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11:02, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

[OOC] Tavern McTavernface.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Dungeon Master
GM, 558 posts
Lord of Lies
Teller of Tales
Wed 15 Mar 2023
at 05:49
  • msg #1

[OOC] Tavern McTavernface

Let me know when people are ready to head out to wards Guardian's Way.
Fighter, 315 posts
Wed 15 Mar 2023
at 07:46
  • msg #2

[OOC] Tavern McTavernface

Dreki the Barbarian
Barbarian, 323 posts
AC: 18 HP: 41/55
F+9 / R+7 / W+7 / Per +7
Wed 15 Mar 2023
at 17:11
  • msg #3

[OOC] Tavern McTavernface

I'm ready to go. We can always come back and search again.
Sorcerer, 390 posts
Wed 15 Mar 2023
at 20:43
  • msg #4

[OOC] Tavern McTavernface

Do we have time to make a purchase or two?  Also, can you tell us what we got in the way of loot?

I suggest that we pool our resources and buy a wand of Heal , which can be used either to heal one person a fair bit (d8+8) or to heal everybody for a d8 which would be a pretty good post-combat fixer-upper.  A one-use per day wand of a first level spell is 60 GP.  I don't know whether or not we collectively have that much.

I also need to find a place to house Travya while we are out adventuring, or at least to buy a proper leash and collar so I can keep him with us without having to carry him everywhere.

Which brings up a question:  He is clearly not just a wolf -- his father could talk to us.  What is he exactly?  Have I gotten a sense from my one day of interacting with him whether or not he is currently more like a wolf cub or more like a human infant?
Dreki the Barbarian
Barbarian, 324 posts
AC: 18 HP: 41/55
F+9 / R+7 / W+7 / Per +7
Thu 16 Mar 2023
at 19:19
  • msg #5

[OOC] Tavern McTavernface

Excuse me? You don't just leash a warg cub. You give him to his rightful companion of his people. You just so happen to be travelling with a goblin of some (increasing with your help) renown. Leave him with me and all will be well.

Sorcerer, 391 posts
Thu 16 Mar 2023
at 20:12
  • msg #6

[OOC] Tavern McTavernface

You were there when we found them.  Ask Yalandlara, who has the other one.  She seems less interested in it.
Sularius Alariel
Rogue, 163 posts
Fri 17 Mar 2023
at 19:29
  • msg #7

[OOC] Tavern McTavernface

I'm ready to move forward.
Dreki the Barbarian
Barbarian, 325 posts
AC: 18 HP: 41/55
F+9 / R+7 / W+7 / Per +7
Fri 17 Mar 2023
at 23:03
  • msg #8

[OOC] Tavern McTavernface

In reply to Nezaglomie (msg # 6):

Yes, but this one is ours. He already looks to us as his mother and father figures. I have decided that his name is "Backup" and we are bringing Backup with us.
Dungeon Master
GM, 559 posts
Lord of Lies
Teller of Tales
Mon 20 Mar 2023
at 03:27
  • msg #9

[OOC] Tavern McTavernface

Let me do some quick calcs on the loot to gold.. Apologies for not keeping the loot tracker up to date.

The party got 20gp for resolving the issue with the goblins. Divided up that is 4gp per hero (sorry Alak).

Also from the unclaimed loot there is the following:

(note these are sale prices not purchase prices and have been adjusted accordingly)

QuantityNamePrice Per
 Low-Grade Silver Morningstar22gp
1Lesser Darkvision Elixer4gp
1Jade Cat figurine4gp
1Lesser Cheetah's Elixer1.5gp
1Potency Crystal3gp
2Scroll of Magic Missile3gp
1Scroll of Darkness6gp
1Scroll of Darkvision8gp
1Scroll of Heal3gp
2Flask of Holy  Water2gp
1Wooden Shield0.5gp
1Obsidian Figurines20gp
5Hide Armor0.5gp
3Leather Armor0.5gp
1+1 Halbred18.5gp
1Religious symbol of Alseta8gp

Valuable Items
Battleaxe +1 -> Maerk
Onyx Dog -> Nezaglomie

@Nexaglomie: Yes you can buy a leash and/or collar. Yes the dad could speak and they seem to understand verbal communication better than most but they're still very young so can't really speak yet. I would say with time to research you can learn all about wargs but that goes into the question of how long do you all want to wait before chasing after Voz. Your options are:

1) Go right away hot on Voz's heals
2) Spend the rest of the day shopping and making arrangements and head out first thing in the morning
3) Spend 2-3 days to handle business like researching Wargs, searching Voz's shop again etc.

All total the above loot comes out to 25.5gp per player (and everyone but Alak ends up with +29.5gp including the bonus from the council)
Sorcerer, 392 posts
Mon 20 Mar 2023
at 05:07
  • msg #10

[OOC] Tavern McTavernface

I'd like to go with option 2, "Spend the rest of the day shopping and making arrangements and head out first thing in the morning," but I'd even be up for option 3.  After all, our characters wouldn't know this, but we know it is a scenario and the exciting event is going to wait for us.  From a role-playing point of view, however, I can't justify taking several days to head out.  The rest of this day, however, seems reasonable.  After all, we only barely have a thread to pull, here.  All we know is that there is the tunnel to the Citadel which we know he had been using, and then he's taken off in something of a hurry.  Since we have already accomplished our original mission, the rest of it is just a bonus.

Anyway, does anyone object to taking the rest of this day?  It would also give us a chance to sell any of the loot that nobody wants and add it to the gold division.

Finally, what did people think of the idea of pooling our money to buy a wand of Healing for the group?  There are six of us, right?  so that would be 10 GP each.
This message was last edited by the player at 13:01, Mon 20 Mar 2023.
Fighter, 317 posts
Mon 20 Mar 2023
at 10:25
  • msg #11

[OOC] Tavern McTavernface

Yeah, I would tend to agree that the urgency might be lost on the characters. I feel like they'd want to follow Voz quickly, but not so imperative as to go unprepared, especially considering their last outing at the Keep and this time they won't have the goblin tribe at base camp. So even though Maerk's eager for action, I think option 2 makes sense to the story. I really don't think option 3 is plausible given the effort they've made thus far.

Maerk's hauling around some things that he doesn't really need. Also, if possible, he'd like to get his shield repaired (16/20 currently). Then, if available, get the following.

To sell:
Longsword - new price = 1gp
Lantern (Hooded) - new price = 1gp
Hellknight Dolls ? (msg #667)

Want to buy:
Swordstealer Shield - (slashing)
Shield Augmentation - (shove, trip)
Sorcerer, 393 posts
Mon 20 Mar 2023
at 13:27
  • msg #12

[OOC] Tavern McTavernface

Oh.  I've never looked into the item damage rules.  I realize that it is more realistic, but what a pain!

You know that you can buy a repair kit for only 2GP which lets you at least try to repair it yourself, even if you aren't skilled in the craft.  (Of course, there's a risk of a critical failure, but that's pretty small.)  Do we have anyone skilled in an appropriate crafting skill?  I couldn't find how specialized they get, though the SRD does refer to some specialties -- Alchemical, etc.

@GM:  Do you need to take specific specialties in crafting?  i.e. Craft Armor, Craft Weapons, etc.?

It doesn't seem cost effective but I thought I'd bring it up.  I can use a wand of Mending if you want to count on being able to do repairs while on the road.  However, it's 60 gp and would only work once per day, so it's not worth it.
Dungeon Master
GM, 560 posts
Lord of Lies
Teller of Tales
Fri 24 Mar 2023
at 19:41
  • msg #13

[OOC] Tavern McTavernface

Alright put in your shopping orders and I'll transition the group.

Also the obsidian figurines are the hellknight dolls.
Fighter, 318 posts
Fri 24 Mar 2023
at 20:45
  • msg #14

[OOC] Tavern McTavernface

In reply to Nezaglomie (msg # 12):

Yeah, I need to look into repair myself, but it's relatively cheap just to have the blacksmith do it, and that way Maerk can spend his time devouring entire chickens while he waits!
Sorcerer, 394 posts
Fri 24 Mar 2023
at 22:43
  • msg #15

[OOC] Tavern McTavernface

I'm going to try to find someone with experience raising canines, maybe a Ranger or Druid, or ask advice from a veterinarian.  Unless specifically advised against it, I'm going to pick up a harness and a couple of leashes, or a collar if I can't find an appropriate harness.  I also want to ask about and purchase some appropriate food, but I'll just go with meat if I don't get credible advice.
Dungeon Master
GM, 562 posts
Lord of Lies
Teller of Tales
Sun 26 Mar 2023
at 21:45
  • msg #16

[OOC] Tavern McTavernface

So you might not know this immediately but wargs are intelligent and can understand languages so training via a druid or ranger not only isn't necessary but also not very helpful. It is more akin to a parent training a child than a pet or animal companion.
Dungeon Master
GM, 563 posts
Lord of Lies
Teller of Tales
Sun 26 Mar 2023
at 22:01
  • msg #17

[OOC] Tavern McTavernface

I added a map of the overall layout of Guardian's Way plus in the main spot a map of Breachhill.
Fighter, 319 posts
Wed 29 Mar 2023
at 14:22
  • msg #18

[OOC] Tavern McTavernface

Wow Nez, nice roll! Good to have one go out way for once! Possible crit?
Dreki the Barbarian
Barbarian, 327 posts
AC: 18 HP: 41/55
F+9 / R+7 / W+7 / Per +7
Mon 3 Apr 2023
at 16:34
  • msg #19

[OOC] Tavern McTavernface

Nez, did you mean Goblins?
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