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, welcome to Wyzenwood [CoC 7e]

18:20, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Intro & RTJ.

Posted by The KeeperFor group 0
The Keeper
GM, 1 post
Fri 14 May 2021
at 09:55
  • msg #1

Intro & RTJ

Wyzenwood is an investigative horror game using the 7th Edition Call of Cthulhu rules. It borrows some adapted material from Convicts & Cthulhu by Gillian & Engelhart. Its pace is slow, stalking rural horror and its duration of a one-shot rather than campaign length. Please note that as a horror game, characters may be killed, driven mad and/or eaten.

Our Investigators are residents of a village in rural Somerset, southwest England, in May 1771, where a young woman has gone missing and the curse of an ancient woodland seems to have suddenly burst its bounds. Yet where is Polly Durbin, what happened out there, and what is there to be feared in the wood? Our seekers aim to find out.

Content Guidelines

Wyzenwood is rated Mature and may contain sexual references, swearing, violence and nudity, all of which are expected to be handled in a mature fashion. It also contains background themes of class friction, industrialisation in an Imperial homeland, ecological adaptation and the nature of sanity and/or reality.

Expectations roughly follow the BBFC's 15 rating, as described below:
Discrimination: As a period work, historical discrimination may be illustrated, though it should remain clear any such discrimination is in character and does not reflect the attitudes of the player.
Drugs: It is unlikely formal drugs will be available; note that remedies mentioned should not be tried at home, or possibly at all. Excessive alcohol consumption will have natural consequences.
Sex: if anyone manages to find time for any, please keep it off-camera and/or summarised in the manner of emotional/psychological reaction, with no physical detail given. Sexual violence is banned, and its existence should be alluded to with maturity and sensitivity should that prove necessary.
Swearing: Swearing is permitted and even expected from ex-soldiers and the like, but please be creative.
Violence: Some moderate and occasional extreme violence may occur, the latter off-camera and/or without precise detail, as for Sex, above.
Nudity: Nudity should not be objectifying, intensely detailed or deliberately prolonged. It should be noted that female breasts are not yet considered any more taboo than male ones and public breastfeeding occasions no comment whatsoever, though ladies with hair uncovered in public might cause a scandal.

RTJs should include a rough character concept, preferably name included; an indication of what drew you to the game; a paragraph of your typical in-game writing, and an idea of what kind of horror media you most enjoy.

Accepted RTJs may proceed to Rolling Up below.

Absence Policy:
Whilst I sincerely hope all our players remain aboard for the duration, please note that with RPoL being what it is, unannounced absences of over one week will cause the Keeper to move the character aside as necessary to the land of Over There Somewhere. Vanishing for over a month will get your character assigned NPC status.

This message was last edited by the GM at 23:58, Thu 03 June 2021.
The Keeper
GM, 2 posts
Fri 14 May 2021
at 22:25
  • msg #2

~ Rolling Up ~

Roll 3d6 for:

Appearance (APP)
Constitution (CON)
Dexterity (DEX)
Power (POW)
Strength (STR)
Luck (starting Luck)

These are your fifth values; note them down then multiply them by 5 for your total values, then halve the total to determine half values. 'Average' falls in the 55-65 range for these stats.

Starting Sanity is equal to your total POW score, Magic the fifth score.

Roll 2d6+6 for:
Education (EDU)
Intelligence (INT)
Size (SIZ)

These are your fifth values; note them down then multiply them by 5 for your total values, then halve the total to determine half values. 'Average' falls in the 65-75 range for these stats.

Illiterate people are assumed to have gained practical rather than formal education. Let me know if your character can read.

Older Investigators: Adding 10 years to your character above their EDU fifth value+6 will add 5 points to EDU. Characters of 50+ subtract 5 Attribute points from STR, CON, DEX or APP for each decade of age, starting at 50.

Add STR & CON and divide by 10 (rounding down) to determine HP

If you have a copy of the rulebook, feel free to sort out your own MOV, db & Credit scores. If not, ask the Keeper.

Use your chosen occupational template to determine skill points available for Occupational Skills, then INTx2 to determine points to be used on Personal Skills. If you are desperately keen to play an occupation not listed in the templates, such as a career criminal, doctor, actress, vicar, or serving soldier, see the Keeper.

Pertinent House Rules:
- Investigators can (if reasonable and desired) possess Languages additional to their own equal to their EDU fifth value/5 without spending Skill Points.
- the Brawl skill covers all hand-to-hand weapons not requiring specific training.
- using trained/projectile weapons from horseback uses the higher of the Ride or weapon skills.

Fill in backstory using the prompts provided on your character sheet. Be sure to use the character sheet provided rather than copying one from elsewhere: after some issues with players determinedly using 1920s default skills/lists I have put the default skills on everyone's sheet. Feel free to copy drafts into PMs so I can check your numbers. A format of "[Default skill] (%) (+Occupational%) (+Personal%) = [Total%]" is preferred for this.

Please take special note of the modified version of 'Significant People' in use in this game: this is intended to tie you into the village and aid immersion, and may provide bonuses or skill boosts depending on context.


Should you roll up a truly terrible stat or set of stats, the Keeper allows a single undeclared reroll for one(1) OR all stats (together); if things remain terrible, tell the Keeper and we'll sort it out.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:15, Sun 16 May 2021.
The Keeper
GM, 3 posts
Sun 16 May 2021
at 20:14
  • msg #3


Craft worker
(Weaver, Dyer, Carpenter, Thatcher &c.)

Occupational Skills: Appraise, Art/Craft (any two,
including specialties like Blacksmith), Fighting
(Brawl), Locksmith, Repair, Operate
Heavy Machinery or Science (relevant to trade), 1x skill as personal speciality.
Occupation Skill Points: EDU×2 + DEX×2

Domestic Servant

Occupational Skills: Art/Craft (Cookery, Dressmaking etc.), Drive
Horse/Ox Cart or Ride, Insight, Listen, Natural
World, Spot Hidden, 1x interpersonal skill (Charm,
Fast Talk, Intimidate, or Persuade), 1x other
skill as a personal speciality.
Occupation Skill Points: EDU×2 + either APP×2 or POW×2


Occupational Skills: Craft (Farming - arable or livestock), Drive
Horse/Ox Cart, Fighting (Slingshot) or Firearms (Fowling Piece), Natural
World, Ride, Track, 1x interpersonal skill (Charm,
Fast Talk, Intimidate, or Persuade), 1x other
skill as a personal speciality.
Occupation Skill Points: EDU×2 + either DEX×2 or STR×2

Labourer (Drover, Ploughman, Farmhand)

Occupational Skills: Climb, Drive Horse/Ox
Cart, Jump, Fighting (Brawl), Natural World, Ride,
Throw, 1x skill as a personal speciality.
Occupation Skill Points: EDU×2 + either DEX×2 or STR×2


This message was last edited by the GM at 23:21, Sun 16 May 2021.
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