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09:20, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Admiral's  Quarters.

Posted by Commander HackFor group 0
Samantha Robertson
player, 1507 posts
Lt. Comms Officer
Burian Ambassador
Sun 16 Jul 2023
at 21:18
  • msg #496

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Sam listened carefully and made mental motes of the situation. Sam had her eyes go to her new purple heart when she felt the soreness of her almost healed injuries.
Admiral Hack
GM, 11946 posts
Sun 16 Jul 2023
at 22:09
  • msg #497

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 TR-DE Looked at Shadow.LC Shadow.. I..have heard  of some of your past missions? Is it possible  for you..NOT.. to burn my planet down

 No Promises, Ma'am... but he wasn't laughing.

 Captain Si  rose..Ladies? Its    Time to get dresses,  Please  report across the hall to  my  quarters. I am sending out the    warning to the rest of the ladies,,

 Ladies  to Caotain Si's quarters.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Roy Spencer
player, 10881 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Sun 16 Jul 2023
at 23:12
  • msg #498

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy kept his bites of the steak small, allowing him to chew and swallow in a hurry if something came up that he needed to respond to.  It wasn't like this was a battlefield meal, after all...there was no reason to rush through it.  "In all fairness, most of the occasions where LC Shadow's...flair for the dramatic, let's call it...has resulted in heavy collateral damage can be laid squarely at the feet of local contacts who utterly failed to collect critical intelligence about the target and locations involved."  He shrugged slightly and added, "If you walk into a place having been told that there's only one or two other people there, and find out it's more like fifteen or twenty but they're all obviously working for the same bad people, you do what you can to make up the difference.  Delta Nights would be a lot more complicated if we went everywhere packing gear for a full-scale assault, so we tend to look at the intel and pack a little light, based on that.  When you have to improvise, the results get...imprecise."
Kray Shadow
GM, 2859 posts
fighter jock
Lt Commander
Mon 17 Jul 2023
at 01:46
  • msg #499

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 LC  and the other s  stood  up as  Captain Si and the Ladies  left.  Retaking his  his, Shadow Looked at the two Angels he   began, after a  coupe   fork fuls of  mashed potatoes were gone.

 I Like, delta  nights... you now why?..because a regular Jump off, there are a bunch of peope out there  i have to kill, who are only out there m because som dumbass hiding behind a desk, sent them, there... Now Detal  Night?  The poeple and things  we go after,  are The  'Big Bads'.. I have kileld rooms  ful of  peoe  That  Ldy V got to see.  I have left some
 guys live, because  some one who was ...'supposed' to be one of us. sent me there to Kill them..So.. As  a way of discalimer? When   Delta Nights  hapen, y9u don['t get to say 'how"

Samantha Robertson
player, 1508 posts
Lt. Comms Officer
Burian Ambassador
Mon 17 Jul 2023
at 01:48
  • msg #500

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Sam smiled at the others and followed Captin Si to her Quarters.

------->>>>>>> To Captain Si's Quarters
Wed 19 Jul 2023
at 01:30
  • msg #501

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 The LC and SM  left the   Admiral and  big brass to finish out there diner and wines.

  Shadow shook his head as he held his hands out  in disbelief M<an? Yoiu burn a few  measle  city blocks, and  right away its. "mr  shadow ppelase don't burn my planet down"..

 he looked  at  Roy  as if perplexed.

 One of the lady Guards from across  the way came over..begging your  Pardon, LC  and SM..I am still not  certain its  for real..but, I ...i..think the   Captain wants  you two , to come in and look at the ladie's  dresses?.. I will take you do the  door and Confirm...

 Shadow and Roy Caotain Si's  quarters>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Wed 29 Nov 2023
at 03:17
  • msg #502

Re: Commander's  Quarters

((  day after   Paradise invasion  brass   'working lunch"))

 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Captain Si..  Traci Caphsaw  from  Si's  quarters

  As  Captain Si  and  Captain Capshaw  entered, , Si moved  the head of the  table where   Admiral Hack sat,,she  sat at his  right hand at the other  end of the  table , Hennings  Sat with  bale  and Morris on  either side.the rest was   Filled in with the  section Admirals  and  their Flag Captains Beth and Roles  sat  on the left of   Hack.

 Rivets and the QM stood  while they ate  and Listened,, there  job was to comment  on resources  and such..Rivets didn't mind  as he was closer to the  drinks.  Stefi and Major TA-Li where  with them..

  thank you all for coming... and please do not be  shy about  eating.  I  will offer this to you all, since you are welcome to stay  aboard  the Hermes   over night if you wish. But the  LC  has a tunnel  run at 8:00pm ships time.. you are all invited if   you feel the urge  for  some  work out,,

  The reason we  are here, and have not invited  the APF leaders  to  screen-in with us. is because there  are too many places  to go  I want  to  Visit Vampra.. Aqra  seems to be  getting  some movement   from the Largans, which  means, the Largans  and chreshians
 may be  seeking to liberate Aqra  has  the  4  Aqra battleships  we  captured as orbital defense.. and  8 cap ships  from  Everest and  well  as  6  Caps  ships from Hyria.. they looks decent enough, but the  colonists and  bases on the ground  will   hve to deal  with Aqra attacking  , with  Empire  assets   coming in

 beth  stood up  as  Hack nodded to her...we also pulled in  information of  Roussa sailing  the back side of   Vera,,,there  may be something going on there.. and  we  intercepted   rumors of movements  of Roussa wanting to strike back at nivar for joining the APF
Wed 17 Jan 2024
at 03:56
  • msg #503

Re: Commander's  Quarters

(( two day out  from Blue Moon shore leave))

   Shadow arrived with   Roy.. most of the  brass where there. The Board, Captains Morris,  Rivets  and Capshaw  Roy and  Shadow sat  at the  near  end of the  table, next to each other where captain Si  sat...The Admiral was at the other  end..the board   on either  side of Him. Roles had  been added to the board, since the Harvester  was if  full operation again, he was only  a  10 minute shuttle  run away, at worst .

one the other  side, facing   Shadow  and  Spenser were two Hyrians , a Hyrain  Mavi with a   scar  down  the right side of his  face, the his  grey-black  fur make the pale  6 inche scar stand out.  New to him a Hyrian  Captain, red-brown fur. Shorter   then  the Major, with more of a 'fox' then  wolf. Capshaw  and Bornberyy   where on the  side with the Hyrians.

 Foodcarts where  Moving in a clock wise  motion..Creamed   Chicken,  or  fried chicken   with  Mshed potatoes   and  Astra grown corn.

  breadsticks    or  rolls  where available as well.. Shadow   would take  a  tall Cola...the others  took   wine or beer..  Coffee  and teapiots  were set   along the  tables  with fixing such as   Milk, sugar and  Honey from Bura.

 Thank you all for  coming.. we will get into  the nest step in our Operations.. But first, lets  enjoy  the food.

 Shadow   would bread a bread  still, and  dip it into his bowl of creamed  chicken and take a Bite.

 The  Hyrian  Major, in his guttural voice  Looked across  at Shadow and  Roy..I am Major Gosk... we fought  against you at  The Line...Your  people impressed  us  far more then  those of Everest...

 The  Reddish-brown Captain, his  Voice  a bit  lighter,I am  Captain  Lorg..I  am  a different Breed of   Hyrian. most o us never  see too high of a rank. But in the APF, I am Captain of the Fur Raiser APF H002... I was an ensign at the Battle of the line. at that time , i had the pride  of  damaging  an Everest  vessle  with  By  Gunnery  crew... as i see how the  war had  changed  I am sad, that i killed future  allies, But i am Glad    That i now sail with the  fight a common  foe.

 we are here to add to discussion . we cannot  say mauch until ask.. SM Spencer...  about  half the troops  i command, fought  on the Line..They ha d some  interesting  words  for how  humans   attacked out outposts on the  moons.
Roy Spencer
player, 11169 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Wed 17 Jan 2024
at 06:01
  • msg #504

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy raised a surprised eyebrow when the Hyrians began their introductions by explaining they had fought at The Battle of the was a given that they had been, no Hyrian of their age would have been absent...but the expected recriminations were instead words of respect, from both of them.  Roy shot a glance at Shadow, wondering if the LC was likewise pleasantly surprised to have allies show up with words of respect and even praise after having so many of their own transfers come in sounding like they'd just been transferred to a shit assignment...

"Thank you, Major...Captain. We've had the honor and privilege of having one of your people serve aboard the Hermes since shortly after The Battle...he's been a mainstay of our heavy-weapons troopers.  And the Hyrians that have been serving in the Fleet since you joined the APF have been truly formidable, and acquitted themselves in ways that bring honor and glory to your whole people."  He gave a slightly formal nod, then slipped a sly grin and asked, "What do they say about us?  Your troops, I mean..."  He was expecting anything from accusations of despicable dishonor and deception to descriptions of them fighting like some kind of nightmare creature out of Hyrian mythology...but he was curious.
Wed 17 Jan 2024
at 06:21
  • msg #505

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  he Major  chuckled  as he  sipped  a beer,The Ones   who survived    brought back words  Of  anger  and surprise.,.. you were  like  the Felrites  with  your cunning, buy  like demons when you attacked... some say there was a  little   Hyrian type...with white fur, that  was with the units  when they attacked. Since that time, our  units  have  watched  , or fought close to Human units on  Aqra  and Paradise and a few places  more.... But the word is most talked about  is 'heart'.. watching   humans   2/3s  our size  standing there   fighting, to the  point of   hand to hand.. If  demons  try to escape that... The  feeling is, as long as there is a Hermes . The Demons  cannot  win
Roy Spencer
player, 11171 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Thu 18 Jan 2024
at 00:13
  • msg #506

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy gave a grin.  "We have been at war for pretty much all of our history, with only a few brief lulls here and there.  Unlike the Demons and Angels and many others, our wars weren't against some abstract enemy that we only occasionally saw face to face...we learned to fight by fighting each other, and while a lot of people in our history have tried to make victory about having the best technology, most of the time it's come down to who had the strongest resolve.  It takes a lot of will for a society to agree to deprive itself of some of the luxuries so that the money saved can be put into developing and producing new weapons...took even more will for societies to rise up against leaders who were more interested in making their own fortunes than in the welfare of their people."

He gave a little shrug, and smiled.  "I've told more than a few of our allies, AND our enemies, that nobody out there fights harder, pound for pound, than a determined human.  And most of us on the Hermes were chosen for our assignments due to a combination of fighting prowess and raw determination.  The only way we won't see this war through to the end is if someone kills us all first."
Thu 18 Jan 2024
at 01:25
  • msg #507

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Both Hyrians   laughed  and nodded..Then?  Let us  hope, that they do  not kill all of you first!

 what of the humans  who fight   for the Empire?  Does this  not give them an edge  as well? Lorg asked.

Shadow shook his head.we kill them , just  as  easy as  we  kill traitors  of  any race.. we have  EDT, there  are slavers  and Blackmarket folks who aid the enemy, we have deserters, whose finalend  is known to them, as soon as a ESN   troper sees them...but no? they humans who fight  for the Empire, are not made of the same stuff  the  Humans out here are.

 Gosk looked  at Shadow, then  at Roy...LC Shadow..we know of  your prowess in the air.. you name is  atop  all aces of thsie   war  and you threaten  those who  fought in combined  wars

 I'd  be lying if  i said  i didn't like the  Kill count.. it makes  me feel like  i'm doping something..

 The Fox-like Hyrian  grinned,maybe..if you  were on the Ground Like the  would  feel differant   of how many   enemies  you face,and kill..

 Shadow Just   chuckled... Captain  Si let out a  small giggle as she   badded her lips  from an escaped  sip of  wine.
Roy Spencer
player, 11172 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Thu 18 Jan 2024
at 05:48
  • msg #508

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy stifled a grin at the comment about Shadow's outlook changing if he were on the ground.  In truth, it probably would...while he was an excellent infiltrator and assassin, his marksmanship would make him absolute shit as an infantryman.  "We all have our individual strengths.  I feel safe in saying that the LC would probably be far more deadly on the ground than I'd be behind the controls of a fighter, but we'll never find that out."  His tone of voice implied that he meant he'd never be at the stick in a fighter...which was true.

"As for the humans who fight for the Empire...they all share one fatal flaw.  No human we've ever crossed paths with was fighting for the Empire because they thought it was the right thing to do.  They were fighting for the Empire because it was making them money, or they had been promised power and prestige...all the causes that drove all the worst failed despots and tyrants of human history."  He flashed a feral grin and continued, "They don't have heart.  They've got the weapons, and the training...but they lack the will.  They're fighting for the prospect of their own comfort and luxury, so the notion of the kinds of sacrifices that make for the most dangerous warriors is foreign to them."  He gestured around the table at the humans assembled there.

"They look like us...but they're pale imitations, hollow shells."
Thu 18 Jan 2024
at 12:46
  • msg #509

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Shadow  snorted, they aren't   hollow,  they are full of...

  LC!... we are eating...

  Shadow looked around sheepishly..sorry folks, i have noi rom in my heart for taitors, deserters, slavers , and  the Empire. I tend to get a bit....'coarse'

he    began to dip somemore bread into his   creamed chicken

 The Admiral chuckled,eat and  talk, then  we  wil discuss what we are doing.
Roy Spencer
player, 11174 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Fri 19 Jan 2024
at 02:39
  • msg #510

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy stuck with the fried chicken.  Messy as it was to eat, he just couldn't bring himself to try the creamed chicken, even knowing that the Hermes kitchen staff would turn out top-notch food, especially with visiting dignitaries.  But creamed...anything, really...was too strong a visual reminder of the slop they had dished out during boot camp...and while it had kept them all alive and nourished, it ranked near the bottom of his culinary experiences.

Knowing the Hyrians were unlikely to be dainty eaters, he wasn't timid about digging into the chicken with gusto, knowing his example would make them feel more comfortable with their natural eating habits.  He stopped short of chewing on bones, however...he lacked both the jaws and the teeth to do that properly, and he had to draw the line somewhere.
Sat 20 Jan 2024
at 04:49
  • msg #511

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Talk continued  a   bit, Capshaw  tossed  questions down to the SM and LC about , eliminating some of the people  whom SEC  could not  reach on planets  and   stations.

 Shadow danced around those  questions  without Looking at  The Admiral or the  Captain, leaving Capshaw  with a slight  smile   as she ..did..glance at  the Admiral and Captain from time to time.

 Dessert came, mostly frozen confections in bowls  with Choies of  flavored  syrups, but there  was  ..honest to the gods, chocolate cake!

 Shadow   took a high stemmed   glass bowl  with something akin to ice-cream, but it glistened  with  ice..he poured  chocolate and cherry syrup on it.

as they enjoyed , whatever they had  taken for dessert  The Admiral began..he had   the  cake  and  added  whip cream on top of the  icing.Right  now..we are sailing  in the direction of Fuji.   allies  and friends  alike see us going there..and we  will. The  bigger  question on everyone's
 mind is ..'where  do we  go from there? '

Bornberry    said..I would like to know that myself... there were chuckles.

 Vampra...Roussa..and   Aura, are  problem spots , or   will be... I want to crush Vampra.... Roussa and Vera, seem to think , when we  made them sign   treaties, it was meant  to bind them to it.. and   the Damn Fish   have been calling  for help from the Lizards  and the Bugs... we cammot leave them actively  hostile at our backs while we go elsewhere, Paradise  did us a favor. The  Skyth   have total control of   Paradise  2 and 3.. They 'leak' some  vids as to what's happening to the angels there, to  Paradise Prime, and that's keeping the angels there in check.. The
 Skyth now  patrol the Paradise  system.. any ship..any ship at all that isn't flagged as  APF.. either  gets boarded and captures..or  gets  blown to scrap for the foundry ships...

 he  taps  his   glass    and  two orderly's  roll out  a  table  , turning on a Holo of the   know systems.

 he gets   up  with his bowl of cake,  and stands  by the   holo as you the top is where  the Skyth and Qarl play  their games.... the  Qarl between the skyth and the Demon's  systems... but  now, The Skyth  hold  power in Paradise.. APF folks  on  Paradise  Prime   govern that colony... and they aid   the Skyth when they need to  dock and get supplies... in turn, the  Skyth will gift them with a vessels..I think the Rule of thumb is   'one out of three" they capture. so the APF  fleet grows  slolwy  ,but each one adds  to the defense...and  support for the  Skyth..

 The  Skyth  have been making  forays , into  Zeta Quad... the ESN  folks  On Taranaki  have been fending of all manner of  pirates and out right attacks..  They lost three  colonies   since  we left earth the first time... The Admiral of   Taranaki is Admiral Dente  Frosh. He was born in Spain, went through the academy there, came into  San Diego when i was an ensign..he   commanded  an early destroyer  at the Battle of  Mars  1 and II . his ship recorded  3  Victories.. 1 was a transport. that  must have had  close  to  30,000 demons on it.. he also destroyed a water
  Container vessel, and  a demon Destroyer.. he was tabbed to take  Taranaki as the Hermes  was being built . he has  held the  station  for the last  3  years, after the last colony fell.. Skyth and Paradise  Prime  will aid him...needless to say, we are going to have to clear  that  Quad,

  he frowns...but...not now.  The Skyth  have said , they will at very least, 'hunt ' in that quad, Until the delta  Fleet can go there... we..need to  exact  discipline on our problem  children at out back.. we are going to load  up on Fuji.. have  some house cleaning there as well .. once  we leave there, we are headed to  Russa, and ...that will include  Vera... from there  we  wil sail Through Hyrian space
 to Vampra... then swing  a bit  to  come into  Aqra  space.. to see whose  asses we have to kick. I have no idea how long this will take. But were are not Going to be diplomatic  about this... Enemies    who  have seen how well we treat those who  have become part of the APF  family, Know the good things about us...Roussa... Vera ..they are about to  find out  what you don't fuck of the ESN/APF ..Vampra   was smug? thinking  we would not waste time on them while they continue their raids  and attacks. 2 days ago, a Hyrian outpost on an asteroid, near  Kaos.. and I think they have people on Oasis  as well...

Lorg  nodded..

 we  have  colonies on Both..all the Hyrians there Votes to join the APF,  after the delta  fleet  came  back to  help, undo  the  damage done.. to us..but, the Vampic   did not take  kindly to that.. they are, much like your Admiral  Frosh..surrounded...they have a  'pipeline' of sorts  between them, they have lasted this long, because  Vampra  does  not  consider them a threat..there is a deep hate between   The  Vampic's
 and   Wolf   People..even on earth  there were encounters  between them as they fought over human prey.

 well.. the whole of the Black is  about to find out , Just how serious   The delta Fleet is when  we have to  come back a 'second time"
he  returned to his chair.

 Now.. Major  Gosk and Captain  Lorg..what we need from you is help... we need to know   the lanes  Vampra  uses  for  supplies  and  where then send their  ships out  from ..we also  need to know where their  Colonies are...and You have  until we beat the ever loving 9 hells out of vera  to get me that information...we  also need   a few ships as a show of  force, from Hyrian to  add to the defense of   Aqra..

 any questions
Sun 21 Jan 2024
at 16:00
  • msg #512

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  The Hyrians   listneds and agreeds.

 we will send out  missives  from our ships, to appear as if we are worried  or checking on them..we will relay any information to you Multicolored Hair  Girl..

 Captain Si  spoke up...Beth...Lt  Beth Morrow..yes, see that the   information goes through her.

  General Bale says,As  we leave  Fuji,  we will....leak...information of the  Fleet  coming to Roussa... Vera  will not get the warning, but if they have smart beings there, they will figure  out....that we have figure out...

  The focus on  Roussa, will be reflected on Vera... this will drawn all eyewsto  Uden Space.. The warlord  will have to get off her
 ass....meanwhile... we will assess our damage  after this action, and  proceed to  Aqra. This will be  seen  as our relief   efforts.. but in truth, we  will  sail right past  Aqra into Vampic space ...  the   goal will be  two fold. !.. to subjugate Vampra,,, and  2.. to provide   security  for the Hyrian  Colonies in that space.
  Hennings   shrugged.

  Capshaw  asked,But , those  colonies are in Vampra  Space?  Can we  just 'sail in and  pounded them to box wood"?

Balke was about to answer.   Hack stopped him and said we are  around 6 years  out in this  fight. I have  seen   other races, do terrible  things, not only to us, but each other... God and Bad   are just words out here...

Hack points to Shadow and  Roy,Most Humans..and  even Most  APF races  View  these two as heroes...good  people. Those who serve the Empire..they  view them as Monsters.. Lady V? To us  is the  Most corrupt  human to  walk the  stars...but she is hailed  as  a great leaders   by the Empire  and EDT...she Views  both these men as if they were a disease. So, Captain?  Here is your  answer..  Not  only  'can we"... But  'We will'

a Motion with his hand to the Hyrians. when we first faced off agai8nst the Hyrians, we thought them  in the same  vein as  Demon and Creshians  and Largrans. But they showed   forms  of  honor, and when we saved ,  what we thought  was a 'minor  bit' of the poeple. The Hyrians  thanked us ... the treaty was  signed, and we sent   people to try to undo most of the Damage to their home world...since then , they have become  a  force  with in the Fleet, and the APF...and yes? there are Hyrians   who serve the Empire  still. But? So do Humans, Sanri and many other races.. We have only seen one Vampic that showed  any signs  of what i would call 'humanity' and she is not here. Vampra  will get a heavy dose of kickass when we get there..but..we must deal with things in turn. and hope  The Skyth will start weakening Zeta  Quad, and our  People   around Aqra  can give  support to those, Until the Fleet, comes to bear on that sector,
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:43, Mon 22 Jan.
Mon 22 Jan 2024
at 19:56
  • msg #513

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  With the food   finished  and the Meeting over. The Adamiral says,  we should arrive  at Fuji around 2000 hours    tomorrow  night...  The ships  that  still need  'dock ' repairs, will  settled into the orbiting  Docks, the rest of  us will slide into  docking arms  and repair what is needed

 LC..SM... first  night fun  as we always do, See   what   Delta Night has to clean up.... the  next  day,  we will be  going to the   Playground to see what's  going on there.  You two can Carry on...

 Shadow Saluted the Admiral and the Rpoom,  as  they left, Shadow told Roy, I'm going to the Hanger Dec, see  if those  new folks  tried to  do anything  with the  pool aircraft.. then check the  flight lines.

Shadow to hangr Dec>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Roy Spencer
player, 11177 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Tue 23 Jan 2024
at 05:59
  • msg #514

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy had very nearly bitten through his tongue by the time mention was made of Uden dealing with Vera.  It had been, after all, the expectation that Lillit would keep Vera in line that had led to Vera remaining an Udenese holding instead of becoming another APF colony, but the Warlord had apparently forgotten all her warlike ways as soon as Vera had been pacified.

But knowing that others were asking similar questions kept Roy from bringing up anything further about it.  He gave a slightly dissatisfied nod, acknowledging there would be a Delta Night on Fuji, keeping his annoyance in check.  The fact that Fuji had traitors in place didn't bother him, was unavoidable.  The fact that the Hermes had to keep cleaning them up DID bother him...the SEC people on Fuji should be more than capable of carrying out their own black ops and creating plausible deniability, and the fact that they kept turning to the Delta Fleet to clean up their more unpleasant messes just encouraged further proliferation.

"If I may, Admiral," he began, after snorting softly at Shadow's comment about checking up on the new transfers.  "It might be advantageous to us to send in a detachment for the Delta Night operations AHEAD of the Fleet.  We've seen that EDT and their friends have long since stopped being caught completely unawares at our arrival, and the last few times we've gone out, they've either been in the process of bugging out or have gone to ground and bunkered in to wait for us.  If we can get a unit to Fuji a couple of days ahead of the Fleet, arriving incognito and unannounced, we can catch them with their guard down...and maybe see why it is that FujiSEC has to keep throwing their deepest cesspits to us to clean up, instead of grabbing their own damned shovels.  And we can maybe collect some decent operational intel on the ones that we can't catch with their pants down, so we don't end up with our teams walking into meat grinders.  One of these times, they're actually going to be smart enough to really prepare for an attack, and we're gonna lose a lot of good people.  Anything we can do to keep them off balance will delay that day."
Admiral Hack
GM, 12389 posts
Tue 23 Jan 2024
at 06:16
  • msg #515

Re: Commander's  Quarters


   Admiral hack sipped his beer,  a  tilt , left and Right of His head. we  could  do that.. But  keep in mind, the Ball happens the  day after  we  arrive, which means you would have to leave in 4 hours or  so...  to have  roughly  a day to do what you can do...yes..we  still have to do the Ball, because  it  is  a ESN/APF  tradition, and  we need to let the folks know we aren't changed  by out  beatings  we get and  dish out...If you wish to do this... get a  group... say?...10-12  people  grab  gear  and  we'll call for a  supply shuttle to take you in.
Roy Spencer
player, 11179 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Tue 23 Jan 2024
at 06:22
  • msg #516

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy nodded.  "We'll also need to get our target information from FujiSEC covertly.  If there's any EDT connection in FujiSEC...and there almost has to be, for them to stay a step ahead of all the efforts to root them out...any formal request for information to be delivered to an advance team would tip them off and pretty much defeat the purpose."  He stood up, already making a list in his mind of personnel that he wanted on what was, essentially, a scouting mission.

"I'll talk to a few people and see what kind of a team I can come up with.  If I can't find volunteers for it, I'll let you know to cancel the shuttle."  He gave an informal salute to the Admiral and Captain Si, and nods to the others, before he turned and left.
Admiral Hack
GM, 12391 posts
Tue 23 Jan 2024
at 06:32
  • msg #517

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Hack  gave  a easy salute,Going in on a supply shuttle, I get  Gresh to  have you met there  by a  FujiSec contact. between  the two of them you should get  some priority   Marks.
Admiral Hack
GM, 12551 posts
Mon 1 Apr 2024
at 03:04
  • msg #518

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 With Si  entertaining the Ladies, as they get geared up for the   Delta Lady invasion.

    Admiral Hack, Admiral  Hennings  and   Admiral Roles  looked  at a  Table that  had a   holo-sphere if  some points  marked  in   Red, green and Blue. With Beth  either In  Si's quarters, , or on her  way,   The Admiral sent his own COM...Tis is   Main Swith..... do we  have  any reports  on if ther  power  outages  were taken Car of., we hear their might be  some lights out.

the COM was sent to Roy
Roy Spencer
player, 11336 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Tue 2 Apr 2024
at 06:16
  • msg #519

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy's comm came back shortly.  "Lots of bad lighting units are out of commission.  A few blown power transformers, as well.  The repair bill for this one is going to be significant...but the effects were all highly localized.  A few electricians got zapped, but no permanent damage to the crew.  We're just trying to decide whether to go get something to eat or come back into the central station and see if there are any other emergency calls to answer."
Admiral Hack
GM, 12557 posts
Tue 2 Apr 2024
at 11:10
  • msg #520

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   Very  Good. Management  will be glad to hear that  the  problems were  taken care of. I guess  get the
 trucks  back to the barn and takes some well deserved time off. If  any of you wish to stay   on call, you know where we have reservations.

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