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, welcome to Lords of Aldarius

04:19, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

A Welcome - Ref.

Posted by XaxooFor group public
GM, 1 post
The Creator
The Adjudicator
Fri 12 Jan 2024
at 15:17
  • msg #1


Welcome to The Lords of Aldarius. This is a PBP D&D 3.5 edition campaign for any number of high quality players / writers.

Aldarius is a world of high fantasy. Tolkienesque in every sense, it is an original world inspired by the genre. All places, characters and plot lines are the original work of Nicky2Tymz AKA Xaxoo.

This game is all about high quality writing and remaining in character in game threads 100% of the time. OOC banter is allowed in the chat thread only. It is the responsibility of all contributors / players to separate their own knowledge scope from that of their character. GM and players will work together to quickly correct any infringements of these rules.

Players must understand that the power is in the writing. Experience, and entertainment are had by all when we write exciting and meaningful responses to adverse rolls as well as power rolls. Players are encouraged to be verbose in their descriptions of their character's actions and thoughts and feelings. Remember that when a PC or NPC describes their thoughts, it does not pass along information in-character to others.  All players must be responsible for what their character should and should not be privy to.

I will be posting a great deal of reference material for potential players. All rule books will be linked to. We will use all rules in the 3.5 PHB. There may be some supplemental D20 materials that have skill rules we may use.  Any time we add material that is not from the core rules, we will link a reference document to it.  Any rules that are altered for this game will be explained in detail in our rules section.  The rules section is a living document and will grow over time.  At the outset, get the core 3.5 rules and you will be on the right page.

Aldarius is a world full of diverse communities and mysteries.  At the outset players will know very little of the world they live in. Some background will be supplied to aid in character development. Characters will be expected to portray their characters within the context of these guidlines.
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:48, Sat 20 Jan.
GM, 24 posts
The Creator
The Adjudicator
Thu 18 Jan 2024
at 23:51
  • msg #2

Getting Started

Characters will be brought into the game with a solo quest.  From then on, there will be party adventures as well as solos.  They can run concurrently in separate threads. Solo adventures are done in a time warp. The results of solo adventures will only be available once a party adventure returns. Sounds complicated? It's not.  It will become clear as we start playing.

Please read the prologue. This is an example of how PCs will enter the game. I will run an intro adventure for each new player.

More to come.
This message was last updated by the GM at 23:52, Thu 18 Jan.
GM, 27 posts
The Creator
The Adjudicator
Fri 19 Jan 2024
at 03:33
  • msg #3

The Time Warp

There are three different places you can be at once, that share no connections in time.

Golden Tankard is a character meeting place that you are always in. It's always now there. But, any events in current game thread(s) are out of scope and can't be discussed until that adventure ends. Then it's fair game in GT.

Solo or small group game threads are in their own time space. Once they start they are out of scope in other threads until they complete. Once they complete they are in the past for all other threads and are fair game.

Main Adventure thread is where the group adventure takes place. It is treated just like the solo threads.

So you could be in three threads at once. But until a thread completes, it's out of context in the others.

Additionally, I will be adding threads for the various merchant shops in Glitterhovel. These will be treated like the Golden Tankard. They are IC but set apart in time, until the completion of the current game thread.
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:01, Tue 30 Jan.
GM, 28 posts
The Creator
The Adjudicator
Fri 19 Jan 2024
at 03:47
  • msg #4

How to join

Create or start a character concept and send me a character sheet.  Use a DnD 3.5 sheet. Include your username so I can add you.  We will discuss your character and get you posting in no time.

Participation will be limited at first. I will gradually increase to find the right size that's manageable and keeps things active. At first I am inviting friends, then I will invite public applicants if there is interest.

I need to be careful I don't overload myself. In future I could see others DMing adventures.  But only after living in Aldarius for a time.  I have lived here for decades.
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:38, Fri 16 Feb.
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