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00:07, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

FreeForm: The Grand Citadel.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Dungeon Master
GM, 14 posts
Mon 11 Mar 2024
at 15:32
  • msg #1

FreeForm: The Grand Citadel

Here the players may freeform roleplay in ancient ruins of a once majestic palace that spans miles. This kind of roleplay involves no dice, encounters etc. It's sort of happening outside of the regular flow of events in the game - so basically this is for having a conversation with your fellow players around the grand hall.

I'll probably create another location or two, but if you feel like changing venue (IE: Flying around the cavern) that works as well. I ask that you only control your own character, but if you want to give an order to a servant or lesser NPC - feel free. Just have fun with it.

The only thing I am trying to avoid is discussing events that should be discussed in the appropriate thread, god-moding, or player's initiating ritualized combats or something involving dice/GM moderation in this thread. I want you to feel free to post as frequently as you choose here - without waiting for anyone else to chime in. Two players can just go back and forth as much as they wish...In encounters/court sessions that I will call "Events" I will slow things down intentionally to give every player an opportunity to chime in and make decisions.

The events in this thread are happening "Around" the same time as the rest of the play.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:11, Mon 11 Mar.
Dungeon Master
GM, 18 posts
Mon 11 Mar 2024
at 20:03
  • msg #2

FreeForm: The Grand Citadel

As we await three more players, feel free to get to know one another, perhaps over a feast of Spiders, or while enjoying some time flying around the cavern.

There is no day or night cycle - the cavern is lit by bioluminescent moss and reflective crystals that provide light - created in the time of the Titans. However, all of you follow the same general schedule of sleeping at what may be "night" time - you are an elder Dragon, so you go where you want in the cavern, whenever you want.

I will shortly offer you 'boons' privately - collectors edition gifts for "pre-ordering" and your patience /trust joining the game early. When all six players are seated at the table, I'll begin chapter 0 and introduce you to the Champions. Once you have selected this champion - you can be certain of their absolute loyalty in your direct service. These champions will lead adventuring parties, scouting, raids, or go on any errand you wish - such as inspecting the lower caverns. You may even begin to think of them as an extension of your character - although I would still run them as an NPC.

You may want to keep it light and get to know one another, or start discussing some of the things you wish to change/where you want to focus your efforts in the future.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:09, Mon 11 Mar.
player, 3 posts
Emerald Elder Dragon
Mon 11 Mar 2024
at 21:25
  • msg #3

FreeForm: The Grand Citadel

Nyvrae chaffed with inactivity, one great emerald-hued claw flicking a priceless marble bust from where it lay nestled in the mound of coins that served as his napping place within the Hoard. Soon he would need to make a choice, pick a path in his next scheme. Beneath his other taloned limb a spider the size of a small pony decided to chance an escape once more. He sighed, a faint cloud of noxious fumes spewing forth from his flared nostrils, and speared it fully through the thorax with a single scimitar-like claw. He hated it when his supper broke his concentration. Chewing thoughtfully, letting the tang of its poison sac burst upon his tongue, his eyes narrowed as inspiration struck. Indeed, perhaps he should rouse himself and see if the others were inclined upon the same path
player, 2 posts
Gold Elder Dragon
Mon 11 Mar 2024
at 23:13
  • msg #4

FreeForm: The Grand Citadel

auCheuGuing glanced in ve'Nyvrae's direction noting her comerad's action Cousin you appear slightly restless. she prompts
player, 2 posts
Saphire Elder Dragon
Mon 11 Mar 2024
at 23:31
  • msg #5

FreeForm: The Grand Citadel

Az'Vashitris was equally bored. She did her best to come up with small ways to entertain herslef but nothing was really working. She was happy her minions were happy. That meant she was doing well as a leader, or at least the others were. She'd been at this long enough to know it didn't matter which was which so long as the outcome was positive. She wanted something new, something fresh. She supposed she'd have to talk to [Dragon champion's name] about finding something to do that. Vashitris always loved finding new additions to the cavern. Sadly, it had been awhile since there'd been any fun intruders, just the one thief. Vashitris was never fond of them, they never had shinies and the one she'd gotten to eat was quite bland.

Vashitris would beat her wings sending herself into the air and off one of the particularly ruined parts of the palace. She'd then head to the hoard, a nap and food would likely do her some good.  Upon entering it would not escape Vashitris's notice that both Nyvrae and CheuGuing were there. Vashitris would stretch while standing upon the gold, her own way of childishly pointing out how big she was. With her flexing out of the way, Vashitris would curl up on her pile of gold. She'd curl up in a way that would make it appear as if she was sleeping, but it was clear to any other dragon she was intently listening to the happenings around her.
player, 4 posts
Emerald Elder Dragon
Tue 12 Mar 2024
at 10:40
  • msg #6

FreeForm: The Grand Citadel

"Worse, cousin" huffed Nyvrae once his meal had been swallowed and all crunching ceased. He eyed Vashtris as she entered the chamber and settled herself, acknowledging her pretence at sleep with a slight smile and turning his maw towards CheuGuing, "I feel I might be bored"

Sighing a second time, he stretched his head out to rest upon the hoard where the gold looked lumpy in the right way, "I'm of a mind to send someone to investigate the keep on the isle on the lake; I wonder if it would make a suitable perch for a time "
player, 1 post
Obsidian Dragon
Tue 12 Mar 2024
at 16:06
  • msg #7

FreeForm: The Grand Citadel

dr'Ozomocyr stirred from the small portion of the horde he has claimed as his favorite napping area. It was always difficult to tell if the dragon with his dark void like obsidian stone form to tell if the dragon was sleeping or not if his eyes were closed. Ozo as he preferred to be called by the others opened his eyes which with his dark form was the only real  tell of if the dragon was away glowed with a deep dark purple color. The pile of coins he laid upon shifted slightly  around his lithe cat like form.  He spoke slowly his deep voice slightly reverberating round them,  "Of course we all are bored, cousin." there is a dark amusement in his voice as he spoke though.

"Who would you send though Nyvrae? What do you hope to find?" There was a hint of of curiosity in his questions, almost a longing for something to do.
player, 6 posts
Emerald Elder Dragon
Tue 12 Mar 2024
at 17:11
  • msg #8

FreeForm: The Grand Citadel

"Perhaps a triad of Goblins, one from each clan" considered Nyvrae, a spark of interest forming from the other's questions, "It might serve as a means for them to endear themselves to Us" and he used the royal plural, his capitals obvious from the subtle tone in his speech "Perhaps a triad of triads, in case of casulties"

Stretching amidst the coins, he let the cascade of gold across his scales tickle him, "And I hope they would find something .... interesting"
player, 7 posts
Obsidian Dragon
Tue 12 Mar 2024
at 17:18
  • msg #9

FreeForm: The Grand Citadel

Ozo considered this, for a moment. "We could always make it a competition. Either for the goblins or for us. If we each sponsored a group. And offered them a reward if they find anything useful." As the dragon thought on he decided to add a bit more, "We would have to be sure they were not encouraged to fight each other though..." his low rumbling voice coming out as he moved slowly stretching like a cat and flexing his claws his interest growing.
player, 6 posts
Saphire Elder Dragon
Tue 12 Mar 2024
at 17:38
  • msg #10

FreeForm: The Grand Citadel

Vashitris would sigh. Causing a prickle of electricity in the air. She didn't like giving up her pretense of sleep, but there was work to be done. "Why would one waste precious things like peace and treasure when one could take a look at the keep themself? Honestly, its not like there'd be anything strong enough to hurt you in there." Vashitris would say this with a touch of exasperation. She meant no animosity with these words. She just felt it silly to use the hoard for something this trifling.

Vashitris would sit up slightly and adjust her position so she was better facing the rest of the dragons. She had wanted something to do, politics simply weren't ideal.
player, 5 posts
Gold Elder Dragon
Tue 12 Mar 2024
at 18:42
  • msg #11

FreeForm: The Grand Citadel

I have also been toying with the same thought cousin az'Vashitris has proposed; as a means of diversion, and circumventing possibility of outbreak of Dull-drums. CheuGuing agreed We should also consider the issue of this thiefling who mayhap be the tip of the claw...
This message was last edited by the player at 19:59, Tue 12 Mar.
player, 11 posts
Obsidian Dragon
Wed 13 Mar 2024
at 03:41
  • msg #12

FreeForm: The Grand Citadel

Ozo considered Vashitris's words, "Well we could but why not let some of our servants do so. They need to gain experience after all. Although we do need to figure out what to do concerning the humans. I like the idea of a contest though."
player, 10 posts
Saphire Elder Dragon
Wed 13 Mar 2024
at 03:58
  • msg #13

FreeForm: The Grand Citadel

Vashitris would glower at Ozo. "Youth these days." She'd grumble looking as if she was going to say more in frustration. Instead, she would laugh like somebody had told a particularly good joke. This would continue for an uncomfortable amount of time until she yawned and laid back down like she was actually going to take a nap this time.
player, 10 posts
Emerald Elder Dragon
Wed 13 Mar 2024
at 06:31
  • msg #14

FreeForm: The Grand Citadel

"Yes, a contest" hissed out Nyvrae, "For recognition, not coin from the hoard. Titans, no"
player, 6 posts
Wed 13 Mar 2024
at 13:20
  • msg #15

FreeForm: The Grand Citadel

Caliphaer kneading the golden, silver, and copper piles he was used to sleeping on.

"Indeed: a contest for recognition. If we want goblins to earn experience but also save coin, why not tell them their reward lies in the place we want them to explore? They bring back useful information or discoveries, we let them keep a portion of what they find and bestow them with our favor and gratitude and they not only gain experience, we grow our hoard for the cost of flowery words?"

He arches his back and stretches with a great big yawn.

"Although, that does seem a bit too easy. Maybe investigating it ourselves would be more fun?"
player, 15 posts
Obsidian Dragon
Wed 13 Mar 2024
at 13:49
  • msg #16

FreeForm: The Grand Citadel

dr'Ozomocryr grunts his agreement, "Why would we give them coin? I say we have the goblins do it, and the reward is perhaps recognition from us for their clan. And if they find anything useful maybe we give them a bauble or two but nothing we don't desire. Perhaps we could use those that do well or find the most interesting things as heads of scouting parties..." Ozo also begins gathering his coins around him almost reflexively at the thought of giving up coin.
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