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08:44, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

The Guild Quartermaster.

Posted by Guild MasterFor group 0
Guild Master
GM, 4 posts
Tue 3 Oct 2023
at 18:22
  • msg #1

The Guild Quartermaster

"Welcome to the guild, I am your quartermaster.  I see that you have gear, but I can help you find better gear and you may trade out subpar gear and the guild will allow you credit beyond what you have in hand."

"I have also been tasked with helping you select a nagic item so that you better represent the guild, so what would you like to receive?"


Fine quality weapons are very well-made, Each will have one specific bonus: Either a +1 to hit or a + 1 to damage. This bonus is not magical: it comes from improved balance, sharpness, etc, (The weaponsmith determines, when he’s making the weapon, whether he's trying to make it more accurate or make it hit harder,) They also cost a lot more than average weapons. Enchantments are typically made on weapons of at least Fine quality.

Exceptional quality weapons are like fine weapons, but have both bonuses: They're + 1 to hit and + 1 to damage. They’re also very expensive.

This rule stacks with a magic weapon, so a +1 exceptional sword has a +2 to hit and a +2 to damage!

Ranged weapons with ammo are typically made as fine for the weapon (+1 to hit) and fine for the ammo (+1 damage);  for example a short or long bow, a sling or something like that.

Fine and exceptional quality gear also exists for other uses...
For example the thief or bard skills...
Some are armors that negate some or part of the penalties of the armor itself.

Skill with the modifier of Elven Chain
Pick Pockets -20%;  Open Locks  -5%; Find/Remove Traps -5%
Move Silently -10%; Hide in Shadows -10%; Detect Noise -5%
Climb Walls -20%

From the Complete Thiefs Handbook
Silenced Armor

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)

A special form of silenced elfin chain is available to the thief. Such armor has each
individual link of chain armor wrapped in thin leather or light cloth binding. This to some extent "silences" the armor, at the cost of increasing its encumbrance by one-third above that of normal elfin chain. It is also fiendishly expensive, costing more than plate mail. Of course, it is even rarer than ordinary elfin chain itself. Finding a craftsman and persuading him to make such a suit of armor could be a challenging adventure in itself for a thief. The total profile for silenced elfin chain is shown in Table 28 below.
Pick Pockets -25
Open Locks -5
Find/Remove Traps -5
Move Silently —
Hide in Shadows -10
Detect Noise —
Climb Walls -25
Read Languages —

Even higher quality armor can be done with silk or spider silk woven in!

This is the place to get or upgrade equipment of the sort you might find in any of the assorted complete guides or handbooks....
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:20, Wed 01 Nov 2023.
Unmar Kedgrave
Priest, 11 posts
Priest 1
AC5 HP 8/8 Thac0 20
Sat 28 Oct 2023
at 23:38
  • msg #2

The Guild Quartermaster

Unmar enters the doorway to that of the Quartermaster of the guildhall with a sac over his shoulder.  It holds his leather breastplate, greaves, and bracers.  He hopes to get a suit of chainmail, at least a hauberk with a hood. That would suit him well.  What else would the curate of the keep wear against borderland enemies.

He passes barrels filled with all manner of melee weapons of common stock; maces, swords long and short, spears, javelins, clubs, and wooden staves to name a few.  He looks around for someone, then calls out when no one appears.  "Hello?  Is the quartermaster here?", he asks the doorways he can see in the back.  "I wish to make a trade."

Unmar jumps as a voice speaks up next to him.  He had not heard the man approach, nor seen him. How very odd.

"Yes, yes.  I have these rather common items I wish to upgrade or trade for something more... useful.  I have this here wooden shield.  It is chipped a little, but otherwise fine for a man just starting out.  I seek at least an iron-bound wooden shield."  Unmar says, placing the shield on a table before him.  He opens the sack and starts taking out items. "And I have this suit of leather armor.  There is one arrow hole in it.  That was there before, well before the last man gave it up.  The greaves and bracers are in good order.  Now, how can you help me?"
This message was last edited by the player at 23:43, Sat 28 Oct 2023.
Lorian Bookminder
Mage-Thief, 2 posts
Sun 29 Oct 2023
at 02:40
  • msg #3

The Guild Quartermaster


Makes his way to the Quartermaster looking for something.  Maybe custom leather armor or maybe a masterwork short bow.  Possibly a long sword anything to give him an advantage in a fight

Hello in there.  Anyone here?  What do you have for a copperless rogue looking to do conduct guild business. Something to store extra spells would be nice.  An Ioun Stone maybe?
This message was last edited by the player at 01:46, Fri 03 Nov 2023.
Adriel Light of Diancecht
Cleric, 4 posts
HP: 9 AC: 4
Sun 29 Oct 2023
at 15:24
  • msg #4

The Guild Quartermaster

Adriel approaches the quartermaster. "My gear suffices, for the moment," she said, indicating her suit of mail and weapons, "but I heard someone make mention of magic items, which I would gladly make use of."
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