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Sir Rogar, the Road taken and roads ahead Thread I.

Posted by PortentFor group archive B
GM, 34 posts
Sat 11 Feb 2023
at 09:54
  • msg #1

Sir Rogar, the Road taken and roads ahead

It is spring in Tornathia, the cold is lingering, a little more than even the winter before, which had seen a white canvas over even some of the fastest running rivers. The sky was bright and clear, the air was clean, no dust as the last of the snow melt  made the mud an odd texture of runny, yet snapping in places as ice sheen in shadows or hollows evaded direct sun.

His orders were clear. Check in with Watch tower Trityas, hear any reports of scouts and trapsmen over the winter watch concerning signs or encounters from the Southern Hangclaws.
Assess the good order, health and readiness of the men. Check on supplies and stocks, report any needs.

It has been slow travel at first, as the days had passed, the snow and cold gave way to sunnier and muddier travel. This was a special request made of the Order, ordinarily units of the 1st Calvary, the Queen's own Lancers's would have made this journey. As it was, Rogar had pressed where he could, making better time than he thought. Argus had seemed impatient each morning to move on, Rogar was three days early and if he rose early the next morning, by Day's break he should see the Watch tower.

The light was going out of the sky and time to find a place to camp for the evening.
This message was last edited by the GM at 10:00, Sat 11 Feb 2023.
Sir Rogar
player, 1 post
Sun 12 Feb 2023
at 06:41
  • msg #2

Sir Rogar, the Road taken and roads ahead

Rogar pulls out his spyglass and looks around for a good spot for the night. He seeks higher ground (for latrine or rain runoff) and a place with darker green vegetation (indicating nearby water). Once a place is chosen, he makes his preparations for the night, including stringing the 4m wires (with tiny bells attached) around the perimeter of his campsite, giving him and Argus an early warning system of anything creeping up.

22:27, Today: Sir Rogar rolled 7 using 3d6 with rolls of 4,2,1.  Perception 15-, +8 vs Range penalties.</Blue>

22:35, Today: Sir Rogar rolled 12 using 3d6 with rolls of 6,2,4.  Survival 13-.
22:27, Today: Sir Rogar rolled 8 using 3d6 with rolls of 5,2,1.  Concealment 8-.

This message was last edited by the GM at 06:52, Sun 12 Feb 2023.
Routine, Smooth is fast
Sun 12 Feb 2023
at 07:45
  • msg #3

Sir Rogar, the Road taken and roads ahead

The days journey at an end, the knight finds a small hill, stream nearby, a small copse of white pine and builds his camp, rests and grooms Argus, tent is assembled, for as night falls, the winds pick up and the stars begin to make their appearance.

The wire bells do on occasion clap as errant winds make them flutter a bit.

There are night bird calls, no other sounds, smells or tremors form men, carts, horses, .

It is serenity itself out far beyond any hint of cottage or farm, the last of which he passed four days ago.

Argus is cooled down, kneels and lays down on what was provided for him. His sweat and muscle tension abated by brush, water and feed from Celbarian fields, grown and provided to the Order by lands owned by the Queen herself.

Winters in Celbaria always reduced travel to near zero. This time often lead to political rumors and gossip. Winter was to time to take stock, plan for the better seasons to come.  Plan for festivals, Tourneys, Royal events, Marriages and the untimely but inevitable deaths that happened in the winter.

What to plant, how much to plant, where will it fetch the best price, what to trade for, which Kingdoms were favored, which were not. Winter was still a busy time for those ttrapped by muddy roads, bad weather and family drama, though the choice of entertainment to stay over in winter had a large effect on mood.
Sir Rogar
player, 2 posts
Sun 12 Feb 2023
at 08:47
  • msg #4

Sir Rogar, the Road taken and roads ahead

Rogar mused over how far he'd come, from a simple farmer's son with worries about the harvest, to a belted knight who worried about a kingdom, with both foes and politics waiting in the wings. Foes only killed the body, but politics wracked both mind and soul. As he lingers over his meal, he thinks of his last meeting with Elizabet. He smiled, and reflected that had they lived simpler lives, he'd have asked for her hand years ago. As it was, he dared not imperil either of them by taking away Her most Royal Highness's favorite, for only unmarried women could attend the Princess. Once the Princess finally wed, they might try, but not yet. Cleaning up after the meal, Rogar took one last look around before settling in for the night.

00:34, Today: Secret Roll: Sir Rogar rolled 9 using 3d6 with rolls of 1,5,3.  Perception 15-.
GM, 35 posts
Sun 12 Feb 2023
at 09:02
  • msg #5

Sir Rogar, the Road taken and roads ahead

The duty of years made a clear dividing line between musing over Elizabet and those routines needed to be wary out in the wilds.

For wilds it was, the moon was waxing and it rose in almost its full glory, all around the little hill, the Moonlight illuminated the patches of snow, streams of snow melt and the silence, the silence pierced only by the twittering of night birds, the hoot of a distant owl traveling over its territory.

Nothing moved in the open and the cold of the night started to smother everything.

Mud tracked all of the Knights movements and some of Argus as the Warhorse stood and stretched and flicked its head one side to the other before relieving its burden of water down one side of the hill. It nickered in a small call to its master, then kneeled again and waited for its nightly ritual.

All was well.
Sir Rogar
player, 3 posts
Sun 12 Feb 2023
at 10:59
  • msg #6

Sir Rogar, the Road taken and roads ahead

Rogar curried and combed out Argus' matted hair with a stiff brush, ridding his loyal mount of any snags. When the ritual was completed, Rogar offered an apple to Argus as a treat. Under the light of a rising moon he gave thanks to the Blue gods for blessing his life. Rogar redons the leather undergarment, thinking an extra layer for warmth. Plus it didn't hurt to have some form of protection, just in case. He places his shield and weapon in the second man's position within the 2-man tent, banks his fire, and prepares to sleep.
GM, 36 posts
Sun 12 Feb 2023
at 22:17
  • msg #7

Sir Rogar, the Road taken and roads ahead

There was the smell of baking bread, a freshly squeezed citrus note and smells of onion, leak, pepper soup with spiced apple and elderberry cobbler.

Eyes open the false dawn has begun. Up and to the tasks at hand, the camp is broke, Argus armored, a meal prepared, tent and alarms broken done and loaded. Survey taken.

Once in the saddle, direction is marked, as best he can, the final hours of travel begin, under scattered thin high clouds and a cold that seems better suited for bears than Men.

There comes a rise and then at its summit across open plains of knee high grass still trying to right itself from snows. Is the Watch tower Trityas.

Thin wisps of smoke rise fro one of its blackened sides. Its wooden stairs up the sides are collapsed there seem, the distance is about 7 miles. (-12 Range mods) The sun is two hours past its rise.

Moving around the base of the Watch tower are small figures. The figures move, the estimate is 6 different figures.

Using the spyglass, the figures  seem to be riders and mounts of some kind.

This message was last edited by the GM at 23:48, Sun 12 Feb 2023.
Sir Rogar
player, 4 posts
Mon 13 Feb 2023
at 03:44
  • msg #8

Sir Rogar, the Road taken and roads ahead

At 7 miles it was too far to determine if those were friendlies or enemies. Argus could not run 7 miles, yet the situation called for better speed. Rogar urged Argus forward at the trot, figuring he'd be able to determine the opposition's nature before a charge was necessitated.
Distant sound of thunder.
Mon 13 Feb 2023
at 04:21
  • msg #9

Sir Rogar, the Road taken and roads ahead

Argus starts the trot and Sir Rogar has to hold the warhorse back, from breaking out into a run.

The miles tick by, the advantage of altitude slowly evaporated. the level ground now hid more and dipped more negative than it did positive over the rest of the terrain.

Less distance fives way to more details.

The moving dots were wolves, the light is lessened by some cloud cover, it appears the wolves are different colors, the White one is easy to see, then Green, Brown, Black, Yellow, Red and a Purplish. There seem to be riders, must be Goblins. There is brush and a small amount of dead fall trees.

The distance is now 2 miles.  They seem to not be aware of the pair.
Sir Rogar
player, 5 posts
Tue 14 Feb 2023
at 02:06
  • msg #10

Sir Rogar, the Road taken and roads ahead

Rogar looks ahead at the terrain and decides to make use of it. He travels in the dips and behind brush and other impediments to mask his approach as much as possible. At seven to one odds he needed every advantage he could make. He checks the lance in its sheathe, for he may be using it in his initial charge when he gets closer. The brush looked like the goblins were trying to burn the tower, which didn't bode well for the occupants.
Plenty of smoke yet no fire
Tue 14 Feb 2023
at 03:18
  • msg #11

Sir Rogar, the Road taken and roads ahead

The smoke is light grey, the fire is running low, there seems to be little damage to the keep.

The ramp going up has been pulled down and broken up to use as firewood.

The wolves and Goblins are dodging arrows and telling shaking little bows and swords, their language is incomprehensible, but the energy and emotion is clearly murderous, if a little unfocused.

One of the Goblins is trying to make something on the back of his mount.

There are three bodies of Men scattered about, well pieces that might equal three bodies, and missing many wolf bites.

White wolf Goblin gives the most orders and gestures at seemingly nothing

Red wolf runs around the most, constantly moving at different points without rhyme or reason.

Purple Wolf is sitting watching the door above, where the ramp would leave

Black wolf is eating and chewing on body parts

Green wolf is nearest the tower base, and the Goblin is painting something on it. he has made it about a quarter of the way around the Tower, is on the far side.

Yellow is watching away from the Tower and on occasion howls in a strange fashion.

Brown wolf is digging in a hole and is about half way down the hole

Watch Tower
5          Y    
9       G       
10      KKK      
11 RA W  KKK      
12      KKK      
14       P       
15    R          
16           Bl   

  Bl = Black, Br = Brown, G = Green, P = Purple, R =  Red, W = White, Y = Yellow
  K = Keep

  One square = 20 m
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:49, Tue 14 Feb 2023.
Sir Rogar
player, 6 posts
Tue 14 Feb 2023
at 07:03
  • msg #12

Sir Rogar, the Road taken and roads ahead

Rogar continues to approach as he loosens, then draws his lance. Keeping his shield in place he steers with his legs as he prepares an opening charge.

23:03, Today: Secret Roll: Sir Rogar rolled 7 using 3d6 with rolls of 1,4,2.  Riding 14-.

22:57, Today: Secret Roll: Sir Rogar rolled 13 using 3d6 with rolls of 1,6,6.  Stealth 8-.

This message was last edited by the player at 07:04, Tue 14 Feb 2023.
Sir Rogar
player, 7 posts
Tue 14 Feb 2023
at 17:39
  • msg #13

Sir Rogar, the Road taken and roads ahead

Rogar lowers his lance into attack position and accelerates into B-11. He is making a beeline for the goblin shouting orders.

T 0 Seg 12

HPh: Full Move 20 m > B 11

Attack roll for Weapon, Location, OCV

Result of rolls

[Private to GM:
Sword & Shield CSL 3, Assign 3 DCV

Turn 04812LocPD 4ED 3Notes
Rec 6       RH: Lance  LH: Shield
 5   OCV  5   Maneuver
 4   DCV  9   Shield +2
 30  END       
 10m   RUN       
 13    STR       
 30 STUN    10 T9 T 
 14 BODY    6 R6 RLoc 3 - 18, CON 13
WeaponLance 1 1/2 d6              STR Min 13                                       6 kg
ShieldMetal, Medium +2 DCV   STR Min 13  +2 HA  DEF 5 BODY 4     5 kg
ArmorField Plate    DEF 6   Loc 3 - 18                                             28 kg
   Total =
This message was last edited by the GM at 05:24, Wed 15 Feb 2023.
White wolf Goblin
Tue 14 Feb 2023
at 17:56
  • msg #14

Sir Rogar, the Road taken and roads ahead

White wolf Goblin turns at the thundering hoofs, yelling and letting out a long howling ululating  series of long notes.

Pulling a bow, he loads it and fires.

A glancing arrow collides with the shield

Begin T1, Seg 4
This message was last edited by the GM at 04:50, Wed 15 Feb 2023.
Sir Rogar
player, 8 posts
Wed 15 Feb 2023
at 05:04
  • msg #15

Sir Rogar, the Road taken and roads ahead

Rogar continues his charge into C-11. He spends seconds stabilizing his lance's balance to better assure a hit. He keeps his defenses up to ward off other arrows.

T 1 Seg 4

HPh: Full Move 20 m > C 11

Attack roll for Weapon, Location, OCV

Result of rolls

[Private to GM:
Sword & Shield CSL 3, Assign 3 DCV

Turn 14812LocPD 4ED 3Notes
Rec 6       RH: Lance  LH: Shield
 5   OCV5     Maneuver
 4   DCV9     Shield +2
 30  END       
 10m   RUN       
 13    STR       
 30 STUN    10 T9 T 
 14 BODY    6 R6 RLoc 3 - 18, CON 13
WeaponLance 1 1/2 d6              STR Min 13                                       6 kg
ShieldMetal, Medium +2 DCV   STR Min 13  +2 HA  DEF 5 BODY 4     5 kg
ArmorField Plate    DEF 6   Loc 3 - 18                                             28 kg
   Total =
This message was last edited by the player at 10:05, Wed 15 Feb 2023.
GM, 38 posts
Wed 15 Feb 2023
at 06:10
  • msg #16

Turn 1, Seg 6

The White wolf Goblin turns and runs.
Distance now between Rogar and White wolf Goblin 10m + 18m [Full Move] = 28m

The other Goblins wheel scream some kind of response and start the wolves running towards
the Tower

Watch Tower
6         Y     
9      G        
10      KKK      
11      KKK      
12   RAW KKK      
14    R  P       
15          Bl    

  Bl = Black, Br = Brown, G = Green, P = Purple, R =  Red, W = White, Y = Yellow
  K = Keep

  One square = 20 m

Next Turn 1, Segment 8, Rogar + Argus
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:29, Wed 15 Feb 2023.
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