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03:17, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Mae's Tavern, Blackberry Lake, Kylen Intro - Closed GT.

Posted by XaxooFor group 0
Petr Goldsmith
NPC, 4 posts
Tue 6 Feb 2024
at 01:27
  • msg #33

Ladies choice

As Toby leaves, Petr visibly relaxes. It's clear that he doesn't really want to fight Toby, but his ego is fragile and he would have.

He looks to Bethamy and says,

"Ladies choice."
Bethamy Bakerfield
NPC, 4 posts
Tue 6 Feb 2024
at 01:34
  • msg #34


Bethamy seems relieved though she knows better then to relax. She looks to Kylen and says,

"Play something fun, joyful, I know, play 'Let's Drink To That'!"
Mae Carpenter
NPC, 5 posts
Tue 6 Feb 2024
at 02:04
  • msg #35

On edge

Mae pays very close attention to what's happening in her establishment.  She had hoped Toby would leave. He has not crossed any line yet. She will keep an eye on him. That's his first pint.
Kylen Nyteshade
PC, 5 posts
Tue 6 Feb 2024
at 14:24
  • msg #36

Back to the fun

Kylen hops back up on the stage and grabs his lute and forgoes any introductions and starts right in to playing and singing.

"The Barmaid brings and extra beer, and says 'this one has no owner I fear, I guess I'll have to leave it here'
I'll drink to that!
Your dealt the cards at your places, with serious looks on all their face, you go all in with your pocket aces,
I'll drink to that!

Over the teeth and over the gums, whether it's whiskey or whether it's rum, look out friends cause here we come,
We All Drink to that!

on Petr's purse he keeps a lid, under his coat he keeps it hid, then says what do I care I'm the Mayor's Kid,
I'll drink to that!
He buys around of Honey Mead, and all his friends hear the head, the rest of the night he is bought more than he needs,
I'll drink to that!

Over the teeth and over the gums, whether it's whiskey or whether it's rum, look out friends cause here we come,
We all drink to that!

Bethamy is a lass so fair, lovely shape with flowing hair, but she will drink you under the table there,
I'll drink to that!
She works so hard to make folks smile, keeping the peace all the while, she has the perfect party style,
I'll drink to that!

Over the teeth and over the gums, weather it's whiskey or whether it's rum, look out friends cause here we come,
We all drink to that!

Toby, he's our pizza man, serving joy on a pizza pan, tip him well if you think you can,
I'll drink to that.
He came a crossed a starving guy, without food, he just might die, so he saved his life with a pizza pie!
I'll drink to that!

Over the teeth and over the gums, whether it's whiskey or whether it's rum, look out friends cause here we come,
We all drink to that!

Mae's the proprietor of the establishment here, she sells the whiskey, she sells the beer, we keep it flowing with all our cheers
We All Drink To That!!!!"

Kylen finishes the song with a little instrumental portion and a jig. he scans the room to try and see the faces of the "almost" combatants to see if he has changed the mood in the room a bit.

Performance DC 10/15 Mood: upbeat and jovial
DC20 +6 (rank 3 + 3 for charisma bonus)
Kylen Nyteshade rolled 14 using 1d20+6 ((8))

DM Note: Bravo +5 on performance!

This message was last edited by the GM at 16:57, Tue 06 Feb.
Petr Goldsmith
NPC, 5 posts
Tue 6 Feb 2024
at 17:34
  • msg #37

A round on me!

Kylen's performance is a hit. The room is full of mirth and laughter.

Petr takes his good natured ribbing in stride and, as prompted buys a round for the house, it stings a little but he needs the cred boost.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:51, Tue 06 Feb.
Bethamy Bakerfield
NPC, 5 posts
Tue 6 Feb 2024
at 17:54
  • msg #38

Trys to enjoy

Bethamy is obviously aware of Toby's presence. She doesn't seem frightened of him, but clearly she would feel better if he left. She winks at Kylen playfully when he mentions her in his song.
Toby Black
NPC, 7 posts
Tue 6 Feb 2024
at 18:00
  • msg #39

More tips

When Kylen sings the verse about Toby, the folks at the bar laugh with him and throw him another tip. He breaks a smile, momentarily. He still has a lot on his mind and he can't stop staring over at Petr's table.
Mae Carpenter
NPC, 6 posts
Tue 6 Feb 2024
at 18:03
  • msg #40


Mae is too busy to notice Toby or anything other than folks needing drinks. Kylen knows this is a good problem. More drinking, more pay.
Kylen Nyteshade
PC, 6 posts
Wed 7 Feb 2024
at 13:28
  • msg #41

The show must go on

After such an energetic performance, Kylen decided to slow it down a bit and finish the performance that was interrupted by the confrontation.

"I would like to take a minute to catch my breath and play one of my friend Bethamy's favorite songs, the Black Swan."

This piece contained a number of instrumental interludes as it told the story of the black swan that is mute until the time of its death when it will release its "swan song." it is a bit of a tearjerker, but easy on the voice and the fingers.

Kylen followed up with another jig called the saucy lass from Doverdale. He then ended his set to get a drink and a bite to eat.

Performance DC 10
D20+6 (Rank 3+ 3 Charisma bonus)
 Kylen Nyteshade rolled 22 using 1d20+6 ((16))

DM Note: You have not been taking +2 for Masterwork Lute... im giving a +3 here to make pushes you to 25.

This message was last edited by the GM at 18:26, Wed 07 Feb.
GM, 119 posts
The Creator
The Adjudicator
Thu 8 Feb 2024
at 02:51
  • msg #42

Like a group Xanax

Kylen hooks them early with the silky smooth sounds from his lute. The activity level in the room drops as conversations pause and dancers sit and listen. The lyrics captivate them and leave many in tears. When the song completes there is a moment of silence before an eruption of applause.

Slowly, during the second song and after, guests start to trickle away. Many in quiet contemplation, some just need to go home and hug their dog.

Bethamy thanks Kylen and blows him a kiss. Petr yawns and stands. Toby has slipped away as well. The melancholy calmness of the bards song has left people ready to call it a night.

Some patrons linger, as do Remy and Mr. Bender. The former calls Kylen over to sit at his table.
Remy Remington
NPC, 10 posts
Thu 8 Feb 2024
at 02:57
  • msg #43

Come sit!

"Kylen! Come sit my boy. Mae, feed this young man and fill his cup. The least I can do for such a stirring performance.  Bravo, my boy, bravo! This is my friendand business partner Mr. Bender. If he has a first name, no one knows what it is. HA Ha!"

Remy slaps the table and laughs too hard. He has had few.
Mr. Bender
NPC, 6 posts
Thu 8 Feb 2024
at 02:59
  • msg #44


Mr. Bender extends a hand to Kylen then says under his breath,

"It's Earl.

He smiles.
Kylen Nyteshade
PC, 7 posts
Thu 8 Feb 2024
at 14:24
  • msg #45


Kylen graciously moves to the table of Mr. Remington.

"Thank you, Mr. Remington, that is more than generous, and I am more than famished. Mr. Bender, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I hope you found my performance to your liking; I know some of numbers do not always land well with all audiences."

Kylen takes a long pull off the pint of honey mead that Mae placed in front of him.

"Mr. Remington, has my mother spoken to you?"

Kylen, looks to see if his plate of the daily special will be arriving soon as his stomach gives out a growl of anticipation.
Mae Carpenter
NPC, 7 posts
Thu 8 Feb 2024
at 19:16
  • msg #46

Food is served

" Dont be thankin' that old codjer. It is I alone that be feedin' ya. Here is your take as well. There's a little extra in there. Not a bad night, died down a little early, but well done keepin' the peace."

She places a hot plate of food, a cold mug of ale and a small coin pouch with 7 gold and 4 silver coins. She takes up empty Tankard and offers to bring more.
Remy Remington
NPC, 11 posts
Thu 8 Feb 2024
at 20:54
  • msg #47

Aye, one more round

"Aye, Mr. Bender and I will have one more. Thank you you lovely lady."

"Now Kylen, I did speak with her today. I understand you might do with a bit a travel. I am wrapping up my route for the spring and heading home. She told me, you might have interest in seeing a gnome town. Is that so? Not many big folk visit, but those who do always eat well. Ha! I need an extra arm for this last leg. Ha! Arm for a leg! Ha Ha! Anyhow, the gypsies been gettin' a bit greedy on the tolls last few runs. I may need to flex some muscle this time. Can you handle a blade Kylen? I dont think you'll actually need to swing it, but it would be good if you could appear capable of it."

This message was last edited by the player at 02:09, Fri 09 Feb.
Mr. Bender
NPC, 7 posts
Fri 9 Feb 2024
at 02:19
  • msg #48

Kinder Folk

Mr. Bender nods in agreement with Remy, and chuckles at his joke.

"The last stretch of this route takes us down a stretch of Old Edwin Road that has become a favorite layover area for Kinder Folk who gather in small groups rather than in big traveling caravans like you see out on Kings Road. They gather here semi-permanently. They are generally harmless, but they are seeking commerce and if you havn't got something to trade well, some will pressure you for a "toll". The halflings should never be underestimated. They fight dirty. But they prefer laughter to violence any day."
Remy Remington
NPC, 12 posts
Fri 9 Feb 2024
at 02:26
  • msg #49

Kinder Folk

"I used to pay the 5 silver and chalk it up to spillage. No use anyone getting hurt of a few silver. But lately they have been upping the charge. This past winter they got me for 5 gold. For what? I can throw a pitch to help a family out but that's plain highway robbery! Not this time. They are going to take the 2 gold I offer, or, well, lets hope it doesn't come to that. I don't want to hurt anyone if I can avoid it."

Remy seems genuinely concerned for the well being of the halfling highwaymen. Its a common trait of gnomes. He does not appear to fear a confrontation. He simply doesn't wish to spill blood.
Kylen Nyteshade
PC, 8 posts
Fri 9 Feb 2024
at 12:45
  • msg #50

Kinder Folk

"Thank you Mae. Next time, I will add a few more songs to the set."

Kylen, scoops up the coins and adds them to a fairly empty purse. He then turns to Mr. Remington and Mr. Bender.

"I am fairly handy with both a rapier and a bow. My father made sure that I could handle myself. I too prefer to settle matters with words when possible so I would be grateful for the opportunity and the excitement of travel. Thank you."

Kylen, tries exceedingly hard to tamp down his excitement at the opportunity to begin what hopes to be a new and thrilling chapter in his life. Time on the road will also give him material for new songs which will always come in handy during any layovers.
Remy Remington
NPC, 13 posts
Fri 9 Feb 2024
at 19:13
  • msg #51

The pay

"It doesnt pay much, but chances are you wont have to do much. Glitterhovel will be your reward. You havn't seen it all till you've seen an underground Gnomish town. It's truly a marvel of technological architecture. The ceilings will be a bit low for your liking, but you'll fit well enough."
This message was last edited by the player at 19:57, Fri 09 Feb.
Mr. Bender
NPC, 8 posts
Fri 9 Feb 2024
at 20:03
  • msg #52

Leave at dawn

"We will head out at firat light. Be packed and ready out front of the inn. After I polish off this last pint, its off to bed for me gentlemen."

Earl takes the Tankard offered to him by Mae who has returned. He takes a long slow pull, downing a third of the pint in a single go.
Remy Remington
NPC, 14 posts
Sat 10 Feb 2024
at 02:07
  • msg #53

Gnomeskulls again

"Your lovely Ma has it in her head that Glitterhovel is where Gnomeskull mushrooms can be found. I have told her that none have been seen in over a century.  She wont be convinced.  She seems to think you may have better luck gathering information in my home town than I. I think she is wrong, but I am happy to have you along. I am going to retire as well. Good night my friends"

He rises, shakes hands and staggers toward his room in the inn.
Kylen Nyteshade
PC, 9 posts
Sat 10 Feb 2024
at 12:39
  • msg #54


Kylen, shakes Mr. Remington's hand and begins to gather his own things. He walks over to Mae and says.

"Mae, I know I usually stay and help close up, but if it is alright with you, would like to head home, pack and get a couple of hours rest, so I can be sharp when I meet up with Mr. Remington at first light. I promise when I return, I will have new songs and a much longer set."
Mae Carpenter
NPC, 8 posts
Sat 10 Feb 2024
at 12:43
  • msg #55

Go on now

"Dont you be worryin' bout me. Go find what you seek young man."

She gives him a quick hug and a pat on the ass. It was just her way.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:30, Sat 10 Feb.
Kylen Nyteshade
PC, 10 posts
Sat 10 Feb 2024
at 14:43
  • msg #56

Time to get ready

As Kylen walked home, his mind started developing a checklist of what he needed. He would need to try on his father's leather armor, pack an extra set of cloths, but keep it light. Sharpen his rapier and make sure it looks good, looks are important for first impressions. He will also need to look through one of his mother's books and make a sketch of a gnomeskull, so he will know it if he sees it.

After reaching home he packed his gear,tried everything on and mentally cleared his checklist. He then tried to doze off for a couple of hours, but after failed attempts at excited napping, he grab his gear, found his mother in her lunar garden, kissed her goodbye and headed back to Mae's to wait for sunrise.
GM, 133 posts
The Creator
The Adjudicator
Sat 10 Feb 2024
at 16:37
  • msg #57

Goodnight Blackberry Lake

The town quiets down as folks head home for the night. Only the sounds of frogs on the lake, crickets in the grass and the occasional yip of coyotes or a dog barking can be heard. Morning will come quickly.

DM Notes: Kaylen is awarded 100 xp for keeping the tavern fight from breaking out.
He was previously given a 50 point bonus.
He receives a total of 150 for this thread which is now closed.

This message was last edited by the GM at 16:38, Sat 10 Feb.
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