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Sir Rogar, the Road taken and roads ahead Thread I.

Posted by PortentFor group archive B
Sir Rogar
player, 473 posts
Sun 10 Sep 2023
at 16:02
  • msg #943

8th of Greenpeek, 2nd day of Week, Moonday, Sunrise

Rogar checks the time, and thanks Master de Rirsuva for the morning ride. If he has the time prior to noon, Rogar will return Argus personally to the stable master and return to the gate. If not, he will kindly ask the Master of Horses if he could handle that whilst Rogar awaits the Minister. He makes the suggestion "perhaps you can preserve his line by putting him to stud on an outlier ranch? Think how your daughter might enjoy raising Starsilver's progeny."
Ministers and Masters
Mon 11 Sep 2023
at 05:27
  • msg #944

8th of Greenpeek, 2nd day of Week, Moonday, Sunrise

"I have tried, I was told that Starsilver is incapable of being a sire.
Which means either he was born sterile or the Horse Masters of Navrostel ensured no breeding

There seems to be time, and so the Knight stables Argus and sees him well cared for. Upon his return he sees Minister Musvezza just arriving with a Page.

The minister seems tired, yet cheers up when he sees Sir Rogar.

"We have more to see, I can not say that any, if one, we viewed yesterday was under consideration by the Seneschal.

I will share that I have been told more of the requirements, honestly, they are as we understood them, with only more attention to the garden and a nice tree
Sir Rogar
player, 474 posts
Mon 11 Sep 2023
at 07:42
  • msg #945

8th of Greenpeek, 2nd day of Week, Moonday, Noon

Sir Rogar responds "based on advice garnered from others, perhaps we ought to look at the residences of nobles that are no longer occupied, if any such exist. They would have gardens, and outlier buildings for servants and horses. Not sure about the tree, but once we have secured a spot, I believe I can provide the tree, though it would invite comment." Before they leave, Rogar asks "what is Minister Cyvorn doing? Perhaps he can spare some time today to give his opinion on any likely sites?"
This message was last edited by the player at 07:44, Mon 11 Sept 2023.
Minister Musvezza
Mon 11 Sep 2023
at 08:09
  • msg #946

8th of Greenpeek, 2nd day of Week, Moonday, Noon

"Ah, well, I know he unavailable, I have not been informed what duties he is performing.

We will do our duty even in his absence.

Yes, wise advice

The Minister informs the Page of the Knights advice and the Page nods.

"If you think it important, I will ask the Seneschal tonight if Minister Cyvorn can be spared.

Have you been to the Glass guilds
Sir Rogar
player, 475 posts
Mon 11 Sep 2023
at 08:24
  • msg #947

8th of Greenpeek, 2nd day of Week, Moonday, Noon

Rogar shakes his head. "No, this morning I rode with the Master of Horses. On his recommendation Argus was being treated for something he noticed about the horse's legs. I should have realized that the long journey after that magnificent crossing of the river would put a strain on him. But today, Argus seemed in fine fettle, and the exercise was good for him. I also met the Master's charming daughter, whom I fear is enamored of the idea of introducing a foreign knight to Court as part of her Social Calendar." He sighs, "just what I need. Presented as if I were some sort of trophy. Not happening if I can help it."
He then smiled. "Fortunately I have the names of three glassmakers I can check out tomorrow."
Estate shopping
Mon 11 Sep 2023
at 08:55
  • msg #948

8th of Greenpeek, 2nd day of Week, Moonday, Noon

The Minister, a Knight and a Page spend hours crossing a particular section of the city on foot, they enter many estates, looking for the exact requirements each had requested.

At the end of their tour it appears there are three candidates o bring to the Seneschal.

Sir Rogar had eliminated a good quarter, some had little to no garden and the Minister looked disapprovingly at the placement, the room sizes, were the light hit the estate and just the quality of building and what might be required for repairs.

The small group returned during quiet a lovely sunset, just before the sun set in the west.
Sir Rogar
player, 476 posts
Mon 11 Sep 2023
at 15:29
  • msg #949

8th of Greenpeek, 2nd day of Week, Moonday, Noon

Rogar asks the minister "shall we head for the dining hall to partake of an early supper before you proceed with your work? Otherwise once you are focused you will likely forget entirely, and you already started the day looking peaked." Rogar looks to the Page, asking "can you lead me to the dining hall, or do duties call you elsewhere?"
Dining Hall
Tue 12 Sep 2023
at 06:54
  • msg #950

9th of Greenpeek, 3rd day of Week, Skyday, before sunset

The Minister hesitates, trying to balance something  in his head, "I think I might, these first days, I need to be ready."

The Page simply indicates the two to follow him and he takes them to a hall close to their rooms were many are sitting, with servants bring platters of various dishes to them and pouring wine.

Talk is sporadic as people eat and speak. Styles of clothes all vary as do some languages.

It is a large room there is a large fireplace which id burning large logs, it could fir maybe a good 5 dozen, now occupied by two dozen in various places scattered in the hall.

Painting on the wall of various fields and places of wilderness of Sarkund and a wall with many portraits on it.

Large wheels of candles burn about halfway up to the ceiling, suspended by a chain.

No sooner have they chosen a place and sat down then platters of dishes, breads, butters, bowls of various cooked delicacies and goblets appear before them with tines and knives.
This message was last edited by the GM at 07:00, Tue 12 Sept 2023.
Sir Rogar
player, 477 posts
Tue 12 Sep 2023
at 09:07
  • msg #951

9th of Greenpeek, 3rd day of Week, Skyday, before sunset

Rogar sees to it that the minister has enough to refresh and refuel himself. He goes light on the wine, suggesting that the minister needs a clear head for whatever hours of work lay ahead. When the meal is concluded, he cautions the minister about getting sleep tonight at some point. "Mistakes are made and judgement is compromised when weariness sets in" he reminds. There was no need to add the fact that neither of them was young anymore, and allnighters were a thing in the past. When the minister leaves, Rogar goes to his room and summons a page. He asks the page for two things.
First, Rogar requires a guide beyond the castle walls to show him to the three glassworks written down in his journal. They would start at day's break and return by noon. This could be done over several days if need be.
Secondly, he pens a letter to be delivered to the Commander of the 1st Regiment Heavy Infantry at Stamp Field.

The letter says

I am Sir Rogar, Knight of the Order of the Swan. I am currently a guest in the castle. I have no desire to make any complications, but would it be possible for me to use your training salles to maintain the daily exercise and practice of skills while I am here? I do not know how long I will be here, but forced inactivity has me fearing I will lose my edge, and become sloppy in my swordplay. As a military man you know the importance of daily drills and training to maintain a level of competence. Would this be possible?

Sir Rogar
Knight of the Order of the Swan

To be Delivered
Wed 13 Sep 2023
at 05:57
  • msg #952

9th of Greenpeek, 3rd day of Week, Skyday, before sunset

The Minister thanks the Knight for his wisdom and says he looks forward to the hunt tomorrow.

The Page summoned for the first request, nods and says he will deliver the message to the Chamberlain, and leaves

The Page acknowledges the letter to the Commander and instructions, then leaves.

Then the rooms become quiet.
Sir Rogar
player, 478 posts
Wed 13 Sep 2023
at 07:20
  • msg #953

9th of Greenpeek, 3rd day of Week, Skyday, before sunset

Rogar spends the rest of the evening writing of the day's activities in his journal and noting specific markers to help him find that route again. He exercises in his room, then asks for a bath to be filled for him to relax in with a cup of wine. He muses about his request for the Master of Letters. The fact that one day later there was still no response could mean any number of things. It wasn't a purposeful insult.
Wed 13 Sep 2023
at 07:30
  • msg #954

9th of Greenpeek, 3rd day of Week, Skyday, before sunset

There is a knock at his outer door.

When called to enter a Page is there, an older girl, just out of her fist dozen summers it appeared. The girl make s a formal bow

"Sir, I am sent by the Chamberlain in answer to your request.

I am Page Haviria Margirtusca, I will be your guide into Sarkund.
We start at day's break. Shall I wait outside
Sir Rogar
player, 479 posts
Wed 13 Sep 2023
at 07:45
  • msg #955

9th of Greenpeek, 3rd day of Week, Skyday, before sunset

Rogar is bemused. "Wait outside? When will you sleep? Do you need a chair or something to make you comfortable?" He pauses, then asks "are you versed in knowledge about Sarkund? Can you find the glassworks or the cartographer if I choose to visit them?" In his night robe he moves to the table to write another request, but that will keep until the business with the page was done.
Wed 13 Sep 2023
at 07:56
  • msg #956

9th of Greenpeek, 3rd day of Week, Skyday, before sunset

The Page looks confused, looks back at the door, then back at the Knight.
"I will n"
"If you prefer me to wait the night, I will Sir. I had thought to arrive at morning break."

There is only a hint at the misunderstanding and the jovial twist.

"Yes Sir. Sarkund has a rich history, I know only the smallest portion of it.  If you prefer I can ask the Master of Letters to send you a Historian.

The various Guilds of Glass are known to me, I admit to not knowing the exact location of the Cartographer Sir, if I had a landmark for near where he is, I might then know.

I can ask specifically and will know by morning Sir

At one point the Page smoothes a sleeve and tugs down her vest, in a slight fashion.
Sir Rogar
player, 480 posts
Wed 13 Sep 2023
at 08:17
  • msg #957

9th of Greenpeek, 3rd day of Week, Skyday, before sunset

Rogar chuckles. "Nicely done, Haviria. No, meeting me in the morning should be fine. Thank you." He adds "The cartographer is for another day. I was merely inquiring if you knew the way." He bids her goodnight, then pens a letter. Once written, he gets a page from the hallway to deliver it to the Lord Marshall.

The letter reads

Lord Marshall,
I should like permission to visit the Master of Forges. I am curious as to the armor he forges. I was impressed by what I saw Prince Vicenzi wearing and was wondering if his wares could be purchased by visitors.

Thank you
Sir Rogar

Wed 13 Sep 2023
at 09:18
  • msg #958

9th of Greenpeek, 3rd day of Week, Skyday, before sunset

The letter is accepted and the Page turns and leaves.

The rooms now are left for the Knight to occupy alone.
Sir Rogar
player, 481 posts
Wed 13 Sep 2023
at 15:43
  • msg #959

9th of Greenpeek, 3rd day of Week, Skyday, before sunset

Rogar has the bath drawn and cleanses himself from the sweat of the day's activities. He dries himself off and dressed in clean clothes. He then goes out into the castle, trying to understand the layout. Along the way he asks pages to indicate what areas are 'off-limits', and where he can find the offices of those he has written to these past days. After two hours he returns to his quarters and prepares for sleep.

This message was last edited by the GM at 05:51, Thu 14 Sept 2023.
GM, 112 posts
Thu 14 Sep 2023
at 06:00
  • msg #960

9th of Greenpeek, 3rd day of Week, Skyday, before sunset

Of the main castle, Rogar's movement are restricted to the wing he is in, Lower West, the Lower (Southern) West wing is where the Offices of various Court officials are.

Rogar is restricted to the 1st and 2nd floors of the main castle, and to both Northern wings, West and East.

Te Baileys are open, the gardens are open, the triangle of the East side of the West garden is an Aviary, enclosed glass triangle building in which are kept a large number of birds.

As you might suspect the stables in the Outer bailey are against the Southern wall of the Inner bailey
Sir Rogar
player, 482 posts
Thu 14 Sep 2023
at 07:51
  • msg #961

9th of Greenpeek, 3rd day of Week, Skyday, before sunset

Based on what he has seen these last few days, Rogar sketches out a basic map of the castle (which you have done for me, thank you) in his journal and reflects that he would need a new journal soon. There has been so much to write about on this journey. The last thing he does before retiring for the night is go to the door and ask a page if he knows where Rogar might acquire a blank journal. Did they have bookbinders in the city, or are such things for sale in stores that supply scribes?
Thu 14 Sep 2023
at 08:48
  • msg #962

9th of Greenpeek, 3rd day of Week, Skyday, before sunset

"Sir, there are many journals unwritten in that are kept by the Chamberlain, or, you may ask for a Journal to be made for you, any material, size, jacket, cover, size or binding you may wish and the Chamberlain will see that it is made and brought to you."
Sir Rogar
player, 483 posts
Thu 14 Sep 2023
at 09:08
  • msg #963

9th of Greenpeek, 3rd day of Week, Skyday, before sunset

Rogar shows the page his existing journal (leather bound, about 150 pages of paper, about 5×9 in size), and says "something like this." If needed, he details the construction of the journal and asks for two such journals. Rogar plans to use one for the City of Sarkund, and one for the castle. He would make his own guide books if necessary.
Thu 14 Sep 2023
at 09:36
  • msg #964

9th of Greenpeek, 3rd day of Week, Skyday, before sunset

Out of an abundance of caution the Page ask for the specifics to be written.

The Page inquires if there is a need for ink, stylus, or wax for sealing.
Sir Rogar
player, 484 posts
Thu 14 Sep 2023
at 15:13
  • msg #965

9th of Greenpeek, 3rd day of Week, Skyday, before sunset

Rogar nods. Writing supplies, yes! He adds those to his list of requests, and writes down the specifics of his journals, then sends the page off with a thank you.
Thu 14 Sep 2023
at 20:56
  • msg #966

9th of Greenpeek, 3rd day of Week, Skyday, evening

In a short while there is a knock.

The Page has returned with an approximate journal. The Page informs the Knight that the Office of the Chamberlain is having his exact requirements bound and made.

A small portable lectern is brought with all manner of writing supplies.
Sir Rogar
player, 485 posts
Fri 15 Sep 2023
at 00:06
  • msg #967

9th of Greenpeek, 3rd day of Week, Skyday, evening

Rogar thanks the boy and copies the rough map into the fresh journal. After annotating it, and listing important personnel on another page, Rogar puts away the supplies and settles in for a good night's rest.

Come the morning, he awakens at the Page's knock, and dresses quickly, eager to get underway. He brings a water skin of the beer to quench his thirst when needed.
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