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10:02, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

The Hare & Sheaf - S1 OOC Thread.

Posted by The KeeperFor group 0
The Keeper
GM, 4 posts
Mon 17 May 2021
at 00:08
  • msg #1

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

A place for comments, queries, and general chatter with a mug of flip and feet up by the fire.
The Keeper
GM, 9 posts
Fri 4 Jun 2021
at 00:26
  • msg #2

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

An extra welcome to any and all about to make an introduction here - there may be another setting thread on Scorch Norton itself, and there will be at least a map, but I'd like to get an idea of what the primary industries of the village are first.

A quick note/warning about language: nobody is OK in 1771. Nobody is going to be OK until at least 1835 and the Keeper will compulsively edit this word out if it occurs. I'm also not making fun of anyone or their fingers if I point out amusing typos, I just find them funny.

edit: just waiting to hear back on a few queries on RTJs now submissions have slowed down. I may start picking tonight, but probably mostly tomorrow onward - I've had cracking concepts pretty much all round, so it's going to be tough, but a big thank you to all applicants so far for the interest, and if anyone is watching this game and wants to slide under the deadline with something amazing to poach a spot, now's the time.

edit II: All right, after a lot of deliberation I think the cast as it stands is what we're sticking with. Apologies for the delays in responses, checking numbers etc., I currently have relatives up and have been very low on computer time, particularly on my laptop (the device actually connected to my files, scanner etc.) - things should settle down next week and you'll have a reasonably attentive Keeper to kick things off and hopefully get the story ticking over before getting into the "juggling fieldwork" stage.

I have half a map, plenty NPCs, and am keeping track of connections. Some of you are well ahead of others, but feel free to wave at each other on this thread if you like.

Additionally, we have a Lurker, so if anyone objects to them following along do let me know.

Lastly for this notice, Loreena McKennitt's arrangement of Noyes' The Highwayman, for some romantic armed robbery as we set up.


This message was last edited by the GM at 19:55, Tue 15 June 2021.
Martin Lovelace
player, 1 post
Tue 15 Jun 2021
at 20:52
  • msg #3

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Hello everyone! I'll be playing a doctor who is setting up a medical practice in this area, hoping for a quiet life in the country (which I'm sure will work out just as expected).
Benjamin Craddock
player, 1 post
Tue 15 Jun 2021
at 21:21
  • msg #4

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread


Young Ben is one of the local Post Boys. Born and bred in Somerset, he is likely a familiar face to many.
Margaret Yendale
player, 1 post
the poacher's daughter
Tue 15 Jun 2021
at 21:30
  • msg #5

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

G'day, All. (clumsy curtsy)

I be Margaret Yendale, but most call me Maggie or Meg (or worse), the poacher's daughter. That's Fred what lit out some year agone to escape transportation. No better than my Dad, most say, though my sister and her husband are proper God-fearing Christians.

Oh, and ye'll have heard of my babby that's got no dad, or if you haven't some pious soul will tell ye soon enow. You can see the Devil's in me they'll say, account I'm as tall and strong as most any man in Scorch Norton, or the whole county likely. More like t'be in the Hare Saturday night as in church Sunday, true enow. But I'm a good hand with animals.
Andrew Sexton
player, 1 post
Thu 17 Jun 2021
at 14:33
  • msg #6

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Andrew is a carpenter. He’s lived all of his life in Scorch Norton and Somerset County. He took over the carpentry shop from his father, when the elder Sexton passed unexpectedly. Andrew is not the hard edged pragmatist that his progenitor was, and has been known to perform needed work for some that didn’t have the ability to immediately pay him. He likes the company of friends and enjoys gatherings at the Hare and Sheaf when he’s able to attend. He also regularly darkens the door of the church house, seeking guidance from God on how to navigate all of his newfound responsibilities.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:33, Sun 20 June 2021.
The Keeper
GM, 10 posts
Sat 19 Jun 2021
at 22:55
  • msg #7

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In other words, Andrew has a lot of debt-based credit to his name.

Scorch Norton, by the way, Norton from the Saxon 'north-settlement', Scorch from...well, the vicar is looking into that one.

Just a note to say your Keeper is still alive, and the aunts left this morning, I've just been low on brainpower the rest of the day. Hoping to resume normal service tomorrow evening, all being well, with a start date maybe midweek if that suits, since I know a couple of you have also had the real life of late.
The Keeper
GM, 11 posts
Wed 23 Jun 2021
at 22:34
  • msg #8

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Hokay, we at least have a map now. Everyone should be able to see their house from here (or the inn in Ben's case) - any questions?

I do mean to do a thread on the village, but I have spent today at home varyingly conscious because there is a vicious skeleton that hates me and is determined I should not stay on any schedule in any way (it is unfortunately my skeleton). Fortunately for me, only one of you is 100% through their setup, so I feel justified in shunting the start date to the end of the week, since I have not written a word in prep yet.

Oh, and do we know folklore basics? Salt for demons, iron for feyfolk, anticlockwise or left-handed is evil working, watermelons left out at the first full moon after Christmas become vampires, sort of thing?
Benjamin Craddock
player, 2 posts
Wed 23 Jun 2021
at 22:38
  • msg #9

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

That folklore tracks with what I am familiar with, yep.
Benjamin Craddock
player, 3 posts
Wed 23 Jun 2021
at 22:39
  • msg #10

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

And excellent job on the map by the way.

Very well done.
The Keeper
GM, 12 posts
Wed 23 Jun 2021
at 22:52
  • msg #11

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Thank you - trying to get one pretend village down has decidedly increased my respect for 18th century cartographers and/or whatever poor apprentices had to draw in all the trees for them. Most period maps actually have more detail on the kind of crops usually in a given field, but aside from a couple of fallow meadows, bugger that for a game of soldiers.

I will note that the main coach road now just about follows the course the wee river took in the Bronze Age, though, so although you can't see the topography, consider the road the lowest point. The Wyzenwood and Yendale farm are uphill, for instance, and the modest church is on an alluvial hillock.
Margaret Yendale
player, 2 posts
the poacher's daughter
Thu 24 Jun 2021
at 01:27
  • msg #12

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Lovely map, indeed! Do you take commissions"

Wyzenwood is a lot closer than I had supposed.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:32, Thu 24 June 2021.
The Keeper
GM, 13 posts
Thu 24 Jun 2021
at 08:38
  • msg #13

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

You...need a pseudo-18th century map? I mean, I'm not adverse, you could owe me some critical reading or a hand-drawn bird or something, but for many other kinds there are online generators that come free, albeit maybe without the archaeological knowledge base of how long term settlements grow.

The Wyzenwood is visible from a lot of the village and Maggie could maybe stand in the trees that once marked a lane in the 1400s and hurl rocks into the edge of it if she's good at uphill throwing. The citizens of Pompeii probably thought their assessment of local hazards not a problem in any remembered history was worth the  risk for the good fertile lands below, too; I'm not entirely surprised Maggie's father got complacent.
The Keeper
GM, 15 posts
Fri 25 Jun 2021
at 00:30
  • msg #14

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

...more on the inn, and the Wyzenwood, and anything else requested between then and now when a) it is not silly in the morning and b) less of my internal structure hates me, maybe.

(ignore me smacking the Intro thread to the top there, that's not adding anything, just for aesthetics)

Also, Thomas? Look what I incidentally found:

Saint Bees.
Andrew Sexton
player, 2 posts
Fri 25 Jun 2021
at 02:39
  • msg #15

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Outstanding map, Keeper.

Many thanks for all of the setting notes. They’re incredibly helpful in providing a strong grasp of the period and our humble (and terrifying) corner of England.
The Keeper
GM, 16 posts
Fri 25 Jun 2021
at 09:06
  • msg #16

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Thanks - you know, I happened to show it to one of the archivists whilst we were talking about creative projects and the archivist (who deals with a lot of actual 18th century maps and was probably relieved at something legible) was impressed, so I feel it truly is a Good Map now.

I'm glad you're not exhasperated by the setting notes, too - single locations the characters are well familiar with do need some extra info, but I am aware it's a bunch of text and me rambling a lot. The church is roughly based on this one, if you'd like a visual, though any remnant angels/demons are invisibly stuck in the walls and it has a little bit more spire, enough to look like the church is wearing a clown cone for a hat.

I should also note that a dedication to St. Giles suggests a mediaeval hospital or leper colony hosted under what's now a bunch of trees full of rooks by the river, probably dismantled during the Dissolution of monastic holdings. That said, the Great Plague of the 1660s didn't particularly affect the settlement, possibly because so many of the original population had hardy ancestors, so perhaps the locals never needed it much.
Margaret Yendale
player, 3 posts
the poacher's daughter
Fri 25 Jun 2021
at 11:28
  • msg #17

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Visual of the church is great for an American whose customary image of churches is quite different, tending to be high and light-filled spaces whose imagery is of heavenly, not demonic presences.
The Keeper
GM, 17 posts
Fri 25 Jun 2021
at 17:52
  • msg #18

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

You're missing out, English churches aside, European Catholic ones have great demons (or a good ol' corpse - look up 18th century gravestones in an image search for the entertaining period fad of goofy skulls) wedged in just about everywhere there's not a saint or a pelican... *ahem*

Getting back on topic, the hefty church tradition is partly due to climate and wood availability - not having the forests of Canada or the fjords to pluck big trees from at will when seeking repairs, and not starting out in a Virginian swamp, building in stone makes most sense for any place that won't constantly have a through draught or fire in to dry it out and keep it from rotting, and if you don't want your parishioners to freeze in winter or any fresher nobility under the floor to cook in summer then thick walls are necessary things.

There's also the unstockaded prospect of...hmm. The Magic 8-Ball refuses to tell me if this church has those particular adaptations, but let's just say that peasants in trouble tend to run to the church, and sometimes the church is equipped to deal with that.
Benjamin Craddock
player, 4 posts
Fri 25 Jun 2021
at 18:25
  • msg #19

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

I don't know about the rest of you, but trying to find anything of substance on working class people in the era has meant sifting through a great deal of fluffy pop history about the gentry...
Margaret Yendale
player, 4 posts
the poacher's daughter
Fri 25 Jun 2021
at 19:02
  • msg #20

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 18):

Speaking of headstones, is there apt to be one for Meg's mother in the churchyard? Or is that more the purview of the gentry?
The Keeper
GM, 18 posts
Fri 25 Jun 2021
at 20:02
  • msg #21

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

@Ben - that's partly why this game exists, and why everyone here comes from an IC...if I'd put it out to advertise with 'Georgian' in the ad I am certain I'd get the wig-and-powder set looking for dashing!adventure! and possibly Elizabeth Swann. Ironically, you get reasonable coverage of the working class in the colonies at this point, but aye...

- if they could pay or owe favours enough for a headstone or the community liked her enough, she certainly can have a headstone. Probably won't be all that grand, but she could have a goofy skull or a winged heart and a few words of fondness, for sure. Example: (but new)

The gentry's are just lots fancier, and they buy their plot permanently, so even if something happened to their marker they wouldn't get turfed out of it. That sexton in Hamlet that's playing with the old jester's dug-up bones when the prince walks by the grave in progress isn't doing anything unusual in an overcrowded village cemetery. Archaeologically speaking, you often get quite a jumble in such contexts, but since the notion of souls going directly to Heaven has superceeded the Catholic eventual-physical-resurrection-forever thing, it doesn't much bother folk.

Everyone here has seen dead bodies before, by the way. Kate probably helped prep their mother's body for burial, and Lucy may have helped with her dad (Widow Sexton definitely arranged her husband). Unless they're terribly mangled and/or in a deeply upsetting ritual context I don't SAN check peasants for that.
The Keeper
GM, 19 posts
Fri 25 Jun 2021
at 21:19
  • msg #22

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Oh, and talking of toffs, Doctor Lovelace, I'm not quite reading Martin as the type (books to buy, tobacco to smoke and all that), but do you have a fellow to do this sort of thing for you?
Martin Lovelace
player, 2 posts
Sat 26 Jun 2021
at 19:30
  • msg #23

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Yes, I think I should like that. It sounds like a fun prospect.
The Keeper
GM, 20 posts
Sat 26 Jun 2021
at 19:44
  • msg #24

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Ha! All right, give me a name (and any other preferences) for not-Jeeves in PM and I'll see if I can find a slot for him. Currently working on the last of those setting notes.

Dr. Lovelace is the only one I've yet to have a sketch of an intro for, but being carefully dressed by your trusty servant would actually be a nice way to settle into the character's shoes, so to speak. his stockings, at least.

edit: typo!
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:44, Sat 26 June 2021.
The Keeper
GM, 22 posts
Sun 27 Jun 2021
at 00:50
  • msg #25

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

[bops other threads to the top]

Next stop when not silly in the morning, in-game posts! Just need to confirm a few things and check we've not lost Mr. Bees, and give the vicar some description, really.

Incidentally, if anyone has a 'thanks, I hate it' reaction to any of the local folk tradtions/lore, please know that it's barely modified, and <90% is just random bits of English folklore stuck together.

#....dee doopy doopy do-be-do-be do-be-do-be do-be-do-be...#
Benjamin Craddock
player, 5 posts
Sun 27 Jun 2021
at 03:14
  • msg #26

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

I believe young Ben is all set for the inaugural posting.

I went down a rabbit hole concerning the construction of oil cloth garments for the better part of thirty minutes.

That's always a promising sign.
Margaret Yendale
player, 5 posts
the poacher's daughter
Sun 27 Jun 2021
at 03:36
  • msg #27

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Fred Yendale (Maggie's Dad) had several stories about his ventures on the fringes of the Wyzenwood. The best was of a time he ventured too deep inside, finding a fountain and a pool. When he started to go, he had to race against the gathering gloom. Branches clutched at his clothing and he heard the cackling of the witch as she sought to keep him. He barely made it out and into his own field before the sun set.
Thomas Bees
player, 1 post
Sun 27 Jun 2021
at 09:23
  • msg #28

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Hello all, still here and very busy. Thomas looks to be finished for the best part. Thanks.

The Keeper
GM, 23 posts
Sun 27 Jun 2021
at 21:22
  • msg #29

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Thanks, Long Tom. Looking in is appreciated.

@Ben - I certainly consider it a good sign, but then again, I am all about the potatoes, so to speak.

(Incidentally, the more common/less exotic and exciting crop in England as yet would be turnips. Expect turnips in contexts where modern potatoes would be today, and expect curry to be more an excersise in showing off access to spices than any sane balance of flavour. If it sounds Indian, it's exciting!)

@Maggie - nice, loving the living rural legend there.

@Martin - reminder that I'll need the name of your manservant to start drafting your bit.

Continued thanks to both of you waiting on me to check numbers, for numbers are hard, but at least I know what Skills you possess! Right now I am aiming to go to bed within the hour, since I have a punishingly early start tomorrow.
The Keeper
GM, 24 posts
Tue 29 Jun 2021
at 22:16
  • msg #30

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Update: Started drafts for non-Martin threads, disliked drafts, started over, got distracted by new washing machine issues, need to go to bed soon to be up early, still within the three days of "new field season sore". Ugh.

Whilst I'm here, though, do people have past/present tense preferences? That may be partly why I was getting in such a tangle with the scene-setting - if we have a tie with those I can ask the Magic 8-Ball.

Continued thanks for bearing with the hanging about, I'm getting there, honest.
Benjamin Craddock
player, 6 posts
Wed 30 Jun 2021
at 00:32
  • msg #31

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

I'm partial to past myself, but am content with either.
Martin Lovelace
player, 3 posts
Wed 30 Jun 2021
at 02:02
  • msg #32

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

The Keeper:
@Martin - reminder that I'll need the name of your manservant to start drafting your bit.

Does Geoffrey work?

Benjamin Craddock:
I'm partial to past myself, but am content with either.

Margaret Yendale
player, 6 posts
the poacher's daughter
Wed 30 Jun 2021
at 04:04
  • msg #33

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

The Keeper:
do people have past/present tense preferences?

I prefer present for myself, as it makes things seem more immediate and let's me differentiate between what I'm doing now and what I did yesterday. But I don't have any problem with others using past.
The Keeper
GM, 25 posts
Wed 30 Jun 2021
at 06:25
  • msg #34

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to Margaret Yendale (msg # 33): All right, that puts us presently at a tie, counting myself - Tom and Andrew?

@Martin - unusual but possible for someone of that class, though Martin will probably refer to his valet by surname...of which Geoffreys is found in the region Martin comes from. Alternatively, you could give the cast a Welshman to harass; Griffiths is common.
Andrew Sexton
player, 3 posts
Wed 30 Jun 2021
at 16:29
  • msg #35

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

To be honest, it seems as though I generally default to present tense in the games I participate in. So, I suppose that would be my preference by way of habit. That said, if the general consensus is for past tense, I’ll happily go along with the majority.
The Keeper
GM, 26 posts
Wed 30 Jun 2021
at 21:55
  • msg #36

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Hm! Looks like it's up to either Tom or the Magic 8-Ball...
The Keeper
GM, 27 posts
Sun 4 Jul 2021
at 08:57
  • msg #37

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread


Still not dead. Been busier than I thought and lost a chunk of yesterday both to being asleep and letting a fellow on the edge of a mental breakdown in the park tell someone his woes (he legitimately had a lot; I pointed him at a local mental health/anti-loneliness-in-idleness charity and the works of Guy Gavriel Kay before leaving, but yeah, recovery and rehabilitation services must've had it hard through the pandemic). Aiming for tonight, fingers crossed. If I don't hear from Long Tom by then and/or the player below has no preference, I'll ask the Magic 8-Ball what tense we're in.

Sally Ann's player from the Australian game has joined us and I hope I'm up to the task - since we did have a prior agreement but no time was available until this late in setup the player is taking an NPC that was close enough to concept to get going with. The Reverend Palmer now has a player! You must now all protect your squishy vicar.

edit: ...or maybe not. I will take the grace of remembering that it's some kind of holiday for several of you and cease to state even tentative certainties, but I do pledge game posts as soon as I get time and capacity to do so. My sincere apologies for the delays and thanks for your patience.

Meanwhile, from wandering about the internet yesterday, this person isn't wrong:
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:12, Sun 04 July 2021.
Reverend Palmer
player, 1 post
A Holy Man
Came Passing By
Mon 5 Jul 2021
at 11:48
  • msg #38

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Hello everyone! Looking forward to not go insane and/or die horribly!
Andrew Sexton
player, 4 posts
Mon 5 Jul 2021
at 20:53
  • msg #39

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Welcome, Reverend! Glad to have you with us!
Benjamin Craddock
player, 7 posts
Mon 5 Jul 2021
at 21:01
  • msg #40

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Indeed, you are very welcome Reverend. :)
The Keeper
GM, 28 posts
Mon 5 Jul 2021
at 23:40
  • msg #41

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

All right, going to bed now so as to get 6 hours asleep...I think my vaccinated arm is less sore this time around, but that doesn't entirely help. Ben & Maggie, you at least have dreams now. They are horrible.

I kind of want to draw Trugred now, but yes, working in background. Bear with me, I'm trying to get decent quality out on the table first thing, is all. Everyone who still needs to fill in bits of their backstories, you do that whilst you wait...

Also, I think I'm changing our local highway robber's name to be even more blatantly a pseudonym, just in case that goes over anyone's head. His name might actually be Robert, but.

Must sleep. Grateful y'all are stll about. Going.
The Keeper
GM, 30 posts
Thu 8 Jul 2021
at 23:32
  • msg #42

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Posts will go up as they're finished, since I'm tired of drafts hanging about - folk who aren't Ben/Maggie, please bear with me a bit longer...

Also, with a mild regretful shrug towards my present-tense Keepering friends, the Magic 8-Ball declares us to be in the past tense - try to use it if possible to avoid general confusion.

edit for clarity: Going to bed now, though! 6am starts and all...
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:35, Thu 08 July 2021.
Martin Lovelace
player, 4 posts
Fri 9 Jul 2021
at 04:46
  • msg #43

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

No worries chief! Take your time.
The Keeper
GM, 31 posts
Fri 9 Jul 2021
at 05:53
  • msg #44

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

I really appreciate the patience (incidentally, that first post has dream sequences you can't see, so is really twice as long), though I'm also trying not to be the annoying sort of GM who sets an unrealistic timescale and then either spends every day apologising for not sticking to it or vanishes off the face of the earth and wonders where half the players went when they roll up two months later...

Anyway- [shoos doctor towards backstory] The more I have to work with, the more flavour you get, like, y'know, pottage.
Margaret Yendale
player, 7 posts
the poacher's daughter
Fri 9 Jul 2021
at 12:44
  • msg #45

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Could everyone add a biography line with who they are? Helps me not have to click open descriptions every time. Thanks.

Oh, and Rob Anybody? Priceless!
The Keeper
GM, 32 posts
Sat 10 Jul 2021
at 09:13
  • msg #46

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

[distant "I am, darling!" from Rob] Given he hunts a broad range to conceal his base of operations, you can imagine the bemusement of travellers trying to report instances of rural armed robbery with a relatively decent description of a masked man, only to receive the response "hmm...could be Anybody."

Yesterday's excuse was that I got gently kidnapped by Irishwomen after work, today's may be some jobs I expected to do Sunday getting moved up, but rest assured I am working on posts for the other players (and started to draw Trugred at lunch break huddled out of the wind - it's a good 'oss, that).
The Keeper
GM, 35 posts
Sat 17 Jul 2021
at 16:58
  • msg #47

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

There we go. Things should go more smoothly from here on out, though I have been having such a bad time of things of late I wonder if I've killed a spider.

Drafting replies whilst my skeleton/nervous system leaves off trying to kill me long enough to type, though I'll possibly/probably wait until 1c get posts in so's I can line them all up nicely. Continued thanks for wating, though maybe reading each others' threads may amuse you? I'll likely keep separate IC groups in separate OOC threads later when information gets more specific/relevant, but right now revelations in the introduction will likely become communal. I hope that makes sense.

edit: never mind, I realised that if I give 01c a fair amount of time to post I can still make things line up nice. Oof, I am desperate to be outside by now, though my lower joints will hate me.

Oh, and if anyone wonders about Polzeath later: yes, he is, and no, it's not necessarily relevant, it just amuses me.
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:03, Sun 18 July 2021.
Margaret Yendale
player, 9 posts
the poacher's daughter
Wed 21 Jul 2021
at 04:28
  • msg #48

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Hester Collins:
In reply to Benjamin Craddock (msg # 2):
...perhaps weighing whether to tell anyone to check the girl's pockets for things lost...

Aww Hessie, you too?
The Keeper
GM, 38 posts
Wed 21 Jul 2021
at 08:32
  • msg #49

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

She was actually wondering if she could greet Maggie from there and stop her running away from the exposition, but Ben doesn't know that. Just maybe that unguarded food or small items that might become food after a quick roadside sale tend to suddenly disappear around Maggie.
Margaret Yendale
player, 11 posts
the poacher's daughter
Wed 21 Jul 2021
at 12:18
  • msg #50

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

I never...nobody can't prove...
Andrew Sexton
player, 10 posts
Thu 22 Jul 2021
at 15:59
  • msg #51

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Temperance Sexton:
[[ How close do you mean to get? ]]

I think the general idea was for one of us mount the stag and ride it across the green. Maybe all the way to the Fox Estate.
The Keeper
GM, 41 posts
Thu 22 Jul 2021
at 16:53
  • msg #52

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

I mean, if you roll under...let's see, 3% on an Animal Handling roll...

(which would, of course, mean everyone else would have to join hands and perform a freaky chain dance, possibly whilst rapturously listening to music inaudible to the ears of the outsider. Them's the rules.)

Seriously, though, are you going to go up and poke the Devil [looks up Imperial] 400 ulbs of unpredictably weird-acting wild animal? Stop two metres away? Four? Eyeball it a bit, decide 'nope' and start sprinting in the opposite direction?
Thomas Bees
player, 9 posts
Thu 22 Jul 2021
at 21:33
  • msg #53

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Thomas will stop at the edge of the grass to give the animal some space should it decide to run.

The Keeper
GM, 43 posts
Thu 22 Jul 2021
at 21:42
  • msg #54

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

He's no further than most other observers, then; too far to make out any particular details. I should maybe point out that although the majority of those in the village itself at this time of morning are women, Goodie Westcott isn't here yet.
Martin Lovelace
player, 9 posts
Fri 23 Jul 2021
at 14:53
  • msg #55

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Andrew Sexton:
I think the general idea was for one of us mount the stag and ride it across the green. Maybe all the way to the Fox Estate.

How high is your Animal Husbandry skill?
The Keeper
GM, 44 posts
Fri 23 Jul 2021
at 15:09
  • msg #56

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Martin Lovelace:
How high is your Animal Husbandry skill?

Wrong kind of mounting there, Doctor. *cough*
Martin Lovelace
player, 10 posts
Fri 23 Jul 2021
at 16:03
  • msg #57

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

The Keeper:
Martin Lovelace:
How high is your Animal Husbandry skill?

Wrong kind of mounting there, Doctor. *cough*

Sure, but the original statement takes on a whole new light with that (incorrect) context applied!
The Keeper
GM, 45 posts
Fri 23 Jul 2021
at 17:29
  • msg #58

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Yes, well, don't let your imagination go buck wild.

That said, though it comes with the territory for a great deal of folk horror, I can't help but feel there's somewhat more Subtext about than I intentionally put in. Might be because I can see the back of the embroidery/myceliae of the bloom, so to speak, but...hmm.
Andrew Sexton
player, 12 posts
Mon 26 Jul 2021
at 14:55
  • msg #59

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Why do I feel like attempting to scare the stag off has the potential to end like this?
The Keeper
GM, 46 posts
Mon 26 Jul 2021
at 19:51
  • msg #60

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Generally speaking, red deer stags only 'roar' and show teeth when their brains are hormone soup,'s the Subtext back again. (It's understandable. He's a hart throb. What a deer.)

Meanwhile, Polzeath being convinced this animal is actually the Devil gets even funnier if you realise he's at about a 50-degree angle to the normal conception of religion. Tangentally, I think I will have to try and draw this man, with effort and such: he'll likely be about enough to deserve a Cast slot, but he's so peculiar looking no picture I can find will quite do, yet not peculiar enough that I could get away with an orc or Abe Sapien or something...
Martin Lovelace
player, 13 posts
Mon 26 Jul 2021
at 22:05
  • msg #61

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread


Does the rabbit look to be a healthy looking one? Fit for the dinner table?

[[message moved by Keeper, who has a Thing about 'empty' posts]]

The Keeper
GM, 47 posts
Mon 26 Jul 2021
at 22:05
  • msg #62

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

The rabbit is under a box in the scullery with some nice plump birds.

What you are looking at presently is a hare, a much larger, more muscular animal commonly associated with witchcraft (possibly due to being the sacred animal of various Celtic goddesses depending on who you ask, possibly because instead of running immediately when disturbed at a distance or at night, hares will often stand up and stare, and thus - being small toddler-size with deeply inhuman shining eyes - be easily confused with the Good Neighbours).

They can be eaten, but unlike rabbits where you just scald, skin and cook away, hares are so sinewy and tough they need to be bathed in acid (vinegar, lemon juice) and steamed for hours, pressure-cooked in a specific manner for hours, or rotted down ('hung') for a few days (maggot action ideal - the meaty maggots can be served as a side if desired) to be tender enough to eat. As with most foods invented because some fancy bugger already ate all the palateable stuff, hare is now considered a delicacy, and was just becoming gentrified at this point in time: city people would think the dish fancy, country folk would be bemused and turn their noses up at it if there was any possibility of eating anything else.

I am also highly amused at this scene for obscure folklore reasons: if there was a period Italian present at this scene they would have all their fears about Protestants being in league with the Devil confirmed...due to the similarity of period carrots to the wild version (Queen Anne's Lace) and the difficulty non-herbalists have in telling QAL and hemlock* apart, early carrot cultivars had an association with witchcraft. How else could these grandmas who'd worked with plants all their lives make tasty soups from poison roots? Clearly, this wayward English priest is offering Satanic vegetables to his familiar...

Unrelatedly, a fun thing about making jam from the first trim of the rhubarb crop? Scaring yourself silly with the sudden weird noises made by the jars as they cool and safety-seal when you use metallic lids...gah.

*as in what they executed Socrates with, I know there's an American tree called hemlock for some reason,'s not.

edit: spotted one last typo, 'vingegar'... agagagagaguh.

This message was last edited by the GM at 22:15, Mon 26 July 2021.
The Keeper
GM, 48 posts
Tue 27 Jul 2021
at 00:24
  • msg #63

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Thomas Bees:
"Nor I, let us approach and see what it does. As for its home you are probably right, though deer do bed down in any available corpse or the like, especially the males."

[bolding mine]

I, um. You realise I have to think of some way to incorporate the absoloutely horrific mental images engendered by this typo in the plot now, right?

(big Hannibal ravenstag* vibes; I like.)

To return to my previous rambling about Satanic Vegetables, please note that sail power is not consistently fast and you never know when terrible Orcadian pirates will steal all your fish and/or hats and give you a load of beeswax in apology (poor John Gow, he was so bad at piracy); most things that come in from the Empire come in dried, powdered, or as seeds. Out of season foodstuffs consist of whatever can be grown in a late Little Ice Age English greenhouse or rehydrated from storage. We do have real live non-fantasy potatoes, though!

Also a lot of the in-game varieties of crops and livestock don't look like ours, mostly being smaller and taking longer to mature. As an illustration as I go to bed, behold the beauty of old-timey carrots:

Thomas Bees
player, 11 posts
Tue 27 Jul 2021
at 00:37
  • msg #64

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

I have a story of a wild pig when I was involved with search and rescue, but that involved a deer..... still along the same lines.

Martin Lovelace
player, 14 posts
Tue 27 Jul 2021
at 02:19
  • msg #65

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

The Keeper:
Satanic Vegetables

...are we getting vampiric watermelons?
The Keeper
GM, 49 posts
Tue 27 Jul 2021
at 08:38
  • msg #66

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

@Thomas -  that...raises so many more questions than it answers...

@Dr. Lovelace - ask the Magic 8 Ball if the Fox estate is greenhousing watermelons, since otherwise any you see a month early, well...they'll have been out for a full moon after Christmas, and then some. Zrrrrl!

(see, paying attention to seasonality is Important in historical games.)
This message was last edited by the GM at 08:41, Tue 27 July 2021.
Martin Lovelace
player, 15 posts
Tue 27 Jul 2021
at 14:00
  • msg #67

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

08:48, Today: Martin Lovelace got the result "Very doubtful" on the magic 8-ball.  Is the Fox estate growing watermelons?

Alas, it was not to be.
The Keeper
GM, 50 posts
Tue 27 Jul 2021
at 17:46
  • msg #68

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Your peace of mind? Now we've established they can't be got fresh, it follows that any given watermelon encountered is either extremely well-preserved...or the annoying undead! [scare chord]
Benjamin Craddock
player, 10 posts
Post Boy
Tue 27 Jul 2021
at 21:59
  • msg #69

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Very busy weekend for me. Catching up on all the goings on now.
The Keeper
GM, 52 posts
Tue 27 Jul 2021
at 23:22
  • msg #70

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

A Ben! Excellent. Which belongings are you taking to where, there? Or is that a handful of shoes and gaiters being wrangled along with any tack kept warily with the clothes?

If the latter and attempting to put them on and go downstairs at once, a DEX check may be in order...
Benjamin Craddock
player, 12 posts
Post Boy
Wed 28 Jul 2021
at 01:24
  • msg #71

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

I had meant his satchel, but since I don't see him carrying two, and his original was taken from him, let us say it is his gaiters, shoes, coat, etc.

For the sake of fun.

And for my penance in not posting over the last few days.

18:23, Today: Benjamin Craddock rolled 64 using 1d100.  Dexterity vs 35.
Reverend Palmer
player, 7 posts
Priest of St. Saint Giles
Wed 28 Jul 2021
at 07:37
  • msg #72

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Edited my sanity-slipping post :-)
The Keeper
GM, 53 posts
Wed 28 Jul 2021
at 18:01
  • msg #73

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Appreciated! Maybe the stag Devil would like a carrot, too, what do we think...

Thread 1a, I'm going to shuffle posts about a little to make things make sense and also cook myself a plurality of noodles, hang on.

edit: Thread 1a, your posts are shuffled!
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:46, Wed 28 July 2021.
The Keeper
GM, 54 posts
Thu 29 Jul 2021
at 07:07
  • msg #74

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Benjamin Craddock:
For the sake of fun.

And for my penance in not posting over the last few days.

18:23, Today: Benjamin Craddock rolled 64 using 1d100.  Dexterity vs 35.

Fortunately, Hessie has high DEX and aced the roll, so no harm're like one average person between you.

Thread 1b, I'm going to give Andrew a chance to post so that the Spot isn't wasted if he wants to go up closer and be briefly possessed by the spirit of a wild Tungus, swinging aboard see some things without one.

Dr. Lovelace, I'm assuming you're busy because I've seen you log in/say a short thing OOC, but if you're actually stuck instead, let me know. [TV ad voice] just text 'stuck' to PM now...
Martin Lovelace
player, 17 posts
Thu 29 Jul 2021
at 15:20
  • msg #75

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Neither; I had written up a post and not pressed send, so to speak.
The Keeper
GM, 55 posts
Thu 29 Jul 2021
at 21:52
  • msg #76

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

I say this with the greatest affection, but...ya dope.

Meanwhile, just because it's a good medley performance and we've already got a bunch of Longest Johns content kicking about, (some of) the ballad Bart's tagline's from:

(he does have perfectly good arms though. Well, right now he has perfectly good legs, too, they're just Maggie's.)
Reverend Palmer
player, 8 posts
Priest of St. Saint Giles
Fri 30 Jul 2021
at 15:40
  • msg #77

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

I'm struggling with a cold, headache, stuffy nose, the whole shebang.
always extra fun in the summer.

Give me a couple of days to recover.
The Keeper
GM, 56 posts
Fri 30 Jul 2021
at 17:13
  • msg #78

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Alas! Here, I will roll a pretend orange in your direction.

          (     (      (   ((  O

May you recover swiftly and with a minimum of steaming.
The Keeper
GM, 57 posts
Wed 4 Aug 2021
at 12:39
  • msg #79

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Hm, I hope our vicar is all right.

Dr. Lovelace, I know you're waiting on him, but if anyone else is stuck please a) know I am generally available for poking until pleasing ways forward fall out and b) there are villagers around the green to be interacted with, should one wish to do so.

In other news, I had the dark red sunflowers I'd managed to grow in a discarded bulk sample called Satanic yesterday, since they look black and mildly alarming from a distance - I was amused. Also that I'm likely to be about but intermittent 'til tomorrow night, since I need to organise many things tonight and am out on site tomorrow to provide dubious technical assistance, so.
Distant woodpigeon
Fri 6 Aug 2021
at 07:38
  • msg #80

The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

<a href=> Brrr-CROO-coo c-coo.</a>

(This is the sound of the English countryside for me, even if they're everywhere.)
Reverend Palmer
player, 10 posts
Priest of St. Saint Giles
Sun 8 Aug 2021
at 06:53
  • msg #81

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Sorry to go AWOL, I was in bed a couple of days and then had to catch up with Real Life as well. Should be back now, good as new! :-)
The Keeper
GM, 59 posts
Sun 8 Aug 2021
at 08:47
  • msg #82

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Margaret Yendale
player, 22 posts
the poacher's daughter
Tue 10 Aug 2021
at 12:05
  • msg #83

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Loved the master shoeing.
The Keeper
GM, 60 posts
Tue 10 Aug 2021
at 12:54
  • msg #84

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

I wish to assure anyone puzzled by my anarchic grammar that that was a simile and Polzeath is very good at the raise hoof tap-shoe-tighten, not just hammering horseshoes into Dr. Lovelace's feet. Unless Dr. Lovelace wants to tell us something...?
Martin Lovelace
player, 20 posts
Tue 10 Aug 2021
at 15:39
  • msg #85

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

I mean, I could tell, but that wouldn't be as fun as letting that sort of information emerge in play.
The Keeper
GM, 61 posts
Tue 10 Aug 2021
at 17:23
  • msg #86

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

True, true. Indeed, unless their feet have been observed, one can only speculate about any of the people in this game. Anyone could have hooves and/or be the Devil. Fun thought!

You two can trot on to Thread 1b at will, along with other villagers converging on that point (Andrew's mother wielding a medium-sized skillet is one of them).
Margaret Yendale
player, 23 posts
the poacher's daughter
Tue 10 Aug 2021
at 19:11
  • msg #87

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

The Keeper:
True, true. Indeed, unless their feet have been observed, one can only speculate about any of the people in this game. Anyone could have hooves and/or be the Devil. Fun thought!

Not Maggie! Anyone can see her feet most any time. She goes barefoot cause she doesn't want her shoes to get dirty. Besides, they pinch.
The Keeper
GM, 63 posts
Fri 13 Aug 2021
at 22:30
  • msg #88

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

...Maggie excepted (and Ben, whose strength of feets we've also seen).

Meanwhile, in South Queensferry:

(I think given the heraldic posing between staves the character is intended to be a woodwose, though he could just depict the Green Man or a specific local plant spirit.)
The Keeper
GM, 64 posts
Wed 18 Aug 2021
at 23:04
  • msg #89

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Anyone is welcome to add in whatever commentary on hares, witches, Polly and summonings they like here, but my brain has gone to sleep and I must follow. John will likely bring up forming a dedicated search soon, though yes, lots of ways to go from this point if Investigators have a favoured line of investigatin'.

I am no longer making sense to myself. Hopefully this makes some? Here is a folk song about trying (failing) to kill an occasionally conversational hare:
Reverend Palmer
player, 14 posts
Priest of St. Saint Giles
Thu 19 Aug 2021
at 19:11
  • msg #90

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Just a heads up that we'll be moving into the new appartment over the next few days, and my internet access will be a bit spotty. Should be back to normal by Wednesday.
The Keeper
GM, 65 posts
Thu 19 Aug 2021
at 20:49
  • msg #91

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Thanks for the notice - may you arrive with all you set out with, and may the new place soon smell like home.

I don't know that I honestly have enough brain for a coherent post tonight, for which I apologise, though I'm not sure everyone has checked in to see if they want to say a thing in between yet. Nothing but blep between the ears, in the main.

Also I have thus far failed to depict Polzeath, in part because I made an attempt via editing's photorealistic generated pictures whenever they looked credibly Cornish and just wound up creating what look like new members of the UK's royal family. Sheesh but those people need to put some branches on the family tree.
The Keeper
GM, 68 posts
Wed 25 Aug 2021
at 12:52
  • msg #92

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Thomas Bees:
"Do not worry Andrew I will get you to that wood one way or another. [...]"

Human sacrifice! Always a valid solution, right?

edit: batting threads about a bit, but everyone but Maggie is now on Thread 02. She should join you shortly, unless something sudden and terrible happens.

edit II: don't have to wait for her, though, it actually makes more plot/timing sense not to.

edit III: crickets, huh. Are you all busy? Stuck? Have I muffed something up spectacularly? Not that I'm entirely unbusy myself this week - posting this at present since I may or may not be about tomorrow evening, and that would be time for all the main thread players' one-week abscence warning checkin - but no posts since Wednesday is...worrying.

That said, if the offer of free drinks has caused everyone to abandon ship in alarm I will laugh.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:09, Mon 30 Aug 2021.
The Keeper
GM, 72 posts
Tue 31 Aug 2021
at 16:58
  • msg #93

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

All right, in-game posts - those are both nice and appreciated!

I'm aware there's not much to go on from the lunchtime one but thought I'd post what I had down in the time and that I'd give Dr. Lovelace a chance to respond to letting a four-year-old draw him a pint of "something". I also owe Tom some information for specific observations and am tracking offscreen villagers; lots of juggling.

Please note that small beer isn't physically small in any way, it's just barely alcoholic. That is, enough to kill cholera, liver fluke eggs, algae and/or anything else that might be living in it whilst storing water. It's generally given to children and will make Andrew moderately hydrated, which is good for blood loss but probably won't make him forget he has a gouge in. He might be more cheerful to finally realise how great ribs are, though. Ribs are great.

Lastly, all but one of the things that were going to make me miss slots I'm usually around through the first part of this week are now happening tomorrow, so...if I'm not about for a patch that's what's going on.
Reverend Palmer
player, 15 posts
Priest of St. Saint Giles
Tue 31 Aug 2021
at 21:44
  • msg #94

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Moving was taking up wayyyyy more time than expected. But I never said specifically *which* Wednesday I was hoping to be able to get back to normal, was I?

Anyway, I'll catch up on reading the posts tomorrow!
The Keeper
GM, 73 posts
Tue 31 Aug 2021
at 22:47
  • msg #95

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Hi! Indeed, I think there's a very manageable amount of catching up at present, all the moreso since I am also about to take myself to bed...

I apologise for the delay here right when I said I'd be attentive: it seems my badly-put-together nervous system has decided to entertain itself by making sure I wake up just under my minimum sleep time, then inflicting pain for not hitting my minimum sleep time.
The Keeper
GM, 75 posts
Sat 11 Sep 2021
at 19:13
  • msg #96

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Giving the rest of you space to post, since between the two (more?) simultaneous conversations rhubarbing along in the pub there's useful information to be gleaned by sharing.

Also, it's not our side of the Atlantic, but someone fed Puritan names to a copy-the-thing AI and I was howling with laughter/going 'oh no-O' at some of the results, so: https://randomencounters.tumbl...lagers-and-townsfolk

...some of them sound like Terry Pratchett characters, others just terribly unfortunate.

edit: Also! Do we want a Clues thread?
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:14, Sat 11 Sept 2021.
Martin Lovelace
player, 34 posts
Sun 12 Sep 2021
at 03:51
  • msg #97

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

I think a clues thread always proves beneficial.
Margaret Yendale
player, 42 posts
the poacher's daughter
Sun 12 Sep 2021
at 12:52
  • msg #98

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 96):

"Proper Condom Richmond" I'm dying here!

We need to figure out a game these will fit in.
The Keeper
GM, 76 posts
Sun 12 Sep 2021
at 14:29
  • msg #99

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

It is a virtue! XD

...yes, yes we do. Puritan naming traditions are great in general. If I ever go back to my Massachusetts-based group of feeple from a comedy game on here (who continue such conventions as a cultural marker within the broader demi-Deep One diaspora), I'm going to have to visit that list.

Clues Thread a bit later, since it's my first free weekend in a long time and I have so very much cleaning/fixing to be done...
The Keeper
GM, 78 posts
Wed 15 Sep 2021
at 16:28
  • msg #100

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Question, for Americans: Given the word "rooster" was invented so that Puritans would never have to say "cock", is it applied to non-domestic galliforms as well, like 'a rooster grouse', 'rooster pheasant' etc.?

I am afraid to ask the internet but having thought of it I am now desperate to know.
Martin Lovelace
player, 38 posts
Wed 15 Sep 2021
at 20:06
  • msg #101

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Well, that's new information for me. I did know that they're called cocks across the pond, but not why we call them roosters here.

I'm going to claim ignorance on this one. I don't talk about birds much in my day to day life. A light internet search does seem to suggest that it's used for other non-chicken birds, but I have never heard this colloquially (but then again, I don't much discuss birds).
Andrew Sexton
player, 27 posts
Wed 15 Sep 2021
at 20:27
  • msg #102

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Unfortunately, I have to claim ignorance also. The only time I’ve heard the term is in reference to chickens. I’ve honestly never heard it employed with regard to other types of birds.

Side question: Do we happen to know if the disturbing secretions seen in the local fauna might possibly be highly flammable? Asking for a friend.
Margaret Yendale
player, 45 posts
the poacher's daughter
Wed 15 Sep 2021
at 20:35
  • msg #103

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

My Birds of North America guide seems to use male and female in its text.

I can't recall ever seeing rooster used except in connection with chickens, though hen is used of various sorts of female fowl, and cock insofaras I recall.
The Keeper
GM, 79 posts
Wed 15 Sep 2021
at 21:08
  • msg #104

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

@ Martin - ! !! Now I feel compelled to command you to talk about birds. ( command it!)

In fact, I command all of you to talk about birds. Go find the nearest person and tell them that it has been scientifically proven that parrots have names, or that the feathers of the Hooded Pitouhui can poison humans through the skin, or that maleos spring out of the sides of volcanoes fully-formed and independent or something. Tell them most owls have asymmetrical ears, or that bee hummingbird chicks are the size of baked beans. Spread the word and the terror and the horror of the Great Potoo (all Hail). There are so many birds to discuss!

Incidentally, the cock under discussion IC looks something like this - note the lack of white/yellow patches about the head from hybridisation with later imports, and that period pheasants will be smaller and smarter than the semi-domesticated stock consistently barn-bred and dumped into the wild for easy shooting by the gentry from the mid 19th-century onwards. With the exception of waterfowl - remembering swans are owned by the Crown regardless of whose land they're on, and whilst not yet extinct, great bustards need rough grassland and don't like hills - that's still the biggest gamebird to be got in southern England.

(Scotland had - and still has, just - considerably bigger sorts of wild cocks, but that's not where you are.)

@Andrew - I am afraid this information can only be obtained by experiment.

@Mags - Probably a stylistic thing for consistency, but thanks for looking! I appreciate that, and the birds of North America.


I think we can conclude that unless one is still a Puritan, or a writer of bird guides that doesn't want to get into very cool technicalities, the U.S. has domestic roosters and wild cocks. [nod]
Martin Lovelace
player, 39 posts
Wed 15 Sep 2021
at 21:34
  • msg #105

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 104):

I'd wager that we've got some domesticated cocks as well.
The Keeper
GM, 80 posts
Wed 15 Sep 2021
at 22:27
  • msg #106

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Only in terms of, huh, roosterfighting, as far as I know. I was going to look something up to be witty but then I got distracted by a Rhode Island Red (cross?) and look at this magnificent cock. 10/10, shiny bird.

I'm giving Andrew and Tom a chance to contribute their relevant knowledge (if desired) before distracting them with other concerns, by the way, if anyone was waiting for villager chatter.
The Keeper
GM, 81 posts
Thu 16 Sep 2021
at 16:28
  • msg #107

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Margaret Yendale:
She figured she was big enough to fight her own battles that needed fighting.

Alas, so does everyone else. Small village communities are great if you're on the right side of them, otherwise, not so much...
Martin Lovelace
player, 41 posts
Fri 17 Sep 2021
at 14:46
  • msg #108

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Andrew, sorry I didn't mean to have Martin completely ignore you. I just missed your post until just now!

(And Maggie, I did contemplate having Martin stick up for her a bit more, but got the sense that it might just make things worse and that he'd be better off somewhat redirecting their energies).
This message was last edited by the player at 14:47, Fri 17 Sept 2021.
Margaret Yendale
player, 48 posts
the poacher's daughter
Fri 17 Sep 2021
at 14:50
  • msg #109

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to Martin Lovelace (msg # 108):

No worries, your honour.
Andrew Sexton
player, 30 posts
Fri 17 Sep 2021
at 23:42
  • msg #110

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

It’s all good, Doc! You’ve had quite a bit of conversation sent your way in recent posts.
The Keeper
GM, 82 posts
Fri 17 Sep 2021
at 23:58
  • msg #111

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

...though if you do want to keep that pheasant after all, better send someone out sharpish, since it's currently scheduled for immediate execution and Maggie is the very picture of decorum (and so won't get it hurled at her whilst a couple of dumbass yokels run like hell).
Reverend Palmer
player, 21 posts
Priest of St. Saint Giles
Mon 20 Sep 2021
at 13:12
  • msg #112

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

I'm quiet because both as a player and as character, I have no idea what to do with a possibly-possessed bird. So I'll follow along with the general consensus unless directly asked for my input.
The Keeper
GM, 83 posts
Mon 20 Sep 2021
at 15:20
  • msg #113

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Excorsise it? Keep it under observation? Burn it?

The questions he was actually asked were whether he thought the wildlife weirdness might be Wyzenwood and/or missing person-related, but at any rate - here to help! If anyone gets stuck, do let me know and I can lay out some clearer choices for you.

I must say I'm entertained by the vicar's current choice of distraction, however.
Nancy Collins
NPC, 3 posts
Sharper Than
The Thorn
Thu 23 Sep 2021
at 12:32
  • msg #114

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Aaall right, the backroom chat got considerably more involved than I thought and the vicar is just about keeping Tom from fisticuffs with lovely Nancy - going to make a sub-thread for it and move things about, this evening.

Main thread, any other queries, possibilities or concerns you want to share?
The Keeper
GM, 86 posts
Thu 23 Sep 2021
at 22:40
  • msg #115

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Hokay, so whilst Tom is getting about the best hidden knowledge in about the worst way possible, I've had a player request to update the setting notes with forms of address.

Tonight it is far too late to start on that, plus my head hurts (weatherfront, probably) but beware further thread-shuffling and random pings incoming when I get to that.
Reverend Palmer
player, 26 posts
Priest of St. Saint Giles
Fri 24 Sep 2021
at 14:19
  • msg #116

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

I think there's a decent chance the good Reverend was responsible for the Jacobite Uprisings after trying to "have a calm discussion about the strongest claim to the throne"
Margaret Yendale
player, 52 posts
the poacher's daughter
Sat 25 Sep 2021
at 19:08
  • msg #117

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Thanks for the terms of address.
The Keeper
GM, 88 posts
Sat 25 Sep 2021
at 19:37
  • msg #118

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

No worries. Sorry I vanished yesterday, was just one of those "brain chemistry doing a bad then the news comes up and punches you in the face" kinda days when you just have to go to bed and hope the foolishness sorts itself out.


[saved to scratchpad & continued from old inherited iPad] At this point my cooker exploded and seems to have taken out exactly half the electrics in my ridiculously small house, including the socket that serves my ancient laptop which is crumbling to the extent it has 2 minutes of battery & cannot be moved, and the lights above/near my fuse cupboard...going to move part of my "attic" storage out of there and see if the electrics are a simple fix by the light of some bottle lamps I own rather than set the cupboard and the rest of my house on fire with candles...might not be all that active later, depending.

edit/update: so after much internal wailing and alarm on my part, I'm not sure why but turning the electicity entirely off then on again (rather than the affected circuits/circuit groups) seems to have everything on again...I haven't tried turning the cooker on in the 'heating food' sense again, but damn, it sounded like the bang came from there. Concerned. Anyway, let's see if I can get a post or two in

[at this point your Keeper develops a sudden nausea and tension around the skull, is distracted for 40 minutes by proto-migraine symptoms and goes to drink water] ...never mind. Posts when I can, I can only half see.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:13, Sat 25 Sept 2021.
Martin Lovelace
player, 45 posts
Sun 26 Sep 2021
at 15:25
  • msg #119

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Margaret Yendale:
Thanks for the terms of address.

The Keeper
GM, 90 posts
Thu 30 Sep 2021
at 20:23
  • msg #120

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Just reporting that I'm not dead, just been somewhat run off my feet in combination with badly requiring my ritual stabbing appointment, and right now I need to make plum sauce (I mean, I won't die or anything if I don't, but the plums will go off) so if those threads waiting could please bear with me a bit longer, I am working on it, honest.

edit/update: one! post! done! The plums are preserved as sauce and now, to my sensibilities, edible, I am headachey and about to facekeyboard, so I must sleep. Goodnight!
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:36, Thu 30 Sept 2021.
The Keeper
GM, 94 posts
Sat 2 Oct 2021
at 21:10
  • msg #121

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

I have to mention without context that Thomas has activated the Bunny Vortex. [nod]
The Keeper
GM, 97 posts
Mon 4 Oct 2021
at 22:45
  • msg #122

On Thread-Juggling

All right, so just to make sure expectations match up here:

- Andrew and Maggie are joining the first sweep from the start
- Cecil and Martin are dropping in at Polly's house and joining them later
- Tom is organising making his cart available for the afternoon search and/or possibly joining the first sweep later, as far as he can persuade the horse to go. that about right?


Martin Lovelace:
"Mr. Collins has suggested that we depart presently, I believe."

Indeed, but could at least one of you confirm the above so that I don't wind up cutting anyone off whilst setting up new threads? That would be really helpful to me.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:04, Tue 05 Oct 2021.
Martin Lovelace
player, 50 posts
Tue 5 Oct 2021
at 20:00
  • msg #123

On Thread-Juggling

That works for me. Martin will grab his medical bag, accompany the vicar to Polly's house, and then join the rest when we're able.

Try not to get eaten, rest of you!
The Keeper
GM, 99 posts
Tue 5 Oct 2021
at 20:10
  • msg #124

On Thread-Juggling

#...thank you...# I'll get on that presently. Onwards!

As a note, our lurker expressed interest in Ben's slot and I hope will be able to come in and join the searching party at some point soon.
Samuel Hartman
player, 1 post
Wed 6 Oct 2021
at 18:12
  • msg #125

On Thread-Juggling

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 124):

hello! I was that lurker, and I'm looking forward to joining you all. :)
Martin Lovelace
player, 51 posts
Wed 6 Oct 2021
at 18:28
  • msg #126

On Thread-Juggling

Welcome former lurker!
Samuel Hartman
player, 2 posts
Wed 6 Oct 2021
at 18:52
  • msg #127

On Thread-Juggling

In reply to Martin Lovelace (msg # 126):

Thanks! I'm hoping to get Sam done by this weekend.
The Keeper
GM, 102 posts
Wed 6 Oct 2021
at 23:35
  • msg #128

On Thread-Juggling

Right. Threads. A couple of extra notes before I go to sleep:

1. Being extremely rare in comparison to castrates (usually only happening when something went horribly wrong whilst whelping pups, as in Dockie's case) and liminal beings in the sense of being thought to have puppy-making life-force/power inside without the ability to do so, spayed bitches were held to be able to detect and guard against all kinds of fey and demonic influences.

2. The Durbin house is the one on a line with the wet and wavy field to the left of the map. The doctor and vicar are currently in the lane serving it, on the doorstep, and the search line is spread roughly along the footpath bounding the village on that side between the main road and back lane. They'll comb the ground heading west and eventually swing back up and around to the edge of the Wyzenwood.

Oh, and to make up for what look like Trugred's cousins from the shallow end of the gene pool on 3a's music video there, here is a brilliant shot of Penglaz I found:
Reverend Palmer
player, 33 posts
Priest of St. Saint Giles
Thu 7 Oct 2021
at 11:06
  • msg #129

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread


*waving at lurker*
Samuel Hartman
player, 3 posts
Thu 7 Oct 2021
at 16:14
  • msg #130

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to Reverend Palmer (msg # 129):

Margaret Yendale
player, 57 posts
the poacher's daughter
Fri 8 Oct 2021
at 04:38
  • msg #131

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Welcome former lurker.
Andrew Sexton
player, 35 posts
Fri 8 Oct 2021
at 13:45
  • msg #132

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Welcome aboard new vic…I mean, former lurker!
Samuel Hartman
player, 4 posts
Fri 8 Oct 2021
at 15:19
  • msg #133

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to Andrew Sexton (msg # 132):

Thanks everyone!
The Keeper
GM, 106 posts
Sat 9 Oct 2021
at 21:09
  • msg #134

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Doctor Lovelace and Reverend Palmer, apologies if you're busy instead, but I suspect a gentleman jam: should you both be politely waiting on each other, could the first to read this ask the Magic 8-Ball if he goes first? Thank you.
Reverend Palmer
player, 34 posts
Priest of St. Saint Giles
Sun 10 Oct 2021
at 10:16
  • msg #135

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Sorry, Real Life was distracting, our chancellor was just forced to semi-resign and we've been pretty much all glued to tv/internet.

Not quite sure why Martin wanted to go to Polly's home, I just figured he'd grab his bag and I'd grab a book or two to have with us on the search for Polly.
The Keeper
GM, 107 posts
Sun 10 Oct 2021
at 10:50
  • msg #136

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

That...sounds highly alarming, and I do not blame you. Between this and Poland being even worse than reported (yes, that's possible, they seem to be trying to become Belarus) from contacts on the ground there, I am seriously coming to doubt the way the BBC reports European news...very sorry to hear that.

Andrew suggested investigating where she was last seen, but didn't have the social clout to ask to look at her room/ask her parents if they'd hurt her feelings or body the night she was last known of; it was determined the Doctor should go, and I'm pretty sure Cecil specifically agreed to go along, being considered an expert in hearing and keeping others' sins to himself.

[points up] I did ask if y'all were on the same page before starting these threads - remember, if you you don't tell me help, reminders or background information is needed, I don't know!

Communication in words is preferred, but I will accept drawings, mime and interpretive dance.
Reverend Palmer
player, 35 posts
Priest of St. Saint Giles
Sun 10 Oct 2021
at 12:01
  • msg #137

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Ah, all good, then, I shall commence to posting!

The resignation is good-ish. I mean it's great that he had to step down as chancellor. The guy following him is to be expected just a puppet of his, though, so we'll have to wait how that turns out.
And he's not completely out: He's still the head of his party and instead of being the head of government, he'll be the head of his party's faction in Austrian parliament. So he'll still carry a lot of clout.

We dodged a bullet; but we're still in the same gunfight, so to speak.
Margaret Yendale
player, 59 posts
the poacher's daughter
Sun 10 Oct 2021
at 12:21
  • msg #138

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Communication in words is preferred, but I will accept drawings, mime and interpretive dance.

Maggie has apparently chosen the last option.
Samuel Hartman
player, 5 posts
Tue 12 Oct 2021
at 01:24
  • msg #139

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Hey all,

I wanted to let you know that I have a family member who's not doing well, and my family expects him to pass any time now. I realize it's awful timing since I just joined, but wanted to give a heads up.
Andrew Sexton
player, 37 posts
Tue 12 Oct 2021
at 01:55
  • msg #140

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

My sympathies.

I certainly wouldn’t worry about this. We’ll be here when you’re able to return.
Samuel Hartman
player, 6 posts
Tue 12 Oct 2021
at 01:56
  • msg #141

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to Andrew Sexton (msg # 140):

Thanks so much. Just been trying to keep my mind away from it.
Reverend Palmer
player, 37 posts
Priest of St. Saint Giles
Tue 12 Oct 2021
at 10:54
  • msg #142

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Whatever we can do to help keep your mind off it, we'll be here.
Sending you strength through the internet!
The Keeper
GM, 108 posts
Tue 12 Oct 2021
at 12:59
  • msg #143

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Ach...I present the Kentucky Meat Shower as an aid to getting lost in Wikipedia, if that helps any.

I also proffer my apologies at Thread 02b, since I spent most of yesterday in a state like this frog with not much brain left spare; I am out of break now but will get there tonight...!
Samuel Hartman
player, 7 posts
Tue 12 Oct 2021
at 16:14
  • msg #144

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to Reverend Palmer (msg # 142):


That family member passed away earlier this morning. I don't know the funeral plans yet, but wanted to let you all know anyway, keep moving ahead and I'll catch up asap.
Reverend Palmer
player, 39 posts
Priest of St. Saint Giles
Tue 12 Oct 2021
at 16:41
  • msg #145

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

I'm so sorry for your loss.
Samuel Hartman
player, 8 posts
Tue 12 Oct 2021
at 16:43
  • msg #146

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to Reverend Palmer (msg # 145):

Thanks. <3
Margaret Yendale
player, 60 posts
the poacher's daughter
Tue 12 Oct 2021
at 19:33
  • msg #147

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to Samuel Hartman (msg # 144):

My condolences.
Samuel Hartman
player, 9 posts
Tue 12 Oct 2021
at 19:33
  • msg #148

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to Margaret Yendale (msg # 147):

Thanks. <3
Margaret Yendale
player, 61 posts
the poacher's daughter
Tue 12 Oct 2021
at 19:34
  • msg #149

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 143):

"two gentlemen who tasted it" W.T.F.
The Keeper
GM, 109 posts
Tue 12 Oct 2021
at 19:40
  • msg #150

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

[vegetarian shrug] Free meat?
Samuel Hartman
player, 10 posts
Tue 12 Oct 2021
at 19:42
  • msg #151

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 150):

i guess, either way it's extremely cursed
The Keeper
GM, 111 posts
Fri 15 Oct 2021
at 17:34
  • msg #152

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

All right, heads up that before I go home presently I'm going to shuffle the closed threads about to change the order because they're annoying me as a jumble...Tom, haven't forgotten you, bringing you back into the main thread is due next.

Martin & Cecil, are you stuck? If neither of you have any particular reaction to that information/urge to selflessly volunteer to distract Mrs. Durbin whilst the other searches I can carry on over there, just let me know.

edit: Threads shuffled, sorry about all the pings...
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:44, Fri 15 Oct 2021.
Reverend Palmer
player, 40 posts
Priest of St. Saint Giles
Fri 15 Oct 2021
at 20:13
  • msg #153

On Thread-Juggling

Got like a million customers come in in the least week before the filing deadline and crowing in work right now.. Should be done after the weekend.
The Keeper
GM, 113 posts
Fri 15 Oct 2021
at 22:36
  • msg #154

On Thread-Juggling

Ah! My apologies, I wasn't meaning to agitate, and will surely give you a chance to look in before shooing anything on. That's a rather terrifying workload, and a mental image rather like a zombie hoarde...

Unrelatedly, given recent OOC topics I thought maybe some of you folks would, hmm, enjoy? This pretend U.S. National Park I found on the internet.
The Keeper
GM, 124 posts
Fri 22 Oct 2021
at 16:56
  • msg #155

On Thread-Juggling

Oof. Just wanted to extend general apologies for being slow, and to say that I will likely be around more over the weekend, since I have to self-isolate waiting on a PCR. The tail end of this week has been...well, getting a Covid exposure alert was about the best thing that happened today, not counting the sun coming out for a bit.

I need to report the PCR and cook things into curry to help support myself for ~3 days of self-isolating, but hopefully will be more about tonight than yesterday.
Samuel Hartman
player, 14 posts
Fri 22 Oct 2021
at 17:16
  • msg #156

On Thread-Juggling

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 155):

Oh no! I'm sorry to hear that - take care of yourself, life always comes first. <3
Andrew Sexton
player, 40 posts
Fri 22 Oct 2021
at 18:45
  • msg #157

On Thread-Juggling

Yes, please take care. We’ll be here, ready to venture into the woods to be eaten, whenever you’re able to give this time. Self care assuredly comes first.
Thomas Bees
player, 56 posts
Fri 22 Oct 2021
at 20:59
  • msg #158

On Thread-Juggling

Hope it comes back neg.

The Keeper
GM, 126 posts
Fri 22 Oct 2021
at 23:20
  • msg #159

On Thread-Juggling

It probably will, given I only shared an enclosed room with the colleague for one meeting. Just a weekend of being cooped up and upset. The day/background stress/my inability to sleep like a sane animal has given me enough chest & neck tension to be sore, though, so I should probably try to get some sleep in before my body decides that the thing I really need right now is migraines.

I will go drink some water. Thank you all for the concern and even moreso for the patience, they're truly appreciated.
Margaret Yendale
player, 64 posts
the poacher's daughter
Sat 23 Oct 2021
at 00:44
  • msg #160

On Thread-Juggling

You take good care of yourself, mister, or else. Seriously, take it as easy as you can, my friend.
The Keeper
GM, 131 posts
Tue 26 Oct 2021
at 21:39
  • msg #161

On Thread-Juggling

Got the all clear at 7pm this evening; I will actually be able to go outside tomorrow!

...I am going to have no idea what day it is, and the cascading work-related Problems will only be worse for my absence, but I am going right out and getting myself some orange juice and some green edible thing that is not the feral parsley taking up the greater part of my postage stamp of garden at present.

Anyway, please enjoy this found instance of 'internet people discover weird historical facts', potatoes edition:

I will attempt to go to sleep now, my brain is cloudy and the rain is loud.
Reverend Palmer
player, 46 posts
Priest of St. Saint Giles
Wed 27 Oct 2021
at 07:47
  • msg #162

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

That is good news!

The quarantining will continue until the pandemic is over, but hopefully, that should now be merely annoying and no longer a sign of imminent sickness.
Samuel Hartman
player, 15 posts
Wed 27 Oct 2021
at 17:02
  • msg #163

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

I agree with Reverend Palmer, I'm glad it's good news.
The Keeper
GM, 133 posts
Wed 27 Oct 2021
at 17:32
  • msg #164

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Annoying it certainly is! Still, if it might save someone's grandma it has to be done.

Everyone else doing all right?
Samuel Hartman
player, 16 posts
Wed 27 Oct 2021
at 17:43
  • msg #165

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

I am! Been drinking way too much tea and doing some personal projects while job-hunting, but doing alright.
Reverend Palmer
player, 48 posts
Priest of St. Saint Giles
Thu 28 Oct 2021
at 08:53
  • msg #166

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Sarah Durbin:

"You'll see, Doctor, I haven't moved anything since she's nothing in here that's moved her to such distraction,"
Mrs, Durbin said as she opened the door.

Do I have time to grab the book?
The Keeper
GM, 134 posts
Thu 28 Oct 2021
at 09:09
  • msg #167

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

If you're quick about it...the fun question is 'then what?' :D
Reverend Palmer
player, 49 posts
Priest of St. Saint Giles
Thu 28 Oct 2021
at 09:29
  • msg #168

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Well, the idea would be to grab and hide it in my coat.
The Keeper
GM, 135 posts
Thu 28 Oct 2021
at 12:59
  • msg #169

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Doable, since male coat pockets of the period are pretty much designed for exactly that (the pockets of female clothing are separate bags worn under the dress, and aren't necessarily standard between changes of clothing, let alone ladies). Mrs. Durbin will come in to find the vicar standing there holding a not-quite-metre ruler for no clear reason, in that case. Measure things and pretend to be looking for secret panels?

@Sam - glad to hear things are evening out. I would express shock at the notion of too much tea, but rather I am curious as to what kind, since you implied being based in the USA and a tea-drinking American is a rare bird indeed.
Samuel Hartman
player, 18 posts
Thu 28 Oct 2021
at 16:41
  • msg #170

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 169):

I usually drink chai tea - it's just Cinnamon Rolls: The Drink. It's my go to caffeinated beverage, especially this time of year.
The Keeper
GM, 136 posts
Thu 28 Oct 2021
at 21:38
  • msg #171

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

It's definitely good stuff, though the cinnamon combination does something to my insides that gives me the acids, particularly if made up properly with thick milk and sugar.

My default autumn tea is a 1:2 lapsang:keemun mix that has all the qualities looked for in a fine whiskey without getting you drunk in your shirtsleeves by 2 in the afternoon, but part of me rather enjoys a 2:1 of rose congou:darjeeling at this time of year more than others. Rain, cut fields and a cupfull of sweet flowers summoned out of summer/warm places to your bidding like a kind of magic.
Samuel Hartman
player, 19 posts
Thu 28 Oct 2021
at 22:40
  • msg #172

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Nice! i know sometimes I'll blend my chai with either ginger or vanilla tea, that's tasty.
The Keeper
GM, 138 posts
Sun 31 Oct 2021
at 21:37
  • msg #173

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

...or stir it for a while with a piece of raw liquorice root, that's good if not otherwise adding additions, too.

Presuming at least the Americans are away tonight doing that thing where they dress as sexy household appliances, I shall put this down here for when folk come back, since it seems meet to acknowledge the season. *dance dance* Also one of my favourite bits of zombie art (what does he want it to do, all wrapped up in its shroud like that?) and a strawboy as a reference to what the 'Bogi' morris character looks like in-story.

Neither All Hallows itself nor Hallowe'en were particularly marked in England in the Georgian era - partly through saint-worship being lost to Cromwell's Puritan regime like the church decorations, partly through disdain of Cornish/Welsh/Scots traditions which did mark Samhain - though in various places you were held to be able to go to the churchyard gate that midnight and see a procession of everyone who was going to die that year (potentially including yourself) or a few other fortune-telling tricks. I suspect in Scorch Norton that's when they dance the Other Morris.
The Keeper
GM, 146 posts
Fri 12 Nov 2021
at 13:47
  • msg #174

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Ahoy, Andrew! That's actually a Natural World roll for that specific thing.

I've been giving Dr. Lovelace a chance to look in, but if he's not about by tonight he officially gets sent to the land of Over There Somewhere, so I'll move things along. Trying to bring Sam in soon, too - sorry to leave you isolated in a prelude thread there.

Generally speaking, are we still having fun?

It's hard to phrase this, but please don't be too polite to tell me if not. See, I've noticed the pacing seems to be stuttering somewhat, and I'm not sure if it's folk being busy (it is maybe Thanksgiving now/soon in the US?), folk being disillusioned and not enjoying things or me biting off more than I can chew and making useless wheezing noises rather than clear narration, so to speak.
Martin Lovelace
player, 59 posts
Fri 12 Nov 2021
at 16:18
  • msg #175

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Sorry, work has been pretty crazy lately! Missed catching up here. I'll do that today.
The Keeper
GM, 147 posts
Sat 13 Nov 2021
at 09:55
  • msg #176

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Thank you, doctor.I'll give the PCs space to update ye.

 I don't want Wyzenwood to be a chore, though, and the deafening crickets when I've asked for feedback (a "yes/no/busy" would do, I'm not fishing for essays or head-patting) concern me considerably. I...will assume folk were out of a Friday night, as is commonplace, but whilst I don't want to put a game down just because it's limping a bit, I also don't want to fuel some joyless enterprise on people's sense of obligation. I can be PM'd if anyone wants to say things are/n't working for them quietly, but please communicate.

I carve out time for this stuff, too, and I've seen very promising games die for want of their GMs coming forward and saying they were struggling with a post rate below what they'd advertised for: lag temporary or ongoing can be adapted to if identified and mutually agreed-to, but un-prepared-for? Gosh it's a lot of extra work this side of the screen.

I want to introduce you to the wet Somerset mud and the layered past of generations living in one place, safe paths turned wrong, the miserable petty cruelty of human beings in contrast to the grand obliterating indifference of entities so ancient, alien and inescapable they might as well be an element. The fact that those human beings can stand up and do what they can about both, too. I don't want to introduce you to being intermittently poked by an annoying Keeper to slog through something just because y'all said you would, or being constantly confused because lag, or your Investigators not living up to their potential due to my lacking time or energy to spoonfeed dropped findings back into their beaks. In short, it is a game and I want everyone to have fun therein.
Andrew Sexton
player, 48 posts
Sat 13 Nov 2021
at 14:05
  • msg #177

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

No issues for me at all, Keeper.

I think, on analysis, some of my recent quiet has been a little situational, with respect to the game. As Andrew is further back in the line of searchers, I tend to play off of what is happening ahead. That’s probably not the best approach. Rather, I need to focus on what’s in Andrew’s immediate vicinity, like dead people reaching up from the marsh trying to drag the living under.

No complaints about the game itself whatsoever. Truly enjoying my time here.
Samuel Hartman
player, 22 posts
Sat 13 Nov 2021
at 14:08
  • msg #178

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Im enjoying the game as well. Holidays are coming up soon for me though
Margaret Yendale
player, 71 posts
the poacher's daughter
Sat 13 Nov 2021
at 18:12
  • msg #179

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Maggie is just waiting for everyone else to get excited about hauling up fairy treasure.
The Keeper
GM, 148 posts
Sat 13 Nov 2021
at 22:00
  • msg #180

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Feedback much appreciated, truly. It is reassuring to know I am not causing my players dule and woe.

...and yes, reacting to distracting incidents does get one to a place they can be walked away from quicker, if that's what one wishes to do. Currently, Maggie is probably quite happy to handle all the unleashing of ancient ghosts digging for treasure and distracting of other searchers whilst y'all go on along the field - no sideroute or subplot is mandatory.

Unrelated but interesting, what people were dying of in London 139 years before our story is set.

edit: here I proceed to get entirely distracted - sorry Sam, will get to your thread tomorrow. Vicar, you can leave the door open and let your creepy old sexton Mr. Carpenter know that needs dealt with if you like, it's not a particularly Satanic pigeon.
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:57, Sun 14 Nov 2021.
Samuel Hartman
player, 23 posts
Sun 14 Nov 2021
at 01:12
  • msg #181

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 180):

No worries, take care of yourself first.
Reverend Palmer
player, 58 posts
Priest of St. Saint Giles
Mon 15 Nov 2021
at 12:13
  • msg #182

On Thread-Juggling

I like the game, just wonder what poor Cecil has done to anger the dice roller so much! :-)

And I don't mind a pace that's a tad slower now and then. Work and life have been unusual busy for this time of year. Barely manage to kepp up with all the games I'm in.

And I just chased after a player in a game and now haven't been able to update myself...

Which sucks.

And then there's the other thing: Covid numbers are on the rise, the highest they've ever been and our government's local and federal response has been woefully inadequate.
We still have family members who refuse to get vaccinated and it's taking a toll on us all.

It would be one thing if everybody just got tested regularly and then we avoid the subject altogether, but they keep bringing it up.

There was a major fight the other week between my wife and a couple of her sisters and they are not on speaking terms right now.
The holidays are coming up and we don't know how that will go. We might go into full Lockdown again soon, so the point may be moot.

It's stressful. I just want this whole bloody pandemic over and done with.

Sorry for the rant.
The Keeper
GM, 149 posts
Mon 15 Nov 2021
at 12:34
  • msg #183

On Thread-Juggling

To be fair he has succeeded at all things academic, he just has trouble spotting anomalies sometimes or at all.

Hey, no worries, lots of social people are very fed up by now, especially with Facebook-poisoned idiots prolonging it. Personally I think all* anti-vaxxers should be shot, since it would end the lethal danger they pose to the innocent and simultaneously rid society of those most prone to right-wing culting, but that's just me. Being firm that they're not allowed to spend any holiday gatherings with parents or children due to the risks they pose is about as much as can be done, and you both are 100% right to do it.

*especially the ones who believe the conspiracy theory that the MMR magically gives children autism and would rather have entire school districts die of measles - frequently lethal to adults, second only to smallpox in terms of endemic disease - than try to love an autistic child. That's straight-up evil on all levels.
Samuel Hartman
player, 24 posts
Mon 15 Nov 2021
at 17:05
  • msg #184

On Thread-Juggling

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 183):

I absolutely understand being pissed at anti-vaxxers - that being said, I am more sympathetic to the people who would get the vaccine but can't because of a medical reason (like being allergic to something in a vaccine) - that doesn't go to the facebook people saying stuff like "they're putting microchips in the vaccines to track you" or whatever - they're already tracking you using your phone.

That's my rant - and I am completely okay with a slower pace.
The Keeper
GM, 150 posts
Mon 15 Nov 2021
at 19:06
  • msg #185

On Thread-Juggling

That is why my ire is directed at anti-vaxxers and not the unvaccinated in general, indeed: language is important. I'd actually be less violently inclined towards the former if the latter didn't exist, disproportionately so in marginalised communities. As it stands, hothousing viral mutations in the Johnson/Trump/Boisonaro fashion is the next best thing to active cultural genocide in terms of taking out the elders of rural indigenous groups, refugees, Roma and the like whose access to sanitation is low, let alone vaccines.

Additionally, I do have a little sympathy for African-American and Black folk in the US, who have historically recently been experimented on by a country that regularly tries to kill them, but...that's a real reason to be wary, not a real reason to cease using logic on the raw facts that less uptake = more deaths.

In hindsight I should probably have specified shot like a mediaeval outlaw - i.e. until you stop going about burning people in their houses/axing them at the mead-bench/being a jerk for the better part of a decade, you are socially classed as a wild animal and anyone can kill you and take your stuff - since I am very much against governments & organised groups being encouraged to shoot anybody. Still.
Samuel Hartman
player, 25 posts
Mon 15 Nov 2021
at 19:25
  • msg #186

On Thread-Juggling

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 185):

I completely agree.
The Keeper
GM, 151 posts
Mon 15 Nov 2021
at 23:13
  • msg #187

On Thread-Juggling

And here you all were being polite about gentle little rants! People being illogical and hurting others on account of nonsense gets my goat. In this game, however, vaccinations haven't been invented, so no-one can be stupid about them - they just have half their babies die now and then. Another fun fact about measles? It wipes your immune system of all prior resistances and modern medicine hasn't worked out a way around that yet. Measles and tetanus are worth the boosters.

Incidentally, 'consumption' - most but not all of which is TB - is not a massive problem in the country the way it is in cities in the period, and of the London causes of death listed under the link above Doctor Lovelace is approximately 70% less likely to diagnose patients with 'Planet' (i.e. 'they acted weirdly and died, maybe their horoscope was bad?'). As far as I can tell there isn't syphilis going round Scorch Norton at present, but in London and Liverpool it's thought rates might've been as high as 1 in 5.

The popular high-class Georgian 'beauty patches' were often used to cover dents from smallpox scars, but beware anyone wearing a huge one, since that was considered the 'fancy' way to cover festering syphilitic lesions in visible areas. Syphilis and its tendancy to make people's faces rot off in the long term is another reason folk are well used to scars and prosthetics.

Anyway, various horrible diseases aside - I'm actually surprised I haven't veered off on my usual rabies ramble - is anyone waiting on input from me?
Samuel Hartman
player, 26 posts
Sat 20 Nov 2021
at 01:45
  • msg #188

On Thread-Juggling

Sorry i've been away, coming up on holidays and my birthday right after.
The Keeper
GM, 155 posts
Sat 20 Nov 2021
at 21:10
  • msg #189

On Thread-Juggling

Happy approximate-birthday! If you could let me know when you're likely to be off on hols, that'd be really useful for me planning things/pacing, if that's possible.

Your and Dr. Lovelace's current positions are close enough to potentially affect each other, is why there was a ping there.
Samuel Hartman
player, 27 posts
Sun 21 Nov 2021
at 00:59
  • msg #190

On Thread-Juggling

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 189):

thanks! Thursday is Thanksgiving here in the states, but my mom will likely need some help every day until then
The Keeper
GM, 156 posts
Mon 22 Nov 2021
at 18:19
  • msg #191

On Thread-Juggling

Moved from IC thread

Margaret Yendale:
In reply to Thomas Bees (msg # 80):
Sorry, Maggie’s already nicked the rope in msg #54.

Tom! There's twa of us bothering you about props now - see if you can sort it before I get home and get things moving again.

Samuel Hartman:
thanks! Thursday is Thanksgiving here in the states, but my mom will likely need some help every day until then

All right, I'll pre-emptively send Sam to the Land of Over There Somewhere 'til next week. Everyone else, if you're upfield of where Maggie is now, you can see Sam and his buddy Edwin, but they're...over there. When Sam's player is back they'll join the action.

Also, you not eat pumpkins in a normal fashion? After being utterly scandalised to read on the internet that the "pumpkin spice" stuff we hear so much about the moment summer's over contains 0 pumpkins(?!), I saw someone respond that it was because it was the only spice put on pumpkins, which were only consumed as those weird sweet flan things. that true? Surely you roast them with your potatoes, at least? ... I have made myself want pumpkin now.
Samuel Hartman
player, 28 posts
Mon 22 Nov 2021
at 19:28
  • msg #192

Re: On Thread-Juggling

The Keeper:
Also, you not eat pumpkins in a normal fashion? After being utterly scandalised to read on the internet that the "pumpkin spice" stuff we hear so much about the moment summer's over contains 0 pumpkins(?!), I saw someone respond that it was because it was the only spice put on pumpkins, which were only consumed as those weird sweet flan things. that true? Surely you roast them with your potatoes, at least? ... I have made myself want pumpkin now.

I feel like its similar to the spices you'd use in pumpkin pie - my mom has told stories of how she would put pumpkin in pancakes when I was a baby. I haven't had pumpkin by itself, but I'd probably put ot in with something.
The Keeper
GM, 157 posts
Mon 22 Nov 2021
at 20:13
  • msg #193

Re: On Thread-Juggling

Pumpkin soup? Pumpkin risotto? Pumpkin gratin? In with roast veg in general? As a sweetish thickener in a cheese sauce-based dish? Pumpkin is a savoury food, it ought to be roasted with salt, sage and rosemary or spiced with paprika or full-on kitchen pepper if anything. Also, you're not here, you said so - shoo!

Tom's fixing his prop issues, so I'll get on with that post...
Martin Lovelace
player, 63 posts
Mon 22 Nov 2021
at 20:41
  • msg #194

Re: On Thread-Juggling

The Keeper:
Also, you not eat pumpkins in a normal fashion? After being utterly scandalised to read on the internet that the "pumpkin spice" stuff we hear so much about the moment summer's over contains 0 pumpkins(?!), I saw someone respond that it was because it was the only spice put on pumpkins, which were only consumed as those weird sweet flan things. that true? Surely you roast them with your potatoes, at least? ... I have made myself want pumpkin now.

I think the confusion may be related to definition, as while the word pumpkin doesn't really have an agreed upon botanical meaning, it is generally used interchangeably with variants of squash. There are squashes that are consumed here as part of savory preparations, as well as squash consumed in sweet preparations, and squash consumed in both. This makes sense as some squash have a sweeter element to them, like butternut squash.

Pumpkin pie, however, is a dessert. The spice blend used for pumpkin pie (or at least something meant to evoke the flavor of pumpkin pie) is what is described here colloquially as "pumpkin spice." It usually has some combination of cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, cloves, ginger, etc., which are not uncommonly found in various other dessert preparations. As such, it is usually used in sweet preparations like lattes that come autumn are eagerly consumed by people who are unintentionally cosplaying as Han Solo.

That said, for my part, I eschew pumpkin spice lattes in favor of drinking my coffee black. Black as midnight on a moonless night, in the words of Special Agent Dale Cooper.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:42, Mon 22 Nov 2021.
The Keeper
GM, 159 posts
Tue 23 Nov 2021
at 00:11
  • msg #195

Re: On Thread-Juggling mean pumpkins don't exist? I tell you, I see a round gourd squash with more oop than solid, I call it a pumpkin (to the best of my knowledge and belief, so does everyone else, but then I thought 'eldritch' was a common word and that fish existed, so.).

! Look at all the little Hannes...

Bleg. The only "coffee" that comes close to what the smell promises is roasted dandelion, and I haven't worked out how to actually drink the small bag of whatever the hell my friend in Tennessee sent me (this stuff - 'gentle' only to coffee-drinkers and those that don't brew Russian-style, I bet*) without feeling like I have to consume my own weight in nectar for several hours.

Unrelatedly, in looking for a 'dog helping with large stick' picture to illustrate Dockie's 'helping', I found a picture that could very nearly be the Magical Warding Bitch herself: I don't think the Reverend Jack Russell has refined his breeding stock yet, but that rough kind of orange-and-white small game dog was the common southern English terrier type of the period.

Also! Period pugs, whilst status markers rather than what the common folk would call a dog (animals kept only as friends haven't been invented for the working class yet), aren't inbred to the point of nonfunctionality yet. They look more like this.

*also that understand ulbs and ozzes.
Reverend Palmer
player, 62 posts
Priest of St. Saint Giles
Tue 23 Nov 2021
at 07:56
  • msg #196

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

"Period Pugs" sounds like a device from the 18th century used by menstruating women.
The Keeper
GM, 160 posts
Tue 23 Nov 2021
at 21:54
  • msg #197

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

I mean, that angle makes the "breed these dogs to be smaller, rounder cylinders" thing even more horrific, but you're not wrong.

Oof. It's been a day that'd entertain Kafka and now it is somehow 10pm. >_<
The Keeper
GM, 161 posts
Thu 25 Nov 2021
at 19:19
  • msg #198

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Posting this here because it's true:

(though I also transform into a mediaeval peasant and/or gravedigger when shouldering a mattock for any length of time.)
Samuel Hartman
player, 29 posts
Thu 25 Nov 2021
at 20:01
  • msg #199

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Happy Thanksgiving if everyone is celebrating - if not, i hope you have a great day. :)
The Keeper
GM, 162 posts
Thu 25 Nov 2021
at 20:16
  • msg #200

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

It's 8pm for me (and has been dark for almost five hours up here at 59o North), and 9pm for the vicar, but thank you. I hope you enjoy your strange flan thing made out of round squash.
Samuel Hartman
player, 30 posts
Thu 25 Nov 2021
at 20:27
  • msg #201

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

The Keeper
GM, 163 posts
Tue 30 Nov 2021
at 00:44
  • msg #202

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Well, ongoing good wishes for the Hanukkah period, whether we have any Jews aboard or not. Light festivals are nice. Technically a happy St. Andrew's day as well, by ~30 minutes...

Speaking of lights, since it's finally decided to act like winter here and snow a little with a windchill of up to -7oc, I was getting out my cold weather clothing and found some lined work trousers I must have got late last winter or in spring. They are fine and pristine, yet also a complete liability at the time of year they're needed, i.e. when 'day' is 2-3 hours of unenthusiastic twilight, since they have no reflective patches at all.

Since I would like to have warm legs without being run over, I need to add patches, and if I'm going to expend the effort in cutting and sewing fragments of the sleeve bit of a dead traffic cone onto said garment, I'm not going to just do squares. My usual pair are already strategically covered in stylised human eyes (to indicate my speed by showing where my calves are, make drivers feel observed, and to deter  predators) so I'd like to do something current thought is a line of bracket fungus around the legs and maybe waxcap-looking things on the leg pocket if I have enough left over. My sort-of apprentice thinks jellyfish, but I'd feel I ought to get in some reflective thread for better tentacles on those. Any thoughts from Team Folk Horror over here?

Also, a heads up that I mean to update the Clues thread soon, since a few of you have information maybe worth sharing...or concealing for your own mysterious ends.
The Keeper
GM, 166 posts
Mon 6 Dec 2021
at 22:17
  • msg #203

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread


...just giving Sam and the Doctor a chance to catch up and we'll roll along here. Tom, since you're out ahead squinting at the trail (and still have Dockie), mind throwing me a Track roll over here?
Samuel Hartman
player, 32 posts
Mon 6 Dec 2021
at 22:25
  • msg #204

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 203):

I'm working on it, just dealing with a lack of sleep.
Thomas Bees
player, 73 posts
Mon 6 Dec 2021
at 23:14
  • msg #205

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 203):

Thomas Bees rolled 78 using 1d100.  Track = 25%.

Andrew Sexton
player, 53 posts
Mon 6 Dec 2021
at 23:33
  • msg #206

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Why do I feel like we’re headed toward this kind of outcome (minus the video recording of the terrible things that transpire)?

The Keeper
GM, 167 posts
Mon 6 Dec 2021
at 23:43
  • msg #207

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Nah, the folks come over from my last game surely think it's old hat to be tormented with small bundles of twigs, various teeth and animal remains...
The Keeper
GM, 168 posts
Sat 11 Dec 2021
at 21:19
  • msg #208

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Update for fairness' sake: I've been out being as social as I get all 'day' and have not had time/weather for walking, then the national broadcasting corporation decided to pick on certain minorities again and now makes you give a postcode & telephone number in the complaint process (presumably through being swamped with concerned internationals after the last debacle) which just makes me want to hollow out my entire torso with a spoon from reflex anxiety, so...since it looked like everyone was staying clumped together for now, I'm aiming for tomorrow to start a new thread over in the field by that end of the Wyzenwood.

tl;dr bad brain, can't word nice.

If anyone possessing the Track skill wants to give me a roll now for expediency, I can incorporate results in the aforesaid next thread's intro.

Leaving the thread open tonight, though, just in case someone (Maggie? Vicar?) wanted to run off and get et do something else or make a comment.

In news a little less dule and woe, here is a bit of genius advertising/silliness from the Longest Johns, the Somerset shanty/folk band who've provided several of our mood music bits (they also have a chiptune collection out)
Thomas Bees
player, 75 posts
Sun 12 Dec 2021
at 00:58
  • msg #209

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Thomas Bees rolled 10 using 1d100.  TRack = 60%.

Andrew Sexton
player, 57 posts
Mon 13 Dec 2021
at 21:39
  • msg #210

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

So basically, Mistress Yendale is the only one who isn’t clueless.
The Keeper
GM, 170 posts
Mon 13 Dec 2021
at 22:12
  • msg #211

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Ah, Long Tom made his Track roll, he's just not noticing his surroundings...I'm around, by the way, just giving Sam and the Vicar time to post before sharing out information around yourselves.

...but yes, it seems our picaresque poacher with shades of Mad Maudline is the most aware and sensible of you lot right now. Not as daft as she's turnip-looking, that lass.

Oh! I finally got the Round Cthulhu I compulsively made (aided and abetted by a local potter) glazed, re-baked, etc. and he is rather delightfully repulsive, even to me. Anyone want to see?
Samuel Hartman
player, 34 posts
Tue 14 Dec 2021
at 00:52
  • msg #212

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 211):

As long as I don't lose my mind, sure. :P
The Keeper
GM, 171 posts
Tue 14 Dec 2021
at 08:55
  • msg #213

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Ah, well then, you make a wee post so as not to keep the gentlemen (and Maggie) waiting, and I'll show you a terrible chubby god. Consider it a ctharrot. [nod]
Thomas Bees
player, 77 posts
Tue 14 Dec 2021
at 19:54
  • msg #214

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

I will be away from the 16 of December to about the 23rd of December. I wont have any internet access. Thanks.

The Keeper
GM, 172 posts
Tue 14 Dec 2021
at 20:09
  • msg #215

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

May you travel safely and things turn out as well as they may do. Thank you for the notice, such is always appreciated.
The Keeper
GM, 173 posts
Tue 14 Dec 2021
at 21:20
  • msg #216

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

As promised, one chubby, chubby god:


He's not quite the near-sphere I was aiming at, but close enough. I was skittish about the hollowing process, too, so he's could definitely bean someone with this thing.
Margaret Yendale
player, 80 posts
the poacher's daughter
Thu 16 Dec 2021
at 02:53
  • msg #217

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Nicely wrought.
The Keeper
GM, 174 posts
Thu 16 Dec 2021
at 08:01
  • msg #218

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Thank you, he's kind of horrible. ^_^

Got a lot to do today/tonight, but if the vicar doesn't show up by this evening I'll do my best to scoot things along with him Over There Somewhere.
Reverend Palmer
player, 68 posts
Priest of St. Saint Giles
Mon 20 Dec 2021
at 10:03
  • msg #219

Re: On Thread-Juggling

Sorry, I've been waiting for business & work to cool down as we approach the holidays, but there's no end in sight (good problem to have, obviously, but also very time consuming!)
The Keeper
GM, 176 posts
Mon 20 Dec 2021
at 14:38
  • msg #220

Re: On Thread-Juggling

Ah, no worries, as you see the pace is not exactly hopping at present. Indeed, I'm wondering if the group want me to call an official hiatus, since we're getting to interesting/spooky bits of Plot and information just when everyone is running short on time and attention, and nothing makes it harder to swing horror than being unable to build atmosphere. Let me know, folks.

At any rate, may the extra business result in extra funds with which to remain warm and fed, and hey, my official Absence Policy exists right there on the intro, and I do my best to suit players' needs.
The Keeper
GM, 177 posts
Tue 21 Dec 2021
at 13:03
  • msg #221

Re: On Thread-Juggling

[juggle juggle juggle]  Please note that unless someone sneaks up to them somehow, the conversation between the Vicar and Hessie is only audible as vague background sounds. I'm leaving it visible for now since it's just village background stuff and what might be picked up from rumour, but the conversation may go "mute" if more sensitive information is volunteered.

edit: purely because I personally fret over these things: Mrs. Durbin undoubtedly thinks she's helping by adding the perspective of "in our day we had to walk uphill in the snow both ways" etc., but her failing is not carrying through to then say "...and we solved the problem by getting the village together and building a bridge". It's not a case of Bad Parent is Bad, just someone too self-absorbed in that anxious self-flallegating way to remember that teens don't actually have the life experience to use that perspective in any way, and are only going to be emotionally crushed by being told the concerns of their social sphere are really very unimportant after twenty years.

Ehhh...that is to say, my policy is that human badness is always human badness, not disposable cartoon badness, and inhuman badness is...well, either you have a human who has crossed into What Should Not Be from trying to squish things into a human mind/soul that really shouldn't go in there any more than lawnmower blades should go in a human stomach, or a non-human about whom human judgements are irrelevant, though they might melt your brain out of your ears.


There's an optional Spot Hidden for anyone looking out at the fields, and a little more that might be learnt from a Track roll right at the flattened patch Andrew's in, particularly if it comes in at fifth value, if anyone felt in need of more input to post with.

Unrelatedly and only on-topic because non-contemporary horror, please enjoy this Victorian Christmas weirdness*:


*edit II: if anyone wants me to explain the bird thing, I know that one! Obscure and useless folklore is a broad part of my knowledge base!
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:44, Tue 21 Dec 2021.
Margaret Yendale
player, 85 posts
the poacher's daughter
Fri 24 Dec 2021
at 21:41
  • msg #222

Re: On Thread-Juggling

Happy Holidays to All!

The Keeper
GM, 179 posts
Fri 24 Dec 2021
at 21:50
  • msg #223

On Midwinter Festivities

'tis true, it's very nearly Christmas Day, and you know what that means:


May all here (and the Mari Lwyd) find a hearth and warmth, food and ale and such good things.
Samuel Hartman
player, 37 posts
Thu 30 Dec 2021
at 01:41
  • msg #224

On Midwinter Festivities

i dont know if you all are on the discord, but if you are friends with either ThatGuy#2029 or WaitingCynicism#2429 that you should block those accounts if so. Those are my accounts, and i fell for for malware so they are compromised. I am in contact with discord trying to regain access to them. ill post when I do
The Keeper
GM, 182 posts
Thu 30 Dec 2021
at 10:33
  • msg #225

On Midwinter Festivities

I am not sure what any of that means precisely, but it sounds unfortunate, and perhaps like it should be posted in the Offsite Gaming forum rather than here? I don't think it is anything to do with this game at all.

Meanwhile, I very much need to know if Sam is keen to get himself horrifically devoured heading into the Wyzenwood with the men or hanging back with Maggie to hear discussions over there.
Samuel Hartman
player, 38 posts
Thu 30 Dec 2021
at 16:29
  • msg #226

On Midwinter Festivities

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 225):

I did email the admins about it but never heard back. I will post there or in the community chat.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:30, Thu 30 Dec 2021.
The Keeper
GM, 184 posts
Fri 31 Dec 2021
at 01:19
  • msg #227

On Midwinter Festivities

I don't think the admins from here mod any related RPoL Discord, but then I don't know who does, either, and am very vague on what a Discord actually is, so...the Chat forum is probably the place for that, sure. May your malware issues not require too much scrubbing or a hardware overhaul.

Huh, seems I had this open/written hours ago and got entirely distracted...general note: the Vicar/Doctor don't (potentally) take that roll at Hard because they're not Scorch Norton natives - also the reason they potentially take SAN damage if they fail.
Samuel Hartman
player, 39 posts
Fri 31 Dec 2021
at 01:22
  • msg #228

On Midwinter Festivities

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 227):

Thanks! I don't think it will, but I want to investigate the actual code used to be sure.
The Keeper
GM, 186 posts
Sat 1 Jan 2022
at 02:14
  • msg #229

On New Year Traditions

~ * ~

~ * ~

(letting the spirit form of Trugred do the first footing this year - the cake and coal are in the sack - since although it is not a man it is tall, dark and strange. Maximum horse luck and a happy New Year to all.)

Samuel Hartman
player, 40 posts
Sat 1 Jan 2022
at 05:55
  • msg #230

On New Year Traditions

Happy new year, though of course, 2021 had to throw us one last middle finger. not looking forward to 2020 season 3.
Reverend Palmer
player, 74 posts
Priest of St. Saint Giles
Sat 1 Jan 2022
at 08:15
  • msg #231

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Happy New Year, everybody!

I'm consoled to think that Betty White went out with the whole world blasting fireworks into the sky. A nice tribute to her.
The Keeper
GM, 187 posts
Sat 1 Jan 2022
at 10:27
  • msg #232

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

99 and BOOM is pretty damn cool, that's for sure.

I am joining the sections of the internet I wander around in being excited that the Galve Goat burned down this last year, as it has not done since 2016. It does make me think of those lines from Heaney's Beowulf, though (minus the narrator's sorrowful judgement).

some Anglo-Saxon scribe, translated by a farmboy Gael:
"These were hard times, heart-breaking
Sometimes at pagan shrines they vowed
offerings to idols, swore oaths
that the killer of souls might come to their aid
and save the people. That was their way,
their heathenish hope; deep in their hearts
they remembered hell."

A non-patented vaccine is coming out, however - I think it's India's hack rather than Cuba's for once? I know both were working on such, but I need to check - which should vastly help to end the cycle of big pools of unvaccinated folk in countries made up mostly of poor primary-profession workers who don't eat if they don't work, encouraging infection and mutation and new variants which then upset the rich nations who hoard company vaccines and won't send doctors, because borders, etc. etc.
Reverend Palmer
player, 75 posts
Priest of St. Saint Giles
Sat 1 Jan 2022
at 16:03
  • msg #233

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Don't get me started on rich countries hoarding vaccines.

We got about 15-20% of hard-core anti-vaxxers (at least against Covid) in my country. There was some hope that the new, more traditional vaccines coming out like Novavax might entice them to get vaccinated by allowing them to save face. You know, like "I wasn't against vaccination, I just wanted to wait for a proven technology, like any smart person would."

I got a super-small sample of two in my immediate family. But when I asked one of them (the other got Covid about a month ago), she said: "Let's see."

Amazing how many ways there are to say "No".
The Keeper
GM, 190 posts
Sun 2 Jan 2022
at 11:50
  • msg #234

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

If for some reason I had not disowned her already, I would describe to her in detail how it is reported to feel to drown in one's own mucus, and how I absoloutely didn't care about that happening to her, but rather the ashmatic child or immunocompromised veteran she's willing to infect. The incredible privilege-cruelty of those people - assuming that of course the hospital will have time and space for them, of course the nurses will work themselves into weakness and danger and stay away from their own children for them, that just because the government cares about their category of people and isn't letting them drop like flies doesn't mean they have to get protection - very much makes me want to beat skulls in with a shovel in the name of community defense. That would be mean, however, so I simply maintain they should be shot.

You can quote "your scientist friend on the Internet" (she doesn't need to know 'archaeologist', but I certainly know about what happens to populations during real, pre-immunisation plagues) on that.


More cheerfully, I realised I haven't shared any recipes this year, so before we run out of Liminal Spacemas, I just want to tell everyone that a no-extras nut butter (Lidl does a plain squished-almonds-and-nothing-else that's affordable, but Americans may have to dump pre-soaked nuts in a food processor to get an unsugared version) and thick rye toast makes an excellent base for a sauerkraut sandwich. My elder friend with the mobility issues from Virginia introduced me to the concept of buttering the outside of a sandwich and frying it against a hot pan (she calls it "grilled cheese") so you can probably do that to this thing once a year without a heart attack. Add fresh black pepper and a little sea salt, it is so good. You could probably put a leftover meat in there without disturbing the flavour profile if you eat dead animals, too.

My resolution for this year is to quietly fight back against the gentrification of forage food by just referring to items in as broad terms as possible if asked, e.g. "it's bulked out with some weeds I found in a field", "The secret ingredient is berries I picked from the hedge", "there was this big white lump growing out of the ground, so I cooked it". Turning readily-available poor people fare into "superfoods" or gourmet-only products in the way of the lobster, native kale and decent brown/sourdough bread drives me absolutely bananas.
Reverend Palmer
player, 77 posts
Priest of St. Saint Giles
Sun 2 Jan 2022
at 16:17
  • msg #235

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

To slowly suffocate, you'd need to catch it first.

She is absolutely convinced that she won't get it.
The Keeper
GM, 191 posts
Sun 2 Jan 2022
at 17:25
  • msg #236

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Sure, but if you grant her that then she'd just be an asymptomatic carrier and will spread it to those that can't be vaccinated, given there's nowhere else for it to go. Empaths seem to care more about children than other people, so a description of exactly how she's willing to murder a child with, say, cystic fibrosis, who might not even get as far as triage to be put last at the hospital anyway, might get through. Maybe. Or if she cares about you and what you think of her at all, that you're happy for her to die like that if she's happy to cause a grandma who survived various horrors of the 20th century die like that might be a wake-up call. You might hope.

It's unlikely once cult mentality has set in, mind - once you hit someone's "bigot button" where if they admit basic logic is right then they'll have the burden of caring about something and painfully disentangling rusted-in prejudice from their sense of self, there's no arguing with them; they can't tell bigotry from self and you'll only get defensive shrieking nonsense like "the dictionary is gaslighting me!" or "you're a Jewish Pagan Commie Nazi!" They only come back from that stuff years later on their own, or after some personal catastrophe (or never). Which is why I am willing to declare myself all for exploding cultists if there's immediate danger to others. can't choose who you're related to or divorce your in-laws, but you don't have to be friends with them if they wish you harm. Not easy, but you and your wife do have the choice to say "this is too wicked and too cruel, and you don't have the right to burn my energy in my one life trying to persuade you. I hope you learn to be better." Decent people wouldn't blame you, and sometimes it's hitting real consequences that snaps someone out of trundling down a bad path. Just sayin'.
Samuel Hartman
player, 42 posts
Mon 3 Jan 2022
at 18:18
  • msg #237

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

We've lost power here, though, and have about half a foot of snow on the ground. I don't know when I will get power back, but wanted to give a heads up.
Samuel Hartman
player, 43 posts
Tue 4 Jan 2022
at 20:09
  • msg #238

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Well, good news on 2 fronts: I have access to the WaitingCynicism account on discord, and the power is back here.

Bad news: I don't have access to the ThatGuy account (the one that the attacker is using to try and spread the malware -though I have asked for it to be frozen), and there is a chance for snow Thursday night into Friday, and the power is flickering.

Just in case I'm not able to post again, that's likely why.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:11, Tue 04 Jan 2022.
The Keeper
GM, 195 posts
Wed 5 Jan 2022
at 09:58
  • msg #239

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

All right...since Tom and I need an update from Sam to know if what he's trying is possible or liable to straight up get him lost, I'll step in at the weekend if you're not back by then.
Samuel Hartman
player, 44 posts
Wed 5 Jan 2022
at 18:12
  • msg #240

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 239):

All good, I will try to be
The Keeper
GM, 196 posts
Sat 8 Jan 2022
at 10:27
  • msg #241

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Well, it's the weekend, though I'll give Sam 'til evening. Is anyone else waiting on me, or someone I might gently poke?

I realise everyone's probably got scrambled time sense due to the first few days' work, but I fret about momentum, memory and milling when it's been crickets for a while.

Related only in the folk sense really, it seems Ye Vagabonds put out a new album whilst I wasn't looking with a couple of hare-hunting songs that capture the Celtic ambiguity towards the practice - an ambiguity faintly present in the West Country, it being nigh on to Cornwall and under Wales, whereas all mid-English-born hunting songs are all gleefully 'kill maim destroy fol-de-riddle-de-doo'. At least one will likely show up here, since one's just a pretty half-lament for hunting what isn't a necessity to hunt and the other mentions a folk character that seems to be a dropped clue at present, but aye, the period association of hares with witchcraft is probably folk memory of their association with old gods and old believers, the dubious and shunned.

Unrelated entirely, I am suffering from a very rare lust (for me) for material goods...someone help convince me I don't need a somewhat damaged moose skull just because I can afford it. It would not fit in my house.
This message was last edited by the GM at 11:35, Sat 08 Jan 2022.
Samuel Hartman
player, 45 posts
Sat 8 Jan 2022
at 16:25
  • msg #242

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 241):

I'll get a post up tonight
The Keeper
GM, 198 posts
Sat 8 Jan 2022
at 23:25
  • msg #243

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Well, I am taking myself to bed now since things hurt and the brain is bad, so if I don't wake up to a post I will move things on at that point (& point disapprovingly at you).

edit: tired Keeper is salty. going to sleep, yes.

[has woken up to find no post]  -_-# [vexed pointing]

Say things you can do, buddy, not things you mean to.
This message was last edited by the GM at 11:02, Sun 09 Jan 2022.
Samuel Hartman
player, 46 posts
Sun 9 Jan 2022
at 14:13
  • msg #244

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 243):

just ran out of time yesterday
The Keeper
GM, 201 posts
Fri 14 Jan 2022
at 01:50
  • msg #245

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Going to give the good doctor a wee bit longer since he's looked in recently - is anyone waiting on me, or needs my help at all? Sam, you still with us?

No, I shouldn't be up, but I just got posts done elsewhere...strange how exhaustion seems to do nothing whatsoever to insomnia.
Samuel Hartman
player, 48 posts
Fri 14 Jan 2022
at 02:04
  • msg #246

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 245):

I'm still here! Thought I had gotten a post up, but he'll keep sprinting.
The Keeper
GM, 202 posts
Fri 14 Jan 2022
at 08:45
  • msg #247

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Good to know if I need to post for you, though I'd rather not have to - let me know if he's following the plan suggested by the narration or doing something different, whether both actions are used to run, and whether you mean running or sprinting there. As mentioned previously, an actual sprint would require a successful CON roll for more speed.
Martin Lovelace
player, 73 posts
Tue 18 Jan 2022
at 16:19
  • msg #248

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Thanks for the help there, Keeper. It's been a bit crazy recently. I added to your post with a bit of stuff hopefully to spur some thoughts.
Samuel Hartman
player, 51 posts
Tue 18 Jan 2022
at 17:04
  • msg #249

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Well, as if we didn't have enough snow already, we have chances for more snow from Thursday through the weekend. As a heads up.
Reverend Palmer
player, 80 posts
Priest of St. Saint Giles
Wed 19 Jan 2022
at 12:24
  • msg #250

On Midwinter Festivities

Sorry folks, got a few people at the office out due to Covid so the last few days have been super-busy. Hopefully should be getting easier soon.
The Keeper
GM, 205 posts
Wed 19 Jan 2022
at 13:12
  • msg #251

On Midwinter Festivities

800th post! Thanks for the information, and may you stay un-wheezy yourself.
Margaret Yendale
player, 91 posts
the poacher's daughter
Thu 20 Jan 2022
at 03:43
  • msg #252

On Midwinter Festivities

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 251):
The Keeper
GM, 206 posts
Fri 21 Jan 2022
at 09:48
  • msg #253

On Midwinter Festivities

Indeed, Maggie.

Bringing his here (rude words warning) because it just made me laugh: https://silentmistynight.tumbl...t/673900512296484864
The Keeper
GM, 207 posts
Mon 24 Jan 2022
at 00:17
  • msg #254

On Midwinter Festivities

Lost-in-the-Wyzenwood thread, do you need any help, hints, or clarification from my end?

It's been something of a crunch at work this January and I was in getting a project finished for a deadline this afternoon. I was listening to videogame music for background focus noise whilst finishing and going to lock up, and let me tell you, I experienced some classic Pavlovian alarm at turning into a dark corridor and hearing boss music.
Samuel Hartman
player, 53 posts
Mon 24 Jan 2022
at 00:34
  • msg #255

On Midwinter Festivities

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 254):

Still here, hoping to get something up tomorrow.
The Keeper
GM, 209 posts
Tue 25 Jan 2022
at 23:57
  • msg #256

On Midwinter Festivities

My apologies, it seems my brain has ceased to function for the night.
Samuel Hartman
player, 55 posts
Wed 26 Jan 2022
at 00:16
  • msg #257

On Midwinter Festivities

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 256):

All good, it happens.
The Keeper
GM, 210 posts
Thu 27 Jan 2022
at 10:08
  • msg #258

On Midwinter Festivities

In reply to Samuel Hartman (msg # 257):

If you were waiting on anything else from me, please let me know.
Samuel Hartman
player, 56 posts
Thu 27 Jan 2022
at 18:10
  • msg #259

On Midwinter Festivities

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 258):

Nope, I'll get something up today
The Keeper
GM, 214 posts
Sun 6 Feb 2022
at 21:12
  • msg #260

On Strangeness and Story Oil

Hokay...just to make sure we're on the same page here:

Thread 04, am I right in thinking the small group present wants to go back to the inn to regroup and/or share information/shoo Hessie off to start getting word out that there's a murderer about, trusting John Collins to do what he can for Team Trees if they don't find their way out soonish?

Thread 04a, am I correct in thinking y'all mean to try and hide in a bush and we're just waiting on Sam's Stealth roll to see how sucessful that turns out?
Thomas Bees
player, 103 posts
Sun 6 Feb 2022
at 22:41
  • msg #261

On Strangeness and Story Oil

Yes that sounds right.
Samuel Hartman
player, 62 posts
Sun 6 Feb 2022
at 23:16
  • msg #262

On Strangeness and Story Oil

In reply to Thomas Bees (msg # 261):

yep, and I posted my roll
The Keeper
GM, 215 posts
Sun 6 Feb 2022
at 23:42
  • msg #263

On Strangeness and Story Oil

Aye, sorry, I fell down a wiki hole and got distracted - I'll get myself a last warm drink and be right on that.
Margaret Yendale
player, 95 posts
the poacher's daughter
Mon 7 Feb 2022
at 19:26
  • msg #264

On Strangeness and Story Oil

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 260):


Maggie is most concerned with Hessie's well-being and wants her to a less distressful place. If Andrew Sexton is staying out, she will stay with him. He is her brother's master, so she feels some obligation there.
The Keeper
GM, 217 posts
Mon 7 Feb 2022
at 20:36
  • msg #265

On Strangeness and Story Oil

Thank you for the feedback - I feel Andrew might not have realised that, though I'm not sure. He may be quietly whimpering about blacking out in a panic right now.

Hessie would also like to go hug her mum (she may be almost a head taller than her mother, but under Lovely Nancy's immediate protection is a very safe-feeling place to be), but she's not abundantly keen to go on her own or with any one man. Not that Maggie couldn't strangle her with ease if she felt like it, but Maggie made a suggestion of sexual motive and that the killer was a man, so...
Andrew Sexton
player, 67 posts
Tue 8 Feb 2022
at 03:19
  • msg #266

On Strangeness and Story Oil

No, Andrew didn’t realize that and wouldn’t want Mistress Yendale feeling as though she had to remain in the vicinity of the cursed woods on his account.

Andrew, despite his lingering terror over demonic hoof prints and the like would still not want John Collins to face things alone. So, he’ll be inclined to offer to stay with the innkeeper when the time comes. He’ll also likely encourage Maggie to see Hessie back home safely, should the former feel conflicted by the aforementioned sense of obligation.
The Keeper
GM, 218 posts
Tue 8 Feb 2022
at 14:01
  • msg #267

On Strangeness and Story Oil

Thank you, Andrew. Kit'll probably volunteer to stick around.

Doctor, Vicar, what were you thinking over there?
Reverend Palmer
player, 85 posts
Priest of Saint Giles
Tue 8 Feb 2022
at 17:18
  • msg #268

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

If there's nothing else to be found there (now that the poor reverend has regained some of his wits about him), then yes, heading back sounds like the most prudent option. Staying out by myself in the woods doesn't sound like something Cecil would like.
The Keeper
GM, 219 posts
Tue 8 Feb 2022
at 17:47
  • msg #269

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

I mean, he could tell the trees (or the hares) that the Power of Christ compelled them, but I doubt they'd heed him much. Thanks for the input, it's useful.
Martin Lovelace
player, 78 posts
Wed 9 Feb 2022
at 21:15
  • msg #270

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

The Doctor will remain in place along with whoever is staying, such that he can be of assistance to any and see what actions are to be taken next.
The Keeper
GM, 222 posts
Wed 9 Feb 2022
at 21:20
  • msg #271

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Right! Thank you. I think he should take the Vicar out and say so, then - unless you/y'all would like me to summarise everyone out of the mild holding pattern that seems to have developed here?
The Keeper
GM, 224 posts
Fri 18 Feb 2022
at 09:23
  • msg #272

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Right. Well, that thread seems to be making entirely different arrangements now, so I'll sweep that up hopefully tonight. The other thread will carry on for a bit, preferably with a mind to get out and not die.

My apologies for the past 2-3 days' delay, that's a combination of my wretched nervous system and my skeleton's apparent desire to break free plus a failure of sufficient time/sleep/courage to deal with some behind the scenes stuff here. So. Aiming for updates tonight, hopefully including the Clues Thread, and new threads for those likely to get them over the weekend. Onward!
Andrew Sexton
player, 69 posts
Sat 19 Feb 2022
at 14:32
  • msg #273

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Somewhere in the Wyzenwood…

The Keeper
GM, 225 posts
Sat 19 Feb 2022
at 18:43
  • msg #274

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Free hugs are indeed available in the Wyzenwood, particularly after nightfall - indeed, the resident entity has such an advanced technique you'll never need another!

( M A X I M U M   S Q U I S H )

My continued apologies for being slow - it was a postitive kind of busy today, but I was entirely useless last night to the point of not even going to sleep, which likely explains my current headache. My thanks for your continued patience, I'm getting there. First I'm going to go cook up some beans and kale, though. If anyone was concerned, the Northern Isles had glassy calm whilst 'South' was getting our normal weather yesterday.
Samuel Hartman
player, 66 posts
Sat 19 Feb 2022
at 19:06
  • msg #275

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 274):

No worries! I was taking a tech test for a job interview and it was an 8 hour exam after everything (for a backend engineer position, though most of the database stuff I did in classes was on a local machine and not using someone else's setup).
The Keeper
GM, 226 posts
Sat 19 Feb 2022
at 22:57
  • msg #276

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

I hope the exam turns out well for you. Saving the draft of the post for your thread and going to sleep now, though, since I am pretty much out of brain and that's a post that'll carry a fair bit of weight.

If you, Sam, and Tom want to be helpful, though, feel free to drop a Spot Hidden roll here for extra details.

Everyone else: it seems the current plan is for the Vicar to go get all the clues consult his library and everyone else just hang out at the edge of the Wyzenwood to see if anyone comes out again/take part in external rescue efforts if they don't, is this correct?
Margaret Yendale
player, 98 posts
the poacher's daughter
Sun 20 Feb 2022
at 04:25
  • msg #277

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Maggie is escorting Hessie home and passing on John Collins's summons to the field workers. She is not best pleased at being the innkeeper's messenger but she does want to see her tender-hearted friend safe and in a less distressing situation.

She has no objection to the Vicar's and Kit's company, so long as they can keep up the pace.
The Keeper
GM, 227 posts
Sun 20 Feb 2022
at 10:17
  • msg #278

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Aye, well, if she's just dropping Hessie off and coming back rather than taking advantage of sources of information there, there's no point in my starting a thread for her there, was my reasoning. Kit's fairly sure she could handle herself if not ambushed - besides keeping an eye on the lassies he's trying to give the Vicar an excuse not to sink into his fears by being left alone after a severe shock (and offering to do the hard part of telling Polly's family Maggie thinks she's been murdered, though they haven't got a body to show for it), without saying so and offending him the way he's annoyed Andrew. Kit's a rough type, but he does care about people.
The Keeper
GM, 231 posts
Tue 22 Feb 2022
at 21:08
  • msg #279

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Happy Twosday! Today - 22/2/22 - is the last completely palindromic date this century (i.e. 22/02/2022) and the last time a 22/2/22 will happen on a Tuesday for 400 years, when we will all be very dead and even our bones will be dust*. ^_^

*if we are cremated and well-pounded in the cronching machine, buried in moderately acidic soils, or ecologically decomposed with said bones lost track of and eaten by wolves/sold/ground up to unscrupulous future mummy-dust users and novelty dice makers (remember folks, unless it's specifically willed like that old rocker who became part of a bass guitar, there is no such thing as ethically-sourced commericalised human bone. Medical cadavers' owners wanted to be anatomy lessons only and old skeletons from medical collections are usually Victorian-era poor people from colonised nations, particularly India, or straight out of Black-majority potters' fields in the US. Don't buy people! </PSA>).
The Keeper
GM, 235 posts
Fri 25 Feb 2022
at 18:39
  • msg #280

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

The Keeper:
Everyone else: it seems the current plan is for the Vicar to go get all the clues consult his library and everyone else just hang out at the edge of the Wyzenwood to see if anyone comes out again/take part in external rescue efforts if they don't, is this correct?

Hokay, so giving the Vicar until tonight to show up or meep at me in PM to wait a bit*, otherwise I'm setting up as above. The delay has meant Team Trees have had a chance to extricate themselves, however, so who knows, by the time I get threads ready they may be close enough for y'all to hear the horrible screaming to just scramble out in a rather more battered condition than they went in.

Martin, I goofed a bit with your Clues Thread entry and will fix that with the update of what you learnt from Cecil once I get home.
edit: or...maybe in the morning. Gosh I got distracted.

*full sympathy to anyone Europe-based needing more time at present.
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:29, Sat 26 Feb 2022.
Martin Lovelace
player, 80 posts
Sun 27 Feb 2022
at 01:43
  • msg #281

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Thanks! Just saw the update. I've been a bit slow recently owing to acquiring some additional job responsibilities and it has been something of a whirlwind. Slowly getting back into things here...
The Keeper
GM, 236 posts
Mon 28 Feb 2022
at 01:23
  • msg #282

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

[waves] Good to see you about. Feel free to answer the Vicar if you want to, I'm leaving the thread open until I have the next ones up, which...still won't be tonight, because it is silly in the morning now and I had more pertinent NPCs to track than I thought, plus Maggie's player is being attacked by the evil noodles known as a migraine-prone nervous system and hasn't been able to give me background information, so. Also I am a distractable nervous mush because *gestures at European Situation* *gestures at Northern Isles' impending entanglement*
The Keeper
GM, 240 posts
Wed 2 Mar 2022
at 13:33
  • msg #283

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

General Question: How many folk here see this kind of text as  cursive script and for how many is it Comic Sans?
Reverend Palmer
player, 87 posts
Priest of Saint Giles
Wed 2 Mar 2022
at 15:18
  • msg #284

On Midwinter Festivities

Looks more like Comic Sans.
Samuel Hartman
player, 72 posts
Wed 2 Mar 2022
at 16:30
  • msg #285

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 283):

i see it as cursive on my android phone, but I can check on my windows and Linux machines when I'm at them


It shows up as Comic Sans on my Windows machine, and cursive on my Linux machine.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:04, Wed 02 Mar 2022.
Margaret Yendale
player, 100 posts
the poacher's daughter
Wed 2 Mar 2022
at 18:32
  • msg #286

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Comic Sans on my PC.
Reverend Palmer
player, 89 posts
Priest of Saint Giles
Wed 2 Mar 2022
at 21:48
  • msg #287

On Strangeness and Story Oil

On my android phone/Firefox browser it looks like... Half-bold?
Samuel Hartman
player, 74 posts
Wed 2 Mar 2022
at 21:55
  • msg #288

On Strangeness and Story Oil

That's really weird! On my phone it looked like normal cursive, on my windows laptop it looked like Comic Sans (truly the superior font), and on my Linux laptop (running Endeavour OS) it looked like the italic cursive font in LaTeX (a typesetting language).
The Keeper
GM, 241 posts
Wed 2 Mar 2022
at 23:22
  • msg #289

On Cursive and Comic Sans

So...I'm getting mostly Comic Sans? If so I'll go back to X-Files mono on the date stamps/italics where there would theoretically be cursive text, because CS is an abomination in my sight and if no-one's seeing pretty, aesthetic-matching text I'm just tormenting myself for no reason.

(it's a cursive font on my inherited iPad and Comic Sans on my taped-together Win7 laptop, if anyone was curious, but I deliberately went and got CS for the latter due to having a GM who often had characters assigned the Cursive tag as their voice at the time)

Right. With thanks to everyone who's got a post in  and apologies for having mush for brains at present, I'm going to make my bed and lie in it before the stress of a difficult appointment tomorrow morning and [gestures at world events] causes my nervous system to hit every pain switch at once.

Meanwhile, please enjoy this early footage of the Padstow 'Osses. As you see, there is a lot of leeway in what folk dancing considers a 'horse'...
Samuel Hartman
player, 75 posts
Wed 2 Mar 2022
at 23:42
  • msg #290

On Cursive and Comic Sans

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 289):

All good! If anyone knows CSS, you could write a little snippet to override the comic sans, though it is only on a local machine instead of the rpol server.
Andrew Sexton
player, 70 posts
Thu 3 Mar 2022
at 00:25
  • msg #291

On Cursive and Comic Sans

On my tablet, it appears as cursive. I haven’t yet checked how it looks on my desktop.

Hope your appointment tomorrow turns out well, Keeper!
The Keeper
GM, 242 posts
Thu 3 Mar 2022
at 21:30
  • msg #292

On Cursive and Comic Sans

Good wishes appreciated more than I can express, but alas it did not and that stress kind of caught up to me like a freight train as soon as I stopped actively working and was inside a while...I am now going to bed at 9:30pm like a Victorian great aunt because if I manage to sleep then maybe the throb/pain won't build enough to make me sick again. Thank you for bearing with me.

Please imagine a witty "technical difficulties' test card here.
Margaret Yendale
player, 101 posts
the poacher's daughter
Fri 4 Mar 2022
at 02:31
  • msg #293

On Cursive and Comic Sans

Feel better soon, my Keeper.
The Keeper
GM, 246 posts
Mon 7 Mar 2022
at 21:33
  • msg #294

On Cursive and Comic Sans

Un-besmalling this and bolding the options, since everyone seems to have missed the question:

The Keeper:
[[Team Search and Rescue, are we heading up the way and round the back or along vaguely towards Yendale farm?]]

Also, Thomas, consider yourself bothered, because you have not yet answered/done the thing. [bothers you]
Martin Lovelace
player, 82 posts
Tue 8 Mar 2022
at 00:29
  • msg #295

On Cursive and Comic Sans

Let's say...round the back way then.
Andrew Sexton
player, 72 posts
Tue 8 Mar 2022
at 04:54
  • msg #296

Re: On Cursive and Comic Sans

Martin Lovelace:
Let's say...round the back way then.


Get well soon, Keeper!
The Keeper
GM, 247 posts
Tue 8 Mar 2022
at 20:48
  • msg #297

Re: On Cursive and Comic Sans

Oh, I'm...physically next best thing to fine by now. Consider your good wishes to have worked!

As for being badly put together in general and being sent back to square 1 after over a year of mildly traumatic hoop-jumping to find out why my body's decided to gradually shake itself apart now, well...I'll try to give y'all notice if you're going to have to add "Weegie Board*" to the dice roller, but other than that all I can do is pick myself up and start over, so.

Anyway, Maggie, consider yourself bothered, for now I have sucessfully bothered Tom I really need to know where folk are, and Doctor, are you singing in English?

*I have cousins in Glasgow - that counts, right?
Martin Lovelace
player, 83 posts
Tue 8 Mar 2022
at 23:58
  • msg #298

Re: On Cursive and Comic Sans

Yes, English it is.

Though if you will permit it, he will sing in Dwarvish.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:00, Wed 09 Mar 2022.
The Keeper
GM, 248 posts
Wed 9 Mar 2022
at 00:59
  • msg #299

Re: On Cursive and Comic Sans

I must decidedly go to bed presently, though I assume that is the marvellous thing I think it is.

Answer appreciated, as Martin will doubtless be by the local wives and any elder maids abroad, since they don't know those ones and the sanitised sea shanty hasn't been invented yet.
The Keeper
GM, 251 posts
Sat 12 Mar 2022
at 08:25
  • msg #300

Re: On Cursive and Comic Sans

Update: if Maggie's player is still busy by lunchtime (American morning) I will consult the dread power of he Magic 8-Ball to determine her location and move on before everyone forgets what they're doing.

Edit: 13:54, Today: The Keeper, on behalf of Margaret Yendale, got the result "Most likely" on the magic 8-ball.  Is Maggie with the others?

I am presently heading out on some rainy Saturday errands, but will move things along shortly.
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:58, Sat 12 Mar 2022.
The Keeper
GM, 256 posts
Mon 14 Mar 2022
at 19:44
  • msg #301

Re: On Cursive and Comic Sans

Oof but I am very bored of being in pain today. However! I have found a magical being that shares ths same world on the internet (spider warning), this makes things considerably better.
Mercy Westcott
NPC, 15 posts
Can Make Thee
Hale And Sound
Sat 19 Mar 2022
at 13:08
  • msg #302

Re: On Curses and Comic Sans

Sending our local definitely-not-a-witch round here, because I realised something very important and need a Luck roll from Andrew and the Vicar to see if they're affected alongside those who went right into the Wyzenwood (Martin and Kit weren't in deep enough or going at enough speed to encounter this risk).

Whilst I'm here, just going to note that NPCs' tag lines are taken from ballads relating generally to their professions or reputations, not necessarily them personally, and that Lucy Bees' is from 'Factory Girl' (as in "I work for my living and find it no shame") rather than, well, any cursed songs that refer to lillies, valleys and do on.

Goodie Westcott's tag is from 'The Witch of the Westmoreland', but she's not from the Lake District nor a centaur-like water-fey with powerful sex magic. Unless one considers a very good track record with regards to making sure neither mother nor baby dies during childbirth to be powerful sex magic, which it sort of is, cost-to-yield wise.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:42, Sun 20 Mar 2022.
The Keeper
GM, 258 posts
Mon 21 Mar 2022
at 13:26
  • msg #303

Re: On Curses and Comic Sans

[makes *psspsspsss* noises at the Investigators] Come on, I've got a reward* if someone but moves the plot on Thread 5a, answers the above question or gives me attention generally engages with the OOC...remember, if you're bored of one area or thing, or stuck, you have to indicate to me that you wish to move away from said area or thing, or are stuck, else I don't know...

*I doodled out cast heights/builds so y'all can see how ridiculously tall everyone is. Whether that's actually a reward is debatable, but people have liked seeing my height charts before, so.

reward (with bonus Levi). Please note that the Vicar is dead-on average height for the period (and half a head taller than the average woman). He's not small, everyone else is just particularly well-nourished. has also been brought to my attention that due to the nature of commonplace horror plots, some Investigators have likely taken my efforts to insist that the Wyzenwood is not a place of honour, that no great deeds are commemorated here etc. etc. as plot arrows towards the horrible radioactive death unknown at its centre, rather than warnings that entry should always be a last resort.

I shall say here explicitly: it is unwise to traverse the Wyzenwood. may be possible to gain a little more safety with sufficient synthesis of folklore and scientific inquiry. As most of the villagers would point out, however, every tale about Scorch Norton and terror from the Wood starts with an outsider or someone from the former deciding to mess with the latter. It is possible to get the entire southwest of England in a Major Pickle by annoying/dangling oneself in reach of Dark Forces before actually knowing how to even vaguely deal with them.

Amusingly, the Vicar currently has very nearly all the pieces needed to solve everything solveable in the game, just not the connections to put them together.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:47, Mon 21 Mar 2022.
Margaret Yendale
player, 106 posts
the poacher's daughter
Tue 22 Mar 2022
at 01:29
  • msg #304

Re: On Curses and Comic Sans

Love these sketches.
The Keeper
GM, 260 posts
Tue 22 Mar 2022
at 23:13
  • msg #305

Re: On Curses and Comic Sans

See, someone likes my teeny-tiny height charts. My sincere apologies, however, as after bothering everyone into action yesterday I appear to have run out of brain tonight. Nothing but cotton wool idiocy in there. Updates on the morrow. Gah.

edit: nearly there,  but also nearly asleep, so...hoping to get you all literally back on the same page within 2-3 posts, kind of thing.

Meanwhile, I just found out this guy existed and I feel immensely justified in assuming that Massachusetts-based Deep One hybrid communities would retain Puritan naming conventions as a cultural marker. He's just the famous one!
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:35, Wed 23 Mar 2022.
Samuel Hartman
player, 85 posts
Thu 24 Mar 2022
at 00:47
  • msg #306

Re: On Curses and Comic Sans

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 305):

Hey, I like it as well.
Reverend Palmer
player, 93 posts
Priest of Saint Giles
Fri 25 Mar 2022
at 08:34
  • msg #307

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

The Keeper:
Amusingly, the Vicar currently has very nearly all the pieces needed to solve everything solveable in the game, just not the connections to put them together.

Yes, that's what it feels like.

My luck roll: 10:34, Today: Reverend Palmer rolled 68 using 1d100 ((68)).

The Keeper
GM, 263 posts
Fri 25 Mar 2022
at 08:43
  • msg #308

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Hi Vicar!  [crazy waving] Glad to see you about, and good timing, too.

Oh, oh no...this is both terrible and mildly hilarious, and it'll take some time before any of you know why. Incidentally, that roll shows Cecil has picked up a few tiny scratches/pinprick injuries from thorns that drew blood in the Wyzenwood - they'll probably sting a bit when he washes them, whenever he gets around to that.
Reverend Palmer
player, 94 posts
Priest of Saint Giles
Fri 25 Mar 2022
at 09:45
  • msg #309

On Midwinter Festivities

Washing? Who am I, Semmelweis?
The Keeper
GM, 264 posts
Fri 25 Mar 2022
at 16:56
  • msg #310

On Woe and Washwater know, anachronism-wise people often don't realise how recent germ theory and Europeans bathing when not visibly caked in dirt is. With sedentary settlements and lack of both modern filtration and hunter-gatherer land-knowledge to dig up water, your household water came from the sky and was finite and precious (the stuff from local watercourses was potentially full of horrible pathogens, plus corpse juice with added lead if downstream of a cemetery...not great to warm over and immerse oneself in). Hair-washing as a specific activity, incidentally, is close to unheard-of: cleaning powders and/or some kind of oil/protein like egg white would be applied via a lady's hairbrush, who might also take it in hand to groom her husband if he wasn't of a class to shave down and have a selection of wigs.

Anyway, Vicar, are you heading up towards the search, through town and up to Yendale Farm, or just to the inn at present? You may gather that the rest of the gang are headed to the latter, but the other options now mean meeting them on the way and a chance to split off with some if desired.
Martin Lovelace
player, 88 posts
Fri 25 Mar 2022
at 18:11
  • msg #311

On Woe and Washwater

I was thinking about going for this, but decided against it:

"Well, if they've gone and left already, I suppose there's no point sticking around here. Let's all go back to the town and wash our hands!"

The Keeper
GM, 265 posts
Fri 25 Mar 2022
at 18:59
  • msg #312

On Woe and Washwater

Since we've established that folk are running around with inobvious scratch wounds and that antibiotics have yet to be invented...thank you for not causing my Investigators to die of sepsis.
Reverend Palmer
player, 95 posts
Priest of Saint Giles
Fri 25 Mar 2022
at 19:51
  • msg #313

On Strangeness and Story Oil

To the Inn!
The Keeper
GM, 266 posts
Fri 25 Mar 2022
at 20:15
  • msg #314

On Strangeness and Story Oil

[thumbs up] Going to give the others there a chance to respond to Robin and get everyone sat down there. You'll find Polzeath over there, too, since he's cleaned, brushed and folded everything he knows has any need of it and wasn't sure where his master was.

edit: Maggie, remember Bart owes you a pint for being a noble steed earlier.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:17, Fri 25 Mar 2022.
Margaret Yendale
player, 109 posts
the poacher's daughter
Sat 26 Mar 2022
at 17:30
  • msg #315

On Strangeness and Story Oil

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 314):

Aye, but that’s a pint certain whenever she claims it. With all the good fellowship flowing from comparatively wealthy folk, she’s hoping one or more may be generously disposed toward their fellow “toilers in the vineyard”.
The Keeper
GM, 267 posts
Sat 26 Mar 2022
at 21:40
  • msg #316

On Strangeness and Story Oil

Could be! She might even be able to cadge a drink off the Vicar, who's looking for folklore...

Going to give Andrew and Sam a chance to look in, but otherwise start on an inn post tomorrow evening, I think. Got some minor harrassment from drunken youths this afternoon (was very unobtrusive and thus confused until I remembered I had rainbow shoelaces - I like my rainbow shoelaces) and oof, my Issues are all "why did you de-escalate quickly, calmly and positively and slip away like a giant slippery land eel? We could've taken them!", and won't leave it alone. Therefore I'm about, but mostly going to continue embroidering squid in reflective thread on that one pair of dangerously non-reflective winter work trousers, so.

No-one has any particular feelings about staying in the same 'chapter' with a change of location, do they? I know this feels like an end/change of scene but nothing's actually happened, really, the primary information intended to be available mostly wound up elsewhere.
Samuel Hartman
player, 87 posts
Sat 26 Mar 2022
at 21:45
  • msg #317

On Strangeness and Story Oil

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 316):

Oh! I'll double check that tonight.
The Keeper
GM, 270 posts
Sun 27 Mar 2022
at 22:43
  • msg #318

On Strangeness and Story Oil

Whal, recieving no objections by nearly my mindnight, everyone is now at the Hare & Sheaf. Everyone may thus commence to pester Tom at their leisure.
The Keeper
GM, 271 posts
Wed 30 Mar 2022
at 13:04
  • msg #319

On Strangeness and Story Oil

I must say I'm highly amused at how the Vicar's phrasing and the various factors behind Polzeath's answer combine to make a mention of his village's traditions sound less weird than average, in a cove so isolated no-one bothers to speak English and villagers get regular accusations of incest over looking like...well, like Polzeath.

Just dropping a reminder here that the Clues Thread exists if anyone needs to check known facts against yokel speculation or the effects of SAN damage. I'm also here to be asked anything not found there!
The Keeper
GM, 272 posts
Fri 1 Apr 2022
at 08:36
  • msg #320

On Sanity and Silliness

Quick reminder that whilst I do appreciate silliness and evident pranks, I follow this policy with regards to April Foolery, and would appreciate it if we aimed for that standard.
Samuel Hartman
player, 90 posts
Fri 1 Apr 2022
at 16:05
  • msg #321

On Sanity and Silliness

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 320):

Thanks for that, really appreciate it
Margaret Yendale
player, 112 posts
the poacher's daughter
Fri 1 Apr 2022
at 16:20
  • msg #322

On Sanity and Silliness

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 320):

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That's incredible! Inever saw it before. Where'd you find it??

The Keeper
GM, 273 posts
Fri 1 Apr 2022
at 20:42
  • msg #323

On Sanity and Silliness

T̴̻̙̦͝͠͝R̵̦̙͙͒͌A̸͖͚͇̒̈́͠D̵̦͙͙̿́̈́I̸̘͚͚͒̓͋T̴̙͚̿͛͒͜I̵̪͓̿͝͠O̴̙̪̞̓͛͒N̵̡̘͚̿́͌Ś̴̟͉͖̔͝ M̸̪̞͕̈́̓U̴͕̪̻̔̒̒S̸͇̟̫̓͒̚T̸͔̘̟̈́́̿ B̸͓͖͛̈́̔E̴̢͙͇̒̓̓ U̴̫̞̘̓͐͑P̵̫̦͔̈́̈́̓H̴͖͍͓̔͒E̴̦͖̔̓̀L̸̠̙͖̈́͘D̵͕̻͉̈́̾͝

...on a more serious note, I'll move things on tomorrow if the Doctor doesn't show up tonight at all: I am too stupid after a day of solid data entry to wrangle villagers in various states of paranoia, grief, curiousity etc. along with incoming trouble at present.
The Keeper
GM, 274 posts
Sun 3 Apr 2022
at 21:27
  • msg #324

On Sanity and Silliness

Ah...just in case this isn't Andrew's anxiety issues: if anyone's picking up any scorn from the inkeep that's just me being so bad at tone that I've managed to screw it up somewhere I can literally put adverbs next to speech. My bad there.

John Collins has lived here long enough that he knows full well you don't mess with the Wyzenwood, and unless someone implies he's an imported cannibal or a gorilla (thought to be a kind of 'wild man' in the era) or something because he's obviously a different colour to most Englishmen he's just a very no-nonsense dad. I mean, anyone who'd marry Lovely Nancy with her lack of tolerance for slyness and fools has to be pretty chill, on Darwinian principles if nothing else...

edit: Forgot to mention there's a couple more links on the Setting Thread dealing with wages, benefits and rough costs, though no-one out in the country is going to be buying six-shilling stays unless she is very fancy or wants new clothes to be married in (single-use, white wedding dresses haven't been invented yet - royalty might get a new white gown to show off, but even princesses and so on would probably re-use the items as special occasion clothes with no comment) without any of her family making them.

Tom & Sam, and if either/both of you tell a particularly impressive story I'll think up some reward.
This message was last edited by the GM at 06:42, Mon 04 Apr 2022.
Andrew Sexton
player, 77 posts
Tue 5 Apr 2022
at 20:26
  • msg #325

On Sanity and Silliness

I think everyone is getting tensed up for no good reason. We should have every confidence that Mistress Westcott will conduct herself with kindness and understanding.
The Keeper
GM, 275 posts
Tue 5 Apr 2022
at 20:45
  • msg #326

On Maddened Midwives

To be fair to her, she's done nothing but be helpful, just on the wrong side of some social mores and, well, patriarchy...she's currently pissed off that some idiots broke into her house, but I was giving Maggie a chance to look in before bringing her "onscreen" to say so.

Anyone wants to gossip about the old besom before she gets there, now's the time!
Andrew Sexton
player, 78 posts
Wed 6 Apr 2022
at 14:22
  • msg #327

Re: On Maddened Midwives

The Keeper:
...she's currently pissed off that some idiots broke into her house…

But that was done solely because it was suspected that she was a witch engaged in summoning infernal powers to bring death and destruction to Scorch Norton. So that makes it okay.

See also: Miller, Arthur The Crucible, Dramatists Play Service, Inc., 1954.
Martin Lovelace
player, 90 posts
Wed 6 Apr 2022
at 19:25
  • msg #328

Re: On Maddened Midwives

Andrew Sexton:
But that was done solely because it was suspected that she was a witch engaged in summoning infernal powers to bring death and destruction to Scorch Norton. So that makes it okay.

Definitely a reasonable suspicion!
The Keeper
GM, 276 posts
Wed 6 Apr 2022
at 20:17
  • msg #329

Re: On Maddened Midwives

...hands up everyone who saw Goodie Westcott talking with the Devil...

(...also hands up everyone who's been handling rye or rye flour recently...)
The Keeper
GM, 277 posts
Sun 10 Apr 2022
at 19:36
  • msg #330

Re: On Daylight Robbery

Mercy Westcott
NPC, 21 posts
Can Make Thee
Hale And Sound
Wed 13 Apr 2022
at 08:00
  • msg #331

Re: On Maddened Midwives

Goodie Westcott isn't over fond of Martin, but I'm not letting her ramble on said pseudoscience quite yet, as I'm hoping our carpenter and hopefully the Vicar will have questions for her that might prove more immediately illuminating. Of course, Tom also knows we're now in deeper trouble than an Anglo-Saxon bishop moving rocks around, but he can't really say anything...
Reverend Palmer
player, 97 posts
Priest of Saint Giles
Fri 15 Apr 2022
at 15:28
  • msg #332

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Super-busy at work right now, should hopefully be better next week, after the tax deadline!
The Keeper
GM, 278 posts
Fri 15 Apr 2022
at 17:50
  • msg #333

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Ah, the Vicar appears! On Good Friday, too, very on point with the human sacrifice there...we'll assume Cecil is deep in thought, synthesising all he's learnt from this conversation. Thank you for letting me know how/why you're gone - I think we do have some Christians on board and probably bank holidays elsewhere, so I will just chitter to myself in a corner was expecting a wee slow patch.

[innocent look] that's not to say that anyone who wants to get a description of the stag   in isn't very welcome to do so...
The Keeper
GM, 279 posts
Wed 20 Apr 2022
at 12:46
  • msg #334

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Having noticed that a mainstream film of Roald Dahl's work now dominates Google searches for "Mr. Fox", I thought I'd drop a link to a little discussion/few variations of the folktale for interest, in case anyone was unfamiliar. Our 'real' serial killer belongs to the early 1500s and the heraldic motto Aude! can still be found on some of the older lintels at Fox Hall.

Alternately, the tale in ballad form.
Martin Lovelace
player, 94 posts
Wed 20 Apr 2022
at 22:24
  • msg #335

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Mercy Westcott:
"They took my device, more than that I haven't made certain yet," the goodwife grumbled.

Alright everyone...looks like in order to win the game we must locate Goodie Wescott's missing vibrator.
The Keeper
GM, 280 posts
Wed 20 Apr 2022
at 22:59
  • msg #336

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Well, you know what Victorian folklorists say about broomsticks...

I could horrify you with my research for this stuff. Or even with the kind of incidental things I know about period...personal entertainment aids, which are can see the logic, sort of, but why. Why would you put that there. Springs may be involved. Plungers. These people are dying of tiny cuts and tetanus just in everyday life and aghkdsffkgggk I wish I could un-know things sometimes.

This is not the prop I thought would create a tangent. Hmm. Well, be as raucously Georgian as you like, but remember that the Vicar is still present, even if he's Over There Somewhere.

To continue the theme, I suppose, I just found this (maybe don't autoplay at work, but I think it would just make your admin confused/screech laugh) which is so funny, yet so dumb.
Samuel Hartman
player, 95 posts
Wed 20 Apr 2022
at 23:18
  • msg #337

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to Martin Lovelace (msg # 335):

The Keeper
GM, 281 posts
Wed 20 Apr 2022
at 23:58
  • msg #338

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

A Sam! Nice to see you about - you, and now Tom, can give me another CON roll whilst responding to Eli, if you like (I'll keep track of how likely y'all are to wind up impaired through living on ale anyway, but agency is nice, no?).

A Note to All to Remember! -in the age before the intelligent telephone, people don't know things until you literally run and tell them. Unless you write them a letter and a fellow gets a horse to run and deliver it. Or you could strap your message to a pigeon and have it fly there, though both the latter are limited to the literate, so. This can be both to your advantage or disadvantage, note well.

...also, on happening on something on the internet that suggests otherwise: we know what rushlights are, right?
Thomas Bees
player, 141 posts
Thu 21 Apr 2022
at 00:01
  • msg #339

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 338):

Failed and in the dice roller.

The Keeper
GM, 282 posts
Thu 21 Apr 2022
at 00:24
  • msg #340

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Whilst not throwing 'em back at Sam's rate, Thomas feeleth mildly tipsy from drinking on a nigh-empty stomach. He's not mechanically impaired yet, just a step nearer 'drunk Tom' than otherwise.

Ach, I need to go to sleep.
Andrew Sexton
player, 82 posts
Thu 21 Apr 2022
at 13:22
  • msg #341

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Martin Lovelace:
Alright everyone...looks like in order to win the game we must locate Goodie Wescott's missing vibrator.

Maybe it’s like Cluedo/Clue. We just have to reach the right conclusion.

“It was Mercy Westcott, at the Witch Tree, with the device!”
Samuel Hartman
player, 97 posts
Thu 21 Apr 2022
at 18:26
  • msg #342

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 338):

Also rolled and in the dice roller, success.
The Keeper
GM, 283 posts
Thu 21 Apr 2022
at 18:32
  • msg #343

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

@Sam - Sam, perhaps surprisingly, is still just tipsy and not mechanically impaired thereby.

@Andrew - I like this format! Feel free to randomly accuse bystanders. Although that particular example in the context of the Doctor's goofing around did immediately bring this to mind (nsfw).
Samuel Hartman
player, 98 posts
Tue 26 Apr 2022
at 17:43
  • msg #344

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

I'm getting really bad storms, and power's flickering, so if I can't post for a few days just know it's because power's out

Never mind, storm wasn't as bad as I thought it would, but wanted to be prepared
This message was last edited by the player at 19:11, Tue 26 Apr 2022.
The Keeper
GM, 284 posts
Tue 26 Apr 2022
at 21:20
  • msg #345

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to Samuel Hartman (msg # 344):

Oh! Glad to hear that. Though sorry to hear your infrastructure is so bad in general, that's rubbish.

Andrew, wasn't meaning to cut you off there, but the Vicar posted before I quite got round to an answer so I thought Goodie Westcott could perhaps answer both of you at once.

Had quite a folk horror encounter this afternoon, as whilst coming back from lunch I caught sight of a strange ~2m effigy amongst the shrubbery and went over to was a mass of organic-looking cloth bulges and tentacles rigged up on bound-together sticks, and then an art student crawled out of a dome of brush and invited me to inspect lots of dried brewing herbs in little jars and hold 'the baby'. Being terrified of pre-sentient infants in real life, this made me distinctly nervous, but it turned out 'the baby' was a bundle of rags and twigs held together with twine, so that was all right. I was also introduced to 'the toddler' and 'the mothers', one of which was a bloody sculpted dress and the other a roughly-rendered pile of cloth organs propped up on a stick. It turns out I had already met 'the friend'.

...honestly, I love and support these upsetting lesbian anomalies and their babies. I hope my attempts to demonstrate such went over well, but with my (lack of) social-fu I'm not entirely sure...people often think that if you can draw you'll magically understand art, but the hand and the brain are different things indeed, and I was definitely out of my depth.
Samuel Hartman
player, 99 posts
Tue 26 Apr 2022
at 22:26
  • msg #346

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 345):

Honestly, it's not that the infrastructure is bad - I mean there was possibly a (very small) tornado in a city not far from me (maybe 30 mins?). We got some small hail as well.
The Keeper
GM, 285 posts
Tue 26 Apr 2022
at 22:47
  • msg #347

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

If tornadoes are common the lines should be got cut off repeatedly by snow in a temperate-to-cold climate just a few months ago and were concerned about "small hail" just now; that's worse than a lot of Eastern Europe puts up with, never mind rich countries. I hasten to add that I wasn't trying to be condescending or pitying, just acknowledging it's unfortunate. Ah, me versus social skills...I ought to go to bed, is what.

Does Sam have any questions about folklore or what he's seen? Would he like some food now, maybe, or is he actively trying to get drunk?
Samuel Hartman
player, 100 posts
Tue 26 Apr 2022
at 22:50
  • msg #348

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 347):

Tornadoes aren't that common here (mostly mountainous) where I am. I totally get that it wasn't at all condescending or pitying, so no worries there - just wanted to clarify. I can't think of any questions he has right now, and probably both for food and getting drunk.
Margaret Yendale
player, 123 posts
the poacher's daughter
Wed 27 Apr 2022
at 21:33
  • msg #349

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Hereabouts we tend to bring the art students indoors, despite their resistance. They don't always understood that it's meant kindly and is for "their own good."
The Keeper
GM, 286 posts
Thu 28 Apr 2022
at 12:48
  • msg #350

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Ach, communal socialisation is very important for humanities students...I'm aware some think that the potential for collaboration and subsequent hybrid vigour between the domestic art student and the untamed aesthete or folk artist is hastening the extinction of the latter as a pure tradition, but without such integration folk art is liable to become hopelessly self-referential and inbred, causing a complete and grotesque population collapse of the local morphs. You might squeeze another decade of them limping on as knicknacks, but then all trace of natural forms specific to the area would be lost forever.

Plus, folk artists are more vulnerable to capeshit media brainworms than academic strains, which are killing off the creative impulse entirely anyway.

This...wound up less silly than I intended...artists are important, folks. Bread and roses.
The Keeper
GM, 287 posts
Sat 30 Apr 2022
at 17:42
  • msg #351

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

No questions, comments, baseless accusations for the midwife? Or are we politely waiting for the holy fellow's authority?

I read a book called Hare House today yesterday and am rather conflicted about it, in the manner I suspect I'll be when I finally catch up to a copy of The VVitch. It's a very well-written, clever and pretty solid folk horror, with the narrator's main likeable trait being a clear love of the Scottish countryside, but the premise is basically "what if old-timey mysogynists were right?" Enjoyable entertainment, bad aftertaste, I suppose.

Also, to bring the above digression back nearer what we're actually doing here, on the theme of feral artists the Fox Estate doesn't have an ornamental hermit. It does have sheep-grazed lawns in a nod to the dawning of Romantic Pastoralism as a fashion, however.

There are no guests at the Hall at present, as it was gently cleared to admit wedding guests who've put off their visits until the wedding has a fixed date again: the decline of the nobility (and bolder upper-middle-class wanderers) using each others' houses for free accomodation on their travels is why you get late Victorian scions rattling around one end of a mansion with a silly number of rooms all on their own. That is, if they don't ring for some poor servant to jog from the other end of the building. What the unfairly wealthy do with houses that big nowadays I can't fathom.

edit: Naught but wishing a happy May Day to all - may your crops be fertile and your workers' rights unimpinged.
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:23, Sun 01 May 2022.
Andrew Sexton
player, 86 posts
Mon 2 May 2022
at 15:14
  • msg #352

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

The Keeper:
No questions, comments, baseless accusations for the midwife? Or are we politely waiting for the holy fellow's authority?

I think once the vicar spoke up, Andrew chose to surrender any questioning to the gentleman with far greater education than he.
The Keeper
GM, 288 posts
Mon 2 May 2022
at 16:40
  • msg #353

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

...hmm. Fair enough, and thank you for the response. Does the other educated gentleman have any questions or holes to poke in this theory? Remembering that EDU/Literacy can determine if he's ever heard of/read similar, if the Doctor likes.
Samuel Hartman
player, 101 posts
Tue 3 May 2022
at 15:37
  • msg #354

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Hey all,

I know I told The Keeper this, but I tested positive for COVID yesterday, so pardon any delays on my end.
Margaret Yendale
player, 125 posts
the poacher's daughter
Wed 4 May 2022
at 01:26
  • msg #355

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to Samuel Hartman (msg # 354):

Best wishes for a mild case and a fast and full recovery.
Samuel Hartman
player, 102 posts
Wed 4 May 2022
at 02:16
  • msg #356

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to Margaret Yendale (msg # 355):

Thanks. It is hitting like a truck, but i'm fully vaxxed which helps. Right now the worst part is the sore throat and stuffy nose.
The Keeper
GM, 289 posts
Wed 4 May 2022
at 06:45
  • msg #357

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Sorry to just vanish yesterday, got home and read the news.

So. From what's been communicated to me onscreen and off, I'm getting that Tom wants to snoop about in the church/negotiate the prospect of an exhumation with the Vicar, who may have his own plans, Sam wants to roll home and talk to the Criddle farmhands, Maggie wants to stick about and scrounge for food/booze unless something more exciting shows, and Martin wants to kill and dissect some innocent baby bunnies. Andrew, any more or less concrete plans?

...and are we likely to all re-meet in the inn in the evening? If not, I'll see which of these prospective short threads I can draw together then, and try to plait them in the morning. Everyone remembers tomorrow is Church Day, right?
Andrew Sexton
player, 89 posts
Wed 4 May 2022
at 18:25
  • msg #358

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

I believe Andrew will be assisting Doctor Lovelace in addressing the public health concerns surrounding the area’s wildlife.
Margaret Yendale
player, 126 posts
the poacher's daughter
Wed 4 May 2022
at 18:53
  • msg #359

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Maggie will make an appearance at the old homestead to hug her baby and her sister and see what's to eat, all of which can occur off stage. She'll return to the inn in the evening, primarily to dee if the Ragge brothers turn up.
The Keeper
GM, 290 posts
Wed 4 May 2022
at 19:08
  • msg #360

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Kate & Jack may think Robin's run off, seeing as she sent him to say she wouldn't be home, but fair enough. There's information to be got there, too.

Thank you both for swift responses, I appreciate them.
Thomas Bees
player, 143 posts
Thu 5 May 2022
at 01:12
  • msg #361

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Yes Thomas will have a look around the church and the graves. Thanks.

The Keeper
GM, 291 posts
Thu 5 May 2022
at 06:41
  • msg #362

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Ah, Thomas! Hope you're feeling better. Thank you for the response.

Sam, Cecil, may I have confirmation of plans IC and/or OOC? It looks like I have a bunch of threads to plan, and you know how extra I am about intros (a thread without a mood banner and music? Never will I!).
Samuel Hartman
player, 103 posts
Thu 5 May 2022
at 19:26
  • msg #363

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Sam will go to the Criddle farmhands, yeah.
Andrew Sexton
player, 90 posts
Thu 5 May 2022
at 19:37
  • msg #364

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Considering an alternate course for the following day. How much effort would be required to locate and then uproot the ancient stones that were recently spoken of? Is it something two or three people with the proper tools could accomplish? It would be undertaken as a service to the hood people of Scorch Norton, understand. An effort to clear away some of the last remnants of old superstitions.
The Keeper
GM, 292 posts
Thu 5 May 2022
at 20:00
  • msg #365

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Locating the standing ones requires at most a twenty-minute walk. Uprooting a stone would take some concerted digging - about 9 work hours, so three for three fit men - and the loan of a plough horse. Whilst avoiding the folk who know that you Don't Do That, of course. Might want to send to the Bishop for some armed men or something.

Alternatively, I've heard trying to make a fire in the Wyzenwood is a great idea!

@Sam: thanks for the confirmation.

Vicar, are you heading churchward, do you think, perchance with the Bees?
Reverend Palmer
player, 101 posts
Priest of Saint Giles
Thu 5 May 2022
at 20:58
  • msg #366

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Heading to the church for now!
The Keeper
GM, 293 posts
Thu 5 May 2022
at 21:43
  • msg #367

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Excellent. I'll leave the thread open awhile in case any responses are imminent, and set to work on a bunch of new ones to be posted...well, probably at the weekend at some point. I'll make the attempt to get 1-2 up sooner, but I can't promise that.

Unless I get covid and am stuck/bored whenever not asleep, of course - there've been a few cases I might've crossed paths with but a) nothing's shown up in testing so far, b) I had a better mask on in all those interactions than the ones they hand out, 'cause my glasses steam up without a breathproof upward seal and cloth flapping about mid-chin is Bad Texture to me, and c) without the coughing variation, all covid symptoms are things my horrible Soviet car of a body just Does sometimes. Anyway. Yes. Working on it, but not tonight.

edit: yes it is nearly 1am but hey, everyone has pretty banners and outlines ready to go, at least, but before I try to sleep I need to show everyone the font in this Somerset church, which also has some neat grotesques. Look at 'em! For y'all Americans who don't have demons all over your churches and such.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:58, Fri 06 May 2022.
The Keeper
GM, 294 posts
Sun 8 May 2022
at 19:49
  • msg #368

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Argh. So the aforementioned Soviet car of a body has been acting weirdly dehydrated despite my drinking a lot (with salt/sugar intake for absorbtion, yes) and jabbing at deep muscle nerves all day, but now nausea has joined the headache and I suspect it's a baby migraine...please accept my sincere apologies, as even at this stage I doubt I'll manage any progress here tonight. I will do my best to make up for the tardiness with quality, and proffer thanks for your patience.
Samuel Hartman
player, 104 posts
Sun 8 May 2022
at 20:09
  • msg #369

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 368):

No worries, life comes first.

In other news, I'm doing a lot better, and hoping to get back into things tomorrow.
Margaret Yendale
player, 127 posts
the poacher's daughter
Mon 9 May 2022
at 03:55
  • msg #370

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

I hope you both find yourselves hale and hearty come the morrow.
Samuel Hartman
player, 105 posts
Mon 9 May 2022
at 04:03
  • msg #371

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to Margaret Yendale (msg # 370):

oh I am, like 90% hale and hearty.
The Keeper
GM, 295 posts
Mon 9 May 2022
at 08:00
  • msg #372

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

I will be about 20% less like still-howling roadkill once I manage to get up and down some painkillers, but this must still be the warm-up stage, since despite the greater part of my skeleton telling me about pain it's only the joints in my skull that hurt and I can still see. This is procrastinating on standing up, since I'll probably have limited ability to do that today. On the upside, off work and on drugs it's possible I might get some progress here in, maybe.

Had an interesting dream about being a refugee child placed with some eastern-Mediterranean-looking folk practicing some kind of transhumance...they spent their summers in a red cave complex continually modified for their use over centuries, maybe harvesting bat guano or unripened walnuts for dye. Thing is, there were fairy hounds that showed up in the more open places at night, tall eyeless jackal things that wouldn't come into full electric light but were willing to sieze anyone or thing passing through the dark. On my own, I threw one some spaghetti like one of the workers had, not knowing if that was good or bad, but another one bit me in a dimmer patch between lights, its jaw running the length of its head like a crocodile's and jammed with literally needle-like teeth. These caught in my puffer jacket and I felt it just like a vice grip and so used the dog to flail at the other dogs. Hitting it on a fence didn't dislodge it, but it let go after some seconds in full light. Time was weird in that place, too, since sometimes there'd be buried rooms with perfect corpses and windows showing a different time of day, supposedly from an earthquake in the 1900s. The nearby town had climbed back up the hill since, and from one side of the cave outcrop the entrance was hidden among wealthy suburbs.

All right, I think I shall arise now. It hurts to breathe, but I've been still enough that nothing is yelling at me in particular. Augh.
This message was last edited by the GM at 08:01, Mon 09 May 2022.
Reverend Palmer
player, 104 posts
Priest of Saint Giles
Tue 17 May 2022
at 07:45
  • msg #373

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Sorry for my spotty attendance to the game, folks - real life keeps dragging me away :-(
The Keeper
GM, 303 posts
Tue 17 May 2022
at 08:49
  • msg #374

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

If it is not good things, curse them!
Reverend Palmer
player, 105 posts
Priest of Saint Giles
Wed 18 May 2022
at 09:51
  • msg #375

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

They could use a decent curse or two, yes!
Samuel Hartman
player, 111 posts
Wed 18 May 2022
at 16:31
  • msg #376

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to Reverend Palmer (msg # 375):

Well then, curse them!
The Keeper
GM, 304 posts
Fri 20 May 2022
at 23:10
  • msg #377

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

The Keeper:
...and are we likely to all re-meet in the inn in the evening? If not, I'll see which of these prospective short threads I can draw together then, and try to plait them in the morning. Everyone remembers tomorrow is Church Day, right?

Ahoy! Bringing this question back as it's looking sort of like our Investigators are going to miss each other at present, though a couple of threads have been severely slowed up by real life events. It isn't urgently important to meet up at night/once and I can easily shuggle things smooth in the morning, but knowing what to plan for would be ideal.

edit: ...because re-pinging the above does no harm and I am literally so tired it hurts so not actually posting any more tonight, but I need to show y'all the Abyss Forest, in case you didn't know about it yet. They found an abyss forest!
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:10, Sat 21 May 2022.
The Keeper
GM, 307 posts
Fri 27 May 2022
at 23:45
  • msg #378

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Just wanted to say that I am vaguely around and appreciate all contributions awaiting complex responses, I just have a case of the summer-insomnia/stress-related stupids and find myself unable to word a thing like a thing. I will do my best to actually brain over the weekend.

Please accept this random gaming meme that made me laugh: https://thatonenewdungeonmaste...t/656734747039580160
Samuel Hartman
player, 115 posts
Mon 30 May 2022
at 16:17
  • msg #379

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 377):

The Keeper:
...and are we likely to all re-meet in the inn in the evening? If not, I'll see which of these prospective short threads I can draw together then, and try to plait them in the morning. Everyone remembers tomorrow is Church Day, right?

I'm good with that!
The Keeper
GM, 308 posts
Tue 31 May 2022
at 23:36
  • msg #380

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Response appreciated!

Also a heads up that though it vexes me to be so slow I'm rather getting chewed on by various things that demand my attention; my continued thanks for your collective patience. May or may not have some extra time over the obligatory festivities for Mrs. Windsor's Fancy Chair, but I'll also have visiting aunts from Saturday night.

Meanwhile, please accept a terrifyingly accurate new machine's dream of ghosts, for I must sleep.
This message was last edited by the GM at 07:53, Wed 01 June 2022.
Margaret Yendale
player, 145 posts
the poacher's daughter
Wed 1 Jun 2022
at 21:22
  • msg #381

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Deep under the weather. Got cough, headache, body aches, sneezing and coughing, great fatigue, and fever spiking 101f. Got a COVID test this morning. Seems a good chance I got it. Will post as I can.
Samuel Hartman
player, 116 posts
Wed 1 Jun 2022
at 21:31
  • msg #382

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to Margaret Yendale (msg # 381):

oh no! feel better soon
The Keeper
GM, 309 posts
Wed 1 Jun 2022
at 22:35
  • msg #383

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Aie aie...please see to resting in bed and hydrating yourself first, that's what's important.

Honestly I don't know if the traditional fever folk cure of putting half an onion by your bed would help (antiseptic mist) or hinder (feels like ouch), but maybe internet folk cures won't hurt? Here is the Good Luck Chonk and some friends:
Martin Lovelace
player, 99 posts
Fri 3 Jun 2022
at 06:19
  • msg #384

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Putting onions by our bed...that sounds delightful. In the US, our traditional folk cures for fighting COVID involve injecting bleach.
The Keeper
GM, 311 posts
Fri 3 Jun 2022
at 08:55
  • msg #385

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Oh? I thought one drank bleach to "own the Libs", but I may have been thinking of the horse de-wormer...I find it hard to regret the horrible maiming or death of people whose far-right brain worms would wish the same on me with wholehearted glee and not a moment's hesitation, but I do regret their brainwashing in the first place. What a waste of peasants.

*ahem* No, the only cure with regular poison injections in the 18th century was the mercury cure for syphilis - straight into the relevant parts and all - but that's proper medicine. Speaking of which, I am re-reminded to pass you my medicine rules overhaul later and will presently make a means for your thread to be moved on at the weekend if Andrew's still busy then.

Alas, I have feverfew in my battle royale of a garden, but I cannot pass any straight through the Internet...
This message was last edited by the GM at 08:56, Fri 03 June 2022.
The Keeper
GM, 312 posts
Fri 3 Jun 2022
at 21:37
  • msg #386

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Ugh. I am aware that everyone...everyone? [checks] -bar Sam (bar a PM) is now waiting on me, but my executive function is just doing the equivalent of the Windows 98 error sound whenever I try to do a thing, so I am shortly going to fold myself up and try to sleep.

With regrets for the unreliable service at present, I will leave you with the rather Lovecraftian news that California now has hairy, many-legged airborne jellyfish...legally speaking.
Samuel Hartman
player, 117 posts
Fri 3 Jun 2022
at 21:59
  • msg #387

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 386):

I'm working on a quick reply now
Samuel Hartman
player, 119 posts
Wed 8 Jun 2022
at 12:12
  • msg #388

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

I'll be out of town from the 15th to the 20th
The Keeper
GM, 315 posts
Wed 8 Jun 2022
at 21:09
  • msg #389

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Thanks, I'll try to remember that.

Augh, I have done nothing but hurt and occasionally watch a live feed of giant crabs today. Well, given the resounding crickets at my query as to meeting at the inn later, I think I will start planning more solidly for the gang meeting up again on Sunday morning (providing everyone's alive by then - a couple of you are in a bit more peril than you're aware of).
The Keeper
GM, 318 posts
Wed 15 Jun 2022
at 09:19
  • msg #390

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

So I recently purchased an early-'80s book on Traditional Customs of Britain by some old lag with a great enthusiasm for ale and deeply dubious notions about women in a rummage sale, and feel compelled to tell you all about an incident at Bromley recorded therein:

By tradition the dancers visit all the 'big houses', and by tradition all the hundreds of spectators go with them. I was once there when the Morris men led their army into a garden where the young master and his friends were playing croquet on the lawn. Without a word the dancers pulled up the hoops, kicked the balls out of the way and got on with the real business of the day."

I don't know if the toffs in question had forgotten what day it was or whether they thought any laws applied to morris dancers, but I do find the image of them being summarily swept off the lawn with aggressive jingling highly entertaining.

More on-topic, Team Crushing Small Animals, are you busy or waiting on each other over there? It's been a week...
Reverend Palmer
player, 112 posts
Priest of Saint Giles
Thu 16 Jun 2022
at 16:21
  • msg #391

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

I made it through to the other side of tax season! So I'm about to get ready to get into it!

Margaret: I hope you feel better soon!
Onions near the bed: It's not so much about the antiseptic mist, it's that the onions help clear your sinuses so that you can breath more easily. Helps wonders with (especially small) kids. Chop up an onion, put it all into a sock, put it near the pillow and hear them being able to breathe.
The Keeper
GM, 320 posts
Thu 16 Jun 2022
at 17:41
  • msg #392

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Huzzah! Let me know when you've read up to date and I'll tell you what's going on with the Vicar and Mistress Bees whilst Master Bees pokes your dodgy old sexton. [nod]

Ha! That is wonderful to know, thank you. Between hypersensitivity and a general hatred of onions my mother gave up and used vapour rub instead (which apparently I was lucky to survive adult doses of, but I don't think they put raw oils in now).
The Keeper
GM, 322 posts
Mon 20 Jun 2022
at 19:42
  • msg #393

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

General update: The aunt and friend have departed, but left what I'm going to call a truly ferocious cold until/unless I get a positive lateral flow to tell me otherwise, those of you waiting for me to round off/start rounding off a thread, please bear with me rawr, rarr, etc.

edit: Nope, I am going to fold myself up and put myself to bed presently, words not happening. Ugh.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:25, Mon 20 June 2022.
The Keeper
GM, 324 posts
Sat 25 Jun 2022
at 18:17
  • msg #394

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

So, that's one interlude done and one nearly there. I shall probe the ones that appear to have stalled presently.

Meanwhile, here is eight minutes of footage that would sincerely upset Lovecraft, and you're welcome.
(crab warning first 18 seconds & after the oven mitt jellyfish)

edit: second crab left out of crab warning, corrected.

Edit, Poking Results: All right, so we have one player absence related to covid, two due to Texas and one laptop foreseen-if-prolonged vanishment that I've been moving the character about with permission for and one 'looked at PM in passing but appears too busy to reply'. Shall we call this an official hiatus until Bastille Day? Longer? Anyone?

If folk still want to play, that is; if this is now more hassle than fun, no-one is obliged to prop the thing up to their detriment.
This message was last edited by the GM at 07:54, Tue 05 July 2022.
Margaret Yendale
player, 151 posts
the poacher's daughter
Tue 5 Jul 2022
at 11:57
  • msg #395

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

I'm good to go on.
Andrew Sexton
player, 99 posts
Tue 5 Jul 2022
at 12:11
  • msg #396

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

I think, if there aren’t any additional wildlife acting strangely, or oozing bog smelling green ichor, the Doctor and Andrew’s chores are probably at an end.
The Keeper
GM, 326 posts
Tue 5 Jul 2022
at 12:49
  • msg #397

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Very well. How long will the two of you search for any? If longer than two hours, being fairly systematic, please give me a Spot Hidden.
Martin Lovelace
player, 105 posts
Tue 5 Jul 2022
at 15:08
  • msg #398

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Martin is oblivious:

10:08, Today: Martin Lovelace rolled 91 using 1d100.  Spot Hidden (60).

But he'd like to try to talk people up to see if they might tell him of anything they've seen along these lines:

10:08, Today: Martin Lovelace rolled 2 using 1d100.  Persuasion (60).
This message was last edited by the player at 15:09, Tue 05 July 2022.
Andrew Sexton
player, 100 posts
Tue 5 Jul 2022
at 16:24
  • msg #399

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Andrew isn’t especially persuasive. However, at least in this instance, he is perceptive.

11:22, Today: Andrew Sexton rolled 7 using 1d100.  Spot Hidden.
The Keeper
GM, 327 posts
Tue 5 Jul 2022
at 17:37
  • msg #400

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Ha! You get an extra, erm, reward, in that case. I'll update the thread when I get home, you might want to add a post or two to it...
Martin Lovelace
player, 106 posts
Wed 6 Jul 2022
at 04:31
  • msg #401

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Martin Lovelace:
Mercy Westcott:
"They took my device, more than that I haven't made certain yet," the goodwife grumbled.

Alright everyone...looks like in order to win the game we must locate Goodie Wescott's missing vibrator.

Gregory Polzeath:
After some pause he reported that he'd found the device, and that given leave sir, he warn't touching it and would just poke it under the foliage there with a stick.

Ok everybody we won!
The Keeper
GM, 328 posts
Wed 6 Jul 2022
at 12:34
  • msg #402

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Huzzah for Eagle-Eyed Andrew and his excessively acute rolls!
The Keeper
GM, 331 posts
Fri 8 Jul 2022
at 12:42
  • msg #403

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

...hopefully he tells you about the other thing. Meanwhile, Tom gets tinnitus, Sam gets drunk in a field and Maggie plans for a magical adventure. :D

Going to see if y'all pick up a couple more things in your last posts before updating the Clues Thread, is the essence of this update. Getting there.
Andrew Sexton
player, 101 posts
Fri 8 Jul 2022
at 13:36
  • msg #404

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

I will do my utmost to get an update in this afternoon. There’s a lot to unpack in that most recent batch of information. :)
The Keeper
GM, 332 posts
Sat 9 Jul 2022
at 09:50
  • msg #405

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

(That was an all y'all y'all, not a that thread y'all, but the effort is appreciated. Things aren't easy right now, I know. If you're at all aware of British politics at the moment it might entertain you to hear that some famous fellow has been blasting Yakkety Sax outside the Houses of Parliament so that most of yesterday's on-site reporters got appropriate free background music. Also that so many Tory ministers left their posts and scattered like rats the reporters interviewed the Downing Street Cat as a remaining usual the Scottish Parliament is just watching with popcorn, since there's nothing we can do, but at least it's high entertainment.)
The Keeper
GM, 333 posts
Wed 13 Jul 2022
at 21:49
  • msg #406

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

For general information: Alas, the good Reverend's player has had to prioritise other things in life and cannot commit to staying on here, but has requested permission to lurk. Though I've changed the tag to NPC you might see odd logins for a bit, since switching status properly is a bit of a faff unless the below happens.

Due to the amount of information now held by the character and it feeling a little unfair for me to let him get in the pickles he's likely to get in, "offscreen", I may or may not assign Cecil to a new player in future, depending on whether folk originally turned away who wanted to be updated get back to me/would be willing to adopt him.

Also and unrelatedly, it's been a year and [swearing ensues at this point as Keeper realises Medicine never got patched] £$%"@#...uh, I mean, poachers! I'll be boosting a few of your Skills a bit to refect the fact that some are lower than they realistically should be just because of the disconnect between point assignment and logic/the fact that Art/Craft: Poaching would be ridiculously overpowered as it covers too many core skills everyone else has to buy. Non-poachers, I will slip you some suitable similar thing as a sticking around bonus. That and fix Medicine, but not tonight.

Midnight edit: done. Everyone still about who's been about has a little bonus now. I am additionally reminded that I need to make Andrew roll for wood at some point, see if we can get Maggie on a big hoss, and that Martin, Tom & Sam need to tell me about Significant Locations...
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:03, Thu 14 July 2022.
Samuel Hartman
player, 124 posts
Fri 15 Jul 2022
at 00:11
  • msg #407

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Damn, sad to see the reverend go.
The Keeper
GM, 334 posts
Fri 15 Jul 2022
at 12:10
  • msg #408

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

I know, the player's great - I was especially enjoying him & Martin being delightful buddies because in the first game I shared with both players their characters were barely-less-than-enemies over a mutual shooting incident (they happened to both be secretly undead, for different reasons, so didn't die).

Life happens, though, and I really appreciate being told why/that someone has to leave, and that players feel I'm approachable enough to say what they need. I'd be far more upset if someone stayed and was stressing themselves out over trying to find time to play games on the internet, or generally wasn't having fun.
The Keeper
GM, 335 posts
Fri 15 Jul 2022
at 22:19
  • msg #409

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Not ignoring everyone now waiting on posts from me, tonight has just got to the point where my brain is making dialup internet screeches when called upon to think. Normal service will resume ASAP, though I'm probably/possibly painting fences tomorrow.

To entertain you a moment in the meantime, I noticed earlier that my latest haul of secondhand horror seems to be telling a little story itself, about a falling-out between sorcerers, look:

Thomas Bees
player, 167 posts
Sat 16 Jul 2022
at 01:02
  • msg #410

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

The bottom one is one of the best.

The Keeper
GM, 336 posts
Sat 16 Jul 2022
at 06:12
  • msg #411

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

So I've heard, which is why I picked it up despite the naked lady on the spine there (did you know, it was more common for European witches* to be accused of tearing off their head coverings to verbally curse people than the whole "dancing naked around a fire & Doing It With The Devil" rigmarole? I wonder if the same thing happens in fundamentalist areas of Africa and the Middle East today). I think I'm actually most excited about the top one, though: inventive historical schlock will almost always intrigue me more than a beautiful high-budget extrapolation of "what if old-timely mysogynists were right?".

I love Ravenous to pieces, for instance, though that may be partly the lack of heterosexual subtext or specific interest being played to: the only woman is still treated like just another person rather than The Girl, and all the batshit soldiers in the misfit outpost feel like friends. Whilst possible, it would take a deeply joyless critic to argue homophobia in the cannibal's affectionate corruption, since, well, in-universe they're right, plus the protagonist doesn't read as being lured away from sacred heterosexual life goals in the first place/those aren't directly equated to the concept of humanity/virtue being shed the way I suspect they may be in The VVitch.

Not that I'm not excited at all to finally get a copy of the latter, I just suspect I'll enjoy it in more of a "wow, that was a bunch of cool stuff" way - likewise for The Ritual - than a "that was a wild ride" kind of way. I'll let you know! As you can maybe tell by the insomniac ramblings above, I really like to talk about horror films and don't often get the opportunity.

*we exclude the fragment of Russia in Europe, since most Russians tried for witchcraft were men and/or Native Siberians/Jews practicing folk magic.
Andrew Sexton
player, 103 posts
Sat 16 Jul 2022
at 13:57
  • msg #412

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

The VVitch is a remarkable film. One of those works that gets under your skin in a number of different ways, even upon a rewatch. I haven’t had the opportunity to see the director’s latest effort, The Northman, though I’ve heard very good things about it.

I really enjoyed Adam Neville’s novel upon which The Ritual is based. The movie’s an enjoyable watch and manages to capture some of the creepier scenes from the book.

Bone Tomahawk left me feeling like the rug was pulled out from under me. The performances by the leads are excellent (Richard Jenkins is a standout), but the central portion of the movie plays out like a well made, traditional western. And then, quite suddenly, you find yourself in pitch black territory.
The Keeper
GM, 337 posts
Sat 16 Jul 2022
at 21:26
  • msg #413

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Oh, that last news makes me do the happy chirp, to hear you echo what I'd heard about Bone Tomahawk. I'm glad to hear The Ritual does have some spooky in it, too, though I'd watch it once regardless to contextualise that glorious Jotunbeast the internet has passed about. Visually iconic monsters are so dang rare these days.

Hadn't heard at all about The Northman, though on the theme of scary men I admit to being intrigued by The Empty Man and its almost creepypasta aesthetic, though having not heard a lot since it came out I'm unsure whether it would be as fun as it looked if I ever came across it.

As for low budgets and neat concepts, though, I will say that this game borrows a tiny sliver of inspiration from a scene in Wake Wood and rather more from my frustration at Black Mountain ruining what might easily have been terrifying cosmic horror with its own ludicrous lack of subtlety and stopping just short of enough research/sensitivity effort to sell its archaeological nonsense. At least they didn't go with aliens building pyramids, I suppose, but seriously, take out the certainties - including doing the work to set up that the character to which the Entity claims being equivalent to/the God of Abraham is a man of such faith, so that can possibly be in his head - and it's...argh. Maybe they scared themselves and got excessively goofy to compensate.

Hopefully I can scare you lot, a little bit. ^_^
The Keeper
GM, 338 posts
Sat 23 Jul 2022
at 22:38
  • msg #414

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Quick update, to prove you're not abandoned: I'm a) not dead and b) aware I need to make posts for everyone but Tom, who needs to give me one since I was stalling slightly for the other threads' sake. Had a couple of stupid-bad luck/particularly draining days & brain is just going *Windows critical stop noise* when consulted at present. I shall go to sleep and hope tomorrow'll turn out better.

Meanwhile, please behold this 'oss performing the Soulstide side of things at the opposite side of the year to our rites of Spring (it is not known if the person with the camera got away without their bottom bitten).
Samuel Hartman
player, 126 posts
Sat 23 Jul 2022
at 22:41
  • msg #415

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 414):

No worries!

The Keeper:
Had a couple of stupid-bad luck/particularly draining days & brain is just going *Windows critical stop noise* when consulted at present.

I majored in computer science, so if you get the error again, try to write down the message it says and I can try to help.
The Keeper
GM, 341 posts
Sun 24 Jul 2022
at 23:21
  • msg #416

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Haha, that is an adorable notion, it'd be so neat if things worked like that...I think my brain's error messages are either blank or 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAA AAAAAAA', though. That and a screenshot of my brain at present would be, pick any Bosch painting you like.

I have only made 2/4 posts, but at this point I have random chest tension that could equally be overheating or background stress and am going to go at least attempt to sleep (i.e. turn myself off and on again). Thanks for bearing with me, all, I will endeavour to do the patience justice.
Samuel Hartman
player, 127 posts
Sun 24 Jul 2022
at 23:51
  • msg #417

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 416):

Hey, I don't mind trying to help. No worries about the tension.
The Keeper
GM, 343 posts
Thu 28 Jul 2022
at 23:02
  • msg #418

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

So. I have swept up where necessary and closed the Interlude threads - anything additional anyone'd like to say to anyone/do before meeting up after church on Sunday, please let me konw here/in PM.

I think this is just a headache/brain blur (and gosh I had a Trouble Student today...must have been taking the course casually as a retirement hobby, plus expected me to back down on politics after dropping ecofascist bait/general racism in front of me...I've known too many fiercely good and leftist elders to give age carte blanche, pssht) but my nervous system has been doing weird things like ticcing along the trigeminal nerve and painless visual oddness, so I am presently going to sleep before it turns out to be a proto-migraine after all.

Consider church setup to be starting when I've at least seen everyone pass by, even if they haven't checked in with me. Might put the Reverend out to advertise, not sure.

Meanwhile, I am mildly jealous of all the non-small-island places that apparently have NOPE whilst I haven't, even though I haven't caught up to Us yet.
The Keeper
GM, 344 posts
Mon 1 Aug 2022
at 06:35
  • msg #419

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

General notice: I have replaced the Vicar. Old Cecil is now a Lurker, New Cecil will hopefully come and say hello once a spot of reading has been achieved.
Reverend Palmer
player, 114 posts
Priest of Saint Giles
Tue 2 Aug 2022
at 00:12
  • msg #420

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Hello Everyone,

I have began reading through everything that hapenned, and hopefully will be joining you shortly since I really can't wait to play with you all.
Samuel Hartman
player, 128 posts
Tue 2 Aug 2022
at 00:44
  • msg #421

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to Reverend Palmer (msg # 420):

Martin Lovelace
player, 112 posts
Tue 2 Aug 2022
at 18:01
  • msg #422

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Welcome, new Reverend!
The Keeper
GM, 345 posts
Fri 5 Aug 2022
at 12:34
  • msg #423

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Update! In the midst of busy season right now, oof. Semi-waiting on some additional information from a couple of players, but can probably muddle through to starting the next chapter this weekend (or sooner if I'm not dead on my feet by tonight) regardless. Thank you all for your patience - and things are heating up in an Investigator-led manner, which pleases me greatly, so thank you for that as well.
The Keeper
GM, 346 posts
Sat 6 Aug 2022
at 17:35
  • msg #424

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

With apologies for teasing everyone with the ping here, I just got round to The Necromancer and it was a) not remotely the film I thought it would be (no necromancy, woe) but b) the kind of film that it doesn't matter if you miss dialogue through howling and screeching with laughter.

There was an entire section of redcoats who'd dated themselves precisely to July 1815 asking each other if they were OK (by about the fourth time in sucession I was wheezing), and the credits showed they'd clearly enlisted some friends from foreign re-enactment societies to save on costumes/add period realism...then had scenes set in front of plexiglass windows, fun fur rugs, extremely obvious modern plantation woodlands etc. I mean, there were some seeds of a horror story there and some cool deaths, but if they reined back on the naked ladies a little (and changed the guy whose "mortal sin" was being hot and very mildly kinky to something on the level of everyone else's cruelty) it could've been a great 12A.

It's a pity modern special effects rely so hard on CGI that "I rented a fibreglass T-Rex" is not an excuse to make a horror film any more, because the Necromancer said "would you like to meet the dragon?" at one point, and I was all "YES?!" ...but readers, they did not rig up a dragon, even a cardboard cutout.

There should've been a cardboard dragon, dammit.

...anyway, I will get back to work on chapter 6 now, just had to get that out of my system. I think the film will go to a charity shop so that someone else can appreciate the lunacy.

Non silly-film-related update: I knew which song I wanted for mood music for quite a while, but remain a little ambivalent to the version I finally's the best lyrics/presentation combination overall, but the female voice takes a while to settle into and I feel Janice Burns & Jon Doran's version does the Devil's entrance better. Can't get over using the ox lyrics with traditional horse names (including a mare's! That's 'Belle', not 'Bell') making it clear they're not meant to be cattle, though.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:44, Sat 06 Aug 2022.
Andrew Sexton
player, 107 posts
Tue 9 Aug 2022
at 00:32
  • msg #425

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Having read this, I feel as though I really need to seek this film out.
The Keeper
GM, 349 posts
Tue 9 Aug 2022
at 08:16
  • msg #426

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

It is gloriously dumb, with extra hilarity for anyone who's read LotR or the first Harry Potter book. I'd offer to post it but I don't think euro DVDs work there.

Considering submitting the just-barely-kinky (wavy?) redcoat's portrait since we don't have an Anglo-Indian redcoat, but I don't know that I'd use him unless soldiers get "onscreen" here or I ever did get round to colonial India. Hm. Also considering making a Cast slot for Polzeath and drawing him a better/bigger portrait than the submitted one to be going on with, but I find feeple surprisingly hard to draw despite adoring them conceptually.

(for the new Reverend, this isn't plot and there's nothing wrong with Polzeath, I just offer any character/choose for NPCs rolling 4 or below for APP the prospect of being a Deep One hybrid, and it was incredibly appropriate for Martin's servant. Random fish people bring me joy.)
The Keeper
GM, 351 posts
Sun 14 Aug 2022
at 11:20
  • msg #427

On Hares and Sheaves

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. Might watch The VVitch today, since I probably need a reseating tool and/or a hand mirror for round 2 of 'Keeper vs. drippy tap'. Wanted to mention the book I'm reading since it might be of interest, though the in-depth look at how intensive modern farming murders soil and biodiversity might be even more depressing for our colonial players, since the agricultural underpinnings of colonialism boil down to "have our guys occupy more land than the French" (homesteading means a lack of specialist diversity: social mobility is not gained through husbandry or local craft but expanding claims/killing off locals/French people before others can, an entirely different system to peasants effectively put in a bucket*) and only a few parts of New England would have something near the kind of field culture being written about before the advent of machine harrows and monocropping.

Still, The Running Hare by John Lewis-Stempnel does centre around one farmer-poet's experimental restoration of a field, and it's entirely fascinating how many species he manages to attract by just letting things live. I'm halfway through the book and so halfway through the year described, and the hare folklore is also intriguing, especially the Lovecraftian euphemisms for talking about them without attracting their notice: Old Turpin, The Lurker in Ditches, The Hopper in the Grass, The Friendless One, The Cat of the Wood...

I may now mention English flowers now extinct in this game for the sake of saying they were there, should any be noticeable in May, but yes. A really fascinating volume about fields as habitat rather than fields as sterile development; would recommend to fans of being outside.

edit: did not vvatch The VVitch, needed more outside time, got soggy, have the stupids. As in, I poured out the zvarka** for tea, poured water out of the kettle, stared at mug of entirely cold idiot juice, drank idiot juice out of obligation, poured more zvarka, boiled kettle, stared at mug wondering why there was no hot water in there. I did work out that pouring was required within a few seconds, but yeah, that's about the state of my brain.

* this sounds like the explanation for the folk notion of luck-as-limited-resource that can be stolen by witchcraft, and the lack of witch-belief in later colonies, but that seems to be something older than feudalist impositions. Mysteries!

**I'm not Russian, for those that haven't shared a virtual table with me before, but expats taught me a more efficient/tasty brewing style, so.

This message was last edited by the GM at 20:04, Sun 14 Aug 2022.
Martin Lovelace
player, 120 posts
Thu 18 Aug 2022
at 14:24
  • msg #428

On Hares and Sheaves

In the absence of any other ideas, Martin is going to try to burn down the Wyzenwood.

It is the only rational solution.

This message was last edited by the player at 15:45, Thu 18 Aug 2022.
Andrew Sexton
player, 115 posts
Thu 18 Aug 2022
at 17:06
  • msg #429

On Hares and Sheaves

An observation: It does seem that anytime the suggestion is made to take action against the evil that dwells within the Wyzenwood, Goodie Westcott is quick to try to steer people away from it. Does she serve as some manner of protector for whatever makes its home there?
The Keeper
GM, 352 posts
Thu 18 Aug 2022
at 17:25
  • msg #430

On Hares and Sheaves

Suspect her if you like, a lot of the village does. I mean, she's called you lot here to make a sensible plan of action and ensure you aren't summarily rounded up and imprisoned indefinitely, but that doesn't mean you have to listen to her. Maybe she wants y'all at large to help the Wood spread spores everywhere/do [???], who knows?

We've established that either fairly minor messing with the village boundary or a land-grabbing witch caused poison and/or chaos when Scorch Norton was a handful of Anglo-Saxon farmsteads; a midwife is infamously well set-up to poison people, too, right? Maybe Martin would like to burn Goodie Westcott down on suspicion of well-poisoning...

(I kind of feel like providing the hare maidens with popcorn at this point.)
Andrew Sexton
player, 116 posts
Thu 18 Aug 2022
at 17:59
  • msg #431

On Hares and Sheaves

I think my current confusion regarding her stems from this: From my perspective, it seems that she’s always quick to tell us what cannot (or should not) be done, but she hasn’t been able to provide any information on what practical steps might be taken to bring the threat within the wood to a halt. It’s entirely possible that I’m simply not comprehending what she’s said, but many of her comments seem to point to if we attempt to a given action, the presence in the forest (she) will summarily wipe Scorch Norton out. (Of course, this is Call of Cthulhu, so that could be the whole point).

That said, I only know the information that Andrew’s been privy to, which is limited, and it could be that someone else is aware of factors that could lead to a solution, but they’ve yet to inform the rest of us. I suppose what I’m trying to express is, at the current juncture, we know there’s a darkness within the Wyzenwood that needs to be dealt with for the safety and sanity of all, but there doesn’t seem to be any leads on how to contain/halt/destroy it.

In light of that, even with the possible legal ramifications, the Doctor’s suggestion seems sensible. Even if it means some are imprisoned to protect their loved ones and to keep others from meeting the same fate as Polly Durbin.
The Keeper
GM, 353 posts
Thu 18 Aug 2022
at 20:57
  • msg #432

On Hares and Sheaves

She's trying, though all her naysaying basically boils down to "don't deliberately piss off the Wood" since trouble so far has been at most mildly curious to alien motivations, not active wrath. Without getting spoilery or forbidding any course of action entirely, I'd draw your attention to these points:

- Goodie Westcott has answered every specific query to the best of her ability, even whilst dealing with jabs from the community in general: as yet there's no evidence for the belief she's witholding any information (despite one Investigator being able to follow up on the results of the raid should he wish).

- Tom asked her where she'd start on finding out unknowns at the inn, followed up on the answer, and found an inscription he/the Vicar has yet to tell you all about that indicates what was done the last time the Wood/village border was seriously threatened.

- She called you all there specifically to warn you and form a game plan (which Maggie's already partly privy to, so she can vouch for the intent), which is currently being derailed into "stop trying to piss off the Wood" by Tom and Martin's pre-existing hostility, not her own volition (Vicar, help).

- whoever killed Polly Durbin did not come from the Wood, though he may have served its purposes deliberately or by accident. Attributing human malice to the Wyzenwood entity itself is like saying a hurricane personally hates each dustbin and untethered trampoline it flings into the ocean.

- Since it can be presumed that if there was a hope of success in attacking and burning the Wyzenwood this would have occurred centuries if not millennia ago, it does logically follow that leaving the murder as a secondary issue and pissing off the Wyzenwood as well would probably make the community less safe rather than more. On account of stirring up the vast dark Unknown to anger and also having someone with sufficient motivation to kill people around.

...I should note that on the theme of murder motivations and mystery persons, Andrew and the Doctor have not told the Vicar or anyone else about their encounter yet. You know, the one with the axe?

In conclusion: patience, lads, and by good gods and dark talk to each other.
Andrew Sexton
player, 117 posts
Thu 18 Aug 2022
at 21:45
  • msg #433

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

I genuinely appreciate the clarification. It clears up some of the questions that were honestly troubling me. This may be my own inability to pickup up on context at work, but for some reason I’ve had in my head that the actions of the one that abducted and murdered poor Polly was essentially acting under the direct influence of the resident of the Wyzenwood, not an individual acting of their own accord. It may simply be that I inferred too much from the pervading community superstition and folklore.

The Keeper:
...I should note that on the theme of murder motivations and mystery persons, Andrew and the Doctor have not told the Vicar or anyone else about their encounter yet. You know, the one with the axe?

Andrew’s thought was actually to first speak to John Collins of what he had witnessed. I think that’s because I see John as being a de facto community leader, as his establishment is one of the proverbial nerve centers of the village. But, in fairness, the Vicar occupies a similar (or greater) position of influence.
Samuel Hartman
player, 130 posts
Thu 18 Aug 2022
at 21:50
  • msg #434

On My Absence

Hey all,

Sorry for my absence. I know I had told GM this... but my dog escaped last Saturday and passed away Sunday. Hoping to get back into things after my job interview tomorrow.
The Keeper
GM, 354 posts
Thu 18 Aug 2022
at 22:27
  • msg #435

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

Hi Sam! I didn't want to share that news without you/details, but glad you're feeling better. Good luck with the job hunt, too.

@Andrew - Well, the killer's motivations are not known for certain, though two of the players probably have a pretty good idea. Assuming it might be either way, note that something about the individual or their relationship to the Wyzenwood would have had to have changed recently for them to start actively culting. They might have dug something up and hit Wyzenwater, as Martin suggests, or gone looking for the Devil to teach them fiddle tunes. That or taking advantage of a supernatural means to accomplish a mundane goal.

We're about to bring up the prospect of vectors of infection with the plantridge (if possibly not tonight because I am a tense mess and will forcibly put myself at least in bed presently) but note that aside from the mystery plague when the ancient Bishop helped pull up boundary stones there isn't even any extant folklore about the Wood reaching out to bother the village. If something in the Wood helped encourage the sacrifice, as far as can be told without knowing what 'She' is or wants, it wasn't the entity itself.

Any Investigator, my apologies. I presume Andrew told John Collins - whom you rightly assess - whilst at the inn yesterday, and maybe his mother this morning?
Margaret Yendale
player, 165 posts
the poacher's daughter
Thu 18 Aug 2022
at 22:29
  • msg #436

On My Absence

In reply to Samuel Hartman (msg # 434):

Sorry to hear of your loss. A pet is a family member and their passing is hard.
Samuel Hartman
player, 131 posts
Thu 18 Aug 2022
at 22:32
  • msg #437

On My Absence

In reply to Margaret Yendale (msg # 436):

Thanks, Maggie. It's been difficult.
Margaret Yendale
player, 166 posts
the poacher's daughter
Thu 18 Aug 2022
at 22:45
  • msg #438

On My Absence

Maggie’s had her say IC but I’ll note here as well that burning a verdant European forest is probably not a simple matter of running a torch along the margins. It probably wouldn’t be very easily accomplished even today without a good, long drought preceding.
The Keeper
GM, 355 posts
Thu 18 Aug 2022
at 23:01
  • msg #439

On Climate and Caution

We are also in the end of the particularly soggy Little Ice Age, which is why everyone is jealous of wheat bread. Remember that there's only one little spot in (I think) British Columbia in North America that sees the same average cloud cover of Britain, and this area of England is near Wales, i.e. the country the Romans declared the edge of the world because they couldn't see anything but the rain wall from there.

(I was waiting to see what the good Doctor would suggest as to how one would go about burning the Wyzenwood - procuring a barrel of tar or gunpowder from the coast, maybe. The latter would have particularly horrific Consequences, given it would disturb the ground under the Wyzenwood...yeeg...)
Andrew Sexton
player, 118 posts
Thu 18 Aug 2022
at 23:02
  • msg #440

On My Absence

Truly, truly sorry to hear it, Sam. I echo Maggie’s sentiment: pets are absolutely family members. Take all the time you need.
Samuel Hartman
player, 132 posts
Thu 18 Aug 2022
at 23:09
  • msg #441

On My Absence

In reply to Andrew Sexton (msg # 440):

Thanks. Hoping to get back into things this weekend.
Martin Lovelace
player, 121 posts
Fri 19 Aug 2022
at 02:33
  • msg #442

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

The Keeper:
...I should note that on the theme of murder motivations and mystery persons, Andrew and the Doctor have not told the Vicar or anyone else about their encounter yet. You know, the one with the axe?

I thought we established by PM that he would have told John Collins about it so word could be spread about. I've been kind of operating on the assumption that the word is out there.

As for catching a verdant forested area on fire, yes, I was thinking about explosives.

On an unrelated note...where can we get explosives?
This message was last edited by the player at 02:33, Fri 19 Aug 2022.
The Keeper
GM, 356 posts
Fri 19 Aug 2022
at 05:29
  • msg #443

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

The Keeper:
Any Investigator, my apologies. I presume Andrew told John Collins - whom you rightly assess - whilst at the inn yesterday, and maybe his mother this morning?


In small amounts for supplying a gun or two, gunpowder can be got in the nearest market town, or even Fox Hall. The military would have barrels, cannons etc., but would need considerable persuasion to part with them. He could make a hefty fireball with a candle and a sack of flour, but that'd need a Hard roll on Luck to catch anything, presuming one survived long enough to set it up.
Martin Lovelace
player, 122 posts
Mon 22 Aug 2022
at 17:15
  • msg #444

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

Alright, so it sounds like that's not a practical option. Back to the drawing board.

Out of character, I may have forgotten something - why are they talking about exhuming a dead Bishop's grave?
This message was last edited by the player at 17:17, Mon 22 Aug 2022.
The Keeper
GM, 357 posts
Mon 22 Aug 2022
at 17:32
  • msg #445

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

If he was trying to get the Navy involved he could probably buy a barrel of tar from down at the coast...I mean, it wouldn't set much on fire besides itself, but if the object was just to annoy the Wyzenwood until Big Hooves comes to punt you from there to John O'Groats it'd do nicely.

They weren't sure whose grave it was, but its proximity to the Devil's Stone suggested association - having found it's Bishop Aelfric, the Bishop killed in some manner (strangled? Hanged? Snakebit?) when the Wyzenwood was last active due to his men/Christian converts messing with the village's boundary stones, the notice that messing with his position will theoretically result in the exhumer having to take it is...sinister. Especially in the context of rumoured disappearances of two others involved, one definitely burnt to death, one [corpse not found].
The Keeper
GM, 358 posts
Mon 22 Aug 2022
at 21:23
  • msg #446

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

Double post to say 1. argh, I have had a Time today and am exceedingly out of sorts; apologies for the lag but also be aware I'm giving the Doctor and Sam a chance to react there, 2. I finished The Running Hare and it nearly got me to tear up about the loss of corncrakes, though I wish there was just one sentence more - there's a spot where a particular observation about some rural workers' pubs selling mostly Polish beer is left unadorned, mister, I'd have loved your book wholeheartedly if you'd pointed out 'cheap' foreign labour is just exploited labour the way you point out exploited soil and ditches and countryside rather than leaving me wondering if that's weird editing or just where you put all your stereotypical rural racism. Fascinating volume, though. Dog/rabbit-lovers might want to skip the bit about why the author hates combine harvesters, however.

3. Andrew! Would you like to follow those prints now? Asking here for the sake of informing you/everyone that it'd lead you off on your own sub-thread. With your mum, of course, duly witnessed and all.
Thomas Bees
player, 176 posts
Mon 22 Aug 2022
at 21:34
  • msg #447

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

Thomas may follow Andrew if that is OK ?

The Keeper
GM, 359 posts
Mon 22 Aug 2022
at 21:44
  • msg #448

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

It was Tom coming back to the front of the church after leaving Andrew 'round the back that caused his mother to run off after him, so...unless Tom decides to run off after her for reasons you'll need to put IC, he has no idea what's going on back there to follow.
Thomas Bees
player, 177 posts
Mon 22 Aug 2022
at 21:50
  • msg #449

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

Ok no problem, I thought it was more visible to him.

Andrew Sexton
player, 121 posts
Mon 22 Aug 2022
at 22:38
  • msg #450

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

The Keeper:
Andrew! Would you like to follow those prints now?

Yes. Definitely the best course the carpenter could take at this juncture.
The Keeper
GM, 360 posts
Tue 23 Aug 2022
at 07:57
  • msg #451

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

I hope you mean it, for I shall set that up tonight.

edit: Agfhghsdrjkgghjgl sorry, got distracted by the Longest Johns' livestream, which additionally ran over (if anyone wants to join their most recent community singing project, check it out:

I see Maggie has joined Andrew's thread, too. Hff...I'll try and get something up tonight, but since it's 10 to 11 now no promises on that front. Trying! to be fair the doctors poked a lot of holes in me today
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:51, Tue 23 Aug 2022.
Samuel Hartman
player, 134 posts
Tue 23 Aug 2022
at 22:02
  • msg #452

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 451):

i love longest johns, I would highly suggest them. I want to say it was the sea of thieves Livestream they did a few years ago when I got into them. If you want more pirate-y music, I'd highly suggest the Grasp of Avarice theme from destiny 2 - it's honestly the best stereotypical pirate-sounding song IMO.
The Keeper
GM, 361 posts
Tue 23 Aug 2022
at 22:19
  • msg #453

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

Indeed - being a Bristol band (if not quite "Zomerzet"), they've actually provided a chunk of the scene-setting music here, and they played Oak, Ash & Thorn this stream. It was a fun one.

I will look into that recommendation tomorrow night [at this point I find I have an earwig on] ! !!

...something something I have lost my thread. I hope I got little comrade out of the window where he'll be OK, there's nothing for earwigs to devour in here save my books and maybe the moths.

edit: ach, no, out of energy. Tomorrow! For real this time. I sincerely try my best not to give definite update times I can't match, it's no fun to bait expectations or have a GM apologise all the time, I know. Will try to do better.
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:34, Tue 23 Aug 2022.
Margaret Yendale
player, 170 posts
the poacher's daughter
Wed 24 Aug 2022
at 01:02
  • msg #454

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

Prompted by mention of pirates, I recommend the game ‘The Return of the Obra Din’ to everyone.

It’s a supernatural mystery set on a square-rigged merchantman in the 19th century. I’m playing through it with my daughter over Zoom, so i don’t have platform information or even the creator’s name. That guy is amazing!

It’s done in line art with a great sense of period and tremendous accuracy as to naval architecture and life. I thought I knew a lot about sailing ships, having read a lot of related fiction and nonfiction, but I’ve learned a lot from this game.

The plot is great with a decided Lovecraftian vibe. The story unfolds in a nonlinear fashion and the mechanics are very intriguing. We’re about halfway through it now. I can’t wait to get to the end.
The Keeper
GM, 362 posts
Wed 24 Aug 2022
at 12:37
  • msg #455

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

The internet thinks it's Lucas Pope, and it looks very cool indeed. Thanks for that!

Pirates! Pirates! Pirates!

Unrelatedly, I've had a thin spike of pain through my left eye all day, despite definitely sleeping recently...doesn't seem to be increasing/doing anything at present, but if after all assurances I vanish off the face of the earth, please blame the badly-installed nervous system in my malevolent flesh husk.
Reverend Palmer
player, 123 posts
Priest of Saint Giles
Wed 24 Aug 2022
at 15:12
  • msg #456

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

In reply to Margaret Yendale (msg # 454):

I was wanting to try that game for so long, and now after your suggestion I think I will. I played Papers please before, that Lucas Pope made, and if The return of the Obra Din is anything similar in quality level to it, I am sold.
The Keeper
GM, 363 posts
Wed 24 Aug 2022
at 18:52
  • msg #457

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

Huzzah for intra-table recommendations!

As an update on pr... I was going to say 'progress', but the inherited iPad I'm typing on says 'problems', which is honestly accurate: in addition to a headache/possible proto-migraine now hanging out at the base of my skull and around my left orbit, my ancient laptop is playing silly buggers. Which iPad thinks should be "buggered", which is hilarious since it's usually an exceedingly prudish object and makes me type any and all mature language out in its entirety.

At any rate, I hope its assessment of its companion is unfounded and the latter recovers after a nap (restarting didn't seem to help), since otherwise I'll have to take my external hard drive to work to find my password hints for half my life. A Sign from Lord and master Nyan Cat to finally write them down somewhere, I suppose. Anyway, that's where I'm at at 8pm. I am going to take a deep breath and go make some tea.

update: computer on, firefox running a touch jankily, but holding together.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:14, Wed 24 Aug 2022.
Margaret Yendale
player, 171 posts
the poacher's daughter
Thu 25 Aug 2022
at 01:46
  • msg #458

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 457):

Hope you are doing better soon, my friend. And your digiyal companion/helper too.
The Keeper
GM, 365 posts
Sun 28 Aug 2022
at 18:04
  • msg #459

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

...well, I found the weatherfront, that was for sure. Computer...seems settled, with a few exceptions, I think maybe its little brains got overheated. I still ought to write passwords down, though, just figuring out where to do it.

Anyway, Thread 06, are you all waiting on each other, stuck, away, what's going on there?
Reverend Palmer
player, 126 posts
Priest of Saint Giles
Mon 29 Aug 2022
at 21:08
  • msg #460

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

As far as I am concerned we can proceed with talisman making at the Sexton's.
The Keeper
GM, 367 posts
Mon 29 Aug 2022
at 22:51
  • msg #461

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

Fair enough, I'll give the others a little more chance to add something (some of the PCs have very useful/interesting information) and move things along there.
Margaret Yendale
player, 175 posts
the poacher's daughter
Tue 30 Aug 2022
at 19:21
  • msg #462

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

Mayhap we should beat it out of them?
Samuel Hartman
player, 135 posts
Tue 30 Aug 2022
at 20:07
  • msg #463

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

In reply to Margaret Yendale (msg # 462):

Beat the devil out of it? I can channel my inner Bob Ross in that case.
Martin Lovelace
player, 124 posts
Tue 30 Aug 2022
at 20:35
  • msg #464

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

Bob Ross is also the person I think about when a beating needs to be administered.
The Keeper
GM, 368 posts
Tue 30 Aug 2022
at 20:41
  • msg #465

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

Yes! Paint the Wyzenwood like one of your French girls, surely that'll help.

More seriously, the Doctor has released information (ironically, some that would have been useful for Maggie to hear, though she's getting a bit of the same her side) and no-one except Sam from that thread has been past since 2am to see it yet.

Sam! Quick, you get to react first to the prospect of the Mad Axeman of Scorch Norton running about! Go go go!

[gets 'new post' error] I thought it was that Rogers fellow...
Martin Lovelace
player, 126 posts
Wed 31 Aug 2022
at 02:55
  • msg #466

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

Paint it with napalm.
The Keeper
GM, 370 posts
Wed 31 Aug 2022
at 09:20
  • msg #467

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

First, invent napalm.

...meanwhile, we seem to have determined the interval whereat an unattended Maggie reverts to a feral state.

On the theme of Georgian Naked - which she's not quite, yet - I don't think I've mentioned that due to relative ease with period clothing and lack of underwear, mooning was a particularly feminine expression of disdain or displeasure. Men being aggressively rude can, of course, give the other party the finger, an expression inherited from a more ambivalent Roman gesture, but it's rarer/milder in anger than the 'bracket' or Agincourt Salute...although folklore attributes the two-fingered gesture to said battle, it's quite clearly just the yonic equivalent first wielded against then integrated into cultures that consider "sex swears, but with female bits" to be worse.
The Keeper
GM, 372 posts
Sun 4 Sep 2022
at 19:04
  • msg #468

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

...Threeeeeeeeaaaaad 06, are y'all waiting on the Vicar, or what's going on there? You don't have to split up in the factions Goodie Westcott suggests, I just thought there was the start of some milling and uncertainty going on there. We dont need to play through fetching lead/in great detail, but I do need to know where everybody means to end up, else I can't make y'all any new threads to go in.

Thread 06a, sorry for the delay there, it's just that Andrew has good reason to be gone but I saw him pass through and would sooner have an authentic reaction there should it turn out to be possible. If the other thread get their arses in gear I'll trundle him on a bit, since I have pre-existing permission to do so.

Gosh I am a sleepy beast. As always, if anyone is stuck or has queries or concerns, I'm over here, at any rate.
Samuel Hartman
player, 137 posts
Sun 4 Sep 2022
at 20:13
  • msg #469

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 468):

Well, Sam's plan is to head to work, but he will keep an eye out for anything suspicious.
The Keeper
GM, 373 posts
Sun 4 Sep 2022
at 20:20
  • msg #470

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

Good to know - is he going to stick about long enough to get an "I'm the real one" token made for him, though?
Samuel Hartman
player, 138 posts
Sun 4 Sep 2022
at 20:38
  • msg #471

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

He would stick around long enough for that, yeah.
The Keeper
GM, 375 posts
Tue 6 Sep 2022
at 17:29
  • msg #472

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

[thumbs up to Sam]

So...unfortunately the Doctor has had to love and leave us and I will be borrowing Martin shortly to keep things going. For reasons similar to the Vicar I am considering proffering the character to a new player (with permission), but neither New Cecil nor Tom have responded to the Standard Idle Poke yet, either...Tom has been through, so I suspect he's busy to some degree and may check in tonight to say so/mething, but if everyone on that side bar Sam has buggered off, do folk want to keep going?
Samuel Hartman
player, 139 posts
Tue 6 Sep 2022
at 19:28
  • msg #473

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 472):

I'm good to keep going.
Thomas Bees
player, 181 posts
Tue 6 Sep 2022
at 22:27
  • msg #474

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

Sorry, yes I was unexpectedly out of town and I am back now. I am happy to continue and I will get something up tonight.

The Keeper
GM, 376 posts
Wed 7 Sep 2022
at 10:54
  • msg #475

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

My thanks for your input, gentlemen. Tom, I'll give you time to make an unrushed decision and for Sam to maybe get a word in, too.

On topic but not related, I will never cease to be astonished at handweavers and/or the incredible threads achieved by hand-spinning techniques now largely lost to history for being the province of working-class women. Look at this fine linen:

(the 'clean shirt daily' thing is for the upper classes - your average worker will have 2-3 shirts and one for Sundays. I could go on about related incidence of kidney stones and the history of English medicine, but to everyone's relief I won't.)

The Keeper
GM, 377 posts
Thu 8 Sep 2022
at 08:32
  • msg #476

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

All right, so it looks like I'm in charge of the Vicar for now and I also have Martin in hand whilst getting a new Doctor lined up. Giving Sam a chance and I'll move things on soonish.

Thread 6a, what's going on with yourselves? Feel free to PM me if it's private, but I've seen you both look in more than once now and suspect you're waiting on each other? Let me know if you need help to unstick (or just drop me the word 'busy!', that happens too), and remember the Widow Sexton is right behind you for third opinions at need.

edit: Thank you greatly for unsticking yourselves unaided, I appreciate it.

Also, good thing I read the news, I always thought they'd ring the bells or something when old Liz copped it...I feel deeply strange and somewhat uncomfortable, kind of like a small London landmark has been replaced with something that may or may not have sinister undertones (and is certainly an expensive use of taxes). At least Charles III cares more about the environment than mistresses these days, I suppose.

edit the second: Sincere apologies, since with New Cecil's seeming unfortunate vanishment I believe everyone is now waiting on me. I've been rendered somewhat brainless this weekend by health issues (mystery anaemia/deficiency disease this time, not nerves as such); I'm going to fold myself away early tonight and hope that Monday treats me better. Updates as soon as I can manage 'em - rounding off current threads, updating Clues Thread, then shiny new threads - and my thanks for your patience. Please believe it is indeed in the interests of quality, for currently I try to narrative anything and my brain just goes 'blibdibliblbllbliblibli'.

edit III: It is midnight, I am saving drafts and going to sleep. Getting there! Questions, queries, comments, all welcome. stacking zeds.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:12, Mon 12 Sept 2022.
Martin Lovelace
player, 127 posts
Tue 13 Sep 2022
at 17:29
  • msg #477

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

Hi folks, as The Who would say

Meet the new boss doc
Same as the old boss doc

Looking forward to extracting the riddle from the enigma with you all :)
Margaret Yendale
player, 179 posts
the poacher's daughter
Wed 14 Sep 2022
at 00:08
  • msg #478

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

Welcome, yer Honour.
Thomas Bees
player, 183 posts
Wed 14 Sep 2022
at 00:29
  • msg #479

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

The Keeper
GM, 381 posts
Fri 16 Sep 2022
at 14:25
  • msg #480

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

Didn't want to ping the Clues thread again, but noted down Sam's weirdly shared dream in the general area up there.
The Keeper
GM, 383 posts
Thu 22 Sep 2022
at 23:14
  • msg #481

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

Tempe is being very silly on 07b there, but it's also kind of sad how easy it would be for an entity better at communicating with humans to get c.50% of a community to join its cult just by providing ungendered or/and equal division of labour. I mean, you could very readily get Herself to provide such a thing, just bring up a nice sacrifice and stay still long enough to give a good impression of your needs without getting squashed...makes you wonder if someone else might not also have had that idea of late, really.
Margaret Yendale
player, 182 posts
the poacher's daughter
Wed 28 Sep 2022
at 01:37
  • msg #482

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

I have a wife in the hospital with sepsis and a major hurricane bearing down on me.

I'll be back as I can.
Samuel Hartman
player, 145 posts
Wed 28 Sep 2022
at 02:40
  • msg #483

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

In reply to Margaret Yendale (msg # 482):

Oh no for the wife! stay safe!
The Keeper
GM, 384 posts
Wed 28 Sep 2022
at 06:58
  • msg #484

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

Those are more than good reasons to take any time you need: my best to your roof, but mostly to your wife.
Margaret Yendale
player, 183 posts
the poacher's daughter
Sun 2 Oct 2022
at 20:15
  • msg #485

Re: On Hares and Sheaves


The hurricane took a fortuitous (for us) jog and our only damage was the loss of two refrigerator's worth of food when the poser was out for 30 hours.

My wife was in the hospital all through the storm but is home now and recovering.

I'll be back to regular posting soon.
The Keeper
GM, 385 posts
Mon 3 Oct 2022
at 00:05
  • msg #486

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

Relieved to hear it, and glad to see Tom and maybe Sam back as well. New Vicar seems to have read all the game so far, expressed great enthusiasm and vanished off the face of the earth...I hope the player is all right, but officially the character returns to me now, so I'm in the same spot as before only maybe a little worse. Hmm.
Samuel Hartman
player, 146 posts
Mon 3 Oct 2022
at 00:48
  • msg #487

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 486):

yep, today was just super shitty for me, I'll need a day or two but will reply asap
The Keeper
GM, 386 posts
Mon 3 Oct 2022
at 10:24
  • msg #488

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

Sorry to hear that, that sounds pretty bad. May things only improve for you.
Samuel Hartman
player, 147 posts
Mon 3 Oct 2022
at 12:04
  • msg #489

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 488):

thanks. I'm hoping to get a post up today
The Keeper
GM, 387 posts
Fri 7 Oct 2022
at 12:32
  • msg #490

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

Robin isn't being deliberately anti-Indian, -Romany or antisemitic, by the way: "some of these people are cultists" is all the average English Christian 'knows' about these groups.

Sam, Doctor, I really rather need your threads to move when you can do so, if you please.
Samuel Hartman
player, 148 posts
Fri 7 Oct 2022
at 13:47
  • msg #491

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 490):

planning on doing that today.
The Keeper
GM, 388 posts
Sat 8 Oct 2022
at 21:01
  • msg #492

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

[slams hand on virtual tabletop in an overly dramatic fashion] I am indignant!

I have found out via a disciple of the Cursed Bird  that men in the eighteenth century were lying to me. I mean, the UK history syllabus does not care about colonies at all beyond "this is how the slave trade worked; genocide bad" so I don't have the excuse of being relentlessly propagandised at whilst most vulnerable, I just ate the "Boston merchants were angry at paying any tax at all whilst the government didn't" line (and hook and sinker, too) without examination. I am quite vexed...mostly at myself, yes, but also at the sheer persistence of weight in the historical bias perpetrated by perfectly ordinary racketeers.

I even knew the tax had gone down despite general tea prices going up, because that's what's happening at the time this game is set: I just thought it hadn't gone down enough relative to product (all colonies were getting sweepings: England and particularly wealthy people in Edinburgh got the gunpowder/leaf tea, the army the broken-up stuff).

...all right, that's out of my system. I'm actually far less upset about this than finding out that fish don't exist* or 'eldritch' is not a word in common usage. Still. </semi-relevant rant>

*the swimmy things in the sea? Even ignoring cartiligenous things like sharks, things that look the same shape can represent evoloutionary lineages as divergent as slugs are to birds. There's no group you can point at as 'core fish'. None. Likewise jellyfish never existed. The idea of fish is a social construct.
Samuel Hartman
player, 149 posts
Sat 8 Oct 2022
at 21:10
  • msg #493

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 492):

I just messaged you about my delay.
The Keeper
GM, 389 posts
Sat 8 Oct 2022
at 21:15
  • msg #494

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

You did, and thank you. I don't type all that fast, but I was replying.

Thanks also to the Doctor for moving things along over there. Nice lead! I will endeavour to juggle around thread speeds, aaa.
The Keeper
GM, 391 posts
Mon 10 Oct 2022
at 17:51
  • msg #495

Re: On Hares and Sheaves

Dropping a note through to say I'm aware everyone is more or less waiting on me now, it's just that multiple people have wanted to talk to me at great length today whenever I've been inside (or even not) and I haven't even left work yet (7pm). Getting there!

edit: further apologies, brain just ain't doing the thing. Going to sleep, will try to do better.
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:55, Tue 11 Oct 2022.
The Keeper
GM, 395 posts
Tue 18 Oct 2022
at 14:35
  • msg #496

Re: On Incomprehensable Intelligences

So I'm off work today because I am crunchy and drug-dulled and generally in need of dismemberment, and taking some of that time to read through Merlin Sheldrake (yes, really)'s astonishing work Entangled Life, which needs reading in small chunks anyway, more because it makes you stop and look up references/examples of some extraordinary fungal behaviour and/or go "hmm, don't like that" on a regular basis* than any density issues or academic dryness. Indeed, it's a book very much offered up for public consumption.

Anyway, my point mentioning it here was that I think I owe some eighteenth-century gentlemen an apology, since reading antiquated articles from Bristol's scientific community in the university library I had assumed the "clouds might be a lichen, or possibly moss" thing I chanced into the middle of a corresponded debate about to be based only on their forms, as the snippet of discourse I read was arguing. In fact, had young me followed the debate back across whatever volumes it appeared in, they were probably getting the idea from dust microfungi found in raindrops. All rain requires microparticles for drops to form, and if you were an eighteenth-century fellow whose natural world included fair folk and geese that grow from barnacles (not much more unreasonable, if one doesn't know what DNA is, than geese growing from egg goop) then "maybe there's sky seaweed" is an absolutely fair interpretation of the mycelia and spores observed in fresh-sampled rainwater.

Going to stop typing awhile before my hand and arm joints try to murder me, but it ties in with this game specifically because I've always considered our ultimate antagonist(/background force to which our active antagonist/s look for motive, I refuse to squish the Mythos into the deeply petty and anthrocentric boxes of human morality) as more akin to fungus than anything else. Succulents, maybe, but most succulents don't make very complex decisions or inch around at night punching through concrete with hydraulic pressure if it suits them to fruit there.

*did you know there are fungi that effectively have colour vision without eyes? Did you know that there are fungi that can individually choose to become predatory and just grow specialised appendages to trap and eat near-microscopic worms in low-nitrogen conditions, like the entire evolution of carnivorous plants happening overnight? ...or that fungi are far closer relatives to animals than plants? Did you know all truffles are bastards, since despite any of the hundreds of truffle sexes being equally able to get or carry a fruitbody, no fertilising party has ever been found in explicable proximity to the evidently fertilised and heterozygous fruit? This is a tome of deeply cursed knowledge.
Temperance Sexton
NPC, 17 posts
A Whistling Woman
Wed 19 Oct 2022
at 22:16
  • msg #497

On Entertaining Naming

This character helping me with the terribly embarrassing quadruple post, because I think y'all will also be entertained by this: https://strikercorbie.tumblr.c...t/698561228979798017

Thread 7b, I'll...actually, I'll fling Maggie upon the tender mercies of the Magic 8-Ball if I don't hear from her by then and shuffle yourselves along sometime tomorrow. My thanks for your patience.

edit: y'know what, never threads for everyone and renaming of the new thread over in the stables, it makes more sense. Weird bumps and possibly minor delays because your Keeper is far too extra not to do the mood music incoming!

edit II: Threads proddled, 1/3 new ones up, it's silly in the morning, and I'm going to sleep. Feel free to comment on any of the above or the UK's new lettuce overlord (I mean, they should probably put it in charge at this point) as you will so I feel like someone's still here also.

edit III: All threads updated. Sam, look alive, and Maggie, think about birds, that is all I will say for now.
This message was last edited by the player at 12:48, Sat 22 Oct 2022.
Samuel Hartman
player, 152 posts
Sat 22 Oct 2022
at 13:43
  • msg #498

On Entertaining Naming

In reply to Temperance Sexton (msg # 497):

Planning on getting something up today, just crashed yesterday.
The Keeper
GM, 402 posts
Mon 24 Oct 2022
at 10:46
  • msg #499

On Entertaining Naming

Mildly concerning things overheard in the archaeology department: [mention of local Iron Age site where a lot of ancient effort was involved in sealing off a subterranean passage for no obvious reason] "...that's if we trust the folklore..." "...she did eat a lot of marines..."

??? ??

I think I actually know what that's about, but it sounds ominous.
Margaret Yendale
player, 191 posts
the poacher's daughter
Mon 24 Oct 2022
at 11:57
  • msg #500

On Entertaining Naming

Best get the holy items ready, just in case.
Andrew Sexton
player, 131 posts
Mon 24 Oct 2022
at 13:06
  • msg #501

On Entertaining Naming

Wooden stakes and torches might come in handy too.
The Keeper
GM, 403 posts
Mon 24 Oct 2022
at 20:02
  • msg #502

On Dread Secrets and Archaeological Investigations

I dunno, I hear "...she did eat a lot of marines..." and I think of this fine lady:

On which cosmic conspiratorial note, I actually took that old chestnut Sticks to work today on my mp3 player, having found it on YouTube and not read it since I was something like 12, and probably the most accurate thing about the archaeologist character was the community outreach attempt towards Cthulhu-Not-Yet-Out-Of-Copyright cultists to try and identify artefacts.

Unlike many professions, aside from the frequently-actively-painful depictions of actual research, we very much do align with Hollywood stereotypes in terms of "oh! Sealed ancient area with intense ritual activity around it!" *everyone on site develops a MIGHTY NEED to see inside* Site directors crawling down holes, laboriously translating curse warnings, being generally aware how many horror flick tropes we're ticking off and carrying on anyway...we're just Like That.

Anyway, Sam, Doctor, consider yourselves poked in particular because, ah, things are about to get interesting for y'all in a moment...Maggie, give me a moment, and Andrew, if you'd like to leave icebreaking to Robin, just let me know...
The Keeper
GM, 409 posts
Thu 27 Oct 2022
at 12:44
  • msg #503

On Temporal Tension

So...on being in the midst of making a mess of yet another of Maggie's threads and noticing that our new Doctor also defaults to present, I realised that we've lost all (I think) the players that originally voted to "write" this story in past tense, leaving pro-present tense folk and presumably-indifferent abstentions.

It'd be ugly and interrupt the flow should anyone want to read through at the end, but do we want to switch over? If so, please let me know.
Martin Lovelace
player, 138 posts
Thu 27 Oct 2022
at 13:35
  • msg #504

On Temporal Tension

Sorry, I do try to remember to write in past tense, but every other game I am in is present, so I keep lapsing. It is my preferred option (present that is), but I can keep trying to switch to past.
The Keeper
GM, 410 posts
Thu 27 Oct 2022
at 15:32
  • msg #505

On Temporal Tension

Ach, don't sound so apologetic, Doctor, at least until the others have said whether they want us all to keep tormenting ourselves for the sake of consistency or not.
Margaret Yendale
player, 195 posts
the poacher's daughter
Thu 27 Oct 2022
at 23:53
  • msg #506

On Temporal Tension

I’m firmly Team Present.
The Keeper
GM, 411 posts
Fri 28 Oct 2022
at 00:05
  • msg #507

On Temporal Tension

I 'switch over' vote counted.

Doctor, if not apologising, was that a vote to switch?

Yes, it's 1am, yes I'm still up, yes this miiiight have something to do with watching an entire playthrough of Faith III, that incredibly atmospheric neo-8-Bit inspired by The Exorcist whilst doing midnight laundry. Will go to sleep presently, but ah, some haunting demon designs all the better for being mostly left to the imagination...
Samuel Hartman
player, 157 posts
Fri 28 Oct 2022
at 01:01
  • msg #508

On Temporal Tension

I'm flexible either way.
Martin Lovelace
player, 140 posts
Fri 28 Oct 2022
at 08:09
  • msg #509

On Temporal Tension

My preference is certainly present tense.
Thomas Bees
player, 197 posts
Fri 28 Oct 2022
at 08:52
  • msg #510

On Temporal Tension

Present tense I suppose. Thanks.

The Keeper
GM, 412 posts
Fri 28 Oct 2022
at 09:02
  • msg #511

On Temporal Tension

In reply to Martin Lovelace (msg # 509):

That's true of everyone remaining, what we're voting on is whether to ditch consistency for comfort; I will count that as a switching vote.

I'm also an abstention, since I prefer present but dislike disrupting flow in a medium that permits more of it than normal tabletop gaming (this is why I have a Thing about posts empty of anything but OOC information in IC threads, too). Relatedly, Sam, if Andrew or Tom swing or carry the vote for change, pretty-please promise me you'll do your very best to actually write in present, not future imperfect or the damn subjunctive? You've been turning out really good posts of late and I don't relish the return of all those ifs, weres and woulds driving me up the wall from the early period of uncertainty.

General reminder, should we switch over: if you're not sure if a character can do something but don't want to stop the narrative before that point or consult me, express the uncertainty as character intent, e.g. "Hessie goes up to the casement and looks out of the window to see if it's raining, hoping to go out as soon as it stops," NOT "If it is not raining, Hessie goes out" X

Honestly I'd probably let the example pass as a one-off, but it's usually worse in terms of uncertainty, flow and/or affecting others. Remember, if you try to do something impossible or nonsensical, at worst the Keeper will just gently pull you over to untangle the thing. Mostly I roll with whatever is put down: my policy is 'no "you can't do that" without a reason' (though you may get a PM'd 'are you sure?' if something is a Very Bad Idea).

Body-centred writing, mes amis: you will get more out of a trip to the past with awareness of a character physically dwelling there than being moved about by narration like a chess piece, honest. Actually, I think one of the best horror GM tips I encountered was 'if a character is mangled, describe what's still attached'...hopefully not relevant in this instance, but you never know. Some of you(r Investigators) are very close to dangerous persons at, heh, present.

[new post error] Oop, and that's another slightly ambiguous switch vote from Tom. I'll let Andrew look in, but it looks like we have a decision. We'll see how well my brain switches gears at lunchtime, then.

edit: clarity.
This message was last edited by the GM at 11:04, Fri 28 Oct 2022.
Samuel Hartman
player, 158 posts
Fri 28 Oct 2022
at 15:29
  • msg #512

On Temporal Tension

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 511):

I'll try my best. :)
The Keeper
GM, 415 posts
Sat 29 Oct 2022
at 10:29
  • msg #513

On Temporal Tension

Thank you, I very much appreciate it.

Random note that blue for girls (as in like the most expensive lapis lazuli pigment, used to depict the Virgin), and pink for boys (as in a light version of masculine hot blood associations) is a common choice for identifying interchangeable socially-ungendered babies rather than a codified tradition in this period. With the dawn of mass marketing in the Victorian era it will become one - along with the rather depressing notion of training gender roles in the cradle - though not so strong that it was ever universal outside fashionable circles. I'm not sure why the switchover happened in the late 1930s, but it was a time of putting people firmly in boxes, so likely some marketing exec went with what their family did and settled the notion the other way.
Samuel Hartman
player, 159 posts
Sat 29 Oct 2022
at 21:17
  • msg #514

On Brief Delays

Sorry for the delays, my laptop is being repaired for audio issues.
The Keeper
GM, 416 posts
Sat 29 Oct 2022
at 21:31
  • msg #515

On Brief Delays

Poor old machine servant. Have you duct taped the screen back on yet?

Don't worry if it takes a while, I can work around that - it might even be better if the Doctor gets a word in anyway, given his knowledge in the current situation...

Oh! ...and with that we're in the 1700s.
Samuel Hartman
player, 160 posts
Sat 29 Oct 2022
at 21:36
  • msg #516

On Brief Delays

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 515):

According to Best buy, it's fine but I really don't think so. And congrats on the new century of posts, I guess.
The Keeper
GM, 418 posts
Sun 30 Oct 2022
at 01:43
  • msg #517

On Brief Delays

Take pictures?

On the theme of the 1700s, I managed to unintentionally link-hop my way into a recently-digitised book of bawdy songs published two years before our very own game period and good grief the stuff is coarse as a shark up the- well, quite. What makes it worse is that some actual expletives are blanked out whilst leaving the rest of the context intact, presumably to circumvent obscenity laws, only language has changed so much it reads like... "he's z__ling the cow? With his x____n?? ???".

The end of BST turned 2am back to 1 whilst I was reading in horrified fascination, and...there's just been two rather worrying bangs somewhere out in the general countryside and now ongoing distant neenaws, don't like that.

Well, my door's locked for the night, so no shotgun-wielding lunatic can break in without waking me; I shall finally go to sleep. tl;dr The Georgians were nasty and your Keeper should not be allowed internet after midnight. Eesh.
The Keeper
GM, 419 posts
Mon 31 Oct 2022
at 23:20
  • msg #518

On All Hallows' Eve

As a horror GM I feel obliged to share a ghost story tonight, so here's one read by Mr. Stanhope:

Anyone else encountered anything good? I suppose I should also do my annual shill of Emily Carroll, though I don't think she's had anything new out in a while...I usually drop His Face All Red in front of my players at this point (and do so again since it might be the most appropriate to this game available online) but this time I'll also nudge The Groom over for inspection, since though it doesn't really go anywhere the buildup freaks me out for no good reason. Concentrated malice in some pipecleaners.
Samuel Hartman
player, 161 posts
Tue 1 Nov 2022
at 17:59
  • msg #519

On Brief Delays, Pt 2

Well, my internet is acting up quite badly - I'll try my best to get replies up as quickly as I can, but it's on and off disconnecting, and being very infuriating.
The Keeper
GM, 420 posts
Tue 1 Nov 2022
at 18:43
  • msg #520

On Brief Delays, Pt 2

The effort's appreciated! We'll need to fix some things once I'm home from work, but that'll get two threads unstuck tonight, I reckon. Excitement incoming...

[waves to Andrew] Hi! Hope you're feeling better over there.
Samuel Hartman
player, 163 posts
Tue 1 Nov 2022
at 18:44
  • msg #521

On Brief Delays, Pt 2

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 520):

yep! it's sporadic when it acts up, but I'll try to keep an eye on it over the next few days
The Keeper
GM, 421 posts
Thu 3 Nov 2022
at 09:26
  • msg #522

On Brief Delays, Pt 2

Update: various delays later, it turns out we'll need another brief thread split and some Group juggling...bear with me here, I'm afraid the action will have to resume in the evening.

Oh, and I hope everyone had a happy All Saints' and All Souls' and got some cake or/and visiting ghosts. I'm honestly pretty upset at the suppression of Samhain-with-saints-slapped-on/a festival for the workers to cut loose in favour of advertising Compulsory Christian Month earlier this year in the UK. It's mostly the chain supermarkets, of course, and not at all reflecting a cultural shift/priorities locally or in Scotland, but it's very sinister in the light of Tory shenanigans like the missing May Day stolen for Old Liz's jubilee. I may also be peeved at the lack of skeleton/crow-themed products and cheap pumpkins/chocolate eyeballs on Toussaints, but despite my background I am very much with Jesus on the 'to hell with commerce in the temple' front.
The Keeper
GM, 432 posts
Tue 15 Nov 2022
at 12:29
  • msg #523

On Jingly Nuisances

Just noting for folk in that thread (and to confound people that aren't) that Maggie is not covered in brandy or cake crumbs, though possibly she might like to be.

edit: a heads up that I'm trying to collect you all in one place (aiming for the Fox stables where the Vicar was left) now you're somewhat getting somewhere, to save you milling around and extending scenes a lot. Also, long game is long, and I'm selfconscious about how country-lane rambly it is...thank you, everyone, for sticking with it, and I hope you're still entertained.
This message was last edited by the GM at 08:13, Thu 17 Nov 2022.
Martin Lovelace
player, 154 posts
Thu 17 Nov 2022
at 18:38
  • msg #524

On Jingly Nuisances

Just arrived for a concert at our lad's school, will post after, if it doesn't overrun too much, was very late last year.
Samuel Hartman
player, 165 posts
Thu 17 Nov 2022
at 18:59
  • msg #525

On Jingly Nuisances

The Keeper:
Just noting for folk in that thread (and to confound people that aren't) that Maggie is not covered in brandy or cake crumbs, though possibly she might like to be.

Don't we all want to be covered in brandy and cake crumbs?

GM edit: clarification: spoiler cut for/cw US-specific form of teen death (not a punchline).

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
In other news, you might have heard the news from Charlottesville this week. I'm from the area and I'm okay, just been rattled by it.

This message was last edited by the GM at 19:58, Thu 17 Nov 2022.
The Keeper
GM, 434 posts
Thu 17 Nov 2022
at 20:50
  • msg #526

On Jingly Nuisances

In reply to Martin Lovelace (msg # 524): Noted, gratitude expressed for the notification, amusement had at this header in context. Hope it's pleasant in proportion to its length.

@Sam: Do we get to eat the cake?

I've had a day of relatively high-energy spuddling, so we'll see how well my brain works now I'm inside, warm and full of salad and chips...entertainingly, I came home to a Scottish Government envelope tonight and I'm not sure if they're just sending out to everyone or what, but it advised me in no uncertain terms to keep my chickens indoors until the Avian 'Flu Alert gets scaled down. I live in a ridiculously tiny end-of-terrace with a garden I could only theoretically lie down in diagonally...where do they think I'd be hiding these chickens to start with?

Oh, and if anyone wants some dialect words to spice their "zomerzet aaaccent" with, by the time you read this I'll have added the work of a couple of rather snooty Victorian vicars to the Useful Links bit at the end of the main Setting Notes thread. A lot of the dialect for in-sentence examples is a rather exaggerated mess of vowels and zeds, but there are some fun words in there.
This message was lightly edited by the GM at 20:50, Thu 17 Nov 2022.
Martin Lovelace
player, 156 posts
Fri 18 Nov 2022
at 16:14
  • msg #527

On Jingly Nuisances

It was a very good concert, it has been every year we've gone. Very impressive music department at the school. One of our twins is in the choir, but it's so good, we'd probably go if neither were taking part.

It did go on, as it does, and the only downer was the discomfort of school chairs, I'm sure they're like that to stop kids falling asleep, I'm also sure they should carry a health and safety warning about limiting the duration sitting on them. Fine for kids who have a lesson or two, and then get up and walk to the next, but not for me, nor it turns out, for our other lad.
Samuel Hartman
player, 167 posts
Fri 18 Nov 2022
at 16:36
  • msg #528

On Jingly Nuisances

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 526):

Glad to hear the concert went well, Martin.

As for the cake, I mean if its on you, you do you I guess, otherwise... talk to the other person about it?
The Keeper
GM, 435 posts
Fri 18 Nov 2022
at 21:51
  • msg #529

Re: On Jingly Nuisances

Martin Lovelace:
It was a very good concert [...] we'd probably go if neither were taking part.

That is extremely impressive. I hope the performers benefit from the remarkable start, music is an underrated human behaviour.

Alas for the chairs, but I don't think school chairs come in 'comfy', just 'fiendishly hard' and 'child-sized so that by the time you realise your bum is numb it's about time to stand up.'

@Sam I feel the Subtext is back...

Unrelatedly, I don't know what this is except the coolest thing - has anyone seen it before?

Also unrelated and even more unlikely, if anyone happens to remember the title of a ~1900s short story where two guys are amazingly sanguine about a grisly ghost bothering them for the hand of glory (his) they found/inherited from somewhere, do tell me. I assume I read it on Gutenberg because it was definitely online, but neither the site search nor Google turn it up there. -_-
The Keeper
GM, 436 posts
Sat 19 Nov 2022
at 23:03
  • msg #530

Re: On Jingly Nuisances

Heads up to the witch thread that thanks to my own ineptitude and impulsivity I have been running in low rez mode and this level of distracted all day. I will make the attempt, but it's likely you'll get an update tomorrow morning, since I'm about asleep as it is. this point I got distracted, and yes, brain mush. Nice post with corners on later. Not tonight. Putting myself in my basket and going beddybyes.
Samuel Hartman
player, 168 posts
Sun 20 Nov 2022
at 17:50
  • msg #531

Re: On Jingly Nuisances

The Keeper:
@Sam I feel the Subtext is back...

I mean, maybe it is, maybe it isn't. ;)
The Keeper
GM, 437 posts
Sun 20 Nov 2022
at 19:37
  • msg #532

Re: On Jingly Nuisances

Oh, that's what takes us into our 19th century of posts, is it?

Hff, anyway, there's my signs-and-arrows dance...Doctor, I'll also gently remind you that you left Lucy Bees holding your medical bag like a lemon, and Tom, added reminder that you left your sister with the Doctor's bag (and also the Vicar, but symmetry!). Maggie, you probably want to go with them? doesn't quite feel like a chapter end, so I think I'll shift you to the stables thread once Sam and Andrew've got another post in, but do y'all want another Clues Thread update whilst I'm at it?

Thanks to unexpected choices and events y'all collectively have enough socially-gathered clues to unpick the more mundane side of the case, though the weird side is lagging behind a bit. Not that the mysteries of Herself in the Wood will ever necessarily be comprehensable, but yes...losing a player for the Vicar twice over when I'd arranged around him as a PC didn't help.
The Keeper
GM, 438 posts
Tue 22 Nov 2022
at 22:59
  • msg #533

Re: On Jingly Nuisances

The Keeper: doesn't quite feel like a chapter end, so I think I'll shift you to the stables thread once Sam and Andrew've got another post in, but do y'all want another Clues Thread update whilst I'm at it?

^Allo? Crickets around it Thanksgiving?
Samuel Hartman
player, 169 posts
Tue 22 Nov 2022
at 23:00
  • msg #534

Re: On Jingly Nuisances

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 533):

Thanksgiving is Thursday where I am, so I've been busy helping my family get ready for that, but I'll get something up tomorrow hopefully.
The Keeper
GM, 439 posts
Tue 22 Nov 2022
at 23:11
  • msg #535

On Foreign Holidays

Oh, you're right, I think I heard about Canada having one, too, but it doesn't have to be on a Thursday. It might even be in September, which is when my brain insists it ought to be. I don't think we have any Canadians aboard at present, though.

Any answer on the Clues Thread query?

My aunt is visiting this week so I might be a bit more erratically around, but I am here, honest. Mostly trying to keep momentum whilst we're in the thick of synthesising information into knowledge.
Samuel Hartman
player, 170 posts
Tue 22 Nov 2022
at 23:17
  • msg #536

On Foreign Holidays

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 535):

Let me double check it!

I could use a clues thread update, yeah.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:45, Wed 23 Nov 2022.
The Keeper
GM, 440 posts
Fri 25 Nov 2022
at 13:48
  • msg #537

On Foreign Holidays

Noted, and will do when time permits even if no-one else chimes in to ask for a full update. (Anyone?)

My thanks to the Doctor - just as soon as Sam makes another post I'll sweep y'all over to the stables and Andrew can catch up when work stops eating him.
Samuel Hartman
player, 171 posts
Fri 25 Nov 2022
at 15:46
  • msg #538

On Foreign Holidays

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 537):

I'll get something up soon, just been holidays here
The Keeper
GM, 443 posts
Sat 26 Nov 2022
at 22:51
  • msg #539

On Foreign Holidays

Thank you for the 'soon'. I've updated Sam's PM on the Clues thread, but given the deafening silence from everyone else shall leave the work of a general update for the next actual chapter start.

Doctor, you may kindly point out to Maggie that she can't very well show you her mazed men if she runs off to kick Tom's arse or whatever she intends back there...
The Keeper
GM, 447 posts
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 22:31
  • msg #540

On Juggling

Noting here that I've thrown the chase itself and some subsequent discussion into the current "everyone but Tom" group in the expectation all that information would be shared, probably via Maggie-rambling with a few observations by Doctor Lovelace; feel free to summarise that much and carry on. Other threads have not been shared & remain at participants' discretion.

Also, Andrew, welcome to our switchover to present tense!

I feel like I've forgotten something but I don't know, I am a very tired beast. If anyone remembers a needed thing or terrible mistake, do let me know...
Samuel Hartman
player, 173 posts
Thu 1 Dec 2022
at 01:07
  • msg #541

On Brief Absences and Birthdays

I'll be pretty busy this weekend, and Monday is my birthday, but I'll try to be as active as I can. Just a heads-up.
The Keeper
GM, 455 posts
Mon 5 Dec 2022
at 18:08
  • msg #542

On Brief Absences and Birthdays

Indeed, Happy Birthday Sam! May your weekend have passed well and you be back with us soon.

Me, I'm thinking of fishing for a replacement vicar again, but it may literally be too late in the game...don't suppose anyone here has advice/opinions? I could ask the Magic 8-Ball, but I'm not sure I trust the Magic 8-Ball.
Samuel Hartman
player, 174 posts
Mon 5 Dec 2022
at 19:07
  • msg #543

On Brief Absences and Birthdays

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 542):

Martin Lovelace
player, 162 posts
Mon 5 Dec 2022
at 20:32
  • msg #544

On Brief Absences and Birthdays

Well yes, happy birthday!
Samuel Hartman
player, 175 posts
Mon 5 Dec 2022
at 20:46
  • msg #545

On Brief Absences and Birthdays

In reply to Martin Lovelace (msg # 544):

Thank you!
The Keeper
GM, 456 posts
Thu 8 Dec 2022
at 21:14
  • msg #546

On Maggie and the Mystery Men

My thanks to Maggie for keeping us on-track - at present I'm just giving Andrew a chance to look in to see if we get a natural split (or grouping) for the next chapter.

update: Maggie can reply/close up that thread if desired, the delay is now me a) trying to plait village threads together sensibly and usefully and b) getting distracted trying to find specific folk songs I know I've seen/heard but are very hard to find again...the deeply tangled/intertwined nature of folk balladry and consequent near-uselessness of titles really doesn't help. Gah. Also I need to go to sleep, but yes, working in background, bear with me.

Tangentally, if anyone else loves wild beasts and landscapes and wants the heart torn out of their chest, Burns & Doran's version of The Greenmore Hare will do that for you. Ouch. They're good at what they do, that pair.

Update II: Notice of pings from putting threads in order, Clues Thread update imminent, everything else as soon as I can...working outside and late the past couple of days.

We have the typical salt-swept-away sprinkling of snow this side of the island, if any of you heard of Shetland Mainland vanishing under a dump of snow, losing power, trapping drivers etc. In European terms it's the next town over, not here (I am probably overestimating the likelihood of a local disaster with only one known casualty reaching even UK news, but I remember the time Americans were concerned I might be seeing the flames of Androssan wind farm back in Hurricane Bawbags before they started officially naming every stiff breeze to make climate change more friendly or something. That is a very long way from Orkney Mainland).
This message was last edited by the GM at 09:25, Wed 14 Dec 2022.
The Keeper
GM, 461 posts
Wed 21 Dec 2022
at 22:03
  • msg #547

On Solstice Quiet

Hey all, and may the waxing year treat you well.

My apologies to the couple of players more or less waiting on me - Sam, I'll try to get there tonight, brain permitting, Tom, your threadmate has the Real Life and I think a little longer is reasonably before having Lucy respond - been in high stress mode awhile and today's headlines really don't help (the BBC platforming the genocidal far right as "both sides!" is pretty average by now, but the damage to Koondala Cave has me feeling like I've been stabbed).

That said, given the general slowdown at this time of year and the fact most of you haven't had spare time to do more than look in since last weekend, would we like an official hiatus? Or are we about a bit/is this a good way to relax, just not now?
Samuel Hartman
player, 179 posts
Fri 23 Dec 2022
at 15:42
  • msg #548

On A (Potentially Early) Holiday Absence

Hey all,

I'm getting like 50-mph gusts here, so I'm predicting power will go out at some point. I'll also be out of town from the 26th to 30th.
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 21:07, Fri 23 Dec 2022.
The Keeper
GM, 463 posts
Sun 25 Dec 2022
at 23:00
  • msg #549

On Dad and the Devil

Well, given the demonstration of this table's usual enthusiasm for communicating with the Keeper, I'll assume no-one desires anything specific. I'll poke people early next year if it gets too quiet and call it even, I think.

Meanwhile, some vintage humour:
Samuel Hartman
player, 180 posts
Mon 26 Dec 2022
at 00:01
  • msg #550

On Dad and the Devil

Merry Christmas!
The Keeper
GM, 464 posts
Mon 26 Dec 2022
at 19:23
  • msg #551

On Dad and the Devil

Indeed: I hope you and all other Christians aboard had a good one and are enjoying the Boxing Day leftovers.

On the theme of Christianity and heh, the above header, I finally vvatched The VVitch! Tomasin - lovely name, very unusual by the late 1600s - reminds me of our Lucy, a bit.

Things I liked:
- nice lighting and costuming much of the time.
- goat! (also, corbie!! The raven actor's :D body language whilst eating one victim alive was so on-point for a little imp I was hoping they'd find said victim entirely eaten through but happy about it - little Xs in the eyes but big grin - in the morning)
- witch hares! Though maybe they should go under 'bemusing', since even if colonists had been wantonly releasing hares into the North American countryside it should seem a little odd to the characters for them to be there.
- the attention to detail in the symbolism of scary uncovered female hair
- mention/sight of the odd Native, so it's not all "yeah, this place was empty 'til we threw some colonial folklore at it". Under-used, but there!
- the absoloutely comedic penultimate death: the setup, the irony, 10/10.

Things that bemused me:
- anachronstically gendered infant being often referred to by name.
- cutting up said baby whilst it's still squirming about rather than showcasing the notion of Corrupted Woman with the traditional fabric tool (awl, knitting needle etc.) thrust through the eyesocket (also that is not remotely how you render fat or process the flying ointment, what the hell Eggers).
- starving cultists apparently taking the time for situps between in, a six pack is a deliberate, anachronistic body sculpt and product of specific excersise, not a sign of general strength. Not that the dad going about inreasingly déshabillé as chaos increased wasn't a nice touch, just bemused.
- very tame head wounds...head and neck are high-pressure blood, it gets everywhere.
- that one witch being extremely literal about stealing neighbours' milk right out of the goat: I can just imagine her coven-mates being "there goes Maud again..."

Overall it's good-looking and fairly evocative, and actually made me genuinely upset when the dad tried to reason with his eldest, since he clearly loved her. Dazzling acting all round, really. Not sure about the incestuous subtext, because the Westermarck effect is definitely a thing, but I feel the film was conscious of having little plot on which to sustain a longer runtime and wanted to spell out (heehee) some old-timey mysogyny with a shorthand for "puberty makes the innocent heterosexualist corruptible by Women and the Devil". The makings of a great film if it only knew what it was trying to be (a fable? a horror film? historically accurate? Christian?) and/or trying to say, I think.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:43, Mon 26 Dec 2022.
Martin Lovelace
player, 167 posts
Tue 27 Dec 2022
at 16:09
  • msg #552

On Dad and the Devil

I hope all had/are having a wonderful Christmas break, and sorry for the silence, but things are settling down a little more for me now, so proper service should resume.
The Keeper
GM, 465 posts
Tue 27 Dec 2022
at 21:44
  • msg #553

On Dad and the Devil

Ach, no worries, things are likely to be slow awhile yet. Thanks for letting me know, though, and sorry to shunt your thread on just a day before you got a look in. Hope your holidays are going well.

Continuing the header's theme (and my little brain just wants to talk about the various ways one might ffix The VVitch to its full potential now, but alas! I have no rl friends into horror on-island) I got round to reading Witch Bottle today and hm, this Tom Fletcher fellow seems like he might be a rising star in his niche - kind of partway between Hurley and Miéville, with enough weird to keep my interest and an appreciation of both rural grit and beauty. Wet, strange horror grown out of generational trauma and modern struggles with old evils.
The Keeper
GM, 466 posts
Sun 1 Jan 2023
at 00:33
  • msg #554

On Dad and the Devil

[a man(?) never seen outside the shadows walks through, leaving coal and cake and taking away the dram left by the Keeper. There seems to be some large structure or headdress above him, but he's never visible enough to interpret]


First-footing done, may the new official year treat you all well. I shall give all those of you who've stuck around an appropriate Sticking Around Bonus (New Martin included, since he's played really well since being hurled in at the deep end) and generally extend my thanks for putting up with my running around braiding plot threads into a story a bit more secret-led and noodly than I'd at first intended. I hope you can feel that a few important tumblers have fallen to unlock the mystery of what on earth is going on in Scorch Norton, and furthermore that y'all remain interested in carrying this mat of unholy vegetation to wherever it's going to. Good to have you here.


Martin Lovelace
player, 168 posts
Mon 2 Jan 2023
at 20:51
  • msg #555

On Dad and the Devil

Thank you for the kind words and Happy New Year to all!
The Keeper
GM, 467 posts
Tue 3 Jan 2023
at 21:39
  • msg #556

On Starts and Stabbiness

Oh, I mean it. General update: I've added pocket knife stats to everyone's sheets that didn't have them listed, just because they're part of normal period dress.

edit: update continued- I've put the Vicar up for auction again, just once and just in case. I doubt anyone will bite, but please don't panic about the 'players wanted' light.
This message was last edited by the GM at 12:21, Sun 08 Jan 2023.
Reverend Palmer
player, 129 posts
Priest of Saint Giles
Sun 8 Jan 2023
at 21:15
  • msg #557

Re: On Jingly Nuisances

I am the new Reverend Palmer. Most delighted to make thine acquaintance and partake of thine misadventures.
Samuel Hartman
player, 182 posts
Sun 8 Jan 2023
at 22:01
  • msg #558

Re: On Jingly Nuisances

In reply to Reverend Palmer (msg # 557):

Martin Lovelace
player, 171 posts
Mon 9 Jan 2023
at 22:18
  • msg #559

Re: On Jingly Nuisances

Welcome Reverend!
Andrew Sexton
player, 145 posts
Tue 10 Jan 2023
at 22:25
  • msg #560

Re: On Jingly Nuisances

Welcome aboard, Reverend. Good to have you with us.
Andrew Sexton
player, 147 posts
Wed 11 Jan 2023
at 02:31
  • msg #561

Re: On Jingly Nuisances

Lucy Ann Bees:
[[is this thread back in past tense? I'll roll with whatever, but do let me know...]]

Sorry, Keeper. I posted right after putting a book down and forgot myself. Fixed.
The Keeper
GM, 468 posts
Wed 11 Jan 2023
at 08:42
  • msg #562

Re: On Temporal Tremors

Anything especially good? I keep running into those wretched tech-poisoned attention-deficient first-person-present modern novels of late, it's honestly rather depressing. First person should have a clear reason for narration and put the audience in some specific role, even if that role isn't clear at first, not reinforce that you're reading a novel.

At any rate, I don't mind, as I said - Tom was at it, too - only we did all agree for once, with replies and everything, so.
The Keeper
GM, 469 posts
Thu 12 Jan 2023
at 00:35
  • msg #563

On Technology-Based Tardiness

Due notice that I've been doing full-day data entry/archive problem fixing the past couple of days and will be doing so tomorrow, meaning I've been a bit addled word-wise/loath to stare at more words on screens and consequently slow.

Not ignoring anyone and still about to help if anyone's stuck, just...well, spent from 8 to midnight on a single post here (though it was one with Shennanigans, as may be impending on another thread, depending on player interactions) and nowhere else, so thought I'd let folk know.

On a tenuous tangent from distractions, non-word/number screenfulness, and the game's sort-of mascot band, the Longest Johns' last community project is up, as is notice for the next one, A Health To The Company.
The Keeper
GM, 472 posts
Mon 23 Jan 2023
at 22:17
  • msg #564

On Technology-Based Tardiness

So... [picks up the game and rattles everyone like beetles in a jar] Do we all have the Januaries, or what's going on here? If folk are away or busy or stuck, do tell me so that I can tell those conditions apart, we were getting places and then it was crickets of a sudden...

9a in particular, can you please decide on some course beyond sitting on that guy indefinitely? Polzeath will encourage you in the endeavour, but the poor bastard keeps acing his POW rolls vs. [REDACTED] and it horrifies me, never mind anyone else.

9b, you very much have a 'now what' situation, and I'm keen to see what that is.

I intend to turn in fairly soon, having an early start on the morrow to help a geologist crawl into a tomb, but thought I'd check in here before annoying everyone individually.

edit: movement appreciated! Thread 9a, the Doc's had standard notice and I'll move things on tomorrow if he remains awa', provided whatever my body's currently up to doesn't take me out (Mystery Disease rather than Hackjob Nervous System this time - it got to the point of my looking up obscure symptoms of heart attacks today and I am absoloutely wooden-brain exhausted).

9b...well, that 'what' was perfect from a whole-game perspective, I have to rearrange where I was going over there and juggle threads.

Sam, not ignoring you - wooden brain, like I said. Getting there, but currently going to sleep.

edit II: I think I've unkinked 9b in principle, but some combination of recent health issues, a long day, going from a -4 winchill to warmish house and/or lucking into an 85p pack of fancy dessert whilst last-thing Sunday supermarket scavenging is threatening to put me out like a cosh to the head, so that's what's going on with me here...going to try and stay awake another half hour so as not to wake up at some inconvenient point in the small hours, but damn I'm a sleepy beast.

I'll also note that we seem to be making good progress in the investigation itself, so well done gang! It's been a spaghetti one, but we're getting there!

Do we feel like we're flailing in the right direction, or are folks still at a bit of a 'wandering about confused' stage?
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:34, Sun 29 Jan 2023.
Reverend Palmer
player, 144 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Sun 5 Feb 2023
at 03:14
  • msg #565

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Happy 2,000th post! ^_^
The Keeper
GM, 476 posts
Sun 5 Feb 2023
at 19:00
  • msg #566

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Huzzah! Both for the game's long survival despite a moderate case of spaghetti plot and someone not leaving me talking to myself on the OOC like Noddy No-Mates...

Both decent-sized threads seeem to be wrapping up with characters heading to the Hare & Sheaf in the evening. So...nearly there with those, does anyone have any plans to detour on the way/bother anyone at the inn specifically before a meeting of the Extra Us Awarenss club?

Sam, when you're about, will you wind up there too? It'd be nice to get everyone together to share information, and convienient for the Vicar to get a note to the Criddle household, amongst other things.
Samuel Hartman
player, 187 posts
Sun 5 Feb 2023
at 19:28
  • msg #567

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 566):

Of course, I'll rejoin with the group asap. I had to replace my laptop (TLDR: screen was popping out even with just normal usage), so it will be a couple days before I can get something up, but since I dropped it off to get the data transferred to a new machine yesterday, it shouldn't be too long, maybe a day or two.
The Keeper
GM, 478 posts
Sun 5 Feb 2023
at 20:59
  • msg #568

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Good to know that once you've finished with your thread Sam'll rejoin the others. I knew of the IT issues, the others haven't finished with theirs yet and I certainly haven't got the new one up, so there's no massive rush, just asking.

Y'all can fight out what tense we're in when we get there, too.
The Keeper
GM, 479 posts
Tue 7 Feb 2023
at 22:13
  • msg #569

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Thank you 09a. Could I ask you three for Listen rolls between scenes?

Also bringing this down before it's lost:
...does anyone have any plans to detour on the way/bother anyone at the inn specifically before a meeting of the Extra Us Awarenss club?

I'm aware participants on 09b are having some real life issues, so if there's no movement there by the end of the week I'll start setting up the next thread/updating the Clues thread and shunt everyone on to it when there's something to be shunted onto. Sam should have been able to catch up by then, too.

Additional question for 09a: Would you like me to make that thread generally visible to save on explanation time, and/or is there anything to be kept quiet thereon?
Reverend Palmer
player, 147 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Tue 7 Feb 2023
at 22:58
  • msg #570

On Brief Absences and Birthdays

The Keeper:
Could I ask you three for Listen rolls between scenes?

17:51, Today: Reverend Palmer rolled 62 using 1d100.  Listen 50.

Additional question for 09a:
Would you like me to make that thread generally visible to save on explanation time, and/or is there anything to be kept quiet thereon?

I have no trouble with the thread being made generally visible. I don’t think there are any great secrets revealed.
Margaret Yendale
player, 231 posts
the poacher's daughter
Wed 8 Feb 2023
at 04:29
  • msg #571

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

The Keeper:
Additional question for 09a: Would you like me to make that thread generally visible to save on explanation time, and/or is there anything to be kept quiet thereon?

No objection at all and Maggie doesn't plan any detours. (She would be glad of a pint if the group should happen to stop at the H&S.)

Margaret Yendale rolled 57 for Listen 20.
Martin Lovelace
player, 181 posts
Wed 8 Feb 2023
at 07:09
  • msg #572

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

No problem with showing the thread.

08:08, Today: Martin Lovelace rolled 92 using 1d100.  Listen 50.
The Keeper
GM, 480 posts
Wed 8 Feb 2023
at 09:00
  • msg #573

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Margaret Yendale:
...Maggie doesn't plan any detours. (She would be glad of a pint if the group should happen to stop at the H&S.)

Good to know, and that's where you're heading - generosity of your fellow Investigators aside, remember Bart owes ye a pint for being his noble steed and Kit will probably offer as a lead-in to inquiries about their informal Saturday/pay night arrangement, though he's easily put off on that account without resenting the ale.
The Keeper
GM, 482 posts
Sun 12 Feb 2023
at 23:22
  • msg #574

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

All right, I have Thread 10 just about ready to go as soon as I hear from a couple of players, and we're starting with those that were investigating the Mazy Men telling the story, so...anyone who's not read Thread 9a, please do so, and address any questions to the relevant parties IC.

On trying to find a suitable period pub interior for a picture for the upcoming thread, I would like to specify precisely that the Hare & Sheaf does not have any pornographic fireplace decorations. Even upstairs.
Reverend Palmer
player, 148 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Mon 13 Feb 2023
at 00:59
  • msg #575

On Dad and the Devil

The Keeper:
I would like to specify precisely that the Hare & Sheaf does not have any pornographic fireplace decorations. Even upstairs.

I weep for the children.
The Keeper
GM, 483 posts
Mon 13 Feb 2023
at 08:19
  • msg #576

On Dad and the Devil

It's the Georgian era: if the children want pornography they'll have to equip themselves to understand folk songs.
The Keeper
GM, 484 posts
Tue 14 Feb 2023
at 13:18
  • msg #577

On Dad and the Devil

All right, I feel a little bad about the above quip, the era was a tough one in which to experience much innocence or unvictimised soft-naturedness. Anyway, an update: since the last player I need info from hasn't come out of the woodwork after being PM'd and it's closing in on a week, if there's no word tonight I'll ask the Magic 8-Ball what he did, clean up the post ready to go and get it up.

I don't think we actually need any Clues Thread update if we assume 9a is being generally shared, but if anyone can think of something they want jotted down outside their own scratchpad, let me know.

edit: crickets, huh. Is everyone busy, or if waiting on each other, would y'all like an NPC to throw in the first question?

Players that were there for 9a and are definitely not hung up reading it, feel free to note emphasis on anything important/add speculation, that's fair.
This message was last edited by the GM at 12:42, Fri 17 Feb 2023.
Samuel Hartman
player, 190 posts
Fri 17 Feb 2023
at 12:58
  • msg #578

On Dad and the Devil

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 577):

I was waiting for the others, but I can get something up.
The Keeper
GM, 486 posts
Fri 17 Feb 2023
at 22:07
  • msg #579

On Cursed Ground and Crickets

The Keeper:
if waiting on each other, would y'all like an NPC to throw in the first question?

^ ? Thank you for the response, at any rate. This week has run me over and then reversed to make sure.
Samuel Hartman
player, 191 posts
Fri 17 Feb 2023
at 22:16
  • msg #580

On Cursed Ground and Crickets

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 579):

That would help me out!
The Keeper
GM, 487 posts
Sat 18 Feb 2023
at 09:04
  • msg #581

On Cursed Ground and Crickets

No-one appeared overnight, so there you go. I found out where Tom went, though! Apparently there was a cyclone and they're still putting the town back together, so good wishes that way and consider Tom to be Over There Somewhere. I'll move him if necessary.

edit: returning here and to the previous topic to drop a fierce ode to choice and consent for potential period interest:  (NB dubious for work contexts)

Alas that I couldn't find a full/English voice version, but I'd draw notice to the culturally-illuminating way the sexual assault is lightly played off in a "haha, compliment to my hotness that I have to fight desirable people out of my bed at night" way that would now be applied only to male youths.
This message was last edited by the GM at 11:15, Sat 18 Feb 2023.
Margaret Yendale
player, 232 posts
the poacher's daughter
Sun 19 Feb 2023
at 02:22
  • msg #582

On Cursed Ground and Crickets

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 581):

The tune is the same as Lily Burlero, isn't it?
The Keeper
GM, 488 posts
Sun 19 Feb 2023
at 03:03
  • msg #583

On Cursed Ground and Crickets

You know folk songs are like slime moulds, right? I'd say 'sure', but it's something like 30-40% as likely that like both song and tune at least partially existed somewhere separately before anyone wrote them down for historians to point at. There's also the Georgian tradition of porn versions of popular standards to be reckoned with, however, where you get new blood entering local folk tradition via the coach network and printing press. That horrible songbook I stumbled into had lots of those.

Yes it is 3am, no I shouldn't be awake. I am caught up with Kill Six Billion Demons in its online form, however. Truly a monument to how a standard story done really well can be a thing of beauty.
The Keeper
GM, 489 posts
Wed 22 Feb 2023
at 18:53
  • msg #584

On Grounds for a Duel

Andrew, could you PM me a little more of a notion of what 'the suspicions' regarding Master Fox our carpenter was presenting to the landlord - it needn't be precise wording, just a list - or else roll me some Persuade, please.

Only if Andrew comes straight out with "I think the guy who owns most of the village and has six alibis is sus, because Reasons," Mr. Collins is likely to wonder whether something's leaking into the tub of small...
Reverend Palmer
player, 151 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Fri 24 Feb 2023
at 06:51
  • msg #585

Re: On Jingly Nuisances

Have just spent the past couple days diving headlong into Kill Six Billion Demons, finished Book 3 a few minutes ago and expect to finish the rest this weekend. Totally have the hots for Cio. Totally.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:07, Fri 24 Feb 2023.
The Keeper
GM, 490 posts
Fri 24 Feb 2023
at 09:12
  • msg #586

Re: On Jingly Nuisances

Great fun, isn't it? Also, that's an absolutely hysterical comment from someone playing the local clergy.

Right. Probably because I didn't get to practice much of that 'sleeping' thing, my body feels like it's plotting something, but all things going well I shall get new threads up tonight for those of the party who're buggering off as soon as everyone had all the clues in one place leaving to do important things elsewhere. Onward!
Reverend Palmer
player, 152 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Fri 24 Feb 2023
at 20:16
  • msg #587

Re: On Temporal Tremors

The Keeper:
Great fun, isn't it?

It is! I sooooo wish someone would run Broken Worlds, the KSBD roleplaying game. I don't know that I could craft a story worthy of the comic.

Also, that's an absolutely hysterical comment from someone playing the local clergy.

Yes, well Cecil is the very first male character I have ever played, and IRL I'm a queer, polyamorous, pansexual female with serious fetishes for reformed bad girls who smoke, wear glasses, and have an artsy side. So cut me some friggin' slack here. ~_^
The Keeper
GM, 491 posts
Fri 24 Feb 2023
at 22:40
  • msg #588

Re: On Temporal Tremors

Reverend Palmer:
I sooooo wish someone would run Broken Worlds, the KSBD roleplaying game. I don't know that I could craft a story worthy of the comic.

Amen to that. Alas that I am rock bottom on energy at the moment/being slowly slaughtered by Mystery Disease, and wouldn't inflict this site on the two friends I know'd do it justice. Pretty sure there are some oni in the monsters gallery that'd do for demons, even, dammit.

Well, pleased & proud to help you play something out of the ordinary then, and you're doing very well with him. As for Cio, sounds like you never had a chance. :D

Incidentally, as someone who doesn't dig naked ladies myself, I have to mention that I genuinely have no issue with the ones in KSBD, probably because they look like they're drawn by someone who actually likes women rather than lady-shaped sex objects. There's some kind of genius in the way Chain moves her(/their) roughly man-shaped armour, too, like, that's a stereotype masc triangle build and an unquestionably lady-flavoured angel cronching skulls inside it.


Anyway, update: I feel consderably better than I did 30 minutes/three small teacups of ginger tisaine ago, but I currently seem to have all the surrounding effects of a migraine without the migraine: nausea that has me carting a bucket around, head feeling like there's a flat lead weight sliding around inside, random neck/shoulder girdle tension...I mean to see how things go, but also to go to bed soon, so yes. Further delays possible to probable, but trying. Bleg.
Reverend Palmer
player, 156 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Sun 26 Feb 2023
at 01:51
  • msg #589

On Technology-Based Tardiness

I just blew a Listen roll, but may have rolled a crit to spot whatever is hiding in the churchyard and about to kill me in the face HARD. ^_^

The Keeper
GM, 496 posts
Sun 26 Feb 2023
at 02:13
  • msg #590

On Vicars and Village Villians (or Viciousness)

Fortunately, Cecil has not activated the Bunny Vortex.
Samuel Hartman
player, 193 posts
Sun 26 Feb 2023
at 02:51
  • msg #591

On Vicars and Village Villians (or Viciousness)

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 590):

Oh? Is it the killer rabbit?
The Keeper
GM, 497 posts
Sun 26 Feb 2023
at 10:40
  • msg #592

On Vicars and Village Villians (or Viciousness)

Not quite, and I don't think she has a vicious streak a mile wide, but anyone who's laid hold of a wild hare will tell you it's like picking up a foldable steel rake that hates you. They have been known to disembowel predators with those feet.

The Vicar currently does win for highest proximity to dreadful danger, but it's actually due to what our antagonist/s have been at offscreen, which currently involves a rather big 'oops' on [Redacted]'s part, which will kick things up a notch. I will note that y'all separately possess the who, why, and howdunnit, and solving things delicately was intended to provide you with considerably more information and tools, but hey, bloody chaos is fun, too. We'll get a rollicking 18thC tale out of this if nothing else.

Now go answer Robin's question, there's a good lad.
Reverend Palmer
player, 157 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Sun 26 Feb 2023
at 11:44
  • msg #593

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

The Keeper:
As for Cio, sounds like you never had a chance. :D

No, never. So I married my Cio. And damn is that two-who-are-one-Eternal-Champion-with-tits shit SO FUN!

And now onto the fifth and final book of Kill Six Billion Demons. Gots me some infinities in need of breaking!
The Keeper
GM, 498 posts
Sun 26 Feb 2023
at 12:28
  • msg #594

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

If your wife appreciates that comparison, she's a fun lady...heheh, yes. I warn you that the ongoing story is at a detour off a rise after a severe dip, so be prepared to be cliffhanger'd, but gosh are there some fireworks first.

Tangentially, I love all the demiurgos' complexities, but I have a particular weakness for absolute ruthlessness and Incubus' swordedge simplicity amongst them makes me happy chirp. He's the kind of monster that shows up and says "Hi! I'm a serpent, you cannot trust me and I will murder you as soon as it's more convenient than helping you - want to make a deal?" ...and you do, because damn, at least he's honest. Hungry little wendigo bastard.
Reverend Palmer
player, 158 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Sun 26 Feb 2023
at 12:55
  • msg #595

On Brief Absences and Birthdays

Oh, she is sooooo much fun. And she protests that I'm Cio, because... well... wickedness. I proposed the compromise that we are instead ALLICIO, and her reply was that masks have just become her new kink.

Annnnnnd I think that needs be our fade-to-black moment. Sorry folks, nothing to see here! Please move along! >_>
The Keeper
GM, 502 posts
Thu 2 Mar 2023
at 17:33
  • msg #596

On Brief Absences and Brain Bastardy

On an entirely different note, I found the rest of that migraine. Going to concentrate on getting home, but letting y'all know whilst I can see with one eye to type with.

Reverend Palmer
player, 164 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Thu 2 Mar 2023
at 18:32
  • msg #597

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Ick. Sympathies, boss.
Andrew Sexton
player, 155 posts
Thu 2 Mar 2023
at 18:44
  • msg #598

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Feel better soon.
Samuel Hartman
player, 195 posts
Thu 2 Mar 2023
at 19:20
  • msg #599

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Feel better!

Ive come down with a chest cold or something, but will try to get something up tonight or tomorrow.
The Keeper
GM, 503 posts
Fri 3 Mar 2023
at 08:51
  • msg #600

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Update: I did get home - I'm sure I've had worse half-hours of walking, but I really don't remember when - and did sleep the worst of it off, but I still have a remnant headache ('nail' through the other eye now) and vague sick/dizzy feelings, so I doubt I'll go in today and may be patchy on account of trying not to aggravate the argh back to 'please shoot me with one of those sheep-killing things' levels.

On the upside, you don't have to try and finish the game via quiche board yet, so that's a start...

Edit/ update II: So the good news is I type left-handed. The less great news is that being halfway functional but infected with the modern inability to know how to rest I tried to put up the other half of a batch of sauerkraut that had by necessity been left unmade last nigh. Despite my hypersensitivity being up at the "feel clothes and bones" level, my hand-eye co-ordination is apparently so shot I managed to mandoline ~2mm of the outside of my right thumb and little finger off. >_< yes, I picked the me-slices out of the cabbage and made certain there was no blood in there, yes, doing the non-slicy bit left-handed later will be high comedy. I am a very intelligent scientist.

This is to your collective short-term benefit, since having just persuaded my hand to stop bleeding I'm not going to try and take a nap, maybe jog/roll on it and set it off again, but if I'm about now and not tonight, the screen time/being awake has done me no good. So! To thread-juggling...
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:45, Fri 03 Mar 2023.
Samuel Hartman
player, 196 posts
Fri 3 Mar 2023
at 22:47
  • msg #601

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 600):

Oh no!

I woke up feeling pretty rough today, so been trying to sleep off this cold, but i will get something up asap - just so much congestion in my chest.
The Keeper
GM, 507 posts
Fri 3 Mar 2023
at 23:03
  • msg #602

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Steam yourself? You don't really need any fancy herbs or oils or anything (fancy oils are often dangerous, as health trend companies sell them neat), mostly it is just a way to inhale hot.

Samuel Hartman
player, 197 posts
Fri 3 Mar 2023
at 23:08
  • msg #603

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 602):

Oh I have been, and it helps short-term. a
Margaret Yendale
player, 235 posts
the poacher's daughter
Sat 4 Mar 2023
at 01:10
  • msg #604

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 600):

I’ve got some sorta crud too.

No Country for Old Men
The Keeper
GM, 508 posts
Sat 4 Mar 2023
at 21:02
  • msg #605

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

I'd like to be able to plonk down some horrifying 18th century cures, but a) generic cold cures generally weren't that different ("stay in bed and eat soup") and b) I can't find any easily to hand.

So here's some folk-based tips from Great-Grandmère's copy of The Best Way, 1900:


...and what made me giggle with the old-style soft Ss amongst the pickles when I got distracted seeing if The Art of Cookery had anything to tell us:


(note the fake bamboo, because anything "Oriental" - east of Greece - was cool. This book is linked in the Setting Notes if anyone wants to poke about in it, it's fun. Even if recipes like "Hysterical water" are kind of terrifying.)
The Keeper
GM, 513 posts
Mon 6 Mar 2023
at 13:31
  • msg #606

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Holding off on letting the proverbial poop hit the oscillating blades until I get a response from Sam and the denizens of 10c for fairness.

Martin and Maggie, could you give me a quick POW roll in the meantime?
Samuel Hartman
player, 198 posts
Mon 6 Mar 2023
at 22:02
  • msg #607

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 606):

I'll be getting something up tonight or tomorrow! feeling better, just tired
The Keeper
GM, 517 posts
Wed 8 Mar 2023
at 19:55
  • msg #608

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Just waiting on Sam & Maggie now.

Typing this whilst making soup, I'm kind of darkly amused that as yet (that's a big yet) everyone else is having a quiet Sunday evening at the pub/on a village footpath listening to normal chatter and the birds singing in the trees whilst the Vicar's been having a Time. Really unexpected result there, though, he's kind of amazingly not dead for the circumstances.
Samuel Hartman
player, 199 posts
Wed 8 Mar 2023
at 20:01
  • msg #609

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 608):

Hadn't forgotten, working on it now!
Reverend Palmer
player, 178 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Wed 8 Mar 2023
at 22:08
  • msg #610

Re: On Jingly Nuisances

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 608):

Who knew his forehead was a +5 Holy Avenger? o.O
The Keeper
GM, 518 posts
Wed 8 Mar 2023
at 22:46
  • msg #611

On Jingly Nuisances & Holy Bonks

A novel mode of defense against the encroachments of the Adversary, but nonetheless effective.
The Keeper
GM, 520 posts
Fri 10 Mar 2023
at 00:19
  • msg #612

On Foxes and Fancy Threads

I am indeed going to sleep presently, but since I am a hopeless fop at heart and Master Fox is the only aristocrat around I can show off beautiful period clothes on, I want to note that his current outfit resembles a rather more casual version of this courtier's suit, only with the coat matching the waistcoat and having one of those built-in slits to give access to a swordhilt without getting tangled in one's outfit. He's considering getting married in it.

Also, I think this song is kind of culturally illuminating, as it demonstrates an early modern peasant's concept of "a long way" in a country with (then) high soil fertility and a natural (non-colonial) settlement pattern. The narrator is probably from mid-Essex - you can look said county up on a map - and would be accounted well-travelled for a working-class person by the time he got back. Sailors are more like astronauts in some sci-fi setting than how we usually think of them.

Anyway, since I've finished rambling I shall now conk out. Goodnight all.
The Keeper
GM, 522 posts
Sat 11 Mar 2023
at 09:17
  • msg #613

On Foxes and Fancy Threads

Hmm...Sam and Tom, might I get an INT roll from you, please.
Samuel Hartman
player, 201 posts
Sat 11 Mar 2023
at 17:07
  • msg #614

On Foxes and Fancy Threads

12:04, Today: Samuel Hartman rolled 36 using 1d100.  int 75.
The Keeper
GM, 525 posts
Sun 12 Mar 2023
at 23:45
  • msg #615

On Foxes and Fancy Threads

Thank you, Sam: you have the results in PM. The hints/remembering might be academic shortly, so you needn't wait on Tom.

Meanwhile, if anyone wants to captain a crew of extremely obedient sailors/likes their Napoleonic ship sims like they like a model train set, here's a thing, for free:
The Keeper
GM, 530 posts
Sat 18 Mar 2023
at 21:18
  • msg #616

On Foxes and Fancy Threads

A song about the kind of rare circumstances in which one might consider duelling a commoner: (no, it's not the full 8 minutes, there's a reel afterwards)

Matty Groves has always been a favourite of mine simply for the sheer lack of self-preservation on display from all concerned. Despite being the most complete I could find with a quick search, this version lacks His Lordship's very natural reaction to the servant randomly turning up with that kind of news (exactly how he'll murder him if he's lying).
Reverend Palmer
player, 186 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Tue 21 Mar 2023
at 00:40
  • msg #617

On Vicars and Village Villians (or Viciousness)

Stag party at the vicarage! o.O
Samuel Hartman
player, 203 posts
Tue 21 Mar 2023
at 01:04
  • msg #618

On Vicars and Village Villians (or Viciousness)

In reply to Reverend Palmer (msg # 617):

Gotta love a good stag party.
Reverend Palmer
player, 187 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Tue 21 Mar 2023
at 01:23
  • msg #619

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to Samuel Hartman (msg # 618):

Come have a bucket of hot fun made of cold iron!
Reverend Palmer
player, 189 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Tue 21 Mar 2023
at 01:36
  • msg #620

On Brief Absences and Birthdays

Happy 2,200th post! ^_^
The Keeper
GM, 531 posts
Tue 21 Mar 2023
at 09:31
  • msg #621

On Vicars and Village Villians (or Viciousness)

Indeed, a fellow and a bird are already potted, another guest is off her face (or something like that), and we're failing to keep track of the tall reveller with bells on, things are pretty wild in there.

Sam, meanwhile, is apparently sitting minding everyone's drinks whilst a good chunk of the rest of the village is crowding out into the main road...given recent goings-on he could honestly nab a lot of unattended ale and cider and blame Satan.
Reverend Palmer
player, 190 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Tue 21 Mar 2023
at 14:14
  • msg #622

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Huge opportunity to rack up deadly sins prior to next confession, Sam!
Samuel Hartman
player, 204 posts
Tue 21 Mar 2023
at 15:30
  • msg #623

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to Reverend Palmer (msg # 622):

But imagine racking up sins, in this economy.
Reverend Palmer
player, 192 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Tue 21 Mar 2023
at 16:13
  • msg #624

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to Samuel Hartman (msg # 623):

Inflation of the ego (pride) and the body (gluttony) are your chief worries here, unless there's something you're keeping below the belt (lust).
Samuel Hartman
player, 205 posts
Tue 21 Mar 2023
at 16:58
  • msg #625

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to Reverend Palmer (msg # 624):

I mean, true.
The Keeper
GM, 533 posts
Wed 22 Mar 2023
at 00:22
  • msg #626

On Georgian Rowdiness

Reverend, please stop encouraging inn patrons to fuck the beer. is a sentence I did not expect to type. This is why the fireplace doesn't have built-in pornography!

I need to sleep at this point, but what's had me distracted tonight has been The Longest Johns' collaboration album with El Pony Pisador going up on YouTube with irresistably hypnotic animations.

edit: acknowledging that presumably everyone else on-thread is stepping back to let the Doctor and Maggie's conversation flow uninterrupted, I'll make an OOC note that if you don't tell me, your narrator, that your character is anywhere near them, y'all don't know anything being discussed (yet).

Completely unrelated and somewhat irrelevant, but Google told me it would've been Marcel Marceau's 100th birthday today and I'd like everyone to take a wee moment to remember the greatest mime ever to kill multiple Nazis in the cause of saving several hundred people.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:52, Wed 22 Mar 2023.
Reverend Palmer
player, 194 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Wed 22 Mar 2023
at 20:58
  • msg #627

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 626):

I didn't encourage him to fuck the beer, merely to splooge in someone else's.
The Keeper
GM, 534 posts
Wed 22 Mar 2023
at 22:03
  • msg #628

On Georgian Rowdiness

 -_-  I feel like this is a) the kind of hair-splitting in terms of sin that requires a bishop, and b) missing the point just a little.

Hm! I was going to offer a link to a certain long ceramic vessel in the Museum of London, but it seems the display collection's photos are not online and possibly it's not out nowadays, presumably in case children should do something other than giggle about it. Pity, really, the Deftware decoration is so nice it occasions a double-take.
Reverend Palmer
player, 195 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Wed 22 Mar 2023
at 23:32
  • msg #629

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 628):

I should think the hares would take great offense at being split, truth be told, but the bishop is quite welcome to chase them around with an axe.
The Keeper
GM, 535 posts
Thu 23 Mar 2023
at 00:06
  • msg #630

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Funny thing about the last bishop who tried that...

Anyway. [shoos Vicar towards Vicar's thread] I must sleep now, and hope everyone I see hanging about without posting is formulating something good for when they get around to it: after a game that's pasta'd its way over the side of the pot this way, I'd dearly like our 2222th post to be something a bit more substantial than silly-spiced smutty nonsense (which sounds very much like an 18th century dessert, but probably isn't). 'night all.
Reverend Palmer
player, 197 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Thu 23 Mar 2023
at 00:57
  • msg #631

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

The Keeper:
I'd dearly like our 2222th post to be something a bit more substantial...

I did my part. Night!

On the off chance anyone is interested, I hope to recruit players for Dune: Adventures In The Imperium. Follow this link to a message in another game for my campaign proposal. Don't own the rulebook? Grab the quickstart at the link below...

GM edit: OOC moved to OOC. If y'all still have the PM version of this, please answer here rather than driving me nuts with blue pings.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:31, Thu 23 Mar 2023.
The Keeper
GM, 538 posts
Sat 25 Mar 2023
at 22:34
  • msg #632

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Hope you're picking up some interest for your game, Vicar.

Ahoy, folk horror friends! I've been in wretched pain all day and am unlikely to sleep for a bit, does anyone have any recommendations? I kind of want to make something, too, but am out of ideas that're in any way practical to carry out whilst being viciously attacked by a skeleton.
Reverend Palmer
player, 200 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Sat 25 Mar 2023
at 23:20
  • msg #633

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

The Keeper:
Hope you're picking up some interest for your game, Vicar.

Only one person has responded to the campaign proposal on Wanted — Players, but I've a couple nibbles from folks in other games I'm in.
The Keeper
GM, 539 posts
Sun 26 Mar 2023
at 00:11
  • msg #634

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Ah, that's good. Arrakis is kind of an entire world that went to Azazel, huh.

Ugh, I think my guts have finally got round to objecting to either the amount of painkillers and tea or cereal and potato waffles* I've consumed over the past ~36 hours or so; I'm going to take another half-dose and attempt unconsciousness. Blegh. Throat's suddenly sore, too...seriously, driving this meat armour around is like a car with square wheels sometimes.

*I have been shopping since! couldn't stand up long enough until this evening & honestly probably only made it to food and home again via the threat of passing out in the nearer but more expensive/ethically worse supermarket, which had nothing I could find resembling a meal preparable by throwing it in the microwave that didn't have dead animals wedged in it.
Reverend Palmer
player, 201 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Sun 26 Mar 2023
at 00:24
  • msg #635

Re: On Jingly Nuisances

The Keeper:
... nothing I could find resembling a meal preparable by throwing it in the microwave that didn't have dead animals wedged in it.

Not even something as simple as vegetable broth?!?

What poor selection for a modern-day supermarket!

Get some rest, feel better soon. Don't worry about us.
The Keeper
GM, 540 posts
Sun 26 Mar 2023
at 08:21
  • msg #636

Re: On Jingly Nuisances

There were probably Cuppa Soups somewhere, but a) I don't really know my way around the Evil Hypermarket, on account of only being there in emergencies and b) those aren't like a stock cube and water, they're powders bulked out with salt, sugar & MSG to the point it's like drinking chow mien sauce with ketchup in, I can't do it. They sold big tubs of fancy soup, sure...squash and some kind of "Indian inspired" thing with chickens ground up in there, pea soup with pigs in, just plain oxflesh...of course the ravening hoardes have been through of a Saturday, so at 8pm I was scavenging even more literally than usual.

Ach, I tried. Feels like half the night was just lying there going "Yes, pain, I know. This is the minimum pain position; if there's damage being done this is the least damage, please go to sleep and start fixing it" and presently I feel like one of those badass/undead monsters with the spears left in (right through at the shoulderblades, coming out of the chest, in the spine angled up at the bottom of the ribcage, crunched into the lumbar vertebrae and one angled up into the socket of the left hip) without the badass or undead bit, so I'm going to try and sleep a bit longer before working out how to get downstairs and take drugs.

At any rate, your Keeper is likely to be about and bored due to the whole "moving as little as possible" thing: I think I might have enough brains to watch a film today if the present threat of an "insufficient sleep/nervous system hates me" migraine doesn't materialise, but the request for relevant media from (presumably) interested folk was genuine.
The Keeper
GM, 541 posts
Mon 27 Mar 2023
at 07:36
  • msg #637

Re: On Witchcraft and Scrambled Legs

An update in case this is anything more serious and I disappear for a bit: seem to have caught a fierce fever, probably on the one shopping trip I limped out on. Think it may have broken at 4am last night, as after finally exhausting myself with shivering I woke up feeling a) on fire and b) deliriously unsure how my body fit together for a while/how many limbs I had, but yeah, not feeling ideal.

Watched an online compilation of all the reels of Häxan last night, too, which didn't not make me feel like a bewitched mediaeval peasant.
Reverend Palmer
player, 202 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Mon 27 Mar 2023
at 07:48
  • msg #638

On Foxes and Fancy Threads

More rest. More fluids. Eat something. #RealLifeJewishMother
The Keeper
GM, 542 posts
Mon 27 Mar 2023
at 08:26
  • msg #639

On Foxes and Fancy Threads

[holds up me jug of quasi-rehydration fluid with a slice of lemon in it] Yes'm. Taken a pause in trying to sleep to eat and contact work and shower the fine layer of gross off, but then going to curl up and attempt to nap. I think I prefer this crusty exhaustion to being attacked by a skeleton (mine), but only just.
Reverend Palmer
player, 203 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Mon 27 Mar 2023
at 08:56
  • msg #640

On Foxes and Fancy Threads

In reply to Reverend Palmer (msg # 631):

Game is now live. Check out this link to another game for details.
The Keeper
GM, 543 posts
Mon 27 Mar 2023
at 15:11
  • msg #641

On Foxes and Fancy Threads

Oh, I'm glad you got it going! Well done there.

Meanwhile, two of my colleagues independently replied to my 'not in' e-mail with "that sounds like the Covid variant that's been going around".  -_-
The Keeper
GM, 545 posts
Wed 29 Mar 2023
at 10:07
  • msg #642

On Foxes and Witch-Hunts

Well, I don't know what Maggie quite expected from sexually harassing the gentry in public, but in terms of the expected rhythm of the plot I think we've moved from sedate story beats to something in the region of the cancan.

I have no idea where this is going to end up, me'n Herself In The Wood are just sitting here with popcorn and fascination.

Some reminders as things descend into utter chaos:

Sam, you just got almost run over by a six-foot woman.

Maggie - see PM for a props query, but roll me some Luck, too.

Andrew, you can enter the kitchen through the back with its owner if you choose.

Doctor Lovelace, you have a gun.

Tom, please note it'll take a DEX roll to stay ahead of the crowd if you hang about/hesitate (no roll if you jump to orders, though), and please roll me a Spot Hidden when inside.

Vicar, please feed the pigeon. pigeon fed! Huzzah!

...and as an update on how dog-sick and dire your Keeper is, I'm taking at least this recovery day since I woke up at nearly 10, and gosh my chest is sore.

(Edit) Further notes:

Everyone except the Vicar could hear Polzeath screaming just then.

A reminder to make sure you're up to date with what your characters know and don't know and what's still relevant before posting, since things are moving fast.

The Vicar will get some company! Not the company he hoped for or the company I ever expected, but someone besides Andrew's mum.

Also, huge kudos to Maggie for use of the wonderful period term "wormicles".
This message was last edited by the GM at 09:23, Thu 30 Mar 2023.
The Keeper
GM, 549 posts
Sat 1 Apr 2023
at 20:47
  • msg #643

On Foxes and Witch-Hunts

A little before our era, but thought I'd show you a Hare Maiden, in a box:
Margaret Yendale
player, 253 posts
the poacher's daughter
Tue 4 Apr 2023
at 17:09
  • msg #644

On Foxes and Witch-Hunts

msg #73
Once he’s settled, she looks for a path that will get them out of the kitchen without exposing her unshod feet to the black water.

Maggie will go where the black ooze isn't, whether that's out the back door, into the parlour, or up the stairs behind Sam and Nancy. If Doctor is having difficulty carrying Polzeath, she’ll assist to get him safe, even at the cost of blackened feet.

OOC post carried to the OOC thread by Keeper - reply pending when I get home
The Keeper
GM, 552 posts
Tue 4 Apr 2023
at 19:49
  • msg #645

On Foxes and Witch-Hunts

Oof, sorry that took a while, health issues playing up enough to cause me anxiety and distraction with woozy brain blep on top (I'm fairly certain I'm actively bleeding internally somewhere, slow-leak fashion >_<). It's not ideal. Anyway.

So, first off, the confusion might be my awareness of folks' playstyles, since you're a more active player willing to throw details in and I took that looking about, laid out via Bart that you can put kitchen things down on the floor to tread on to reach the back door (or at least Polzeath), and expected some course of action along that line.

To sum up why I asked where Maggie was going, it is because there are multiple options fitting the conditions described:

- There is no oop upstairs, but if more oop appears then there is no exit, either. This is why the smaller Collins kids are being removed via the window rather than bringing them down.

- There is as yet no oop in the public rooms, though there are confused villagers, some of whom understand Maggie to have rushed away to cast some kind of hex before the screaming started and may try to restrain her.

- There is oop cutting off the back door side of the kitchen, but with some objects put down, Polzeath picked up and Andrew's help from outside, the table could be placed upside-down to make a ramp allowing egress out into the inn yard.

The Keeper
GM, 556 posts
Sun 9 Apr 2023
at 09:49
  • msg #646

On Hares and Egg-Hunts

Presuming the sudden quiet is Easter-related, I'm going to leave one of the rarer but maybe most relevant M.R. James stories here for if/when y'all decide to check in during a lull full of Sunday roast and/or with the weans running about outside in search of colourful confectionary:

I hope Passover treated our vicar better than the run up to it did, too. I'm currently staying with a friend whose house is surrounded by fields on all sides, enjoying helping with the heavier garden work and spying on the big buck hare who has a form in the field beyond the kitchen window - with binoculars you can see him loafed up asleep in the day pretending to be a rock, it's an entertaining way to view wildlife.
Samuel Hartman
player, 208 posts
Sun 9 Apr 2023
at 19:11
  • msg #647

On Hares and Egg-Hunts

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 646):

That sounds, like a great view, Keeper. I'll be getting something up soon, but yes my quiet has been because of Easter. :)
The Keeper
GM, 557 posts
Sun 9 Apr 2023
at 20:22
  • msg #648

On Hares and Egg-Hunts

In that case, may your devotions go well and festival foods be as good as you hope. It's a dark and windy night here by now, and the hare is off a-creeping about in fields and racing cars beside the road and other hare business.
Reverend Palmer
player, 212 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Sun 9 Apr 2023
at 20:37
  • msg #649

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

We had lovely first and second seders earlier this week. Today marks the midway point of our Passover observations.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:40, Tue 11 Apr 2023.
The Keeper
GM, 558 posts
Tue 11 Apr 2023
at 12:30
  • msg #650

Re: The Hare & Sheaf - OOC Thread

Ah, then may your remaining evenings be quiet and nice, and no angels intemperately fall on your heads.

I'm back in town now, but without my calendar I tend to assume Passover's over by Easter because of the Last Supper (Passover seder ~33AD) coming before the Crucifixion, but that doesn't actually make sense with the deeply esoteric way Easter is calculated. Anyway, happy continuing festival and happy cheap chocolate egg scavenging all round. ^_^

Going to give Tom a chance to look in before shennanigans continue on your thread, Vicar, and will start prodding the other thread/'s participants tomorrow if no-one shows up beforehand.
The Keeper
GM, 560 posts
Sun 16 Apr 2023
at 22:02
  • msg #651

On Drops and Dread

A quick update: a new thread is imminent just as soon as we can get everyone to the church - there's been a mild cat-herding hiccup that may or may not result in another split on the Vicar's thread and Sam's player would like to play through getting those kids to safety, so everyone else please bear with us just a little longer, your patience is much appreciated and in no way taken for granted. A great deal of love for all these characters.

Anything anyone'd like specifically noted on the Clues Thread, let me ken, and...I am taking myself to bed, I think. Atrocious chest tension for no good (or bad) reason.

update II: One thread has a fork in it, just need a post or so from Sam and we'll get the other swept up nicely. I'm out at onsite archives this week, so no computer access at lunch/American morning (access to 5,000-year-old stone tools, yes. Internet, no.) and long days being occasional heavy-things-on-high-shelves monkey, so between that and medical shennanigans I may be a little slower and patchier. I have my header and music for the new thread all ready to go, though!

Doctor, good thought and great props awareness in remembering where Trugred's mask/focus object is, but you'll get an update on that next thread since the men the Young Squire sent failed to find her...

update III: New thread tomorrow, I have literally been lifting (Neolithic, stone) anvils over my head in moving archive stuff around and need to be up tomorrow. Well, later today, since it's almost half past midnight, but still. Clues thread updated, new post next evening.

Also, I was about to ask where the odd habit of referring to Trugred with a 'the' came from, then saw I'd done it myself above (took it out because typo/that was me being unclear about the mask and not mending it after editing). It is probably very pleased to be referred to as the definitive Trugred; please feel some reflected horse-spirit-thing smugness through the general folkloric mental space/mythtime. I am now going to sleep before I go bonk and die.

update IV: I will stop updating this one message eventually, but am loath to lock myself out of the OOC and also loath to cause disappointment with a new post that's not one.

So! Clues Thread updated, as you see, and I'm about halfway or so through a long thread-gathering intro post, but I dropped Maggie's player a highly relevant query last night on seeing a login minutes from my last posts on the last thread, only for said player to be busy/generally AFK since. I think it's fair to wait, though if it's some dire happening and I get no response by Monday - since I think we have slightly more weekday posters - I'll ask the Magic 8-Ball and carry on. Hopefully Mistress Yendale will show up long before, though.


This message was last edited by the GM at 20:34, Fri 21 Apr 2023.
The Keeper
GM, 565 posts
Sat 22 Apr 2023
at 23:11
  • msg #652

On Drops and Dread

Well, new thread up, ready and waiting.

A couple of things I feel compelled to bring to y'all in my beak: firstly the new Documentary Q video because damn. Some of them are kind of 'eh' to me, but when this team get it spot on they are absoloutely the best found footage horror out there. Subtle, using the specficities of the medium to best advantage, enough creep and irresoloution to keep one thinking about them for days.

In this instance, if there's anything worse than dodgy Soviet psychic experiments, it's dodgy Soviet psychic experiments turning up in a Japanese bargain bin somewhere...

The second thing was a rather delicious description of the kind of repeatedly built-on mediaeval-cored building Fox Hall is from an Edwardian historical novel I may or may not keep reading on Project Gutenberg, depending on the state of repair of certain bodices, I just want to quote it to you:

Behold: of those dream-houses that seem built up out of the idyls of the past. It was full of long galleries, dark entries, beams, recessed windows, huge cupboards, and winding stairs. Casements glimmered in unexpected places. The rooms led one into the other at all angles, and were rarely on a level. Here were panels black with age, phantasmal beds, carved chests that might have tombed mysteries for centuries, faded tapestries that breathed forth tragedy as they waved upon the walls. All was dark, mellow, stately, silent. The very essences of life seemed to have melted into the stones; the deep throes of the human heart had become as echoes in each solemn room.

Our manor house is rather less throbbing with Gothic in the main, being normally full of gleeful visitors and their entourages and a repository for Fox stuff that won't fit in the town house or be certain not to be stolen back again remain an asset in India, but when it's quiet, it's quiet. Plus all those cupboards have room for enough skeletons that whichever way you're facing, you can't be certain that they're not tip-toeboneing about behind you somewhere in the depths of the place.
Janet Criddle
NPC, 2 posts
Like the Lark
In the Morning
Sat 29 Apr 2023
at 12:39
  • msg #653

On Dames and Dresses

I don't know if anyone's actually interested, but here's a picture of the kind of patterned fabric Janet's wearing (if printed rather than embroidered at the floral bits), though the dress in the image is a bit later and too fancy for her means and upbringing. Her actual dress is a simple English cut, with mulberry petticoats. Her neckkerchief/scarf is embroidered, but mostly by her with occasional help from friendly farm maids, and Maggie might recognise the grey-green lace-knit shawl as Maggie's mother's work for Janet's deceased grandmother, especially since she inherited/owns its bastard sibling started with the same dye-batch of yarn.

In fact, Maggie probably quite literally gathered some of the wool herself as a child, a couple of years' gather rights (a good excuse for being found poking about hedgerows on Criddle land) being part of the barter.

</fashion digression> I mean, feel free to mention any of your characters' clothing's object history, pre-mass production garments are extremely personal things in a rural setting. It's possible there's some garments or bits thereof from the late 1600s still wandering around on people, if the cloth was good enough (or sheets become shifts and the like due to differential wear leaving some patches still good when the sheet eventually dies, though dead sheets usually become shrouds/sheets for dead peeps).
The Keeper
GM, 569 posts
Mon 1 May 2023
at 08:10
  • msg #654

On the First Of May

[picks up game and shakes it a bit] Are we all waiting on the Doctor, waiting for Mrs. Criddle to state her business, out for the May Revels/a riot or what's going on?

At any rate, due notice that I am presently rattling with frustratingly illogical travel anxiety as I prepare to set off on a long journey to meet up with my aunt in Brittany and hunt megaliths, which will hopefully be more friendly than her local stone circles way down in the Languedoc. I will deeply appreciate any gaming distraction today to give my fool brain something else to fixate on and thenceforth likely be a bit patchy until the 12th.
Martin Lovelace
player, 198 posts
Tue 2 May 2023
at 17:24
  • msg #655

On the First Of May

Very sorry folks. Conviction has been going through the family and I was hit last, but hard. Wasn't able to face turning on a PC, let alone concentrate on anything. A lot better now, but have some catching up to do.
Samuel Hartman
player, 216 posts
Tue 2 May 2023
at 18:07
  • msg #656

On the First Of May

In reply to Martin Lovelace (msg # 655):

Oh no! Sorry to hear that!
The Keeper
GM, 570 posts
Tue 2 May 2023
at 20:21
  • msg #657

Re: On the First Of May

Martin Lovelace:
Very sorry folks. Conviction has been going through the family....

I'm sorry to hear your family have been convicted, or possibly become cultists....more seriously, sincere thanks for the notice and do look after yourselves and make sure everyone has time to recover. If you need me to make bullet points or answer any questions, just say the word.
Margaret Yendale
player, 263 posts
the poacher's daughter
Wed 3 May 2023
at 12:25
  • msg #658

Re: On the First Of May

Come back soon, Doctor.
The Keeper
GM, 572 posts
Fri 5 May 2023
at 06:20
  • msg #659

Re: On the Fifth Of May

Just an update to mention that I'm currently in Carnac surrounded by literally thousands of megaliths ("...the pentagram, so to speak, would be miles across...") and am giving Andrew - and hopefully the Doc/Sam - a chance to look in whilst I'm slow on my holidays.
Samuel Hartman
player, 217 posts
Fri 5 May 2023
at 18:33
  • msg #660

Re: On the Fifth Of May

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 659):

Yep! Catching up now.
The Keeper
GM, 573 posts
Wed 10 May 2023
at 05:43
  • msg #661

Re: On the 10th Of May

An update, since RPoL is what it is and I'd fain not give the impression the game/I had died: Sam and the Doctor have been ill, though the latter has been sighted, and Andrew's player has been fiendish busy. I start travelling this afternoon with a layover in England tomorrow: if there's no movement by the time I'm home on Friday I shall shuggle things about to move them on a bit.

I have seen a great deal of dolmens/assorted large rocks, and yesterday very nearly saw The Virgin - in the sense of an eight-metre striated menhir rather than near-death experiences - only couldn't work out how to get into her field off the road to Pont l'Abbaye, so only peered at her through the trees. I love when local folklore survives long enough for us to have possibly-mediaeval names for ancient megaliths, though I don't get any particular "vibes" off the monuments the way that Stonehenge absolutely hates people or the Stones of Stenness practically invite visitors for a hug. Perhaps little subconscious cumulative area modification is there to be noticed and they returned to a feral state of geology...
The Keeper
GM, 574 posts
Fri 12 May 2023
at 18:48
  • msg #662

Re: On May and Myceliae

...on the theme of cumulative area modification, I picked up Infinite Ground from the library on the way back from the airport and, ah...yes, I will try not to be overly distracted or stay up all night finishing it, but damn that's some good mycopunk. I don't know if non-writers would even notice this (though these days I consider myself more of a wrote) but the story is even shaped like mycelium - which I know is semi-nonsense, but think if water could branch at its edges like a tree - and if it winds up in a "mushroom" of thin threading of plot through to a great bloom of wide-reaching action I'm probably going to yell.

edit: I did wind up reading it all/finishing past 1am, but intentionally or not it doesn't end like the sacred blooms of Piltzintecuhtli but rather like a spire of ophidocordyceps, trailing up to a great height of mystery and then to nothing, though clearly finished and complete.

Feel a little bad that mainstream critics seem to be worshipping a Scotsman for his grasp/hallucinatory pastiche of South American magical realism, but it's not like MacInnes can help industry bias himself. Anyway. Hopefully that little nudge should help us unstick a bit, and I feel like - barring shennanigans - it'll soon be time to ask how our Investigators are planning to spend the night.

edit II: [in public announcer voice] Firefox's latest update has broken the 'tabs on bottom' css patch again, resulting in a nauseatingly unusable interface for your GM. Some delays may be encountered as we work on this problem. Please ignore any frustrated screaming you may or may not hear in the background, and thank you for gaming with us today.


edit III: fixed to bearable levels, but I can't un-bump the thread from earlier, so looks like everyone has to read this anyway. Hi!
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:47, Sat 13 May 2023.
Margaret Yendale
player, 269 posts
the poacher's daughter
Thu 18 May 2023
at 11:59
  • msg #663

Re: On May and Myceliae

The internet ate my post!

Thanks for covering me, Keeper.
The Keeper
GM, 576 posts
Thu 18 May 2023
at 17:28
  • msg #664

Re: On May and Myceliae

The effort was appreciated, in any case. Now you have a post with mildly worrying environmental storytelling!

Meanwhile, not quite as good as Puritan names, but here's some old-timey Quakers for your passing interest (I wonder what 'God' went by in day-to-day life and if children consulted him about things their parents wouldn't let them do, so they could pass the verdict back with "God says..."):
The Keeper
GM, 578 posts
Wed 24 May 2023
at 06:40
  • msg #665

Re: On May and Myceliae

A light poke for Tom and Maggie that Andrew appears to be a) heading past you both with determination to throw himself into the night unwitnessed and unarmed and b) likely to disrupt the conversation between Master Fox and the Doctor you've been trying to catch some of; will you let him?

edit: Doctor has been poked, giving Maggie space to throw in whatever she likes before working out if it'll be necessary to split threads and so on.

edit II: No doctor yet, and in consequence/if I have to move things on at the weekend it looks like splitting threads makes sense - will give those leaving a chance to behold his nibs and local wildlife lurking about as they pass.

edit III, since it's relevant to the previous: I have had notice from Martin's player that he'll be away for a week more, with express permission to keep the Doctor involved in the meantime; church buddies, please have at!
This message was last edited by the GM at 08:08, Tue 30 May 2023.
The Keeper
GM, 583 posts
Thu 1 Jun 2023
at 22:09
  • msg #666

Re: On Swords and Shiny

Quick note that the rapier is well looked after and only metaphorically bloodstained after its trip through Master Stone's intercostals, and by extension noting that fancy swords are a normal part of English upper-class masculine formal dress in the period, so only the recent usage is unusual.

On a tangent, I've been working on microartefact/ecofact recovery from an 18th century site's samples recently and aside from individually plucking out several thousand fish bones and the odd lumpen remains of doornails I found the most exquisite glass pin-head today. A light, bright blue, slightly smaller than the top of a modern dressmaker's ball-headed pin: that was surely among somebody who did the sewing's Nice Stuff, and whilst I'm sorry she lost it and that I can't tell which pin shaft it should go on, I feel I appreciate it as much as she did. Beautiful little thing.


edit: here, I nudge the thread so you can see it (with a random more-complete shaft from that sample to aid the imagination).
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:07, Sat 03 June 2023.
Margaret Yendale
player, 274 posts
the poacher's daughter
Sun 4 Jun 2023
at 04:19
  • msg #667

Re: On Swords and Shiny

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 666):

very cool

And yes, Maggie's reference to the bloodstained sword was metaphorically intended. Though so much vengeful blood at the nuptial altar does seem ill-omened.
The Keeper
GM, 584 posts
Sun 4 Jun 2023
at 08:55
  • msg #668

Re: On Swords and Shiny

I think the original owner would be very pleased that we appreciate her nice pins, too.

As for omens, indeed, and do note that the blood on the groom's clothing is very literal...there is at least one Investigator-win scenario in which poor Janet doesn't have a terrible time, but there are certainly some weighty choices to be made.

Also, as of today the Doctor is in! I hope my Martin impression wasn't too far off the mark.
Margaret Yendale
player, 275 posts
the poacher's daughter
Sun 4 Jun 2023
at 23:21
  • msg #669

Re: On Swords and Shiny

Welcome back, Doctor.
Martin Lovelace
player, 203 posts
Tue 6 Jun 2023
at 12:56
  • msg #670

Re: On Swords and Shiny

Thanks, just on catchup now :)
The Keeper
GM, 585 posts
Tue 6 Jun 2023
at 22:28
  • msg #671

Re: On Swords and Shiny

[waves to the Doc] Ahoy, Tom, if you were waiting on anything more from me, let me know in PM, yes?

Unrelatedly, I was listening to this off Slim Sessna's Auto Club's unexpected mini-album of American-localised English folk songs and since I don't think I'll have any cause to use it here/would use an English version if I did, I've brought it here to show y'all as a marvellous example of both living folk tradition and typical Old World interactions with feylife (content note: plenty murder).

To expand a little on the latter point, the ballad Long Lankin in its original forms is about an actual double murder, but over time and away from the literal scene of the crime it's bred with other cautionary tales, including supernatural elements. The American version above very much runs with those and takes bits of other trad. ballads to fill up the holes left by the removal of the trecherous nurse and executions in favour of rendering "Fairy Lambkins" a positively demonic force of nature.

Really captures the old-time peasant terror of Themselves, I feel, and how they're absoloutely not "mean human, but magic", but small eldritch entities with motivations as opaque to us as ours to wild animals: sometimes they break into your house and kill your family for fun, sometimes they just eat you like ordinary predators, sometimes they find you hurt or drunk and help you/take you home by incomprehensable means, sometimes they crush you flat for being in the wrong place...
Margaret Yendale
player, 279 posts
the poacher's daughter
Sat 17 Jun 2023
at 01:20
  • msg #672

Re: On Swords and Shiny

I'll be at the Origins Game Fair next Wed-Sun and busy until then polishing up the four events my daughter and I will run. We've been doing this for about 25 years now.

While at the con, running and playing Call of Cthulhu events will leave very little time for Rpol.

I'll check in as I can until Wednesday.
Reverend Palmer
player, 231 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Sat 17 Jun 2023
at 03:52
  • msg #673

On Hares and Egg-Hunts

In reply to Margaret Yendale (msg # 672):

Have fun at Origins! ^_^
The Keeper
GM, 590 posts
Sat 17 Jun 2023
at 07:54
  • msg #674

On Hares and Hunts

Thank you for the notice - it sounds like the pair of you have this down to a fine art and are likely to have a marvellous time. Bring us back some stories, I love to hear them.

Maggie can keep lurking where she is. I'll move her if things prove urgent, but the Investigators over there seem very law-abiding and honest citizens too discreet to discuss the case between themselves, so maybe there'll be nothing doing for a good while.

We're mid-heatwave here in Scotland, and my nervous system Does Not Like it, so if I'm intermittent it is all the stabbing. Vicar, consider yourself bothered whilst I'm here, and know I'm trying to sort out Sam's lag issues but he may have left due to RL pressures, I haven't had the  energy/pain free hours to look at his PM'd response yet.
Samuel Hartman
player, 223 posts
Sat 17 Jun 2023
at 14:40
  • msg #675

Re: On Swords and Shiny

In reply to Margaret Yendale (msg # 672):

nice! have fun!
Reverend Palmer
player, 232 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Sun 18 Jun 2023
at 06:09
  • msg #676

On Drops and Dread

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 674):

Bothering received. Will act upon it shortly.
The Keeper
GM, 591 posts
Sun 18 Jun 2023
at 09:16
  • msg #677

On Drops and Dread

In restraining myself from awful, nay, dadly puns you have reminded me that I wanted to find a copy of that Cyrano film that should have just trickled into the secondhand market by now, so thank you for that.

Tom, are you at all curious as to why the prisoner is convinced your master murdered your girlfriend, or are we blaming witchery? You've been quiet for a bit.
The Keeper
GM, 593 posts
Mon 19 Jun 2023
at 22:06
  • msg #678

On Precursors to the Phone Box Principle

Andrew, please note that since Long Tom has extruded himself into the bottom of the available space, you have to stay outside (or play sardines).

You two that left the church earliest might still have some idea of what the Doctor's update on vows was about - if not, see the Cast List under J.

edit: going to bed now, but wanted to clarify that it wasn't my intention to follow a suggested action with "cannot use this item that way" - if anyone on 11b is stuck, do ask. I'll also note that it's a lot of effort for Jim to do the whole 'verbal communication' thing at the best of times: less pressure, very specific questions, unadorned honesty...there are ways to get information out of the lad, it just takes a bit of probing about.

edit II: just poking this thread to bring the above back to folks' attention/prod the game in general - if anyone is stuck/away, let me know!
This message was last edited by the GM at 12:26, Wed 28 June 2023.
The Keeper
GM, 597 posts
Wed 28 Jun 2023
at 23:16
  • msg #679

On People Being The Real Monsters

Embarrassing triple post specifically to thank the Vicar for prompt posting - I find it hilarious that he's sharing such pertinent information literally the post after every other PC has left the building, but Cecil doesn't know that - and note that I'll respond tomorrow. Going to bed presently, had a distracted evening.

See, apparently there are bumblebees nesting in/under my tiny compost bin, specifically the bit where the compost comes out. This is good because bumblebees, but bad because I had no idea and getting stung caused me persistent and distracting emotional pain all evening (not physical pain, I just put some bicarb on it, but I thought I'd crushed at least one bee and oof, REGRET). Also I will have to buy compost now and try to compress all my kitchen scraps in the top all summer.

I feel like Cthulhu now, if Cthulhu had the capacity to be upset about demolishing dwellings for opaque-to-denizens purposes. Which I'm fairly sure he/it doesn't, but augh, the bees probably see me as an unreasoning and undefeatable threat now, to be driven back with violence even at the highest cost. I just wanted to shuffle my herbs around, not destroy society. -_-
Reverend Palmer
player, 239 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Thu 29 Jun 2023
at 01:10
  • msg #680

On the First Of May

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 679):

Tom knows the gist of the story at the very least, and everyone knows about the Widow Sawyer.
The Keeper
GM, 598 posts
Thu 29 Jun 2023
at 12:27
  • msg #681

On Churches and Communication

Oh, for sure - it wasn't a criticism and everyone else buggered off entirely of their own accord while Cecil was otherwise occupied, I just found it funny things fell out that way.
Reverend Palmer
player, 240 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Thu 29 Jun 2023
at 21:45
  • msg #682

Re: On the First Of May

Sorta kinda intentional, since no one really brought Cecil up to speed. >_>
The Keeper
GM, 599 posts
Thu 29 Jun 2023
at 22:44
  • msg #683

On Churches and Communication

To be fair, the only characters consistently communicating up-to-the-minute thoughts, suspicions and real live wild clues at present are mystically bonded through being part of the same horse (sort of. it's complicated).

Just to put the observations out there, one of our Investigators has all the information to solve the first murder, two (almost three, when Sam gets there) have a great opportunity to straight up ask for evidence if they want to, and the other has a clearer idea of the stakes being played for than anyone else in the village. No finger-pointing intended, since I know perfectly well there are other motivatons afoot, but I have some lesson to learn about party cohesion that I've not yet grasped, I think. At any rate, my brain is porridge by this point; I'm going to bed.

'night all!
Margaret Yendale
player, 281 posts
the poacher's daughter
Fri 30 Jun 2023
at 11:33
  • msg #684

On Churches and Communication

Abject apologies, All.

Got back from Origins with dreadful con crud/sinus infection (not helped by air travel). Partway through course of antibiotics and feeling like maybe I won't fall asleep/pass out every five minutes.

Will try to get caught up today and post by tomorrow latest.
The Keeper
GM, 600 posts
Fri 30 Jun 2023
at 12:14
  • msg #685

On Con Lurgy and Communication

Oh no! Good to see you around, but don't overstretch yourself. Please also accept this Internet folk cure in the form of a cat who is astonished by Perrier:
The Keeper
GM, 602 posts
Sat 1 Jul 2023
at 21:16
  • msg #686

On Gentleman Warlocks and Prying Too Deep

Well, we like a slow-burning 18th century gothic tale around here, so whilst I'm full of pep and excitement, I thought I'd let everyone know that you can watch l'Arcano Incantatore free on the internet over here and gods it's good. Immaculate Bloodborne vibes, gorgeous crumbling scenery, genuinely creepy as heck with spot-on use of special effects (even the rubber bat/demon is Uncanny Valley enough to be "oh no, that beast is Wrong" rather than silly), bonus of incredibly handsome Italians in period dress.

I like to think the cause of the curse that produces the framing narrative was a trap set by the wronged party rather than motiveless malignancy/the random snares of Satan laid for the desperate, but then the 'curse' might also just be syphilis depending on what went on offscreen, so there's that, too. Ambiguity, subtle subtext (/Subtext) and Lovecraftian mystery packed into 90 minutes, if you haven't seen it it's a recommend from me.
The Keeper
GM, 605 posts
Sat 8 Jul 2023
at 18:30
  • msg #687

On Gentleman Warlocks and Prying Too Deep

[picks up game and shakes it like a matchbox] Ahoy, are we off on our holidays, busy, stuck, bored, something else...?

I'll put something good here if/when I find it, but it's Saturday evening for me now (and I'm top-and-tailing the gooseberries the resurgence of sawfly larvae forced me to harvest early this morning, I sure know how to party) without any posts since my Wednesday, and the only person I know is away 'til next Tuesday is Sam...
Reverend Palmer
player, 242 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Sat 8 Jul 2023
at 19:50
  • msg #688

Re: On May and Myceliae

My bad, I totally forgot that John Collins had replied to me and asked new questions. Frazzled due to allergies and smog from the Canadian wildfires. >.<
The Keeper
GM, 606 posts
Sat 8 Jul 2023
at 20:49
  • msg #689

Re: On May and Myceliae

He can/was about to catch Cecil up with some other important evidence, too, he was just distracted by the immediate concerns of the moment. Where his small ones and the Vicar will sleep, what quarter danger might jump out at his bigger daughters from, etc.

Alas for Canada being on fire...I don't know how well it works personally, but I've seen folks on the internet rigging up filters with a fan and some damp towels in a box and passing that info about like it does work, if you want me to try hard to re-find that/you don't have better equipment already.

edit: not the post I saw, but the thing I was talking about:

I'm now going to go bottle meadowsweet cordial and feel vaguely mediaeval about it, having risen at what passes for dawn around here yesterday to catch it with maximum pollen and rising fact for the day: the word 'meadowsweet' comes not from its growing in watermeadows, but from meadalswaet "mead-sweetener" (sweetness referring to savour and aroma rather than sugar in this instance).

edit II: Gods, the smell of concentrated meadowsweet a) makes you feel instantly drunk on mead, even when there is no mead to behold and b) brings back memories of drinking with my fellow crusaders c. 1096, no-one yet in mail but our swords stacked by the bench brought out of doors and the hay just mown in the August sun... @_@
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:21, Mon 10 July 2023.
The Keeper
GM, 607 posts
Sat 15 Jul 2023
at 11:41
  • msg #690

On Sweeping Up Threads

Hm. All right, it looks like Maggie and the Doctor are leaving the stables, so I've no need to try and tease the other threads longer to fit. I may ask for overnight summaries from folk individually or in small groups (or y'all can tell me here in a helpful fashion!), but here's what I need to sweep up and move on:

- a couple more posts from the Vicar.
- any reaction or information Sam wants to add in whilst he's near the cell (we can handwave that he catches the Doctor on the road with Stephen's help)
- an indication Andrew has done with grilling the prisoner., the Doctor has to be there since he's the Squire's second: anyone else going to show up on the Fox lawn in the blue hours of the morning to witness the duel? Robin's going.

Probably the most exciting event in the village since the Revels/until the Foxes get round to holding a service, feast and general partying to celebrate the marriage hastily run through in the church just now...
Reverend Palmer
player, 243 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Sat 15 Jul 2023
at 14:11
  • msg #691

Re: On Swords and Shiny

Brain rebooting now, will make vicar-ious post.
The Keeper
GM, 608 posts
Sat 15 Jul 2023
at 16:27
  • msg #692

Re: On Guns and Infamy

[enthusiastic noises from Keeper who's spent most of the day conked out on painkillers again resulting in wits scrambled like one of those square puzzles from a cereal box] wrg wroog...I, ah, mean if you're having trouble coming up with IC replies you could answer the above question about the duel in the meantime maybe?

Who knows, if Jim actually hits anything or Nathan gets angry enough to put some effort in, a soul might need commended unto to the Lord and all...or considering the gardener's likely aiming skills and the amount of snooping about going on, someone might need to hold a handkerchief against a perforated bystander until the Doctor can trot across the field...
Andrew Sexton
player, 186 posts
Sat 15 Jul 2023
at 20:56
  • msg #693

Re: On Guns and Infamy

What if Jim rolls an 01?
The Keeper
GM, 609 posts
Sat 15 Jul 2023
at 21:06
  • msg #694

Re: On Guns and Infamy

The villagers of Scorch Norton get a brand-new legendary outlaw and some Interesting Times! going to go watch?
Margaret Yendale
player, 285 posts
the poacher's daughter
Sat 15 Jul 2023
at 23:52
  • msg #695

Re: On Guns and Infamy

Once Maggie and Doctor have finished their errand, she will definitely be on hand to witness the meeting.
The Keeper
GM, 610 posts
Sun 16 Jul 2023
at 05:31
  • msg #696

Re: On Guns and Infamy

Just need that post or two from the Vicar and a yes/no from Tom and we can move on.

So far we have Maggie and Dr. Lovelace attending the duel. Anyone else?

edit -ed edit: put a fork in the inn thread, will put a fork in the lockup one if Tom isn't around in my morning, shifting things along.
This message was last edited by the GM at 08:19, Sun 16 July 2023.
Andrew Sexton
player, 188 posts
Mon 17 Jul 2023
at 03:35
  • msg #697

Re: On Guns and Infamy

Andrew’s conscience will insist that he be present, regardless of how much he is dreading what will likely unfold.
The Keeper
GM, 611 posts
Sat 22 Jul 2023
at 08:59
  • msg #698

Re: On Guns and Infamy

Fork stuck in church thread, intro for their next one started. Just waiting on some clarification from a PM to update others and get the duel one in order. There will be motion this weekend, huzzah!

I appreciate everyone sticking around, just want to reiterate that.

edit: I don't seem to have posted a warning that I was updating the Clues Thread, whenever that last happened - anyone who saw that, a) it wasn't a glitch and b) I may bump it again with some as-yet unshared information gathered overnight, so be aware of that.

Just need that PM clarification and I can shuffle things about, though I'm not going to stay up much longer, maybe an hour at most.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:06, Sun 23 July 2023.
The Keeper
GM, 614 posts
Wed 26 Jul 2023
at 21:12
  • msg #699

Re: On Guns and Infamy

Wanted to put up a public notice/apology to Tom and/or anyone else about to ask for input from me: fairly sure this awful sickness/headache is a migraine coming on, and so putting myself to bed. Blargh.
Thomas Bees
player, 285 posts
Wed 26 Jul 2023
at 21:13
  • msg #700

Re: On Guns and Infamy

No problem. I hope you feel better.

Reverend Palmer
player, 248 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Mon 31 Jul 2023
at 23:45
  • msg #701

On Drops and Dread

Happy 2,600th post! ^_^
Samuel Hartman
player, 233 posts
Tue 1 Aug 2023
at 00:00
  • msg #702

On Drops and Dread

In reply to Reverend Palmer (msg # 701):

The Keeper
GM, 619 posts
Thu 3 Aug 2023
at 22:26
  • msg #703

On Appreciation and Argh

Ahoy, Thread 12b - wanted to express interest and real appreciation of where you're taking your bits (even if taping the strands together is probably a lost cause), just had the kind of day where going to sleep and hoping the next one's better is about all you can do. Updates tomorrow, providing a jet engine or something doesn't fall on me in the meantime.

If 12a need anything from me, let me know, though I think you're all right.
Reverend Palmer
player, 253 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Thu 3 Aug 2023
at 23:00
  • msg #704

On People Being The Real Monsters

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 703):

12b is the slice-of-life version of cosmic horror. We're pondering the big questions here!

Reverend Palmer:
Cecil chuckles at the youngster's remark. "I expect she will have somewhat fancier jams, breads, and sausages." He pauses when they reach where the food is being served and asks one of the servers whether they have strawberry preserves. "For young Master Georgie here," he explains with a smile.

The Keeper
GM, 620 posts
Fri 4 Aug 2023
at 04:51
  • msg #705

On People Being The Real Monsters

The incomprehensible cosmic horror lies in how rapidly a small child can become infinitely sticky when presented with a theoretically finite amount of jam...
Reverend Palmer
player, 254 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Fri 4 Aug 2023
at 05:02
  • msg #706

On Churches and Communication

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 705):
The Keeper
GM, 622 posts
Fri 4 Aug 2023
at 06:53
  • msg #707

On Churches and Communication

I like the implication he's covered in strawberry jam from a similar incident there.

Reverend Palmer
player, 255 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Fri 4 Aug 2023
at 06:57
  • msg #708

On Churches and Communication

Covered in strawberry jam was precisely my thought as well.
The Keeper
GM, 623 posts
Sat 5 Aug 2023
at 21:01
  • msg #709

On Ten Paces and Tension

Ahoy, 12a - I want to give the next post for that thread my best, so given I've been feeling fairly wretched and brainless all day, I'm leaving it be for tonight and will get on that tomorrow. Very much appreciating everyone's efforts, though - some great recent posts.

My thanks for the waiting, thought it fair to give y'all the why. As soon as the horrible loud football children go away I am going to bed, I think...

Unrelated save in the most tenuous sense (ancient forces, southeast England), if anyone likes graphic novels and was on the fence about Once and Future (a lad from somewhere outside Bristol finds out that his gran has a government monster-hunting commission and a lot more firearms than he thought, also maybe-but-not-really the Holy Grail), can confirm it's worth it, great fun, and the first volume stands alone well enough. It's like a good episode of Dr. Who.
The Keeper
GM, 633 posts
Fri 11 Aug 2023
at 23:36
  • msg #710

On Ten Paces and Tension

Amused at the content of our 2666th post, bemused at the Vicar accidentally and entirely logically establishing himself as Person We Don't Report News From Heathen Entities To, and otherwise desirous of gathering up plans for 12a so we can skip to about the same temporal area as the other threads.

So! Going to give Maggie another day or so to appear, am aware Sam's away and will ask the Magic 8-Ball where he's getting breakfast if he isn't around when everything else is sorted...Andrew, did you intend to eat in the Hall and wait for the Squire to become available to talk to, alone/with Sam, or with the Doctor? Martin, I take it you're seeing to Jim, then what? Feel free to PM me if plans are private.

If things depend on Maggie, her player's had due notice so I'll scoot her wherever sems best on Monday evening if there's no word from that quarter.

Bleg. I think the party across the field somewhere is calming down a bit,, they've just started ??kareoke? I think. Loud for coming on 1 in the morning, I've even shut my window in this stupid heat and can still get the high notes. C'mon, guys, some of us have been intermittently stabbed by a skeleton all day, let me quietly any rate, I'm going to try to go to bed, so please forgive/query any incoherency, and goodnight.
Reverend Palmer
player, 266 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Sat 12 Aug 2023
at 02:21
  • msg #711

On Gentleman Warlocks and Prying Too Deep

The Keeper:
...bemused at the Vicar accidentally and entirely logically establishing himself as Person We Don't Report News From Heathen Entities To...

Hey now, I thought Cecil handled that well! Who else is going to remind a precocious four-year-old that God loves him even when witches are trying to corrupt him? ^_^
Samuel Hartman
player, 234 posts
Sat 12 Aug 2023
at 02:26
  • msg #712

On Gentleman Warlocks and Prying Too Deep

I'm hoping to get back into things next week once I get caught up. My cat passed away last Friday so I needed some time.
Reverend Palmer
player, 267 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Sat 12 Aug 2023
at 02:27
  • msg #713

Re: On May and Myceliae

In reply to Samuel Hartman (msg # 712):

Oh no, so sorry to hear about your kitty!
Samuel Hartman
player, 235 posts
Sat 12 Aug 2023
at 03:05
  • msg #714

Re: On May and Myceliae

In reply to Reverend Palmer (msg # 713):

Thanks so much. She was 14, so i kind of expected it sooner rather than later, but it's been rough.
The Keeper
GM, 634 posts
Sat 12 Aug 2023
at 08:27
  • msg #715

Re: On Gentleman Warlocks and Prying Too Deep

Samuel Hartman:
I'm hoping to get back into things next week once I get caught up. My cat passed away last Friday so I needed some time.

...which is perfectly reasonable, though I wasn't going to broadcast the cause without permission. Sorry to hear it's been rough for you.

Reverend Palmer:
Hey now, I thought Cecil handled that well! Who else is going to remind a precocious four-year-old that God loves him even when witches are trying to corrupt him? ^_^

Oh no, it's perfectly logical and Georgie has had it impressed upon him not to hold Rhedynn's ideas in equal esteem to the doctrine he knows of/that his goodness and strength lie with the LORD. He really does believe that, and Cecil. It's just that there's no faster way to ensure a religious child doesn't talk about something unusual happening to them than a serious adult reminding them that [thing] is an affront to God (and by implication renders even those that participate without any intent of their own will guilty, to the very highest degree). If she comes back, he's not going to tell an adult anything vouchsafed, and is innocent enough that he might not spot anything untoward in a reasonable request, should his new friend be inclined to betray him (I don't think she is, the maidens are generally just mobile surveillance/hanging out around the place, but they're not firmly on the villagers' side either).

Just...bear in mind that you're steering for now, I suppose. There's Plot about the place if/when you want to go poke it. I may be a little disappointed not to set out an Easter egg related to The Infinite Farm, but only a little.

Margaret Yendale:
It is clearly something about men of the gentry. No woman would risk her life so wantonly. And no commoner would stand up to be shot at, not even for a chance to kill their worst enemy; not when a knife in the dark or a shot from ambush would do as well.

Maggie at everyone on this list: "Y'have t'be men now, ye're all too silly." Bless 'er. (For clarity, I'm not making fun of Maggie's personal and period-acceptable perception of gender, rather enjoying the character work - a lot of folk at the time would have considered an assortment of these people to have vaulted a binary divide that was solidifying as a marker of Imperial culture and supremacy, and we often don't know what they thought of themselves/how many actually were men vs some other shade of queer - or not!). Also this makes Jim solidly lower-middle class, I suppose - there will genuinely be a perception of valour won by a certain segment of the population. Gives a whole new meaning to "hedge knight".

Anyway, it looks like Maggie & Martin are going to go bother Jim for a bit, the former possibly getting the opportunity during the ministrations of the latter. Would you two like to play that out, or just PM me questions and get on with subsequent affairs at the Hall/places as yet mysterious?
Samuel Hartman
player, 236 posts
Sat 12 Aug 2023
at 17:51
  • msg #716

Re: On Gentleman Warlocks and Prying Too Deep

The Keeper:
...which is perfectly reasonable, though I wasn't going to broadcast the cause without permission. Sorry to hear it's been rough for you.

Thanks so much. She was at least 14, so it wasn't entirely unexpected, but it's been quite rough. Here's a photo of her with our dog Sadie.

Margaret Yendale
player, 290 posts
the poacher's daughter
Sun 13 Aug 2023
at 02:37
  • msg #717

Re: On Gentleman Warlocks and Prying Too Deep

In reply to Samuel Hartman (msg # 716):

Having eleven cats currently and having lost several over the years, it is indeed difficult to lose a family member, for such they are. She was fortunate to live in such loving circumstances.
Samuel Hartman
player, 237 posts
Sun 13 Aug 2023
at 03:02
  • msg #718

Re: On Gentleman Warlocks and Prying Too Deep

In reply to Margaret Yendale (msg # 717):

Thanks so much. I definitely agree she was a family member.
Reverend Palmer
player, 269 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Wed 16 Aug 2023
at 23:56
  • msg #719

Re: On Guns and Infamy

Happy 2,700th post! ^_^
Samuel Hartman
player, 238 posts
Thu 17 Aug 2023
at 15:33
  • msg #720

Re: On Guns and Infamy

In reply to Reverend Palmer (msg # 719):

Indeed. :)
The Keeper
GM, 647 posts
Mon 21 Aug 2023
at 21:23
  • msg #721

Re: On GMs and Stupidity

I would like to proffer apologies to everyone now waiting on me - it's barely past 10pm but after a day spent looking forward to moving things along here between being handed Problems from all sides my brain is just going *bonk* when asked to do anything resembling prose. >_<

I am Frustrated but it is also raining and making me feel sleepy for once, so I suppose that's it for tonight. Alas, I don't have anything good to set out with this notice, but if I go look I'll get distracted and not go to sleep at all...

Anyone got/planning to get anything exciting in DriveThru's cosmic horror sale?
The Keeper
GM, 652 posts
Fri 25 Aug 2023
at 07:00
  • msg #722

Re: On Guns and Stabbery

Sliding a cool multi-weapon across the game table so that folk remember it's your collective turn to post, but also see some of the nobility's codified violence being shiny:
Reverend Palmer
player, 277 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Fri 25 Aug 2023
at 14:46
  • msg #723

Re: On Guns and Infamy

I'm just trying to decide how I want Cecil to die, because it's looking like his end may be very near. >_>
The Keeper
GM, 653 posts
Fri 25 Aug 2023
at 15:32
  • msg #724

Re: On Vicars and Villainy

Have you tried not immolating yourself and the rest of Scorch Norton? That's an option.
Reverend Palmer
player, 278 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Fri 25 Aug 2023
at 17:17
  • msg #725

Re: On Guns and Infamy

Hey now, if the things he wants to burn would have the decency to just stand there and take it...
The Keeper
GM, 655 posts
Mon 28 Aug 2023
at 22:55
  • msg #726

Re: On Guns and Infamy

Going to sleep presently, brain just going bonk. As we come up to an interesting tangle where virtually all the Investigators are in different places and yet the threads are likely to affect each other, I think I'd best actually gather up some thinks...

edit: I think I have how everything interacts accounted for, but would prefer a post more input from both Andrew and the Vicar. My thanks for bearing with me, and I hope you're all still entertained.

Oh, and does anyone want to see a cool bug I met today?
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:14, Wed 30 Aug 2023.
Reverend Palmer
player, 281 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Thu 31 Aug 2023
at 00:47
  • msg #727

On Drops and Dread

The Keeper:
Oh, and does anyone want to see a cool bug I met today?

Yes please!
The Keeper
GM, 656 posts
Thu 31 Aug 2023
at 21:15
  • msg #728

On Tiny Goth Friends

Here y'go -


Delays down to not being on the right device to upload for the day, then distracted by various tiresome things but also trying to work out which other archaeologists I can rope into TLJs' latest community project, because we must.

Anyway, buddy is now up under the eaves of that wall strongly considering pupating, probably into one of these as far as I can tell. I hope it makes it! It's going to be a 'break out and migrate' if it does hatch, like our second batch of house martins.
The Keeper
GM, 657 posts
Sat 2 Sep 2023
at 21:31
  • msg #729

On Tiny Goth Friends

...well, I thought it was cool. Picking up the game and rattling it before we get into a complete morass, momentum-wise - if you're unlikely to be around for a while, please let me know so that I can unstick things elsewhere or otherwise handle the issue.
Reverend Palmer
player, 282 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Sat 2 Sep 2023
at 23:48
  • msg #730

On People Being The Real Monsters

Labor Day weekend here in the States. Last of the great summertime cookouts.
The Keeper
GM, 658 posts
Sun 3 Sep 2023
at 06:55
  • msg #731

On People Being The Real Monsters

I like the header you chose for that reply, and thank you for telling me. Is that the holiday with the race cars or the one that's like Company Appreciation Day because they don't let you have May Day off in case it instantly turns people into Communists?

At any rate, I'll assume Americans gone until at least Monday, I suppose. As a heads up, I never remember when Thanksgiving is, either, so if I'm going about whining and scratching at doors then, that's why.

edit: rattling the game again since it's just barely my Wednesday now. Tom, not ignoring you, just giving other threads a chance to catch up.

Going to sleep presently, but shall leave you with tentacles, because gosh I have never seen an anenome attempt that before:
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:07, Tue 05 Sept 2023.
The Keeper
GM, 659 posts
Thu 7 Sep 2023
at 21:51
  • msg #732

On Doomful Delays

Update: Caterpillar buddy is happily pupating, my thanks to those who've posted, and just waiting on a couple of player clarifications to escalate like that one scene in Anchorman plan the intersection of next moves. It's actually storming for once here, so I'm on the battered old iPad by candlelight with everything upstairs unplugged, listening to monastic chants on my MP3 player and pretending to be a mediaeval noble. Will go to bed soon, however, it's still stupid hot for the subarctic and I can't imagine four teeny-tiny fires right in my room are helping.

Additionally, a heads up that I will have a case of the Visiting Aunts (or rather, my aunt and an assortment of Australian cousins of some complicated degree) for the next couple of weeks from this weekend on, so the times I'm around/post rate might change a bit.
Margaret Yendale
player, 296 posts
the poacher's daughter
Fri 8 Sep 2023
at 03:59
  • msg #733

On Doomful Delays

Enjoy the VA&aAcs!

Are they going to LARP medieval nobles, too?
The Keeper
GM, 660 posts
Fri 8 Sep 2023
at 12:36
  • msg #734

On Doomful Delays

If such a storm requires more of this granny-killing heat, I hope not (though the Australians would probably still think it's chilly as I try not to expire at 23 in the shade*). That said, I'm pretty sure some of the local heritage centres have helmets and such to try on, so if they wanted to they could...

*[googlage] 73.4 farenheights in a month where it's meant to average 50.

post-weekend edit: managed to rope a complicated cousin into making a half-scale sand mosasaurus on the beach (pictures to be sent to a Dinosaur Child my aunt looks after), so I think it's fair to say we're gettng on. Will give poked persons until Wednesday to respond and then borrow the Doc/work around the intersection of threads, I think, relatives permitting.
This message was last edited by the GM at 06:36, Mon 11 Sept 2023.
Reverend Palmer
player, 289 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Tue 19 Sep 2023
at 09:31
  • msg #735

On Ten Paces and Tension

Sorry about the long-ass prayer as combat commenceth. My brain was not up to trimming it down in a coherent fashion. Perils of not having slept in several days; voice recognition goes awry when one's words are heavily slurred.
The Keeper
GM, 667 posts
Tue 19 Sep 2023
at 12:38
  • msg #736

On Remembering to Exorcise

Ach, I assume he's just muttering the latter bit really fast as he tries to end up with a minimum of chomp marks - mildly disappointed you didn't notice that was Keeper post #666, though.

Will deal with roll results later - need to sort out what's going on with Sam and Andrew's thread (and possibly the Doctor and Maggie's). May you sleep properly in the meantime!

On the theme of illness, I've been sneaking about work disguised today because the "cold" that the visiting relatives were annoyingly blasé about the prospect of my getting was in fact Covid. I don't seem to have got it/yet by any means of determining such, but since I'd likely be more infectious prior to getting sick and I have colleagues with heart/lung issues that really don't need aggravating...sneaking.

edit: I may edit out modern references pasted in with the prayer, but later since I'm out of break. Great stuff, though!
This message was last edited by the GM at 12:47, Tue 19 Sept 2023.
Reverend Palmer
player, 290 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Tue 19 Sep 2023
at 13:19
  • msg #737

On Gentleman Warlocks and Prying Too Deep

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 736):

I tried to edit out the modern references, and changed Satan to Evil and satanic to cthonic. I'd have gone with something in Latin had my brain not been mush.
The Keeper
GM, 668 posts
Tue 19 Sep 2023
at 17:13
  • msg #738

On Gentleman Warlocks and Prying Too Deep

No criticism intended, I assure you - I'm actually very impressed that you can use voice recognition software with such finesse, I hadn't known that was possible. I had noticed the substitutions, and would have to look up whether there would be any 18th century version of the Crystal Brigade, it does sound like their kind of thing. Pretty certain nobody is calling a ouija board by that name, though, and Tarot is still a fairly normal game, though it may be late enough for people to play at fortunes with those cards more than what we consider normal ones.

Heheh, Cecil and his High Church leanings...the Prayer to Saint Michael is the one usually used for exorcism, if that's any use. Our Vicar may shortly have other things on his mind, however.

Updates imminent, though presently I'm going to at least pass by my relations' current lodgings, since the lack of communication over the day is mildly concerning, and have no idea when I'll get in.
Margaret Yendale
player, 302 posts
the poacher's daughter
Wed 20 Sep 2023
at 04:17
  • msg #739

On Gentleman Warlocks and Prying Too Deep

Wishing our Vicar good sleep and our Keeper good health (and just a cold).
Reverend Palmer
player, 291 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Wed 20 Sep 2023
at 04:31
  • msg #740

Re: On May and Myceliae

I've logged some serious hours training the voice-recognition software I use, it only generates flawless output when you put the effort into teaching it. It only has a fraction of my vocabulary, so I have to continually add new words and repeatedly speak those words before it's smart enough to recognize what I'm saying. And it has trouble with words that sound similar, like where and wear, tear and tier, etc. even so. There, their, and thay're is the classic.
Margaret Yendale
player, 303 posts
the poacher's daughter
Wed 20 Sep 2023
at 05:27
  • msg #741

Re: On May and Myceliae

In reply to Reverend Palmer (msg # 740):

You obviously put a lot of effort into your posts. They're always so polished.
The Keeper
GM, 671 posts
Wed 20 Sep 2023
at 08:39
  • msg #742

Re: On May and Myceliae

In reply to Reverend Palmer (msg # 740):

Indeed, that's why I was impressed with your abilities rather than the software, which is technology infamously and utterly unable to cope with non-US accents aside from BBC English, so very crudely used any time I've seen it. Homonym confusion and similar typos happen with folk manually typing so often I'd never have known you weren't without being told. While I'm here, I'll echo the observation that you put out really quality posts, since positive feedback is a useful thing.

Right! Everyone except Sam can see the church thread now, but I'll let folk officially there get posts in before moving Maggie and the Doctor across properly (if Maggie or the Doctor want to add anything on their current thread/the way over, feel free, it'll be open until you're moved).

Now I have to go source the proper gauze and sieve people out of gravel all day, and check on relatives at night, so. Hopefully my aunt hasn't escaped before a definite negative test, I did bring her a book she wanted but she is no patient patient.
Reverend Palmer
player, 292 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Wed 20 Sep 2023
at 08:55
  • msg #743

Re: On Gentleman Warlocks and Prying Too Deep

The Keeper:
...the Prayer to Saint Michael is the one usually used for exorcism, if that's any use.

Cecil isn't attempting an exorcism so much as aiming a spiritual pie in the collective faces of evil spirits everywhere.
The Keeper
GM, 672 posts
Wed 20 Sep 2023
at 12:31
  • msg #744

Re: On Gentleman Warlocks and Prying Too Deep

I dunno, "Saint Michael Archangel, defend us in battle" seems pretty appropriate about now, especially as foxes are rather bendier than Cecil seems to think they are and Tom has managed to discover the circumstances in which a Mazy Man can be killed, but not the circumstances in which Herself's influence can be removed from his from his flesh & nervous system. He's going to be a Problem.

I find it hilarious how badly Ed always seems to roll against the Vicar, though, so clearly something works.

(the chair! Give him the chair!)


Margaret Yendale
player, 304 posts
the poacher's daughter
Thu 21 Sep 2023
at 04:38
  • msg #745

Re: On Gentleman Warlocks and Prying Too Deep

Wow, Vicar, just wow.
The Keeper
GM, 673 posts
Thu 21 Sep 2023
at 06:54
  • msg #746

Re: On Gentleman Warlocks and Prying Too Deep

Honestly it's one of those rare scenes that feels like it truly craves illustration, or at least cartoon.

On the theme of cartoons, or at least via the cartoon intervals in Monty Python's Holy Grail, I do wonder what the constables and any assigned redcoat squad will make of what they find when they get here in something under an hour now...
Reverend Palmer
player, 294 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Thu 21 Sep 2023
at 09:29
  • msg #747

Re: On Guns and Stabbery

I feel like such a luchador. A weak, clumsy luchador mind you, one that's going to have his face bitten off in revenge for the earlier Holy Headbutt Of Scorch Norton, but one must embrace the lucha libre when one can. The power of Cnrist compels you! Virtus Christi urget te! ¡El poder de Cristo le obliga!
Margaret Yendale
player, 305 posts
the poacher's daughter
Thu 21 Sep 2023
at 22:46
  • msg #748

Re: On Gentleman Warlocks and Prying Too Deep

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 746):

They what?

Cheese it, guys, the cops!
The Keeper
GM, 675 posts
Sat 23 Sep 2023
at 23:48
  • msg #749

Re: On Gentleman Warlocks and Prying Too Deep

General update: relatives have left, was testing negative this morning, may be exhausted from the sheer amount of Social or something else, but was fairly useless most of the day and clearly highly distractable at night. Those currently marooned off-thread have a PM to get to, but if that's resolved and Andrew hasn't looked in by tomorrow night I'll write you in and consider him to be Over There Somewhere.

I presume Sam's working on a post for his part. Do not remember what else I was going to say here, though. 'Night all!

edit: Sam's keeping an eye on things up at Fox Hall at present; his actions will potentially affect things, but don't wait on him to appear on 12b.

I think what I might have been going to say at 1am was that I've got a step further in making a tiny Trugred to amuse myself but am not sure whether to make the folk dance form or the spirit form, did anyone have opinions?
This message was last edited by the GM at 07:39, Sun 24 Sept 2023.
Samuel Hartman
player, 241 posts
Sun 24 Sep 2023
at 19:25
  • msg #750

Re: On Gentleman Warlocks and Prying Too Deep

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 749):

I am working on one! Glad to here you're testing negative - when I had covid it left me completely exhausted, so get plenty of rest (and tea with honey if you have a sore throat).
The Keeper
GM, 677 posts
Sun 24 Sep 2023
at 23:09
  • msg #751

Re: On Gentleman Warlocks and Prying Too Deep

Good to know. Touch wood I don't think I'm sick, just a touch burnt out from the amount of high speed processing I have to do to deal with humans almost all the time I'm awake. If I do get sick I'll stew myself up some lemon and ginger, I could bear honey in that.

Update for church folk: Martin and Maggie have made a little detour to pick up a friend, theyll be over soon but don't feel obliged to wait on them. Going to conk out now. 'night all!
The Keeper
GM, 680 posts
Mon 25 Sep 2023
at 21:00
  • msg #752

Re: On Gentleman Warlocks and Prying Too Deep

Oof but I have had a Day today. Nothing catastrophic, just the kind of nothing going right day that would have Kafka in fits of giggles. Part of which being my trusty ancient laptop with my life on it (yes, most things are backed up, but not stuff I was going to immediately use) is having one of its bouts of refusing to turn on and I never know if it'll be the last.

Will keep trying, but yes, if I'm slow or suddenly vanish it's because typing on the ancient iPad like this takes a while and the crack right the way across inflicted by a French customs officer who I'm almost certain had never smiled a day in his life caused the dumb little machine further brain damage, so sometimes it has a funny five minutes (or hours) and decides I'm not allowed to type at all.

I have succeeded in making an only slightly burnt supper with very minor injuries and a teeny tiny batch of rowan jelly, though. I might honestly go to bed soon and hope tomorrow treats me better.

edit: no joy on laptop functionality, please send it good wishes. I'll give it another day of intermittent poking and then take it to the computer vet's in town, who will doubtless laugh at me, ask if I'm there for the 1900s -1920s car rally (the past few days have been occasionally confusing as random jalopies go past) and quote me a great deal of expense to keep it alive a few years more. All that to say continue to expect me to be slow and random for a bit, and since I'm lacking the brain for all the rolls and workarounds for Old iPad's tendency to refresh tabs and eat posts in progress, I'm going to sleep.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:48, Tue 26 Sept 2023.
Samuel Hartman
player, 243 posts
Tue 26 Sep 2023
at 22:11
  • msg #753

Re: On Gentleman Warlocks and Prying Too Deep

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 752):

Oh no for the laptop! If you don't mind me asking what the issue is, I can try to help troubleshoot it.
Margaret Yendale
player, 307 posts
the poacher's daughter
Wed 27 Sep 2023
at 00:22
  • msg #754

Re: On Gentleman Warlocks and Prying Too Deep

Hope tomorrow does well by you, The Keeper. And best wishes for the  recovery of Little Laptop.
The Keeper
GM, 682 posts
Wed 27 Sep 2023
at 17:22
  • msg #755

Re: On Gentleman Warlocks and Prying Too Deep

Well, I got "disciplined" by someone who knows I didn't actually do anything in a situation causing me stress, so that's something. I need to go home but forgot my coat today, so bracing to get wet. iPad wasn't letting me type this morning and was opening all available menus at random, but hopefully it's recovered some SAN by now.

@Sam: it's the charging port (battery died years ago and new ones cost as much/more than replacing the whole thing): I think one of the little copper contacts on the inside has finally folded in too far in the plastic housing to connect properly.

Tried going after it with a needle, but no joy. Honestly that bit is likely no more than three quarters of an hour with a screwdriver at most, but a) I'm not confident with anything but the most basic electronics*, b) I gave my soldering iron away, having a miniscule dwelling and almost never using it, so I can't fix anything I did mess up there, and c) it could be something else entirely/so bad it'd need a new part or not be worth fixing.

*failing to necromance my toaster lately really didn't help said confidence, though I know that was probably due to things I couldn't get at and subsequently fix, see b)

edit: Laptop now left with the vet, and though I knew I was sentimental about the little working robot I'm surprised quite how bereft I feel...thing's literally been around the world with me (bar the strip of Pacific between New Zealand and Vancouver, which I've never crossed). Anyway, a friend has made an offer of a spare, iPad was not behaving this morning, currently sneaking this notice into my "office time" at work, and that's about where I'm at.
This message was last edited by the GM at 09:53, Thu 28 Sept 2023.
The Keeper
GM, 685 posts
Fri 29 Sep 2023
at 18:22
  • msg #756

Re: On Cold Iron Horseshoes

So Maggie and Martin heard you needed more metal...
Edmond Fox
NPC, 9 posts
Seeking to bury me
Under the ivy tree
Thu 5 Oct 2023
at 12:39
  • msg #757

Re: On Cold Iron Horseshoes


Call of Cthulhu is a very serious horror game.
Margaret Yendale
player, 309 posts
the poacher's daughter
Thu 5 Oct 2023
at 16:22
  • msg #758

Re: On Cold Iron Horseshoes

Oh, well struck, Thomas!
The Keeper
GM, 697 posts
Mon 9 Oct 2023
at 22:38
  • msg #759

Re: On Cold Iron Horseshoes

Ahoy, a pre-notice notice that I am going to have to gather you all about for an important discussion shortly, but not tonight. I am more potato than Keeper right now and need to sleep.
The Keeper
GM, 698 posts
Tue 10 Oct 2023
at 22:36
  • msg #760

Re: On Cold Iron Horseshoes

All right my chickens, while we wait to hear from Trugred as to whether it plans to unleash the most consistently deadly type of entity in historical Call of Cthulhu* upon us (or rather anyone in the way the other side of the gate), let me gather you up and put this to you all: to me, this latest massive combat had a kind of 'end fight' vibe.

Some big guns were pulled out, a big dent was made in the Wood's ability to act outside its bounds, we got maybe a little sense of vengeance or/and relief. On the other hand, there's a lot of loose ends, mysteries not looked into or cleared up, and Edmond still technically at large, even if he's going to be slightly singed sludge at the bottom of a ditch for a while.

Where would we like to go from here?

As I see it, there are three main options:
  • Call it here: We let things gently roll to a halt, you tell me roughly what your characters got up to after that, I tell you what happened with any outstanding issues, we put up a 'The End' sign and metaphorically shake hands.
  • Season Two: we likewise roll to a short hiatus whilst I work out a new arc that builds on the last and is consequently less of a pile of spaghetti. Whilst I do that, y'all let me know what your character is doing in downtime. I could hide or show all previous threads (or just let them be) according to preference.
  • Roll on, roll on: we just keep going no pattern no plan no clue and see where we do end up, putting up with wonky pacing along the way.

As you see it's rather important to give me feedback here, so please do that.

*'panicking horse'
Samuel Hartman
player, 247 posts
Tue 10 Oct 2023
at 23:31
  • msg #761

Re: On Cold Iron Horseshoes

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 760):

I'd like a Season 2! Although I completely understand if it would be too much work.
Reverend Palmer
player, 309 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Tue 10 Oct 2023
at 23:40
  • msg #762

On Remembering to Exorcise

That definitely had the feel of an 'epic boss fight' and would certainly be a fine place to draw the curtains to a close. Cecil's story is by no means exhausted, but I don't know how much Season Two material is in him.
Margaret Yendale
player, 310 posts
the poacher's daughter
Wed 11 Oct 2023
at 01:21
  • msg #763

On Remembering to Exorcise

I’ve enjoyed being Maggie as much as any character I’ve ever inhabited in my (wow!) 50 years of RPGs. Thank you, Keeper for that.

Maggie has a couple of outstanding issues. One is what happened to Mercy, her friend. Otherwise, what becomes of the Maggie and Doctor story? I have trouble seeing that develop further in Scorch Norton though.

So, I’m very ambivalent on continuing but fascinated to see what Seasonn Two could bring.

Thomas Bees
player, 331 posts
Wed 11 Oct 2023
at 01:25
  • msg #764

On Remembering to Exorcise

I am happy to go with the majority, it was a good point to end but if others want to continue I am happy to as well.

Martin Lovelace
player, 232 posts
Wed 11 Oct 2023
at 17:55
  • msg #765

On Remembering to Exorcise

For my part I am good with any of the three options. I too would like to see what becomes of Maggie and the Doctor. The other major loose end is the Doctor's theory about the plans of evil Mr Fox for the Squire's offspring.
The Keeper
GM, 699 posts
Wed 11 Oct 2023
at 20:30
  • msg #766

On Remembering to Exorcise

Of Maggie and the Doc, they'll certainly have to have a grown-up conversation at some point after melding into a great horse monster thing; that'll likely end up played through in winding down regardless (as for issues of prejudice and propriety in Scorch Norton should they choose to pursue a serious and lasting relationship, well, I hear that the Canadian colonies need all the medical help and strong women with hunting expertise they can get...).

Putting that aside, do you have any clearer feeling? Anyone? Andrew's player has been moving house, it turns out, but I'll wait for his input, too.
Reverend Palmer
player, 310 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Wed 11 Oct 2023
at 22:08
  • msg #767

Re: On May and Myceliae

I have had a blast playing the vicar, easily the most fun I have had on RPOL since I joined shortly after the new year, and also my first-ever male PC. Easy to play since clergy don't necessarily conform to traditional masculine tropes, unless they abuse people sexually (which Cecil most assuredly was not, and is totally inappropriate in a roleplaying context regardless). I shall certainly miss the game if we do close the curtains on this little morality play.
The Keeper
GM, 700 posts
Wed 11 Oct 2023
at 23:03
  • msg #768

Re: On May and Myceliae

Huh. Positive feedback received (that's helpful, thanks!) and sincerely glad that it sounds like you've had a good time/thus far. I do my best, and it pleases me that Cecil's as much fun to play as he is to watch. Also not to be 'not all men', but 'not only men'...far be it from me to pull out words like kyriarchy, but abuse tropes are male-aligned because patriarchy and social codification of Roman values masculises the strata of power most likely to be awful rather than awfulness being inherent to masculinity. It's a minor distinction but the kind the world balances on. </obligatory lecture from 'all gays are rapists'-era survivor>

Now I badly want to talk about the interface of sex, gender and tapping otherworldly entities' power for magic in this game, but firstly I really need to go to bed and secondly would spoil some things that should be found organically if they are to be found, so I won't.
The Keeper
GM, 701 posts
Thu 12 Oct 2023
at 20:48
  • msg #769

Re: On May and Myceliae

Firstly, here to report possibly odd posting times from now to Monday, given that due to a change in ferry times I'm now looking after a friend's house for the weekend and have internet access only via the dubious iPad.

Secondly, continued response to the above to remember that the future is an unknown quantity. I try to fold games up neatly to put them away with everyone having a sense that they've told a story and left their characters at a satisfying point in that regardless, but if you think you'd feel like you'd been cut off, do say.

Currently I've had a couple of nights of decidedly poor-quality sleep despite the sleep existing, so my brain is more or less mush by now, and I'll probably go put the sheets on the guest bed and fall into it fairly soon...have an idea I may throw in here but want to wait for Andrew to get internets in the new place and look in first.
The Keeper
GM, 703 posts
Sat 14 Oct 2023
at 13:43
  • msg #770

Re: On May and Myceliae

Right. Anyone have anything they want to add to their present threads in particular, else I mean to stick a fork in them.

Current plan, since no-one has gone for Option 3 and there's a general "eh" on the other two and no sign of Andrew's player so far, is to give you all a little scene to wind down with when I'm back near a real computer Mon/Tue and then shake the game like a matchbox full of beetles to see if folk are feeling more decided then. Here are my thoughts for such scenes:

Andrew I'll catch up with when his player is around with internet and everything, but will probably just set at tea in the evening talking things over, like his first scene in the game.

Cecil I was thinking maybe a brief bit of dealing with the law, particularly in regards to what happens to Goodie Westcott, and seeing where that ends up.

Maggie & Martin are going to be a magnificent unicorn until Trugred gets tired (has used its MP) and it really wants to just run about village and parish boundaries for the sake of it/reaffirming its job and territory; unless you two want to try and force a dismount earlier your scene'd be some random bit of countryside around dusk.

Sam Seeing the Criddles reunited with the new Lady Fox and catching up on anything he has to do before...well, taking inventories. Et cetera.

Tom catching up with him after he'd given his evidence to the sheriff's men, in the evening, as his current project hopefully bears fruit.

Thoughts? Additions? Queries?
Reverend Palmer
player, 311 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Sat 14 Oct 2023
at 16:52
  • msg #771

Re: On Gentleman Warlocks and Prying Too Deep

The Keeper:
Cecil I was thinking maybe a brief bit of dealing with the law, particularly in regards to what happens to Goodie Westcott, and seeing where that ends up.

Cecil and I shall both be flying totally blind on this, as I do not recall interacting with that character. The quaint cluelessness of the clergy...
The Keeper
GM, 704 posts
Sat 14 Oct 2023
at 17:15
  • msg #772

Re: On Gentleman Warlocks and Prying Too Deep

She's the village midwife/definitely-not-a-witch.

Cecil doesn't know this yet, but Andrew pointed her out to the Squire as the probable source of Jim Stone's belief he needed killing, possibly to maintain pacts with the Wood. Nathan has yet to decide whether she'd be safer arrested, but given the incoming forces of law will likely be interested in the cleanup of vicarage chaos I thought Cecil would likely be present at discussions, or else see her being brought in to whatever official was speaking to him if she was likely to be sent to a larger centre for a while. It needn't necessarily be played through, just thought the loose end might be tied up that way, given you're one of our more active players.

 If you have other ideas, I'm all ears. Fairly sure the poor pigeon escaped in all the chaos, if you were wondering.

Edit: clarity
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:16, Sat 14 Oct 2023.
Reverend Palmer
player, 312 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Sat 14 Oct 2023
at 20:02
  • msg #773

Re: On Gentleman Warlocks and Prying Too Deep

The Keeper:
Fairly sure the poor pigeon escaped in all the chaos...

We can obviously hope the dear thing escaped and returned safely home, even if it turns out that its head got bitten off and the carcass discarded.
The Keeper
GM, 705 posts
Sat 14 Oct 2023
at 20:15
  • msg #774

Re: On Gentleman Warlocks and Prying Too Deep

Fear not! Despite Trugred's current extremely metal appearance, Crogg's last host was Bishop Aelfric of Somerton, not Osric of Osbourne.

Poor Timothy "Young Man" S-? however, is kind of all over the ceiling...
Reverend Palmer
player, 313 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Sat 14 Oct 2023
at 21:02
  • msg #775

Re: On Gentleman Warlocks and Prying Too Deep

I'm reminded of the scene from Watchmen when Dr. Manhattan explodes some gangsters and we see their bits pulped and splattered across the ceiling.
Margaret Yendale
player, 311 posts
the poacher's daughter
Sun 15 Oct 2023
at 03:44
  • msg #776

Re: On Gentleman Warlocks and Prying Too Deep

Oh, Keeper, my Keeper, I  would greatly appreciate these scenes being visible to all.

Please, Vicar, do what you can to ensure Mercy stays in Scorch Norton. The village needs its midwife/wise woman. Perhaps the new Mistress Fox can put in a word so she has Mercy as a resource when she bears the Squire’s heir.

Maggie is in no hurry to break her sublime bond with Doctor. She will happily gallop trot canter as long as Trugred  cares to.
Reverend Palmer
player, 314 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Sun 15 Oct 2023
at 04:17
  • msg #777

Re: On Gentleman Warlocks and Prying Too Deep

Margaret Yendale:
Maggie is in no hurry to break her sublime bond with Doctor. She will happily gallop trot canter as long as Trugred  cares to.

*rolls eyes*  Kids these days, always joined at the hindquarters.
The Keeper
GM, 706 posts
Sun 15 Oct 2023
at 08:34
  • msg #778

Re: On Gentleman Warlocks and Prying Too Deep

In reply to Reverend Palmer (msg # 777):

So, Vicar, do I take it you'll be happy to play through my rough plan here, and haven't thought of something else?

Everyone else, are we all happy with these scenes being visible as they're played?

Remember that even if you do make your collective mind up that there should be a sequel of sorts to the present arc I'll consult y'all about the visibility of past threads once they're done.
Samuel Hartman
player, 248 posts
Sun 15 Oct 2023
at 15:52
  • msg #779

Re: On Gentleman Warlocks and Prying Too Deep

I'm good with it being visible!

I will be out of town from the 19th through the 22nd.
Reverend Palmer
player, 315 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Mon 16 Oct 2023
at 02:42
  • msg #780

Re: On Gentleman Warlocks and Prying Too Deep

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 778):

Yep, more than happy with the rough plan.
The Keeper
GM, 707 posts
Mon 16 Oct 2023
at 21:21
  • msg #781

Re: On Gentleman Warlocks and Prying Too Deep

Just waiting to hear from Tom, the Doctor and Andrew on the above.

Also going to sleep, because I've been more or less awake from 4am onward. 'night!
Thomas Bees
player, 332 posts
Mon 16 Oct 2023
at 23:25
  • msg #782

Re: On Gentleman Warlocks and Prying Too Deep

Yes I am happy with that.
Martin Lovelace
player, 233 posts
Wed 18 Oct 2023
at 20:38
  • msg #783

Re: On Gentleman Warlocks and Prying Too Deep

All good with me. As for sequel (well call it a spin-off) the tale of the Doctor and Maggie in Canada :P
Samuel Hartman
player, 249 posts
Wed 18 Oct 2023
at 21:04
  • msg #784

Re: On Gentleman Warlocks and Prying Too Deep

In reply to Martin Lovelace (msg # 783):

Will they be chugging maple syrup and watching hockey? Asking for a friend...
The Keeper
GM, 708 posts
Wed 18 Oct 2023
at 21:58
  • msg #785

Re: On Gentleman Warlocks and Prying Too Deep

I'd take that setting a heartbeat, save that you know how I like to have a moderately-stocked Cast List at the start, and given the lack of even vaguely East Coast subarctic folk in the portrait gallery we'd quickly get all Cannibal! the Musical...

Right. Not sure what's happened to Andrew, but I'll start work on these bits presently.
Reverend Palmer
player, 316 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Thu 19 Oct 2023
at 06:24
  • msg #786

Re: On Cold Iron Horseshoes

In reply to Samuel Hartman (msg # 784):

They'd be throwin' back a coupla Molsons. Beauty, eh?

(My wife is Canadian, and I grew up on SCTV reruns...)
The Keeper
GM, 709 posts
Thu 19 Oct 2023
at 19:03
  • msg #787

Re: On Cold Iron Horseshoes

Heh, now I'm reminded that I always intended my comedy-horror Dread games set in Canada to be a trilogy...

Fair warning that there may be red pings as I shuffle some threads around to please me, and assurance that I am working on posts, if a little hampered by poor sleep and the unfamiliar keyboard of the Beast here.

edit: going to put posts up as they're done, I think, as you see it's taking a while. Note that Tom subsequently decided his scene shouldn't be viewable(/yet), so y'all might still get mysterious post count rise from over there.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:30, Fri 20 Oct 2023.
The Keeper
GM, 718 posts
Wed 25 Oct 2023
at 22:19
  • msg #788

Re: On Gentleman Warlocks and Prying Too Deep

A general notice to apologise for being slow - especially to you, Vicar - and to say that I've had notice from Andrew's player to say that current schedules and life in general don't leave the time said player'd like to dedicate to this game.

Since that technically makes Andrew an official NPC I'll not be putting up a thread for him, but I'll mention what happens to him when the game is over, at whatever point that is.
The Keeper
GM, 721 posts
Tue 31 Oct 2023
at 23:10
  • msg #789

Re: On Puzzling Boxes

Ach, I'm getting there, but don't think I'll update here tonight. Been exceedingly brainless with pain-related insomnia and have been consumed with melancholy all day on Christmas advancing into parts of autumn that should be safe again this year, it makes me so terribly sad.

Anyway, I wanted to show you that the V&A has an incredibly cool box with a secret code on, and assure you all that I'm not plain ignoring you.

edit: update, Maggie & Martin are finished with their thread, Tom nearly is (I think), the Vicar's having some RL issues and Sam is working towards getting immediate things sorted; do remember that I'll be asking about whether we feel we've finished/what we were about once those are done and so on.

Meanwhile, because I like to think some of my players enjoy these things sometimes even if this is a pretty quiet group OOC, here is a slightly-later-than-our-story pocketwatch that proves devices blingling at inopportune moments happened in the Georgian period too, and Victorian estate servants a century later than our in-game 'now' giving lower-middle class views on the natural emnity between poachers and gamekeepers.
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:20, Wed 08 Nov 2023.
Thomas Bees
player, 346 posts
Tue 21 Nov 2023
at 19:59
  • msg #790

Re: On Puzzling Boxes

As I said before I am happy to continue or if the majority think the story is told then we can end here which seems to be a natural stopping point.

The Keeper
GM, 726 posts
Tue 21 Nov 2023
at 21:32
  • msg #791

On Ends and Onwards

One player still indifferent after finishing their thread, noted. Anyone else got opinions now we're mostway to a point to pack up?
Margaret Yendale
player, 317 posts
the poacher's daughter
Wed 22 Nov 2023
at 05:02
  • msg #792

On Ends and Onwards

On further reflection, I think I can let Maggie go now. OTOH if you have "the Further Adventures..." cued up, I'll join.
Reverend Palmer
player, 324 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Wed 22 Nov 2023
at 18:55
  • msg #793

On Ends and Onwards

Happy 3,000th post!
The Keeper
GM, 727 posts
Wed 22 Nov 2023
at 20:37
  • msg #794

On Ends and Onwards

Heh, I knew you'd want the Satisfying Number (and a couple of others saw it, so I feel I can post now). Are you finished with your thread? Any strong opinions as a result?

@Maggie: no, no solid plans, I'm bothering y'all about it more insistently now because the amount of work that'd be needed to craft another "season" is such that if that was what folk wanted, I'd rather get it done whilst everyone goes away over The Season. Otherwise, I'll use the time to wrap this game up nicely.
Reverend Palmer
player, 325 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Wed 22 Nov 2023
at 23:54
  • msg #795

On Ends and Onwards

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 794):

Just deciding what to pen on Goodie Westcott's behalf. Other than 'Oof, really screwed the pooch on that last roll', no strong opinions.
The Keeper
GM, 728 posts
Thu 23 Nov 2023
at 18:57
  • msg #796

On Ends and Onwards

Though I appreciate the effort if you mean to write out Cecil's note, you could always put something like "the Vicar writes a heartfelt testimony that Goodie Westcott is a grumpy old baggage but not actually a witch or known for malicious gossip, and counsels the judge to furlough her at the petty hearing if at all possible".

Vote of indifference noted...Doctor, I see you hovering about in the background there, any change in feelings/certainty about where we go from here?
Martin Lovelace
player, 239 posts
Thu 23 Nov 2023
at 20:53
  • msg #797

On Ends and Onwards

I would love to continue
The Keeper
GM, 729 posts
Thu 23 Nov 2023
at 21:14
  • msg #798

On Ends and Onwards

Oh! Good thing I re-asked, since I'd thought we were leaning towards a stop. Reckon we're waiting on Sam to finish and give us an opinion, then, since by my tally that puts us at a tie.

 If we do carry on:

- Do we want to see all old threads, no old threads, or get a new game board and leave this one for reference?

- Anything specific you'd like to address in "Season 2"? (feel free to PM me about private arcs)

Edit: Note that this isn't a sincere run up at prep yet, and if anyone has changed their minds to say so now, since if Sam is also indifferent that's only one player that really wants more, i.e. not enough demand to merit the work.
This message was last edited by the GM at 10:50, Sat 25 Nov 2023.
Reverend Palmer
player, 326 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Sat 25 Nov 2023
at 11:53
  • msg #799

On Ends and Onwards

I too would absolutely love to continue, and would vote to open up my past threads. I had little interaction with the other PCs, but had oodles of fun over the past year regardless and thought others might enjoy seeing what troubles caught the Vicar whilst they were all involved in their own shenanigans.
The Keeper
GM, 730 posts
Sat 25 Nov 2023
at 21:13
  • msg #800

On Ends and Onwards

Huh. Well, change of vote noted, and we'll see how the rest feel about seeing threads before I open those up.

Personally, I think it would be good fun, and we do have the Clues Thread to keep us from meta knowledge, but I am a nosy creature and always like to see threads not mine at the end of a thing (season, it seems, in this case). The adventures of the Vicar vs. Evil have certainly kept me well entertained.

Do you think you're finished with your present thread after all, still thinking, stuck, or...?
Reverend Palmer
player, 327 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Sat 25 Nov 2023
at 21:17
  • msg #801

On Ends and Onwards

The Keeper:
Do you think you're finished with your present thread after all, still thinking, stuck, or...?

All stick thunking aft, more like it.
The Keeper
GM, 731 posts
Sat 25 Nov 2023
at 21:29
  • msg #802

On Ends and Onwards

[slooow headtilt] I knew Cecil and the sergeant were getting on, know what, never mind.
Samuel Hartman
player, 255 posts
Sat 25 Nov 2023
at 22:28
  • msg #803

On Ends and Onwards

I'm good to continue if everyone else wants to, and my vote is to open the threads up.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:09, Sat 25 Nov 2023.
Margaret Yendale
player, 318 posts
the poacher's daughter
Sun 26 Nov 2023
at 00:16
  • msg #804

On Ends and Onwards

Open the threads.

And I’ll not be the one to stay behind. One for all and all for one!
Martin Lovelace
player, 240 posts
Sun 26 Nov 2023
at 08:05
  • msg #805

On Ends and Onwards

I'll show you mine if you show me yours :P
The Keeper
GM, 732 posts
Sun 26 Nov 2023
at 08:21
  • msg #806

On Ends and Onwards

It'll give everyone some entertaining reading over The Season. Tom?

Reminder to toss me any elements you're keen to involve in your next arcs in PM, folks, though of course I will come and bother you individually with my imaginary besom. Right now I'm going to try and get some food before the supermarket gets busy, providing the boat has brought something in to begin with...
Margaret Yendale
player, 319 posts
the poacher's daughter
Sun 26 Nov 2023
at 19:28
  • msg #807

On Ends and Onwards

Is anybody using the Responsive Rpol yet?

I haven't even visited in over a year (maybe two?), so I guess I better spend some time checking it out. I'm not the most tech-savvy guy and a bit anxious about it.
The Keeper
GM, 733 posts
Sun 26 Nov 2023
at 19:37
  • msg #808

On Ends and Onwards

Not using it until I have to, but at a glance this morning it looks "modernised" to maybe 2015 style: ugly as sin but still relatively easy to navigate. Might have to play with the zoom to be able to see things, as post counts per thread are no longer obvious.

Most things just seem to be turned sideways. Still, I'm technically some kind of animal (no mobile phone, no social medias, etc.) and whilst it is distinctly anxiety-inducing I'm not whimpering in a corner over an amount of mods needed to make it functional for me, take that as you will.
Reverend Palmer
player, 328 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Sun 26 Nov 2023
at 19:37
  • msg #809

On Ends and Onwards

It's all I have used for the past year or so, and I love it. Haven't made use of all the new features, but like what I have.
The Keeper
GM, 734 posts
Sun 26 Nov 2023
at 19:59
  • msg #810

On Ends and Onwards

Right, I got distracted from am still working on a last/near-last post for Sam, but everyone should be able to see everything bar Tom's threads now, I think. I've reset the Groups, too.

If you're going "good grief, that's a lot of threads" then yes, that's what I've been juggling all this time...
Reverend Palmer
player, 329 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Sun 26 Nov 2023
at 20:34
  • msg #811

On Ends and Onwards

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 810):

The first thread in which I played Cecil was 9a back in January, so I've been around for the final third of things. Very curious to read the earlier bits of the saga, am sure my Cecil is vastly different from my predecessors'.
The Keeper
GM, 735 posts
Sun 26 Nov 2023
at 21:09
  • msg #812

On Ends and Onwards

You're closer to the original than the brief tenancy of the first replacement player, though of course he's very much yours now...our Vicar has always been a Good Egg, and very much Doing His Best. Bless 'im.

Also, I apologise to folk reading back for the tense switch halfway through the saga, there was a vote and then all the past tense people went away (and I default to present after intros covering the recent past, so you get some threads where one of the players who defaults to present was back in it whilst I was trying to keep myself in past...those are a mess, but I am restraining myself from going back and fixing all the things, that's daft).

Oh, and by the way, Doctor, on getting out my physical GM notebook to make a start on next season's structure, I found my notes on Library Use rolls for if Martin and/or Cecil started poking about in the Fox library...I would hope y'all don't critically fail if it comes to that, but I do have amusing consequences lined up.
Reverend Palmer
player, 330 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Sun 26 Nov 2023
at 21:36
  • msg #813

On Ends and Onwards

I don't even have Library Use on my sheet.
The Keeper
GM, 736 posts
Sun 26 Nov 2023
at 22:04
  • msg #814

On Ends and Onwards

Oh, did I fold it into Literacy? You have a high score in what's effectively Library Use, I had to get a lot of Roman sources together at one point from it being aced...let's see...ah yes, I did fold them together; use your Literacy score in libraries to librar...ise..them. Yes.

Also, if you'd started reading already there's one sub-thread you can't see because it's more Tom's with Cecil looking on, but I can bother him about it in a while if you like. After turning off the heating for the night and getting this post done.
Reverend Palmer
player, 331 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Sun 26 Nov 2023
at 22:20
  • msg #815

On Ends and Onwards

The Keeper:
... use your Literacyscore in libraries to librar...ise..them. Yes.

Learn. The word 'literate' is from the Latin literatus, meaning learned or lettered.
The Keeper
GM, 738 posts
Sun 26 Nov 2023
at 23:58
  • msg #816

On Ends and Onwards

Margaret Yendale
player, 320 posts
the poacher's daughter
Tue 28 Nov 2023
at 19:35
  • msg #817

On Ends and Onwards

Winding Down - The Vicarage msg #18

@ Vicar:
Though to us it's evident
These attentions are well meant
Such expressions don't appear
Calculated men Mercy to cheer
Reverend Palmer
player, 334 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Tue 28 Nov 2023
at 22:13
  • msg #818

On Ends and Onwards

DIdn't imagine Mercy would be all that comforted by the religious musings, but Cecil at the very least hopes his willingness to take her hand in his expressed something of his sympathy for her plight. That and the fact that he expressed willingness to lose his life for his support of her. Afraid I came off a tad more Catholic than Anglican, but I was raised in a Catholic household. (I'm Jewish because my mother was Jewish, and her mother was Jewish, and her mother's mother, down through the generations. My father is Catholic, however, so I was raised in the Church.)
The Keeper
GM, 740 posts
Tue 28 Nov 2023
at 22:40
  • msg #819

On Ends and Onwards

Trying to sit on my delight at finding you're a rare Abrahamic cultural hybrid (it's probably extremely rude, I know, sorry), I think what was meant was rather that it's not terribly comforting to someone in a stressful situation for their strongest potential ally to say he anticipates dying gloriously in the near future, and/or that it might be their fault.

I'm amused that Cecil's original player's cultural Catholicism has carried through to give the lad a consistent high church leaning. We'll blame the Irish, why not.

edit: clarity, English, argh.
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:06, Wed 29 Nov 2023.
Margaret Yendale
player, 321 posts
the poacher's daughter
Wed 29 Nov 2023
at 01:05
  • msg #820

On Ends and Onwards

In reply to Reverend Palmer (msg # 818):

My father was German/Irish Catholic and my mother Texas Baptist (WW II). I went to Catholic schools through college. But they truly lost me in second grade when I was taught that only Catholics go to Heaven. I KNEW my Mom was going there.[list]
Reverend Palmer
player, 335 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Wed 29 Nov 2023
at 05:29
  • msg #821

On Ends and Onwards

Didn't find it rude, it's part of what attracted my wife to me initially. We're both cultural hybrids. Her family can trace their lineage to the Knights Templar on both the Spanish and French sides.
The Keeper
GM, 741 posts
Wed 29 Nov 2023
at 09:37
  • msg #822

On Ends and Onwards

That is Awesome, but I'm assuming she means collateral descendants or deathbed pay-per-ordination, otherwise she's descended from the worst Templars...
The Keeper
GM, 742 posts
Fri 8 Dec 2023
at 13:45
  • msg #823

On Year Ends and Onwards

Right, finally an update:

Waiting for a few more answers to questions posed in PM, but I have a basic structure I'm almost happy with. Season Two will start approximately nine days from the events of the last thread of "Season One", and I put forward a tentative date of Epiphany (5 Jan) for a start.

Any specific objections, let me know, and anyone chomping at the bit for Wyzenwood activity, feel free to give me more information on what your character's been up to in that week-odd of downtime and/or anything you think of that you'd like more focus on.

Bear in mind that another year being past at an appropriate chapter break, you will get a sticking around bonus of some sort added to your sheets - be sure to look out for them when rolling things in the new season.

Couple of general queries:

- do we want to keep using this game board and/or keep everything visible?

- was half-considering fishing for a player for Janet or one of the Hall servants, would like opinions...six players are often just a little too much for me, but it'd give me someone in the Hall and new blood with related enthusiasm, maybe.
Margaret Yendale
player, 322 posts
the poacher's daughter
Sat 9 Dec 2023
at 02:52
  • msg #824

On Year Ends and Onwards

Maggie has told her sister Kate and Hester her big news, swearing them to secrecy until an announcement is made (I'm guessing at Sunday services).

She is devastated that Mercy has been arrested and taken away but lets wiser heads persuade her not to storm the manor and raise a ruckus.

She consults with the older wives of Scorch Norton to see if they will approve her moving into Mercy's cottage as caretaker.
The Keeper
GM, 743 posts
Sat 9 Dec 2023
at 20:29
  • msg #825

On Year Ends and Onwards

I think announcements are a matter to be discussed with the other party involved...maybe best to wait until there's news back from the colonies and so on. Or at least until rumours of witchlike behaviour have died down before the barefoot kid with a bastard in tow suddenly announces having bagged a gentleman.

Such a course would rather strengthen the charges of Goodie Westcott stirring up impressionable villagers against the gentry for nefarious reasons in the eyes of the authorities, yes...

Widow Sexton can probably persuade the others that Maggie's not going to use it as a free house/den of sin, though I may ask you for some rolls later due to some loose threads centred there, depending.

Any thoughts on the questions there?
Martin Lovelace
player, 241 posts
Wed 20 Dec 2023
at 07:25
  • msg #826

On Year Ends and Onwards

Just doing my daily sign off from work and thought I'd add here too. I currently have covid (first time amazingly) and not really up to looking at a screen. Once symptoms settle down I'll be back.
The Keeper
GM, 744 posts
Wed 20 Dec 2023
at 13:34
  • msg #827

On Year Ends and Onwards

Oh no! Alas, I cannot really help, but I shall roll electronic oranges in your direction:

{ {{O   { {{O    { {{O

Do stay put and stay hydrated, and to stay on-topic for this game, here you can strut around Versailles like you own the place (without having to pee in a fancy vase!):

Meanwhile, I shall take this opportunity to rattle the game a little and ask for some general response to the queries above, or at the least to those separately asked. Whenever I remember what else I wanted to ask you all, I shall edit here, I'm sure there was something. I'll bring over amusements at the solstice at least, that seems appropriate.
Samuel Hartman
player, 256 posts
Wed 20 Dec 2023
at 13:51
  • msg #828

On Year Ends and Onwards

In reply to Martin Lovelace (msg # 826):

Oh no! I'm sorry to hear that.
Reverend Palmer
player, 336 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Fri 22 Dec 2023
at 15:56
  • msg #829

On Year Ends and Onwards

Happy holidays to one and all! ^_^
The Keeper
GM, 745 posts
Fri 22 Dec 2023
at 22:31
  • msg #830

On Year Ends and Onwards

Thanks, Vicar, really appreciate it - we really are at the midpoint of winter holidays as well as winter in general, aren't we? I shall go update everyone's sheets, I think, then when folk are back and Martin's not sick the additions will be waiting there.

YouTube badly wants to make me watch this video on UK folk traditions but I'm wary of it. The video-maker is very even-handed and does call out 18th century colonialist cannibalism (the height of the health fad for mummy dust) in one of her British Museum bits, though, so maybe I can trust one non-UK person to understand the nuances between different countries and swathes of culture in the area. I'll just put it down here in case anyone's interested.

Lastly-ish, it's the time of year for ghost stories, so here's The Red Room read in old-timey BBC English. I hope he does more Carnacki someday, for some reason he hasn't touched the best ones.

aggressively bringing so-far ignored queries down to the bottom for the sake of it:
Couple of general queries:

- do we want to keep using this game board and/or keep everything visible?

- was half-considering fishing for a player for Janet or one of the Hall servants, would like opinions...six players are often just a little too much for me, but it'd give me someone in the Hall and new blood with related enthusiasm, maybe.

Samuel Hartman
player, 257 posts
Fri 22 Dec 2023
at 23:23
  • msg #831

On Year Ends and Onwards

I'd say for my thoughts on the queries:

  • I'd say to use this one for convenience - that way you don't have to copy over sheets, maps, etc. Obviously I'm good either way, but my take is that it would be easier to use what you already have.
  • I'd be fine if someone wanted to play Janet, but if it would be too many players for you I totally get it.

The Keeper
GM, 746 posts
Sat 23 Dec 2023
at 00:11
  • msg #832

On Year Ends and Onwards

[headtilt] I'm asking what you think, not what I think...if you find it easier to have everything right there for reference, then noted, and thank you. I am willing to do the work if preferred (personally I feel somewhat oppressed by the sheer volume of old threads, given I can't hide them from myself), but not if my players are inconvienienced by it, hence asking in the first place.

...I'll take that as no specific objection. Thanks for the answer.

[scoots solstice carol that's been on the brain all day across as a kind of reward]
Samuel Hartman
player, 258 posts
Sat 23 Dec 2023
at 01:10
  • msg #833

On Year Ends and Onwards

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 832):

Correct, my take is that I'd prefer to keep it here.
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:24, Sat 23 Dec 2023.
Reverend Palmer
player, 337 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Sat 23 Dec 2023
at 01:30
  • msg #834

On Year Ends and Onwards

The Keeper:
Couple of general queries:

I'm all for new blood if it adds to the game. I have no strong opinion regarding visibility. Cecil hasn't been privy to many secrets during my tenure. It's been closer to one-on-one play for me, I've seldom interacted long with any of the other PCs.
The Keeper
GM, 747 posts
Sat 23 Dec 2023
at 01:46
  • msg #835

On Year Ends and Onwards

It was more removing to an entirely new board and leaving this one as archive, but yes, we have group coherence problems, I am thinking on them.

Reply appreciated, at any rate. I will try to sleep now, since I'm fairly sure tomorrow won't actually go away if I stay up long enough...
The Keeper
GM, 748 posts
Fri 29 Dec 2023
at 21:31
  • msg #836

On Year Ends and Onwards

Good grief, the "new responsive look" is a hard Windows XP-lookin' heap of a thing. Ugh.

Anyway, a red ping for a heads up that I'm going to be going about and biting heels, since I can only assume the crickets in response to my proposal of starting in a week was a lack of objection, and I need some significant 'yes/no' answers from some of y'all.

Has anyone been doing any reading outside their own previous threads? You don't have to tell me, just curious to know what y'all are aware of, kind of thing.
Reverend Palmer
player, 338 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Sat 30 Dec 2023
at 00:05
  • msg #837

On Year Ends and Onwards

The Keeper:
Good grief, the "new responsive look" is a hard Windows XP-lookin' heap of a thing. Ugh.

You can change the color scheme just like before. From the main page, click the Preferences link and you'll see a pull-down menu in the Settings box. It defaults to 'light' but there are twelve other options. Find one you like (or create one!) and click the Update Details button.
The Keeper
GM, 749 posts
Sat 30 Dec 2023
at 01:02
  • msg #838

On Year Ends and Onwards

Trust me, that was the first thing I did (tried to do it before when the warning about the site change showed up, but then it ate my scheme, so that was annoying). Maybe The new boxes fit together more aesthetically on an intelligent telephone, but augh, they're a mess on my faithful, fixed and ancient laptop, particularly the dice roller, now a thousand miles long. Viewing everything at 90% and the thread name/bands are still huge and the posting information all tiny.

I'm just bemused about the update to a retro aesthetic/non-mobile device jank rather than complaining, mind (the default scheme was always fugly, I changed that @~^&* even in Windows XP), but be aware that my inherited/mildly insane iPad is coping very badly with the 'scroll for everything' format and it seems I have to put in voice colours, bolding etc. by hand, which will severely limit quick morning posts.

If I'm (mildly) upset about anything, it's being unable to see whether fellow players are still present in a game/have been through and seen a post (I'm noisy, as a player, but I know it and try to give folk a fair chance if it makes sense for their character to speak first without letting a game lose momentum). I wonder if it'll drive down engagement. Oh, and further FYI to the others since I know I was batting at you in a panicky fashion about it awhile back: iPad can't see player login times from the GM screen, either, no matter what I try to hover or poke, so if I prod you unfairly or seem to be ignoring your going back and forth in a 'trying to work out what to ask for help on' fashion then that's what's going on.

Related to nothing technical, I got the Ghastly Potpourri grab-bag of additions for Ghastly Affair in the last DriveThru sale and am terribly jealous of the effortless 18th century flavour, though it's of the 'everything is Very Fancy and coated in the finest layer of filth' type rather than the 'behold, muskets, potatoes and portable soup!' kind that my brewing revolves around. As a not-quite review amongst folk maybe interested in Georgian-era gaming.
Reverend Palmer
player, 339 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Sat 30 Dec 2023
at 01:36
  • msg #839

On Year Ends and Onwards

The Dark Shadows game I've played for the past several years uses Ghastly Affair, it works well enough for our needs and the Gothic soap-opera setting is suitably melodramatic.
The Keeper
GM, 750 posts
Mon 1 Jan 2024
at 00:06
  • msg #840

On Year Ends and Onwards

[a mysterious man in dark tricorn, mask, kerchief and coat comes in for the first-footing, brandishing cake and coal and accepting his dram with a flourish before striding out]

...Happy New Year, friends and companions; may fortune wax with the daylight.

(@the Reverend - I can imagine! Thank you for pointing me at it.)
Margaret Yendale
player, 323 posts
the poacher's daughter
Thu 4 Jan 2024
at 03:56
  • msg #841

On Year Ends and Onwards

I am back.

Christmas and New Year and my daughter's visit have passed joyously, even though we sort of raqn out of steam and time to get all the preparations done to our satisfaction. Still, it all came right in the end.

I would be glad to have some new blood. I see value to changing houses, as it were, leaving the old place to hold memories and mementos. Fine to stay here in the old digs either.

The new formats are taking some getting used to, rather like moving house and figuring out where old items live now. Hate the die roller but will become accustomed, no doubt.
The Keeper
GM, 751 posts
Thu 4 Jan 2024
at 09:51
  • msg #842

On Year Ends and Onwards


The thing about beloved guests is that it's just as much/more fun to have them help with the prep, no?

My thanks for the responses...still waiting to hear from Tom and the Doc on both those and OOC queries - I can get to a start point for everyone except Tom without them, but unless folk are champing at the bit we can delay a bit and give him/them until the weekend, particularly if I'm going fishing or/and changing boards (Vicar, you didn't give me a clear opinion on that).

So much scrolling...
Reverend Palmer
player, 340 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Thu 4 Jan 2024
at 13:15
  • msg #843

On Year Ends and Onwards

The Keeper:
(Vicar, you didn't give me a clear opinion on that).

If the temperature is favorable, by all means go fishing. You have to post pics though, so I can experience that vicariously. As for the board changing, I will always advocate for whatever choice means less work or confusion for the gamemaster. Except when I can't find the factoid I need from an earlier thread, then I'll whine and pout. Clear enough now? ~_^
The Keeper
GM, 752 posts
Thu 4 Jan 2024
at 14:02
  • msg #844

On Year Ends and Onwards

[squints]  I think you're saying you don't care about changing boards (all threads will stay on this one to behold regardless, at most an extra two clicks) and are confusing my fishing for players for fishing for fish, though I'm happy to post pictures of pretty seaweed and/or the North Atlantic whenever you like. Or seagulls, if you like seagulls. The fish are all out at sea/the middle of the lochs at present, though.

If I'm off and you do have some sort of preference, do say. I am a direct sort of creature by nature and genteel hints and fan-fluttering will absolutely sail over my head.
Reverend Palmer
player, 341 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Thu 4 Jan 2024
at 14:51
  • msg #845

On Year Ends and Onwards

The Keeper:
I think you're saying you don't care about changing boards...

Truthfully, I don't even know what you mean by 'changing boards'. Creating a new game (leaving this one up as reference) so we start with fewer threads cluttering things up? Sounds good to me, if so.

...and are confusing my fishing for players for fishing for fish, though I'm happy to post pictures of pretty seaweed and/or the North Atlantic whenever you like. Or seagulls, if you like seagulls.

No, I was just being facetious. Am all for fishing for new players, thought I said so previously. Also amenable to sea, -weed, and -gull pictures. The pigeon mafia here in New York is always contesting the seagulls' access to inland resources.
The Keeper
GM, 753 posts
Thu 4 Jan 2024
at 19:08
  • msg #846

On Year Ends and Onwards

I meant that, and thank you. We'll see what the other two say when I can get hold of them, as it makes more sense to bring a new player to a fresh message board (or whatever one wishes to call the infrastructure of a game that is itself continuing) if that's what we're doing.

You did say that, but were then very vague about the other question then got distracted. Here is a picture of frosty seaweed from the big freeze a little while back:

Reverend Palmer
player, 342 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Thu 4 Jan 2024
at 22:02
  • msg #847

On Year Ends and Onwards

The Keeper:

To commit a horrible Beatles pun, I get by with a little kelp from my friends.
Samuel Hartman
player, 259 posts
Thu 4 Jan 2024
at 23:06
  • msg #848

On Year Ends and Onwards

In reply to Reverend Palmer (msg # 847):

Thank you, Dad, very cool! :P
Reverend Palmer
player, 343 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Thu 4 Jan 2024
at 23:28
  • msg #849

On Year Ends and Onwards

In reply to Samuel Hartman (msg # 848):

Do you need anybody? I just need someone to club

Could it be anybody? I want somebody to club... oh!
The Keeper
GM, 754 posts
Fri 5 Jan 2024
at 01:00
  • msg #850

On Staying Vaguely On-Topic

...anyway, whilst looking for suitable banner images I found some good ones of Wiltshire's budget version of Herself, the King of Limbs. Thought you'd like to see.
Thomas Bees
player, 347 posts
Sat 6 Jan 2024
at 06:47
  • msg #851

On Staying Vaguely On-Topic

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 823):

I would rather stay on this board and if you can find and extra player all good.

The Keeper
GM, 755 posts
Sun 7 Jan 2024
at 10:51
  • msg #852

On Staying Vaguely On-Topic

Very well, thank you for the response: it looks like we have two for and two against a move, and one indifferent (unless Maggie's developed stronger feelings since). The Doctor has been seen and is who we're/worth waiting for, he just got the 'ronies awful fierce and is still somewhat sick, poor fellow. Waiting to see if we're flitting before bringing a new player in, since it'd be silly to intimidate them with all these threads then haul them off to a clean board flailing with confusion.

I have starting points for all of you, though now I know that Tom's depends on who/whether we get someone new, so they're sat in the outline stage, and that's where we're at. Starting up will be slower around work, especially since I'm currently clean/sorting through a shell midden with all the sand-related issues that entails (I hope the shell specialist is happy). Got a fairly dark and knotty new season plot for y'all, though: I hope you like it.
Martin Lovelace
player, 242 posts
Mon 8 Jan 2024
at 07:29
  • msg #853

On Staying Vaguely On-Topic

Good morning (and 2024) all, sorry for the absence, not been in a state to look at the screen, let alone contribute.

Regarding new board, personally I'd prefer all in one place, but as a new arrival I can see that would be daunting, so I'm not against a new board for a new season, and personal preference aside, newbies might prefer it.
The Keeper
GM, 756 posts
Mon 8 Jan 2024
at 08:56
  • msg #854

On Staying Vaguely On-Topic

I understand that to be a vote to stay. Won't pretend I'm pleased, exactly, but anticipating such a response was the purpose of the vote: there's no point tormenting the majority of players with having to open a new tab to refer to old threads if that disrupts their play experience, especially now that RPoL actually means it when it says "data will not be saved" should one navigate away from a post in progress (yes I found out the hard way). I have already changed all the thread titles, and if we don't get any bites for a new player because they look at the post count and flee over the horizon I'll just arrange around that/put an NPC in Tom's thread once I'm sure no-one's biting. Who knows, the somewhat terrifying effect of throwing white bread at the Players Wanted board (niche GM is not used to this) might apply to female characters, too.

Also, I just saw an intriguing thing out in the main forums saying GMs could upload a handful of portraits just to a game, but not where that can happen. Is this a thing?
Reverend Palmer
player, 344 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Mon 8 Jan 2024
at 12:18
  • msg #855

On Staying Vaguely On-Topic

The Keeper:
Also, I just saw an intriguing thing out in the main forums saying GMs could upload a handful of portraits just to a game, but not where that can happen. Is this a thing?

This is a thing. You want the GM Menu, under 'Game Settings and Information' there is a link called 'Manage the game portraits'. You can add up to twenty images, same limitations as the main RPOL galleries (100 x 100-pixel JPGs under five kilobytes in size).
The Keeper
GM, 757 posts
Mon 8 Jan 2024
at 13:57
  • msg #856

On Staying Vaguely On-Topic

! !!! If this works for NPCs, Polzeath can get a proper cast entry! ...that and I'll be theoretically able to play settings with my GM style (handful of NPCs ready to behold on a Cast List at setup) it had been breaking my heart that I never thought I'd be able to. I am having emotions about this. Not sure which emotions, but definitely some.
Thomas Bees
player, 348 posts
Mon 8 Jan 2024
at 20:56
  • msg #857

On Staying Vaguely On-Topic

Yes it works for NPC's created a lot of work in the games I run as everyone now has a proper entry....

The Keeper
GM, 758 posts
Mon 8 Jan 2024
at 22:45
  • msg #858

On Staying Vaguely On-Topic

Oh, that pleases me tremendously. The Cast List will be getting some additions, for sure.

I'm working on the ad, by the way, just been somewhat distracted [proceeds to get distracted for several hours at this point] ...yes. Getting there. Need to ask Sam a thing, too, putting that down here for accountability/reminding myself.
Martin Lovelace
player, 243 posts
Tue 9 Jan 2024
at 06:58
  • msg #859

On Staying Vaguely On-Topic

Just to clarify, my vote was conditional. If the intent is to have new joiners then new board, otherwise stick with this one
The Keeper
GM, 759 posts
Tue 9 Jan 2024
at 07:45
  • msg #860

On Staying Vaguely On-Topic

Ah, no...I'm not going to inconvenience my existing players for the sake of one person who may or may not stick around. It'd be useful but not necessary for me to have a Hall/upper class lady perspective, and I put a lot of effort into ensuring my players each get their own part in a larger narrative, so six is about my limit.
The Keeper
GM, 760 posts
Fri 12 Jan 2024
at 19:43
  • msg #861

On Staying Vaguely On-Topic

Update: settling new player in, still haven't asked Sam the thing, need to eat. Whilst I'm making ones to upload, is everyone happy with their current portraits?

I am, incidentally, really bad at drawing feeple. I don't know why, they should be easy. I have something I'm kind of happy with for Polzeath, but might still take a moment. Painkiller brain and then some.
Samuel Hartman
player, 260 posts
Fri 12 Jan 2024
at 23:59
  • msg #862

On Staying Vaguely On-Topic

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 861):

Oh, you had something to ask me? 👀
The Keeper
GM, 761 posts
Sat 13 Jan 2024
at 01:36
  • msg #863

On Staying Vaguely On-Topic

Yes. I PM. not now, though. now sleep. Bones trying to do an escaping and Keeper is a tired Keeper, too much stupid. adjkfkfds. Your portrait, though, you want to keep? Il ne te resemblait pas in descriptiob verymuch. sorry. I need to sleep. you answer, though.
Samuel Hartman
player, 261 posts
Sat 13 Jan 2024
at 02:22
  • msg #864

On Staying Vaguely On-Topic

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 863):

No worries! I think I will keep it - I suck at finding portraits and this is one I'm somewhat satisfied with :)
The Keeper
GM, 762 posts
Sat 13 Jan 2024
at 16:58
  • msg #865

On Staying Vaguely On-Topic

Wait, wait, emojis?? Is that what the little snarls of code I was seeing on the non-responsive site were? I...argh. Well, they can pry my vintage kaomoji and the occasional ecksdee or other text emote that doesn't make a nasty noise from my cold dead hands. Dialect!

Anyway, I will get to your PM when I've got something approaching hydration, and am not adverse to looking out for curly dark-brown-haired 1770s men in my travels if you'd like, but not if you're content.

New character is being braided into the plot, will give y'all a start date for S2 as soon as I know it. Pain got a runup today because I basically slept most of Saturday, so though I am about clever enough for coherence because I am more ouch than blep, my brain is not up to the lovely prose that y'all deserve, so I'm not even going to try and work on the draft posts.

edit: haven't got a drink yet, but noticed that because everyone's been more or less together since I don't seem to have updated the Clues Thread summary since S109...I will do that for the new player when I have the capacity, but do we want a new Clues Thread for S2?
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:06, Sat 13 Jan.
Reverend Palmer
player, 345 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Sat 13 Jan 2024
at 17:08
  • msg #866

On Staying Vaguely On-Topic

The Keeper: we want a new Clues Thread for S2?

Yes, please.
The Keeper
GM, 763 posts
Sat 13 Jan 2024
at 18:42
  • msg #867

On Staying Vaguely On-Topic

Noted. Shall I unpin the Setting Notes and let them sink to the top of S1, given how chunky the thread bars are now? Any more Notices and the active thread will be almost halfway down the page...
Reverend Palmer
player, 346 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Sat 13 Jan 2024
at 18:46
  • msg #868

On Staying Vaguely On-Topic

The Keeper:
Shall I unpin the Setting Notes and let them sink to the top of S1..?

That would make sense.
Samuel Hartman
player, 262 posts
Sat 13 Jan 2024
at 19:04
  • msg #869

On Staying Vaguely On-Topic

The Keeper:
Wait, wait, emojis?? Is that what the little snarls of code I was seeing on the non-responsive site were? I...argh. Well, they can pry my vintage kaomoji and the occasional ecksdee or other text emote that doesn't make a nasty noise from my cold dead hands. Dialect!

It's highly possible that emojis might not have been supported on the old non-responsive site. I think it depends on some code in the site metadata (basically the way text is parsed in the browser). Obviously plaintext emojis (like the ecksdee or :) or things of that sort would be supported, but not any emojis.

The Keeper:
Anyway, I will get to your PM when I've got something approaching hydration, and am not adverse to looking out for curly dark-brown-haired 1770s men in my travels if you'd like, but not if you're content.

No rush! I'd love to see what else you can find, since I know I was just using the site portraits.

The Keeper:
But do we want a new Clues Thread for S2?

I think a new clues thread would be quite helpful.
Martin Lovelace
player, 244 posts
Sun 14 Jan 2024
at 09:29
  • msg #870

On Staying Vaguely On-Topic

Agreed on the clues thread and quite happy with the current portrait.
The Keeper
GM, 764 posts
Sun 14 Jan 2024
at 16:19
  • msg #871

On Staying Vaguely On-Topic

All right, that's already a simple majority: I'll get on it once I've updated the old one with the rest of Season One in summary. Relatedly, shall we start a new OOC thread when S2 play starts? That way this one and the setting threads would sit there as a divider and not get wedged halfway up the board once it fills up in another 100-odd posts. Will take suggestions for what to call it, too.

So. another matter for your collective attention: You may have noticed the "Players Wanted" lamp went off awhile back and that we have a Fox Hall maid on the cast list (well, not quite so specifically, the description is being worked on, but that's what she is). However, I just got a late RTJ wanting to adopt Janet that indicates a player that really 'gets' her, my approach to cosmic horror and this game in general, and, well, I want, but that would also be seven players.

 It could work out, but only if y'all help me out considerably with group cohesion. Having a majority that have played effectively an entire game with me in this setting should be an advantage, but I don't want to either give everyone a task they're not up for or lower the quality of the game by stretching myself too thin, so. How do we feel about another player?
Christine Chantry
player, 1 post
aka Kitty, Janet's maid |
Sultry, conniving... fun
Sun 14 Jan 2024
at 17:44
  • msg #872

On Staying Vaguely On-Topic

Methinks that's my cue.

Hello hello, well met, here's your friendly (usually) local farm maid with many dreams and markedly fewer scruples. Extremely pleased to be here, thank you all for having me :)

I feel completely out of my depth expressing an opinion on the adequacy of bringing in a seventh player since I haven't quite become the sixth yet, but I will say this: Janet being a PC rather than an NPC is bound to make Kitty much nicer to her, so at least in that respect it's a positive thing.
Reverend Palmer
player, 347 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Sun 14 Jan 2024
at 17:46
  • msg #873

On Staying Vaguely On-Topic

The Keeper:
Relatedly, shall we start a new OOC thread when S2 play starts?

Good thought. I definitely vote yes.

How do we feel about another player?

It would be fab to have another player, especially one centered on Fox Hall. Will gladly do all I can to ease your load.
Reverend Palmer
player, 348 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Sun 14 Jan 2024
at 17:51
  • msg #874

On Staying Vaguely On-Topic

In reply to Christine Chantry (msg # 872):

Welcome aboard, Kitty!
The Keeper
GM, 765 posts
Sun 14 Jan 2024
at 18:01
  • msg #875

On Staying Vaguely On-Topic

Reverend Palmer:
Will gladly do all I can to ease your load.

Bless me, Father, for I have sinned...

More seriously, I appreciate that a great deal. I think I can just about swing it, with Maggie and Martin fairly (well, more than fairly) bonded, Cecil likely to become part of their starting plotline, and the two new players coming in together, but it'd take buy in from Tom (whom I can't check with right now, he's away for a bit) and Sam, too.
Samuel Hartman
player, 263 posts
Sun 14 Jan 2024
at 18:04
  • msg #876

On Staying Vaguely On-Topic

In reply to Christine Chantry (msg # 872):

Christine Chantry
player, 2 posts
aka Kitty, Janet's maid |
Sultry, conniving... fun
Sun 14 Jan 2024
at 18:38
  • msg #877

On Staying Vaguely On-Topic

The one caveat: I'd worry about Janet and Kitty making each other redundant, since we're very similar lasses of similar age and social extraction, in the same place. I'm guessing there is going to be considerable skill overlap too, but I should probably take off my gm hat now ;)
This message was last edited by the player at 18:41, Sun 14 Jan.
The Keeper
GM, 766 posts
Sun 14 Jan 2024
at 19:15
  • msg #878

On Staying Vaguely On-Topic

Ha! No, I can assure you there is definitely no problem with them filling the same role - they may not be different D&D classes...actually, forget that, I have no idea what D&D class Janet would be, but it's probably not Rogue...they may be different D&D classes, but their access to social classes is also different. Janet won't get any servant gossip Kitty doesn't feed her, and (much as she might like to) Kitty won't get private access to Nathan Fox in the way Janet does, or be automatically included with his contemporaries. If that's the word I mean. I am very hungry.

edit: Public part of S1 Clues Thread updated, setting threads unpinned and notupdated, but booped because otherwise they seem to stick randomly partway up some way back. No edits to the RTJ/Content Guidelines, I just like those being on top. Will go get food now.
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:22, Sun 14 Jan.
Christine Chantry
player, 3 posts
aka Kitty, Janet's maid |
Featy, fess & clittersome
Sun 14 Jan 2024
at 22:00
  • msg #879

On Staying Vaguely On-Topic

The Keeper:
Kitty won't get private access to Nathan Fox in the way Janet does

Is this a challenge? ;P
The Keeper
GM, 767 posts
Wed 17 Jan 2024
at 10:31
  • msg #880

On Staying Vaguely On-Topic

You court you own trouble there, buddy.

Update: extra player had second thoughts and won't be joining us after all (though extra effort towards cohesion is still appreciated!); I will re-re-arrange what I was about and get on with things ASAP.
Christine Chantry
player, 4 posts
aka Kitty, Janet's maid |
Featy, fess & clittersome
Wed 17 Jan 2024
at 10:47
  • msg #881

On Staying Vaguely On-Topic

Ooof, sorry to hear that, Keeper. I've been there and it doesn't feel nice. Thank you for all that extra effort! I'll do my best to play ball :)

EDIT: While we're at it: any of you fellow players would be the type to spend a lot of time in the inn or at Fox Hall?
This message was last edited by the player at 10:48, Wed 17 Jan.
The Keeper
GM, 768 posts
Wed 17 Jan 2024
at 13:33
  • msg #882

On Staying Vaguely On-Topic

Ach, it was a tall order to fill - whilst I'd sincerely love a mature and responsible player to take charge of Janet and give her more of a voice/solid presence in a story that in some key ways revolves around her, and that player seemed made for this game in terms of interests, style and general willing, it's still going "here, 21st century person with trustworthy morals, take charge of this married child in a horror game", which is a lot to ask.

I do wish I'd been informed a bit earlier, but if someone's gut feeling about a prospect overcomes an infatuating rush of enthusiasm, then it's the most sensible and honourable thing to do to quit at that point. I'm disappointed, naturally, and hope we meet again (if they don't think I'm a paedo), but it's infinitely better than simply vanishing without a word at starting or some later point.
Christine Chantry
player, 5 posts
aka Kitty, Janet's maid |
Featy, fess & clittersome
Thu 18 Jan 2024
at 10:39
  • msg #883

On Staying Vaguely On-Topic

I guess the silver lining is now I can be cattier to Janet... *evil grin*

UPDATED: Oh the poor little thing... Forget that, she needs a clittersome big sis on her side.
This message was last edited by the player at 13:39, Fri 19 Jan.
The Keeper
GM, 769 posts
Fri 19 Jan 2024
at 23:56
  • msg #884

On Staying Vaguely On-Topic

Oh, I'm glad you've decided not to swipe at her too hard - kid needs a friend, and society ladies aren't going to be so generous.

Update to say that I may be busier than I thought tomorrow, but have been messing with the Cast List (don't panic if you can't see beloved rarely-used NPCs or those unlikely to show up much in S2, I've just swept them under the Hidden tag so as not to lose SAN to all the scrolling) tonight and hope to finally get this (next) thing rolling next week if not before. Polzeath has a portrait now! it's an awkwardly coloured-in sketch of him looking ruffled and woebegone, because that's the nearest likeness I got. Turns out I find feeple hard to draw.

edit: I am going to bed, but I was reading old-timey horror comics online and felt everyone needed to see the top right panel here: ("what's a hare?" "I dunno, bud, just draw a rabbit but, like, bigger.")

edit II: idiocy
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:53, Sun 21 Jan.
The Keeper
GM, 771 posts
Sun 21 Jan 2024
at 22:17
  • msg #885

On Staying Vaguely On-Topic

Anything y'all want on the new Clues Thread that I've forgotten, let me know.

New OOC incoming when this one is at some more satisfying number or when I have new thread posts finished in the unlikely event that's sooner (I have had an interupted weekend and am not very intelligent at present). May mess about with the Cast List some more, it nags at me when it's biased male (by 2, or 4 counting PCs) but it also sparks joy to have Bart & Arnie sat up there at the top. Hmm.

For the sake of potential interest, we've had ~45 pertinent-as-possible folk songs alongside chapter headings so far, and I've started a spreadsheet to avoid repeats. So I can also tell you we have a ballad body count of a mere 27 (including animals, excluding ambiguity and metaphors thinner than fig leaves, adding .5 for pregnant women). We're all fertility and flowers around here, my chickens.
Reverend Palmer
player, 349 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Mon 22 Jan 2024
at 06:09
  • msg #886

On Staying Vaguely On-Topic

Happy 3,100th post! ^_^
Reverend Palmer
player, 350 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Mon 22 Jan 2024
at 19:30
  • msg #887

On Staying Vaguely On-Topic

I can't leave my apartment building because there are police and a dead body in the lobby blocking the elevator. Fun day thus far... O.O
The Keeper
GM, 772 posts
Mon 22 Jan 2024
at 20:23
  • msg #888

On Staying Vaguely On-Topic

Uh. Gosh. I thought I was having a monumentally stressful day, but that takes the cake and the biscuit. Do you know what the body died of, or whose it was? I hope they get out of the way soon, that's rubbish.
Christine Chantry
player, 6 posts
aka Kitty, Janet's maid |
Featy, fess & clittersome
Mon 22 Jan 2024
at 20:35
  • msg #889

On Staying Vaguely On-Topic

Ooof, that's awful, Reverend. Once a few years ago we had our street cordoned off by police because someone had been stabbed, and I had to answer a lot of questions just to go get the food from the Deliveroo driver next street (it was a drug thing, apparently, and to make it worse the victim was a teenager; we don't live there any more, thankfully), but like The Keeper said, that takes the cake. Stay safe!
Reverend Palmer
player, 351 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Mon 22 Jan 2024
at 20:45
  • msg #890

On Staying Vaguely On-Topic

In reply to The Keeper (msg # 888):

Mmm, biscuits. I'll take a dozen packages of milk-chocolate Hobnobs, please. No news re: the body, I've been turtling with a migraine.
The Keeper
GM, 773 posts
Mon 22 Jan 2024
at 22:37
  • msg #891

On Staying Vaguely On-Topic

Alas, I can only give you the idea of hobnobs, they don't go through the screen well. ;[(((((()())))];

May your nerve endings and police presence resolve themselves soon. I will see if I can find you an internet folk cure (humourous image of a cat) in the meantime, but also need to go to bed soonish.

edit: all right, these aren't quite kittens, but maybe they'll help?
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:46, Mon 22 Jan.
Reverend Palmer
player, 352 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Mon 22 Jan 2024
at 23:43
  • msg #892

On Staying Vaguely On-Topic

Bittern almost rhymes with kitten. >_>
The Keeper
GM, 774 posts
Tue 23 Jan 2024
at 00:25
  • msg #893

On Staying Vaguely On-Topic closer?

All right, surely this one.

Really have to sleep now, have to climb down a tomb tomorrow.
Reverend Palmer
player, 353 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Wed 24 Jan 2024
at 00:50
  • msg #894

On Staying Vaguely On-Topic

Follow-up on Monday's events: The deceased was in fact a neighbor from the floor below mine who I chatted with when I first moved in. She was on supplemental oxygen for emphysema, and her lungs just finally gave out. She’d felt poorly earlier that morning. Apparently the police were there just as standard operating procedure, the deceased called 911 for an ambulance and came down to wait in the lobby but died before they arrived.
The Keeper
GM, 775 posts
Wed 24 Jan 2024
at 01:04
  • msg #895

On Staying Vaguely On-Topic

Alas! Everyone did all they knew to do there, I feel. Can you escape now, and is your nervous system leaving you alone?

I am gradually worming my way through post prep, but need to go to bed at once, despite very noisy rain and some species of stomachache.
Reverend Palmer
player, 354 posts
Vicar of Saint Giles
in the Fields
Wed 24 Jan 2024
at 01:27
  • msg #896

On Staying Vaguely On-Topic

Escape was possible by early afternoon yesterday. Building management had a team sanitize the lobby. My nervous system remains janky as usual. Sleep well.
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