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Gwynt Starcaller Travel Aarn to Sarkund.

Posted by PortentFor group archive A
Gwynt Starcaller
player, 324 posts
Mon 23 Oct 2023
at 07:34
  • msg #609

11th of Greenpeek, 5th day of Week, Starday, Morning

The dog was a minor problem, but it may not be a significant enough problem to warrant finding another place. Indeed, it had been difficult to find a quiet enough place to make the first attempt.

Seeing the man, he assumed there wouldn't be a great deal of wealth available in a such a shop. He then sought to push his magic to connect with the man. From here he would allow his art to seep into the man's mind and recover information he needed.

How much money do you hold in your shop?

4 Silver Demarchs

Who has access to the money

Only myself

What would be the most likely outcome if you lost half of it

I would have to sell inferior product fast

Are there any other people in the shop?

I am alone in the shop

While establishing the connection to the man's mind, he would observe the reaction of the dog - not knowing how much distance was required before they would react to magic. In the quiet place he was standing, the movements he had to make for the spellcasting would be obscured enough, when combined with his cloak.

After the answers were given, he would release his telepathic connection, and keep the link to the man's mind. Spend a moment or two recovering before taking full control. At which point he would enter.

[Private to GM: 08:24, Today: Secret Roll: Gwynt Starcaller rolled 10,54,6 using 3d6,12d6,15-3d6 with rolls of 3,2,5,3,5,5,6,2,6,5,6,6,2,4,4,3,5,3.  MindScan(11); EGO + 15; OMCV.

EGO: Undetected (+10); can cast any spells through it (+5)


// Note that the OMCV total s hould hav ebeen 17, not 15 (so edited the roll of 4-> 6

08:32, Today: Secret Roll: Gwynt Starcaller rolled 11,46,14 using 3d6,12d6,17-3d6 with rolls of 4,6,1,6,3,3,5,2,6,5,2,5,5,1,3,1,1,1.  Telepathy (11); EGO+15; 17-3d6.

EGO: Deep hidden thoughts (+5); can't be detected (+10)


This message was last edited by the GM at 07:42, Mon 23 Oct 2023.
Gwynt Starcaller
player, 325 posts
Thu 26 Oct 2023
at 17:32
  • msg #610

11th of Greenpeek, 5th day of Week, Starday, Morning

For such a paltry sum Starcaller felt it was a mistake to take money from the dyemaker. Instead he considered a different plan and with that thought pivoted and headed straight for the dock.

He would head down to the dock and then find his way to the dock master to ask about free warehouses. Upon finding the man he would instantlyuse his art to make the  man forget, and guide his will before engaging so that the meeting would not be recalled.

Once the spell was established, he would walk up to the man.

"Greetings, I am here to ask about warehouse space on behalf of my employer."

[Private to GM: 18:31, Today: Secret Roll: Gwynt Starcaller rolled 17,42,9 using 3d6,12d6,17-3d6 with rolls of 6,5,6,2,4,4,2,5,2,2,2,5,5,5,4,1,1,6.  mc (13); Effect EG0+20; 17 - 3d6.]
Docks of Sarkund
Fri 27 Oct 2023
at 03:32
  • msg #611

11th of Greenpeek, 5th day of Week, Starday, Morning

With judicious and frequent use of his Sorcery Demarr tracks down the office of Harbor Master.

The office of the Harbor Master is full of people. Mariners, laborers, Captains, many more.
There are assistants, Deputies, navigators, scribes, accountants and of course, toughs, who keep an eye out for trouble and a hand on a heavy truncheon.

The amount of day that will pass before Demarr can reach the front desk is unknowable. The press of people and business in this office is quite the experience, some winds from the salt laden port blow in sporadic tiffs.
Gwynt Starcaller
player, 326 posts
Sat 28 Oct 2023
at 14:46
  • msg #612

11th of Greenpeek, 5th day of Week, Starday, Morning

Well, he had to course correct again. The press of the harbourmaster was too high and with way too many people mulling about the place. The mage cocked a glance at the truncheons and also gave a slight shiver. IT reminded him that he needed to ensure Pillarhand would be around regularly to conduct his training. Or he could perhaps find something else.

He walked along the dock looking for inspiration to making money. There was something, he was sure - and with his art there were shortcuts he could take. He could steal, he could convince anyone of his mastery of something or even simply do something to find work. There were, of course, constraints, but less than most people but it was something he'd never had to do in the past. He'd never worked in his life, everything had been provided to some degree or another and as such he'd not cultivated such a skill.

How can I establish such things? he wondered while wandering down the front of the docklands.

Anything too ostentatious would perhaps warrant further investigation, and he did not want such scrutiny.

AS he passed the different buildings he took a catalogue note of each one. Taverns, brothels, places of various businesses and used each one as a prompt to consider his next move.

While taking catalogue of the shops Starcaller kept his eyes open for the movement of street people who worked outside the law. Precisely what that looked like, he wasn't sure - and if honest wasn't even completely sure he would be able to spot it in such an environment. He had studied behaviours of such gangs, and other organisations if he could spot somebody then he might have access to something.

[Private to GM: 15:41, Today: Secret Roll: Gwynt Starcaller rolled 9 using 3d6 with rolls of 4,4,1.  criminology.  // target 13

Docks of Sarkund
Sun 29 Oct 2023
at 07:08
  • msg #613

11th of Greenpeek, 5th day of Week, Starday, Morning

The docks and those places that make the docks a source of work are on full display on this morning in early Spring.

The people move about, some run, in boisterous activity. Languages from foreign lands call out, shout out, mixed with the now familiar accent of Sarkund Tornathian. Brothels are never really closed, those that sought comfort, drink and entertainment are emerging and moving on.

Plenty of Constables are scattered about, but with the crush of stevedores, fisherman, agents of trade, mariners, and all manner of guildsmen, tradesman, couriers, not to mention wild children, dogs, eats, mules, oxen carts, wagons and two wheeled sleds, it could not also seem as festive as it was. Flags, banners, smells of baking, roasting, frying are an assault on the senses.

For all this, Demarr sees nothing that appears criminal. Fights, yes. Arguments, wholehearted, yes. Yells and slaps from various disappointed whores, yes.
Gwynt Starcaller
player, 328 posts
Sun 29 Oct 2023
at 08:17
  • msg #614

11th of Greenpeek, 5th day of Week, Starday, Morning

He wandered and looked around, lots of things going on but then thought to try somthing, he strolled closer to some tradesman negotiating with someone, presumably for a ship and then listened in a moment.

When this is done, the conversation that is going on, shifts and the pair talking.. move to a distance they think allows privacy, or more correctly out of eavesdropping range.

While doing this Starcaller reached out to read the mind of the mariner, and formulated a series of concepts and ideas that needed answering

What are you trading for?

We are trading for transport of goods that were stolen

What price are you asking?

10 gold Demarchs per pound.

What price will you go as low as?

Depends on the conversation, if delivery is soon, as low as 7 Demarchs.

What price are you currently at?

10 Demarchs

What's the name of your ship and captain?

Ship is the Gray Wind, the Captain is Capt. Bronzefist

He didn't know even if they were negotiating price such things, but he was quick with his art, letting the questioning ideas formulate before he'd even felt the aetheric tendirls connect to the mariner's mind.

[Private to GM: 08:16, Today: Secret Roll: Gwynt Starcaller rolled 7,38,9 using 3d6,12d6,17-3d6 with rolls of 5,1,1,4,6,2,2,6,2,3,2,3,3,1,4,2,2,4.  Telepathy (11); EGO+20; 17-3d6.
Eg0 +10 - undetected
ego + 10 - can read memories, etc.

6 END - will pay endurance to avoid bonus to breakout
This message was last edited by the GM at 04:13, Mon 30 Oct 2023.
Gwynt Starcaller
player, 329 posts
Tue 31 Oct 2023
at 06:18
  • msg #615

11th of Greenpeek, 5th day of Week, Starday, Morning

Starcaller resisted the urge to raise his eye but continued his mental questioning

What goods were stolen?

I was told various trade goods from the Sea of Mhorec and other distant lands.

From who were they stolen?

I do not care

What would be the consequences, to your estimation, of having stolen goods, or for the merchant to be dealing with them and you

None, if he does his job and we do ours, none is the wiser, we get the Demarchs

he asked.
This message was last edited by the GM at 08:52, Tue 31 Oct 2023.
Gwynt Starcaller
player, 330 posts
Tue 31 Oct 2023
at 10:01
  • msg #616

11th of Greenpeek, 5th day of Week, Starday, Morning

Starcaller would have stroked the coming stubble on his chin if it didn't give away his thoughtfulness in such a crowded area, instead he re-focused his mind and asked further questions.

"How will payment be made?

A messenger will be sent with Demarchs to the First Officer

He felt his mind coalesce into visions of his intentions and then pulse through the mindful connection and then a final two questions before he released his mental grasp of the sailor.

When will the payment be made?

A couple of days from the deal being struck

Where will the payment be made

Onboard the Grey Wind

he asked again in quick succession through the connection of his mind. Once the answers were recalled and passed back to the mage, Starcaller released the telepathic link and smiled.

He awaited a moment, recovering slightly  while looking out at the sea and all of the ships. The vessels were quite beautiful and Demarr remembered standing on the foredeck of the Wavesplitter, enjoying the feeling of being at sea. It pulled at a wistful string inside him and had his mind wander a moment to consider waht a life lived differently might have brought.

A moment later, he then sharpened his mind and punctured into the other trader. A grin on his face as he punctured the other's and then embraced it with his own. He felt his mind slip away and then reformed it into a psychic blade and pushed harder. Show me your thoughts he thought as he pressed into the man. It slipped again and Starcaller considered that his eagerness perhaps was causing the spell to fluctuate in its power, annoying but something to be considerate of in future. If failing again, he would pause a few moments, collect himself and then recast.

Who are you

I am a man that takes from others what they do not need and arranges
for others to profit from what they are given, so I may prosper

At that point, whether pride or focus, a swell drowns out Demarr
and his mind no longer can maintain a connection


How often have you purchased stolen goods?

What do you do with the goods?

Where do you live?

How do you get the money to pay for these things?

He pose the questions in quick succession, and then let them permeate into the man's psyche.

[Private to GM: 09:58, Today: Secret Roll: Gwynt Starcaller rolled 8,35,8 using 3d6,12d6,17-3d6 with rolls of 2,3,3,5,6,6,1,1,1,4,5,2,1,2,1,3,1,5.  Telepathy (11); EGO+5; 17-3d6.

09:58, Today: Secret Roll: Gwynt Starcaller rolled 13,46,5 using 3d6,12d6,17-3d6 with rolls of 2,6,5,6,5,4,4,3,3,1,4,6,3,2,5,5,3,4.  Telepathy (11); EGO+20; 17-3d6.

09:57, Today: Secret Roll: Gwynt Starcaller rolled 13,59,9 using 3d6,12d6,17-3d6 with rolls of 3,5,5,6,4,6,4,1,5,6,6,5,4,6,6,4,1,3.  Telepathy (11); EGO+20; 17-3d6.

// fail fail success
// Ego +10 memories and thoughts
// eg0 +10 no detection

18 ENDurance
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:22, Tue 31 Oct 2023.
Gwynt Starcaller
player, 331 posts
Wed 1 Nov 2023
at 07:32
  • msg #617

11th of Greenpeek, 5th day of Week, Starday, Morning

Starcaller felt his grip slip away and then refocused his mind and, then moved his arms as he turned and began to walk away. His purpose this time was to find the man's mind, and be capable of finding it, and keeping his connection over time.

Then he continued to meander around the dock, awaiting the man finishing his negotiations, at which point he would follow and join the man on the next leg of his adventure. He backed off a little, and meandered around the area, sure to be as surreptitious as possible.

[Private to GM: 07:30, Today: Secret Roll: Gwynt Starcaller rolled 11,48,8 using 3d6,12d6,17-3d6 with rolls of 3,4,4,4,5,1,6,1,6,4,5,3,6,2,5,5,3,1.  MindScan(11); EGO + 15; 17-3d6.

Ego + 10 undetected
Ego + 5 Can use mind effects through the scan
The mind at work
Wed 1 Nov 2023
at 08:04
  • msg #618

11th of Greenpeek, 5th day of Week, Starday, Morning

Soon enough the direction of the tradesman changes. That is enough to alert Demarr and while the exact distance is not known the direction is.

Demarr moves as he thinks best, however there are many people in groups, in trade, or conversation, all along these docks.

The tradesman moves and Demarr can on occasion see the man through the crowds, knowing where to look, mostly. Much of the time Demarr can not see his target, though his mind is a clear marker.

The man stops at a a few stalls, then into a tavern.
Gwynt Starcaller
player, 332 posts
Wed 1 Nov 2023
at 08:31
  • msg #619

11th of Greenpeek, 5th day of Week, Starday, Morning

Starcaller, looked for the man he'd followed until he disappeared into a tavern. As he approached the door, a reflected  moment on a good use of his skill, he could track anyone through the city after establishing a mind-scan. Up until now, his reasons for using this would be to connect to minds at a distance, but as obvious as it was. It was easy to keep the connection active, and entirely know the place of such a person for as long as he maintained the spell.

Once arriving at the wooden tavern door stopped using his magical reserves to maintain the connection. Pausing, the mage loitered by the door collecting himself a moment longer, so that the exertion from his pursuit could be recovered. He took a moment to take in the city street and bask in the smells and sounds and light awareness of minds around him. Bustling cities were good for one such as he.

While waiting, Demarr concentrated, tracking where the man had walkedafter entering the building and then used the moment to gather himself. A moment's consideration had Starcaller opt for a different strategy, one that was more subtle and somewhat less forceful - it would be a learning experience.  His first instinct was the use of the spell that let him bend man to his own will. Instead, however, he opted to take what he wanted from the man's mind and place his own thoughts there.

The familiar smell and light breeze formed as Starcaller he pressed his mind into the man to overlay one upon the other. He reached into the aether and formed his mind into a spear and pushed it.

Not enacted

Then he entered the tavern Upon entry the mage scanned the room, looked for the man that had entered and then moved to sit at the table as him. He first looked to see if anyone else was to meet him.

What is your name?

his mind asked as he sat and then spoke aloud.

Fine day isn't it...

[Private to GM:
19:25, Today: Secret Roll: Gwynt Starcaller rolled 9,41,8 using 3d6,12d6,17-3d6 with rolls of 4,4,1,2,4,3,4,1,6,3,2,3,6,3,4,1,6,2.  Telepahty, Effect (20), 17-3d6.

Ego + 10 - undetected
Ego + 10 - Memory
Pay END: 6.

This message was last edited by the GM at 06:56, Thu 02 Nov 2023.
Thu 2 Nov 2023
at 06:55
  • msg #620

11th of Greenpeek, 5th day of Week, Starday, Morning

This was a busy tavern, Demarr had to take steps away from the door, in order to not be knocked about. There was no knowing the exact steps of his target in the Tavern. crowded as it was , so many minds, it appeared the merchant moved about and through the tavern, stopping here and there.

Demarr entered and looked about for his merchant, it was not readily apparent where.., there, in a group off to one side, all standing and holding drinks or smoking.

The Merchant was surrounded by five men, all talking while looking about.

In the tavern were mariners and all sorts, except for constables, there appeared to be none present. In lieu of constables there where large men, serious looking, who where at the bar or working as labor, moving heavy barrels or wooden, open top crates.

Plenty of women moving about the Tavern, talking and taking orders and pocketing copper Demarchs. The air was thick with smoke and Demarr's eyes were watery. Voices were occasionally raised in jovial laughter or in ire, in which case, large men moved in to make... corrective action.

Behind the bar, the bar keep and two teen boys, perhaps his sons, were pouring drinks and taking coins, keeping the bar from too much spillage and exchanging coin for various tobaccos or bottles. When Demarr thought them too busy, he would see them whistle and signal their large men to places where trouble might be brewing. Tables were at a premium, those that had them looked a might more dangerous than the average patron, those tables were the center of most of the serving girls attention.

Indeed many were cuffed and sent out th edoor to the street.
Gwynt Starcaller
player, 333 posts
Thu 2 Nov 2023
at 07:30
  • msg #621

11th of Greenpeek, 5th day of Week, Starday, Morning

Starcaller probed through his mental connection.

What is your name?

My name is Shasail Rabiruba

he sent out the mental probe followed by some other short questions, while he moved his way through the crowd. He was careful not to allow anyone to brush against him, as best he could.

Keeping one eye on the merchant, Starcaller headed to the bar and made to order two ales. While doing so he kept a smile, and some sense of purpose about his movements, that would avoid having him pinned as loitering

what, with details, are you speaking about?

We are speaking about deals and places where we know certain trade
goods are located, what might be valuable, the security of those places.

Who are the men you're talking with??

The men are agents of the Silvered Seal
This message was last edited by the GM at 07:58, Thu 02 Nov 2023.
Gwynt Starcaller
player, 334 posts
Thu 2 Nov 2023
at 08:44
  • msg #622

11th of Greenpeek, 5th day of Week, Starday, Morning

Starcaller, ordered two ales and then again mentally probed again.

Who are the Silvered Seal?

A Cult of thieves in service of Freedom and fighting tryanny

Are you a member?

I am

Tell me the best place so far, with details

There is a warehouse with paid watchmen, we can bribe one and get in to take
a look to see what is there. Should be able to be in and out in a short time.

He then asked, interleaving his mental pursuit with the actions of a man simply looking to get a drink. He stood at the bar, and considered a moment wondering how many others of the silvered seal might be present in the tavern.
This message was last edited by the GM at 08:53, Thu 02 Nov 2023.
Gwynt Starcaller
player, 335 posts
Thu 2 Nov 2023
at 08:58
  • msg #623

11th of Greenpeek, 5th day of Week, Starday, Morning

A quick question to the bar keep "You have any rooms here?" he said trying to take some of the highborn edge out of his verbiage.

"All taken."

"As a cult, do you follow a non-mundane entity?.

We follow Caligan

Who is your leader?


How many Silvered Seal members are in this room?


The questions were formed quickly and pressed into the man's mind. Starcaller took a sip of the ale, and then licked his lips lightly.
This message was last edited by the GM at 09:10, Thu 02 Nov 2023.
Gwynt Starcaller
player, 336 posts
Thu 2 Nov 2023
at 09:23
  • msg #624

11th of Greenpeek, 5th day of Week, Starday, Morning

Starcaller smiled and then took another drink, walking over to the group and then interposed himself into the edge of the group and offered the second ale to Shasail.

"Drink with me to prosperity... he said lifting his cup and then taking a quick slug of ale.

He then made a pointed look at the other five in the group. "Or perhaps to freedom..." he added. His tone, was once again bouncy, conversational and dripping with joviality. He acted without a care but let his words catch the attention.

But, I would like to talk with you... he emphasised the directionality of his intentions to Shasail only and then thought to add something, but just let the words hang so he could gauge the response.

[Private to GM: 10:23, Today: Secret Roll: Gwynt Starcaller rolled 5 using 3d6 with rolls of 1,3,1.  charm (13). // to speak in such a friendly disarming manner to the group that the reaction will not be instantly hostile.

10:22, Today: Secret Roll: Gwynt Starcaller rolled 10 using 3d6 with rolls of 2,6,2.  persuasion (13) // to persuade Shasail to talk with him alone.

Guarded shock
Thu 2 Nov 2023
at 18:04
  • msg #625

11th of Greenpeek, 5th day of Week, Starday, Morning

The interruption rolls through the group like a bolt of lightning, immediately defensive and guarded, the reaction is one of suspicion and all conversation immediately halts.

Then the mask of civility and tavern banter shows itself. Some smile, some look at the others gathered, One starts to say something.. until another gives a look that stops the mouth.

"Sorry friend, you have me confused with someone you know.  Drink to prosperity, go and have another, on me."

He moves to put his hand inside his belt and puts a coin in the hand of the drunk who interrupted.

At this, Demarr notes two other men move their hands out of sight.

The man Demarr is speaking to is going to turn Demarr away and towards the bar.

The stares from the others are icy.
Gwynt Starcaller
player, 337 posts
Thu 2 Nov 2023
at 18:30
  • msg #626

11th of Greenpeek, 5th day of Week, Starday, Morning

Are there any passwords used to communicate between your members? he mentally asked, noting the icy response.

Both passwords and signals by Lantern Cant

Futher noting the hands go out of sight, Demarr continued.

Now, lets not things go that way... he said pointedly looking at the men whose hands had disappeared.

"... I'm not drunk, but I want to talk to you Shasail. So spare me a moment or three and then go back to your friends. he said, and steps a half step back so that the man couldn't guide him away.

Once again, he paused awaiting a response from the others. His manner was still light and disarming, but somewhat less bouncy and with a touch of seriousness.

While speaking, Starcaller placed the thought into the mind of the Silver Seal member and let it simply percolate around the man's own thoughts There's no need for violence. This is unusual
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:42, Thu 02 Nov 2023.
Thu 2 Nov 2023
at 18:50
  • msg #627

11th of Greenpeek, 5th day of Week, Starday, Morning

The escalation is near immediate upon heating a name spoken. Two men started top move and Shasail held up a hand, then dropped it, the men begin to hand their drinks to others in there group.

"You seem intent on speaking to me, anything you have to say, you can say here and now."

Three of th emen are now looking around in the crowd.
Gwynt Starcaller
player, 338 posts
Thu 2 Nov 2023
at 19:08
  • msg #628

11th of Greenpeek, 5th day of Week, Starday, Morning

Starcaller cocked his eyebrow at the response. He almost considered it fortunate that they were all here, standing close with eyes like daggers, as well as daggers like daggers, no doubt.

"Well, if you're sure?

I am in need of, lets say, a regular income - unfettered by those who seek to take it all away while or control my capacity to do with it what I wish.
he said casually, glancing around the group pointedly, and addressing them as a group. He was indeed choosing his words carefully, making sure to sprinkle enough triggering words that might appeal to the sentiments of the group.

He pushed a thought into the mind of Shasail This sounds very interesting .

A moment later, after pausing for effect, he continued.

... of course, you and... your group can help me with this. And through helping me, I'm able and willing to help you. he paused again. Noting the simplicity of his offer.

I think you'll find that my desire to seek the favour of Caligan is strong and my goals align with yours for now. again a message into the mind of Shasail "I am intrigued by this...

Again, he paused giving the man chance to respond before continuing.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:09, Thu 02 Nov 2023.
Thu 2 Nov 2023
at 19:25
  • msg #629

11th of Greenpeek, 5th day of Week, Starday, Morning

"Alright, it sounds like an offer. What is the exchange, what do you need from me us, and what can you do for us?"

The tone is neutral and serious, his eyes look directly at the man with the offer, no where else.

Drinks are placed down on tables or given to the serving girl to take away.

Looks are exchanged, one man steps away into the crowd.
Gwynt Starcaller
player, 339 posts
Thu 2 Nov 2023
at 19:50
  • msg #630

11th of Greenpeek, 5th day of Week, Starday, Morning

"Where did the man that stepped away from the group go?

Likely he is checking for others that are with the Offer Man.

Starcaller looked directly at Shasail, all humour gone from his eyes, and in a deadpan tone. "I want part of all your future endeavours, and a cut. Including the one today, that you'll be collecting in a few days from the Grey Wind. he said. Starcaller knew he was drip feeding information to the man that he shouldn't know. But without suspecting anything of his art, one would likely assume that eavesdropping, or some other source of information would be the mechanism through which he gathered information.

He made a pointed note of looking at the man that had left the group. I hope you're going to get another drink... he said. Keeping an eye on the man as best he could while addressing Shasail.

"Are you planning to kill me? he mentally asked.</blue>

Yes, the planning has started

As soon as he was finished talking, he cast to control the mind of Shasail and gave a single instruction through his telepathic connection.

INSTRUCT YOUR MEN TO STAND DOWN. He spoke the words through the telepathic connection as a mental imperative and then let the spell hang once the action was completed, the slight breeze felt nice.

I will help with your future endeavours to mutually lucrative ends. I have a way with people that usually lets me get what I want he left the message crytpic and cocked a wry grin. He was playing fast and loose with his hand, and the proof of his way with people was being proven in the moment. But he was also hoping that his revelations of the knowledge he'd gained, so easily might also prove useful.

It's a fair deal, offered for mutual benefit. But if the terms are undesirable, then counter offer.

Starcaller thought it unlikely that he'd be stabbed in the middle of the bustling tavern. It was a sure fire way to attract a lot of unwanted attention. Outside, however was a different story.

[Private to GM: 19:39, Today: Secret Roll: Gwynt Starcaller rolled 8,45,10 using 3d6,12d6,17-3d6 with rolls of 1,5,2,5,3,1,4,2,3,1,6,5,5,5,5,1,2,4.  MC(13); Effect(EGO+15) ; 17 - 3d6.

EGO + 5 ( will think natural)
EGO + 10 (will perform actions normally he's against doing )

// Will pay ENDURNACE once, to ensure the command goes through. and then let it fizzle of its own accord (without paying more END)

// Will maintain Telepathy
This message was last edited by the player at 20:20, Thu 02 Nov 2023.
Thu 2 Nov 2023
at 20:33
  • msg #631

11th of Greenpeek, 5th day of Week, Starday, Morning

"I don't know you. I don't know if you can do anything you say.
You say you take a share. How much of a share and for what assistance

Another man leaves the group and walks into the crowd.
Gwynt Starcaller
player, 340 posts
Thu 2 Nov 2023
at 21:18
  • msg #632

11th of Greenpeek, 5th day of Week, Starday, Morning

A fair share. One for each man, one for the group, and the other for me. And if I can't then presumably I end up bloody. he said, feeling his energy levels recover.

What would you need to convince you it's a good idea

A demonstration would only allow a chance of escape, no one here to vouch for him, nothing at this point would convince me.

he mentally probed into the psycho of the man before then initiating a message.

He does know me though and presumably he has enough ability to identify us.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:33, Thu 02 Nov 2023.
Thu 2 Nov 2023
at 21:39
  • msg #633

11th of Greenpeek, 5th day of Week, Starday, Morning

"Too steep.  If I knew you, that would be a starting point.

With vague promises, you get a half share until we see what you are worth

Shasail is still looking directly at the Offer man, and seems intent on where the eyes are moving. His hand moves to his jacket..
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