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15:18, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

OOC: Game DIscussion.

Posted by NarratorFor group 0
GM, 108 posts
Live Free, Die Well
Fri 14 Feb 2020
at 21:59
  • msg #17

Re: OOC: Identicard discussion

I don't think I have ever seem the Crusdae, yet.

I found it for $12 on amazon and think I will buy it and binge watch it.

Work got crazy and the wife and daughter want to go to our place in the mountains
So, .... I am headed out to the cold, ....
I will be back Wednesday but will have my iPad to read up and I will be posting.
Drazi, 38 posts
Commcial Telepath
Fri 14 Feb 2020
at 22:05
  • msg #18

Re: OOC: Identicard discussion

I don't think I have ever seem the Crusdae, yet.

I found it for $12 on amazon and think I will buy it and binge watch it.

Work got crazy and the wife and daughter want to go to our place in the mountains
So, .... I am headed out to the cold, ....
I will be back Wednesday but will have my iPad to read up and I will be posting.

Have Amazon I bought all the movies for under that if streaming them.
GM, 109 posts
Live Free, Die Well
Sat 15 Feb 2020
at 03:56
  • msg #19

Re: OOC: Identicard discussion

I love my wife
She found my copy of crusade, ....
Human, 8 posts
Sat 15 Feb 2020
at 04:44
  • msg #20

Re: OOC: Identicard discussion

I don't know if I could even make myself watch Crusade again, knowing it will just stop suddenly right before it really gets going.
Pak'ma'ra, 10 posts
Ranger/ Drakh hunter
Sat 15 Feb 2020
at 08:25
  • msg #21

Re: OOC: Identicard discussion

The last season was rushed because it contained all of what was intended to be seasons 4 and 5 except the shadow war, which was transplanted to season 3 when the show was threatened with cancellation because it was to slow to remain interesting for the projected 5 years.

Fortunately the rampant anti sci fi bias hadn't quite kicked in yet so they weathered the storm unlike so many shows that followed.

JMS was almost never certain whether or not he was going to get another season after the current one ended.  That's one reason why season 4 ended the way it did.  THAT ending, with humankind's projected evolution over the next million years unfolding in a series of vignettes was actually what he intended for the end of the series as a whole.  I never personally found the show slow, I was excited from the very first episode of season one, when the conflict between the Narn and Centauri was clearly established and I turned to my friend and said:

"This isn't Star Trek, that's for sure."

Not that I dislike Star Trek, but I WAS bored by the first few seasons of Next Generation.  It just seemed like it took a while for them to really find their rhythm and direction.  Once they did though, there were some memorable episodes.

I am glad as well that Babylon 5 did manage to get through some of the anti science fiction bias of the time.  I think the main issue was people needed something different and most of the sci-fi available at the time was just not very engaging.

Noting the Courts CAN order many things done including the destruction of personality with telepathy and covert ops tends to be more 'flexible' with special courts involved in some cases. And human companies would likely only use human telepaths for insurance reasons. Well with exceptions

Might I suggest because they are weak P1 and P2 telepaths be excluded from some things they unlikely will ever pose a security risk even Psi Corps were happy with them opting out and taking sleepers since for them the dosing was weak it didn't matter. And if they went on the down lo rarely bothered with hunting them down.

Oh definitely, there will ALWAYS be exceptions to the rules, whenever there is an advantage to be gained, and THAT is the true tragedy of the Telepaths; sooner or later, someone will always try to use them to gain an advantage :(  I hope, someday, they DO get a planet of their own.  A refuge from the machinations of mundanes.

I imagine the human courts can, and do, make liberal use of telepaths and their abilities, especially to ascertain the truth in particularly difficult cases.  Also, as you mentioned, to mete out court ordered punishments like 'Death of Personality' and such.  This application of psionics would be fully legal and sanctioned of course.

Covert ops would likely be given more latitude to use their abilities, AGAIN subject to a scan from the Psychic Monitor Commission at any time to ensure they are adhering to the new rules.  Covert ops in the service of their country would absolutely have a mandate from their government to utilize their abilities whenever ordered to do so.  Imagine what a single, well placed Telepath saboteur could accomplish.

Human companies, and even some non human ones, might hire a telepath for several reasons.  Insurance, as you mentioned would be an important one, and fair negotiation of contracts would be another.  They might even be used during the hiring process by companies with corporate secrets to protect, to ensure that no spies were infiltrating their workforce to steal tech secrets or the like.  HOWEVER if telepaths were being used for such it would probably have to be stated before the interview began and agreed to by the applicant.  NOTHING secret or without approval is the idea behind these New Rules, from what I can tell.

And I agree about the weaker telepaths, P1 and P2 for sure.  I think, as with the PSI CORPS they would probably simply be offered an updated version of the Sleeper drugs.  However I believe that the government would still keep an eye on them, at least keep their names on file.  Even a minor telepath might be useful for some things, like Ivanova proved to be strong enough to be resistant to being scanned.

I don't know if I could even make myself watch Crusade again, knowing it will just stop suddenly right before it really gets going.

I was heartbroken when Crusade was cancelled.  You're right, it was really just starting to get into the good stuff, the real main arc would have surfaced within the next three episodes they had planned, including an episode where Bester returned!  Galen was the reason I bought and read the three books of the Techno-mage trilogy.
This message was last edited by the player at 11:06, Sat 15 Feb 2020.
Pak'ma'ra, 11 posts
Ranger/ Drakh hunter
Sat 15 Feb 2020
at 08:36
  • msg #22

Re: OOC: Identicard discussion

Narrator enjoy your trip to the mountains, it sounds WONDERFUL to me.  And I think that was very considerate of your wife to find you such a treasure :) Let me know what you think of Crusade, I'm interested in your thoughts.
Andilo Malachi
Centauri, 28 posts
Centauri Noble
Sat 15 Feb 2020
at 20:18
  • msg #23

Re: OOC: Identicard discussion

I loved Babylon 5 from the start. Besides being Sci-Fi, which I love to begin with, I liked that there was an actual over arching story line threaded through all of it. Almost every time I go back and watch I find little foreshadowing parts that I never caught before.

As for Crusade, I was really disappointed it got cancelled so early. There was so much possibility there.
Pak'ma'ra, 13 posts
Ranger/ Drakh hunter
Sat 15 Feb 2020
at 20:52
  • msg #24

Re: OOC: Identicard discussion

Totally agree Andilo.  I was also blown away by the attention to detail and how well developed the alien cultures were.   I loved the Centauri because I love politics and intrigue and I could see do many similarities to Ancient Rome and the renaissance Russian court.  Just incredible stuff that fascinated me and made me want to know more.

And yes Crusade was excellent, but cut off far too soon.   Likewise Lwhend of the Rangers was never given a fair chance.
GM, 110 posts
Live Free, Die Well
Sun 16 Feb 2020
at 02:35
  • msg #25

Chit Chat

Well B5 seemed to move faster, and I think the characters are more relatable.
With Crusade, so far I like since we are playing 2272, it helps fill in a lot of info for me.

And my wife is pretty great, she puts up with all my gaming, and my daughter thinks I’m cool because I still game at almost 50. Lol
I’m proud to be raising a comic, gaming child who enjoys anime. :)

My oldest is a jock, he’s ok, (I guess) lmao.
Drazi, 40 posts
Commcial Telepath
Sun 16 Feb 2020
at 04:33
  • msg #26

Re: OOC: Identicard discussion

Narrator enjoy your trip to the mountains, it sounds WONDERFUL to me.  And I think that was very considerate of your wife to find you such a treasure :) Let me know what you think of Crusade, I'm interested in your thoughts.

Is that the one with the Pak'ma'ra in that one vid with the two humanoid females in it? (one episode)
Pak'ma'ra, 14 posts
Ranger/ Drakh hunter
Sun 16 Feb 2020
at 10:43
  • msg #27

Re: OOC: Identicard discussion

Part of the tragedy of Crusade was that the executives at TNT were constantly trying to interfere with the story, according to JMS.  If they had just let him tell his story his way, instead of complaining the show needed more sex, more violence, more weird aliens, it would have been a great success I am sure.  I loved the premise.

You're wife sounds wonderful Narrator.  We are both lucky to have found a wife to put up with an a pair of old gamers.  And it's really cool your daughter shares so many interests with you.  I bet it's fun hanging out with her, and who knows maybe your son will come around eventually.  I've run games for my step kids too, and my wife, a two year long campaign even.  We are helping to keep the rpg hobby alive; long live the nerds!

Yes Aalamar there is a holovid with a pak'ma'ra, but I won't spoil it for Narrator :-)
This message was last edited by the player at 10:50, Sun 16 Feb 2020.
Drazi, 41 posts
Commcial Telepath
Sun 16 Feb 2020
at 13:11
  • msg #28

Re: OOC: Identicard discussion

I run a game for small children using the Basic Fantasy RPG with it a chance to learn math, teamwork, planning and okay butt kicking ages eight to twelve. They missed my days not there being sick. But some are already dice rolling Geeklets. One joined graduating to my 'adult' group at thirteen playing 1st Edition ADnD he is running a third party class the Swordsman its a swashbuckler without armor, flashing rapier and acrobatic stunt moves. He rolled well to one eighteen and seventeen. And rolled in order so got a nice magic item gave him Bracers of Armor AC5. I love his name to Roberto Alphonso De Laurentis-Santago.
Pak'ma'ra, 15 posts
Ranger/ Drakh hunter
Sun 16 Feb 2020
at 18:56
  • msg #29

Re: OOC: Identicard discussion

LOL that's an awesome name I totally agree Aalamar!  Its great that you are helping to teach them the hobby at a young age, I think we need more games where we are interacting with one another, rather than staring at a computer screen for hours on end (the irony of me typing that here on RPOL is not lost on me :)  You're right there's a great deal it can and does teach when its done right.  I came out of my introverted shell and learned how to make friends and have confidence while playing.  Kids have great imaginations and many make natural role players.  How many kids do you run for?

The best campaign I ever played in was a modified AD and D First edition one.  I had tons of fun playing the old Basic and Expert D and D too.  I still run a game of second edition D and D on RPOL here, and have for years.  Its more about the stories than the system for me.
Drazi, 42 posts
Commcial Telepath
Sun 16 Feb 2020
at 21:09
  • msg #30

Re: OOC: Identicard discussion

Biggest game the Battle of Lillyputt with 24 players parents and one great grandmother and their children related to them against the Evil Hoard with the call for small champions! Three GMs.

But normally 6 plus one to two parents or grandparents or uncles or aunts who care to play popping in playing a spare character pool of stock characters.
GM, 111 posts
Live Free, Die Well
Mon 17 Feb 2020
at 13:15
  • msg #31

Re: OOC: Identicard discussion

I will post in game Tuesday
GM, 112 posts
Live Free, Die Well
Mon 17 Feb 2020
at 15:18
  • msg #32

Re: OOC: Identicard discussion

We have a few players that still have not finished character sheets.
If you having troubles completing them perhaps another player can help.
I can not do an intro without a sheet.
Also if you don’t post in Chat or log in, at some point I will have to drop that player.
I will send rmail, PMs etc but to keep the game moving and alive these thing will need to happen.

Human, 7 posts
Modernist Karaite Jew
GROPOS Sergeant MP Retire
Mon 17 Feb 2020
at 15:38
  • msg #33

Re: OOC: Identicard discussion

Sorry my internet access aka phone went poof took awhile to return will my character asap.
GM, 113 posts
Live Free, Die Well
Mon 17 Feb 2020
at 15:41
  • msg #34

Re: OOC: Identicard discussion

In reply to cherrydarling (msg # 33):

Thanks for the reply
Sebastien Maddox
player, 3 posts
Mon 17 Feb 2020
at 15:42
  • msg #35

Re: OOC: Identicard discussion

Sorry, seems I am falling behind on everything. Though I would love to play in the game, unfortunately at the moment it may be best if I just step aside and free up space for someone else.
Pak'ma'ra, 17 posts
Ranger/ Drakh hunter
Mon 17 Feb 2020
at 16:48
  • msg #36

Re: OOC: Identicard discussion

Biggest game the Battle of Lillyputt with 24 players parents and one great grandmother and their children related to them against the Evil Hoard with the call for small champions! Three GMs.

But normally 6 plus one to two parents or grandparents or uncles or aunts who care to play popping in playing a spare character pool of stock characters.

That's awesome Aalamar, I love how you get everyone involved :-).   Twenty four players that definitely beats the largest group I've run.  Wow that must have been a crazy game, but I'll bet it was a blast!
GM, 114 posts
Live Free, Die Well
Tue 18 Feb 2020
at 03:55
  • msg #37

Re: OOC: Identicard discussion

Sebastien Maddox:
Sorry, seems I am falling behind on everything. Though I would love to play in the game, unfortunately at the moment it may be best if I just step aside and free up space for someone else.

Thank you for letting us know
You can come back when you’re ready
Human, 8 posts
Mustered Out EarthForce
Polish Jew
Tue 18 Feb 2020
at 12:56
  • msg #38

Re: OOC: Identicard discussion

My character is done. A former GROPOS Marine Specialist a Systems Operator think radios, radar and similar systems and we'll a Jew. I took a Hobby for the faith so likely knows Hebrew and sacred aspects well might someday be holder of a office at synogog or temple if asked.

GM shouldn't Earth humans know their regional national language like Polish in my case? And also Yiddish is not unlikely as my Jewish side might pick up a minor version from living in a Jewish community. For role-playing it makes sense.
Drazi, 44 posts
Commcial Telepath
Tue 18 Feb 2020
at 13:05
  • msg #39

Re: OOC: Identicard discussion

That makes sense to me actually humans have tons of languages and no Jewish person would not learn Hebrew to read their Torah and pray but your skill should cover that.
Human, 9 posts
Mustered Out EarthForce
Polish Jew
Tue 18 Feb 2020
at 14:11
  • msg #40

Re: OOC: Identicard discussion

Anyone else love how they handled religion on the show. The episode and how they handled human religion was genius a row of people.

Aalamar Green or Purple? great episode
Drazi, 45 posts
Commcial Telepath
Tue 18 Feb 2020
at 18:42
  • msg #41

Re: OOC: Identicard discussion

Drazi military don't participate we let those vote though, it would be bad we fighting and enemy attacks makes that clear why like in Dilgar invasion we busy defending homeworld to fight to vote.
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