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11:27, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

S1 12a - Upon The Field of Honour.

Posted by The KeeperFor group 0
Robin Yendale
NPC, 25 posts
Bound Apprentice
Thu 10 Aug 2023
at 13:24
  • msg #24

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

"I'll ask after you in the Hall, sir," Robin agrees, not knowing in which part of the estate his master's business might lie. He jogs off, then stops, hesitates, and calls back, aware he's probably doing something amiss in the social sense but unable to hold back: "Mind not to go about alone, sir, an' I won't," he dares, and runs off to catch up with Stone's party.

Whatever the Doctor has said to Fox below the steps up to the garden terrace, it has caused the Squire to lose his colour completely. Neither the prospect of being shot at nor being lunged at and struck with a billhook could produce such an effect, yet some quiet words have him wholly tense and seemingly struggling to speak.

The Young Squire looks to the other gentleman to see if he will take the lead in any plans to discuss this further, courteously willing to arrange around his work. Polzeath unobtrusively makes sure they have space for the moment, drawing those nearby into quiet conversation and ensuring a slower pace, even if one quick glance at Maggie's powerful frame says there's nothing he can do about her.
Martin Lovelace
player, 225 posts
Thu 10 Aug 2023
at 19:18
  • msg #25

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

The Doctor keeps walking as he speaks to the Squire shaking his head briefly
Nathan Fox
NPC, 47 posts
Finest Fellow You Could
Ever Hope To See
Fri 11 Aug 2023
at 23:17
  • msg #26

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

The Squire listens closely as they pace through the old formal layout up to the steps of the house. The Doctor's first remark draws a brief return of tension, as one supressing a shudder. The younger man gives a wan smile that's nonetheless genuine, and heads up into the house, leaving the door open. A dark gape in the pale mist remains to any that wish to go inside.
Margaret Yendale
player, 289 posts
the poacher's daughter
Sat 12 Aug 2023
at 04:45
  • msg #27

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

After a bit Maggie stands alone on the so-called "Field of Honour". She cannot sort out what sort of honour there is about killing or being killed in aid of some intangible injury or some peoples' respect.

It is clearly something about men of the gentry. No woman would risk her life so wantonly. And no commoner would stand up to be shot at, not even for a chance to kill their worst enemy; not when a knife in the dark or a shot from ambush would do as well.

The hospitality of Fox Hall and Nathan Fox's board is not for her. Of that she's certain. As the mist begins to burn away, she settles her shawl about her shoulders, patting the leather game bag that holds Trugred's skull.

Maggie turns her steps toward the Stone house, hoping to have a few quiet words with young Jim.
Martin Lovelace
player, 226 posts
Sat 12 Aug 2023
at 06:02
  • msg #28

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

The Doctor stands a moment watching Nathan enter the house, then turns "Right then Polzeath, let us go see to young Jim's injuries" and he heads off intent on just that.
The Keeper
GM, 638 posts
Mon 14 Aug 2023
at 12:31
  • msg #29

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

Polzeath follows after without delay. The sunrise slowly starts casting slivers of bright beaten gold out over the mists.

[[FYI on this thread that the Doctor & Maggie have left after the other combattants.]]
Samuel Hartman
player, 239 posts
Sat 19 Aug 2023
at 18:56
  • msg #30

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

In reply to Robin Yendale (msg # 24):

Before Andrew leaves, he says to the man, "I'd like to get to the Hall to try to get some sleep. Would you mind seeing me there?" While he only directly asks Andrew, his question is open-ended for anyone.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:33, Sat 19 Aug 2023.
Andrew Sexton
player, 193 posts
Sun 20 Aug 2023
at 14:10
  • msg #31

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

Andrew nods in the affirmative to Samuel’s request.

Taking a deep breath, he ventures into the open door to Fox Hall, intent on seeking out the Squire, if Mister Fox has the time and inclination to speak with him.
The Keeper
GM, 651 posts
Tue 22 Aug 2023
at 08:55
  • msg #32

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

The panelled hallway looms up and around them with no-one immediately in sight. Some little seeking in the direction of the clumping of shoes and low voices brings them to servants, however, and Thea Hartman offers to let Sam sleep in the kitchen or her overnight pallet if he likes, the rooms loaned to inn guests now being settled and accounted for.

Andrew is assured an interview will be requested when the Squire is properly up and about, and offered a spot by the kitchen fire smoke if he desires and to eat just about whatever his heart could wish, Master Fox having bid the displaced inn guests and patrons receive some little feasting for their troubles.

The wait is long, with the sun beginning to show in the windows and the mists slowly simmering away into daylight as Andrew watches. There seem to be fewer servants and a little less equipment about than usual - some sent to the church, he gathers, to provide fresh cooking there - but whoever is about is willing to speak with him, if conversation is wanted, or let him alone to his thoughts if it's not. At length Waygood the butler informs the carpenter that he may come up to the study to be met.

[[Sam, if you could confirm to me that you're not accompanying Andrew I'll take you off this thread, just let me know. Andrew, I don't actually know what your plan is here, but good luck.]]

Samuel Hartman
player, 240 posts
Wed 23 Aug 2023
at 17:05
  • msg #33

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

Sam follows Thea to the kitchen, agreeing to find a spot to sleep there.

[[Sam is not accompanying Andrew - he's just going to get some sleep.]]

This message was last edited by the GM at 21:58, Wed 23 Aug 2023.
Andrew Sexton
player, 194 posts
Sun 27 Aug 2023
at 03:40
  • msg #34

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

Andrew recalls that his father, when he was yet a small child, had reason to come to the Fox Estate. A repair that was needed in the wake of a storm had required his presence. Andrew heard his parents speak of the house, the vast differences between it and the homes of humble people, like themselves. It almost seemed to him that his father was in wonder that such a place like the estate existed at all.

The carpenter follows the servant without a word, trying to ignore his gnawing discomfort, instead focusing his thoughts on his obligation, his need to share with Mister Fox the truth which he knew. It would be a relief to speak of it and have it behind him. It was the right thing to do and it was what had compelled him to remain.
The Keeper
GM, 654 posts
Sun 27 Aug 2023
at 11:28
  • msg #35

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

Leaving the kitchen that was easily the size of his house - with the workshop, if you added pantries and store rooms, doubling it with the cellars - and all ghostly thoughts of the knights and ladies and silk-clad nobles served by it over centuries, Andrew follows Waygood out to the pannelled hall and main stair. The ancient wood about them brings a kind of solidity of darkness to shadows in the hall, as though they stood as players before a painted grove, looking up to a spotlight candle playing sun above the canopy where east-facing windows illuminated the landing.

Fox kisses his lady's hand and departs said landing as they arrive at the bottom of the stairs: Andrew catches sight of Janet, transfigured in a dress that seems almost to be worked from gold, heading up to meet some maid directing her. The girl who'd been just a little too young and too fine to be like a younger cousin to Andrew notes their presence and briefly grips the bannister in that high and light-filled place to wave, a slight flush in her cheeks but radiant for all that. She leaves to her breakfast in some higher room, and Andrew ascends the ancient stair to pass through the library. It's as many books as he's seen together, the smell of them unexpected and good as boards creak underfoot.

Nathan Fox moves from the tall windows to their right as Waygood knocks to announce them, giving Andrew a curious glance as he settles into one of the fireplace chairs, indicating the other and that the butler might go, thank you. Andrew is left to pace across the high-ceilinged room and join the Young Squire under the gaze of two blue-and-white patterned porcelain dogs on the mantel and a curious picture of a man in a golden sun mask away behind the desk at the far end, presumably some Classical myth or allegory. His feet sink gently into the carpet before the unlit fireplace, stirring up more unfamiliar scents. Somehow the flowers depicted there by some weaver of the middle Orient do not rustle and shake their petals out of flat and geometric form to twine towards the light, but all things are fabulous and strange here; he is not certain but that they might.
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:39, Sat 02 Sept 2023.
Nathan Fox
NPC, 48 posts
Finest Fellow You Could
Ever Hope To See
Sat 2 Sep 2023
at 15:50
  • msg #36

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

Fox leans forward in his chair once Andrew is settled, pushing away the remnant pleasure that caused his wife to gently blush as he composes himself to be as serious as possible. The position causes Andrew to notice his fox-red hair is tied back a little differently, perhaps more flamboyant in the bow - it seems Janet rather than himself has re-corralled those locks since the duel now like a dream in the vanished mists.

 "Well, good morning again, Master Sexton. Do I take it you're keen to tell me where Master Stone got his ideas?"

The Squire's expression is curious, not as yet hostile or in the least forbidding. A muffled clonking of sheep bells out on the lawn is just audible as the animals wander around being slightly useful and mostly ornamental.
Andrew Sexton
player, 195 posts
Thu 7 Sep 2023
at 02:44
  • msg #37

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

Andrew’s takes a seat on the edge of one of the chairs, acutely aware that he is out of place in this fine home, and suspecting that Mister Fox is only tolerating his presence out of a need to be aware of any loose talk that might be passed about in Scorch Norton. Mindful of that, he strives to be complete, but concise, not wishing to delay the Squire’s forthcoming dismissal.

”To be fair, it was John Ragge who first happened upon the idea of Jim Stone having been manipulated, sir,” the carpenter says.

Beginning with his and Robin’s visit to Jim Stone at the stables, an event that seemed almost an age ago now, Andrew discusses all that he had been told by Jim, both there and at the cell, emphasizing the young man’s unwillingness to consider any alternative explanation. He then details his visit to Goodie Westcott, leaving out nothing that she told him. Andrew feels his stomach tighten as he speaks of this information, his discomfort in discussing such matters likely apparent. Lastly, he brings up the subject of the doppelgängers, a matter spoken of by several of the villagers, noting what he had been told of Thomas Bees by Thomas himself and his sister.

He states his conviction that the perpetrator was likely one of the doppelgängers, and that though he believes that Goodie Westcott knows more about these terrible manifestations than the rest of Scorch Norton, the carpenter doesn’t believe that the midwife is in league with the source of them. He earnestly thinks that she respects the primal powers that wander the wilderness with the hope of maintaining peace with them, in part for the good of the greater community.

[[GM edit: PM clarification added in for reference.]]
This message was last edited by the GM at 12:32, Wed 13 Sept 2023.
Nathan Fox
NPC, 49 posts
Finest Fellow You Could
Ever Hope To See
Thu 14 Sep 2023
at 08:40
  • msg #38

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

Squire Fox listens intently to all the carpenter has to tell him, making no motion save to cup his chin in his hand in thought. When all is told, however, his native spark and energy reasserts itself and he gets up at once, heading for the desk though pausing on the way to remark: " must be considered, however, what kind of bargains must be made with those 'primal powers' for peace."

He paces on. "...also that we do not know who encouraged Master Stone to his masked and somewhat ritual course, and that given Goodie Westcott was willing to pass to you such information as may be calculated to incriminate me..." The Squire trails off to rummage in the desk, the sun-masked man watching behind him through layers of old varnish. "Well, I don't know that her plans are bearing fruit. Indeed, it might be safer for her if I have the sheriff's men remove her to Taunton or Bath, should the Wood be disappointed at the results of her meddling, as well it might be. I believe I read somewhere that reheaded men of noble birth made the most favourable sacrifices for our savage ancestors, and as you see, neither stag nor blade nor hangman's rope has claimed me yet."

He comes over with the scent of jasmine and agarwood, as though it were his step that stirred the carpet to proper life, and proffers then presses three shillings into Andrew's palm. "Thank you. I assure you you have done your duty in what you have told me. Mind, however," Fox says, two fingers still pressing the silver against the workman's palm, "-that should you repeat any speculations about my wife's honour outside this room and this time, I will demand satisfaction of you upon the field, and without the mercy shown to the garden boy."

Fox passes back towards the windows. "She is the purest creature alive, and if we were married in the sight of God before the sight of men, then it-"

He pauses, frowning. There is a sense of commotion in the house, though no particular sound communicates it. The Squire strides to the small casement near the desk and throws it open, allowing those within to hear the church bell calling urgent alarm to all that can hear:


                   {{BONG}}                          {{BONG}}

Andrew Sexton
player, 196 posts
Sun 17 Sep 2023
at 23:20
  • msg #39

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

For a moment, all sense of awkwardness leaves the carpenter as the Squire presses the coins into his palm. He looks up, firmly meeting the other man’s eyes. ”I sought to tell you this in hopes of helping to bring the suffering Scorch Norton has been under to an end. I do not wish harm on anyone, including your family, sir. Had I been the sort to spread vile gossip, I have already had ample opportunity to whisper in others’ ears.”

“I simply want this darkness to leave us.”

He sets the shillings on the table nearest his seat, rising when he hears the church bells. Swallowing, he moves to leave the estate, rushing to reach the church as quickly as he can manage.
The Keeper
GM, 669 posts
Tue 19 Sep 2023
at 21:22
  • msg #40

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

Forgetting everything but the urgent message of the bells, Andrew runs out through the library and down the main stairs, scarcely heeding the step of the Squire hastening on behind him. The servants have pooled themselves at the base of the stairs to await orders; Andrew pushes through them, half-recalling that Sam was likely somewhere about.

Waygood raises an eyebrow at Master Sexton apparently running away from the interview he'd requested, but is on the ball enough to open the door for him without Andrew having to slow: he rushes out onto the lawn, scattering sheep, and heads off towards the church at his best lope.

[[I'll switch you over to the church thread and let Sam in once I know you've seen this.]]

Sam, meanwhile, sees Master - well, Mister, now, truly - Fox step out onto the landing with the cold composure of generations' training for command. He glances up just a moment to be sure Janet has also come, and sets to ordering maids to boil water and bring out clean sheets and more agile male servants to head out at once. The remainder of the staff and bleary inn guests he comes down to instruct specifically, engaging in brief conversation with each.
Samuel Hartman
player, 242 posts
Mon 25 Sep 2023
at 19:57
  • msg #41

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

Sam makes his way towards Master Fox, a look of concern on his face as he hears the urgent sounding of the bells. His focus is only on figuring out what might have happened to Jim that could have led to this - if he was being manipulated into it by someone.

"Master Fox? Could I have a quick word with you?
Nathan Fox
NPC, 50 posts
Finest Fellow You Could
Ever Hope To See
Mon 25 Sep 2023
at 20:33
  • msg #42

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

The Squire looks over as servants hasten away from him, blowing a kiss to Janet and gesturing Sam to keep up as he heads out to the stables. "A very quick word, then you can help escort my wife across the village to check on her parents. You'll have a work horse, but I know you can ride."
Samuel Hartman
player, 244 posts
Mon 2 Oct 2023
at 21:34
  • msg #43

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

Sam nods to Master Fox. "I know I had mentioned Jim and what he had mentioned... had you gotten the chance to speak with him? If so, did you find out anything?
Nathan Fox
NPC, 51 posts
Finest Fellow You Could
Ever Hope To See
Mon 2 Oct 2023
at 22:02
  • msg #44

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

"I honestly doubt he'd talk to me if I tried," the Squire says, briefly surprised but not slowing. "-but Master Sexton told me Goodie Westcott has been passing around...some deeply inflammatory gossip in the name of keeping peace with the Wood, and belike she's the cause, intentionally or not."

He pauses to take his sword and newly-primed pistols from those he'd sent to fetch them, the rapid clatter of hooves suggesting his horse is being brought at a trot, then reaches into his waistcoat pocket. "By the way, spend some of this on the carpenter if you can, he was too proud to take payment, though I said I'd give it at the start." He presses three shillings into Sam's hand, reaches out for the reins of his thoroughbred as they reach the stables and mounts up.

"Don't let my wife get too near the trouble, even if she thinks I'm in danger," he commands Sam, a very different young man to the Nathan Fox who'd been seized with blind panic in the Wyzenwood, though absolutely the same that would fight a stag. He wheels his horse about and kicks up to a gallop towards the village.

" riding with the Lady, then?" John Ragge asks from where he'd handed over the horse.
Samuel Hartman
player, 245 posts
Wed 4 Oct 2023
at 23:42
  • msg #45

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

Sam nods to Nathan, understanding why Jim would most likely not talk to the squire. He reaches a hand out to take the coin. "What sort of gossip had she spread?" he asks as he mounts up.

He continues, "My plan was to go investigate the danger, but I will ensure that she gets to her parents safely."
The Keeper
GM, 689 posts
Thu 5 Oct 2023
at 21:03
  • msg #46

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

Either Mister Fox had not heard Sam's question or courteously pretended not to: probably just as well, if the rumours were of a kind to drive one man to try and kill another.

"Well, rest of the village is seeing to that," John observes, "-an' could be you'll meet the Criddles come up, besides...let's get ye and the mistress ahorse, she'll be ready by the time we've all tacked up."

His statement proved accurate, and soon a rather pale and worried Janet is riding her own horse between theirs into the village at a fair run. Sam sits on Major, aware of the big chestnut workhorse's every shift of muscle as they plunge towards the church. The bell has stopped ringing now, but looking ahead as they rein back a little to clatter through the narrow streets the trio can see Hester Collins standing up on the churchyard wall near the lych-gate, apparently directing newcomers. A great cry and crowding of people appears to be gathered about the vicarage.
Samuel Hartman
player, 246 posts
Sun 8 Oct 2023
at 16:48
  • msg #47

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

Sam helps prepare Major, mounting up and soon helping Janet on her horse. He takes note of Hester Collins stirring up the crowd outside the church. He simply hoped nothing would happen to the vicar - even if he wasn't particularly religious.

"Let's keep going. Seems like things will get real bad real quick at the church if everyone is there."
The Keeper
GM, 710 posts
Thu 19 Oct 2023
at 20:43
  • msg #48

12a - Upon The Field of Honour

Janet gives a little frown at the strange phrasing, but nods and follows Sam on down the road. They thread past the commotion at the vicarage, horses snorting and tensed, and move away from the emergency and whatever horrors are unfolding there, hoping to find Withringhold as yet untouched.


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