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00:42, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Jorgrim Village.

Posted by FroggychumFor group 0
player, 21 posts
Tribal Cook
Mon 1 Jan 2024
at 21:37
  • msg #16

Jorgrim Village

Despite himself, Sigismund let out a sigh of relief at his sister's denial of marrying Kuergrin. "Well, to be honest, that's a relief. I haven't had much to do with Kuergrin either. But I didn't  much like what I saw. he'd always have these... ugly sneering grins whenever he thought no one was looking. Like he was looking down his beaknose at everyone around him." He confessed. He hadn't looked forward to calling that man family.

He scoffed at the mention of his sister not being popular. Why would men not like a strong woman? Even men had days when their backs hurt, and the like. What could be better on days like that than the knowledge that your partner was strong enough to chop the wood and carry it in? Two strong partners simply meant an easier time sharing the labor. That was a good thing, Yes?

If her potential partners couldn't see that, it was their loss as far as Sigismund was concerned. Then again, not everyone had liked the idea of his passion for cooking to begin with. Maybe his and his sisters natures had been switched around in mother's stomach even before they were born?

Shaking his head, he let the thought go. "Well, I haven't talked about anything like that with Rogbart before, but he's always liked women, so I'm sure he'd be interested. I'll talk to him about it. And if he declines, we will find someone else." He said, sure that this was an easily solved problem.
GM, 54 posts
Tue 2 Jan 2024
at 10:48
  • msg #17

Jorgrim Village

Estaiya nods, very clearly relieved. She puts a hand on Sigismund's shoulder giving him her usual nearly-feral grin, "Thanks, little brother... Now, how about you tell big sister if you've found anyone yourself yet..?"

Ugh... this is not the first time your family members have tried to hook you up with one village woman or another... So far you have been too busy increasing your cooking skill...

Though, the atmosphere does not suggest a serious proposal... that is more the perogative of your slightly-overbearing mother, anyway.

Rather, Estaiya probably just wants to tease you a little to get over her own embarrassment...

Is there anything else you Sigismund like to see or do today?
player, 22 posts
Tribal Cook
Tue 2 Jan 2024
at 13:14
  • msg #18

Jorgrim Village

"Ahh, psh, no, you know...." Sigismund spluttered, waving his hand dismissively as he turned red from chin to ear.
While his passion was food, he was affected by the attentions of girls as much as the next man, though he'd gotten used to it slightly over time. He'd gotten into the mindset that he was probably misunderstanding any interest, seeing as the girls usually ran of pretty quick when they talked too. Having it brought up this directly, though, usually left the inexperienced young man utterly tongue tied.
"Nooo, I don't have anyone. I'm pretty sure I'm the unpopular one of the two of us, really. The girls usually get all squirmy and murmury when I talk to them. I think something about me makes them uncomfortable. Maybe because I just talk, instead of flexing and getting touchy like the other men. Is that what girls like?" He explained, unaware of any potential misunderstandings on his part.

OOC: I'm good with moving forward. I have nothing more planned specifically for today. Also, I'm starting to see a character pattern developing for Sigismund here. I believe we have gotten him firmly established as a bit of a himbo, by now :P
GM, 59 posts
Wed 3 Jan 2024
at 17:50
  • msg #19

Jorgrim Village

OOC: lol. Sigismund is a little dense, isn't he? xD -- I'll move the story along a little, here, then.

Estaiya raises an eyebrow with a bit of exasperation, "That's what you think?" then she rolls her eyes before looping an arm around Sigismund's shoulder, "Brother, brother... what is big sister gonna do with you, eh? Those little girls aren't uncomfortable. They're nervous" it is kind of funny that Estaiya calls them little girls given she is not any older than them... then again, maybe she literally means they are 'little'... which in contrast to her, is the truth.

Estaiya gives a toothy grin, "Hehe, try calling the next lass that acts like that around you pretty. Ha! I bet they'll get so red in the face you could make wildbeet soup out of 'em!"

She gives you a short noogie before leaving you be and turning to leave, satisfied with the time spent. She stops at the door, before turning around, slightly uncomfortable, "Um... also, thanks, I guess. Just tell mother to let me know if things work out with that Rogbart. Ahem."

She then leaves without anymore fanfare. To Sigismund, it may be kind of funny seeing her like that, though he may also feel a little bad that she was so worried about such a thing.

Regardless, the day goes on.

Quite a bit later in the day, Rogbart comes back and tells Sigismund he talked to the guards. They mentioned to him that a caravan might be stopping by in a couple days. For his part, Rogbart isn't sure if he's happy about that, but it seems the Wild Root elders might have some knowledge about this stuff that not everyone knows.

Though it took him way too long to get back from the short trip to the gates, Rogbart did at least return... there are any manner of ways he may have been distracted.

Sigismund may also choose to propose to Rogbart right away about his sister's matters. Or, maybe he will save it for later.

OOC: If you want to roleplay this conversation in more depth we totally can. I just described the rough outline here, since there was that loose thread of Rogbart planning to return earlier.

The days continue, with surprises in store for Jorgrim and Sigismund especially, in the future.

OOC: Congrats! You are the first person to all but complete your Prologue chapter... For now, feel free to initiate any sort of situations you want to reply (such as that conversation with Rogbart about merchants/your sister, talking to your other family members, seeking out the Wild Root elders to get information about what they seem to be keeping hush hush about, returning to Farra, going on a hunt, et cetera

Basically, you are in a sort of 'downtime' mode until everyone else catches up on their threads and we can move to the part where you can all meet each other for the first time)

player, 23 posts
Tribal Cook
Wed 3 Jan 2024
at 19:50
  • msg #20

Jorgrim Village

I'll roleplay the conversation about Estaiya's proposal, I think. That seems the most pertinent, side quest or not. Maybe a talk with the elders after, depending on whether or not the others are ready to move on at that point.

Sigismund thanked Rogbart for his help in asking around, grateful for his friends help. He decided that prying into why it took so long was probably best left alone.
"At any rate, my friend, there's something I'd like to talk to you about. You're a great friend. Like a brother to me." Sigismund said, putting a hand on Rogbart's shoulder. He gave a disarming smile, hoping to put his friend at ease.
"It's my sister, Estaiya, you see. She's troubled, since apparently all the other men are too weak to think of her as a partner. Nevermind how great she is, and how strong and dependable a wife she'll make. But you. You're strong, and confident. If anyone could appreciate my sister's worth and not feel inadequate around her, it's you. You're happy, easy going. She's dutiful, loyal and fiery. You two can make each other happy, I just know it. So how about, brother? want to meet up and get to know my sister better?" He went on, his speech getting impassioned as he put forth the idea of his sister as a bride. What really sold it was his own belief that all he said was true. He genuinely thought his sister and best friend would be great together.
GM, 67 posts
Thu 4 Jan 2024
at 16:01
  • msg #21

Jorgrim Village

OOC: Sounds good!

Rogbart looks increasingly pale as the spiel continues. By the end, he is flop sweating...

Rogbart looks to Sigismund and asks, "Estaiya... uh... that is the big strong one, yes? Ha... um..." the man actually seems a little frightened at the prospect. Who knew your sister was so scary? Well.. actually..

Rogbart spends some time stealing glances, hoping you are pulling his leg. He keeps swallowing, as if he hasn't had anything to drink and was stranded in the arid savannah.

Eventually though, Rogbart sighs and looks you in the eyes, a powerful conviction in his own. "If you've come to ask me this, I would be a bad friend to say no... I will give it a shot... just... if I don't return, tell everyone I died bravely"

So... he has agreed to meet with her, but you aren't sure if you appreciate very much the look of self-sacrifice in his eyes... Almost like he's prepared himself to face a truly vicious wild beast, with no hope of victory or survival...

OOC: I'm dying laughing while writing this...
player, 25 posts
Tribal Cook
Thu 4 Jan 2024
at 16:14
  • msg #22

Jorgrim Village

"Now, don't be like that, brother. I don't understand why everyone's so chickensouled around my sister. Sigismund said, frowning at his friends hesitation. "Sure, she may be able to beat down most any man in the village, but why's that a bad thing? She only smacks around those who treat her wrong. And that strength means you'd never, ever have to worry about some other man taking advantage of her. And you'll be able to share all work in the house equally, even the really hard work. And there's damn near no risk of losing her in childbirth, like other weaker women."

He screwed his face up in thought, wondering how he could make Rogbart understand that they were all doing Estaiya a disservice. Really, what was with other men? He'd never caught a fist from her without giving her lip first.
"Anyway, she's a kind person, and everyone treating her like some kind of boar's really hurt her. Give her a chance, at least? I want the best for both of you."
GM, 70 posts
Thu 4 Jan 2024
at 16:43
  • msg #23

Jorgrim Village

Rogbart sighs and deflates a little with shame at Sigismund's words.

"Yes, you're right, brother... I apologize. All the things you say are true and enticing... and personally I have no issue with her appearance..." he hesitates for a moment, clearly thinking on how to say something.

"A wild boar, huh? That is... strangely the impression I had gotten. But, of course, I trust your words more. Especially since I've rarely met the woman... Hm... something is strange, still though" Rogbart gets an intensely concentrating face. He is not the brightest guy, but he's not dumb either and it seems he has picked up on something Sigismund himself is missing

"Hold on.. yeah... yeah, that's right. Now that I think about it, I think I know where that rumor came from..." Rogbart's face turns extremely ugly suddenly and he grits his teeth. When he looks at you, there is a fire in his eyes. "Sigismund, you are serious about Estaiya, yes? You're not saying these things just because you share blood and memory?"

It is almost offensive that he has to ask. Indeed, Estaiya was more violent than a 'normal' woman, but to your knowledge she had never struck somebody unless they deserved it.

For his part, Rogbart seems only to be asking to make absolutely sure, because his next words are shocking enough to warrant that level of caution, "If so... Kuergrin, that bastard. We need to pay him a visit"


OOC: The plot thickens...
player, 26 posts
Tribal Cook
Thu 4 Jan 2024
at 18:50
  • msg #24

Jorgrim Village

"Kuergrin? Estaiya mentioned that she didn't like him, but what does he have to do with...." Sigismund began, before his face slowly morphed from confusion to understanding as he put two and two together as well. His expression then turned to anger.

"Has that snake been insulting my sister? Is he why she thinks everyone dislikes her!?" He exclaimed, his voice rising as his usually mild temper started rising. Sigismund was not and had never been a confrontational man, but if someone was hurting his family?
His anger appeared rarely and slowly, but when it did come, it tended to be fiery.
He was just about ready to make it known that the only one strong enough to take him down was Estayia.
"I'm gonna break his ribs." He growled, standing up to his full height and cleching his fists. "See if he can spread lies when too busy wheezing in pain. Let's go!"

Not waiting to see if Rogbart was following, Sigismund strode in the direction of Kuergrin's quarters.
GM, 72 posts
Fri 5 Jan 2024
at 17:51
  • msg #25

Jorgrim Village

The walk is quite long, even with Sigismund's formidable pace. It is enough time for him to cool down slightly - if he allows himself.

For his part, Rogbart dutifully follows. By the time they near the part of the valley where Kuergrin and his ilk reside, Rogbart places a hand on Sigismund's shoulders, "Sigismund. Let me just say - I'm not saying we shouldn't teach this whoreson a lesson... But let's not go too far, yeah? I know you're Wild Root, but Kuergrin isn't one to be trifled with. It won't be worth it if we accidentally kill him."

It is more than enough to make you smile - the fact that Rogbart doesn't even consider the possibility of you losing to Kuergrin - though whether or not Sigismund mood allows for such a thing may not be the case.

A few moments can pass before the two of you approach Kuergrin's lodgings...


Arriving just outside of Kuergrin's lodgings, Sigismund and Rogbart are immediately the focus of the gazes of a half-dozen rough-looking men. Most of them are whittling, gambling or drinking - and none of them look particularly happy at the moment.

Outside of Kuergrin's door, three men lounge around, casually insulting each other and arguing over which village maiden has the best... womanly features.

Rogbart and Sigismund are both reminded again why they try their best to avoid associating with Kuergrin's ilk. Tasteless bastards, the lot of them. Not particularly useful, either. Just enough that they've not been banished 'til now.

The three men - who are vaguely familiar but honestly just don't have memorable faces - notice Rogbart and Sigismund and immediately their faces are covered with violent frowns. "Eh..? What do you two want? Ya lookin' for Kuergrin? He's busy! Get lost!"

The other two men laugh, as do several other in the camp, as they very slowly begin moving to encircle you two.
player, 28 posts
Tribal Cook
Sat 6 Jan 2024
at 14:32
  • msg #26

Jorgrim Village

Sigismund glanced around, standing straight and tall. looking down at the men, his face twisted into a frown as he stared at them unblinkingly.
"I would have words with Kuergrin. Either move aside, or bring him here. I won't ask twice." He said, his voice remarkable even considering his expression. His body language also betrayed his restrained anger, his large hands clenched into fists.

He barely held himself back as it was, giving the men time to decide their course of action. He wasn't one took seek out fights, and had never had much interest in violence. If this could be solved between himself and Kuergrin alone, all the better. But if he had to go through these men to protect his sister's dignity and happiness, he would.
GM, 77 posts
Sun 7 Jan 2024
at 05:59
  • msg #27

Jorgrim Village

The three men are clearly intimidated by Sigismund, who is much larger than any of them in all his dimensions.

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
OOC: I'm gonna flip a coin to decide what they do, 'cause I think both could are equally interesting

I won't really use this often but here we are:

00:55, Today: Froggychum rolled 2 using 1d2.  1 = flee, 2 = fight. – 2

Despite their nervousness, Sigismund does not miss the moment that their eyes turn hateful and violent. One of the guys speaks up, "Brothers! Why don't we teach this fatwad Rooter how Kuergrin feels about people coming up to his door and demanding things of him?"

Sigismund notices several shapes moving around him, and catches Rogbart's eyes. The boisterous man has a grim expression, but his eyes communicate that he will follow Sigismund's steps, even as his fists clench - out of either fear or rage... or both
player, 29 posts
Tribal Cook
Sun 7 Jan 2024
at 13:56
  • msg #28

Jorgrim Village

Sigismund felt a bead of sweat go down his neck. This was quickly excalating, and he was not keen on fighting all these cruel fools. Taking a deep breath, he decided to approach it the same way the hunters would when stared down by a wild animal. Attack first, attack loud, and make it so killing him wasn't worth the effort and risk of injury for the beast.

"Now!" He yelled at the top of his lungs, kicking Rogbart into action, as well as hopefully startling the goons.
He surged forward towards the man who'd spoken so far, twisting his hips as he put his full weight and strength into a punch aimed square at the man's jaw. A quick and immediate knockout would be the ideal result.
GM, 82 posts
Sun 7 Jan 2024
at 14:56
  • msg #29

Jorgrim Village

The scrawny thug doesn't even have time to dodge and his eyes simply open wide before his nose gets caved in and he falls down backwards, slamming his head against Kuergrin's door.

Rogbart lets out a roar as he takes two men down in a tackle and begins wrestling with them.

The two other men blocking the door throw punches at Sigismund's face, and he manages to block one by instinct with his arm, but the other gets deflected across the left side of his face, causing his cheek and ear to smart with sudden pain

Three men who had been encircling the intruding pair leap forward and grab Sigismund around the waist, attempting to yank him backwards. Sigismund manages to stand his ground, though he can't go any further without a struggle.

Collective shouting breaks out as the fight is on!
player, 30 posts
Tribal Cook
Sun 7 Jan 2024
at 15:22
  • msg #30

Jorgrim Village

Sigismund pulled against the men holding him, gritting his teeth in frustration. His cheek stung from the glancing blow he'd taken, and his knuckles stung from the not so glancing blow he'd given.

Flexing his muscles, he jerked to the left, then the right, hoping to dislodge the hold they had on him, his knees and elbows striking out as much as they could in the hope of hitting anything they could.
"Kuergrin! You miserable toad! You think you can spread rumors about my sister and hurt her feelings without consequences!? Get out here and face me like a man, or let your dogs do it and be known to the village as a cleft-tongued, spineless worm whose only skill is hurting women with lies! Face me, coward!" He roared towards the building.
GM, 83 posts
Sun 7 Jan 2024
at 15:51
  • msg #31

Jorgrim Village

Sigismund's voice bellows across the sparse fields, several of Kuergrin's own men flinching at the rage in the usually calm giant's voice

The struggle continues for a moment, but the thugs have been dazed enough for Sigismund to just manage to yank his way out of the grips of the men.

They don't try to reach for him again.

With a monumental shout, Rogbart stands up as he throws the two he was wrestling to either side, and they hit the ground with wheezing groans.

Everyone is quiet for a while, as footsteps sound from within the small home.

Soon, the wooden door opens and the familiar, sneering face of Kuergrin appears.

He looks down at his follower on the ground, before scoffing and nudging his unconscious form to the side. The other men gulp at the casual show of disregard for his own.

As he steps out of the door, Kuergrin reveals himself at last. The man's appearance is different from the others of the village, his hair and eyes dark, and his skin more pale.

Supposedly, Kuergrin comes from a fallen Kadessian tribe, of which he is the only survivor. He joined the community of Jorgrim three years ago, and had brought with him a large number of followers, gathered from various Iderran tribes who had been shunned by the other residents of the wilds due to their supposed cowardly and petty nature.

Under Kuergrin's leadership, these traits had not been rectified, and if anything the men had become even lazier now that they had the abundance of the blessed valley at their disposal.

Sigismund was not really involved in the Wild Root politics, he wasn't a senior member of his tribe and he wasn't that interested in it all, anyway. But even he remembers the hesitance with which the Wild Root elders had allowed Kuergrin and his band of ruffians to enter Jorgrim.

Kuergrin for his part, was a rather frightening man. His unusual complexion was enough to put most folk on edge, but his arrogant and malicious countenance also put in a lot of work. Worst of all, was the horrible ritual scarring along the left side of his face.

Kuergrin was of average height and average build, though he was on the lankier side, or maybe it was just how he held himself... he always seemed to be stooping.

Standing in front of Sigismund, Kuergrin snorts at him, and speaks in a voice that sends shivers down the spine... a grating, rattling sound with totally unconcealed viciousness and cold disinterest. Like a filthy snake. "Ooh? Pray tell, village brother," he all but spits the phrase,

"What rumors have I spread to cause you such rage that you would come to my house, and make such a scene..? Hmm...?" He leers forward, clearly knowing exactly what he's done.

Despite his casual attitude, his distance is enough that he would very likely be able to dodge any surprise attack from you or Rogbart.
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:52, Sun 07 Jan.
player, 31 posts
Tribal Cook
Sun 7 Jan 2024
at 16:14
  • msg #32

Jorgrim Village

"You know damn well, Kuergrin." Sigismund said in a clipped tone. He took a step forward, away from the goons, squaring up and staring down at the unsettling man. "It's well known my sister is strong. It's well known that she's ready to fight with any who insult her or hers. But it's also well known that she's a good and fair person, from a family of good and fair people. And yet, rumors have spread about her doing wanton violence and hurting others heedlessly. It's a load of dung. A load that could only be spread by some craven, insecure little halfman with more pride than manhood who isn't good enough to even look in her direction." he went on, his voice dripping with venom he didn't quite know where he found in him.
In his mind Sigismund was privately surprised himself at the vitriol he was spewing. He didn't consider himself an angry person, and had never talked about someone else like that before.
But he'd never had someone hurt his family like this before. So he continued.
"And wouldn't you know, among everyone in the village, there's only one cruel, selfish man who fits that description perfectly. A man who my sister has made clear she despises. What, Kuergrin, did you swing your member in her direction and get snapped in half by her words of rejection? Either way, I won't tolerate you speaking ill of her a second longer."
GM, 85 posts
Sun 7 Jan 2024
at 16:47
  • msg #33

Jorgrim Village

Kuergrin's eye twitches at the barrage of insults, but he maintains a calm smile - though it is strained and doesn't reach his eyes at all.

As Sigismund takes a step forward, the slimy fellow takes a step back, moving so nonchalantly it's almost unnoticeable that he's keeping a distance.

After Sigismund's words, Kuergrin gives a gloating smile, but his voice is playfully innocent, "So, what you're saying is, the whole village thinks of your sister as a brute, and that this is somehow my fault?" he places a hand over his chest, "You wound me, Sigismund! What could I possibly stand to gain by offending a member of the esteemed Wild Root tribe?"

He then gives a truly disgusting smile, and his eyes look directly into yours, "After all, Estaiya still hunts with me quite often, see.... and, well, you never know what might happen out there... if we can't trust each other, that is..? Ha ha, indeed..."

The threat is barely veiled.

Rogbart lets out a low growl, and opens his mouth but closes it, clearly speechless...

He does manage to speak though, and whispers to you, "This hog-lover is playing some kind of a game with us, Sig. What the hell does he want?"
player, 34 posts
Tribal Cook
Tue 9 Jan 2024
at 16:24
  • msg #34

Jorgrim Village

Taking a deeo breath, Sigiasmund tried to control himself. Rogbart was right, there was something wrong with the situation. Kuergrin kept pretending to be innocent, his threats clear but not outright stated... But he'd also clearly threatened harm on Estaiya when Sigismund couldn't be around...

Forcing himself to calm slightly, Sigismund counted to ten internally before breathing out and unclenching his fists.
"I am not a violent man, Kuergrin. Unlike you, I don't take pleasure in harming others, physically or verbally. And frankly, you aren't worth wasting words on. You're scum, no matter how innocent you play, and I do not trust you. No one with a lick of sense should." He said, his voice deadly calm, looking tellingly at his men, and then towards the man he'd knocked out and Kuergrin had kicked aside. The more he talked, the more he got his temper under control, already starting to feel mentally exhausted from the uncommon exertion of rage. He just wanted to end this.
He gestured towards the unconscious man. "Consider that a warning, and I'll say it only once. If, IF my sister ever hunts with you again, and ends up hurt or worse? I will hold you personally responsible as the leader of the hunt, and expect you to follow her into death to repay your failure. Be it from your own hand or mine, I do not care. Rogbart, let's go." He finished, turning his back on Kuergrin and starting to walk back towards the village.
GM, 92 posts
Tue 9 Jan 2024
at 23:08
  • msg #35

Jorgrim Village

Rogbart leaves with Sigismund, his anger also having cooled down alongside his hunting brother's

Kuergrin, for his part, doesn't say anything and simply watches them go. Though, if one were to look back they would see a considering expression on his scarred face.

Overall, the whole experience was uncomfortable for Sigismund, and left a bad taste in his mouth.

On their way back to the village center, Rogbart speaks up, "I don't trust him, Sig. The bastard is definitely up to something, I can see it in his scheming eyes... You... you should try convincing Estaiya to stop hunting with him. Not that I understand why she would want to be a part of his band, anyway. From what I've heard, his group is a bunch of graceless glory-chasers without the skills or knack to back up their worthless arrogance"
player, 35 posts
Tribal Cook
Wed 10 Jan 2024
at 22:15
  • msg #36

Jorgrim Village

"Yeah..." Sigismund mused, frowning as he mulled over the situation.
"I'm going to talk to her about it. Hopefully she'll agree to find someone else to hunt with. She doesn't like Kuergrin either, so I'm thinking she'll listen." He went on, considering how to best explain the situation to her. Odds were, when she found out Kuergrin had spread the rumors about her, she'd run of first thing to beat him up just like Sigismund did. Sher cetainly weren't more levelheaded than him when angry.
"Maybe you should come along, help explain things. If nothing else, knowing you helped both with finding out the truth and defending her honor would give her a good impression of you. Not gonna lie, she currently has the impression that you're a bit of a layabout." He added with a wry grin, conveniently not mentioning that he himself had not denied that when he talked Rogbart up to his sister earlier. Or that it was kind of the truth.
"We should probably tell her with my parents present as well. That'll probably keep her from running of after Kuergrin in anger."
GM, 100 posts
Thu 11 Jan 2024
at 14:58
  • msg #37

Jorgrim Village

Rogbart flushes a little but nods his head, clearly nervous. A funny look on the usually-boisterous man. "Ha... very well, friend Sigismund. Call for me when you require my presence"

Sigismund then makes his way towards the abode that his parents share, who are also peripheral members of the Wild Root tribe. Her mother is the one who usually keeps and decorates the home, while your father has long retired from hunting and manages a small garden in the back of the yard.

After approaching, you notice they have replaced their old thatch door with a new wooden one. It looks nice, and is well-carved.

Announcing your presence, you open the door but find it budged. Huh, maybe it was actually not so good after all?

Quickly though, you hear your mother's voice as she comes over and the door quickly opens from inside.

You notice a small piece of wood in the corner... Had they been using it to keep the door shut? That was quite smart, it would keep the heat in!


Your mother, Treiya, is a slightly shorter woman with exceptionally well-endowed proportions. Thick brown hair that is very long and quite smooth for her age flows down her back and front. Her face is round and serene, with broad and warm features. Though, when she's angry that all totally changes and is quite scary! She wears a simple hide dress and some bone hair ornamentations.

As she sees you, her mouth opens for a moment in surprise, before she gives a big smile and her eyes melt.

A barrage of questions ensues right after she all but leaps forward to embrace you "Ah, my dear son, how nice it is to see you! I have missed you so much! Are you eating well? Have you found a woman? Are you being safe on your hunts? Come, come inside, so we can sit and talk."

You forgot just how insane this woman's pace was. Spirits help you.


Inside you catch your father's eyes and you two briefly share a look of mutual acknowledgement, and - on his behalf - sympathy for you.

The coward quickly runs way to his garden, clearly not interested in becoming a tea-fetcher for your mother.

Your mother doesn't seem to notice and she sits down, and then realizes she has no tea, "Goff, would you fetch us some -- Where is that useless man?? Grrrr... I bet he's out hiding! When I get my hands on him..."

She then notices you are around and clears her throat, before giving a bright smile that just about reaches her eyes.

"Never mind that dear... hm, how about you go make some tea for your dear mother...? She is so old now, and her legs are quite sore..."

It's all a scam and you know it. She just wants you to make her tea for her... you can't blame her, though, you do make really good tea. Especially when you get to use the rare leaves she keeps on her shelves.

After posing the question that is more of a command, your mother settles down and says, "Well, there is all the time in the valley for us to talk. Tell me, Siggy, what have you come for?"
player, 37 posts
Tribal Cook
Thu 11 Jan 2024
at 16:41
  • msg #38

Jorgrim Village

"It's good to see you well, mother. Oh, and father ran to the garden, I believe. But things are... fine for me. Calm as usual. Although I've found myself a bit bored with cooking lately. I've done all I can with the plants and meats we have in Jorgrim, I think, and I've been craving something new to work with. Esta just got me some new flowers, actually, that might work for tea or spice blends. Got to work out if and how it's safe to use first, though." Sigismund said with a smile, repaying his father's betrayal with the same speed the old man left the room. He looked around, trying to find Estaiya, but not seeing her anywhere.

"Is Esta around, by the way? There's something I'd like to talk to her about. Preferably with you and father present as well."
He asked.
GM, 105 posts
Thu 11 Jan 2024
at 17:56
  • msg #39

Jorgrim Village

Your mother nods and seems surprised. "Oh... a big announcement for the whole family? Hehe, my Sigismund is finally - no, never mind. " Clearly, some kind of misunderstanding was just created then immediately shut down within your mother's mind.

She continues, "If you need your sister present, you'll have to go fetch her. Me and your father will still be here when you return. The bad girl hasn't hardly visited since she decided to go live alone in her own cabin. Hmph!"

Unless you have anything you want to add beforehand, you can go to Estaiya's house to seek her out.


You do find Estaiya at her home. She normally only goes out in the mornings to hunt, and it's evening by now (it has been a long day) and she is settling down in private.

When you come get her, she dutifully follows you to your parent's house, clearly a bit apprehensive, but you know it is mostly because your mother always tries to embarrass and tease Estaiya.


After settling back in and greeting each other warmly, all four of you are sat at the table, and some lukewarm tea has been prepared, for which your father is being scolded with a dead look on his face.

Your mother clearly was exaggerating about Estaiya's lack of visits, and is already teasing her about finding a life mate.

Eventually though, the initial excitement from your mother settles down as she has managed to do all the little things mothers feel they must, and she asks candidly, "Now, Siggy, dear. Tell me what you wanted to speak with us all about."

How will Sigismund deliver the plentiful news?
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:56, Thu 11 Jan.
player, 40 posts
Tribal Cook
Thu 11 Jan 2024
at 19:09
  • msg #40

Jorgrim Village

"Well, I have good news and bad news..." Sigismund starts hesitantly, picking his words carefully.
Looking around at his family, he takes a deep breath, and decides to start with the good news.
"Firstly, I talked with Rogbart about what we spoke about earlier, Esta. He is interested and willing in getting to know you better, with the potential of courtship if the two of you turn out liking each other. As I said, he has his faults, but he's a good man and a loyal friend." He explained, smiling at his sister amdn mother in turn.

He then took a moment, preparing for the bad news. He noted that his sister and mother were sitting next to each other. Hopefully that'd help keep Estaiya from running of in anger.
"Now, for the bad news. When I talked to Rogbart, He was hesitant at first. Turns out, it's because he's heard bad rumors about you being violent. I think it's probably the same for the other men in the village." Sigismund paused to gauge his sister's reaction, before going on "I then explained to him that it was a load of dung. You may be strong, and not one to shy away from a fight, but you're not a brute. He believes me, but told me who's been spreading these bad rumors about you. It's Kuergrin, Esta. I don't know if it's his pride, or he's just that cruel a man in general, but he's been spreading poisonous talk about you. I went to confront him about it, and while he played innocent, he didn't really hide it either. And... He made veiled threats about hurting you when next you go hunting with him if I didn't back off."

Sigismund stood up and moved over to Estaiya's side, sitting down and putting his hand on hers.
"I would like it if you and Rogbart spent some time getting to know each other. I believe you can make each other happy. I'm not gonna insist or force you, obviously. Even if I could. But I will insist that you find someone else to hunt with. We can't trust Kuergrin, and strong as you are, you are not too strong for a knife in the back in the forest, or something worse. Please, do not go hunting with him again."

Having said his piece to his sister, Sigismund turned to his parents.
"I wanted you two to know about this as well. Both the idea of Rogbart as Esta's partner, and the foulness Kuergrin is up to. I think we might need to have a talk with the rest of the village about him and his ilk."
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