator. I think. How is the elevator powered anyway?

Dungeon Master
GM, 799 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Tue 22 Feb 2022
at 22:53
  • msg #43

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Inside the elevator there is a click and the elevator swiftly begins to descend down into the darkness of the earth. None of the plans they had seen or any of their investigations had indicated some kind of sublevel.

Split second decision. Stay in the elevator or jump back out. DC 25 reflex to jump out cleanly. Otherwise he takes 2d6 damage from getting a talon caught as the elevator descends.

The enlarged barbarian continues to strike down the physicians attacking them, cutting two down swiftly with broad sweeps of her sword.

Figus and Alpha team up to take down the remaining physician in a swift and brutal execution. The room falls quiet as those who were even aware of the conflict hold their breath and stay still waiting to see what the bloody combatants do next while the rest of the sick continue to cough and wheeze as they wait for treatment or death's release.

Combat isn't over because the guards on the catwalks are short timers for their slumber.

Round 3
Ayeesha1664/73Greatsword +11/+63d6+17Power Attack, Rage, DR3
Kraw1942/42Daggers +9/+8 x21d4+5/1d4+2-
Kyra1530/30Tarot Deck +81d4Mage Armor
Figus1647/47Scimitar +8/Kukri +81d6+3/1d4+1-
Alpha2142/42Bite +6/Spear +61d6+3/1d8+3Anthropomorphic Animal
Grey Maiden Archer #1 (N25)19HealthyComp Longbow +31d8Sleepy (4)
Grey Maiden Archer #2 (J31)19HealthyComp Longbow +31d8Sleepy (5)
Grey Maiden #1)--Dead-----
Grey Maiden #2)--Dead-----
Queen's Physician #1 --Dead-----
Queen's Physician #2 --Dead-----
Queen's Physician #3 --Dead-----
Queen's Physician #4 --Dead-----

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

As always check to make sure your trackers are correct. This is the first combat since you leveled up to 6
Figus Dva
Ranger, 660 posts
Half-Drow Male
Wed 23 Feb 2022
at 01:51
  • msg #44

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

 Figus  heard the message, and while he did not have any manacles with him, he was sure he would figure something out. With little regard for stealth, he dashed up the stairs and sheathed his scimitar.
  "On it," he simply asserted.

 He went straight to the sleeping archer. For lack of better equipment, he proceeded to unstring her own bow and use that very string to tie her wrists together behind her back, through the balustrade and to her ankles.
  From what I gather of grapple rules, that is te equivalent of being pinned/grappled with a DC of 20+CMB (ie 29 in my case) 

 The ranger was already eyeing the other sleeping archer. Seeing as they had been attacked with lethal force and without much of a warning, he did consider bludgeoning them into unconsciousness instead... but that would not be very charitable, and he dispelled the idea quickly.

 Meanwhile Alpha sniffed around to identify further threats or incoming enemies that were yet to reveal themselves.
Figus Dva rolled 22 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 17.  Alpha perception.
Witch, 529 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Wed 23 Feb 2022
at 10:51
  • msg #45

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

"Rope. Damn, I wish I remembered to pack some rope, or better yet, shackles." Kyra concentrates for a moment, then rises in the air to glide over to the second archer. She removes the guard's weapons, careful not to wake her up. And if she has something to tie her to do the railing, she does that as well.

I don't suppose Ayeesha has any rope or shackles? Either way, Flight hex on, and taking care of the second archer.
Bloodrager, 476 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Wed 23 Feb 2022
at 12:58
  • msg #46

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Kyra (msg # 45):

Ayeesha will end her rage as a free action.

She physically slumps a little bit as she wipes her sword clean and then pulls a length of silk rope (50') out of her back pack and hands it off to Kyra.

"Yea, here you go.  I need a minute (6 rnds of Fatigue) to catch my breath." 

Ayeesha reflects on the what just occurred and recognizes the peril that they have just fallen into by fighting the Queens servants.  How did we devolve into this mess? And how do we get out of it?

She stands wearily and continues contemplating their plight while remaining vigilant of new threats as she renews her strength.
Rogue, 712 posts
HP 45/45 AC 19
F+4 R+9 W+4
Wed 23 Feb 2022
at 14:21
  • msg #47

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw waits quietly as the elevator descends. As a precaution, he swallows the contents of a potion from his belt pouch.
Dungeon Master
GM, 801 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Thu 10 Mar 2022
at 05:20
  • msg #48

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Up above the party secures the remaining Queen's guards. Although there isn't a lot of time left on Kyra's hex the staircase is unguarded and it is easy enough to charge up the stairs and secure the sleeping guards long enough to tie them up. From here the group seemingly only has one option: to go further up towards the office of Dr. Davaullus.

The elevator descends down for quite some time. It is difficult to guess but Kraw suspects at least a hundred feet down. Finally with a loud screech and a jolt the elevator comes to rest at the bottom and the gate latches click and release allowing him to leave. He is in what looks to be a semi-natural stone cave. The space was probably mostly natural while someone has come through and cleaned it out to make it more habitable.

Someone has come in and plastered up the stone walls and then decorated them by hanging and posing actual skeletons in images that make them look like they are dancing and celebrating their own demise.

Each cardinal direction has a door:

West - A simple wooden door through which is the elevator.
North and South - simple wooden doors bearing a picture of a scythe-wielding skeleton on them.
East - A massive set of double doors painted to look like they are opening into the great pyramid foundation of Castle Korvosa. Two more scythe-wielding skeletons decorate these doors.
Rogue, 714 posts
HP 45/45 AC 19
F+4 R+9 W+4
Thu 10 Mar 2022
at 06:15
  • msg #49

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw quietly listens at the North door and checks it for locks/traps. If he is clear, he opens it to look inside.

current effects
Hide from Undead

22:13, Today: Kraw rolled 29 using 1d20+13 with rolls of 16.  Perception .

22:13, Today: Kraw rolled 21 using 1d20+15 with rolls of 6.  Disable Device , if needed.

22:12, Today: Kraw rolled 40 using 1d20+35 with rolls of 5.  Stealth.

Witch, 534 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Thu 10 Mar 2022
at 13:45
  • msg #50

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

"Kraw, where are you?" Kyra asks aloud, not sure if their feathered friend is still with them or not. Maybe he went upstairs to confront the doctor?

Yeah, since Kraw was invisible this whole time, would we even know he took the elevator down? Did the rest of us at least see the elevator move?
Bloodrager, 478 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Thu 10 Mar 2022
at 14:45
  • msg #51

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Kyra (msg # 50):

"I have not seen Kraw lately, maybe he went up stairs to talk with the Doctor?  We better do like wise as he may need our help."

Ayeesha will start squeezing up the stair case behind her companions if they wish to lead the way.  She will wait at the top before entering to allow 6 rounds to pass so she is no longer fatigued before entering the Docs level.
Figus Dva
Ranger, 666 posts
Half-Drow Male
Fri 11 Mar 2022
at 20:05
  • msg #52

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

 Figus was not sure where Kraw had gone, but he reckoned the invisible fellow could take care of himself. After securely tying down the guards, he signed for Ayeesha to follow upstairs if she wasn’t already on her way.

 “A word with the doctor sounds good… maybe I’ll let my blades do the talking. I didn’t like the welcoming committee here…”

The ranger was ready to take the lead, ears and eyes out, blades at the ready.
Dungeon Master
GM, 802 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Thu 17 Mar 2022
at 05:18
  • msg #53

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Ayeesha, Figus, and Kyra climb the stairs, past the catwalk and up to where the Queen Physician offices are located at the top of the landing they discover a problem however. The hallway takes a tight turn into a narrow hallway.

It might be possible for Ayeesha in her enlarged form to squeeze through but if they are stopped by any enemies she will completely block anyone behind her from attacking and if even if she goes behind it will be difficult for her to attack or dodge any incoming attacks.

Check the rules on squeezing here

and the rules for entangled here

Basically you will be at -2 to all your combat stats: attack, AC, initiative, anything STR or DEX related etc.

Meanwhile Kraw listens in at the door and not hearing anything he quietly opens the door to reveal some kind of storage room. Cabinets and benches fill the room while pegs along the back wall hold several black-eyed beaked plague doctor masks.
Rogue, 716 posts
HP 45/45 AC 19
F+4 R+9 W+4
Thu 17 Mar 2022
at 06:49
  • msg #54

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Bloodrager, 479 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Thu 17 Mar 2022
at 10:38
  • msg #55

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 53):

Ayeesha will bring up the rear squeezing all the way until she is clear of tight quarters.

I guess this will be until she reaches a roomy room.

Its not easy being green or large!
Figus Dva
Ranger, 667 posts
Half-Drow Male
Thu 17 Mar 2022
at 14:21
  • msg #56

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

 Figus was very happy taking the lead. He had both curved swords out, and advanced stealthily some twenty feet ahead Kyra and Ayeesha.

 If any guard or physician came within sight, he would strike without warning.

Figus Dva rolled 26 using 1d20+12 with rolls of 14.  perception.
Figus Dva rolled 26 using 1d20+11 with rolls of 15.  stealth.
Witch, 536 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Thu 17 Mar 2022
at 15:28
  • msg #57

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kyra follows after Figus, likewise trying to remain quiet and still lamenting the loss of of her magical shawl.

16:27, Today: Kyra rolled 23 using 1d20+14 with rolls of 9.  Stealth.
Dungeon Master
GM, 804 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Sat 19 Mar 2022
at 04:46
  • msg #58

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Up Above
As soon as Figus opens the door a sword comes slashing at him. Out of pure instinct he flicks his hand up and deflects the strike. An arrow whizes past his face and embeds itself into the wall.

"They're here! They're here!"

It seems the sounds of their battle had alerted the guards after all.

Round 1
Ayeesha1855/55Greatsword +9/+42d6+13Power Attack
Kyra1530/30Tarot Deck +81d4Mage Armor
Figus1647/47Scimitar +8/Kukri +81d6+3/1d4+1-
Alpha2142/42Bite +6/Spear +61d6+3/1d8+3Anthropomorphic Animal
Grey Maiden #121HealthyLongsword +61d8+2-
Grey Maiden #219HealthyLongbow +31d8-

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

As always check to make sure your trackers are correct. This is the first combat since you leveled up to 6
Rogue, 717 posts
HP 45/45 AC 19
F+4 R+9 W+4
Sat 19 Mar 2022
at 05:04
  • msg #59

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Figus Dva
Ranger, 668 posts
Half-Drow Male
Sat 19 Mar 2022
at 15:30
  • msg #60

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

The reaction was immediate and intuitive. Figus unleashed a series of little strikes in quick succession, some of it just clinked on the maiden’s heavy armour. Still his intimate knowledge of how humans fight open the way for both his scimitar and his kukri to find a gap in her defence.

Alpha! Flanking manoeuvre! he hissed.

The bipedal wolf ran past them and jumped over the maiden to fight a clear spot from where to attack. He threw his jaw into the maiden’s leg, but failed to grab onto anything.

Forgot about favoured enemy in my rolls! Just realised it makes TWF slightly more worth it.
I think it means I hit twice (AC29 and 22) for a total of 18 damage.
Alpha rolled acrobatics to jump on the other side without AOO, but didn’t hit

Witch, 537 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Sun 20 Mar 2022
at 11:49
  • msg #61

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kyra again uses ties to use her magical gift to put another maiden to sleep.

When all you have is a hammer... Slumber on the other maiden if Kyra has her in sight. Otherwise, Slumber on the one Figus is attacking.

Also, 5' forward to make room for Ayeesha, now that Alpha has moved forward as well.

Bloodrager, 480 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Mon 21 Mar 2022
at 12:45
  • msg #62

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Kyra (msg # 61):

Ayesha will look for opportunities to use her reach to attack.  She will use the Guisarme that gives her 15' of reach while enlarged or 20' for enlarged Guisarme?.

Move action: Sheath GS

Free action for +1 BAB: Pull MWK Guisarme

Standard Action: Trip attempt against Grey maiden.

She will attempt to snake in and snag an ankle to trip the maiden in range if feasible.

I will make the rolls for CMB attempt to trip if allowed or disregard and Ayeesha will wait for an opportunity to attack or help out.

CMB +10, Size +1, MWK Guisarme +1, Entangled condition -2 = +10

So should be a 23; missed a +1 when I rolled.

08:01, Today: Ayeesha rolled 22 using 1d20+9 with rolls of 13.  Trip attempt +9.
Dungeon Master
GM, 805 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Thu 24 Mar 2022
at 05:23
  • msg #63

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw listens to the southern door. It seems quiet but then here hears what he thinks was a noise. There might be something (or someone) behind the southern door.

Figus lashes out and stabs at the Grey Maiden. The hallway is too narrow and cramped for anyone behind him to squeeze through to attack leaving him to hold the front line by himself. Behind Figus (and Alpha) Kyra struggles to make eye contact to deliver her curse but eventually it happens, she catches sight of the guard around the corner and she delivers her sleeping curse. The guard stumbles and falls mid-swing to pass out at Figus' feet.

The other guard tosses away her bow and pulls out her longsword and preps her shield. So far while the combat training of the Queen's Maiden's hasn't stacked up against seasoned saviors of the city, they definitely instilled a ridiculous amount of loyalty into the women as the last guard prepares to make her final stand.

Round 1
Ayeesha1855/55Greatsword +9/+42d6+13Power Attack
Kyra1530/30Tarot Deck +81d4Mage Armor
Figus1647/47Scimitar +8/Kukri +81d6+3/1d4+1-
Alpha2142/42Bite +6/Spear +61d6+3/1d8+3Anthropomorphic Animal
Grey Maiden #121CrippledLongsword +61d8+2Asleep
Grey Maiden #221HealthyLongsword +61d8+2-

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

As always check to make sure your trackers are correct. This is the first combat since you leveled up to 6
Rogue, 718 posts
HP 45/45 AC 19
F+4 R+9 W+4
Thu 24 Mar 2022
at 06:56
  • msg #64

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Quietly, Kraw eases the door open to peer inside. He unlocks the door if needed.

Current effects
Hide from Undead

22:53, Today: Kraw rolled 28 using 1d20+13 with rolls of 15.  Perception .

22:52, Today: Kraw rolled 23 using 1d20+15 with rolls of 8.  Disable Device , if needed.

22:52, Today: Kraw rolled 46 using 1d20+35 with rolls of 11.  Stealth.

OOC The lift is enclosed, right? Even at the bottom? Was there a hatch in the roof, or room between the lift and the walls?
Witch, 538 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Thu 24 Mar 2022
at 10:02
  • msg #65

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kyra tries to get sight on the remaining guard to knock her out as well.

Keep hammering Slumber.
Bloodrager, 481 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Thu 24 Mar 2022
at 20:21
  • msg #66

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Kyra (msg # 65):

Ayeesha will delay until such a time as an oppotunity to act presents itself.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:55, Fri 25 Mar 2022.
Dungeon Master
GM, 807 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Fri 25 Mar 2022
at 21:33
  • msg #67

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Up on the third floor the second guard stumbles and then falls asleep. The group knows the guards had raised an alarm but so far nothing seemed to be charging at them from up top or down below giving them a brief moment to consider things.

Given how the guards had barricaded the hallway it seemed unlikely that Kraw had made his way up here. Perhaps he had found a different way up, or perhaps he hadn't gone upstairs at all.

The group was in the guard/waiting area. They knew from their intel that past this was the main research laboratory for the physicians and beyond that was Dr. Davalus' personal office.

Down in the depths Kraw studies the door and listens but doesn't notice any traps or obstacles and so he quietly turns the door knob and opens the door...right on a group of four physicians crouched and ready to spring the attack.

They start swinging their clubs before the door even fully opens. It seemed like they had known the elevator had descended and had been lying in wait for some kind of signal to spring the attack. That meant they had all been staring at the door, weapons at the ready and no amount of stealth or invisibility would hide the turning of the door knob.

However that didn't mean they knew exactly where Kraw was. One of the attacks goes high, possibly not expecting Kraw to be crouched as low as he was but the other two connect, hard.

One misses complete. The others hit on a 20 and a nat 20. Both pass the 50% miss chance for being invisible.

13 damage

The attacks don't disrupt Kraw's spell but he sees the physicians silently look at each other  as their clubs seemingly halt in midair. Then as a group the physicians prepare to rush out of the small chamber, possibly to try and grapple with Kraw and pin their invisible intruder down.

Round 1
Ayeesha1664/73Greatsword +11/+63d6+17Power Attack, Rage, DR3
Kraw1929/42Daggers +9/+8 x21d4+5/1d4+2-
Kyra1530/30Tarot Deck +81d4Mage Armor
Figus1647/47Scimitar +8/Kukri +81d6+3/1d4+1-
Alpha2142/42Bite +6/Spear +61d6+3/1d8+3Anthropomorphic Animal
Queen's Physician #114HealthyClub +31d6+2-
Queen's Physician #214HealthyClub +31d6+2-
Queen's Physician #314HealthyClub +31d6+2-
Queen's Physician #414HealthyClub +31d6+2-

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

As always check to make sure your trackers are correct. This is the first combat since you leveled up to 6
Witch, 539 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Sat 26 Mar 2022
at 18:13
  • msg #68

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

"Kraw, if you are here, this isn't funny anymore." Kyra says as she rushes to disarm the fallen guards, tying them up with whatever she can find.

We need to find Kraw. I'm thinking that the elevator would be the next place we would look, even if none of us has seen it descent down below. Can we call it up from this level?

Alternatively, Kyra can fly down the shaft, or give the ability to fly down to someone more useful in combat.

Bloodrager, 482 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Sun 27 Mar 2022
at 23:28
  • msg #69

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Kyra (msg # 68):

"Kyra, Figus, can one of you check the elevator shaft and see what the deal is?
I will volunteer to fly down the shaft if you all like the idea."

Figus Dva
Ranger, 672 posts
Half-Drow Male
Mon 28 Mar 2022
at 10:04
  • msg #70

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

 Figus helped secure the sleeping maidens, using their bowstrings thereby sabotaging the weapon and finding an appropriate imrprovised tool. He removed their helmets and checked their eyes, muttering to himself:
 "Are these women drugged? They attack with startling commitment... surely they cannot all be as wicked as the physicians themselves..."

 The ranger leant an ear to the elevator shaft, mumbling:
 "Did you hear something there?"


 Hoping to hear something of Kraw's so that we can come to his aid

Dungeon Master
GM, 809 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Thu 31 Mar 2022
at 04:45
  • msg #71

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

The group has just enough time to get to situated at the top of the stairs (and for Ayeesha to squeeze her way through the narrow hallway) when the double  doors silently open up revealing a trio of Queen's Physicians advancing on the group. They move quickly and swiftly bringing their clubs to bear. Both Ayeesha and Figus take glancing strikes as they adjust to engage with this new group of combatants.

Figus takes 3 damage,  Ayeesha takes 7 (-3 DR) for 4 damage)

FYI this happens 1-2 rounds after combat ended last time so this interrupts your attempt to find Kraw

Round 2
Down Below
Kraw1929/42Daggers +9/+8 x21d4+5/1d4+2-
Queen's Physician #114HealthyClub +31d6+2-
Queen's Physician #214HealthyClub +31d6+2-
Queen's Physician #314HealthyClub +31d6+2-
Queen's Physician #414HealthyClub +31d6+2-
Up Above
Ayeesha1660/73Greatsword +11/+63d6+17Power Attack, Rage, DR3
Kyra1530/30Tarot Deck +81d4Mage Armor
Figus1644/47Scimitar +8/Kukri +81d6+3/1d4+1-
Alpha2142/42Bite +6/Spear +61d6+3/1d8+3Anthropomorphic Animal
Queen's Physician #514HealthyClub +31d6+2-
Queen's Physician #614HealthyClub +31d6+2-
Queen's Physician #714HealthyClub +31d6+2-

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

As always check to make sure your trackers are correct. This is the first combat since you leveled up to 6
Rogue, 720 posts
HP 45/45 AC 19
F+4 R+9 W+4
Thu 31 Mar 2022
at 05:26
  • msg #72

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Bloodrager, 483 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Thu 31 Mar 2022
at 21:17
  • msg #73

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Kraw (msg # 72):

Ayeesha rages and whacks the Physicians with her Great sword while Power attacking; splitting attacks between the ones nearest her.

17:10, Today: Ayeesha rolled 19 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 13.  +6 GS PA.

17:10, Today: Ayeesha rolled 22 using 1d20+11 with rolls of 11.  +11 GS PA.

17:12, Today: Ayeesha rolled 33 using 3d6+17 with rolls of 4,6,6.  ENLARGED GS PA DMG.

17:12, Today: Ayeesha rolled 28 using 3d6+17 with rolls of 4,2,5.  ENLARGED GS PA DMG.

Both whacks connect for 33 and 28 points of damage.

"Surrender or else!" Ayeesha warns as she drops two more.
Witch, 542 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Fri 1 Apr 2022
at 10:21
  • msg #74

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kyra again focuses her arcane gift on the attackers, or at least on those attackers still in one piece after Ayeesha and Figus get to work on them.

Slumber, targeting whatever (if any) doctor is left standing after the rest of the party has their turn.
This message was last edited by the player at 10:23, Fri 01 Apr 2022.
Figus Dva
Ranger, 674 posts
Half-Drow Male
Sat 2 Apr 2022
at 18:58
  • msg #75

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Seeing as the physicians were kind enough to come out and meet them, Figus responds with a flurry of quick sharp strikes.

Only one of his blows is lucky enough to meet flesh, the others being easily dodged or diverted.

one physician takes 11 damage
Dungeon Master
GM, 812 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Wed 6 Apr 2022
at 05:14
  • msg #76

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Down below Kraw slips away successfully, backing into a corner of the room. The Physicians slowly start fanning out, swinging their clubs around hoping to catch him but their slow and steady pacing means he has a bit of time before they trap him in the corner...

Up above Ayeesha carves her way through two of the physicians while Kyra causes the third physician to drop asleep. Once again her hexes are proving nearly as useful as Ayeesha's man-sized greatsword. With the immediate threat passed the party is treated to a sight of horror beyond what they have already seen in the city.

Rows of white-sheeted beds line the walls of this room. Each is occupied, every bed bearing a patient restrained by leather straps that bind the figure to the sturdy metal frame. At the room's center stretch simple wooden worktables, each covered in fluid-filled beakers, intricate glass tubes, small burners, and other alchemical instruments.

The patients all appear to be alive, somehow, but show various degrees of vivisection. One has their chest cut open and ribs spread apart with some kind of metal contraption putting their pulsing organs on display. Others appear to have been operated on with organs plopped into bowls or jars next to the patients, suspended in some kind of alchemical solution.

Thankfully it seems the patients are unconscious, likely from some kind of smoke pouring from a censor in the middle of the room. Despite the horrific scars and surgeries performed on them, the patients all seem to be in peaceful slumber, some even have a little smile on their face.

Round 3
Down Below
Kraw1930/42Daggers +9/+8 x21d4+5/1d4+2Healing (9)
Queen's Physician #114HealthyClub +31d6+2-
Queen's Physician #214HealthyClub +31d6+2-
Queen's Physician #314HealthyClub +31d6+2-
Queen's Physician #414HealthyClub +31d6+2-
Up Above
Ayeesha1660/73Greatsword +11/+63d6+17Power Attack, Rage, DR3
Kyra1530/30Tarot Deck +81d4Mage Armor
Figus1644/47Scimitar +8/Kukri +81d6+3/1d4+1-
Alpha2142/42Bite +6/Spear +61d6+3/1d8+3Anthropomorphic Animal

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

As always check to make sure your trackers are correct. This is the first combat since you leveled up to 6
Rogue, 723 posts
HP 45/45 AC 19
F+4 R+9 W+4
Wed 6 Apr 2022
at 09:51
  • msg #77

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Using his avian form as best he can, Kraw quietly leaps high and wedges himself high in the corner, well above the sweeps of the physicians. As his body slowly heals, he glances at the elevator to see if there was access to any space above the lift car.

02:47, Today: Kraw rolled 32 using 1d20+18 with rolls of 14.  Acrobatics . Jump 16' high.

02:47, Today: Kraw rolled 10 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 4.  Climb check.

Bloodrager, 484 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Wed 6 Apr 2022
at 12:50
  • msg #78

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Kraw (msg # 77):

Ayeesha ends her rage and will be fatigues for 2 rounds.

If she can squeeze into X,Y,17,18 squares she will do so but wont if it risks any patients.

"WTF are they doing to our people?"

Ayeesha looks on in concerned disgust at the macabre seen and takes in every details that she is able while listening intently.

08:48, Today: Ayeesha rolled 27 using 1d20+9 with rolls of 18.  Perception +9.
Figus Dva
Ranger, 677 posts
Half-Drow Male
Wed 6 Apr 2022
at 14:16
  • msg #79

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

 With one physician still alive, albeit asleep, Figus lingers at the back at first. He ties the man's wrists and ankles, in case they needed him later on. He also removes the grotesque mask that covers his face.
  "What is this device for anyway? Does it actually protect them from the plague?"

 He follows behind Ayeesha, and upon taking in the scene, winces in disgust. He has gutted more animals than he can remember in hunting, and enough humans to develop a keen knowledge of their anatomy, but this was still a bit more than he could stomach...

 The half-drow looked at the incense burners and warned:
  "These fumes could be what keeps them asleep... and blissful apparently. Don't breathe in..."

 He put a kerchief on his mouth and nose, and avoided breathing the fragrant smoke. Pointing his scimitar to the door at the far end, he uttered:
  "Let's get to the man behind it all, and end it for good..."
This message was last edited by the player at 21:55, Wed 06 Apr 2022.
Witch, 543 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Wed 6 Apr 2022
at 16:52
  • msg #80

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Before following after Ayeesha and Figus, Kyra takes a quick look inside the elevator shaft, in case Kraw is in there for some reason. With the guards they had to deal with, it does not seem likely he was up here at all.

Since Kyra is already by the elevator, can she take a quick look down the shaft? Maybe figure out that the elevator goes down to the basement as well? If it's too dark in there to tell, she has the Dancing Lights cantrip.
Dungeon Master
GM, 813 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Wed 13 Apr 2022
at 04:07
  • msg #81

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Down Below...

Kraw scrambles up the rough cave wall trying to put some distance vertically between him and the sweeping physicians. The wall s are rough and Kraw's clawed feet find purchase although the ceilings are not that tall here. It is possible he can evade them but if his luck turned hard against him he might find himself trapped.

The elevator does not have a ceiling, in fact it seems to be open although the elevator shaft seems to be completely dark. Of note that whatever rope or magic or mechanism to raise the elevator is hidden, instead the elevator connects to four grooves in the wall (two on each side) that allows it to raise and lower somehow.

The physicians continue to fan out looking for Kraw, slowing advancing on his corner.

Don't know if this is what you're going for but from looking at it across the room it would only be about a DC 15 however it would require 14 successful checks and a slip and fall could get catastrophic very quickly.

Up Above...

Kyra opens up the door to the elevator. The shaft is pitch black but a quick cantrip sheds some light. The elevator shaft extends upwards past their currently floor although there doesn't look to be any doors or exits. Perhaps it is just part of the elevator mechanisms?

Looking down she sees the elevator platform two stories down. It seems the elevator is on the first floor so if Kraw did take, he didn't go very far...

To clarify:
Kraw is at Level: -6 or so
The ground floor where the elevator is at is at Level: 1
The party is on the third floor: Level 3.

That means there are two elevator cars and one is now blocking the subterranean level...

Figus Dva
Ranger, 678 posts
Half-Drow Male
Wed 13 Apr 2022
at 08:08
  • msg #82

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

  "I don't know where Kraw went, but he's not stupid enough to put himself in mortal danger. He's probably scouting the place, and will meet us back up here. In the meantime, we should press our advantage and finish this."

 Unless the others objected, he moved to the door and prepared to open it once he got a nod from them to signify their are ready.

 He tried not to look at the subjects of the ungodly experiments that were happening here.
Witch, 545 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Wed 13 Apr 2022
at 12:16
  • msg #83

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

"I hope you are right. Alright, let's finish this and we can look for him then."
Bloodrager, 485 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Wed 13 Apr 2022
at 16:39
  • msg #84

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Kyra (msg # 83):

Ayeesha prepares to squeeze into the next room in support of Figus after apparently, not perceiving anything of note in the vivisection room.
Dungeon Master
GM, 817 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Wed 20 Apr 2022
at 04:36
  • msg #85

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Up above

Blood, bile, and other humors bubble away within oddly formed beakers and twisted tubes in this sizable laboratory that has been set up in what used to be the manager's office. Any wall
space left unobscured by cabinets or over-laden bookshelves is covered by worn parchments depicting magnified aspects of human anatomy in grisly detail—many pierced with pins and flags like the war maps of a veteran campaigner. In the corner, a desk of elegantly carved white ash bears the image of a herd of antelope, but the stains of dark chemicals and gore disfigures the once-beautiful piece.

Down Below
The physicians continue to sweep closer and closer to Kraw's position...
Dr. Reiner Davaulus
NPC, 3 posts
Human male
Queen's Physician
Wed 20 Apr 2022
at 04:41
  • msg #86

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

From behind his desk Dr. Davaulus looks up at the intruders into his office, his face reddening slightly with anger that leeches into his voice.

"What in the nine hells are you doing here? We are conducting vital research and you are rampaging through my lab, killing my assistants and guards. For what? What are you hoping to accomplish here? I am commissioned by Queen Ileosa herself which makes your actions here tantamount to high treason. Get out. Now. I have more important things to do than deal with your...whatever foolishness this is."
This message was last edited by the player at 04:42, Wed 20 Apr 2022.
Oracle, 680 posts
Wed 20 Apr 2022
at 07:59
  • msg #87

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

I was going to post here, but just realised I've switched to new character - over to you then!
Figus Dva
Ranger, 4 posts
Wed 20 Apr 2022
at 16:45
  • msg #88

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

"That is very interesting" noted Figus "because we have been commission to seek the source of this plague and the trail has led us from bodies, a sunken ship, to your organization here. But, when we tried to ask a few questions in the performance of our duties on behave of the city and her highness, we were attacked."

Figus moves slowly keeping a careful eye on the man, ready to act if he makes any moves to attack, use magic or flee.
Bloodrager, 486 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Wed 20 Apr 2022
at 20:51
  • msg #89

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Figus Dva (msg # 88):

Ayeesha squeezes into a position that brings Dr. Davalus into her reach as she attempts to discern his intentions.

16:43, Today: Ayeesha rolled 4 using 1d20 with rolls of 4.  Sense Motive untrained.

"Innocent servants of the Crown do not attack people for inquiring after a patient. Call me a barbarian but when so one stabs me with steel, I respond in kind. Now, perhaps you would be so kind as to take us to Ruan Mirukova so we can get him cured. Yes?"
Witch, 550 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Thu 21 Apr 2022
at 16:13
  • msg #90

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kyra stay behind her team mates, but keeps an eye on the not-so-good doctor. Should she judge he is trying something funny, she is perfectly willing to knock him out as well.

If Sense Motive is needed, Kyra actually has a decent skill. Shame about the roll, though.
18:11, Today: Kyra rolled 17 using 1d20+10 with rolls of 7.  Sense Motive.

Dr. Reiner Davaulus
NPC, 4 posts
Human male
Queen's Physician
Wed 27 Apr 2022
at 21:38
  • msg #91

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Dr. Davaulus narrows his eyes at the Shoanti and the others.

"You do realize we are in the middle of a catastrophe, right? The guards have to expel angry and confused friends and family every day. The protocol is to ask people to leave and if they refuse, to subdue them to prevent them from disturbing the patients...or our research."

He shifted, his eyes darting between the three heroes, lingering on the wolf that was magically standing upright and somehow holding a spear in the back.

"So before you start throwing around accusations lets check if protocols were followed. Were you asked to leave? And when asked to leave did you comply?"

He seems to be completely unphased by the allegations thrown at him. In fact he seems to be viewing this as both an unfortunate misunderstanding and a complete disruption of his work. Seeing the weapons the group are holding and how they are trapping him in the office he gives a sigh and sits down, motioning for the others to as well.

"I can see your convictions are held and from what I have heard you likely think you have the cities best interest in mind so before anyone resorts to further violence let's discuss this like civilized adults."

He pauses, leaning over to try and look past the group down the hall.

"Are the other physicians and guards alright? I am happy to discuss this further but not if they are bleeding out. I may not be able to bring the dead back to life but I would rather end this day with fewer deaths for a change."
Rogue, 729 posts
HP 45/45 AC 19
F+4 R+9 W+4
Thu 28 Apr 2022
at 03:21
  • msg #92

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Down below

Kraw unleashes his coiled muscles and springs across the room, never once touching the ground. With perfect grace he snags one of the lift lines and swings himself up out of possible sight (should the invisibility drop).

19:17, Today: Kraw rolled 38 using 1d20+18 with rolls of 20.  Acrobatics.

Nat 20 plus +18 modifier equals flashy move.
Figus Dva
Ranger, 7 posts
Thu 28 Apr 2022
at 03:36
  • msg #93

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

"This man can talk his way out of a fire" thought Figus "But, not this time!"

"Do not worry about them bleeding out Doctor. Most of their blood is already out. You indignation and bravado are misplaced. You are most likely the cause of this contagion as the evidence we found on the ship confirms. Now, you can surrender, get on your knees and place your hands on top of your hands, or ...

God, how I always wanted to say that!"

NOW, get on your knees.

Bloodrager, 487 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Fri 29 Apr 2022
at 00:11
  • msg #94

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Figus Dva (msg # 93)

Ayeesha smiles charmingly as she says "Dr Davaulus ..."

As she finishes wiping off her sword and sheathing it.

Her smile turns into a grim visage and then reaches over and attempts to grab him.

19:17, Today: Ayeesha rolled 18 using 1d20+11 with rolls of 7.  Grapple attempt on Dr.Davaulus +11.

"EERR!, you spread this disease through your infected coins in their necromantic boxes.

Then you torture these people, I think you should just sit there and empty your pockets and submit to a search and seizure.

Where did Rolth take Mirukova?

What have you found out in all your research?"

This message was last edited by the player at 00:15, Fri 29 Apr 2022.
Dr. Reiner Davaulus
NPC, 5 posts
Human male
Queen's Physician
Wed 4 May 2022
at 03:47
  • msg #95

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Davaulus doesn't resist. As Ayeesha grabs him and bends him down he doesn't resist, submitting and being tied up with the others. That doesn't stop him from talking though.

"You don't know what you're doing. You're dooming this city. I don't know what you have found or think you have found but you are making a grave mistake. I don't mean to throw this word around lightly but inteferring with the discovery of a cure and assaulting the queen's personal physician is likely going to be viewed as treason. I hope whatever evidence you've found is irrefutable or you're just dooming yourselves."

Ayeesha searches him and from pockets and pouches produces the following:

- x1 glass vial labled 'Elixer of True Healing'
- x1 glass vial labeled 'Elixer of Disease Removal'
- x1 magical rapier
- x1 magical amulet
- x1 set of keys, likely to the building and its various exits and rooms
- x1 weird metal object.

The metal object looks like a button fromt he front but the back side if a complicated looking key.

Not auto-identifying them as I don't know how much time you want to spend searching or studying artifacts versus the fact that kraw is still missing.

- x1 glass vial labled 'Elixer of True Healing'
- x1 glass vial labeled 'Elixer of Disease Removal'
- x1 magical rapier
- x1 magical amulet
- x1 set of keys, likely to the building and its various exits and rooms
- x1 weird metal object.

Figus Dva
Ranger, 10 posts
Wed 4 May 2022
at 14:37
  • msg #96

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Figus commands Alpha to watch the good doctor while hi is being restrained, meanwhile Figus takes a closer look at the weird metal object. He does not push the button but does cast a  Detect Magic and spends some time examining it.

"Lets try the simple method first"

"What is this thing, Doctor?"
Bloodrager, 488 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Wed 4 May 2022
at 14:41
  • msg #97

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Dr. Reiner Davaulus (msg # 95):

Ayeesha's Enlarge spell only lasts  for 6 MIN, so I am sure that it will end before we move on from here.

After Davalus is securely tied up Ayeesha will commence to search the room for any kind of "Research" or incriminating evidence that may exist.

Ayeesha will rage and flex her enlarged state while it lasts to coerce the Doctor.

"Oh, You hope we find irrefutable evidence do you? Well then why don't you confess and show me it!"

12:34, Today: Ayeesha rolled 36 using 1d20+21 with rolls of 15.  Intimidate +15,+4_Size,+2 rages(STRENTGH)!

10:26, Today: Ayeesha rolled 13 using 1d20+9 with rolls of 4.  Perception +9.

If needed, Ayeesha would like to take 20 on the spot check to ensure we search the place thoroughly.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:49, Wed 04 May 2022.
Witch, 552 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Wed 4 May 2022
at 20:06
  • msg #98

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kyra tries a bit of the old good cop - bad cop routine, but with magic to help her out with the "good" part.

"Doctor, please, don't provoke her. Once she gets in a rage like this we can't control her! All we want is our friend that was brought here, and we will be out of your hair. So just tell us where he is and you can go back to your work."

Got one more Charm Person spell left and I'm using it before speaking (DC 14, but he might have a bonus against it for being threatened by Kyra's allies). Kyra has no diplomacy to speak of, but would a bluff roll be appropriate here? Or would this be more of a Aid Another to Ayeesha's intimidate? DM can roll against whatever he decides on for Kyra.
Dr. Reiner Davaulus
NPC, 6 posts
Human male
Queen's Physician
Thu 5 May 2022
at 04:19
  • msg #99

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kyra casts her spell and it seems to take hold. Davaulus relaxes and his eyes take on that dreamy state they had seen before, his body relaxes and he gives a smile to the adventurers.

" can I help?"

Ayeesha asks him to confess and he just looks confused.

"Confess to what? I have done nothing wrong..."

But there is a glint in his eye, and not one from magical effects. Both Ayeesha and Kyra catch that Davaulus isn't actually enchanted, he's just pretending to be so. Ayeesha roars with rage putting her blade to his throat and finally the Doctor's visage breaks.

"Alright, perhaps you're not as dumb as you look. Spare me and I can show you what you are looking for but just, realize what you are asking. Have you been outside? This city was on the verge of tearing itself apart just a few months ago. The masses squeezed together like a pressure cooker just waiting to blow. Do you know who is killed in a riot? The strong. The healthy. The young. The weak and the dying watch from safety while the future of the city bleeds out in the street.

In nature the wildfire is integral to the cycle of life. Sometimes there must be a great culling to clear out the dead wood, so to speak, and make way for new life to grow and flourish. Yes the fire is a tragedy in the moment but in a years time when that dying forest is brilliant green and bursting with life can you really say it was the wrong thing to happen?

This is a dark time for Korvosa but it will survive and it will be stronger for it. It needs room for new life to grow and when it does, it will be a place you and I are proud to call our home."

He nods towards the button that Figus is examining.

"That goes to the elevator. This warehouse was built on a network of caverns that used to be used for smuggling. Now the Urgathoan's use it for their own experiments. I swear I am here to research the disease but they...they are also researching things but for a different purpose."

As he talks Ayeesha looks around and finds various papers and notes but doesn't really understand what they are. Luckily Davaulus is there to help translate.

"The biggest problem with this city is the native Varisians. Shifty and untrustworthy, resistant to any kind of attempts at law and order. However it seems that pure-blooded Varisians have some kind of inherent resistance to the disease. By studying them we had hoped to better understand the disease, perhaps even develop an antidote for when it had run its course and the brush had been sufficiently burned."
Witch, 553 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Thu 5 May 2022
at 16:03
  • msg #100

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

As the doctor makes his confession, Kyra looks over the various papers and notes. "Interesting tale doctor. Perhaps we should arrange for you to share it with someone else later. For now though, you say that the elevator goes down to these tunnels as well? Maybe our friends are down there." Though why Kraw would head down alone without so much as warning them is beyond her.

Before we leave here, Kyra would like to to stuff her bag of holding with as much papers and notes as possible, and the more incriminating, the better. Also any interesting books to complete her collection back home, if there is time to look over the shelves. And we can take the magical stuff to identify and divide later.

Unfortunately we can't really stuff this guy in a bag of holding as well, but maybe we can just leave him tied up here for now. Or do we drag him down below with us?

Bloodrager, 489 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Thu 5 May 2022
at 20:34
  • msg #101

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Kyra (msg # 100):

"Kyra, Do those squiggle lines tell you what he was doing?"

"We can leave him tied up here until we return from below or take him with us."

Dungeon Master
GM, 822 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Fri 6 May 2022
at 03:51
  • msg #102

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

The room is absolutely stuffed full of books. They are almost all medical tomes and books on biology, anatomy etc. Other than the papers that were lying out and easy to identify you could probably spend hours trying to look through the papers and books here.

To clarify there is no "grab something that looks interesting" or you'll end up with Ptolem's Anatomy Vol. 19 or something. Either you'll have to spend time here making Perception checks or you should move on and consider coming back later when you might have more time to sit down and focus.

Or if everyone is fine putting the search for Kraw on hold, we can switch to him and see what happens for him for awhile...

This message was last edited by the GM at 03:57, Fri 06 May 2022.
Witch, 554 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Fri 6 May 2022
at 07:52
  • msg #103

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Then Kyra will just take the those papers lying around and easy to identify and hopefully come back to check out the rest of the stuff later. We have a missing tengu situation to deal with first.

Can Kyra get anything from those papers as she stuffs them down her bag, or would she need more time to examine them for that? So that I know what to say to Ayeesha.

Figus Dva
Ranger, 13 posts
Fri 6 May 2022
at 14:32
  • msg #104

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Dr. Davaulus ideas discussed Figus. His notion of superiority and survival went against everything Figus believed in. There were no mercy or charity in his words, no feelings for those who were less fortunate in their lives. They were plainly unacceptable. Figus also contemplated untying the good doctor just to strip the man's armor. It was something the group overlooked before securing him.

"I think we would like to check those 'caverns'. I do not believe that Urgathoan are doing anything which is good for the city, or even something which should be allowed to continue."
Bloodrager, 490 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Fri 6 May 2022
at 16:17
  • msg #105

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Figus Dva (msg # 104):

"Yes Figus, I believe we need to delve deep to find the rot infecting the city and cut it out."
Witch, 556 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Sat 7 May 2022
at 10:20
  • msg #106

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Ayeesha (msg # 101):

Kyra pauses for a moment to glance over a piece of paper, but then just shakes her head and resumes stuffing the notes in her bag. "I'd need more time to go over what we found here, and I fear our time here may be limited. We need to find Kraw, if it's not too late already."
Bloodrager, 491 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Sat 7 May 2022
at 11:42
  • msg #107

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Kyra (msg # 106):

Ayeesha is torn between the choices as she weighs the consequences of their actions.

"I think we need to get help for these sick patients, maybe we could take five minutes and find the watch to turn Davalus over to and request aid for the sick and dying before we go on from here? Or find Kraw then double back and engage the guard? So, Kraw or Guard?  If we go down and don't come back, who will know what was going on here? If we go down we will need to be very cautious and have Kyra ready to fly out of there and get the guard if we get in trouble."
Dungeon Master
GM, 825 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Fri 20 May 2022
at 21:19
  • msg #108

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

The group drags Dr. Davaulus along with them back towards the elevator. The elevator doesn't appear to be on this floor, instead it is on the ground floor.
Bloodrager, 493 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Sun 22 May 2022
at 02:26
  • msg #109

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 108):

We go down the stairs to the ground level and check the elevator.
Rogue, 731 posts
HP 45/45 AC 19
F+4 R+9 W+4
Sun 22 May 2022
at 04:45
  • msg #110

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

As you arrive at the ground floor, the door to the elevator opens, and there stands Kraw, a ragged hole in the floor of the elevator behind him. He says "these guys were really sneaky. An elevator, and a dummy-elevator for appearances when the regular elevator is down in the sub-basement. About 100 feet below us is a Temple to Urgathoa, staffed by those silent Doctor assistants. Those things cannot be human, they're too strong. The double doors to the Temple are trapped, but 4 of the assistants attacked me before I could disarm it. Lucky I prepared my escape with a Monkeyfish potion."
Witch, 558 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Sun 22 May 2022
at 14:15
  • msg #111

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

"Finally." Kyra says as they find Kraw still in one piece and breathing. "You got us really worried. How the hell did you end up down there anyway? Oh, and yeah, we already learned of what's below from our good friend the doctor here. At least now we can take the time to hand him over to someone and not drag him down with us."

Since we have found Kraw now, I'm good with taking a few minutes to hand over the doctor to a patrol.

Also, Kyra will walk to the nearest dead assistant to remove his mask and finally see what they are dealing with here. Undead?

Figus Dva
Ranger, 17 posts
Sun 22 May 2022
at 23:00
  • msg #112

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

"Although I would like to get this one off our hands" Figus nods toward the doctor "I think we need to clean this place up before that. We cannot afford to lose time. Nor do I want to have him out of our sight."
Rogue, 732 posts
HP 45/45 AC 19
F+4 R+9 W+4
Mon 23 May 2022
at 09:37
  • msg #113

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw responds "given that this was a doctor hand-picked by the Queen, I think we need Kroft here, possibly with a troop to support us if we are fighting a Temple of these Urgathoans."
Bloodrager, 494 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Mon 23 May 2022
at 10:15
  • msg #114

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Kraw (msg # 113):

"And all these sick people need help.  We should get the guard then take care of the Urgathoans.""

Dungeon Master
GM, 826 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Tue 24 May 2022
at 03:31
  • msg #115

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Dr. Davaulus is handed over to one of the patrols and given strict instructions to hold him until further notice.

Meanwhile the group goes over to one of the bound doctors and pulls off the plague mask...revealing a human face. One broken with blisters and boils and with scarred flesh carved with the symbols of Urgathoa but otherwise it seemed to be human.

For context Kraw, the doctors have 14 STR so Ayeesha easily puts them to shame, strength wise. You were hit with a crit which is why it seemed so much worse.
Bloodrager, 495 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Tue 24 May 2022
at 11:55
  • msg #116

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 115):

After the guard comes and she sees the patients are going to be cared for; a quiet rage steels into her soul as she turn her focus to the cause of all the suffering they have witnessed.

Her eyes meet her companions with a barely contained fire in her steely stare.

"Now we can let the elevator take us down and we can go crazy!"
This message was last edited by the player at 13:43, Tue 24 May 2022.
Witch, 559 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Tue 24 May 2022
at 20:10
  • msg #117

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

"And now we know why they carry those masks. Damn they are ugly. Plus the symbol would be a dead giveaway, of course." Kyra wipes her hands on her clothes, promising herself a bath once they are out of here.

The elevator is already down and we have to get it back up again first, right? But the controls for that are in the elevator, aren't they? So, do we have to find some other way to get down there?
Rogue, 733 posts
HP 45/45 AC 19
F+4 R+9 W+4
Wed 25 May 2022
at 11:31
  • msg #118

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw asks "did the doctor have a special key for the lift? I found a keyhole that brought me down to the bottom, but there must be some sort of key or item to operate it normally."
Witch, 560 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Wed 25 May 2022
at 13:56
  • msg #119

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

"He did, yes. But where's that keyhole?"
Rogue, 734 posts
HP 45/45 AC 19
F+4 R+9 W+4
Thu 26 May 2022
at 04:02
  • msg #120

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw answers "ground floor, hidden behind a wooden panel. I jimmied it earlier to get me access but the lift was locked down and I couldn't return. Maybe an override in the doctor's office?"
Figus Dva
Ranger, 18 posts
Sat 28 May 2022
at 19:35
  • msg #121

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Figus waited for the others to finish the discussion before proceeding. He was not happy about letting the doctor out of his sight, but it did free up Alpha, and the at least the guard could be trusted.
Bloodrager, 496 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Fri 3 Jun 2022
at 14:02
  • msg #122

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Figus Dva (msg # 121):

Ayeesha looks down the shaft and posits a plan.

"Well, since the elevator is down below, I have 50' of silk rope if someone else has some we could combine the rope to 100' and climb down the shaft if we cannot get the elevator up."
Rogue, 735 posts
HP 45/45 AC 19
F+4 R+9 W+4
Fri 3 Jun 2022
at 14:11
  • msg #123

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw nods, but adds "let me try to gimmick it up first. I can try that from the original controls."
Dungeon Master
GM, 827 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Wed 8 Jun 2022
at 06:17
  • msg #124

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

The group searches around and finds that the special key also fits into the "dummy" elevator cover. It is easy enough to insert while stepping off to the side and when performed there is an audible sound of some kind of locking mechanism releasing.

Then the dummy platform rises up into the ceiling and from below the actual platform rises up to take its spot.

Kraw would know the plague doctors down there would definitely notice the platform going up and would be prepared for intruders. If the group chooses to descend with the elevator they should be prepared for battle...
Bloodrager, 497 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Wed 8 Jun 2022
at 20:08
  • msg #125

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 124):

Ayeesha taps herself with the wand of cat's grace.

It's on spell list so don't roll low.

15:55, Today: Ayeesha rolled 19 using 1d20+1 with rolls of 18.  Use Cat's Grace wand.

Success! 3 min of +4 dex.

"Anyone want a Dex boost?"

Ayeesha then steps into the elevator.

She will drink 2 potions of CLW for 7hp of healing.
Witch, 561 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Thu 9 Jun 2022
at 17:35
  • msg #126

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

"Hang on." Kyra tries to stop Ayeesha from drinking the potions. "That's why we have these." She brandishes a wand, ready to heal Ayeesha and anyone else that could be injured from the fighting.

Almost forgot we had these, can Ayeesha choose to not drink the potions? And who else needs healing? Kraw?
19:22, Today: Kyra rolled 8 using 1d8+1 with rolls of 7.  CLW wand.
19:21, Today: Kyra rolled 6 using 1d8+1 with rolls of 5.  CLW wand.

Also, I think we already bought a new CLW wand, didn't we, in April last year in the OOC thread? And Kyra then gave the old one to Figus? The old wand had 13 charges left, so her new wand should now have 45 left. I think.

Bloodrager, 498 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Thu 9 Jun 2022
at 18:22
  • msg #127

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Kyra (msg # 126):

"Thanks Kyra! I wasn't thirsty anyways."
Rogue, 736 posts
HP 45/45 AC 19
F+4 R+9 W+4
Fri 10 Jun 2022
at 00:13
  • msg #128

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw says as he opens his pack "two of the assistants hit me with clubs even though I was invisible. But before I came across them, I found robes and masks for all of us. They may be on alert because the lift went back up, but if we go down disguised as them, they might hesitate and grant us the initiative." He passes out the physicians robes and masks he confiscated in the cloak room.

HP 29/42.
Witch, 562 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Fri 10 Jun 2022
at 17:37
  • msg #129

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

"Could work." Kyra takes the offered robe and mask hesitantly. She does not like the idea of wearing anything that belonged to those doctors, but she likes the plan of just walking into an ambush without any preparations even less.

Healing Kraw, 3 charges.
19:35, Today: Kyra rolled 7,2 using 1d8+1,1d8+1 with rolls of 6,1.  CLW, CLW.
19:35, Today: Kyra rolled 6 using 1d8+1 with rolls of 5.  CLW.

Figus Dva
Ranger, 19 posts
Wed 15 Jun 2022
at 12:44
  • msg #130

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

"Having some more speed never hurts. I will take a shot of that Dex boost if you do not mind Ayeesha."
Bloodrager, 499 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Wed 15 Jun 2022
at 21:41
  • msg #131

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Figus Dva (msg # 130):

17:39, Today: Ayeesha rolled 5 using 1d20+1 with rolls of 4.  Use Cat's Grace wand.

That should be good enough for Figus.

"Sure, there you go."
Figus Dva
Ranger, 20 posts
Wed 15 Jun 2022
at 22:53
  • msg #132

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

"Excelent. Thank you."

As the group prepares, Figus will smear a dose of Blue whinis poison on his throwing dagger.

18:53, Today: Figus Dva rolled 85 using 1d100 with rolls of 85.  5% change for poison.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:54, Wed 15 June 2022.
Dungeon Master
GM, 828 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Sat 25 Jun 2022
at 04:28
  • msg #133

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

I'm assuming everyone is ready

The elevator descends slowly and the anticipation builds. At any moment the door would become visible and battle would commence.

Finally after an agonizingly slow minute the platform comes to a halt. Opening the door...reveals an empty  open room. There is a pair of closed doors on the opposite wall and left and right of the elevator are single doors, also closed.

Round 1
Ayeesha1955/55Greatsword +9/+42d6+13Power Attack
Kyra1530/30Tarot Deck +81d4Mage Armor
Figus1847/47Scimitar +8/Kukri +81d6+3/1d4+1Blue Whinnis, Cat's Grace
Alpha2142/42Bite +6/Spear +61d6+3/1d8+3Anthropomorphic Animal
Kraw1942/42Daggers +9/+8 x21d4+5/1d4+2-

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

Figus Dva
Ranger, 21 posts
Sat 25 Jun 2022
at 16:09
  • msg #134

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

"Yeah, like they would not be ready for us ..."

Figus casts a Detect Magic spell and looks around the room before exiting the lift.
Witch, 564 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Sat 25 Jun 2022
at 17:42
  • msg #135

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kyra stays well back in the lift. From her magical bag she digs out two vials of green liquid.

Hmm. They could be just waiting to rush in from all sides the moment we step outside. Got two vials of shard gel, we could throw them at AN11 and AP11 to slow down anyone trying to get to us through east or south, leaving only the north doors. What do you guys think?
Rogue, 738 posts
HP 45/45 AC 19
F+4 R+9 W+4
Sun 26 Jun 2022
at 04:16
  • msg #136

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw points "I'm fairly certain those double doors are Trapped. I got the disguises from behind that north door" he points to the left, "but there's no guarantee that some enemies aren't waiting there now. The room had no other exit. The door to the south held my 4 previous assailants."
Bloodrager, 501 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Sun 26 Jun 2022
at 16:14
  • msg #137

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Kraw (msg # 136):

Ayeesha will move to AN 10 with MW Guisarme pulled to give her 10' of reach looking for AOO and a readied action to strike attackers entering doors and/or approaching with in range.
Witch, 565 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Sun 26 Jun 2022
at 16:54
  • msg #138

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kyra nods at Kraw's words, then follows Ayeesha outside and sends one of the vials flying to smash against the door to the north of them.

Move to AO8, throwing shard gel at AL9. All neighboring squares to AL9 are now under caltrops, so watch your step everyone.
Dungeon Master
GM, 829 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Fri 1 Jul 2022
at 22:09
  • msg #139

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw detects magic coming from the doors but doesn't detect anything else in the room. The party enters and makes the preparations, laying down traps or just getting into position.

A few seconds after they enter the main double doors open up revealing a long hallway and two of the plague doctors blocking the passage with their weapons drawn.

Round 1
Ayeesha1955/55Greatsword +9/+42d6+13Power Attack
Kyra1530/30Tarot Deck +81d4Mage Armor
Figus1847/47Scimitar +8/Kukri +81d6+3/1d4+1Blue Whinnis, Cat's Grace
Alpha2142/42Bite +6/Spear +61d6+3/1d8+3Anthropomorphic Animal
Kraw1942/42Daggers +9/+8 x21d4+5/1d4+2-
Plague Doc #1 (AM13)AC 14HealthyClub +31d6+2-
Plague Doc #2 (AN13)AC 14HealthyClub +31d6+2-

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

Witch, 567 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Sun 3 Jul 2022
at 11:14
  • msg #140

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kyra again uses her favorite ability, wondering if it will even work on these cultists or not.

Slumber on doctor at AM13.
Rogue, 739 posts
HP 45/45 AC 19
F+4 R+9 W+4
Sun 3 Jul 2022
at 13:50
  • msg #141

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Glad to no longer hold back, Kraw charges ahead and leaps over the head of one doctor, landing in AN-14. With a flash of motion, a dagger is in his hand, stabbing at the doctor before he can turn around.

06:47, Today: Kraw rolled 22 using 1d20+18 with rolls of 4.  Acrobatics.

06:47, Today: Kraw rolled 14 using 1d20+12 with rolls of 2.  Dagger attack, flanking.

06:46, Today: Kraw rolled 9 using 1d4+5 with rolls of 4.  Dagger damage.

06:46, Today: Kraw rolled 19 using 3d8 with rolls of 4,7,8.  Sneak stab damage.

Figus Dva
Ranger, 22 posts
Sun 3 Jul 2022
at 16:52
  • msg #142

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Figus will move forward to engage the Plague Doctors (AN12) and give Kraw a chance to flank While stabing the other.

12:48, Today: Figus Dva rolled 11 using 2d6+6 with rolls of 4,1.  Scimitar damage (+4 if human).
12:47, Today: Figus Dva rolled 24 using 1d20+10 with rolls of 14.  crit check.
12:47, Today: Figus Dva rolled 27 using 1d20+10 with rolls of 17.  Scimitar (+4 if human).

Alpha moves up to suppport (AM11) and attacks the same target as Figus with her spear

12:50, Today: Figus Dva rolled 7 using 1d8+3 with rolls of 4.  Alpha spear damage.
12:50, Today: Figus Dva rolled 21 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 15.  Alpha spear attack.

Bloodrager, 503 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Mon 4 Jul 2022
at 13:26
  • msg #143

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Figus Dva (msg # 142):

Ayeesha held back for a moment to see if the attack was just the tip of the spear. Seeing her companions take down the cultists, she will 5' step to A11 a stab them both once for good measure.

09:23, Today: Ayeesha rolled 15 using 1d20+4 with rolls of 11.

09:22, Today: Ayeesha rolled 10 using 1d20+9 with rolls of 1.  PA cultists w GA.

09:24, Today: Ayeesha rolled 18 using 2d4+12 with rolls of 2,4.  PA dmg GA 2d4+12.

Opps... missed the first, hit the second 18.
Dungeon Master
GM, 830 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Sat 9 Jul 2022
at 03:49
  • msg #144

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

The plague doctors move fast but the party of experienced adventurers moves faster. Much faster. In second both doctors are cut down by a multitude of blades and after a second to confirm that there is no further threat the party is able to take stock of its surroundings.

Kraw scouted a couple of rooms so he knows the southern room has no exit and there was an unexplored exit in the "locker room" to the north.

The group is now at the threshold of a pair of giant ornate doors that are currently open allowing the group to see into the horrors of the next room. Dozens of the living dead line the walls of this chamber, their rotting faces sneering and broken fingers clawing at each other.

A layer of rotting bodies lines the floor, the shattered forms twitching in vain, bones and splintered appendages grasping hopelessly. Yet, rather than some massive, nightmare grave, this horror show seems instead to be a stomach-churning attempt at art, as the mangled living dead lie trapped behind walls and beneath a floor of thick glass.

There are doors leading north, south, and east in this room of gore.
Witch, 568 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Mon 11 Jul 2022
at 09:35
  • msg #145

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

"Well, there's something you don't see everyday." Kyra comments the grisly sight. "Kraw, you were down here before. Is there another way inside that doesn't lead through... whatever this is supposed to be?"

Yeah, I'm in favor of searching the other rooms first. Those gel shards should only last a couple more rounds.
Rogue, 741 posts
HP 45/45 AC 19
F+4 R+9 W+4
Mon 11 Jul 2022
at 10:02
  • msg #146

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw nods, saying "unexplored exit behind that northern door. Probably a back entrance to whatever is down here."
Bloodrager, 504 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Mon 11 Jul 2022
at 10:54
  • msg #147

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Kraw (msg # 146):

"Kraw, do you suggest door B then? If so would you like to check it for traps?"
Rogue, 742 posts
HP 45/45 AC 19
F+4 R+9 W+4
Tue 12 Jul 2022
at 05:08
  • msg #148

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw nods and moves slowly past the trap set before the north door. Dressed as a doctor, he sneaks to the door inside and listens intently.
Dungeon Master
GM, 831 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Wed 13 Jul 2022
at 05:06
  • msg #149

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

As the group turns to open up the northern door there is a slight creek as door (F) next to Figus cracks open and a fox pads its way out of the room. It stops and locks eyes with the group, frozen still at being spotted.
Oracle, 684 posts
Wed 13 Jul 2022
at 08:56
  • msg #150

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

 The door actually opens as if by magic, pushed by an invisible force and producing a slight creek, until it's just about six inches ajar. The moment after though, just a few feet to the side of the door, a creature appears as if summoned into existence or gradually gaining consistency after being invisible for a spell.
  Beril was actually invisible in the room, but his spell was about to run out, so might as well reveal him

 The creature is an anthropomorphic fox, about five and half foot tall and relatively skinny, dressed in typical varisian clothing over his bright orange fur. He doesn't carry any armour or weapons.

 The most noticeable and perhaps striking feature in Beril's natural shape is the bright fluffly bouquet of tails flashing behind him where typically one would expect to see a single panache of orange fur.

 He appears starttle by the group, but his big open eyes quickly flicker from the brawny Shoanti to the half-Drow, from the Raven-man to the Wolf-man, and finally lands on the young Witch.

 His palms are open and raised, his multiple tails flutter behind him, and his snout opens to say in an accent typical of the streets of Korvosa:
"Yee not with'em, are yee?"
This message was last edited by the player at 15:52, Wed 13 July 2022.
Rogue, 743 posts
HP 45/45 AC 19
F+4 R+9 W+4
Wed 13 Jul 2022
at 12:29
  • msg #151

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw mutters "what in the nine hells is a kitsune doing down here?"
Witch, 569 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Wed 13 Jul 2022
at 12:51
  • msg #152

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kyra peeks at the stranger from behind the rest of the party. "We're with the guards, so we're the ones asking questions here. Now, who are you?" She asks with suspicion in her voice.

I fear I'm out of the loop here. Is Beril replacing Figus?
Oracle, 685 posts
Wed 13 Jul 2022
at 15:52
  • msg #153

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

 Beril looked to Kraw but did not reply. It seemed an odd comment considering the menagerie that had just walked in.

 He picked up on the coldness in Kyra's response, and said:
 "Name's Beril... and yee don't look like no guards."
 "Yee sound Varisian though..."
he added with a hopeful smile, as if the realisation brought him some comfort.

 He glanced back at the door behind him and whispered:
 "Keep yer voice down... some nasty doctors in there. They got people open and all..."


 I'm not replacing anyone, more of an addition I suppose.
Witch, 570 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Wed 13 Jul 2022
at 17:17
  • msg #154

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

"Oh, we know about them. But what are you doing here?" Keira asks back.

Oh, right. Sorry, for some reason I thought you were replacing Figus. I really should have just looked in the OOC thread.
Bloodrager, 505 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Wed 13 Jul 2022
at 17:41
  • msg #155

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Kyra (msg # 154):

Ayeesha studies the Kitsune for a moment and listens to his question of "..not with them?" and responds by looking at the dead plague doctors laying on the ground, her guisarme dripping blood then back at the kitsune.

"Not so much. Beril is it, what else is behind these doors?"
This message was last edited by the player at 17:07, Thu 14 July 2022.
Oracle, 686 posts
Wed 13 Jul 2022
at 21:34
  • msg #156

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

The fox-man, or kitsune for those well versed in the elusive races of Golarion, seemed ageless but he was evidently male and there was something resolutely Korvosan about him.

He seemed to only then register the pile of corpses behind the group. He nodded and muttered:
“Aye, makes sense… guess they were no good doctors after all.”

“I’s on a night out… got clocked in the neck, woke up in a cell down’ere. We still in Korvosa I reckon, I can feel it.”

He pointed to the door behind him, and described:
“It’s like a sick ward. A dozen bed or so, gents cut open, and then five of them doctors… a nasty looking one, sort of a chief surgeon with knives galore. I gave’m the slip, looked for an exit.”

“How’d yee lot get here?”
he asked, looking to Kyra and Ayeesha in turn.
Bloodrager, 506 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Fri 15 Jul 2022
at 21:35
  • msg #157

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Beril (msg # 156):

"I vote we prep then blitz the Vivisectionists in the next room that Beril told us about and give them a dose of their own medicine!"
Oracle, 687 posts
Sat 16 Jul 2022
at 01:02
  • msg #158

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

“That some big words, but I concur.” the Fox man said.

While he didn’t know much about the physicians, he appeared very keen to give them a piece of his mind…

“I’d go first and throw some confusion in there, if yee lot all right with it…” he added, then considered the motley crew one after the other.

 A Varisian and a Shoanti, a Drow (or was he half-drow?), with not one but two anthropomorphic beasts... he did wonder what fancy of fate had brought these together. Questions could wait though. There's no bond like that forged in the heat of a tavern brawl... or in this case, a hospital skirmish.
This message was last edited by the player at 10:19, Mon 18 July 2022.
Oracle, 691 posts
Thu 28 Jul 2022
at 09:56
  • msg #159

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

 Seeing as there was at least a modicum of trust established with the newcomers, or at least an agreement that they currently had a common enemy, Beril proceeded to cast a defensice spell before they rushed into the room.

Cast Displacement
Dungeon Master
GM, 834 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Thu 4 Aug 2022
at 05:55
  • msg #160

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

The door opens up on a scene of horror. Less a place of science and medicine and more a butcher's shop. There are rows of iron beds with people strapped to them. The people seem to be alive, albeit barely. Several have been partially vivisected with their chest and torso skin peeled back so their internal organs can be studied while the patient is still alive. They seem to be infected with some kind of horrific disease judging by the boils and red blisters covering their skin and on several their blood has turned thick and black instead of the bright red a gaping chest wound should be producing.

There are five people in the room. Two of them have the garb of the Queen's Physicians. The other two are dressed in the garbs of clerics but they don't carry a symbol that is one of the major pantheon and their faces are covered in the same boils and rashes that appear on the victims.

Moving about the room is a thin pale man wearing a long black robe. He is wearing a butcher's apron and is carrying an impressive array of bladed instruments.

Buffs have been noted. You have the surprise round. Do what you're going to do.

Round 0
Ayeesha1855/55Greatsword +9/+42d6+13Power Attack
Kraw1942/42Daggers +9/+8 x21d4+5/1d4+2-
Kyra1530/30Tarot Deck +81d4Mage Armor
Figus1647/47Scimitar +8/Kukri +81d6+3/1d4+1-
Alpha2142/42Bite +6/Spear +61d6+3/1d8+3Anthropomorphic Animal
Beril1236/36Bite +41d4Displacement, PoE
Queen's Physician #1 (AR15)14HealthyClub +31d6+2-
Queen's Physician #2 (AT18)14HealthyClub +31d6+2-
Cleric #1 (AT15)18HealthyUnarmed1d4-
Cleric #2 (AR18)18HealthyUnarmed1d4-
Butcher (AS17)21HealthyUnarmed1d4-

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

As always check to make sure your trackers are correct. This is the first combat since you leveled up to 6
Rogue, 745 posts
HP 45/45 AC 19
F+4 R+9 W+4
Thu 4 Aug 2022
at 06:46
  • msg #161

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw quick-draws his short blades and throws a dagger at a queen's physician with an flourish.

5' step to get line-of-sight on AR-15.
QuickDraw free action
Single attack round action vs AR-15

23:39, Today: Kraw rolled 27 using 1d20+10 with rolls of 17.  Dagger attack. -2 for range still hits.

23:38, Today: Kraw rolled 8 using 1d4+5 with rolls of 3.  Dagger damage.

23:38, Today: Kraw rolled 14 using 3d8 with rolls of 3,3,8.  Sneak stab damage.

This message was last edited by the player at 09:36, Thu 04 Aug 2022.
Oracle, 695 posts
Thu 4 Aug 2022
at 07:59
  • msg #162

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

 ooc: trackers look good - can't wait to find my armour again though!

 Though they had only just met him, they all could see that Beril was not one much tailored for the melee, or even fighting in general. He remained at the back, simply side stepping to adjust his line of sight into the room - the layout of which he already knew.

 One of his tails flared for a moment, and a mental wave of confusion traveled through the room, centred on the thin pale surgeon and affecting everyone in a 15ft radius around him.

  "And now Chaos, do your work..."

 The fox-man grinned to himself from the back.

I'm assuming we get only one action in the suprise round, let me know if that is not the case.

 5ft step to AL15
 Cast Confusion, centred on the bottom right hand corner of AT16
  (whih should catch the baddies, not us - and hopefully not Kraw!)

  Will DC19 negates 

Confusion Effects:
1Acts normally
2Does nothing but babble incoherently
3Deals 1d8+Str to self with item in hand
4Attacks nearest creature

Witch, 573 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Thu 4 Aug 2022
at 09:21
  • msg #163

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

One quick look at that room was more than enough for Keira. She immediately targets whoever she can with her magic.

Step to wherever I can get line of sight on the boss or, if that can't be done, one of the clerics. Aaaand Slumber.

Thought about Glitterdusting them instead, but they are so spread that I can't catch them all.
Bloodrager, 510 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Thu 4 Aug 2022
at 10:56
  • msg #164

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Kyra (msg # 163):

Free action: Rage

Standard action: Ayeesha will charge AR15 and attempt to shove him back using a raging cross check with her Guisarme.

AC 18, -2 charging, -2 Raging, +2 luck, +1 Cat's grace for AC 17

CMB +10, Raging +2, Charging +2 for +14

06:32, Today: Ayeesha rolled 33 using 1d20+14 with rolls of 19.  Raging Bull Rush Charge +14.

Ayeesha wishes to end her movement in AR15, but if she can lift and shove the plague doc into AT15 as the effect of the Bull Rush she would be most happy to launch him into the cleric behind him.

Through gritted teeth Ayeesha lets loose a low growl as she exhales her pent up rage at the evil sight before her "GGGReeerr!"
Dungeon Master
GM, 836 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Wed 17 Aug 2022
at 05:34
  • msg #165

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw's thrown dagger hits the physician in the throat and it drops quickly, silently choking on its own blood.
Take your 1st round action

Beril moves in and casts his spell although at the moment he is unsure if anyone was affected until they start moving.

CRB: 216-217 You do not sense when creatures succeed on saves against effect and area spells.

Kyra tries to evil eye the boss butcher but she can sense that her curse just slides off of him like water on water fowl.

Ayeesha charges into the room and if the Queen's physician wasn't already dying, he surely would be dead. Instead she pushes right on past the dying man taking position in the center of the room.

Figus and Alpha shift to the other door just in case anyone tries to make a run for it and prepare a flanking maneuver once battle lines are established in the room.

Next round...

Round 1
Ayeesha1855/55Greatsword +9/+42d6+13Power Attack
Kraw1942/42Daggers +9/+8 x21d4+5/1d4+2-
Kyra1530/30Tarot Deck +81d4Mage Armor
Figus1647/47Scimitar +8/Kukri +81d6+3/1d4+1-
Alpha2142/42Bite +6/Spear +61d6+3/1d8+3Anthropomorphic Animal
Beril1236/36Bite +41d4Displacement, PoE
Queen's Physician #2 (AT18)14HealthyClub +31d6+2-
Cleric #1 (AT15)18HealthyUnarmed1d4-
Cleric #2 (AR18)18HealthyUnarmed1d4-
Butcher (AS17)21HealthyUnarmed1d4-
Queen's Physician #1 (AR15)--Dead-----

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

As always check to make sure your trackers are correct. This is the first combat since you leveled up to 6
Rogue, 749 posts
HP 45/45 AC 19
F+4 R+9 W+4
Wed 17 Aug 2022
at 08:27
  • msg #166

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw activates a Shield spell, then runs in Ayeesha's wake, tumbling to position himself at AT-16, hoping someone could help him find a flanking partner.

01:25, Today: Kraw rolled 19 using 1d20+18 with rolls of 1.  Acrobatics to avoid AoO.

AC 23 w/Shield
Oracle, 700 posts
Wed 17 Aug 2022
at 10:48
  • msg #167

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

 Beril was ready to move. He followed behind Ayeesha and Kraw, and as he moved he took a minute sip from the little vial hanging on his necklace.

 He stepped into the room and turned his vulpine maw towards the physicians on his left, and made a sound that was more like forced hurling than magic incantations... the worst alcoholic breath that one could ever imagine spread from his mouth towards the three "doctors", catching them in a cone of nauseating fumes.

  "They're yours to pick..." he muttered to the others. "Don't get too close though."

 The fox-man still looked like he was in two places at once, adding to the inebriation theme.

Move: move to AQ16
Standard: Cast Drunkard's Breath (leaving rows AQ and 16 out of the cone area)
 Effect: as Stinking Cloud, nauseated (fortitude DC17 negates, must roll each round for up to 6 rnds, lasts d4+1rnds after they leave the area)

Effects: Displacement, Protection From Evil, current AC12 (14 vs evil)

This message was last edited by the player at 10:50, Wed 17 Aug 2022.
Witch, 576 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Wed 17 Aug 2022
at 11:51
  • msg #168

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kyra follows inside as well, looking for the best place to place her spell. When she finds one, she casts her spell and a cloud of golden dust covers the the group to the east.

Move to AP15, Glitterdust (DC 15) on SE corner of AS18, covering the three to the right.
Bloodrager, 512 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Wed 17 Aug 2022
at 13:12
  • msg #169

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Kyra (msg # 168):

Full attack against Butcher.

09:10, Today: Ayeesha rolled 14 using 1d20+4 with rolls of 10.  Raging PA W /MWGuisarme VS Butcher +4.

09:09, Today: Ayeesha rolled 15 using 1d20+9 with rolls of 6.  Raging PA W /MWGuisarme VS Butcher +9.

Boo two misses!

Now Ayeesha really mad!

Dungeon Master
GM, 837 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Fri 26 Aug 2022
at 05:34
  • msg #170

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw isn't quite as smooth as he wanted to be but the enemy was caught so unprepared he was able to slip by anyway.

Beril lets loose a blast of noxious fumes. The cleric and butcher seem unfazed but the Queen's Physician in the back doubles over in pain.

Then Kyra drops a burst of glitter on the group and once again the cleric and butcher seem to resist the effects while the physician is now vomiting in his mask, seems confused by his surroundings, and doesn't seem to be able to see.

Given how many spells you've cast, I think it safe to say that you would realize that the Butcher is extremely strong vs. fort and will savews, the clerics are fairly strong at fort/will saves and the queen's physicians are good at reflex saves.

In response the butcher seems to calmly step deeper into the stinking fog, raising a hand and summoning a hail of ice on the heroes. Chunks of ice come whipping out of thin air at high speeds pummeling the area of the room that wasn't covered in fog.

Krya, Beril, Ayeesha (and Alpha) are battered by the cold and ice.
12 bludgeoning, 9 cold

The two clerics pull weapons and start swinging large vicious looking scythes. Both Kraw and Alpha are agile enough to evade their attacks.

Round 2
Ayeesha1834/55Greatsword +9/+42d6+13Power Attack
Kraw1942/42Daggers +9/+8 x21d4+5/1d4+2-
Kyra159/30Tarot Deck +81d4Mage Armor
Figus1647/47Scimitar +8/Kukri +81d6+3/1d4+1-
Alpha2121/42Bite +6/Spear +61d6+3/1d8+3Anthropomorphic Animal
Beril1215/36Bite +41d4Displacement, PoE
Queen's Physician #2 (AT18)14HealthyClub +31d6+2Nauseated, Confused, Blinded
Cleric #1 (AT15)18HealthyMW Scythe +32d4+2-
Cleric #2 (AR18)18HealthyMW Scythe +32d4+2-
Butcher (AS17)21HealthyUnarmed1d4-
Queen's Physician #1 (AR15)--Dead-----

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

As always check to make sure your trackers are correct. This is the first combat since you leveled up to 6
Rogue, 750 posts
HP 42/42 AC 19
F+4 R+9 W+4
Fri 26 Aug 2022
at 06:21
  • msg #171

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw shows his appreciation by doing his best to carve new scars into the cleric in front of him. Kraw's daggers flash in the torchlight as he alternates thrusts.


23:17, Today: Kraw rolled 25 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 17.  Dagger attack.

23:17, Today: Kraw rolled 7 using 1d4+5 with rolls of 2.  Dagger damage.

23:17, Today: Kraw rolled 15 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 7.  Dagger attack.

23:17, Today: Kraw rolled 3 using 1d4+2 with rolls of 1.  Dagger damage.

Kraw scores a stab for 7 damage. His Shield spell is up, granting him AC 23.
Bloodrager, 513 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Fri 26 Aug 2022
at 17:18
  • msg #172

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Kraw (msg # 171):

Ayeesha will 5' step to AR16 and full attack The Butcher!

13:11, Today: Ayeesha rolled 22 using 1d20+4 with rolls of 18.  Raging PA W /MWGuisarme VS Butcher +4.

13:11, Today: Ayeesha rolled 21 using 1d20+9 with rolls of 12.  Raging PA W /MWGuisarme VS Butcher +9.

13:15, Today: Ayeesha rolled 17 using 2d4+13 with rolls of 2,2.

13:14, Today: Ayeesha rolled 16 using 2d4+13 with rolls of 2,1.  PA MW GUISARME DMG 2d4+13.

Two hits for 33 points of damage!

With an eye out for AOO she closes on the cultist!


I miss calculated damage: Strength 18 is 22 while raging for +6 being +9 for two handed weapon or 4 more damage making it 37 hitpoints of damage instead of 33.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:37, Sat 27 Aug 2022.
Witch, 577 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Sun 28 Aug 2022
at 12:57
  • msg #173

[2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

With Kyra's magic not making much of a difference, she draws a wand instead to heal. Starting with herself, of course.

Step 5' back out of the room, draw wand of CLW, healing herself for:
14:52, Today: Kyra rolled 5 using 1d8+1 with rolls of 4.  CLW.

Oracle, 701 posts
Mon 29 Aug 2022
at 08:31
  • msg #174

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

 Beril was battered by the cold anf biting hail, but he held his ground. He grabbed a little chain hanging from his wrist and pointed it to the ground by the butcher. Two chains sprung into existance from the tiled floor, wrapping around his ankles and pulling him to the ground!

  "Stay down..." he hissed.

 The noxious vapes were still in the air, a rancid stench of alcohol and puke assaulting the lungs of the butcher and his goons.

 AC14, hp 15/36
Move: step back to AQ14
Standard: Cast Barbed Chains on Butcher (trip attempt 27 vs CMD), will save DC16 or shaken for 1 round (note Prone means AC-4 vs melee, and shaken -2 on most rolls)

Effects: Displacement, Protection From Evil, current AC12 (14 vs evil)
 - Drunkard's Breath (2/6): nauseated (fortitude DC17 negates, must roll each round for up to 6 rnds, lasts d4+1rnds after they leave the area)
 - Confusion (3/6): Note sure if some foes failed the save. Also worth noting: Any confused character who is attacked automatically attacks its attackers on its next turn.

This message was last edited by the player at 09:17, Mon 29 Aug 2022.
Dungeon Master
GM, 838 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Tue 6 Sep 2022
at 14:36
  • msg #175

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

The cleric defends himself as best he can but picks up quite a few wounds in the process. Enough to slay a lesser man but this is a man fueled by fanatic belief in a dark god and that faith provides him power.

Ayeesha comes in and hits the Butcher hard with her her polearm causing major damage..

Beril's chains come out of the ground and snake out under the feet of the butcher causing him to be swept right off his feet.

Figus and Alpha cut down the other cleric.

The cleric slashes Kraw with his scythe and Kraw very nearly takes it on the neck but is able to roll his shoulder up at the last second.
7 pts to Kraw. Nat 20 but they didn't confirm the crit with the scythe...

From the ground the Butcher seems as unfazed as ever. Clearly not an advantageous position but he also doesn't panic and  try to immediately stand up and scramble away exposing himself to  yet another attack. Instead he rolls on the ground, avoiding Ayeesha's followups while he crafts a spell aimed at her!

Make a DC 18 Will Save vs. Hold Person!

Round 3
From across the hallway doors are thrown open. It seems the party has become engaged in battle right next to the enemy barracks! While the physicians and priests have been battling in silence a raging barbarian and the sounds of all that ice smashing against the ground has stirred up interest. A pair of Queen's physicians come out of each door but it is clear there are more people gearing up for battle behind them!

Round 3
Ayeesha1834/55Greatsword +9/+42d6+13Power Attack
Kraw1935/42Daggers +9/+8 x21d4+5/1d4+2-
Kyra1514/30Tarot Deck +81d4Mage Armor
Figus1647/47Scimitar +8/Kukri +81d6+3/1d4+1-
Alpha2121/42Bite +6/Spear +61d6+3/1d8+3Anthropomorphic Animal
Beril1215/36Bite +41d4Displacement, PoE
Queen's Physician #2 (AT18)14HealthyClub +31d6+2Nauseated, Confused, Blinded
Queen's Physician #3 (AM15)14HealthyClub +31d6+2-
Queen's Physician #4 (AM18)14HealthyClub +31d6+2-
Cleric #1 (AT15)18InjuredMW Scythe +32d4+2-
Butcher (AS17)21HurtUnarmed1d4Prone
Queen's Physician #1 (AR15)--Dead-----
</s>Cleric #2</s>--Dead-----

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

As always check to make sure your trackers are correct. This is the first combat since you leveled up to 6
Bloodrager, 514 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Tue 6 Sep 2022
at 22:02
  • msg #176

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Beril (msg # 174):

13:08, Today: Ayeesha rolled 26 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 19.  Will Save vs Hold Person DC 18: +7.

Ayeesha smells blood and moves to finish the Butcher!

She will 5' step and full round attack or move and standard action attack.

I don't know where the Butcher went but, Ill roll for iteration attack anyways.

MW Guisarme +11,+6; Raging +2, PA -2, Prone -4 AC.

16:52, Today: Ayeesha rolled 23 using 1d20+11 with rolls of 12.  Raging PA Guisarme +11.

16:52, Today: Ayeesha rolled 18 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 12.  Raging PA Guisarme +6.

16:53, Today: Ayeesha rolled 20 using 2d4+15 with rolls of 3,2.  Raging PA Guisarme +11 Dmg 2d4+15.

16:54, Today: Ayeesha rolled 20 using 2d4+15 with rolls of 3,2.  Raging PA Guisarme +6 Dmg 2d4+15.

Both hit AC 17 for 20 damage for one or 40 for Two.

"Where are you going?"
This message was last edited by the player at 00:30, Wed 07 Sept 2022.
Rogue, 753 posts
HP 42/42 AC 19
F+4 R+9 W+4
Wed 7 Sep 2022
at 04:10
  • msg #177

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw takes a 5' step to AT 17, intent on finishing one opponent and opening a space to flank the butcher from. He takes advantage of the blinded doctor (striking AT 18) to deliver two precise strikes.

21:09, Today: Kraw rolled 23 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 15.  Dagger attack, flatfooted.

21:08, Today: Kraw rolled 7 using 1d4+5 with rolls of 2.  Dagger damage.

21:08, Today: Kraw rolled 17 using 3d8 with rolls of 6,7,4.  Sneak stab damage.

21:07, Today: Kraw rolled 19 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 11.  Dagger attack, flatfooted.

21:07, Today: Kraw rolled 3 using 1d4+2 with rolls of 1.  Dagger damage.

21:07, Today: Kraw rolled 16 using 3d8 with rolls of 6,6,4.  Sneak stab damage.

AC 23
This message was last edited by the player at 04:11, Wed 07 Sept 2022.
Witch, 578 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Wed 7 Sep 2022
at 11:27
  • msg #178

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

"More of them coming!" Kyra shouts a warning as she focuses her magic on the reinforcements.

Slumber on Physician at AM15.
Oracle, 703 posts
Wed 7 Sep 2022
at 12:14
  • msg #179

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

 Bireli noticed the reinforcements coming, and realised he was not in the best of conditions after the ice pellets had washed over him... not to mention he had not yet found his armour or his weapons. He took a moment to cure the worst of his wounds.

 He knelt to pick up a weapon from the fallen physician (along with anything useful he may have on him)

standard: cure moderate wounds +24hp
 move: pick up weapon

Dungeon Master
GM, 841 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Wed 7 Sep 2022
at 18:25
  • msg #180

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

The Butcher didn't move, actually. You can't 5' step while down so that would have provoked an AoO. It seems like the Butcher was hoping to paralyze you before adjusting his position however...

Ayeesha breaks free of the paralyzing spell and responds by slamming her polearm over and over again into the butcher until he has been reduced to a bloody pile.

Kraw steps next to him and is immediately hit with a revolting sensation in his stomach.
Fort save failed! Kraw is nauseated! Nauseated creatures are unable to attack, cast spells, concentrate on spells, or do anything else requiring attention. The only action such a character can take is a single move actions per turn.

This effect will last as long as you remain in the cloud + 1d4+1 rounds after

One of the Queen's physicians stops in his tracks, his head drooping slightly before he collapses to the ground.
I don't think I've ever made a saving through with one of these guys...

Figus and Alpha turn around to address the reinforcements however the physician is ready for them, fending off Figus' scimitar and Alpha's spear attacks.

The remaining cleric steps forward and slashes at Ayeesha who is too busy smashing the Butcher to defend herself properly from the attack and gets a deep  gash in the side as a result.
Ayeesha takes 9 from the attack

Beril heals himself and picks up a club.
You're not going to be able to cast a spell and loot the body as both are standard actions. Picking up a dropped weapon is fine.

Round 4
A third queen's physician comes out from the barracks and behind them comes four skeletons marching forward!

Round 4
Ayeesha1825/55Greatsword +9/+42d6+13Power Attack
Kraw1935/42Daggers +9/+8 x21d4+5/1d4+2Nauseated
Kyra1514/30Tarot Deck +81d4Mage Armor
Figus1647/47Scimitar +8/Kukri +81d6+3/1d4+1-
Alpha2121/42Bite +6/Spear +61d6+3/1d8+3Anthropomorphic Animal
Beril1236/36Bite +41d4Displacement, PoE
Queen's Physician #2 (AT18)14HealthyClub +31d6+2Nauseated, Confused, Blinded
Queen's Physician #3 (AM15)14HealthyClub +31d6+2Asleeep
Queen's Physician #4 (AM18)14HealthyClub +31d6+2-
Queen's Physician #5 (AM17)14HealthyClub +31d6+2-
Skeleton #1 (AL15)16Deadx2 Claws +21d4+2-
Skeleton #2 (AL16)16Deadx2 Claws +21d4+2-
Skeleton #3 (AL17)16Deadx2 Claws +21d4+2-
Skeleton #4 (AL18)16Deadx2 Claws +21d4+2-
Cleric #1 (AT15)18InjuredMW Scythe +32d4+2-
Queen's Physician #1 (AR15)--Dead-----
Cleric #2--Dead-----

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

As always check to make sure your trackers are correct. This is the first combat since you leveled up to 6
This message was lightly edited by the GM at 21:32, Sat 17 Sept 2022.
Oracle, 706 posts
Thu 8 Sep 2022
at 10:02
  • msg #181

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

 Bireli was focused on the newcomers in the first room, and didn't notice Kraw walking into the area of noxious fumes that he had summoned. He mumbled to the avian man:
  "Aww man, get out of that! Just cough it out..."

 He realised he didn't have much to help dispel the nausea in his ally... he would just have to wait it out.

 He started an incantation and targetted one of the two newly arrived physicians, with gestures reminiscent of a puppetmaster's. The man felt his skeletton rattle in his body and he was moved by an irresistible force towards Figus and his companion.

 std: cast Boneshaker on AM17, 21 damage and move 5ft south (fortitude of half and no move)
 move: to AO19
Rogue, 756 posts
HP 35/42 AC 19
F+4 R+9 W+4
Thu 8 Sep 2022
at 10:25
  • msg #182

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw moves back to his recently-vacated spot and tries to cough out the noxious fumes.
Bloodrager, 516 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Thu 8 Sep 2022
at 14:33
  • msg #183

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Kraw (msg # 182):

Ayeesha's AC is 19 from Cat's Grace. (It looks like Cleric rolled an 18 to hit so miss?)

If allowed

AOO trip attempt against Cleric would be CMB+13.

10:21, Today: Ayeesha rolled 23 using 1d20+13 with rolls of 10.  AOO MW Guisarm trip attempt against Cleric CMB +13.

Will 5' step if necessary to full round attack cleric.

10:25, Today: Ayeesha rolled 22 using 1d20+11 with rolls of 11.  Raging PA W /MWGuisarme VS Cleric +11.

10:25, Today: Ayeesha rolled 10 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 4.  Raging PA W /MWGuisarme VS Cleric +6.

10:27, Today: Ayeesha rolled 20 using 2d4+15 with rolls of 2,3.  Raging PA W /MW Guisarme VS Cleric 2d4+15.

One hit for 20 HP.

"You want some, Get Some!"
Witch, 579 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Thu 8 Sep 2022
at 16:22
  • msg #184

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

With one physician down, Kyra focuses her magic on another.

I don't think I've ever made a saving through with one of these guys...

Let's test this. Slumber on AM18.
Dungeon Master
GM, 842 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Wed 14 Sep 2022
at 22:17
  • msg #185

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

OOC: The cleric took a 5' step to avoid the AoO and his actual to-hit roll total was 21. I don't always put in the bonuses when I make lots of rolls.
Round 4
Kraw leaves the cloud but finds that his stomach is still causing him to heave and double over in pain.
2 rounds total so disabled for Round 5 but active for round 6 (next update)

Beril causes one of the physicians to shake himself to death in a rather gruesome display. Surprisingly the physician remains silent even as his arms and legs are violently bent and his insides are pulverized.

Ayeesha splatters a cleric and steps up to get into position to defend their spellcasters.

Alpha moves back to keep the last cleric engaged while Figus

Figus lands a strike out of his flurry of attacks and while the physician is badly woudned it doesn't drop.

Kyra tries to get the last physician to fall into a slumber but surprisingly he is able to resist her curse.
Ha! Finally made one!

Round 5
A physician tries to attack Figus but he is able to defend himself.

Two clerics appear in the northern door. They are brandishing their scythes and seem to be the  ones directing the skeletons as they point and the skeletons move to attack.

The skeletons move forward and make clumsy attacks at both Kyra and Figus. While they aren't much of a threat as they are moving there is some danger from the sheer number of attacks they  can make as they bring their clawed hands scratching at the two heroes.

Round 5
Ayeesha1825/55Greatsword +9/+42d6+13Power Attack
Kraw1935/42Daggers +9/+8 x21d4+5/1d4+2Nauseated (1)
Kyra1514/30Tarot Deck +81d4Mage Armor
Figus1647/47Scimitar +8/Kukri +81d6+3/1d4+1-
Alpha2121/42Bite +6/Spear +61d6+3/1d8+3Anthropomorphic Animal
Beril1236/36Bite +41d4Displacement, PoE
Queen's Physician #2 (AT18)14HealthyClub +31d6+2Nauseated, Confused, Blinded
Queen's Physician #3 (AM15)14HealthyClub +31d6+2Asleep
Queen's Physician #4 (AM18)14HealthyClub +31d6+2-
Skeleton #1 (AL15)16Deadx2 Claws +21d4+2-
Skeleton #2 (AL16)16Deadx2 Claws +21d4+2-
Skeleton #3 (AL17)16Deadx2 Claws +21d4+2-
Skeleton #4 (AL18)16Deadx2 Claws +21d4+2-
Cleric #1 (AT15)18InjuredMW Scythe +32d4+2-
Cleric #3 (AK15)18InjuredMW Scythe +32d4+2-
Cleric #4 (AK18)18InjuredMW Scythe +32d4+2-
Queen's Physician #1--Dead-----
</s>Cleric #2</s>--Dead-----
Queen's Physician #5--Dead-----

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

As always check to make sure your trackers are correct. This is the first combat since you leveled up to 6
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:19, Wed 14 Sept 2022.
Rogue, 757 posts
HP 35/42 AC 19
F+4 R+9 W+4
Thu 15 Sep 2022
at 01:36
  • msg #186

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw staggers past the nausea-inducing cloud to come up behind Beril as he slowly gains control of his guts.

Move action to behind Beril, staying out of the green-bordered cloud.
Witch, 580 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Thu 15 Sep 2022
at 11:30
  • msg #187

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kyra backs away from the undead, seeking cover behind their bloodrager. Using her wand she heals said cover as well.

Step to AQ16, healing Ayeesha for measly 4 hp.
13:27, Today: Kyra rolled 4 using 1d8+1 with rolls of 3.  CLW wand.

Oracle, 708 posts
Thu 15 Sep 2022
at 14:12
  • msg #188

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

 Beril retreated in the room to provide Ayeesha with some healing, which she may need if she was going to hold the frontline again.

 He was quickly but not brusque, and starting his healing chant that he thought she would recognise for what they were, and not be alarmed by them. After all they had only just met.

cure moderate wounds: +11hp
Bloodrager, 517 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Thu 15 Sep 2022
at 19:35
  • msg #189

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Beril (msg # 188):

OCC: Thanks for the explanation DM, the old 5' step... should have realized.

Free Action: End Bloodrage: Fatigued = -2  to Str & Dex for 10 rounds.

Readied Action to attack anything that comes with in range and looking for the AOO's.

Cat's Grace still gives her a 16 Dex for a 19 AC.

Will continue to Power Attack for +8,+3 to hit & 2d4+10 to damage.
Dungeon Master
GM, 843 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Sat 17 Sep 2022
at 21:43
  • msg #190

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Round 5
Ayeesha lets the red rage leave her and feels her limbs weaken as a result.

Figus strikes down the other Queen's physician in front of him but Alpha fails to take out a skeleton.

Round 6
The skeletons move forward after Ayeesha. She strikes one down but the other rushes forward and claws at her although she easily uses her blade to deflect its claws.

Alpha defends against the skeletons but Figus does take some light damage from the claws.
Figus takes 3 damage

The priests move up. One takes a swing at Alpha but the wolf has his sharp instincts that let him duck out of the way. Figus is not as lucky and is clipped by the other priest's scythe.
Figus takes 6 damage

The party notes with some relief that there are no longer any more reinforcements pouring out of the room across the hall.

NOTE: There were some copy/mistake issues with the Cleric stat blocks. They didn't come in injured, they came in healthy. This is reflected below

Round 6
Ayeesha1940/55Greatsword +8/+32d6+11Power Attack, Fatigued, Long Arm
Kraw1935/42Daggers +9/+8 x21d4+5/1d4+2-
Kyra1514/30Tarot Deck +81d4Mage Armor
Figus1838/47Scimitar +8/Kukri +81d6+3/1d4+1-
Alpha2121/42Bite +6/Spear +61d6+3/1d8+3Anthropomorphic Animal
Beril1236/36Bite +41d4Displacement, PoE
Queen's Physician #2 (AT18)14HealthyClub +31d6+2Nauseated, Confused, Blinded
Queen's Physician #3 (AM15)14HealthyClub +31d6+2Asleep
Skeleton #2 (AP15)16Deadx2 Claws +21d4+2-
Skeleton #3 (AM17)16Deadx2 Claws +21d4+2-
Skeleton #4 (AM19)16Deadx2 Claws +21d4+2-
Cleric #3 (AN16)18HealthyMW Scythe +32d4+2-
Cleric #4 (AM18)18HealthyMW Scythe +32d4+2-
Queen's Physician #1--Dead-----
Cleric #2--Dead-----
Cleric #1--Dead-----
Queen's Physician #5--Dead-----
Skeleton #1--Dust-----
Queen's Physician #4--Dead-----

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

As always check to make sure your trackers are correct. This is the first combat since you leveled up to 6
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:45, Sat 17 Sept 2022.
Bloodrager, 518 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Sun 18 Sep 2022
at 18:30
  • msg #191

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 190):

5' step back to Full attack skeleton w MW Guisarme.

13:23, Today: Ayeesha rolled 19 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 11.  PA Skele w MW Guisarme +8.

13:24, Today: Ayeesha rolled 6 using 1d20+3 with rolls of 3.  PA Skele w MW Guisarme +3.

13:25, Today: Ayeesha rolled 16 using 2d4+10 with rolls of 4,2.  MW Guisarme PA DMG 2d4+10.

One hit for 16 slashing damage.
Rogue, 758 posts
HP 35/42 AC 19
F+4 R+9 W+4
Sun 18 Sep 2022
at 18:38
  • msg #192

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw runs forward to leap over Figus and the priest, twisting to avoid any attacks  Landing in AL-18, he turns to thrust one blade into a priest's back. The blade skip's off the cleric's armor.
AC 23 (Shield)

11:37, Today: Kraw rolled 28 using 1d20+18 with rolls of 10.  Acrobatics to avoid AoO.

11:37, Today: Kraw rolled 15 using 1d20+12 with rolls of 3.  Dagger attack, flanking.

11:37, Today: Kraw rolled 6 using 1d4+5 with rolls of 1.  Dagger damage.

11:36, Today: Kraw rolled 11 using 3d8 with rolls of 2,2,7.  Sneak stab damage.

This message was last edited by the player at 18:40, Sun 18 Sept 2022.
Oracle, 709 posts
Mon 19 Sep 2022
at 10:14
  • msg #193

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

 Bireli was on the move again, he followed behind Kraw who was done retching. He found a spot right in the corner of the room, and cast a spell. He pointed a finger at the healthiest cleric and shouted:
 "Kill yer mate, won't you?!"

 And the murderous thought spread through his mind, like an irrepressible cancer.

move to AO19
  cast Murderous Command (will DC negates)

Witch, 581 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Mon 19 Sep 2022
at 11:11
  • msg #194

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kyra takes a step back and again heals her wounds with her wand.

Step to AR15, healing herself:
13:08, Today: Kyra rolled 7 using 1d8+1 with rolls of 6.  CLW .

Dungeon Master
GM, 844 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Tue 20 Sep 2022
at 19:56
  • msg #195

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Round 6
Ayeesha smashes a skeleton into the wall, shattering its ribs and spine and causing it to crumble.

Kraw leaps into the air to flank the priest but the priest uses his scythe to put space between the two of them foiling Kraw's attack maneuver.

Beril tries to warpt he mind of one of the priests but he finds the mind is too armored by hate and fanaticism to let an outsider in.
Priest makes the save.

Working as a team, Figus and Alpha both stab the wounded priest finishing him off. Alpha also lashes out and bites down on the neck of one of the skeletons and shakes it apart.

Round 7
The cleric shifts to put his back against the wall but fails to connect with his scythe swing. The last skeleton claws at Figus but now that Figus can concentrate on just the single opponent he easily defends against the attack.

Round 7
Ayeesha1940/55MW Guisarme +8/+32d4+10Power Attack, Fatigued, Long Arm
Kraw2335/42Daggers +9/+8 x21d4+5/1d4+2Shield
Kyra1521/30Tarot Deck +81d4Mage Armor
Figus1838/47Scimitar +8/Kukri +81d6+3/1d4+1-
Alpha2121/42Bite +6/Spear +61d6+3/1d8+3Anthropomorphic Animal
Beril1236/36Bite +41d4Displacement, PoE
Queen's Physician #2 (AT18)14HealthyClub +31d6+2Nauseated, Confused, Blinded
Queen's Physician #3 (AM15)14HealthyClub +31d6+2Asleep
Skeleton #4 (AM19)16Deadx2 Claws +21d4+2-
Cleric #3 (AN16)18HealthyMW Scythe +32d4+2-
Queen's Physician #1--Dead-----
Cleric #2--Dead-----
Cleric #1--Dead-----
Queen's Physician #5--Dead-----
Skeleton #1--Dust-----
Queen's Physician #4--Dead-----
Skeleton #2--Dust-----
Skeleton #3--Dust-----
Cleric #4--Dead-----

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

As always check to make sure your trackers are correct. This is the first combat since you leveled up to 6
Bloodrager, 519 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Tue 20 Sep 2022
at 20:38
  • msg #196

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 195):

5' step to AS16

Full attack on the AT18 Physician that is -2 AC and flat footed w Guisarme using 10' reach.

15:34, Today: Ayeesha rolled 9 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 1.  PA on Blinded Physician W Guisarme.

15:35, Today: Ayeesha rolled 20 using 1d20+3 with rolls of 17.  PA on Blinded Physician W Guisarme.

5:35, Today: Ayeesha rolled 15 using 2d4+10 with rolls of 3,2.  MW Guisarme PA DMG 2d4+10.

Ayeesha grimly steps to the killing stroke only to whiff on the first attempt but follows up with a slashing blow that drops the Plague Doctor! ?
This message was last edited by the player at 19:33, Wed 21 Sept 2022.
Oracle, 710 posts
Wed 21 Sep 2022
at 08:51
  • msg #197

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

 Bireli moved back into the door frame to take the cleric between two fires: the very real one of Figus' blades and Alpha's fangs, and the more abstract one of his measly wooden club. (flanking)

 Not wishing to waste more of his magical ressources, he decided to strike the man. Luck was with him it appeared, and the stick hit the cleric in the arm.

Move to AP18, attack: hits AC22 for 3 damages
Beril rolled 22,3 using d20+6,d6 with rolls of 16,3.  club attack.

Rogue, 760 posts
HP 35/42 AC 19
F+4 R+9 W+4
Wed 21 Sep 2022
at 09:08
  • msg #198

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw bounds off the wall to leap for AN-15. Landing, he turns and thrusts his dagger into the back of the cleric at AN-16. He digs deep, causing the cleric to falter.

02:02, Today: Kraw rolled 26 using 1d20+18 with rolls of 8.  Acrobatics to avoid AoO.

02:02, Today: Kraw rolled 27 using 1d20+12 with rolls of 15.  Dagger attack, flanking.

02:02, Today: Kraw rolled 7 using 1d4+5 with rolls of 2.  Dagger damage.

02:01, Today: Kraw rolled 15 using 3d8 with rolls of 8,3,4.  Sneak stab damage.

Kraw does 22 damage to the cleric, and he is Disoriented for 1 round (-2 to attacks, -4 to attack Kraw)
Witch, 582 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Thu 22 Sep 2022
at 11:34
  • msg #199

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Since the party seemed to be wrapping up this fight, Kyra continued to heal herself.

13:33, Today: Kyra rolled 6 using 1d8+1 with rolls of 5.  CLW.
Dungeon Master
GM, 846 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Thu 22 Sep 2022
at 22:57
  • msg #200

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

The remaining enemies fall before the heroes. Ayeesha puts down the blinded, nauseated, confused physician still trapped in Beril's toxic breath.

Kraw shanks the remaining cleric distracted by Beril's attack and Figus and Alpha make quick work of the remaining cleric.

Ayeesha1940/55MW Guisarme +8/+32d4+10Power Attack, Fatigued, Long Arm
Kraw2335/42Daggers +9/+8 x21d4+5/1d4+2Shield
Kyra1527/30Tarot Deck +81d4Mage Armor
Figus1838/47Scimitar +8/Kukri +81d6+3/1d4+1-
Alpha2121/42Bite +6/Spear +61d6+3/1d8+3Anthropomorphic Animal
Beril1236/36Bite +41d4Displacement, PoE

The party takes a quick look around the two rooms now as the consolidate their gains, check the bodies for loot and finally get a feel for their surroundings.

Numerous black-sheeted cots fill this room, their satin coverings and overstuffed pillows seeming more akin to funerary trappings than the resting places of the living. Numerous skulls are set evenly within the room’s stone walls. Candles inside them cause them to glow like morbid jack-olanterns and cast dim light across the room.

The room is full of footlockers that presumably contain the personal effects of the members. There is likely to be some good treasures inside however just the sheer number of lockers will take awhile to dig through. Presumably the now dead clerics and physicians have the keys on them but it will still take awhile to sort everything out.
Rough estimate ~10 minutes to thoroughly loot the room. Up to you if you want to do it now or come back later.

Operating Room
Most of the bodies of the patients are already dead or too far gone however a few of them look like they might be able to pull through. It would require carefully undoing the vivisections that have been performed on them and applying multiple castings of curative magic to keep them alive but it is possible to save the patients.

There is another passage that leads beyond the operating room. A quick glance at the victims (both living and dead) does not reveal anyone that matches Ruan's description (the Varisian bard whose sister begged the party to save and was kidnapped from the noble party before everyone became zombified).

There are 2 survivors hovering at 0 HP. Unfortunately undoing the vivisection will cause damage so you'll have to heal them, undo some of the experiments, heal them again, undo the rest of the experiments and heal them a final time. 3 applications of cure magic (via wand, spell or potion) will save each one. 6 cures for both of them.

As an alternative for the final casting you could use a cantrip like stabilize but they will be unconscious an unable to flee so you'd have to come back and fully rescue them later. This method would reduce the "cures" to only 4 applications instead of 6.

Treasure: 1 chest in the corner. Contents will be discussed via OOC.

The physicians and clerics are well equipped with both mundane and magical gear and as expected the "butcher" has an arsenal of magical gear. In addition being able to closely inspect both the belongings and the dead man himself, the party is able to identify the lead spellcaster as Rolth, the infamous necromancer that has plagued Korvosa for awhile. While Rolth isn't known to have any prior dealings with death cults, his association to Blood Veil was confirmed by his "mad jester" apprentice the party apprehended at the noble zombie party.


Queen's Physicians:
x5 Leather Armor
x5 Mastework Clubs
x5 Healer's Kits
x5 Magical Plague Masks (I don't know if this was indicated before or not that their masks are magical). This isn't an enchantment anyone has encountered before so you'll have to actually have to make the DC 20 spellcraft check to identify. Again this will take time as per RAW.

x4 Potion of CMW
x4 Masterwork scythes
x4 Breastplate +1
x4 sets of keys

x1 Wand of Magic Missiles (43 charges)
x1 Masterwork Dagger
x1 Cloak of Resistance +1
x1 Headband of Intellect +2
x1 Ring of Protection +1
x1 Ungent of Timelessness (6 doses)
x1 Set of Masterwork Morticians Tools
x6 Black Onyxes worth 25gp each
x1 Spellbook appropriate for an 8th level Necromancer.

Bloodrager, 520 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Fri 23 Sep 2022
at 01:16
  • msg #201

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 200):

OCC:  I think we should save as many victims as possible and upgrade equipment before moving on.  I also don't like leaving an unopened chest behind as things can get looted out from under us.

Ayeesha would like to switch out her breast plate for a +1 and request the +1 ring of protection and a CMW potion.

"Rolth! Well well we can scratch him off our list.  Ohh look at this breast plate, I can use an upgrade! Kyra, when your done healing everyone else, can I get some cures from that wand as well?" 
Rogue, 762 posts
HP 35/42 AC 19
F+4 R+9 W+4
Fri 23 Sep 2022
at 02:57
  • msg #202

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw grabs a club (useful against skeletons) and a set of keys. He moves to the chest, casts Detect Magic, and begins to examine the lock for signs of traps, both mundane and magical.

19:57, Today: Kraw rolled 14 using 1d20+13 with rolls of 1.  Perception.

This message was last edited by the player at 02:58, Fri 23 Sept 2022.
Witch, 584 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Fri 23 Sep 2022
at 05:53
  • msg #203

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

OOC: Dibs on the Headband. Are we staying put then? Kyra is fine with that, but she has no buffs that will expire.

Healing the party:

07:42, Today: Kyra rolled 4,8,6 using 1d8+1,1d8+1,1d8+1 with rolls of 3,7,5.  CLW, CLW, CLW.
07:43, Today: Kyra rolled 7,3,7 using 1d8+1,1d8+1,1d8+1 with rolls of 6,2,6.  CLW, CLW, CLW.
07:46, Today: Kyra rolled 4 using 1d8+1 with rolls of 3.  CLW.
07:46, Today: Kyra rolled 2 using 1d8+1 with rolls of 1.  CLW.
07:47, Today: Kyra rolled 9 using 1d8+1 with rolls of 8.  CLW.

In order: 12 hp for Ayeesha, 6 hp for Kraw, 7 hp for Figus and 21 hp for Alpha. Burning 9 wand charges for this. If we are staying she can start healing the victims as well.

Rogue, 763 posts
HP 35/42 AC 19
F+4 R+9 W+4
Fri 23 Sep 2022
at 06:07
  • msg #204

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

As he works, Kraw suggests "do what you can for these victims. Heal or stabilize them. We can look to fully curing them after we've cleared out the cultists."
Oracle, 712 posts
Fri 23 Sep 2022
at 09:22
  • msg #205

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

  I can use 4 Cure Light Wounds on the sick. Or rather, use them on you guys and let Kyra use the wand on the sick (seeing as my CLW are d8+5 instead of d8+1 from the wand).
 That way everybody would be at full health.

 Bireli sighed when the last of the cultists fell.
  "Well... that's done I guess. Who's this fellow? Ye know'im? You lot've an idea why they snatched me face then?"

 His spell ran out, and the troubling visual effect that made him double vanished. He was back to being a normal guy, with a fox's head, dull orange fur, and well eight tails instead of the one.

  "I hope they kept me stuff som'where..." he sais and looked around the rooms for his missing inventory.
  "So ye know... I'm looking for a silver buckler, pair of black boots, a heabdand with stuff writ on it, and a fine gray cloak."

To Be Sold:

x5 Leather Armor        5x10
x5 Mastework Clubs      5x300
x5 Healer's Kits        5x50
x4 Masterwork scythes   4x318
x3 Breastplate +1       3x1200
x1 Mwk Morticians Tools  50
x6 Black Onyxes         6x25
 TOTAL                 6,872 gp
To Share:
x4 Potion of CMW
x1 Breastplate +1
x5 Magical Plague Masks
x1 Masterwork Dagger
x1 Cloak of Resistance +1
x1 Headband of Intellect +2
x1 Ring of Protection +1
x1 Ungent of Timelessness (6 doses)
x1 Spellbook appropriate for an 8th level Necromancer.
Beril could use:
x1 Wand of Magic Missiles (43 charges)

Witch, 586 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Fri 23 Sep 2022
at 10:20
  • msg #206

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

OOC: I'd propose we continue using the wand, and Beril keeps his spells in case we need them later. Wand still has plenty of charges.
Bloodrager, 522 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Fri 23 Sep 2022
at 11:11
  • msg #207

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Kyra (msg # 206):

Ayeesha'a fatigue abates as she equips the +1 Breast Plate and Ring of protection +1(if ok with everyone.)

"Thank you Kyra, I feel better and better!  Did any one find any more notes or medical journals about?"

Ayeesha will refresh her cat's grace before proceeding on.

"Any one need the grace of a cat (a +4 Dex buff)?"

OCC: Should put Ayeesha at AC21 for remainder of Dungeon.

"Beril is it?  You handled yourself very well, as for me I would like to have someone with your abilities around.  What are your plans for the future?"
This message was last edited by the player at 11:16, Fri 23 Sept 2022.
Witch, 587 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Sat 24 Sep 2022
at 16:42
  • msg #208

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Bireli sighed when the last of the cultists fell.
"Well... that's done I guess. Who's this fellow? Ye know'im? You lot've an idea why they snatched me face then?"

"He's a necromancer we've been looking for some time now. No idea on why they snatched you up, other then needing another body to experiment on. Speaking of which..."

Kyra examines the survivors of the experiments to determine the best way to undo the damage done to them without killing them in the process.

Burning 6 more charges from the wand to heal the survivors.

After that, can Kyra examine one of the plague mask using Detect Magic?
18:40, Today: Kyra rolled 24 using 1d20+9 with rolls of 15.  Spellcraft.

Oracle, 715 posts
Sun 25 Sep 2022
at 06:15
  • msg #209

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Bireli is a trained healer, which quickly shows as they tend to the people on the beds in the sick ward. For some it is too late, but they manage to fix up a few of them. This makes the fox man, if not happy, at least a tiny bit in a better mood. It wasn’t lost on him that without the chance encounter with this group of heroes, he might have ended strapped on one of these iron beds too…

“Plans? Ye know, I’s planning on getting outta here alive for now… and then who knows? If ye lot are fighting the Plague, I’ll join. I sort of owe it to the Streets to do something about it…”

He kicked the body of Rolth with his bare foot, as if to check he was indeed gone, and mumbled :
“What’s a necromancer got to do with Blood Veil though? I thought their thing was skeleton and zombies…”

“Though they were up to some nasty shit here…”
he added with a glance at the vivisection experiments.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:49, Sun 25 Sept 2022.
Bloodrager, 523 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Sun 25 Sep 2022
at 14:12
  • msg #210

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Beril (msg # 209):

"Well Beril, we seem to have stumbled onto the source of the Plague as these Uragothian Cultist have created and distributed it in the city through the medium of tainted coins.  We found some journals upstairs that the Chief Resident, a Doctor Davaulus was keeping. These implicate the Plague Doctors but I wonder if someone skilled in these matters could use them for a cure?

It was just the pursuit of a patient for a Lady in distress that brought us here;  her brother,  Ruan Mirukova. If they would of just gave him to us we probable would of just left. Speaking of which, we are still looking for him.

As for the necromancer, his name is Rolth Lamm, and we have been dealing with him and his family for some time. He does not strike me as a joiner, more of like an opportunist who was operating under the umbrella of evil for his own, dare I say, pleasure.

Good riddance to him and all the rest they would do evil and hurt Korvosa.

If your new wards are healed enough to walk out of here, lets show them the elevator and continue our search for Ruan and wipe out this nest of vipers!

So Beril, Are you with us or leaving with your patients?   

Dungeon Master
GM, 848 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Mon 26 Sep 2022
at 03:16
  • msg #211

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

On Rolth's body the group finds a key that looks to match with the chest.

Beril, the contents can be your items, feel free to describe them as you've listed.

Meanwhile Kyra and Figus get to work carefully freeing the two survivors. They're fine physically  after judicious use of her wand but they are still in rough shape mentally. It would be hard to send them back upstairs for fear that they might not understand how to use the elevator and trap the party but they can be directed towards the (now empty) guard room by the entrance for easy pick up as the party leaves.

Ayeesha1952/55MW Guisarme +8/+32d4+10Power Attack
Kraw2341/42Daggers +9/+8 x21d4+5/1d4+2Shield
Kyra1527/30Tarot Deck +81d4Mage Armor
Figus1845/47Scimitar +8/Kukri +81d6+3/1d4+1-
Alpha2142/42Bite +6/Spear +61d6+3/1d8+3Anthropomorphic Animal
Beril1236/36Bite +41d4-

As always check to make sure your trackers are correct. This is the first combat since you leveled up to 6
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:23, Mon 26 Sept 2022.
Bloodrager, 524 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Mon 26 Sep 2022
at 10:55
  • msg #212

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 211):

Ayeesha moves to the set of double doors in Rolth's room and examines them.

06:52, Today: Ayeesha rolled 26 using 1d20+9 with rolls of 17.  Perception +9.

"How about we check these double doors out before going through the other double doors by Figus and Alpha?"
Rogue, 767 posts
HP 35/42 AC 19
F+4 R+9 W+4
Mon 26 Sep 2022
at 12:21
  • msg #213

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw snags the cloak out of the pile and dons it "just in case" as he approaches the door Ayeesha is looking at. He motions her away slightly as he makes his own examination, looking for any traps within the area.

05:18, Today: Kraw rolled 28 using 1d20+13 with rolls of 15.  Perception.

Oracle, 720 posts
Wed 5 Oct 2022
at 08:22
  • msg #214

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

 Bireli looked throughly through the barracks and stopped by a chest; he could smell magic inside. And the lock seemed to match the quality of that key they found of the wizard...

 He opened it and sighed in relief... "Me things..."

 First he grabbed a pair of black boots, ressembling the foot-wraps worn by carpenters and designed to afford optimum grip and foot dexterity whilst navigating timber frames and scaffolding. The humble dyed linen straps however are enhanced with knotted silk ribbons, subtle designs suggest a spider web around the calves and ankles.

 Then he donned a silk ribbon around his head, just under the ears. Of obvious quality, a
light shimmering grey colour and adorned with symbols that bear no ressemblance to any known language; it is puzzling and intriguing to the casual onlooker, and truly mesmerizing to the observant peruser.

 He strapped a buckler to his forearm, a thin metal shield, tarnished and tattered by years of use, since he first stole it from a nobleman who fancied himself a duellist.

 Finally he wrapped himself in his favourite cloak, a fine mantle that is jet black on one side, darker than a starless night, and a dull dusty dirty gray on the flip side. It was given to Beril by a Varisian elder after he had saved his grandson from an murderous mob. It is made of layers of silk and fine wool, but weighs little more than a blouse. Yet it is sturdy as dragon hide, and has saved him from more catastrophes than he can remember.

Sharing these descriptions so I didn't write them for my own enjoyment only haha
Dungeon Master
GM, 854 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Tue 11 Oct 2022
at 04:16
  • msg #215

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw finds no signs of traps or alarms and pushes the double door open for a quick peak into the next room. The stinging scent of harsh chemicals comes pouring out as they see a large, high-ceilinged chamber inside. Three huge metal vats bubble here, each more than six feet tall. A sturdy series of catwalks ten feet off the ground stretches over and around the vats, allowing those above to attend whatever slurry produces the foul green-brown mist emanating from each gigantic vessel.

Circling the upper portion of the room is an elaborate mosaic of white, black, and green stone that depicts a giant half-corpse woman in black veils dancing among fields of the dead, undead, and dying.

On the catwalks six priests are tending to the concoctions in the vats, using their scythes to poke in to the vats to help stir it or break up chunks or signs of congealing.

Obvious Exits
There are 5 obvious doors: One door to the North, 2 doors leading East, and 2 doors leading South.
Bloodrager, 528 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Tue 11 Oct 2022
at 15:11
  • msg #216

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 215):

"Too many Priests!"

Standard Action: Ayeesha casts "Protection from Evil" (First, the subject gains a +2 deflection bonus to AC and a +2 resistance bonus on saves. Both these bonuses apply against attacks made or effects created by evil creatures.)

AC: +1 Breast Plate +7, Cats Graced Dex +3, Deflection = Ring of Protection +1, PfE +2 = 21 for just ring, 22 for attacks from evil sources.

Move Action: She then moves up the cat walk 40FT to AJ 24 drawing Great Sword.

Free Action: Begins to BloodRage for +2 Morale save for will.
Witch, 589 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Tue 11 Oct 2022
at 17:21
  • msg #217

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kyra follows after, focusing a spell into her magical deck and throwing a harrow card at one of the priests.

Should have prepared some of my open spell slots before continuing. I'm sure everyone is tired of me writing "Slumber on XX", so let's try this instead: move to AL22, casting Frostbite and attacking AK26.

19:19, Today: Kyra rolled 20,8 using 1d20+9,1d6+7 with rolls of 11,1.  Frostbite (Attack, Damage).

Oracle, 723 posts
Mon 17 Oct 2022
at 14:08
  • msg #218

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

 The door opens. Bireli is focused. He had little more than hatred for the priests, clerics, physicians, or whatever these fanatics are. Dots connect quickly in his brain, he assesses the position of the enemies.

 He casts a quick spell, drawing magic from his eldritch tails. A cloud of confusion magic burst in the room, at high level by the catwalk. Four of the cultists were caught in this cloud.

walk in, cast confusion near the corner of AK27 (15ft radius should cacth 4 of them)
Rogue, 774 posts
HP 48/49 AC 19
F+5 R+10 W+5
Tue 18 Oct 2022
at 06:36
  • msg #219

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw uses the haziness of the fumes to aid him as he skulks under the catwalk and positions himself below the far corner of the catwalk, near the two eastern doors (AP29). Once he is in position, he signals the others with a hand gesture.

23:32, Today: Kraw rolled 34 using 1d20+16 with rolls of 18.  Stealth.
This message was last edited by the player at 06:37, Tue 18 Oct 2022.
Bloodrager, 536 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Tue 18 Oct 2022
at 14:28
  • msg #220

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Kraw (msg # 219):

Ayeesha will prep with the PFE but hold off on the Enlarge person potion so she can run the catwalk with out squeezing.

She will move to AJ 24 and charge the last 10' and attack AJ25 priest using Furious Focus?(or do I still need to train it?) and Vital Strike.

Raging +2, Charging +2, BAB +7, STR +4, +1 GS for +16.

Hit for 23 Damage!

10:25, Today: Ayeesha rolled 31 using 1d20+16 with rolls of 15.  Raging PA w +1 GS +16.

10:26, Today: Ayeesha rolled 23 using 4d6+16 with rolls of 1,1,2,3.  Vital Strike R,PA G Sword.

Dungeon Master
GM, 866 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Sat 22 Oct 2022
at 19:22
  • msg #221

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw gets into position and signals the others.

Ayeesha bursts into the room and gets into position along a catwalk.
OOC: You can't move and charge. Charging is a full round action and you can't change direction but you can use this attack/damage roll for next round.

Beril bursts in and casts his spell and several of the priests start fighting one another.
OOC: I checked every corner on AK27 and could only ever get 2 targets. However if you did the lower left of AM27 you could hit four.

Kyra chucks a card across the room striking a cleric and causing him to feel cold sapping the strength from him.

Figus and Alpha move up the other side to engage the clerics.

Cleric #1 moves up to engage Ayeesha but the  bersrerker bats away his attack.

Cleric #2 sees the attacks and starts shouting "Alarm! Alarm". Instead of moving to engage the adventurers he rushes over to the north door (AJ28) and begins hammering on it to alert the inhabitants.

Cleric #3 slashes Cleric #4 in  the confusion. Cleric #4 tries to slash back but the the other cleric parries.

Cleric #5 screams bloody murder and attacks Cleric #6 but his wild swings are easily ducked.

Cleric #6 engages Figus but the half-drow puts up a wall of steel and easily deflects the attack.

Round 2

Ayeesha2152/64+1 Greatsword +12/+72d6+16Power Attack, PfE
Kraw2341/49Daggers +9 x21d4+5/1d4+2Shield
Kyra1827/34Tarot Deck +81d4Mage Armor
Figus1845/47Scimitar +8/Kukri +81d6+3/1d4+1-
Alpha2142/42Bite +6/Spear +61d6+3/1d8+3Anthropomorphic Animal
Beril1236/43Bite +41d4-
Cleric #118HealthyMW Scythe +32d4+2-
Cleric #218InjuredMW Scythe +32d4+2Fatigued
Cleric #318HealthyMW Scythe +32d4+2Confused (6)
Cleric #418InjuredMW Scythe +32d4+2Confuesed (6)
Cleric #518HealthyMW Scythe +32d4+2Confused (6)
Cleric #618HealthyMW Scythe +32d4+2-

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

As always check to make sure your trackers are correct. This is the first combat since you leveled up to 6
Bloodrager, 539 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Sat 22 Oct 2022
at 21:20
  • msg #222

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 221):

Hit for 23 Damage!

10:25, Today: Ayeesha rolled 31 using 1d20+16 with rolls of 15.  Raging PA w +1 GS +16.

10:26, Today: Ayeesha rolled 23 using 4d6+16 with rolls of 1,1,2,3.  Vital Strike R,PA G Sword.

If Still up she will take second attack at +7

16:16, Today: Ayeesha rolled 15 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 8.  2nd GS PA while Raging +7.

A Swing and a miss!

Ayeehsa Gits her teeth and Hisses as she delivers a Vital Strike to the Cleric while missing the follow up attack.

Witch, 599 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Mon 24 Oct 2022
at 16:46
  • msg #223

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kyra moves forward to throw another card at the cleric shouting alarm.

Move to AM24, throwing a card at AJ28.
18:43, Today: Kyra rolled 21,9 using 1d20+9,1d6+7 with rolls of 12,2.  Frostbite (Attack, Damage).

Rogue, 777 posts
HP 48/49 AC 19
F+5 R+10 W+5
Mon 24 Oct 2022
at 16:51
  • msg #224

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw takes a running leap to land on the catwalk behind the man shouting 'alarm'. His dagger sinks in to cut off his cries.

09:49, Today: Kraw rolled 31 using 1d20+19 with rolls of 12.  Acrobatic leap.

09:49, Today: Kraw rolled 27 using 1d20+11 with rolls of 16.  Dagger attack.

09:48, Today: Kraw rolled 9 using 1d4+5 with rolls of 4.  Dagger damage.
Oracle, 729 posts
Mon 24 Oct 2022
at 22:10
  • msg #225

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Bireli takes stuck of the situation, the position of each cleric, and whether or not they have succumbed to his veil of confusion. Of course he can only guess, but it seems fair to say that the two who are exchanging blows with their scythes are not acting rationally. These he decides to let be, while he redirects his attention to the one who was trying to raise the alarm, and who was already wounded by Kraw.

He points at him a little skeletal figurine which hangs on one of his bracelets, and the man can feel his own bones rattle inside his body, and pull him forward and over the short railing!

The fox is evidently trying to push him over the edge… perhaps even make him take a tumble in his vat…

Standard: cast boneshaker, 18 damage and move 5ft, fortitude save DC17 for half damage and no move.

 Move: walk to AM26 and observe the vat (perception 20)

Dungeon Master
GM, 868 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Wed 2 Nov 2022
at 04:19
  • msg #226

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Ayeesha strides forward and sweeps her blade. The cleric moves to block it but such is the force that Ayeesha's strike blows through his defense, knocks the scythe from his hand and she still has enough power and momentum to sink her blade halfway through his ribcage. Needless to say, that cleric has gone on to meet his foul god.

Kyra sticks another enchanted card into the side of the cleric and the spell finishes what the first started, sapping all the strength from him and he collapses in a heap at the foot of the doorstep.

Seeing his intended target go down, Kraw shifts course flipping up and surprising one of the confused clerics and dropping him down.

Beril finds the number of targets dropping fast and points at  the first cleric he sees to unleash his spell. The cleric's boody starts rocking and spasming so hard they fling themselves right over the railing and land on the hard rock floor with a sickening thump. Even still their body continues to distort and twist on itself even as the life leaves the cleric's eyes.

Working as a team, Figus shatters the cleric's defenses and sends his target's arms out wide. In that split second Figus whirls his blades opening up several cuts on the man's arms and legs before ducking down just as Alpha leans forward and jabs the man right in the neck with his spear. Yet another cleric falls.

The remaining cleric, still under the effects of Beril's spell, just stands and stares blankly as the target of his rage is now longer among the living.

Round 3

Ayeesha2152/64+1 Greatsword +12/+72d6+16Power Attack, PfE
Kraw2341/49Daggers +9 x21d4+5/1d4+2Shield
Kyra1827/34Tarot Deck +81d4Mage Armor
Figus1845/47Scimitar +8/Kukri +81d6+3/1d4+1-
Alpha2142/42Bite +6/Spear +61d6+3/1d8+3Anthropomorphic Animal
Beril1236/43Bite +41d4-
Cleric #3 (AM29)18HealthyMW Scythe +32d4+2Confused (6)
Cleric #1--Dead---
Cleric #2--Unconscious--Unconscious
Cleric #4--Dead---
Cleric #5--Dead---
Cleric #6--Dead---

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

As always check to make sure your trackers are correct. This is the first combat since you leveled up to 6
Bloodrager, 540 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Wed 2 Nov 2022
at 10:12
  • msg #227

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 226):

Ayeesha shakes her sword loose and moves to the door at AJ27 and carefully listens.

Free action: End rage.

Move action: Move to Door.

Standard Action: Perception.

06:10, Today: Ayeesha rolled 16 using 1d20+10 with rolls of 6.  Perception +10.
Witch, 600 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Wed 2 Nov 2022
at 13:41
  • msg #228

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kyra climbed the catwalk behind Ayeesha, stepping over the corpse of her last opponent to throw another card at the last cultist still standing.

Move to AJ25, attacking AM29.
14:38, Today: Kyra rolled 26,9 using 1d20+9,1d6+7 with rolls of 17,2.  Frostbite (Attack, Damage).

Oracle, 730 posts
Wed 9 Nov 2022
at 16:34
  • msg #229

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

 Beril took a moment to assess the situation.
 Mostly under control, one could say.

 He moved stealthily to one of the vats and analysed its content, using a Detect Magic spell to do so.
  "...wonder what they be stirring 'ere..." he muttered to himself.

 Cast Detect Magic
 Move to AM26

 Beril rolled 14 using 1d20+11 with rolls of 3.  perception.
 Beril rolled 13 using 1d20+10 with rolls of 3.  Stealth.

Rogue, 778 posts
HP 48/49 AC 19
F+5 R+10 W+5
Wed 9 Nov 2022
at 18:07
  • msg #230

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw moves up to finish the last for with a quick stab.

10:06, Today: Kraw rolled 28 using 1d20+11 with rolls of 17.  Dagger attack.

10:06, Today: Kraw rolled 6 using 1d4+5 with rolls of 1.  Dagger damage.

10:05, Today: Kraw rolled 11 using 4d8 with rolls of 2,1,7,1.  Sneak stab damage.

17 damage
Dungeon Master
GM, 869 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Thu 10 Nov 2022
at 06:30
  • msg #231

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

The last confused cleric is swiftly finished by Kraw's daggers and Krya's  spell.

The vats give off a variety of auras, primarily necromancy but it doesn't come from the vats itself but from the fluids inside. From a cursory glance Beril isn't sure what they're brewing but given everything they have seen it likely isn't beneficial to themselves or the city.

A quick check around the room now that the final cleric is dead reveals the two doors on the ground level to the south, both of which appear unlocked. Two doors to  the east, also at ground level and likewise unlocked and judging by the overall layout seem to lead deeper into the complex. The door to the North is accessed from the catwalks and appears to be locked (DC 30 to open) and a  quick search shows none of the clerics have keys to it, nor do any of the various keys recovered from the barracks open the door either.

Ayeesha listens to the locked door and thinks she hears soft moaning coming from behind the door, weak cries similar to what she had heard from the laboratory earlier upstairs in the main sick hall.

OOC: On the map:
A - locked upper door
B & C - east doors
D & E - south doors.

The cleric pounded on door A

This message was last edited by the GM at 06:36, Thu 10 Nov 2022.
Rogue, 779 posts
HP 48/49 AC 19
F+5 R+10 W+5
Thu 10 Nov 2022
at 08:29
  • msg #232

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw says "if someone can provide light or some other assistance I can try picking that lock" as he moves up towards the north door, one hand bringing out his tools.
Bloodrager, 541 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Thu 10 Nov 2022
at 14:29
  • msg #233

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Kraw (msg # 232):

"Sure Kraw"

Ayeesha leans in so her Ioun stone shines where he needs it the most.
Witch, 601 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Fri 11 Nov 2022
at 07:03
  • msg #234

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kyra waited on the catwalk for Kraw to work his magic, another of her enchanted cards in her hand.
Rogue, 780 posts
HP 48/49 AC 19
F+5 R+10 W+5
Fri 11 Nov 2022
at 07:17
  • msg #235

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

With Ayeesha shining light on the lock's innards, Kraw is able to work his tools in with skill. After tense moments, Kraw gives a quiet nod and smile as he feels the last tumbler fall aside.

23:14, Today: Kraw rolled 33 using 1d20+18 with rolls of 15.  Disable Device.

Dungeon Master
GM, 870 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Tue 15 Nov 2022
at 04:22
  • msg #236

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

The door unlocks with a <click>...

So I don't forget: Treasure:

x6 Potions of Cure Moderate Wounds
x6 MW Scythe
x6 +1 Breastplate

Bloodrager, 542 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Wed 16 Nov 2022
at 12:47
  • msg #237

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 236):

Ayeesha makes eye contact with Kraw, Kyra, and Beril to get a nod to proceed through the door or whether she should hold off and let Kraw peek inside and spy it out.
Rogue, 783 posts
HP 48/49 AC 19
F+5 R+10 W+5
Sun 20 Nov 2022
at 20:58
  • msg #238

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw takes one of the potions offered and puts it in his pouch. He then motions for quiet and indicates that he will go first to scout ahead. One he has acknowledgement he quietly opens the door to first peer through, then quietly slip inside if he seems it safe (relatively speaking).

12:55, Today: Kraw rolled 25 using 1d20+16 with rolls of 9.  Stealth.

12:55, Today: Kraw rolled 16 using 1d20+14 with rolls of 2.  Perception.

Oracle, 731 posts
Fri 25 Nov 2022
at 14:45
  • msg #239

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

 Beril took a moment to observe the fallen cultist, picked a particularly ugly one, and studied his features for a second. He called to Kraw:
 "Wait up, I'll come with. Safe distance behind is all."

 The Fox-man cast a spell, his nine tails fluttering under the influx of magical illusion. In a handful of seconds, he was transformed into a perfect likeness of the scythe wielding clerk. He actually picked up the scythe itself, for good measure.

 "Go on then, I don't want to cramp your sneaky style... I'll stay some thirty feet behind, yeah. And don't go making so much noise, will you?"

  Cast Disguise Self
 Beril rolled 28 using 1d20+10 with rolls of 18.  Stealth
 Beril rolled 22 using 1d20+11 with rolls of 11.  Perception

This message was last edited by the player at 14:19, Mon 28 Nov 2022.
Dungeon Master
GM, 871 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Mon 28 Nov 2022
at 22:39
  • msg #240

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw slides open the door and finds a grim laboratory with an elegant operating table that dominates the center of the room. Crossed with iron restraints and encircled by a gore-encrusted gutter, the macabre device sprouts various cranks and levers, and is large enough to accommodate an ogre. Along the walls stand several tables strewn with all manner of alchemical accoutrements, their contents appearing old in the extreme, with rusted iron tools, beakers of purpled glass, and deep pools of wax from countless melted candles.

A young and unconscious man, barely older than twenty winters, lies upon the operating table, bound by its heavy restraints. While it is hard to see between the distance and gloom this young man appears to match the description of the missing brother that the party was tasked finding, the one who had been kidnapped by Rolth from the party while the rest of the guests had been transformed into zombies.

A pale figure stands next to the man with ashen grey skin, sunken features, and pointed ears.

"Halt! Who goes there!"

The man can tell that something is opening up the door and peeking inside but doesn't seem to be able to identify Kraw specifically at this moment.

"Come out into the open and discuss this like civilized sorts. No need to be slinking in the shadows."

Although his words and tone indicate that he wants to talk instead of reflexively attacking like the cultists they have encountered so far, he extends one hand with long jagged fingernails over the unconscious bound man's throat. While the threat is unspoken, the nature of it is very clear...
Rogue, 784 posts
HP 48/49 AC 19
F+5 R+10 W+5
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 01:47
  • msg #241

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

The raven-man emerges from the shadows and walks forward, saying (loud enough for those behind him to hear) "ah, you found him. You have no idea how long I've been looking for that young nobleman on the table. But who are you? Vampire of some sort?"
Oracle, 732 posts
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 09:59
  • msg #242

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

 Beril follows, looking like a cultist and holding the scythe up - though not in a threatening manner. He walks to the side of Kraw, trying to maintain the illusion that he is not with this intruder, but rather one of the guardians of the place.

 Inside though, he is getting a spell ready to react to anything the vampire tries to pull...

move 30ft to the left, ready action (cast a spell)
Bloodrager, 543 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 16:23
  • msg #243

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Beril (msg # 242):

Ayeesha, tensed and poised for explosive action feels the hair on the nape of her neck stand up as she listens to the conversation unfolding between the occupant of the room and her companions.

Slowly with deliberate steps she enters the room and stands 5' in from the door taking in the scene of the fiend and his victim.

"Who ever you are. we are here for that man and will not leave with out him!"

Ayeesha wonders how effective her Protection from Evil spell will be against such a monstrosity as she makes a Desna sign of warding against it while she clutches here Great sword in her other hand.
This message was last edited by the player at 12:03, Fri 02 Dec 2022.
Witch, 603 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 20:43
  • msg #244

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kyra stays behind Ayeesha, peeking from behind her back at the... vampire? Worried her magic will not be effective against an undead foe, she quickly uses a sanctified balm on her harrow deck.

Don't really have anything else prepared, except maybe Blindness/Deafness. Not sure that would even affect him though.
Ramoska Arkminos
NPC, 1 post
Undead Male
Tue 6 Dec 2022
at 23:51
  • msg #245

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

The man bristles a bit as Kraw steps fully into view but the surprise fades quickly.

"Ah, I see that is what they were shouting about."

The man speaks with a heavy Ustalavian accent, thick and gothic and moody.

"I am guessing that if you are here the temple lies in waste and its defenders scattered. Or if not and you are still here then you are even more the adversary.

Unlike the fools you have scattered I am not here for any deep religious belief. I was hired to do a job, a job that also helped me further my own research. Mutually beneficial, you understand.

However I am not a fanatic and I see that you would like this young man...presumably alive that is. I would like to  leave here with my research and laboratory intact. Unfortunately the cost of transporting this material is quite high and once you are done destroying this temple alas I shall be lacking a benefactor to compensate me for the time and materials I have spent.

So yes, we can go about fighting and maybe you destroy me and maybe I kill you but I have little desire for that and I would hope you would rather take an easy win rather than face off against one such as I.

So I will offer you this deal: pay me enough gold so that I may depart with haste and I will never set foot inside this wretched city again.  2,000 gold should suffice. I know I know it si a hefty sum but I have a lot of fragile equipment and it is expensive to travel so far.

2,000 gold is not so much a price to pay to get this young man back...mostly unharmed and to not have to get past me to finish your mission here. I can assure you, it is an offer not many get the luxury of having in front of them but...let's just say that this temple and I disagreed on quite a number of many things and I see no reason to kill in their name."

So I just as point of order the party does have that much gold, especially when you can have Figus throw in for the lion's share. You have also recovered something along the order of 10,000gp worth of loot.

Not trying to push you one way or another, just making sure everyone has a general idea of the overall level of party wealth.

Rogue, 786 posts
HP 48/49 AC 19
F+5 R+10 W+5
Wed 7 Dec 2022
at 06:31
  • msg #246

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw nods. "I see no reason in a fight that needn't happen. I understand about your equipment, and I'd have to consult my colleagues to see if we have enough gold between us to meet your asking price, but might I ask something first? Could your equipment all fit in a Handy Haversack? Those go for about 2000 gold in the market, and that way you can preserve your notes as well as your equipment." He signals to the others to hold back.
Bloodrager, 544 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Wed 7 Dec 2022
at 23:02
  • msg #247

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Kraw (msg # 246):

Ayeesha finds it detestable to negotiate with this monster but takes a more relaxed posture as she looks to  her companions to assess their reaction to the proposal.
If they appear to want to make a "deal" she says, "Beril what do you say?"
Ramoska Arkminos
NPC, 2 posts
Undead Male
Thu 8 Dec 2022
at 00:24
  • msg #248

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

The man considers the offer, weighing it back and forth.

"While that does help with the transportation of my materials it doesn't cover my own expenses. Sure I can sell it when I arrive but what do I do until then? The haversack and 500 gold then. It's not quite what either of us are looking for but then again a good compromise never is. Still a bargain, no?"
Witch, 607 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Thu 8 Dec 2022
at 10:27
  • msg #249

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kyra interjects into Kraw's deal. "2000 gold, was it? I'll cover for it, we could use the haversack ourselves. After all, true power lies not in wealth, but in the things it affords you."

She takes a couple of fat, jingly bags from a satchel seemingly too small to hold them. "But, I want something more in return. I want information. You said you were hired. By who? Who is behind all this? What are their names? What are their plans? Tell us all you know of this mess and you can take your gold and leave."

He'll probably only say that the cultists hired him and that their plan was to spread disease and death because that's what Urgathoan cultists do. But it can't hurt to ask.

Ugh, I see the dice roller is back to hating me.
11:16, Today: Kyra rolled 15 using 1d20+12 with rolls of 3.  Sense Motive.

Rogue, 790 posts
HP 48/49 AC 19
F+5 R+10 W+5
Thu 8 Dec 2022
at 12:05
  • msg #250

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw is intrigued by this line of questioning, and watches the exchange looking for duplicitnous.

04:04, Today: Kraw rolled 21 using 1d20+12 with rolls of 9.  Sense Motive.
Oracle, 736 posts
Fri 9 Dec 2022
at 10:11
  • msg #251

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

 Beril listened to the conversation. He did not know his companions for long enough to judge whether they were bluffing or seriously considering this insult. He alos had no way of communicating with them in secret. Finally he owed them his survival in this mess, and even in peak shape he would not be able to take on the vampire by himself... so if they wanted out without a fight, he wasn't going to force them.
 He made his opinion clear though. Spitting on the stone floor, he tossed the scyther and dismissed his disguise. He hissed to himself.
 "Bloody disgrace that is... blood hungry monster, treats us like cattle, and we have to pay him?"

 Clearly if anyone was to even suggest they fight instead, Beril would be on the vampire within seconds. Not that he's well equipped for it though.

Bloodrager, 546 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Fri 9 Dec 2022
at 12:13
  • msg #252

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Beril (msg # 251):

"Kyra, I will pay you back my share of the ransom if you would pay it now."

Ayeesha offeres to take it from Kyra and handle the transaction for the party.

"Ramoska, here is the gold, But maybe you could answer a question or two? I would like to know who hired you and what was your interest in this plague is?  Just to cause mayhem and suffering? I have never met one such as you. What motivates you? What were you doing with these poor souls?" 

Ayeesha stands poised with the bag in one hand  holding it out for display for a moment before pulling it back and asking the questions of the fiend.

07:36, Today: Ayeesha rolled 18 using 1d20+1 with rolls of 17.  Diplomacy +1 "Ramoska".
This message was last edited by the player at 12:38, Fri 09 Dec 2022.
Ramoska Arkminos
NPC, 3 posts
Undead Male
Wed 21 Dec 2022
at 05:42
  • msg #253

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

It is a cautious exchange, both sides expecting the other to make a move and betray the other but once the gold is safely handed or tossed over Ramoska seems to relax considerably.

"Surprisingly enough the cultists never bothered to threaten or barter with me to hold my tongue. I suppose they thought nobody would ever make it down here...alright ask away if it will help make this smoother."

You said you were hired. By who?

Ramoska gives a bit of a sigh and waves a clawed hand in the air.

"That complicated. Forgive me for leaving my personal master out of this and I was never formally briefed but what I believe is going on here is a partnership between the Red Mantis and a Cult of Urgathoa. Doctor Davaulus leads the Red Mantis cell and the Cult of Urgathoa is led by a priestess,  Lady Andaisin. Before you ask I do not know how they became involved. If Red Mantis is here then someone hired them to do a job, apparently that job meant helping the Urgathoans infect the city.

I was brought in due to my...expertise when it comes to matters of disease. It seems some of the native Varisians have a natural immunity to the blood veil and I was asked to help refine the disease to overcome this resistance."

He casually gestures back to Ruan, a native Varisian, strapped to his table.

"The Red Mantis would have a specific target in mind, perhaps one well guarded such that only widespread plague could get at them? Or maybe destroying Korvosa itself was the job? Who can say? The Urgathoans, however, their goal is quite easy to understand. They want to spread as much plague and disease as they can in service to their goddess.

Oh, also there is a necromancer...Rolth. I don't quite understand what he is doing here but I think they are partnering with him due to his extensive network of secret labs throughout the city. They offer him a place to work here and he helps them spread their plague...or something. I'll be honest I never really bothered with him. Necromancers and I have a certain...fundamental disagreement and thus we tend to steer clear of one another."

He moves over to a desk, resting a finger on the lip of one of the beakers. It is clear he wants to begin packing but he also isn't foolish enough to completely let down his guard.

"As for me, I don't really care about the plague or the city. From my view the cities of man rise and fall all the time. NO, I'm here for little more than base currency. My own research is quite expensive and I don't see the need to risk my neck delving into dungeons and catacombs to try and make the gold I need. Instead I am...let's just say available for a price where I can put my knowledge to work."

His claw taps the glass of the beaker.

"Well, I suppose that is all that I know. I have not been past the doors to the East, that leads to a holy place for the Urgathoans, one I am not invited to but if you want to know what else there is in this place let me know. It is all pretty straight forward, I know of no secret passage ways or hidden treasures. And I don't know how many cultists there are or Red Mantis assassins. I mean I've seen them around but frankly mortals tend to be hard for me to tell apart...oh the boy."

He turns and begins undoing the straps for Ruan on the table. He pauses, considering the group.

"He is in no condition to move himself but he is also in no danger. I'll free him and you can come collect him but please after that begone so that I make pack and depart with haste. Remember, for just a bit of gold everyone gets to walk away unharmed, including the boy here. We have a good thing going, best not to ruin it with any sudden and reckless plans."

He undoes the second strap and then quickly retreats back to a corner, arms up and at the ready to defend but giving the group plenty of space of their own to come forward and collect Ruan.
Rogue, 791 posts
HP 48/49 AC 19
F+5 R+10 W+5
Wed 21 Dec 2022
at 07:05
  • msg #254

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw nods. "Thank you, Ramoska. I'm glad we were able to do this as professionals. Perhaps if we cross paths in the future, each of us will know that deals can be made instead of unnecessary conflict." Kraw moves forward to help the boy off the table.
Oracle, 738 posts
Wed 21 Dec 2022
at 11:34
  • msg #255

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

 Beril listened but said nothing. He was in no position to do as his heart said, and this bit his tongue for as long as was necessary.

 He did make some useful mental notes of the situation in Korvosa... the Red Mantis he knew by reputation, and it was bad news, very bad news indeed.
Witch, 610 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Wed 21 Dec 2022
at 12:39
  • msg #256

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kyra gives a wide berth to Ramoska as she follow Kraws to the table, and she keeps her eyes on the vampire. The bags of gold she gave to Ayeesha.

I'm fine with Ayeesha handling the trade.
Bloodrager, 547 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Wed 21 Dec 2022
at 15:07
  • msg #257

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Kyra (msg # 256):

Ayeesha stiffles her reservations and and asks away.

"Ramoska, you were hired for your expertise in disease and to overcome Varisian natural immunity.  Can you be hired to cure the disease of Blood veil as well? Or, offer up your research so we can create a cure ourselves?"

"I was brought in due to my...expertise when it comes to matters of disease. It seems some of the native Varisians have a natural immunity to the blood veil and I was asked to help refine the disease to overcome this resistance."

Ramoska Arkminos
NPC, 4 posts
Undead Male
Sat 24 Dec 2022
at 21:44
  • msg #258

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

A smirk of pride flashes across Ramoska's face.

"An interesting thought While I probably could discover a proper cure given time and effort I hold little illusion that the authorities that be would let me conduct my work in the manner that I choose. You are willing to deal with me out of extreme necessity and pragmatism but if you weren't facing down a cult to a fell goddess I don't doubt this situation would have ended differently.

No offense but even if you could assure me I wouldn't be interrupted or that I would be pardoned for the work that I had performed already...frankly I wouldn't believe it. No, my time in the city have come to an end and the sooner I leave the better, frankly, for everyone.

I will offer you one last item, free of charge of course."

He eyes the bag of gold in Ayeehsha's hand, nodding slightly for her to put it onto the table and retrieve Ruan.

"The disease is dangerous on its own but its potency is being amplified by the cult to Urgathoa. This is why it is spreading so fast and why it is so resistant to healing both magical and mundane."

He pauses and then turns slightly to pull a notebook from his shelf.

"Here are my notes on blood veil. I was tasked with uncovering why some are more resistant than others and in here is a detailed log of my notes. Perhaps you will be able to figure out a cure from the information within. Or perhaps not."

He gives a shrug and then gently tosses the book onto the table next to Ruan.

"Now the gold and then we part ways. I have a laboratory to pack up and you have a fated encounter with the high priestess and, frankly I'd prefer to be as far away from here as possible when that happens."
Bloodrager, 548 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Sun 25 Dec 2022
at 17:35
  • msg #259

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Ramoska Arkminos (msg # 258):

"Well that's more than I could hope for. Here is your gold and we will take our charge and your notes you generously included and depart in peace."

Ayeesha carefully hands over the bag of gold and turns to Ruan to assess removing him.

"I have a potion of healing but perhaps one of you can do better by him?"

Witch, 611 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Mon 26 Dec 2022
at 11:23
  • msg #260

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kyra draws a wand to heal the man. "Not to worry, this thing still has some charges left."

If this isn't enough to patch him up, DM can make more CLW rolls for Kyra.
12:21, Today: Kyra rolled 8 using 1d8+1 with rolls of 7.  CLW.

This message was last edited by the player at 11:23, Mon 26 Dec 2022.
Oracle, 740 posts
Thu 5 Jan 2023
at 16:43
  • msg #261

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

 Beril was glaring, arms crossed and frown on his brow. He wasn't happy but there wasn't much he could do.

 The fox-man asked the others:
 "What is the deal with this boy then? Do you need to deliver him somewhere? Cause we can't garantee his safety if we press deeper in this compound..."

Witch, 613 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Fri 6 Jan 2023
at 21:04
  • msg #262

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kyra answers Beril once the vampire is out of earshot. "His sister asked us to find him. Luckily we were able to do so before it was too late. Not sure what to do with him now though. We could bring him up and hand him over to the guards. But that would take time, time I am not sure we can afford to waste."
Dungeon Master
GM, 873 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Tue 10 Jan 2023
at 07:04
  • msg #263

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

A zap from the healing wand sealed up the signs of experimentation and abuse that marked Ruan's skin.

Ruan stirred to consciousness, his vision swept from one unfamiliar face to the next. His lips parted with an anxious inquiry, "Who... who are you? Where am I?" His body gradually regained its vigor as he awaited a response.
Witch, 614 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Tue 10 Jan 2023
at 20:08
  • msg #264

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kyra raises an eyebrow. "Why, isn't it obvious?" With a sweep of her arm she indicates a hulking Shoanti barbarian, a half-drow with a wolf, a tengu and a kitsune. "We're the city guards, of course. Your sister has reported you missing."

Alright, so what do we do with him? Go back and hand him over to the guards? Leave him here for now? Dragging him along to a boss fight could be awkward.
Bloodrager, 551 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Tue 10 Jan 2023
at 21:44
  • msg #265

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Kyra (msg # 264):

Ayseesha steadies Ruan to make sure he is able to stand.

"Ruan, I am Ayeesha, your sister asked us to find you.  How are you doing? Your a musician, are you also a Bard?"
Oracle, 741 posts
Thu 12 Jan 2023
at 08:11
  • msg #266

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

To no one in particular, Bireli suggested:
 « How ‘bout we just pop him in the lift, and he can find his way home from there? He looks fit enough.  »
This message was last edited by the player at 08:11, Thu 12 Jan 2023.
Dungeon Master
GM, 874 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Sat 21 Jan 2023
at 05:51
  • msg #267

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

The other survivors have set up a little safe spot inside the guard room next to the elevators. There is a bench there that Ruan can lie down on and the other survivors promise to keep watch over him. If the group doesn't report back then they'll take Ruan up the elevator and alert the guards to send in everyone to finish clearing this place out.
Witch, 619 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Thu 2 Feb 2023
at 07:32
  • msg #268

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

While they are back with the survivors, Kyra decides to use this opportunity to prepare new spells before the party confronts the leaders of the cult. "This is going to take a bit of time. Better keep a watch in case they get tired of waiting and decide to come to us instead." She says as she kneels down on the floor and starts laying the cards from her deck in front of her.

Preparing spells as discussed previously: Glitterdust, Web, Lightning Bolt and 2 Black Tentacles, need 17 minutes to load them all.
Dungeon Master
GM, 878 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Tue 7 Feb 2023
at 05:01
  • msg #269

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

The flickering torchlight casts eerie shadows on the stone walls, and the sound of chanting echoes off the cavernous ceilings. The chanting grows louder as you approach a pair of heavy, iron-bound doors. The doors tower above you, covered in ornate carvings of demons and dark symbols. From the cracks and seals comes the smell of burning wax and other foul chemicals. The intricate designs are twisted and grotesque, hinting at the horrors that lie beyond.
Bloodrager, 557 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Tue 7 Feb 2023
at 23:47
  • msg #270

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 269):

"Kraw, do you need assistance with the door"? asks Ayeesha.
Dungeon Master
GM, 880 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Wed 8 Feb 2023
at 05:01
  • msg #271

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Perception check:
23:00, Today: Dungeon Master, on behalf of Kraw, rolled 5 using 1d20 ((5)). Total: 19

The door appears to be untrapped and unlocked...
Oracle, 744 posts
Wed 8 Feb 2023
at 22:10
  • msg #272

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Before they opened the door, Beril cast Protection from Evil on himself, and then on Ayeesha.
 (Lasts min/level, +2 deflection AC and vers mind control)

He then nodded to say he was ready for what would come next...
Bloodrager, 558 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Wed 8 Feb 2023
at 22:37
  • msg #273

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Beril (msg # 272):

Unless someone else wishes to, Buffed (Cats Grace, Enlarged, POE) Ayeesha will open the door.
Rogue, 794 posts
HP 48/49 AC 19
F+5 R+10 W+5
Thu 9 Feb 2023
at 02:40
  • msg #274

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw shakes his head. After his friends get their buffs, Kraw quietly eases the door open and looks beyond.

18:41, Today: Kraw rolled 24 using 1d20+14 with rolls of 10.  Perception.

18:41, Today: Kraw rolled 36 using 1d20+16 with rolls of 20.  Stealth.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:42, Thu 09 Feb 2023.
Dungeon Master
GM, 881 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Wed 22 Feb 2023
at 06:10
  • msg #275

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw cautiously approached the dungeon door. With a flick of his wrist, he opened the heavy door, and a stinging acrid smell filled his nostrils. As he peered into the darkness, he saw a pair of glowing red eyes staring back at him.

A gigantic demonic looking thing towered in the center of the room between three large glass tubes and one shattered looking one. Some kind of green ooze covers the floor where the demon is standing.

The demon towers over Kraw, well over a dozen feet tall. It's head is large horse skull and on its back are a pair of large black feathered wings that look a horrible parody to Kraw's own plumage.

Behind the standing vials are a pair of priests looking at one another and nodding in agreement. As Kraw opens the door the daemon shifts, looking in his direction but there is a moment's hesitation allowing Kraw and the others to get the drop on them.

Surprise round. Make it count!

Surprise Round

Ayeesha2152/64+1 Greatsword +12/+73d6+17Power Attack, PfE, Enlarged, Cat's Grace
Kraw2341/49Daggers +9 x21d4+5/1d4+2-
Kyra1827/34Tarot Deck +81d4Mage Armor
Figus1845/47Scimitar +8/Kukri +81d6+3/1d4+1-
Alpha2142/42Bite +6/Spear +61d6+3/1d8+3Anthropomorphic Animal
Beril1236/43Bite +41d4-
Cleric #1 (AM36)18HealthyMW Scythe +32d4+2-
Cleric #2 (AP3618HealthyMW Scythe +32d4+2-
Daemon23HealthyBite +16, x2 Claws +161d8+7/1d6+7-

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

Rogue, 795 posts
HP 48/49 AC 19
F+5 R+10 W+5
Wed 22 Feb 2023
at 08:14
  • msg #276

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw moves to AQ-36, flipping into place to avoid any attacks. He quick-draws a dagger and plunges it into the gut of the priest there.

00:10, Today: Kraw rolled 22 using 1d20+14 with rolls of 8.  Acrobatics to avoid AoO.

00:10, Today: Kraw rolled 28 using 1d20+11 with rolls of 17.  Dagger attack.

00:10, Today: Kraw rolled 9 using 1d4+5 with rolls of 4.  Dagger damage.

00:09, Today: Kraw rolled 16 using 4d8 with rolls of 1,7,1,7.  Sneak stab damage.

Priest takes 25 damage and is -2 AC vs all (-4 AC vs Kraw) until end of next round.
Oracle, 745 posts
Wed 22 Feb 2023
at 12:02
  • msg #277

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

my AC is listed as 12, it should be 18 (20 with PfE)

 Beril was shaken by the sight of the formidable opponent. This was not going to be an easy fight... He decided to let the frontliners do what they do best, while he would try and provide support.

 Taking a step back, her gathered the magic of his mystical tails and projected his mind forward, trying to dominate the will of one of the clerics. He knew it was a long shot, but if he could ensnare their mind, they would stop being a problem, for good...

  Dominate Person on the priest that Kraw does not attack
 Will save DC20 or he becomes my puppet
 (note Beril is True Neutral, so Protection from Good or similar effect would not block mind control)

Witch, 620 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Wed 22 Feb 2023
at 17:25
  • msg #278

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

When she spots the demon, daemon or whatever that thing was, Kyra decides it's time for the big guns. She casts her strongest spell in the room and then steps to the side of the door.

Casting Black Tentacles at upper-right corner of AM35 to cover all three of them, then 5' step to AK30. Careful where you step guys.

18:20, Today: Kyra rolled 15 using 1d20+12 with rolls of 3.  Black Tentacles grapple.

Pathetic roll, but I do get a new one each round while the spell lasts, I think.

Bloodrager, 559 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Thu 23 Feb 2023
at 21:18
  • msg #279

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Kyra (msg # 278):

Standard Action: Ayeesha squeezes through Kara's door into squares AL,AM,31,32.
+1 Great Sword at the ready.

"Can anyone tell me what this is and how to kill it?"asks Ayeesha.
Oracle, 746 posts
Thu 23 Feb 2023
at 21:30
  • msg #280

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Whilst trying to subjugate the cleric, Bireli made an effort to remember anything he knew about horse skull face winged daemons…
Beril rolled 20 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 15.  Identify daemon

He will share whatever he knows with the others, starting with: ”I reckon it bleeds… so chop it up!”
Rogue, 796 posts
HP 48/49 AC 19
F+5 R+10 W+5
Thu 23 Feb 2023
at 22:26
  • msg #281

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw says "I think it's a construct of some sort. Chopping it up ought to work."
Dungeon Master
GM, 882 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Thu 23 Feb 2023
at 23:50
  • msg #282

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw moves to tumble past the horse headed thing just as he has almost every time before. He is skilled, he is fast, and his cloak and feathers make it hard for enemy attacks to actually land a solid hit. This time it is different. With supernatural reflexes the giant monster flicks out a claw clipping Kraw on the shoulder and sending him reeling backwards.

[Language unknown: "Eeth'plsi. Ma omeprorom trasei waspo sanoreant. Ort sated i sastr ntwit ivur."]

OOC: Kraw takes 8 damage from the claw attack.

Beril feels the mind of the other priest collapse over the mental assault of his spell.
</orange>You now control the priest, let me know what want him to do.</orange>

Krya sends out her spell that caused inky tentacles shooting out from the ground, snaking their way towards the cultists and the demon. As the tentacles closed in, the cultists tried to dodge, but they were too slow. The tentacles grabbed them, squeezing tight and lifting them off the ground. They start to scream and cry out as the tentacles smash them around or squeeze them tight.

The tentacles thump and flail against the giant tubes causing them to crack and vile looking green liquid starts leaking out the sides.

The giant demon-thing in the middle of the room seems unfazed by the tentacles, easily shrugging them off as they try and grab and grasp at it.

Both priests are entangled but the daemon is not.

Beril studies the thing but has never seen or heard anything like it before.

Ayeesha squeezes herself through the narrow door and watches uneasily as the demonic creatures seems to be holding back, allowing her the time to get properly situated before it attacks.

[Language unknown: "Dious stipa iliou ou ecofon m io somticugh omeeraerahou. U ughhasint e ich ofast a artwhesan ouompr hila virineoreant rut ntele ruteauoer."]

Round 1
The clerics are helpless and continue to be bashed and squeezed. The demonic thing takes a big breath that sounds like wind whistling through bones and then lets loose a great cloud of smoke. No...not smoke...the smoke is twisting and turning as if alive. It is alive! It is a giant cloud of stinging biting flies that encompasses almost everyone: Ayeesha, Figus, Alpha, and Kyra are all caught in the swarm.

<orange>It is 26 points of slashing damage (before DR). Save is Reflex Save vs. DC 21 for half damage. Protection from Evil bonuses do apply.</orange.

Round 1

Ayeesha2152/64+1 Greatsword +12/+73d6+17Power Attack, PfE, Enlarged, Cat's Grace
Kraw2333/49Daggers +9 x21d4+5/1d4+2-
Kyra1827/34Tarot Deck +81d4Mage Armor
Figus1819/47Scimitar +8/Kukri +81d6+3/1d4+1-
Alpha2116/42Bite +6/Spear +61d6+3/1d8+3Anthropomorphic Animal
Beril1836/43Bite +41d4-
Cleric #1 (AM36)18HurtMW Scythe +32d4+2Dominated, Grappled
Cleric #2 (AP3618WoundedMW Scythe +32d4+2Grappled
Daemon23HealthyBite +16, x2 Claws +161d8+7/1d6+7-

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

Oracle, 747 posts
Fri 24 Feb 2023
at 10:22
  • msg #283

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

 Bireli remains shaken by the formidable opponent they are now facing. He is glad he wasn't within the swarm of flies, and feels a bit bad for his newfound companions...

 Regaining focus, he grabs a little bone trinket on his bracelet, holds it forward and shouts: "Shekshekshek!!"

 The Daemon can feel the bones rattling in his unholy body, including his grotesque horse skull, as an invisible force drags him. Boneshaker deals 18 untyped damage and moves him 5ft North; fort DC17 for half-damage and negates the move.
 (trying to get the daemon within reach of Alpha/Figus without being in the zone of Black Tentacles)

 The fox-headed Oracle shouted: "Strike him with everything you have! Clerics are a later problem..."

 He mentally commanded the subjugated cleric to crawl to safety, out of the black tentacles range.
Rogue, 797 posts
HP 48/49 AC 19
F+5 R+10 W+5
Fri 24 Feb 2023
at 11:30
  • msg #284

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw takes a few steps out of the daemon's reach and casts a Shield spell. He retrieves a potion from his Handy Haversack (free action).
Bloodrager, 560 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Fri 24 Feb 2023
at 16:01
  • msg #285

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Kraw (msg # 284):

10:22, Today: Ayeesha rolled 26 using 1d20+11 with rolls of 15.  Reflex save versus Swarm.

Ayeesha dodges the bugs!

Free actions: Rage, Destined Strike to first attack.

Full attack action: Power attack Horse skull thing. First swing with Destined strike for +3 to hit.

Forgot Enlarge Person for +2 STRENGTH gets Ayeesha to 23 for first to hit and hits AC23

10:44, Today: Ayeesha rolled 22 using 1d20+18 with rolls of 4.  Horse skull-Rage+2, FF+2, PA-2, DS+3, GS+1 BAB +12=+18 .

10:49, Today: Ayeesha rolled 28 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 20.  Horse skull 2nd atck at :Ra +2, PA -2, GS+1, BAB+7=+8.

10:49, Today: Ayeesha rolled 11 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 3.  Critical Threat GS +8.

Damage to Horse skull (3d6+17)X2.

10:56, Today: Ayeesha rolled 34 using 3d6+17 with rolls of 5,6,6.

10:56, Today: Ayeesha rolled 28 using 3d6+17 with rolls of 5,4,2.

Ayeesha deals 62 Points of Damage w/ +1GS
Witch, 623 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Tue 28 Feb 2023
at 11:34
  • msg #286

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kyra desperately tries to get out of the biting cloud to heal herself before it's too late.

12:19, Today: Kyra rolled 12 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 6.  Reflex save.
And Kyra is down to 1 hit point.

Retreating to somewhere up and left. If this cloud of flies is still around and a danger, out of it if possible at all. And if I have actions left after that, use a CLW wand on herself.

12:25, Today: Kyra rolled 2 using 1d8+1 with rolls of 1.  CLW.
Dice roller is really generous to me today.

OOC: Turns out Kyra is not geared up well for something like this after all. What with spell resistance, elemental resistances and likely very good saves, there's really not much she can do against it. Luckily Ayeesha is here, bu I wish I had some good buffs for the party at least.

Ausio Carowyn
NPC, 4 posts
Male Varisian
Wed 1 Mar 2023
at 02:03
  • msg #287

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Beril feels his magic wrap around the skeleton of the creature and he pumps magical energy into it to make the creature tear itself apart from within. While he can sense some movement and the monster does look pained by the attack he can tell the creature's strength and fortitude was enough to resist the full effects of the spell.

Kraw backs into a corner and prepares his magical defenses.

Ayeesha's muscles were pulsing with magical energy. With a fierce cry, she charged forward, her greatsword held high. The Leukodaemon snarled in response, lashing out with its claws, but the barbarian woman was too quick. She darted to the side, her sword singing through the air as it struck true.

The creature roared in pain, its flesh sizzling where the blade had touched it. But the barbarian woman did not let up. She swung her sword again and again, each blow imbued with the full force of her magical might. Chunks of flesh dropped to the ground and a black ichor sprayed from the wounds that sizzled and smoked when it hit the ground.

Kyra ducks behind a corner and starts mending herself before she bleeds out from the thousands of tiny cuts the flies left her.

The priests continue to have the life squeezed out of them by the tentacles. One of the tentacles flails wildly and sends a priest shattering through one of the glass tubes and gets shredded in the process.

Figus and Alpha move in to strike at the demon and while Figus misses Alpha stabs his spear into the demon's side inflicting further damage and sending more streams of black sizzling ooze spraying around the room.

The monster roars and focuses his attention on Figus. Figus deflects one swing but that just opens him up to the monster's true attack. It sinks its claws into Figus and pulls him up, bringing the drow up to the creature's horse skull face and it bites deep into Figus' neck and side. Figus screams in pain and goes limp. The creature flings Figus' limp body back to the ground and roars in triump.
Figus takes 25 damage.

To the relief of Kyra and Ayeesha the flies seem to dissipate back to whatever hell they came from.

Round 2

Ayeesha2139/64+1 Greatsword +12/+73d6+17Power Attack, PfE, Enlarged, Cat's Grace
Kraw23+433/49Daggers +9 x21d4+5/1d4+2Shield
Kyra183/34Tarot Deck +81d4Mage Armor
Figus18-6/47Scimitar +8/Kukri +81d6+3/1d4+1Dying
Alpha2116/42Bite +6/Spear +61d6+3/1d8+3Anthropomorphic Animal
Beril1836/43Bite +41d4-
Cleric #1 (AM36)18CrippledMW Scythe +32d4+2Dominated, Grappled
Daemon23InjuredBite +16, x2 Claws +161d8+7/1d6+7-
Cleric #2--Dead------

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

This message was last edited by the player at 02:07, Wed 01 Mar 2023.
Oracle, 750 posts
Wed 1 Mar 2023
at 12:00
  • msg #288

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

 Beril moved cautiously to where Figus had been dropped. He knelt by the half-drow ranger, and cast a curative spell. His eyes were not on what he was doing... he was focusing on not being struck by the nasty daemon while he was playing battle healer... a mumbled lullaby filled the air, though it wasn't loud enough to be heard over the sounds of crushed glass, grappling tentacles, and fighting daemon.

 Life surged through the warrior, Beril handed him his blade and chuckled:
"All right then, back to it."

cast cure serious wounds: +21hp
Beril rolled 21 using 3d8+8 with rolls of 2,8,3.  cure serious wounds: Figus
 is 5ft step enough to reach Figus? otherwise move around the threatened area if possible

Bloodrager, 561 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Wed 1 Mar 2023
at 12:22
  • msg #289

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Beril (msg # 288):

Die Fiend!

Full attack against Daemon.

Ayeesha swings with rage fueled muscles and hits the fiend once before cutting air with her next swing.

07:11, Today: Ayeesha rolled 23 using 1d20+15 with rolls of 8.  GS PA RA FF BAB=+15 against Daemon.

07:12, Today: Ayeesha rolled 20 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 12.  2nd attack against Daemon +8.

07:14, Today: Ayeesha rolled 23 using 3d6+17 with rolls of 4,1,1.  Damage against Daemon.

One hit for 23!
Rogue, 799 posts
HP 48/49 AC 19
F+5 R+10 W+5
Wed 1 Mar 2023
at 15:34
  • msg #290

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw runs down the AQ line, diverting to jump over the dead cleric, to kick off the wall and propel him to AN-35, whereupon he plunges his magical silver dagger into the fiend's back.

07:30, Today: Kraw rolled 23 using 1d20+14 with rolls of 9.  Acrobatics to avoid AoO, tentacles.

07:30, Today: Kraw rolled 26 using 1d20+13 with rolls of 13.  Dagger attack, flanking.

07:30, Today: Kraw rolled 9 using 1d4+5 with rolls of 4.  Silversheen dagger damage.

07:29, Today: Kraw rolled 19 using 4d8 with rolls of 3,7,2,7.  Sneak stab damage.

28 more damage
Witch, 626 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Thu 2 Mar 2023
at 11:27
  • msg #291

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

With a gesture and a word, Kyra dismisses her spell to avoid it injuring Kraw.

Dismissing Black Tentacles. 5' step up.
Oracle, 751 posts
Thu 2 Mar 2023
at 15:23
  • msg #292

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

With the Black Tentacles gone, Bireli willed the cleric to crawl out of harm’s way defensively, for now.
Dungeon Master
GM, 885 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Tue 7 Mar 2023
at 23:54
  • msg #293

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Round 2
Beril steps forward and puts healing energy into the fallen half-drow to knit his wounds. He tries to cast while protecting himself from the demonic monster but the thing seems to sense what Beril is trying to do and uses his wings to buffet and vex Beril ruining his concentration.
You didn't specify if you wanted to cast defensively or not because the creature has reach everywhere that is within touch range to Figus. I figured you would want to cast defenisvely and not eat an AoO but then rolled a '1' for you. So it is up to you to if you want to eat an attack to the face or lose the spell.

It is a Large(Tall) so its natural reach is 2 squares in every direction including diagonals. Large(Tall) have reach of 10ft, not 5ft like Large(Long).

Ayeesha cuts another massive strike into the creature sending more sizzling ichor splashing around.

Kraw moves to acrobatically swing into postion but the demonic thing has supernatural reflexes. As Kraw springs into the air the monster plucks him out of the air and slams him into the ground. Kraw is still able to get a dagger into him but the full effect of the maneuver is ruined by the counterattack.
The monster's CMD is 35 and rolled a 33 to hit for 8 damage. Kraw can still continue his movement though and complete the attack.

The demon roars in pains as Kraw's silver blade cuts deep into its flesh. Between Ayeesha's power and Kraw's agility the demon was looking well and truly beaten. It seems the devilish fiend felt the same way as with a cough it spit up some more sizzling blood.

With a roar the fiend screams out

[Language unknown: "Ionpo n ver on vir! Iv p k ar era!"]

It reaches down and grabs Figus still lying prone and then with a magical blink the two of them exploded into a swarm of flies that quickly swarm everyone's vision. For a second their vision was completely blocked out and then when it cleared the demon and Figus were just gone. The flies filling the air began slowly disappearing, one by one winking out of existence until there was nothing left but the destruction from their battle.

Alpha begins looking around, sniffing the air with a concerned look and whining with sadness. He looks left and right but can't seem to pick up the scent of where Figus had gone.

The only thing left was the badly injured Cleric crawling to safety as per Beril's last command...

Ayeesha2139/64+1 Greatsword +12/+73d6+17Power Attack, PfE, Enlarged, Cat's Grace
Kraw23+425/49Daggers +9 x21d4+5/1d4+2Shield
Kyra183/34Tarot Deck +81d4Mage Armor
Alpha2116/42Bite +6/Spear +61d6+3/1d8+3Anthropomorphic Animal
Beril1836/43Bite +41d4-
Cleric #1 (AM36)18CrippledMW Scythe +32d4+2Dominated, Grappled
Daemon23InjuredBite +16, x2 Claws +161d8+7/1d6+7Gone
Figus18-7/47Scimitar +8/Kukri +81d6+3/1d4+1Gone
Cleric #2--Dead------

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

Oracle, 752 posts
Wed 8 Mar 2023
at 10:04
  • msg #294

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

  gotcha, let's say Beril tried to avoid the AOO and failed.

 Beril is first frustrated with his inabiliiy to control the energues in a simple healing spell, but very soon none of this matters... the swarm of flies spreads and dissipates, leaving nothing of Figus or the Daemon...

 Beril points a finger at the cleric, his minion, and commands with anger in his voice:
 "Tell me! What happened? What did the daemon say, and where did it go?"

 If others understood the demonic or infernal languages, he surely didn't, and was left at a loss... had the abonimation died, and taken the drow with it? Had it retreated to safety?

  is the Evil aura still present in the room?
Rogue, 800 posts
HP 48/49 AC 19
F+5 R+10 W+5
Wed 8 Mar 2023
at 10:22
  • msg #295

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw says "it screamed out 'This is not the End. Find me if you can. ' Don't look surprised, but I know about 12 different languages." Kraw tries to Detect Magic where the Daemon disappeared from, hoping to find an aura to indicate how it escaped.

02:25, Today: Kraw rolled 8 using 1d20+3 with rolls of 5.  Spellcraft.
This message was last edited by the player at 10:25, Wed 08 Mar 2023.
Witch, 627 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Wed 8 Mar 2023
at 11:23
  • msg #296

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

"Dammit all. I was afraid that thing would kill us, but what happened to Figus could be far, far worse." Kyra laments as she starts healing first herself, and then whoever else needs healing.

If he was just dead, Kyra would probably pay to get him back up, NPC or not, since he has been with us for a long time. But now... maybe there will be a chance to get him back later, based on what the deamon said. In the meantime, what are we going to do with Alpha? Find him a nice home?

I take it we are out of combat, so let's burn some CLW charges. Do we want that last cleric alive as a prisoner for interrogation?

5 CLW charges for Kyra, healing 22 hp.
5 for Kraw, healing 32 hp.
5 for Ayeesha, healing 34 hp.
And the last 5 divided between Alpha (+12 hp), Beril (+10 hp) and the dominated cleric (+3 hp, assuming we are keeping him alive).

Oracle, 753 posts
Wed 8 Mar 2023
at 11:47
  • msg #297

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

 Beril nodded at Kraw to say thanks for the translation, but he still wanted to hear it from the cleric. Not just the translation, but it what it was meant to convey...
Bloodrager, 562 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Wed 8 Mar 2023
at 11:49
  • msg #298

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Kyra (msg # 296):

Free Action: End Rage.

While Kyra heals, Ayeesha inspects tubes? and what ever else is around.

06:46, Today: Ayeesha rolled 30 using 1d20+10 with rolls of 20.  Perception +10.

"Kyra, Thanks for the healing. We should hurry if we are to save Figus."

If nothing of interest she turns her attention to the double doors...
Dungeon Master
GM, 886 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Wed 8 Mar 2023
at 23:47
  • msg #299

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

The cleric nods at Kraw's interpretation.

"Leukodaemons are powerful agents of Abaddon and Atramentor was one of the most powerful that we summoned. There is a reason why he was still alive where the others had been drained days before. Unless confined with ritual circles can teleport anywhere they want. You did grievious harm to him so he will likely be long gone from here resting and recovering before enacting his revenge."

The cleric pauses and grows a bit pale and not because of his injuries.

"We used the daemons to enhance our mistress' plague and when they were drained we sacrificed them to bind their essence further. I think Atramentor will have more grievances against Lady Andaisin then with you, even despite what you did."

Meanwhile searches of the room for evil or magic reveal no sign of invisibility or illusion from the demon. Whatever traces are present dwindle and disappear and Alpha continues hunting for the scent of Figus to no avail.

Inspecting the tubes reveals that they are covered in magical sigils. The exact nature isn't known but they look similar to the kinds of runes used in magical circles against evil, commonly used to bind summon demons, devils, and daemons to prevent them from wrecking havoc the second they land in the material plane. The liquid appears to have once been water but rendered completely foul by the their captives.
Rogue, 801 posts
HP 48/49 AC 19
F+5 R+10 W+5
Thu 9 Mar 2023
at 01:49
  • msg #300

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw asks "who is Lady Andaison? I'm not familiar with the nobility in this city."

22:43, Today: Kraw rolled 21 using 1d20+11 with rolls of 10.  Knowledge Local
This message was last edited by the player at 06:44, Thu 09 Mar 2023.
Witch, 628 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Thu 9 Mar 2023
at 06:42
  • msg #301

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

"If the daemon can teleport anywhere, then I doubt it is still in this place. But we should check the rest of it all the same." Keira replies to Ayeesha, ready to proceed once she finishes healing.

Don't have Knowledge: Nobility. Would Local work here to know who this Lady Andaisin is?
07:40, Today: Kyra rolled 19 using 1d20+15 with rolls of 4.  Know: Local.

Oracle, 754 posts
Thu 9 Mar 2023
at 09:14
  • msg #302

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Beril rolled 18 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 13.  know religion .
Beril rolled 11 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 6.  know local.

 Bireli did not recognise the name, not with certainty at least. He turned to the dominated Cleric.
  "Who is Lady Andaisin, who is she working with, where is she now? Spare no detail, I'll keep asking."

 The man was compelled to answer, in fact he wanted to answer, to please and be helpful to his master.
Bloodrager, 563 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Thu 9 Mar 2023
at 11:13
  • msg #303

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Beril (msg # 302):

Ayeesha tries to discern if the tubes are a danger that needs to be dealt with.

06:12, Today: Ayeesha rolled 11 using 1d20+4 with rolls of 7.  Knowledge Arcana +4.
Dungeon Master
GM, 887 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Thu 9 Mar 2023
at 14:16
  • msg #304

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

The heroes stare at the charmed cleric, their eyes widening in surprise at the mention of Lady Andaisin. Despite their extensive travels and experiences, none of them have ever heard of this mysterious figure. Sensing their confusion, the cleric frowns and shakes their head in disbelief.

"You know nothing of Lady Andaisin?" they say, their voice laced with a mixture of disbelief and contempt. "She is the High Priestess of Urgathoa, the chosen scion of our goddess in Golarion. She is the mother of Blood Veil, the First Lady of Decay, Scion of the Plaguebringer, High Champion of the Lady of Graves, Destroyer of Riverwatch, Wielder of the Reaper's Kiss..."

The cleric's voice takes on a trance-like quality as they continue to rattle off Lady Andaisin's extensive list of titles, each one more ominous and foreboding than the last.
Oracle, 755 posts
Thu 9 Mar 2023
at 14:45
  • msg #305

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

  "Oh that one..." Bireli responded feebly with an awkward chuckle.
  "We just call her Andy is all."

  He sighed deeply, clearly not as ready to laugh as he would have wanted. His gaze fell on the blackened patch where Figus had stood, and given his last breath. He had not know the man for long, a mere few hours really, but he seemed a decent fellow and certainly did not deserve to end like this.
  "I guess that answers the question 'who brought the plague'... I thought it was the quack doctor?"

 "Hey, you did not answer the most important: where is Andy now?"
the kitsune suddenly snapped to his overwhelmed minion.
Bloodrager, 564 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Thu 9 Mar 2023
at 21:08
  • msg #306

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Beril (msg # 305):

Ayeesha turns from her examination of the tubes and its structural integrity and looks at Beril and his puppet before asking.

"Where would we find this "Mother of Blood Veil?  Could it be she is somewhere beyond those double doors?"
Dungeon Master
GM, 888 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Fri 10 Mar 2023
at 22:27
  • msg #307

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

When the doctor is mentioned the cleric rolls his eyes.

"Doctor Davaulus is nothing more than an assassin forced upon us. His concerns about his contract are meaningless compared to the will of the Mother of Plagues."

He gestures towards the double doors behind him.

"Lady Andaisin spends her time in the inner sanctum communing with our goddess. She prays night and day that the plague will take hold of the city and end the pitiful lives of the unbelievers."

The cleric's voice takes on a fanatical passion as he continues and he starts speaking with more force and volume as if delivering a sermon to a crowded cathedral.

"The lives of the unworthy shall be converted into a divine offering to Urgathoa! The Blood Veil is a blessing from our goddess, a gift that will cleanse Korvosa of the weak and the impure. We shall not rest until the streets run red with the blood of the unbelievers, until every man, woman, and child in this city has been purified by the plague!"

He raises his arms towards the ceiling, his eyes wild with fervor.

"We are the chosen ones, the faithful servants of Urgathoa, and it is our duty to bring about her divine will. And we shall not falter, we shall not waver, for we have the strength of our conviction and the power of our goddess behind us!"

The cleric takes a deep breath, his chest heaving with emotion.

"I feel the goddess within me! I must pray at her feet and renew my vows to her!"

With that, he turns on his heel and strides towards the double doors preparing to burst through them so he can worship at the altar to his dark goddess.
Rogue, 802 posts
HP 48/49 AC 19
F+5 R+10 W+5
Sat 11 Mar 2023
at 02:50
  • msg #308

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Glad that his Shield was still active, Kraw swallows a potion (Protection vs Evil) and remarks "if anyone can get us past any damaging wards on those doors, it is he." He draws a silver dagger for his off-hand.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:52, Sat 11 Mar 2023.
Bloodrager, 565 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Sat 11 Mar 2023
at 11:39
  • msg #309

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Kraw (msg # 308):

All buffs still active, A fully healed Ayeesha follows on his heels ready to charge through the doors once they are open.

"Yes, I have a need to discuss my "Vows" with her as well!"
Oracle, 756 posts
Mon 13 Mar 2023
at 08:09
  • msg #310

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

“Woppoppopp… wait up just a moment before you go kneel in whatever filth you call religion…”

 “You’re a cleric right— let’s see what good prayers you can lay on us. Anything beneficial you have, go ahead. Healing, wards, protection, blessings… lay it out. Just so that we’re better prepared to fight the daemon and vampires…”

 He purposefully didn’t mention fighting his mistress, as that would be the sort of things that pulls right at the tether connecting their psyche. He wasn’t going to break free of the enchantment on a technicality…

  “Then we can go together, and you can show us the route to your sanctum.”
Dungeon Master
GM, 891 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Wed 15 Mar 2023
at 05:52
  • msg #311

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

The cleric frowns at Beril.

"Of course, of course. It's just that I already used my blessings for today. I have a bit of healing I can use but that's about it."

Without waiting for further instructions he begins casting a simple healing spell.
Oracle, 757 posts
Wed 15 Mar 2023
at 08:25
  • msg #312

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

"Mmmh... if I didn't know you cannot lie to me, I'd wager you were bluffing."

 "Tell us now where exactly your mistress is, who she is with, and what wards are in place. Also we want to know what other exits there are to this compound."

 With the vampire bribed into leaving, and the daemon vanished with the corpse of an ally, he was not ready to let an other of their enemies go...

someone can take the healing, or cancel that last clw wand charge
Witch, 630 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Wed 15 Mar 2023
at 13:44
  • msg #313

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Beril (msg # 312):

OOC: Kyra and Alpha could use some healing spells. I was hoping for at least a bless spell or something, but healing is better than nothing.

Bloodrager, 566 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Wed 15 Mar 2023
at 16:40
  • msg #314

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Kyra (msg # 313):

Ayeesha looks to her companions and asks.

"I have two CLW and one CMW potions.  Who needs them?"
Dungeon Master
GM, 892 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Mon 20 Mar 2023
at 03:49
  • msg #315

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

The cleric finishes his spell and then touches himself healing up the bruises and broken bones he got from being thrashed by the tentacles.

"There we are. Now I'm better able to help!"

He seems a bit more animated, or at least he doesn't seem to be suppressing as much pain now as he considers Beril's words.

"Lady Andaisan, of course. I don't know her past before her time but it is said she was once a noblewoman before being reborn within the cult. Her beauty and charisma were immediately known and she was definitely a favorite of the goddess and so she quickly rose to power deposing the last leader in a bloody coup. From there she grew our numbers and built a secret temple in Vyre where we worshipped for many years. Then not the long ago she brought the cult together claiming she had gotten a vision from the goddess and that we were to move to Korvosa to corrupt it from within. I know she partnered with various other agents like the Red Mantis, necromancers and even a vampire but she kept most of her dealings to herself. Our job was to either assist Dr. Davalus in observing the effects of the blood veil or working down here to continue to increase its potency. For some reason it wasn't affecting those with strong native Varisian blood and that seemed to be one of our primary targets as Dr. Davalus especially was upset that it was impacting foreigners more than the natives.

There are no wards or traps on the door or chamber however be careful as the inner sanctum is a holy place to Urgathoa and any disrespect to the goddess there might warrant the wrath of the goddess herself.

To my knowledge there are no other exits. Just the elevator."

Witch, 631 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Mon 20 Mar 2023
at 20:13
  • msg #316

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Ayeesha (msg # 314):

"I'm good now, thank you."

On hearing what the cultist had to say, Kyra can't help but feel a bit worried about walking into the inner sanctum. "Wish we could get this Lady Andaisan to come out instead."

OOC: Maybe our new friend could tell her some story to get her out? If not, I don't have any other ideas besides charging in.
Bloodrager, 567 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Mon 20 Mar 2023
at 21:13
  • msg #317

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Kyra (msg # 316):

"I want to end this while my buffs are still active. So, Iam a strong advocate of the charge in now strategy."
Rogue, 803 posts
HP 49/49 AC 19
F+5 R+10 W+5
Wed 22 Mar 2023
at 11:29
  • msg #318

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw nods. "Fast entrance means less time to react. Agree with Ayeesha."
Oracle, 759 posts
Fri 24 Mar 2023
at 16:27
  • msg #319

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Beril nodded.

 He cast a spell just before the doors opened.
On top of the nine tails behind him, there now was an array of five golden fiery wings.
The lot was fluttering about giving him the air of an archangel of light.

  “Too much?” he asked

Cast Shield of Wings
Dungeon Master
GM, 894 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Sun 26 Mar 2023
at 23:23
  • msg #320

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Opening the doorway reveals a hallway that leads into a 100' long tunnel. At every step the party can feel a presence observing their passage and yet there are no signs of magic or places where a spy could observe them in hiding. The reek of burning wax wafts down the hall and there is a whisper of voices that scratch at the back of one's mind.

At the end of the hallway it opens into a circular chamber rising into a high dome. Seven basins jut from the walls, ensconced within evenly spaced alcoves that circle the room. Each is filled to the brim with a unique liquid corruption—blood, bile, milk, or other unidentifiable fluid. Each fills the air with its own distinct reek, creating a noxious, eyewatering
bouquet. Upon the floor around each basin lie several small, empty metal boxes, each carved with images of skulls. At the room’s center, rising from a wide pool of crystalline water, rises a golden statue of a sight both erotic and horrifying. The statue is that of a beautiful nude woman, human above the waist, but below this the figure is nothing more than a skeleton.

In the center of the room waiting for their arrival is none other than Lady Andaisin. She is beautiful and pale with black hair and ornate black armor with an elaborate cape carrying a giant scythe.

“And so you have found your way to me, hopeful heroes. Know that you stand before the architect of your city’s death. You call this sending blood veil, yet I know it as the gentle kiss of the Pallid Princess. Your reward shall be great—choose of the seven scourges to become one with the goddess. Those who drink, I shall only cripple, leaving you alive to enjoy her as she quickens inside your flesh. Those who abstain are fools, not fit to house the divine gift. You may prostrate yourselves at my feet and I shall make your end all the more swift for it. Swifter, in any event, than this delightful end your lovely queen has enjoined me to create!”

To punctuate her command she swipes the air with her scythe and the statue begins to cry a pale white liquid. The torches lining the room flair wildly and the party can feel a wave of dark oppresive energy wash over them. Ayeesha begins to shrink, Alpha drops his spear as his hands turn from hands back into paws and his legs bend him back down to walk on all fours. The magical armor protecting Kraw and Kyra shatters and the feathers circling above Beril are blown away.

The cleric standing in front of them suddenly shakes his head and the turns back on the party with a snarl on his face, "I'm sorry, Mistress, they clouded my mind. I promise you it won't happen again though. My life for the Pallid Princess!" he roars as he brandishes his own scythe towards the party.

Ayeesha2064/64+1 Greatsword +12/+72d6+16-
Kraw1949/49Daggers +9 x21d4+5/1d4+2-
Kyra1425/34Tarot Deck +81d4-
Alpha2128/42Bite +61d6+3/1d8+3-
Beril1543/43Bite +41d4-
Cleric (W28)18BruisedMW Scythe +32d4+2-
Lady Andaisin (W36)23HealthyScythe +9/+42d4+2-

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

Bloodrager, 569 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Mon 27 Mar 2023
at 11:24
  • msg #321

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 320):

Free actions: Rage, Use Harrow point to increase DR to 4.

"He has that much right!"

5' step and double slice the cultist in our way.

07:20, Today: Ayeesha rolled 31 using 1d20+14 with rolls of 17.  Raging GS attack +14.

07:20, Today: Ayeesha rolled 14 using 1d20+9 with rolls of 5.

07:22, Today: Ayeesha rolled 25 using 2d6+16 with rolls of 5,4.  Raging GS attack +14 damage2d6+16.

Witch, 633 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Tue 28 Mar 2023
at 06:20
  • msg #322

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kyra decides not to waste time on banter and start casting her most powerful remaining spell instead.

Black Tentacles on upper-right corner of T36, to catch her but allow our frontline to close in melee safely from the south.

08:07, Today: Kyra rolled 17 using 1d20+12 with rolls of 5.  Black Tentacles grapple.

Bah. Moving back left 30' after casting. We are a nice target for an AoE effect bunched up like this.

Rogue, 807 posts
HP 49/49 AC 19
F+5 R+10 W+5
Tue 28 Mar 2023
at 07:54
  • msg #323

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw launches himself to W-29. Spinning as he lands, a dagger quickly finds a point between the ribs of the cultist.

00:51, Today: Kraw rolled 29 using 1d20+14 with rolls of 15.  Acrobatics to avoid AoO.

00:51, Today: Kraw rolled 27 using 1d20+13 with rolls of 14.  Dagger attack, flanking.

00:50, Today: Kraw rolled 6 using 1d4+5 with rolls of 1.  Dagger damage.

00:50, Today: Kraw rolled 13 using 4d8 with rolls of 2,2,4,5.  Sneak stab damage.

Hit AC 27, did 19 damage
Oracle, 760 posts
Tue 28 Mar 2023
at 10:57
  • msg #324

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

 The cultist had run his course. It was a shame, but it was to be expected.

 Bireli focused his attention on the priestess, or whatever title she held. Such opponent was bound to be covered in magical protections, so he may as well start by taking those down.

 He walks around Ayeesha and clears a line of sight to the priestess, and points a finger at her. He quickly mumbled in his lingo "S'gonabe a Nawp!"
 A claw of disruptive magic shot forward, scratching at the matrix holding her spells in place, aiming to dispel them.

Move to V28, cast Dispel Magic
Dungeon Master
GM, 896 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Wed 29 Mar 2023
at 15:00
  • msg #325

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Ayeesha steps forward and cleaves through a cultist standing in front of her with ease. The cultist falls to the ground, lifeless.

Kyra reaches into the pits of magical ether and inky black tentacles begin worming out from the stones in the floor and wall of the corner of the temple. They flail around looking for a target but for some reason every time they get close to Lady Andaisin they seem to slide right on by without ever noticing her presence.

Kraw rushes forward navigating around the central pit to threaten the high priestess.

Beril's claw slides past a few spells before landing on an enchantment on her weapon. The scythe that she wields flares a sickly green for a second and then the aura is shattered and the glow reduces, but does not go away completely.

Alpha follows Kraw into the room looking to threaten Andaisin as well but unable to quite make it to land a bite.

Lady Andaisin takes a step forward...and upwards. As if climbing an invisible staircase she begins rising up into the air above the pool of liquid. Kraw takes a quick stab with his daggers but she parries them with her scythe as she continues her upward climb ending up floating 15' above the pool.

"Now... FALL to your knees before your goddess!" Her command carries with it a supernatural weight that threatens to buckle the heroes legs and compels them that there is nothing in the world more important then dropping to the ground this very instant.

OOC: Everyone must make a DC 20 Will save or have to fall to the ground.
Just to recap, Beril dispels a Greater Magic Weapon spell, the Black Tentacles dont' impact Andaisin because she is protected by Freedom of Movement, and she is Air Walking 15' into the air. She takes an AoO from Kraw but he only hits AC 22

With an acrobatics check you could stand on the edge of the fountain to get enough vertical distance to land a melee attack. It will be a DC 17 as it is narrow (+15) and wet (+2). Failing by < 5 means you lose your balance momentarily and lose an attack. Failing by > 5 means you end up in the pool.

You can also attempt a jump attack which would be a straight acrobatics check where every 4 you get adds +1' to your height so it would be DC 20 to hit her but there is no penalty for failure.

Ayeesha2064/64+1 Greatsword +12/+72d6+16DR4, Rage
Kraw1949/49Daggers +9 x21d4+5/1d4+2-
Kyra1425/34Tarot Deck +81d4-
Alpha2128/42Bite +61d6+3/1d8+3-
Beril1543/43Bite +41d4-
Cleric (W28)18BruisedMW Scythe +32d4+2-
Lady Andaisin (W36)23HealthyScythe +10/+52d4+2-

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

This message was last edited by the GM at 15:02, Wed 29 Mar 2023.
Bloodrager, 570 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Wed 29 Mar 2023
at 17:34
  • msg #326

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 325):

Ayeesha makes the DC20 Will Save. (Should of added another +2 for Rage)

12:59, Today: Ayeesha rolled 20 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 15.  Will save VS Andaisin command to Fall..


Ayeesha looks to double moves to W35 but stops when Kyra interjects with her question and coin gift.  She instead waits and takes Kyra's coin and activates it instead, if DM permits.

18:01, Today: Ayeesha rolled 16 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 9.  Reflex ST +7 vs coin.

She makes the catch!

"Thank you! Kyra"
This message was last edited by the player at 23:02, Sun 02 Apr 2023.
Oracle, 761 posts
Thu 30 Mar 2023
at 07:54
  • msg #327

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

 Bireli wished he had the same force of will displayed by Ayeesha, but he is shaken to his core by the imperious command. The fox-man takes a knee, and has to use all the strength of his psyche to find the will to get up again, wasting precious time as he does so...
(move action to get back up)

 Having felt the impressive arsenal of magic protections on the Priestess, he tries his luck again... preventing her from being airborne or from evading the tentacles would help tremendously...
 Cast Dispel Magic

 Beril rolled 20 using 1d20+12 with rolls of 8.  dispel magic again.
 Beril rolled 10 using 1d20+08 with rolls of 2.  Will Save

Rogue, 810 posts
HP 49/49 AC 19
F+5 R+10 W+5
Thu 30 Mar 2023
at 08:37
  • msg #328

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw feels his knees buckle at the powerful command. But the nimble birdman springs up from that position to try to nail the pallid woman from below and behind. He says "bleed before your master."

10:14, Yesterday: Kraw rolled 16 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 11.  Will save.

01:32, Today: Kraw rolled 38 using 1d20+19 with rolls of 19.  Acrobatics, leap up to attack.

01:31, Today: Kraw rolled 14 using 1d20+13 with rolls of 1.  Dagger attack, flanking.

01:31, Today: Kraw rolled 6 using 1d4+5 with rolls of 1.  Dagger damage.

01:30, Today: Kraw rolled 20 using 4d8 with rolls of 7,2,5,6.  Sneak stab damage.

This message was lightly edited by the player at 08:40, Thu 30 Mar 2023.
Witch, 635 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Fri 31 Mar 2023
at 10:14
  • msg #329

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

With some difficulty Kyra ignores the compulsion to throw herself down on the flow. Instead she fishes out a coin from her pocket and imbues it with some of her magic. "Ayeesha, over here!"

I am not sure I can use Lighting bolt without frying one of us, so I'll go with this. 5' step to X24, full round action to use Hex Trade to transfer my Flight hex (say, 5 minutes worth) into a coin. The idea is to give Kyra's Flight hex to Ayeesha next round, so that she can close in with Andaisin.

Ayeesha, can Kyra maybe stop your action before you charge in to take the coin from her instead? Unless you have some other way of reaching Andaisin up in the air?

Dungeon Master
GM, 899 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Mon 3 Apr 2023
at 03:25
  • msg #330

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Ayeesha and Kyra are able to resist the command but Beril finds his knees buckling and his palms hitting the stone. A minor frustration, he thinks, as he tries to pick himself back up but when he tries to stand back up he finds the pressure from Lady Andaisin's magical command still bearing down on him with heavy force.
It's Greater Command so it lasts until you make the save.

Ayeesha moves back while Kyra mentally transfers her ability to fly into a small coin. Once the transfer is complete she drops the coin into Ayeesha's hand who activates it and prepares to rush forward.
OOC: On review the issue is that as a full-round action Kyra can't take anything more than a full round action BUUUUT dropping an item held is free. Picking up a dropped item is a move action so basically this turn Ayeesha moves back to pick up the coin and then next turn she can commit a charge action to get her attack in next round. There was a LOT of ways to do this but I think this is strategically one of the best ways to handlet his hand off within the game mechanics. Other options could involve Kyra moving forward or even throwing the coin.

Kraw likewise finds the pressure of the command too compelling as well and finds himself stuck to the floor.

Laughing to herself Lady Andaisin steps back down the invisible stairs to hover 5' above Kraw. When she lowers herself Alpha, who had chosen to guard Kraw, snaps at Lady Andaisin but with a sweep of her scythe she sends Alpha dodging away. In this momentary open she slashes at him with her scythe. While he might normally be able to dodge it being stuck to the floor makes him a sitting duck and she opens up a gash down his back. There is the first sensation of the blade piercing his flesh and then there is a second wound as the blade seems to pierce his soul. Kraw can feel his very lifeforce leaking out leaving him cold and numb in a way he has never experienced before. Meanwhile on Lady Andaisin in the very same spot on her back a light bruise starts to form.
Kraw takes 7 points of slashing damage and then 6 more that is untyped. Lady Anadisin takes 5 damage.

Kraw & Beril, make your DC 20 will saves again to resist the command.

Ayeesha2064/64+1 Greatsword +12/+72d6+16DR4, Rage
Kraw1949/49Daggers +9 x21d4+5/1d4+2-
Kyra1425/34Tarot Deck +81d4-
Alpha2128/42Bite +61d6+3/1d8+3-
Beril1543/43Bite +41d4Prone
Lady Andaisin (W36)23BruisedScythe +10/+52d4+2-

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

Bloodrager, 573 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Mon 3 Apr 2023
at 11:35
  • msg #331

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 330):

Ayeesha will conduct a flying Charge directly at Lady Andiasin arriving at the same elevation at X34 and attack with a Vital Strike buffered with (Charge +2, a Furious Focused Power attack 0/+4 damage, Rage +2, Destined Strike +3, BAB +7, Str +4, Great Sword +1 for +22 to hit and 4d6 +16 damage.)

07:26, Today: Ayeesha rolled 42 using 1d20+22 with rolls of 20.  Charge attack against Adiasin +22.

Critical Threat.

07:26, Today: Ayeesha rolled 38 using 1d20+22 with rolls of 16.  Critical confirmation .

Confirmed for Critical hit at 4d6+32 damage plus Vital Strike 2d6.

07:27, Today: Ayeesha rolled 50 using 6d6+32 with rolls of 6,1,3,5,1,2.  Critical Damage to Lady Adaisin.

50 point of damage.

"Laugh at this!"

Oracle, 762 posts
Mon 3 Apr 2023
at 13:18
  • msg #332

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Did my second Dispel Magic manage to break anything?

 Bireli struggled, but eventually manage to get ahold of his senses again. He lifted one knee, leaned on it, and propped himself up. He would not bow again.

 He rose just in time to see Ayeesha fly through the air and nearly chop the priestess in half with her greatsword!
  "Shall we just let her wrap things up here?" he asked with a hint of admiration in the voice. The young woman proved very efficient at dishing out death with her tools of destruction...

  "Or maybe I'll help..." he muttered, and proppelled himself up, gliding on fiery wings.

 He tilted on his side, and stopped just behind the evil lady in relation to where Ayeesha was. ( flanking position)

 Getting into position, he attempted to strike her. But he's pathetic! He's not a fighter... what was he thinking? Well hopefully getting in position would distract the enemy enough to give the others a chance to strike...

Beril rolled 27 using 1d20+08 with rolls of 19.  new will save!
Beril rolled 9 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 2.  attack cane
 (move: fly 50ft in flanking position, standard: attack

Witch, 637 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Mon 3 Apr 2023
at 17:07
  • msg #333

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

At the back of the party Kyra casts another spell before she moves any closer.

Casting Paragon Surge, selecting Extra Hex: Healing as my feat. Then move to X27.
This message was last edited by the player at 10:31, Tue 04 Apr 2023.
Rogue, 812 posts
HP 49/49 AC 19
F+5 R+10 W+5
Mon 3 Apr 2023
at 20:09
  • msg #334

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Try as he might, Kraw cannot get his legs under him. Fearing that blade, he immediately rolls away using what acrobatic skill he possessed. Once outside that range he erects another Shield spell.

13:04, Today: Kraw rolled 10 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 5.  Will save.

13:05, Today: Kraw rolled 20 using 1d20+14 with rolls of 6.  Acrobatics to avoid AoO rolling away.

Dungeon Master
GM, 901 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Fri 7 Apr 2023
at 21:20
  • msg #335

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden


Coming up out of seemingly nowhere the high priestess of Urgathoa barely has time to register the death charging her way before Ayeesha is on her. With one giant swing Ayeesha shatters through all the spells and protections on Lady Andaisin and opens her up. Armor crumples, leathers are sliced open and her skin follows suit. Below her Kraw and Alpha are splahsed with blood that rains down like a torrent.

Lady Andaisin coughs up blood but despite the grievousu wound she doesn't seem to show any signs of stopping. Likely at this point it is pure adrenaline that is keeping her going but going she is as she snarls in defiance and swings her scythe around rapidly to drive Ayeesha away.

Beril shakes off the enchantment and moves forward to assist Kraw and Ayeesha.

Enraged Lady Andaisin swings her scythe again at Ayeesha furiously. The attacks are wild and have no real chance of striking but they are enough to put some space between them giving Andaisin a chance to bring her magical abilities to bear. Ayeesha realizes almost too late that Andaisin is chanting as one of her hands begins to grow with dark energy that causes Ayeesha and everyone else's stomaches to sink. It looks sinister and everyone in the room can feel the power being channeled into the priestess' hand. Almost as bad is the sinister grin that Andaisin has on her face.

"I was toying with you before. Now I finish it."

She suddenly lunges at Ayeesha, hand outstretched with dark necromantic energy. Energy that would likely snuff out the soul of a lesser enemy...but Ayeesha is anything but. Thinking fast Ayeesha lets go of her sword and with an open palm smacks the shit out of Andaisin's face. It isn't damaging but leaves an angry red mark on the side of her face and, critically is so audacious and unexpected that it breaks Andaisin's concentration. Like a candle being snuffed out the connection her hand to foul energies or dark planes winks out of existance.

The shock on Andaisin's bloody face is memory Ayeesha will treasure for the rest of her life.

To clarify, Andaisin tried to cast Slay Living defensively and failed (nat 1) so...yeah. That happened...

Round 3
Ayeesha2064/64+1 Greatsword +12/+72d6+16DR4, Rage
Kraw1949/49Daggers +9 x21d4+5/1d4+2-
Kyra1425/34Tarot Deck +81d4-
Alpha2128/42Bite +61d6+3/1d8+3-
Beril1543/43Bite +41d4Prone
Lady Andaisin (W36)23InjuredScythe +10/+52d4+2-

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

Rogue, 813 posts
HP 39/49 AC 19
F+5 R+10 W+5
Sat 8 Apr 2023
at 01:54
  • msg #336

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Emboldened by Ayeesha's attack, Kraw finds the fortitude to overcome the Command. Springing up, he leaps up behind the Urgathoan priestess, but fails to connect with his magic dagger.

18:48, Today: Kraw rolled 25 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 20.  Will save.

18:49, Today: Kraw rolled 30 using 1d20+19 with rolls of 11.  Acrobatics Leap up.

18:50, Today: Kraw rolled 14 using 1d20+13 with rolls of 1.  Dagger attack, flanking. Flub!!

18:50, Today: Kraw rolled 7 using 1d4+5 with rolls of 2.  Dagger damage.

18:50, Today: Kraw rolled 21 using 4d8 with rolls of 3,7,6,5.  Sneak stab damage.

Bloodrager, 574 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Sat 8 Apr 2023
at 11:06
  • msg #337

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Kraw (msg # 336):

Ayeesha grabs her sword with both hands and focuses her energies into a single attack looking for a vital strike to end her life.

"Time to die!"

Power attack with +1 GS using Vital Strike and Maybe Flanking?

Raging Strength +6, BAB +7, Furious focused Power attack -0, GS +1, Flanking +2?

for +16 to hit and 2d6+16 + 2d6 Vital Strike.

06:02, Today: Ayeesha rolled 28 using 1d20+16 with rolls of 12.  RFFPAWGSWFALA +16 to hit.

06:02, Today: Ayeesha rolled 30 using 4d6+16 with rolls of 3,4,2,5.

Ayeesha finds her mark and delivers another 30 points of damage!
Oracle, 763 posts
Sat 8 Apr 2023
at 14:56
  • msg #338

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Beril remains in position to provide flanking to the others.

He casts an other Dispel Magic spell, defensively to avoid attracting the priestess’s attention.

Beril rolled 30 using 1d20+12 with rolls of 18.  Concentration.
Beril rolled 26 using 1d20+12 with rolls of 14.  Dispel Magic: Air Walk.

This message was last edited by the player at 14:58, Sat 08 Apr 2023.
Witch, 638 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Sat 8 Apr 2023
at 15:24
  • msg #339

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kyra moves a bit closer so she can focus her magic on the priestess.

Move to U32, Slumber. Given she likely has high will saves that's a bit of a long shot, but she might get unlucky again on her roll.
Dungeon Master
GM, 903 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Wed 19 Apr 2023
at 04:08
  • msg #340

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

To add insult to injury, Beril's magical probe finally undoes the enchantment that is keeping Lady Andaisin floating in the air. She is acrobatic enough to land on her feet but it seems she will no longer be walking on air for this fight.

Kraw kips up and stabs at the priestess as she falls but even while distracted her magical enchantments are powerful enough to turn Kraw's blade harmlessly to the side.

Ayeesha lands another strike cutting through magic and armor to splash the floor with more of the priestesses blood.

Kyra tries to hex the priestess but as she suspected the fanatic of Urgathoa's will is iron and unbending.

The priestess takes a step to the side to get out from between Kraw and Ayeesha and lets loose a visceral cry. The chamber seems to resonate and dark tendrils of energy suddenly emerge from the central pool grasping at Ayeesha, Beril, and Kraw. Where the tentacles touch leaves their skin white and cold, or in Kraw's case, the feathers stiff and brittle.

<orange>Channel Negative energy - 17 damage, Will vs. DC 15 for half damage.

Round 4
Ayeesha2064/64+1 Greatsword +12/+72d6+16DR4, Rage
Kraw1949/49Daggers +9 x21d4+5/1d4+2-
Kyra1425/34Tarot Deck +81d4-
Alpha2128/42Bite +61d6+3/1d8+3-
Beril1543/43Bite +41d4Prone
Lady Andaisin (W36)23InjuredScythe +10/+52d4+2-

100%99% - 75%75% - 60%60% - 45%45% - 30%30% - 15%15% - 0%0% >Dead

Bloodrager, 576 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Wed 19 Apr 2023
at 11:17
  • msg #341

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 340):

06:26, Today: Ayeesha rolled 22 using 1d20+7 with rolls of 15.  Will ST vs Channel negative energy.

Ayeesha will 5' fly to X34 to set Kraw up for a 5' step to flank.

She lets loose with another Vital Strike Attack.

Raging Strength +6, BAB +7, Furious focused Power attack -0, GS +1.

for +14 to hit and 2d6+16 + 2d6 Vital Strike.

07:13, Today: Ayeesha rolled 31 using 1d20+14 with rolls of 17.  +14 GS a LA.

07:14, Today: Ayeesha rolled 31 using 4d6+16 with rolls of 2,4,4,5.  Vital Strike GS damage 4d6+16.

"Die Vile one!"
Rogue, 814 posts
HP 39/49 AC 19
F+5 R+10 W+5
Wed 19 Apr 2023
at 13:32
  • msg #342

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw briefly staggers as the necromantic energy hits, then he sloughs it off as the aura of protection negates the energy.

(The Harrow point Kraw expended granted DR 3/- and 14 temp hp, which offsets the 17 damage)

06:13, Today: Kraw rolled 7 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 2. Will Save.

He steps to X36 and slashes with both daggers. One sinks deeply into the priestess(unconfirmed crit).

06:22, Today: Kraw rolled 15 using 1d20+11 with rolls of 4.  Dagger attack, flanking. Miss!

06:21, Today: Kraw rolled 6 using 1d4+5 with rolls of 1.  Dagger damage.

06:21, Today: Kraw rolled 22 using 4d8 with rolls of 7,3,6,6.  Sneak stab damage.

06:19, Today: Kraw rolled 31 using 1d20+11 with rolls of 20.  Offhand dagger attack, flanking. Threat!

06:20, Today: Kraw rolled 18 using 1d20+11 with rolls of 7.  Crit confirm. No crit.

06:19, Today: Kraw rolled 6 using 1d4+2 with rolls of 4.  Offhand dagger damage.

06:18, Today: Kraw rolled 25 using 4d8 with rolls of 4,8,8,5.  Sneak stab damage.

The priestess takes 31 damage. Until the end of next turn, she is -2 AC vs everyone (-4 AC vs Kraw)
Oracle, 765 posts
Wed 19 Apr 2023
at 14:55
  • msg #343

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

 Bireli remained airborne, a dozen feet or so above the evil priestess, making sure to remain out of sight.

 From his satchel he brought out a wand, and pointed it at the back of her head.

 Biding his time, he waited for her to start casting a spell, chanting, or whatever else she would have planned, and produced a magic missile at this point to interrupt her.

Ready action to cast Magic Missile when the priestess does, well pretty much anything, in an attempt to interrupt her.
 5 damages !

Witch, 640 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Wed 19 Apr 2023
at 15:11
  • msg #344

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Despite not having much faith in it working, Kyra again focuses her magic on the priestess.

Move to U31, Slumber again (thanks to Accursed Hex feat).
Dungeon Master
GM, 905 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Mon 24 Apr 2023
at 23:16
  • msg #345

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

As the party's final blow lands on Lady Andaisin, she falls to her knees, her body wracked with pain and blood spilling from her wounds. Her once-beautiful features twisted in rage and desperation, she gasps for breath as she struggles to cling to life.

With a shaking hand, she reaches out towards the party, her fingers curling in a final, futile gesture of defiance. Her voice rasps out a final threat, her words dripping with venom and malice.

"You may have defeated me, but the curse of Urgathoa will not be denied. You have sealed your own fate, fools. The darkness will come for you, and when it does, you will wish you had never crossed me. Urgathoa will avenge me. Korvosa is have changed...nothing."

As she speaks, the air around her seems to grow colder, and a foul stench fills the air. The shadows in the room seem to writhe and twist, taking on a life of their own at Andaisin's final words.

With a final shudder, the priestess's body goes limp, her eyes staring sightlessly at the ceiling. The room falls silent, save for the faint whispers of her curse echoing around the room.
Bloodrager, 578 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Tue 25 Apr 2023
at 00:03
  • msg #346

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 345):

Ayeesha Relaxes as the last vestige of her Rage abates leaving behind a wave of fatigue.

"Finally!, The Bitch is dead! Lets see what we can find."

19:01, Today: Ayeesha rolled 28 using 1d20+10 with rolls of 18.  perception check to examine the corpse and room.
Rogue, 815 posts
HP 39/49 AC 19
F+5 R+10 W+5
Tue 25 Apr 2023
at 07:40
  • msg #347

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw casts Detect Magic, then starts viewing the room and the priestess with new eyes.

00:41, Today: Kraw rolled 20 using 1d20+14 with rolls of 6.  Perception.

This message was last edited by the player at 07:41, Tue 25 Apr 2023.
Witch, 642 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Tue 25 Apr 2023
at 12:21
  • msg #348

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Not sure what just happened, but not liking it all the same, Kyra stays on alert for more trouble.

What did happen here? A curse of some kind? Would Know: Arcana or Spellcraft help figuring this out? If so, DM can just make a roll for Kyra.
Oracle, 767 posts
Tue 25 Apr 2023
at 13:59
  • msg #349

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Beril gently falls to the ground, still carried by 5 golden fiery wings.
 "Dunno, but I don't like it! Reckon she got something in store for us still..."

 The fox man alnds close to Ayeesha, and carefully casts a healing spell. He wastes no time, half-expecting something dire to attack them in retaliation for killing the priestess.
  Beril rolled 16 using 2d8+7 with rolls of 5,4.  cure moderate wounds.
Dungeon Master
GM, 906 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Wed 3 May 2023
at 04:52
  • msg #350

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

As the party takes in the gravity of Andaisin's words, they can feel the weight of her curse settling upon them. The air seems to grow heavier, and an eerie silence fills the room.

Suddenly, the ground begins to tremble beneath their feet, and the walls around them start to shake. Dust and debris rain down from the ceiling as the temple begins to collapse around them.

Amidst the chaos, the party hears a haunting, otherworldly laugh echoing through the tunnels. It is a sound that chills them to their very core, a reminder of the malevolent forces they have been fighting against.
Bloodrager, 579 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Wed 3 May 2023
at 10:08
  • msg #351

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 350):

OCC:I guess grabbing the Scythe makes the most sense in that situation.

Ayeesha grabs the weapon and runs for the door before the temple collapses on her.

"Desna, protect us!"
Witch, 643 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Wed 3 May 2023
at 17:30
  • msg #352

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Suddenly very aware of the fact that they are underground, Keira sees the wisdom in Ayeesha's action and follows right after her, pausing only to spur on the rest of the party. "Come on!"

Running it is.
Rogue, 816 posts
HP 39/49 AC 19
F+5 R+10 W+5
Thu 4 May 2023
at 03:39
  • msg #353

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw grabs the dead priestess and uses her as a meat shield as he flees the room behind Ayesha.
Dungeon Master
GM, 908 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Fri 5 May 2023
at 20:12
  • msg #354

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Ayeesha snatches up the scythe and sprints towards the exit, with Kyra hot on her heels. However, Kraw rushes over to the fallen priestess, determined to retrieve her body. As he lays his hands on her corpse, a strange force seems to seize him, as if an invisible weight has locked his wrists in place. The body remains stubbornly rooted to the ground, refusing to budge, and Kraw realizes with horror that he is trapped.

As the room begins to shake and crumble around him, Kraw struggles in vain to free himself from the dead priestess's grasp.

Kraw, make a DC 20 Strength check to break free.

With a sudden crack a large stone piece falls from the ceiling smashing near Kraw and showering him with stone fragments.

Also, Kraw make a DC 16 Reflex save or take 22 pts of damage from the debris.

Kraw's health: 49/49

Rogue, 819 posts
HP 39/49 AC 19
F+5 R+10 W+5
Fri 5 May 2023
at 20:52
  • msg #355

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw does his best to use Evasion techniques to avoid fragment damage. He tries Escape Artistry to break the death grip.

13:50, Today: Kraw rolled 30 using 1d20+10 with rolls of 20.  Reflex save, Evasion.

13:49, Today: Kraw rolled 9 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 1.  Escape artist .

Bloodrager, 580 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Sat 6 May 2023
at 01:05
  • msg #356

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Kraw (msg # 355):

Ayeesha looks over her shoulder as she is running out and yells. "Kraw, let her go it not worth it!"
Rogue, 820 posts
HP 39/49 AC 19
F+5 R+10 W+5
Sat 6 May 2023
at 04:17
  • msg #357

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kraw yells "not my choice anymore! Some sort of trap magic!"
Oracle, 769 posts
Wed 10 May 2023
at 05:55
  • msg #358

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Beril sprints between the debris, using his airborne mobility to avoid danger.

He takes pause for a moment, looking around for clues — the goddess of death, maladies, decay… not destruction and collapse… was all of this even real?

The fox man looks for signs that maybe this is all an illusion designed to make them flee while the priestess recovers…

Still he does what he can to help. In the fable the fox fools the crow out of a cheese, maybe this one was about to make things even. Using his powerful wings for extra strength and speed, he grabs Kraw under the shoulders and pushes away from the priestess, carefully avoiding to touch the fresh corpse himself.

Beril rolled 13 using 1d20 with rolls of 13.  Strength check.
Beril rolled 25 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 17.  Disbelief.

Dungeon Master
GM, 911 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Sat 13 May 2023
at 13:36
  • msg #359

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Beril runs forward and starts tugging on Kraw. The slender fox man isn't strong enough to get Kraw free but it does seem to budge him a little bit...

Anyone else want to assist?
Bloodrager, 582 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Sat 13 May 2023
at 21:46
  • msg #360

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 359):

Ayeesha drops the Scythe and runs back with a prayer to Desna for protection and guidance to grab Kraw and attempt to free him.

"Desna, if it is our destiny to survive, bless us with your help and luck!"

16:46, Today: Ayeesha rolled 20 using 1d20+3 with rolls of 17.  Strength check.
Witch, 648 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Sun 14 May 2023
at 11:02
  • msg #361

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kyra likewise throws caution to the wind and runs to help, grabbing Ayeesha to add to her pull what little weight she can.

Kyra is not going to be doing a DC 20 check any time soon, but maybe she can help this way.
12:57, Today: Kyra rolled 11 using 1d20 with rolls of 11.  Aid Another (Strenght).

And if that doesn't help, maybe we can still cut off something to get Kraw free. Kraw, you don't really need hands, do you?

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
Just kidding.

Dungeon Master
GM, 912 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Tue 16 May 2023
at 05:24
  • msg #362

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Before the party has to do anything drastic Ayeesha and Kyra come and tug on Kraw as well. He is stretched so far he feels like his arms are going to pull out of their sockets but as the rest of the heroes haul with all their might Kraw feels the magical invisible grip slipping. Inch by inch his hands come free and then suddenly with a sudden burst he slips free and the party tumbles away from the priestesses body.

Giant stone blocks continue to rain down and now it looks like the body of the priestess is starting to expand in front of their eyes. As if bloating from gas it looks like the arms and legs and torso and face are all starting to swell up with some kind of gas or fluid right in front of their eyes.
Bloodrager, 583 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Tue 16 May 2023
at 14:24
  • msg #363

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 362):

Ayeesha continues to move assisting Kraw as much as he needs to clear the falling debris before taking stock of the Priestess morphing body.

If it appears to be emitting a gas of some type Ayeesha will continue to flee to evade the death trap.

"What foul magic is this!" Ayeesha rhetorically asks.
Witch, 649 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Tue 16 May 2023
at 14:46
  • msg #364

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

"Let's figure that out somewhere else!" Kyra tries dragging Ayeesha out of the temple before they get buried alive.

OOC: Kyra makes a run for it if the rest of the party does, otherwise she will stay with the party.
Oracle, 770 posts
Tue 16 May 2023
at 18:41
  • msg #365

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

“Dunno, but I ain’t finishing like your drow mate!” Beril yelps as he leads the way out, balancing on his five fire wings.

Double move out !
Dungeon Master
GM, 913 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Sat 20 May 2023
at 05:25
  • msg #366

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

The party flees the room as stones continue to rain down around them. Behind them they glance back to see the body of the priestess explode, puffing out foul gas and pus as her body unfolds like some kind of putrid flower. From the center of the visceral mass a large clawed hands thrusts up. The hand is covered in pale white muscle and sinew but no skin is visible.

The hands is followed by an arm, likewise devoid of skin that lead to a shoulder and so on. The priestess head can be seen, emerging from the exploded remains of her body before a giant stone drops down sealing the passageway to the temple.

Even outside of the inner chamber the temple continues to collapse. Stones drop down and shatter the giant glass vials that used to hold demons of disease spilling putrid liquids across the ground.

It will require either an Athletics check DC 16 to leap from safe spot to safe spot across the room OR a DC 16 fortitude check to resist whatever the hell liquid you're going to be exposed to crossing the room to safety.
Rogue, 821 posts
HP 39/49 AC 19
F+5 R+10 W+5
Sat 20 May 2023
at 05:52
  • msg #367

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Fortunately, Nimble is something Kraw does well as he evades the stones falling while hustling out with his companions.

22:50, Today: Kraw rolled 23 using 1d20+14 with rolls of 9.  Acrobatics, +5 for jumping.

Bloodrager, 584 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Sat 20 May 2023
at 09:26
  • msg #368

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Kraw (msg # 367):

Ayeesha gets slimed then fails her fortitude save.

04:25, Today: Ayeesha rolled 14 using 1d20+10 with rolls of 4.  Fort Save +10.

04:20, Today: Ayeesha rolled 14 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 9.  Acrobatics +5.

Since she is flying, would she still get slimed?

I think Ayeesha can pick up Kyra and Kraw while flying away; especially if Beril assists.

Can currently carry.
STR     Light   Medium  Heavy
16 0-76 77–153 154–230 +3  Carries heavy objects with one arm
This message was last edited by the player at 10:49, Tue 23 May 2023.
Oracle, 771 posts
Mon 22 May 2023
at 15:08
  • msg #369

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

 Beril is flying out of the danger range of falling debris. He pretends not to see or comprehend the horror that is behind them - was the Priestess coming back to life? As some sort of monstrous undead creature?

 He tries to grab Ayeesha and fly her over the horrible liquid pooling in the room. If she's too heavy, what with all those muscles and armour and weapons, maybe Kira could give them a hand.

  I just love the image of a Raven tumbling through the debris, a Kitsune and a Witch flying through as well, carrying the mighty barbarian... sadly it looks like Alpha the wolf won't make it...
Witch, 653 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Tue 23 May 2023
at 05:23
  • msg #370

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Looking at the mess in front of them, Kyra decides not to test her nonexistent athletic skill by trying to leap over it, at least not just yet. "A bit of help?"
Rogue, 822 posts
HP 39/49 AC 19
F+5 R+10 W+5
Tue 23 May 2023
at 06:36
  • msg #371

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Kyra (msg # 370):

Kraw diverts to grab Kyra and help her past the dangers in the room.

22:37, Today: Kraw rolled 19 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 13.  CMB.

22:36, Today: Kraw rolled 23 using 1d20+14 with rolls of 9.  Acrobatics .

This message was last edited by the player at 06:37, Tue 23 May 2023.
Ausio Carowyn
NPC, 5 posts
Male Varisian
Thu 25 May 2023
at 04:36
  • msg #372

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Harnessing their magical abilities and relying on their nimble athleticism, the group swiftly maneuvers across the treacherous foul liquid, deftly evading its deadly embrace. They push through the chaos, sprinting through the crumbling corridors of the collapsing temple with unwavering determination.

As giant stones rain down from above, their thunderous impact reverberates through the air, sending shockwaves of fear and urgency through the party. Each step becomes a race against time as they navigate the maze of debris and collapsing structures.

Their hearts pound in their chests, adrenaline fueling their every move. They can feel the heat of danger at their backs, motivating them to push forward, to reach the safety of the secret elevator that awaits them.

With each leap, each dodge, and each agile twist, they inch closer to their escape. The once impressive temple now crumbles around them, a testament to the power of their victory and the imminent threat of their demise.

Finally, as the last stone crashes to the ground behind them, the group reaches the secret elevator. They pile inside, squeezing in next to the other survivors they saved who were already waiting for them and ready to go. Another crash and the elevator shakes from a nearby impact. With a flick of a switch, the elevator ascends, carrying them away from the crumbling ruins and towards the promise of safety above.

The elevator climbs  and climbs and the rumble of falling rock grows distant. As they crest the threshold of the first floor they hear screams and cries of concern from the staff and patients as the "House of Healing" shakes and shudders.
Witch, 654 posts
Half-elf (Varisian) Fem
Sun 28 May 2023
at 14:20
  • msg #373

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Kyra jumps out of the elevator almost before it comes to a halt. "Let's get the hell out of here!" Being buried in a collapsing building would be a bit of an anticlimax after what they just survived.

OOC: Oh, yeah, and we should get others out as well, I guess. Btw, did we manages to save Alpha in all this mess?
Bloodrager, 586 posts
Human (Shoanti) Fema
Sun 28 May 2023
at 19:46
  • msg #374

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

In reply to Kyra (msg # 373):

Ayeesha will head for the door and help anyone in need of assistance on the way to safety.

"Everyone; get out before the building collapses!" Ayeesha shouts
Dungeon Master
GM, 918 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Wed 23 Aug 2023
at 21:29
  • msg #375

Re: [2.08] The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden

Amidst the chaos and rumbling, the party rushes out of the collapsing temple, leading the injured and rescued prisoners to safety. The ground trembles beneath their feet as they emerge into the open air, a cacophony of cries and shouts filling their ears.

On the surface, the "hospital" is a scene of turmoil. Patients wail in pain, attendants and nurses scramble to aid the injured, and the building itself seems to groan under the pressure of the upheaval. Shouts of alarm echo forth and the injured are evacuated even as the structure cracks and groans. The main floor is only halfway emptied when the upper story shakes and collapses but thankfully it only crushes the back areas already emptied. With the last patient carried out, the building finally succumbs to the forces tearing it apart, collapsing into a colossal sinkhole that devours everything in its path.

Davaulus and Lady Andaisin, the architects of the blood veil's creation and spread, lie defeated. Their malevolent plans have crumbled with the temple, dealt a mortal blow by the party's unwavering resolve. The unnatural plague's rapid and erratic expansion comes to a sudden halt. While the disease still lingers, the Korvosan Guard and city priests rally to bring the situation under control, containing its spread and treating the afflicted.

Recovered research notes and a well-placed "interrogation" of Dr. Davaulus lead to a breakthrough discovery: a cure! Mixing the blood of native Varisians with potent healing potions proves to be a powerful antidote, even for those in advanced stages of the disease. The city's healers work tirelessly to create this tonic, bringing hope to those who had been ravaged by the blood veil.

Ruan Mirukova, the brother of the woman who approached for help is reunited with his sister after being healed up by the city watch. She professes her thanks and he promises to sing praises to the Korvosan Watch, and the eclectic group of "specialists" that came to his rescue.

Despite the feeling of relief, still many have died in the plague although likely not nearly as many as if nothing had been done to stop the secret cult and their actions. Field Marshall personally thanks the adventurers and awards them a medal of service for their duty to the city.

The final death toll over the past week comes to around 3,000 citizens and as the city recovers anger and accusations appear on the lips of the citizens. A shadow of suspicion hovers over the Queen's involvement. The connection between the Queen and the plague cannot be brushed aside. The Queen offers a tale of deception, claiming that Dr. Davaulus, the very doctor she had personally introduced into the city, had manipulated her. The Grey Maidens stationed at the hospice house profess ignorance, asserting that they were merely instruments of order. Dr. Davaulus faces swift retribution, dragged from his cell and executed without delay.

In the end, Korvosa is saved from the brink of disaster, thanks to the party's courage and determination. They have triumphed over darkness, unmasked the plotters, and brought hope back to the city. Yet, the memory of this harrowing adventure lingers, a testament to the fragile balance between chaos and order in a world teetering on the edge.
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