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11:47, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

OOC 2.

Posted by ElswinFor group 0
Rhod Tchekhov
Student, 29 posts
Fri 31 Mar 2023
at 11:01
  • msg #2


Definitely can't keep up with the posts. I usually visit quite often, but we are reaching the point where I can't even catch up reliably on what is going on.
GM, 39 posts
Fri 31 Mar 2023
at 11:07
  • msg #3


I am going to start keeping things on the slower side in main threads (not painfully slow, juet a turn order, so everyone can post and keep up) once I get back fully. In regards to events at least.
Clearing my schedule took more time then I expected.
Sorry, and thanks for the patience!
This message was last edited by the GM at 11:36, Fri 31 Mar 2023.
GM, 40 posts
Fri 31 Mar 2023
at 11:12
  • msg #4


Also gonna make a couple IC threads so people can have conversations between 2 or 3 people at once, instead of being constrained.
Rhod Tchekhov
Student, 30 posts
Fri 31 Mar 2023
at 14:12
  • msg #5

Re: OOC 2

Rhod Tchekhov:
Definitely can't keep up with the posts. I usually visit quite often, but we are reaching the point where I can't even catch up reliably on what is going on.

With this in mind, if someone adresses Rhod or does something that would require a response, please send me a PM so I don't hold you up.
Estelle Fullerton
Student, 27 posts
Fri 31 Mar 2023
at 16:24
  • msg #6

Re: OOC 2

Personally, I'm all for a more moderate pace.

But, I do not want curb anybody's enthusiasm, or fun.    I'll catch up, when I need to, it's not a biggie.    For me it really has more to do with post quality;  often, I like to be able to think about what I'm going to write, rather than feeling compelled to slam something out.    That is me, I realize others may not feel that way, or may have more available time.

I'm sure Morph, Evelyn etc. are right; things should balance out, after a bit.
Maya Gordon
Student, 44 posts
Fri 31 Mar 2023
at 17:04
  • msg #7

Re: OOC 2

I just want to be really clear (in a helpful and non-judgemental way, since tone is tough in text) but I have absolutely zero interest in RPing in an IC thread that exists in a pocket outside of canon. If others want to, obviously bless <3 But for me that feels like I'm going to have a bunch of conversations that my character didn't have, and that's kind of like living the best days of your life but they didn't happen?

Would you rather marry the love of your life or remember a dream you had of meeting them? You know? To repeat those scenes in proper IC would feel weird later too. Maya's only going to sob and share the time her mom almost killed her with a broom once in a meaningful way. Essentially I'm here to explore Maya's personal journey as she grows as a character through ups and downs and lessons and life moments. There's just no draw for me to play her in a space that is out of sync with the timeline. It's maybe even disorienting for me lol.

That said, if there's a set turn order, I think that's lovely. But at the same time, in a scene of 12 players, that will probably grind things to a crawl? Which obviously we need a middle ground (no perfect solutions) but I do worry that we'll just all be bottlenecking around a given player a day (and no judgement, rl first always <3). Or worse is someone or someones have to go afk for a day or two without notice.

So I guess maybe the real question I would propose is (and again, my rejection sensitivity dysphoria makes me hedge here that I mean no harm and only want to be constructive), how necessary is RPing this orientation / is it something we could be split into smaller groups for? And maybe just wiggle the timeline a little so Omni or whomever can be in all three threads?

In essence, how important to the story / scene is it that all 12 of us be stacked into one thread all at the same time vs. breaking out into smaller threads where we're not waiting on each and every one of us to post before the next person posts?

...I might have had too much coffee this morning ^_^ and all of this is meant with an analytical love of the game and a desire to make it work as best as seems possible for all members, swift and slower paced.
Student, 187 posts
Fri 31 Mar 2023
at 18:25
  • msg #8

Re: OOC 2

It's really easy to split people into groups. Say three to six in a thread as the norm.

These things tend to sort themselves out within a couple of weeks. We'll form separate threads, so separate ways, do separate things. Sure we'll have to have 'two/three lessons at the same time' or 'two/three social events at the same time' but that's usually quite easy.
Student, 9 posts
Fri 31 Mar 2023
at 18:59
  • msg #9

Re: OOC 2

In reply to Maya Gordon (msg # 7):

I think I pretty much agree with all of this :)

I don't mind being skipped over so long as it's not plot-related or assuming things about my character. I was in one game where after I went to bed, two other PCs asked mine to go on an adventure, then almost immediately decided that me not answering OOC meant I wasn't interested IC and did it themselves. Not fun!
Julianna Wilson
Student, 36 posts
New Student
Pretty, petite and shy
Fri 31 Mar 2023
at 19:02
  • msg #10

Re: OOC 2

I actually agree with both of you.  It really is annoying to ask a question and then one hour later that character walked away.  But that will fix itself, once we start doing things.  I actually wrote Juli with the memory of this current situation being like a middle school assembly waiting for a teacher to show up. :)

I will try very hard to do my part to not overload the system with Juli's drama.  But where I do agree is that I think spitting off the group without us truly being split up would probably be a mistake.  We do have two 'groups' that are splitting off physically, and that's fine (either going outside or leaving the Gym).  But I would hate for anyone to get left behind.

And Shade, I've had that happen too.  Unfun!
Estelle Fullerton
Student, 30 posts
Fri 31 Mar 2023
at 21:38
  • msg #11

Re: OOC 2

What kind of scenic stuff is there around the campus?   I know Ryan said there's a lake...anything else noteworthy, or nice to look at?
GM, 42 posts
Fri 31 Mar 2023
at 22:12
  • msg #12

Re: OOC 2

Oh I'm not referring to making an IC thread outside Canon anymore. That was going to be the original purpose, however, I've since altered that, and am simply aiming for them to be fast paced threads that are between specific characters so others don't get lost in the posting. Since they are conversations between characters they wouldn't be 100% necessary for all to know and read, but also are fully there for everyone to read if they so choose, without worrying about getting lost in the main threads.

Because I also don't want to temper people's posting speeds or enthusiasm too much, but also am trying to keep in mind other players. I'm actually really glad to see so many people actively posting.

In addition, I do also really like Rhods idea of pming questions to characters who may be away for a period of time, or may miss them. I would like to extend that to myself, as while I can read, if there are a large chunk of messages, I may miss stuff, or I have time to post but not get back to everyone. So being able to see all the pinged the questions will be really helpful!

Does this sound acceptable?
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:22, Fri 31 Mar 2023.
Evelyn Thomas
Student, 48 posts
Fri 31 Mar 2023
at 22:49
  • msg #13

Re: OOC 2

Isn't that just the way? When you take off to go somewhere that's when the thing you came for starts lol
Maya Gordon
Student, 47 posts
Fri 31 Mar 2023
at 23:25
  • msg #14

Re: OOC 2

Right?? Always the way lol.

Sure, I like that. That sounds helpful. That's a good use of the IC threads. Sort of more like pockets of time between characters than locations that are open and flowing to everyone. For those little one on one moments or those "that hangout the guys had in the gym 2 weeks ago during the time skip" moments.

And yea. I usually do that anyway :) I PM'd Tweight as an example when I ratted on up to him so he didn't miss it in my post.

Those all sound helpful.
GM, 43 posts
Sat 1 Apr 2023
at 07:26
  • msg #15

Re: OOC 2

April Fools
Student, 11 posts
Sat 1 Apr 2023
at 07:34
  • msg #16

Re: OOC 2

That surprised me, that's funny XD

And sure, I'm fine with the idea of PMing people that need it (especially the GM), though I might forget sometimes.
Julianna Wilson
Student, 39 posts
New Student
Pretty, petite and shy
Sat 1 Apr 2023
at 14:58
  • msg #17

Re: OOC 2

That was before my coffee.  Great April Fools!
Student, 30 posts
Sat 1 Apr 2023
at 15:41
  • msg #18

Re: OOC 2

Good one GM!
Maya Gordon
Student, 48 posts
Sat 1 Apr 2023
at 15:42
  • msg #19

Re: OOC 2

Definitely got me! I was so confused!
Student, 31 posts
Sat 1 Apr 2023
at 16:02
  • msg #20

Re: OOC 2

Ya  me to this morning. I looked and did not see the game then seen the message and thought wtf happened. I did not try clicking on it right away unsure if I could, then tried and found out I could, so thought cool, then I seen the date and went of course. I gave a laugh and thru a post together.
Estelle Fullerton
Student, 32 posts
Sat 1 Apr 2023
at 16:17
  • msg #21

Re: OOC 2

Lol, been on rpol awhile, never seen that before!

The AF color scheme, however...  (pretends to be shocked)
GM, 44 posts
Sun 2 Apr 2023
at 12:02
  • msg #22

Re: OOC 2

Post coming tonight! Thanks again for everyones patience!

Also as previously mentioned, the two IC threads are bubbles of time.

They are places where players who have longer, faster paced conversations can converse without worry about the overall flow of the game, until said conversation has reached it's conclution.

If need be, I can introduce more.
GM, 45 posts
Sun 2 Apr 2023
at 12:06
  • msg #23

Re: OOC 2

Also I'll be trying to address continuity of everyones back story asap as well. Cause I know I left some people a little... high and dry in terms of background development and who might know who.

So if anyone has questions feel free to reach out, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
Rhod Tchekhov
Student, 32 posts
Tue 4 Apr 2023
at 15:18
  • msg #24

Re: OOC 2

For the people leaving the gym, they can start posting on some of the other more appropriate threads. I think "[East Hall] Common Area" might be where Tweight is heading if he is going for a private room.
Julianna Wilson
Student, 45 posts
The Pretty Mermaid Girl
aka Lille Havfrue
Tue 4 Apr 2023
at 15:32
  • msg #25

Re: OOC 2

Great idea, will do!  A little slow in the head this morning, I'm afraid.
Evelyn Thomas
Student, 63 posts
Wed 5 Apr 2023
at 01:19
  • msg #26

Re: OOC 2

And so Tweight gets adopted by the Big Sister Squad.
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