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01:22, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Cast of Characters.

Posted by Ancient StorytellerFor group 0
Ancient Storyteller
GM, 3 posts
Mon 11 Mar 2024
at 02:48
  • msg #1

Cast of Characters

Name Gender Type Hoard Champion
az'Vashitris Female Saphire (Blue) Dragon 60,000 Khaelor - Male Obsidian (Black) Dragonkin
ve'Nyvrae Male Emerald (Green) Dragon 50,000 Aeoroth - Male Copper Dragonkin
au'CheuGuing Female Gold Dragon 50,000 Lumsieth - Female Gold Dragonkin
Cu'Caliphaer Male Copper Dragon 60,000 Jinvarax -Female Emerald (Green) Dragonkin
dr'Ozomocryr Male Black Dragon 50,000 Eragrax - Female Saphire (Blue) Dragonkin
op’Kyrantrix Female Red Dragon 60,000 Morciar - Male Obsidian (Black) Dragonkin

az'Vashitris, also known as Tris by her peers is a majestic Saphire Dragon -magnificent and imposing in size.

She has what humans would call 'mood swings'. One minute she's brooding down at Dragon forge, the next shes doing barrel rolls in the 'sky'. Tris is usually pretty good at not showing this side to their minions [verbally]. She often does her best to seem like a firm but just ruler. She was never terribly fond of fighting, [though what dragon doesn't like scaring other senseless with its breath weapon and every now and then] so when faced with a problem she every tries to work it out or eat it before things get worse.

Tris is affable to puny mortals, who she finds curious. She wishes to once again soar in the outside world and her friends know this.

Nyvrae, or ve'Nyvrae (pronounced NIGH-veh-RAY)

An elder Male Emerald Dragon.

Nyvrae is a patient schemer, fond of overly complex plans and machinations, though he is not known to be manipulative with them. It is more that he enjoys the complexity for its own sake. He is affable, perhaps even paternalistic concerning mortals he favours, and protective of them. He has a fondness for finely-wrought things and well-mannered creatures, and such may go a long way in negotiations or bargaining with him. Generally, he is self-serving, but not at the expense of others - he recognizes that all need to succeed in some manner for the city to prosper and the hoard grow


An elder female Gold Dragon

 She has a light-hearted yet conservative outlook, she takes her roll within the Dragon nest seriously by navigating the path of harmony. A female golden dragon with mighty wings - she prides herself on her flexibility and martial instincts and enjoys time in the Ancient grove.

dr'Ozomocryr AKA "Ozo"

Elder Male Obsidian Dragon

A massive Shadow like obsidian dragon. His form is lithe and cat like in nature with scales so dark they seem to absorb the light around them. Usually considered a brooding dragon his mood has actually been improving since the goblins arrived the massive dragon is highly amused by them.

It seems Ozo enjoys teaching them and learning from them. Of the dragons he is more progressive. Ozo is especially focused on magic and research that correlates with his interests. Oddly enough he enjoys speaking with Aranea for long space of time when she shows up.


A capricious copper dragon, he is the youngest of the elder dragons. Despite his whimsical nature, the other dragons know he's quite clever--too clever for his own good in fact. What he lacks in brute strength like his brethren he makes up for in sharp wit and agility abnormal for his size...which is also a bit smaller than the others to begin with.

op’Kyrantrix, elder female Red Dragon.

A towering brute of a dragon, her barbed scales blade-sharp, Kyrantrix is a warrior before a scholar or diplomat. Subtlety is hardly in her nature, and though a dragon’s span has taught her some measure of tact she favours blunt and straightforward solutions above all else, having precious little interest in the scheming of her peers. More than anything she is a prideful bitter beast. She has a selfish sense of honour and she craves things – power, freedom, glory – that she knows she cannot have. But still she craves them, and it eats at her.

Kyrantrix is unmistakably blind in her right eye, the right side of her face pitted and scarred by the breath of a black dragon. It was an injury she brought upon herself, a fight of her own choosing, and despite emerging victorious it left a deep wound upon her pride. She once had the arrogance to think herself first among equals, but with that injury came an indelible reminder that for all her strength she was far from untouchable. It forced her to learn humility, to admit weakness and wear her failings, and while she loathed that change she was better for it.

Despite her belligerence no other individual is more committed to the defence of the realm, and Kyrantrix’s bluntness is honesty by another name. She’ll never be the wisest or most diplomatic among the Dragon Lords but there’s some value in that. Sometimes a battering ram provides a necessary solution far swifter than measured words or cunning machinations.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:34, Sat 16 Mar.
Ancient Storyteller
GM, 4 posts
Mon 11 Mar 2024
at 03:13
  • msg #2


This is a list of important NPCs in DragonForge:


Seneschal Felgan: Felgan is a very old and wise Dragonkin with a blue aspect. He serves the Dragon Council directly as their second in command, ensuring that their will is done. He prepares reports on the state of the City, and directs both Dragonkin and Goblin alike on their day to day operational duties so that the Dragons do not have to deal with tedious administrative details. Felgan deals with countless trivial decisions but will bring any serious matters before the council for a decision.

He is highly regarded by both Dragonkin, and Goblins and seems wise, calm and regal in bearing. He weilds an ancient golden staff forged from the time of Titans, and wears an elaborate white robe, as opposed to Dragonkin armor.


Khaelor, a shadowy enigma born of obsidian lineage, delves into the depths of elven lore with a scholar's zeal and a warrior's resolve. Clad in spiked mithril armor, he wields a magic longsword with dark intent, his mastery of dragon song and ancient ballads echoing his quest for glory and honor in a world shrouded in darkness.

Khaelor studied under the Goblins of Darkmoon as an apprentice to the Goblin cheif, he has some magical skill, and also wields a magic longsword with a dark blade that he recovered from an adventurer that was caught in the under mountain. He is obsessed with the culture of elves, and knows a great deal of lore about them, including their language. He is a fairly skilled with Dragonsong and an ancient Elven ballads. Khaelor fancies himself something of a knight, and wears Mithril Spiked Armor. He has a code of honor, and values glory and valor.

Khaelor has long served az'Vashitris from the time he was a youngling, and has been a loyal student of the Elder Dragon.

Aeoroth, a charismatic rogue of copper hue, regales his peers with tales of daring escapades and swashbuckling adventures. Armed with wit and charm, he wields his longsword and dagger with finesse, captivating audiences with his musical prowess and infectious enthusiasm for life's grand odyssey.

Aeoroth is young, and considers himself to be a charming and handsome rogue of sorts. He is also a skilled warrior with longsword and dagger, and also with short bow. Aeoroth is very gregarious and witty
and quite outgoing. He is very popular with the younger Dragonkin ladies. Aeoroth longs for adventure and glory - and sometimes (always) embellishes his stories for his own greater glory.

Aeoroth is an accomplished minstrel as well, and can play a Mandolin. He knows many dragon songs.

Obedient to ve'Nyvrae, Aeroroth is still young and immature and at times plays pranks or ignores his official duties in favor of carousing and adventure.

Lumiseth, a golden exemplar of martial prowess and divine grace, strides with confidence and wisdom, her mastery of the dual-bladed spear matched only by her prowess in the priestly arts. Clad in spiked mithril armor of pristine white, she seeks to prove herself through valorous deeds and unwavering resolve.

Lumiseth trained equally as a Warrior and a Preistess, specializing in a dual bladed spear -she wears white mithril spiked armor, but can cast some priestly spells. She is confident and wise, often seeking to prove herself to others.

Lumiseth is a rare Golden Dragonkin, and was chosen by au'CheuGuing to be her champion when she was a youngling.

Jinvarax, a melody of emerald hues, serenades the air with ancient dragon songs, her voice a beacon of tranquility amidst turbulent times. Draped in regal attire, she channels arcane lore and gentle persuasion, seeking lost knowledge with an insatiable curiosity and a heart of compassion. She is a very pleasent Dragonkin who often sings the ancient dragon songs in a lovely voice,

She is a preistess who is skilled in ancient dragon songs and arcane lore - she is fascinated with the age of titans and often pursues lost lore. She has a passing familiarity with magic. She can play several musical instruments and has a golden lyre.

She wears a blue gossamer silk robe with green inlay that gives her a very regal appearance.

Jinvarax prefers kindness and persuasion over brute force solutions.

She serves her master, Cu'Caliphaer with honor and pride, but at times she would prefer to be in the ancient library studying what remains of the archive rather than on official duties.

Eragrax, a sapphire beacon in the night, stands as a paragon of honor and integrity, wielding the arcane arts with an ethereal grace that mirrors her unwavering loyalty. Draped in robes of gold and white, she upholds a code of chivalry, sparing those who surrender and defending the helpless with resolute determination.

A proud and honorable Astral Mage, she carries an ornate staff of office but it would not make an effective weapon.

She is very loyal, but would not slay an opponent that surrendered, or those who cannot protect themselves unless it was a direct order.

Serves dr'Ozomocryr loyally, and with great honor

Morciar, a somber warrior of obsidian descent, brooks no disobedience in his relentless pursuit of his master's will. Adorned in ancient spiked mithril chain, he commands respect with his imposing stature and mastery of the blade, serving as both a formidable warrior and unwavering leader.

He has no qualms obeying any order.

Morciar is adept with two handed blades, and a skilled warrior and leader.

Morciar wears ancient spiked mithril chain armor that is more form than function, but it does give him a very imposing presence.

Morciar takes great pride in serving his Master, op’Kyrantrix.

----------------------------------------------- </n>
Dragonkin are resourceful and very strong, about a head taller than humankind and wear minimal armor or robes, because of their great scales.

They often sing Dragon Song, Ancient Sagas of Triumph and complex haunting laments of sorrow, that can be played on Lyre and are sung loudly and with great vigor. The history of Dragon kind is written in the poetry of these lyrics, and within the melody is the heart of the dragon kind that connects them to their masters.

Each player has 30 adult Dragonkin minions in addition to a champion - humanoids who bear an uncanny resamblance to Dragons with very long lifespans. They are extremely loyal to the Dragons and are born with an innate understanding of how to clean Dragons, and serve them. The Titans created this race from the blood of Dragons and their powerful magics. These Dragonkins are often armed with ornate ancient maces made of mithril and minimal spiked armor of the same kind. They are decent warriors and are capable of leaving the mountain should they be ordered to do so.

They are messengers, elite guards, priests, and can be treated as minions that serve your whim. They can entertain you, and speak in high born language of the Titans, Dark Tongue of goblins.

They are considered above the Goblins in the hierarchy of Under Mountain - second only to the Dragons themselves.

<b>Named Dragons:

There are also approximately 30 other dragons raging from hatchling to some rivaling the age of the Elder Dragons - all of various hues.

As we progress, they will be listed here should they be relevant to the story.

The Goblins:

There are three tribes of Goblins.

The Red Skull clan are some of the best armorers and warriors of three clans. Their forging skills are paltry but fairly good for goblin kind and as a result they are often better armed. They live near the Dragon Forge - a place of ancient magic heated by a magical dragon flame. It once forged mighty artifacts and weapons for the Titans, but the Goblins can barely maintain the place and as a result it is a chaotic workship cobbled together of lesser forges.

The Dark Moon clan live near the lair of the Spider Queen, and are tasked with tending to and feeding the dragon kind with her offspring.

The River Clan are largely a tribe of fisherman and craftsmen that reside in the lower caverns near the river, and the lake in Dragon Forge.

They are currently ruled by the following:

Skarsnik of the Red Skull - The biggest, meanest, strongest and undisputed best warrior of the three Goblin clans. Skarsnik is also the "Marshall" - a position that serves the Dragon Council. He will advise you on the readiness of your traps, security and manage the operations of your military training across all clans.

Astralgyx of Dark Moon - Astralgyx is one of the few practicing wizards amongst the Goblins. He has risen to clan leader through his own intellect and cunning, and while he is not the strongest, he is quite clever. He holds the title of "Advisor" and has several lesser apprentices to do his personal bidding.

Ratty Zorf of the River Clan   Ratty is a clever Goblin, a powerful warrior in his own right, and weilds dual daggers. He has a knack for getting results and as such he holds the title of "Supply Master" - it is his role to ensure that the warehouses are full, servants are fed, and that things run smoothly.


There are countless spiders most of which range from bug size but reaching thirty to forty pounds by the time they have matured and are ready to be devoured by the Dragons. They live in an upper cavern where they are herded by their goblin keepers.

There is one spider however that has been there since the time of the Titans. She is considered the mother of all the spiders, although that is not truly the case - adult spiders can produce many eggs. She is the only one who speaks.

She rarely leaves her cavern, but she can do so at will, and will climb down with sikly webs, or of her own accord to visit the Dragons should she have a matter for their attention.

Aranea the Gossamer Queen - or simply Aranea is a magestically large spider that is approximately the size of two horses.

She allows her poisons to be excreted by the goblins, and provides the Dragonkin with silk to weave cloth robes. She is usually content to wait in her lair and is known for her patience.

This message was last edited by the GM at 20:44, Sat 16 Mar.
Dungeon Master
GM, 16 posts
Mon 11 Mar 2024
at 19:50
  • msg #3


Named NPCs:

Gerald - A human rogue, who was caught stalking his way through the caverns by the Red Skull clan. He currently resides in the player's dungeon within the city of Dragon Forge.
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