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, welcome to Dragon Hold - Council of Dragons

23:58, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Game Status.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Dungeon Master
GM, 12 posts
Mon 11 Mar 2024
at 06:16
  • msg #1

Game Status

This is where I will post a short out of character status about the game, what's going on currently, and any deadlines to make critical decisions (Should they be needed).

Today is March, 11th 2024. I posted up the RTJ and the framework of the game. I posted the ad. I created two maps. One is the Undermountain (with the three caverns) and the other is the city of Dragon Forge (the central cavern) along with descriptions in the Lexicon.

I will create one more in the coming days that is an overland map to help players understand the northern reaches. The players only have the information the dragons would know and without active scouts - much of this will be a guess for you.

I opened up all six player slots today in Player's Wanted - so let's see what happens!

I normally do an interest check in the GPIA section - but this time I decided to just build the game and see if I can interest any players in taking a chance on a new game with an interesting premise.
This message was last updated by the GM at 14:55, Mon 11 Mar.
Dungeon Master
GM, 13 posts
Mon 11 Mar 2024
at 15:00
  • msg #2

Game Status

Three players since posting the advert last night - woot woot! I am so excited to see the enthusiasm for this campaign and the creative character design.

I will be setting you all up shortly - just wanted to let you know that I have read your submissions and think you "Totally get" the idea of the campaign.

I wanted minimal set up involved - but I am working and can't do much at the moment.

I will also be permitting you to create an "OOC" persona and assign any avatar you wish to it. Initially, I'll assign a generic name with a ZZZ. prefix so that it appears at the bottom of the list, but allow you to customize it or use your user name from the page if you wish.

For your character, feel free to upload a picture somewhere and I can make a portrait out of it. (AI image generators work great for that), all I ask is that your avatar be reflective of the color dragon you are - and not be anachronistic.

In Chapter 0, you will get to know one another, assign your Dragonkin champion to some activity, and I believe I'll give everyone a "Founders Boon" of some sort as a special reward for joining so early in the game - think of like a Collectors edition for pre-ordering. It wont' be OP but should add some fun to the initial chapter.

We'll quickly move into Chapter 1 and things should get exciting.

We have a Gold, Sapphire, and Emerald Dragon - I'll post up their details shortly. It is fine if we have players who have the same coloration. If you are a new player who is interested, I am  happy to let you play one of those colors as well.
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:39, Mon 11 Mar.
Dungeon Master
GM, 17 posts
Mon 11 Mar 2024
at 19:53
  • msg #3

Game Status

I have fully set up the first two players - please be seated at the table and enjoy getting to know one another while we recruit the final characters.

The third player is in the process of being created.

I also created the regional map. I decided to leave it largely blank to give myself an opportunity to fill it in as the player's learn more about the lands between Star Haven and Castlemere. I did not do a larger world map - I think for now I'll simply say that this world is vast and leave it at that without increasing the scale.

If you do know of other players who may be interested - I'd appreciate getting the word out. I am eager to begin.
Dungeon Master
GM, 20 posts
Tue 12 Mar 2024
at 15:28
  • msg #4

Game Status

Great news, I have added dr'Ozomocryr the Ancient Black Dragon.

We have one more player in the process of setting up, so we just need one more to be ready to begin.

Today, I'll try to start posting some chapter 0 posts - such as the report from the Seneschal, but technically we have not 'begun'.

I also sent out some "pre-order" rewards - just some gifts for being a founder of the game to show my appreciation. These are not meant to be OP or super additions - but interesting enough that it should be difficult to choose which one you want.
Dungeon Master
GM, 27 posts
Tue 12 Mar 2024
at 19:57
  • msg #5

Game Status

Wow, what a whirlwind.

Good news: we have five STRONG players - I couldn't have picked better players if I had a player picking machine set to expert mode with unlimited tokens.

I have already started chapter 0 with the Seneschal's reports and providing you all the boons as founders. I may just have the sixth player "be dormant" and we collectively agree to pretend they are sleeping until we get a sixth character. They would get the remaining three companions to choose from when they do join, and I'd probably offer them one of the boons that you did not choose (I gave each of you three choices).

Chapter 0:

 Decide the fate of Gerald the Rogue
 Choose your companions and give them orders (or not and they'll do what they think is best).
 Make any Decrees you want for next chapter and the players can vote on them
 Give any orders to your underlings

and probably move directly into chapter 1. I have a notebook of about 12-15 ideas for things that may happen, random events, and of course player driven events that start because you decided to do something. I would summarize the chapter in the chronicle (for future players to see the game history) and then start with a new chapter report from the Seneschal and close out the other threads.

It's almost like a practice chapter, to get everyone feeling good with the flow and not throw you into the deep end (That's chapter one!) I may have to make adjustments based on your feedback.

Bad News: It's not really "Bad", but just FYI next week is Spring Break and I'll be on vacation. I do plan to check on my posts but I won't be on as frequently. I apologize but that timing is unavoidable. I'll have wifi and my computer - but my priority will be spending time with my wife and family.

I just wanted to give you fair warning and ask you not to lose faith if my posting rate drops next week.
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:58, Tue 12 Mar.
Dungeon Master
GM, 31 posts
Wed 13 Mar 2024
at 15:45
  • msg #6

Game Status

She has risen - allow me to introduce the final Dragon to round out our band -awaken from a long slumber!

op’Kyrantrix, elder female Red Dragon.

A towering brute of a dragon, her barbed scales blade-sharp, Kyrantrix is a warrior before a scholar or diplomat. Subtlety is hardly in her nature, and though a dragon’s span has taught her some measure of tact she favours blunt and straightforward solutions above all else, having precious little interest in the scheming of her peers. More than anything she is a prideful bitter beast. She has a selfish sense of honour and she craves things – power, freedom, glory – that she knows she cannot have. But still she craves them, and it eats at her.

Kyrantrix is unmistakably blind in her right eye, the right side of her face pitted and scarred by the breath of a black dragon. It was an injury she brought upon herself, a fight of her own choosing, and despite emerging victorious it left a deep wound upon her pride. She once had the arrogance to think herself first among equals, but with that injury came an indelible reminder that for all her strength she was far from untouchable. It forced her to learn humility, to admit weakness and wear her failings, and while she loathed that change she was better for it.

Despite her belligerence no other individual is more committed to the defence of the realm, and Kyrantrix’s bluntness is honesty by another name. She’ll never be the wisest or most diplomatic among the Dragon Lords but there’s some value in that. Sometimes a battering ram provides a necessary solution far swifter than measured words or cunning machinations.
Ancient Storyteller
GM, 45 posts
Thu 14 Mar 2024
at 20:45
  • msg #7

Game Status

This has got to be the best game/group I've had the pleasure of playing with on RPOL.  My main regret is not coming back sooner.

Things seem to be moving quickly. My intention as long as things move at this pace is that by Sunday we shall begin Chapter 1 - which is more of a 'full chapter'.

I am particularly enjoying Gerald's fate. I've often wanted to run a "reverse dungeon" but I've never actually done it *until now*, and in many ways this game is more than that - but at it's core I can see it being described that way.
Ancient Storyteller
GM, 48 posts
Sat 16 Mar 2024
at 20:32
  • msg #8

Game Status

Chapter One will begin tomorrow!
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