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03:44, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Chapter 0: Heraldric Report of the Dragon Lords.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Dungeon Master
GM, 24 posts
Tue 12 Mar 2024
at 18:00
  • msg #1

Chapter 0: Heraldric Report of the Dragon Lords

Your seneschal has prepared and delivered his report -as he often has in the past. None of what he tells you will come as a surprise to you because things have been this way for decades.

Prepared by the Seneschal of the Palace - Felgan the Wise

In the venerable City of Dragon Forge, built beneath the imposing shadow of the Great Mountain, the illustrious Dragon Masters preside over their domain with majestic splendor. As custodians of ancient treasures and guardians of timeless wisdom, their legacy is woven into the very fabric of our realm.

The Dragon Lords and Their Hoards:

az'Vashitris: A resplendent Sapphire Dragon of feminine grace, safeguarding a hoard of 50,000 gold alongside her brethren.
ve'Nyvrae: A stalwart Emerald Dragon of masculine vigor, his hoard of 50,000 gold gleams with the brilliance of untold riches.
au'CheuGuing: Radiant and regal, this Golden Dragon of feminine majesty watches over her hoard of 50,000 gold with unwavering vigilance.
Cu'Caliphaer: A steadfast Copper Dragon of masculine nobility, his hoard of 50,000 gold bears witness to the wealth of our kingdom.
dr'Ozomocryr: Enigmatic and mysterious, the Black Dragon hoards 50,000 gold, a testament to the shadowed depths of his lair.

Each Dragon Lord commands a hoard as vast and immeasurable as their ancient wisdom, a symbol of their power and prestige within our realm. This estimate is a mere guess as to the true value of my Master's hoards secured and under guard in their personal chambers.

The Treasures of Dragonforge:
Within the storied confines of the Great Palace lie treasures beyond compare. Gold ingots, ancient coins, and exquisite vases adorn its halls, while magical swords and tapestries of unparalleled craftsmanship bear witness to the glory of our kingdom. Ancient scrolls whisper secrets long forgotten, their knowledge a beacon of enlightenment amidst the darkness of the ages.

The common treasury is approximately 600,000 gold in value.

The Heart of Dragonforge:
At the heart of our kingdom lies the Great Palace, a testament to the grandeur of our heritage. Ornate and magnificent, its spires reach towards the heavens, a beacon of hope for all who dwell within our lands. The Palace could stand some repair, but it is serviceable. It is here that approximately 30 dragons dwell of ages ranging from hatchling to Elder Dragon.

The Forge and the Archive:
Though time may wear upon our realm, the Forge of the Dragons still burns with a flickering flame. Manned by Goblin smiths of limited skill, its fires yet hold the promise of greatness, awaiting the touch of true artisans to reignite its ancient magic. Meanwhile, within the Tower of the Archive, the knowledge of ages past is preserved by the diligent hands of Dragonkin and Goblin apprentices, their efforts a testament to the enduring legacy of our kingdom.

The Cenobium and Its Keepers:
In reverence to our Dragon Lords, the Cenobium stands as a testament to our faith and devotion. Though its halls may crumble with age, the Dragonkin priests who tend its sacred rites ensure that the flame of our devotion burns bright, a beacon of hope amidst the darkness that threatens to engulf our world.

The Spiders of The Upper Cavern:
 We have more than adequate food supplies and the spiders are tended well by the Darkmoon Goblins. They appear to be well-fed, and healthy.

The Mines of The Lower Cavern:

The Miners have adequate veins of gold and toil endlessly to add to our great hoard. The mines are safe, and reinforced. Goblin supervisors maintain order.

The Goblin Clans:
In the darkened depths of the Undermountain, beneath the looming presence of the Great Mountain, the Goblin Clans carve out their existence amidst the labyrinthine tunnels and caverns. The clans were originally formed of survivors of many clans and tribes, and eventually consolidated into the three clans below.

They drink ale and fight or gamble for sport, and often sing the praises of Dragon kind.

The Red Skull Clan:
Their ramshackle village near the entrance to the under caverns is serviceable. Their smiths work the Dragon Forges and as a result, their clan is better armed than the other clans. Their leader focuses on training and security. They have few healers, and most goblins are not literate. As with all clans, they have rivalries outside the clan and squabbles, commit petty crimes to steal from one another as is their way. They are serviceable fisherman and the lake seems well stocked with blind fish.

The Dark Moon Clan:
Dwelling near the lair of the Spider Queen, the Dark Moon Clan herds spiders, and farms mushrooms. Their clan is slightly better educated and has more healers than the others.

The River Clan:
The River clan has expanded their village in the under cavern recently and subsist largely on fishing. They have slightly below average education and healing. Crime is more wide spread, as this clan is less centralized than the other two.

Dungeon Report:

We rarely receive uninvited visitors, and usually, the Goblins catch them at one of several known entrances that are well-guarded. A human named Gerald clad in black leather and armed with daggers managed to skulk past the River clan and made it almost to the Dragon Forge Cavern before he was caught in traps created by the Red Skull Clan. Their chieftain Skarsnik personally delivered him to the jail and supervised his interrogation.

At first, Gerald claimed to be a lost traveler who wanted nothing more than to return to his home in Ac'Scrin (A nearby village). After some time and and a generous application of pain, Gerald's story changed. He's a rogue from Castlemere that was seeking his fortune. A madman in Ac'Scrin told him of a great vault of gold, which led him to find his way under the waterfall in the lower caverns.

We have subsequently flogged the guards that Gerald snuck past, and I personally ordered the River Clan to increase the patrols in that area.

Gerald awaits his fate in the dungeon, and will be brought before you for disposition at your earliest convenience. I see no value in this human other than as a light snack for my Masters.

(Note: I will create a thread for Gerald. In the meantime, you may discuss this report in this thread, and should you need of your Seneschal Felgan to clarify matters - he shall be present to respond to questions or provide greater detail.)
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:01, Tue 12 Mar.
Dungeon Master
GM, 28 posts
Tue 12 Mar 2024
at 20:04
  • msg #2

Chapter 0: Heraldric Report of the Dragon Lords

Feel free to ask questions of each other, Freeform RP in this thread as if the Herald is in the room and just delivered the report.

For purposes of RP, you can also assume the three Goblin Clan leaders are present. Skarsnik of the Red Skull is a heavily armored Goblin, physically imposing for Goblin kind, but hardly more than a gnat to Elder Dragons. He serves as your Marshall - and is responsible for security, training your forces, outfitting them and the like.

Astralgyx of Dark Moon -is probably the most knowledgeable wizard in your employee, which is not saying much. He's flanked by several robed apprentices who often try to avoid looking in your direction and may cower in your presence despite having been in court many times. Astralgyx is an advisor, who may be consulted on matters of ancient lore, magic, and whatever you want (you are the boss). Astralgyx runs the farms and spider herding, but not directly.

Ratty Zorf is your supply master, he has responsibility for your mines, and in general keeping the supplies running smoothly - any construction projects would usually be handled by him.

In addition, I would ask that you offer any Decrees for next chapter such as a change to the laws, or some thing you want the players to decide upon. Typically, I will set up a new thread to work through that at the appropriate time.
I would also ask that you offer any orders such as telling Ratty to use some of your hoard to improve the River Clan's village, or to send a minion adventuring. Anything that you feel is a big deal. Typically, I will include the results of that in the next chapter report. It depends on how long it takes.

If it's no big deal, like fetch you something from your room, or escort a prisoner, that doesn't require an order and you can assume success.
player, 8 posts
Obsidian Dragon
Tue 12 Mar 2024
at 20:11
  • msg #3

Chapter 0: Heraldric Report of the Dragon Lords

dr'Ozomocryr flicked his tail as he listened to the report from the Seneschal it was a small sign of irritation but only a small sign and one that was hard to read if it was at the situation, or something else. Looking at the other dragons, Ozo spoke. "We should have the goblins increase their patrols, and add some traps around where the human entered. Humans are like wild dogs, if one comes sniffing around odds are there might be more." Looking at the others he tried to gauge if they agreed with him or not.
Tue 12 Mar 2024
at 20:31
  • msg #4

Chapter 0: Heraldric Report of the Dragon Lords

Felgen bows his head quickly and in deference to the mighty dr'Ozomocryr "I assure you, I have had the guards who failed to catch Gerald initially punished, and instructed the head of the River Clan to increase patrols."

"Aye, we've tripled the patrols and built some fiendish traps, plenty of spikes and jagged little edges for humans to fall into," Ratty Zorf, the leader of the River Clan speaks up with pride. He looks devilishly over at the captive Gerald who is awaiting his chance to stand before the court to decide the outcome of his fate. Gerald is clearly not happy about his odds.

The goblin clearly enjoys seeing the human cower, and is quite proud of his fiendish traps and defenses.

"No need for your magnificence to bother with such trivial details," Felgen offers graciously as he cuts off the Goblin from grand-standing.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:31, Tue 12 Mar.
player, 9 posts
Obsidian Dragon
Tue 12 Mar 2024
at 20:41
  • msg #5

Chapter 0: Heraldric Report of the Dragon Lords

Ozo continued to flick his tail not bothering to look at Felgen, as he continued to speak with the other dragons. "Perhaps we should train some goblin assassins to see about removing the madman also. While its not a threat, it could be annoying if some continued to inspire greedy humans to come looking for treasure. Adventures are... like rabid dogs."

The obsidian dragon turned his gaze to look at the goblins now and his cat like eyes examined them, and narrowed as he considered them each in turn. The weight of his gaze could be felt by them all, before it finally ended up resting finally on Ratty of the River Clan, "Do you have any especially daring and sneaky goblins you don't mind loosing for such a task?" the dragon consider for a moment. "Of course they could keep anything they find that isn't important to us as a reward... if they make sure to destroy anything the man might have relating to our location."
player, 9 posts
Emerald Elder Dragon
Tue 12 Mar 2024
at 22:48
  • msg #6

Chapter 0: Heraldric Report of the Dragon Lords

"Yes", hissed Nyvrae, "But if there is a subtler path to removing the Madman I would prefer it. We know little of the lands beyond the Undermountain and there were once those who hunted our tribes' forebears"

"Is there any options our wizards would offer?"
, he enquired, "Any means of seducing a human of these lands through dreams or portents, sufficient to have them hire a human assassin?"

"We would benefit from an elite goblin force, regardless"
, he acknowledged, "But perhaps an investment in training for all the clans to increase the pool from which we draw first? I would submit a twelfth of my hoard if others would do the same, to improve the learning - martial, arcane or mundane - of the tribes"
player, 12 posts
Saphire Elder Dragon
Wed 13 Mar 2024
at 04:18
  • msg #7

Chapter 0: Heraldric Report of the Dragon Lords

Vishitris would nod along with the proposals so far. She had good faith when it came to her fellows on the council. However the twelfth of the hoard gave her pause. As much as she admired the craftiness of the others, they weren't nearly as greedy with their hoards as they should be. "Why not use a fifteenth of the collective hoard? While you of course could use a twelfth of your own I would think you'd want to save that for personal projects." Vashitris would phrase this carefully. Making sure to point out how it would benefit Nyvrae and not herslef. She knew he could easily see right through this ploy but the didn't stop her from empolying it.
player, 12 posts
Obsidian Dragon
Wed 13 Mar 2024
at 04:30
  • msg #8

Chapter 0: Heraldric Report of the Dragon Lords

Ozomocry perks up cockin his head as he listens to first Nyvrae and the Vashitris. He tended to agree with emerald cousin in this regard but then he had long expressed interest in expanding the goblin wizards ranks. He knew Vashitris disliked giving up any of her horde though. The obsidian dragon grinned showing a mouth full of large needle like fangs, and said. "I agree to spending a fifteenth of the collective horde of we also begin looking at actions outside our current territory. I think we could gather new resources and maybe even learn something about potential threats. I especially wish to expand the ranks of our wizards."
player, 5 posts
Wed 13 Mar 2024
at 05:24
  • msg #9

Chapter 0: Heraldric Report of the Dragon Lords

Caliphaer scratched his chin.

"Yes, yes. Adventurers can be pesky. You squash a few and more keep coming. And the goblins could use more training to stop adventurers. What if we co-opted adventurers to train them specifically on how to stop adventurers? Imagine that. We could have our own goblin adventurers countering theirs someday. Hmm hmm."

He chuckles thinking about future schemes.
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