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08:09, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

House Rules.

Posted by Igor, faithful assistantFor group 0
Igor, faithful assistant
GM, 6 posts
Tue 3 Oct 2023
at 19:57
  • msg #1

House Rules.

The guildmaster may ask individual PC's to volunteer to take on the role of leader for an adventure.  The main reason this exists is so that the person who is currently acting as DM does not have to also take a super active role for their PC.
The leader may only suggest courses of action, they have no authority.....

Allowed Sources from 2nd edition: ALL

Wizard's Spell Compendium 1, 2, 3, 4.
Priest's Spell Compendiums 1, 2, 3.
Encyclopedia Magicka 1, 2, 3, 4

So one overlooked aspect has always been magical research and creating new spells and modifying others....
Mages can do spell research, specialists are strongly encouraged.

Sanstree famously created a couple of spells one was a new orison called
"Magic thistle"  (magic missile for 1 point of damage)
and the first level spell Magic thistles, which creates the 1d4+1 individual "thistles" instead of the one missile (that does 1d4+1 damage)....

It would also fit that a specialist Evoker or someone trained as an evoker might already know this spell varation.....

So this idea could work for any specialist wizard.....
Diviner..orison ."locate spectacles"  (any nearby item they own)

Sanstree is also known for the ship friendly third level spell that combined the effects of entangle, and warp wood, into a spell he called ?
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:38, Sun 08 Oct 2023.
BBEG Big Bad Evil Guy
I am the villan!!, 1 post
of every story
and this one
Sun 8 Oct 2023
at 15:41
  • msg #2

House Rules.

The game room is set up with a list of usable NPC characters that are meant to be generic and usable by any DM for any game, if another specific NPC character is needed we will work together to get the needed thing.

This includes the Name of the NPC, the proper tag line and bio lines 1 and 2...

For example This one is
"BBEG Big Bad Evil Guy"

 "I am the villain!!"
 "of every story"
 "and this one"
This message was last edited by the player at 15:42, Sun 08 Oct 2023.
Nondescript NPC, 1 post
Sun 8 Oct 2023
at 16:14
  • msg #3

House Rules.

.....this is the NPC for the underground informant or just for an overheard rumor "relevant" to the game....

Two women and scrubbing their wash and one says to the other
"Why are so many cats missing, and why is there a shortage of wine?"
This message was last edited by the player at 16:16, Sun 08 Oct 2023.
Local Leader - Authority
High opinion of Self, 1 post
You will respect
my authori-tie!
Sun 8 Oct 2023
at 16:40
  • msg #4

House Rules.

Any local leader who believes they are entitled to your cooperation...

The greasy bureaucrat leans on his elbows...
"It is I who decides when and if you get paid."
This message was last edited by the player at 17:28, Sun 08 Oct 2023.
Local Underling
Yes Man!, 1 post
just following
Sun 8 Oct 2023
at 18:10
  • msg #5

House Rules.

The sniveling suck up to the leader chimes in...
"You let them know who is boss around here."
The man says boldly as he shrinks away under your glare...

Obviously neptism is alive and well....
This message was last edited by the player at 18:12, Sun 08 Oct 2023.
Ye Arg! Monsters
Pirate Ninjas, 1 post
We be monsters...
...of any sort
Sun 8 Oct 2023
at 18:29
  • msg #6

House Rules.

This can literally be any "monster"

A huge wild boar charges out of the underbrush, spooking your horse...and heading straight for..squealing and grunting like a feral tornado...attacking the leg with a wicked tusk....

A distended face raises above the head stone, the lang claws of the creature pull it upright swiftly an impossibly long tongue comes out of its mouth along with a low hiss, that sounds like the word "Braaaaiiiiiinnnssss"

The wizard raises a wand, discharging a flurry of magic missiles, one for each of you...
This message was last edited by the player at 18:32, Sun 08 Oct 2023.
I am Swarm!!!
Seething mass, 1 post
Death by a thousand
bites, cuts, stings!
Sun 8 Oct 2023
at 18:43
  • msg #7

House Rules.

This is any sort of swarm attack, bees, spiders, snakes, bats, rats, stirge anything in which the monsters have the swarming special ability, or could be properly called a "swarm"

As you approach the spring to refill your water skin
You accidentally step of a nest of ground wasps!!!

As you open the suspected vampires coffin, ready to stake it through the heart
You open the top just for a carpet of rats to surge up your legs

You notice the coffin is empty and a hole is in the bottom
This message was last edited by the player at 18:57, Sun 08 Oct 2023.
Merchant or Barkeep
Buy Sell Trade, 1 post
"What will it be?"
"Want fries with that?
Sun 8 Oct 2023
at 19:47
  • msg #8

House Rules.

This is any time that you are in a business working with a barkeeper, merchant, bartering, etc, etc.....
Traps Collapse Disaster
Constant Sorrow, 2 posts
Murphy's Law
WT Fudge!
Mon 9 Oct 2023
at 16:23
  • msg #9

House Rules.

As you move down the hallway the floor suddenly pivots up and dumps you into a pit...

....those observing see the floor rise up, and sort of pivot to both block the line of sight so you cannot see what actually happened

Pivot trap!!!!


The cloud banks gather in a tall tower in the distance, a forboding wall of grey along the horizon.....
Weather sense prof....

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
Big storm is brewing, could be lightening and hail!!!

****************as you file down the tunnel/passageway
The following persons need to roll a 1d6:


Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
A secret door!!!

This message was last edited by the player at 18:53, Fri 13 Oct 2023.
Igor, faithful assistant
GM, 29 posts
Wed 15 Nov 2023
at 19:48
Guild Master
GM, 68 posts
Wed 15 Nov 2023
at 20:06
  • msg #11

House Rules.

Unmar Kedgrave
Priest, 41 posts
Priest 1
AC5 HP 8/8 Thac0 20
Wed 15 Nov 2023
at 20:11
  • msg #12

House Rules.

This is the rules you are using for this game? Or a supplement?
This message was last edited by the player at 20:12, Wed 15 Nov 2023.
Igor, faithful assistant
GM, 30 posts
Wed 15 Nov 2023
at 20:18
  • msg #13

House Rules.

In reply to Unmar Kedgrave (msg # 12):

Resource supplement.
Exister The FarSeer
GM, 5 posts
Wed 15 Nov 2023
at 23:40
  • msg #14

House Rules.

In reply to Unmar Kedgrave (msg # 12):

You'll note that Dark Sun isn't mentioned but that will be utilised at some point.
Guild Master
GM, 88 posts
Wed 29 Nov 2023
at 16:04
  • msg #15

House Rules.

Guild specific gear....

The attaching belt
Technically the belt has a short cordage, that attaches to the belt or to any other solid surface, The magical anchor at the end of the cordage holds up to 350 pounds, the plate on the belt that the anchor attaches to, can be moved, and thus the specific length of the cord can be adjusted....
If it has other properties you have not been told or trained on those or you have not experimented.....

The guild cloak, is built with baffles, and with no training in an environment with air the cloak will act as a parachute (non-magical feather fall effect)....
If it has other properties you have not been told or trained on those or you have not experimented.....
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