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00:32, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

(IC) Community Center: Main Room.

Posted by The StormFor group 0
The Storm
GM, 38 posts
Mon 9 Jan 2023
at 17:02
  • msg #8

(IC) Community Center: Main Room

"I want to see my face in the floor." The man starts to head into the office looking out at the main room. He stops at the door, pulls out his keys and opens it but waits for some rude comment. His eyes narrow on the two, and sips his coffee "Do the mopping last." He looks at them before going into the office and sitting down watching the two from his new 'post'.

The dust and debree are swept up and put in the trash. Luke starts to pick up the chairs and adjust them with the tables to get them looking right.
Erica Logan
player, 20 posts
Tue 10 Jan 2023
at 19:21
  • msg #9

(IC) Community Center: Main Room

With the sweeping done, the tables organized and the horizontal surfaces dusted, Erica grabbed the cleaner looking of the two mops and started mopping from the back of the room towards the door. She didn't pay too much attention to what Luke was doing, and she went out of her way to avoid eye contact with Mr.Marko. When she finally made it to the door, she reversed, mopping by the door then going and starting again from the back. After the second time through, she mopped herself out of the room.

"Is it time for a break yet?"
Dan Wright
player, 2 posts
Wed 11 Jan 2023
at 13:56
  • msg #10

(IC) Community Center: Main Room

At the mention of the word "break", Dan walks past holding a bottle of bleach and a bucket. "I could do with a break, he's got me sterilising everything."
Tony Marko
NPC, 3 posts
Probation Clerk
Wed 11 Jan 2023
at 14:07
  • msg #11

(IC) Community Center: Main Room

Dan falls onto his rump as he moves around, thanks to Erica's mopping. Marko stands up and walks out of the office "Did I not say do the mopping -last-? Are you deaf?" The big man stands there, crossing his arms. Luke almost falls as well and the man stares at Erica, eyes narrowed "Take your break. You got 10 minutes."
Erica Logan
player, 21 posts
Sun 15 Jan 2023
at 00:22
  • msg #12

(IC) Community Center: Main Room

With a deep glower, Erica set the mop bucket aside. She did do the mopping last. The floors were swept, the dusting done and the tables organized. There was nothing left to do but mop. She wanted to tel Marko what for, but she knew it was a terrible idea to get on his bad side. Instead she just took him up on his break, and headed back to the kitchen, glancing at Dan and Luke to see if they were following.
Dan Wright
player, 3 posts
Sun 15 Jan 2023
at 13:17
  • msg #13

(IC) Community Center: Main Room

Dan slowly lifts himself up, and carefully dodging the wettest bits of the floor follows Erica for a break. He waits until he thinks he's out of Marko's hearing before he says anything.

"Looks like they've got no real work for us to, just wasting our time again."
Tony Marko
NPC, 4 posts
Probation Clerk
Sun 15 Jan 2023
at 13:28
  • msg #14

(IC) Community Center: Main Room

"For that comment Dan, you can keep working while the others are at break." Tony spits out, looking at the man "You can keep cleaning. Dust off the windows and prepare them for now ones. Also, since Erica didn't care to listen and decided to mop when everyone was walking and doing their jobs you can do the mopping at the end once everything is done as well as Erica and Luke. Like putting the chairs on the tables, with a good cleaning of the entire place. I specifically stated once every is done and apparently its not. Do I make myself clear? I can see what is going on from the office." The man sips his coffee "Son of a bi..." He bites his tongue "Got 8 minutes everyone but Dan." He seems to have issues but can see all that has happened.
Erica Logan
player, 22 posts
Sun 15 Jan 2023
at 22:18
  • msg #15

(IC) Community Center: Main Room

When Dan caught up and commented, Erica glanced back. His voice was low, but Marko was the kind of guy that expected snide backtalk. She was proven right When Marko raged his overreaction towards Dan.

"Sorry." She mouthed to Dan with helpless but sympathetic eyes.

To Kitchen
Dan Wright
player, 4 posts
Mon 16 Jan 2023
at 19:14
  • msg #16

(IC) Community Center: Main Room

Dan sighs, and starts dusting the windows incredibly slowly, making the cloth screech over the glass, just to see if it gets annoying.
Luke Andrews
player, 26 posts
Smooth talking
Tue 24 Jan 2023
at 20:53
  • msg #17

(IC) Community Center: Main Room

Luke also shrugged at Dan with an apologetic "Sorry, man." before heading into he kitchen for his break.

==> To the Kitchen
The Storm
GM, 41 posts
Wed 25 Jan 2023
at 00:39
  • msg #18

(IC) Community Center: Main Room

Indeed it gets annoying but Tony lets it slide. For now. He just watches Dan do the work, sipping his coffee. The mans eyes lock on Dan.

It starts to drizzle outside.
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:39, Wed 25 Jan 2023.
Dan Wright
player, 6 posts
Wed 25 Jan 2023
at 20:01
  • msg #19

(IC) Community Center: Main Room

Dan grins at Tony and keeps going. Dan is trying his hardest not to get ground down.
Erica Logan
player, 30 posts
Sat 28 Jan 2023
at 22:42
  • msg #20

(IC) Community Center: Main Room

From Community Center: Kitchen

Erica made it back to the Main room with about thirty seconds to spare, by her estimation. Dan was still in there dusting the room that was already dusted, but she was sure he was getting more. She wasn't sure if she should wait for Tony to bark orders, or just grab a dust rag and go help Dan. It seemed the smart thing was to go help without being asked.

Being careful not slip in case the floor was still wet somewhere, she went to the opposite side of the room and started to wipe down the surfaces.
Luke Andrews
player, 33 posts
Smooth talking
Sat 28 Jan 2023
at 22:47
  • msg #21

(IC) Community Center: Main Room

==> From The Kitchen

Luke followed along behind Erica with an unhurried gait. He watched as the other two dusted the shelves, leaning against the door frame of the entrance awaiting Marko to enter and bark some ridiculous new order. He wasn't going to make waves, but Luke was not about to go any extra mile to insure protection from Marko's wrath. The way he saw it, Marko was going to continue to be an ass no matter what the group did so Luke planned on taking advantage of every opportunity to skate by where possible.
The Storm
GM, 44 posts
Sat 4 Feb 2023
at 00:31
  • msg #22

(IC) Community Center: Main Room

Oddly, Tony just watches the three of them do their work. About a hour passes by and he goes back into the office. Apparently someone was moving around in there and Tony comes back out minus his mug. He starts to head outside "You did a good job minus Dan scraping the window to insult me. Not good. Not good at all. Now then time to remove the graffiti from outside. I put what you need there-scrapers, bins for garbage. Everything you need. Move it." Oddly he seems relaxed. Maybe he's planning something. And its raining outside but least they got covered areas to work.
Erica Logan
player, 31 posts
Sat 4 Feb 2023
at 02:13
  • msg #23

(IC) Community Center: Main Room

Great, more work. Cleaning the Main Room, scraping graffiti, how much more of this kind of work could there be? It's not that Erica minded all that much. Busy work was just work and she had nothing better to do. Sure it was raining outside but the area was covered and she expected she would have to do something until the end of the day.

The odd thing was Tony's sudden change in demeanor. He went into his office as a grouch, but then came out all relaxed. Maybe he had a girlfriend in there to relieve his tension. Whatever it was, he was no longer barking his orders.

Glancing about at her companions, Erica shrugged. After putting away their current cleaning supplies she headed outside with the others to clean the walls.

To Community Center: Outside
Luke Andrews
player, 34 posts
Smooth talking
Sat 4 Feb 2023
at 04:59
  • msg #24

(IC) Community Center: Main Room

Remove the graffiti? Outside in the rain?

Luke was not happy that the afternoon chores had expanded into even more work and in such deplorable conditions. He briefly considered balking at the request, then decided not to ruffle any feathers. He followed the others outside, quietly obeying Marko's orders wihout and sign of resistance

==> To Community Center: Outside
Dan Wright
player, 7 posts
Sat 4 Feb 2023
at 10:48
  • msg #25

(IC) Community Center: Main Room

A look of concentration crosses Dan's face as he tries to think of any petty act of rebellion he could get away with. He gives up, and follows the other outside.

To Community Centre:Outside
Tony Marko
NPC, 6 posts
Probation Clerk
Mon 13 Feb 2023
at 02:01
  • msg #26

(IC) Community Center: Main Room

Grabbing his coffee, the man followed them to make sure they were going to do their work without hesistation. Dan already was on his bad side so time to see if anyone else was going to be!

To Community Centre:Outside
Dan Wright
player, 14 posts
Wed 22 Mar 2023
at 15:33
  • msg #27

(IC) Community Center: Main Room

Dan staggered in, and made a puddle where he stood, absolutely soaked.
"Was that ****ing LIGHTNING?"
Erica Logan
player, 52 posts
Wed 22 Mar 2023
at 20:38
  • msg #28

(IC) Community Center: Main Room

From Community Center: Outside

Damn it Luke. :)

Dripping wet and still coughing up river water, Erica sloshed into the community center and collapsed against a wall. "OhmyGod." She said it fast like one word before he next coughing fit. "What was that? I... I think I was almost struck by lighting." She looked at her arms. The tiny hairs were still standing straight up. "And I almost drowned." She covered her face with both hands and fell over sideways.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:04, Wed 22 Mar 2023.
Luke Andrews
player, 55 posts
Smooth talking
Wed 22 Mar 2023
at 20:54
  • msg #29

(IC) Community Center: Main Room

==> From Community Center Outside

Luke staggered in, clearly disoriented from the lightning. His jumpsuit was singed and lightly smoking - a clear sign that he suffered a direct strike. He collapsed down into a chair, finally noticing the damage to his clothing.

"I think I was hit as well. I mean look at this!"  He pushed his fingers through the burnt holes near his shoulder, flaking away chunks of the burnt fabric. "I was unconscious for a bit. What the hell happened?" He asked, hoping someone in the room could explain the freak storm.
Erica Logan
player, 53 posts
Wed 22 Mar 2023
at 21:10
  • msg #30

(IC) Community Center: Main Room

Erica looked up at Luke. Her eyes still had a hard time focusing but when he showed where the lightning burned his jumpsuit, she pushed her self up to a seated position and checked her own. It never occurred to her that she might have actually been hit, but there it was. A black-ringed hole marred the orange fabric just inches above her left breast. Now that she was aware of it, the smell of burned cloth float out from with the mix of other odors still clinging to her nostrils.

"Oh my God, I was hit by lightning? How am I not dead??"
Jenessa Soft
player, 17 posts
Thu 23 Mar 2023
at 00:02
  • msg #31

(IC) Community Center: Main Room

Jenessa staggered into the Main Room, looking wide eyed and a bit freaked out, "oH shit, oh shit!" She started pacing around the room, "I think I got hit my lighting, but if I did why am I still alive??"

Glancing over at Luke and Erica and noticing that they looked as bad as her, "Oh shit, did you two get hit as well?  How is that possible!  I was under cover!  I shouldn't have been hit.  One minute I was carrying tools to put them away and the next I was waking up 10 feet away against a wall!  And I don't feel hurt?? " She patted herself down and looked at the others, "Are you alright?"  She walked around the room looking out the windows to see what the weather was doing, "It is still hailing out there!  What was the center doing, making us work outside while a storm was going on!"
Luke Andrews
player, 57 posts
Smooth talking
Thu 23 Mar 2023
at 00:29
  • msg #32

(IC) Community Center: Main Room

Luke sighed, sitting up as the fog of the earlier experience began to fade. "I think so. Shit! How the hell did that happen?"
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