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07:42, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Game Advertisements.

Posted by SockpuppetFor group 0
GM, 4 posts
And to think I almost
put something witty here.
Wed 15 Nov 2006
at 04:20
  • msg #1

Game Advertisements

This thread is for GM’s to post ads for their GURPS games. Be sure to mention which rules you’re using.
player, 2 posts
Game search:
Iain M. Banks
Fri 17 Nov 2006
at 19:36
  • msg #2

Re: Game Advertisements

link to "Where Are We Going? The Culture. Iain M. Banks"


The game is not up and running right now due to lack of players. I'll need only one to get the game running, so sign up!

The above is still the case. HEY YOU! Why are you not applying my game!
This message was last edited by the player at 08:34, Tue 27 Feb 2007.
player, 3 posts
I seem to have lost my
mind.  Have you seen it?
Mon 1 Jan 2007
at 17:18
  • msg #3

Game Idea

I'll post this wonderfully insane idea here first and see if we have any interest.  I was doing a bit of light reading this morning in GURPS Y2K and I flipped to the Supers section by chance.  Now, I must have read that book at least three times cover to cover and grabbed it just to read for a few minutes countless others but it never occurred to me until now to see if someone would be interested in running a supers based, Post Holocaust game.  Something along the lines of supers, good and bad, take charge of what is left of the world and set up their own 'kingdoms' so to speak.

What do you think?  And no, I would not want to run it but I would love to play in it.
GM, 13 posts
And to think I almost
put something witty here.
Wed 10 Jan 2007
at 17:41
  • msg #4

Re: Game Idea

He looked over his shoulder, daring another glance as the scaled behemoth flew. Its serpentine neck now visible, its long tail stretched out behind it like a terrible, night-black banner. Its scales, dark and glossy, hid it well against the darkening sky -- but no darkness could hide the taint in its yellow eyes, or the glint of white knives as its lipless mouth parted. The sound that came forth, a shrill and thunderous roar, tore through the sky...

Introducing link to "GURPS: Of Tooth and Claw and Fiery Maw", a one-shot adventure using the GURPS 4th Edition system, centered around one of the most classic elements of fantasy gaming. This is a story of young heroes, coming together against all odds to slay the most terrible of beasts -- the mighty Dragon.

Enter the Lands of Kel; a small frontier land in the northern reaches of the known world. A valley of simple, hard-working folk that carved their niche a century ago -- and are now forced to defend all that they have, as the ancient and terrible legend reawakens. This story centers around the heroes that rise up to fight the beast; initially conscripted into the Lord’s militia, but destined to rise above the ranks of the common soldiers and charge forth into the fray -- to become legends, themselves. More than just a story of Steel vs. Scale, this game strives to weave a tapestry of true heroism, and explore the epic struggle leading up to final act.

This adventure is designed for 4-6 players, willing to dedicate themselves to creating compelling characters worthy of such a story. They need not be grand heroes on the outset, but through the trials they will face, they will become heroes worthy of legend...or perhaps just the Dragon’s next meal.
player, 2 posts
Sun 21 Jan 2007
at 22:01
  • msg #5

Re: Game Idea

The danger of a firefight.
The rush of a high-speed car chase.
The thrill of sneaking past a sentry, and letting them live... this time.
The satisfaction of watching through the scope as your target's head explodes.

If these thoughts warm your heart, then perhaps Guns 'N Butter is for you.

GnB is a gritty and realistic modern era mercenary game. Almost anything happening in the news will be considered fair game for the culling of mission ideas. The range of missions the characters will be hired for will run the gamut from industrial espionage to hostage rescue and anything in between. Ideally there will be a single team of 4-8 mercenaries with a variety of skills and abilities.

link to "GURPS 4e: Guns 'N Butter -- A Mercenary Tale"
player, 1 post
Thu 15 Feb 2007
at 03:29
  • msg #6

Re: Game Idea

The Silver Age- a modern horror fusion set in Moscow, Russia is currently in the final stages of development in the Games Proposals, Input, and Advise section. Please feel free to investigate and participate.
link to a message in "Game Proposals, Input, and Advice"
player, 7 posts
Furry Kitty with
a witch's hat
Tue 27 Feb 2007
at 02:20
  • msg #7

Re: Game Idea

Well 'Guns 'N Butter -- A Mercenary Tale' unfortunately died.  We barely got going.
player, 1 post
Tue 13 Mar 2007
at 13:25
  • msg #8

Re: Game Idea

Hi folks,

I'm new to this Board and looking to recruit two to three players to replenish slain adventurers in a Gurps 4E conversion of the classic White Plume Mountain module. This is a very short committment for you guys. The original adventuring party, numbering six has explored 2/3 of the dungeon, but losses were very heavy and now the group numbers only 3. They have decided to return to the surface and head back to the expedition's camp to find fresh swordsmen to help them on their push for the final Weapon of Legacy, the legendary Blackrazor.

The replacements will be of lower "level" than the original crew (ie, fewer creation points) because the original six were considered the Elite of the expedition.  I don't anticipate this committment lasting much longer than a month if the posting rate stays brisk.

Please at least take a peek at the threads, starting from the Prologue to get a feel for the game and how its played, and if you're interested, send me a RTJ. Hold off generating a character at this point, I just want to start up some dialogue to see what you're interested in doing, and set some guidelines, etc.

Thanks for your time!

GM, 15 posts
And to think I almost
put something witty here.
Tue 13 Mar 2007
at 15:09
  • msg #9

Re: Game Idea

All I have to say is, if anyone out there can write well and keep up with the posting pace, Join Ceredyn’s Game Now.

We need more monster-bait.
player, 2 posts
Tue 13 Mar 2007
at 15:14
  • msg #10

Re: Game Idea

Thanks Sock/Bree...

And the fewer NPC's I have to run, the fewer "voices" I hear in my head...  lol
player, 23 posts
Tue 13 Mar 2007
at 19:50
  • msg #11

Re: Game Idea

Besides, we cleaned out all the really dangerous stuff, so we just need folks to help us clean out the treasure!  Lots and lots of treasure!
player, 3 posts
Wed 14 Mar 2007
at 07:50
  • msg #12

Re: Game Idea

Bugger! I need Duplication, too many interesting games.
player, 4 posts
Wed 14 Mar 2007
at 22:38
  • msg #13

Re: Game Idea

I like the idea, but life too crazy right now (he writes, sitting in an airport).  I've also done GURPS conversions of d20/D&D adventures.  I'd like to do GURPS Shackled City, but there's no way I could do it justice right now.  Maybe Summer . . .
Bai Shen
player, 17 posts
Fri 6 Apr 2007
at 00:31
  • msg #14

Re: Game Idea

link to "GURPS 4E: Not Your Fathers Shadowrun"

First off, let me state the following.  This is not a direct conversion of any Shadowrun edition to GURPS.  This is a game using the GURPS 4E rules with a Shadowrun setting.  So while most of the details will be the same, it won't be an exact match.

Everyone will be starting as low level runners looking to make a name for themselves.  Things will start simple(wait, this is SR, who am I kidding?) and get more complicated.  Expect intrigue, politics, double crosses, machiavellian plots, and more.

So if you're interested, come up with a concept and send it in.  We'll figure out how best to implement it. :)
Neil Lightfoot
player, 1 post
Sun 22 Apr 2007
at 18:07
  • msg #15

GURPS 4e Conspiracy X

Players wanted for GURPS 4e Conspiracy X.  I'll take up to six players.>
player, 4 posts
Thu 16 Aug 2007
at 13:51
  • msg #16

GURPS:The Chernobyl Zone

link to "GURPS: The Chernobyl Zone"

Hi there

I just set up a contemporary game with a bit of sci/fi slant to it. It will be mainly realism, but with some BlackBox or X-Files type in it.

I prefer 3e, but will happily accept 4e characters if thats what you wish to make.
This message was last edited by the player at 13:52, Thu 16 Aug 2007.
player, 3 posts
Sun 26 Aug 2007
at 09:03
  • msg #17

Re: GURPS:The Chernobyl Zone

I want to make Battleship Earth a Reality.
It is a MATURE GAME. Seeing how my gm's so far all run mature games.
link to "Land"

After I get these Games Rolling I plan on venturing into the Adult Versions of the games. Will that affect your game no. It will just be a different option for our 21 and over gamers.

So far I have alot of freeform gm/players in, but
my system of choice is GURPS.

But I will probably join both if the games get rolling.

Here is what was posted in my conversations section.

I would love for you to take a peek and join up.

I need allot of different types of players and/or gms

It is a Giant choose your own adventure. With each GM running their own

Its a giant advertising board seeing as how the players will have to cross games to move their stories along.

Oh Here is the conversations please have a peek at the site and join if you are interested.

Battleship Earth Game(s)

Its located in land.
Its mature.
link to "Land"

I was thinking of joining forces.
I want to bring Battleshipearth to life.
I did a search for games of similar themes and yours came up.
The game Invisible war can fit in well with my concept below.
It is copied from a response I just now sent someone. The whole
cia dark conspiracy thing works. It can be used to hinder group 2(below)
from reaching their goal. Please read the bottom and send me your response.
I am getting replies fast since I am going by the theory if you ask 100 women to
sleep with you you'll get 90 slaps but 10 will say yes.

The basic idea is I want to bring. This modren earth to the starflight Era.

I'll Need modern Leaders. As Group(1) They are interested in maintaining the status quo.

I'll need Visionaries as group (2)
I want group one to have the advantage.
I want group 2 to succed through strength in numbers.

I have done a search, for games of similar concept with very little posts and send their gms a message.

The idea being gms want players. Each gm will run their game adding my twist into it and send the players to the appriate game when the player goes out of the area of their game, sort of an index click link and enter next thread.

Each gm will also be a player in another gms thread. There by increasing each games player base and working my idea to bloom.

Any ideas suggestions comments.

Shoulds might be betters.

I also need help keep the threads untangled.

The above is Phase I.

Um, how does my Jason Bourne game fit into yours and vice versa exactly?

Basically people with money will have access to hired killers. You have already thought out and constructed a modern style arena setting. Where agents will seek out and try to kill off other players. I am saying you run that area of the larger game and when The World Leaders or Visionaires need a hired guy. Or an organization to carry out hits. You provide it. Post contracts and such. I am sure assasinations will be a daily part of the game or at least a frequent part

Can i have a link to your game before I set anything in stone?

It seems workable but its new to me so yea.

There is no game yet. Just an idea I am trying to bring to life.
MY scratch paper thread is

Its located in land.
Its mature.
link to "Land"

But this idea is not on there yet besides the idea I posted on the game proposals forum. And what I have sent you I am trying to bring it to life.

Once I get the gm/players and everything coordinated. Plots and such. I'll retire to the Megagame I created just existing a player that will travel the game.

Setting up games I like.
Playing games I like.
Running games is not me.
If the web gets tangled I'll help sort it out but otherwise I'll just provide an outline. And enjoy the adventure.

So no stone yet I still have like 30 games to send messages to.
That is another reason I need you you can help me get this sorted.
Join comment, unjoin later. No hard feelings. But I think it'll work.

But my game is a freeform GM guidance game, what about system and dice roll games that my players or me will not want to play in, and likewise with players/gm's who don't like freeform.

I understand the like and dilike of Freeform vs Non Freeform systems.

Me I perfer GURPS and system based roleplaying, but 70% of the time, we never use
dice. For system based players they would enter your game...

You got a point....

Me as a player would want rules so that, the other guy has limits.
That is extremely true, for combat based situations. If I shoot at a guy I want him dead, our some stat based reason why he is not. I would hate for every encounter to end up in a draw.

You said with gm guidance, how can that be used to satisfy rules based character and not make you feel too hindered as a gm?

Thought of a solution.

Freeform veriosn and rules based version. That will suit everyones needs.
I as a player, don't care what the rules are as long as there are rules.
You as a freeform gm are uniquely qualitfied to handle freedom combat.

Will all of the games have to be in the same basic timeframe? Like modern or futuristic, etc? Do our stories intertwine or we just have the same characters in different games and different era's within those games?
All the games intertwine in that.
Say I am Sam.
Sam Belongs to all games.
Sam's actions determine which game he is in.
Sam takes the picture of someone (Senator Bob) in some comprimising possition.
Sam blackmails Senator Bob.
Senator Bob wants Sam removed.
Senator Bob hires a hit man.
(If Sam is a freeformer)
Sam appears in your game as soon as a hitman is shooting at him.
Say Sam somehow escapes and goes to the police department.
Same clicks on police department link and now same is in another game.
You are no longer concerned with Sam or Senator Bob until next (freeform) assasin is needed.

Please save these posts for me these are Gems.

Okay I think I get it. And I'll keep these posts.

So what do we do get the ball rolling? Wait for the other 30 game GM's to reply?

Well I am talking to the SWAT GM now and if I haven't offended him. We'll have a SWAT team GM.

Mostly I need numbers and ideas now.
Definately a index.
Sockpupet hasn't responded back from my last post but if everything goes right we'll have 3 GMs.

I am going to send our conversation to the SWAT Gm in hopes that it'll make things clearer. Later on when we bring this mega game to life I will edit and post it there. I am also going to post it on the
Land site so I have one spot for all the discussions and make it public.

Its located in land.
Its mature.
link to "Land"

Hello I think I have and idea of how we can make both our games work.
Sent me a pm when you get this message and I'll start a dialog.

I can easily make this game alone work, so I have no idea what you're talking about.

I ment no offense. Sorry :)
No Actually I was hoping that, I could team up with you and bring this idea I have into existence.

Sort of a Super big choose your own adventure.
The World Will Be called Battleship Earth.
The name will be the end result of a linking of like minded game ideas.

I plan on starting it in the present.
With 2 Groups.
World Leaders and Visionaries.

Basically the world Leaders have access to alot of power. CIA/Police Force/SWAT teams and such.

And the Visionaries are the little guy Millionares to the bum on the street. Who want to create a better Earth or at least an Earth moving toward Star Flight.

What I wanted was players to have access to your world if the need should arise.
You would be a like they would click on to enter you world(which) you control and have thought out.

Say For instance a Senator Bob calls in swat for a suspected terrorist. The Players would click on your link and your swat team would handle that situation.
After the situation is handled they would leave your world and go to the next link that would forward there adventure.

So I am trying to band various GMs togehter as player characters to forward this epic.

I would appreciate any thoughts , ideas comment and help you can offer. This is not a world created but I am doing my best to make it possible, I'll send you my Post from the other gms to let you see where it is going.

Thanks for your time.
<<<Sent First Post in this Thread>>>
I'd love to be a part of that, it sounds sweet.

My RPoL account is 'You ask the SWAT GM for it'. When you get it set up, Rmail me. I'm a RPing veteran o 12+ years experience, and I'd love to help you out.

Cool thanks 'You ask the SWAT GM for it' should I leave out your rmail name in the land posting?
Of our conversation.

Its located in land.
Its mature.
link to "Land"

<< Convo Edited the end of convo>>
I need to see who is in who is out and try to get it coordinated enough so I can fade to being just a player.

I am also thinking of adding a newspaper.

Swat is hiring.
CIA hiring and such.
People go for job interviews and such
The Jason Borne game link is there too.

Its located in land.
Its mature.
link to "Land"
player, 24 posts
Wed 24 Oct 2007
at 20:27
  • msg #18

Re: GURPS:The Chernobyl Zone

Finally, after many long months of debate, trepidation and preparation, I've decided to start a GURPS game.  First off, I have to tell you all that it's 3rd Edition, since I haven't the time or inclination to learn the new system - despite it's similarities.  Also, the game is much more a role play than a hack and slash (though there will be a fair mix of action included) so the exact details of how the mechanics work won't be important.

link to "Deadly Shadows (GURPS 3E)"

Here is the link.  I have two players already and would be able to add on only a couple more.  There's a bit of setting detail up already and more to come, but play won't begin for a little while.  Characters won't really take shape at least until the rest of the detail is up, so you have plenty of time to come check it and see how it develops before sending in a request.  My primary goal is to keep with the feel of the setting - which some of you may recognize - which is why I'm holding off until all the details are up.

I'd also really appreciate any constructive criticism that you'd like to offer.  And don't be shy; I don't offend easily.

Thanks, Snowmantle
player, 1 post
Tue 1 Jan 2008
at 01:54
  • msg #19

GURPS: The Mars Initiative 4e

Alright. I've had this idea for a while, I've thought about the best way to do it, and it seems that PbP makes the most sense.

link to "The Mars Initiative - GURPS 4e"

The whole debacle started once SJ Games released their Infinite Worlds game setting. The idea was to have an entire convention of GURPSers playing a PvP game of Infinite Worlds, with multiple GMs guiding parties of characters through missions in their worlds. The outcome of these missions would move different worlds through the Quanta as needed by one of the teams. In certain missions, players could even face off against one another in epic battles. There would definitely be some higher up characters orchestrating things (most likely Convention staff members) anyway, the whole thing would be one giant Massively Multiplayer Table Top Roleplaying Game, logistics would be hell, and it would be hideously hard to GM.

I've since then scaled that idea down, and abandoned the idea of using the Infinite Worlds setting, but the PvP aspect is still there.

I've got a good game setting for a quick 4v4 game between two teams. The setting is... different. Both teams occupy an International Space Station, circumstances cause their respective nations to declare war on one another, and the space station's neutrality is disputed. Everything goes dandy, until people on the station start dying right and left, then all hell breaks loose.

The difficult part is that the scientists on board have no weapons, and no combat experience, and so must use their wits and their environment to kill off the other team.

I have no problem with players controlling more than one character, though I would like to get a total of 6-8 players (3-4 per team). I really don't like the idea of having a team be short a player (they'd basically be short another strategic brain) unless the other players were cool with it.

Characters are going to be 125/-35, using 4e rules.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:28, Tue 01 Jan 2008.
player, 9 posts
Fri 4 Apr 2008
at 23:52
  • msg #20

Open Slot

I've got an open slot in a game. I need a rogue/thief character built on 135/-35 points, along with a player willing to post at least once every 3 days.

link to "GURPS 4e - Nevel: The Spirit Shards"
player, 36 posts
Because somone else got
all the good names first.
Tue 15 Apr 2008
at 11:01
  • msg #21

Adventuring Company for hire

Oddly enough, our entire group was orphaned when the GM pulled the plug without warning. We need a GM, and the players are good enough where they want to stick together!

A ready-made adventuring company (4e) ripe for the saga!Please help, only minutes a day. Less than drinking a cup of coffee.

Complete crew includes 5 players (possibly 7, but I don't think the other 2 will respond) at 100 / -50 made with fairly strict limits, well bahaved and mature, with lots of RPing experience, all of whom I personally feel do a great job. Only the GM was obnoxious, and he left. ;)
This message was last edited by the player at 11:44, Tue 15 Apr 2008.
player, 8 posts
Tue 15 Apr 2008
at 13:31
  • msg #22

Re: Adventuring Company for hire

What was the background situation?
player, 37 posts
Because somone else got
all the good names first.
Tue 15 Apr 2008
at 15:31
  • msg #23

Re: Adventuring Company for hire

It was set in Greyhawk. My character actually just joined, we were tryin to do something about a smugler ship that was resupplying the smuggling base the other characters took care of in the first adventure (that I wasn't part of).

I don't think anyone would mind too much if they had to change settings or tweak characters. It just seems our group was doing well together, in spite of the GM. We seem to want to stick together. And it occurs to me, that would be a good thing for a GM to know at the beginning.

We did hear from the 6th person. The 7th I'm not really expecting, but keep in mind it's possible.
player, 9 posts
Wed 16 Apr 2008
at 14:00
  • msg #24

Re: Adventuring Company for hire

Is there another place we can discuss this further, I really dislike the TSR setting part, but maybe...
player, 38 posts
Because somone else got
all the good names first.
Wed 16 Apr 2008
at 14:49
  • msg #25

Re: Adventuring Company for hire

email me at IM2L8M8[at]hotmail[dot]com
I have most of the other players' addresses, also. Or rMail if you prefer.
player, 14 posts
Furry Kitty with
a witch's hat
Thu 17 Apr 2008
at 18:33
  • msg #26

Re: Adventuring Company for hire

Yes, I was in the game where the GM suddenly decided he didn't like something and bailing with no warning.  2l8m8 has my email.

I am fine with the Greyhawk setting but I am also flexible enough to move to another one.  Its not like we got vested in it or anything.

I am already in several of Silveroaks games.
player, 39 posts
Because somone else got
all the good names first.
Thu 17 Apr 2008
at 19:34
  • msg #27

Re: Adventuring Company for hire

I do? Is this Tara? Come see us at GURPS talk in fantasy.
player, 15 posts
Furry Kitty with
a witch's hat
Thu 17 Apr 2008
at 19:54
  • msg #28

Re: Adventuring Company for hire

Yes it is. I have.
player, 2 posts
Mon 21 Apr 2008
at 02:19
  • msg #29


link to "GURPS 4e - Nightmare in Dreamland"

A long time, in a galaxy far, far away...

Okay, maybe not.  How about, "at about this point in time, on a planet near the center of the galaxy..."  The great and terrible being, named Nightmare, is nearing his conquest of the galaxy.  The more people fear him, the stronger he grows, and there is never a lack of fear.  No one speaks his name, but in their mind, they all worry.

There is only one who does not fear him.  Foolish or brave, his name is Kirby.  However, Kirby is a child.  A child with incredible powers, but still just a child.  He has a lot to learn in a short amount of time.  Meanwhile, somebody needs to make sure there is still enough time remaining...

The first game I've hosted on RPOL.  Based off of the video game series Kirby.  It's not to be taken too seriously.  If I had to put it in a subgenre of fantasy, it would be a mix between light and low fantasy.  If I don't get carried away, it will be a rules-light game.  If I do get carried away, I hope someone will tell me.  The object is to develop your character and have fun and a few laughs.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:03, Mon 28 Apr 2008.
player, 3 posts
Fri 9 May 2008
at 21:54
  • msg #30

Blue Planet

Lambda Serpentis II. Poseidon. The Blue Planet. At first glance it is very different from Earth, with only a few islands scattered across a world-girdling ocean. Yet it is habitable, with air that humans can breathe, a gravitational field that humans find comfortable, and native life that humans can eat. Despite the tremendous expense involved in traveling to Poseidon, tens of thousands of people make a trip each year. Some come in hopes of striking it rich. Others come out of duty to their masters on Earth. Still others simply hope to escape from their troubled homeworld and make a fresh start.

Poseidon is a world of enigmas. Decades of scientific work have barely scratched the surface. Most of the colonists don't spend much time thinking about it, but there is plenty of evidence of intelligent design behind their new home. The wormhole is a unique phenomenon, and may be artificial. Poseidon shows signs of massive terraforming operations in the geological past. Lifeforms on Earth and Poseidon have a suspiciously similar biochemistry. Add the presence of the aborigines, and it seems possible that humanity is in contact with the legacy of a powerful alien intelligence.

In short, Poseidon is a world of adventure. Welcome. Jump in and see if you can swim.


Hosting another game.  It's grounded in hard sci-fi.  There are already a few players and I'll be taking more for a while.
player, 15 posts
Tue 27 May 2008
at 22:51
  • msg #31

Re: Blue Planet

Sci FI CSI GURPS 4e under Science Fiction

If you have seen the sci fi dsaturday night ads where the CSI field agent is describing how the 30 foot snake attacked a particular location, or how multiple people were killed by a gargoyle then you know what this is about- this isn't the haples people who get caught in an attack by strange creatures or unknown forces, this is the police and CSI trying to piece things together afterwards. Sometimes the creatures body may eb at the scene, sometimes there may need to be a 'man'hunt for it, but this is law enforcement dealing with reality taking a 90 degree turn into the strange and the supernatural.
player, 16 posts
Furry Kitty with
a witch's hat
Thu 19 Jun 2008
at 02:12
  • msg #32

Re: Blue Planet

I am going to try a game.  Loosely based on Sliders.  It will be a group of time travelers trying to figure out how to fix the machine and get home.

link to another game
player, 8 posts
Thu 3 Jul 2008
at 17:45
  • msg #33

Re: Blue Planet

player, 16 posts
Thu 3 Jul 2008
at 23:49
  • msg #34

Re: Blue Planet

under sci fi I have another game going which is a colonization of a planet orbiting Alpha Centauri, plot twists are not being revealed at this time...
player, 9 posts
Fri 4 Jul 2008
at 12:00
  • msg #35

Re: Blue Planet

Well, Hyborian Adventures seems an unlikely go. One nibble over two gaming sites! I know a crappy idea when I see one! lol

I think I'll scrap it. I was motivated to run an easy-to-GM competitive Gurps game that doesn't suck up a lot of my creative time. It fills the gaps between my regular game's posts.

Back to the drawing board, I guess.... or maybe I should mow my lawn???
GM, 20 posts
And to think I almost
put something witty here.
Fri 4 Jul 2008
at 12:16
  • msg #36

Re: Blue Planet

Hey, don't look at said you weren't accepting anyone who had played in your games, before. That pretty much shut out most of the GURPS community right there. ;P
player, 10 posts
Fri 4 Jul 2008
at 12:28
  • msg #37

Re: Blue Planet

lol, right! I had a feeling that limitation might throw a monkeywrench into the machinery! Well, it was like uncooked spaghetti. I threw it against the wall and it didn't stick.

Maybe Splattered (5th Ed.) might generate more activity, seeing I can welcome Gurps (or non Gurps) friends past, present and future. Course then I'll have to break down and finally buy Gurps 4e Martial Arts.
player, 11 posts
Thu 10 Jul 2008
at 15:19
  • [deleted]
  • msg #38

Re: Blue Planet

This message was deleted by the player at 15:28, Tue 16 June 2009.
player, 21 posts
Mon 11 Aug 2008
at 10:44
  • msg #39


Not really a game advertisment, but...

I'm just looking for a GURPS game here that is willing to accept a complete newbie like me. =T__T=

player, 21 posts
Fri 22 Aug 2008
at 15:24
  • msg #40

Re: Hmmmm...

GAME IS FULL. THANKS FOR YOUR SUBMISSIONSIn the far reaches of the world, under a lost and lonely hill, lies the sinister Tomb of Horrors.  This labyrinthine crypt is filled with terrible traps, strange and ferocious monsters, rich and magical treasures, and somewhere within rests the evil Demi-Lich.

…so reads the description on that familiar, green bordered, rabbit-eared module that has been sitting in the bottom of a musky cardboard box in your basement for decades…

Tomb of Horrors  is a 1978 adventure module for the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game, written by Gary Gygax. It was the original tournament dungeon used at the Origins 1 convention.

Numbered "S1," the module was the first in the "S" (for "Special") series of modules.  Tomb of Horrors is one of the most famous Dungeons & Dragons modules.
It is infamous among players of the game as a "killer dungeon," filled with all manner of extremely deadly traps and monsters that are capable of easily wiping out high-level parties of player characters.  The plot of the module is that of a simple dungeon crawl; the evil demi-lich Acererak was said to linger on in his ancient tomb in undead form, and the characters were to survive the deadly traps and fight their way down to the demilich's inner sanctum and slay him once and for all.

Tomb of Horrors was ranked the 3rd greatest Dungeons & Dragons adventure of all time by Dungeon magazine in 2004, on the 30th anniversary of the Dungeons & Dragons game.

I am searching for two talented adult writers and roleplayers to join the ranks of an experienced band of veteran adventurers who will be embarking on an expedition into the dreaded Tomb of Horrors.  The Game is Adult for violence and language.  The adventure will appear as a new chapter in my current game board entitled Keep on the Borderlands.

Please note the game is run using Gurps 4E rules.  Proficiency in the system is not required.  Second, the posting rate is a post every 24 to 36 hours.  I intend to launch the game in three weeks while my current players finish up their current threads. Also, do not assume this game will run identical to the module. In fact, it would be suicidal to assume anything about this module. Oh, let's face it, it will be suicidal whether you assume anything about this adventure or not! This is Tomb of Horrors we're talking about! lol

Interested parties, please send me a Rmail or a RTJ in the game.


link to another game
This message was last edited by the player at 12:16, Sat 23 Aug 2008.
player, 1 post
Mon 25 Aug 2008
at 05:12
  • msg #41

New Game Available: Treasures of Masgid

The Guide has been rather vague in his description. Perhaps he has not heard so much as we, and that is all the better.

The forest to the east of the Hamdin River, some ten miles north of the port of Salaamabad in the mountains, has always been the subject of wild speculation. Madmen live there, or so the legends say. Animals, too, sent by Allah to inhabit the trees and brush to rid the forest of the sin and vice once so prevalent in that land. And for this reason, the locals in Salaamabad do not dare enter it. To do so would be a mortal sin to them. But sin or not, the forest holds secrets we must uncover for the good of all.

Have you not read the stories written since the time of Sultan Rahman's demise? About the Naked men-beasts, with fierce bearing? Surely such tales do not make you cower, do they? No, I would imagine they embolden you to destroy them in the name of Allah. And as for the crows that peck out eyes, and cut arms clean through with their beaks, these are abominations Allah would have us destroy! Abominations of nature that Allah could never have intended to walk the earth. Has not the Prophet condemned such abominations of nature? Such creatures could only have been the product of man mating with beast! The sin is in not ridding the forest of such creatures.

But most enticing for us, and what will draw us closer to Allah, is the restoration of the most splendid Masgid ever built. Yes, the ancient tales say it is in this forest. Gold and silver inlay the mosque, with mother of pearl and jewels adorning its walls and pillars.

What? Do you think Sultan Rahman would build an inferior Masgid? Never! His mosque would rival those in Mecca and Medina, he contended. Yes, even the fabled Tree of Life and its guardian Simurgh would dwell in his Masgid. It is said he could not capture the bird. But how he got tree and its inhabitant into the mosque is uncertain. It is said the bird herself saw the greed in Sultan Rahman as he coveted the tree's powers, and killed him herself to save his soul from Hell.

Would that mortals could view it again, draw strength from its leaves and branches, and repose in its shade!

But I digress, my friend, for adventure awaits, so we should be off!

Find my game in the Fantasy section. Newbies to GURPS are always welcome in any game I create.
player, 28 posts
Rules Lawyer
Thu 11 Dec 2008
at 03:33
  • msg #42

Re: New Game Available: Treasures of Masgid

Underground pit fighting. No weapons. No Armor. No Rules. No Regulations.

You won’t see it on the news. No one blogs about it. But you might hear about it whispered in a greasy bathroom or over a bottle of whisky. It’s a way to make some extra money, or to make a name for yourself, or to just work off some office stress. It’s underground fighting. Sure, it’s been around for a while, everyone knows that--but this is new. Someone started an organization. Prizes are handed out. You began in the local church basement with a few good wins. Then, someone tapped you on the shoulder and invited you to the real fights. You’re at the bottom again, but the champion's name is whispered across the globe. The grand prize is enough money to retire in style. All you have to do is work your way up, one vicious match at a time. It won't be easy. It won't be pretty. But it might be worth it.

Bloodsport is a GURPS 4th edition unarmed arena game featuring gritty, realistic combat. Cinematic fighting, super powers, psionics, magic, and anything else is prohibited. The matches continue until one player is unconscious or dead. It’s also a roleplaying game. Solid writing and good characterization earn as many awards as beating the snot out of the guy across from you.

This game is mature. If you're squeamish about violence, this isn't the game for you.

link to another game
player, 34 posts
Wed 17 Dec 2008
at 19:41
  • msg #43

Looking for a Few Good Hobbits

Splattered With Gore is looking for a Few Good Men... er.... Hobbits.

The upcoming Death Labryinth Event will involve 10 teams of 2 bloodthirsty gladiators who will be running around through an obstacle, hazard, monster filled labryinth. Their goal is to get out of the Labryinth alive after accumulating the most points they can get. One way to earn points is to collect Hobbit Heads, that's right, decapitated Halfling heads. That's where you come in...

I'm looking for about 3 people to play the roles of these unfortunate Hobbits who are dropped into the Labryinth with the sole purpose of avoiding the gladiators, eluding them, and getting out alive.

To sweeten the pot, I will send $10.00 cash to anyone who makes it out alive.

I also need one more person to play the role of a killer Wandering Monster that will prowl the corridors, looking to ravage anyone and anything it encounters along the way.

Interested parties (who are NOT current members of Splattered) please apply to:

link to another game

Note, do not create a PC as your points will be different (less) than typical Gladiators.
Ninja D!
player, 5 posts
Wed 31 Dec 2008
at 18:16
  • msg #44

Re: Looking for a Few Good Hobbits

*This game no longer exists.*
This message was last edited by the player at 11:09, Wed 02 Dec 2009.
player, 2 posts
Sun 4 Jan 2009
at 15:44
  • msg #45

Re: Looking for a Few Good Hobbits

Dear _________,

Congratulations, you have been chosen to be invited to the Ultimate Martial Arts Championship.

The UMAC is a world wide event that is held annually. Exceptional martial artists are chosen from around the world to compete in this event for the prize of Ultimate Fighter of the year in addition to a sum of one million dollars.

Information about the rules can be found in the enclosed FAQs.

Should you accept the invitation, please inform us by replying to this email.

Sincerely yours,
Bruce Campbell
UMA Association

You found this lone new email in your inbox as you browsed the internet at night. You could not believe it at first, you thought UMAC was merely an urban legend. You heard rumors on the internet of a new underground fighting championship, but they were never confirmed. A few people could swear they saw an UMAC video on youtube, but it was quickly taken down before it could spread.

The first thing that you think of when you think about the UMAC are games such as Tekken, King of Fighters, and Street fighter. Dangerous underground tournaments where the best fighters gather to duke it out. You wonder if you are worthy enough. Sure, you are the toughest on the street, you have won a few tournaments, kicked a dozen thugs around, but are you really one of the best?

However, something deep inside tells you this is true, that this is the real deal. Will you take the risk and participate? Or will you consider the mail to be a scam and delete it?


UMAC is a cinematic GURPS 4e based game that focuses on tactical combat. Different events will be held that will test the characters and their players, such as 1v1 fights, tag battles, story-line events, and the like.

The characters will be 140 points with max 40 points in disadvantages. All martial arts styles will be allowed. Only blunt and balanced weapons will be allowed in the tournament. Armor heavier than leather is dis-allowed too.

Check the game out. If you like it, send an RTJ with a character concept while you work on your character sheet.

link to another game

I am also looking for a rule's lawyer to co-gm it with me.

This message was last edited by the player at 09:33, Wed 04 Feb 2009.
player, 2 posts
Sat 31 Jan 2009
at 21:52
  • msg #46

GURPS Ravenloft

After a long trek you encamp by the side of a cool mountain lake, the setting sun pouring blood-red over the peaks and giving you one last gasp of daylight.  A crumbling wall rises from your chosen resting spot, moss covered stone the only legacy of the tower or dwelling that once stood here.  The sun seems to set far faster than is natural, the night drawing in around you like a noose, no stars or moon glowing in the cloudy sky.

A wolf howls in the darkness, it's lone voice soon joined by a chorus of others.  You realize you are not alone.

GURPS Ravenloft is a take on the Ravenloft setting.  Players are characters from other fantasy settings who will soon be drawn into the demiplane of dread.  Characters will start out separate, but join together soon enough.

I'm looking for solid players who can cope with a daily posting rate.  Even if you're unfamiliar with Ravenloft, I invite GURPS players to come on and give it a go.

link to another game
This message was last edited by the player at 21:53, Sat 31 Jan 2009.
player, 1 post
Fri 20 Feb 2009
at 17:53
  • msg #47

Arena of Champions

Well, the GURPS arenas seem to have folded all, so it's time to cast a ressurection spell.

The Dragon Society invites you to the Ytarrian Arena of Champions, In the great city of Tredroy.

Go find the game here if such things are your poison: link to another game

edit: With 8 players, things are hotting up. An Ogre with a smashed leg, a barbarian who's just lost an arm, a psycho-samurai that strikes faster than Bruce Lee ever could, and a Giant beset by Munchkins.

This sure is beginning to feel a bit different!
This message was last edited by the player at 13:32, Mon 09 Mar 2009.
Mad Mick
player, 7 posts
Mon 23 Mar 2009
at 05:52
  • msg #48

Re: Arena of Champions


A pause, and then the voice on the other line says, "My name's Karen Kessler.  I was told that you investigated things.  Strange things.  I . . .I don't want to say any more on the phone, but I'd like to hire you to investigate something.  I'm willing to pay."

You've just received a call from a woman named Karen Kessler, a resident of Crystal City, Virginia, with a request for your services as an investigator of the unusual.  She refuses to go into detail over the phone, but asks that you meet her at Portofino Restaurant in Arlington.  She sounds nervous, even scared, and all she will tell you is her name and that she is "very nervous, very concerned, and willing to pay."

GURPS 4e: Pawnshop is a one-shot Illuminated/Weird Occult adventure for a small group of modern adventurers who have an interest in the unusual or otherworldly, and who are either available for hire or have a sufficient reputation to be called when an unusual case presents itself. The game is set in and around present-day Washington, D.C., and is based on the adventure Pawnshop by S. John Ross.

Even though the game is a one-shot adventure, there are plot hooks in place in the event that the players wish to continue after the initial adventure comes to its conclusion.

Link to game: link to another game
player, 6 posts
Fri 27 Mar 2009
at 14:42
  • msg #49

Re: Arena of Champions

Giants have been raiding the Old Kingdom of late, with bands of different sorts in these marauding groups.  Death and destruction have been laid heavily upon every place these monsters have visited.  This has caused great anger among the rulers of the land, for life and property loss mean failure of the vows of the nobility to protect the life and goods of their subjects - and lean times ahead.

A party of the bravest and most powerful adventurers have been assembled and given the charge to punish the giants.  They must deliver a sharp check, deal a lesson to the clan of hill giants nearby, or return in shame.

I'm running the old TSR module G1 - Steading of the Hill Giants, converted to GURPS.  If all goes well, it'll lead into the other adventures in the mega-module.

Admittedly, it's somewhat more of a tactical than a roleplaying exercise, but it's a far cry from raw hack n slash.  While I'm not running it as a pure Dungeon Fantasy game, I am using strong elements from it.

300 point cinematic fantasy.  Come on and check it out.

link to a message in another game
This message was last edited by the player at 14:43, Fri 27 Mar 2009.
player, 4 posts
Thu 7 May 2009
at 23:51
  • msg #50

Re: Arena of Champions

Welcome to Sandpoint, a young town that has had few serious trials and dangers over the course of its forty-two year history.  Indeed, Sandpoint is now five years removed from its greatest hardship, the Late Unpleasantness, which saw a spate of deaths and destruction that rocked the coastal settlement.  A mass murderer known popularly as "Chopper" took the lives of 25 residents before being he was captured and killed by the town's guards (but not before he claimed the town's late Sheriff Avertin as his final victim).  Only a month after Chopper's spree was ended, a fire consumed must of the northern part of the town, including Sandpoint's only chapel and the life of its only priest.

But such matters are best left to the past, for Sandpoint is no longer mired in troubled times, but is blessed by cause for celebration!  The upcoming Swallowtail Festival will herald the completion of the new, grand Sandpoint Cathedral on the same site as its destroyed predecessor and finally heal the last wound left by the fire.  The festival has drawn many celebrants from all quarters -- farmers have come in from the surrounding area to enjoy the event, entertainers hoping to perform before such a crowd have come from as far away as Magnimar, and merchants (and their guards) have poured into the market square to take advantage of the event.  And, of course, the locals are out in force to celebrate their town's recovery from the Late Unpleasantness.

Unfortunately for the people of Sandpoint, however, their homes and lives are not yet in the clear.  Unknowingly built over the ancient stronghold of a great mage long forgotten from an era when runelords controlled the continent with oppressive wizardry and horrific experimentation, the town of Sandpoint is not fated to enjoy its resurgence in peace.

Burnt Offerings is the first part of Paizo's Rise of the Runelords adventure path, an adventure for roughly four characters, which I have worked on converting from d20 to GURPS 4th Edition.  Although all applications will be considered, this is primarily intended as a learning opportunity for GURPS newcomers, so if you're looking for a chance to familiarize yourself with a new, great system, here is that chance.

link to another game
player, 2 posts
Sun 10 May 2009
at 02:54
  • msg #51

Re: Arena of Champions

the game I run is a slightly anachronistic steampunkish game with magic, and fantasy races link to another game

come only those that like extremely high powered games...

since I have the GURPS 3 to 4 convert, I can do 3rd ed characters given a little tweaking...

also if you're a magic user you must either be a power user or a rune caster, anyone that has spell skills will not be taken.
player, 9 posts
Tue 19 May 2009
at 06:09
  • msg #52

Re: Arena of Champions

In reply to kurlumbenus (msg #49):

you still running your game I PMed you there...
player, 15 posts
Tue 19 May 2009
at 06:11
  • msg #53

Re: Arena of Champions

That game is not currently recruiting new players.
player, 10 posts
Tue 19 May 2009
at 06:12
  • msg #54

Re: Arena of Champions

oops sry is anyone here currently actually taking 4E players?
This message was last edited by the player at 17:50, Tue 19 May 2009.
player, 8 posts
Tue 26 May 2009
at 12:42
  • msg #55

Re: Arena of Champions

link to another game
CURRENTLY FULL - 0 open slots

  January 1st, 2012: The cities of the Washington DC to New York City corridor have joined together into a vast urban jungle.  Officially called the DCNY Corridor, this urban vastness is known to the inhabitants simply as the Sprawl.  Home to well over 35 million people, increasing congestion and confusion about jurisdictional lines led to the unification of all police forces within the Corridor into one entity - Corridor PD.

  Within the Sprawl, nothing is easy.  Renegade mages, homicidal psychics, roaming monsters, larcenous metahumans, and mad scientists prowl the Sprawl, seeking to hide among the masses of humanity.  For a time, these miscreants had the police outnumbered, outgunned, and outpowered.  The city slid ever closer to chaos, until finally Corridor PD began recruiting their own powered officers - the Lawbringers.

  The Lawbringers are oganized into teams of 4-8 with a mixture of abilities from four basic groups.  Metahuman Lawbringers are known as Reds.  Lawbringers with sorcerous talents are classified as Whites.  Psychics are known as Greys.  The Blues are highly skilled unpowered humans, assigned to the teams as specialists - demolitions, snipers, power armor, etc.  Equipped with the latest technology, the Lawbringers are sent in to handle the toughest situations within the Sprawl.

GURPS 4e Lawbringers is a dystopian street-level Supers game utilizing the GURPS 4e ruleset.  Designed to be a teaching game, prospective players will work through the character generation process with assistance from an experienced GM, and then run through an adventure to get them acclimated to game play.  While tentatively envisioned as a one-shot adventure, the game has potential to run as a campaign for as long as all parties should wish to continue.  Please note this game is rated as mature, mostly just to avoid any problems with rpol policies toward language and violence.

Characters can be generated using as little as GURPS 4e Lite, a free sample of the full GURPS rules, to most any relevant books currently out.  These can include (but aren't limited to) - Basic Characters & Campaigns, Powers, Magic, Biotech, High Tech, Martial Arts,  Power Ups 1: Imbuements, Power Ups 2: Perks, Supers, Thaumatology, and Ultra-Tech.  Also note that characters built using GURPS Lite will most likely wind up as Blues (i.e. 'super-normals').
This message was last edited by the player at 12:00, Wed 27 May 2009.
player, 19 posts
Tue 9 Jun 2009
at 18:04
  • msg #56

Dungeon Fantasy

It is a well known legend.

The Church of Karameikos is widespread and popular among the ruling classes of the Grand Duchy. One of its orders - the Order of Chardastes - has gained popularity with the common folk as well. It grew out of an incident that occured three hundred years ago. At that time there were many places in Karameikos dedicated to Traladaran worship. A small sanctuary in Marilenev (renamed Specilarum when the Thyatians invaded) was one of these sites.

One day, a woman who was very ill came to the sanctuary to pray for health. While she was alone, a being called Chardastes appeared to her. He told her that the religion of her people - the Traladaran Church - was false, and that his way was the only true path. To prove this, he laid his hands upon her, curing her of illness. He left behind on the altar a wonderful magical bell.

The bell was of pure platinum, and lacked a clapper - ringing magically whenever picked up.

When the Tyatians settled in Karameikos, they incorporated the sanctuary into the Church of Karameikos. The litany of Chardaste, they claimed, was that of their church.

The story of the bell spread far and wide across the land. Even now, on the anniversary of the miracle, hundreds flock to the building, hoping to be cured by Chardastes. They crowd into the sanctuary, a hundred or so at a time, and pray as the clergy sings the sacred words and lift the sacred bell. Most are disappointed, but so many have had their prayers answered that the Order flourishes still.

This all ended five years ago. At the time, there was a cleric in the order whose name was Elwyn. Elwyn was very dedicated to the church, but that was not enough. Rumors spread that Elwyn had begun rpacticing with blades, and researching the spells of magic-users, trying to expand beyond the limitations the immortals ask of their clerics. This was a serious charge, but before a Church Inquisition had formed, Elwyn vanished without a trace. To the horror of the people, the sacred bell of Chardastes that was kept in the sanctuary was gone, too!

The order has been in crisis ever since. The faithful still flock to the sanctuary on their holy day, but there have been no miracles since the bell vanished. The numbers of the faithful have decreased in recent years.

Some time ago, rumors of a powerful hostile force began to spring up. It was said that someone had built a large fortress in a distant section of the Grand Duchy, and that none who set out to investigate had returned. Recently, rumors have been circulating that Elwyn might be behind this mystery.

Patriarch Sherlane, the Baron ruler of the city of Threshold, has sent out a call for adventurers interested in investigating this fortress.

link to another game
This message was last edited by the player at 18:04, Tue 09 June 2009.
player, 6 posts
Fri 12 Jun 2009
at 07:54
  • msg #57

Arena of Champions

Hi all.

Re-issuing the invite to join the Arena of Champions game mentioned above. The game is (IMHO - players might think differently ;-) running well, with a player base grown to 10-12 (depending on how you count) and a co-GM added.

However, such a game can always accomodate/use more participants.

So if Cinematic Martial Arts-enhanced Combat is your thing - even if it´s "just" to get better at the rules - come take some names and chop off some limbs!
player, 25 posts
Fri 12 Jun 2009
at 13:32
  • msg #58

Re: Arena of Champions

Regarding my game above:

It's now Gurps Fantasy rather than Dungeon Fantasy, so if the lack of the DF books was stopping you, go ahead and check it out.
player, 104 posts
Because somone else got
all the good names first.
Fri 12 Jun 2009
at 17:16
  • msg #59

Re: Arena of Champions

I would most likely join, had I more time. I will send my recommendations, I am in one of his other games and am having fun. He tends to make sure no one gets away with anything they shouldn't, keeps things fair, and generally has a plot that keeps you coming back. Any minor things I might find less than perfect (and face it, who is? :P ) are far out-shined by the things that are going well. I just wish the players would make up their minds and post more often. ;-) (Yes, including myself.)
player, 38 posts
Tue 16 Jun 2009
at 15:24
  • msg #60

Re: Arena of Champions

link to another game


I am seeking applicants to play the role of the Bad Guys in an upcoming adventure that is inspired by the old D&D Greyhawk module series: Scourge of the Slave Lords.

You will assume the role of an evil slaver who's mission is to kidnap select persons and spirit them away to your hideout for ultimate transport and sale to far off lands. While you are engaging in this criminal activity, another group of players shall assume the role of the Heroes, or Good Guys who's quest will be to thwart your endeavor. This player versus player adventure is similar to one I ran a year or so ago called The Good, The Bad & The Ugly. Unfortunately that game went south and fizzled out but I anticipate this one will be even better and should hopefully run its full course.

Ideal candidates will be Mature, good writers, and be able to commit to sticking with the project to its climactic conclusion.

Of note, the game mechanics will be run with Gurps 4th Edition Rules, but knowledge of the system is entirely unnecessary.

If interested, please send me a RTJ with a writing sample.  Please do not whip up a character yet, as I would like to talk the process through with you.

Thanks! I look forward to hearing from any interested parties.

Mad Mick
player, 13 posts
Mon 29 Jun 2009
at 19:06
  • msg #61

Lair of the Fat Man

Adult Game

The year is 1984.  Two years previously, with the threat of global terrorism at an all-time high, the United Nations Security Council decided to create a single organization dedicated to combating terrorism wherever it might occur around the world.  This agency became known as United Nations International Strategic Taskforce On Mutual Protection, or UNISTOMP.  When terrorism threatens, UNISTOMP forms action teams composed of agent pairs from various intelligence agencies worldwide, including the KGB, MI-6, and the CIA, who must temporarily set aside their differences and report to UNISTOMP headquarters in Belgrade to be briefed on their missions.

Lair of the Fat Man is a one-shot GURPS 4e adventure written by W.G. Armintrout for Steve Jackson Games.  Players will take the identity of one of four Senior Agents for either the U.S., U.K., U.S.S.R., or the People's Republic of China.  The game will tend toward the cinematic, and influences include the James Bond and Austin Powers films and the Get Smart television show.

The game is rated Adult, so players must be at least 18 and be able to view adult materials in their area.  I'm currently looking for one or two more players to round out the cast, so if you're a literate writer and crave a little campy spy action, come check out the game!

link to another game
player, 10 posts
Mon 29 Jun 2009
at 19:42
  • msg #62

Alternate History

“The best way to predict the future is to invent it.” - Alan Kay

"History will be kind to me for I intend to write it." - Winston Churchill

The PCs will be transported back in time. The specific time will revealed during game play.

I’ll only be accepting 4 to 5 players.

link to another game
player, 32 posts
Wed 1 Jul 2009
at 00:41
  • msg #63

GURPS Glastnost

The year was 2015, and the world is on the brink of a new cold war.  The two great nuclear powers of the world - the United States of America and the Russian Republic - rattle their sabers, politicians taking hard, hurtful stances while the people wait in fear of a third - and final - world war.  Nobody wants to end the world, but a politically viable solution remained evasive. The increased tensions only intensified the pressure upon the leaders of both countries to take positions of strength rather than compromise.

Salvation came in the form of an astronomical oddity - an unknown stellar object impacted the surface of Mars.  Most interestingly, it appeared to course correct as it traveled, angling towards the red planet.  Media and scientific speculation ran rampant, bumping nuclear fears off of the front page.

The Perestroika Mission is an attempt to improve relations between the two nations in a way that will save face for both.  A manned mission to Mars, the first of its kind, will gain international attention, provide both nations with prestige, and provide the opportunity for close cooperation.  Besides the scientific value of the mission, its highly televised spectacle is anticipated to bring international audiences together.

link to another game
This message was last edited by the player at 00:42, Wed 01 July 2009.
player, 50 posts
Thu 2 Jul 2009
at 17:37
  • msg #64

Re: GURPS Glastnost

GURPS 4 Super Epic Space Adventure Is under both sci fi and supers, as a group of Supers embarks on a voyage through unchated hyperspace to try and save the earth from an imminant alien invasion. 750 points.
I have not yet advertised in players wanted because I would also like feedback from experienced GURPS players before I put out the final call for players.
player, 11 posts
Sun 19 Jul 2009
at 15:40
  • msg #65

Re: GURPS Glastnost

My Alternate History game died. My fault really, just didn't excite me and I couldn't get into it.

So I've decided to return to my favorite:

High Weirdness Cross-genre Mash-up

GURPS 4e: The Daily Grind
link to another game
player, 36 posts
Mon 20 Jul 2009
at 19:49
  • msg #66

GURPS Razorfist

The world ended not with a bang, but with a whimper.  70% of the world's population died when the planet's overtaxed ecosystem gave out, resulting in monsterous storms, widespread famine, and continued political unrest.  Nations fell, networks crashed, and civilization ended.

It took decades for mankind to build itself out of its crater.  It began with trade towns, barter towns, where people could meet and greet without fear of desert raiders, mutants, or irradiated monsters.  Where people meet, the liquor flows.  Where the liquor flows, bets are made and blood will spill.  So came Razorfist.

Razorfist is no-holds barred gladiatorial combat.  The brave, the desperate, and the foolish will dedicate themselves as gladiators, bringing to bear scavenged weapons to entertain others and earn what they can.  The town council runs everything - the arenas, the betting parlors, the hospitals - so much so that Razorfist earns the town more than trade these days.

link to another game

Ran this before, but only got a few players.  Giving it another go.
player, 1 post
Wed 22 Jul 2009
at 23:23
  • msg #67

A Change of Pace [a GURPS Detective story]

It was a miserable, hot and muggy afternoon in the City That Never Sleeps.  I was sitting in my office enjoying the dingy paint and the gorgeous alley view.  It really wasn't much to look at,  but it was mine.  Mine until Mr. Ackrin kicks me out for not paying rent for a handful of months.  I was expecting the landlord to show up with the papers any minute now.

There was a knock on the door.  I lumbered across the room, in no hurry to answer.  In better days Gladys would have answered it already, but she was out looking for a job that would provide a paycheck more then a couple times a year.  I open the door expecting to see Ackrin there on the other side, maybe with a couple of goons to help move my furniture down to the street -- by way of the window.

What luck!  It wasn't Ackrin, but a dame.  And not just any dame, the best kind of dame -- she was a client.  Said her names Mrs. Johnson, widow to the late Mr. Johnson.  Said she wants me to investigate her husbands recent murder, even though the cops already have a man in slam for it.  Sounded like a winner to me, even if I couldn't find clue one I could sell her on the cops having it right.  Or muddle along, get blocked by the cops at every turn, and drag things out for months.  Either way, it looked like I would be able to afford some decent whiskey.

I'm looking for a few players for a GURPS 4th ed. Mystery.

link to another game
player, 39 posts
Fri 24 Jul 2009
at 14:32
  • msg #68

Re: A Change of Pace [a GURPS Detective story]

"People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect... but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly.... timey-wimey.... stuff." - The Doctor

You're about to discover the truth behind temporal theory, and you don't even know it.

Tempus Eo is a GURPS 4th ed Time Travel game.  Players will create versions of themselves, soon to be cast adrift in time until they learn to control their travel.  Focus will be on character development - a mixture of "What would you do" and "What would you become".  Additional focus will be on exploration and problem solving.

The setup:  You (that's right, you, the player) are at Gen-Con, the massive gaming convention in Indianapolis, Indiana.  You'll meet the other players (hey, we're all gamers, right?) and then start with the time travel.

This is a mature game, because the past can be a horrible place.

link to another game
player, 12 posts
Fri 24 Jul 2009
at 19:03
  • msg #69

Re: A Change of Pace [a GURPS Detective story]

One more player would makes three, a good strong number. The Magic Number! some say.

So far we have a psychiatrist to secret meta-humans. Will they overcome they're problems? Will the good doctor guide them to coming out and publicly revealing their identities and powers or encourage them to stay hidden? Will he truly try to help them or manipulate them to his own ends?


A beautiful woman from another dimension, slightly behind us in technology but able to tap into the mystical powers of the multi-verse unlocking forces not understood in our world. Her recent crash into our world has severed her from the potent magical force of her home and left her abilities somewhat diminished. Will she find a way to tap into this strange new world's magical energy? Will she adapt to the new technologies of our world and turn our scientific community on its ear or will she work in secrecy to find a way home?

This is a pretty wide open opportunity for you to play those strange characters you have crammed back into your three-ring-binders thinking them too unusual for other games.

link to another game
player, 53 posts
Wed 21 Oct 2009
at 21:15
  • [deleted]
  • msg #70

Under Twin Suns

This message was deleted by the player at 02:25, Thu 12 Nov 2009.
player, 4 posts
Tue 10 Nov 2009
at 22:52
  • msg #71

French by Bloodshed


Anyone interested in a GURPS WWII game based on the French Foreign Legion and using 4th edition rules?

I set up this game for a group of 4 guys who know each other in real life (face to face). They advertised on another web site looking for an online rpg. Anyway, after I set up the game, they submitted character sheets and then disappeared. At this point, I can only assume they lost interest or found a different GM.

So that leaves me with a ready-to-play adventure and an outline for a long term campaign that I'm very excited about. The campaign information and guidelines for character creation are on the game board.

link to another game
player, 59 posts
Thu 12 Nov 2009
at 02:25
  • msg #72

GURPS Banestorm/Tredroy

Welcome to Tredroy, the Jewel of the South, the biggest city outside of the Empire, a city of wealth, danger, and intrigue.  A million coins change hands, a hundred daggers wait in the shadows.

You and your allies are Contacts; freelance troubleshooters selling their skills and expertise to the rich and powerful.  There's a lot of work out there for someone willing to do the job, and your principles and skill may be the only limit on how high you can rise.  Build your name, build your fortune, seek a knighthood or political office - in the Jewel of the South you can have what you want if you have the willpower and skill to take it.

GURPS Jewel of the South is a low fantasy city-based game set in the world of Yrth as presented in GURPS Banestorm.  Players are free agents in the city, performing tasks for the city's elite and pursuing their own goals.

link to another game
player, 21 posts
Mon 23 Nov 2009
at 23:33
  • msg #73

Magnithar GURPS 4e

WARNING! Proceed no further if you are a minor. This section of the site may contain offensive material.

link to another game

The game shown above is your standard evil spellcaster trying to take over the world scenario I'm looking for an elf to replace the one we just lost due to college papers, tests, and whatnot.

EDIT: Main bad guy taken but I will accept applications for members of his family or other allies that would be on equal grounds.
This message was last edited by the player at 11:26, Tue 24 Nov 2009.
player, 22 posts
Wed 25 Nov 2009
at 19:59
  • msg #74

Re: Magnithar GURPS 4e

The game above has taken all the evil characters I think the party can handle, but please feel free to request a character to join the main party. Right now the main options allowed will be as follows:

Human (They're always allowed)

Halfling (They've traveled south to trade for enough to survive for the winter. These characters will be able to enter play when the party reaches the next town [the name I'm not going to mention because of PVP characters who read this thread])

Gnomes (These guys live a few days walk north of the city, some live in the city itself)

Elves (they're in the jungle baby! [this information is not sensitive because of how large the jungle is and the fact that no specific information was given])
player, 71 posts
Fri 27 Nov 2009
at 00:12
  • msg #75

Re: Magnithar GURPS 4e

The city of Nexus needs players, authors, and Campaign masters. It's designed to be a living city or sandbox style game stradling 7 universes.

link to another game
player, 65 posts
Sat 5 Dec 2009
at 16:43
  • msg #76

Storm Born

The storm came without warning, and it struck without quarter. It was thicker than any in the village could remember - black as shadow, and plunging the sunny July afternoon into blackest night. It came with a cold almost amber rain that stained the clothes and burned the eyes, it came with winds that could knock a grown man prone or tear the thatch off of a roof, but silent as death. There was no thunder, and the lightning flashed purple deep within its depths.

The livestock, for once, were as caught off guard as the menfolk in the fields were. The steeple bell rang loudly, calling the faithful not to their knees, but to sanctuary within the fortified church. Even the fief's landlord took shelter there, not wishing to risk the trek to his own keep. Those who'd been close enough waited with baited breath for the storm to lessen, but it only seemed to intensify. Peasant and serf huddled next to noble blood, even as the priest supplicated the divine to deliver them from the unnatural blackness of the storm beating at the church's shutters.

Stormborn is a GURPS Fantasy game set on Yrth at the dawn of the Banestorm. The players are the most competent inhabitants of a feudal English holding in the earldom of Kent, sent through a magical catastrophe to another reality. The players and NPC villagers will initially try and survive their new circumstances, and then build new lives in their new reality, contending with native Orcs, other Banestorm victims, and the environment itself.

There isn't going to be a super heavy resource-management component to the game. The farmers know how to do their jobs and grow enough food for the community if you can keep the orcs from eating them and lead them to somewhere to settle. Still, the PCs are going to be the primary decision makers for the community, particularly after the basics of survival (food, fresh water, and defensibility) have been obtained.

link to another game
player, 3 posts
Sun 6 Dec 2009
at 23:53
  • msg #77

Gurps Amnesia

You wake up, unable to recall what just happened. Actually you don't really remember much of anything. Not your job, bank account, where you live, your childhood, friends, family, or even your own name. Thankfully you aren't alone. Seems there are a few more people in the same boat as you. Maybe together you can figure out who you are, and maybe just as importantly what's going on. That is if you survive long enough.

In this game all characters will have the total amnesia disadvantage. Meaning I create your characters, and slowly dole out information as you discover it. Due to the nature of the game concept just about every aspect of the game is negotiable at this point. Currently the game will be set in a contemporary world. If you're interested swing by, and submit a RTJ!

link to another game
player, 13 posts
Wed 9 Dec 2009
at 09:17
  • msg #78

Arena of Champions

link to another game

Hi all

Just want to say that the little Arena game of ours is still pluggin' away. The main focus of the game is us exercising our Basic Set and Martial Arts rules-fu, but the IC part of the game is pretty well developed as well :-). We accept all comers, even those that may have fallen by the wayside at some point, should the urge have returned :-) (Or even the great masters of old - hi Ceredyn. Good to see you active - it's all in the honour of Splattered, y'know ;-). 11 PC's at this point in time - at great number to reach would be 16!
This message was last edited by the player at 13:45, Wed 09 Dec 2009.
player, 46 posts
Mon 14 Dec 2009
at 19:32
  • msg #79

Re: Arena of Champions

link to another game

We accept all comers, even those that may have fallen by the wayside at some point, should the urge have returned :-) (Or even the great masters of old - hi Ceredyn. Good to see you active - it's all in the honour of Splattered, y'know ;-).

Thanks Wratch, but I'd better pass...  I'm still in therapy over the last Arena game I ran... I think I'm on the 4th of the 12 step program. Maybe the 5th... Its all a blur. lol  Besides, I suck when pitted against rules lawyers.  I always get eaten alive!
player, 8 posts
Wed 30 Dec 2009
at 23:08
  • msg #80

Re: Arena of Champions

Suviel Orilou glared down the length of his sword at the gibbering peasant below.  The man is bound at the ankles and wrists, his head bowed low with tears flowing freely to the floor below.  The tattered ends of his pant legs are stained red with blood from the crossbow bolt that tore through the flesh of his lower leg.  And Suviel is starting to wish it had pierced him through the heart.  With an emotion that is more disgust than pity, Suviel draws his sword back, and sheathes it cleanly into it's scabbard.

It had not been a good spring.  After Sir Osric's murder, Threshold had gone into near chaos.  Mytherang had been away, Amul had fled to Nulb, Nicholas Machholt's attacks had been repelled at great cost, and every man with a title and even a shred of ambition was fighting for the greatest title in the land.  Though Brobazian at least had the mind to keep the White Lancer's out of the situation, Suviel still feared for his own safety, not at the edge of a sword, but in the dead of the night...  With Osric dead and little reason left to stay in the area, Suviel made his farewell's with Brobazian, and departed for other lands.

Having known to stay well away from Keoland, Suviel instead found himself traveling south, through the Hold of the Sea of Princes along the Jerlea Bay, past Port Joli, and through some of the worst of the Hesil woods.  He stayed at Garal but briefly, annoyed by the curfew laws and soon made his way just further westward to Belenth.  He'd taken up position as the Captain of Sir Ellington's guard, an odd assignment for being so new to the area, but Suviel would not argue.  He soon found out why.  Men were deserting left and right.  Sir Ellington was frenzied into keeping the entire populace under an iron fist, which of course had driven them into revolt with little concern as to who of Ellington's men were killed in the process.  After only a week on the job, Suviel was directed to smooth over an uprising, follow and attack a secret meeting of twenty or so peasants with only six men! and further to defeat the coup that developed.  For once fighting on his own terms, Suviel staged an ambush, taking four of his best men in Ellington's private stagecoach, another as the driver, and two more following on horseback.  The whole scene was concocted to make the peasants think that Ellington was leaving the city alone and underguarded, and indeed a group of ten peasant men attacked only a few miles from the township.  Suviel and the others easily took out their archers with crossbows from inside the carriage, which amounted to five down instantly, the two guards on horseback chased down three more, and hacked the men to death before they could be stopped.  Of those eight the only man alive was below him now, because Suviel had intentionally shot him in the leg, instead of in the heart like the other men.  The other two escaped, one of which, Suviel was inclined to believe, was the one who had started the whole thing in the first place.

And so here he was, in a musty cell, questioning the one man who had information as to the planning.  And spill his guts he did, about Cordell, the leader, and each one of his nine friends, of which all but one were dead.  He spilled his guts on the Syndicate, about Baron Teluve who was the man behind it (or so Cordell said) and about all the hatred and fear the townsfolk had for Sir Ellington (and please dear god please don't kill me!)  The man had broken down now, and was sobbing pitifully into the floor.  His leg was bleeding and his spirit was broken, and Suviel was sickened with the both of them.  The man for being so weak, and himself for the job he had allowed himself unknowingly to take.

Behind him, Suviel hears the door of the cell open and close.  "He talked!"  The voice was Sir Ellington's a high pitched squeal of accusation and fear.

"Yes."  Suviel answers smoothly, turning halfway around to meet Sir Ellington's gaze.  "That was the most of their organization here, he said there were others at the meetings, but most were farmers who simply wanted change, though no combat skills to add to the effort."

"Good."  Ellington cackles, "then maybe this thing is finally over and we can get back to peace!  As for the two that escaped, we'll find them soon enough, or they will run, either way they will be of no consequence."  He ponderously dabs at his beard with a single finger.  "My tax collectors will be free to do their jobs again, and my guards will cease from their exodus.  Thank the heavens."

Suviel was not really particularly happy for the man, he doubted very much that Ellington's guesses were anywhere near accurate.  If he continued taxing the populace into the ground, and hoping that fear would keep them in check, he was in for a very rude awakening.  Suviel had seen the spirit of only a few dozen men overcome an army of hundreds, and Ellington's estate, with only a handful of guards was far from impervious.

"This is very good...  Excellent work Suviel, you may kill him now."

"Pardon?"  Suviel was sure he could not have heard the man right.  In front of him, the peasant's face shoots up, his visage smeared with puffy red, and the sticky film of tears from his eyes all the way down his cheekbones and into his beard.

"He is guilty of treason."  Ellington explain.  "To attack me is to attack the vassal of Lord Berd.  He will die as an example for all to see.  Strung up in front of my gates."

"Sir."  Suviel begins, his teeth clenched to mask the anger in his words.  "You are inciting a riot with every pawn you kill.  Don't you think perhaps, for your own safety, you might want a few of your subjects who thank you for being alive?"

"They should ALL thank me!"  Sir Ellington screams, his voice reaching into falsetto.  "You said yourself they were peasants and commoners, no training, and no hope!  They shall PAY FOR TREACHERY!"  The vassal's face bulges, his veins pulsating below his skin.  Every inch of him screams fury and paranoia.  "Or..." the face contorts, crude edges of his mouth bending upwards into a sadistic grin.  "Will you be guilty of treason too for disobeying me?"

Suviel nearly chortles with laughter, though the situation is not funny.  Slowly, he draws his sword.  Every inch of the mithril blade slicking against the side of the scabbard, and the whole gruesome sound reverberating against the walls.

"No,"  The man on the floor gibbers,  "I have children!"  But Suviel is turned fully on to Ellington at the moment.

"Consider this my resignation."  Suviel spits, his arm lashing back in preparation.

Ellington flinches, his eyes snap shut as he throws himself back against the wall in terror.  He waits for the hit, but it does not come...  Or is he already dead?  Slowly, painstakingly, he opens a single eye, then both.  And smiles with glee at the scene below.  The peasant, his feet bound, and his wrists trapped together under him, lies face first in a pool of blood that is rapidly expanding, not even a single sign of life left to him.  And Suviel is gone.

OOC:  Looking for 1 or 2 applicants to fill out our crew.  The game is GURPS: Sons of the Broken in the fantasy section.
Mad Mick
player, 19 posts
Thu 31 Dec 2009
at 04:15
  • msg #81

Re: Arena of Champions

Here's a link to Raddek's game:  link to another game

If you've never played with Raddek before, I highly recommend him as a GM.  =)
player, 49 posts
Tue 30 Mar 2010
at 17:13
  • msg #82

Re: Arena of Champions

For those of you who've been around as long as I have, you may remember the early "Man-to-Man" years.  Man-to-Man was a GURPS combat-only game, providing detailed tactical melee fighting opportunities.

Steve Jackson Games cranked out the supplement to Man-to-Man, Orcslayer way back when. This was a series of 9 Melee Combat scenarios, linked loosely together in a quasi-roleplaying "campaign". They were short fight scenes in which two small groups of adversaries were pitted together, each group with its own set of objectives.

Its simple. Its fast. Its fun. Its minimal committment.

Gurps 4E rules will work marvelously for Orcslayers. However, anyone who can write detailed narrative describing their physical actions and tactical objectives can play the game successfully, even if they are ignorant of GURPS rules.

I was thinking of running this during a hiatus from Gming a heavy storyline game I'm running that requires a lot of mental energy.

Just gauging interest on whether this is something people would enjoy.  The supplement calls for 6 "primary" characters.  However, I will also need anywhere from 6 to 12 other players to run the adversaries (though multiple characters can be run by 1 adversary player if need be).

Dumb idea?  Boring?  Thoughts?
player, 1 post
Tue 30 Mar 2010
at 17:24
  • msg #83

Re: Arena of Champions

Sounds like a fun idea, but through your gore filter, I bet it'd be fantastic!
Mad Mick
player, 20 posts
Tue 30 Mar 2010
at 19:14
  • msg #84

Re: Arena of Champions

Simple, fast, and fun?  Sounds intriguing!
player, 4 posts
Tue 30 Mar 2010
at 21:16
  • msg #85

Re: Arena of Champions

I'd love to play. I have wanted reasons to have to dig through random combat rules and find how to make things happen, more than hack and slash.
player, 50 posts
Thu 1 Apr 2010
at 02:36
  • msg #86

Re: Arena of Champions

Well, between this board and the Game Proposal board, we have about 5 or 6 interested parties. Not enough to set up a Board.  I'll give it a little longer and if it sticks, will set up a Board.
Mad Mick
player, 21 posts
Thu 1 Apr 2010
at 18:32
  • msg #87

Re: Arena of Champions

Looks like you're a popular guy at GPIA.  =)
player, 53 posts
Thu 1 Apr 2010
at 18:37
  • msg #88

Re: Arena of Champions

I'm encouraged. I think we have enough people expressing interest to justify setting up the Board. I have 3 possible Playbweb people whom I'm hoping to import, as the Board I tried to set up there generated barely a hiccup of activity (sigh - gone are the glory days of PBW).
This message was last edited by the player at 18:39, Thu 01 Apr 2010.
player, 54 posts
Fri 2 Apr 2010
at 04:00
  • msg #89

Re: Arena of Champions

link to another game


Okay folks, looks like there may be sufficient interest to set up a board. Hope to see you there! :)
player, 55 posts
Sat 3 Apr 2010
at 13:19
  • msg #90

Re: Arena of Champions

Well, the game generated a lot of interest. I'm loaded up with Heroes but could use 4 to 6 more Adversaries (think Orcs, etc.).  I'm hoping to be ready to rock and roll by next week. If there are fewer, consider running 2 Adversaries at once if you're into that.
player, 137 posts
Because somone else got
all the good names first.
Sat 3 Apr 2010
at 14:24
  • msg #91

Re: Arena of Champions

Just so you know, I saw the ad on the other site It seems a little premature to pull it before anyone even saw it, but that might just be me being a bit slow. Of course, it seems things do run a bit slower over there, so that might be normal.

Anyhow, I'm a bit interested, but don't think I have the time. If you want someone who can make independent decisions so it's not so cut-and-dried, and you can put all the stuff into a can for me... ;) Otherwise, I think I'll have to pass. Thins are just getting too busy for me to guarantee posting regularly, and one thing I know I hate is when the bad guys take forever to do evil. ;)
player, 56 posts
Sat 3 Apr 2010
at 14:39
  • msg #92

Re: Arena of Champions

Yes, Playbweb is not what it used to be. Sad. I was hoping to retry the game there, but gave up.

I'd be happy to generate an Orc for you to play if you'd like me to do the footwork and you just post your combat actions.  Up to you. Glad to have you.
player, 138 posts
Because somone else got
all the good names first.
Sat 3 Apr 2010
at 14:52
  • msg #93

Re: Arena of Champions

That would be fine, with the implicit understanding that I can't guarantee posting rate, and would expect to be NPCed if I took too long.
player, 57 posts
Sat 3 Apr 2010
at 16:27
  • msg #94

Re: Arena of Champions

No worries. I'll even post that implicit warning onto your character sheet to remind me when/if you disappear.  Its all good.

We're all filled up with good guys but can spare a few more Orc baddies.
player, 23 posts
Mon 5 Apr 2010
at 23:55
  • msg #95

Re: Arena of Champions

What were you looking for in an Adversary RTJ Ceredyn?
player, 139 posts
Because somone else got
all the good names first.
Tue 6 Apr 2010
at 12:53
  • msg #96

Re: Arena of Champions

Well, things are even more hectic than I thought a day ago. Sigh. A few more major life changes, and I think I might as well tell you now I don't think I'll keep up, instead of later. Sorry for the false hope (it was my hope, as well).
player, 82 posts
Sun 11 Apr 2010
at 01:24
  • msg #97

GURPS Caithness

Caithness is a land beset by civil war.  For ten years now, the people have suffered as the land's feudal lords have battled, some for and some against the crown.  Many refugees have fled the sparsely populated and mana-poor fronteir kingdom, seeking refuge in Megalos and Cardiel.

The fiefdom of Blythe was hit perhaps hardest of all.  Far to the southwest of the bickering lords, eight years ago it was struck by foes believed to be opportunistic reptile men from the Great Desert it bordered.  Scouts reported burnt homesteads, sacked villages, and reptile man looters among the ruins.  Its fields have lain barren these past eight years, the kingdom too busy to deal with the devastation.

King Conall VI has chosen to award the fief to one of his landless knights, a brave but inexperienced warrior.  Sir Evan has been granted the land and given permission to attract colonists to settle in Blythe.  Many farmers and craftsfolk have lept at the opportunity to settle in a place far from the battlefields, and the first few years went by as expected, the new fief establishing itself firmly.

Then the war came to Blythe.  King Conall, his forces depleated, sent word to Sir Evan, asking his assistance in military matters.  The brave and loyal knight - seeing his colony on its feet - marshalled his forces and returned to the northern battlefields, leaving the defense of his lands in the most capable hands left.

Your hands.

God save us.


link to another game

GURPS Caithness is a low fantasy game.  The players are colonists charged with protecting Blythe from danger.  Adventures will focus on protecting the settlement, clearing out monsters, and investigating ruins.  Players with an interest in doing so have the opportunity to further their own interests, invest in the local economy, play social games, etc. as they grow from simple farmers and craftsmen into adventurers.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:25, Sun 11 Apr 2010.
player, 82 posts
Sat 29 May 2010
at 23:10
  • msg #98

Re: GURPS Caithness

Folks, we could use a few more Hobgoblins, maybe even a Human Soldier or two.  Consider joining. Its quick, short committment, easy peasy to play.  C'mon, don't be shy!


Sent to do the work of thousands!

Generations ago, the orc-hordes swarmed east into the peaceful kingdom of Caithness. Now they’re coming back. Last time, it took an army to stop them; This time, your lord is sending you . . .

Orcslayer is a combat adventure for Man to Man. It is nine linked combat scenarios divided by roleplaying “interludes” – which allow the opportunity to flesh out your otherwise combat exclusive characters.

Looking for 6 players to play the roles of the Heroes and any number of folks to assume the roles of the Adversaries. Knowledge of the Gurps system NOT necessary, provided you are able to provide sufficient details in your narrative as to what you are trying to accomplish.


This message was last edited by the player at 11:26, Mon 14 June 2010.
player, 3 posts
Sat 12 Jun 2010
at 04:24
  • msg #99

Re: GURPS Caithness

Documented cases of human abductions by UFOs become commonplace in areas of sparse population in countries throughout the world. World governments step up their military readiness, and there is a general news blackout in most of the affected countries. Scientists try to make contact with the aliens, but there is no substantial response.  Many countries begin to contemplate a direct military strike against the aliens. Japan, taking the lead with it's stereotypical blind bravery and courage, forms the 'Kiryu-Kai', an anti-alien combat force. After five months of operation, using the best equipment available, the group is unable to intercept even a single UFO. Due to lack of funding, Japan is forced to disband the Kiryu-Kai in November of 2018.

On December 11, 2018, the United Nations Security Council holds a clandestine summit in Geneva, Switzerland. After much debate, it is unanimously decided that a covert, multinational force should be formed to investigate, combat, and (hopefully) defeat the aliens. Assembling the best pilots, soldiers, engineers, and scientists from all the funding nations, the Geneva council establishes X-COM - the Extraterrestrial Combat Unit.


This game will attempt to mimic the very popular 90s computer game, XCOM: Enemy Unknown.

Looking for soldiers.  Other facets of the game such as research, manufacturing and base building will be handled by me.

Knowledge of GURPS or XCOM isn’t necessary but is helpful.

Soldiers will land in hot spots around the world and attempt to kill or capture all aliens in a team oriented, turn based atmosphere.

GURPS 4e: XCOM--Eve of Destruction
player, 118 posts
Thu 24 Jun 2010
at 15:01
  • msg #100


The game is up:

link to another game
player, 1 post
Tue 13 Jul 2010
at 13:37
  • msg #101

Re: Oubliette

I've started a Marvel Universe game using 4e rules I'm looking for 1 more player.

So far the team is Hawkeye, Mystique, and Mimic.

I'm not setting a point limit but letting the players create what ever seems right for the character.

I've already said Hulk is reserved as an NPC, but if you think you'd like to play let me know.

We're just building the characters now.

link to another game
player, 1 post
Wed 14 Jul 2010
at 07:20
  • msg #102

Warhammer Blood Sports

Warhammer Blood Sports is an arena combat game, set in the world of Warhammer.

It is without cinematics, and is not afraid to use houserules to balance things out and make them more fun.

It uses Brunos custom armour tables with more realistic armour weights and no DF gear.

It has an exciting Fan Factor system encouraging players to have exiting and thrilling fights.

A difference from most arena games is that the players themselves roll the dies not the GM. This is so you don't need GM-feedback for every attack, but other than that, there is little difference.

link to another game


The cosmopolitan city Marienburg1 is in turmoil, darkness has settled on the city of a thousand lamplights. The city is being flooded by refugees, fleeing from raiding barbarians in the north. The animosity between elves and dwarfes have flared up after a recent beard-incident2. Rumors has started to spread of a city beneath the city ruled by ratmen3, plotting to spread disease. Unemployment is high and gangs have started to form, fighting for dominion over the wharfs4 and demanding bridge-taxes from random people. But worst of all, the powerful merchants guilds are loosing business.
It has been 70 years since the city-state declared its independence from The Empire and now in their time of need The Empire are making demands about reunification if the city wishes its support.

Desperate time demands desperate actions and the Staatsraad have elected an unprecedented ambitions and strong Staatholder: Matthias Voogt.
One of the first actions of the new Staatholder was to legalize and found a brutal sport of old times. Inviting fighters from all over the world to come and try their skill at arms in the Arena of Marienburg.

The building and running of the arena has employed hundreds of people. Dwarfs and elves alike have put forth fighters to prove their superiority, taking the fighting from the street into the arena.
The masses are pleased, and the merchant guilds are seeing gold crows flowing to their coffins. Exotic beast and creatures5 are brought from distant lands to make the arena more interesting. Travellers, merchant and even tourist are coming to the city, to marvel at the new bloody spectacle that is Blood Sports.

art by adonihs


This message was last edited by the player at 07:20, Wed 14 July 2010.
player, 127 posts
Wed 21 Jul 2010
at 18:05
  • msg #103

Fara I Viking

In the days of my grandfather's grandfather, it was a different world.  In the days of my grandfather, when we worshipped Odin and Tyr and Thor, the Danes were feared throughout all of Europe.  We were the demons that British mothers warned their children about, we were the warriors who sent the armsmen of the Franks quaking in their boots, we were the traders who kept civilization alive after the fall of Rome.  We were glorious, we were epic.

In my father's day, it all changed.  The kings, emboldened by their association with and legitimization by the Church, increased their power and authority, and where once there was nothing came three great kingdoms of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden.  Our homesteads grew into towns, centers of trade, even as the flow of silver from Arabia and Britain dried up.

With the Church's stand against slave-taking, much of the incentive to raid was gone, and eventually slavery was replaced with serfdom.  Instead of raiding our neighbors, our kings looked further away.  In the Year of Our Lord 1107, Sigurd of Norway has sailed for the east with a host of Norwegian crusaders to fight for the newly established Kingdom of Jerusalem.  Much plunder is to be had, my brothers.  Come, let us show the Muslim why our Christian brothers fear us so dearly!

So you depart, prepared to bring sword and axe against the heathen for the glory of God and all the gold you can carry.  You will never arrive.

Instead, you and your fellow Norwegian warriors will find yourself in a strange land, on green and verdant shores, involuntary colonists in a new land.

GURPS Fara I Viking is a Historical Fantasy game set initially in early 12th century Europe, but quickly moving to a strange fantasy setting.  Emphasis will be on survival, exploration, and if the players choose it, empire building.  Historical accuracy will be emphasized for the parts related to real-world earth, and 'realistic fantasy' for the rest.

link to another game
This message was last edited by the player at 18:05, Wed 21 July 2010.
player, 91 posts
Mon 26 Jul 2010
at 20:38
  • msg #104


Hi all,

I'm in the market for an adult who is interested in playing in a gritty realistic espionage story. The player should be a good writer, mature, and willing to play a male American CIA agent and not have played in any Gurps storebought espionage adventure modules. The adventure is largely Solo, though may turn into a Duo roleplay. Posting rate should be 3 to 5 times a week.

I rarely check here. Any interest or questions, please RMail me.


player, 5 posts
Fri 13 Aug 2010
at 06:59
  • msg #105

A Midsummer Knight's Dream

Welcome to A Midsummer Knight's Dream!  The idea behind this game is to combine an arena game with a strategic one.  The game itself is played in four seasons:

Spring: The season of tournaments!  Test your skill at the joust, in the melee, and possibly at archery if I can figure out how to make that not boring.

Summer: The season of war!  March with the mighty host of the kingdom to victory and glory!  Or horrible defeat, that happens too.  When the kingdom is not at war, feel free to pick on your neighbors or hire yourself out as a mercenary in distant lands.

Autumn: The season of harvest!  The people are too busy for tournaments or wars, so this is the season in which you collect your taxes and make decisions that will affect your fiefdom in the coming year.

Winter: The idle season.  Not much to do besides stuff yourself and train for the tournaments in the spring.  This is the season in which you may spend your accumulated character points, as well as spend hours on training.

Each player character is a noble knight in the kingdom of Pleif, a powerful but fractious feudal nation on the west coast of the continent of Pikus.  The game is very open-ended however, and an ambitious, lucky and determined character can become much, much more than a mere knight.  Or a character can laze about in her castle all day and live for the hunt and tournament.  That is up to you!

This game can support up to 14 noble houses.  Everyone after the 14th noble must be a commoner or retainer to one of the nobles.  At present there are 6 7 11 noble houses.  Get in while you can!

link to another game
This message was last edited by the player at 20:28, Fri 13 Aug 2010.
player, 8 posts
Fri 27 Aug 2010
at 18:43
  • msg #106

Re: A Midsummer Knight's Dream

Putting together a Deadlands game. Got a couple of players working on characters. Will probably run multiple groups with some opportunity for solo and sandbox play as well as more traditional adventures.

I'll be using 4e GURPS as the core rules but taking heavily from the 3e Deadlands, Steampunk, and Steamtech boks for flavor. I also have several of the old Deadlands books from Pinnacle.

rMail or PM me with any ideas if you'd like to play.

link to another game
player, 95 posts
Mon 4 Oct 2010
at 17:52
  • msg #107

Re: A Midsummer Knight's Dream

The Team was in trainging, hidden away in a secure location, when the mission was moved up.
The schedule showed the team was unavailable, so it simply selected a replacement team based on available criteria.
Which was theit call signs.
and Goose.

Select a callsign, all characters are modern government em[;oyees in some branch which would use callsigns. 200 point, up yo 100 points in disads. Pick a callsign and head to hanger 13.

link to another game
This message was last edited by the player at 17:53, Mon 04 Oct 2010.
player, 99 posts
Sat 9 Oct 2010
at 16:51
  • msg #108

Re: A Midsummer Knight's Dream

The year was 2013, and as mall satelite state of Russia discovered it had an old Akula class sub in drydock. Without funds to maintain it nor to demossion it, and needing teh costal space they donated the sub to UN peacekeeping forces. There was mild debate about accepting it but since nobody wanted to simply contribute money for it's decommisioning in hopes that they would be used properly by the current owners, and the Russians didn't want it back, so the UN accepted teh sub, and teh debate shifted to what to do with it.
When the initial condition report came back from teh inspection tehre was a bit of  apolitical bomb in it, or more accurately 12, missiles. With Nuclear warheads. teh first mission was quickly decided upon and a peacekeeper crew was assembled from teh varrious nations and the orders were gievn to take the ship to stolkholm where the missiles would be disarmed and decommisioned.
On teh way to Stolkholm teh ship encountered a storm which many news agencies claimed was liek nothing ever befor seen on Earth. In fact they were wrong, similar storms had ben seen durring teh 1100s durring teh crusades, but documentatio of them was admittedly scarce, since mst people who encountered them wound up being swept to another world. A world of magic, and elves, and dragons. The now locals call it Ytarria.
The submarine crew knows only that they encountered teh mother of all storms and lost communications with teh outside world, with no idea that they are in an alternate universe. back home a salavage operation was begun but eventually bandoned when it was determined that nobody would be able to recover the nukes, and the families of those aboard were notified and thanked for their sacrifice.
Now play a member of that crew, in an unknown land, where adventure awaits.

link to another game
player, 7 posts
Sat 30 Oct 2010
at 01:52
  • msg #109

Re: A Midsummer Knight's Dream

Is anyone interested in a game of diplomacy and intrigue set against the Caithness Civil War. The campaign is based in Redhall, with the PCs as Lord Lathan Redbeard's advisors and family members. The Banestorm setting is pretty clear that Lord Lathan would rather be out hunting than running his fief, so the players would have a lot of freedom in how they handle various political situations.

I see this game as being heavy on politics and social interaction, with very little direct combat. I have a couple of scenarios in mind, but would like to see players introduce their own side-plots and hidden agendas too.

No game board yet, as I want to check for potential players before I set one up.
player, 1 post
Sat 30 Oct 2010
at 01:56
  • msg #110

Re: A Midsummer Knight's Dream

I'm big into political/social/RP games, so I'd be up for checking it out.
player, 18 posts
Furry Kitty with
a witch's hat
Sat 30 Oct 2010
at 02:49
  • msg #111

Re: A Midsummer Knight's Dream

I would be interested in diplomacy game.
player, 15 posts
Sat 30 Oct 2010
at 13:54
  • msg #112

Re: A Midsummer Knight's Dream

I'd also be interested in a game like that.
player, 159 posts
Because somone else got
all the good names first.
Sat 30 Oct 2010
at 20:39
  • msg #113

Re: A Midsummer Knight's Dream

Not me- but I'd love to be someone's spy, maybe with a poison vial. I'd do great as a PC if the other PCs never even saw me... ;)
player, 8 posts
Sun 31 Oct 2010
at 01:45
  • msg #114

Re: A Midsummer Knight's Dream

Thanks to those who have shown interest in the game. I went ahead and created it. "His Lordship's Advisors" is now ready to accept applications. link to another game

@2l8m8: No problem with anyone playing a spy, but I'm not planning to run solo adventures. PCs will certainly be able to keep some actions private, but I want to see alliances and rivalries within the PC group. As for the poison vial, assassinating someone is easy. Having a friendly PC/NPC ready to step into the victim's position is the hard part.
player, 160 posts
Because somone else got
all the good names first.
Sun 31 Oct 2010
at 11:37
  • msg #115

Re: A Midsummer Knight's Dream

Thanks. Yeah, it seems the role I might be interested in is trivial and best left to NPCs, if it isn't just a Fait Accompli. Guess I just prefer no-brainer to political intrigue, especially at the beginning of November. I think too much at work as it is... ;)
player, 133 posts
Tue 11 Jan 2011
at 17:36
  • msg #116

Re: A Midsummer Knight's Dream

They said it was for our own good.

Oh, the rogue planetoid was international news.  They couldn't cover that up.  There was no way they could hide its approach, but they did manage to obfuscate its significance.  For every astrophysicist that warned of a dire fate for the planet, two more were paid to blow it off, to mumble something unconvincing about slight magnetic interference, to assure us that everyone was okay.  Most people believed them - after all, nobody wants to face the end of the world.

A lot of people did, though.  Listen to those few voices shouting warnings, as discredited as they were.  Celebrity intellectuals were well paid to laugh off the direst of warnings, to make comic figures of the harried scientists warning of vast electromagnetic storms, of shifting poles, of the destruction of everything mankind had accomplished.  The nations of the worlds went all out to distract us with media spectacles and scandals and proxy wars while those in power quietly excavated bunkers and stockpiled resources.  Militias and survivalist groups - paranoid gun fetishists and anarchist radicals - saw through some of it and made their own preparations.

Everyone else died.  That's what gets me.  That's what keeps me up at night this last year while I wait for the storms to die down, for the dawn to finally come so we can creep out of this dank cave and reclaim the surface.  What I can't stop thinking about is our neighbors.  The politicians who lied to save themselves, and the paranoid nutjobs who were ready for this kind of thing.  That's who we'll be sharing the world with, now. That's the new seed of humanity.

Maybe it'd have been better if that damn rogue had just hit us instead.

In Salted Earth the players have survived the end of the world.  Each leads a small band of survivors trying to make their way in the ruins of the new world.  Gameplay will include scavenging resources, dealing with other survivors, and trying to survive in the wasteland.  Inspirations include the PC games Wasteland, Fallout, and Oregon Trail, the tabletop RPGs Morrow Project and Aftermath, and movies like Day After Tomorrow, A Boy and his Dog, Six String Samurai, Mad Max, and 2012.

link to another game
player, 6 posts
Wed 12 Jan 2011
at 09:48
  • msg #117

Zuddha Yuddha

Welcome to the Zuddha Yuddha!

The malla-yuddha is an ancient South Asian combat sport consisting primarily of full contact wrestling.  It has declined under the Mughals however, and is nearly unknown in the north.  In the small northern princedom of Zailazekhara however, it has lived on.  The raja of Zailazekhara, Hemu Chandra, has grown bored with the traditional event as many of his contemporaries have.  His solution was not to eliminate it but to transform it.

Over the past year, word has spread to the far corners of the world of the raja's plans.  Warriors from far away Europe, China, Japan, Africa and even the Americas have joined the Indians in flocking to Hemu Chandra's court for the rumors of gold and high station available to the winners of this mysterious new contest.  As the modern-day gladiators trickled in, they learned of the raja's changes to the ancient malla-yuddha tradition.

No more was this a mere unarmed contest.  Raja Hemu Chandra has decreed this to be an armed struggle for glory or death.  No longer a malla-yuddha but the Zuddha Yuddha, the True Combat.

link to another game

Why Zuddha Yuddha?

India in the 17th century is a place where you might find warriors of any culture.  This is the era in which European colonization (in the form of joint stock companies) is just beginning, and the Portuguese have already been here for a hundred years.  Africa and the Middle East are both close by, for characters of those extractions.  This is also true of SE Asia; it is easy to imagine Chinese, Koreans or Japanese here at this time.  The whole area was tied together by trade.

Additionally, India has the advantage of being both rich and political fractured.  This allows us to create the fictitious princedom of Zailazekhara which is wealthy enough to sponsor interesting events for the amusement of a bored monarch without stretching disbelief.  This is much more difficult in the rest of the world.  An arena is a ludicrous thought in Europe, Russia or the Ottoman Empire of this time.  The Barbary chiefdoms might qualify the same way India does but they are not as conveniently located.  China, Japan and Korea lack arena traditions.  An island ruler in SE Asia might work as well, but India's location is more central.


The middle of the 17th century is a time of great world conflict.  You see the English Civil War, rebellions in France and Ukraine (the latter of which damages Russia and devastates Poland-Lithuania), and the end of the Thirty Years War in the rest of Europe.  The Ming Dynasty has just fallen to the Manchu in China, but isolated pockets of resistance remain.  The Shaolin Temple is destroyed.  The Manchu also invaded Korea repeatedly in this timespan.  The Shimabara Rebellion in Japan spells the end of serious, large-scale resistance to the Tokugawa Shogunate; you'd expect to see many Japanese in exile after this.  Given the time period, there are many famous teachers that exiles may have learned from, including Miyamoto Musashi.  This is also the Golden Age of Piracy, allowing for scurvy seadogs.  Many pirates set up shop around Madagascar, possibly even founding their own republic (Libertatia).


TL 4 allows access to virtually every piece of melee fighting equipment in the Basic Set, Martial Arts and Low Tech.  While the battlefield in this period is dominated by muskets and pikes (in the West; forces elsewhere use other melee formations), armor is still worn and martial arts have not yet passed from use.  India is a center of world trade; it is not improbable for a character to buy an English forest bill and a Manchu repeating crossbow in the same marketplace.
This message was last edited by the player at 07:16, Tue 18 Jan 2011.
Digital Mastermind
player, 40 posts
Publisher of D&D content
Supporter of GURPS design
Sun 20 Feb 2011
at 04:13
  • msg #118

Re: Zuddha Yuddha

A Steampunk/Victorian specific fan discussion group has popped up, and I know some folks around here are interest, so here ya has'et: link to another game
player, 1 post
Tue 22 Feb 2011
at 20:40
  • msg #119

Opportunity Knocks

A big city like Redlake offers a lot of opportunity for a sharp crew looking to earn some cred. Vice. Protection rackets. Shakedowns. Good old-fashioned robberies. The potential for profit is limited only by how clever you are, and how much heat you can stand. It all comes down to brains and guts.

A big city with a strong underworld doesn't have as many opportunities. Wanna knock over a liquor store? It better not be under somebody's protection. You wanna sell drugs down on the boardwalk? You're taking cash right outa someone else's fist. A mob gets big enough and old enough, and it seems like you can't even pick a pocket without ending up in somebody else's till.

Fortunately the problem is often self-correcting. The Marquis took over Redlake in 1972 when he threw old Don Russo through the plate-glass window of his penthouse apartment. For the next decade and a half, he and his Syndicate had this town wrapped up tight. Every fence, every pimp, every dealer, every little crew worked for somebody who worked for somebody who answered to The Marquis. If you were in, you were set. If you weren't... you were careful, or you were dead.

Then some sniper took out the Marquis and his top lieutenant, and everything fell apart. His second and third lieutenants blamed each other, but really that was all just an excuse for them to make a grab for what was left without waiting for some kind of mediation to parcel things up nicely for them. Dust was raised, everyone with an ounce of smarts hit the mattresses, old scores were settled, and what was left of the Marquis's organization beat itself to death fighting over the scraps he left behind. By the time the dust settled, there wasn't anyone strong enough to keep the organization together.

Nature abhors a vacuum. Gutter punks like you and me? We freakin' love it. This is where bones are made.

Opportunity Knocks is a street-level crime game set in the fictional city of Redlake in the late 1980s. The players are a crew of young but ambitious criminals looking to make it big in the aftermath of a gang war that has left the city's criminal landscape fractured. The players will initiate, plan, and execute heists and other rackets to gain power, respect, and turf. This is a semi-sandboxy game in that the players must come up with their own plans rather than wait around for GM hooks to follow.

link to another game
Digital Mastermind
player, 41 posts
Publisher of D&D content
Supporter of GURPS design
Tue 22 Feb 2011
at 20:53
  • msg #120

Re: Opportunity Knocks

*Whispers* 80 Point Characters, by the way.
player, 2 posts
Tue 22 Feb 2011
at 20:56
  • msg #121

Re: Opportunity Knocks

I was originally considering between 50 and 75.  It's definitely more "crime drama" than "action movie".
This message was last edited by the player at 20:57, Tue 22 Feb 2011.
Digital Mastermind
player, 42 posts
Tue 22 Feb 2011
at 21:00
  • [deleted]
  • msg #122

Re: Opportunity Knocks

This message was deleted by the player at 23:51, Tue 22 Feb 2011.
player, 3 posts
Tue 22 Feb 2011
at 21:19
  • [deleted]
  • msg #123

Re: Opportunity Knocks

This message was deleted by the player at 21:32, Tue 22 Feb 2011.
Digital Mastermind
player, 43 posts
Tue 22 Feb 2011
at 21:26
  • [deleted]
  • msg #124

Re: Opportunity Knocks

This message was deleted by the player at 23:52, Tue 22 Feb 2011.
player, 1 post
Tue 1 Mar 2011
at 05:33
  • msg #125

Re: Opportunity Knocks

Thanks for allowing me to join.  I've posted a game advertisement to the main thread, but I'm having some trouble generating interest.

I'm seeking players for a game set on a frozen Earth.

In the near future, a meteorite collision fills the upper atmosphere with dust that darkens the skies and lowers global temperatures to below freezing.  The whole of humanity, just under one million, now lives in a narrow cold temperate band around the equator.

A group of scientists and experts have decided to create a refuge colony away from the feudal lords and constant warfare.  Midwinter Island.  There, you will learn to survive, establish a base of civil technology, and reach out to find the fittest new members that will help sustain mankind's knowledge for future generations...

...and discover secret alien technologies and advanced paranormal abilities!

Maybe you've heard of Midwinter, a PC game from the early 90's.  It is the foundation for this setting, but not the storyline.
player, 42 posts
Tue 1 Mar 2011
at 05:44
  • msg #126

Re: Opportunity Knocks

Sounds interesting, especially the paranormal abilities. I've been looking for an excuse to use Psionic Powers.

'Super Comet: After the Impact' a show from Discovery might help if you can find it.
player, 2 posts
Tue 1 Mar 2011
at 06:06
  • msg #127

Re: Opportunity Knocks

Thanks for the tip.  The background for this story came from an old PC game and it was one of the most extensive background stories for a game I'd ever come across.  Basically, the comet or asteroid hit Burma and wiped out all of Southeast Asia instantly.  Japan was hit by a thousand-meter tsunami and wiped clean.  Crops failed.  China starved, Russia invaded Europe and the Middle East looking for food.  The US population surged southward into Mexico and Central America looking for refuge, following their army.

And yet there's something strange about how the comet appeared without warning.

I'll be getting a slow start with it because I'm still in graduate school, so be patient with me.
player, 3 posts
Tue 1 Mar 2011
at 06:11
  • msg #128

Re: Opportunity Knocks

Oh, here's the link to the game page.

link to another game
player, 43 posts
Tue 1 Mar 2011
at 06:12
  • msg #129

Re: Opportunity Knocks

Is there a link yet?
player, 21 posts
Furry Kitty with
a witch's hat
Wed 2 Mar 2011
at 02:38
  • msg #130

Re: Opportunity Knocks

AlbertYenir, I took a quick look at your game and had a comment. One job you left out was Farmers. A colony will need food.
player, 4 posts
Wed 2 Mar 2011
at 03:32
  • msg #131

Re: Opportunity Knocks

In reply to Witchycat (msg #130):

Thanks.  I made an expanded list of possible character jobs in the game.  Yes, indeed.  The colony will have to find ways to grow food in wintery conditions.
player, 176 posts
Because somone else got
all the good names first.
Wed 2 Mar 2011
at 12:23
  • msg #132

Re: Opportunity Knocks

You coming, Witchy? I'm there... You gonna be our food supplier? :)
player, 22 posts
Furry Kitty with
a witch's hat
Thu 3 Mar 2011
at 00:51
  • msg #133

Re: Opportunity Knocks

I suppose I will come but I am not sure I want to be a farmer.
Digital Mastermind
player, 47 posts
Publisher of D&D content
Supporter of GURPS design
Thu 3 Mar 2011
at 03:29
  • msg #134

Re: Opportunity Knocks

I've been tempted because I'm a sustainable utilities and housing design/construction specialist..
player, 178 posts
Because somone else got
all the good names first.
Thu 3 Mar 2011
at 19:53
  • msg #135

Re: Opportunity Knocks

Too cool. I'd love to pick your brains sometime, I've been thinking of doing solar / wind for home. :)
player, 6 posts
Thu 3 Mar 2011
at 20:13
  • msg #136

Re: Opportunity Knocks

I suppose I will come but I am not sure I want to be a farmer.

So, be an arctic coyboy or cowgirl!

You:  Get along little dogey!

Seal:  Ar! Ar! Ar!
player, 104 posts
Fri 4 Mar 2011
at 14:48
  • msg #137

Re: Opportunity Knocks

If you do the wind for your house I'd recomend using a DC generator with a chopper to ramp voltage up to 24V. You can reduce the need for batteries if you get oversized blades and tilt them to pick up gentler winds- industrial wind turbines generate as low as 5MPH winds though they can oeprate at lower speeds, but find it overtaxes the inverter which will not be an issue for a home DC generating turbine. In theory (though nobody has built such a thing to my knowledge) you could be generating small ammounts of power in winds as low as 2 MPH.
Digital Mastermind
player, 48 posts
Publisher of D&D content
Supporter of GURPS design
Fri 4 Mar 2011
at 15:12
  • msg #138

Re: Opportunity Knocks

There are potential piezoelectric wind harnessing options, similar to how tidal energy conversion works.  You have a surface of some sort, the force works against it, exponentiated to it's tip, and at the other end is a motor which captures the pushing energy.  This would be more ideal for gusty winds, it works for waves because they come, they go, they come, they go, and so on, which lets the resistance surface return to default.  That's the difference between them and turbines.  Turbines keep going under sustained force but falter under unsustained conditions. Piezoelectric only works once per actuation then has to reset, but it can be made with any variance of strength to capture the energy from something as big as a tidal wave to something as small as a foot step, a swinging limb, or a puff of wind.
player, 179 posts
Because somone else got
all the good names first.
Fri 4 Mar 2011
at 16:19
  • msg #139

Re: Opportunity Knocks

Yeah, there's various things, but I'm looking for something fairly cheap. I could probably build any industrial type stuff, I'm an electrician and I have friends who can do welding and most other fabrication. It's the panels themselves I can't build. I've heard of a new turbine, about the size of a 55 gallon drum, I was thinking of looking into. Apparently it's quite efficient, something like a squirrel cage fan. Anyone hear about that?

And reverse metering... I gotta look into that. Completely eliminates the need for batteries, if you don't mind not having power when the utility is out. Which isn't a big deal, I have a generator I could run for the excess if the wind / solar isn't working to capacity in that situation.
Digital Mastermind
player, 49 posts
Publisher of D&D content
Supporter of GURPS design
Fri 4 Mar 2011
at 17:31
  • msg #140

Re: Opportunity Knocks

Helix style turbines are efficient by design, but inefficient by nature.  The wind attempting to pass through acts as a counter force to the opposing blades on the rear of the cylinder, minus the energy taken from the initial impact on the forward facing blades.  Though, they're far more space efficient...  versatility is key, because no one design is perfect, period.  If you've got wind whipping through tight spaces, then by all means, a blow style fan on a turbine motor, acting just like a watermill....

And you can infact build your own solar panels.  Buy the cells themselves individually, tab them together with simple sodering, and build an appropriate enclosure.  You could heat water and air various ways depending upon how you address the waste heat from the photovoltaic process.

In regards to the above mentioned game, my mind was thinking up an underground hydroponic bunker.
player, 180 posts
Because somone else got
all the good names first.
Fri 4 Mar 2011
at 23:03
  • msg #141

Re: Opportunity Knocks

Yeah, the solar I don't think i really have room for. My roof slants the wrong way, so I'd need to either put it on the ground, or build a rack to level the panels in that direction, so I could tilt them in the other direction. What is it, south facing? Hmmm... haven't thought about that since before the remodel, I might actually be able to cover a significant portion with some panels... And since I use hot water heat, I would look into how hot the water actually got, as well. Anything over what I keep the house at, might be a bonus... Need a heat exchanger, though, I'd guess, I have the wood burner running about 180 F constant circulation. You'd need constant circulation for that, too, I'd wager, or it'll freeze without gallons of antifreeze... a little would work if circulating, but I'd want it freeze-proof in case something broke down.
player, 105 posts
Sat 5 Mar 2011
at 02:53
  • msg #142

Re: Opportunity Knocks

Squirrel cage will work in overtorque to produce power in an AC generator- very effecient, but it puts a minimum wind speed on the generator since the turbines have to push it past synchronous speed, which actually loses effeciency on the blades as they have to be tilted to compensate for rotational speed, unless you invest in a really expensive motor with a low synchronous speed and a lot of poles. It's what the old 70's wind generators used, then they switched out teh squrrel cage to a resistive winding connected to an inverter. It allows for a softer start by cogenerating power from teh startup inrush as well as allowing it to generate below synchronous speed if teh wind adds enough power to pick the speed up above what the power provided by the stator windings will produce.
player, 15 posts
Wed 9 Mar 2011
at 17:11
  • msg #143

Re: Opportunity Knocks

The final war is over.  The machines won.

The ruthless Artificial Intelligences have exterminated most of humanity.  Those of us who've survived are hunted like animals or worked to death in brutal labor camps.  The earth has become a wasteland, populated by robot cities, lethal cyberbeasts, and mutant animals.  Entire countries have been transformed into hostile wastelands or altered by nanotechnology run amok.

It's been over a decade since the revolt, and the struggle between man and machine has grown more complicated.  The AIs have carved the world up between themselves, and intrigue fiercely.  This is an era of chaos, fear and hope, a time when the bold can shape the new destiny of humanity.

Reign of Steel: Washington Trail is a post apocalyptic game set in a future where the machines have all but wiped out humanity.  The players are captives in a death camp in Washington state.  Play will initially focus on surviving and escaping the camp, and then shift into a guerilla/resistance mode should they manage to pull it off.  Inspirations include the Terminator movies (obviously), Battlestar Galactica, the original PC game Wasteland, and elements of Fallout.  Run in GURPS 4e.

Reign of Steel was a setting published for the third edition of GURPS, so if you're familiar with it, kindly forget everything that you're not told that you know!
player, 7 posts
Mon 21 Mar 2011
at 15:15
  • msg #144

Re: Opportunity Knocks

There's still some room in the Midwinter game.

The group is engineer/mechanic/medical heavy.

We need one more soldier type.

We also need another unique science specialist.  Astrophysics and psychology/psychiatry have not been taken.

The point total is 125 + 45 + 5 = 175.  The setting is post apocalyptic on a snowball Earth.
player, 183 posts
Because somone else got
all the good names first.
Mon 21 Mar 2011
at 20:01
  • msg #145

Re: Opportunity Knocks

See now, I probably would have played a soldier but it just didn't fit for some reason. But I will say, I'm having fun in the game so far. Haven't gone real far, but it seems pretty decent and I'd recommend it. For what it's worth from me, anyhow, not sure how many people value my opinion around here, but I thought I'd put in a good word for the GM.
player, 23 posts
Furry Kitty with
a witch's hat
Tue 22 Mar 2011
at 01:44
  • msg #146

Re: Opportunity Knocks

Yes, I am in the Midwinter game too and its a blast. Can someone please play a nice soldier to protect us mechanic types?
player, 9 posts
Wed 23 Mar 2011
at 18:14
  • msg #147

Re: Opportunity Knocks

See now, I probably would have played a soldier but it just didn't fit for some reason. But I will say, I'm having fun in the game so far. Haven't gone real far, but it seems pretty decent and I'd recommend it. For what it's worth from me, anyhow, not sure how many people value my opinion around here, but I thought I'd put in a good word for the GM.


Witchycat:  Yes, I am in the Midwinter game too and its a blast. Can someone please play a nice soldier to protect us mechanic types?

Thanks for the compliments, both.  I ran GURPS games for years, but I've been away from since since before 4e came out.  I'm getting a little help from an old Blue Hologram.
player, 99 posts
Mon 28 Mar 2011
at 19:01
  • msg #148

gurps 4e "Fields of Fire"

The arrows rain down upon the clumsily forming Borderlannders. Fortunately the volley is launched from afar and its flight over the still waters of the swamp last long enough for the soldiers to defend themselves. Most of the arrows plunge harmlessly into the marshy turf, some thud into upraised shields, and a few ping off armor or helm. Only one finds flesh, as evidenced by the bark of pain from one of the Westfarm militia men.

And then, fast on the heels of the missile strike, there sounds a great roar of "SALDIRMAK!" from across the way and the Ekbirian army charges en force, nearly a hundred strong. They sprint around the reed covered bank toward the ragged Borderland line, barefoot, dark legged, black haired warriors in gleaming bronze, bristling with javelins; curved tulwars and scimitars winking in the afternoon sun. Colorfully decorated horses give excited squeals and spring ahead of the mob, their manes and tails flowing, their riders bent forward in the saddles, lances stretched out before them...

"RETREAT! RETREAT!" Shrieks the Nyrondian, Avrakias de Rel Mor from the saddle. His eyes are as big and round as saucers and all color has drained from his face. Spittle flecks his clean-shaven chin. An Ekbirian arrow is pinned through the folds of his riding cloak. "THEY ARE TOO MANY! RETREAT! RETREAT!"

Though Avrakias, by virtue of his noble blood, far outranks any other man in the company, the soldiers ignore his orders completely. Instead, with a clatter of weapons and drum of boot steps, they form up under the booming command of Beothach the Hard Sword. Blackrazor brandished high, the Fruztti bullies the men into a defensive line. Though they are quick to obey him, the White Lancers, Amul Maccholt's most elite cavalrymen, utter shouts of outrage when Beothach orders them to fight on foot.

"DISMOUNT?!" Cries one of the Lancers with a tone and expression that suggests to Beothach he would rather slice off his testicles and hand them over than surrender his beloved steed. "How the devil are we supposed to..."

"YOU HEARD THE CAPTAIN!" Bawls Sir Obal Blaze who turns in the saddle and gives a firm rap against the speaker's breastplate with the side of his lance. "Now get off those horses and form up like you're told!"  But Beothach can see the look of restrained indignation in the Knight's reddened face.

Nearer and nearer surges the roaring mercenary horde. Archers continue firing at random intervals, their shots growing more accurate, and soon, the force reaches throwing range and begins flinging javelins into the ranks.

Maseo Reisalter hunkers low behind his shield as he tries all at once to keep an eye on the flying missiles; concentrate on a certain spell he is casting; and keep his feisty horse under control. Elwë is a dark bay stallion with black legs, tail and mane who snorts and jerks from the noise and sudden movements, but appears more excited than frightened. Wrestling with the reins, Maseo manages to swing the horse about, kick it forward and halt jerkily beside Beothach. Reaching out his free hand, Maseo utters some foreign sounding words and touches the Fruztii on the shoulder. In all the confusion, no one notices the bluish witchfire flare briefly from Beothach's brawny frame. Too, no one but Maseo notices the way a pair of arrows, fast descending toward the Fruztii veer suddenly off in an entirely different direction, to plunk harmlessly into the boggy waters of the swamp...

Now the first wave of Ekbirians bear down upon Beothach's relatively puny company. Ten tapestry-cloaked horses -- lighter and fleeter than the brawny white Perrenbloods of the Lancers thunder forth, the sharp tips of the riders' lances seeking to puncture shields and rend flesh. But at the very last stretch, something amazing happens!

All at once, the vegetation surrounding the marsh springs to life! Mud-blackened tree roots erupt from the earth to wrap around horse's foot and trip them up; or shoot higher to loop cavalryman's leg and yank him out of his saddle. Horses tumble face first into the dirt, hurling their hapless riders into bone crushing falls.

Some of the riders are down, but most make it through the fantastic obstacle. Now Beothach is alerted to a high, piercing yell and he whirls about to see a tooth-bared Ekbirian fast bearing down upon him! Shrieking like a banshee, the cavalryman lowers his lance for a killing thrust!

link to another game

This is an experimental strategy wargame using a combination of Gurps 4E, Warhammer Fantasy Battle and House Rules. Currently seeking a couple of play testers to help me work the glitches out. MATURE 2 to 4 players only.
player, 10 posts
Thu 31 Mar 2011
at 03:49
  • msg #149

Re: GURPS Midwinter

Incidentally, I ran this game setting in GURPS more than twelve years ago.  Back then, I even had a map of Midwinter Island the size of a card table.  Everyone made 250 point characters with 100 disadvantages.

The game flopped after just two sessions.

I played it too hardcore realistic, and players got mangled and broken early on and bogged the exploration down.

Natural healing isn't very much fun.

This time, I've got things more in hand.

Still might need one more replacement character.

link to another game
This message was last edited by the player at 03:49, Thu 31 Mar 2011.
Digital Mastermind
player, 54 posts
Publisher of D&D content
Supporter of GURPS design
Thu 31 Mar 2011
at 03:53
  • msg #150

Re: GURPS Midwinter

Have to tell ya, I've certainly peeked at the game a couple times..
player, 10 posts
Thu 31 Mar 2011
at 14:56
  • msg #151

Re: GURPS Midwinter

Now I'm really nervous! The players had way more points 12 years ago than we do now--in 3e!--and they all died in two sessions!
player, 20 posts
Thu 31 Mar 2011
at 14:58
  • msg #152

Re: GURPS Midwinter

And we're still alive. Goes to show you how meaningless point values alone are when it comes to survival.
player, 11 posts
Thu 31 Mar 2011
at 15:03
  • msg #153

Re: GURPS Midwinter

We haven't yet had any combat or environmental hazards in this game yet (or at least the PCs I'm talking to haven't yet). Let's see what happens when we do!

But I just want to add a shout out, the game it really interesting so far, and the GM is full of lots of great descriptions and ideas. The players I've interacted with personally are friendly and skilled writers.

Thumbs up, join the game!
This message was last edited by the player at 15:05, Thu 31 Mar 2011.
player, 11 posts
Thu 31 Mar 2011
at 16:23
  • msg #154

Re: GURPS Midwinter

In reply to trooper6 (msg #153):

Well, the game didn't fall apart because of a TPK (Total Party Kill).  It fell apart beacuse I was mean and vicious and attacked the party with wild animals and natural disasters without regard to healing times.  In short, I treated it like an AD&D game where hit points are all healed by the cleric after every battle. After a session of exploring the island while carrying around the wounded on stretchers, interest in the game naturally waned.

Just keep in mind the bad guys won't hold back, so it is best to avoid a fight when possible.
player, 12 posts
Fri 1 Apr 2011
at 04:11
  • msg #155

Re: GURPS Midwinter

We haven't yet had any combat or environmental hazards in this game yet (or at least the PCs I'm talking to haven't yet). Let's see what happens when we do!

But I just want to add a shout out, the game it really interesting so far, and the GM is full of lots of great descriptions and ideas. The players I've interacted with personally are friendly and skilled writers.

Thumbs up, join the game!

Don't count your chickens yet.  There's an all-out firefight going on in one thread and a creepy ghost ship in another.
player, 13 posts
Fri 1 Apr 2011
at 05:07
  • msg #156

Re: GURPS Midwinter

All-Out Firefight and creepy ghost ship?

*la la la la la* I can't hear you. I'm only going to have puppies and flowers on my thread.

(okay, they might be puppies with guns and creepy ghost flowers--but I hope not!)

Digital Mastermind
player, 57 posts
Publisher of D&D content
Supporter of GURPS design
Fri 1 Apr 2011
at 05:12
  • msg #157

Re: GURPS Midwinter

Ghost puppies bearing flower guns?
player, 14 posts
Fri 1 Apr 2011
at 05:17
  • msg #158

Re: GURPS Midwinter

Ghost puppies bearing flower guns...better or worse than zombies?

I really can't decide.
player, 13 posts
Fri 1 Apr 2011
at 05:19
  • msg #159

Re: GURPS Midwinter

In reply to trooper6 (msg #158):

Funny you should mention zombies.

Did I say that out loud?
Digital Mastermind
player, 58 posts
Publisher of D&D content
Supporter of GURPS design
Fri 1 Apr 2011
at 05:21
  • msg #160

Re: GURPS Midwinter

....I better get a puppy.
player, 15 posts
Fri 1 Apr 2011
at 05:33
  • msg #161

Re: GURPS Midwinter

I'll bring the flowers!
player, 14 posts
Fri 1 Apr 2011
at 15:31
  • msg #162

Re: GURPS Midwinter

Digital Mastermind:
Ghost puppies bearing flower guns?

No, flower puppies bearing ghost guns.

Or is it flower ghosts bearing gun puppies?

I'm so confused!
This message was last edited by the player at 15:31, Fri 01 Apr 2011.
player, 24 posts
Furry Kitty with
a witch's hat
Sat 2 Apr 2011
at 00:54
  • msg #163

Re: GURPS Midwinter

Yes, but how long can zombies tread water? I hope I am not going to find out soon.
Digital Mastermind
player, 59 posts
Publisher of D&D content
Supporter of GURPS design
Sat 2 Apr 2011
at 01:00
  • msg #164

Re: GURPS Midwinter

Depends how intact their festering skin and bloated their gurgling innards are ;)
player, 15 posts
Tue 5 Apr 2011
at 22:12
  • msg #165

Re: GURPS Midwinter

Still could use a player or two.  Preferably someone to take over existing characters whose players have dropped out inadvertantly.  You can revise the character sheet so long as the core concept is the same.
player, 16 posts
Sat 23 Apr 2011
at 02:23
  • msg #166

The Prodigal GM returns

Well, I don't expect anyone to kill a fatted calf or anything but I'm restarting my Dungeon Fantasy and Deadlands games.

The former players have dibs and I'll be posting full adverts in a day or two to give them a chance to post their intent.
player, 189 posts
Because somone else got
all the good names first.
Sat 23 Apr 2011
at 14:08
  • msg #167

Re: The Prodigal GM returns

Ooh.. is this the one I asked to join, sort of? I want in if you're taking newbies...
player, 26 posts
Thu 26 May 2011
at 19:01
  • msg #168

Horror Game

All is not well in Eidondale, though this has thus far gone unnoticed by the residents of the small town. In a time of economic insecurity, the town's tourism and forestry industries have been thriving, and Eidondale is going through a period of rapid growth. Crime has risen in recent years, but not out of proportion with what one might expect.

Eidondale's problem isn't crime. At least, not as far as the local police expect it.

A darkness lies under the small town's mountain charms, a sickness that is only just beginning to be visible on the surface. This malignant tumor extends its tendrils to touch the guilty and innocent alike, destroying some, corrupting others, and giving a rare few the boost they need to become something different. Something more.


This Damned Earth is a horror game set in the contemporary United States. The players are capable individuals as yet uninitiated to the horrible supernatural truths of the world around them. Gameplay will involve both investigation and combat, though relying on overt force to solve problems may not work. Inspirations include Supernatural, Chill, Kolchak the Night Stalker, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel, Friday the 13th: the Series, and Poltergeist: The Legacy.

link to a message in another game
player, 109 posts
Sun 29 May 2011
at 05:03
  • msg #169

Re: Horror Game

The never ending GURPS game: link to another game
orriginatng in Lochport this game is designed to be long lasting- with advnetures being somewhat compartmentalised so one person's real life issues cannot derail the game and with a back up GM in the wings as well lending some contributions and advice, and able to step in so my RL issues won't derail the game. The initial setting is a fantasy realm in late TL:2, early TL:3 where a remote outpost is facing potential isolation from an empire in crisis...
player, 27 posts
Wed 1 Jun 2011
at 18:39
  • msg #170

Re: Horror Game

We've got 2 players in This Damned Earth and I'd really like at least two more. Anyone interested, go ahead and sign up.
player, 2 posts
Thu 16 Jun 2011
at 16:23
  • msg #171

Re: Horror Game

player, 41 posts
Thu 16 Jun 2011
at 22:33
  • msg #172

Re: Horror Game

In reply to Zuldan (msg #171):

or rather patience... the other one refers to victims of medicine people who go to the hospital :D
player, 3 posts
Thu 16 Jun 2011
at 23:28
  • msg #173

Re: Horror Game

i dont get it....(ooops there on to me.)
player, 42 posts
Thu 16 Jun 2011
at 23:36
  • msg #174

Re: Horror Game

Post removed due to irrelevance at this location... on the other note... GURPS Horror and Tactical Shooting are amazing!
This message was last edited by the player at 23:36, Thu 16 June 2011.
player, 4 posts
Fri 17 Jun 2011
at 15:20
  • msg #175

Re: Horror Game

i am gonna wait for gurps horror hard copy. but that sounds promising at least.
player, 9 posts
Wed 29 Jun 2011
at 16:23
  • msg #176

Zuddha Yuddha

The Zuddha Yuddha still seeks brave men and women willing to risk everything for a chance at glory. The rules have been modified to a degree since the original posting; gladiators now function under a unique point cap which has helped tame the tendency of the game toward high skill and nothing else.

Join us here:

link to another game
player, 45 posts
Wed 27 Jul 2011
at 12:55
  • msg #177

Firenze Unbound

It is 1508. The Medici have left Firenze. The heretic priest Savonarola has been burnt at the stake. For the first time in centuries, Florentines feel no puppetmaster pulling the strings of the republic. Firenze's destiny is once again in the hands of its citizenry.

At least, most of them think that they're free. Some of them know better. They know of the darkness that stalks the streets after the sun goes down. Strange figures flitting about the Basilica de Santa Maria de Fiore. Secret meetings in the Palazzo dei Priori's towers.

The guilds know, certainly. And the Council of Eight, surely they're aware. As do families missing children, or children awaking to find their parents gone forevermore. The Church currently holds Firenze under interdict, and it is illegal for laypeople to perform exorcisms, but something MUST be done.

Firenze Unbound is a historical horror game set in Renaissance Florence. The players are capable individuals secretly hired by the civic authority to investigate and dispatch supernatural menaces in and around the city. Gameplay will focus on investigation and combat. 200 point cinematic game run in GURPS.

link to another game
This message was last edited by the player at 12:55, Wed 27 July 2011.
player, 108 posts
Sun 7 Aug 2011
at 21:59
  • msg #178


Mature, reasonably well written Players who can post about once a day and commit to a 4 to 6 month Real Time adventure. Players must enjoy High Fantasy Dungeon Crawl Type adventures with gritty realism thrown into the mix. Players must be able to work with other players/characters in a team environment.

Ghost Tower of Inverness is an old time D&D Dungeon-Crawl adventure set in the World of Greyhawk. It will be far different from the actual module to avoid players reading up on the adventure beforehand. In fact, there will be traps set along the way to discourage and/or kill players who metagame by reading up on the old module, so beware! :)
This game will involve teams of adventurers who's goal is to (a) survive the dungeon (b) solve and escape the dungeon in the shortest amount of time (c) earn the most tournament points you can along the way. Your team's final score, earned through adventure play, will be compared to other teams playing in the same Dungeon (though teams will not be interacting). The winning team members will each be awarded a Figurine of their choice to be mailed to their home. The player with the single highest score will be awarded a $50 US dollar prize. Note, no awards will be given to players or teams who do NOT finish the entire adventure.

Note the game system is Gurps 4E - but NO KNOWLEDGE OF THE SYSTEM IS NECESSARY to enjoy and succeed in the game. GM will help create a character of your choice, or you may choose a pregenerated character as well.

I will give a few weeks to start taking in player submissions, then we'll work out teams. I anticipate the game will start in a month or so.

Right here --->  link to another game

Because I LOVE seeing cunning players compete against each other; I love the nostalgic feel of the old famous D&D modules; I love the gritty realism Gurps offers; and I LOVE watching players figure their way through the gore-splattered, trap and riddle-filled Mouse Mazes I concoct. All in all its probably because my mother never held me enough.
player, 54 posts
Mon 8 Aug 2011
at 11:55
  • msg #179

Worlds Beyond Measure

Worlds Beyond Measure is a dimensional-travel GURPS game in the Infinite Worlds setting. The players are capable modern Earth humans who will be jumping from alternate world to alternate world and exploring and having adventures as they do. Social, investigative, and combat capabilities will all be helpful. Inspirations include Sliders, Fringe, Eureka, and Lost.

link to a message in another game
player, 200 posts
Because somone else got
all the good names first.
Mon 8 Aug 2011
at 12:28
  • msg #180

New games

Both sound pretty good. I don't particularly care about the RL prizes, though. I have a suspicion it might attract less than mature players, but then I'm a big cynic, too.

How much post rate would you guys expect? I'm not real sure I can commit to more than a couple times a week, although sometimes I can do 5x / day.
player, 55 posts
Mon 8 Aug 2011
at 12:45
  • msg #181

Re: New games

I'd prefer if players could post at least every two days or so. More often is find. Weekend posting is not expected.
player, 201 posts
Because somone else got
all the good names first.
Mon 8 Aug 2011
at 15:15
  • msg #182

Re: New games

See, weekends there's a good chance I can post more. Hopefully I can do every 2 days... If I get hung up, any problems NPCing the character? Or would you prefer I don't join? I'm good either way, no sense investing (rare) time only to drop out later. I plan on being available, but I can never tell.
player, 56 posts
Mon 8 Aug 2011
at 19:56
  • msg #183

Re: New games

As long as I have some warning, it's understandable if players are absent from time to time. I tend to NPC characters in very limited/suboptimal ways - I'll do my best to keep you alive, but you won't be very helpful. Just sort of following along.
player, 109 posts
Wed 10 Aug 2011
at 00:56
  • msg #184

Re: New games

Both sound pretty good. I don't particularly care about the RL prizes, though. I have a suspicion it might attract less than mature players, but then I'm a big cynic, too.

How much post rate would you guys expect? I'm not real sure I can commit to more than a couple times a week, although sometimes I can do 5x / day.

The RL prize is just to make things fun. Bragging rights, really.
I'm looking for a daily posting rate.
player, 5 posts
Thu 18 Aug 2011
at 02:38
  • msg #185

Re: New games

Is there anyone left interested in Ceredyn's Ghost Tower adventure?  A 3 man team of bad guys in Ceredyn's Borderlands game is looking for a fourth for the Ghost Tower.
Mad Mick
player, 37 posts
Thu 18 Aug 2011
at 05:12
  • msg #186

Re: New games

Man, I'd love to join you guys, Link, but I'm already signed up.  Of course, you neve know.  =)
player, 202 posts
Because somone else got
all the good names first.
Thu 18 Aug 2011
at 08:11
  • msg #187

Re: New games

I'm actually doing Ghost Tower as a tourney in 1E D&D. I think it'd be kinda like looking in the back of the book, otherwise I might already be in.
player, 6 posts
Thu 18 Aug 2011
at 19:28
  • msg #188

Re: New games

Ooooooo, Mad Mick, if you were only available!

2l8m8, Ceredyn has said he is changing the module as its written to thwart people who own it/have read it, in an attempt to stop advantages of prior knowledge.  I would be willing to bet that you'd be fine.  We'd be happy to have you if you're interested.
player, 203 posts
Because somone else got
all the good names first.
Thu 18 Aug 2011
at 23:26
  • msg #189

Re: New games

I'm getting awful close to my time limit again...
Anyone feel like building me a fighter character? I think I can squeeze it in but I don't know when I'll have time to build a guy... And it'd be kinda fun trying a pre-made guy like the module originally had.
player, 7 posts
Fri 19 Aug 2011
at 00:07
  • msg #190

Re: New games

If Ceredyn would allow it, I'd build you a fighter type.  Why dont you send him an RTJ and ask if its ok.  Tell him Pavish sent you, ;p
player, 57 posts
Fri 19 Aug 2011
at 00:07
  • msg #191

Re: New games

I'd offer, but I'm playing and we're competition so you shouldn't trust me. :D
player, 204 posts
Because somone else got
all the good names first.
Fri 19 Aug 2011
at 11:26
  • msg #192

Re: New games

I don't trust anyone. :P I'm not going to accept it without looking... ;)
player, 115 posts
Mon 5 Sep 2011
at 15:22
  • msg #193

Re: New games

The never ending GURPS game is starting a second volume: Infinity Patrol fantasy division. This will alow for a bit more setting variety and open up a different scope of adventuring for those who aren't wanting to deal with the personal side fo a city wide crisis. Of course the IPFD will find Lochport early on to link the volumes together...
player, 1 post
Sun 9 Oct 2011
at 12:00
  • msg #194

(GURPS Fantasy 4E) The Lost Island

Come join the Adventurer's Guild.  An help to unravel the mysteries of the Lost Island of Revia.  Starting in the Colony Town of Davenport, your PC will join with his/her fellow Guildmembers in Adventures of Dare-doing & Exploration !!!

link to another game
This message was last edited by the player at 11:12, Mon 10 Oct 2011.
player, 25 posts
Furry Kitty with
a witch's hat
Mon 10 Oct 2011
at 01:01
  • msg #195

Re: (GURPS Fantasy 4E) The Lost Island

Are you still taking new players?
player, 2 posts
Long Time Roleplayer,
rather then Rollplayer!!!
Mon 10 Oct 2011
at 11:11
  • msg #196

Re: (GURPS Fantasy 4E) The Lost Island

In reply to Witchycat (msg #195):

Yes they are.
player, 3 posts
Long Time Roleplayer,
rather then Rollplayer!!!
Mon 10 Oct 2011
at 13:09
  • msg #197

Game Proposal, gage of interest.

Anyone interested in GMing of Playing in a GURPS Hammer(Using GURPS Rules in the Warhammer Setting).  Or a GURPS FALLOUT game?

UPDATE: I got 5 interested in GURPS FALLOUT.  See link
link to a message in another game

Good Gaming,
This message was last edited by the player at 19:41, Tue 11 Oct 2011.
Magic Mushroomcloud
player, 1 post
Tue 11 Oct 2011
at 16:12
  • msg #198

Re: Game Proposal, gage of interest.

I put a reply in the other thread too, but I figure it won't hurt to double-post; I'd love to play in either the Warhammer or the Fallout setting.
player, 59 posts
Thu 13 Oct 2011
at 17:36
  • msg #199

GURPS Warhammer: The Enemy Within

			Wanted! Bold Adventurers

His Excellency the Crown Prince Hergard von Tasseninck of the Grand
Principality of Ostland hereby gives notice that he is currently resident in
Altdorf and wishes to engage the services of a party of skilled adventurers.
Employment is to commence as soon as possible, for an indefinite period.

Would-be applicants are forewarned that they shall be requiredd to undertake
a most perilous mission into unexplored regions of the Grey Mountains. The
matter is of the utmost delicacy and absolute discretion is required.

Remuneration is negotiable based on experience, but a minimum of 20 Gold Crowns
per person per day is assured, in addition to a generous bonus upon successful
completion of the mission. No laggards, cowards, or dwarfs need apply.

GURPS Warhammer: Enemy Within is a campaign set in the Warhammer Fantasy universe. Newcomers to both GURPS and Warhammer are welcome. THIS IS AN ADULT GAME.

link to another game
player, 4 posts
Long Time Roleplayer,
rather then Rollplayer!!!
Sun 18 Dec 2011
at 06:45
  • msg #200

Beyond the Wall (GURPS 4th Edition Fantasy)

Adventure, for Riches, Power, or a Pardon
The kingdom of Cydonia is looking for this years foray,a group of volunteers seeking glory, riches or a pardon from justice, as they venture beyond the walled kingdom as has been done for many years, though no foray has ever returned.

link to another game
This message was last edited by the player at 06:46, Sun 18 Dec 2011.
player, 15 posts
Mon 19 Dec 2011
at 02:10
  • msg #201

The Lowest Rung

Welcome to The Lowest Rung!

This campaign begins in the highlands of Durame, an East African-inspired feudal realm in the grip of a terrible occupation. Fearsome gnolls roam the land, exacting tribute and executing any who dare threaten their power. They are not the only threat; Shashamanese raiders strike into western Durame virtually at will. The Ras cowers in his castle, his armies in the field shattered. These are dark days for the people.

Not all of the people are willing to suffer the humiliations and depredations of these foes. When a ruler cannot or will not protect his people, they must protect themselves. The Lowest Rung follows the story of a small band of peasants who find themselves thrust into this conflict, willingly or not. The early days will be desperate; these are peasants and part-time militia without their own battle honors; the glorious knights have already been defeated and disgraced.

This will be dangerous and bloody. Are you up to the challenge?

link to another game
player, 72 posts
Wed 11 Jan 2012
at 17:37
  • msg #202

Generation Last

Short-sighted economic policies, increasingly erratic weather due to climate change, and an ever-worsening geopolitical climate came to a head in the middle of the 21st century. By 2030 famine was commonplace, war was unending, and the scientific community's best consensus was that Earth would run through its resources and render itself an uninhabitable wreck by 2100.

Mankind was facing a global extinction caused by the excesses of their forefathers. They lived, every day, with the evidence of a dying planet. Across the world scant resources were pooled into research and manufacturing, and the last spark of earth's final ember was used to light the way.

Advances in hydroponics, fusion energy, and construction enabled the building of great ships, each holding hundreds of thousands of humans, each sent out across the stars to potentially earth-like planets. Some would never make the voyage. And some would reach their destinations to discover an uninhabitable rock. There was no way to know until they got there.

There was no faster than light travel. There was no reliable cryogenics. Those who boarded the ships did so with the acknowledgement that they themselves would grow old and die without ever seeing the sky again, in the hopes that future generations would.

In Generation Last players are passengers on a ship slowly approaching a new star. They will grow up and come of age in space, and then become colonists on a new world. The game will focus on drama, faction politics, and coming of age issues.

link to another game
This message was last edited by the player at 17:38, Wed 11 Jan 2012.
player, 33 posts
Sun 19 Feb 2012
at 07:59
  • msg #203

Re: Generation Last

The game Slaughtertown is coming up on a scenario ending, making it a perfect time to jump in!

If Ultra-Tech, Low-life SLA Industires mayhem starring the scum of the earth is your thing, then holler!

link to another game
player, 34 posts
Thu 15 Mar 2012
at 18:08
  • msg #204

Re: Generation Last

In the GURPS HârnWorld game What Was Lost we have an orphaned character, the brave and worthy (and kickass!!!) knight Malden Himaldy. If you like your fantasy in the gritty vein, with magic taking a back seat, this game might be for you - but the nature of the story means that you have to take over the character more or less unchanged. There might be some room for some adjustments of disads and quirks, though.

link to another game
player, 77 posts
Thu 5 Apr 2012
at 06:35
  • msg #205

Re: Generation Last

GURPS Call of Cthulhu. That's pretty much it.

link to a message in another game
player, 122 posts
Sat 21 Apr 2012
at 04:32
  • msg #206

Re: Generation Last

This Game is Rated Mature for gore and language.

link to another game

24 children, reaped from their communities, forced to compete in the bloody Hunger Games competition.

The Hunger Games takes place in a nation known as Panem, after the destruction of North America by some unknown apocalyptic event. Panem consists of a wealthy Capitol and twelve surrounding, poorer districts under the Capitol's hegemony.

As punishment for a previous rebellion against the Capitol in which a 13th district was destroyed, one boy and one girl between the ages of 12 and 18 from each district are selected by annual lottery to participate in the Hunger Games. This is an event in which the participants (or "tributes") must fight in an outdoor arena controlled by the Capitol, until only one individual remains.

Even if you haven't read the books, this is a totally cool idea for a game and you should give it a whirl. I simply could not pass it up.

This message was last edited by the player at 04:50, Sat 21 Apr 2012.
player, 86 posts
Mon 23 Apr 2012
at 17:43
  • msg #207

Re: Generation Last

Speaking of post apocalyptic games, I'm still accepting characters for the GURPS Post-apoc game here: link to another game
player, 215 posts
Because somone else got
all the good names first.
Mon 23 Apr 2012
at 17:44
  • msg #208

Re: Generation Last

Looks cool. :) Wish I had the time. :(
player, 107 posts
Sat 19 May 2012
at 14:30
  • msg #209

Re: Generation Last

GURPS Call of Cthulhu. That's pretty much it.

link to a message in another game

I need a replacement player. It's a modern-day game set in Chicago; the players have been hired by a multinational ecological concern to discover if one of their business partners is performing illegal genetic experiments.
player, 108 posts
Mon 21 May 2012
at 01:50
  • msg #210

New Game

The War Between the States ended two years ago, but all those soldiers had to go somewhere. Men trained to kill don't forget so easy, and the bushwacker's forgot slower than most. All over the country the former irregulars turned to banditry, from the James-Younger gang in Missouri to the Mason Henry Gang in Southern California. Even during the War.

Drybone Gulch wasn't an exception. Ain't ne'er been much more'n a speck on a map, and not even most maps. Just a speck, surrounded by desert waitin' for it to dry up and blow away. Meantime, there's still folk who live there, tryin' to scratch out some semblance of living from dying cattle, dried up mines, and panning a dried-up river. Ain't nothin' but old folks waitin' to die, younguns' waitin' to grow up and move on, and people too stubborn to know when to quit.

It was far enough from the lines to be spared the worst of the war, but when the Thompson Gang -- bushwackers who turned to banditry -- rode on up to Drybone they gunned old Kalakos down and took over his mill.

Well damn. That kinda thing ain't right. The old Greek didn't never hurt nobody. Sure, he was a bit strange, but he Was always kind to the menfolk and gracious t' the ladies, didn't cheat you too bad when you came to grind your flour. He deserved better than to be shot down in the dirt like a dog.

That's what the sheriff said, anyway, and most of the men and womenfolk agreed. Gettin' the posse together wasn't nothin' -- any who wanted to grab their long-arm and come to flush the varmints out was welcome.

link to another game To the Manner Born is a supers game set in the 19th-century American West shortly after the end of the Civil War. The players are residents of the town of Silverton, destined to become the setting's first superhumans. Gameplay will combine western and superhero tropes, leaning towards the grit that GURPS excells at. A focus will be on the psychological and social ramifications of superhuman abilities in a world before comic books.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:52, Mon 21 May 2012.
player, 129 posts
Thu 14 Jun 2012
at 13:13
  • msg #211

Re: New Game

I'm also running a similar historical Supers game set in the late ice age (~32000 BC). It is linked to the above game, but you don't have to play in one to "get" the other.

link to another game
player, 15 posts
Tue 19 Jun 2012
at 21:22
  • msg #212

Dead men marching

I'm starting up a game, but due to RealLife™ rearing it's ugly head have suddenly found that we are 2-3 players short. So if anyone here is interested in some gritty horror please give it a look: link to another game

Copy paste from Game Info:
Dead men marching is a one-off scenario. That is, it's not a campaign that goes on and on. It has a start and a finish.  It takes place a stones throw into the future where civil war has broken out in Cambodia and a unit of US rangers are send in destroy a factory deep behind enemy lines that is suspected of making chemical weapons of mass destruction. But of course everything does not go as planned and soon the rangers (the PC's) are finding themselves stuck behind enemy lines with a crucial mission and survival at stake. And then things start getting... weird.

The game will use pre-generated character each with interlocking relations and, at times, opposing opinions.

The game will focus in some parts on tactical survival, you are soldiers behind enemy lines after all, and the enemies will try to kill you if they discover you. Some degree of "against the environment" will also be present as you have to race through a hostile jungle/mountain-landscape to reach your objective in time.

The game will use gritty realistic rules and tracking fatigue, wounds as well as ammo will be an issue (but not the focus of the game).  The real focus will be on "what will the PC's actions be when in a situation they didn't plan for"... and survival.

Note: rules will play it's part in the game, but as long as people are willing to listen, read and learn, they do not have to be experienced with the GURPS rules (although some familiarity is best).

This message was last edited by the player at 21:24, Tue 19 June 2012.
player, 19 posts
Wed 4 Jul 2012
at 23:03
  • msg #213

Re: Dead men marching

Open character design with a chance to tweak or add abilities of your choice after the game begins.

It'll all start with the murder of a trusted friend.

link to another game
player, 48 posts
Wed 25 Jul 2012
at 07:38
  • msg #214

Re: Dead men marching

link to another game

We'll take a stab at The Walking Dead*-esque Zombie Survival (ie. not actually in that 'verse, but one with similar attributes).

The story will begin with the actual outbreak.

Taking RTJ's for now - but I don't expect the game to start until sometime a bit later. We'll be foolin around with characters for now.

* TV show incarnation
player, 5 posts
Thu 26 Jul 2012
at 00:27
  • msg #215

Re: Dead men marching

Note that you will be admitted under your RPOL handle as your character name in this game.

Hey, if that is True then shouldn't you GM the game as 'The Wrathchild.'

[running, ducking, and hiding]
player, 49 posts
Thu 26 Jul 2012
at 06:25
  • msg #216

Re: Dead men marching

I am Allmighty and the rules don't apply to Me!

player, 1 post
Thu 26 Jul 2012
at 06:46
  • msg #217

GURPS 4e set in Kingdoms of Kalamar

Hi all,

Anyone interested in low-fantasy game set in Kingdoms of Kalamar? Gameplay will feature some of your 'typical' adventuring things, but there will be room for characters to do their own thing. Got the funds to start your own village in the hinterlands? Good luck with the orcs. Got a crush on the Baron's daughter? Go get a haircut and some flowers.

If anyone wants more information on the setting or whatever, just send me a PM.
player, 84 posts
Thu 26 Jul 2012
at 21:23
  • msg #218

Re: GURPS 4e set in Kingdoms of Kalamar

Another one bites the dust... Wrath I"m looking into your game right now!
This message was last edited by the player at 21:24, Thu 26 July 2012.
player, 154 posts
Fri 3 Aug 2012
at 02:17
  • msg #219

GURPS 4e Cyberpunk

In the bad old world of 2040 there are two economies. One is the business world of corporations and governments. If you work for a corporation they'll take care of you, pay you, educate and feed your children. If you don't, you scrape by the best you can from what few economic niches the megacorps haven't taken over.

There is a second economy, a black market economy driven in part by freelance operatives hired by the corporate entities to perform illegal and quasi-legal tasks in exchange for under-the-table payment. You are one of these deniable assets.

CyberGURPS is an 80s-style cyberpunk game run in GURPS, drawing heavily from Cyberpunk 2020 and other games of the era.

link to another game
player, 1 post
Tue 14 Aug 2012
at 09:49
  • msg #220

Game Adveristment, Small FALLOUT GURPS GAME 4e

I am looking for one other player to join me for now in playing a small game in the Fallout setting. I am using GURPS 4th edition and Mythic GM emulator. I will be main Game Master using Mythic to handle most of the story however. I am quite new to GURPS and role playing in general.

The game is ready to go and i've been playing out the start of the first scene solo. I want one other person for now to join me to form a two man party so we may travel the wastes together. If anyone is interested just rmail me, I would really love to start getting into this. I had someone ready to go but they haven't replied in two or more weeks so.
player, 53 posts
Mon 20 Aug 2012
at 20:21
  • msg #221

Re: Generation Last

The game Slaughtertown is coming up on a scenario ending, making it a perfect time to jump in!

If Ultra-Tech, Low-life SLA Industires mayhem starring the scum of the earth is your thing, then holler!

link to another game

Once again Slaughtertown is coming up to a scenario ending - joining the fun is easy right now. 1 or 2 spots open.
Bane Root
player, 1 post
Wed 22 Aug 2012
at 03:10
  • msg #222

Re: Generation Last

The game Slaughtertown is coming up on a scenario ending, making it a perfect time to jump in!

If Ultra-Tech, Low-life SLA Industires mayhem starring the scum of the earth is your thing, then holler!

link to another game

Once again Slaughtertown is coming up to a scenario ending - joining the fun is easy right now. 1 or 2 spots open.

Thank goodness! I've been waiting for a long time to get in on this little gem...
player, 21 posts
Mon 10 Sep 2012
at 05:34
  • msg #223

Re: Generation Last

I've decided to run a group (or two) through Mirror of the Fire Demon with the hopes of building an ongoing campaign off of it.

300 point DF characters, relaxed posting rate.

link to another game
player, 2 posts
Mon 10 Sep 2012
at 20:36
  • msg #224

In Her Majesties Service

Decided to go ahead and start this. Details can be found here: link to another game

In Her Majesty’s Service:  Travel and adventure in a steam-powered Victorian age.

  In this world Babbage completed his machine and Jules Verne is an engineer, not a writer. Steam-powered machines travel land and sea, while great airships cruise above. But even in an age of Wondrous Inventions and Amazing Machines, there are still challenges that can only be overcome with courage, a sharp sword and a sharper wit.  Being proper gentlemen (or other true and loyal subjects of the Queen) you have answered the call of duty.  Now you will travel the world in Her Majesty’s service and carry forward the banner of civilization (while keeping a stiff upper lip, of course).  So crank up the difference engine and set forth to confound evil! A campaign of cinematic, swashbuckling, adventures of exploration and intrigue.
  Steampunk Cliffhangers. (Cliffhangers and Steampunk, Kipling and Verne).

player, 22 posts
Mon 17 Sep 2012
at 02:15
  • msg #225

Re: Generation Last

I've decided to run a group (or two) through Mirror of the Fire Demon with the hopes of building an ongoing campaign off of it.

300 point DF characters, relaxed posting rate.

link to another game

The game is taking shape and I've got two groups forming quickly. I was toying with the idea of running an NPC Party member in each group and if they were short muscle I'd probably go ahead and do it but one group needs a Thief and the other needs Wizard. I think those roles can be a bit too influential and while it might be useful for in-character guidance and exposition. Something is starting to rub me the wrong way about it (weird?).

I have had a player offer to pull double duty but I thought I'd check here to see if anyone wanted the jobs.

I've got the NPCs pretty much ready to go except for the loadouts you can take one use as is, tweak it or create your own from the DF Templates + 50 points.
player, 36 posts
Furry Kitty with
a witch's hat
Fri 21 Sep 2012
at 02:24
  • msg #226

Re: Generation Last

I would not mind doing either a thief or wizard.
player, 54 posts
Wed 26 Sep 2012
at 07:13
  • msg #227

Re: Dead men marching

In reply to The_Wrathchild (msg # 214):

OK, so this game went through a very strange process. Interest poured in - I think it was up to 13 appllicants at one point -  but as fast as they came, they went away again, for various known and unknown reasons (ranging from simple dissapearances without a word to the sustaining of bodily injury - hope it's getting better, steelsmiter!).

We have ended up with four die-hards in good, horrific action (right now they are trying to escape the zombie horde rising at the local hospital in Silverton, Oregon), and thus I find we have room for at least 2 more people if you should be looking for a Walking Dead-like game.

Go here if you'd like to get eaten ;-D

link to another game
This message was last edited by the player at 07:15, Wed 26 Sept 2012.
player, 85 posts
Thu 18 Oct 2012
at 15:25
  • msg #228

Re: Dead men marching

the injury's better but I'm not within public transit distance of a public library anymore so my attendence is spotty ... I really did and still do want to play the game which I cannot otherwise commit to.
player, 163 posts
Wed 7 Nov 2012
at 20:05
  • [deleted]
  • msg #229

Re: Dead men marching

This message was deleted by the player at 17:46, Sat 10 Nov 2012.
player, 164 posts
Sat 10 Nov 2012
at 17:47
  • msg #230

Game On

Expanded intro:

Here's an expanded intro to the game:

Andy is a genius, and he knows it. He knows machines. He knows systems. He knows hardware and software. What he doesn't know is people... or maybe he doesn't care. He's boorish, tactless, a little overbearing, and occasionally an intellectual bully. He'd probably be a misogynist if he wasn't as clueless about human nature with regards to men as he is with women.

So why are you friends with the jerk? Two reasons.

One, he's rich. Dude has so many streams of income from different patents that he's basically turned his home into a geek's dream. His home theater outdoes most public venues, his kitchen is fully stocked, and against all odds, Andy is an amazing and generous cook. His arcade is massive and stocked with games dating from the late 70s to today, including one of the original Space War machines. He doesn't call it his 'Game Room', though.


His Game Room is something else.

That's the other reason why you're friends with Andy. While he's obnoxious in casual social situations, the man is a phenomenal... PHEnomenal... gamemaster. Aside from the cooking he has no other artistic outlets, but Andy's descriptions are always powerfully evocative, his NPC portrayals distinct and memorable, his plots complex and interweaving, and his ability to manage even large groups of players is beyond compare.

He's a little old-school, and fond of running from his vast library of pre-published modules, but he's mastered the art of Gamemastering like it was any other system. His games are legendary, held in his spacious Game Room.

In the early 2000s his Game Room consisted of several tables, each with a built in monitor for maps and communication. When the party split, players moved to different tables, communicating with Andy through headsets. He was excellent at managing spotlight time, once juggling five different groups of three effectively.

In 2009 he brought in tablets, communicating primarily through streaming video, while his own set-up was a monitor bank tied to each player.

So when Andy told you that he needed your help playtesting a new experimental VR gaming suite, you jumped at the chance. What gamer wouldn't?Game On is a game within a game. The premise is that you're playing very immersive roleplaying games in a virtual reality setup, but that's just the surface. While much of the game takes place within the games played inside Andy's suite, there will be action and "real" danger in the "real" world. Your initial goal is simple: play the games that Andy is using to test his machine.

Your life and the game extend beyond the machine, though. GURPS characters learn and improve skills by using them significantly while on adventure. The adventures you play, while in the moment, count as far as quick learning goes. You carry these skills with you from game to game, and into the "real" world.

Inspirations: The Matrix, 13th Floor, Star Trek holodeck episodes

link to another game
Bane Root
player, 5 posts
Mon 26 Nov 2012
at 16:20
  • msg #231

GURPS : Multiverse

link to another game

Spaces available due to player attrition. Available characters to play immediately;

- Crusader
(An androgynous, shape-shifting amnesiac that has been masquerading as a 'masked super heroine' for the last two decades.)

- Dark Avenger
(A masked and caped crusader that uses skill, guile and gadgets to defeat his enemies... as well as a super-heroic ability to blend seamlessly into the shadows.)

- Gear
(A giant, supernatural wolf that can track its prey anywhere, even across dimensions.)

- The Terminator
(That's right, the T-800 series Terminator. Reprogrammed, but still deadly.)

Once this chapter of the story is finished, there is the definite option of introducing a new, wholly player created characters into the story, but unfortunately that is still a few months away. I'm looking for players willing to take up the mantle of pre-existing characters in the name of plot continuity. Anyone wishing to introduce and play a character that exists in/on Middle Earth is free to submit a RTJ as the group is currently in Minas Tirith awaiting the imminent assault of the armies of Sauron. Obviously this version of reality is not entirely in line with the canon version of LOTR.
player, 1 post
Wed 26 Dec 2012
at 14:40
  • msg #232

Return of Splattered With Gore !!!

link to another game

              The dice of Zeus always fall luckily.


The tall Baklunish man hurries through the smoky gambling hall at a near run, mopping his bald head with a handkerchief as he goes.  His name is Geinri and he is one of the two proprietors of the House of the Big Gamble, the most famous casino in all the Flaeness.  Under usual circumstances, Geinri carries himself with the utmost composure; is ever silent; and would never be caught dead perspiring in public.  Yet circumstances tonight are anything but usual.  The thought goads him to a sense of greater urgency and he rounds a corner at the roulette table and blunders full speed straight into the elderly Marquessa Evigo Gracilia of Gran March.  The woman lets out a cry and flings her pail high into the air, sending a shower of silver coins tinkling everywhere.  Down she goes, hard to the floor, upon an exceedingly ample bottom.

“Apologies!”  Geinri cries, aghast.  “Suque! Ruo!  Help the good Marquessa up and send her our finest bottle of Red Flute on the House! Apologies, Madame!”  Barely breaking stride, Geinri leaps over the woman's sprawled bulk, and continues on his way.  He runs the length of the room and skids to a halt at the foot of a staircase that winds its way up to his partner's private office.  A monstrous Ogre in full plate armor, bearing a razor-edged halberd stands guard before the stairs.

“Stand aside, Zerrog!” Geinri cries.  “I need to see Dûggilir at once!”

“Oi'm not Zerrog, Sir.”  The Ogre replies pleasantly, grinning down at him with big yellow tusks.  “Oi'm Raggimthorg.  Raggimthorg Bone-Chewer, Sir.  Oi wuz the one who helped you hand out the bonuses last Yule, remember?”  He chuckles.  “Mates do say me 'n Zerrog bear an uncanny resemblance to one another – could be twins, they say.  But me, Oi don't see it.  In truth Oi've got 'im by about three or four inches an' his eyes are much closer toge-- ”

“GET THE F*** OUT OF MY WAY, OAF!”  Geinri shrieks, and he slaps at the brute until it sidesteps out of the way, a hurt expression on its ugly face.

Geinri flies up the stairs, tripping once and banging his shin bloody.  He bursts through the door at the top of the stairs, sobbing for breath.

“Me Gods paddy, waaat is it?!”  Dûggilir Ironbrewer exclaims, leaping to his feet from behind a huge, paper heaped desk.  He is a grizzly-bearded, morbidly obese old Dwarf.

“It is Murad!”  Geinri pants.  “He's made a wager that may break us!”

“Break us?! Impossable!”  The Dwarf replies incredulously. “Waaat de divil is he playin'?  How much'd he lay down?”

“He's been playing Three Knuckle at Jokab's table since this afternoon.”  Geinri gasps. “Lost a fortune but keeps raising his bets to make up for it.  Jokab's the Chaser and he raised the ante to ten thousand griffins hoping to scare Murad into folding, but the fool called him on it.  Murad's tapped out of cash but is offering his throne for collateral.”

Dûggilir blinks at the Baklune.  “He's offerin' de Sultanate of Zeif?!”  He asks dubiously.

“No! No! Not his rule, but his throne.  The actual throne he sits on.  He's betting the Malachite Throne!”  Geinri exclaims in a shrill voice.

The Dwarf's jaw drops.  It is common knowledge that the long line of Sultans of Zeif owe their power to the potent magic bestowed upon them by sitting upon the legendary throne, said to be a gift from the devil Baalzephon.  What deal Murad's ancestors made with the devil in exchange for the throne remains a mystery.  “Dat throne's worth a shoite-load more than ten t'ousan' griffins!!  We're not in de market for de bleedin Malachite Throne!”

Geinri holds up a hand.  “That's the thing!  He is not offering the throne to see and raise the bet.  He's offering it to call on the bet.”

Now a sudden, keen light flares up in the Dwarf's greedy little eyes.  He speaks slowly, articulating his words with care.  “Yer mean ter tell me, Murad's offerin' up de Malachite Throne fer ten t'ousan' griffs clear?!  Dat's a fraction of its value!”  His eyes narrow suddenly with suspicion.  “Is Tiazek supervisin' de table?  Is everythin' legit?”  In the early days,  the House of the Big Gamble had been many time victimized by cheating Wizards who could alter the results of rolls of the dice or spins of the wheel with magic.  To combat this, Dûggilir and Geinri employ Mages to roam the hall to detect and block illegal spell-casting at the tables.

Geinri nods, and mops his face with his handerchief.  “Yes. Everything's legitimate.  Tiazek is positive.”  He glances at a large, intricate water clock dripping over in one corner.  “We must decide what to do and swiftly!  Jokab bought us some time by asking for a bathroom break, but Murad is growing impatient.  Half the guests are gathered around the table and everyone is getting restless.”

Dûggilir thinks a moment, scratching furiously at his whiskered jaw, and then he slams a palm flat on the desk top.  “Do it!” He growls.  “De Gamble's never shirked on a bet in two-hundred years an' we're not aboyt ter do it nigh!  If dat lunatic wants ter bet 'his Throne on a round af Three Knuckle, den so be it!  Do it!  Just blewdy do it!”

Geinri blanches.  “But... but do we have enough to cover it?”

Dûggilir slams his hand down upon the desktop even harder.  “Aye! Aye we do!  Nigh git downstairs an' git it done before de muppet changes 'is mind!”  In truth, the House's coffers do not, at this moment, contain enough cash to honor the bet if it loses but Dûggilir is a bit of a gambler, himself.

And so Geinri gives a stiff bow and hustles back downstairs, his gut roiling and bald head dripping, leaving the Dwarf to his thoughts.

Ten agonizing minutes later, there comes a roar from the crowd so loud, even Dûggilir – who is locked upstairs in his office, unable to witness the rolls, praying furiously to every god of Luck he can think of  – can hear.  He learns later that when Murad rolled a Five, Jokab mis-rolled twice due to sweaty palms and Geinri vomited into a planter.  But on his third roll, the dice read Six and now the House of the Big Gamble is the proud owner of the priceless artifact, the Malachite Throne.

But what in the Nine Hells are they going to do with it?

It is not long before the ever enterprising Dûggilir Ironbrewer comes up with an ingenious and very profitable solution to that problem!

And this, My Dear Reader, is where Our story begins...

*   *   *   *   *

Splattered With Gore is a Medieval Fantasy Arena Combat game, rated Mature for language and graphic violence. The Game uses Gurps 4th Edition rules though ignorance of the system is perfectly acceptable and I encourage non Gurpsers to join.  For flavor the game is set in the World of Greyhawk D&D setting, though the GM sets the caveat that the world is not entirely faithful to the box-set.

SWG has had numerous 'seasons/editions' over the past ten years, originating first on Playbyweb before migrating over here on The combat is fast and furious, the violence is brutal and gritty.

The first event we are launching is the Death Labryinth, a bloody Dungeon Crawl in which numerous gladiators, each of whom represent a different nation in the Flaeness world, compete against one another in an underground maze of tricks, traps, monsters, riddles, mind puzzles, and, of course adversary gladiators, in a race against time. Though treasure and magic is scattered throughout the Labryinth, the main objective is to 'win' the event and earn the legendary Malachite Throne for your respective liege.

Prospective Players should:

1. Be able to post once every 24 hours.
2. Be able to compose a reasonably articulate post.
3. Be mature and prefer gritty realism (within the realm of Fantasy) over munchkinism.
4. NOT be a rules lawyer
5. Be able to commit to play for a 3 to 5 month stint.

If interested, please send me a RTJ.  Do NOT roll up a character.  Let's talk about your preferences first.
player, 23 posts
Wed 9 Jan 2013
at 03:47
  • msg #233

Space Musketeers

link to another game

Le Roi needs you!

One hundred and fifty years into the future, the world is much changed from the present day. A period of great instability following an unexpected peak oil event resulted in monarchs retaking their thrones throughout much of the world. A stable, well-trained ruling class became preferable, in the eyes of most, to professional politicians whose only goal was to get re-elected. With the restoration of monarchs came a longing for the glories of the past; colonialism is on the rise, with wars between great powers being only averted by the specter of nuclear holocaust.

France steered a better course than most through the crisis of the mid 21st century, and is now ably ruled by Louis XX Bourbon. King Louis is an able and ambitious man, eager to expand France's holdings both on Earth and throughout the Solar System. To further the latter goal, in the wake of the Second Lunar War, the king has created a new unit specialized in space combat. As space habitats are delicate, the swordsman rules supreme in space. Yet there are not enough space battles to keep soldiers occupied full time, so the king seeks servants well-versed in traditional tactics as well. In a nod to the past, the king has named his new unit after another famed for its skill with both the sword and the gun: the
Mousquetaires de la Garde! Clad in light powered armor and armed with moon-forged vibroblades, these brave soldiers will spread the rule of King Louis anywhere he commands: on land, sea, air, and space!

You are a member of the French armed forces seeking entry to this new unit. Unlike many French elites, the
Mousquetaires are open to minor nobles and decorated commoners, making this a rare opportunity for the common-born to advance in the ranks. It is time to prove yourself to your king and make a name for yourself in the world.

Les Mousquetaires is a TL9/10 combat game, set in an alternate future where kings rule and imperialism has a new lease on life. It is meant to evoke the politics of the 18th century and 19th centuries, with the technology of the 22nd. Players will see action on the Moon, Mars, space stations, and of course, the Earth. Missions will be a mix of claustrophobic zero- and low-gravity melees, and conventional small-unit or special forces actions. Character creation is greatly simplified; simply take two templates, add a personality lens, and you're done! Even GURPS newbies can participate with ease.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:48, Wed 09 Jan 2013.
Mad Mick
GM, 67 posts
Wed 9 Jan 2013
at 05:22
  • msg #234

Re: Space Musketeers

Red, that game looks awesome!  I wish I had more time to play, but I've been dragging lately as it is.  I've actually always wanted to play a futuristic musketeers type of game, although yours sounds more tactical, not swashbucklers.  Still, tremendous idea for a game!
player, 24 posts
Wed 9 Jan 2013
at 05:27
  • msg #235

Re: Space Musketeers

I'm going for tactical in earth missions, and swashbucklers in space. We'll see if I can pull it off. Glad you like the idea!
player, 170 posts
Wed 9 Jan 2013
at 18:37
  • msg #236

Police Procedural

In The Thin Red Line players are members of a major metropolitan police force; detectives and patrol officers. Cops see humanity at its darkest, but in this game the PCs will learn that there are worse things than junkies and muggers haunting the darkness... some of them within the department itself. Gameplay will follow the cases, careers, and personal lives of these officers.

This is an urban horror/urban fantasy game about rookie cops. Players can be either detectives or patrol officers.

Patrol officers will look into complaints and discover crimes while on patrol, secure crime scenes, interview witnesses, and pursue suspects.

Detectives will build cases from the evidence available, follow up on clues, interrogate suspects, and build cases.

100 point characters.

link to another game
This message was last edited by the player at 18:37, Wed 09 Jan 2013.
player, 172 posts
Sat 12 Jan 2013
at 00:40
  • msg #237

Re: Police Procedural

I'm also recruiting new players for Heroic Apotheosis. Players are high-school jocks in the 90s who'll be thrown into alternate reality after alternate reality, gradually transforming from normal kids to adventurers as they try and find their way home.

link to another game
This message was last edited by the player at 00:41, Sat 12 Jan 2013.
player, 69 posts
Sat 12 Jan 2013
at 01:15
  • msg #238

Re: Police Procedural

RedSabaron, I'd love to join as I love your games, but my plate is too full! Maybe next time around!
This message was last edited by the player at 01:15, Sat 12 Jan 2013.
player, 25 posts
Sat 12 Jan 2013
at 01:17
  • msg #239

Les Mousquetaires

Whenever your plate empties out a bit, feel free to join in. It's not a game that requires players to have been there from the start.
player, 174 posts
Wed 16 Jan 2013
at 00:32
  • [deleted]
  • msg #240

Independent Contractors

This message was deleted by the player at 13:03, Sun 17 Feb 2013.
player, 178 posts
Sun 17 Feb 2013
at 13:04
  • msg #241


It is 1148 AUC, and Emperor Theodosius I is dead. His sons rule a divided empire. In the West, eleven-year-old Honorius rules under the regency of half-German general Flavius Stilicho. The West is beset by foes -- Alaric and his Visigoths being the greatest threat.

This is not your concern.

A recent discovery in the archives was that of records of a forgotten estate off of an isle near Crete. Eager to occupy it for the taxes that would aid the Legions should Alaric break the truce and invade, Imperial scholars traced the laws of inheritance to the Maro family of the Septimus clan.

Informed of the unexpected grant of the country villa, the Maro family patrician has set out to inspect his new summer home, along with family and servants. They have no idea that what they discover will change the world forever.

GURPS Divinus is a historical superhero game set in the Roman Empire, c. 400 AD. Players are a Roman nobleman and his household, who will become among the world's first superhumans. Gameplay after this is a sandbox -- they can try to prevent the fall of Rome, or to profit from its demise.

link to another game
player, 1 post
Mon 11 Mar 2013
at 10:48
  • msg #242

The Old Ones Sleep No More

Hello all!

Recruiting for The Old Ones Sleep No More.

The world is a dark and dangerous place. The church has done everything it can to ensure it's people live obliviously about these dangers, and have done so for hundreds of years. But that does not stop the creatures of the night and things from beyond, you know this well as you once fell victim to them. The Shadow Watch saved you, allowed you to join their ranks, and fight against the things that go bump in the night.

Dark horror fantasy game set in a TL 3 world. Inspired by the likes of Supernatural, Buffy, etc.

edit: smart idea to add link!

link to another game
This message was last edited by the player at 12:25, Mon 11 Mar 2013.
player, 179 posts
Mon 11 Mar 2013
at 12:22
  • msg #243

Re: Divinus

player, 2 posts
Mon 11 Mar 2013
at 12:25
  • msg #244

Re: Divinus

In reply to Tortuga (msg # 243):

added link
player, 1 post
Mon 11 Mar 2013
at 15:37
  • msg #245

Re: The Old Ones Sleep No More

In reply to Zoncxs (msg # 242):

Is this an "Adult" game or a "Mature" game?  You have the M flag set, but your RTJ says Adult.  I generally pass on the Adult categories.
player, 3 posts
Mon 11 Mar 2013
at 16:46
  • msg #246

Re: The Old Ones Sleep No More

In reply to otghand (msg # 245):

mature, I should fix that :D
player, 2 posts
Mon 11 Mar 2013
at 17:29
  • msg #247

Re: The Old Ones Sleep No More

What sort of PC point range do you envision?
player, 4 posts
Mon 11 Mar 2013
at 17:35
  • msg #248

Re: The Old Ones Sleep No More

In reply to otghand (msg # 247):

players will start with 125/-50 points to make the character and will then be given more for the start
player, 5 posts
Tue 12 Mar 2013
at 19:17
  • msg #249

Re: The Old Ones Sleep No More

Still looking for players for the old ones sleep no more game! come join~~

link to another game
This message was last edited by the player at 19:18, Tue 12 Mar 2013.
player, 180 posts
Tue 12 Mar 2013
at 19:31
  • msg #250

Re: The Old Ones Sleep No More

What's up with your house rules?
player, 6 posts
Tue 12 Mar 2013
at 19:52
  • msg #251

Re: The Old Ones Sleep No More

What's up with your house rules?

I removed the combat skills stuff so what are you referring to?
player, 181 posts
Tue 12 Mar 2013
at 19:53
  • msg #252

Re: The Old Ones Sleep No More

That's what I was talking about. Why'd you get rid of it?
player, 7 posts
Tue 12 Mar 2013
at 20:10
  • msg #253

Re: The Old Ones Sleep No More

In reply to Tortuga (msg # 252):

I kept poking at it and it now needs some more work :D
Bane Root
player, 6 posts
Tue 12 Mar 2013
at 20:29
  • msg #254

GURPS : Multiverse

Players wanted.
link to another game

Looking for players to fill the role of established characters.

characters include;

-Lt. commander Data (from StarTrek TNG)

-The Scourge (morally ambiguous sentient virus that possesses and consumes it's enemies)

-T-800 Terminator (from the 1984 movie)

-Gear (giant supernatural wolf that can travel through dimensions)

-Crusader (shape shifting Super Hero)

-Dark Avenger (Caped and cowled super hero that uses his wits and skills and utility belt to fight crime)

player, 8 posts
Mon 18 Mar 2013
at 19:33
  • msg #255

Re: The Old Ones Sleep No More

Dark fantasy game set in a TL 3 world. Inspired by the likes of Supernatural, Buffy, etc.

still looking for players

link to another game
player, 188 posts
Thu 21 Mar 2013
at 16:54
  • msg #256

Heroic Apotheosis

New a new crop of players for an ongoing low-powered cross-genre world-hopping game.

link to a message in another game
player, 28 posts
Sun 24 Mar 2013
at 15:44
  • msg #257

Re: Heroic Apotheosis

Still fleshing some things out but this is a genre mashup. Think The Outlaw Josey Wales meets Conan the Barbarian set in the World of Greyhawk.

I've already got 1 player and 3 more RTJs in the works. I'll take six players total.

Wanted to give the Community Lounge the next opportunity before opening it up to the general player's wanted.

Dungeon Fantasy 1 & 3 will be helpful and Gun-fu if you want to be a true Gunslinger.

Willingness to play as part of a team is non-negotiable.

link to another game
player, 10 posts
Sun 24 Mar 2013
at 17:44
  • msg #258

Re: Heroic Apotheosis

link to another game

The audience calls for blood and Kimfar Ulubond delivers!

Bellowing at the top of his lungs, the Dwarf of Draketooth charges forward, hewing his axe mightily! Damien Windrunner is just recovering from his hard, forward stab and swivels away, trying desperately to retreat from the keen edged blade. But this time, even the steel-trap reflexes of the Ranger fail him. Damien lets out an awful yell as the heavy blade catches him in the left side of his chest, shredding through his tough, studded leather armor, and lacerating the flesh and muscle beneath!

The impetus of the blow sends Damien spinning in a full circle before he finally catches his balance. He nearly falls, but somehow manages to keep his feet.  Face twisted into a rictus of agony, he reels from the blow, even as blood begins gushing freely from the rent in his armor, and spattering the tarmac at his feet!

As one, the crowd leaps to its feet and begins hooting and hollering!

The Death Labryinth is still chugging along, but in the interim, I am accepting new Gladiators to compete in one-on-one matches. Quick, easy posting, minimal time committment. An addictingly satisfying combat game.

Prospective Players should:

1. Be able to post once every 24 hours.
2. Be able to compose a reasonably articulate post.
3. Be mature and prefer gritty realism (within the realm of Fantasy) over munchkinism. This is a No Cinematic zone.
4. NOT be a rules lawyer

If interested, please send me a RTJ.  Do NOT roll up a character.  Let's talk about your preferences first.

player, 11 posts
Sun 24 Mar 2013
at 19:13
  • msg #259

Re: Heroic Apotheosis

Interested.  Regarding posting rate - how are you generally with the occasional Saturday absence?  I suspect there are many of us that occasionally disappear for a Weekend.
player, 11 posts
Sun 24 Mar 2013
at 19:20
  • msg #260

Re: Heroic Apotheosis

Weekend lapses are perfectly understandable and acceptable. If you're going to be gone on the weekend it would be appreciated if, in your last post, you give me some general 'marching orders' for attacks and defenses, that I can employ in your place if the need arises to NPC you. But otherwise I will just hold the action until your return, whichever you're okay with.
player, 202 posts
Wed 27 Mar 2013
at 17:34
  • msg #261

Re: Heroic Apotheosis

There are many reasons to study the martial arts in a crime ridden city like Redlake. Maybe you got mugged. Or maybe you decided you needed discipline, but the army wasn't for you. Maybe you were a victim of domestic violence, or you're an anime-obsessed japanophile.

You need to be able to protect yourself, and most people trust the cops even less than the criminals. They're the only ones allowed to carry guns, though. Redlake has some of the country's most draconian gun laws, though that hasn't helped curb violence much.

Whatever your motivation, you ended up in Sensei Sekou's karate class. It doesn't look like much, to be honest... a gutted strip mall Radio Shack turned into a "dojo" with empty stores on either side. It's cheap, though, $50 a week.

The Beginner classes are filled with a half-dozen or so students; kids dropped off by single parents, women looking for simple and easy self-defense, the elderly. Sensei Sekou doesn't push them hard, and he'll frequently set them to perform an exercise then go out for a cigarette break.

If you complain about the ease of the classes or ask for extra help, he'll invite you to the Intermediate class. This is where the real learning happens. Here, he's a harsh instructor, mercilessly correcting form until you get it right. It's very effective.

Apparently there's an Advanced Class for his best, most devoted students... but it takes more than practice in a dojo to get there.

GURPS Way of the Fist is a Martial Arts game in a run down dangerous  city. The players are Martial Artists who will protect the weak and punish the wicked. Game play will involve combat, problem solving, and social interaction.

link to a message in another game
player, 1 post
Sat 30 Mar 2013
at 09:04
  • msg #262

Re: Heroic Apotheosis

Hi there.  New recruit to this GURPS forum here.

I'm looking for a GURPS Fantasy game to join, preferably City based, and am hoping that someone is looking to recruit a new player.  I have a reasonable level of experience with GURPS but I'm not an expert (or a rules lawyer).


player, 12 posts
Sat 30 Mar 2013
at 12:27
  • msg #263

Re: Heroic Apotheosis

Your 'non Rules lawyer' status is music to my ears and make you welcome to ANY of my games! How utterly refrshing!


Welcome aboard!
player, 204 posts
Sat 30 Mar 2013
at 13:17
  • msg #264

Re: Heroic Apotheosis

I've got a game that includes fantastic elements, though the characters involved are from the "real" world:

New a new crop of players for an ongoing low-powered cross-genre world-hopping game.

link to a message in another game

player, 2 posts
Sat 30 Mar 2013
at 19:35
  • msg #265

Re: Heroic Apotheosis

In reply to Mahatatain (msg # 262):

Can't promise you city based, but I too run a game... as do many of us...

Travesty and Response has been running for a while now (since March 2011). Looking for active(posts several times a week) players...
link to another game

Basically 150 point Characters in BANESTORM Caithness... but it's my Caithness, not Steve Jobs Caithness, although many parts are close or the same. If interested, send an RTJ...
player, 205 posts
Sat 30 Mar 2013
at 19:37
  • msg #266

Re: Heroic Apotheosis

Steve Jobs has a Caithness?

player, 3 posts
Sat 30 Mar 2013
at 20:13
  • msg #267

Re: Heroic Apotheosis

Sigh... Wrong Steve... I make mistakes often... Steve Jackson is whom I mean.

although Steve jobs might have had an interesting Caithness...
player, 32 posts
Sat 30 Mar 2013
at 20:26
  • msg #268

Re: Heroic Apotheosis

I've never seen the two of them in the same room together...
player, 49 posts
Sat 30 Mar 2013
at 21:40
  • msg #269

Re: Heroic Apotheosis

Steve Jobs has a Caithness?


Hahahaha, nice :)
player, 2 posts
Sat 30 Mar 2013
at 23:16
  • msg #270

Re: Heroic Apotheosis

Thanks for all the links to the various games.  I'll check them out in more detail and RTJ as appropriate.

Thanks again.
player, 38 posts
Furry Kitty with
a witch's hat
Mon 1 Apr 2013
at 01:14
  • msg #271

Re: Heroic Apotheosis

I've never seen the two of them in the same room together...

So maybe they are the same person?

I am in the BANESTORM Caithness game and love it. We just need some more dedicated players.
Bane Root
player, 7 posts
Wed 3 Apr 2013
at 04:53
  • msg #272

GURPS : Malazan Book Of The Fallen

Now these ashes have grown cold, we open the old book.
These oil stained pages recount the tales of the Fallen,
a frayed empire, words without warmth. The hearth
has ebbed, its gleam and life's sparks are but memories
against dimming eyes - what cast my mind, what hue my
thoughts as I open The Book of the Fallen
and breathe deep the scent of history?
Listen then, to these words carried on that breath.
These tales are the tales of us all, again yet again.
We are history relived and that is all, without end that is all.

Set in the fantasy world created by Steven Erikson and Ian Cameron Esslemont this game will feature dark military fantasy and utilize the GURPS 4th edition rules to invoke a gritty, realistic feel where the characters, though powerful, are not invulnerable and injury and death are very real threats. The world is a bleak and unforgiving place, where the only ones the characters can rely upon are each other. Survive long enough and you might be unlucky enough to gain the double-edged boon of Ascendancy. This game is set in the world created by author Steven Erikson in his epic series Malazan Book of the Fallen. In a world where good and evil is measured in shades of grey, friends are enemies and allies can be found in the unlikeliest of places. Nothing is as it seems. This game will follow the remnants of the legendary Bridgeburners starting immediately after the fall of Pale. While Whiskeyjack and his squad head to Darujistan, the players are the remaining members that stay with the 7th Army under High Fist Dujek One-arm as a special operations squad. The story arc will run concurrent with the series.

Characters will be build on 250 points, with 50 points worth of disadvantages. As they are all members of the Bridgeburners, the following lens must be applied and counts towards total disadvantages;

Bridgeburner [14]
-Patron (Malazan Empire) minimal intervention [15]
-Military rank (at least 1 level, 4 max) [5/level]
-Hard To Kill 2 [4]
-WILL +1 [5]
-Reputation(+4)(Malazan army only) [8]
Soldier skill IQ [4]
Shield DX [1]
Melee weapon DX [2]

-Hazardous duty [20]
-Code Of Honour(soldiers) [10]

We won't be using the GURPS magic system as I don't feel that it has the right "feel" of magic in the Malazan world. Rather, I will be using a more complicated, yet flexible approach using the Modular Ability Advantage. It is a little complicated so bear with me.

MAGIC/Modular Ability - limited to aspect Warren (-15%)
- Costs Fatigue 1 (-5%)
- Magic based (-10%)
- Limited use/duration 1/1second (-30%)
- Activation roll (-20%)

Link to game on RPOL.
link to another game

Malazan Books of the Fallen by Steven Erikson and Ian Cameron Esslemont.

Malazan Forums.
player, 19 posts
Wed 3 Apr 2013
at 12:33
  • msg #273

Re: GURPS : Malazan Book Of The Fallen

You had me right up until I went to the game page and saw the "Adult" tag.
player, 53 posts
Wed 3 Apr 2013
at 12:46
  • msg #274

The Arena

Ok, I went ahead and set up an Arena game. Or that is, the building site for one. Join now and help build it :)

The only things I am adamant about is that it's a TL:3, low points, no cinematic highly rules-detailed arena game (ie. use stuff like armour chinks, different posture-rules, expanded hit locations, tactical combat and so on).

Pretty much everything else is up for debate. Currently the setting is a Roman Arcana-like setting, but that can change as well. I want to build this with you :)

link to another game
This message was last updated by the player at 12:50, Wed 03 Apr 2013.
Bane Root
player, 8 posts
Wed 3 Apr 2013
at 14:52
  • msg #275

Re: GURPS : Malazan Book Of The Fallen

You had me right up until I went to the game page and saw the "Adult" tag.

Meant for it to be Mature. In staying true to Erikson's work, violence but no sex.
player, 73 posts
Wed 3 Apr 2013
at 15:00
  • msg #276

Re: GURPS : Malazan Book Of The Fallen

Very graphic violence can put a game in the adult category, no?
Bane Root
player, 9 posts
Wed 3 Apr 2013
at 15:21
  • msg #277

Re: GURPS : Malazan Book Of The Fallen

Upon further review of RPOL's policies;

"Games on RPoL may be rated either Adult or Mature to signal that they are not suitable for all site users.

Mature games are games which have (as some minor portion of them) mature themes, strong language, drug use, and/or extensive violence.  Mature games use the Mature Content flag to warn potential readers that some of the game material may be considered offensive.  Despite this flag, Mature Games must remain suitable to all ages.

Adult games are games which have as part of their content graphic sex or graphic and gratuitous violence.  Though their story and plot may be very strong and elaborate, they detail sex and/or gore in a way to which children and teens should not be exposed.  Adult games are restricted in access to subscribers who are (1) of the age of majority and (2) have specifically requested access to Adult games.  In no case are Adult materials permitted in any public area of RPoL: GMs of Adult games must take care that only those users who are members of their game can view the Adult materials contained therein.

The difference between a Mature game and an Adult game is the descriptive level and the amount of mature content in the game.  Games which focus exclusively on mature content for their plot or which describe such content in graphic detail are required to display the Adult rating."

Im going to change the game rating to adult, not because I foresee graphic prolonged descriptions of violence and gore, but because the world of Malaz is a harsh and violent place and as the party members are soldiers, they will be in situations where violence and horror are common place. An adult game rating will allow all parties involved to write freely without having to worry about crossing from Mature content into Adult content.

Also, Characters will be built on 200 points instead of 250 to avoid powermongering and make the game more challenging.
player, 213 posts
Sat 6 Apr 2013
at 13:23
  • msg #278

Re: GURPS : Malazan Book Of The Fallen

"I'll be brief, because frankly we just don't have a lot to go on here," Commander Karson said. You hadn't had much warning before you were scrambled; just enough time to get dressed and grab your go-bags. That's how it worked in Infinity Patrol's Search and Rescue division.

A number of youthful faces flashed across the screen, each against an arctic backdrop.

"Seventeen hours ago five of our best and brightest cadets at the Mammut-1 Academy went missing on their way back from Spring Break in Johnson's Rome. Their conveyor was set to the correct coordinates; when it manifested near Lake Agassiz it was empty."

"You're to go to the Academy and investigate. Logistics has found some sort of transmission error within the conveyor and they think they can replicate it. We've given you a parachronic beacon you can activate for pick-up once you've located the missing cadets, but be warned... Centrum and Reich-5 will definitely notice once you've activated it."

GURPS Infinite Ravenloft is a game of gothic horror set in the world of Ravenloft. The players are interdimensional troubleshooters looking for some missing cadets, and they have no idea what they're in for. Finding the missing cadets will be the easy part. Surviving and finding a way home? Now that's tricky.

link to another game
player, 215 posts
Tue 9 Apr 2013
at 03:22
  • msg #279

Re: GURPS : Malazan Book Of The Fallen

Need 1-2 more Infinity Scouts for the above.
player, 4 posts
Thu 18 Apr 2013
at 13:51
  • msg #280

A Moon over Icewood

Icewood, Alaska

Nestled amongst the snowy pines and birch of eastern Alaska sits the bustling town of Icewood; a city with a long history of people, business and lore. The long howl of the wind signifies the end of the warm days, and the beginning of the cold, darker months of the year. Farms lie dormant underneath fallen leaves and descending frost, permeated only by the sounds of the forest; animals foraging for food and lumberjacks preparing for the winter. What at first looked to be a simple winter would become known as the darkest and most terrifying time in the history of Icewood. They would say in the years to come, "T'was not a natural wind what drew the demons here. It were the breath of lucifer himself".

link to another game

This is an adult GURPS horror game about the nightmarish events which plagued the town of Icewood in the winter of 1736. You will play as a denizen of the town, whether native born or a foreign traveller come to escape the harsh winter, only to fall prey to more diabolic events. Your goal is to survive the devils in the woods and uncover the mystery behind these supernatural horrors, because if you fail, all of Icewood will fall unto the bosom of darkness.
This message was last edited by the player at 06:55, Sat 20 Apr 2013.
player, 218 posts
Thu 18 Apr 2013
at 14:30
  • msg #281

Heroic Apotheosis re-re-re-recruit

Tired of GURPS games drying up and blowing away?

Heroic Apotheosis has been running since August 2012 and is closing in on 4000 posts. Each group of players is separate, each is isolated from the others, creating effectively independent games with the same framework.

The game emphasizes character development and realism above all else. Who you become as a result of the experiences you undergo, and the slow transformation from ordinary person to hero.

In Heroic Apotheosis high school students are transported to another reality. Without knowing the language or customs or really possessing any survival skills, they must adapt or die to a world not their own.

The first group were gamers from the modern day. The second group were from the 90s. The third group were 80s era jocks. The fourth group were delinquents and troublemakers. The fourth group? Drama club.

Players in the fifth group can play actors, or costumers, or set designers and tech crew. They're normal students, if a bit above average, 75 point characters.

Warning: This game has a high attrition rate. Characters die. Players drop off the face of the earth. This does not end the game. The first group dropped from eight to three. The second group's players all gradually stopped posting. The third group lost two. The remaining players were consolidated, eventually, and we ended up with a strong core of dedicated players.

The fourth group started just a few weeks ago. One player dropped. Another died. 5 players remain, all posting regularly. If too many die or drop, they will join with the others, or with the incoming 5th group.

The game will go on.

link to another game
player, 8 posts
Sun 28 Apr 2013
at 06:17
  • msg #282

A Moon over Icewood - Starting soon

I've got a couple players done with their characters so I'll probably be starting this game soon, but I'd like to get a few more in before we begin. Anyone who has an inkling to join, feel free to throw your hat in.

link to another game
player, 237 posts
Fri 3 May 2013
at 16:57
  • msg #283

A Cold Wind Blows

In a land of ice and snow a hardy people labor under the dominion of the mysterious Alver, immortals long departed from these lands. Though their overlords are long departed, their presence is still felt in the edicts they left behind, chief among them that no human should undertake the study of magic.

Dwelling in the shadows of the magnificent structures the Alver left behind centuries ago, the cityfolk of Alvbyen work to acquire the high taxes the A;ver demand, knowing that if this tithe is not paid, their cruel masters will return and enact a cruel punishment.

How long must will they continue to suffer subjugation?

A Cold Wind Blows is an epic fantasy game set in a low-fantasy world. Players are the patrons and employees of a tavern destined to either free their people or lead them into ruin. Gameplay is balanced between exploration, combat, and social interaction. Later phases will include large scale warfare and resource management.

link to another game
player, 3 posts
Mon 6 May 2013
at 21:10
  • msg #284

Re: A Cold Wind Blows

Opening up a supernatural mysteries game using GURPS4e.

Investigating the supernatural in post-war America (1946).

The Special Pathogens Branch of the CDC has formed a handful of Emergency Containment and Treatment Response Elements to deal with unusual outbreaks. You will be the members of one such element*.

This campaign will focus on investigation more than combat. Call it two cups Mysteries, 1 cup Horror, and half a cup each of Action and Monster Hunters.

link to another game
player, 240 posts
Mon 6 May 2013
at 21:14
  • msg #285

Re: A Cold Wind Blows

That's awesome.
player, 4 posts
Mon 6 May 2013
at 22:00
  • msg #286

Re: A Cold Wind Blows

In reply to Tortuga (msg # 285)

I thought it was awesome when I found out that the CDC really does have a Special Pathogens Branch. What a cover organization.
player, 28 posts
Mon 13 May 2013
at 22:38
  • msg #287

Zuddha Yuddha 2: The Perfect Combat

The world is finally at peace.

The Age of Steel had nearly come to an end. The reign of humanity was threatened by an invasion of horrible goblinoids from another world. Every kingdom, republic, city-state and tribe came to recognize this threat, and all sent soldiers to help end it.

In the end, they were successful. Humanity and their allies drove the goblins back through their portals, back into their dying world. Some goblinoids recognized that this would be their fate, and joined the human alliance in exchange for some marginal lands.

The man now known as the Emperor was once humanity's greatest general. He led his soldiers through ten years of victories, never once knowing defeat. By the time the goblins were defeated, he commanded the absolute loyalty of his men and women. He gave them a vision: one world united, under his rule. Soldiers from every corner of the globe agreed to serve him, and this mighty force soon began conquering the planet.

The Emperor has spent his entire life at war. He took the command of his people at the age of fifteen, reformed the military, and conquered all of his neighbors by his eighteenth birthday. He took command of the armies of humanity at twenty-two. Now, thirty years later the entirety of the known world is under his dominion, and he lives in unimaginable splendor.

The Emperor is bored. He personally took the field in every one of his battles, and he misses the action. He has elected to start a gladiatorial arena in Miauz, where one stood before his wars of conquest. Old soldiers from around the world, exiled princes, the young and ambitious, monsters, and slaves are all seen flocking (or being herded) to the arena, eager for a chance at glory.

The first matches are about to begin. The Emperor seeks a true contest, a perfect combat. The ones who give him this will be showered with riches. Will it be you?

Zuddha Yuddha 2 is an arena game with the following features:

  - 100 point realistic characters
  - Advantages and disadvantages repriced and rebalanced for arena combat
  - 18 different races to choose from
  - Long-term character advancement
  - The Last Gasp fatigue rules. Wear your opponents down and finish them while they're gasping for air!
  - Advanced GURPS combat with a minimum of house rules past character creation
  - Make bets on ongoing matches
  - Create your own retinue of hirelings who enhance your performance in the arena
  - A sophisticated ranking system with rewards for taking on veterans

link to another game
player, 10 posts
Fri 21 Jun 2013
at 01:19
  • msg #288

Re: Zuddha Yuddha 2: The Perfect Combat

I am thinking of running one of two games.

Fantasy western. ( think jona hex)



I have a small idea about a story for the fantasy western. But the supers one I am more clueless about, actually I have a few ideas but I'm not sure about them yet.

If I get at least one yes to either I can work with it.
player, 30 posts
Fri 21 Jun 2013
at 02:01
  • msg #289

Re: Zuddha Yuddha 2: The Perfect Combat

Fantasy Western could be cool but I do not know jona hex.  What point range you thinking?
player, 11 posts
Fri 21 Jun 2013
at 02:09
  • msg #290

Re: Zuddha Yuddha 2: The Perfect Combat

In reply to otghand (msg # 289):

Think he'll boy but wild west then.

Point range would be dependent on the players character concepts.
player, 31 posts
Fri 21 Jun 2013
at 03:22
  • msg #291

Re: Zuddha Yuddha 2: The Perfect Combat

Hell Boy is fun.

My character concepts usually are at least in part a function of point level. ;^)
player, 13 posts
Fri 21 Jun 2013
at 04:50
  • msg #292

Re: Zuddha Yuddha 2: The Perfect Combat

In reply to Zoncxs (msg # 290):

This could be quite fun.
player, 12 posts
Sat 22 Jun 2013
at 04:08
  • msg #293

Re: Zuddha Yuddha 2: The Perfect Combat

OK, so here is some info I made ( right now)

Dark western.

TL 5

The frontier is a dangerous place for those looking to get rich quick, and filled with the weird and supernatural. You are bounty hunters, keeping the peace where ever it is needed and taking down villains of any nature. Bandits, demons, and witches beware.



TL 8^

Heroes wanted! Do you have a super power? Are you capable of feats matched by no man? Do you have a valid form of ID? If so we need you! HEROES FOR HIRE are always looking for new talents to help fight the villainous ways of bad guys and save the world when need be!
player, 14 posts
Sat 22 Jun 2013
at 04:20
  • msg #294

Re: Zuddha Yuddha 2: The Perfect Combat

In reply to Zoncxs (msg # 293):

Both sound potentially interesting, but my preference would be the dark western.
player, 29 posts
Sat 22 Jun 2013
at 04:25
  • msg #295

Re: Zuddha Yuddha 2: The Perfect Combat

Ditto.  I'd be interested in either as well, but never having played in a western-themed game...
player, 13 posts
Sat 22 Jun 2013
at 15:05
  • msg #296

Re: Zuddha Yuddha 2: The Perfect Combat

OK then, I shall setup both games. It will take a while for me to have everything 100%. Just check out my dark horror fantasy to see how much detail I put into things.
player, 32 posts
Sat 22 Jun 2013
at 15:07
  • msg #297

Re: Zuddha Yuddha 2: The Perfect Combat

In reply to Zoncxs (msg # 296):

Which one is that?

BTW - I will mention that I generally avoid "Adult" rated games.  Not the sort of role-playing I go for online ...
player, 14 posts
Sun 23 Jun 2013
at 21:54
  • msg #298

Re: Zuddha Yuddha 2: The Perfect Combat

heroes for hire is now up!

link to another game
player, 244 posts
Thu 27 Jun 2013
at 14:41
  • msg #299

Re: Zuddha Yuddha 2: The Perfect Combat

Heroic Apotheosis has been going on for some time now. 10 months, real time, and 6700 posts. There have been multiple groups of students transported from their school to alternate realities, and this hasn't gone unnoticed.

The next player group is going to be, for the first time, adults. Police investigating the disappearances, faculty assisting them, and concerned parents getting in the way.

link to another game
This message was last edited by the player at 14:42, Thu 27 June 2013.
player, 15 posts
Sun 30 Jun 2013
at 04:42
  • msg #300

Re: Zuddha Yuddha 2: The Perfect Combat

Heroes for hire is still looking for players! Link is in my post above.
player, 39 posts
Furry Kitty with
a witch's hat
Thu 11 Jul 2013
at 02:41
  • msg #301

Re: Zuddha Yuddha 2: The Perfect Combat

In reply to Zoncxs (msg # 300):

Are you still looking for players?
player, 246 posts
Thu 11 Jul 2013
at 03:12
  • [deleted]
  • msg #302

Re: Zuddha Yuddha 2: The Perfect Combat

This message was deleted by the player at 21:53, Thu 11 July 2013.
player, 16 posts
Thu 11 Jul 2013
at 04:16
  • msg #303

Re: Zuddha Yuddha 2: The Perfect Combat

Sytill looking for players, yes.
player, 247 posts
Thu 11 Jul 2013
at 21:54
  • msg #304

Heroic Apotheosis

John Fox. Claire Montagne. Lia O'Rourke. Ben Miller. Kevin Trance. Trudy Stern. Michael Crawford. Frank Thurston. Vince Brody. Vika Zamorskaya. Monik Belmont. Marcus Van Buren. Alexander Morris.Hyppo Slovotsky. Jin Feng. Juliette Harrison. Nishithini Claudhri. Joanna Lo. Saffiya Saeed. Hirayoko Mitsumi. Rachel Holmes. Brian Marx.

Twenty-one names. Twenty-one students. Twenty-one faces on missing posters placed in the last year at Jefferson Davis High School in Redlake, Wisconsin.

They're gone, without a note, without a trace, over a period of months.

It's time to find them, to get them back. To bring them home.

Heroic Apotheosis is a GURPS game about dimensional travel. Four different groups of students have disappeared into adventure, but what about those left behind? Concerned faculty, worried parents, and the police?

Now recruiting for those trying to find these kids, unwittingly about to join them. Players can play the police officers and detectives investigating the disappearances, faculty and teachers helping them police, and worried parents "helping" the police.

Almost two dozen players have taken part in this game in the year it's been running, and most of them are still involved.

If you played before but left because you were too busy, or your character died, or you didn't like the pace of the game, you're welcome to come back. Groups are now divided by the posting frequency of the players, so whether you post daily or twice a week, you'll find people at your speed.

We've got a dozen players, in different groups, interacting on occasion. Come join in the fun with a game that's not going to disappear anytime soon.

Newbies welcome.

link to a message in another game
This message was last edited by the player at 22:07, Thu 11 July 2013.
player, 248 posts
Fri 12 Jul 2013
at 13:53
  • msg #305

Re: Heroic Apotheosis

We need one more player to get started with the next group. Just one.
player, 17 posts
Sat 28 Sep 2013
at 22:10
  • msg #306

The Ranker

World wide combat organization called Valhalla sponsors a never ending tournament which allows people from around the world to fight for the right to be the best. Once you join the ranks you are in for life, till you die. Different fighting styles and even people with powers flock to fight to become a Ranker. Will you join and fight for glory?

link to another game
Johnny Angel
player, 65 posts
Sun 13 Oct 2013
at 05:35
  • msg #307

Re: The Ranker

What games are currently recruiting?
player, 18 posts
Sun 13 Oct 2013
at 14:16
  • msg #308

Re: The Ranker

The ranker is still recruiting
link to another game
player, 253 posts
Mon 14 Oct 2013
at 21:56
  • msg #309

Re: The Ranker

Heroic Apotheosis is recruiting again. link to a message in another game
player, 19 posts
Sat 26 Oct 2013
at 18:30
  • msg #310

Re: The Ranker

Still looking for players for a arena fantasy game.

link to another game
player, 254 posts
Fri 22 Nov 2013
at 22:32
  • msg #311


Post apocalyptic game: link to another game

Investigative horror game: link to another game
This message was last edited by the player at 17:23, Sun 24 Nov 2013.
player, 97 posts
Sat 30 Nov 2013
at 03:41
  • msg #312

Anyone for LW5

Sorry that I'm not posting an advertisement for any game I'm GMing or that I want to GM, but I've been reading a lot of Action and related pyramid articles lately and I want to play a near future game set after Lethal Weapon 4 that involves me being the son of Riggs and one other player being the EDIT: child of Butters, or possibly the child of Nick Murtaugh. It would use The Odd Couple rules from Sean Punch's Buddies and Loners (Pyramid 3-53) If anyone's interested in being the Murtaugh counterpart or the GM of this game, feel free to PM me here.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:12, Thu 12 Dec 2013.
player, 98 posts
Sat 7 Dec 2013
at 14:41
  • msg #313

Re: Anyone for LW5

Oh and the year would be between 2020 and 2030.
player, 5 posts
Tue 17 Dec 2013
at 02:14
  • msg #314

Re: Anyone for LW5

Cross-posting this here since I'll be using GURPS.

link to a message in another game

Considering starting this game after the first of the year.

The CDC was established in 1946, so that's the start date. The CDC also has a Special Pathogens Branch. In real life it deals with diseases like Ebola and hantavirus. But it makes a perfect cover organization for investigating the supernatural.

I see this as a more investigative, detective-type setup rather than a ultra-violent monster hunters one. (Though there can certainly be violent confrontations!)

This would not be a Cthulhu/Mythos game. The supernatural will be that of myth and folklore.

System would be GURPS. I run pretty rules light though. Character creation will be collaborative.

So is anyone interested?

player, 38 posts
Tue 17 Dec 2013
at 04:36
  • msg #315

Re: Anyone for LW5

Sounds interesting, sort of like the TV show Supernatural but with the characters having official sanction.
player, 6 posts
Thu 26 Dec 2013
at 21:55
  • msg #316

Supernatural Investigations in 1946 America?

The Special Pathogens Branch of the CDC is now looking for a team of 4-5 agents.
link to another game

The newly formed CDC's Special Pathogens Branch is charged with investigating unusual events.

Rough Men Bump Back is not first-come, first-served; I will be accepting applications until 10:00 am Jan.4 (US eastern time). Look at the RTJ thread and reply appropriately.

This is not a Call of Cthulhu or Delta Green game. The supernatural is that of myth and folklore and not part of some Illuminated Cabal.

This will be an episodic game much like a tv show.
player, 99 posts
Fri 27 Dec 2013
at 14:25
  • msg #317


aww, damn I thought I had a bite or something.
player, 3 posts
Fri 27 Dec 2013
at 15:47
  • msg #318

Re: oops.

Your requests are very, very specific. I have most GURPS books, and I don't have the pyramid article you refer to. I simply think no one around here has the resources you want. Personally, I think it's such a specific setting, I would disappoint even if I did. If you really want a game, I suggest being less finicky about the setting, but if that's what you want, you might be waiting a long time. Keep re-posting every so often, honestly it might take a few years. Good luck.
player, 8 posts
Fri 27 Dec 2013
at 16:21
  • msg #319

Re: oops.

I don't think the setting is a problem, but the very explicit character requirements were a bit off-putting.
I considered it, and read the various posts... but just don't want to be so confined...

I understand the guidelines and concept ... and since you review all chrarcters... I think that's sufficient.
I do reemember a game where I did the character dance with the GM until the game had moved way past where I coulld join ... a lot of time wasted and a very bad  feeling afterwards .... I black list some GMs for such stuff.

A good controlled environment is fine, but you are just the guide for the game, it's not likely to go exactly as you envision it and if you force it to, it's likely to fail reasonably quickly. You have to allow for the Characters to develop and the players  to grow the characters in new directions.

Hope it goes well... it sounds like a good concept.
player, 256 posts
Fri 27 Dec 2013
at 16:53
  • msg #320

Re: oops.

Are you talking about steelsmiter's buddy cop idea or jmurrell's investigative game?
player, 9 posts
Fri 27 Dec 2013
at 16:55
  • msg #321

Re: oops.

jmurrel's... didn't notice Steelsmiters
player, 257 posts
Fri 27 Dec 2013
at 16:58
  • msg #322

Re: oops.

I thought so. It was confusing because Steelsmiter was talking about the cop game he wants to play, and 2l8m8 was responding to him, and I couldn't tell who you were talking about.

Carry on!
player, 10 posts
Fri 27 Dec 2013
at 19:00
  • msg #323

Re: oops.

My Apologies ... It seemed so clear to me ;-)
player, 100 posts
Fri 27 Dec 2013
at 19:23
  • msg #324

Re: oops.

To be fair, it was my fault in my pain addled state (thyroidectomy and full throat dissection), that I did not initially realize I wasn't responding to my GM wanted request, rather to the GURPS Community.

To be more clear though in regards to my own, I have actually toyed with the idea that Riggs is not the shooter in my reboot, and wouldn't mind any of several other templates for him. The only real requirements are 300 points, 50 of which includes the lens from the article I mentioned, and the characters be Riggs and (Murtaugh/Butters) from the LAPD. Canonical knowledge isn't as required as you'd think it might be because 20-30 years can... mess with that. Especially at the point we're at now where we may be well on the way to a TL change.

If anyone thinks my being Riggs is me "calling the shots" (other than those defined above), it should be noted that I view a game without discussion, agreement, give, and take to be a basically worthless game when you're trying to emulate the "Buddy Cop" feel. It would be sad to have someone to think he couldn't be a given Template because my character's name is Riggs. Or worse, that he had to be an Investigator because Roger was.
player, 7 posts
Fri 27 Dec 2013
at 20:35
  • msg #325

Re: oops.

I don't think the setting is a problem, but the very explicit character requirements were a bit off-putting.
I considered it, and read the various posts... but just don't want to be so confined...

I understand the guidelines and concept ... and since you review all chrarcters... I think that's sufficient.
I do reemember a game where I did the character dance with the GM until the game had moved way past where I coulld join ... a lot of time wasted and a very bad  feeling afterwards .... I black list some GMs for such stuff.

A good controlled environment is fine, but you are just the guide for the game, it's not likely to go exactly as you envision it and if you force it to, it's likely to fail reasonably quickly. You have to allow for the Characters to develop and the players  to grow the characters in new directions.

Hope it goes well... it sounds like a good concept.

Is this in response to me?
 If so, I am not sure how you find it confining? Is it my wanting to do character creation collaboratively with all the players together?

I would like to know, perhaps I am not explaining expectations clearly enough.
player, 1 post
Fri 27 Dec 2013
at 21:42
  • msg #326

Re: oops.

Jmurrell, I would be interested in playing if it were a modern version of what you're describing. Sort of like Fringe.
player, 11 posts
Fri 27 Dec 2013
at 21:57
  • msg #327

Re: oops.

In reply to jmurrell (msg # 325):

That's was the good point... but I got the feeling that you made a character and then can't grow into a different or modified character over time... Not sure about describing a 4 character  team... I can describe who I want to be, but then building 3 more is a bit more than I want to do... perhaps I build more detailed characters than you envision.
I read the whole write up and just felt uncomfortable with trying to generate a character.

I run TRAVESTY & RESPONSE ... you can get some idea from that as to how I see things... certainly not everyone's cup of tea, but a few folks seem to enjoy it.
player, 8 posts
Fri 27 Dec 2013
at 22:03
  • msg #328

Re: oops.

In reply to Aethulred (msg # 327):

Ah, OK. I wasn't asking for anyone to create a character yet. An RTJ is for auditioning players. First I'll select players, then we'll jointly discuss actual characters.
player, 4 posts
Fri 27 Dec 2013
at 22:10
  • msg #329

Re: oops.

Just to be clear, yes I was responding to Steelsmiter. You do have a lot of requirements, not many GMs run 300 pointers, let alone 300 point 'regular people'. I don't really know what I'd do with 300 points like that, except maybe super-luck or some cinematic 'never-die' power. 18's in all attribs, and 1 point in every skill? Anyhow, just sayin', I don't have a problem with it, but I won't be running it, have fun but don't hold your breath waiting.

Jmurrel- no offense, but your game seemed not to be my cup of tea, either. It looked well thought out, and a decent game, but the whole 'build a team' thing, not to use the team you build, seemed a bit odd to me. Or am I misunderstanding? Every player plays an entire team? I don't know, it just seemed like I'd be niggling around with details too much for either of us to be happy. Have fun, let us know how its going once in a while.
player, 2 posts
Fri 27 Dec 2013
at 22:28
  • msg #330

Re: oops.

Gonna add on that I don't know how ot make a 300 point average human either, considering an average human is described at 100, and superhuman at 200. In a fantasy game I could pull out all the stops with magic or psionics or innate attacks, but...
player, 258 posts
Fri 27 Dec 2013
at 22:46
  • msg #331

Re: oops.

I had similar reservations about jmurrel's game. There's no problem with getting players together to discuss group dynamics before a game begins, but it's expecting a lot of work from players who might not even get into the game.

Unfortunately I don't see a way to get the right group without scaring potential players off, other than personally inviting players you know work with your style, and then running a group character creation that way.
player, 101 posts
Fri 27 Dec 2013
at 23:30
  • msg #332

Re: oops.

That's kinda the point of using the Action templates. Your template is where your points go. Simple. The other lens points are up to you within the confines of the lens. Action literally does it for you up to 250 (in which the only decision is "I want a Wheelman (or whatever)" and these are the things the Wheelman (or whatever) can start with) and the other 50 points is all about helping out your buddy.

On another note, action isn't about "normal people" per se as it is about people who are highly cinematic but in no way supernatural or exotic (er... depending on how you classify things like Luck)
player, 5 posts
Sat 28 Dec 2013
at 08:14
  • msg #333

Re: oops.

I did use the word regular, instead of normal, for that reason. I have seen the Black Ops book, with characters in that range, that aren't too out of line, I suppose. Still, at 300, I'd want some supernatural or esoteric stuff. Just me, maybe, but I never did the Black Ops thing, either.
player, 76 posts
Sat 28 Dec 2013
at 08:46
  • msg #334

Re: oops.

Side note: I once played a regular Joe in Transhuman Space that ended up being a bit over 400cps...and He didn't have anything crazy. I think his highest stat was a 15 and his highest skills were at 16...Parenting, Boxing Sport, some things like that.

Of course, he didn't start out at 400...he started out at 250 and grew to 400 organically over the course of the campaign. He didn't even end up feeling very cinematic...what which no super high skills or stats...and he also wasn't a jack-of-all trades with one point in every skill. He was pretty squarely in his concept of a quasi-technophobic man of action, ex-cop single dad in the Transhuman Space universe.

And these were 3e point levels. He probably would have been a bit more expensive in 4e.

So..."regular" Joe on 300cp can be done! Though...Action! isn't trying for that vibe.
player, 39 posts
Sat 28 Dec 2013
at 16:22
  • msg #335

Re: Supernatural Investigations in 1946 America?

In reply to jmurrell (msg # 316):

I was interested in the your game and so indicated when it was under discussion.  When I saw your requirements, my interest ceased.  It seems you want some perfectly valid things, all of which hold no to negative interest for me.

I do not care for a shared story telling approach - I prefer as a player to react to my environment.  That meant for example, I can not write a minor scene, because I can not know in advance it is a minor scene.  That clerk in the gas station?  Might be human, might be a were, might be a vampire that just killed the real clerk who lies dead behind the counter.  My character can not know these things until he walks in the shop.

I enjoy character building - coming up with a concept and then executing it and seeing where it takes me.  If I understand your intent, you want the other players to have a say in what my character is.

I wish you well, but your game is not for me.
player, 259 posts
Sat 28 Dec 2013
at 16:32
  • msg #336

Re: Supernatural Investigations in 1946 America?

I don't think it's so much that the other players have a hand in building your character, but that the players all talk and discuss character concepts to ensure a certain degree of harmony and minimal overlap.

I do agree with you about the desire for a more immersive gaming experience from the players' perspective.
player, 40 posts
Sun 29 Dec 2013
at 05:47
  • msg #337

Re: Supernatural Investigations in 1946 America?

In reply to Tortuga (msg # 336):

That first part smacks of character classes which the lack of is part of what I prefer about GURPS.  I like figuring out what the other PCs can do in game, not before game.
Mad Mick
GM, 92 posts
Sun 29 Dec 2013
at 06:41
  • msg #338

Re: Supernatural Investigations in 1946 America?

Tortuga's comment isn't necessarily about character classes, although using classes like D&D or templates like Dungeon Fantasy accomplishes what Tortuga's aiming it, which is making sure the characters have a nice range of skills without too much overlap.

I'm reading Michael Crichton's novel Micro right now, and it's funny how the group of seven graduate students is in some ways like an adventuring party (albeit a dysfunctional one).  All of them are scientists, but each has his or her own discipline, ranging from an ethnobotanist to a doctoral student who's more of a linguist studying other scientists' discourse.  It would be strange if everyone was an arachnologist who also knew martial arts (or even two characters with those traits).

In terms of classes, I suppose they'd all be scientists, but each has his of her specialty, and the unifying theme is that these people are all researching biomechanisms on a very small scale (well, other than the comparative literature guy).
player, 260 posts
Sun 29 Dec 2013
at 06:55
  • msg #339

Re: Supernatural Investigations in 1946 America?

Yeah, I was looking at it as an author and as a gamer.

Author: Your protagonist group is most interesting if they present a contrasting unity of opposites. Conflict is what drives all story, and by imbuing characters with opposing traits you guarantee organic conflict.

Gamer: A well-planned group provides full coverage of abilities. Further, as GM, you can make sure that characters share the spotlight, that nobody dominates, and nobody is superfluous.

It also gives you a chance to discuss and nail down player expectation.
player, 6 posts
Sun 29 Dec 2013
at 07:40
  • msg #340

Re: Supernatural Investigations in 1946 America?

I see the point. However, there is also the part about the novel being based on people hired for their skills, and there would be an outside and real influence preventing overlap of same. I had a gaming group, two guys accidentally picked the same name. They were both going to change it, but I made them keep it. It worked great, they got nicknames in the first couple posts, and that led to everyone in the team getting nicknames, which wouldn't have happened otherwise.

I guess all I'm saying is, being true to the character, even if there's overlap, isn't a bad thing. I do agree, it's wise to discuss what's what, if you can, but it shouldn't be an over riding priority. I've had a game where 2 of us were snipers, it worked fairly well. We had enough diversity in other things, and areal nice long-range capability. We ended up softening almost every target before they even saw us. (I'm sure the GM threw extras in to compensate, though.)
player, 261 posts
Sun 29 Dec 2013
at 14:54
  • msg #341

Re: Supernatural Investigations in 1946 America?

Well, I think that's what jmurrell was going for. He wanted people to discuss characters as a group before anyone came up with solidified ideas, so that you didn't have to compromise to fit in; you could come up with a character concept that fit what he was looking for from the start.

I'm just speculating here.
player, 7 posts
Sun 29 Dec 2013
at 15:33
  • msg #342

Re: Supernatural Investigations in 1946 America?

I think you missed my point; I like player-blind character creation a lot better. There would not have been 2 snipers in that game, and we would probably have rarely used the skill, if we had collaborated ITFP. Likewise, the two guys would have had different names and good, fun, RPing would have been bypassed.

Granted, you need to have the bases covered, but I prefer the GM answering questions like, "What do we need still?" or "Is the combat role filled yet?" I know it's a lot more vague than what the goal of this is, but I guess I just adapt as a GM, if no one knows how to pick locks, I either don't lock the doors or let them have explosives. Generally, I don't alter things much if there's a way for them to succeed, they need to figure out maybe, but modifying things like that eliminates the need for ensuring every skill is covered, and there isn't any overlap. It's not as realistic in one sense, but then neither is getting a diverse group of people together, whose skills happen to exactly mesh perfectly.
player, 262 posts
Sun 29 Dec 2013
at 15:39
  • msg #343

Re: Supernatural Investigations in 1946 America?

It's definitely a question of style, and there are a lot of questions and assumptions that go into it. I prefer blind-character creation myself - RPOL has a broad enough character base that you can pick and choose what works best.

And it comes down to what's most important to you: emulating what's "realistic", telling a cohesive story, or making sure that everyone - GM and players - has fun? There's no right answer, simply because every player and GM has a different idea of what fun is.

From what I've read in jmurrell's game instructions, near as I can tell, he's focused on the narrative experience. Nothing wrong with that, if that's what you like.
player, 1 post
Sun 29 Dec 2013
at 21:08
  • msg #344

Re: Supernatural Investigations in 1946 America?

The concept of a highly trained group of professional investigators working for the CDC who were not hand picked based on complimentary skill sets is ridiculous. Equally so the idea that such a team would be unfamiliar with one another's capabilities.
player, 3 posts
Sun 29 Dec 2013
at 21:27
  • msg #345

Re: Supernatural Investigations in 1946 America?

I imagine jmurrel sitting in his room looking at the empty cast list, sobbing. "All I wanted was a nice game"
Big Brother
player, 1 post
Mon 30 Dec 2013
at 00:17
  • msg #346

Re: Supernatural Investigations in 1946 America?

So I've only been here a few days, granted, but during that time I've watched this thread and I can't figure out why it's called "Game Advertising" if you're basically arguing about... not-that.

Anyway, my two cents: why not start a new thread (since it's clearly a topic of interest to a number of people)? That is all. I leave you to your regularly-scheduled debate.
player, 263 posts
Mon 30 Dec 2013
at 00:31
  • msg #347

Re: Supernatural Investigations in 1946 America?

We're discussing a game advertisement.

This is a pretty low-traffic board. There's an occasional rule question, and a game idea posted, but pretty far in-between.
Mad Mick
GM, 93 posts
Mon 30 Dec 2013
at 07:13
  • msg #348

Re: Supernatural Investigations in 1946 America?

Agreed.  This would probably be better if it were in the Lounge, since this thread is mainly for game ads.  =)

That said, go join jm's game!  He's good people.  =)
player, 9 posts
Thu 2 Jan 2014
at 01:23
  • msg #349

Re: Supernatural Investigations in 1946 America?

I've been down with the flu, or I'd have responded earlier, and this may be a bit choppy.

Clearly people are thinking I want more than I am expecting. So I have redone the RTJ. link to a message in another game

And to clarify, each player designs his own character, but only after agreeing to a particular role. Tortuga had it right in post#341. And here:
Yeah, I was looking at it as an author and as a gamer.

Author: Your protagonist group is most interesting if they present a contrasting unity of opposites. Conflict is what drives all story, and by imbuing characters with opposing traits you guarantee organic conflict.

Gamer: A well-planned group provides full coverage of abilities. Further, as GM, you can make sure that characters share the spotlight, that nobody dominates, and nobody is superfluous.

It also gives you a chance to discuss and nail down player expectation.
I hope to do all three, though I would say contrast rather than conflict between characters.

The interesting thing is I used the same request back when I did In Her Majesties Service. I had way more requests than I needed, no one complained about the process and we ended up with four very interesting characters.

And thanks Mick.
player, 269 posts
Thu 2 Jan 2014
at 19:40
  • msg #350

1930s Pulp Superheroes

It's the 1930s, Capone is in jail, Edison is dead, and Hitler is Chancellor of Germany. Little does the world expect that humanity's future is set to take a very strange turn, and it's all John Dillinger's fault! When superhuman powers begin to manifest, will you be able to maintain some semblance of a normal life during the Great Depression?

link to another game
player, 20 posts
Sun 5 Jan 2014
at 01:50
  • msg #351

Re: 1930s Pulp Superheroes

The year is 2000 BC, your tribe has lived in the harsh northern hills for years. Hunting, gathering, raiding southern tribes and trading stories. But you are not satisfied with this life, you wish to visit the places told in stories for yourself.

link to a message in another game
player, 44 posts
Sun 5 Jan 2014
at 02:17
  • msg #352

Re: 1930s Pulp Superheroes

In reply to Zoncxs (msg # 351):

Point level?  I see what you have put up - not sure how one plays a 7 year old, but sounds interesting.
player, 21 posts
Wed 15 Jan 2014
at 20:07
  • msg #353

Re: 1930s Pulp Superheroes

In reply to otghand (msg # 352):

Point level will vari, you start at age 7 and from there you create your character,playing out the years with each post till you are 14. By the end of that you would be somewhere near 120 cp.
player, 42 posts
Furry Kitty with
a witch's hat
Fri 17 Jan 2014
at 03:17
  • msg #354

Re: 1930s Pulp Superheroes

In reply to Zoncxs (msg # 353):

I am in the game and it is interesting. I have never developed a character like this, so it is different. I would suggest taking a look.
player, 287 posts
Thu 6 Feb 2014
at 19:33
  • [deleted]
  • msg #355

Dreams with Open Eyes

This message was deleted by the player at 19:23, Wed 19 Mar 2014.
player, 290 posts
Wed 19 Feb 2014
at 02:33
  • [deleted]
  • msg #356

Re: Dreams with Open Eyes

This message was deleted by the player at 20:43, Sat 22 Feb 2014.
player, 291 posts
Sat 22 Feb 2014
at 20:45
  • [deleted]
  • msg #357

The Long Road to Power

This message was deleted by the player at 19:23, Wed 19 Mar 2014.
player, 303 posts
Wed 19 Mar 2014
at 19:31
  • msg #358

Two game ideas.

I've got two ideas, both with the word "Dog" in the title. Let me know if either appeals.

Dog Eat Dog
Cyberpunk game. Early TL 9. You were hotshot corporate execs until you came out on the wrong side of a corporate power struggle, and now you've been left out in the cold. Fired, blacklisted, and on the streets, you have to learn a new trade, an illegal trade, to survive.

Avast Ye Space Dogs
Space game. Players are mundane modern humans about to become space pirates through PLOT reasons. Giving away more would be, well, giving away more.
player, 6 posts
I like Fantasy.
I also like Sci-Fi.
Wed 19 Mar 2014
at 21:37
  • msg #359

Re: Two game ideas.

I'd play that cyberpunk game
player, 304 posts
Thu 20 Mar 2014
at 18:19
  • msg #360

Re: Two game ideas.

I could see starting that out with the players' rise in the company engaging in different sorts of power plays, possibly illegal, and using mercenaries to sabotage their rivals until their schemes caught up with them and sent them crashing to the streets.
Just a Pilgrim
player, 2 posts
Fri 21 Mar 2014
at 00:12
  • msg #361

Re: Two game ideas.

In reply to Tortuga (msg # 358):

My favourite would be the space pirate scenario. The premises sounds intriguing, and you don't get nearly enough space based Gurps.
player, 4 posts
3rd edition gm for 15yrs
happy to be playing
Sun 20 Apr 2014
at 23:47
  • msg #362

Dungeon Fantasy game

In reply to Just a Pilgrim (msg # 361):

I have been running a DF game for some time now, called Northport. The game is a revival
 of a 3e 100pt game I ran by that name back in 2002 over in playbyweb. All standard
races and templates accepted, 250-50-5. Builds from DF15 are liked as well, especially
For those who want to multiclass, spend heavily on race or allies.
Setting is quasi-mediaeval France, if the Netherlands were Slavonic, and Northport is a
city built over a megadungeon. Membership in the Adventurers Guild (a perk) is
mandatory, but useful, as it allows for drop-in party formation without heavy backstory
building.."the six of you have been recruited..."
player, 27 posts
Sun 20 Apr 2014
at 23:53
  • msg #363

Re: Dungeon Fantasy game

I think I played in that game... It's been gone quite a while, but I can't recall much. Were you the one who made some nice graphic maps?
player, 43 posts
Furry Kitty with
a witch's hat
Mon 21 Apr 2014
at 00:50
  • msg #364

Re: Dungeon Fantasy game

In reply to Gwythaint (msg # 362):

I would play that game.
player, 28 posts
Mon 21 Apr 2014
at 12:09
  • msg #365

Re: Dungeon Fantasy game

Hiya, 'Cat. Didn't you come from PbW, too?
player, 5 posts
3rd edition gm for 15yrs
happy to be playing
Mon 21 Apr 2014
at 15:00
  • msg #366

Re: Dungeon Fantasy game

In reply to 2l8m8 (msg # 363):

I used to make text maps back in pbw, over here I mostly upload dysonized clippings of my own maps, although in the Old West game I am running, and in some outdoor parts of Northport, I use paint over hex grids. If intetested, please lurk or send an rtj
link to another game
This message was last edited by the player at 00:20, Tue 22 Apr 2014.
player, 306 posts
Mon 21 Apr 2014
at 15:10
  • msg #367

Re: Dungeon Fantasy game

Why don't you give people a link?
Big Brother
player, 10 posts
Mon 21 Apr 2014
at 17:11
  • msg #368

Re: Dungeon Fantasy game

Yeah, that seems like the kind of thing that would be good for the Resources thread...
player, 9 posts
Sun 11 May 2014
at 21:54
  • [deleted]
  • msg #369

Re: Dungeon Fantasy game

This message was deleted by the player at 03:16, Mon 02 June 2014.
player, 311 posts
Mon 16 Jun 2014
at 16:22
  • msg #370

Re: Dungeon Fantasy game

Chthonic (adj) Concerning, belonging to, or inhabiting the underworld.

Chthonic is a postmodern urban-fantasy game set in Chthonic Falls, Kentucky, an Appalachian mining town. Players are coal miners and locals unlucky enough to be in the mine during a terrible collapse. Trapped inside, they must find a way out through the earth... or will they find something more compelling in the depths?

Chthonic is run in GURPS, but no understanding of the game or system is required.

link to another game
player, 313 posts
Thu 19 Jun 2014
at 23:13
  • msg #371

Re: Dungeon Fantasy game

Filling up fast, but we've room for another player or two.
player, 22 posts
Thu 3 Jul 2014
at 02:59
  • msg #372

Re: Dungeon Fantasy game

Warriors Glory is a PvP PvE arena. TL 3 world.

link to another game
player, 22 posts
Sun 10 Aug 2014
at 16:03
  • msg #373

FBI: Special Investigations Division-

You are all FBI agents. 4 years of college and a few years of experience.
150 points.

There is NO MAGIC in this game.

Low Fantasy, you aren't saving mankind.

This is not a cops and robbers game … well it does have that too… some.

The background setting is is variable depending on player actions.

Looking for 2-5 players who will post daily or so and notify all of periods of unavailability.
player, 2 posts
Sun 10 Aug 2014
at 17:18
  • msg #374

Re: FBI: Special Investigations Division-

You are all FBI agents. 4 years of college and a few years of experience.
150 points.

There is NO MAGIC in this game.

Low Fantasy, you aren't saving mankind.

This is not a cops and robbers game … well it does have that too… some.

The background setting is is variable depending on player actions.

Looking for 2-5 players who will post daily or so and notify all of periods of unavailability.

Kind of an X-Files? Interested!
player, 23 posts
Sun 10 Aug 2014
at 17:59
  • msg #375

Re: FBI: Special Investigations Division-

That was it's origination... our group lost interest in the X-Files thing and then real life stepped in and killed the group ... which wasn't hard given several strong willed people and differing interests.
player, 135 posts
Thu 14 Aug 2014
at 22:46
  • msg #376

Little Fantastic Steampunk

So I'm thinking on running a steampunk game using DF Henchmen to cobble together custom character builds (with the option to use extra points on Race). It'll be kinda sorta steampunky. It'll also use Metatronic Generators but you won't need that pyramid article, I'll post any relevant information in the game. It'll have Steam tech of couse, and clockwork, as well as Lightning Guns and railways that levitate over Ley Lines. I've also been somewhat amused by Joerg Sprave lately so it'll have rubber band guns too. Oh and gunpowder doesn't exist, but they do inject alcohol into a pressurized chamber and light it.

Anyone interested?
player, 79 posts
Thu 14 Aug 2014
at 22:54
  • msg #377

Re: Little Fantastic Steampunk

Sounds like it could be fun.
player, 15 posts
Thu 14 Aug 2014
at 23:41
  • msg #378

Re: Little Fantastic Steampunk

In reply to otghand (msg # 377):

Isn't there a similar game running?

link to another game
player, 136 posts
Thu 14 Aug 2014
at 23:59
  • msg #379

Re: Little Fantastic Steampunk

Other than the fact that they're both steampunk, and I'll be using RPM, no not really.

PS: My main hangup is converting all the standard magic refereces to RPM
This message was last edited by the player at 20:11, Fri 15 Aug 2014.
player, 26 posts
Sat 23 Aug 2014
at 18:15
  • msg #380

Re: GURPS Supers: Empire City

Advertisement for a game looking for new players

The game starts after Labor Day.

In this world, supers are rare.

There were a handful of known heroes, largely of the mask and muscle variety in the last days of WWII. Whether any of them had actual powers was debatable. A few tried to help, when the troops came home, but there really wasn't a place for them openly. If they still served, they did it in secret. There were stories and urban myths about some cities that were protected, but that's all they seemed to be stories.

In the eighties, all of that changed. The Avenger came to Empire City. Initially, he was a story that criminals told of a shadowy figure that haunted the night and destroyed their well-planned heists. Police always seemed to know where they were going to be. The night of the fire at the high school dance was the night that the Avenger went public. A photographer at the dance snapped a picture of a costumed figure bursting through a window with an injured teen in his arms and another of the Avenger jumping back into the fire to rescue others. There were twenty cases of smoke inhalation, but no fatalities. And Empire City had Avenger fever.

Dr. Thanatos, the mad mage, made his appearance not too long after. He had a special hatred for the hero and the city that the Avenger called home, but the Avenger always managed to stop him.

In the early nineties, The Avenger started working with another, a Kid Avenger. They fought side by side for 10 years and it was thought that the Avenger was grooming his successor and finally retiring.

Empire City thought that they'd always be safe. But that optimism was destroyed 15 years ago, Dr. Thanatos rained destruction down on the city for days. The scars are still visible today. The Avenger fought him from one side of the city to the other. Hundreds died, thousands were injured, the property damage rivaled that of anything mother nature had ever thrown at the city.

Thanatos was broken and died in prison ten years later. Avenger was never seen again.

Kid Avenger became the Dark Avenger and has protected the city since.

It's today and you're street-level heroes in a one-hero city in a world largely without heroes.

Join us? Link: link to another game
player, 122 posts
Mon 1 Sep 2014
at 22:30
  • msg #381

ST-Rules Playtest Arena

Howdy folks!

The overinflation of ST-based damage in GURPS, particularly relative to armor's protective value, has always rubbed me the wrong way.  I've struggled for a couple of years now, off and on (mostly off), to try to come up with a solution that both satisfies my simulationist craving and is actually gameable.

Having spent the last couple of months in an "on" stage trying to hash out some house rules on muscle-powered damage, I feel like I've finally struck that reasonably-happy medium between simulation and gameability, and that I finally have something that's to take on a road test.

I know it feels like we just went through this, so I want to be up-front about what this is:

  1. It's an arena game.  Nothin' but combat.

  2. Since the primary purpose is to assess the efficacy of this particular house rule, there is currently no "fluff" side set up in the game.  It's just beating the snot out of each other for fun.

  3. I know grappling with new or unfamiliar rules aren't a lot of peoples' cup of tea, so I have stripped down as much extraneous filler as possible.  That is, the only house rule being tested is the one revolving around ST-based damage.  No rules about hit locations, no rules about skills, no house rules about any other elements of combat.

  4. That said, the game does use the Last Gasp rules from Pyramid 3/44.
    • You do not have to have this issue of Pyramid to join the playtest game, however, as I will provide all of the information you need to conform to this.
    • Having used Last Gasp in previous arena games, I am confident in saying that this is a great, and arguably necessary, addition to any arena-based game.

I'm in no way whatsoever picky or selective about who I allow to participate.  If you want in, I want you in.  If there's something you're unsure about, let me know and I'll see what I can do.  If you don't feel like you have a strong enough handle on GURPS combat rules to be a valuable addition, let me assure you that I am happy to help you grapple (pun intended) with GURPS combat and, hopefully, help you learn some useful stuff from the experience.

If you're interested or just want to take a look, head on over:  link to another game

If you have any questions, please, by all means, ask, and ye shall receive answers.  I want to make this test work, and I need bodies, so I don't want to lose a potential participant because I didn't make something clear.
player, 29 posts
Tue 2 Sep 2014
at 00:00
  • msg #382

Re: ST-Rules Playtest Arena

Never heard of last gasp. Without too much detail, what is it?
player, 123 posts
Tue 2 Sep 2014
at 00:12
  • msg #383

Re: ST-Rules Playtest Arena

Never heard of last gasp. Without too much detail, what is it?

Without too much detail:

Characters have a pool of action points (derived from, but separate from, their FP).  Taking most maneuvers in combat costs APs.  If you have no APs, you can't take maneuvers that cost APs.  Some maneuvers (e.g. All-out Defense) do not cost APs, and some (Evaluate, Do Nothing, Wait) give you the opportunity to recover APs.

You may spend an FP to immediately recover APs equal to 50% of your HT.  However, if you spend too many FPs, you start suffering from fatigue, which penalizes all of your attributes and makes fighting that much more difficult.

I've played in arena games in the past that used it, and it is an excellent addition to the nuances of combat.  It allows for things like lulls and flurries to arise completely organically, as characters try to conserve or regenerate their own APs while maintaining an edge over their opponent and trying to force them into "burn FP" territory to cause them to grow fatigued.

I've included in my game a Sample Combat thread that shows most of the Last Gasp rules in action (although neither NPC ever reached the point of fatigue).  I've also written up in relatively summary form the rules related to it, but since it's published material I'm not willing to make that particular information publicly accessible.

Edited to Add:  The article itself was written by Douglas Cole, if that's the sort of thing that matters to someone.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:17, Tue 02 Sept 2014.
player, 80 posts
Tue 2 Sep 2014
at 01:12
  • msg #384

Re: ST-Rules Playtest Arena

So are you not using the armor as dice rules and the other rules listed in the game pages?
player, 124 posts
Tue 2 Sep 2014
at 01:33
  • msg #385

Re: ST-Rules Playtest Arena

So are you not using the armor as dice rules and the other rules listed in the game pages?

Ah, that's my mistake / poor communication.

Armor-as-Dice is in play, but I didn't think to specifically call it out in my earlier post because I consider it to be a component part of the overall "Fixing ST-Based Damage" house rule rather than a separate rule in need of identification.

The good news about Armor-as-Dice is that it's a rather simple and straight-forward concept, so its inclusion doesn't really add significant complication to the house rule as a whole.
player, 125 posts
Wed 3 Sep 2014
at 17:28
  • msg #386

Re: ST-Rules Playtest Arena

Got one character finished and ready for action, and a second in the formulation stage, but I'd always love to have more if anyone is willing to roll the dice on this (pun very much intended).
Bane Root
player, 10 posts
Wed 3 Sep 2014
at 21:56
  • msg #387

GURPS Multiverse reboot interest check

I am considering restarting my GURPS Multiverse game here on RPOL and want to gauge the interest before committing to running it. Below is my original RTJ post/preamble.

Play whoever and whatever you want from any setting, genre or source.

The plot, simply put, is a diverse group of beings, gathered from across the multiverse is assembled to confront a growing darkness that ultimately threatens all life everywhere. Inspired by American Gods, His Dark Materials, LOTR, D&D : Eberron and incorporating themes and elements from The Malazan Book of the Fallen, Starwars, Startrek, Marvel Superheroes and everything in between.

GURPS : Multiverse is an epic, reality spanning adventure, where the characters learn of and ultimately confront dark, ancient threat to all life in every reality. This game will be roleplaying-centric with an emphasis on character development. you can play whoever and whatever you want. With that in mind, let me say that character concept and development is infinitely more important then power level and point total. When creating a character, point total is tertiary, with character concept being the primary importance and character roleplayability a close second. Create the character you most want to play, regardless of point cost. I'm not saying go crazy and make a 1200 point mystic warrior that can defeat armies single-handedly, unless that is what you want to play. I will allow ANY character as long as it is well developed, with a rich and detailed backstory including a detailed summary of the world/universe that they come from. If you want to play a character from popular fiction/Television/movies/etc you can. Don't worry if you make a 200 point character when you could make a 2000 point dragon, the purpose of this game is not power. This game is plot driven. The threat level will be tailored to characters. If you do make a 2000 point character, you will be confronted with foes that are a match for you and placed in situations where all your dragonly might is useless. The 230 point Sherlock Holmes character will be equal to the 2000 point reformed Smaug (the dragon from The Hobbit) as roleplaying and thematic development will ultimately be the deciding element.

Players will start in solo threads and be gathered into the main plot thread as the plot dictates.


What I want from a RTJ:

-Statement of age
As this is going to be an adult game, with dark themes of horror and violence, preface your RTJ with the following;
"I, (insert RPOL name), born (insert DOB) am (insert age) am legally allowed to view adult material in my country of residence (insert country)."

A commitment to post quality, spelling and grammar checked posts that have substance. As we are working together to craft this game world your contribution is as important as mine. Dialogue will be in a colour of your choice, with any internal monologue you wish to add in italics. Any dice rolls or game mechanics notes will be added at the end of the post in bold. In character conflict is allowed and encouraged as it adds to the drama of the game. It goes without saying that out of character conflict is strongly discouraged, as we are all adults and not here to engage in name calling or infantile in-fighting. I'm here to create an interesting story with vibrant characters, not participate in a pissing contest via the medium of the internet.

-Character Concept
A character concept that includes a detailed background of who the character is and how he/she came to be where they are.

-Character Description
A description of your character...Physically, clothing, armour... Be descriptive. also include a picture of approximately what your character looks like.

-Character Sheet
A character sheet of your completed, character. Necessary, but not with the initial RTJ. What is necessary is what race, class, gender, etc you intend to play, even if included in your character concept.

-Character's Homeworld/dimension
If its an original concept, I need to know what it's like, how it runs, major players, etc. If it is a commonly known world, ie Middle Earth, or Earth during the dark ages, include a brief outline of where your character is from in that world.

This may seem like a lot of work just to apply to this game, but I am dedicated to making this a quality, long-running game enjoyable for all writers(players) involved and a RTJ serves to dissuade those that aren't interested in a serious, plot driven game.

Any interest?
player, 81 posts
Wed 3 Sep 2014
at 23:17
  • msg #388

Re: GURPS Multiverse reboot interest check

Concept yes though the RTJ is a bit of a turn off as it requires quite a bit of work on pure speculation that you the GM will like the concept.  In any event I don't care for adult so I will wish you well.
player, 1 post
Wed 3 Sep 2014
at 23:19
  • msg #389

Re: GURPS Multiverse reboot interest check

Liking the idea, a little cautious about it because the last time I got involved in a GURPS game where the GM was trying something large-scale and epic, he kinda vanished after we'd done our sheets and stuff and were working out the details.
Bane Root
player, 11 posts
Wed 3 Sep 2014
at 23:22
  • msg #390

Re: GURPS Multiverse reboot interest check

I only made it adult for the horror aspect. There wont be any in-game sex if that what your concerned about.

Regarding the RTJ, Im open to virtually any character concept, baring the obvious power-mongering type ie, the genius, superman, with high-tech gear who is a master of magic and psychic...
Bane Root
player, 12 posts
Wed 3 Sep 2014
at 23:25
  • msg #391

Re: GURPS Multiverse reboot interest check

Liking the idea, a little cautious about it because the last time I got involved in a GURPS game where the GM was trying something large-scale and epic, he kinda vanished after we'd done our sheets and stuff and were working out the details.

The original game was going well, 4000+ posts until I had an accident last year that took me away from RPOL for an extended period. I told the players that I was injured and wouldnt be able to continue the game. Now that I'm back, the regular players in the game have not been on RPOL in six to eight months, hence the interest check in restarting.
player, 2 posts
Wed 3 Sep 2014
at 23:31
  • msg #392

Re: GURPS Multiverse reboot interest check

Well that's encouraging. Sure, I'd be up for it. Sounds like it could be good fun.
player, 30 posts
Fri 5 Sep 2014
at 01:12
  • msg #393

Re: GURPS Multiverse reboot interest check

I think that was the game I was in. Don't really have time now, but it was surprisingly do-able. I expected a fold soon after character creation, but it went a few 'episodes', IIRC. I was a space marine sniper, we had a disease (as a PC, I mean), a goddess of magic, I forget what all else, but it seemed to work somehow. It was funny, because my guy had a disad of not believing in magic, and did rather well at explaining it all away. After all, any sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology, right? ;)
player, 31 posts
Fri 5 Sep 2014
at 17:40
  • msg #394

Re: GURPS Multiverse reboot interest check

Warriors glory revised as a Dark Souls type game.

You are cursed, ever living undead. You have travelled far and have come to in island that has been lost to time. It is vast, its mountain tower over you from its center, a castle peaking out from its side. Death and pain lives here. And you mean to make it beg.

link to another game
player, 44 posts
Furry Kitty with
a witch's hat
Sat 6 Sep 2014
at 01:13
  • msg #395

Re: GURPS Multiverse reboot interest check

In reply to Bane Root (msg # 391):

I love the idea and have a few ideas. Depending on how many you are taking, I might have time over the weekend to write something up.
Bane Root
player, 13 posts
Sat 6 Sep 2014
at 02:41
  • msg #396

Re: GURPS Multiverse reboot interest check

I think that was the game I was in. Don't really have time now, but it was surprisingly do-able. I expected a fold soon after character creation, but it went a few 'episodes', IIRC. I was a space marine sniper, we had a disease (as a PC, I mean), a goddess of magic, I forget what all else, but it seemed to work somehow. It was funny, because my guy had a disad of not believing in magic, and did rather well at explaining it all away. After all, any sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology, right? ;)

Yup. You were one of the original characters that started up the game in its first incarnation.
player, 31 posts
Sat 6 Sep 2014
at 16:47
  • msg #397

Re: GURPS Multiverse reboot interest check

In reply to Bane Root (msg # 396):

:) I'd give it an A-, highly recommended. It'd get an A+ if there wasn't a few obvious plot contrivances to get everyone together, but with characters that far apart, it's inevitable, so in this game / setting, there's no possible way to get an A+. Plot points are one of my pet peeves, and this was acceptable.

Bottom line: Recommended.
player, 6 posts
3rd edition gm for 15yrs
happy to be playing
Sat 4 Oct 2014
at 14:19
  • msg #398

Re: Dungeon Fantasy game

In reply to Gwythaint (msg # 362):

Still taking players for my DF game, currently five groups in play, could use a player
For an intrigue subsetting, willing to look at the wierd.

link to another game
player, 86 posts
Sat 4 Oct 2014
at 14:45
  • msg #399

Re: Dungeon Fantasy game

Good game, well run.  Do join in.
player, 1 post
Sat 4 Oct 2014
at 17:05
  • msg #400

Re: Dungeon Fantasy game

Agreed :D
player, 45 posts
Furry Kitty with
a witch's hat
Sun 5 Oct 2014
at 01:49
  • msg #401

Re: Dungeon Fantasy game

Yes, it is, I am in it.
player, 16 posts
Sun 5 Oct 2014
at 02:40
  • msg #402

Re: Dungeon Fantasy game

In reply to Witchycat (msg # 401):

Me too. Off on my own a bit though!
player, 88 posts
Sun 5 Oct 2014
at 18:24
  • msg #403

Re: Dungeon Fantasy game

What is expected, daily or weekly posts? Or something in between?
This message was last edited by the player at 18:25, Sun 05 Oct 2014.
player, 17 posts
Sun 5 Oct 2014
at 22:27
  • msg #404

Re: Dungeon Fantasy game

In reply to trooper6 (msg # 403):

Daily preferred. Not sure if others post less...
player, 87 posts
Sun 5 Oct 2014
at 23:36
  • msg #405

Re: Dungeon Fantasy game

In reply to BlueDwarf (msg # 404):

It is often several posts per day.
player, 18 posts
Mon 6 Oct 2014
at 02:24
  • msg #406

Re: Dungeon Fantasy game

In reply to otghand (msg # 405):

2-3 times per day with me, if the GM keeps up! But lately he has been swamped...
player, 46 posts
Furry Kitty with
a witch's hat
Wed 8 Oct 2014
at 01:03
  • msg #407

Re: Dungeon Fantasy game

Yes and the group I am with posts slow, I am several times a day type.
player, 2 posts
Sat 11 Oct 2014
at 17:09
  • msg #408

Re: Dungeon Fantasy game

Ditto actually, apart from when i'm being pimped around the country.

Then it's a case of stealing internet from somewhere :D
player, 21 posts
Sat 25 Oct 2014
at 00:34
  • msg #409

Re: Dungeon Fantasy game

In reply to archypetro (msg # 408):

Still open to player in the game I took over.

Largely need to take over one of the existing characters, Billy or Gordon, until they reach the surface. Then we will be open to new characters!

link to another game
This message was last edited by the player at 00:35, Sat 25 Oct 2014.
player, 144 posts
Tue 4 Nov 2014
at 17:49
  • msg #410

Re: Dungeon Fantasy game

In a world called Towmyen, unrest is stirring. Old wounds are being picked at, and the need for adventurers is rising. In the world of Towmyen, those adventurers will rise from the sheep. They will strike out at injustice, and carve their own niche. This is a GURPS Dungeon Fantasy game. It is adult, but it will be violent and foul mouthed rather than perverted.

link to another game

I have 2 in the process and will be looking for 2+ more. More or less first come, first served.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:12, Tue 04 Nov 2014.
player, 344 posts
Thu 6 Nov 2014
at 15:49
  • msg #411



You have been selected out of thousands of applicants to appear on BlazeA59's MercWatch reality show. You and four strangers will worth together creating a mercenary company from scratch. How long will you last before you're killed or go bankrupt?

Report to A59's offices on deck 23, suite 12, on 20.08.54:000. We look forward to seeing you!

Fractured Galaxy is a action/adventure sci fi game set in the far future. The players are reality-show mercenaries fighting for fame, fortune, glory, and ratings. Gameplay involves action, social interaction, and intellectual problem solving. The game is run in a variant of GURPS 4e Action.

link to another game
This message was last updated by the player at 15:49, Thu 06 Nov 2014.
player, 5 posts
Thu 18 Dec 2014
at 15:55
  • msg #412

X-men game

Any interest in a X-men game? I was thinking of a game with original characters but some of the X-men we know and love. For more details go to gms wanted.
player, 7 posts
3rd edition gm for 15yrs
happy to be playing
Tue 6 Jan 2015
at 16:55
  • msg #413

Re: Dungeon Fantasy game

In reply to Gwythaint (msg # 362):

Still taking players for my DF game, currently five groups in play, could use a player
For an intrigue subsetting, willing to look at the wierd.

link to another game

Still rolling, and yes, there is continual need for replacements, so as to avoid npc heavy parties... a druid leprechaun is available, as are several core npcs that could used a player; a warrior woman with a ghostly arm, a low point adventurer and a magic laden mercenary are up for grabs (and would speed things up for BlueDwarf.
player, 28 posts
Tue 6 Jan 2015
at 19:22
  • msg #414

Re: Dungeon Fantasy game

Indeed, and speaking of attrition, I have had a couple of players drop out as well from the contemporary game that is now heading into a pre-shadowrun era. The awakening is just occurring, with all the fun that brings, and a group has headed into the underworld (OK, that was not in any Shadowrun books!) on a diplomatic mission.

NPCs available are a cop, a mining engineer whose player just left, an elven school teacher who is currently about the only person in the world with Theumatology as a skill, a reporter and and orc trapper.

As with Gwythwaints game, would be good with less NPC's.

link to another game
player, 2 posts
Tue 6 Jan 2015
at 20:40
  • msg #415

Re: Dungeon Fantasy game

In reply to Gwythaint (msg # 413):

I'd offer to take some of your NPC burden, but I think I should stop at 3 PCs in one game.  :P

What can I say?  In WoW, I was an alt-whore.  I found the 50 character cap the hard way.

HOWEVER, I can say for those looking for a game, that I'm having a lot of fun with this one.

Gwythaint is doing a great job running numerous simultaneous threads.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:41, Tue 06 Jan 2015.
player, 8 posts
3rd edition gm for 15yrs
happy to be playing
Tue 6 Jan 2015
at 21:18
  • msg #416

Re: Dungeon Fantasy game

In reply to JustJessie23 (msg # 415):

If Stark needs a safeword , let me know. As you are pulling him and Syrik at once, the ones I need a hand with are Szuzana, Molag and Haskell.
Blue, about the elven schoolteacher.
player, 29 posts
Tue 6 Jan 2015
at 21:26
  • msg #417

Re: Dungeon Fantasy game

In reply to Gwythaint (msg # 416):

Her name is Erica, and she was played by a player who asked to drop her due to rl commitments.

She is one of the very few in thiscworld who knows theumatology, though her 4 light spells are still cast at 10. 116 cp character, she has a sort of non- official apprentice, the dependant of one if the other pcs.
player, 3 posts
Tue 6 Jan 2015
at 21:47
  • msg #418

Re: Dungeon Fantasy game

In reply to Gwythaint (msg # 416):

Stark will have to learn about safe words on his own.  Both he and Syrik have bad tempers AND don't like each other.  I may have an in-fight on my hands before too long.

Every time I see activity in the guild hall, I want to play somebody that lingers there and doesn't go on adventures.  And then I say nay!
player, 18 posts
Wed 7 Jan 2015
at 03:25
  • msg #419

Re: Dungeon Fantasy game

BlueDwarf, still have any openings over at Chthonic?
player, 30 posts
Wed 7 Jan 2015
at 03:34
  • msg #420

Re: Dungeon Fantasy game

In reply to krusher (msg # 419):

Yep. John Smith is the only one taken since last post. But Gwythwaint has not applied yet. Think we are keeping him busy in Northport!
This message was last edited by the player at 03:35, Wed 07 Jan 2015.
player, 4 posts
Wed 7 Jan 2015
at 06:03
  • msg #421

Re: Dungeon Fantasy game

BlueDwarf, who are you playing in Northport?
player, 31 posts
Wed 7 Jan 2015
at 06:24
  • msg #422

Re: Dungeon Fantasy game

In reply to JustJessie23 (msg # 421):

player, 5 posts
Wed 7 Jan 2015
at 06:30
  • msg #423

Re: Dungeon Fantasy game

In reply to BlueDwarf (msg # 422):

Hahaha!!  Greetings!

I'm Dareos!

I'm also Stark and Syrik, but they're elsewhere.
Mad Mick
GM, 110 posts
Wed 7 Jan 2015
at 14:30
  • msg #424

Re: Dungeon Fantasy game

Guys, please use this thread for game advertisements.  =)  Feel free to talk about games or anything else in the Lounge.
player, 6 posts
Wed 7 Jan 2015
at 16:47
  • msg #425

Re: Dungeon Fantasy game

Sorry. Got carried away.
player, 49 posts
Furry Kitty with
a witch's hat
Sat 10 Jan 2015
at 03:37
  • msg #426

Re: X-men game

Any interest in a X-men game? I was thinking of a game with original characters but some of the X-men we know and love. For more details go to gms wanted.

I would be interested.
player, 6 posts
Sat 10 Jan 2015
at 03:42
  • msg #427

Re: X-men game

In reply to Witchycat (msg # 426):

Yay! I hope it happens, I don't think it will though.
player, 50 posts
Furry Kitty with
a witch's hat
Sat 10 Jan 2015
at 03:48
  • msg #428

Re: X-men game

Actually I have thought of doing a game that would be like Shadowrun in the present day. So there would be elves and orcs and such and magic in todays world.
player, 7 posts
Sat 10 Jan 2015
at 03:49
  • msg #429

Re: X-men game

In reply to Witchycat (msg # 428):

That would be cool!
player, 32 posts
Sat 10 Jan 2015
at 04:03
  • msg #430

Re: X-men game

In reply to Bebo8096 (msg # 429):

That is about what I am running Witchy. Check out

link to another game

It is bases at the time of the awakening. Actually, the players have been instrumental in initiating the awakening. The corps are only starting to find their strength, so there is no extraterritoriality...yet!
player, 32 posts
Mon 12 Jan 2015
at 20:36
  • msg #431

Supers game

I was wondering if anyone is interested in a supers game? I am thinking of running one.

what type of supers would be enjoyable?
player, 8 posts
Mon 12 Jan 2015
at 21:04
  • msg #432

Re: Supers game

In reply to Zoncxs (msg # 431):

I wouldn't mind being in another supers game. Post nuclear war could be fun, or genetically grown superhumans maybe.
player, 12 posts
Mon 12 Jan 2015
at 21:21
  • msg #433

Re: Supers game

In reply to Zoncxs (msg # 431):

Possibly, depending on the details.
player, 94 posts
Mon 12 Jan 2015
at 21:37
  • msg #434

Re: Supers game

I could go for something 4 color style, or maybe something Monster Hunters style.
player, 33 posts
Tue 13 Jan 2015
at 01:12
  • msg #435

Re: Supers game

I was thinking of one step down from 4 color (cinematic).

You obtained your powers some how, maybe it was High tech or a mutation, or from rigorous training unlocking your chi or psionic powers, maybe you became intoned with nature and could tap into mana or a deity has granted you its powers. whatever the case may be you decided to use it for good. its been a few months since you got your powers and you know how to use them, you've been doing street level stuff when another super goes rogue. you weren't the only one to heed the call and you meet your new friends during the intense battle. You all decide to join forces and protect your city. You have heard about an Organization called "Champions for hire" and decide to all join.

link to another game
player, 51 posts
Furry Kitty with
a witch's hat
Sun 1 Feb 2015
at 02:07
  • msg #436

Re: Supers game

Hi, I am starting a GURPS game set in a world that is similar to Shadowrun but set in a more modern day. So no cybernetics. Let me know if your interested.

link to another game
player, 35 posts
Sat 14 Feb 2015
at 22:50
  • msg #437

Re: Supers game

In reply to Witchycat (msg # 436):

Still can take new players for a pre-shadowrun style contemporary game.

link to a message in another game

It is based at the time of the awakening. Actually, the players have been instrumental in initiating the awakening. The corps are only starting to find their strength, so there is no extraterritoriality...yet!

Looking at moving in 2 ways. Players can either be involved in the typical shadowrun operations in a contemporary world in the throes of being awakened to magic, or they can be involved in exploring the underworld, a world of orcs, Dwarves and other strange things.
This message was last edited by the player at 09:54, Mon 09 Mar 2015.
Bane Root
player, 15 posts
Fri 20 Mar 2015
at 08:17
  • msg #438

New game

Im setting up a steampunk/dark Victorian fantasy/Call of Cthulhu/Hellboy inspired game.

link to another game

Through The Dark Looking Glass : GURPS 1891

England. 1891. It has been three years since Jack the Ripper last struck, Sherlock Holmes works as a consultant with Scotland Yard and other police services around the globe, Nikola Tesla is employed in England, developing his wondrous Tesla coil and other devices for the betterment of England and the world. Victor Frankenstein works tirelessly to develop his resurrection machine in time for the World's Columbian Exposition set for 1893. Industry is booming throughout England and Europe. But despite enormous advances in technology, superstition and paranoia runs rampant throughout England and Europe. Serial killers prowl the streets of every major city, what little remains of wilderness in the world is dark, dangerous and very inhospitable, covens of witches are exposed and tracked down by Scotland Yard and other security services throughout the world. Strange tales fill the newspapers; of monsters, shadows that haunt the periphery of society. Numerous cults plague all levels of society, worshiping a variety of entities and possessing an even wider set of sinister goals. The worst, widest spread and least known cult being a lose amalgamation of cults from around the world, unofficially named R'lyehian Cultists by Scotland Yard. The R'lyehian Cultists are comprised of groups from all levels of society and though separated by thousands of miles, culture and language, as well, in some cases hundreds of years, all share the singular focus of worshiping a dark, sinister god who lies trapped beneath the seas, whose awaking is to signal the end of the world.

In 1890, Lord William Xavier Greythumb, the 7th Marquess of Hertford, returns from the dark continent of Africa where he had spent the last decade exploring and advancing Englands' interests. His ventures have made himself and England extremely wealthy. The favourite of the crown, his rugged handsomeness and history as an adventurer and explorer make him a celebrity among the tabloids as his mystery quickly grows into legend. Unprepared for the intrigues and subterfuge of life within the nobility in London, Lord Greythumb retreats to his family estate in Hertford. In December 1890, his 19 year old daughter Alice Greythumb disappears. Lord Greythumb assembles an eccentric group, tasked with investigating his daughter's disappearance, locating her, returning her safely and bringing her abductors to justice.

This is where you come in. Summoned from the far corners of the globe, the group is comprised of unique individuals from all walks of life, whose only common link is their expertise or singular talent which makes them invaluable to Lord Greythumb. Gunfighters, vampires, witch doctors, scientists, bare knuckle boxers, fencing champions, mystics and mediums, thieves and murderers. Lord Greythumb requires your skills and is willing to pay very handsomely for your employ. You each receive a letter addressed to you from Lord Greythumb promising $250.00 if you come, meet him and listen to his proposal with a promised additional $250.00 should you succeed in his task. Considering that in 1891, a skilled laborer (carpenter, blacksmith, etc) made approximately $0.25/hour, Lord Greythumb's offer is astronomical. You each arrive at Hertford castle in Hertford, 31 miles North of London on the evening of January 7th, 1891.

Characters will be made with 200 points and 100 points of disadvantages allowed. Any conceivable character will be allowed with a feasible and detailed enough backstory. This game is inspired by the following works of fiction;
-Steampunk as a theme
-The works of H.P. Lovecraft
-"Penny Dreadful" television series
-The videogame "Dishonoured"
-"The League of Extraordinary Gentleman"
-The graphic novel series "Hellboy"
-equal parts "Sherlock Holmes", "Downton Abbey", "Dracula" and "Frankenstein"

player, 52 posts
Furry Kitty with
a witch's hat
Mon 23 Mar 2015
at 00:43
  • msg #439

Re: New game

I would love to do it!
player, 48 posts
Mon 30 Mar 2015
at 20:10
  • msg #440

Re: Looking for Players

I've had a few Players leave due to RL situations and am looking for a few Players... I don't want to shut them down, and neither does my last remaining player, but just one player makes it a bit stranger with limited interplay among characters. We post daily on average, sometimes more than once.

First game is a low Fantasy (not saving the world)series of adventures based in Caithness (my interpretation thereof). Characters are 150 points and brains is worth as much or more than brawn. I also have characters that could be built upon and perhaps one or two that could just be taken over. This has been running for several years now, soit isn't likely to fade away in a few weeks ..if I can get a new player or two.
link to another game

Second game is Castle Falkenstein /Come il Faut (R. Talsorian games) based with players being FBI agents from 2001, who have been sent through a portal discovered in Maryland. Again basically 150 points or take over a character. Again it's more of a thinking game than blasting things game. his one is only 7 months old, but isn't likely to fade either...if I can get a new player or two.
link to another game
player, 35 posts
Mon 27 Apr 2015
at 16:49
  • msg #441

Re: Looking for Players

Starting up my battle arena game again.

100pt characters to start with room to grow.
link to another game
player, 41 posts
Thu 21 May 2015
at 02:45
  • msg #442

Re: Looking for Players

In reply to Aethulred (msg # 440):

Have created a GURPS Traveller:Interstellar wars (4e) game, hope to get going with it in a month, perhaps less if we get 2-4 more interested players. This game is set in the year 2170 in the GURPs Interstellar war period. Players can play a number of characters that are associated with an eccentric businessman Andrew Kalishnakov, head of Kalishnikov P/L, as he sets out from Terran space to pass through Vilani territory to areas on the other edge of the Vilani border in the Capella Subsector. Whilst known as a weapons dealer, the company primarily manufactures vehicles in it's massive mobile base. Players get to play the characters that man his small freighter initially.

This game may contain elements of a sexual nature, and graphic descriptions of violence, largely dependant on the characters and where they take it. Hence it is marked as mature, but not adult.

link to a message in another game
player, 1 post
Mon 15 Jun 2015
at 20:59
  • msg #443

Zuddha Yuddha 3

With the blessing of the original GM, I've brought back Zuddha Yuddha 2 as Zuddha Yuddha 3. I'm not aiming to create a remotely difference experience, just to bring back blood sport goodness.

Zuddha Yuddha 3 is an arena game with the following features:
RedSabaron wrote:
  - 100 point realistic characters
  - Advantages and disadvantages repriced and rebalanced for arena combat
  - 18 different races to choose from
  - Long-term character advancement
  - The Last Gasp fatigue rules. Wear your opponents down and finish them while they're gasping for air!
  - Advanced GURPS combat with a minimum of house rules past character creation
  - Make bets on ongoing matches
  - Create your own retinue of hirelings who enhance your performance in the arena
  - A sophisticated ranking system with rewards for taking on veterans

link to another game

If you've got any questions, feel free to PM me.
player, 12 posts
3rd edition gm for 15yrs
happy to be playing
Tue 16 Jun 2015
at 02:18
  • msg #444

Re: Zuddha Yuddha 3

In reply to Peons (msg # 443):

Still hustling for players to replace those lost for my GURPS Dungeon Fantasy game.
link to another game
player, 44 posts
Tue 16 Jun 2015
at 04:44
  • msg #445

Re: Zuddha Yuddha 3

In reply to Gwythaint (msg # 444):

Yeah, Northport has a series of good mini-adventures. Worth a look-in...
player, 50 posts
Tue 16 Jun 2015
at 14:37
  • msg #446

Re: Zuddha Yuddha 3

And I could use another player or two in FBI; Special Investigations Division*M; My team of one is currently in the Republic of Texas on Nearth (New Earth). Government Agencies can be so creative with names and acronyms.
player, 375 posts
Mon 22 Jun 2015
at 13:22
  • msg #447

Time Travel

In 2010 the US government contracted aerospace manufacturer Howard-Marks to research potential methods of time travel. The company has used the government funds to set up several competing programs all geared towards that goal in their isolated Death Vally Parachronic Research Center. In addition to the labs, there are administrative buildings, a regional corporate HQ, security buildings, and conference centers.

While the existence of the Parachronic projects are a carefully guarded secret, everyone working at the facility knows what's being studied. And, most of them, even the higher-ups, think it's a joke.

Little do they realize that one of these projects is about to have more success than anybody realized.

The Roll of Years is a Science Fiction time travel game set throughout human history. The players are employees at a research facility about to become unwitting chrononauts. Gameplay will consist of surviving in the primitive past, and then possibly learning enough to return to the present. After that, who can say?

The game will be run in GURPS, with 100 point characters.

link to another game
Bane Root
player, 16 posts
Fri 26 Jun 2015
at 23:09
  • msg #448

GURPS 4ed : Black Ops

Wrestle enraged gargoyles on rain-slick ledges high over dark city streets! Endure the rew psychic fury of the dreaded soul dog! Above all, watch out for the insidious Greys, as they kidnap human women and steer the destiny of entire nations!

Our only defense against these terrifying foes is the Company, which takes conspiracy from theory to practice. As one of its best recruits, you'll endure five years at the hellish Academy, where only the best of the best graduate and failing grades become tombstone inscriptions. Upon becoming a black op, you'll possess attributes and deadly expertise to make mere normals tremble.

You'll need them – because it's all true. Ancient alien visitors and recent arrivals, things slithering in sewers and alleys by night, dark plots by paranormal cabals to bend humanity to their will – all these dangers and more lurk in society's shadow.

Odds are you'll die in style. Your job is to take as many of them with you as you can.


Gurps 4e: Black Ops

Good evening, recruits.

I'm sure a lot of you are wondering why you are here. Some of you might even be having second thoughts. Believe me, I was there once myself. I can tell you right now that a third of you won't live through the training. This is your last chance to turn around and walk out that door. You'll wake up tomorrow morning in a hospital bed. You'll have a bandage on your head, and your memory loss will be explained by an unfortunate fall or a car accident. Thank you, sir. Good luck to you, ma'am. Anyone else? Good, let's proceed.

I'll be blunt. Humanity is under siege. Some threats are alien, some natural, some supernatural, and some we aren't sure about yet. The Greys see us as guinea pigs, tagging people like animals and whisking them away to be used in their twisted experiments. The vampires have schemed to manipulate society through money and political power for centuries, keeping themselves quite literally at the top of the food chain. To the brainsuckers, we are merely hosts, bodies to be used and discarded.

I can see some of you shaking your heads. You probably think I'm joking, maybe insane. Some days, I wish I were. Once you've gone down the rabbit hole, there's no going back. It's all very real, and you'll have plenty of time ahead of you to see the evidence for yourself.

We picked you for black ops because you were good. In the next five years, we'll mold you into something even better. You'll learn to push your bodies and minds farther than you could have thought possible. You'll learn secrets that even the president doesn't know. You'll handle tech that's ten, twenty years ahead of what's out there right now. You'll learn to kill the things that threaten us, and you'll do it without anyone outside this organization knowing about it.

Most of the world is blissfully unaware of what we're up against, and we'll do anything to keep it that way. The truth is out there, and it's our job to find it, then kill it.


Characters will be built on 650 points. All characters start with The Company as a Patron (150 points), and Zeroed (10 points) advantages. All characters must take the disadvantages Secret: Possible Death (30 points) and Extremely Hazardous Duty (-20 points). These advantages and disadvantages do count against the 650 point total, so include them in your calculation. You may pick an additional 20 points of disadvantages and 5 points in quirks. I'll allow additional points in disadvantages if you are willing to roleplay them well and justify their existence through back story.

The following requirements must also be met:

1) No Basic Attribute below 12.
2) Perception and Will are 10 by default, which is also the minimum. Both may be increased by buying them up from 10.
3) No more than -2 levels to any other Secondary Attribute.
4) ST is capped at a max of 25 to start, all other attributes at 18. Attributes may be increased above these limits in play.
5) Extra Basic Speed is capped at a +1 (four levels) at character creation.
6) Characters with Powers may get some leniency on the above.

1) Advantages should fit the campaign flavor. All those listed in the Character Creation Reference thread are fine. Ask, otherwise.
2) Wealth, status and reputation are not as important in this type of game. They may be occasionally helpful.
3) Rank cannot be raised above 0 except through play.
4) Allies are discouraged, but allowable through a character's alternate identity. If you want an ally, justify it. Allies will be built by the GM; players may give general description to build from. Allies can be either 25% or 50% of a character's starting point total. The exception to this is allies that are not people, such as very smart equipment.
5) The Company provides Alternate Identities as needed. If a character spends points to purchase an Alternate Identity, it is secret even from the Company. Be careful, though, if one of these is found out.
6) Magic is not allowed.
7) Powers must be psionic in nature.
8) Characters must know English and should know at least two other languages from the following list at Native level: Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Russian, Chinese(Mandarin/Cantonese), Arabic(Egyptian)

1) Use the list under Character Creation Reference, or ask. Truly debilitating disadvantages (Epilepsy, Lame, Severe Delusion) are out.
2) Pick disadvantages that you actually want to roleplay. It's better to have one disadvantage you actually want than four that you picked to get the most points possible.

1) Characters must possess, at minimum, 1 wildcard skills appropriate to their Company division or group role, with at least 36 points total in wildcard skills. Update: I'm going to allow it at 24 points instead of 36, but you must either put all 24 points or have a skill of 15 or better in a single wildcard skill.
2) At least one Guns skill (or the wildcard Guns!) must be known at a level of 14 or higher.
3) Skills encompassed by a wildcard skill can be improved separately. Just treat the Wildcard level like a default and improve the individual skill with points.
4) Techniques based on wildcard skills are possible. Pay normal cost to buy a technique for a single skill within that wildcard, or double cost to buy the technique for all applicable skills within the wildcard.

Other Considerations
1) Psi power is supposed to be rare. If you wish to play a psi, make them interesting. (Hint: A character with a flawed or nuanced power is more interesting. Be creative.) I will allow one psi, possibly, maybe, two, depending on the number of players.
2) Character death or disabling injury is possible. The high character point values justify really tough challenges. On the other hand, I'm not out to try to kill everyone (had a GM like that once--not fun). If your character should be killed, you may create a new one at the previous character's point total, plus any additional points earned in play to that point, plus any current pool of requisition, to enter play either at the start of the next mission or at some convenient point of the GM's choosing.

link to another game
Bane Root
player, 17 posts
Sat 27 Jun 2015
at 22:16
  • msg #449

Re: GURPS 4ed : Black Ops

Thanks for your interest guys. Game is now full.
player, 13 posts
3rd edition gm for 15yrs
happy to be playing
Tue 30 Jun 2015
at 18:46
  • msg #450

Re: Zuddha Yuddha 3

In reply to Gwythaint (msg # 444):

I am currently recruiting for a henchmen level DF game within my Northport setting. Using DF 15 is preferred, DF racial templates bolted to Fantasy templates as long as they total 125points, and even DF on the Cheap are all welcome. For those already in the game, Kebrel's henchlungs are being liberated and are looking to buddy up.
link to another game
player, 376 posts
Wed 1 Jul 2015
at 15:31
  • msg #451

Re: Time Travel

The Roll of Years is a Science Fiction time travel game set throughout human history. The players are employees at a research facility about to become unwitting chrononauts. Gameplay will consist of surviving in the primitive past, and then possibly learning enough to return to the present. After that, who can say?

The game will be run in GURPS, with 100 point characters.

link to another game

Last call; we're just about to launch. I can take another two characters if you can get them in today.
player, 2 posts
Sat 11 Jul 2015
at 14:36
  • msg #452

Re: Time Travel

link to another game

Zuddha Yuddha 3 could always use more gladiators. We'll probably be starting a third round of matches in a few days.
player, 379 posts
Fri 24 Jul 2015
at 17:54
  • msg #453

Re: Time Travel

One slot open in my time travel game. Had a player quit because his 100 point chemist couldn't single-handedly "re-invent" crafts and technologies whose skills he had no points in.

Need a player who can post at least daily. We have a time-displaced security officer, engineer, biologist, and IT worker.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:55, Fri 24 July 2015.
player, 49 posts
Tue 24 Nov 2015
at 12:10
  • msg #454

GURPS: Interstellar wars

In reply to Tortuga (msg # 453):

Still open to new players. The game is set in 2170, just prior to the outbreak of Hostilities between the Vilani Empire and Terrans (Earth). Current players are a small group of mature players who post regularly, though we just lost one player due to IC hostilities getting out of control OOC. Good chance for new players to join now.

link to a message in another game
player, 37 posts
Fri 25 Dec 2015
at 19:53
  • msg #455

GURPS: Old Ones sleep no more DHDF

Dark Horror dungeon Fantasy game open for recruitment.

I've been away for a while but now I am back and wanting to open this game again but more action.

link to another game
player, 393 posts
Wed 20 Jan 2016
at 15:46
  • msg #456

Action Fantasy

link to another game

GURPS Action Fantasy is a game of highly capable people exploring and exploiting a fantasy world. The PCs are GURPS Action protagonists who somehow find a way into a Dungeon Fantasy setting, and are able to bring their skills to bear for good or evil.

Game play will alternate between exploring the fantasy realm and dealing with the repercussions of its existence back on Earth. Themes include power, consequences, and transhumanism.

The Brotherhood of Sin is a humorously named club of inactive and retired ex-military, law enforcement, and intelligence agency personnel who come together looking for that adrenaline rush that their old occupations used to provide. Nobody talks much about the past, but if you know anything about your fellow Sinners, you know that they're all highly trained.

Despite the name of their club, the Sinners spend most of their time going to exotic places, spelunking, base-jumping, and free-climbing. Sometimes they rent a race-track and some formula 1 cars, or charter a plane to go skydiving. They don't crave "Sin." What they truly crave is experience.

The Brotherhood is funded entirely by its membership, none of whom are very wealthy. Many of them actually have quite a bit of debt. It's an addiction.
player, 55 posts
Fri 5 Feb 2016
at 02:59
  • msg #457

Low Tech Ancient Fantasy looking for a few players

For those who don't care about 3-500 point characters and saving the Universe, here is an opportunity to try and save the Shaba, a TL tribe of herders being squeezed out of their native grazing lands.   link to another game

The Magic system is not the standard GURPS Magic system, and even non-mages can accomplish magical a potential cost.
player, 9 posts
Mon 14 Mar 2016
at 06:32
  • msg #458

Island Resort looking for people

Hey All,
I've decided to throw caution to the wind and start a game on the Isle of the Three Sisters. It's going to be a 150 point game where the players are those who have found themselves trapped on an Island that is no longer on Earth.

link to another game

I'm currently looking for four to six players and someone to help me GM GURPS as I'm new to the system.
This message was last edited by the player at 06:33, Mon 14 Mar 2016.
player, 16 posts
Fri 15 Apr 2016
at 03:45
  • msg #459

Dungeon Fantasy

Desert-themed Dungeon Fantasy game is now open. link to another game
player, 1 post
Fri 22 Apr 2016
at 17:02
  • msg #460

Seeds of Illrium

Seeds of Illrium is open and recruiting players.

Players are from a TL4+2^ society, fleeing destruction to find a new home on another world.

The players will explore a new world, overcome the challenges of living in it, deal with social struggles that accompany any new society, and tackle the new magic and dangers of their new home.

link to another game
player, 62 posts
Tue 28 Jun 2016
at 21:29
  • [deleted]
  • msg #461

Victorian Science Fiction on Kickstarter

This message was deleted by the player at 02:04, Wed 29 June 2016.
Mad Mick
GM, 116 posts
Wed 29 Jun 2016
at 01:56
  • msg #462

Victorian Science Fiction on Kickstarter

This looks like an excellent Kickstarter, but put any posts like this in the OOC Lounge, please.
player, 63 posts
Wed 29 Jun 2016
at 02:03
  • msg #463

Victorian Science Fiction on Kickstarter

My Apologies... I'll move it there now.
Magic Mushroomcloud
player, 31 posts
Wed 24 Aug 2016
at 15:33
  • msg #464

GURPS Action

Is anyone running, or interested in running, a GURPS Action game?

I've been reading the books lately and developing a strong craving for cinematic action in the vein of James Bond and/or GI Joe.
player, 439 posts
Thu 22 Sep 2016
at 01:42
  • msg #465

GURPS Traveller 4e

This is the age of the Third Imperium. In the year 1105, the Emperor Strephon rules over an empire of eleven thousand worlds. On the far reaches of the empire lies the Spinward Marches, the frontier of the Third Imperium. A crossroads for humans and aliens it is a dangerous place, but for those who dare to cross the abyss between stars, fame and fortune waits.

link to another game
player, 446 posts
Fri 20 Jan 2017
at 21:16
  • msg #466

GURPS Traveller 4e

Sixteen years after the end of the world, the United States government survives as a small council of legislators and a combined armed forces company led by acting President and Secretary of the Interior Rachel Norman.

The Government in Isolation works hard rebuilding the country from the inside out, based in the Midwestern United States. Over the past few years they have brought the survivors from scattered isolated desperates to small agrarian communities. They have done good work, improving the lives of hundreds, but something stands tall, casting a dark shadow across the farmland:


All of the Government in Isolation's efforts to recover the windy city have failed. Only a few tentative expeditions into the city have been made, but rather than grateful survivors scavenger parties have found entrenched and aggressive gangs uninterested in the salvation President Norman has to offer.

Direct attempts at diplomacy and conquest have failed. It's time for different tactics.

It's time to send you in.

Second City is a post-apocalyptic sandbox game set in the ruins of Chicago. Players are an elite group of operatives sent in by the remnants of the US government to infiltrate the gang-held metropolis as a sleeper cell. Once inside, communication with their handlers will be limited, giving the PCs free reign to establish themselves as they see fit... get to know the local power structure, play politics, build up the city, or even start their own faction.

The game is run in GURPS using the After the End books, but players don't need access to these or familiarity with the system to play.

Game is up here: link to another game
Johnny Angel
player, 89 posts
Sun 5 Mar 2017
at 22:11
  • msg #467


Are there any GURPS games available based around the Golden Age of Piracy?

I've been getting caught up on Black Sails, and I'm starting to get an itch for the theme.
Magic Mushroomcloud
player, 32 posts
Sun 5 Mar 2017
at 23:58
  • msg #468


In reply to Johnny Angel (msg # 467):

Seconded - I'd love to do some Golden AGe of Piracy if anyone out there feels like running it.
player, 69 posts
Furry Kitty with
a witch's hat
Mon 6 Mar 2017
at 01:01
  • msg #469


In reply to Johnny Angel (msg # 467):

A pirate game would be fun. With or with out magic.
player, 18 posts
Mon 6 Mar 2017
at 01:58
  • msg #470


Does M'lady wish to cross swords with a dashing rogue?

I could do a pirate game if someone was running.
player, 75 posts
Mon 6 Mar 2017
at 01:59
  • msg #471


Appears several might run within it...
player, 1 post
Fri 10 Mar 2017
at 17:39
  • msg #472

IC: Ark

Any interested in a survival game based on Ark:Survival Evolved. Also very realistic game.

And thanks for Argo Navis for showing me this forum!
player, 69 posts
Fri 10 Mar 2017
at 17:51
  • msg #473

IC: Ark

In reply to Dchsknight (msg # 472):

Not familiar with the Ark survival evolved. Like Fallout but without mutations?
player, 463 posts
Fri 10 Mar 2017
at 18:12
  • msg #474

IC: Ark

Bunch of naked people running around and trying to build tools to kill dinosaurs before they starve to death.
Argo Navis
player, 8 posts
Fri 10 Mar 2017
at 18:32
  • msg #475

Re: IC: Ark

In reply to Dchsknight (msg # 472):

Not familiar with the Ark survival evolved. Like Fallout but without mutations?

yes/no/sort of. It's a first person openworld survival videogame. I think perhaps a better description than Fallout without mutants would be Jurassic Park as a sandbox since the setting is an island populated with various types of dinosaurs and other extinct megafauna.
player, 2 posts
Fri 10 Mar 2017
at 19:01
  • msg #476

Re: IC: Ark

as well as the actual story like finding out how you got there, why you are there, ect....
player, 80 posts
Fri 10 Mar 2017
at 19:33
  • msg #477

Re: IC: Ark

Might as well just use a colony ship arriving at a distant unknown planet only to find many didn't survive the trip due to power failures... the ship has only limited power, and that isn't going to last much longer. the Power failures are what killed off so many. The ship is in low orbit and can't safely land. There are one or more shuttles with fuel for  X trips.

GM can decide how much the remaining crew can do to make a soft crash ... or that it isn't possible. Planet is up to the GM.
player, 3 posts
Fri 10 Mar 2017
at 20:21
  • msg #478

Re: IC: Ark

In reply to Aethulred (msg # 477):

That does sound cool but the point of Ark is you just wake up on a beach. you have no memory of your past and no idea where you are. just that you on a beach and there is a surgically implanted implant fresh on your arm.
player, 464 posts
Fri 10 Mar 2017
at 20:23
  • msg #479

Re: IC: Ark

That is a significant difference; a ship means resources, supplies, cannibalized from the wreckage if nothing else.

In Ark, you need to gather or craft everything from scratch.
player, 81 posts
Sun 12 Mar 2017
at 17:41
  • msg #480

Re: IC: Ark

Correction, A ship MAY mean resources.... unless it burns in the atmosphere and crashes WAY, WAY over there... perhaps a thousand miles or more away, perhaps in the ocean.  Then you have whatever escape device you used... one of those I saw proposed was a foam cocoon with a parachute. Not much in the way of resources there ... you do have clothes and your memories though... also very useful.
Waking up on a beach knowing nothing would be grim... not my idea of fun at all.
Mad Mick
GM, 121 posts
Mon 13 Mar 2017
at 01:54
  • msg #481

Re:  Game Advertisements

Use this thread only for game advertisements only, please.   Any discussions should go in the Lounge.  (However, I can create a thread for game proposals and interest checks.)
Mad Mick
GM, 123 posts
Mon 3 Apr 2017
at 00:48
  • msg #482

Re:  Game Advertisements

I am sorely in need of some Blood 'n Guts Hack 'n Slash!!!

So, I’m a hard working DM.  I’ve been writing a ton of narrative lately as I work my stable of excellent PC’s through their various storylines.  It’s a labor of love but its also a LOT of work.  Plot-strong storylines and heavy roleplaying is the stuff that makes our Hobby so rewarding.  But its tasking at times.  So as part of my much-needed break from story-roleplaying-heavy gaming, I want a little Hack and Slash fun…

And therefore I want to set up a fun, roaring brawling battle and I’d like you to join in.  Picture an open, wooded meadow through which a fast rushing stream flows.  That is our battlefield.  You will play the role of a doughty fighter who joins his warband to clash with another.  This will be Player vs Player team combat set in a Medieval Fantasy world.

Though I’d like the posting rate to be brisk, this is a LOW commitment game.  Your posts do not need to be lengthy narratives and dialogue (though if you dig that, you are more than welcome to do so).  Just as long as you can post frequently enough so as not to gum up the action, and give clear enough instructions on what your combat intent is, that’s all that is needed.  Plus this is not a long-term commitment either.  We launch the battle, you live or die, win or lose, and then its over.  One big battle, that’s it.  It may be over in a month, maybe two, but I can’t see it lasting much longer than that.  ONLY if everyone had such a good time they want to do it again, will we consider launching a new battle.  Otherwise, we conclude our fight and you go back to your life.

So, what do you say?  Want to give it a whirl?

Knowledge of GURPS system is absolutely unnecessary.  As long as you can describe your combat actions clear enough for me to read, understand, interpret and convert to the Gurps system, you will do absolutely fine here.

I am not looking for Rules Lawyers. I know the system pretty well but if you are a Rules Lawyer you probably know the system better than I and I will disappoint you.  If you are mature, easy going, and can let the chips fall where they may, and trust that I will do my best to work within the spirit of your character’s intent/action, we’ll do fine.

Unlike my usual games that fall into Adult, this will be just a Mature game.  If you’re put off by an F-bomb being tossed about now and then, or can’t stomach the sound brain matter makes when it sprays the face of a shield, consider passing.

I’d like to work up about 2 teams of maybe 8 to 10 bloodthirsty warriors to throw at each other.

If interested, drop me a line in the game as I don’t typically review this thread.

Thanks for listening!

Game:  link to another game

We've had some excellent GURPS combat-focused games on RPOL, but Ceredyn's have always been my favorite.  If you're interested in fast and furious fighting, I highly recommend this one.
player, 15 posts
3rd edition gm for 15yrs
happy to be playing
Mon 3 Apr 2017
at 20:08
  • msg #483

Re:  Game Advertisements

Hey, Northport is always looking for new players. It is a DF game with points either at 125-50-5, 187-50-5 or 250-50-5 builds, preferably on template, or built from DF15. The setti g is Faux medieval France, in a large city on top of a megadungeon.
 The game is here link to another game
This message was last edited by the player at 20:10, Mon 03 Apr 2017.
player, 471 posts
Mon 17 Apr 2017
at 15:42
  • msg #484

Re: GURPS Traveller 4e

Sixteen years after the end of the world, the United States government survives as a small council of legislators and a combined armed forces company led by acting President and Secretary of the Interior Rachel Norman.

The Government in Isolation works hard rebuilding the country from the inside out, based in the Midwestern United States. Over the past few years they have brought the survivors from scattered isolated desperates to small agrarian communities. They have done good work, improving the lives of hundreds, but something stands tall, casting a dark shadow across the farmland:


All of the Government in Isolation's efforts to recover the windy city have failed. Only a few tentative expeditions into the city have been made, but rather than grateful survivors scavenger parties have found entrenched and aggressive gangs uninterested in the salvation President Norman has to offer.

Direct attempts at diplomacy and conquest have failed. It's time for different tactics.

It's time to send you in.

Second City is a post-apocalyptic sandbox game set in the ruins of Chicago. Players are an elite group of operatives sent in by the remnants of the US government to infiltrate the gang-held metropolis as a sleeper cell. Once inside, communication with their handlers will be limited, giving the PCs free reign to establish themselves as they see fit... get to know the local power structure, play politics, build up the city, or even start their own faction.

The game is run in GURPS using the After the End books, but players don't need access to these or familiarity with the system to play.

Game is up here: link to another game

Got room for another PC or two. Joining at this point means you're teaming up with the PCs already having reached the city, and don't know their mission or that they work for the government.

They might tell you, but their orders are to not do so, and instead "blend in and establish themselves." So at the very least, you're with them, trying to establish yourselves in the city. It really has little practical impact on actual gameplay.

link to another game
player, 9 posts
Mon 8 May 2017
at 18:43
  • msg #485


Looking for Players!

Forget everything you know about Arthur and the Knights of the Round table. Most of it was cooked up to hide the truth.

The Truth...

In the 5th Century the Roman Empire pulled out of what is now modern day Britain. Left behind was a group of Knights who were natives. There amidst them a man rose up and sought to lead the peoples and make a lasting peaceful nation. The Angleo Saxon armies invaded at this time and his battle mettle and leadership was put to the test. There the young Romano-British commander, Artorius Castus, found and drew an ancient British weapon, The Sword in the Stone also known as Excalibur. With this fabled weapon he rallied the entire nation of the British, even the Woad and their Wizard leader, Merlinus Emrys, stood with them.

After a long campaign the Angleo Saxon Army was pushed back and Artorius was crowned king. It was then that he took up his British name Arthur.

It came to pass that the drawing of the sword also unlocked the gates of Avalon and the mystical denizens of the fey spilled out onto our world. It was then found out that Merlinius, later known as Merlin was found to be the offspring of an Incubus and a human woman. Actually having vast magical power he aided Arthur in forming alliances and conducted diplomacy for the kingdom to the people's of the Fey.

Through treachery and sorcery an evil sorceress known as Morgan La Fey, tricked Arthur into laying with her, committing adultery against his wife. After a child was born, Mordrid. A seed of evil conceived in sin and deceit. He grew up to be a powerful warlock and he took up rule of the dark forces of Avalon. There He waged war against Arthur.

In 518 BC, the forces of Camelot and hordes of Mordrid meet on the fields of Camlann. It was at this battle that Mordrid mortally wounded Arthur. Merlin, who was engaged in mortal combat against Morgan La Fey, broke off combat and rescued Arthur. In the process Merlin and his wizards banished Morgan La Fey to another dimension and her half breed son was captured. Mordrid was sentenced to the worst punishment imaginable. Immortality, imprisoned in a magically warded prison and sent to the bottom of the deepest point in the Atlantic ocean, that Merlin and his wizards could find. After which Merlin and his wizards took Arthur and his family to Avalon where they could live out the rest of his days in peace.

Since then Avalon and the mortal plane have lived in peace. With very little conflict. Until now...

he year is 2017. The month is October.

In a normal mundane world all hell breaks loose as an evil sorcerer long thought to be legend returns. Dark evils of the ancient world are brought to life in a modern age.

This is an Arthurian Legend type of story. Players will be normal humans who wake up one day to find the fantasy world of old was not as fake as we thought. The world is plunged into chaos as all old terrors of the ancient world take hold. These dark forces seem to be lead by a dark figure who remains in the shadows and they seem to be all looking something.

Will the players be able to find out what it is and how to stop these abominations from tearing the world apart? or will they join them and subjugate the world.

link to another game
player, 10 posts
Fri 12 May 2017
at 18:54
  • msg #486

Alien: The Experiment

An Email pops up on your terminal screen. You open it. It reads...


"Building Better Worlds"

Recently Weyland-Yutani has taken Majority Share control over SEEGSON. With this acquisition Weyland has taken ownership of 2 stations. The first is Sevastopol station that is in orbit of KG347. Along side this Weyland also acquired New Leningrad, the sister station of Sevastapol.

New Leningrad is on the outskirts of the Zeta Reticuli sector on the border of the Zeta Reticuli and the Frontier. It was abandoned about 3 years ago by Seegson and represents a significant dollar investment to Weyland. On board the station was an experimental Computer AI named Ares. A counter part to the Apollo model on Sevastapol. The Ares unit worked wondrously and after it is initial test period it was shut down. All staff was evacuated and the station was set in lock down.

Approximately 3 weeks ago a collision alarm went off on New Leningrad. Something has crashed into the docking ports of the station and as such Weyland is sending out an advanced investigation team to find out what has happened to New Leningrad. No one was supposed to know about the station as all the staff was legal bound not to speak of their work on the station. Almost all work on board the station was highly classified and as such was keep out of the public light.

This team will leave a full 3 years ahead of any salvage crew to investigate and access all damage to the station. They will be accompanied by a division of Colonial Marines to act as security and police in case the station has fallen under pirate control."

It seems Weyland-Yutani is seeking contractor and military assistance in this mission. What do you do?

link to another game
This message was last edited by the player at 18:54, Fri 12 May 2017.
player, 14 posts
Fri 1 Dec 2017
at 01:10
  • msg #487

Calling all Heroes!

The Emperor seeks your service:

The post reads

A necromancer has been discovered on the badlands of Al-Wazif, plotting evil deeds and warfare that could reignite the Border Wars.  A mission is being conscripted of known heroes to travel south across the border and vanquish this threat without provoking open hostilities.  Services of all heroes is requested, those serving in the army will have their service waived during the time of the campaign.

I'm looking for a few players to complement my active cast of three to do a traditional medium-fantasy adventure.  The cast is heavily mage dominated at this point so fighter types would be the most helpful, but any sound concept will be accepted.  The game has been active since 2013 with a modest pace.

More information can be found in the game cite: link to another game
player, 91 posts
Wed 28 Feb 2018
at 19:43
  • msg #488

Calling all Heroes!

In reply to Raddek (msg # 487):

Running three GURPs games, still willing to take new players.

Sci-Fi, Traveller universe, has 3 active players involved in exploration. See

link to another game

Also, one Post Apocalyptic game, we seem to be down to 1 active and one not-so-active player,

link to another game

And one Modern day Shadowrun style game, not so active players atm (or perhaps just stuck for ideas?)

link to another game

See game info for more information, or feel free to post questions.
player, 7 posts
Mon 5 Mar 2018
at 20:01
  • msg #489

Calling all Heroes!

There's darkness in the west. A savage brutality that the white man ain't yet been able to tame. Course, they done brought with them their own special brand of darkness, choked with coal dust and screaming along the Oregon Trail. Betwixt the two is a special kinda crazy that gets bred by people isolated by endless horizons.

First settlers called it prairie madness.

Out west where the law ain't so thick, folks gotta take it upon themselves to keep the peace. Sometimes a man so mean the local sod-busters can't catch him, they offer good money for any bounty hunter willing to take the contract. Sometimes it ain't a man, though. Least ways not anymore.

That's where we come in.

Near as you know, The Old Man is the only one organizing posse of hunters to go after what lurks in darkness. And he has an eye for hunters. Maybe you barely survived an attack by something that was all smoke and teeth. Maybe you never seen nothin' like that, but were at the top of your game huntin' men. Maybe you came to him.

Either way, you're in it now. Huntin' the lone cold ranges, far from the fancy folk back east, the only thing between the homesteaders and a shallow grave.

link to another game
player, 1 post
Thu 8 Mar 2018
at 01:14
  • msg #490

Calling all Heroes!

We need 1 or 2 more players for this Hogwarts-inspired game. It's already very active, but a couple of early dropouts has left us short-handed!

This game takes the general concept of Hogwarts and transplants it to an entire Fantasy Setting. Whether you're a rogue, wizard, or fighter, you've got to get your start somewhere. So apply to the College where you can take classes, compete for your houses, and hone your craft! It's an unusual format where there is a thread for each class, each house, and the dining hall, and all are happening at the same time.

We are having a lot of fun, and I hope to get some new students for year 1!
link to another game
player, 84 posts
Furry Kitty with
a witch's hat
Fri 9 Mar 2018
at 02:02
  • msg #491

Calling all Heroes!

In reply to CV_13 (msg # 490):

Yes, we are having a blast!
player, 101 posts
Tue 8 May 2018
at 20:36
  • msg #492

Calling all Heroes!

In reply to Witchycat (msg # 491):

Have started the new game based on GURPs Mas combat at link to another game

The world is young. Great creatures still roam, and wild tribes cover the landscape dotted in the trees and mountains, some wielding strange powers. Civilization has been growing though, and for the last thousand years since scholars learn't to write, the Island of Eden has been a fertile birthplace of civilization, with crops, walled cities and all sorts of developments. Miners delve into the mountains to find rich ores, or trade with the dwarves for smelted metals. Elves guard the forests, but also tame the wild animals. The Southern Islanders build boats to tame the seas, and travel off to explore exotic locations. Indeed, the Tyrone Dynasty that has overseen all of this had done well.

But they have become fraught with problems. Years of inbreeding in the royal family has resulted in an ever decreasing level of sanity with each generation.  Priests try to help, but it is questionable whether it is the monarchy or themselves or the monarchy, and some even blame them for what is happening. Wild tribes with terrible beasts also eye the kingdoms wealth jealously, and rumors of necromancers with armies of undead from the desert wastes abound. The people seek leadership from someone, but nobles squabble and fight among themselves. Can you provide it, or will you be the scourge that ends the monarchy?

The game is set upon a small island nation in TL3 fantasy setting. It uses the Basic GURPs books, Low Tech (including companions), Magic and Dungeon Fantasy books (The original DF series for 4th ed). Other books can be considered on a case by case basis.

This message was last edited by the player at 23:40, Sat 12 May 2018.
player, 102 posts
Wed 16 May 2018
at 07:03
  • msg #493

Calling all Heroes!

In reply to BlueDwarf (msg # 492):

No interest in the above?
player, 2 posts
Fri 25 May 2018
at 19:40
  • msg #494

Calling all Heroes!

The Magic/Adventurer School game still has 4 active players, and we have amassed almost 1800 posts in the ~5 months that we've been playing. We're about 75% of the way through the first school year, and are hoping to get some players to take up the mantle of some characters since they've been woven into several plot lines already. Let me know if you're interested!

link to another game
This message was last edited by the player at 19:41, Fri 25 May 2018.
player, 9 posts
Fri 8 Jun 2018
at 04:33
  • msg #495

Calling all Heroes!

I'm starting Towers Intangible, a game set in the physical towers of a future Jakarta and the virtual towers of future internet.

link to another game

Come join us if you're interested.
player, 46 posts
Sun 17 Jun 2018
at 22:55
  • msg #496

Calling all Heroes!

Legends for Hire is now open and looking for players.

Modern day Super Heroes. You will be playing newbies, a couple of months with your powers in the city. One day you get a tip about a drug deal dealing with the new street drug called "Nitro" that is apparently giving users super human speed. You each head out on your own to investigate only to meet each other at the spot, who gave the tip? Who is buying? Who is selling?

Find out on season 1 of Legends For Hire, Episode 1 "Going Nowhere Fast".

link to another game
player, 11 posts
Thu 16 Aug 2018
at 19:18
  • msg #497

Calling all Heroes!

I'm starting up the Gurps Combat Club:
link to another game

This is a game where we play out various scenarios, mostly but not completely combat. The scenarios should have a very quick turn around, and should be a great place to test out tactics and rules.

All are invited to join in the combat or to spectate!
Big Brother
player, 32 posts
Mon 1 Oct 2018
at 15:10
  • msg #498

Calling all Heroes!

The dream is strange.

One moment you are in your bed and the next you are floating off your bed, through your window, over the city. The city shrinks away as you rise into the sky. Soon the green of the surrounding forests gives way to a massive array of lines leading in every direction. It is a maze, a labyrinth the size of a city - greater than a city. You have never seen a city so large. The maze seems to stretch as far as the eye can see, varying in color from the green of treetops and bushes to the grey of stone, the brown of wood. At the center is a great tower, rising from its surroundings like a single, jagged tooth.

As you float over it, you can barely make out individual paths. Creatures move within those paths. Beasts, perhaps, but also men. It is difficult to be certain.

You slid down to the ground and the dream ended - or rather, perhaps it had never begun?...


GURPS Labyrinth is a GURPS Lite(ish) game set in a fictional world of my own creation.

The adventure is an adaptation of the game Labyrinth from the early years of Prodigy. It is heavily influenced by the movie Labyrinth (David Bowie, Jennifer Connelly) and video games like The Deep Paths: Labyrinth of Andokost. PCs should be competent members of a medieval community but are not required to know one another.

link to a message in another game
player, 496 posts
Thu 18 Oct 2018
at 16:56
  • msg #499

Calling all Heroes!

Twenty years ago something dark happened to you and your family. Something beyond the standard familial misfortune. A supernatural darkness whose ripples have shaped who you are, who you've become, who you pretend not to be. Something that left its stain on your blood and bones.

You were just kids then. Maybe that protected you. Maybe that made it worse. Whatever. Now, it's back.

Runs in the Family is a supernatural horror game in which the players are the grown-up children of a family marked by evil. Now, as adults, they're tasked to confront the darkness they thought they left behind. This will entail investigation into the unknown, dealing with unsavory and unnatural sorts, and possibly a bit of terrified combat. The game is run in GURPS 4th edition and designed for three to five players.

What's the event that seared itself into your psyche? We'll decide that, collectively, along with the details of who and what your family was.

Inspired by Netflix's Haunting of Hill House, IT, Stranger Things, Frailty, Call of Cthulhu, Kult, Chill, Fright Night, Salem's Lot, etc.

link to another game

(I've got 3 RTJs so far. I'll give it another 12-24 hours before selecting players. No character sheets are needed at this time.)
player, 16 posts
3rd edition gm for 15yrs
happy to be playing
Thu 25 Oct 2018
at 23:21
  • msg #500

Still kicking

In reply to Tortuga (msg # 499):

Northport, my long-lived faux medieval Dungeon Fantasy game set in a city built over a megadungeon is still running over five years after its inception, and always taking new players.

link to another game
player, 497 posts
Sat 3 Nov 2018
at 14:48
  • msg #501

Runs in the Family

Twenty years ago something dark happened to you and your family. Something beyond the standard familial misfortune. A supernatural darkness whose ripples have shaped who you are, who you've become, who you pretend not to be. Something that left its stain on your blood and bones.

You were just kids then. Maybe that protected you. Maybe that made it worse. Whatever. Now, it's back.

Runs in the Family is a supernatural horror game in which the players are the grown-up children of a family marked by evil. Now, as adults, they're tasked to confront the darkness they thought they left behind. This will entail investigation into the unknown, dealing with unsavory and unnatural sorts, and possibly a bit of terrified combat. The game is run in GURPS 4th edition and designed for three to five players.

What's the event that seared itself into your psyche? We'll decide that, collectively, along with the details of who and what your family was.

Inspired by Netflix's Haunting of Hill House, IT, Stranger Things, Frailty, Call of Cthulhu, Kult, Chill, Fright Night, Salem's Lot, etc.

link to another game

(I've got 3 RTJs so far. I'll give it another 12-24 hours before selecting players. No character sheets are needed at this time.)

Had some potential players drop, and I'd like 1-2 more, so if you're interested we're still defining who the PCs were as kids and what The Event was.
player, 505 posts
Wed 7 Nov 2018
at 13:04
  • msg #502

Runs in the Family

In Don't Hate the Players a small group of gamers find themselves hurtled through time and space from one role-playing scenario to another, trying to survive, thrive, and figure out the rules governing their chaotic new existence. One day they might find themselves tracking monsters in 1920s rural America, while they next they're creeping through foul dungeons looking for fortune and glory.

Behind the scenes, the GM will be adapting various old published RPG modules to GURPS - some with a twist, some straight up. The roleplaying focus will be on the development of the characters - both as they become more competent, and as the realities of a life of constant violence and danger wears on them.

The less adventure-ready your character is, the better. link to another game
This message was last edited by the player at 13:05, Wed 07 Nov 2018.
player, 7 posts
Thu 8 Nov 2018
at 18:52
  • msg #503

Re: Runs in the Family

In Don't Hate the Players a small group of gamers find themselves hurtled through time and space from one role-playing scenario to another, trying to survive, thrive, and figure out the rules governing their chaotic new existence. One day they might find themselves tracking monsters in 1920s rural America, while they next they're creeping through foul dungeons looking for fortune and glory.

Behind the scenes, the GM will be adapting various old published RPG modules to GURPS - some with a twist, some straight up. The roleplaying focus will be on the development of the characters - both as they become more competent, and as the realities of a life of constant violence and danger wears on them.

The less adventure-ready your character is, the better. link to another game

   And the immediate parallel I draw to this is:

“Theorising that one could time travel within his own lifetime, Doctor Sam Beckett stepped into the Quantum Leap accelerator and vanished... He woke to find himself trapped in the past, facing mirror images that were not his own, and driven by an unknown force to change history for the better. His only guide on this journey is Al, an observer from his own time, who appears in the form of a hologram that only Sam can see and hear. And so Doctor Beckett finds himself leaping from life to life, striving to put right what once went wrong, and hoping each time that his next leap ... will be the leap home."

   Just sayin' ...
player, 506 posts
Thu 8 Nov 2018
at 20:31
  • msg #504

Re: Runs in the Family

It's a little Sliders, a little Quantum Leap, yeah. :D
player, 109 posts
Mon 19 Nov 2018
at 17:47
  • msg #505

Re: Runs in the Family

OK I have need of a player or two...  some discussion as to wether it is is more R Talsorian Castle Falkenstien like or x - Files like... in truth some of both as I the GM mixed them.  It is 1870s Talsorian Europe from 2001 USA.

link to another game
player, 106 posts
Sat 1 Dec 2018
at 03:37
  • msg #506

Re: Runs in the Family

In reply to Aethulred (msg # 505):

Also have a GURPs Traveler game set in the Intestellar wars period that can have new players. Current emphasis on Exploration and recruiting dissidents/raiding backwater Vilani areas.

link to a message in another game
player, 512 posts
Thu 6 Dec 2018
at 19:38
  • msg #507


You are an elite operative sent into the past by a mysterious organization using prototype time-travel technology. You're well trained, well equipped, and in contact with other temporal operatives throughout time and space.


None of you remember why. None of you remember who sent you back, or what it is you're supposed to be doing. You don't remember how you were even recruited, or when it was that you were trained. Your memory - all of the operatives memories - are swiss cheese. Delicious. Full of holes.

In Chrononauts players explore a cinematic timeline built from popular fiction - movies, TV Shows, comic books, literature, and games. It's part mystery, part sandbox, as players explore the eras in which they find themselves while trying to unravel the secret purpose behind their mission, and their own selves.

link to another game

I'm only taking 1-2 characters before the holiday. You guys get a crack at it before I make a post in the Wanted-Players thread.
This message was last updated by the player at 19:39, Thu 06 Dec 2018.
player, 107 posts
Tue 5 Feb 2019
at 08:44
  • msg #508

GURPs Traveller


Also have a GURPs Traveler game set in the Intestellar wars period that can have new players. Current emphasis on Exploration and recruiting dissidents/raiding backwater Vilani areas.

link to a message in another game
player, 30 posts
Wed 8 May 2019
at 03:23
  • msg #509

GURPs Traveller

I'm hoping to get more players for my Isle of the Three Sisters game. Once the current story arc is complete the game ends up more of a survival/exploration game.
player, 19 posts
Wed 8 May 2019
at 04:17
  • msg #510

Re: GURPs Traveller

I'm hoping to get more players for my Isle of the Three Sisters game. Once the current story arc is complete the game ends up more of a survival/exploration game.

player, 31 posts
Wed 8 May 2019
at 04:21
  • msg #511

Re: GURPs Isle of the Three Sisters

link to another game

Sorry, I had been driving all day.
player, 20 posts
Wed 8 May 2019
at 11:37
  • msg #512

Re: GURPs Isle of the Three Sisters

link to another game

Sorry, I had been driving all day.

S'all good man.
player, 2 posts
Thu 9 May 2019
at 15:46
  • msg #513

Re: GURPs Traveller

I'm hoping to get more players for my Isle of the Three Sisters game. Once the current story arc is complete the game ends up more of a survival/exploration game.

How about a brief synopsis of what the game is about.  I can't really tell from what I read of it.  Perhaps a link to the original advertisement.
player, 32 posts
Sat 11 May 2019
at 03:02
  • msg #514

Re: GURPs Traveller

The original add.

link to a message in another game

Currently the PCs are fighting a Litch for possession of the Spirits of the Island who were awakened by whatever knocked the island out of it's position in space and time.

Someone did make a critical success in rolling for divine intervention. Plus others found a cache of modern weapons. So currently the litch's army is being driven back. Once said Litch is dead divine support goes away. Then whoever's playing will have to explore the local area and find a way to supply an overcrowded island.
player, 3 posts
Sat 11 May 2019
at 03:39
  • msg #515

Re: GURPs Traveller

Thanks.  I'll take a closer look on Sunday (really busy tomorrow).
player, 33 posts
Sat 11 May 2019
at 03:45
  • msg #516

Re: GURPs Traveller

At one time I thought about recruiting more than six people and getting a Co-GM. I know that the world the PCs are on is big enough and there is lots to explore and discover.
player, 113 posts
Sat 15 Jun 2019
at 03:58
  • msg #517

Re: GURPs Traveller

Starting a new Game...  link to another game  Confusion in Catheran

A duchy is suddenly thrown into confusion by a violent Coup. Too far from the Empire for their influence to matter, it's up to the Players to see which way things end up. Catheran is on the cusp of the the Renaissance, with country lords still at TL-3 while the cities are more progressive and in early TL-4.  Magic as most play isn't available, but Alchemy is known and used. Come have a look...

I have had a small but dedicated following that I have slowly lost to RL over the years, be glad for some new players to join in.
Mad Mick
GM, 143 posts
Tue 3 Sep 2019
at 15:04
  • msg #518

Re: GURPs Traveller

I’ve started up a new GURPS game set in Middle Earth based on some adventures published for The One Ring system. I’ve had a few interested players, but I’d like up to 3 more. The game is set in Wilderland in Middle Earth (Dale, Mirkwood, Erebor, etc.) five years after the Battle of the Five Armies.

Check it out if you’re interested:

link to another game
player, 525 posts
Sat 12 Oct 2019
at 17:02
  • msg #519

Re: GURPs Traveller

I've got a game starting set in the 1980s where you play operatives for an agency dealing with plots drawn from the decade's movies and television shows. And hey, there's a 5 out of 7 chance my life won't implode to force the game to go into indefinite hiatus before we reach the 400th post!

link to another game

I need at least 1 more player to start, but I can take up to 3. 125 points, mostly mundane, possibly with latent psychic/magical/etc powers.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:03, Sat 12 Oct 2019.
Digital Mastermind
player, 66 posts
Thu 9 Jan 2020
at 05:39
  • [deleted]
  • msg #520

Re: GURPs Traveller

This message was deleted by the player at 05:39, Thu 09 Jan 2020.
player, 118 posts
Sat 15 Feb 2020
at 08:10
  • msg #521

Re: GURPs Traveller


Still running the GURPs Traveler game. Mainly going for 200 point characters, but thinking of a small ship of low points starting out...

link to another game
player, 31 posts
Sat 15 Feb 2020
at 16:02
  • msg #522

Re: GURPs Traveller

jonasthered and I oversee the GURPS Combat Club, a game where we run 'arena' battles.  It's been slow going, but if you have a combat you want to try out, we're generally game to give you a thread and run it for you if you want.

link to another game
player, 32 posts
Sat 15 Feb 2020
at 16:34
  • msg #523

Re: GURPs Traveller


Still running the GURPs Traveler game. Mainly going for 200 point characters, but thinking of a small ship of low points starting out...

link to another game

Something that might help is an update post to your RTJ... you've got over 11k posts and that's a bit daunting for anyone to wade into to see what you might be looking for in terms of Characters at this point.  Are you looking to fill out posts on a ship, a new crew and ship, what?  Is everyone that is playing of one race, is there an under representation that could use some filling?
player, 119 posts
Sat 15 Feb 2020
at 21:05
  • msg #524

Re: GURPs Traveller

In reply to evileeyore (msg # 523):

Good point. Will get onto that today.

Existing characters are masters of their own ships. The low points idea is a new one...
player, 140 posts
Sat 28 Mar 2020
at 18:24
  • msg #525

Re: GURPs Traveller

I could use a couple more witches ... I have started the game with one player.   link to another game

This is not something from GURPS, it is my adaptation of  scenarios made for D&D, but I think it should work well enough if you don't absolutely have to have rule to cover every point ... I/We will likely have to hum a few bars here and there. Players start out as a starting candidate for witchhood ... witches [aka Hedge mages, wise folk] here are generally Good and seen as helpful by the locals but resented and put down by Clerics, Mages and Nobles.  Yes, there are a few bad/evil witches but not in this game, thank you.
Magic Mushroomcloud
player, 51 posts
Thu 2 Apr 2020
at 15:50
  • msg #526

Re: GURPs Traveller

Magic Mushroomcloud:
I still can't commit to anything until early-to-mid April, but in the interest of getting a headstart on preparation: any interest around here for an Old West Action game (with or without Mass Combat)?

So, my situation has changed slightly, so I figured it was time to check in.

I'm still looking to run this, but now I'm looking at a possible big life change at the end of June which would (if it happens) very likely kaibosh the game entirely. When was the last time a GM had the courtesy to ghost you ahead of time, right? Anyway, more details available in the Game Intro, and in the meantime I'm plugging in the "Open" sign.

Catch you later on down the trail.

link to another game
player, 130 posts
Fri 3 Apr 2020
at 01:47
  • msg #527

Re: GURPs Traveller

In reply to Magic Mushroomcloud (msg # 526):

I expect to get back around then, so might just be restricted to lurking...
Magic Mushroomcloud
player, 52 posts
Fri 3 Apr 2020
at 21:46
  • msg #528

Re: GURPs Traveller

In reply to BlueDwarf (msg # 527):

Drop me a line when you get back, we may have a vacancy. One thing I've learned recently is you never can tell what might happen tomorrow.
player, 18 posts
3rd edition gm for 15yrs
happy to be playing
Fri 22 Oct 2021
at 17:45
  • msg #529

Northport : GURPS Dungeon Fantasy game, est 2013

As many of you are already in the game,you know I always need players to fill the voids left by those retreating from play.

Come visit Scenic Northport, at the edge of an empire decimated by the last generation's plague, where malfactors and outcasts of every stripe avoid indentured servitude as penty for vagrancy by joining the Adventurers guild,  and miles of tunnels spread beneath the city streets...

link to another game
player, 47 posts
Fri 22 Oct 2021
at 19:16
  • msg #530

Re: Runs in the Family

As many of you are already in the game,you know I always need players to fill the voids left by those retreating from play.

Yesssss, come and play.... we've got Elder Thin... I mean Girl Scout cookies.  Yes.  Cookies.  Not ancient unknowable sanity blasting mythos beasts.

Definitely the cookies.
player, 142 posts
Fri 22 Oct 2021
at 20:06
  • msg #531

Re: Runs in the Family

In reply to evileeyore (msg # 530):

Not to mention a very large portion of the RPOL GURPs community!
player, 2 posts
Fri 19 Nov 2021
at 17:39
  • msg #532

Re: Runs in the Family

Hey I'm running that Marvel investigative game. link to another game

We're going to start off setting the setting's parameters so swing by if you want in on that.
player, 18 posts
Mon 3 Jan 2022
at 20:44
  • msg #533

The Retributors

Many of you know Ceredyn.  Sadly he is no longer with us. No, he didn’t die, he’s too stubborn to die this young. He is banned from Rpol and in his banishment he has rediscovered the joy of face to face gaming.  Over a mix of Zoom and other software that allows dice rolling and map sharing.

Ceredyn is putting together a live game based on something he ran here years ago. The Retributors are a group of teenagers studying martial arts and their teacher wants to use them to clean up the streets. Think Batman without any money or other supers.  The meeting day and time are already set. 6 pm EST on Saturdays, once every month or every two months depending on availability.  It is set in GURPS 4e in modern times.  If you’re interested feel free to PM me with questions or contact info for Ceredyn if you’d like to ask him directly.
Mad Mick
GM, 160 posts
Tue 4 Jan 2022
at 01:10
  • msg #534

The Retributors

To piggyback off of Linkdead, Ceredyn is also running a fantasy GURPS game that will meet every month or so on a Friday at 6 pm EST. The first game in December was a lot of fun! The next one is this Friday, Jan. 7th. We’ll be playtesting a one-shot. We could use 1 or 2 more players if you’re interested.
player, 65 posts
Sat 25 Jun 2022
at 07:30
  • msg #535

Re: GURPs Traveller

Wraith9 and I are running a GURPS 4e Fallout 4 inspired Survival Horror game, Player Advert thread here:
link to a message in another game

It is 175 points with modular Templates + up to 55 points in Disads and Quirks.  Wraith9 is handling the plot, I'm wrangling the rules, come check it out.
player, 1 post
Tue 6 Sep 2022
at 18:03
  • msg #536

GURPS After the End

There is GURPS After the End game going on at Giant in the Playground since 2020-09 that currently has less than the target number of active players (three total, one active, two less active). We have so far not considered moving it here, but if anyone is fine going there to play, please look at the rectuitment threads and IC threads, then let me know. It's TL8 190-point "Heroic Realism".

About two or three generations ago, the old world suffered a terrible plague that forced people to seek an extreme lockdown. Fortunately for humanity, one of their disaster preparations was a huge network of underground Shelters all across the nation. The ancestors of the first PCs fled to one of these Shelters and escaped death from the RW11 Virus.

The original PCs are from Shelter, but your PC does not and is a "native" of the New World Vermont. The original player-characters, exiles from Shelter 44, have travelled all across New World Vermont, fighting raiders and mutants.

After the End:
Giant in the Playground:
Recruitment 1:
Recruitment 2:
Game thread 1:
Game thread 2:
Girl Interrupted
player, 28 posts
Thu 13 Oct 2022
at 16:11
  • msg #537

GURPS After the End

What do you get when you mix:

1 serving of raw, gritty GURPS medieval combat rules,

6 servings of mature non-rules lawyer and PATIENT players and their motley crew of assorted fantasy warriors and

4 servings of the colorful graphics provided by Heroforge?

Why, you get THIS game!

Let's FIGHT!

Its fast. Its furious. Its colorful. Its mindless. In fact you WILL lose brain cells playing this. Its addicting. Its LOW commitment; MAXIMUM violence (Mature for Violence and graphic gore); Its pure, sadistic FUN.

The perfect game to post in when you're more substantial games are idle.. Or when you've had a rough day at the office and feel like punching the stuffing out of someone but don't want to get arrested.

Who will be the first to die?!!

Mad Mick
GM, 171 posts
Thu 13 Oct 2022
at 16:26
  • msg #538

GURPS After the End

Link to Girl Interrupted's Let's FIGHT!: link to another game
Mad Mick
GM, 178 posts
Sat 5 Nov 2022
at 02:33
  • msg #539

GURPS After the End

We need more players for Lady Sara's House of Pain! It's shaping up to be a fun arena game, and we can always use more combatants!
player, 51 posts
Sat 28 Jan 2023
at 13:48
  • msg #540

GURPS Martial Arts

My Xianxia Martial Arts game is now open. You will be new students in the Heavenly Fate Academy, learning to harness your chi to become a true martial artist.

Several House rules are in play which can be viewed before RTJ

link to another game
player, 17 posts
Mon 6 Mar 2023
at 19:30
  • msg #541

GURPS Martial Arts

Rough Men Bump Back; investigating the supernatural in 1946 America is now open.

link to another game
player, 18 posts
Mon 13 Mar 2023
at 14:37
  • msg #542

GURPS Martial Arts

Still looking for a few more characters.

Need a medical professional, either a doctor or a nurse, possibly with military experience. (This would put you at the top of the list).

Another possibility is federal law enforcement, FBI or US Marshall.
player, 2 posts
Mon 13 Mar 2023
at 16:55
  • msg #543

Rough Men Bump Back

My guy could have been drafted from a medical school. Not from the last year since he hasn't been drafted into medics, but a doctor-level smarts with a nurse-level training are certainly possible.

Do you want this cross-posted to GitP? There are not many GURPS people in there, but I know 1 (one) man whom I might try to recruit.
player, 19 posts
Mon 13 Mar 2023
at 17:25
  • msg #544

Re: Rough Men Bump Back

My guy could have been drafted from a medical school. Not from the last year since he hasn't been drafted into medics, but a doctor-level smarts with a nurse-level training are certainly possible.
Let's hold off on that for now.

Do you want this cross-posted to GitP? There are not many GURPS people in there, but I know 1 (one) man whom I might try to recruit.
Not sure what GitP is? But feel free to recruit.
Mad Mick
GM, 183 posts
Tue 21 Mar 2023
at 20:47
  • msg #545

Re: Rough Men Bump Back

GitP = Giant in the Playground, the forum for the Order of the Stick webcomic:

You might also get some nibbles at the Looking for Group subreddit:
player, 20 posts
3rd edition gm for 15yrs
happy to be playing
Sat 3 Jun 2023
at 21:06
  • msg #546


It has been a few years since the last notice; I am always holding space for new players for my DFRPG/GURPS DF game Northport, which currently has 11 threads of varying power levels, from 75 to 125pt to 250. like weird and dense ? take a peek.
link to another game
Girl Interrupted
player, 46 posts
Fri 16 Jun 2023
at 00:56
  • msg #547


Hi All, I'm starting a new season of House of Pain if anyone would like some quick, dirty and colorful fighting.

link to another game
player, 9 posts
Fri 30 Jun 2023
at 15:41
  • msg #548

Pixel Crawl

link to another game

A game about exploring a weird space object that's full of 8-bit video game references and cosmic horror.

125 character points, civilians who are good at or knowledgeable about old video games.
player, 1 post
Mon 28 Aug 2023
at 15:46
  • msg #549

Star Wars

Hey, thanks for having me in the group! The gurps community is quite consolidated, so I thought I would probe interest here, before launching my first pbp game.

I’m thinking of experimenting with a gurps starwars game based on dungeon fantasy rather than hi-tech and etcetera.

I’ll run the campaign under a 125 CP budget, using mostly DF and low-tech books (tl4), and reskinning stuff as to keep the spirit of the series alive (rough example, ships = spaceships).

I play gurps, and I’ve already played the d20 versions of starwars, and other homebrewed iterations (such as psi wars).

I’ll preferably be running the game here on rpol, but that depends on the players gathered.

May the force be with you.
player, 154 posts
Mon 28 Aug 2023
at 23:29
  • msg #550

Star Wars

In reply to Siryuu (msg # 549):

Interesting Idea, I am pretty sure there is already a Star Wars side, though. Would you use Ultratech for regular weapons?
player, 2 posts
Mon 28 Aug 2023
at 23:45
  • msg #551

Re: Star Wars

In reply to Siryuu (msg # 549):

Interesting Idea, I am pretty sure there is already a Star Wars side, though. Would you use Ultratech for regular weapons?

Thanks. The setting is intended to feature TL 4 weapons, such as the Jäger Rifle. Which, following the idea of reskinning, might be conceived as the E11 blaster. Similarly, the armor will be TL4.

Exotic stuff such as lightsabers or beskar armor will be featured as special effects added effects.
player, 155 posts
Tue 29 Aug 2023
at 02:21
  • msg #552

Re: Star Wars

In reply to Siryuu (msg # 551):

Ok, sounds interesting. And Magic, I assume...
player, 57 posts
Mon 1 Jan 2024
at 20:10
  • msg #553

Re: Star Wars

After being away for a while and updating my game. The Old Ones Sleep No More (Dark Horror Fantasy) is open for recruitment. Looking for at least 3 players.

Game introduction to get somewhat of a feel:

link to another game

RTJ post:

link to a message in another game
player, 156 posts
Mon 1 Jan 2024
at 22:19
  • msg #554

Re: Star Wars

Not sure I fit into the horror theme well. I will think about it a bit. How does horror work?
player, 58 posts
Mon 1 Jan 2024
at 23:52
  • msg #555

Re: Star Wars

In reply to BlueDwarf (msg # 554):

Less about scaring the players and more about the overall tone of the world. Think Berserk meets Supernatural. Most of the world stopped believing in monsters, but they still exist and still pose a threat. You then have the Church that runs the country doing everything to make sure people still think monsters don't exist, to the point of wiping out towns.

You would play a Hunter, one of the few who knows the truth and managed to live. Maybe you know some incantation magic, or follow the God Gaia and capable of druidic magic, or one of the few touched by Uni capable of casting miracles but not forced into the church or, worse, killed by them, or just a normal person more capable than others.

You work for an Organization that has been battling the darkness for centuries while also trying to free the country from the grasp of the Church. The religion itself is not evil, but the ones that run it are, and the God of the religion does not care as long as you follow its dogma.

The first mission is to investigate Willow Town, figure out what is going to happen and stop it. You will have a few starting clues and people to help. The Church has a presence in town so you will want to be as covert as possible since, if they find out, it would only be a matter of a few days before the inquisition shows up and Willow Town disappears.
player, 3 posts
Tue 2 Jan 2024
at 03:24
  • msg #556


Happy new year everybody!

Zoncx whats the CP budget and which would be the skill all must have? Do you have a link to your game?
player, 59 posts
Tue 2 Jan 2024
at 12:27
  • msg #557


Both links I posted go to the game where you can view the character creation thread.
player, 530 posts
Tue 20 Feb 2024
at 14:53
  • msg #558


Starting up a "humans from earth sent to a fantasy world" portal fantasy game set in Oerth, the Greyhawk DnD setting. link to another game

  • Not Dungeon Fantasy
  • Character creation isn't front-loaded. Build as we go.
  • 125 points.
  • Largely rules-as-written
  • Scads of downtime between adventures to pursue personal goals
  • Don't play yourself
  • You can discover you have stuff like Magery, Weapon Mastery, etc that you never had the chance to discover on Earth.

player, 4 posts
Tue 20 Feb 2024
at 15:54
  • msg #559


What do you mean by "Not Dungeon Fantasy"?
What should I NOT expect?
player, 5 posts
Tue 20 Feb 2024
at 15:55
  • msg #560


Or do you mean, "Not the "new" GURPS DF BOOKS"?
player, 531 posts
Tue 20 Feb 2024
at 16:28
  • msg #561


In reply to Siryuu (msg # 559):

I'm not using the Dungeon Fantasy rules. The setting is Greyhawk, but I'm not trying to emulate the DnD playstyle so much as the general mood of finding yourself in a fantasy world of magic and violence. The differences between DnD and GURPS will be emphasized. It's GURPS using the Greyhawk setting and classic DnD modules as inspiration rather than a direct 1:1 conversion.

It will feel and play VERY differently, with more of a focus on what it'd be like to find yourself in the setting, in the presumed role of an adventurer and how that impacts your character.

Questions like:
  • How does one cope with being torn away from your life, family, and friends? Is it a blessing? Do you even miss them?
  • How do you get blood out of your hair in a world without shampoo or running water, when you're miles underground and you can still hear the war drums?
  • Can faith exist in a world where you have definitive proof that the gods are real, and what does that say about what they believe back home?
  • You can warp the fundamental forces of the universe with magic, but can you find a decent cup of coffee?

player, 532 posts
Tue 20 Feb 2024
at 19:25
  • msg #562


And of course the difference between potential expectations of what it's like to live within the game from someone who's only played it. How "real" Oerth differs from the artistic portrayals of it.
player, 533 posts
Wed 21 Feb 2024
at 14:17
  • msg #563


I've got two good character submissions. I'll want one more before I start, so if you're interested I would suggest submitting a character sooner rather than later.
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