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11:52, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

S1 12a - Upon The Field of Honour.

Posted by The KeeperFor group 0
The Keeper
GM, 612 posts
Mon 24 Jul 2023
at 22:03
  • msg #1

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

Front Lawn of Fox Hall, 5am Monday May 6th, 1771

They had gathered before morning, a knot of shadows in  the murky dampness that a thin May mist made of the blue hours. Scarce able to sleep since an hour before, Doctor Lovelace had resigned himself to rise and taken a brief breakfast of still-warm bread and honey. His dreams had left little remnants in his mind save an impression of darkness and branching filaments, their size unknown and presence a nonsense to his rationality. Polzeath, who had insisted on sleeping at his door, had seen nothing in the night.

Maggie has been present for a while, visiting first to her brother - who reports, softly, that he'd not had opportunity to speak with Jim alone overnight, though he wound up sleeping on the steps of the little gaol - and then close to the Doctor and Polzeath as a shadow draws close to an object with the rising of the light. The Doctor's man looks considerably calmer in the cool of morning, standing without the least indication of discomfort at the damp.

With a spry step Nathan Fox crosses the lawn, his figure and that of the Babcock brother with the pistol-case focusing out of shapeless shadow. A coat of gorgeous deep green carelessly thrown over no more than his shirt sits on his upper half, though his brown breeches, solid shoes and stockings are neat enough. "We've loaded in the house: if you would let Mister Millard know, you can check the pistols over together. Janet's not coming to watch - I asked her to go back to sleep, and..." he glances across the field of honour at his opponent, then back to the Doctor, brisk geniality dropping to something more sober.

"...well, told her I'd be back to help lace the stays of the dress we had adjusted for her overnight. I...should hate to miss that." The aching tenderness in his voice suggests the act of learning to dress his particular wife for the first time may take longer than the equally intimate operation of undressing her the night before, though not for want of close attention.

"Is he fit?" he asks, nodding at Jim Stone. The youth stands at a slope, hands unbound and staring over at his master with a dull weariness that speaks less of hatred than of determination.

It's not clear if Jim has slept, though he hasn't tried to run or do anything else with the headstart. Seeing that he's watched, the young gardener almost mechanically shucks coat and waistcoat simply onto the ground to stand, shivering, seemingly ready to get on with it.

Near him, Andrew stands close by to Sam Hartman and the scatter of other spectators, aware of the cold of the morning and the lack of enthusiasm from those birds trying to raise the day. Currents of excitement and dread roil through those present. Sam looks for some opening to approach the Squire, keen to tell him what he suspects about someone driving Jim to fury and rash action against his betters. Jim stands and shudders intermittently, his gaze fixed.

Robin opens the Bible at random as Miles steps hurriedly to approach the pistol-case. He sets his finger down without looking, then frowns when he does look, sidling closer to Andrew to show his master the text he's landed on in Job: "...should I read this one, sir?" he asks softly.

Andrew looks down at the page:

30  Her young ones also suck up blood: and where the slain are, there is she.


This message was last edited by the GM at 23:56, Tue 12 Dec 2023.
Martin Lovelace
player, 219 posts
Thu 27 Jul 2023
at 06:50
  • msg #2

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

"I tended his wounds last night after the vows were spoken. There was a pustulence threatening to set in so it may need draining later, but he is fit enough to hold a pistol and quite insistent on doing so" Doctor Lovelace responds.
Samuel Hartman
player, 231 posts
Sun 30 Jul 2023
at 01:15
  • msg #3

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

Sam glances at the Doctor and then to Jim, and lastly focusing on Master Fox. The fatigue of the last night had weighed heavy upon him, and he had barely gotten any sleep given what he had heard. At least his ankle didn't hurt any more.

"Master Fox, could I speak with you for a moment before the duel?"
Andrew Sexton
player, 189 posts
Sun 30 Jul 2023
at 04:31
  • msg #4

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

Andrew shakes his head. Taking the Bible from his apprentice, he turns to Matthew’s Gospel. Returning the book to Robin, he taps his finger beside a verse from the Sermon on the Mount.

”Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.”
Nathan Fox
NPC, 45 posts
Finest Fellow You Could
Ever Hope To See
Sun 30 Jul 2023
at 06:37
  • msg #5

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

The Squire nods with a sigh to the Doctor and motions for him to join the other second at the pistol case, saying only "...if the pair of you deem one somehow the worse, call it mine: let it never be said Stone did not have his chance fair as we might give it."

"Make it quick, Master Hartman,"
he says on turning to Sam, somewhat tense with preparing himself to be shot at.
Samuel Hartman
player, 232 posts
Sun 30 Jul 2023
at 18:18
  • msg #6

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

Sam nods to the Squire. "I joined the Doctor and Andrew, to get my ankle looked at when I was helping John Collins' kids earlier. Although I didn't catch the whole conversation between them, I heard John Ragge say that someone had likely manipulated Jim into this. I would likely see if he would speak about it before you duel - you could also speak to Andrew Sexton about it," he says softly.

[[GM edit: J names]]
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:01, Sun 30 July 2023.
Andrew Sexton
player, 190 posts
Sun 30 Jul 2023
at 20:41
  • msg #7

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

Andrew approaches at the sound of his name. ”I will share what I know, Squire, if you wish to hear it.” he offers quietly.
Martin Lovelace
player, 220 posts
Sun 30 Jul 2023
at 21:05
  • msg #8

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

Doctor Lovelace moves to inspect the pair of dueling pistols, casting over them with the eye of someone who has served as an officer at his Majesty's pleasure.
Nathan Fox
NPC, 46 posts
Finest Fellow You Could
Ever Hope To See
Sun 30 Jul 2023
at 21:57
  • msg #9

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

Nathan Fox studies the carpenter some moments, the dull predawn light scarcely picking out some rosewood hue in his eyes. He still smells like jasmine and agarwood, though a little of cotton and something else - something from his wife's clothes, perhaps, or her skin. At length he looks away to see how the Doctor's getting on, tugging at a coatsleeve in preparation for removing the garment.

"...later. Rest assured that if your information proves good and I need to pin down some gossip for slander I will see you two rewarded for leading me to that party. Presently, my quarrel is with the fellow that tried to hack me in pieces on the main road."

He reaches and pats Sam on the shoulder, then moves towards the seconds and the pistol-case. The mist dampens all sound around them, so that the surrounding trees' movement only textures the silence and anyone stirring in the village might as well be miles away.

Checking over the pistols, Martin finds them both sound, loaded with expertise, and as perfect a pair as manufacture might make. He does have to stop Miles squinting nervously down the barrel of one given his dangerous grip on the thing, however, and recieves a mumbled apology. Robin Yendale's voice just carries though the hush, seeming sourceless though the lad is clearly there with the Bible, lagging a little on his letters:

"Ble-ssed are the mer-ci-ful, for they shall obt-ain mercy."

"I've not done this before, sir, I'm sorry," Miles says, clearly trying not to shiver. "I can't see aught wrong with 'em, but maybe you could choose first? I knows we have t'be quick in this damp."

"I've got string for ye both to go five paces, holding the ends - we're to double it and put the halfway on the marker," the Babcock brother who'd brought the case says, evidently well-drilled. "I'm Percy," he adds, in case either was unsure. A blackbird's sudden scolding out in the thickets rises and fades out beyond him. Jim stands like his namesake, waiting, cold.
Martin Lovelace
player, 221 posts
Tue 1 Aug 2023
at 19:44
  • msg #10

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

The doctor smiles sympathetically "It is not something I've really done much of before. The pistols though, they look a fine pair and either will do the job they have been prepared for."

He picks one and offers "Just take the other to Jim, hand it to him and your job is done." and he walks to the Squire to do just that.
Margaret Yendale
player, 286 posts
the poacher's daughter
Wed 2 Aug 2023
at 03:31
  • msg #11

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

Having provoked a scolding from the blackbird, Maggie parts the undergrowth and tramps through the ferns and mist. She pauses to get her bearings and makes for Robin.

"I heard your reading, Robin," she smiles at her brother in approbation, "It sounded fine."

Then she looks to where Miles is passing a pistol into Jim Stone's hands. She glances to see Doctor doing the same with Nathan Fox. She pales a bit and frowns, her expression showing that she thinks this an evil doing. She hefts the game bag on her shoulder, putting her hands on her hips.
James Stone
NPC, 16 posts
To showe Y am
a faithful friende
Wed 2 Aug 2023
at 07:10
  • msg #12

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

Jim feels the weight of the pistol in his hand, only his motions of grip and heft showing he's surprised at the weight in comparison to any honest tool that has sat there before. Understanding the principles of firing and not much understanding the intricacies of duelling etiquette, his hand raises even as his dull, determined gaze seeks and finds Fox, and squints an aim at his heart. The Squire notices the instant before the trigger is pulled, throwing a look of real alarm towards the Doctor in fear he's not yet far enough away. The grey morning between them seems to hang still, an indrawn breath, as flint strikes to frizzen.

Nothing happens. Jim frowns at the reluctance of his weapon to deliver vengeance, Nathan breathes out.

 "Hold," Fox calls across the field, making sure his second is out of range. "Give it twenty seconds and put it down, we'll reload it." He wraps a clean handkerchief about the firing-pan and frizzen of his own weapon whilst his opponent waits out the grace for an invisible hang fire, aimed at all the while. At length Jim reluctantly lowers his pistol to the grass.


Fox tucks his pistol into his coat pocket, remarking to Martin "Uncouth creature, that lad. Could you see to it that they can manage the reload? Percy brought out a lantern that can keep the air warm whilst pouring out, and I can vouch for the powder in the case. Wretched mist!"

[[Jim managed to roll a 100, but these are very decent pistols and flintlocks are finicky at the best of times.]]
Margaret Yendale
player, 287 posts
the poacher's daughter
Thu 3 Aug 2023
at 02:41
  • msg #13

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

Maggie lets out her breath, pent since Jim sighted at the Squire prematurely.

"Robin," she says quietly to her brother beside her, "Go and tell Martin to make sure Jim understands that he must await th' command afore he pulls th' trigger.  Oh! an' tell 'im t' line up th' barrel's length on th-- on his target. Doctor c'n help with th' details. Quick now!"

She'd go herself but if by a miracle Fox is wounded in the exchange, she wants no further cry of witchcraft against her. Even being on the ground is risk enough.

While Jim's pistol is re-primed and rules explained, she looks keenly about the trees and shrubs that surround the open space, peering through the mist for any threat, her shawl up over her head against the damp.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:46, Fri 04 Aug 2023.
Robin Yendale
NPC, 23 posts
Bound Apprentice
Thu 3 Aug 2023
at 06:05
  • msg #14

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

"-but...!" Robin begins an objection, but heeds the call to hurry, even if he visits an even more nervous Miles Millard and takes several moments in conference with Jim before trotting over to the Doctor. He haunts Martin's elbow awhile before passing on that "Maggie thinks it's you that ought to say the specifics out to Jim, sir, on what 'e needs to do, like. I made him understand as he don't ought to be holding the gun so as it might fire whilst there's seconds on the field, nor without someone says so."

The mist seems to be mist, the trees, trees. It takes Maggie a second or so, but some uncertain moving shapes in the mid-distance turn out to be the tiny flock of lawn sheep dispersing themselves for the day, the ewes still going in twos and threes before the sun might rise and keeping their lambs close. Like dusk, the blue hours of the morn were a time for foxes, their silent trotting tread and sudden lunging from the shadows, lined with teeth.

The man called Fox waits out the delay, thoughts seemingly elsewhere. The other Babcock twin joins them and receives an update from his brother, bent close like one man seen double.
This message was last edited by the player at 06:06, Thu 03 Aug 2023.
Martin Lovelace
player, 222 posts
Fri 4 Aug 2023
at 17:52
  • msg #15

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

The Doctor nods to Robin and given his observations of Miles decides that the finer points of dueling would be lost so best not try to explain them.

He approaches Jim and Miles who no doubt is ahead of him and takes the pistol carefully to oversee the cleaning and re-loading himself. As he does so he speaks "Jim. You have to be sure to wait until it is only you and the Squire in the dueling area."

"When I've finished charging your pistol, Miles and I will walk away and wait until I say 'clear' before you go ahead."

"Now if you can manage to hold the pistol steady with one hand I recommend you stand more side on, that way you are a smaller target."

"And don't forget to look straight along the barrel at your target."

He removes his kerchief, placing it over the now ready pistol "It's the mist, it's dampening the powder in the pan. Keep the kerchief over it until I call clear."

Then he nods to Miles and moves away to the side calling out once they are at a safe distance "Clear!"
Margaret Yendale
player, 288 posts
the poacher's daughter
Sat 5 Aug 2023
at 01:01
  • msg #16

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

At Doctor's cry of "Clear!" Maggie returns her gaze to the duelists, clutching her hands beneath the shawl in anticipation. She dreads seeing Jim Stone fall.

She had thought last night of concealing herself in the trees and mist with her fowling piece to drop Nathan Fox before he could shoot Jim. But now she realizes she wishes no harm to either man. She just wants this meeting to end somehow bloodlessly.

Then, they can turn their attention again to the real threat of the Fox revenant walking abroad and the Wyzenwood. If indeed the Lady and the Wood are behind Polly's death and the other events of the past days.

She whispers a prayer --or charm, if there's a difference-- for the safety of all upon the field.
The Keeper
GM, 625 posts
Sun 6 Aug 2023
at 13:28
  • msg #17

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

The mist swallows the shout down to silence, even Time seeming muffled, slow. Jim unwraps his pistol, stands straight as instructed, presenting himself side-on with the firearm an extension of his outstretched arm. He takes a moment to sight along the metal, forcing himself to stillness, a pricking of mist or fevered sweat on his brow but otherwise every inch a determined young man. Fox draws and casts his coat aside in one movement, weapon in hand, fingertips tucked under the cloth.

Jim fires, startles - just slightly - at the roar and fiery spring of the pistol become like a live thing in his hands, and sends his shot thrumming well over Nathan's head towards the distant trees. The mist takes the echoes as the lawn sheep bleat and flee and the smoke roils white to grey to gone.

Fox, who has not flinched a hair through any of this, has uncovered his gun and raises it with perfect form. With a controlled and graceful movement, he puts his shot {{PAM}} into the lawn off to his left, then casts the pistol onto his coat and sets to gathering up both together. Jim sinks to his knees.

Nathan Fox walks up to his opponent down the length of the space they'd drawn out for the specific purpose of trying to kill each other, hesitates in the face of the futility of the gesture, and offers his hand anyway. Jim makes no sign of being aware he's there, as though someone had propped a corpse on the lawn for a joke, the dew soaking his breeches at the knees. Fox leans a little closer as if to make sure he does breathe, and Stone looks up, no tears and nothing to read in his face.

"You done it, sir," he says, nothing more in his voice. His master gives him a long look, though Jim will not look to him again, and drops his hand, stoops for the other pistol, and turns to get them put away.

[[13:05, Today: James Stone rolled 82 using 1d100. Take II.

13:30, Today: The Keeper, on behalf of Nathan Fox, rolled 33 using 1d100.  malfunction check. Could've nailed him had he had any intention to.]]

Andrew Sexton
player, 191 posts
Tue 8 Aug 2023
at 00:04
  • msg #18

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

It was only when Nathan Fox fired into the lawn that Andrew realized that he had been holding his breath. He released it, lightheadedness briefly gripping him. In the relative quiet that followed, he watched the exchange between Jim and the Squire, the weight of a terrible sadness falling upon him, the knowledge that, even if justice was ultimately found for Mistress Durbin, there were wounds, such as this one, which would never heal. They would only linger and fester. Those who called Scorch Norton home would bear the scars of this time to their graves.
Martin Lovelace
player, 223 posts
Wed 9 Aug 2023
at 06:24
  • msg #19

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

The Doctor moves to Jim as the Squire moves away "Right lad, let's get you back inside and see to that wound, see if it has calmed enough to stitch yet."

He helps him up to his feet and in a quiet voice says "Well, it seems that God judges that the Squire is to live. I hope that will be an end to this, if not for the sake of your body, then for the sake of your eternal soul!"

He looks about "Can someone take the lad home? I shall attend shortly, I just would like a quick word with the Squire" and he moves to have a word alone with the man as he makes for the house to attend dressing his new wife.

GM edit: formatting fix
This message was last edited by the GM at 06:37, Wed 09 Aug 2023.
James Stone
NPC, 17 posts
To showe Y am
a faithful friende
Wed 9 Aug 2023
at 06:56
  • msg #20

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

Jim seems fairly numb to the world, letting himself be hauled up but just standing like a thing wound down until his brother-in-law comes to put a warm arm around him and steer him away. His sister picks up clothing in his wake. John Ragge seeks after the pistol shot in the grass, then gets his knife out to prise it free as souvenir. The birds about the garden, though made slow and groggy by the damp, start making more concerted efforts to shout up the sun.

"There's food in the house, for anyone that wishes," Fox addresses the remaining spectators, and leaves the Babcock twins to setting away the guns as he heads up there. It's easy enough for Martin to catch him within a few paces and receive a querying look. "?"
Robin Yendale
NPC, 24 posts
Bound Apprentice
Wed 9 Aug 2023
at 21:32
  • msg #21

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

"May I go along with Jim, sir, or do you think he wants left alone?" Robin asks, looking up at his master with the shop Bible held close to his chest.
Martin Lovelace
player, 224 posts
Thu 10 Aug 2023
at 07:08
  • msg #22

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

The Doctor waits till Robin is answered and has left earshot
Andrew Sexton
player, 192 posts
Thu 10 Aug 2023
at 12:16
  • msg #23

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

Andrew nods. ”If he is willing to have your company, you should stay with him for a time,” he tells Robin, ”If not, come and find me at the Fox Estate.”
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