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02:58, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

OOC: Out of Character Chat (archived)

Posted by Vaelan NightshadeFor group archive 0
player, 176 posts
P:4 T:7(2) W:0 B:6 PP:10
Mon 18 Mar 2024
at 12:47
  • msg #983

Re: OOC: Out of Character Chat

So what's currently going on with the booming and the potential chasing and/or the moving above us?

Just trying to gauge what sort of "imminent threat" we'd likely assume we're under and from what direction.
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 490 posts
Master of Stories
B: 4
Mon 18 Mar 2024
at 12:56
  • msg #984

Re: OOC: Out of Character Chat

So the noise is there and every few seconds you see more of the ceiling falling in your path but right now nothing has shown it's face.
player, 372 posts
Half elven bard
P 6/7 T 5/6 W:0 B:4 PP:7
Mon 18 Mar 2024
at 16:57
  • msg #985

Re: OOC: Out of Character Chat

What can we see with the increased light Lirian has cast?
Aeress Veles
player, 240 posts
Delusional Knight Errant
P:7(1) T:8(2) W: 0 B: 6
Tue 19 Mar 2024
at 01:25
  • msg #986

Re: OOC: Out of Character Chat

Yeah are there grates or something above us?
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 491 posts
Master of Stories
B: 4
Wed 20 Mar 2024
at 13:09
  • msg #987

Re: OOC: Out of Character Chat

been training the last three days. Going to get back into the saddle hopefully this afternoon.
Olyx Mintarios
player, 107 posts
Wed 20 Mar 2024
at 13:47
  • msg #988

Re: OOC: Out of Character Chat

...I just realized you are also running Aether Odyssey XD

Where I am playing a very similar character XD XD

Yes, guilty as charged, I play 90% the same thing (the rest 10% is background and characterization, and it can vary wildly).
Hunter Gallagher
player, 321 posts
P:5/7 T:5 W:0 B:4 PP:0
Wed 20 Mar 2024
at 17:58
  • msg #989

Re: OOC: Out of Character Chat

You're Oliseo? Cool!

Who am I?
player, 374 posts
Half elven bard
P 6/7 T 5/6 W:0 B:4 PP:7
Wed 20 Mar 2024
at 18:06
  • msg #990

Re: OOC: Out of Character Chat

So you all play thes game too?

I don't know FATE system...
Olyx Mintarios
player, 108 posts
Wed 20 Mar 2024
at 20:23
  • msg #991

Re: OOC: Out of Character Chat

It's clear you are Skinner. I get the Jenkins vibes.
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 492 posts
Master of Stories
B: 4
Wed 20 Mar 2024
at 20:27
  • msg #992

Re: OOC: Out of Character Chat

So you all play thes game too?

I don't know FATE system...

I've seen Lirian in a few other places as well as Allison ;)

I usually create new heroes for each game. I am using Dragonborn Paladin in D&D and a Halfling Fighter in Dungeon World. Usually I like Druid or Ranger but those classes have been fun.

Yup. I decided to create something similar to 7th Sea but using Airships and magic. The game will focus less around combat (but combat will still happen) and more around social settings and adventures.
player, 375 posts
Half elven bard
P 6/7 T 5/6 W:0 B:4 PP:7
Wed 20 Mar 2024
at 21:00
  • msg #993

Re: OOC: Out of Character Chat

Vaelan Nightshade:
So you all play thes game too?

I don't know FATE system...

I've seen Lirian in a few other places as well as Allison ;)

I'm afraid its not me, as I've never used this name...
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 494 posts
Master of Stories
B: 4
Wed 20 Mar 2024
at 21:02
  • msg #994

Re: OOC: Out of Character Chat

Vaelan Nightshade:
So you all play thes game too?

I don't know FATE system...

I've seen Lirian in a few other places as well as Allison ;)

I'm afraid its not me, as I've never used this name...

Oh wow. I thought for sure it was you. I forget what game but I thought it was a Savage World game. Might have got my wires crossed. Not sure.
player, 376 posts
Half elven bard
P 6/7 T 5/6 W:0 B:4 PP:7
Wed 20 Mar 2024
at 21:04
  • msg #995

Re: OOC: Out of Character Chat

I'm playing another SWADE game, that's true, with a character quite symilar to Lirian, and as its name is Alice maybe you just missremebered it...
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 495 posts
Master of Stories
B: 4
Wed 20 Mar 2024
at 21:15
  • msg #996

Re: OOC: Out of Character Chat

I'm playing another SWADE game, that's true, with a character quite symilar to Lirian, and as its name is Alice maybe you just missremebered it...

That's probably it.
Kai Wasser
Player, 142 posts
P:5 T:7(2) W:2 B:2
Witch Hunter
Wed 20 Mar 2024
at 22:26
  • msg #997

Re: OOC: Out of Character Chat

I take it these things are snakes?  Or at least snake-like?
Vaelan Nightshade
GM, 496 posts
Master of Stories
B: 4
Wed 20 Mar 2024
at 22:47
  • msg #998

Re: OOC: Out of Character Chat

Kai Wasser:
I take it these things are snakes?  Or at least snake-like?

Aeress Veles
player, 242 posts
Delusional Knight Errant
P:7(1) T:8(2) W: 0 B: 6
Thu 21 Mar 2024
at 00:30
  • msg #999

Re: OOC: Out of Character Chat

I have to repeat the question, what range are they at?

RE: above - I tend not to repeat characters but there's a lot of the same notes that seem to come out.
player, 377 posts
Half elven bard
P 6/7 T 5/6 W:0 B:4 PP:7
Thu 21 Mar 2024
at 07:10
  • msg #1000

Re: OOC: Out of Character Chat

Vaelan Nightshade:
Round 1:

1.Hunter AH
2.Quentin AD
3.Kai JS
4.Aeress 8D
5.Serpent 2 7C
6.Olyx 6D
7.Lirian 5D
8. Serpent 1 2D

What about Piper?

Piper is just too small to count...snap..I knew I was going to miss someone. Hold on let me generate a card and add her in.
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:23, Thu 21 Mar.
Hunter Gallagher
player, 325 posts
P:5/7 T:5 W:0 B:4 PP:0
Thu 21 Mar 2024
at 23:57
  • msg #1001

Re: OOC: Out of Character Chat

It's clear you are Skinner. I get the Jenkins vibes.

Bingo, though he's not Jenkins, he's Spiderman.

But I was looking for a possum like character icon, and came up with nothing. "Male animal characters " had a gnoll or dog faced creature, "female animal characters" had nothing, then I found much further down "neutral animal characters" which 8 pages of icons to choose from. That turned out to be page after page of nothing blanks until the very last page that had a small bear like creature with a twisting nose and open mouth, and it looks like he's either taking shit or asking for a beer (or both), so I just had to go for that one. So there we have it, a Spiderman silent assassin who talks a lot of shit and likes alcohol.

I'm in six games on RPOL, One of thems a real pirate game using Seas of Dead Men and we are having a ball. Ones a Medieval French game where we are knights investigating murders. It turns out that we have a werewolf problem, possibly created by a bishop in a neighboring province that wants to call a Crusade on us so they can take our lands. Ones a Vaesen game that has a lot of promise.

What's troubling is that they all are great games, but it seems there is one other active player and maybe one or two hangers on,and if a good player leaves then that's it. Unfortunately,  i suppose that is the nature of RPOL, and perhaps roleplayjbg in general.

This game is probably the only one that feels like a group, with a bunch of people posting regularly and working together.
player, 179 posts
P:4 T:7(2) W:0 B:6 PP:9
Fri 22 Mar 2024
at 00:10
  • msg #1002

Re: OOC: Out of Character Chat

Most games on RPoL pretty much always have to be set up so that characters can move in and out.

If you're lucky you'll get a core group of a few players and then everybody else will cycle in for a time and then back out again.

It's unfortunate but to maintain a healthy game a GM has to generally be proactive with recruiting, getting new folks in before attrition causes too many issues.
Aeress Veles
player, 244 posts
Delusional Knight Errant
P:7(1) T:8(2) W: 0 B: 6
Fri 22 Mar 2024
at 00:12
  • msg #1003

Re: OOC: Out of Character Chat

I have busy times, but this is why even if I can't check in multiple times per day I only keep about 3-4 games and I tend to do a pretty good job of updating each one 1/day.
Olyx Mintarios
player, 109 posts
Fri 22 Mar 2024
at 11:23
  • msg #1004

Re: OOC: Out of Character Chat

I'm in several right now, started some weeks ago after a veeeery long hiatus for personal reasons. In my current lifestyle, I am literally on top of it every day, for hours on a day, so I don't have a problem- and that will be my lifestyle for the rest of the year for sure. Which is a great change, because life always got in the way with a very inconsistent schedule.

On the other hand, many of the games I joined up I either quit because the vibe was wrong or the game was great but the GM folded- and many are very, very slow. One I was even kicked out because I argued with the GM for being overly pedantic ("You did not say you are holding the quarterstaff with one hand, so you have no free hands to pick up the book"- true story, though not mine, mine was a quibble over another thing). So... yeah, this is one of the games I'm really enjoying.

But yeah, I see what you mean, and it doesn't just apply to RPOL. I run two playtester groups and frankly I've had to cycle through a lot of players coming and going because life in 30's sucks. Gone are the days of "we are five friends and gather once a week to play something"- then again, I never was much of that kind of person anyway, I was always in and out in a ton of tables.
player, 378 posts
Half elven bard
P 6/7 T 5/6 W:0 B:4 PP:7
Fri 22 Mar 2024
at 13:14
  • msg #1005

Re: OOC: Out of Character Chat

Personally I'm currently in 5 games. 2 are AD&D (though one seems to be dying, as there has been some argeing among a player, who finally seems to have left, and the GM hs openly told about killing the game, and about half the players had already left it), 2 are SWADE and the otehr one is MERP.

THis is the most active too, though the other SWADE and the remaining AD&D are run also at steady pace.

Most games I've played to now, though, had not survived introduction, in most cses due to the referee disappearing, all too often without even a warning. It's bad when a player ghosts a game, but when is the referee who does it, it's quite frustrating.
Hunter Gallagher
player, 326 posts
P:5/7 T:5 W:0 B:4 PP:0
Fri 22 Mar 2024
at 13:39
  • msg #1006

Re: OOC: Out of Character Chat

Oh, absolutely! I'm picky about the games I'm in, I'm picky about the system and the setting and the concept, it has to be something that is intriguing and interesting and make me want to creatively explore character concepts.

Then, coming up with that concept and learning the system and developing the character and creating a backstory is a lot of investment, so it's very  frustrating when game fails to take off due to people disappearing.  GM ghosting is the worst.

Though I think it's hard to be a good GM. That's a lot of work, creating the game, NPCs, rules, it's a big commitment. I suspect some people try to make a game then give up when they realize how much work it is. Or they are typing big descriptions and the characters all just say "OK, we get in the boat then" so it feels like the GM is dragging everyone along in a novel. I think a good GM needs to facilitate inter character interaction somehow so the focus isnt always on him, and I don't think that's easy.
Kai Wasser
Player, 144 posts
P:5 T:7(2) W:2 B:2
Witch Hunter
Fri 22 Mar 2024
at 14:29
  • msg #1007

Re: OOC: Out of Character Chat

This is definitely the most active for me as well.  Sorry I haven't been more active -- I had a couple projects drop unexpectedly in my lap.  But I try.

I have four other games going, but they're more sporadic, which is okay for me.  This is the first time though on RPoL where I didn't have a single D&D game going. I got this one, two DCCs, and a Blades in the Dark.  Maybe a fifth, Dark Shadows, but that one has long pauses, so I never know.  Fun game though.
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