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Admiral's  Quarters.

Posted by Commander HackFor group 0
Commander Hack
GM, 117 posts
Mon 18 Apr 2011
at 13:08
  • msg #1

Commander's  Quarters

 for deeper  breiefings
Commander Hack
GM, 118 posts
Mon 18 Apr 2011
at 13:15
  • msg #2

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   As they entered  the  Quarters, The Commander pointed to his  bar,  Help yourself... i have   collection, since i never  know what sort of MVPs  will be here...

 He, poured himself  a  Coffee  and the LC helped herself to  a glass of Sanri wine.

  The  Quarters  were large, indeed three bedrooms  off the Living space, a  kitchen, Vid  screens..monitors for the ship. There were HAcks'  souveniers from  his pilot  days. Picturs of Him  and the LC on vacation somewhere..a Picture of Lt. HAck standing nect to the Keel of the Hermes as it was finished, and awaiying lifting to space  by the Angel mother ship. around him were sevral Keel workers   and One Teenager. in the backround  they could see a tiny bit of theBuildings  that were left, after the Battery was raised to be one of the Keel laying stations.

  ..Now..that we are safe in here? Tell me what you have,,,who..what...was following  Shadow and  Killian?
Roy Spencer
player, 279 posts
Infantry Sharpshooter--
Mon 18 Apr 2011
at 15:44
  • msg #3

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy held out the scope.  "I've got stills of them on here, and Stoly shot some video, as well.  Not sure who.  What?  Definitely human...and definitely professional, of some sort, although it's tough to say if it's some kind of elite security or criminal group.  Possibly paramilitary, but I didn't get that kind of feel from them."

He hooked the scope up to a card reader and started scrolling through pictures, until he got to the one of the guy in the stands at the game, on his comm unit...and the Hermes packet in his hands.  "Most alarming, seems they have some kind of inside connection on board."

He shrugged, and explained further.  "After the game, we noticed two group of them waiting in the stadium...they started moving down on the Hermes end of the stadium so Stoly and I headed after them.  Got down to the cab pick-up area just in time to see Shadow and Killian hop a cab, and then these guys came out of the woodwork, one group got into a private car, and another group plus our friend with the inside connection got into two cabs.  We followed the car--ended up at a nightclub in the Uppers, but since they'd seen us at the stadium, I didn't feel we could make an entrance into the club without drawing attention.  I got in touch with Killian, found out she and Shadow weren't at the we came back here to report in."

He looked over at Stoly, and then continued, "I'd like to run these faces through some recognition programs, see if we can find anything about them.  I don't know if we have access to personnel files on Olympus or not, but I think we'd learn a lot more there than we would from what we might have on-board.  Also want to look into those comm units, see if we can identify specific models and where they originated.  If they're military issue, are they current?  Are they special-issue?  If they're not military issue, maybe we can find out who, if anyone, out here has recently purchased that kind of gear."  He stopped at that point, waiting to hear what Hack had to say in response.
Commander Hack
GM, 119 posts
Mon 18 Apr 2011
at 16:02
  • msg #4

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Commander Hack bore the look of concern, more then alarm...LC? Fire up the Tape reader, have Stoly put it on screen one..Roy, put you pic  card into the reader on Screen 2....

  as the screens lit  up and the info  downloaded and put up, Hack shook his head. ..Don't recognize any of them..not  by face or manner anyway..Tha PAcket is a Courier's packet. I would bet Credits  to french fries it is the one that was  aboard  the Sanri Merchant ship , that thr Denmon's attacked. Now? how it got into this fella's hands..and why..that is something that is of concern.

 with a look of Distaste he pressed a button and  said,...Promo? I have  a job for you...The Olympus has a database for those who sign on as Civies  or Military folks...they have to have a pic, and  Blood ID, to get the  credits  wired to thier accounts....If i understand right? You can backdoor the site through  the payroll section...I am sending you pics  from my private the pics...see if you can find names, positions  ect....get back to me as soon as you egt your first ping...

  looking at Roy and Stoly,..Damn creepy that Promo..but we'll see what its  worth..we can always melt it  down in the fondry if it goes bad on us...

 ..You said they were Following  Kray and Hannah? are you certain? there was real concern in her  voice, though her  face held the half-angel coolness about it.
player, 20 posts
Artificial Intelligence
Naval Lieutenant
Mon 18 Apr 2011
at 16:38
  • msg #5

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Prometheus was almost finished with the the comm array realignment when the Commander called him. The comm array began to reboot, a process the lieutenant had no control over. Perfect timing. Examining the images, he began accessing the Olympus servers. The AI was very, very good at his job. After three seconds, he had broken into the database. At the five second mark, he had cross referenced the pictures and all other data and identified the subjects. Another three seconds passed as he covered his digital tracks and copied all relevant data to a small memory device on the bridge. Triple encrypted of course. He couldn't have any damning evidence lying around for anyone to find.

Tapping into the intercom, a voice crackled out of the comm units of those in the room.

Sir, I've completed the given assignment.

The man with the packet is an EasternBloc fanatic, who frequently expresses his views on wanting to open diplomatic relations with the Demons.

The two men that were in the booth with Roy Spencer and Antonin Stolyarev are known mercenaries, who hire out as surveillance experts for Underworld figures.

The other men in the stands have been linked to bombings on several colonies, but thus far the evidence has been considered circumstantial. Both of them were last seen leaving the medical ship Canary after visiting an associate. The ship was destroyed some hours later in a blast that is currently under investigation.

There is also a stop on all payroll entries for one man who has ties with the group. It seems he died, having fallen off a building in the Grotto.

Commander Hack
GM, 120 posts
Mon 18 Apr 2011
at 17:09
  • msg #6

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   His eyes  watched the screensas Promo relayed the information. His frown evident as his eyes  settled on the fellow  witht packett,..Thank you Promo...if possible, see if you can find Sghadow  and  Killian with out conctacting them, Just need to know thier general location..nothing specific...thank you..

  looking at the others he nods,..that wa quick..still a tad creepy though. If  we  were staying  another  day or two...I might draw up a hit order on that fellow with the packett...but...we'll be leaving here  shortly..the body of the Sabotuer is going to be spaced  as we  sail pass Jupitor...didn't learn much from him...
player, 21 posts
Artificial Intelligence
Naval Lieutenant
Mon 18 Apr 2011
at 17:22
  • msg #7

Re: Commander's  Quarters

The AI bounced several signals off the comm array. Half of his mind was busy reconfiguring the life support, but half his mind was far more than a whole mind of someone of lesser intellect. The signal was returned, to several points, at different times. Triangulation was one of the easiest methods of locating electronics. It took half a second to bring up a map of Olympus and cross reference it with the coordinates of Killian and Shadow. They were at a restaurant. A 'burger joint', as it were. The lieutenant patched through to the Commander yet again to relay this information.

Sir. I've triangulated Killian's comm device. She and Shadow are together in a restaurant, Lone Hammer Burgers. I will inform you if their location changes.

Resetting the life support systems in the engineering bay, Prometheus carefully monitored the air in all sections of the ship. This was a delicate process, and one he preferred not end in tragedy.
Commander Hack
GM, 121 posts
Mon 18 Apr 2011
at 18:09
  • msg #8

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  ..Thank you Promo...That is down in the Lowers, so...this team, at very far off thier trail...

  Hack's  comm buzzed  and he read the ID, answering,  Hack here....
This message was last edited by the player at 18:22, Mon 18 Apr 2011.
Commander Hack
GM, 124 posts
Mon 18 Apr 2011
at 18:34
  • msg #9

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Commander hack  noded as he spoke,..come up to the Bridge, I will send the word to clear you. I have more then  enough to eat here, and  we will be underway in less the  10  i would rather have your concerns  now, then after  we slipped the docks...

  Lookign at Roy and Stoly then to the LC...our  new Bio-tech  is  coming up for a chat..might as well saty, as alot of  ourjobs  are going to be  geared to helping us...
Malcolm Francis Roberts aka Mal
player, 17 posts
Mon 18 Apr 2011
at 18:55
  • msg #10

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Security cleared Mal and he headed in. Door closed he said,

I respond best to being called Mal.
Ask for Dr. Roberts and I look for my Mom.
Ask for Lt. Roberts and I think of an old war flick staring Gary Cooper.

Permission to speak candidly sir?
Sorry, I'm used to being the 'civilian' expert. New bars and all..."
and once again felt uncomfortable doing exactly what he had as a civilian, with the same kind of people.

Commander Hack
GM, 125 posts
Mon 18 Apr 2011
at 19:11
  • msg #11

Re: Commander's  Quarters

    Welcome There is the  kitchen area. Help yourself to what i have. This  is  MasterSgt Spenser. ensign  Stolyarev...They are part of my unit. anything you have   can be  aired in front of them... he nods to LC  SI,..You have met the LC....
Malcolm Francis Roberts aka Mal
player, 19 posts
Mon 18 Apr 2011
at 21:12
  • msg #12

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Mal gave a friendly smile and said, "That's great..
It's the hypno stuff, you know?

Can't even remember I know certain stuff without proper clearance,
and he headed to the kitchen and began to make himself some sandwiches and get a drink.

As he did he said,
"Found out we have some...
the staff called them 'test subjects'.
A Tank and a Wisp they said..."
then grabbed the stuff and came back to where they were and had a seat near a somewhere to put his drink and food down.

He took a big bite of a sandwich, washed it down and then said,
"What I'm about to say is very classified and scares the hell out of me....

We've seen three types of Demon. They're very stable in their forms and they follow a similar pattern to hive insects. Not insectoid, but similar patterns. They keep most of their females well protected and safe. The female as the really smart ones.

What this means is that they do biological design a lot like a Queen bee or ant. So they can change the way one of their offspring are within a generation or two."

Then he munched for a moment being really hungry. He washed down his famine type eating and put the glass down.

The bear of a hunger was quieter so he was okay now. He sat back and looked eye to eye with the Commander and said,
"When I was studying specimens with the Angels we came across a creature that 'thought' someone to death. Some sort of projected hallucination. Lab tech killed themselves unintentionally. Creature was barely sapient. It was carnivorous and hungry though.

Point is....
I came in to check out my new lab and was told there were two Demon test subjects. They're being fed half rations and locked down. No security to speak of and no AI watching the security either.

That's a very cunning and clever Wisp with a powerful subject captive. It wants to kill us all and right now it's pissed off because it isn't being fed right.

Magnify what one of your security folks here could and would do if held captive on half rations by a demon.

One of their females could breed for something that looks just like a tank but has machine telepathy so could access our systems. It would be easy with their biotechnology to make a wisp that could do serious sabotage.

This really disturbs and bothers me. I see this as a direct threat to the ship and crew. So I've had my staff render them unaware.

Now I have some RNA that would speed up interrogation by suspending their time sense and making them relive the most horrible memories they have. Triggers the hind brain. I can make it so they are having horrible nightmares while unaware of their surroundings too. I'm very humans first and cool with that.

I am not cool with having an aware starving sentient and sapient Wisp and Tank without proper precautions.

Can you appreciate my difficulty Sir?"
then looked to the LC and others and said,
"Any comments from LC or the security unit?"
then ate as he listened for replies.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:14, Mon 18 Apr 2011.
the Commander's quarters.
Mon 18 Apr 2011
at 21:49
  • msg #13

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  The LC nodded slowly,  The protocols set up for demons  are to keep them weak. Though i musy cnfess your  worry is  well founded.

 Hack leaned against the Counter  as he  fixed himself  another  cup of coffee, we could  set up a camara  down there , easy enough...let Promo keep watch, but sooner or  later  we  are goig to run out of  meat to feed them..and I am not  cutting  off rations to the crew or the civies  for Demons. How long  can you keep them out?

  Then he looks to  stoly and Roy,..Gentlemen? YOu are going to be  gathering alot of  samles  as  we go through this universe..weigh in....
Malcolm Francis Roberts aka Mal
player, 21 posts
Mon 18 Apr 2011
at 22:03
  • msg #14

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Mal didn't even need to think about the answer to that. He dealt with it all the time. He said,
"Get me the gear to set up cryo I can store them indefinitely.
With 'Russian Sleep' magnetic conduction. Which can be modulated to give them nightmares.. Several months with pulses to keep them from losing muscle tone.
With biochemicals I could suspend them for various periods, but each have their hazards. Amnesia being one of the primary, so they become useless to interrogate.

Which do you want me to use Sir?"
then finished off his sandwiches and drink.

He looked up after that and said, "Commander?
Could I have more please?"
and felt a kinship to Oliver Twist at the awkward moment.
Commander Hack
GM, 129 posts
Mon 18 Apr 2011
at 22:14
  • msg #15

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  The Ciommande smiles, Help yourself, we will be loading stores  later tonight, so you aren't going to clean me out. And I have road Cargo craft more then once in my

  Tell  The LC here  what you should be delivered when the  Cargo  shuttles arrive..right now? they can't  say no to anything  we for one thing..But  I am counting on  a Certain Lt to get that... he  chuckled  to himself  and gave his head  a half sake as he sipped his Coffee.

  The LC Placed her  lap top on the coffee table  Mal was using, the page was set for supply order..she  chuckled  slightly at  HAck's  last comment.and Looked to Roy and  Stoly.
Malcolm Francis Roberts aka Mal
player, 22 posts
Mon 18 Apr 2011
at 22:29
  • msg #16

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Mal stood and said,
"Thank you.
I need the gear for a cryo setup for as many 'samples' as you want me to store. At least one magnetic resonance chamber, it can be used many ways. Full lab gear for biochemical research and full spectrograph along with genetic testing equipment. Most of it is in the lab but I don't have the cryo or magnetic resonance there yet.

I'll get some grub in a moment....
If I've got an open order 'they can't refuse' then I would like the assistance of a tech full time to make equipment modifications. Wide experience range with gear would be best. I could make some dandy materials for your Promo and R&D to play with if I had a fabrication unit.

Oh and I have a cute joke and a interesting new tool for you. When testing some human RNA agonist on a Tank we ran across a very interesting reaction. One type induces chemical amnesia making the Tank function very poorly.

It smells bad enough to make people vomit and I don't have a system to disperse it.

The cute joke part is that an Angel who goes by the name of 'Digger' is a friend who saw me off. He suggested squirt guns. The Angels there thought that was funny as hell. HUD guided, Professional, skillful, marine units attacking the enemy armed with squirt guns. Digger thought it would confuse the hell out of the Demons,"
then he headed back to kitchen and started making up a stir fry.

Mal called out,
"Making stir fry!
Who all am I making it for!?"
then kept getting out ingredients.
Commander Hack
GM, 130 posts
Mon 18 Apr 2011
at 22:36
  • msg #17

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Si  said,..I'll have some..there is Shrimp in the top left hand  freezer....

 The Commander chuckled,..the  squrit guns  sound  fine,  be real good in  close quarters, when we board. I will send out a call for  a tech that the athena  can spare..Teh Athena is our sister ship, we came off the line together, and look like twins, the Commander was a fighter Jock with me, she helps  us  out every way she can...we'll pay her credits  from prize money, or favors...its good to have friends like that. WQhne we have our briefing  for the upcoming mission, you might  want to talk with Captian Roles, he commands the  HArvetor, and you can bet he knows where to get most things normal folks can't...
Antonin Stoly Stolyarev
player, 175 posts
Bol'shomu korablyu
bol'shoye plavaniye
Tue 19 Apr 2011
at 02:04
  • msg #18

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Stoly said, ”Strap Demon to a table, give me plastic bag, list of questions you want answered, and translator.  I will get the answers for you.  Experts do this in about three days, might take me longer, but answers will come.”  After a moment's consideration, Stoly added,  ”After that, give me icepick and I will make ship safe from psychic tricks.  You'll still have Demon for biological tests, and he will be easier to work with.”

”Not sure I like the squirt gun idea.”  Stoly said.  ”If it smells that bad, I don't want to get any on me.  You might consider putting it in paint balls.  Might be easier to shoot, and go farther.”
Commander Hack
GM, 131 posts
Tue 19 Apr 2011
at 02:08
  • msg #19

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  ..That  sounds  like a very good idea, Stoly..inject it into the  hollow that would work..  he tapped his finger  on his  cup while the LC helped  show Mal where  the stuff he needed was.

  ..Information is nice..great even..but  we have, or are supposed to have..folks  working  on that..Us..The Hermes? We are into fighting what can kill them faster, easier, and safer...barring that...make them less dangerous
This message was last edited by the player at 02:08, Tue 19 Apr 2011.
Malcolm Francis Roberts aka Mal
player, 23 posts
Tue 19 Apr 2011
at 02:23
  • msg #20

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Mal did up a full Mandarin style feast. There was garlic fried shrimp with Spanish onions and a light ginger sauce.

Orange chicken stir friend in with a soy sauce based fresh vegetable mix.

Then of course the rice...
Special Friend Rice of course.
There was even some sweet and sour pork chunks Mal made up from a small portion of chops he'd found.

The were presented and plates offered around. Then Mal sat down and waited his turn and the grub. As he did he said, "Did you ever have someone speaking a language that's not typical of your ethnic background?
You know the language but they don't know you know?
They say stuff about you and stuff you could use to your advantage and such?

Well... Angels are that way too.
They don't think any Earthers are fluent in their language.
There's one that is... me.

I understand that there's a AI on board that is sentient and sapient?

I'm chipped and have and upgrade (he has a Human Machine Interface chip and expanded memory chip in his head). I would like a hook-up. Access to develop and see how sentient and sapient the system is. I'm the Xenobiologist and such an AI is an alien intelligence.

How do I get in?"
and his eyes burned with the hunger for knowledge. It was the same look as any explorer who seeks the frontier.
Commander Hack
GM, 132 posts
Tue 19 Apr 2011
at 02:36
  • msg #21

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  The LC stopped chewing for a moment, the remark about Angels seemed to effect her, but she shook it off and said  nothing.

  The Commander  took a bit of the   food, and he studied   Mal for a moment, want  plugged into Promo?..I don't even know how long Promo is going to be on board..I mean, its effective..but there are countermeasures or n> it it rips one of will just be sent to the foundry for  what parts we can don't like folks messing around the insides  of my ship...I'm letting  it go  for  now..see if it fries itself or not...Hemres  will tell me when its gone too far...

  taking  another  bit, and  swallowing, he adds,..this is good, by-the-way...anyway...if i feel that way about my can you want that thing in your head?..we lose you?..we'll have to test the  captives  with rocks  and needles or something...not that Cindy couldn't  handle testing..its  just not her primary study.
Malcolm Francis Roberts aka Mal
player, 24 posts
Tue 19 Apr 2011
at 02:51
  • msg #22

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Mal chuckled and said,
"I don't want to merge..
I want to work with Promo..
I want to interact in a virtual environment and test theories.
I want a connection through is all.
Put in fail safes and protocols between.
It sound like some tech from my suit is part of Promo and I'd like to interact.

A social and working version of the Turing test. Promo would find my mind very crowded and I'd be lost in Promo's.. Just a link Commander.

It is good isn't it.
There's a lot of Mandarin Chinese engineers on the frontier.
Food is a big thing out there.
Expensive as hell to get anything fresh, and that's usually from some ship's hydroponics.

Oh got some stuff on making good food fast for you, especially meat. Well sort of.. It's neat stuff but I need a computer link to my lab to call it up.

There's this kind of condensed carbon element we ran across. Tested it out and it will make a more dense form of carbon nano-tubes. Picture the finished product of that bonded to a fighter. Shielded from most radiation and elastic on a quantum scale? That absorbs a lot of impact. I don't know how you'd bond it though..
Some kind of paint maybe?

I want to protect the ship. I just want to be a foster parent to an AI is all. It a good thing to adopt a kid, isn't it? Especially a special child that's different from others?"
then he waited for them to digest that while he ate and listened.

When they were done he'd get desert cooling in the freezer out.
Antonin Stoly Stolyarev
player, 176 posts
Bol'shomu korablyu
bol'shoye plavaniye
Tue 19 Apr 2011
at 02:55
  • msg #23

Re: Commander's  Quarters

"Did you ever have someone speaking a language that's not typical of your ethnic background?
You know the language but they don't know you know?
They say stuff about you and stuff you could use to your advantage and such?

”Um... no,” Stoly smiled,  ”This never happens to me.”
Roy Spencer
player, 282 posts
Infantry Sharpshooter--
Tue 19 Apr 2011
at 02:59
  • msg #24

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy had sat back, a bit, when the Commander asked if they'd been sure the group was tracking Shadow.  Truth is, they really weren't.  The evidence was circumstantial...but the fact that they all started moving in the same direction, at the same time--and that coincided, apparently, with Shadow's departure from the stadium--was just a little too much coincidence for him to wave aside.  Something in his gut said it couldn't be coincidence...and he'd survived by listening to his gut.

Prometheus reported in on the identities of their targets, and Roy shook his head slightly.  They were professionals, in the worst sense.  Seeing any of them in the street would be a trial...knowing what he knew, now, he could get himself in trouble for shooting them on sight.  Fortunately, Hermes was shipping out in a few hours, so the odds of that were low...but he hated the thought of leaving the group operating somewhere in his wake.  Stuff like that had a bad way of coming back around to haunt you...

By the time he'd worked through all of that, Mal was in the room and talking, and Roy was willing to sit back and listen.  The news wasn't good, and it increased his uncertainty about how to deal with the Demons.  For all that everyone else seemed to have adopted the 'shoot first and ask questions later' mindset, that just didn't sit well with him.

When Mal offered to make some stir-fry for everyone, Roy raised his hand absent-mindedly, to be counted in, still deep in thought.  By the time Mal came back out, he had a question.  "What is the likelihood that this telepathic ability would be bred into the tanks?  Is it something that's just limited to the Wisps, unique to their specific biological makeup?"  He'd been in situations where he had to shoot first before.  He didn't like it, but if leaving Wisps alive around him meant a greater risk to the rest of the team, he wouldn't hesitate to shoot every last one of them, surrendering or not.
Commander Hack
GM, 133 posts
Tue 19 Apr 2011
at 03:02
  • msg #25

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 regardless of what msot of  the High Command thought, Hack wasn't an idiot. he grasped almost all of  what Mal was saying. ..alright Mal? If you can  get  a set up and work with Promo...i can't see turning it  down..but i will have to warn you..My ship comes  first..My people second...that little box out there  isn't either..yet I asked  for an edge  on our  enemies  when i found out what we would be doing..they sent me that...and  oked your transfer....we work from there..Just like any  crewman who comes make it  or you don't...but...if it becomes  a danger...if i  becomes a danger..if Hermes..thinks  it becomes a danger..well...I think yu know were I'm going with this...if  we have to drug up captives..I'll have  no worries unplugging  a talking box...

    Now? Hwat backround  does your Tech assistant need?
Malcolm Francis Roberts aka Mal
player, 25 posts
Tue 19 Apr 2011
at 03:26
  • msg #26

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Infantry asked the question first but the Commander outranked.. Dang.... He knew this one.. oh yeah Rank first.

He held up his left hand in a gesture to Infantry and gestured that him to wait a moment.

Then he looked to the Commander and said, "I need someone who understands how to fix and modify all that equipment I'll be using. One that knows the technical language of machines and can speak to R&D for me so that they can gain the greatest advantages from our developments.

No problems with the conditions, I'm setting up more than that on principle,"
then he turned to Spencer.

Mal said,
"The next breeding cycle after they figure out we're taking 'test subjects'. They're reactive as a species.

The good news is you can use that. When in a fire fight they have patterns, formations, and great strategy. There's no room for decisions, choices, or adaption. They didn't need to develop intuition and they have used bio-tech too long so don't have any instinct but what the females imprint. In one corridor there's Tanks sure to come down you toss and inflate a giant pink rubber rabbit. It will mess them up big time. Once. Only once ever. The next time something is tried they know it, have a strategy, and most likely a counter strategy. Yet they suck at anything intuitive or instinctive. You can make obstacle courses they kill themselves on but never the same one twice,"
then he got seconds and sat back eating again.

He looked to Stoly and said,
"I get that too..."
then he looked to the Commander again.

Mal said,
"I don't like having a chip in my head Demons can blow up. Unless they find out some of us have chips they won't develop anything to deal with it. Just in case they ever do my suit helmet is shielded from pretty much anything that we know of.

I put up with it because it allows for direct access and for me to know what you need. Hopefully before you need it.

My species comes first.
I even let them lock parts of my mind away unless someone had the right clearances.

Do you want dessert?"
then he stood up and went to the freezer.

Mal brought out ginger coated candy bananas and apples on two big trays. Then he went about offering them around as he said,
"There's ginger in the candy but it's a delight, especially the bananas. They're cooled just right so they're still warm on the inside.
Won't your try some?"
then continued to serve until all who wanted had some.

Then he sat down and munched on a candy coated banana.
Commander Hack
GM, 134 posts
Tue 19 Apr 2011
at 03:45
  • msg #27

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Taking the banana Goodies he looked at it , then at He LC. She tasted it and shrugs, finishing the piece she had.Hack Nodded,  Once  everyone's  done here, I'll work on getting  a Lab Tech for you..I'm thinking you keep Cindy and Jorge  around,they know thier  way around  ...test subjects...

  He pressed the  Beth back yet?  the comm was quiet for  a moment, Hack's  frown and narrowed brows  showed his annoyance,..Um..No sir...she  um...just checked in..won't  be on duty 'till  the morning...

  HAck's  right hand went to his forehead as he rubbed his temples as he flicked  off the Comm,...of  course... he  said  quietly,..there is something to be said  for genentic cleansing....

 as he blew  a breath out through his lips  ,his eyes  settled on Roy and Stoly, then...what happened, outside of the fact, that they were leaving   at the same time, and same direction as  Shadow  and Hannah? These folks that Promo dug up? they aren't nice people..I'd  give Shadow a kill order right now if Hannah wasn't with him...the bad thing is,,he wouldn't get them all and we would be short a pilot..a pilot i can to me  Sgt...what is your view on this night's work...
Roy Spencer
player, 286 posts
Infantry Sharpshooter--
Tue 19 Apr 2011
at 03:50
  • msg #28

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy accepted a banana, uncertainly.  He'd worked with some odd types, before, but this idea of a doctor who, in one breath, spoke of having his consciousness modified so that he couldn't even remember why he knew what he knew (or, presumably, if he even knew it, until he needed it), and then in the next breath offered candied fruit around like he was hosting a dinner party, just threw him for a loop.  He really wasn't quite sure what to make of it all.

But he was pretty sure that he'd never get Demons to surrender the same way, again.  "You still have that open requisition there?" he asked, as he contemplated the banana.

"I'm thinking some 7.62 HEAP ammo is sounding really good, if we have to pull another boarding action..."  He bit into the banana, unsure at first...his eyebrows went up in surprise, and he shrugged and then consumed the rest of the banana with gusto.
Commander Hack
GM, 135 posts
Tue 19 Apr 2011
at 03:58
  • msg #29

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  As  Standard ammo, or  just for boarding parties....or just for  unit?
Roy Spencer
player, 287 posts
Infantry Sharpshooter--
Tue 19 Apr 2011
at 04:27
  • msg #30

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy chuckled softly.  "Well, until we can be totally certain of the loyalties of everyone we're giving ammo to, I think standard ammo should remain standard issue.  If these things can, in fact, alter their genetics to adapt to our tactics, I want something that's gonna require a whole lot of adaptation to survive.  I'd trust Lyri with it...maybe a few others...but I don't know enough about the rest of the crew to say 'give it to everybody.'"

He finished off his banana with one last bite, and answered, his voice slightly muffled by the banana, "I just know that I want it, as an option."
Malcolm Francis Roberts aka Mal
player, 27 posts
Tue 19 Apr 2011
at 04:33
  • msg #31

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Mal was half into his current banana when he mumble out,
"MMmmeee Woon't Woork...

Sorry won't work at least not for what you want. Demons know things that go boom. Angels used them too. Never got better than a standstill.

You got what you need now.
Trick is figuring out how to use it.
I know what to do.. but not how,"
he looked to each as he talked. He was gauging reactions and adjusting the language to suit all types.

He said,
"Every infantry, marine, fighter pilot, and crew member has their strengths and weaknesses. They also have their specialties and something they're good at.

What's needed is to compensate for the weaknesses and boost the strength. I know.. Obviously right?

What I'm talking about is the fact that I had to send in every modification I did to my suit. So did every explorer and scientist. You had to mod your suit to your specialty, for the environment, and for defense in alien environments. We were looking at sites for bases and colonies.

Those designs and mods are in your computer banks. How to apply them to each fighter, pilot and so forth is the puzzle. Literally a puzzle. Fit the pieces to the person and the suit or equivalent.

The advantage is the intuition and instinct developed in each squad member. Set up your battle plan, equip your people to improvise within their specialty, and then leave room to maneuver.

Any idea what can effect a person's tactics and intuition?

Do they have gas? Farting burping etc?
Are they tired? Did they have sex?
Was it good sex? How old is the gear? How is the gear mod adjusted? Are they scared? Worried? Excited... or what..?

Each little thing and how they maneuver is something a Demon can't plan for.

That's the what...
Anyone know the how?"
then munched some more apples.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:35, Tue 19 Apr 2011.
Commander Hack
GM, 136 posts
Tue 19 Apr 2011
at 04:44
  • msg #32

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Hack  shook his head, Tell the LC how much you want, we'll  se how much we'll get
Roy Spencer
player, 288 posts
Infantry Sharpshooter--
Tue 19 Apr 2011
at 04:58
  • msg #33

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy shrugged.  "I still want a magazine full of HEAP ammo, next time I'm going into Demon territory.  Even if it doesn't kill 'em, if it'll knock them down and make it hard for them to come after us, I'll be satisfied."

He grinned over at Mal, and added, "Like you said, sometimes it's how you apply it.   A little explosive in the middle of the sinus cavity is guaranteed to give just about anyone a bad day, at the very least."
Malcolm Francis Roberts aka Mal
player, 28 posts
Tue 19 Apr 2011
at 05:04
  • msg #34

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Mal nodded to Roy and said,
"That's the ticket.
You got people who will lay out those rounds in unconventional manner or basically as they can see a need or advantage to?

Then they will help bunches.
It's not 'cause they go boom though.
Excellent thinking!"
then he looked to the Commander.

With a questioning smile Mal said,
"Want me to clean up?" then waited for the answer.
Roy Spencer
player, 289 posts
Infantry Sharpshooter--
Tue 19 Apr 2011
at 05:17
  • msg #35

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy mused for a moment..."I wonder if THAT is why they surrendered...used to being fired at, center of mass, and typically only after they'd fired on someone.  Two or three surgical strikes, taking down the more adventurous ones in the group..."

He'd wondered about the sudden change of heart in what they'd all been told were brutally ruthless warriors, and why they'd suddenly surrendered en masse.  New and unfamiliar tactics confusing them...that made sense.
Commander Hack
GM, 137 posts
Tue 19 Apr 2011
at 05:28
  • msg #36

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  The Commander shook his head, don't  worry about it. you cooked, I'll clean up. Well gentlemen? Carry on then..we  all have  work to do..

 The LC was already running water  to clean up, shepointed to the lap top, for  Roy to order his  ammo.
Roy Spencer
player, 290 posts
Infantry Sharpshooter--
Tue 19 Apr 2011
at 05:33
  • msg #37

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy stepped over to the laptop, entered 1 case of the stuff...and then paused, and thought a little longer.  He deleted the 1 and put a 4 in its place.  It was, hopefully, more of the stuff than he'd ever end up using...but he reasoned that it was far better to have it and not need it, than vice versa.

"I think I'm going to go have a look at those items Shadow gave me earlier...make sure I don't need anything to go with them, either."  He smiled grimly, and added, "And now that the game is done, I should start checking out the names on that list you gave me, LC."  He snapped off a sharp salute, ready to leave.
Malcolm Francis Roberts aka Mal
player, 29 posts
Tue 19 Apr 2011
at 05:36
  • msg #38

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Mal looked a little shocked and then said, "Is that Wisp female?

You might just have got their breeding Queen if it is. They'd do anything to protect or keep her safe it that's the case. It would also mean that we have a female that had all bunches of bio-tech info in her body. That's would be one hell of a prize.."
he looked to the LC then the Commander.
Roy Spencer
player, 291 posts
Infantry Sharpshooter--
Tue 19 Apr 2011
at 05:58
  • msg #39

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy shrugged.  "I wouldn't know...I've never had anything to do with them, prior to this assignment.  That would explain why the Tanks accepted the order to surrender, though..."
Malcolm Francis Roberts aka Mal
player, 30 posts
Tue 19 Apr 2011
at 06:08
  • msg #40

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Mal went over to where a vid screen was and said,
"I need to see any video from when the Wisp was captured along with any from the surrender...


It's important!"
the looked back to the screen hoping he'd get what he asked for.
Roy Spencer
player, 292 posts
Infantry Sharpshooter--
Tue 19 Apr 2011
at 06:24
  • msg #41

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy blinked a couple of times in surprise.  "Video?  I don't even know if we were shooting any.  I had my hands full with shooting Demons, there was no time to film them."  He glanced over at Hack.

"Sir?  Did we have anyone shooting vid during the boarding action?  Or did we manage to lift security feeds from the Demon ship after we captured it?"
Commander Hack
GM, 138 posts
Tue 19 Apr 2011
at 12:58
  • msg #42

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Hack shook his head,..Your Group..the Main boarding  party,,,we didn't  take  any Vids..should have...I was just worried  about  trying to disable the engines  and getting  the crew  Major had Vids..mostly with him and  his Sgt posing  with  the Captured  far as I know? And i will be  the first to admit, i don't  know much...would  we  be able to tell a female right off..and since they were using human and Sanri females  for tests in thier Birthing lab..I would have to say no...But?  I could be wrong...

 The LC frowned as she opened another window on her laptop, leaving the order sheet up,..Commander? Turn on the Vid...this is say the least...

  The Commander went over to the  Vid screen used  for  watching  entertainment, he surf through channels  Until the LC told him to stop and she Pointed..there was a Human reorter standing out side   the Main Med-Center at the Uppers, a male voice said,..and  you are sure of this Becky?

  The Woman Nodded, in the backround  people walked back and forth some mugging  for the Vids, but she  continued,"...yes was  confirmed  about an Hour  ago...The star Defensive Back  for  Olympus  2 is the  Med-techs we talked to  said his injuries were bad enough  to keep him off the Docks  for a month or so...but cannot understand why he died...though they said, there  is no foul play involved..there are Olympus  and ESN security forces doing tests on the room and looking for anything out of sorts...we will be hearing  more of this, I am sure...

  The camara  switched back to a man in the studio, That  was  Becky Owe on site at the Olympus Uppers Main story coming up about a  child reunited  with her family in the Lowers........ a commercial came on showing what to do if you had problems getting aircardust off your  clothes.....
Malcolm Francis Roberts aka Mal
player, 32 posts
Tue 19 Apr 2011
at 13:13
  • msg #43

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Mal turned to the Commander and said, "Can we get in on that?
My suit can be made up to look like a security outfit. Send Roy in there when you go talk to them as one of your security team.

Heck it's even true from a certain perspective. I'll just leave the sensors on in stealth. You can get your own full investigation."

player, 25 posts
Artificial Intelligence
Naval Lieutenant
Tue 19 Apr 2011
at 14:13
  • msg #44

Re: Commander's  Quarters

The lieutenant ran the news report by himself again. The DB for Olympus 2 was dead. Very interesting. Perhaps there was, though he hesitated to make such a pun, foul play? While the medical technicians had reported otherwise, they were far from reliable. The AI wondered for .2 seconds if he would be allowed to testify in court. Then he focused, and had a moment of insight. Mentally contacting the hospital security, he began downloading the security footage from the past two days, and sifting through the piles of data for a match. Nothing on cameras 1-10. Nothing on cameras 11-20. But what was that on camera 23? Prometheus watched two men he recognized walk down the corridor. The two men which had accosted Shadow before. The one he had pushed off the landing. They seemed to be heading for the DB's room.

The AI mentally cursed. The camera in front of Grueless' room was down. All he had after that was the pair walking to the lobby and out the front door. He checked the time stamps. They would have been there extremely soon after having attempted to kidnap Shadow and Killian.

He needed to inform the Commander.

Sir. I have cross referenced Roy Spencer's pictures with the hospital security footage. The two men who Shadow encountered were at the hospital shortly thereafter. While the camera covering the front of the Defensive Back's room was down, I have footage of them heading in his direction. As well as footage of them heading away from his room out the front door. They may have been involved in the Defensive Back's death.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:16, Tue 19 Apr 2011.
Commander Hack
GM, 139 posts
Tue 19 Apr 2011
at 15:25
  • msg #45

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Clicking in answer to Promo's finds,...very  interesting...well...see if what you can fid on Gruless' backround...where was he before  being transfers here..I mean..he was a dock worker...
Malcolm Francis Roberts aka Mal
player, 33 posts
Tue 19 Apr 2011
at 15:31
  • msg #46

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Mal looked to the LC and said,
"I guess I'm dismissed...

I should have paid more attention to this stuff as a civie....

Hey Roy!
Where's the best place to have a drink around here?

I'm all space lagged and a belt or two might help.. Need to sleep and set up a lab and stuff later.

It be cool to talk with you some time. I like your ideas man... err Scout.. Infantry.. What the heck do I call you again Roy?"

Roy Spencer
player, 293 posts
Infantry Sharpshooter--
Tue 19 Apr 2011
at 15:49
  • msg #47

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy shrugged.  "Since you seem partial to first names, you can call me Roy.  Everyone else tends to call me Sergeant, or Sarge.  Just don't call me 'sir'.  That's his name..." and he pointed over at Hack, with a grin.

"As for the best place to get a drink?  Right now, I'd recommend the Officers Club..."  Even though they allowed all personnel in the place, such watering holes had been part of military establishments for so long that the traditional name had stuck.  "I don't know any of the bars on's my first time here, as well.  And depending on what public reaction is to Gruless' death, being aboard Olympus in a Hermes uniform could be problematic."
player, 26 posts
Artificial Intelligence
Naval Lieutenant
Tue 19 Apr 2011
at 16:17
  • msg #48

Re: Commander's  Quarters

A small skeleton of a profile sprung to life in the digital space of the Hermes' computer network. The most basic facts known about this Grueless person. Prometheus had learned this trick for improving his abilities to comprehend data while sorting through millions of potential terrorists. It had been highly effective, with a success rate ten times that of any other method. As well as success could be measured in that field anyways. As they said, the only ones that counted were the ones you missed. And the AI never missed.

The profile was coming together. He took news reports and other media and jumbled it together. Things that got more than two hits went into the profile. He pulled records from dozens of government agencies. Two or more hits, and it was added. The lieutenant traced Grueless' history back to his childhood, and marked dates, times, and locations.

A mental progress bar at the back of Prometheus' mind filled. The life support system had completely reset. The air filters shut down all at once, for a brief moment. Then they were on again. Idly downloading the new software for the life support from the now much more efficient comm arrays, the AI continued to watch the profile of Grueless grow to immense proportions. As he did so, something in it caught his attention. Investigating further, he discovered another one of Spencer's 'friends' involved.

Thirty seconds after being told to investigate Grueless' background, the AI reported back to the Commander.

Sir. I have constructed a profile on Grueless, using multiple government databases, among other things. There are some interesting facts I think you should know about contained within.

Grueless was a dock worker at Moonbase, before being hired by Olympus to give them a "shutdown" corner. It appears his skills as a dock worker didn't go beyond his strength, however. He was not a very bright fellow, frequently getting into fights or otherwise attracting trouble. Grueless was also heavily involved with the criminal Underworld. Though the SFL does not ban players  from betting, the only bet they can make for their own team is to win, to prevent players from shaving points. I believe he may have been involved in a gambling ring, which payed him off or otherwise coerced him into causing the Olympus team's performance to suffer. Perhaps he was killed because of his performance in that capacity.

Oddly enough, before MoonBase Colony, Grueless was on Titan Colony as, guess what, a dockworker. A day after leaving Titan, there was an explosion at one of the scanning towers. While the tower was down, a Demon Destroyer attacked the Sanri Merchant ship carrying the Ambassador. The man with the packet, which I now suspect to be a weapon of some sort, was on the passenger list of that very ship.

Sir, I think we're dealing with some kind of Demon saboteur group. This station may be under threat from the group very soon. Perhaps within the next 24 hours.

This message was last edited by the player at 16:22, Tue 19 Apr 2011.
Commander Hack
GM, 140 posts
Tue 19 Apr 2011
at 16:37
  • msg #49

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Commnader Hack's  face  showed a bit of discomfort,..very..very good Promo....I should think he wasn't  to throw the would have cost him alot of money in sponser creds..he  did, it seems , at very least, disappoint someone....they could not just blame himfor loss..hell he only played a half...

  The LC looked up,..Kray?..I mean..Lt, Shadow?

 The Commander's eyes narrowed  a bit,what?  gruless failed to tke out Shadow? So they iced that is true  there would be  no DBs  left in theleague!

  Si  smiled  slightly, Do you not , think, that hitting  a player who isalmost off the field at the two minute warning...isn't  just a little desperate?

  he sighs, head hurts here...see if you can find  anything that would make  it seem like  gruless had  a contract on Shadow.

  Roy, Stoly. Mal..Go..get some rest,,or enjoy  the last....he looks at the clock 8 hours  we have here...when we go to the Mission room, i will inform you of anything we have  on this...and what effects it might have...and...let me know..someone..letme know..when Shadow gets  back...
Roy Spencer
player, 294 posts
Infantry Sharpshooter--
Tue 19 Apr 2011
at 17:38
  • msg #50

Re: Commander's  Quarters

"Yessir."  Roy already had something...some things...that he wanted to get taken care of before they got underway.  At least one of them was relatively urgent...if he was going to capitalize on the LC's open requisition list.  He snapped another salute and spun on his heel, heading back onto the bridge.

-->to Off Duty
player, 28 posts
Artificial Intelligence
Naval Lieutenant
Tue 19 Apr 2011
at 18:56
  • msg #51

Re: Commander's  Quarters

The AI thought for a brief moment. A contract for the murder of a human being. It reminded him of the long nights spent planning Black Operations. He was sure he could use some of his training in that capacity as a counter-terrorist. The most obvious method would be to interrogate one of the men who had gone to visit Grueless. They'd have information on his involvement, and were already wanted for their own involvement anyways. It would be a simple matter to stick them in the spare room that the lieutenant would have used were he not an artificial intelligence. And when they were in, he could use the sound units in the room to render them more cooperative. The Commander might not approve however. And he needed to capture them first.

Commander, if it is possible, I would like authorization to send a group to find the two men who visited Grueless. It is likely they known of his involvement in any illegal activities on the station.

Connecting to the street in front of the hospital, and tapping into the traffic cameras, Prometheus began attempting to locate the pair from the footage and find the route they took.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:05, Tue 19 Apr 2011.
Commander Hack
GM, 141 posts
Tue 19 Apr 2011
at 19:39
  • msg #52

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  The Commander leaned over the  dexk Comm and thought  for a moment, his eyes  went to the Clock, Alight  can send 3 Hermes Security  folks out there..but they have to be back at the ship in 3 hours...rodger that? I am sending  a the ok down to security, just tap into  thier comes to tell them where to go...the clock
Malcolm Francis Roberts aka Mal
player, 35 posts
Tue 19 Apr 2011
at 20:26
  • msg #53

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Mal nodded after the Commander said go and then headed out. He headed straight for the area called the Officer's club. Did you need to be an officer?
Well he guessed he was one so it would be okay.

To Off Duty/Officer's Club
This message was last edited by the player at 20:34, Tue 19 Apr 2011.
Tue 19 Apr 2011
at 23:15
  • msg #54

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  The  Comml lit  up. Hack answered, Commander?  We have the Ambassador and his  wife..and...30 of his own guards coming aboard..

  Beth? Thank  the gods...tell him he can have 10, the rest will have to  find  another way...

 Aye sir...
Antonin Stoly Stolyarev
player, 178 posts
Bol'shomu korablyu
bol'shoye plavaniye
Wed 20 Apr 2011
at 01:52
  • msg #55

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Being dismissed, Stoly stood and saluted the Commander.  He turned, not quite so crisply as Spencer, and left the commander's Quarters.  He had eight hours to kill.

>>>( to Off Duty )>>>
Malcolm Francis Roberts aka Mal
player, 43 posts
Wed 20 Apr 2011
at 16:36
  • msg #56

Re: Commander's  Quarters

To LC in not from Mal:
"Find included the list of items requested by my 'team'.

I will need ten more lab people and four, not one technician if we are to run and secure the Lab 24/7/365.

With each of us doing shifts we're looking at rotating eight hours, never on at the same time, and no time off. This will soon lead to fatigue, mistakes, and poor science.

Until such staff is available it will be difficult if not impossible to set up the lab and I request it be secured by security and have a meeting room made available for my staff and myself.

This is so we can work on how to set up the lab, secure specimens, and set a workable schedule.

Lt. Roberts aka Mal...
Roy Spencer
player, 390 posts
Infantry Sharpshooter--
Tue 3 May 2011
at 03:45
  • msg #57

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy paused outside the doors for just a moment, collecting his thoughts, before he pinged the alarm that would let anyone inside know someone was waiting at the door.  Even if Hack was waiting on him, it wasn't his place to barge in...
Commander Hack
GM, 178 posts
Tue 3 May 2011
at 03:50
  • msg #58

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  The door Hisses  open, and  Commander  Hack  is there, In front  of him is  a screen with  the Map of the compound on, to the  left is  another screen with a Largran ship. Capt Roles is there  and loks to see who has  come in,wWell Commander...Your  secruity man is here..I'm gonna  take  a look at the bars on your ship...send a comm though if you need me...

  He passes  Roy  with  a nod  and a grin  and goes out through the doors.

  The Commander waves  Roy over,alright Sgt? What do you need?
Roy Spencer
player, 391 posts
Infantry Sharpshooter--
Tue 3 May 2011
at 04:03
  • msg #59

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy took his cue from the Commander's casual style and went to a loose parade-rest.  "Well, Commander, I'm wondering just how much a part of 'the team' Lyri's supposed to be.  While I could come up with ways to work around it, it would be easier to familiarize her with the Barretts if she was cleared to get into that secret hangar deck.  That's not a requirement for the mission...nothing says we have to use them.  We have plenty of munitions on board that would make that shot, although not all of them may be reliably accurate at a half-mile.  Yet."

He shrugged.  "You know her better'n I do, Sir.  I know she's got skills that would lend themselves well to our operations, and she can back me up better than anybody else on this boat.  But you're the only one that can answer as to whether or not she can be trusted with the whole story on the mission."  He fell silent, waiting for Hack's response.
Commander Hack
GM, 179 posts
Tue 3 May 2011
at 22:50
  • msg #60

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 he turned  and listened  to Roy, when  finished,  Hack popinted to the  map of  the Compound ...this  planet is a lynch pin in this system...we control the  outermost planest, even to the Point of  colonies...the Middle  planet has  had  fighting  on it  for the past 4 years...this Planet...has skirmished  daily..and the  damn Mulls  couldn't care long  as credits are flowing...The LArgran has to upend the apple  cart in this  system..If the Mull announces  they are going to allie with the LArgrans..we have to take out the Mull...there  are a learge number of Clans on this planet that support the AP...and  if  we take the head off the LArgran collaborators..we  can win this planet, and the Middle  will fall on its own...we lose this plamet, some serveral Million colonists will die..and  at least half of them are humans.

   I selected   most of the  folks on baord, the rest  were pushed through the draft or VolunTary "ups"..Lyri was  a sniper  One MArs right before I left..she has  8 kills to her credit, of sanctioned targets..that doesn't  count targets of opportunity...I truts you?  Have to tell me  if you her. I am a Pilot..a are the one who has to crawel through the bush  and  make the shot..that's  why i have you in charge of  that part of  the think she fits?..Just tell me..and i will clear her.
Roy Spencer
player, 394 posts
Infantry Sharpshooter--
Tue 3 May 2011
at 23:44
  • msg #61

Re: Commander's  Quarters

That set Roy back a bit in his thinking.  He'd been under the impression that Lyri had been one of Hack's personal choices, and for some reason, she just hadn't struck the right chord yet.  The fact that Hack didn't know her all that well hadn't really dawned on him, at all.

His mental wheels spun for a moment, then suddenly caught a purchase and started the gears going in his mind.  "Well...I trust her, on a gut level...but I have nothing to base that trust on, beyond how well she worked with me during that boarding action on the Demon ship."  He paused, pensive, working through some options in his thoughts before speaking up again.

"Let's make this one the shake-down for her.  I'll tell her what's going on...since it's a 'got to happen' scenario, I'll take the Largran ambassador, and leave the Mull for her.  We can also tell Stoly to keep an extra eye on her, see if he notices anything out of sorts about her during the mission.  Then, after she's proven herself, we can do a more accurate assessment of her qualities.  Running around a ship's interior with someone--and half a regiment of people behind them--is totally different that working your way through the hard bush for a shot."  He shrugged, and added, "Does that sound like a workable plan to you, Sir?"
Commander Hack
GM, 181 posts
Tue 3 May 2011
at 23:48
  • msg #62

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Watching Roy as he spoke, when he finished, he thought  a moment  and nodded,well..we  had a Spec  ops  wash out on us...LLyri's  the only other out here..we have enough folks  who would try and do  the job...but she has the go with that plan...if she works out..great...if  she is a Plant?..well..we  will be short another  crewmen..Like Owens...
Roy Spencer
player, 395 posts
Infantry Sharpshooter--
Wed 4 May 2011
at 01:04
  • msg #63

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy nodded.  He'd heard muttered references to someone named Owens...the context always implied something unpleasant, so he didn't bother asking.  "Do you happen to know Lyri's whereabouts?" he asked.  "I figure we just as well save me the time it would take to chase her down, and get on with the mission planning."
Commander Hack
GM, 182 posts
Wed 4 May 2011
at 01:55
  • msg #64

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Hack raised his  finger  a moment, then hit t he Comm,..Beth..Where is Chief Mullin right now?

   Commnader?  She is off Duty, and appears to be down at the range...

  Thank you Ensign... There you Go Sgt..down at the range...Let me know  what you come up with...time is getting  thin.
Roy Spencer
player, 396 posts
Infantry Sharpshooter--
Wed 4 May 2011
at 02:00
  • msg #65

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy snapped off a salute.  "Yes, sir."  Regarding himself as dismissed, he spun sharply on a heel and exited.

Admiral Hack
GM, 3290 posts
Tue 16 Feb 2016
at 05:33
  • msg #66

Re: Commander's  Quarters

>>>>>> from Hanger Dec  after    PG debrief......

   The  pair  make it  to Admiral's  Quarters. Si leaves  orders  for Miller to take the  CON until  She or the Admiral return to duty.

   The Admiral   sat down as soon as they Got In the door, But   Si, grabbed his a arm   and  Pulled him towards the bath room.

  What the 9 hells  are you doing!

 ...first...we're going to take a shower... then..we are going to sleep... and then, if   I think you have to, we are going to call Stefi up here  with her Bag...

 ..Nil... I'm.....

 ...if you say you are fine.... I'll call her  now... Shadow noticed it  right away...but he's had  experience....  You want others to you?

  The Admiral Gave in, whether he was just too tired to argue, or  when he  just folded the cards... none would Know. a long  shower...  and bed...
Fri 11 Nov 2016
at 00:45
  • msg #67

Re: Commander's  Quarters

<<<<<<<  from Hanger Dec  have battling Black Fleet

  The  group is  lead through the  Bridge, to the Admiral's  quarters. some orderlies are passing out   food and drink..there is a small side board  with ..more

  Hack Greets them all  with a Hand shake  and introduces every one to the Occui. Except  for Commander Si , the Sanri board member and the Occui Board Member..every one was sporting   fresh patches  or slings. The Admiral was walking a bit stiff legged.. Even Evert has  some touch up on her left arm  and   her forehead.

 I am Hopign Capt Nilsson would  come?..but i will understand if he doesn't.. we will have   Voice COM to all the Captains and Everest , in a moment... i am letting folks  wind  down, after the your self to drinks or ask one of my  people..there  is pasta,  steak and hot sides, if you prefer that to finger food.
Sarah McKeon
player, 149 posts
Captain ESN Ironwood
Fri 11 Nov 2016
at 03:26
  • msg #68

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Sarah positions herself beside the Occui Captain as they follow the SEC SGT to the Commander's Quarters. Sarah notes her delegation much like Occui and Sanri Ambassadors weren't sporting any injuries, she made a mental note about how it looks that her people didn't sustain any casualties but is grateful they didn't sustain casualties and pulled off their mission without a hitch. She finds a seat taking a polite portion of food.
Admiral Hack
GM, 4417 posts
Fri 11 Nov 2016
at 20:35
  • msg #69

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  People move around and talk, some sit down to eat the 'bigger' meals, some happy to walk around  with the finger  food, or  'makeshift' steak sandwiches.

Drinks  vary from  hard stuff, to Coffee or Tea. Sarah is quick to note there is a carafe with a  label on that says  ' hot chocolate'.

 Preg, The Mulls rep was talking to Bale, they seemed to be deep into conversation of  trading laws and such.

  Maj Fiez talked with Dr Vix..the other  two Occui   nibbles  foods  and watched the  groups

 Leqe, the Sanri was   laughing  along  with Hennings  as   Evert spoke  with the two, about  the  ships that were sent to aid  the Verians.

 Si watched  the other s  as she  sipped at Lt Blue  drink.. Hack hobbled over    to sarah, sitting  down  to eat about of steak and  some sides,..  From what little  i saw of the Vids... i assume that all things  went well?... I know  from the result, that the attack was almost, flawless?
Sarah McKeon
player, 150 posts
Captain ESN Ironwood
Fri 11 Nov 2016
at 20:43
  • msg #70

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Sarah nodded, "if by almost flawless you mean we were picked up by the hounds after it was too late for them, and stuck around long enough to add insult to injury by punching them as we were on our way out, than yessir. It was nearly flawless, in fact I don't think they even managed to get a shot off at us the entire time, at the very least they couldn't land a single one. Though I worry that my folks will be looked at unfavorably being that we escaped unscathed whereas the rest of the fleet all took casualties." She allows herself a slight chuckle, "though I suppose that's the punishment for being extremely successful in executing a well planned and supported mission." she adds helping herself to the hot chocolate, pouring a generous glass. "Hot Chocolate, sir?" she asks offering.
Admiral Hack
GM, 4418 posts
Fri 11 Nov 2016
at 20:55
  • msg #71

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  He  holds up his   cup of coffee, thank you, We had that sent up, as we heard  certain officers, preferred that...  he smile a bit  as he  took a  some cut of steak.

  Playing around with a tiny potato, he asked, were on the special teams.... soemtimes..special teams get roughed up... sometimes they score big....The Hyrians  are Hurting now, the Loss of life, just from the explosions  will be shocking..... The deaths from Dr Largerson's   juice..will be worse.....the effect of the fallout..well....They will be figuring that out shortly, unless they had all thier eggs in one basket..if they did?.. they won't have anyone to tell them why thier  people are dying, being mutated  and gettign sick....

 Taking the potato and eating it, he swigs  a sip of coffee and says,We will be turnign to Nivar, next..they had a ringside  seat of what happened to the Hillites  and the they are stucking...just a bit  west of middle, in the beta  triangle ... fleets from 3  carrier/stations  can converge on thier   system.... I am hoping  for a quick battle there...

 Hack sits back a moment, sipping his coffee....what is your feelings on the   attack  on Hyria?
Karl Nilsson
player, 260 posts
Marine air-support pilot
Capt, call-sign 'Specter'
Sat 12 Nov 2016
at 07:10
  • msg #72

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Karl arrived, a little short of breath...he hadn't run from the hangar, but he'd definitely been moving at a brisk walk.  He stepped into the room, still clad in his base flight suit, and snapped a salute.  "Sorry I'm late, Admiral, I came as soon as I got word."

He grinned slightly, and added, "I had to wait for my plane's berth to be cleared so I could land.  Looks like you all had plenty of excitement, this go-around."
Admiral Hack
GM, 4419 posts
Sat 12 Nov 2016
at 14:33
  • msg #73

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  The Admiral  returned an easy salute, and Motioned to the food and drink. The smiled  just slightly as he said,Didn't think we'd get that close to the Flagship...The dogs are so used to fighting   in a line, or going against  one ship, they  didn't  make them to be attacked   from above and helped  cause a greater  diversion , to keep Hyrian eyes  on the Fleet, and not their homeworld...

  Shrugging as he took another bite of  steak,..his  troops went off the rails though... they must be used to boarding and looting?, they caused some problems , to be sure. But had they had an organized attack.. we  might have had to seal off the whole hanger  dec, and retake it  with  Crew and SEC using elevators and the Engine room as sally the end? They paid a steep price for coming here, and for once..things worked out better then I had thought....
Karl Nilsson
player, 261 posts
Marine air-support pilot
Capt, call-sign 'Specter'
Sat 12 Nov 2016
at 19:56
  • msg #74

Re: Commander's  Quarters

"Looking back at the history of the Fleet, Admiral, it's really saying something that this was a rare, 'better than expected' result.  You've seen success in situations where all rational analysis predicted failure."  Karl grinned easily.  His demeanor was that of a man accustomed to being around top brass...whether that was the case, or it was just the brash self-assuredness of atest pilot was anyone's guess.
Admiral Hack
GM, 4421 posts
Sat 12 Nov 2016
at 20:11
  • msg #75

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  There was a  laugh as  The Admiral tried  not to be rude with his food. When he swallowed  he grabbed his  drink and said,....The thing out here?... There is no rational measurement?  On one hand we see thousands of years of  failure..but if you look close, its  thousands of years of...not trying....

 He sips his Coffee, and orderly appears with a fresh cup, Looking at  Sarah and  Karl top see if they want something.

 ..From my point of view... we are merely successful, because we are trying...what does not make sense... is the empire  ignoring our success? Counting on the likes of the EDT and EVOLs to undermine us? Out here? we can take care of  them, as brutally as we do the Empire.... there is a shrugs.

 Dr  Vix  arrives,..Captain  Nilsson? I do thank you for your aid..and once more..Thank Commander McKeon... There is a damn good bet we could have  launched...but getting back?.. not so much...
Karl Nilsson
player, 262 posts
Marine air-support pilot
Capt, call-sign 'Specter'
Sat 12 Nov 2016
at 21:16
  • msg #76

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Karl grinned in response.  "Close air support is largely about helping troops get back home.  Granted, this wasn't exactly a CAS mission profile, but the principle was largely the same."  His face grew more somber.

"My condolences on those you lost down there..."  He wasn't sure what more to say...that they'd died a heroes' death?  History would judge that...and depending on who wrote it, they'd either be heroes who made a desperate sacrifice, or they'd be craven cowards who decimated a civilian target outside the combat zone.

"I'm not certain I'd have the courage to make the sacrifice they did," he added, thoughtfully.
Sat 12 Nov 2016
at 21:43
  • msg #77

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Dr  Vix stared at his drink for a moment....we had  ...quite the discussion. In the end, I  believe  we would have  hit close enough to do what the main purpose of the attack was.... My compatriots thought   it better to hit it close to the target point as possible....Dr LArgerson's  data said there would be a 1% loss of  rads spread per each mile we missed by...ground  zero...would fact..increase the rad flow Because of the Water systems and  air currents... I would not wish to live on Hyria right now....

 Captain Trez spoke up,They kept their  ship's CAMs on the  whole way near as we can tell... the  flew  right into the target..if they missed?  it was By Inches...

 He Looks around  at the  others,..I must point out. With out Dr Largerson, none of this would have been was good you saved him...
Karl Nilsson
player, 263 posts
Marine air-support pilot
Capt, call-sign 'Specter'
Sun 13 Nov 2016
at 02:04
  • msg #78

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Karl gave a fleeting smile.  "I don't deserve any credit for that.  It was already done and in the history books by the time I joined up with the Delta Fleet."  He glanced down, then added, "I've been part of delivering his compounds to the enemy on multiple occasions, though...and he has definitely saved countless ESN and APF lives."
Admiral Hack
GM, 4422 posts
Sun 13 Nov 2016
at 05:43
  • msg #79

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Hack seemed pretty relaxed as he   drank his  coffee,..Largerson's daughter , had a hand in that... we  still may have got him out of there?..but  the cost would have been alot higher.

 Si came over  and  smiled at Sarah,so?... Commander... as commnader, to  do you like  your stint in the Delta Fleet, thus  far?
Sarah McKeon
player, 151 posts
Captain ESN Ironwood
Mon 14 Nov 2016
at 02:01
  • msg #80

Re: Commander's  Quarters

In reply to Sarah McKeon (msg # 70):

Sarah nods, "So you know sir, certain officers appreciate the gesture." She says using a similarly cryptic tone as the Admiral. "As to the attack, sir. Well I think it definitely achieved it's ends, the tactic is not something I'd have recommended myself. Personally I favored an engagement of using corvette, fast attack ships and the ships they knew were here to draw them into an encircling kill zone that precluded any escape. However, as to it's effectiveness it was swift and effective in saving ESN and APF lives and sending a message that any smart enemy commanders would be fools not to listen to." She raises her mug, "here's to them heeding the warning and surrendering, or here's to them not and continuing to underestimate us." Sarah nods in greeting to Karl, "Captain Nilsson," She says as he joins them.

She smiles at Dr. Vix, "The pleasure was ours Doctor. The way the Ironwood was built makes her an excellent extraction vessel. For us it was more of a snatch and grab than an actual combat mission. My condolences on the loss of your colleagues. Their actions have saved countless lives to be sure." She says.

Commander Si chimes in and Sarah turns her conversation to her, "Well Commander, it is definitely different. In Alpha Fleet Admiral Sientes takes care of his people but tends to focus more on his Officers, whereas Admiral Hack is well a soldiers soldier, if that makes sense. He leads from the front, whereas in Admiral Sientes is kind of a mix of the worthwhile parts of St. Gaul and Admiral Hack, a good mix I think. There seems to be a lot less favoritism here, where as in Alpha you have to be noticed and scouted to get good assignments. I was lucky and got scouted, wound up as Captain of the experimental Ironwood and then as special envoy. Especially since well I definitely try and lead by example with my people. Overall I'd definitely say I've enjoyed my time with the fleet, and I'm sure my people have enjoyed being at the tip of the spear as well. Honestly I think we are hoping for an opportunity to stay out here with the delta fleet and keep contributing." She says giving a longer explanation than she was accustomed to. Being the Commanding Offier on a ship had it's disadvantage, the first of which being a lack of peers.
Mon 14 Nov 2016
at 02:22
  • msg #81

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   Dr Vix  and His  Captain  give  Sarah  a  smile and  move   off to talk with the Sanri.

   Commander Si nods , she seems a bit more relaxed, then most will be  here,  for some  Time , Commander. We  will be visting Nivar  Next. They saw what happened to the  two...more...violent members, of the Triad... They  will not get a warning. Thier  warnign was the Niavrian ships  we have destroyed, and the  few  frieghters , the  ESN/APF ships  have  captured....

 Her eyes  strayed to  Evert, then to Hack, and Back to Sarah,...The Hillites ...seemed to be  , more noise, then threat... The Hyrians... did not seem as mighty .. i mean to say, we cannot   go Broadside to Broadside with them, but we can  take them on, as we see fit..... The Nivarian ships  seemed to be  heavier  gunned, then we were elad to believe.... and they have two moons  that hold Much inetrest to us, One has   some colonies  and   bases......the not   populated, yet is a very livable place?...we think there are bases  there as well..but the  information we have .....recieved..seems  a bit  tainted.
Karl Nilsson
player, 264 posts
Marine air-support pilot
Capt, call-sign 'Specter'
Mon 14 Nov 2016
at 07:04
  • msg #82

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Karl nodded, acknowledging Sarah's greeting.  "Commander," he said, with a smile.  He sat back and listened to McKeown's answer to Commander Si's question, fleeting grins sneaking into his expression at various points.

When Si presented the information about the Nivarians, Karl cleared his throat quietly.  "We shouldn't forget that black cloud that hit us in the asteroid field..." he said grimly.  "Don't know that we can count on the Harvestor being able to hand-crank her ion cannon into firing position again."  They'd been tangling with Nivarians when that...thing...had turned up.
Mon 14 Nov 2016
at 13:01
  • msg #83

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Si  gave Karl a  smile and slight bow of her head,..That cloud, is  in the Asteriod Field..Thus far, it   has not interfered  with us, save  for when we transgressed into the field... we will face it again, to be sure...but  The Nivar system, is well away from the field.

   Hack  finished his   food and handed  his  items to the orderly , then  refilled his  coffee cup and fixed it with milk and sugar. Once done, he stood up and   spoke over the conversations...

  Please... I need your attention, though you may continue   with  eating and  drinking.... To the Captains  on thier ships, I apologize  for the COM only conferance, but  i have Given   Beth the rest of the Night off to recover from her wounds, and Lily is covering  regular COM with me... Please... Captains   hit your  Buttons  so i know you are on.....

 He   watched  and waited. Nemesis was the first light on..Hera.and Ajax  did not light up....I Understand  Ajax and the  captured Flag ship is  heading to Fuji  as we speak... Hera?

 There was a bit of  static  as  Hera's Captain came on,..Soory Admiral...our COM tower was destroyed by a suicide  fighter.. we are working on it now....I have a Jury Rigged  COM system , that should get us through the briefing...

  Thank you , Hera.... then I will begin.....
Mon 14 Nov 2016
at 13:45
  • msg #84

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  ...Before I go over the Next step in our campaign , I will have Dr Vix  debrief you all....

 Dr Vix   refilled his  Drink and, for the sake of those in the Offcie , Punched up a View of the Hyrian Home world.

 ..Thank You , Admiral Hack. Now? I would  want all Ship's CAptains  to pull up View #6 from your Discs , that you recived  before  Jump Off...

  He looks at the  holomap on the desk in the Admiral's  office....what you are seeing, is the Model  Dr LArgerson made of the  effect and spread of the attack on the Hyrian Home world. I can say... the  model is not  quite  right. The spread, will be  wider, with more concentration, then the Model allowed for. The Hyrians  are about to suffer, the worst possible scenario , of  Plague and Radiation.. as well as the   huge  fires  that are   burning ..well...out of  control.  The smoke  from the fires are adding  to material in the air, that the contagion can bond to, thus, spreading it  farther...better..then we could have hoped...

 ..if will take them weeks..if not months   to get the fires  controlled..By then, the sickness  wil  have started to claim lives...and..of course..  those effected  by the bombs effects will  have  been dead for some time...when the Hyrians  contact us...we will have to enforce the fact... that we can do this again..and more importantly..we must be willing , to do this again... The  northwest Hemisphere of Hyrian, will be  a very hard place to live in..if living there is possible at all.... the  North East Hemisphere will  begin to  feel effects  from both the Bombs  and the should take  two weeks, before  the first of the sickness hits them.... There Southern  Hemisphere will only suffer  lightly, but anyone  who carries the sickness with them, could spread it there...The Hyrians  have a lot of choices to make....   
Sarah McKeon
player, 152 posts
Captain ESN Ironwood
Mon 14 Nov 2016
at 20:40
  • msg #85

Re: Commander's  Quarters

In reply to board (msg # 81):

Sarah nods at Commander Si's assessment,  "I wonder what they sacrificed for the extra firepower.  Perhaps armor or speed. As to the moons we'd not be opposed to going in dark and passively scanning them, or having a little fun and punching their flagship right in the bridge and then bounce out taking the long way back. I doubt they'd be able to catch us as long as we zip down their middle. It'd definitely Let them know we can hit them any time any where we feel like. Perhaps even convince them they can't stop us if they tried. Or to pull a play from the Hyrian homeworld attack, fill a shuttle with a nuke or two and rig it for remote operations though again go for their flag ship, and hit them in the pride of their fleet."

When Hack stood she stopped speaking to let the meeting begin.
Admiral Hack
GM, 4434 posts
Tue 15 Nov 2016
at 01:22
  • msg #86

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Evert stood  near the Sanri as she listened  and looks at the map. Her face   hard..cold  mask of disapproval .

  Hand Nodded to Dr Vix  as he finished...Now..what is the Next Step?  We  will be going   to Nivar...depending on the reaction we get from them.. we will bombard.... invade..or..simply , Blockade them.. they have been getting desparte since we have blockaded   the Hittlites, and Hyria  is not known for Merchant traffic, as  far as sending things out...they gladly...take things in.

 ..Captains..pelase view #8.... You will see the Golden planet of Nivar... deep blue and green oceans... lots of  sand... and  large tracts of   thick Jungle....The  export the   animals they have   for food  or guard  animals... their Seafood is  supposed to be the Best in The Black.. we will soon find out...

 ..Hidden in thier merchant   fleets are  Raiders.. Cap ships disguised ,,and they will pounce on any Vessel they think they can handle... Hillites  bring the  slaves.or? they take them, themselves for uses  as fisher men, farmers  and ..pleasure... They are  taller the  humans by a foot or so..but they are thin, and gangly... they aren't known as warriors , but they have been know to  fight hard..boarding parties are thier   bread and butter.....

 Thier Cap Ships  are on par with ours...Just as fast... doesn't seem like they are as well armored... their weapons  are  about the same level. No Hard Ammo, and from what we saw... their   ships  don't react well to be pounded by hard ammo... we need to  watch out for the   Nivarian sloops  sized  vessels.. can hit  and run they carry  some fighters.. but their main thing  is, zipping in..firing, zipping out..out  fighters  may be able to take them out, on their own...but they will do their share of damage...

 .... from out last encounter  with the Nivarians...we  are  going to come in hot..  They won't be able to see us..i will send one message..if they do not give the answer we wish to hear..then  they will get bombarded....

..two moons.... One ..we  call the Black Moon,..has  two bases on, that serves  as thier  main Fighter  launch points.. one on each pole.. it  isn;t very  nice place to live, but..we have seen worse.... The  Green Mon, is  lush..supposedly , there are no bases allowed there.. but  agents have caught flights of   fighters  darting in and out, from time to might have to neutralize the moons first...

 The Sanri spoke up,..and thier   Dogs...Admiral Hack...

 yes..thank you..thier  dogs.. 6 legged and fast..loyal tp theior masters  and love the taste of flesh.... Nivrians  don't  eat other  races...but they don't mind  rewarding  thier pest with some...
Sarah McKeon
player, 153 posts
Captain ESN Ironwood
Tue 15 Nov 2016
at 04:18
  • msg #87

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Sarah nodded in understanding to the explanation, though stays quiet as Admiral Hack lays out information that is common knowledge or should be at this point. She's not sure if he intends to lay out a plan or has brought his Commanding Officers together to formulate one.
Karl Nilsson
player, 265 posts
Marine air-support pilot
Capt, call-sign 'Specter'
Tue 15 Nov 2016
at 05:15
  • msg #88

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Karl listened carefully, a calculating expression on his face.  He could warrant a guess or two at where his plane would be deployed, but he was curious to hear whether his assessment matched Hack's plans.
Admiral Hack
GM, 4437 posts
Tue 15 Nov 2016
at 14:58
  • msg #89

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  As he looked  around, and answered a few  questions from the COMs, he  viewed the  moons. When the questions were done, he began.

  besides makign sure Nivar toes the line...we also need to be able to keep watch on them.... so?  As the Fleet Hails  them, and Moves inwards, to the Homeworld, we will be invading the   Black Moon.... the  objective is.... to overwhelm the forces there, and take over the Black Moon...That will become an outpost for us...and the APF will provide   Cap ships  to help  keep it that way.

 Capt Roles  and his EMS ships  will try to hit any Cap ships with their Ion Cannons, hopefully it will screw up any targeting they can manage... When we control that moon we will be adding buoys in areas on that moon, to  help spread our  Scanner advised? we are at the edge of the  reach, of the scanners  a The, we will be popping into view, as we move in and out of the fringe.

 ..if things work out the way we wish.... we will also send   teams down to the green moon to establish more buoys  and further  cement the scanner  cloak area...The  Green moon is dangerous, because we do not know what's  there..outside of  some  nasty flora and fauna...again..agents  have reported fighters  flying in and out...there is a good  bet, they had to build thier bases under ground, so they would not effect the  surface, like the  Black Moon.

 Commander  McKeon and Capt  Nilsson will ride shotgun with  two of our duces... The Achilles  and  Nemesis will be  sending  down shuttles as well...Hector.. lost a lot of its boarding crews  on the Kennel, so they will be held out, until they can get their teams  filled out again.... Transport Shuttles  will be dropped 1 hour  after the   assault shuttles have landed...Further  instrutions  for the   assault teams will be given, closer to drop time.

 Our Cap ships will form thier  Line, but we  will travel from pole to pole. around the planet... the first order of business.. will be  to  seek and destroy any Cap ships that  don't stand down... the second , is to shell the planet, as we did the Hillites....knowing the   Nivarian  interests in trade, both legal and illegal .. damage that a fleet of Cap ships can do, should make them knuckle under, quickly.

 Evert spoke up,..Admiral Hack..... The delta Fleet has  come here..they have  savaged the Hilltite system... you have  crippled the hyrian home you are going to attack a system that best...illegal traders?

 Hack did not even try to hide  the distaste he felt for the question.....These peoples have ravaged the    beta Triangle for years... safe inside thier own triangle...rarely did   the Beta fleet catch or destroy a pirate ship..much less   the Hyrians... and Nivar  gets a free pass, because they are..'as bad'....The Triad must be broken, to ensure  we have as firm a grip on this quad, as the Delta Quad..perhaps.... If the Verians would have been more active... and the Beta Fleet more...'ESN'.. then we would not have to do this.

 ....why are not the Beta Fleet  represented  at this meeting?

 ..i will tell you this.....The Beta Fleet  has to repair two Hyrian Vessels and have them ready for the Beta Fleet... they will have to  watch over thier own house...The reason You are here, is to see who is transferring to the Delta Fleet from  Veria....the second reason The beta Fleet is not represetned, is  Admiral St Gaul is  in bad shape.. Thier senior Captain Tunsol, is in command, and he is wounded as well... Von Bern managed to get through the  fight with one  kill, and no damage to his fighter....i'll let that sink in...
Karl Nilsson
player, 266 posts
Marine air-support pilot
Capt, call-sign 'Specter'
Wed 16 Nov 2016
at 05:00
  • msg #90

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Karl gave a nod...he didn't know where he was going, exactly, but he knew what he was doing.  Flying overwatch was what his plane was made for, and he found himself looking forward to flying an engagement under circumstances that were optimal for the Morningstar.  The thing had never been expected to fly exo-atmospheric combat missions, and certainly not to tackle the larger space vessels that he'd been shooting at for the majority of the past several missions he'd flown.  While he regarded his continued existence as proof that the design was more versatile than the designers had ever envisioned, he knew he'd feel better flying it against the kinds of ground targets it had been built to attack.
Sarah McKeon
player, 154 posts
Captain ESN Ironwood
Wed 16 Nov 2016
at 22:07
  • msg #91

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Sarah nodded, the Ironwood excelled at rapid insertions. A side effect of the quick legs that her designers had given her. Perhaps the designers had been too forward thinking anticipating their design being used to stop smugglers and interdict freighters, but the  result was the same. Raising her hand Sarah asks, "will we be carrying the shuttles our will they be going under their own power?" She had her fighter flight to consider which while only two fighters could provide additional eyes and cover for the Ironwood and the shuttles during the mission unless the Admiral had other plans for them. She also internally eagerly waited to see which if any of the Verian commanders would abandon their worlds policy of isolation and appeasement to join the APF effort.
Admiral Hack
GM, 4438 posts
Thu 17 Nov 2016
at 00:35
  • msg #92

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   He Pointed to Sarah and nodded at the question,..The  Shuttle s will be going in on thier own.. you and  Capt Nilsson  will be their escorts , of course, as well as a  flight or two of fighters...Each Cap ship will send a Flight  with the shuttles, , and their remain  fighters will fly cover  for  the Fleet and  try to keep away  the Nivarian Fighters  as these pesky  sloops

 ..our own sloops  will be harassing    the Destroyers  , and even Cap ships,,, Nivar was to be home of cowardly Slavers  and  thieves ,  It did not look quite so much like that, when we had  an encounter a few  weeks ago...but then again, we did not have our own intel to go on.

   He Turns to Evert and says..we cannot spare you any ships while you try to recover from the last attack. I did  send the  Transfer requests.... Will your people  be  permitted to  bring their ships?

 ... I am afraid not , Admiral HAck. The loss of  2 of our CAps ships, and the damage done to the other  two, will not allow for this, we will need all the ships we  have..down to the  last Sloop.. And.. I do not think there were be that many..



 ...700   Verians, in the first hour...but?..we need a place to Put them

 Evert Bowed slightly,..That sounds as if it is more  your Concern, then mine...700 of.

  Hennings cleared his throat and  said,.... The Saladin  is ready.. we will chagne the name , of course... And the Hyrian Destroyer..needs....16 more hours  before she can sail..

 ..16 hours?

 ..they took alot  of damage , Oliver?  best that they could  do.

 Right then.... Tell the ranking transfer Officer  to divvy up MArines  and Crew, and those  two ships will be theirs... as long as they wish to sail with the delta Fleet.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:19, Thu 17 Nov 2016.
Karl Nilsson
player, 267 posts
Marine air-support pilot
Capt, call-sign 'Specter'
Thu 17 Nov 2016
at 05:19
  • msg #93

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Karl listened quietly, no expression on his face...until he heard about the Verian volunteers.  An eyebrow shot up in surprise, and a hint of a smile appeared.  He made himself a mental note about judging an entire populace by the actions of its leaders, with a quick nod of satisfaction.

"Admiral?  Is our role in this primarily to defend the shuttles?  Or are you expecting us to undertake our own offensive actions while in atmo?"  He glanced over at Sarah and shrugged, with a sheepish grin.

"Just want to know what kind of load-out I need, munitions-wise..."
Admiral Hack
GM, 4439 posts
Thu 17 Nov 2016
at 13:34
  • msg #94

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Hack  Nodded to karl at his  question,... your  first order of Business is to get the shuttles to the Moon..after that, Targets of  opportunity are up to you... since the  end goal is us taking over the moon, anything Nivarian, is a target.

 Once its  Time for the shuttles to go home... your escort jobs  will be back in force..... The Ironwood may also be called  upon to  pick up  scatter units, but?  i am hoping   we don't have scattered units.

 Some of the Captains asked   their ship's roles and Hack would explain to them their part, which isn't  any different from the Hermes herself,

 Evert asked the last question,... When will i know how many of the transfers you accepted, will be granted?

  Hack allowed himself a good  chuckle,..My dear Admiral..all of them  will be accepted... they  will be  going on thier own ships, so we do not have any problems  with intergrating them into the Crew....if....they perform well... We may be open to allowing them on other ESN Vessels..until then They will have  the  two captured ships , as thiers... and we  will be renaming them, so they  have  a proper feel for thier    new crews...

...and? I have no say?

 ..none..what  so ever. These people want to fight... i am giving them a chance...

  ..and you have  no worries, that they may be captured...and what the Empire  will do to them?

 ..I always worry  about  my people, Admiral....but every one in the fleet faces the danger of 'what they will do to them'..That is  why, the Hermes is in the front, rather then Hiding in the back... If  i will not risk My self...My own ship? How could  I ask  others  to ?
Sarah McKeon
player, 155 posts
Captain ESN Ironwood
Fri 18 Nov 2016
at 05:12
  • msg #95

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Sarah nodded in understanding, time to start running SIM for a seek and destroy. The type of missions that Corvette's and their Captains lived for. It was too bad they didn't have one or two other corvette style ships they could run together and swarm any opposition destroying it quickly and then scattering so as not to become a target themselves. Captain Nilsson's craft was as far as she could tell a large fighter likely designed for Air Support. Less for the engagements a Capital Ship would be able to engage and support which the Ironwood found itself. That being said beggers couldn't be choosers and insertion of the teams had the opportunity to end either like the last mission or very poorly. She started planning in her head as the 'esteemed' Admiral Evert attempted to squabble over the lot she'd ended up with after her selfish decisions.

As the meeting broke up Sarah and her team made the rounds one more time with those that were there. She thanked Admiral Hack for his hospitality, and then gathered her people to return to the Ironwood, the'd honor the dead as a crew and be grateful they'd lost no one this time around. Fate wasn't always so kind.

Karl Nilsson
player, 268 posts
Marine air-support pilot
Capt, call-sign 'Specter'
Fri 18 Nov 2016
at 06:37
  • msg #96

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Karl nodded in response to Hack's explanation...that meant a mixed assortment of rounds for the howitzer, which was, ultimately, all he was trying to nail down with the question.  He quirked a smile that he quickly hid when Evert began fussing about her people leaving...but like any other ship in the Delta Fleet, they'd have to stand on their own two feet, to some degree...there was no extra coddling of the Occui (quite the opposite, considering who'd just carried out the suicide mission on Hyria), from what he'd heard the Sanri had not only held their own but on more than a few occasions actually shifted the whole course of ground combat (he hadn't been there to see it, but gossip made the rounds)...

Hack wouldn't spend them recklessly, by any means.  But he wasn't likely to show them any special favors, either.  Not until they'd earned some, at least.

He jotted down a few notes to pass on to the ground crew once the meeting was done, and waited to see if anything further would be discussed.
Admiral Hack
GM, 4444 posts
Fri 18 Nov 2016
at 12:51
  • msg #97

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Well then... I suppose  we are done here...CAptains, Thank you for your time... see to your repairs, but make sure your people get some shore elave on Everest... Jump off in 36 hours.... on my Mark....

 He watched the  ship's clock it reached 0100... MARK.....I will see those of you who can make it to the send off,  ...Captains...Please offer  the Condolences  of The Baord , Myself and the entire Hermes you all have your own send offs.

 Evert approached,....Dusk sent me a COM..she is stayign at Shadow's  Quarters with Shade... Might  i have use of the guest quarters?

 ..Of course... your   SECmay use empty quarters in teh Non-com section...i am sure they have had a long day as will have  Hermes SEC in the Passage way, and?..if anyhting  gets  this far?.. two more guns might not make a difference.

 She  nodded her thanks   and  went to speak to her SEC and Shuttle Pilot on the HAnger Dec.
the Board
Wed 26 Apr 2017
at 00:55
  • msg #98

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  <<< from hanger  after  moon celebration

As they stood in the  Hall outside The Admiral's Quarters, Hack looked over the board Members ,..I think i will allow  Shade and Orria to stay out of this meeting?... I have  the SGT MAJ keeping the  Cavet Busy, until she arrives  here.. Then  Nil we allow her to  freshen up and find a dress that doesn't look like she  stepped off a deserted Island....

 there were some chuckles,Yhough i feel i can trust her... we will wait until the plans have been launched, before she hears the news from Nivar

 so?.. get cleaned up..and meet in  my quarters in 30 minutes or  so
Sarah McKeon
player, 230 posts
Captain ESN Ironwood
Mon 1 May 2017
at 00:56
  • msg #99

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Sarah arrived exactly 5 minutes early, she'd cleaned up and was wearing a dress uniform that had been tailored to fit her very well and maintain a professional appearance. Dresses weren't for her with her broad shoulders and athletic build, at least in her mind they weren't.  Still the uniform fit well accenting her body type well without becoming too masculine in nature.

Adjusting her uniform out side the door she triggers the chime, to announce that she'd arrived.
getting ready to dine
Mon 1 May 2017
at 01:23
  • msg #100

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 The  Door opens a  seaman Greets   Sarah  , motions to the   shelves for  hats. Then says,Welcome aboard, Commander... Please. make your way to the  Admiral's dining room, there are some finger foods and drinks, until the dinner is  served.

 a female server from the Rec dec  had  a nice  Civie  uniform on and waited to escort Sarach in.... once she was  ready, she was Announced and the Admiral greeted  her, wavig off the salute,..Thank you for  Coming  , Sarah. I think you will find  this...a rather enlighting dinner...

 Si  had  a fetching dress on, he rank still showed on a  necklace that was purchased on the Blue  moon. She smiled  and said,... some say the war  is  a  struggle...but all these dinners  with  allies, is wearing on me.

 Hennings   was close  enough to hear,...ahhh..Commander?... I always  thought it was just Oliver's way to show  our enemies , and allies that his  wife  can have a softer side?
Sarah McKeon
player, 231 posts
Captain ESN Ironwood
Mon 1 May 2017
at 01:59
  • msg #101

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Sarah thanks the seaman using his name and rating, entering the dining area. "Thank you for having me Admiral. I certainly look forward to being enlightened." She smiles at Commander Si's comment "I agree, give me a good fight any day of the week over dinner politics." She says good naturedly, smiling and chuckling softly at Hennings comment, "You mean you can't see the commanders soft when she's in her fighter?" She asks in a slightly teasing manner.
getting ready to dine
Mon 1 May 2017
at 02:08
  • msg #102

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Hack  Nodded  a bit. Hennings  Chuckled  at Sarah's   Comment. Si's  eyebrow  raised  at  Hennings,..and Old  Destroyer  Captain...making    sport of a fighter pilot?.... Admiral  Hennings? Fighter s  are  Just a bit ..'undergunned' compared to destroyers...but..they are never  .....'undermanned!'

   I am Goign to roll a big set of dice, tonight,Sarah.... and?... if things  are we;ll and good.... then..the mission  will be well...and Good..... If things are not  so....cozy..then there  will be some ehat  put on the upcoming mission...and  we   may just have to shell the 9 hells out of Nivar,
Karl Nilsson
player, 315 posts
Marine air-support pilot
Capt, call-sign 'Specter'
Mon 1 May 2017
at 04:44
  • msg #103

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Karl arrived shortly after Sarah, and was shown into the room.  "Admiral.  Commander.  General."  He made his greetings to the top brass, trying to conceal his sense of hurry.  He turned to Sarah.

"Commander," he said with a hint of a grin, and for a moment, his expression showed the harried rush that resulted when someone was in the midst of preparing for a mission when orders arrived to attend a dress dinner.  While his expression looked a little flustered, his uniform was in perfect order.
getting ready to dine
Mon 1 May 2017
at 16:57
  • msg #104

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   Havck leads  them over to the Finger  foods, He pours himself a glass of Brandy.  he   moves  his hand over the selection,...i have collected a few of the best, from the  planets we stopped at. Now  and then Col Cummings will send  me a case of....goods..they find on ships  or in cities as they clean up. I am not a big drinker, by anymeans, but  these  all have some good tastes..and..warm feelings...

 I have sent the SGT Maj  a COM Text to  bring the  Cavet  around.
  he takes  a sip of the  brandy and pops  a cracker in his mouth,...we will , talkign  about the upcomign actions, in front of her...There is no way we could fake a story, that would  sound good, unless it was the truth... if there is no leak...then we should  know hwere are people will stand, being  on a colony here...If there is a leak..then?  we  will have to bring the hammer down.
Sarah McKeon
player, 232 posts
Captain ESN Ironwood
Tue 2 May 2017
at 00:10
  • msg #105

Re: Commander's  Quarters

In reply to getting  ready to dine (msg # 102):

Sarah nodded in understanding, "as always my ship and people will contribute any way we can." She nods to Karl, "Good to see you again Captain, I trust you've been staying busy?" as Admiral Hack opens his collection she settles on a robust wine similar to the classic reds of Earth, though with a hint on earthy sweetness. Sipping lightly on it she selects a single item off a platter to eat.

Looking at the Admiral, "so this is a gesture of good faith as well as a test of the Cavets commitment?" She asks for clarification.
Admiral Hack
GM, 4800 posts
Tue 2 May 2017
at 01:33
  • msg #106

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  The Admiral swallowed , what had the look of a celery stick with some sort of  dip on it...This is a Test.  We have a large planet full of   gold  skinned people, who think that the  Universe is thier own hunting grounds..or...perhaps treasure trove? Sadly, the only way to make the Test for it to be real. With the short timespan, between telling our people what we are going to do...and  when we do it? The Leak will have  to come from The Cavet...If she is  really on board with the  whole APF  thing?  She can sit back and see who our enemies fare, once we get our backs up.....should  shebetray us?..well.. she will see it, first hand.
Karl Nilsson
player, 316 posts
Marine air-support pilot
Capt, call-sign 'Specter'
Tue 2 May 2017
at 05:45
  • msg #107

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Karl chuckled quietly at Sarah's question.  "I suppose you could call it that," he said in response, and then listened as Hack explained the plan.

Considering the role he knew he was going to be playing in the upcoming action, the thought of having the Cavet know details was a little unsettling to him.  "We, ahhhh...aren't going to discuss ALL the details in front of her, are we?" he asked.  It would be bad enough to have a potential leak about forces heading down, but giving the Nivarians a chance to know exactly what kind of weapon was intended to be used against them made him nervous.
getting ready to dine
Tue 2 May 2017
at 12:52
  • msg #108

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Hack checked his COM, out of habit , since a ship's clock was easy to see  on the wall.

 ..No Karl..but  she will know   what we are doing...If someone intercepts the Tunnel  group.... or  there are fighters lying in wait to ambush you and the LC... then we will know

 Topping off his  drink from the selection,...If.. From what Ms Dalton told  us is true... Any Qarl that may have seen or heard her there, may, indeed have  resistance of sorts set up... if not.. they will be taken by surprise... if they are warned... there will be an ambush...and that should not happen...

  For  You, Sarah and  The LC... there should be Interceptors come out  after you, once you enter the Atmo... i'm sure Beth's magic becons can't  get through the  rads in thier   sky, any more then it  could  getting  out....again?  if you are Ambushed... or they have a CAp ship waiting for you...then?.. something went awry....It may not go down in history, as the smartest move ever made... but the hand  will be tipped. We will  kill two birds with one stone, we will cripple the planet's  defenses and will will learn if  we can trust the CAvet...all with limited time spent.
Karl Nilsson
player, 317 posts
Marine air-support pilot
Capt, call-sign 'Specter'
Wed 3 May 2017
at 04:01
  • msg #109

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Karl nodded, with a grin.  "Oh, I'm expecting the reaction to be somewhat akin to kicking a hornet's nest...that's why I wanted enough fighters along to keep their interceptors occupied."  He took a bite of one of the finger foods...something he couldn't readily identify...and added, "I just don't want them to know they need to shoot me down before I start shooting them.  If they ignored the fighters and came after the Morningstar, the whole plan would come unraveled."

He paused, looking at the item he was eating.  "What are these?  I don't think I've ever had them before, but this is good...very tasty."
about to dine
Wed 3 May 2017
at 14:48
  • msg #110

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  There is a bit of a Smile as Si says,..that would be Cara stems... they are native to Bura.. the  green ones are akin to a sweet cucumber, while the red ones are more like  a red sweet pepper of earth... they taste very good with the blue dip from Astra...made from their form of Honey and spice.

  I am Certain that the LC will let them know the Fighters  are there.... and I am Hoping Sarah will get them to focus on her  as well...but we'll get into that shortly....
Roy Spencer
player, 5155 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Thu 4 May 2017
at 05:17
  • msg #111

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy arrived, managing to look only mildly annoyed, with the Cavet following closely behind.  "I feel ridiculously underdressed for the occasion," he commented drily.  "But I didn't really have a chance to stop anywhere to change out of combat gear.  Someone stuck me babysitting..." The last was said with a low voice, and a grimace in Admiral Hack's direction.

He turned back to the Cavet.  "It appears I was a little tardy in getting you here, and dinner looks ready to be served...shall we?"
about to dine
Thu 4 May 2017
at 07:25
  • msg #112

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   They are  led into the bar area, with the  finger foods. Hack  smiles  an understanding  smile,Well..Let us see if  food and  drink can make you feel a bit more comfortable

 Commander Si asks the Cavet if she  wishes to change into  something more formal. But the  Cavet just  laughs,..No Commander, but thank you... I have  grown quite used to wearing of  clothing... and i am sure the  Males do not mind...

 Si's  right  eyebrow raised,...of  that, we can be sure... yourself to a drink and some of the smaller food....the servers will  about to set the table.

 Hack led Roy to the ' wine section'  and grabbed  some  cracker thing  with some meat slice on...this  shoudl, prove interesting  if not  now...after we jump off... he pops the cracker into his  mouth as   they watch the Cavet flant her 'almost dress' and try some of the  earth type vegetables  and such..

  On the Table were glasses and  dishes that were far to fancy for  most dining... it is interesting to see the plates were emblazoned with the 351 Hermes insignia , much like the fighter pilots  have on their jackets.

  A Chief in a white coat  cleared his throat,...Ladies  and Gentlemen ...Dinner will now be served....if you will take your seats...

 Hack sat at the head of the table..while Si sat at the toher  end.. The Cavet sat on Hack's right  side..with Roy next..then Emmie..then Hennings...Across the Table  sat BAle, Nilisson..sarah and an Open seat...

 The Servers   had  carts  and  asked the   diners what they wished  , Steak.... Turkey (?) ..or  Fish. There was a salad  as well as  sides  of  Mashed  Potatoes  with gravy depending on the  meat they chose..or rice  with the fish, and a sauce to go with it... there were bowls of Corn  and Green beans as well..

 Cavet?  You Must forgive my wanting to show off...but The food is from out ships' farms.. including the fish that help clean the  water, and that water is used to  irrigate ..The  turkey, however is from Bura...  but  we get them  flown in with the  supply transports  so the Rec Dec...The Pulse, and the Officer's  club can have something  to take the pressure of the ships' chickens!

 The Door Opened  and Shadow  entered, in his flight jacket.  he grabbed a glass of wine from the  table and  Took the seat next to Sarach, on Commander Si's  right.

..sorry I am late... there were a few issues  to take care of, and  i made the mistake of stopping in at the rec dec...

 He grinned  down at Roy... but the grin faded a bit  as Hack gave him a glare.. the grin was Gone  when he turned to Look at  Si... the upraised  eye brow and  thin lipped  smile   make him sit back in his chair a bit... Then he nodded to Sarah.. Hello Commander.... leaning see down the Line..  Captain...Genral... Admiral... Cavet..SGT MAJ...Emmie...Admiral.. Commander...

 Si's  smile d grew a bit  as she  shook her  head as the servers  Cut a steak for her..

 Shadow took a thin sliced steak and thanked the  woman as she moved on to Sarah, then watched  the potatoes   being ladled out.

  Hack took a bite of his  steak and Complimented the Chief,...Please   pass along my thanks to the cook... and his team.. well done.. as  always...

 Shadow  nodded,..I like Mine well done  too I.... Hack looked at him, Hennngs  was chuckling through his  bite of steak.....Oh?  You mean they Cooked it well...?... he stage whispered to Sarah,..good..or well?

Emmie  tilted her head, at Shadow  , then looked at Roy.....That is a good question...
Sarah McKeon
player, 233 posts
Captain ESN Ironwood
Fri 5 May 2017
at 03:41
  • msg #113

Re: Commander's  Quarters

In reply to Admiral Hack (msg # 106):

Sarah listened closely to Admiral speak of the test. In her mind it sounded much like a game of Russian roulette with 3 rounds in the chamber. She too shared Karl's concern, "We'll do our part to keep any nosey Cap ships occupied.  As to the fighters, if logic follows as the only Cap ship involved directly in the assault that would make us a prime target for any interceptors." She agrees with Hack.

When Cavet and Roy shows up she schools her features, while not a prude the Cavet's choice of dress was well a bit extreme. She takes her seat and nods to the wild card that is Shadow, "Wing Commander." she says returning the greeting. "Well Done, or Good job." she said with a slight hint of stiffness in her voice at the making light Shadow was doing. This was the part of these social events she disliked, the watching, acting, and judging. She smiles a bit tightly, "Cavet, it is good to see you in a much less... formal setting. I trust that you have been enjoying your new alliance with the ESN?" She asks with out guile or sarcasm.
Fri 5 May 2017
at 04:33
  • msg #114

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   Shadow  smiles at Sarah, the fellow  does not seem  to be a schooled in decorum  as he is in flying aircraft...ahh.. yea.. well either way, it  tastes I like it!

 there is a Jerk of Shadow's  body as   Si kicks him with a pointed  toe of her heels. She Gives her had a quick shake.

 Hennings  nods to  Shadow,..relax LC.. we all know  fighter  pilots  would rather  be at the Pulse or the OC stacking up shot glasses..

 Shadow frowned, at both Si and Hennings...Perhaps, Admiral..or.. perhapos , digging up an escort... his eyes shift  from hennings   to Emmie and back again... Henning's turn to frown.. Emmie  just smiled at everyone as she nibbled.

 The Cavet did not seem to mind that her dress was more suited  for wrapping around yourself, when you steeped out of the shower., She  eagerly  turned to sarah,..this has been  a bit of a change... we are all Nivarians..but...we are Nivarians  who have been exiled.. either  as prisoners..or as those who watch over them... yet the Homeworld  seems to care very little.. With both moons in the hands of the ESN and APF.. trade  could slow to a trickle.....for them. I am lookign at our  Moon to see a boom in business..once people  learn what not to try to eat...and what will try to eat them.

 BAle shakes his head  at Shadow... Hack gives him another  even stare , Then begins,..This is  your  first briefing,,as an APF  member...sadly, the mission  will be against your own people....

 ..oh?.. i am eager to hear... she tried the steak...but really found she loved the mashed  white stuff..with the brown stuff on top...

 ..Frist the removal of that Vessel..or at least the top part...that should  kill most if not all the creatures inside, either by drowning..or  in the vaccum of  space... the  second attack, will be  into the Mountain... SGT Garrat is leading troopers  down inside the Moutnain once more....and? Lastly... LC Shadow and some hand picked fighters are going  to visit your homeworld... they will cause  quite a stir..I am sure...and those great guns  they have  will be like trying to swat a fly with a sledge hammer.
Roy Spencer
player, 5157 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Fri 5 May 2017
at 05:28
  • msg #115

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy didn't often get filet mignon...and, technically speaking, what they were serving wasn't that, exactly.  But it was the tenderest and juiciest steak he'd had in a long, long time.  "Well-done steak is an abomination," he muttered, with a grin.  He turned to the Cavet, very consciously keeping his eyes up on her face.

"This is a prime example of what I was telling you about the Rec Deck.  There are places there that serve steak...and they do a good job.  But compared to this?  They're serving roofing shingles..."

He noticed that Hack's beginning of the briefing didn't include anything about his team taking a 'back door' approach to the Qarl base...and he wasn't about to point out the omission.  Considering the amount of time he'd spent, early in the Hermes' mission, trying to underscore the risk of the press publicizing the ship's every move long before they actually made it, he felt almost like heaving a sigh of relief at having a secret operation that stayed secret.  So far, at least...

He glanced at the others at the table, wondering how much of what Hack had to say about the upcoming mission omitted their involvement, as well.
Karl Nilsson
player, 318 posts
Marine air-support pilot
Capt, call-sign 'Specter'
Fri 5 May 2017
at 05:53
  • msg #116

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Karl carefully kept his expression neutral as he listened to Hack's explanation of the upcoming actions.  He knew, perfectly well, the role he was to play, and thus far it hadn't been mentioned.  He was fine with that.  Ground-attack pilots never got the notoriety of fighter pilots, and he, for one, didn't want it.  As long as the troops he was supporting on the ground thought well of him, that was fame enough.

His eyes flicked over to the Cavet, curious to see what her reaction to all the announced action was.
Fri 5 May 2017
at 12:36
  • msg #117

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Folks  listen to  The Admiral, The Cavet looked at Roy and  smiled, is very good..I like it... the closest thing to this are the Grassroamers.. they  have 6 legs, as most  creatures do.. they can grow big in size, and  spend most of the  time in  groups as they walk  over the  planet eating  grasses and small brush...we use them for thier  milk, hides and of course, thier meat... some of our  folk make dagger handles and  such from thier horns...but  it does not  taste, quite like this.

Bale  nods,.. it may be the cook as well...we have people who cook for a living.. they know many tricks to  aid the taste of food.

 when  The Admiral finishes his   beginning statement of the mission, The Cavet   gives a  small chuckle, using a napkin to dab her mouth, she looks down the table at  Shadow  who seem  to be concentrating on the corn. ....   Mr Shadow?  What good   do you think, a handful of  fighters will do on the homeworld?

 he looks up, glances around the  table  as he swallows his  food,..Well, Cavet? It will show your  Home world, that those guns   can't really do al that much.... i mean? if one of us is hit by the  beams, we'll be  gone in a flash....but.. we'll make sure  we let them know we are there...Make no mistake, Cavet..Nivarians are going to die...but it will be for a good cause...

 ...and what cause is that? Mr  Shadow?  The furthering of your  war? she had  stiffened at Shadow's remark.

  There was a chuckle from Kray, he  waved the  fork in his hand about  as he tried to decide what to stab next, then looked down the table at her,..that? is merely an Happy Side effect, Cavet....the good  cause.. is, your people will see that we can strike them... the Valley of the Moons is gone... thier  navy  is  battered, and No match for ours,  only those guns can harm us..and once  your people see, that those   guns will not  stop death from touching them?..Perhaps  they can presuade the council, that dying   to keep thier  rich asses in  palaces, isn't a good thing... he  took another  bite of  Steak.

 ...Shadow comes from the...' you cannot make  an omelette , with out breaking  eggs' of warfare.

  The Cavet Looked at Emmie, she   just says,..I like omelettes ..with Mushrooms!

 The  Cavet Gave her a sidelong  Glance then turned to  Roy with a raised  eyebrow.
Roy Spencer
player, 5160 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Sat 6 May 2017
at 18:35
  • msg #118

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy sighed.  "Great...diplomacy via metaphor.  Definitely a military operation..." he muttered, mostly to himself.  He cleared his throat as he turned to the Cavet to explain.

"It's an old metaphor on omelette is a food-dish, made by stirring up the contents of several eggs, cooking that enough to hold its form, and folding it over with some other ingredients inside.  Relevant here because it addresses the concept of acceptable risk.  In the same way that eggs must be cracked open to get the key ingredient for omelettes, personnel must be put in harm's way to achieve military objectives."

He held up a finger as he continued, raising another as he brought up each new point.  "Nivar's navy has been ineffectual.  The ships around the homeworld withdrew from engaging the Delta Fleet, but the reinforcements that were supposed to chase the Delta Fleet away were completely neutralized by a scant handful of Delta Fleet ships.  So, no appreciable threat.  Unless the interceptors on Nivar are significantly better planes and pilots than what we've seen on either moon, they're more of a nuisance than a threat...can't afford to ignore them, but they're not going to stop the Hermes planes.  Minimal threat, there.  And while the planetary guns are proven effective against a large ship, it's another matter altogether to sight on and track a smaller and far more nimble fighter.  So, there's a chance we could lose a fighter or two to a lucky shot...but practically no chance of significant losses to our forces. "

Even as he said that, he cringed, inwardly.  It was true, and sound military logic...but 'significant losses' was one of those catchphrases used by barely-competent officers to sell a plan that involved needless risk...and usually ended up in significant losses.  Without dwelling further on that point, he continued.

"In exchange for what looks to be a pretty low-risk operation, on paper, we stand to gain a fair bit.  Nivar's ruling council seems pretty reliant on the promise of Nivar as an invulnerable planet...when the citizens start having the wreckage of their own interceptors start raining from the sky, and military targets getting shot up, that image will take a pretty big hit, and it might be enough to either shift the council's position, or else make them lose so much credibility that they can't maintan power.  We could always stand off at a safe distance and just rain down heavy artillery, but the fact that you surrendered revealed that the council doesn't have an iron grip on authority...your society isn't as regimented as the Hyrians."

He shrugged again, and turned back to his meal.  "So, for the price of a mildly risky flight incursion that will only endanger a handful of APF pilots, we get a shot at rattling Nivar so badly that we get the surrender we asked for in the first place.  I don't see where we really stand to lose a lot, short of some incredibly foul luck.  And Shadow never seems to fall prey to bad luck, even when someone suicide-crashes into his plane."
Sat 6 May 2017
at 18:50
  • msg #119

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  At the mention of the  crash, Shadow shook his head... I wish i could have saved that pilot.. i would have liked to beat him to  death.... it nis one thing to diver into a ship to 'take them with you"...its  quite another, to use the ruse of being damaged  and Attack a pilot  who  thought to help another flier...

  I won't forget that...and the nivarians  better not.
Sun 7 May 2017
at 23:07
  • msg #120

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   The Cavet  takes a turn, now  and again, in telling Tales of the Green Moon..with The Naragrans... and  the  Harrsen.. she   laughs a bit, on how  some folks say, not all  females  abducted  by them are unhappy, but it is a grim joke, when  it is added that the Harrsen are flesh eaters... and like, so many other races.. Humans  would not likely survive   the births.

 Nivarian woman have been known to survive.. but the  whelps  are smaller then pure bred Harrsen.. and  are thus, considered inferior .

 She tells a tale about Naragrans attacking  the first Nivairans to try to reach the top of the Mountain.......some consider this an act of war... others  say it was because of the killing and eating of  smaller naragrans ... she  adds,..the very fact, your pilot made...firends ..with either a cause  for us to question your  IQ's.... or  Question the    Naragans!

 There were some    smiles...but Shadow  just stabbed  his steak a bit harder at the  statement.

 ...would the Green Moon Nivarians.. be aiding in any of the fights  we have?...

 The Cavet turned  and shrugged... ( which caused a few male eyes  to divert, and rapidly   look elsewhere.)... I do not know the exact numbers.. i am sure i will know when i get back to the Capitol?.... But i am going to guess.. we  may only have  about  30,000  Nivarians left?.....not  enough to help invade our home world?,..and to be truthful? They sent us  here.. so? the 9 hells with them.... We will get a working agreement with , whomever your Military  commander is?... according to the  Numbers... you will have  some100,000  troops and   20 to 30 thousand colonists ?    Sheer numbers   have made us a minority, but  they will need to learn the ways of the Moon... if they mistreat the Moon.... it  could be  a bad thing, for your peoples..

 Hennings speaks up,..the people who volunteered to come here..are looking, not only for a new life..but to  give our people other places to go...and?  Occui, Sanri.. and  Burians..both the green Angels and the smaller there will be   quite a mix
Sarah McKeon
player, 234 posts
Captain ESN Ironwood
Mon 8 May 2017
at 00:31
  • msg #121

Re: Commander's  Quarters

In reply to dining (msg # 120):

Sarah gives Si a wry smile when she kick Shadow, and made a mental note of the awkwardness of Hennings response to Shadow's comment about Emmie, the woman takes it well enough.

Sarah nodded in understanding, "Will that be a big culture shock for your people, and do you suspect there will be firm resistance to the the dietary changes?" While not the best choice of topics Sarah wasn't well known for her skills in diplomacy, and at the academy had been known for her blunt approach to social situations when she was forced to participate. "I couldn't agree more, regarding steak Sergeant Major." Sarah said quietly across the table to Roy catching the gist of what he was muttering.

As the Admiral began, she quieted and listened to the plan begin to unfold keeping an eye on Karl watching his reaction. She suspected he'd played a role in the planning based on his apparent prior knowledge though she supposed it wasn't too far of a stretch to assume as a flier he would be in the air, still. She grimaced at the analogy of scrambling eggs to make omelettes. "When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." she muttered much at the same time as Roy. Though she had a distaste for diplomacy she wasn't one to eschew out right it's merits. Granted this was a war, but history hadn't been kind to those running wars of attrition purely for political reasons. In this case it was about holding ground and not leaving a live weapon at your back. This whole mess was convoluted. In her mind Roy' assessment was sound. The plan would cost lives, but no plan was without flaws.

The Cavet begins speaking offering a slight towards both the Human's and the allies Shadow had made during his crash landing, she frowns a little deciding perhaps the Cavet left out an obvious third option of questioning the IQ of the nivarians. The talks turn to the colonists and she works on finishing her meal ordering another glass of wine, this one a little more sweet than the last, and suitable for pairing with a wide variety of deserts.
Mon 8 May 2017
at 03:27
  • msg #122

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 the  meal went on, mostly  small talk..Emmie was  asking  the Cavet, if she  could  produce  dresses like that , that  her company to   export..they would both make a lot of  Creds!

 The Cavet Looks at around as the  servers take Plates  away... chocies   are Cheesecake... Chocolate Cake..or Blueberry pir....

 there were topping s on the carts as well.. ( Shadow took Chessecake with strewberry glaze )

The  Cavet tried the Chocolate Cake.. and  found she loved it!.. Admiral Hack...  Nivar? I mean.. no matter what you end up doing?.. you cannot draw them into a war?... you can  beat them up... blockade them..but they will not , mindlessly send  troops after yours... you almost have to expend  a lot of forces, in aground war that could last decades?

 ..It will not come to that, Cavet..  if all else  fails, we will spend a day or two  pounding  Nivar  to box wood  from do not know what all we will hit, from this distance..but if we knock out the guns.. we can take out Military and Government area.... do n ot understand Nivarians , Admiral? she looks   around with her  arms out..( this time  Shadow didn't look away, and got  another Nudge  from Si)... yo'll still have people on the ground, looking for ways to  subvert your ...rule? The only way to stop that, is to  ..'win the war' against them..anything else...would be considered...  a bother?

 ...and  if  we  turn Nivar into a  Glowing ball , as we did Hyria?

 she shook her head,..Then you lose one of the most fertile Planets in the Black...our moon is a desert, compared to Nivar!

  The Admiral Looked  down the table,...Shadow?  can you start a war for me?

 he  frowned as he had  just taken a mouthful of cheesecake  he  nodded   until he swallowed,..don't  see  why Not  Admiral... i'm sorta good  at that..

 ..That's a good fellow... now? lets  enjoy the desert.....if anyone has  anything else?..please bring it up now.
Roy Spencer
player, 5163 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Mon 8 May 2017
at 08:01
  • msg #123

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy shrugged dismissively at the Cavet's point.  "You're assuming we feel some need to have Nivar supporting us.  All we need is to make certain that Nivar doesn't have the capability to attack us.  If we have to wipe out their entire navy and destroy their entire space industry, it can be done.  In pretty short order."

He scowled slightly.  "Judging by their defensive efforts on the Black Moon, and the carnage we made with a squad of troops...who weren't even on a combat mission, they were there scouting...on the Green Moon, I honestly don't see where the presence of Nivarian troops in the Delta Fleet would actually provide any kind of tactical advantage."

He speared the last bite of his steak, using it on the end of his fork to punctuate his words. "That's one of the key ways that we differ from the Demons...we offer everyone the chance to make peace with us, first...we don't reserve our peace offers to only those that we think will benefit us in some significant fashion."  He bit the steak off the fork, tucking it into one cheek before he added, as an afterthought, "But if someone's determined that they're going to be our adversary, we're quite willing to show them what that full measure."
Mon 8 May 2017
at 14:22
  • msg #124

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  as the desert  cart left, shadow managed to lift one  more piece of chessecake from the cart, the  server   gave him a smile  and continued on...

 Sliding that piece onto his 'used plate', so to take advantage of  the strawberry glace that was 'left over' from the last piece, Kray looks  down the table  at the Cavet...Answer me  this, Cavet... What does the High Council hold  dearest to them?

  Looking a bit taken back, she had to sit back and  take a drink,..well?.. i do not know?  They have  everythign they need.... The High Council's  families  are well provided for... they have  everything they could want... they never have to worry about losing family, because all council families never  fight...they are deemed too important to die...

   Shadow  Nodded  and wolfed down the last bit of cheesecake. washing it  down with the last of  His wine  he  dabbed his Mouth and Stood....Admiral?  If I may....

    Hack sat back himself   and Looked,..Of Course , LC..we were about to show  the Cavet Some  Vids of  earth and the APF colonies and such? Is there something  important that you have to do?

 He Bowed  to Si,  Then to  Sarach, he gave Emmie a wink ( she giggled) and a nod to The Cavet...I am going to see what i can do about that little ordered...

  he took a  step  back, SAluted the  Group as a whole, then pivoted to head out the door.

  Bale , who was on the end of his Blueberry pie,... something odd  about that Lad....

 Hennings   smiled a  bit,..he is a bit  odd , even for a Fighter Pilot...

 ..So..Admiral?... You Think  Oliver and I are.....odd?

 Hack grinned at this , and Hennings  face got a tad  red,...what  do you think..., Commander?... SGT Maj? Are   us  fighter pilots...odd?
Admiral Hack
GM, 4807 posts
Mon 8 May 2017
at 18:40
  • msg #125

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  The Admiral Rises  and Motions to the  , rather large, living area,...let us adjourn to the Living Area so the   Cavet  may see the good, and bad of APF Life...

 The Cavet stands and looks surprised,..ytou would show  me  ...bad things?

   Si Chuckles in her melodic way,..Juil?  You have seen the broadcasts of  any confrontation the ESN has had... you have seen losses,  and you have seen  Victories. It is  Oliver's way of dealing  with those   we meet in  The Black. We show them the truth , no matter how its paints us. Because.. he wants   those we encounter, to take  us at our words...

  Admiral Hennings  nodded,..Oilver was  never  very good at cards... but he was a damn good Safety  when he played  football...Hewill not Bluff you...but he will damn well, make good on his promises!

   As Si lead them to the  Livign Area , Hack stops  Sarah, Karl and Roy.....SGT MAJ?... I am afraid you will be detained a bit...  I do not what the Cavet runnign about the ship on her own, nor can we have her use   either Si's  Quarters   or mine..... So You will stay here  for the  Vids of the  colonies... then you'll escort her to one of the empty officer's quarters...say.... the one across  from the LC's  quarters?  Hmmm? Then you will be free to go...

 ..Karl?  Sarah? I have a feeling   what Shadow  might have in mind... but ..well..his mind is a scarey you will both report to the mini pregame , before  Karl sets out for the HArvester... if Shadow manages to come up with something, then we may very well, kill two birds  with one stone.... if not?... we'll have to hope  those  guns can get knocked  out..or we are goign to waste alot of  ammo..and alot of Nivarians Civies...To that end?..You two  can be spared to see to your  ships.
Sarah McKeon
player, 235 posts
Captain ESN Ironwood
Mon 8 May 2017
at 19:15
  • msg #126

Re: Commander's  Quarters

In reply to dining (msg # 122):

Sarah listened patiently to the conversation the subtle and and not-so-subtle play of politics. The Cavet talking about Nivarians and their leadership.  She accepts a piece of chocolate cake which pairs very well with the semisweet red wine she's drinking.  She watches the Admiral and Shadow interact regarding Shadow starting a war. It reminded her of the old Ian Fleming novels she had paper copies of in her office. The main character had been similar to Shadow, specifically fix one problem buy creating a more serious problem. It could work, and she had a pretty good idea of what Shadow would do.

Sarah paused at the door with Hack, Karl, and Roy. She listens carefully nodding in understanding, "I suspect it may make early 20th century mobsters proud sir." She says in a circumspect manner not wanting the Cavet to overhear. "I have thoughts that could be useful, but they involve a serious amount of risk to our ground forces." She finishes quietly. "I'll just need to step out and comm my XO. Gods only know he's well on his way to earning his first command." She says excusing herself.

Stepping out into the hall for a moment she coms LC Harrington giving him load out and prep instructions trusting him to carry out the rest of the prep work.
Roy Spencer
player, 5164 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Mon 8 May 2017
at 19:24
  • msg #127

Re: Commander's  Quarters

"Fighter pilots, odd?  I'd damned well say so," Roy answered, before digging ito his dessert.  He grinned as he spoke, however...the grin that those who knew him would recognize as teasing.  After all, they were all 'odd'.  What sane being hurled itself into space, with little thought of returning home, to fight an enemy with unknown assets and resources?  Worse yet, what kind of lunatic considered that to be all the life he wanted?

When they adjourned to show Juil the vids, Roy scowled sourly.  "Aye aye, Admiral...but for the record, I'm doing this under protest.  Something about her just doesn't sit right with me, and the sooner she's someone else's baby to sit, the happier I'll be."
Admiral Hack
GM, 4808 posts
Mon 8 May 2017
at 21:29
  • msg #128

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   Hack nods  with a slight  smile...Very  well , SGT MAj.. i must warn you..I am keeping the lights you can try anything....

 The Vids  go on for a bout an hour, broke down into  4  sections... The delta Colonies  ( both the prison and the normal colony)... she sees the  difference between the Untamed  Ape-folk and the  ones  who have  joined the APF under the Banner  of 'Apefolk'.

   The next showed Astra   before the attack...after the attack..and the 'rebuilding

   a Vid showed the   two  moons of Paradise ( mostly the blue moon) and they difference between the way they were, before and after driving out the Demons and their allies.

  saving the best for last,  it showed Bura, with its great  forests that reminded many a Earthman of the  great northern forests of  earth..

   'modern' cities  springing up down the road  from the  Native Burian Villages.. one thing that was shown, perhaps as a  backround thing... where  APF  Cap ships cruising  around the planets like watchdogs. This is what we have to look forward to?... trading one prison planet for another...

 ..That, Good where you misundertand the vids?...The  places i have show you are  ESN/APF  members.... we leave a presence to protect them. In time, between    the work done by your people and the Colonists, you will be able to export things... perhaps  animals  for pets?.. some seeds from your plants, that will do well on other  jewelry whatever you have, that others do not? you can sell...or trade, for items you want from elsewhere? You can bet, that  the merchants  will be moving in  , with in hours  are the fall of Nivar.

 Admiral Hack?.. you must forgive  this question?..But  do you have so little  faith in the Nivarians that you think you can just...crush Nivar...

The Hillites have  3 planets... all three   are having , more then a little problems. On top that... we are blockading the place intercepting ships going in and out.... people who were trying to come in... we  make them land on the  Hillite planets...since, they were so eager to  run the blockade... we keep the ships and goods, spreading them out through the  fleet..adding merchant ships and  freighters  to our own lines....

 .. Hyria is just short of a death sentence...but..if they work hard enough...a few decades down the road, they may be able to think about  spacefaring again....The bloackades  are in effect there as well...

 This is the thig, Cavet... we would like, for the peoples of the Black to come together... to not only help fight the Empire..but grow.. because..this is just one Galaxy...the gods  only know, what threats await us   outside...

 the others stood  as they made their way  to the Door.well... I hope your  way works, For Nivar's sake.... as for me and mine?.. I think we shall be content... This place they meant as exile..will now  be a place of growth?

 ..You will be staying  in one of the unused officer's quarters..... Roy will show you to those quarters, but he has some things to do, and some rest to get.... if you need anything, you will use the COM... if you are caught, walking abut, without an escort..we will have to provide all times... there was a thin smile at the last part.
Roy Spencer
player, 5165 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Tue 9 May 2017
at 05:56
  • msg #129

Re: Commander's  Quarters

At Hack's comment about leaving the lights on, Roy snorted softly.  "Like what?  Dislocating her arm so I can use it to strangle her for hitting on me again?" he muttered quietly, as he walked into the room.

He sat as casually as he could manage through the videos, although he paid special attention to the footage from the Delta colonies, since he was one of the ones to broker the deal for the Hyrian refugees that had renounced their government to go there...he was curious to see how the place had changed since he'd been there.  A couple of years and an awful lot of incoming personnel, of varying racial lineage, had put a different face on it...but he nodded with some satisfaction.  They'd do well, there, provided they didn't try and make trouble.  He had no doubt the Ape-folk would be able to contend with the Hyrians, if that happened.

For the others...he had little reaction to them.  With the exception of Bura, they were all just stops on the journey...the footage from Bura set his face in an even more stony mask, as he thought about personnel lost there.  When the vids were over, and the Cavet began asking her questions, he carefully kept his mouth shut.  He'd tried to explain, repeatedly, that the fate of the Green Moon, and Nivar, as well, were largely in the hands of the Nivarians...they'd only become prisoners on their own worlds if they pushed the issue of defying the APF and maintaining their ties to the Demons.  He'd put it bluntly, in the terms of a battlefield briefing, because he didn't have the patience for the nuanced commentary of the diplomats.

But, apparently, the Cavet only understood 'diplomat', and couldn't understand 'soldier'.  Which left him with one more reason to inherently distrust her...

At Hack's explanation of her accommodations, he rose.  "I did mention that, several times, in the tour...if your quarters aren't to your liking, and it's so bad that you feel the need to wander about unescorted, we can easily arrange space for you in one of the holding cells."  His tone and expression were deadpan, and he gestured in the direction of the door.  "Shall we?  I do have duties to attend to..."
Tue 9 May 2017
at 06:19
  • msg #130

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Roy and the Cavet leave the Admiral quarters. Walking down towards the stern , they would pass through the elevator Car to get to the   'second half' of the Officer's  dec

 Two SEC troopers where on the 'bridge side' of the elevator..and  two on the stern side... wayyyy down the  passage, two more could be seen by the  doors to the  Top section of the engine rooms.

 Most of the officer's  on this side were Pilots. While  most of the officers on the Bridge side  were  MArines and Navy.

  As they Apporached Shadow's  quarters,  the doors hissed open across the hall and some crewman stepped out with a cart and  cleaning  supplies... Hellow SGT  Maj, Ma'am... just finished up... there is  some clothign  in the closet , Ma'am  and   a fresh robe.. towels in the bath.. you should be good...

 The woman also said,..the Vid screen has a menu you, yuou can  call up genres of vids or shows  you would  like to see.. and the   fridge is  stocked...

  Then they were off to the gather    linens and such from  others  quarters.

 The Cavet smiled, have all this room?... Maybe, SGT would wish to...come back and show me how the vid  screen works?

 There was a bit of a sound  behind them... Shade was  trying, valiantly  to jump up and hit the   palm pad  for  Shadow's  quarters..  sharp bleeps were heard  , each time he   fell short... One of the guards from the engineering door was going to  help him, but the other guard    grabbed him and shook his head.
Karl Nilsson
player, 319 posts
Marine air-support pilot
Capt, call-sign 'Specter'
Tue 9 May 2017
at 06:22
  • msg #131

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Karl nodded, a crooked grin on his face.  "Frankly, Admiral, I think the more chaos he can cause down there, the better it will work for the overall mission.  The Sergeant Major has a pretty good handle on what the intended results are...shake up the Council so they can't keep selling their brave face to their own people.  I suspect his ideas will work pretty well with what I've got in mind.  Should definitely keep their planes busy and looking somewhere other than at me..."

He snapped a quick salute and headed for his quarters.  He had time for a little shut-eye before the pregame...and he suspected he would need it.  They were looking at a very long day...
Roy Spencer
player, 5166 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Tue 9 May 2017
at 06:28
  • msg #132

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy gave her a look that was devoid of any warmth or humor.  "I have duties to attend to, Cavet.  If you find that the vid-screen is too complex for you to understand, let one of the guards in the hall know, and we'll get a tech sent here to talk you through it."

Without further word, he stepped back into the hall.  He glanced down at Shade.  "Have you got that, Ambassador?  Or would you like a boost?" he asked...and in contrast to his tone in the Cavet's room, there was genuine fondness and possibly even concern in his voice as he spoke.
Admiral Hack
GM, 4809 posts
Tue 9 May 2017
at 06:29
  • msg #133

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   There was a dark grin on  The Admiral's face.,..The LC  has no love  for ..'the Elite'... it is almost an addiction, for him to shall i say it..'put them in there place'.... he got card blanche on this...he'll take it and run...
Tue 9 May 2017
at 06:32
  • msg #134

Re: Commander's  Quarters

    The Cavet  gave a pouty frown and stepped into the   quarters, giving Roy a last glance  before the  door hissed shut.

  Shade , was buzzing  and  bleeping, his  hand was just  about 3 inches  from hitting the palm  of the  door pad.

   then he looked   at Roy and   gave a half hearted  thumbs up.
Roy Spencer
player, 5167 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Tue 9 May 2017
at 07:48
  • msg #135

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy dropped to one knee, patting the other one.  "Here's a step up, then."  He knew, Shade being Shadow's son, that the drive to do it himself was a strong, Roy wouldn't open the door for him.  Just, make it easier for him to do it himself.

"We should talk to some of the maintenance techs...see if they can't install some kind of fold-out step you can use until you grow a few more inches and can get to that button without needing assistance."  He offered a hand to help Shade climb up and balance on his leg while the half-Verian triggered the door.
Tue 9 May 2017
at 13:30
  • msg #136

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  With a  small Bleep, the little   guy  puts  one  foot on his hand   and  jumps.. his palm hits the   pad  and it opens the Door.

   The Bleps a few times  and  tries to make a 'thank you' sign ( with his  3 fingered hands ).. then holds a thumbs up.

 He  Beeps a few more times  and points to the  fridge..
Roy Spencer
player, 5168 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Tue 9 May 2017
at 17:07
  • msg #137

Re: Commander's  Quarters

"Need something from the fridge?" Roy asked.  The sounds were mostly just noise to him, he was doing his best to interpret tone and body language, with a little deductive reasoning.  After all, if Shade wanted something to go in the fridge, he'd have held it up or in some way pointed it out.

Still, even as he stepped toward the fridge, Roy paused, giving Shard the chance to confirm or refuse, rather than presume to act too far on his own speculations.
Tue 9 May 2017
at 17:28
  • msg #138

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Shade  tilted his head and Poitned to the fridge, then pointed to Roy. he hopped up on a shair bu the  counter  and grabbed   a glass   and held it out.

 the bleeps  were soft toned, his  eyes  grey.
Roussian dinner
Sat 15 Jul 2017
at 02:48
  • msg #139

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   For  the  Signing Dinner..

  The  Dinning   room is  set  in a  round Table.. a small  gap that faces the  doors, for the servers  to bring food  in without   reaching over  the  guests.

  Admiral Hack and Commander Sir ( at 9:00 )..The  Hennigns  and  Emmie... Bale and Stefi...  Juil and  Roles... SPencer  and.. jesse   Shadow and Beth.. The  three  Roussians.. The Two Sanri.. the two Occui... and Shade and Orria...Morris and  MIller.... Henry and...cookie

   Lyri would be Near Hack... Melia on the other side of the door near Orria

 Shoemaker and  Robbins  against the   Bow  wall...since no guards  were permitted,  MC-1 was permitted  his   weapons belt and a rifle.
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:55, Mon 17 July 2017.
getting ready
Sat 15 Jul 2017
at 19:27
  • msg #140

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Time  was closing in for the   Signing Dinner.  Hennings and Emmie  arrived ...Emmie  had a fantastic   dress and Heels.

 Hack  greeted them  along  with  Commander this  instance , The Commander wore one of her  Many  Angel Silk  dress , in Light   blue.

 Bale  and Stefi arrived, both in dress uniforms.

 The Sanri came next Naon, stunning   in an Angel silk  dress of her  own...modified  for   , 4  arms. Ersi wore  the  Uniform of a Sanri Navy Captain.

 The Occui  came in.. both wore dress uniforms of the  Occui Ranger groups..

 The Roussians arrived in their Dress Uniform... Niether Lyri of  Shoemaker even pretended  to hide their mistrust of an Armed  alien who had  not served time  in the fleet.

  Shade  and Orria  arrived...  they both had 'tailored' uniforms, of  sorts Shade  had the  Verian sash.. Orria  had a  lIttle  round metal  that Lyri had   contructed for " aide ". on her  uniform.

   a bit LAter Came  Morris  and Miller... Miller wearing one of Si's  Angel silk dresses...
Henry Christie
player, 2109 posts
Sun 16 Jul 2017
at 13:18
  • msg #141

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Henry turned up wearing a midnight blue tuxedo.
signing dinner
Sun 16 Jul 2017
at 18:24
  • msg #142

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   Captain Roles  Arrived on Board, and was escorted to   the Cavet's  quarters... and he.. escorted  her into the dinner... His Dressed  EMS Uniform with the Detla fleet patch  , proudly on his  shoulder....

 The Cavet wore a   dress that was deemed ' Formal " by her people...but... aroused a lot of  eyes   when she walked into the Dining area...  As   People mingled   Hack waved   Kray and Beth  over to  the Roussians...

   NC-37, TX-5  and MC-1... this is   LC   Shadow..he is the Hermes  WC  and the WC of the delta Fleet

 The two women  offered their  hands  and he took  them lightly, Bowing slightly... MC-1 did not offer his  hand to Kray.

  Shadow Just smiled at him and winked...

  ..Is there a problem, MC-1 ?

 The    Roussian drew himself up to his  full height  m which was about  6 inches taller then Shadow.... I do not shake  hands  with Killers...Admiral  Hack. There is a reason he is  high on the Galactic  Bounty list...

 Neat!...High!..How High?.. I'd like to see if i moved up!

 beth Giggled may surprise you...but  almost all of us here...are on the  Galactic  bounty list!

 ..This one is differant... I will not  offer  him any respect, due a true warrior!

 ...beccause... you   have  found   alot of  people?  Right.. face to face?... Blade to Blade.... Beth snapped

 Lyri  had  shifted a bit.

  ..That's   Fine MC-1... I'm not  fond of egg Plant... so? not  touching you is  alright  By me...

 ENOUGH!...  LC..Please... get Beth a  drink.....

 Understood, Sorry Admiral  and they moved off..

  MC-1 Looked at the others,..Egg Plant?

 Hack  just Put his head in his  hand while NC-37 and Tx-5 tried to  figure it out.
Roy Spencer
player, 5276 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Sun 16 Jul 2017
at 19:30
  • msg #143

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy arrived shortly thereafter, in his full dress uniform with all his various commendations pinned on the chest of the jacket.  He took a look around the room, reading the body language of the Admiral and of Shadow, and made an assessment of the situation, walking up slowly.

"I take it our Wing Commander has demonstrated his normal delicate sense of tact and diplomacy...?" he asked, with a low chuckle in his voice, directing his question to Commander Si.
Commander Si
player, 67 posts
Sun 16 Jul 2017
at 20:36
  • msg #144

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  She  smiled her normal dazzling  smile,..Indeed... It seemsThat MC-1....does not like Killars, such as  our   LC?... Our  LC, seems to have  spoken his  distatse...for egg plants?
Jesse Dalton
player, 2796 posts
Agt 2nd Class
Sun 16 Jul 2017
at 21:29
  • msg #145

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Jesse had made her way to Hack and Si's quarters and gotten the gown that Si had put on reserve for her.  Mind you, she was not as slender or as tall as Si, but most of Si's things fit her any ways.

Having got dressed and pinned back some strands of hair, she made her way, quite uncomfortably, to the signing party was at.  She entered in and looked around.  Having been guided to where everyone else was at, she sees where everyone was seated and nods.

Hello, she said as she enters.  This would be a first in a long time that she attended a party without any one. She felt a bit out of place.
Roy Spencer
player, 5277 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Mon 17 Jul 2017
at 03:54
  • msg #146

Re: Commander's  Quarters

One eyebrow quirked up at the mention of distaste of 'killers'..."Oh?" he asked, with a glance toward the Roussians.

"They must absolutely LOVE being aboard this ship, then..." he added in a droll tone.
Cookie Baker
player, 658 posts
field medic and cook
hunter, hunted, haunted
Mon 17 Jul 2017
at 04:41
  • msg #147

Re: Commander's  Quarters

In reply to Henry Christie (msg # 141):

 Having asked Henry before what he was wearing, she chose a nice dress to go with his Tux. She came in with him and greeted their friends and their host when he made his appearance.

 "This is a nice crowd. I'm sure the ladies all are enjoying the chance to wear something nice for a change! It's nice to let our hair down now and then and forget uniforms for awhile. And I must say Henry, you clean up very nicely indeed! You may be the most distinguished men here tonight, next to the Admiral of course."
signing dinner
Mon 17 Jul 2017
at 05:11
  • msg #148

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Sarah Made her way into the room with her  escort....  everyone who was  asked to  Come, seemed to be here.


   Si  smiled   a thin lipped  smile,..oddly enough.. The Roussian Commander  and her Tech leader. had  no complaints  about  our good LC?.... But the person in charge of  killing people for them...seemed to take offense?

 Hennings  Waved  Shadow  over to   Roy and Si,...Did  any of you catch that Vid?... Bluggard.... is  a fellow from my Past..when i got  my first command... A Corvette  Called  ESS Grenwall... back when we  were the Earth Space Service.......he  had Command of a Sloop.. the ESS Morton?...anyway..the fellow broke and ran, the first time  we ever saw an Empire vessel...Lizard ship...... the whole he left in the Line..enabled  three  ships  to pour  through and vanish into the Sol system.... We  Caught one..but the  damn lizards  and their   shields wouldn't  let us touch them... so  we 'made' a torpedo  out of  our shuttle and  spare Power Cells... they were..rather surprised...

 ..Angel Scout ships hunted the other  two down..but my report cost Bluggard his  Command..... He left the service...hooking up with a private   company.... and?... His family  that stayed behind?  Changed thier Name to...Blu...


   TX-5   greeted   Henry and Cookie, are the   professor..yes? I am TX-5.. I deal with most of  our Tech duties  one my ship, and our Flotilla


  MC-1 was   testing our  some of the finger  Foods  as  Stefi was getting herself a drink..If  i Understand  your Unifrom?  You are  a Med tech  here?

 ..i am ..THE.. Med tech here... out lasted  two doctors who were  suposed to be in charge?...but.... being in Med tech, when you are  the 'point of the spear'...seems to take its  toll...


  The Sanri Woman found Jesse, she  smiled a bit   and said in a hushed tone,..The Roussians have never left the  Quad, except a few times in the early  years of your is quite odd..they are out here now....
Roy Spencer
player, 5278 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Mon 17 Jul 2017
at 05:47
  • msg #149

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy snorted softly, but the scorn was clear in the sound.  "He talks a good game when he knows full well the Fleet is a completely different quadrant than he is.  Ground troops have a term for behavior like that, but...well..."  He looked around the room, and shrugged softly.

"Company like this isn't the place for the non-euphemisms of combat troops."  He gave a smile that was slightly predatory, and added, "I'm sure people don't want to hear about the excretory habits of barnyard fowl..."

As per regulations, he was armed...the Verian pistol he carried in a holster on his right hip.  His preferred blade, the kukri, was sheathed across his back at belt level.  They were visible...but not prominent.
signing dinner
Mon 17 Jul 2017
at 06:25
  • msg #150

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Hennings nods  and shadow  had a mouthful of  some  greenish vege and dip.

 beth spoke up a bit,...funny he's  shooting his  mouth of now?  If the Admiral choses  to hunt him down..well...

   there is  a bit of  a harsh, but high pitched voice As Ziger Spoke up,.... I think it's LAdy V's doing... she's been busy all over...but  not too busy in one place..peopel are dying, or getting captured  all over the damn Black....


  Shade  and Orria  carried  little  plates  with some dip and  Veggies on  They  walked over to  Henry, Cookie  and TX-5..Shade Blleped  a bit, and made a little bow.

  Orria  said,..SHade says  ..Hello...

  TX-5.......there is  that  fabulous  machine!.... we have to get the specs  and try to build  some.... Do your People need help fixing it...its Vocals  seems...broken...

 Shade Made  a Grinding Sound   as his  eyes  shifted   to a  red...
Henry Christie
player, 2110 posts
Mon 17 Jul 2017
at 10:12
  • msg #151

Re: Commander's  Quarters

"Hello, Cookie, you look wonderful," Henry greeted her as they arrived.

Inside he viewed all the bristlings and posturings with wry amusement. Perhaps it was just as well he had decided not to wear all the medals that they kept giving him (even if he did have them in a pocket in case he was asked to put them on!).

"Yes, TX-5 - I'm Henry Christie, xenobiologist. This lovely lady is Cookie Baker, who is a medic."
Jesse Dalton
player, 2797 posts
Agt 2nd Class
Mon 17 Jul 2017
at 14:57
  • msg #152

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Jesse was shown her seat next to Roy and she took a deep breathe in.  Do you come here often? She jokes and takes a seat next to him.

She smiles at the Sanri and listened to the quiet comment.

Are they original inhabitors of this region? She asks.
signing dinner
Mon 17 Jul 2017
at 15:24
  • msg #153

Re: Commander's  Quarters

     While folks walked  about  and Talked, there  was some  laughter.. The Cavet seemed to  be  enjoying Roles' company and  he , very much  enjoyed her outfit..i

   An LT  who took care of the Admiral's Mess came out  and  rang a little triangle,..Ladies and Gentlemen, If you would pelase  take your seats....As the servers enter the  inside of the table you may choose your Soup...Occui 'beef' or  Earth Vegetable ...  salad  will be availble  , we have 32 dressings from  earth and  APF  worlds....The Main course, You may choose Earth beef... Bura  Beef...or Delta colony grown chicken..... Sides  are Potatoes..or ...

   Place  Cards  with Names in Earth English and APF trade English under  had been shuffled  around a bit...he clears his  throat as his eyes  shift to orria  and Shade,..Mac and Cheese....or Burian mashed kuul root.... for desert  there will be...New York style  chesse cake  with  berry toppings of your choice...or Sanri Frozen Bava Sap..again, with your choice of toppings...Please do not hesitate  to ask for wine..Occui wine... Sanri  Blue Liquor ..or Mull Cider..there is of course..soft  Please.. he flourishes   his hand towards the  round Table.

 Once more the setting is...

 ( at 9:00 going  clockwise ) Admirla  Hack ...Commnader Si.... Ad  Hennings...Emmie.... Gen Bale and Stefi... Roles and  Cavet ( 12:00 )...Roy and jesse.... Shadow  and Beth.. MC-1...TX-5...NC-37 (3:00)...Ersi and Noan...Ziger and Oilra....Morris  and  Miller ( opening..)...( other side or  opening )...Henry and Cookie...Shade and Orria...

  Seaat were Modified to allow   Shade and  Orria to  climb up without 'booster  seats...and the same was set for the Occui ambassadors... One  seats   4 servers entered the  Area with carts with food  and drink as they took orders.

  MC-1 made his order  and leaned forward,..Tell me?  LC Shadow?  Those  decorations  on your Uniform.. do you sleep with them?

  Shadow   grinned his  halfsmile,...Just the Blue Max.... the rest are nice and All... But The Blue Max is the one Pilots  want...

 MC-1 looked confused, as Si  spoke up,..Indeed, MC-1...  Once the Blue Max  was made official was sought  after by anyone  who flew combat ... glorify Killing with Awards?

  Hennings   spoke up before Shadow could get going,..that is a rather odd statement coming from a person whose name is the designation of  ' military Commander-1".... any award in the some  way... related to the destruction of those who oppose  us...

 NC-37  says, rather Nicely,..We  have such awards..but they  are more  inclined to be in the service of the Homworld...

 Roles looks away from Juil for a moment,well?..let me say this? we have awards from  all the planets  of the APF..since our service is to them if   putting out  a  range  fire on Astra, to same millions of tons of Astra wheat?... that is fine..... If it means  turning   ship loads of enemies  to atoms?.. that is fine....

 Shadow  leans forward,... I'm the  'turning  enemies into atoms'..guy...
Mon 17 Jul 2017
at 15:26
  • msg #154

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Noan says  , as she moves to her  seat,..I would say ...yes?  but  we do not  know much about them... They are supposed to be Tech Savvy?... Where  Occui Tech is largely  military..thier  tech is ....supposedly ...defensive in nature.... its  not lost on anyone, they still operate  warships and have  armies...
Cookie Baker
player, 660 posts
field medic and cook
hunter, hunted, haunted
Tue 18 Jul 2017
at 04:44
  • msg #155

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 She greeted Henry with a smile and blushed when he complimented her. Her hand went to her necklace and she looked unsure.

 "I didn't wear my medals. Do you think I should have? I'd have felt like I'd have had to wear my formal uniform if I had. Oh well, it's too late now."

 As Henry found their places and seated her, she was overjoyed to find herself sitting next to Shade. She smiled at him and spoke a few sentences to him in simple clicks and phrases in his own language. She wasn't proficient yes, but she was trying to learn it better in her spare time.  She also greeted those across the table and beside Henry.
Roy Spencer
player, 5279 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Tue 18 Jul 2017
at 08:58
  • msg #156

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy quirked a grin at Jesse's question.  "Not willingly," he answered with a sigh.  He listened to the exchange up the table for a few minutes, before he finally decided he'd heard too much to stay silent any longer.

"If military awards are so repulsive to you, I'm surprised you're even willing to set foot on this ship.  The Lieutenant-Commander is hardly the only one who's received commendations for actions that involved enemies losing their lives...and for every enemy that resulted in a commendation, there are probably dozens of others that nobody ever even heard about. That's part of being a warrior.  For some of us, it comes a little easier than others...but there's not a member of this crew that hasn't been involved in someone's death, if they've been aboard for more than a couple of weeks."

He paused for a moment to let that sink in, before adding, "That's the kind of life that's become vital to us, if we're going to survive the Demons and their allies.  And the disapproval of someone who doesn't understand being pushed to kill in order to survive isn't likely to sway any of us.  There's an old Earth saying, amongst people who were not warriors but appreciated them..."We sleep soundly in our beds at night, because rough and dangerous men stand ready to do violence on those who would hurt us."  That's us..."  He gestured first to himself, and then to Shadow, as he repeated, "Rough...and Dangerous."
signing dinner
Tue 18 Jul 2017
at 14:44
  • msg #157

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   Shade  rattles of a few sentences in  his  'words'...

 Orria looks   over to Cookie,..Shade  says he is Busy... he  does not like the fancy clothes....


    MC-1 looks at Spencer  as he  gives his take on the  'killer' thing, and   Shadow Points to Roy, nodding his head  as he   tries to swallow a bit of   roll. ..what he said....'cept i'm  Just Dangerous....

  Beth Giggles  and turns to  MC-1 ,..Shadow is too  pretty to be rough....

    BAle  speaks up,I must agree with the SGT Major, MC-1.... Humans have   had  wars  against each other , since the first two tribes  ran into each the end... we knew, even the most hated enemy, would have to be trade The Black?  we , most likely..will have to destroy the Demon race..... the rest of the  Empire   can choose  thier path from there...

 NC-37  looks at the Sanri Next to her, who was calmly eating , he smiled at her.well? I should think you would find a  way to make  epace..instead  of taking Lives.....

  Shadow spoke up,..ahh yes..peaceful ways... Like.. The Burians had? the people there  didn't even have  fighters? much less  ships..that didn't  stop the Demons and Lizards and Bugs  from  landing there.... and?.. what about the triad?.... how many have dies, or been sold... Billions of creds lost...thousands..maybe  millions of Lives taken... but you know what?  That didn't stop  until we  came here...

  Shade Bleep  and held up a thumb.

 TX-5 shook her head, rteally need your little   robot  fixed.... does that not annoy you?
Henry Christie
player, 2111 posts
Tue 18 Jul 2017
at 15:27
  • msg #158

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Henry smiled gently at TX-5.

"To start with, Shade is not a robot despite his appearance: he's a living, sentient being. He is certainly not broken, and very rarely annoying. He just has a rather unusual mode of communication. It takes a while to get used to, I'd certainly not claim proficiency. That's why Orria is here. She is very good at understanding what Shade has to say."
signing dinner
Tue 18 Jul 2017
at 17:29
  • msg #159

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   TX-5 nodded slowly,..perhaps....But ..there has to be a way to fix....

  ..If I may?  Ambassador Shadowcan perform his  tasks, and  can be   quite surprising...

  The Roussians  Look over to   Kray... he just shakes his head and Points to Shade..

   they turn  as one  to loo at Shade  who's   eyes  were still black as he gave them a 'sarcastic, 'thumbs up"....

   Si  smiles  sweetly , just before she takes a  sip of her  wine,  we have mentioned... the Ambassador is   Shadow's   son...

 the Roussians looked shocked,  turning from  Shadow to Shad,  then  back  again.

 beth  said in a stage whisper, you might not want to ..insult him?.... Shade, like his father, might not wish to go through proper channels.... in  the way of  righting, such an insult?

   Hennings  tried  to change the subject.......Since  we are not  far away from signing the Pact.... Do you think you copuld tell us what your ...pronlem is?
Jesse Dalton
player, 2798 posts
Agt 2nd Class
Tue 18 Jul 2017
at 18:05
  • msg #160

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Jeese chuckles and points with her thumbs the two guys she's between.  Shadow and Spencer may have pretty faces, but they can sure make the enemy cringe upon their arrival.

She nods over to Shade.  That guy there, he's the rough and dangerous one.  No offense Shade.

She winks at him.  He can just look at you from another quad and you want to seek shelter.  I wouldn't want to be on his bad sideb that's for sure.
signing dinner
Tue 18 Jul 2017
at 22:41
  • msg #161

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Kray grinned at Jesse, and said,..The Hermes is the Pride of   all Humans, earthers or Colonists. It hsi a badge of honor, that the traitors to our race, seem dedicated to destroy us..or..perhaps...The Empire thinks  the only way to beat to send other humans?

 The Cavet tears her eyes away from Roles,..So.... She  looks around the   table,..what of the  lesser races in the APF?

 Hack  shook his head  as he dabbed his lips from a sip, of  soup,..there are no..'lesser races'... there are races who, cannot put as much into the war effort as some....but they do what they can...Bura sends  troops , food and have now oepned  factories, with teh Help of ESN/APF people.... The Mulls handle the  Cred system for  the Black.. Tortuga? once  , nothing more then a low life haven for Pirates, is now a recruiting hub for privateers and people who wish to be Privateers,  EMS crews, or ..even join the ESN

 Si  downs her wine and  notins for  a sever to refill,...what this  war  has shown... is the ..'power races" have shown, they lack power..... The Skith and Qarl battel each other to a standstill...knowing they cannot leave thier  quad in any numbers, or lose thier homeworld and colonies..... The Angels hold supplies and aid from us, even with the liberation of the Paradaise system..... Only the two Moons  Joined the APF...and we have   a few ships, and alot of troops from them...The demons... thy hide on there  firey world.. ending out Minions to deal with those who would stand against not seem to care? are saying , The Humans can save..or destoy the Balck..all by themselves...

 Ersi, the Male Sanri said,.... we are  saying, MC-1.... that the Humans  have been beating the 9 hells out of the Empire....whilst  beating thier own traitors back..... For our part?... The Sanri will rise and Fall with the Humans for the APF...
Cookie Baker
player, 661 posts
field medic and cook
hunter, hunted, haunted
Wed 19 Jul 2017
at 05:15
  • msg #162

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 "Pardon me TX-5, but why should Shade be forced to learn to speak all of our various languages just to pass the time of day or do small talk? If we need to talk to him, we either try to learn his way of talking, or we get someone who can translate for him. I am trying to learn his language, just as I would try to learn anyone's way of talking as I had time. I admit I don't speak everyone's language yet, though many of them do speak ours. Perhaps Shade cannot form our words to his satisfaction. If it is necessary to speak with him yourself, we do have translators and we are working on a translation program. It's just taking time."

 She tried to be patient and courteous to the person with the weird name of TX-5 but she was kind of insulted for Shade's sake that the person was talking down to them.
Roy Spencer
player, 5280 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Wed 19 Jul 2017
at 07:22
  • msg #163

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy had opened his mouth to clarify that he had, indeed, meant himself as the 'rough' one...but Beth's comment put a nice edge on it, and he sat back, with a satisfied look on his face.  As the conversation progressed, he followed along, looking from speaker to speaker as each added their comments, a growing sense of pride filling him as the Hermes personnel all reaffirmed each others' points.

The comments about 'fixing' Shade made him bristle, visibly, but others spoke up before he got a chance to speak...with calmer, more diplomatic words than he would have managed.  He forced himself to breathe slowly, calmly, letting the tension ease from him...there was a treaty yet to be signed, and a heated exchange could still foul that up...
Henry Christie
player, 2112 posts
Wed 19 Jul 2017
at 10:18
  • msg #164

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Henry also sat quietly, sipping his wine and observing the diversity of sentients around him.
signing dinner
Wed 19 Jul 2017
at 14:43
  • msg #165

Re: Commander's  Quarters

    MC-1  tapped his wrist,...almost every race , that is worth speaking to, has been chipped... very few of those who are shipped , cannot  be understood.. or? Understand.. yet you truck with the Naragrans?  who are not chipped?.. and you have a  robotic halfbreed that  cannot speak to you?

 Beth's Hand  slammed on the Table,  But Kray's  left had  held her  right   hand Gently...  He leaned abit  forward, top once more  speak to  MC-1. His smile  was  a cold one... as he spoke..slowly , as if talking to a very slow learning child... with  nodding of his head, and   inflections of his  voice.

 ..First...MC-1....  Burians  did not get chipped Until the fleet arrived , the Angels  who crashed there hundreds of years ago..ran out of  chips..and  did not have the resources  to  manufacture them....Now? that they have joined the APF... Burians  and green-angels  are part of the  greatest Federation in the Black.... The Naragran are very  smart... they were hunted ot near extinction on Nivar.... but flourish on the green Moon....They...cannot be  not yet..much like some forms of  creshians

 ..Shade  and His  sister...

 TX-5 blurted out,there are more then one!

  Kray's Voice  lowered  as he closed his  eyes  can continued ...slowly, before opening them,AND.... his  siter... are very different.... like most Verians... speaks  and looks..she  was modified a bit ...though she still has the   shifting skin color that shade  has, only hers  is a bit  under control.... According to the Verians..they could 'fix' Shade..but..if they could not my words... would be recycled.... that isn't going to happen..... whatever  reason.. I can understand him can  any Verian...Orria, Doc Henry.. and Cookie.. have been trying..Orria seems to  have an upper hand...perhaps..because she is so young... But?..  Let me ask him this question... I will translate word  for word....

..Ambassadow Shadow?.. Please, since the Roussians  seem full of Opinions... Can you express your Opinion of MC-1?

 Hennmings spoke up.....Shadow..I don't Know....

 Hack    took a sip of  wine,...No..I think it is  fair... the Roussians  seem to have no problem offering  opinions,  it is only fair  the Verian Ambassador  is allowed his?... we are all equal in the APF?

 Ziger nods as he   finishes his soup,..yea..let the  little one offer  his  few creds worth!

 Hack Nodded to Shade  who stood Up On his chair  and  waved  a three fingered arm around  as a steady stream of  whirls, clicks, buzzes and bleeps were sent   forth... only  the color of eyes shifting from green to grey, to black..and ended in red..showed    any sort of emotion... Then he sat back down...Orria  giggled.

 ..The Ambassador sayd...." is hard to have an Opinion of  someone who has  not taken part in  this war, in  any form.... He has said the  Cavet and her people have stepped up.... The Sanri and Occui have been foundations for the APF....The Naragrans   would  have been here this night, had they  have had more room... the signing tomorrow  morning..BEFORE...the Nivar  signing, is to show the Naragrans they are respected...the fact that we are taking colonists with us to least 50 of them  will be Naragrans... is to  reward the NAragns for their help..and their Understanding..

 MC-1  snapped,..Undertsanding?..theyy are...

 ..shut up... i am not  done....

 beth  gave him an evil eye.. and MC-1  sat back  with a  roll of red eyes.

 ..the Ambassador   then focused on MC-1...."... The Roussian in question, has never truely served in battle... his  war record shows he  was  a  Trooper Class IF..or   'Infantry Fighter'..before getting his  designation as MC...  he has not  fought..any battles  either on the  ground, or  as a member of  a warship... only here  because of the mating  contract with NC-37....who..has been in two combats  as  NC.. with pirates ships..both battles have been victories and led to her being in command of the currant flotilla that  is being .'watched over' by the delta Fleet...MC-1... has no Qualifications worthy of mention.."

 MC-1 looked around..his pur[le  skin , darker... NC-37  seemed   quite shocked ....

 ..yeah...  i get a bit  angry too..he has a way of..'tapping in'...... she smiled sweetly.

 MC-1 slammed his  fork down, Shadow held up a finger, you  understand...a tiny bit more  about  Shade...and we all  understand , alot more about you...perhaps yuou can settle in and eat... so we can  move onto the signing?

As if   taking his  cue, the servers  were removing the  soups dishes and such  and   asking the   diners what  meal they wished...

 Commander Bornberry  with her dress Unifrom entered, with her XO and found  a seat on the other side of  Miller.

 ..I beg Your Pardon Admiral   we had to escort a roussian freighter  back to its flotilla... we  warned them, that any more 'strays' would be boarded.

 ..It is quite  alright  Alice?   if you wish your soup  please   ask the   servers, they will make sure you get it.... You just Missed   Ambassador Shadow's  take on  the Roussians, and MC-1... after MC-1, and TX-5 , were good  enough to offer thier opinions of  the Naragrans ,  LC Shadow and Ambassdor Shadow...

  Alice  smiled,..I wish i would have heard that.. sorry i was late...

 beth smiled  and   Shadow winked.....I'll fill you in    after dinner!
Henry Christie
player, 2113 posts
Wed 19 Jul 2017
at 16:15
  • msg #166

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Henry smiled sweetly.

"I am here to study all the plants and animals we encounter... this includes the sentient races. I do not form judgements based on the narrow preconceptions of my own species, I take what I find and do my best to understand them.

"... I also try not to insult them without good reason. I do not think I have found a good enough reason, even with those sentients who have chosen to side with the Demons. I find killing them to be sufficient."

He pulled out his medal bar.

"In that I have been quiet successful, when the need arose. Even if I am an academic, not a soldier."

He tucked the colourful mass of ribbons and metal away again.

"It isn't something I brag about, it is a sad fact that I have to live with."
signing dinner
Wed 19 Jul 2017
at 17:02
  • msg #167

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Oilra, the female  Occui , fluttered her eyes  at  Henry,..yes... we have  heard of the  warrior professor . You have  quite the following in our  homeworld.... It makes us ...'smart warriors'..look more  dangerous.... he eyes  henry ...

 General Bale, who was the closest to overweight, of the humans  , yet showed only a slight belly.....indeed, good  Lady... our  people  can all fight, if needs

..Aye....  Morris began as he  dabbed his lips,..LT Stefi Came to the attention of The Admiral  when  she helped defend  her  aid station, with nothing  but  3 Guardians  and a sidearm.... she made grenades from o2 cannisters.. holding off Largrans   until airsupport arrived... Ms  Baker.... and Ms  well as Doctor Price have served in combat situations....

 Shade  Gace  Cookie and melia a thumbs up.

 NC-37 Asked,..what are Guardians?

 ..They are people..who wisg to aid the effort...but  do not want to kill, and do not have the skills to be Med techs. The comprimise is this.... The where, well know  unifroms..they carry  weapons.... they use thos e  weapons to portect the Med techs  and the  wounded... they still have to kill?.. but only in defesne of those who need, or apply, aid...

 Tx-5 Looked down the table at  Roy and Jesse,... from what we saw at the command tent... you people had  brushes  with Qarl?.... did you find anyhting worth while?
Roy Spencer
player, 5281 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Thu 20 Jul 2017
at 08:51
  • msg #168

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy's single cough was the only indicator that he was surprised by the question.  "I suppose that depends on how you categorize 'worthwhile'..." he answered, in a guarded tone, looking to Admiral Hack.  He continued, one eye on the Admiral, watching for any sign that he should hold his peace...

"We learned that the Qarl plasma weapons are more dangerous than we thought...that, unlike typical energy plasma that we've dealt with in the past, it's more like some kind of energized fluid, and that it can be delivered in various methods.  We learned the Qarl here had incorporated elements of technology from other races into at least some of their machinery...the structure that Sergeant Helmsly and I were working through had design and architectural elements of at least two other races."

He paused for a moment, then added, "We should be able to send teams in to investigate further, even with it flooded, though they'll need some non-standard precautions...we're used to operating in vacuum, not underwater, although a lot of the same gear is applicable...more will be turned up once they get a chance to poke around a bit more."
signing dinner
Thu 20 Jul 2017
at 09:32
  • msg #169

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 TX-5 seemed to understand.Qarl, are like Harvest bugs.. they seem to be every where, but are only dangerous  if there are many...

 Shadow   and  Beth ate their steak, Mc-1 broke the silence  and asked,..So..I  I am not mistaken... we  sign the  Pact here..... then in the morning  put on a show  for the Naragrans, before proceding to Niavr  where  all, Including the Naragrans    will sign, another pact?

 Shadow   snorted  and shook his  head.

 Bale  dabbed his mouth again and  took a  deep pull of his wine,..Yes....MC-1... you are Mistaken.... he  gave him a  puckered lip smile, MC-1 Looked  confused ...The Pact we  sign this  night, is not complete, until the Naragrans  sign....It is  true, we could draft a seperate Pact... but there is seniority of the APF planets to every one  must have thier place..... The Green and Black Moons of Nivar, under the leadership of the Cavet,  and her  council that will include, Naragrans... will be senior to  Rouss...... Rouss will be senior to Nivar

 NC-37 placed her  fork down and Looked at  Hack,..A pair of Moons, will be senior to us?

  Indeed...  They will be known as  The GreenMoon Colonies... Since there is nothing  really alive on the Balck moon, save for odd  insects... there is plant life under the Balck moon... but it serves only to feed those  creatures.... work has  already begun on Terriforming and  Enginners  have  found  water sources, and  are  creating  two...rather  large , Lakes...

 Shadow  spoke up,..and since you came late to the show.. you  come in , under  the   Moon Colonies.....but ahead of Nivar, since they seemed to what to test our limits...

  ..The Signing on Nivar , will be at the Air base that we pounded.... we will send  down colonists there, Both fleet and Naragrans.... it will be a fortified Colony, for certain, but as time passes, the naragrans  will roam free, and  our People will build off the   baee...should the Nivarians  chose to  harm the any way... they will lose thier planet.

 Mc-1  nodded slowly ..Tell me...SGT MAJ..... we have been hearing  cross talk for  some times, as we came into the system... we have heard of exploits  and such from you warrior  types.... I find it  Odd..that the LC carries  such fame, when he owes  most of it to a dead machine...

 Beth's   right  arm   rose  quickly to Slap MC-1... Kray's left hand, Like  a snake , caught it....thread....carefully...MC-1.... we won't be in this  dinner forever...

 MC-1 Flinched and was  surprised  by beth's  reaction, and  Shadow 'snag' of her that a threat?  LC? it what you will...  he   bite  a bit of steak off  and  grinned, then began to chew... Beth Loked  across the way at  The Admiral, who just gave her a wink

 Shade was making grinding  noises   , his eyes  black as he glared at MC-1
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:48, Tue 25 July 2017.
Henry Christie
player, 2114 posts
Thu 20 Jul 2017
at 09:41
  • msg #170

Re: Commander's  Quarters

"I am interested..." Henry said to MC-1.

"Is your very aggressive and argumentative style of debate standard amongst your people? You appear to go out of your way to provoke those with whom you are speaking. Is this a personal approach or is this the way that your people conduct discourse? A cultural thing?"
Cookie Baker
player, 662 posts
field medic and cook
hunter, hunted, haunted
Thu 20 Jul 2017
at 12:29
  • msg #171

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 She applauded Shade's comments or opinions of their visitors. It showed clearly that he had the understanding to know what was being said, even if he didn't chose...or hadn't the ability to speak it in their common language. She winked at shade when he looked at her and gave her his thumbs up. He may not be enjoying himself wholeheartedly but he was able to hold his own!

 She listened to the discussion of the weapons and possible fluid dynamics that the fighters weaponry seemed to find a way to capture and harness. Then NC-37 and MC-1 spoke up again.

 She looked at MC-1 then turned to NC-37 with a look of concern on her face. "Tell me NC-37, has MC-1 failed to take his politic manners lessons for some reason? Surely you don't allow him to attend Social Events often since he seems to have no discretion, and insists upon stepping squarely into the muck of insults like a small child? Of course, one may excuse a small child for not knowing better. Is MC-1 perhaps... how may I say this delicately? Is MC-1 perhaps a little slow? Has he had damage to his intellect somehow? If so maybe we can possibly overlook his rudeness."
signing dinner
Thu 20 Jul 2017
at 15:12
  • msg #172

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  MC-1  moves to speak,  But  NC-37 holds her hand out to stop him.

  ... we do not have  Much  interaction with other races...

 Beth blurts out,..i wonder  why....

 Si  gives  beth a small smile but a quick shake of her head.

 ..As I said.... we do not have much, in the way , of gaging other  races.... we know  only  our own way of life... and  measure others  accordingly...

 .. and MC-1 , being a normal  of MC designates?

 All three Roussians looked at Shadow, Hack simply said,..ease up..LC....

 Kray nodded  and   took  a forkful of potatoes.

 ..In   OUR...culture,   We do not laud  people who become heroes  though the efforts of  others....

  Miller speaks  up  from Morris's  side, you'er  saying you don't have any heroes then....

 NC-37 cast a dark look towards  Miller,..what Heroes  we have.. did  so on thier own.... Not through the aid of Machine...
Henry Christie
player, 2115 posts
Thu 20 Jul 2017
at 16:21
  • msg #173

Re: Commander's  Quarters

"Ah, I see. So lacking knowledge of other cultures, you speak as you would amongst yourselves, is that correct? Perhaps what we perceive as provocative, offensive even, is to you normal discourse... or of course it may be that you are being deliberately rude. In our culture, at social events it is not acceptable to be offensive."

Henry kept his voice level, unchallenging. The academic approach, enquiring dispassionately.
Thu 20 Jul 2017
at 16:40
  • msg #174

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  NC-37 smield  slightly at henry, and looked around the  dinner,..i am sure it  is hard for you to grasp  the customs  of  elder races.... I am sure you will  learn, as you grow  in the Black....

  ..Indded.... NC-37....  we find it  ectremely hard to Grasp the Demons, Largrans and Creshians  use of Breeding  captives... or  the Dining on such captives?....Perhaps  we  will learn.....? Commander Bornberry said , in a cold  tone.

  ..That brings up a very Good point, Commander Bornberry?  He turns to   the Roussians,..... If ytou were seated on a Demon Flagship  Now, and a Human Bade was  laid before you... would you..begin to eat?
Jesse Dalton
player, 2799 posts
Agt 2nd Class
Fri 21 Jul 2017
at 01:57
  • msg #175

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Jesse wonders how they have lived for so long in this quad without knowing or even seeming curious about other races.  So, even with their lack of other races, don't they have their own dignity among themselves.

She sat and listened, learned.
Cookie Baker
player, 664 posts
field medic and cook
hunter, hunted, haunted
Fri 21 Jul 2017
at 02:12
  • msg #176

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 "If I were on a Demon ship as you say, and a Human body were placed before me as part of a meal, I would be deeply offended, being neither a barbarian nor a cannibal. Of course, I would not be on a Demon ship unless all the demon kidnappers were all dead to begin with. I cannot see where a Demon ship would invite Diplomatic Contact with us except as a trap anyway. I cannot say I would expect civilized actions of the Roussians  there if such happened, if MC-1 and NC-37 are prime examples of their civil actions."

 "At the risk of being crude, the Demon's activities are like to crude examples of barbarian humor wherein some backward low intellect persons used farm animals to have sexual concourse with and then later on ate them. That is not at all considered to be civilized behavior."

 She looked around the table then bowed her head briefly to the Admiral and Henry then went back to giving her order to the server next to her for Prime Rib medium rare with mushrooms, and a Caesar Salad with cracked black pepper and slivered cheese.
signing dinner
Fri 21 Jul 2017
at 02:41
  • msg #177

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   The   people were about halfway through the Main Course....

   Shadow  Looked around , the Roussians seemed a bit  mullified if not outright slapped  down. Shadow asked, what can you tell us about t he Favor  the Delta Fleet can do  for you... even though your....very high Tech..fleet seems to Have us at a disadvantage...?

 Bornberry   almost choked on her  wine   at that and she   giggled  and coughed,..for give me.. that was.. too funny, and it caught me, well off guard.

 MC-1  Glowered..  Tx-5  just shook her  head. NC-37  took the   chance to speak...we  have  these , taken from bodies of   Aliens and Humans we  found...
 she opened her  belt pouch and  Brought out two Collar pins...Hack Pointed to Beth and Shadow... NC-37 frowned  but passed them along... Beth and Shadow nodded right away.. and  passed them  to Roy and Jesse... ( and  then would be Passed  , counter clockwise to  the rest of the  folks.

 Beth whispered with Shadow then said,...the  first is a Collar Button of an Elipsian Officer... the   one  eyed, pale  skinned folks who  have the Blade  weapons.... The Other is a collar pin of  Mask Of Death Officer..... LAdy V's  answer to Lights Out.

 NC-37   Looked..Shadow merely nodded at the cresant  moon pin and the Skull pin....surely  this  girl cannot  know this?.. we have barely learned about the  white skinned ones...

 Shadow   laughed,....This..WOMAN.... knows alot of stuff.....stuff that keeps us alive, or helps make  the bad guys dead.... i sorta like both areas....
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:19, Fri 21 July 2017.
Cookie Baker
player, 666 posts
field medic and cook
hunter, hunted, haunted
Fri 21 Jul 2017
at 03:16
  • msg #178

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 "Here here! Amen to that Shadow!" She picked up her glass and saluted Shadow then took a drink before setting the glass back down. She concentrated on her beef with a look of pleasure at the excellent food. She took a bite of salad and relished the peppery flavor of cracked black peppercorns and the smoky flavor of the cheese combined with the crisp romaine. She enjoyed a nice meal other than quick take out and the only thing better would have been Maine Lobster with Lemon Butter. She smiled and chewed happily.
Roy Spencer
player, 5282 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Fri 21 Jul 2017
at 06:22
  • msg #179

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy sat back with an amused smile on his face, listening to the others' reactions to the Roussians and their bluntly provocative questions.  Once things settled down a bit, he cleared his throat.

"You also seem to be woefully uninformed about the nature of LC Shadow's fame and prowess.  It's true, for quite some time, he flew a plane that was enhanced by a Verian, unbeknownst to any of us until the time he upgraded and had to leave that plane behind.  He's been flying a standard, unenhanced fighter plane for...what...two and a half or three years now?  Without any diminution of his combat record."

He flashed an openly predatory grin, and continued, "Now, what most don't know is, Shadow is possibly even MORE dangerous on the ground, without a plane..."  He looked up the table, toward the Cavet.

"How many troopers, Juil, did you lose, trying to collect Shadow's bounty after he crashed on the Green Moon?"  He didn't wait for an answer, but refocused his attention on MC-1.  His voice took on patient, slightly malevolent overtones.

"Believe me when I say this...I would a million times rather have the LC chasing me in a plane than have him stalking me on the ground.  My odds of survival would be a lot higher..."

He speared a bite of his steak, and continued, in a perfectly conversational tone, "They've done an excellent job preparing this...some of the best I've had on board, and that's really saying something..."  He turned to the server closest to him and added, "Please, convey my compliments to the chef..."
signing dinner
Fri 21 Jul 2017
at 15:13
  • msg #180

Re: Commander's  Quarters

    The Cavet looked away from Roles  for a Moment,..we  lost a lot of  Scouts.... we do not know how many of them   The for.

 Roles  chuckled,..i would have to assume... most of them...

 MC-1 looked at Shadow  who  was eating the last of his   main course and   stacking the silverware and such on the plates for the servers. Much of that, Mr  Shadow, could be  attributed to luck?

   Shadow took a Drink of his  Soda  and asked the server  for a  refill ,..Oh?  MC-1.. there was alot of luck involved...

 MC-1  smiled  with victory...

 Commander Si  tilted her head,... How so, Kray?

 ..Well, Ma'am... you gacve ne  my Evac point  and the time to get there?.. so I could not take the time to kill as many as I would have they lucked out....

 Mc-1  glowered   as  Bale raised his Glass to Shadow.

  The serve  GAve  Kray a refill and smiled... The LT in charge of the serving crew  bowed slightly to the SGT Maj...Thank you SM... The crew did not have much time to prepare a grand feast...The Chef will be pleased , that you were pleased.. he grinned.

  The Admiral Nodded  as he  stacked his  dishes  as well,..The Chef has never let us  down. It is a Mistake on my parft, that we do not praise him more. Sometimes....

 He Got his  glass raised it, Lokking from Herny's  side of the opening  and Moving his  Glas the  whole way around , until Stopping at Bornberry and her  XO,..I forget, Just how  great a Band of folks we have as comrades....

 Hennings said, , here....

 Carts  were pushed out with the  dirty dishes, even as carts  came in with the different  types of deserts.

 The LTs stood in the open area and   slowly turned,..we have   managed  some other deserts... the  'cold cart' has  Hermes Made Vanillia  Ice cream... and  chocolate  Pudding as well as  Sanri  Ice.. and  we have a selection of pies  and cakes, on the cart as well as  berry toppings.

 he stepped out of the way to allow the servers to move around.

 NC-37   Marvel at the  food and  asked for the  ice cream.....Life on  Board the Flagship seems to agree  with you!

    Hack was  watching the server put some icecream on his  Burian Apple  pie,.. That isn't the Case, NC-37..outside of Having the  WC of the fleet.. and the ESN/APF  Board , on my ship, we do not have anything   the other  ships do not have... even the smaller ships have ...smaller  recdecs, though their  Civie sections are much smaller...thier 'farms'  are hydroponics...

 Roles  Nodded,..our EMS ships have    a  gathering place. not like the Rec dec, but close enough.. we have  no farms though, but that was  because of  size and EMS  building  rules...

 ... The Nemesis   has everything The Hermes has....except the reputation... I am working on that part!
signing dinner
Fri 21 Jul 2017
at 22:47
  • msg #181

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  There was a Bleep on the Vid  screens as they began their deserts.

   The Admiral  punched  a Button  and a Major from the fleet Mairnes was on the other end,..Sorry to disturb you sir? I'm Majoe  Wilkes of the Tesla.... We have two full transports of troops   who volunteered to transfers... as well as  armor and a  couple mechs... we  have  Fences   erected  around the   Air base...   The Colonists from different ships who Volunteered are already setting Posts  and such for the   outline of the  Colony itself.... there have been a few Nivarians who have  offered to help..they seem a bit put  off when we told them the Naragrans are coming to morrow...

  Very well done... i assume that is not the only reason you  COMed? sir, Admiral. There have  been attacks.... some of  the Nivarian Loyalists  have been attacking Niavrians who  want to help, or  who are helping.... there have been some reports of  explosions in the  Bigger cities..

 ..I see.... and.. Your  recommendation ?

 ..sign the pact on the Hermes?...We  can deal with the people down here..and..

 ..Sorry .Major?  But  if  i should be worried about going  down to sign....what makes you think i should allow colonists to try and  settle in?

  ..aye , Sir, but if  something should  Happen....

 ..Then Best to happen while we are there.... we'll be Armed, Major...  there  will be  air cover...and i'm certain a few Loyalists  won't last long  behind troops  who have  fought against Empire  regulars...

 The Major  shook his  head with a smile,..Right then.. as you say Admiral....we'll  be ready...

 and?  Major Wilkes?..should it  seem to be overly militant  .. we'll pull  the troops and  the Colonists out... and play a game to see which Cap ship can fracture the  Mantle of the planet first...

 Understood, Admiral,, we  will see you and the  others in the afternoon... Wilkes out...

 ..So..Side arms, Knifes and some form of Long arm for Nivar....everyone got that? ar warned.... and  yet you still will take  the board  down to  Nivar? NC-37  asked  as she  ate ( and liked) the Homemade icecream

  If they  are aggressive . to the point  i cannot  trust to have APF  colonists there....Then? we'll treat them as  any other enemy planet.. either way.. it is good to see for oneself..aye?

 ..but you risk.. getting killed..or  members of the board?

 we are all warriors, NC-37... just some folks  do more  fighting then others.. The last thing . Nivar wants is for me. or a Member of the board to die while signing a Pact...the punishment  for Nivar, will make Hyria look  like  a sunday walk on the beach? he shrugs,.. we have warned Nivar, they have already  paid a rather stiff price..  i have no qualms... none..what so ever... to turning Nivar into a wasteland... it might be good Karma. for the simple fact, their lives have been built on  stealing, slavery and Empire worship.

 MC-1 .. looked past  Shadow, to Roy,... and you would allow your  'great Admiral' to take such a  risk?
Cookie Baker
player, 667 posts
field medic and cook
hunter, hunted, haunted
Sat 22 Jul 2017
at 00:29
  • msg #182

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 "It's called "Chain of Command" MC-1. If our Admiral is set on an action there's little chance we can stop it. Much like stopping your snide comments it would seem. The Admiral knows the risks, though I admit it would not be a good prospect if he were to be injured. There are protections in place and more would be available if there's trouble. But I am also sure that the Admiral's intelligence is great enough to understand the situation and not put his life in harms way, or the lives of the other signees."

 She took a bite of her warm strawberry rhubarb pie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream slowly dripping and melting down it's side. It was most delicious and she stopped talking to the irritating and rude MC-1 she secretly started calling Most Contrary One to she could enjoy her homestyle pie al la mode.
Henry Christie
player, 2116 posts
Sat 22 Jul 2017
at 11:22
  • msg #183

Re: Commander's  Quarters

"Moreover," Henry chipped in, "It has long been a core principle of military doctrine that a commander should never ask of others something he's not willing to do himself. It's called leadership, and it's the reason that we all follow Admiral Hack out of conviction, by choice... not because it's our duty or because we are forced to do so."
Sat 22 Jul 2017
at 16:22
  • msg #184

Re: Commander's  Quarters

     As  they ate their confections ,  Commander Si  spoke up. Looking around the table.... before the signing?  would help , both sides,  if  we told of how we all came to this place In time...

  She smiled a bit,..I am here, because i met Oliver  when  he was awarded  the Angel  Bronze Star , for his actions   at Olympus Mons...  He was not quite the normal  Human... My Father seemed less  then happy, that  we started to meet.

 Hack grinned,..Ge-Fi disliked it..very much, to say the least...  I think he gave me the Hermes, hoping  that i would be a failure, next to the HAdes....

 Hennings   laughed as he held up his  drink and took a sip,...we saw how that  ended..... I am here , because we started to form a  Human alliance , one  not  for the sole task of serving the Angels.... but one  that would  be an Active, and deadly part of the ESN...

 Bale smiled,...i was  added to the Board, when The Admiral was granted  the powers to sign treaties and make Pacts.... there was also, various  reasons  we needed   Provosts   traveling with the Fleet.

 Roles pointed  with his  fork to Both Hack and  Shadow,..I'm here because of them....

 Shadow Pointes to Si and Hack,.. I'm here because of them....

 beth   nods.... Me too!...

 ...I am here, because   The Admiral selected me to over see the Pilots and personnel ....While Captain O'rielly  works to keep the  aircraft and such running...

 The Sanri Nod to each other  Noan speaks  Up as one of her left hands  wave about,..When the Human ship took on  a Demon  ship... half again its size, and saved  our Ambassadors.. it was enough  for us....

 Ziger spoke up,..That was enough for us as well..too long , in  The Black fighting on our  own.. with Only the Sanri to aid us... both of us..fighting on our own Homefronts?... Then we hear about the Empire  vessels  being harrased and destroyed... so..yeah.. we're  Goin' where  they go....

 Bronberry Nodded,..I am here , because   The Admiral is giving me a chance for revenge .. for that...  I will follow  the hermes to  the Hel system and burn the   planet to a cinder...

    Shade  Bleeps  and Just points  at Shadow.... Orria  Points at Henry

 Stefi points to   Hack,..if there is a place that needs Med techs... this is it....

  The Cavet  shrugs her  shoulders,..I was   exiled, as much as those    i had to oversee... Now?..I am a ruler, with  some say in how  i will govern and allies  to work with.
Cookie Baker
player, 668 posts
field medic and cook
hunter, hunted, haunted
Sun 23 Jul 2017
at 04:20
  • msg #185

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 "I'm here because I volunteered to come here to fight Demons and to save Humans and other's who are being killed by Demons. I watched attacks hit cities in my country and I vowed to keep that from happening again! I heard Hermes was accepting transfers from Volunteer Groups and I decided I wanted to join the best. That's here."

 She took a bite of her pie with melted cream and finished off the confection. She could almost have eaten another but wasn't about to ask for another. She would have to see if she could get some rhubarb started. And strawberries and gooseberries.
Henry Christie
player, 2117 posts
Sun 23 Jul 2017
at 13:08
  • msg #186

Re: Commander's  Quarters

"I am here," Henry said quietly, "Because I asked to be allowed to come and study the plants and animals, and indeed the sentient beings, encountered out here in the black. I have found much more. Comradeship. A sense of purpose. A desire to do the right thing for all sentient races, to help them find peace and freedom and the liberty to live as they would like without fear of being eaten or used by others."

He paused.

"I also have seen many fascinating plants and animals. And met Mila."
Jesse Dalton
player, 2800 posts
Agt 2nd Class
Sun 23 Jul 2017
at 16:16
  • msg #187

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Jesse listened to everyone's story.  She quietly ate for a bit and looked up.  When it was her turn, she became quiet nervous.  She first looked to Spencer and put up all her defensive walls.

She took a quick sip of water before she spoke.  She looked between Si, Hack, and the others at the table before returning her attention to MC_1 settling her attention to him.

Back on earth, my father was very persuasive, intimidating and a high governing body in the region we lived in.  He was a diplomat, but answering to the wrong team.  My mother, was helping the Angel forces, as she was half-angel herself which I recently learned and a distant cousin to Commander Si, herself.  When she learned of the Demon dealings that my father was bidding and the smuggling he was doing with the demons, she approached him about it.  It was a couple of months later, I found her dead.  My own father had her killed.  He couldn't have an Angel sympathizer, or Angel blooded being in his own home.

She put he hands onto her lap and played with the cloth napkin.  You see, me and my mother were close.  Yes, I was rebellious, but she understood me.  She knew my bloodline knew nothing more than being a free spirit.  She got that. With her gone, what did I have to live for.  I had gained friends, several friends, across the military sanctions stations in the town I lived in.  When I learned of who my mother's killer was, I sought shelter at their barracks.  They taught me to defend myself, how to fight back, and even how to fly.  They gave me personal basic lessons in case the need arose I needed to get out.

All the while, they were teaching me, I was using my father's house staff to divulge information from and coming and going so sporadically he never knew whether I was home or not.  One night after a banquet and the house was quiet, my father met his own demise.  By my hands.  No one kills my family, or my friends, and gets away with it.  The last words my father heard was my mother's name coming from my lips.

She looked to the others that were visiting aboard.  To escape my father's wrath, I went undercover and worked for special ops for a variety of people over the first half-year.
 I meet a variety of diplomats and learned of this and that intel that I passed along to the people who hired me.  I knew it wouldn't be long until I would be found out.  I came on this ship in hiding.  Knowing my father's men would be out seeking vengeance.  I come aboard not knowing any one, barely trusting whomever I came across.  Since then, I've been swinging from a rope tied to a helicopter while Shadow and I escape from a building under attack.  I've fell in love, even if for a fleeting moment, and met some great people along the way.  Some aboard here and some back on the planet we just invaded a mountain alongside.  All in all, they've become my family.

I'll protect each and everyone of them whether my own blood or not. I come here for my new chosen family.  I'll die protecting this new family.

Sun 23 Jul 2017
at 17:29
  • msg #188

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  The servers   made they were through, asking   folks if they wanted Coffee or tea or wine... or an extra   bit of  dessert .

   While folks   waited  for the servers  ,  Hack smiled a  bit, drinking from his coffee.well?... now you know a bit  about  The Hermes Family.  Each ship is like this, of course there  might be variants , but in the end , i have not heard of  any problems  form ship's  captains.

  As the  people finished up  the  servers  removed the table cloth.. placing a fresh one on and setting up  a bar, Coffie  MAchine..Tea  MAchine and a few dozen bottles of  soda on Ice.

 The Board  moved to a  table  where  a  rather large  Book sat,  two papers were on the table.  each Member of the Board signed the   sheet, Including  Shade

  Then Admiral  Hack  and the  ambassadors...The Cavet signed... and  then  MC-1... TX-5  and Lastly NC-37

  MC-1 looked at Shadow,..I see the robot got to sign, but you did not?

  Shadow  gave a sharp chuckle,..Shade is  an Ambassador.. me?..I just kill stuff... I figure you were allowed to sign, Because NC-37 is the leader ..TX-5 represented the Females.. you  were  the  best  they could  settle for, as  far as  a male would go...

   MC-1 Turned to face   Shadow,  , shadow Looked unconcerned  as he  reached  for a Bottle of  Soda.

 beth whispered  Harshly,..think  twice.... she smiled  but there was no mith.

  One of the servers came out   with two tall glasses of Chocolate Milk for  Shade  and   Orria

 ..On Behalf of the APF, I welcome Rouss  to  The Federation... may it  be benefical to all

  He raised his  Glass   as did the others   as they toasted the signing.

  ... we lift off at 0600 to morrow  to  sign on the Green Moon.. with the NAragrans.... from there, the troops and colonists  will have  already arrived on Nivar.. after the signing   down there.... NC-37  can return to her flotilla  and  begin to aid the  Nivarians..... You will, however...use  at least half your  Cap ships, to lead us to your trouble  spot.. the rest  can stay  and Help Nivar  as needed

 People then began to Mingle after that...

    Shadow  stood  near Lyri who was looking stoic in her uniform and Pulse riddle...Hey there Lady?... Come her  often...

  ..Shove off Sailor.. I've  heard  about you ESN Types....  she  chuckled a  bit.

  Beth frowned as she  took a sip of  wine,..i can never  find those types....
Henry Christie
player, 2118 posts
Sun 23 Jul 2017
at 18:15
  • msg #189

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Henry watched, sipping a glass of wine. He always enjoyed ceremonial.
Roy Spencer
player, 5283 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Sun 23 Jul 2017
at 21:17
  • msg #190

Re: Commander's  Quarters

During a lull, after MC-1's question, Roy interjected, "There have been times that I've differed with the opinion and the actions of the Admiral.  On this, though?  I'd pull that trigger myself, if given the opportunity.  Nivarians already displayed treachery on us once, which is the reason LC Shadow crashed on the Green Moon.  If they do it again...they won't get a chance to try it a third time.  I've got a tolerant streak...but it only extends so far."

He listened as the others explained their reasons for being there.  When his own turn came up, he shrugged.  "I've been a Marine since I was old enough to enlist.  Saw a LOT of action, back on Earth, dealing with anti-Angel groups all over the planet.  Something in that record stood out...I was part of the Admiral's hand-picked crew for the initial launch of the Hermes.  Been involved in everything from stealing a fighter prototype from Demon-sympathizing forces on Mars to the rescue of the Sanri ambassadors from the Demons to telling a Demon representative, to his face, that I thought he was a cheating coward who wanted peace talks just to get a chance to fall back and regroup when confronted with a force that matched the Demons step-for-step in ferocity, but didn't have to subjugate their neighbors in the process."  He gave a nod and a grin to the Sanri and Occui representatives at the table.

"I've got no family left, back on Earth, this is likely all the life I'll ever know.  But I'll fight to my last breath to make sure Earth is never food-storage for the Demons.  And if there's anyone in the way of that, and they're not smart enough to realize that we're the best chance they'll ever have to be free of the Demons forever, I'm not afraid to stomp them into the dirt to get to that goal."  His voice took on an earnestness that was not quite threatening, but left little doubt he was speaking truth, and he looked squarely at MC-1 as he spoke the last few words.

Through the signing, he was casual, the moment MC-1 turned on Shadow, however, anyone looking his way would have seen his hand drop to his sidearm, and his eyes narrow, ready to act.  He didn't relax again until the confrontation passed...and even as he drank his toast, he kept a watchful eye on the Roussians.  All three of them.  Something about MC-1 didn't add up, to him, and it didn't escape his thinking that it could be a lot more than just that the Roussian military commander had a boorish dislike for Shadow.
almost done
Sun 23 Jul 2017
at 23:27
  • msg #191

Re: Commander's  Quarters

      people Mingled. The Occuir  pair  talked to  Roy,Zieger telling  tales of his  ranger  Days... While Oilra told some interesting stories of  being , what humans called  , a 'Coast Watcher.

 Being Dropped off on a planet or Moon  to report to  the Occui or ESN ship as  to what was going on. The Occui Coast watcher that  Died on the green Moon was a friend of hers, in boot camp.

 NC-37 talked  to   Commander Si and Commander  Bornberry, thought the Latter seemed, uninterested, at best.

 Bornberry's XO, LC   Ed  Mire, was  Talking to  Roles  and the Cavet ( who hung onto Roles  Like an anchor.)


  TX-5 was talking with  Beth,..So I am to Understand you are the Ship's   SEC COM offieer?

 Beth Looked at her  dress, and  an eyebrow  rose,..what makes you think that?

 Oh?.. Well... we have   intercepted   some COM  chats  and News flows?... that a few times.... Why would  you be  here?

 ..I'm the Cold, dark hearted Murderer's

 Indeed?....he must  be  easy going, when he could have brought Some of those piltos  with him?

 Lyri Bristled at this... but  kept her  cool

 The Snari woman  stopped to talk to Jesse,.... It is much the same, you know... almost every planet in the Federation, has  those who lean to the  Empire.... This  EDT.... they seem to be the Galvinizing those who oppose  APF.... the fools, do not know they are preparing themselves  to be feasts!


 Hennings  reached   Henry  and Cookie,... Well..aside   from some unwise  chatter,  this went   rather well?.... For tomorrow>  You will be expected  to have your weapons.... we are going to do full dress for both the Green Moon and Nivar...we do not want to slight the NAragrans... damn shame  we didn't look ahead to this and have it on the  Hanger  Dec... he handed his  empty glass to Emmie who smiled at henry and Cookie, and scurried off to  refill Admiral Henning's  drink.

  ..if everything goes well... the Admiral wants to  see  what the base looks like, and how much damage has been  repaired, as well as the state of the Colony...we have never  setp up, this many colonies  at one time...we have folks   setting up undergrown on teh BAlck Moon, until  terrforming and such take over.... we have the Colony on the Green Moon..and Now    the Colony , on Nivar....and..let us not  forget, the  re-introduction, of Naragrans to Nivar!


 Shadow Gave Beth a Pat of the Back and a wink as he  headed over to fetch Beth a  soda, instead of  wine.  MC-1 seemd to head Him off, as  Shadow  tried to split  the Sanri woman and Jesse, and  Roy and the Occui.

 ... Damn it MC-1.... look.. if you want to?...You and   I can excuse  ourselves and go down to the football field..or the Chapel-Gym.. and  we can wortk on some 'hand to hand'..if  you think that will make you feel better..... But here's a spoiler... You'll go to Med Tech..and MC-2..or what ever Alphabet will get a promotion...

 MC-1 al but laughed, think..because you are  an Agent.. you are better then other Race's assets...

 as the angry  MC-1 said his  words. Kray looked around to see if  any others  caught his words.

 ..Don't know about Assets?..  But I'm damn better then thier ass-hats..

 Admiral Hack watched  Shadow and  MC-1 over the rim of his coffee cup. Bale was  saying  something  in a soft whispers  as Hack nodded. Stefi, seemed overly interested  in the  encounter herself.

 Shade  and Orria  returned to the Table... none  seemed interested in talkig  to the 'robot' or his little aide , so  Shade  set up a little  star fighter game, where they took turns to try to shoot  each other  aircraft down.

 Morris and Miller were  making their  way towards Beth and TX-5
Jesse Dalton
player, 2801 posts
Agt 2nd Class
Mon 24 Jul 2017
at 04:06
  • msg #192

Re: Commander's  Quarters

In reply to almost done (msg # 191):

Jesse nodded in agreement.  I do admit, sometimes some do not see the knife at the back for the fools gold in front of them, she replied to the Sanri female.  Tell me, what happens to bring you here?  Call me, curious.

She relaxes a bit but still a bit emotionally flushed from the information she divulged a moment ago.
Mon 24 Jul 2017
at 05:16
  • msg #193

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   The Sanri smiled, is  as i said.... The Hermes defeated the Demon  crusier, which was  close to twice your own size?.... Ersi  had been on  The  Hades  when the Hunt transferred   to Fuji..then to  the  Hermes after that..he  could not stand  the Hade's  commnader
Jesse Dalton
player, 2802 posts
Agt 2nd Class
Mon 24 Jul 2017
at 05:24
  • msg #194

Re: Commander's  Quarters

In reply to signing (msg # 193):

Jesse gave a partial but friendly smile back.  She takes a quick look over in Shadow's direction but keeps the conversation going with the Sanri.

So what do you make of the new Rouss? she asks curious on her thoughts.
Henry Christie
player, 2119 posts
Mon 24 Jul 2017
at 09:05
  • msg #195

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Henry smiled at Hemmings.

"Oh, I'm invited? Yes, of course... smartly dressed and armed to the teeth it will be, Admiral."

Henry wondered idly what clothing would be appropriate. It was so much easier for the military folk: put on an appropriate uniform and you're done. Maybe he'd add a bit of colour with a doctoral robe!
Mon 24 Jul 2017
at 14:52
  • msg #196

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Hennings made his way through  the   groups. Stopping and Chatting  Emmie  following behind.

  The Sanri, finished their drinks, ,..we  must be going...0600 come early.  And  we have to do our  share  for the   Federation....

 Naon  tried to smile an 'ambassador   smile' as she  said to Jesse,..not all of us, will like everyone , who joined the APF....after all? The  Mulls  are loosely  in the Federation...few like them, but none can agrue that they have strung  The Black togther by being the'bankers' of  The Black.


 Morris  says his  Goodbyes to everyone  before  stopping  at Hack and Si,..Thank you, Admiral  for the  invite, it has been a while , since i sat in on something like this.... But..I Must Get back to my Duties...and Lt Miller Has duty  in a few hours...

 ... You are Welcome, Washington. Let's hope the  rest goes this  well?  Have a good  Night...

  Lyri was watching folks, the signing was done, but she still watched...

  Shoemaker had rotated  a bit .  He wasn't near as Stoic as the Master Chief, but he didn't have all the stripes and ribbons she had  either. he grinned is  Bale or  Hennings  said anything to him.

   Shade  and Orria  got up  from their table, carrying  their, half gone, chocolate Milk. The  little Ambassador  group  Stopped  at  Bale and said  something, The General and Stefi  smiled  and    returned whatever nicety  was  in order, The pair the approached  Roy , Shade  Whirled and Beeped a few times...Orria   spoke up...... Shade  say... he hopes you are liking the party.... in a very serious  voice and look while she Nods her head... Shade Gives  Roy a thumbs  Up.

  MC-1.... leans a bit  Closer to Shadow,..I may take you up on that Hand to Hand, Mr  Shadow... but  i doubt if you are anywhere near my skills....

  Shadow   laughed,  and caught himself, as  some folks looked to him, then went back to their own that i will agree!... and... Just because i don't like eggplant, doesn't emean i'm afraid of them...

 MC-1's  face  screwed up again...  Beth tapped  something on her COM  and  MC-1's   COM  beeped...when he Looked , there  was a Picture of a  Ripe  Eggplant...

 Beth smiled sweetly,..eggplant......

 MC-1's    Purple  Face got even darker...SHadow  Just Put an arm around Beth and Gave her a squeeze as he  grinned.

 Lyri   watched from across the Room, she just shook her head and frowned a tiny bit at what might be going on...or? was she  trying not to laugh?
Cookie Baker
player, 669 posts
field medic and cook
hunter, hunted, haunted
Tue 25 Jul 2017
at 02:11
  • msg #197

Re: Commander's  Quarters

In reply to Henry Christie (msg # 195):

 "Do you think I'm invited too? Or do you want me to stay with Mila? Or should we bring her with?"
Roy Spencer
player, 5284 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Tue 25 Jul 2017
at 06:35
  • msg #198

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Given the angle Shadow had been approaching from, and the path he'd been trying to achieve, he wasn't far from Roy when the Roussian confronted him.  Listening to the tone, more than the words, Roy angled his body slightly, still talking (more listening, at this point) to the Occui and nodding at details they mentioned...but putting himself in a position to take action, and at least have a peripheral view of the confrontation.

His ears caught the words 'agent' and 'asset'...and for the briefest of moments, his eyes hardened and he shot a look sideways...before there was much chance to notice, Shade and Orria were standing before him, and he mentally forced the tension from his face, angling his head as he listened attentively to them so he could see...and analyze...MC-1...looking for signs of combat training, any indicators of concealed weapons...very much assessing a threat.  He gave a pleasant smile to Orria, thanking her for her work with the Ambassador, and gave Shade a nod and returned the thumbs-up...his eyes sought out Lyri, looking to see if she seemed to be on alert to anything in the room...
Henry Christie
player, 2120 posts
Tue 25 Jul 2017
at 11:58
  • msg #199

Re: Commander's  Quarters

"I think I shall take Mila along, if she wants to go. As for you, why not? Nobody said you weren't invited, after all. Nor did anyone say that I was, it's just when I get told what I ought to bring it kind of implies that I am."

Henry bumbled through his rather convoluted logic, paused and grinned.

"Anyway, and more importantly, I'd enjoy your company!"
almost done
Tue 25 Jul 2017
at 15:54
  • msg #200

Re: Commander's  Quarters

      The   Sanri  Thanked the Admiral  and  told everyone there, they would see them on the Hanger  Dec in the Morning.

  The    Occui Male  gave    Spencer a  whack on the arm,we're gonna to be going to... see you  aall  on the   Hanger dec...

 Shade  and Orria   still made their way through, trying to be  good  guests... They talked to  Hennings  and  Emmie.. Emmie made sure she complemented  Orria on her    Ambassador Aide  uniform.  orria  seemed to Like that, Shade  Gave  Emmie a thumbs  up.. Hennings gave   Shade a pat on the shoulder  as he smiled.

  Orria was sipping her  Milk when TX-5 B umped into her, splashing   chocolate Milk on both her Leg and  Orria's Uniform.. little parasite!...look what you have done!  Orria Looked around   shocked and  frighten ed  that she Did something bad.. Shade's eyes  turned  Red   as His  right   hand  came up  , the   forefinger  turning Red.

 MC-1's   hand was On his weapon  but never got to  unsheathe it.... take your  hand of the weapon... or i'll break the wrist...and i'll enjoy it....

  The red eyes of   MC-1  stared into the   forest Green of Shadow's....

  Admiral Hack  stepped tow steps  towards  TX-5. Lyri's rifle was up.. as  was Shoemaker's

  ..TX-5... I must insist you apologize to Orria.

 ..I WILL NOT!..The Little...

 Shade bleeped   loudly... , MC-1 shruggled but  could not move his hand from His Holster,

 NC-37 Looked to Si... Si said  in a calm, but harsh voice,...... Orria did nothing  wrong.. TX-5 seems to think nothing of  slamming into people, regardless of thier Importance in the  place of things... You will Find..TX-5... that you are far down the list of rank, when it  comes  to Ambassador Aide Orria....

 NC-37  nodded to TX-5.... TX-5 frowned .....I am...sorry..Ambassador Aide Orria... I should not have  snapped... i beg your pardon... the wprds  came out strained , but  with purpose.
Henry Christie
player, 2121 posts
Tue 25 Jul 2017
at 16:03
  • msg #201

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Henry took a couple of long steps and was at Orria's side.

"Are you all right, Orria? Don't worry, that will wash off."

His back was half-turned to MC-1 and TX-5, but he was clearly positioned inbetween them and Orria, protecting her.
Roy Spencer
player, 5285 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Wed 26 Jul 2017
at 02:36
  • msg #202

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy's hand rested on the butt of his pistol.  There was no question in his mind...the Roussians were expendable in this situation.  An aggressive move by any of them and he'd be firing...

If they live long enough for me to draw... he thought with a grim chuckled to himself, as he saw the long arms of Shoemaker and Lyri leveled and ready to fire.

"Object lesson, here," he said aloud.  It was partly an attempt to ease the tension, and partly a chance to underscore a point that the Roussians had thus far apparently failed to grasp.  "Age or size does not excuse bad manners, especially in the APF."  The glow of Shade's fingertip hadn't escaped his notice, nor had Shadow's grasp on MC-1's hand, preventing the Roussian from drawing (and signing his own death warrant in the process).

"Everyone in the APF has something to contribute...even the Mulls.  And it's an incautious fool who assumes anyone in this room is beneath notice."  He let it lie at that...if more was to be said, Admiral Hack would say it, he was sure, and it would be better that way.
Wed 26 Jul 2017
at 03:20
  • msg #203

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   NC-37 looked  quite shocked. She  Nodded to  TX-5 and  MC-1,..I think it would be wise  for us to go to our quarters Now.

  ..Ambassdor Shadow... I am ..very sorry...

 Shade  bleeps  his   hand did not lower as the finger  followed  TX-5, and he shakes his head.

 from MC-1. who  still was having a problem of freeing his hand, Shadow was not  just being a jerk,, Keeping the man's hand on the  very object that he couldn't use, right now. Shade said  through gritted teeth,..NC-37... Shade says... you are talking to the  wrong person......

  ..of...course .   Ms Orria... I am sorry for  the Actions of  My party. do hope you forgive us....


  Shadow   says , Harshly into MC-1's ear, know?.. I flew over that Nivarian Base a few times.... its  Big... Hangers  are gigantic...maybe after the signing.. you and I can talk a tour.... Just you and me....because.... thinking about  drawing a weapon On Shade... or even worse?  Orria... should have  been the last action you had ever  taken... now... let's suppose that you might have used that, as a cover... know.. a stray shot hit The Admiral..or   Commander Si?... well.. that flotilla of yours would be  boarded and scraped inside of 30 you should thank me , nothing like that Happened....aye?

 Shadow   let MC-1's hand loose.. the Roussian's hand was  bleeding where  Shadow forced the  skin into the pop-up sight on the back of the  weapon.... Mc-1   rubbed  his hand, taking a napkin to  stem the   blood... He and TX-5 left the room..NC-37  stopped, turning to Hack as he walked with her to the door...your  ..LC... he seems bent on antagonizing  MC-1... your barely bereted  him once...

 ..Aye.. he does  that.... he does that ...alot...  he grinned as he looked over  at   Shadow  who had walked over to  Shade and   Knelt down  talking to Orria  with a smile.. Orria was starting to smile  again... the server  replaced her   glass of  milk.

 ..But...NC-37.. that is part of his job.....he will test those  we meet....and through  that, we find out who are allies  will be....

  Beth smiles, as she  stood nearby,..I always thought it  was because he can be a real jerk, sometimes...

 Hack Laughed,.. well.. there is that...but  he's our jerk...and I''ll tell you this.... If MC-1  hand cleared his Holster..  The Sgt Maj... Shadow..Ms Dalton, beth  would have stopped him...and the SEC troopers would have , most likely, dropped both you and   TX-5.... thus>> would have ended the Roussian membership in the APF... and brought a fresh new  hell for your people to experiance...... Have a Good Night, NC-37... let us hope MC-1 gets a good  rest this night..aye?


Shade  watched   Shadow  talking  and smiling with orria. he  finger was returning to the   'flowing' cream and  metal grey... He Looked at the SGT MAj  held up a thumbs up again.
 Melia  was  near Oria.. Lyri had  Moved  a few steps, the rifle  couched , but not put away Until the Roussians  and other Ambassadors left

 Shoemaker called   over to Lyri,which one did you have?

 ..TX-5.... why?

  Damn... so did I? ..who would have had   NC-37?

 Bornberry was sheathing her  sidearm.....Me.....


   Hack was smiling as he shook his head,.. see? who says these things need to be stuffy?...

  Right then.... everyone get sleep.. be on the Hanger Dec at 0600... we go sown in the Big Ugly... sign the   pact on  the Moon, then board again with the NAragrans  to Nivar.....Shadow..  the Hermes  wing is going down... But you'll land   until the  signing is  done... i wouldn't want MC-1  to miss your company....

    people started to leave, HAck  added,..Ladies?.. Uniforms and  Light boarding suits... just in case Nivar isn't  quite ready to sign....

 he   walked over to  Orria, then looked at Melia,..grab  one of the deserts  to take home.. I think   a cake or pie  will do you good tonight..aye?
This message was last edited by the GM at 05:30, Wed 26 July 2017.
Cookie Baker
player, 670 posts
field medic and cook
hunter, hunted, haunted
Wed 26 Jul 2017
at 05:05
  • msg #204

Re: Commander's  Quarters

In reply to Henry Christie (msg # 201):

 She also stepped forward with Henry, placing herself between Orria and Shade, and the rude and crude TX-5 and MC-1. She wouldn't be surprised if MC-1 hadn't told TX-5 to bump into the girl! She gave both of the strangers an angry look.

 "Pay no mind to the peons Shade, Orria. They are nothing."

 She made room for Melia and Shadow when they came up, stepping back out of the way. She was a nobody compared to their parents.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:31, Thu 27 July 2017.
Melia Kristensen
player, 1174 posts
Combat Corpsman
Petty Officer 1st Class
Wed 26 Jul 2017
at 06:03
  • msg #205

Re: Commander's  Quarters

In reply to done (msg # 203):

Orria was enjoying the party with Shade, there wasn't a whole lot for them to do or say.  The adults were being adults and for even the most mature younglings it had the potential to be particularly overwhelming.  Such was the case of the spilled beverage. At TX-5's initial accusation and anger tears welled up along with fear and surprise in Orria' s eyes. These were supposed to be friends and allies not meanies. As the others at the party stepped in Orria transitioned to anger.  Though young she was smart enough to realize she hadn't intentionally spilled on TX-5, and rather the Roussian had bumped into her.  As the delegation from the Roussians apologized to Orria another, final time she caught up aand remembered what Melia had been teaching her.  "Orria, accept ap'logy." She says beginning to be slightly pleased with the afternoon,  as well as slightly shy. She nods in gratitude to Hacks recommendation of another dessert.


Guard duty for these functions were typically a cake walk. Her Marine Corps uniform spit and polished with get Naval insignia prominently displayed along with her medical branch insignia. Naturally she was also supporting her side arm and knives but who wasn't. She'd been across the room when the situation occurred, though the way she moved across the room did mama bears proud. She practically exuded as aura of palpable threat towards the Roussians as she approached Orria parting those ahead of her as a freight train through a snow bank.

Arriving at the scene in time for de-escalation She assessed that Orria was safe abs the threat rapidly being cowed into an apology though it did little to ease her demeanor below a hard and promising look of later danger should any harm come towards Orria.

Crouching near Orria she wraps an arm around her daughter, she nods at Admiral Hacks request. "Aye sir," with the threat gone she smiles at Orria, "come let's pick out a dessert sweetie. " she says escorting Orria to the dessert table, while Orria waves goodnight to Shade.
Henry Christie
player, 2123 posts
Wed 26 Jul 2017
at 07:53
  • msg #206

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Henry got up, and looked round, preparatory to leaving.
Wed 26 Jul 2017
at 07:55
  • msg #207

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   the   Board  began to Leave.

  Shade waves back as Orria  and  the LC walks down the passage way to his section of the quarters.

   Shade can be heard  Beeping, whilring, grinding andbuzzing.  you coulding  burn a hole in her  ....

  bleeps  and Buzzes..

 ..I know..I know..... I nwould have  done the  MC-1.. i might have looked the other way...

 whistle and Bleep  I don't think the Admiral wil let you kill anyone..least...not  at a dinner...

 a grumbling grind..

 ..of course i do..its  my job..look..just forget about it... we'll see  next time.....

 and they crossed over the elevator to   Shadow's  side of the Officer's  deck
Cookie Baker
player, 671 posts
field medic and cook
hunter, hunted, haunted
Wed 26 Jul 2017
at 13:40
  • msg #208

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 She stepped away when Melia came in and went to stand near Henry, watching as the situation calmed down. Next time she'd come armed as well, even if it was a tiny sidearm hidden somewhere. She glanced at Henry and sighed.

 "That went smashingly. As in I'd like to smash in their smug assed faces!"
Roy Spencer
player, 5286 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Thu 27 Jul 2017
at 03:25
  • msg #209

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy gave a grin and a nod to Shade, as things dispersed, before turning back to Hack.  "Light boarding armor for everyone, sir?" he asked...after all, Hack had prefaced the suggestion-slash-order to the ladies...but odds were pretty high that they'd all be involved, if a situation arose where armor was needed.

He turned and looked down the hall after Shadow, as he waited for the Admiral's response, debating with himself before he finally decided...

"Did you catch MC-1's little slip of the tongue, Admiral?  Implied that he was some kind of operative, or operational a way similar to what Shadow is for us.  That one definitely bears close watching, Sir."
Admiral Hack
GM, 4914 posts
Thu 27 Jul 2017
at 05:00
  • msg #210

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   When Roy asked about the armor, HAck Nodded,Aye..everyone has   light boarding Armor, the Naragrans will see the  shiny armor and I am most certain, they will understand , we need to be ready for  Nivar...

  Then he  frowns  as he looks to the empty i didn't  catch the whole of it. But he seems  eager to  test  Shadow.... we'll have to watch him..a bit.
Sarah McKeon
player, 243 posts
Captain ESN Ironwood
Thu 27 Jul 2017
at 05:01
  • msg #211

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Sarah had missed most of the dinner off in a corner, stuck on a vid conference with Admiral Sifuentes from Alpha Fleet. She ran through get various reports and in person assessments of her on going mission.  She paused for a moment mid report as things suddenly escalated, "apologies Admiral, it seems LC Shadow has set a new record for aggravating antagonistic and judgemental allies." She watches the situation unfold casually dropping a hand to the holster on her hip.  Things quickly settle down, "As I was saying sir, I don't particularly trust the Roussians. They are just off and antagonistic..." She says continuing with her final conclusions, as the party winds down. Thanking the Admiral for the dinner she departs deciding to stay in the quarters she'd used earlier and to have the Ironwood shuttle meet her ground side, as LC Harrington brought the Ironwood into a low orbit over Nivar, once the signing was over she'd rejoin her ship.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:12, Thu 27 July 2017.
Henry Christie
player, 2124 posts
Thu 27 Jul 2017
at 08:23
  • msg #212

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Henry grinned at Cookie.

"Behave yourself. At least, until they misbehave. Self-defence is always acceptable."
Jesse Dalton
player, 2804 posts
Agt 2nd Class
Thu 27 Jul 2017
at 23:50
  • msg #213

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Jesse had walked up to greet and give her evening tidings to Hack and she nodded to Spencer, just barely catching the tail end of their conversation.

It was a pleasure, Admiral, she said.  Spencer.  I will be seeing everyone in the Hanger.
Cookie Baker
player, 673 posts
field medic and cook
hunter, hunted, haunted
Thu 3 Aug 2017
at 15:51
  • msg #214

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 She grinned at Henry with a bit more teeth than usual but she'd never embarrass him or the admiral by hitting a guest... Unless the guest really really over reached politeness.

 "Yes Sir Boss!"
Sat 7 Oct 2017
at 23:17
  • msg #215

Re: Commander's  Quarters

after the party.))

  It wasn't much more then an hour  after leaving the party. That Si fell into  a restful sleep. Hack  slipped out of  bed   easily, making   no noise  as he  left  his  quarters  and  went across the way to the War Room. He sat in a chair, turned on two Vid screens and  Punched the  Buttons.

  On one screen a Young Black man in the uniform of  an ESN Captain came on... On the Other  a  Tired Looking  woman in an Off duty Admiral's  Uniform.

  .. are right  folks.... I know nits  late.. lets get  the information out, and we can all get some sleep..

 The Black Fellow, Captain Collin White, Began...Things  aren't Good out here  , Admiral Hack. Anzio is an Important spot.. the Trading in this    Hub is the Biggest in the Black... you want it?.. You can get it... it miught cost you...but it's  yours...


 ..But  Aqra is  all but  cut off  from the APF... Their  vessels are a match for  the Largran, but the largran have more.. and they have Creshians  backing them up....

 ..and what has Enta  done for you?

 ..Not Much , Admiral... Sevente has  an 'understanding.'..Anzio  keeps everyone in line.. anyone on  Etna's  side of the Station  , fall under  Enta's  control.... any on the   Lizard's side is Empire  Controlled... the  bad  part.. the Empire  plays  pretty loose  with that.. lots of  Merchants and  Civie transports  go missing...

 and... your  out post?

 ..they leave us alone.. we have  30 MArines... 6 fighters  and a Corvette.. we do have  anit-ship  cannon..but... i don't think it scares them... every reprot i send to Sevente , i get "...we  will take it  under advise ment... that's  why i sent you my reports..

 ..and  i thank you for that..... Admiral Richards?

 The woman was chewing on a Cig-stick.. the mass cred making  item that gave  smokers something to do, when they couldn't  smoke...even though it tended to rot out  belly lining.

 .. The  Bugs   are probing our  Quad at least 2 times a week.. ship to ship actions  are a matter of least half our CAp ships  are under repair.. and   Sevente won't send us anything more then a destroyer, now and then.... I have  fighters out there, floating  dark?... they report a build up...from the Numbers? I'm thinking we're  going to get hit hard... and I don't mean just to beat us up.. i mean to  destroy  Matterhorn..or  capture it.

 ... THank You both. I will have to  talk with  The Board... I can tell you this.... Sevente's  fleet is going one  way... ours,  will go the other.. The  bottom line.. we have to secure , both quads.. if we do not.... then we cannot move on  the Hel system... and the Goal here is to reduce  Hel to a cinder...

 ..Yes  Sir, we   understand....,I am sure I   echo  Admiral Richards in saying  , we both hope to see the Detla  Fleet...

  There was a half-amused  smile,... we will not abandon either  quad, once  we   are finished in one... we  will move to the other.... Its just...

 she looked over   a bit at her  second  screen,..that whomever Sevente goes to?... will take a gods be damned beating, until you come  back.
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:47, Thu 12 Oct 2017.
Sat 6 Jan 2018
at 20:21
  • msg #216

Re: Commander's  Quarters

(( after    Vote for  Blue  Verians  and Hyrians)

   The Admiral  and Commander  Both retired to thier  quaretrs  to change    for a more formal Dinner....
Garrat Wolfrim
player, 4296 posts
field engineer
Sun 7 Jan 2018
at 03:47
  • msg #217

Re: Commander's  Quarters

[flexed before the vote]

   En-route to the Commander's quarters, Garrat chuckles "Apparently hell hath no fury like a Verian scorned."  Garrat nods to Gorl, " I'm fairly new to this sector, so I hope you don't mind if I ask about hoe the Hyrians came to be allied with the Demons.  I'd think that would be a little distasteful to your social structure."
Sun 7 Jan 2018
at 04:06
  • msg #218

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  the  Door opened  ,the  Two  Hyrian officers  began to  set Up Gorl on  the Couch. The Orderly set up drinks for them  and Gorl seemed  to be feeling better.

 ..I should Think, Lirg could have answered that?... when my  Pack was years away from being formed... These Quads  Feared the Hyrians...  we allowed the Building of the  CArrierstations, because the Humans and Sanri did not care if  we Roamed the  Quads......The Hilites  and Nivarians  didn't care for the  Human  bases.. but realized there would be   prizes to be won.. so.. we  formed the Triad...

 ..First..The Demons  sent  Avains.. and  we destroyed them... then the Creshians... and we destroyed them.. The Largrans  fought better.. but  died  all the same. The demons came.. and battles were   fierce.. bodies   covered the black so you could walk from ships to ship.. The Demons..  pulled back..and sent  an ambassador...They said.. If  we would Hold these Quads.. any and all  things we could take, would be ours... They asked only , for a tribute  of 1000 Humans a year...

   we formed the Triad.. nad  ruled the Quads... Etna and Everest did not offer much in the way of worry....Until the Delta Fleet arrived...

 he drinks... and is quiet for a bit...the change that has  come.. is good and bad. No longer  under the thumb of the demons... we are free... but.. it could  still cost us out Homeword.... The Aqurains ..could even threaten us now... it will depend on how  your people deal with them... however the  delta Fleet goes.... We will fight along with  them..  The demons  made the truce..because they feared us hurting them..... The Admiral  warned us...offered us a chance.. then punished us...soundly..for not taking that chance... then?.. provide..a tiny bit of hope.....allowing some of my people to go to the colonies...and  giving us  the ..cure.. for the sickness that is  spread...

 .. there will be some of my people that will still fight Humans..and APF races.. those who have  lost too much?... but that will pass, as they do..
Garrat Wolfrim
player, 4297 posts
field engineer
Sun 7 Jan 2018
at 08:24
  • msg #219

Re: Commander's  Quarters

    Garrat shrug "Lirg is a soldier first.  He looks to follow a tradition of strength.  This is a good tradition for old warriors like him and I, but we often overlook the more subtle aspects such as politics.  You challenge traditional procedure and carry your envoy to Hack yourself.  Your a diplomat, and a politician so you are likely to have insights others don't."   Garrat nods "It will be interesting to see if you are accepted, but your people showed a power and courage in the last battle that impressed many people in the AP."

     "Best of luck leader Gorl."  Garrat nods and retires from the Admiral's quarts.
Roy Spencer
player, 5626 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Mon 8 Jan 2018
at 08:49
  • msg #220

Re: Commander's  Quarters

(( after Vote/ Admiral Richards))

Roy arrived shortly afterward, in his dress uniform...he wore the pin version on his commendations, rather than the full medals...but it still covered the left side of his chest.  He wore one of the machine pistols that Shadow had given him, ages ago, on one hip...the Verian pistol he'd been given for their last mission on Fuji was in a concealed holster, and he wore his kukri in its scabbard on his back.  He gave a courteous nod to the Hyrians, but said nothing as he walked in.
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:07, Mon 08 Jan 2018.
Mon 8 Jan 2018
at 14:24
  • msg #221

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Lilit entered the Meeting,  her  Blue uniform  was clearly altered to accent her form. This  Time she only had  One Side  arm... She was Followed in  by a Tired Looking  Shadow.

  He  had on  Dress Uniform with side arm and  a Silver Handled  Knuckle-guard Aussie knife.

  THe  Hyrians  were  sitting on either side of thier   leader, Lirg...looking uncomfortable in  an dress uniform stood  behind them.

 The Sanri and Occui Settled  Down into seats, on either Side On  Dusk and Shade, both whom were  dressed.. Shade  sporting his new  medals.. the  purple heart easy to see.

  Hack sat at the head of the Table , to his right sat the  rest of the board.. To his left Sat Admiral Richards and Fred Moone her XO... Next to them  Sat  CAptain Lilly Van Ros and her XO  from the Athena, Nancy Baily

 Shadow stood  Next to  Roy, Lyri Gave him a "what's up" Look... Shadow  Just waved her off and shook his head.

 Si caught the  Motion and  whispered something to  Lilit and they both Looked at Shadow and Giggled.

  Shadowe frowned, as he  said  in a whisper to  Roy.....great... just... great...
Roy Spencer
player, 5627 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Mon 8 Jan 2018
at 18:16
  • msg #222

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy watched as people entered, largely standing by and doing nothing...while he may have bern present as a Fleet dignitary, he regarded his primary duty to still be security, and as such, everyone got a cursory examination and was instinctively assigned somedegree of threat level in his mind.

Some, however, drew him into further action.  When Shade and Dusk entered, he stepped forward, a fond smile on his face.  "I like the new costume jewelry, Ambassador," he said to Shade, tapping his own chest where a Purple Heart pin rode.  He gave a nod to Dusk, and said, "I expected you'd be an inspiration to your people...this is far more than I expected.  Your mother would be very proud of her offspring."

He moved back to the side as the rest trickled in, raising an eyebrow in surprise at Shadow's tired appearance.  He noted the aborted exchange with Lyri...and then the giggles between Lilit and Si.  "I'm guessing you really don't want to talk about it," he answered out of the side of his mouth to Shadow.  "Especially not here and now.  Anything that gets the Commandrr giggling like that is likely to be...unsettling."
Mon 8 Jan 2018
at 19:29
  • msg #223

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Shadow  nodded,,,what's that the Engish say ..." king  and country..and  all that?...."..... we're supposed to have  some  kind of  Contest?.... Flying...on the Sims... shooing  at the Range   and HAnd to HAnd.... she says she wants to ..'test  her Skills"...We'll see..... I'm gonna have to get stefi to give  me a Caffine  jolt or something..she likes sticking me with needles  anyway...

 Hack nodded to every one,..sit  and  eat.. we'll cover the buisness  as we eat5..and..if needs be...after...
Mon 8 Jan 2018
at 22:42
  • msg #224

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 as they ate.. choice of steak or Fish from Bura.

 Hack told  Shadow , Lirg, Lyri and Roy to least have a drink.

  Lilit meanyioned that the Aqarains  will be   upset when they see humans  eating  fish...but.. the   Humans on Aquar  are food  animals .......They are also..very good looking, and  seem to be able  to Lure  the higher Forms of  Humans into  mating... they used to do that on EArth  decades ago.. I believe they still have a colony there...

 Shadow would fronw now  and again when  Lilit  or   the Commander  would look over to him and smile. He poured himself a small Brandy and  drank it  down.. Grimacing a bit.

 Shade  Bleeped HArshly at Him..Dusk shook her head.....its just one....?  They turned thier abcks on him and went back to eating.

 Gorl let Lirg have a steak on a plate and the  Hyrian   tore into it.

  Hack Looked at Richards,..Admiral Richards,..Lana.... You , I am sure.. saw the rulings  on Sevente and His   Officers?

 she looked up a bit  worried,her fork had a steak bit on,..Aye Sir?.... I...I  was assuming my  time will come after MAtterhorn is retaken?

  Yes...and No... YOur actions to defend Matterhorn have been Impressive... it would not have   needed to be so?.. had you informed  Me?..Or Fuji... what Sevente  did.. among other things... lead to what was  dished out... You understand this?

 She Put the Fork Down,..Aye...Sir..

 Hack  put his elbows on the Table, his hands clasped You are Indeed  getting Punished...

 Si Looked at Richards  Concerned,

 ..You and Your XO  are being transferred to Etna.. there, you will take command of the Station.... in doing this.. You are also going part of our..... his  Eyes  shift the Shadow , Roy and Lyri,.....part of our clean up  detail.... Fuji has come along  way..Everest still needs  work..Etna needs a damn makeover..... with luck, we will eliminate alot of your'll have to work hard to change the Mindset.... that is going to mean..promotions  for  some...demotions for others and maybe  exile  for others....

 Looking at  Shadow he added,...we'll take  care of the whole... death thing... and Your New Head Of Lights Out on  Etna  will be Elge.....

 ..Lights  Out?..That's a Thing?  we thought it was to keep bad guys away, like  the Boogie man... she  went to take a bite of her steak,..what of MatterHorn.

  Hack Nodded to  Beth who  got up from her  Chair to   the back table . She  took a Box  from there.. walked it Over  and  set it before  Van Ros.

 ..May i present to you...Admiral  Lilly Van Ros.... and  Her CAptain Fred Moone.. they will be taking over  Matterhorn, as of the end of this  dinner....  Newly Minted Capt  Mavis Hines, will take  the helm of The Athena... Commander  Lester Forbes will be her XO....She is taking Command  as we  speak.....So?.. after this Dinner..ADMIRAL  Von Ros  will return to her ship and gather her  things..perhaps have a  going away party?  Matterhorn is getting the Information Now... You should try to have  something for your Staff. At anyrate... You will be leaving   In the Morning  for  Etna... You, of course. know nothing about Lights  Out... and  Elge will simply be an advisor , as far as anyone knows. This will be the first time.. we will have the Head of the Station on our  side... while we clean  house...

  every one nodded, Van Ross  and  Moone  looked at their  new  ranks in the boxs.

  HAck Stood,..To the Rise of the ESN/APF....making ourselves stronger, as we rise...
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:54, Mon 08 Jan 2018.
Tue 9 Jan 2018
at 00:06
  • msg #225

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   Lilit  smiled  a  bit as she swirled  wine about her Glass  and Looked at Beth  with a Nod.  beth smiled and Placed  another Box  down in front of Dusk.

 Dusk looked   back towards  Shadow and Roy.. Shadow  Shrugged  and smiled a tired  smile.

 Lilit said ,..For My Part. The  Board has seen fit to Transfer the Charon to the Blue   Verian Squadron.. It will serve  as My Flag Ship.... Dusk... is to be My Captain...None  can fault the choice... most senior  Ranks were Killed.. the few who were on board stood down as Command  was Given to Her..... and..True to her heritage.. she  chose to keep fighting....I am most certain, there are No verians  who question the true  flow of Blood  iun her veins...

   Shade  raised his  Cup and Bleeped  a Bit loudly.. Dusk was shocked as she looked at the Bars

  Hennings Looked  at Shadow with a smile,..LC?>. both of yhour offspring   ., now  out rank you?

 There is the HAlfsmile,..Aye  Sir, Getting  kinda  used to it....

 The Sanri, Occui  and Hyrians  began to talk about Plans  for Hyria..  some of the people got up to move  around,

 Shadow  went over to a Chair and sat down.
Roy Spencer
player, 5628 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Tue 9 Jan 2018
at 09:56
  • msg #226

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy took a moment to walk over and snap a textbook-sharp salute to Dusk.  "Congratulations, Captain.  Damned proud to have you in the Fleet."  He gave her a smile and a nod, saluted again, and walked over to stand by Shadow, reaching out a hand to pat him on the shoulder.

"Gotta be exhausting, having so much impact on the fate of this battle," he commented, with a gently teasing tone in his voice.  He gave Shadow's shoulder a reassuring squeeze, and added, "You and Lady made good kids.  She'd be proud to see what they've done with her legacy."
Tue 9 Jan 2018
at 11:24
  • msg #227

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   Dusk Stood Up and Salutes,....Thank You SGT  MAjor Spencer... You are too Kind...

 Lilit  watched the encounter  with a  sly smile  and GAve  Spencer a wink.

 ... well?  I can't take any credit there..Dusk  Did this , Mostly on her own, she was stuck being around Evert's...'chosen ones'.

 Then he  Nodded with a look around the  room,..with all you folks helping..and the rest of the Crew..Shade learned alot in a short time....

 Shade barely catching his  name  as he looked around  chewing on a bite of steak,He stopped a  second  and Looked back  at Shadow and Roy and gave them a Thumbs up,  as he went back to  eating.

  The Commander and Lilit came Over to the Three.  Lyri was formally introduced to  Lilit  by the Commander. Shadow   didn't bother to stand.

 ...Why.... LC?.... You Look  Tired, Perhaps you should go to Bed?

 ..I plan on it, as soon as i am not 'needed'..any longer.

 the  two alien  women looked at each other   Si gave a raised  eyebrow

  There was a shift in the gaze of  Lilit to Spencer,thought it was more a feeling, since there are no pupils to see, or? Perhaps  being around  Shade, one got used to being looked at with out seeing  eyeballs shift......So?  SGT  MAJ, you seem to Have some fondness for my Grandspring?   Kray seems a bit 'put out'..about not knowing he had been moded...I do  think things  turned out well  Don't  you?

 Si  gave  Shadow a soft pat on the far shoulder, He looked up with a wry smile,..yeah?.. why should  i be...'put out'?... I'm a Human, right? I should  used to  secerts  being kept  from us...

 ..Things  Turned out well... did  they not... It is a shame Lady did not have her  ..womanly..form.. you would both have enjoyed the process  much more... she grinned  and   Si  Giggled, Shadow  just lowered his head  with a shake as he took a drink from a cola he grabbed.

 Lyri tried  not to laugh, she did smile. But deep down, she  understood  why Shadow was a bit put off.....Then there was  Beth...

 ..Sure  , LC.. why should you be ...'put out'... I mean.. your   stuff was make   alien  baby half breeds, with out your consent ...its not like other races do that...ohhhh..wait.... there are!

  Si's  smiled  faded.... Lilit's eyebrow went up.....Oh...gods... Kray?
  Shadow  Just waved  her off without looking up...!...Shadow? You cannot think like that..This  was a Good thing... something LAdy wanted to give you...

 ..Then?... She  should have stayed?....

 ..she knew you needed the  upgraded Fighters..... but she could still help the cause....if It wasn't for Blu....

 Shadow Stood and  put up a hand to stop the talk,..Look?.. Its done..right?.. I.. have two Offspring that a damn good... people.... perhaps   they get that from thier Mother too?  It's Just... it would have been nice... to be trusted... don't ya think?... If You excuse me.. I think i need to get some sleep.... he  Gave a salute  and eh

headed towards the Door , Giving the Admiral  a wave.  Hack Nodded and Looked to the Group  ..Si gave a  sad shrug.

 Shade  grabbed his   soda and Downed It.. bleeped a few times  and    scurried after   Shadow. Dusked Nodded to him, but she stayed.

 Beth took a  drink  from her  glass and raise  one eyebrow   at Lilit, and Si...The  Two  alien women looked    confused.. Lyri Just looked down at the Dec.
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:54, Tue 09 Jan 2018.
Tue 9 Jan 2018
at 17:03
  • msg #228

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Hennings  watch The LC leave, with a bit of  Concern, he made his way over to the group  and  said, by way of breaking into the conversations ,

  ..SGT  Major?... I feel i should inform you that  Capt  Forte has been.... the Sanri transport Base, to....learn the tactics of Sanri Boarding Units... we feel it will help  him become a better officer...  he   smiles a bit and  took a  sip of  his Brandy.

 Lyri looked  up ,..If I may? Isn't taking  people out of the Delta Fleet going to weaken us?... I mean..The Alpha  fleet would be better if we  put  Mulls in charge?... but we have  Good ships, Losing Good people..

   Hennings  loos over his Shoulder  as Hack and Gorl are  laughing at some sorties.. Lirg is trying really hard to eat his steak with out 'splashing: anyone with juices..

  When he turns back he  says,..that is very true... But? The Delta Fleet will have popel  be trained..and they already have been serving? the drop off should be small.. the   impact will be on the Alpha Fleets.. i would wager there will be  some people taking the ...long walk home... if they protest too much. General BAle  is  sebding a Porvost team with each new  Captain and  thier XOs..just to make sure   any charges  are  clean...

  Hnnings  cvasts a look at the Door that asks,..anything  we should be concerned  about?
Roy Spencer
player, 5629 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Tue 9 Jan 2018
at 19:00
  • msg #229

Re: Commander's  Quarters

As Shadow walked away, Roy said, using a low voice because he was sure his words would embarrass the LC, "Shadow loves his kids...always has and always will.  But he had no input on whether or not he'd become a father.  His genetic material was stolen and used, even though he would have gladly given it if he'd known the truth.  The fact that there was no sex involved doesn't make it any less violating...and you will never make him feel otherwise, no matter how much you joke about it."

He fell silent as Hennings approached, and was about to respond when Lyri spoke up.  He turned his focus to her.  "Tell me, Master Chief...where would you be if someone had decided that the existing forces were good enough and they shouldn't spend resources training you?"  He paused, but not long enough for a response, before continuing, "Yes, the Delta Fleet is good...and we're a bit depleted at the moment, perhaps.  But the way you prevent another Sevente from creating a gaping hole in your flank is by filling those top spots with battle-proven people, and providing them solid support.  We've been building our strength for five years...we know how to do it."

He turned back to Hennings.  "Some ruffled feathers, Admiral, but I don't think it's cause for any concern.  A little good rest, and some peace and quiet, are what the LC needs right now.  If he needs more than that, he'll let us know."
Tue 9 Jan 2018
at 19:20
  • msg #230

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Si Nodded, the sadness in her eyes could be felt as well as seen,... I... Did not think of that?  He has two offspring at least, that is two more then Oliver and I can..ever ..have.

  Lilit looked a bit more confused  as she processed  what Roy said...He was a Good Choice..... Lady knew what she wanted...perhaps she had a reason?.... or was a fail safe,  Incase one of them did not make it.

 Beth  shifts her  eyes back and  forth as they talk while drinking out of the tiny straw,..he'll be  fine.... he has a  rule of '1 free one'.... I would not test a second chance ....

Again the eyebrow  rose on  Si's   forehead as she looked at Beth Who just shrugged while she sipped.

 As  Roy  talked  about the forces, Lyri shrugged..I be  in a Black Eviro Suit  taking out  targets on Mars..maybe even on Olympus... that would have sucked.. missed out  on all the fun out here!

 ..Indeed.. we are reloading now.. and that's  a fact... The Empire Knows  two things.. we ebat the 9 hells out of  2 Fleets... they have to know  we lost a few  teeth too....This....This  is most unfortunate .. we HAVE to go to Anzio now.. to destroy it  or bring it into the fold... and the    planets  there?.. we have  to  neutralize them, one way or the other.. If I  would be an Empire  advisor.. I'm sending another  fleet to Anzio... even  if  we win...  we'd be one battered  force.

   Ther  is a shake of her heair , the   soft 'humanlike'  hair  tossed..Qar La CAl  is gutless... I cannot  see her  sending more then a squadron.. she  has  the Roussians on one  side of ther Gamma Quad, and the Aqarains on the other.... Roussians    are merely allies...But the Aqarains  are Empire Subjects... and they have Anazio space  all to themselves....

 Hennings  nods  with a slight  smile, he raised his glass to them all,..well?.. we should not get boared..aye?.... Take care, I should pay some attention to the Hyrains as well...
Garrat Wolfrim
player, 4309 posts
field engineer
Tue 9 Jan 2018
at 21:14
  • msg #231

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  A com comes through for spencer,  from Garrat . "Sgt, were headed over to the new forge ship to check out what happens behind the scenes with the fleet.  If you or anyone there needs an excuse to retire from the party this is probably as good as it's going to get."
Wed 10 Jan 2018
at 04:20
  • msg #232

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Hack looked around , and said,well , My  friends.. I think we should  call it a night.. You are welocme to stay we have plenty of  room....

 Van Ros   smiled  but shook her  head,as you said,   Good Admiral.. I must have some good bye  time with my people.... I thank for your trust in me....

 ..I Did Not   do you a favor , Lilly... Matterhorn  may not  be Corrupt, but it has  alot of rebuilding to do.... Just don't be afraid to call...

 Richards  nods ,..I too, need to  leave.. i want to see  how my people are doing now they have been reenforced , and   there are a few people  alive, i would like  to bid  fare well to.

 Gorl says,..I think I will stay.. leave in the morning...

  Lilit  smiles,we shall stay as well?..  Give Dusk a bit  more time with Shadow  before  we leave to see to our ship...

 Dusk suddenly opened her  eyes,..our ship!... MY...ship!... gods.. it just hit me...

 People laughed  Hack asked,where is Beth?
Roy Spencer
player, 5630 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Wed 10 Jan 2018
at 07:14
  • msg #233

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy got a fond smile on his face, and turned to Lilit.  "You're correct...I do have a soft spot for both Shade and Dusk.  I'm an only family back on Earth to go back to...I imagine this is what being an uncle feels like, in a way."  He turned to Dusk and nodded.

"You're in the Big Chair now.  And while I'm proud of you for earning's something I wouldn't wish upon anyone I care for.  Find yourself some good people to stand at your side...don't try and do it all yourself.  Those burdens will crush any one person, no matter whose offspring that person happens to be.  Your most important job is to make sure you've got a crew you can rely on...and then let them do their jobs.  It'll never be easy...but it will be a whole lot harder if you try to take care of everything yourself."  His current position was the closest he'd ever been to being an officer...and, he supposed, he really was, in all but name.  But he'd helped more than a few green lieutenants sort themselves out and become solid captains and even majors.
Wed 10 Jan 2018
at 08:03
  • msg #234

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  The  Hyrians  are elad out to the  empty Ambassador's   suite... Lirg leads them.

  The  Sanri  say their Good-bye, Ersi , the Male  offer his upper most right hand to Lilit,..this war..perhaps got a bit easier...and perhaps.. a bit shorter, now that the Verians are taking part.

 ... you are too Kind... only Blue Verians. But I am hoping the Numbers of us will rise..

  Noan, the  female   smiles at them all  as they leave.

  Ziger , the MAle Occui gives   Lilti a   soft  whack on the back,'d  havce to go back to  my great granparents , to see the last Time Occui and Verians  fought together . If i remember the stories, it  didn't turn out well for the Empire...

 Oilm, the Female  give   Lyri a  Hug,well see  how things  go.. but we still have the Humans...and I keeping  my hovercart hitched  to them..

 Dusk  Gave Lyri and  Roy a Hug..lingering a bit on Roy,...That is  must what it feels to hug  uncles  and aunts?

 Lili  smiles, she gives Lyri a nod and smile and  Roy a soft touch on his arm....good might  to you all... perhaps we shall see some of your  when we leave for The Charon..

 Si Gives them Hugs as well.. Hack meets them   at the door and does the same, but he leaves his arm around Dusk as he says,..There are  2 Kinds of Heroes.... False heroes  who brag about what they have done.....and real heroes, who have others  bgrag  about what they have done.... The best kind of hero, is one that doesn't know..which one she is..because she is just doing her job...

 Dusk looked that not  3?

 he winks,... and... most heroes are smart.

 They laugh  as the  Verians leave...all that is left are roy, lyri and Si.


 Well SGT Major... all we have left is the  Bug Queen.... the of her lackeys...and that woman named Lydia.. we'll deal with them after  we cast off tomorrow.. we aren't really in shape to fight, but  we'll  do heavy repairs at Etna.

 ..if you don't have  anything , i think we should all see to our bunks...
Roy Spencer
player, 5631 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Wed 10 Jan 2018
at 08:36
  • msg #235

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy snorted softly.  " THAT all?  Piece of cake..."  He rolled his eyes, good-naturedly.  "Some rack time is probably highly advisable, though...been a long day, with a lot happening the whole time."

He sighed, and added, "I don't know whether it was a warning, or a curse, when my old gunny sergeant told us all that, "The only easy day was yesterday."  But I definitely feel like it becomes more true out here all the time."
Sun 22 Apr 2018
at 18:36
  • msg #236

Re: Commander's  Quarters

((  Anzio sweep))

   Admiral White and  Fluss as well as Mock were dressed   in  dress uniforms,  Hack and  Hennings   excused themselevs to change.

   Melia  stood  near Orria  and  Shade all three had  'dress' uniforms on.

 Commander Si  and   General  Bale as well as the Sanri and Occui  Lilit   was drinking  some   wine  and   talking over the  taste with Commander Si.

    When the Two Admirals  returned, The all stood  about talking  while  Beth had  her  Vid boards going.

  Lyri and  Maria  where there,  counting on  Melia  to  help carry the load, so  Lyri could have  the  rest of SEC  in the Hanger area..

 Admiral White    had a stern look on his  face,Oliver?... we  are some  10 minutes out  from  the Delta  Fleet docking, yet you sent  in  and ..invasion  force?

 Hack looked at Hennings  and Commander Si, they both   chuckled  , Fluss looked    a little   bummed out.

  Frist off?  You need not  fear the Fleet , Only half the ships  will be docking, the  other  half  are protecting the station and the   fleet from anyone who wishes us to leave....

 ..and  Yes.. I have sent  people in.... so have  ,certain other  ships... they will  roam you station and see what needs to be  done....and?  to  find  trouble makers and deal with them.... and ....Collin? My people are really good at  getting rid of trouble.

 Fluss frowns in an odd  way, her facial features made it look rather  nice,..before  we  begin with your    meals?.. please allow  me to present some of   Aqra's Local   food.... I  will help you understand us  a bit...yes?

  Stefi  was  by the door  with  the   crew of the  Anzio shuttle... the  food  was  hot.. and  Stefi had a hard look in her eyes....I tested  the food, there is no agents in there, that isn't normally in  the food,  and our Vax teams  have  done thier  job...

 Fluss  smiled....On the first Cart.. we have the    Fish known as   Grepps.. they are cylinder in  shape.. they eat plants.. and  we  eat them?... thier  meat, Humans  say is  sweet.. we also have some stuffed  with  Admiral White's  cheese?

 Orria looks  and says, fish?

 .. they are merely animals.. they are not  'our people'...

 melia  put a HAnd on  Orria . the little girl looked confused..

 ..Next is the  Hirt plant... much like your lettuce.. your  Med Techs  say it is high in Iron, and    is good  cooked or   fresh.. we have some of  each here..

 Stefi turned away from the LAst table to give Hack a hard look.

 Hack's eyes  shifted to the others..

 ..this is  not only Aqra's favored food, but a big  export to this  station, and the Empire.... there are some APF people who have   bought  Live creatures,  to breed them on thier homeworld?

    The Crewman from the  Shuttle  lifted the Two huge  Lids... 4 small  human-like  bodies were on the   trays... two were cooked, very well  skin was  darker, the other  light,.... and two others... also light skinned and a dark skinned  where  barely cooked...

 Orria  screamed...

 Hack Looked  at  Fluss  with a very  Dark stare of hate...

 Admiral white     Put  a hand on his shoulder,

 Fluss  smiled  with a  triumphant smile,..these are Gavas.. small humanoids..  barely smart enough to gather food.... thier meat is sweet...  the organs  are removed  and   cooked   separately.... but.. they  are merely animals... The Empire   buys them by the scores.... some   for  food. some  for breeding stock to let loose on their planets.. . My people will leave the waters to  Hunt these  creatures... very Tasty...

  Mock  smiled,..yes? Ya  see   Admiral.. things  aren't  like  earth.... all over.. sometimes things  are like the Homeworlds  want it to be...

 Orria  was staring at the Bodies and Melia    held her  close... Shade sent off  a  string of Noises, his eyes  were red.

  Lilit , seeing that  Orria  wasn't in  the right mind to  translate, said,..Ambassador Shade says.... he thinks it in very poor taste for you to show a veiled threat, of  your people  eating humans, regardless of what.... form they take...

 ..Does he now?... well..perhaps, we are  at the boundry of what   The Fleet  need to understand, before they 'set things  right"

 ..I have a feeling,  Fluss. That  your intentions  may not even begin to  soften the blow, from that hammer that is falling..
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:17, Mon 23 Apr 2018.
Mon 23 Apr 2018
at 05:27
  • msg #237

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Orria  was  scared. The bodies  looked like little  kids to her.. and the Fish Person was talking about  eating them!

    Hack went over to the  trays, used  a   knife to  cut some of the Lettuce-stuff and  took a bite, he stared  at Fluss, but spoke to  Admiral White,..Tell me  Collin?  You  eat any Gava?

 ..I tried it.... I  don't eat it ...

 ..I think, when the troopers get thier shore  leave... I'm  suggesting the   Transports  from the Delta Colonies check out the  Axis Tubes....

 Fluss   sneered,... is that supposed to mean something?

  General Bale  spoke up,..The Ape Folk... Apes.... Men... and Apemen...are  Cannibalistic .. they  are quite smart though.. and have  learned not to eat allies.... enemies..well...not so much..

 Fluss went over to the trays   and used a knife  to  cut some fingers from  an 'undercooked'  Gava.. she  crunched the  fingers in her teeth, lookimg at Orria . who screamed  again... Shades   Hand    Came  up,  But Lilit   calmed him down...

 Hack  shooked his head  as he looked at the    floor, then took a sip of his  drink,... I am Glad you are here Fluss.... because,.... while you are here , trying to terrorize  a  little girl.. You are going to be getting  reports... of  your  people, being terrorized.. For the Sake of the ..innocent people..on the station.. i hope this  all works out, because, if  we have to  destroy the station... there will be no 'Evac Time"...

 Mock spoke up, Causing the    APF   Occui to  move away from him,..some of your people are going  where  we want them to be , Admiral Hack... we are going to show   other places, that 'Delta  Night;' is not to be feared.... the first group is  in a trap as we speak..

 Hennnings  asked,who are they?

 ..your  LC  and  SM?.. and some  woman...and  appears  they have a Nivarian Creature with them...

 Lyri  giggled   out Loud, her  Laugh stopped   Orria  from crying..

  Fluss  turned to her, find  something Humorous? idiots?  set a trap for  Shadow  and Spencer?...and they have a LArg with them?.... Tell me thier have  Mechs  with them, because whomever set that trap..well.... You won't have them  around Much longer.

 Mock went to  Beth  and Handed  her  an Occui Vid Board..this is not , a great  look. but we can see... who will be left...Those    Yellow  dots are , our people.. the   three  green Dots are your people...

 ..You know?  Flat out  telling us, that you plan to kill  our people..well.. not  a reason  for  me blow up your   station..

 Admiral White smiled,well?  Oliver? You send people in to kill ours..  can't expect to do that for free?..and Besides... That  Cure  we gave you..should be wearing off about now... and your people might  find the way of Anzio...quite nice... people.... are..idiots...   Commander Si  said  with a smile....
Mon 23 Apr 2018
at 15:31
  • msg #238

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   As they watched   Mock's   screen, on the BIg screen.. they saw one yellow light go dark..

 Shade points  and  Bleepsa bit.

 Lilit  saif  more  for  Fluss, then anyone else......Yes, Ambassador  Shade.. that  does mean that one died....

 Hennings shook his head, pouring himself a Brandy and seeing if anyone else  wants one.....and so?... it begins....
Mon 23 Apr 2018
at 19:04
  • msg #239

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Beth    smiles  and says,...4   less  dots.... are you sure  20 was  enough... you are down to 16..and   our people haven't even gotten out of their car  yet..

 The Occui looked  angry  at Beth,..of  cours eyou foolish twit!.. They  must be out of the car, oth they wouldn't  be spread like that!

 Beth   gave the Occui a dark look,..Listen, Gumdrop.... you need to understand  the way humans  talk.... before you try to understand  Humans.... If I was you... I would call them now.. tell them to surrender... it may save some of thier Lives...

 Hennings looked at Fluss , then to  White. Admiral  White pointed to FLuss.

 ...never..  the end   of YOu    'hero' and   You   stormtrooper, end   now....

 Hack shrugged  as He rang the Bell,..Just as well.. Shadow     would have said "..COM   didn't work"   and wouldn't call back  until  your people are dead let's have some real food...

  the   orderlies  brought in   steak and Ham.. ( hennings   made them bring in  Fish from Bura)...  along  with sides  and drinks..

   As  Hack loaded his  plate, It would be informal as far as a few table s or  ..'stand and eat"....So?... sold out then?

 ..only  way to keep the station in one piece?.. and we are doing good here, Oliver.. the Cred flow is off that charts...

 General Bale leaned in,... we have Cred Flow..from  Anzio.. Even  Tortuga  sends  what it can... and they recieve   what aid  we  can give them

 .... tell your  people to look around.... they will not see any  unhappy people here...

  Hack grins,wait a few hours....
Wed 25 Apr 2018
at 01:50
  • msg #240

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   The Occui was   nibbled on  a Ham sandwich...  Fluss made  sure  she   made a show of  eating the Gava.

 Melia  wanted Orria to Go, but she refused to leave Shade  because .. I am  Delta  Feat!

 everyone smiled.. no one corrected her.

  Beth   shook her   head ..My 11 blips  gone..just like that.... one of your blips  is turning orange... that can't be good...

 ..Oilver?..... we did  this to save the station.. with Shadow  gone... the Delta  Fleet would have...

 ..The Delta Fleet would have sailed on... we would have  pounded the  Station to boxwood... and   the revenge  factor  would be off the  charts.. yuou toss in the mistake of ...maybe...somehow takign out the SM....   I think i would have allowed the MArines  free  frign on your station.... You..are  an Idiot.. the  whole board.. is  populated  by idiots.. did you really...really..think we wouldn't have  somethign to fight the Fish lure?..

 Fluss  stopped   chewing, Blood   dripping down her   left  cheek..what do you mean?

 ..I mean.... Fluss.. that your station  has  Highly trained.... Hightly eager....  Delta fleet  people rangign through the  station... you made a very...very  big..mistake.
Wed 25 Apr 2018
at 06:19
  • msg #241

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  More   dots   vanished  Until there  was only  Until  only one  reddish one  was left.

  Beth's COM  buzzed  and she looked angry at first   then began to  talk,  Fluss  looked at the screen.. Mock was dabbing  his  mouth.. Admiral White  was refiling his  glass   with  Scotch , drinking half in one Gulp...

   Fluss's COM  Buzzed... her   brow furrowed As Beth was Giggling... The Song Played...

 her eyes  grew dark...  Orria  was Laughing and began to  sing along.... Fluss cut the Song off, but it still played through Beth's COM...

  ..shut it off.... shut it  OFF!!!

 Hack   Nodded to     Beth   and she  cut the feed... Orria   felt a gentle hand   from Melia, but  she was still giggling.

 Do you, Understand  what you have  set in Motion...alot of people are going to die tonight   Fluss... how do you feel about that?

 ..It is  just beginning, Admiral....

 Hennings   fills his glass  and Clings it  with Bale......Lady?.. You ain't see nothing yet?.. they'er  just  doing their  Job right now.... wait..until they get mad...

 Orria  Giggle...fishheads!
Wed 25 Apr 2018
at 08:02
  • msg #242

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Beth  Looked at her COM  , then to   the Admiral.

  ..Something  wrong?....

  ..Shadow  said to ask Fluss where she  wants  to to try and kill him next....  Everyone turned to Fluss... here  mouth  opened and closed like...well...a fish.

  She   tapped  something on her COM,..Axis   west...Ziggen will be there.....

 As beth  sent  the  answer , Hack smiled,..You have v no idea, how much damage you'er  saving...

 Mock  spoke up  he  had  refilled his  glass...again.....You have too much  faith in your people....

  Hack  pointed   at him  with the hand  that held  his own glass.....i have faith, because they are people....

 Commander  Si  said, coldly...while you are  wondering  if your  people will kill ours?.. We  are wondrering how long it will take, for  ours to kill yours...

 Shade  Bleeped  and  Orria looked  back to  Lilit...Lilit  said,... Shade   says,... " night has  Come to Anzio "
Wed 25 Apr 2018
at 08:48
  • msg #243

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 beth  replayed    Henry's  COM  on speaker .. Hack looked at Mock..and   at  Admiral white...

  He  pointes to the Aqra  cart and  told the Orderlies  to  remove the 'food" and   give the   Gava's a  send off.  from Med tech...

  Fluss  says,..YOU WILL NOT...

  Lyri   stepped    Up  her  rifle barrel between the cart and Fluss.

 Send this COM out  to the Fleet...  all Planets   in the APF.. and A-SEC.... Tell them of  Henry's  findings.... and  No Hunting, killing  or eating of Gavas..... the price  that will be paid.... send it out... Now...

 Fluss and  White   both protested, can't do that!.. its   a  Cred maker!..not just for Aqra..but for the Station...

 general Bale  was   entering the   ruling into the   COM  pad  to send to Provosts and    Delta Colonies where the  'books ' for the APF  were   complied...It his   right.. as  Both the Military  and  political leader of the APF  and ESN... do not think, for  one moment.. the rule will not be  enforced.

 The    orderlies   took the   cart away. Maria  stopped the  Shuttle  crew from interfering  she smiled  sweetly at them , as they stood  down.

 ..I would suggest.. you all    enjoy the fod  we have provided.. and the Drink.... I am...concerned... for your future.
Thu 26 Apr 2018
at 14:54
  • msg #244

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Mock  looked   perplexed.. he    Brought  up another    low  grade screen  that showed   two Green  dots that were slightly Orange...  and One green  dot.

   There  were was  one Yellow  dot     to the edge of the street... and one Yellow dot  that was turning   orange.

  ..what's that matter Mock?

 Fluus looked  Angry, White  just poured another Drink.

 ..this shouldn't be happening....

   That's  Doc Henry's  Group.... Admiral? Apperas  two of them are wounded... but  only one of the   enemy is alive.. the other  seems to   be

 the   Occui Ambassadors    raised  a Glass to Mock and laughed  at him, the Sanri  and his  mate took seats to  watch the .'.low tech'  scene
Admiral Hack
GM, 5519 posts
Thu 26 Apr 2018
at 18:31
  • msg #245

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  The Calls   Came in...  Hack  Nodded to    Lyri,..take thier COMs... put them in a contain and  stick them out in the   Passageway..

  Fluss  snapped,..You cannot do that!

 Its My Ship...Fluss... Its  My   Fleet... I'll do what i damn well please.... If you  wish to fight to keep Your  COMs  that is your  choice... there is  plenty of  room in the Black, for another body....

 He   listens to  all the COM chatter...All hear this..... You cannot   meat up anywhere ,  But the  sphere..  find a meeting place  in the outer  sphere, and see what the  Locals  can do to help....  I will try to get Henry's Team and   Spencer's team on the COMs... they are... entertaining right now..

 we need this  taken  care of, before some one decides  that they need to protect it... COM  me  as you get Ideas.. we have  3  Of the board members  as  prisoners  right now....The SM's  team took out  2 more.... Looks   like  Delta  Night kicked off...
Sat 28 Apr 2018
at 04:20
  • msg #246

Re: Commander's  Quarters

    Fluss  answered her   COM and heard   Shadow's  Voice...  Beth Tapped in and   put it on speaker.. there was   the Crunching and slurping of Larry.. and then the  COM  was  cut.

 ..well.... Anzio  seems to  be running out of board Members.

  ..Abors  is   aboard the  Hyrian  Flag vessel for this  fleet.... Bala   is hiding..somewhere...  Now?.. do you think its  time   that you folks  made  some calls?.. tell your people to surrender.. so we   don't  have to keep  Killing folks>

 White  frowned,..your  are the Fleet Admiral?... why don't you order the  station to stand  down...

   Hack downed his Drink , handing the glass to  the orderly for and the Empire  would  love that..ESN pulls its  crew ..Aqra moves in... Empire  has   a Jump off point?... no.. this is the way it will work.. we clean the    station out... or  we blow it up....Some of the very people  we  are  trying to save?..  we will kill... but..whether its us blowing up the station... or them gettign fed to the dead..
Sun 29 Apr 2018
at 20:57
  • msg #247

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   Hack took his   time pouring  another  Drink. As he  did, he nodded to Beth.

 Beth, fussed  with her  Vid Boards, with three of them  she had a very Good  Holo view of the 'live action"... as  The Last Hop  dropped out of her  Dock.

 Admiral White looked  surprised,  but not as surprised  as we cannot  even do that, and  we live on the damn station.

 Beth snorted  at White,..The Vid Boards we gave you , that you signed the   treaty?... it also carrier  your  signatures to  my Files.... and.. I have  over ridden all the  Vid Cams  except  2.....Bala?.. took he r Vidboard  apart.. my fail safe   destroyed  the insides...and?..  there are  no access to Demon Vid Cams...

 Fluss's  turn to snort,  does that help you?

 ..anywhere that is Blacked out.. we know is  either   Avian, or Demon areas.... and now?.. we can see   what the 9 hells is going on...

 White Moved  closer to Fluss, handing her  a fresh drink,  as he sipped on his own,..the  treaty?.. it is False?

 Bale  raised his hand,..No, Admiral White.. it is a legal, and Bidding  contract?..however, it seems that  Admiral HAck  failed to sign his ? is non-binding..

  All three of the  Anzio Board Members looked shocked... Hack grinned  and Winked, handing Beth a Drink to celebrate.

 ..You never  intended to save this station...

 Commander Si speaks up.....that is where you are wrong?... We are here to clean  it up..if it can be saved, it will be  a new  Station..Fully.. ESN...If it cannot be saved..then it  will serve  the ESN  as scrap for New CAp ships  and  fighters..

  ..Master Chief.. please    Bind these three to   thie r chairs, but , leave thier left arms  free to have a drink and such.

 Lyri Stepped  forward  and slammed Fluss  down into a chair,  Cuffs on her  arm through   outside of the  chair leg to her   right Ankle..

  Maria  nodded to Admiral White   who settled  in and  was looked in the same way..

  Mock   raised a  weapon at  Lyri's  Back.. but he  screamed outloud  as  his  right hand   was   Burned  with a  finger  missing...

  Shade  put his    'burner' finger  away..   Melia had her  SMG up. Orria looked  at Shade who's  eyes  were  Grey.

 Hennings  said,..nice  shot Ambassador!

  Shade  blleped a few times  and shrugged.

 Orria  Giggled,.. 'bassador Shade say..' i was aiming  for chest."

 Lyri   glowered at the wounded   Occui as   Stefi moved  to  stopped the Bleeding,'er not  an Occui.. you'er a Bald   Mull...


   Beth Patched    Hack through to the  Last Hope.....Beth has   all teh Feeds  from almost all the areas on trhe station now?  except  Avain  areas  and Demon areas......  we are watching your  ship  about to Approach the Inner sphere
Mon 30 Apr 2018
at 12:22
  • msg #248

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   Hack  watched  the   whole of the   scene  before them...  LT Miller COMed  from the Bridge...Admiral?... Demonic  fighters in least 20...

 ..Have  Lt Frans  Hail them, and   wrn them off..then they may engage ... Send Orders  out to all  fleet vessels for Battlesatons...  any   Empire,  Aqra, or indepent  vessel that   approaches  with armed  weapons is a hot  target.....

 Beth  also adds to ALL COMs, we cannot see what the  Demons  and  Avains are doing..but it works  both ways... I  forze out thier  Vid COms , that belled into  any of the   station areas that  they do  not openly control...
Tue 1 May 2018
at 16:58
  • msg #249

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   Hack  watched the  screen  and Listened to teh Cross talk,

 White  sipped from his drink as he sat, Cuffed to his own leg and  what do you  do now Oliver?  The Empire  will  use this  as  an excuse to attack the stations and take it over..

 Fluss grinned  darkly,Aqra  will gladly aid them

   Hennings  began to   snicker many  ships  could the Emoire  possibly have out here..

  Mock  sneered,,..there is a Battle  fleet of  30  ships... at Most... 2  hours  away...

 Fluss     raised her   'chin',..we have at least that Many..and  we can  send out the Call..

 Bale  and Hennging  began to  Laugh   as did  Hack.

 how many ships   do   you  think we have?

 we know the Delta Fleet has  some  sort of  ...cloak?... But we have eyes, we have  scouts..or..we had  scouts... we have  between 15 cap Ships and a few   support ships...

  Hack nodded,..that's a good guess... for ...the Vanguard

  the three looked around   as Hennings and Bale continued to Laugh

 ..I do not understand....

 with out  giving up numbers... we have  More transportbases  then that 'battle fleet' has Cap ships...  In Human ships  alone.. we vastly outnumber the Empire ships.. so?.. they are more then welcome  to   come within broadside  range..As  for Aqra?.. whether they wish to fight us now..or later?.. it matters  little to us.
Tue 1 May 2018
at 21:51
  • msg #250

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Hank  took a seat next to   Admiral White. the  scene  on the ESN portion of the Hanger  dec  calming  down as a fighter  took to the air.

 ..You seem to have  , more the a  few  people down Admiral Hack?

 ..Indedd, for your people's  sake, you best hope not  die... My .....assault teams..tend to frown on thier teamates  dying.

 then Roy's message  comes in...

 Hack  Turned to  White  and said,well Collin? nice to  know why you  are working with the EDT?

 ..its  a grey area... Oliver

 ..then color it  for  me, Collin...

 ..Lady V  has come into powerful resources ... she has the Machine of the  Empire  behind her.... though the EDT and  Viper  Fleet  still operate on thier own? The have  formed  an allaince out here, ..The have  an insignia.. the   form of  a hooded  Cobra  with the EDT  logo on its  hood... the resources help keep us   running and..

 ....Larg Crap,,,,, Hennings said  as  everyone turned they didn't turn their backs  on  Human Kind... when given the chance, they signed up.. and do the same thing they have been doing, except they now  attack  enemies of the APF.... You have  allowed pirates to roam free.. I am thinking, for a price?... You deal in goods  with the Empire, when you know those  goods will have..or  flat out..ARE..people...

 ..Beth?..Pas the  word to all  people of the station..all people in the sky.. EDT is formed a union witht eh Viper  fleet... shoot on sight.. we'll apologize  later, if we are worng..
Wed 2 May 2018
at 17:24
  • msg #251

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   The Footage Came through.. there was  Gasps..  Melia  Hide  Orria's eyes..though she didn't have to try hard  as Orria buried her face in her  mom's side.

   Hack stood..he looked at the screens then to the three who were cuffed, you have  good  full out Empire?

 Fluss  raised the  'chin'..I believe that is a Compliment?

 Shade did his   machine-0like  laughter  and  Blurted out a stream of sounds,

  Lilit   patted    Orria  gently on the back  as she said,...But Grandmod says....if  getting your ass kicked is a compliment, then you are right... she turned to Shade,..your   Mod and I will have to a discussion on your choice of speech...

 Shade   lowered  his head. Lyri  just winked at him. are you going to Do.. Hack?..  shoot us?..make us take the Long you know how many people are on this they look to us for leadership.. you have already Killed most of the leaders  and...

 Shut the 9 hells up.....we will have a VidCOM  trail... and   we will  over turn the station then... there will be an amnesty for those who do  not  want to be APF , to leave..after that? wil be open season..

 ..My people are Not APF..  you cannot Try me...

 HAck looked to Bale   who had   just sipped some wine,..This  is  war, Madam   you are allied with teh Empire, even though you are not sunject to them... since we see for ourselves, that you have harmed ESN and APF peoples... you will..indeed, be listed  as an Empire  Agent..and tried  as such...

 Hack to  Orville Wright... I want a thransport of  troopers   sent to the  Center Sphere to  aid in evacing prisoners from there.... I want a tranport  of Ape folks to land on Axis  North, and proceed   southwards  dowm each main  and destroy  and  Empire  or Aqra  troops.. capture  any Civies..of thsoe  races... if they get..peccish, tell them to  help themselves , I don't thinh the Empire will mind, 'giving back'..

 Aye Sir. A;ready Done sir... I'll have  two more tranposts  stand By out side if they need to deploy

 Mock said, said there would be amnesty?

 .after we overturn the station.... he winked  with a smile...

 ..You Bastard! had this planned!

 he  nodded to Si who had a very dark smile, was my plan?..the elast  that would happen, would be the cleaning out of a corrupt board... the best that would happen..the people of  the station revolt, and   come to us willingly....but?.. we knew we would  find slaves... we just didn't think it would be this bad...  could you  possibly know?

 ..A friend of  our  SM... maybe  you ahve heard of Him.... Gresh ?.. he  came to see us at Etna.. to expand his business.. he also  gave us some information about   LArder transports  making stops  at Anzio...
Thu 3 May 2018
at 00:04
  • msg #252

Re: Commander's  Quarters

     They Listened to the Talk on the Comes, it wasn't  Until the  first of the Drop  shuttles   started to clim  to   reach the stations.

  Admiral  White  Cleared his throat.....LC Shadow  and   the Piltos  with you?.. Fring  on A-Sec Fighters   can put You in the brig..for a very long  time...

 ..oh?.. wow?.. Is that Right.. so I guess  shootign thier asses  down is out of the question?

  White looked at   Hack who just shrugged  and watched the Vids...You will stand  down.... you will escort those Drop shuttles   back to thier transport Base... and  left the  Prisoners  where they  have been locked up...

 ..Not Gonna Happen..Sir.. My orders  are out of your paygrade... and..comsidering the  condtions  those peopel were kept in?... and    I have   6 Demon fighters  closing in on me  and My buddies here?... I gotta figure   the whole..' don't shoot  bad guys cause they have a white hat'..goes out the  ejection Tube.. you can discuss things   with General Bale..  his barin is smarter then both ours  put sit back and watch the light show..
Fri 4 May 2018
at 15:11
  • msg #253

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Hack   Looked at Admiral White.  The  man just lowered his head.

  He looked to  Fluss,  she seemed   haughty .

   Mock... was grinning

  Opening the COMs to   all ships ..This  is Admiral Hack.. I   want the  Fleet to hit  Battlestaions on My Mark.

  Commander Si was  already on her  way to the bridge.. Captain Morris   followed her  out to  get to the Hanger Dec.

 ..I want Pickets  doubled  and spread out another 200 or  so Miles... Have thier  scout   range out from there...ANY..independant ships  will be  hailed  and Boarded... or  ...should they refuse..  captured or   destroyed.. we  don't have time to waste on fense  sitters..... Empire ships  will be attacked on sight, as well as  any Aqra Vessels... on my mark....3.....2......1.... MARK!

  Red Lights  went on   in the room as the Clarion Call Busted   with  Millers  Voice  shouting over the   COMs.....Battle stations...battles Stations.. this in  not a Drill..this is Not a Drill...

 ..PO? if you want to  take  Orria to the Cibie  section  You...

  Orria shook her head,..I stay with 'bassdor  Shade.... I am aide ..

 Hennings  looks  around the    room and says, they are  as safe here   as   anywhere?

 Lilit  said,..Captain  Shadow has   the Bridge on My ship..   where can I be Of Use?

 I would send you down to the Hanger dec... But   I will need you here.. the more  witnesses to these three's  actons..and the effect of thier actions  will be needed in the trial... If things  get bad.. we have a few extra  Fighters...

 Lilit  nodded, you say.. I am ready , when you need me.. are a fool.... you think you can save the station?... It will be  the primary target... Millions will die,  Just because you wanted to save a few hundred thousands...

 Hack    was   workign with    Beth who had    Shade  helping  tap into the Vids  screens in the room.

 ohhhh... Millions  will die, and that's  a Fact.. do you know how  easy it is to kill fish?... Concussions... poisoned  water.... things added to the water that won't hurt humans   but  mess up fish?.. I have to congratulate you though... Most times we have to go in..Give a warning... then Kill Millions.... now?.. we just have to go in... You... Councilmen  Fluss   have   instituted  an act of war.. you have  aided   the Empire on an ESN  station... and you have caused the  death of  thousands of  APF citizens as well as the Newly protected Gava..... which..I ma sure you new they were 'people' just flat out...didn't care...

 Oilver? You cannot  do this This  is the gateway to Deep space.... right is  a ..boarder  is a safe  place for all to come and...

 and   what, Admiral White?..a safe place to  get food.. to  break up famlies.. to eat people alive?.. to teach humans  how to eat people?.... No.. this isn't  what i will tolerate...nor should any APF citizen  tolerate it... his eyes  looked at the Occui, who  just shrugegd and  gave a smart assed  smile.

 beth looked at Hack,..Its  ready, Admiral  Hack...
Mon 7 May 2018
at 15:34
  • msg #254

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   Hack watched the   100's of  dots on the screen.. almost all were  Delta Fleet... there  were orange  dots  that Indicated   Empire  types leaving towards  Aqra space .

  well?  the Rats that are leaving the  ship, seem to be heading to Aqra...what awaits them there?... shelter?.. or  will they be used   as food sources? off  course, alot of them  will end up facing us in Battle..  The  Captain of the  Transport troopers that  boarded the  HQ section of the Core, have  said   many of the A-Sec troopers were  Empire  types.....

  Beth?   Please   gather your people  and set up the  warroom on the HAnger Dec.

 Turnign to Mara and Lyri,..Master  Chief? Take these three down... In Cuffs.. tot eh Hanger Dec... I want them secured to  Mech  area   walls, so they can see what is happening, but cannot influence , anything.... should they fuss, or  try to  break free, yo may kill them... they have already showed to  have turn coat..or.. flat out , anti-APF..

 Shade  was already Helping Beth  take  down he r bOArds, then Followed her  out t he door, followed  by Melia  and  Orria.

 Lilit said,..I am Going to the HAnger Dec, my shuttle  will be there directly..My place is  on the Bridge of the verian section , flag ship...

 ..Indeed... Good luck  they  clasped   forearms,  as did  Hennings   and Bale..

 Admiral  white  was angry,..You are a fool Oliver!.. You have gained so Much.. why not  be satisfied with what you have... The Empire  will treat with you....draw Boundaries:....

  Hack was  already taking off his  Tunic , so he could get  boarding armor on,.Until they regrouped?..Until they find out more about us?...meanwhile APF people..some we have not even met yet, will suffer , die..and wonder why  no one helped them..

 The Sanri Ambassador  and His   wife   smiled   as the female said,..this is why we  follow  the Delta  fleet...and Admiral Hack.... he has shown...with actions.. that  he will help, all APF races... is a Fool's  errand..As Long as the Empire  exists.. there will be  weaker   people fall... Fluss  sneered.

 ..Indeed... you may be  right.... but...when we  turn Hel into a cinder..and there is no longer  a demon homeworld.. and the Demons have to  live off thier colonies..or  be vagabounds that travel  The Black, looking for a Home?.. It won't be long, Until that race is extinct...then?.. we will see who the other  Empire races, want to  wage war..

Hack and others...hanger Dec>>>>>>>>>>
dinner meeting
Tue 21 May 2019
at 20:56
  • msg #255

Re: Commander's  Quarters

<<<<<<<<<<<  from Rec Dec, after Fuji shore leave

 Shadow, Shade  Orria  and Melia entered  the  Room. The  room  had the  tables  sorted  in a  square, with a  small opening  for  servers to  enter  so the servers  could  serve  from both sides of the tables.

 Captain Bornberry and her  XO Commander  Al Nithen...of the  Athena

 Captain Ed Bruce   and his XO  Commander Mike Minns of the Apollo

 Captain Caroline Spikes   and her  XO  Bridget Jones of the Zeus along the other side  was the  Board.. on the third  side  was  the Ambassadors of the  Sanri , Occui and Mulls.

  Lilit  would be  briefed  By  The Admiral and/or Shade  Via COM.

   Lyri  stood   watch,  Melia was bade  to sit  by Orria, who sat next to Shade

  Hack began... I am  hoping  the SM  and Doc Henry can make it.. but if the cannot, if will be a small matter, as  we can brief would be good to have thier  insight...

 ..Before  we start.... we have  some  loose  ends  to tie up. Lt  Morrow?

 Beth Got  up... from her table  behind  the  Board, she walked   to the other side  . placing  a small box  in front of Bornberry...Spikes   and Bruce...

 ..The Log  will show, as of   2100 hours this  day... you three are  now    rear Admirals... The sections of the Fleet you lead.. will be...for  all intent and purpose..your  fleet, under the Banner of the Delta Fleet....The reason for this   is clear enough..but there are goign to be ties when  we  split,  to  engage greater  areas   faster... I do not  want you handcuffed, waiting on my orders...... you will have your general instructions..and order of battle... but  when the ballon goes up?  You'll be in charge..aye?.. you can COM  us..or  any other section, to work against the enemy..The Empire  knows we have a Massive fleet... they also know  we have  acted in sections..they do not..and will not  know, that you all have power to act on your own....

 ..You are, of course.. still under the    Flag of the Delta Fleet. And  could...and will answer  for  failure to follow orders or, if you take a beating   I do not feel was deserved...but all of you have been i trust that will not Happen.

  I suggest, when yo get back to your ships.. you raise people up accordingly, it will help your people  to see  the wealth being shared.

 Servers  fill  glasses  with   drink of  people's  choice. Being used to   Orria being around. Chocolate Milk was on  hand...Top our  New Admirals...

 people raised  thier  Glasses   and  drank
Melia Kristensen
player, 1445 posts
Combat Corpsman
Petty Officer 1st Class
Tue 21 May 2019
at 21:07
  • msg #256

Re: Commander's  Quarters

In reply to dinner meeting (msg # 255):

Melia took her seat quietly to the side, she watched the newly minted Admirals and wondered if new ships would fill the roles for the Hermes that the three Captains had filled, especially since the new Admirals would have their own tasks forces when the fleet split up. She pushed the thought aside, strategy wasn't her strong point especially at the fleet level. She quietly toasted with the rest letting Orria do her thing.

Orria raised her chocolate milk in toast, she understood a lot less than Melia did but was there to interpret for Shade. She kept a careful eye on him, and occasionally sounded out comments or questions to him.
Tue 21 May 2019
at 21:21
  • msg #257

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  the  food was brought out... stuffed   chicken  or   salmon.. the servers  asked everyone  there preferance,  followed   by sides of mashed potatoes , 'corn'  or  ' extra long  Burian Green beans baskets of hot  rolls  were palced  around the tables.

 As   people began to settle in and eat... HAck would begin the conversation.

 Beth and Lyri  eat behind them.. though Lyri had he r Pulse rifle   near.  a  Screen  popped up with the  galactic  map, of the Quads  that  surrounded    the Sol System.

 ..Yo all see this map... it is centered on the Sol system... The reason it is.... isn't because of the ESN..or the HUman ego.... it is  an analytic  based off the last 5 yeasr of  the war... we  have   weakened  or destroyed  many of the  biggest Holding of the Empire  in the  Blue colored  Quads.. The red Colored  Quads are Under Empire  control...Epislan and  Zeta were red.. but so was the Sol System.

 "Admiral Bruce" asked,why is  the Sol System Red?

 .because   the EDT holds  sway there... it is damnable  for GE-FI..but the  tribute ships leaving   Earth and her colonies  in the Sol system, is   exactly wht he did in the Paradise system..
Roy Spencer
player, 7071 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Wed 22 May 2019
at 05:41
  • msg #258

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy slipped in just before the new ranks were handed out...he had a vidboard with him and appeared to be highly preoccupied, merely gesturing when he heard reference to himself to acknowledge that he was present...physically, at least...
Wed 22 May 2019
at 13:18
  • msg #259

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Shade   gave  Roy a Thumbs Up as he  sat next to  Shadow,  the spot opend  for Henry next to Melia.

    the  Admiral  takes a sip of  wine, as he swallowed  a bite of chicken...What   we need to do... as a decide on this next course.. In the matter  what we  do, it will help the cause..But  we  Must  think of what we  want to stamp out?

 Hennings Nods  to  Beth, and waves a hand telling her to light up whatever she  felt like , On the Holomap that  hung in the  air  over the   center of the  square of tables.

 ..what we see here  firts.. is  Vampra... , Out  Past Anzio and  Aqra, the   space is Vast.. with  only three  real stars that provide  light and warmth... Vampra and her Moon, as  well as another  Planet Kaos..are hope to the Vampic  race.. there is  another planet called  Oasis ... it  is over the    'line' into  Largran Space... we know  nothing of it, save they it does get more sun from a LArgran is a settled planet.. and is more or less....independent... rumors have it, there is a  Native race.. and  some humans who have a colony there...they trade with LArgrans and Vampics  and  any brave  merchant that travels out that way...It is a damn good  Jump off point  for Largran space...Settling the Vampic  system would go along  way to gibing us a Back door   into Empire space...

 Bornberry asks,..what would  entail 'settling'...

 Hack gave a shrug....Aiding the Vampic  Rebels in taking over the Homeworld..or?.. if the rebels  cannot   hold thier own...we'd have to neutralize Vampra, as  we  did  the Hillites and Hyrians...or?..if there is  enough support.. as we did  with Nivar..

 Hennings  nodded  once more to Beth, and the Epsilan and Zeta  quads  Lit up.... Both of these Quads  have  ESN  Carrier/stations, the last  two of the  'Steel  Ring'  , The Angels  built to help slow, or stop Empire movements.. rumors  from both, is  there are  contentions  aboard, between   EDT and   APF  forces..The planets there are  more or less in Empire hands...we would have to  free way or the other...

The  next area  lit up, was the edge of Paradise we have the far edge of Paradise  Space.. Both the  Red and Blue Moon are APF.. Paradise   stands  independant..thank's to us... a trip there to  eliminate the  squadrons of   Empire  ships. Mostly  Demons , who are still attacking  and raiding  , shipping there...a Good  Will trip, more or less..with an underlying   need..

 'Admiral' Bruce asked...and  what would that be?

 Commander Si  spoke show the Angel people, we have not forgotten them..and to  whittle away more of the   Empires  stretched  fingers... but...the Agra Techs  we have, have begun to get serious success of the growth of  the plants   used in making  Derma foam and Derma plast..Med techs  now have  small kits with  ampules , they  are  able to inject into wounds, per race type... this  quadruples the  manufacture loads, since they  can make all the same type..while the ampules are geared to a race?... For instance, Occui, Sanri.. Hyrian, Demon.. those who aren't  normally compatible with Human/Angel ..thus  helping  us, keep our allies   alive  in and after battle...It would be good to go to the Moons to get more seeds and flowers.., there is also a chance to get  alot more  Angels troops  and  a few ships, since the fleet would be there.. and they would not have to cross The Balck to join us....

 Beth lit up  the next area..  this is , what we have  Called,  'The Matterhorn Line' starts  at the    'corner' of   Largran space  and the  Alpha  and Gamma quad..It reaches  from there  all the way to Epsilon  with Creshian space  in the Middle.. and the Demon/Gamma/Epsilon  corner... Rainer has not sent  ships into the  Gamma  Quad  for a while..  Van Ros  Has  done a damn good  job  rebuilding  the  Matterhorn..but it has been bloody..Apefolks , Gava and Naragrans are still finding pockets of   Demons  , Creshians  and  UEs.. they are eliminated on sight.. pirates and such that are  found to be aiding  them are summarily executed .. thier ships added to the Gamma fleet as   scouts   to patrol the Line..its the  weakest point in our  'ring of steel'..because  it  runs across the face of  all three  Major  , Empire races.. a sweep through there.. would help Von Ros in a big way...but, we would  need to consider  the other  areas  near there, that need attention as well.

 amother  area Lit  up.....The Hillite system... pain in our ass... we have swapped out  ESN cap ships , with Captured  enemy vessels  to keep the blockade up... it is working... H3  is  ssuffering from being Nuked..As the Sanri and Occui predicted, alot of aid is trying to get to  H3.. which  gets captured  and aids the flweets, not  to mention addign ships to the Blockade fleet..or transports   for  the Fleet, for supplies...The other two hillite planets are in a very bad  way... food can be grown there.. but  there is no outside resources  comign in..or at least, very few...

 Hack pointed at the Holomap with his fork..we have been intercepting  close  to 90 % of the Good s  goign   in..and  about 95% of those trying to escape... every now and then  we send in agents with a battered  transport, with food  or Med tech... we take about half of what the ship carried,, damage the transport enough  to make it look like it ran the blockade... then  they make a crash landing , bear  a bigger   city... the results  are , Hillites  killing  Hillites  to get the  supplies....meanwhile the agents  slip off, and began whittling away at the hard core. Hittlite Leaders... it is a slow process, to be sure. But it is   effective... there are a few Hillites   entering  APF service, if for no reason, then to  stop the blockade and save thier three Homeworlds..

 Hennings  had Beth light up  the asteroid field,..This is  the nest of the Viper Fleet...  they have  passages  through the ever moving   rocks.. even somethign as small as a fighter  can't  make it through, with out knowing the  pattern... what makes it worse, is the  EDT have  armed some of the asteroids.. so a corvette or sloop trying to get through could be shelled  from one of those Rocks, from People  we have   captured  and questioned....and I mean questioned in the way that our Good LC would do it...there are at least 3  ways in, if you know the pattern... there are   flashes of light that give  a ship the path to take, but if you are  too slow  in following..well....The field  has  as many  hulks  in it as rocks... the EDT  peopel  will strip what they can from the   wounded or destroyed ships..leaving some  as  a 'warning'

 Then the last   spot  lit up.. The Sol, System,..this is  by far, the smallest area, yet the toughest nut for us to crack... for ..maybe 60% of the humans in the fleet..Earth is their Homeworld... But Olympus is a bastion for  EDT/Demon activity...... if  we  could  retake Olympus.. we  would cut Earth off from Demonic   influence, as we would  regain  Saturn Jupiter's moons, Pluto, and MArs... But.. we would risk  fighting the  Forces of  GE-FI  and the   SSN... I do not see us  retaking Earth, with out removing GE-FI and his   motherships... this would be a long..costly engagement , and  would  Give the   Empire  a chance to  sweep into  to some of the areas  I just  explained..
Henry Christie
player, 3420 posts
Wed 22 May 2019
at 15:01
  • msg #260

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Henry slipped in quietly and took his seat, still feeling a bit out of place when the high command met in conclave. Mila took it all in her stride, curling up comfortably on the floor.

He listened to the discussion, paying particular attention to Commander Si's talk of medicinal plants.
Wed 22 May 2019
at 15:38
  • msg #261

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 when the briefing was finsihed.. General Bale  turned to  Henry..Doctor Christie.. we had  a  rather.. um.. emphatic  complaint  about   Our  Larg, eating  at Bio-Tech research creature? Was  anything  mentioned to  you about  this....?

 Shadow looked   Sheepish as he glanced  at   the  others  and shrugged.
Melia Kristensen
player, 1447 posts
Combat Corpsman
Petty Officer 1st Class
Wed 22 May 2019
at 17:15
  • msg #262

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Melia ensure's Orria gets food and drink before taking some herself. She sits back quietly, Orria also doesn't speak waiting for Shade to respond to the information if he wishes.
Wed 22 May 2019
at 17:40
  • msg #263

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Shade  stood Up, and Bleeped , whirled  and Grinded a  bit. Then sat Dow.. Shadow elaned forward  and  Nodded to Orria.
Henry Christie
player, 3421 posts
Wed 22 May 2019
at 17:49
  • msg #264

Re: Commander's  Quarters

"Yes, General Bale," replied Henry.

"The matter was brought up at the conference we attended. The creature's handler was there, very upset. As we had been discussing the uses and misuses of the technology, I pointed out that covert attacks were precisely how our enemies operate and that Larry - who is not implanted and does not have a handler - had no way of alerting anyone to a potential threat save attacking it. Had we been warned they'd be practising surveillance on the beach party, we would have known to stop Larry from attacking it. They seemed to get the point: I don't think they'd realised just how real the threat is to those who are out in the Black, in the field.
Melia Kristensen
player, 1448 posts
Combat Corpsman
Petty Officer 1st Class
Wed 22 May 2019
at 17:50
  • msg #265

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Orria stayed seated, "Ambassador Shade says we should go to Vera and remove Adem and Everet from leading. The pure Verian's who want to be APF should be taking over. Then we will get lots more Troopers and Ships to help." She says loudly and clearly trying to enunciate and say things like the adults.
Wed 22 May 2019
at 18:05
  • msg #266

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Bale Nodded,..thank you.. I was   concerned, as there was a report of Bio-Tech SEC  trying to Bring  Larry in for testing..they seemed  abit  put out at the insulting what they were handled... his eyes shifted to Shadow.

 ... Those test  animals  die all the time.. 9 hell's , they kills  some, as theyb 'test the limits'... as  far as Larry goes?.. there was no insults..just warnings.. and.. to be fair, they didn't have enough people there to take Larry...and that's not counting how many  Hermes  folks were  at the party.

 Bale's eyes shifted to Henry again.


 After Orria's translation , they looked at Shadow, who   held up a hand in 'stop ' motion  then nodding to Orria, who was   the  'Official' Translator.

 Shade, without standing , says  some more    grinds  and  bleeps
Melia Kristensen
player, 1449 posts
Combat Corpsman
Petty Officer 1st Class
Wed 22 May 2019
at 18:20
  • msg #267

Re: Commander's  Quarters

"Verian Troops and Ships would be strong and very scary with the right leaders." she starts, taking a breath. "If leaders on Vera do not change, the fleet being there will let the Blue Verian's join us, because Adem can't stop them." she explains looking about the room then back at Shade.
Wed 22 May 2019
at 18:28
  • msg #268

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Shade  Gives her  a Thumbs Up.. again folks  trun to look at Shadow  who refuses to give  even a hint, of what the translator said.

  Hack  loked at the others,well?  there is another spot ?.. which would  mean going towards  Bura... witht he Hillite  system close, Everest on the way.. maybe a stop ay Uden? Before we go to Vera..... Hyria?.... and  back  door to Anzio, to Vampra

  The Commander   says,If would  come  down to which people  you want to try and load up on?.. More Verians..or  More Angels, since to locations  are  across the Galaxy from each other?


 Hennings  Looked at  Henry,did you see   any people   within Bio-tech, that would be  an Asset  to bring  with us?...Military wise?
Roy Spencer
player, 7072 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Thu 23 May 2019
at 05:37
  • msg #269

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy looked up from his vid-board, with a grim smile.  "He may have been in the Army, but I agree with George Patton...I hate paying for the same real estate twice.  We've got a large enough force now that we can spare part of it for crisis management behind our lines, and I think that's a smart move to make.  But we absolutely can't afford to take the whole Fleet off the front lines and give the Demons a chance to reclaim domain.  Speaking from a strategic point of view, the Angels have been fighting this war for millenia, and not really making much headway...the Verians aren't as numerous, certainly, but they bring a very different fighting style to the war than the least, the Verians from Uden do.  We all saw what kind of a fight the Vera Angels put up.  And given the losses they suffered in that battle, Adem's leadership position could be pretty shaky, depending on whether the Verians think the loss was his fault for poor leadership and preparation, or our fault for antagonizing the Demons and their allies...but given that several other worlds have been similarly in the line of fire and didn't lose half their cap ships in a single battle, I think we can make a good case for Adem being a lousy leader."

He cleared his throat a little, and added, "Bringing the Verians into the war bolsters Everest.  If we can get the Verians and Hyrians to work together, Beta Quad could become a VERY dangerous place for EDT and Demon allies to try and do anything.  We get Beta Quad in order and internally reinforced, then sweep on through.  Go check on that asteroid field and see what we can do about it...maybe Shadow can tag an EDT transport going in and Beth can use the tag signal to chart a course, but at the very least we go rattle the cage on the EDT again.  See how things are looking in the Vampra System, whether the rebel faction is holding its own or not, either help them get on top of things or else give them a chance to join us and then bomb Vampra until it glows.  Sweep on through to Anzio, make sure things are stable there, get a read on Oasis, see if we can get a good beachhead to start in on the Largrans.  Any ships we send to help Paradise can either rejoin us at Anzio, or can head back toward the Sol System and interdict Olympus...we'll make up some of the lost numbers from the Verians, maybe even from the Hyrians and Nivarians when we go back through Beta Quad...if we're really lucky, the Vampics will have settled their civil war and can send a bunch of ships with us against the Largrans.  But we've got to keep the heat on the Demons, and giving them a chance to prove to yet another ally that they aren't going to come help when the Delta Fleet comes calling seems like a good way to do it.  May not do anything against the Demons directly...but after we took out three or four nest ships, the Avians kinda dropped out of the war.  The Creshians took a huge loss with their nest ship at Matterhorn...and the Demons have done nothing in response to even show a token level of dedication to their allies.  I'm pretty sure the Largrans will wind up fighting on their own, as well...and that may wind up nullifying them as combatants, when they realize their allies aren't all that allied with them."

He shrugged, and stated, "My you want to call to get right back to where we were and pick up the stick again, and start swinging.  A few strategic detours along the way would be smart.  But giving the Demons room to breathe again?  That just feels like we're asking for the war to take a few more decades to be wrapped up."
Thu 23 May 2019
at 06:06
  • msg #270

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Hack Nodded as he listened to Roy  and  Nodded... Beth was  getting input from those who were on COM  connect.

  ..That is a very good   way to look at it, SM.  I do  dislike the idea  for splitting the fleet....we have been allowing   carrier/stations  to keep  Cap ships they were building, and sending some captured  ships  to bolster thier  defenses ..perhaps  we can use a few of those....

 his eyes  shifting to  Beta Quad, and Vera.  If  we  head to Vera.. we'll have some cleanign up to do on the way..and?..maybe..pull that  rotten tooth named Lady V

 he waited  for   the rest  to have input  as he took anothe r Bite of chicken
Henry Christie
player, 3422 posts
Thu 23 May 2019
at 11:19
  • msg #271

Re: Commander's  Quarters

"There was a large bird of prey which could be a useful scout in atmosphere," said Henry, "And a fascinating feathered serpent which had quite a lot of potential. I don't know how interested their handlers would be in field service rather than research, though. We can but ask... I've managed, sort of."

Despite getting called the 'warrior professor' Henry knew he was not a fighting man, possibly even more of a liability than an asset.
Thu 23 May 2019
at 11:48
  • msg #272

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  The Admiral smiled  at Henry, ..Good, when you get the chance... ask them if they would wish to  test themselevs in the field..please... make sure they understand, that getting   eaten by a large  is one of the manythihngs that could happen in the field, should they not wish to  take the chance, I will fully understand... if they  want to  roll the dice.. we can get them here with one of the  picket  ships.
end of Dinner.
Thu 23 May 2019
at 21:48
  • msg #273

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Admiral Hennings   looked towards  Shadow,..LC?... You are more then a bit quiet.

 Aye, Sir... Just a bit Tried, we  be good to sleep in my own bed tonight

 BAle   chuckled ,or..Just sleep?

 The  LC smiles a  bit. The rest of the Dinner , is spent  talking  about ships   and   rec decs  and crews. from time to time.  Roy  or  Shadow  or   Henry is asked  by thier people.

 Commander Si comments on Orria  getting better  and better  at  translation of  the Ambassador.

   a bit  after   desert, which was a choice  of Cheesecake  or  a Burian Pudding  , that was....of but tasted   like  dark chocolate ( shade and Orria  hand  two helpings)

   The Admiral said,..I THank you all for coming..  once  Beth gets  the  Comments  from the other APF leaders, I will announce were  we  are going to sail..

  Catching the Dismissile , Shadow   stands.. ..Shade loooked up with grey eyes  as he snagged   him and Orria another   bowl of  Burian Pudding.

 Commander Si   laughed,..  they can each  take the Bowl with them..I'm sure the Mess  will  do just fine  without the bowls..

 Shade GAve a thumbs up...

 They left..The Admirals     began to filter out...

 Shadow  to shadow's Quarters.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:49, Fri 24 May 2019.
Henry Christie
player, 3423 posts
Fri 24 May 2019
at 08:20
  • msg #274

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Henry thanked Admiral Hack for inviting them, woke up Mila who had gone to sleep on his feet, and made his way back to his own quarters., feeling that he'd probably eaten a little bit too much Burian pudding.
Thu 20 Jun 2019
at 03:10
  • msg #275

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 <<<<<<<< After Sarah arrives

  The Commander  welcomes them that the door..Please Grab a   drink    at the bar, the dinne r wil be served.. we   will be having a  Dinner  Conferance call  with the   Heads of the other three sections of the   Delta Fleet

  Admiral HAck is    pouring himself  soem Coffee, while  Hennings   stands there with a  tumbler of   brandy.

  ..Is your ship taken CAre of  Now  Captain McKeon?
Sarah McKeon
player, 92 posts
Captain ESN Ironwood
Thu 20 Jun 2019
at 14:26
  • msg #276

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Sarah greets Commander Si, "Thank you Commander." Moving to the bar and finding herself a glass of wine.

"Yes it is we past all our benchmarks after leaving port, and our new additions seem to be settling in nicely for the time. We took the time between embarking and now to run a few simulations and do crew efficiency evaluations in each section. Overall they did very well, they are a fine crew." She indicates LT Termaine, "Admiral, this is my tactical officer, LT Termaine.  I asked him along to this meeting as my aide, and to give him some experience with command level meetings and conferences."

Given the formal dinner setting Scotty extended his hand, "A pleasure to meet you in person, Admiral. Thank you for allowing me to join you."
Thu 20 Jun 2019
at 16:25
  • msg #277

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  The Admiral  as well as Admiral Hennings   shook his hand,  The Commander  was htere  as she nodded that they met at the door.

   The Chef   appearded at   Hack's shoulder,..Ahh, yest, pelase   bring   out the Food.. I will  send out the COM   once  we have    our  first helpign   served?.. we can  eat while we talk  and   willt the other   3   who command  the   other three  sections.. do not be afraid to add  questions or Coments... either of you...

 his eyes shift from  Sarah to Termaine

 then  he motioned for everyone to take a seat.. I  would  have  My SM and   LC  here  as well, but I am keeping this a bit small after   a recent  incident

 the chocies   were   steak or   Fish.... mashed or  baked  potatoes,  sides  of   Corn  or  fat  Burian Green beans   as ell as  a sald  with a caddy of dressing    on the table.. desert would be   Blue berry pie, or  'apple' pie.

 once here one had   food and drink    Hack oepned the COMs..   voices   addressed them, Hack introduced  the board   as well as Sarah and  her aid... as   people   talked and  ate,  HAck said for all ships to have a sweep on any  people they  picked up from Sol System in the last 2 to 3 months..he went on to explain the   German's  and thier   fate ( more or less) ..

 as others   chimed in  with  any results they had.. Hack would begin the meeting in Earnest....The information we have on Lady V, is her stronghold is in the damn  Asteroid field ..I have  an Idea  how to deal with  that..but  our  first  stop  is goign to  be Bura..  I want us  to lay in supplies...  Emmie's transport company  is   bringing   goods  from  fuji to trade    at Bura.. as well as  get  Burian foodstuff, wood clothing  from  them... we  also will help them deal with somehting going on at thier North Pole , from there  we  will go to the Hillite system and deal with  Lady way or another.

 another  reason why we  are going there, is somewhat important ..  There  is alot of Burian Troops...  Purebred   small  Green folks.. Green Angels  and   Green have breeds between  the two..  The  APF folks who are helping settle there.. might have some  Volunteers.. but   Bura  wants  in this war... so? The Hermes is   going to  pick up a  Unit  of  Burian  troops to take the place of the  Germans... and? maybe  a few more... I would suggest, if you need people pick some up. let them know Bura  is welcome in the fleet.   As some of you know?  they have  very good  fighter pilots  i have a few  right now? I may take on a couple extra..

 Then he left the floor open  for others  to speak
Sarah McKeon
player, 93 posts
Captain ESN Ironwood
Fri 21 Jun 2019
at 16:49
  • msg #278

Re: Commander's  Quarters

In reply to Dinner (msg # 277):

Sarah and Scotty both ordered their food and sat back to listen in, at the Admiral's bidding she sent a rapid comtext to LC Harrington back on the Ironwood to check all crew, specifically new crew members against the Admiral's criterion. She trusted her crew with her life, but situations like these one couldn't be too careful. For any warship a single traitor could be catastrophic, on her smaller and more lightly crewed Corvette it was very easy for a traitor to take things from hindering an operation to outright disrupting an operation. She watched for her comm to light up with LC Harrington's results.

She listened to the Admiral's plan, "Entering the asteroid field would greatly diminish the abilities of the Ironwood more so than most due to the navigational nightmare that is the asteroid field, and our reliance on our prototype engines. However our forward armament could be effectively used to blast a path through the field. On the note of the Burian's if we can field a ship for them I have at least two people who I would be willing to recommend for promotion and placement on a larger vessel in either their current roles or expanded ones. That could allow me to take on a few Burian officers to fill their roles." Of course, she was thinking of LC Harrington, and LT Termaine. They'd shown a particular aptitude for leadership, and while she'd hate to lose them she wasn't going to set them back like that, other than that it would open up slots for either possibly a few Burian specialists to come aboard the Ironwood and allow the Alpha Fleet to demonstrate its acceptance of the aid. Still she kept the names to herself, unless asked. There were appropriate times to praise subordinates but this meeting wasn't that.


LT Termaine sat quietly taking note of the environment and the conduct of others, until the note of punching a hole in the asteroid field came up. "I'd have to look at it a bit more, but I am confident my gunner crews could punch a hole at least big enough for a corvette and fighters to get through, bigger than that is hugely problematic as we begin to get beyond the ability of the computer to track that many targets, and then eliminate them."
This message was last edited by the player at 16:51, Fri 21 June 2019.
Fri 21 Jun 2019
at 17:20
  • msg #279

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 listening to the  Coments  from the Ironwood's people,  The Admiral  would saw  as he  sipped  some coffee,..the  asteroid  field is  a  roilign mass of  rocks.. there  seems to  be a pattern, we have  yet to crack... but the Viper  Fleet seems to have  set up  flash beacons.. that tell a   craft were to  go to get through.. we had a Pilto?.. Kase?  I think it was.. almost try to enter, but  the cost   for  failure  would have been to high... Tracking ships  entering  hasn't helped..  One  of Fuji's  destroyer s trailed   a Brand  spanking new   EDT   Cap ship into that , mess... the destroyer was  Lost  after the   first hit  crippled it..and   dozens of hits with in the next 30 minutes destroyed it.. the destroyer's shuttle  made it out  with 7  people, all from Med Tech...

 The Commander  looked over the table  with her bluegreen eyes,  if  to  taunt us.. the   EDT  sat there in the field , salvaging the  Destroyer , down to the last rivet.. they send  12  Life Pods out towards the  blockade ships.. with   40 some   bodies in..all dead.. we don't know   what hapened to the  rest.. bu rumors of Empire  troops inside the Field  would give  us an idea...

 ..As  I have said, i have  an idea  how to deal with his..but   we'll find out when we get there... the worst it  can   do is  be  another failure...

  Hennings  spoke up We have records  of    ships and fighters  trying to blsst there  way through.. but it   never helped.. there a re Vid Feeds  of  LAdy V laughing..
Sat 22 Jun 2019
at 18:58
  • msg #280

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   The other   Commanders of the Delta Squadrons added thie r  advice... some said to ignore the  Asteroid  Field  and   world  on the way to  Everest and getting  new  Blood  from Bura.

 Towards  the  end, The Admiral    wished the Commanders  a good Night.

  as they began thier  deserts  The Admiral turned his attention to  Sarah.....As  we Near  Bura.. we  will see  about having the SM and a few SEC troopers  to go with you... The SM  will HAnd  Pick some Burian  Commandos..   Far   promotions  go?  we'll see what happens   after  our   next confrontation.. if you can still, afford  to   promote  your   people, we'll give  get them on the que..
Sarah McKeon
player, 94 posts
Captain ESN Ironwood
Sat 22 Jun 2019
at 22:00
  • msg #281

Re: Commander's  Quarters

"I'd wager none of the other ships had as light a tonnage as us with as heavy an armament, though the point is well taken." LT Termaine replies to the senior officers.

Sarah nods, "I assume, as per protocol, additional instructions will be forth coming regarding the troops and forces closer in to Bura itself." She takes a bite of the dessert, "I'll have the two files sent to yourself for consideration at your convenience."
Sat 22 Jun 2019
at 22:46
  • msg #282

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   The Admiral  turns  to  fill his Glass  but an  Ordely beat him to it, his  first wine   since he  finished the coffee.

  ..that will be  fine, Sarah. There are  scores   of Officers  who want to move least that many who want to stay where they are... both..must rely on  what thier  service    record is, and   who speaks  for them. I am sure they will get thier  turn, May the gods protect us , should  we need to move them all up..
Sarah McKeon
player, 95 posts
Captain ESN Ironwood
Sat 22 Jun 2019
at 23:41
  • msg #283

Re: Commander's  Quarters

"Absolutely Admiral, and I take the professional development of my team very seriously. We take time every day to train, drill and prepare my people not only to do their jobs as best as is possible but also to be ready to lead at any level. During drills we regularly shift roles of junior officers or put them in section leadership roles to train and teach them to be ready for whatever promotion or combat throws at them. While I love my command Admiral, if the need ever arises I would also not turn down opportunity provided i could ensure my people were taken care of, after all even within my specific missions it is my belief that my people come first.
Thu 27 Jun 2019
at 02:33
  • msg #284

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  the rest of the  Dinne r went one, with some  old staories   told  By Bale, Hennings  and The Admiral.. Commander Si  smiled a bit  and   added some  msmall stories of her own.

  When the Dinner was over they were  all Given   thier   choice of drink for a Final  Toast   as   The Admiral  and  Commander  walked    Rivets, Morris , Sarah  and  he r  XO to the elevator..

  ..I will talk to   The SM, he will COM you when he's  ready  to take off  for  Bura..... Good tvels , Captain..


 In the elevator , Rivets looked to the other  Two.. Morris  seemed to be relaxed,..yer gettin' ta  take  some folks down ahead of the Fleet.. this isn't a dead job...
Sarah McKeon
player, 96 posts
Captain ESN Ironwood
Thu 27 Jun 2019
at 14:20
  • msg #285

Re: Commander's  Quarters

"I will be waiting the call, and as they say Admiral trust in the gods but keep your powder dry." Sarah replies as they head to the elevator. LT Termaine thanks his way around the room still discussing some of the finer points of heavy artillery targetting and gunnery with Rivets.

After bidding their farewells and stepped into the elevator Sarah sent a comm to all her people to meet at the Shuttle to return to the Ironwood.

--Hanger Deck-->
This message was last edited by the player at 15:00, Thu 27 June 2019.
admiral's Mess
Fri 26 Jul 2019
at 04:42
  • msg #286

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  < from Rec Dec..after   party, Glara

 Comign up from the Rec Dec, in  rather good  spirits,  Hack would   wave  everyone is  and Follow.

 Commander  Miller was in rarified air now, ..Sarah and her XO, Rviets  and  Morris  as well as the rest of the board...

 Everyone get a Drink of choice from the bar... you will have    choice  between  Steak and  Long Fish...both from Bura... with  some  Burian  Vegtables, and choice of   rice  or   mashed'potatoes'...

 as  folks  sat  down with thier Drinks, small talk arose.. mostly Rivets asking Sarah and her XO  how  they  like thier   ship...because it was getting close to the  time to decide  if  they should make  anymore 'assault' Corvettes
Sarah McKeon
player, 115 posts
Captain ESN Ironwood
Fri 26 Jul 2019
at 20:15
  • msg #287

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Sarah and LC Harrington find drinks and place their requests for the food they want. They mill about talking around the room.

"It's a damn fine ship that's for sure. The engines are a dream, we can run anything down from a capital ship to one of the fast courier boats, though lose some maneuverability for the speed.

It might be improved by decreasing the engine size slightly to increase the hanger bay size to have room for a second shuttle, and increase the fighter capacity to four. Right now we have extra crew space.

When they redesigned the standard corvette the took most of the space for the engines from the hanger area, leaving the living space alone. As it stands we have room to berth two boarding teams on top of our sec and additional personnel for the added air assets, plus have space for wetworks assets and equipment.  That'd still leave two rooms for guests if we drop the last two to make up for space lost by expanding the hanger.

To be honest we run fairly lean crew wise. Really at the end of the day if they keep the hull and redesign around the bridge and engines the whole concept could be greatly optimized while keeping the heavy armament in the front."

She explains talking shop, "The fleet would benefit from adding corvette of similar design or capabilities provided their optimized a bit better."

LC Harrington had found a different group and was discussing the finer points of corvette wolfpack tactics and the benefits of having adaptable platforms and patrols comprised of heavy assault corvettes, and pursuit/fast assualt corvettes. "Look I'm just saying you throw together a patrol of 5 corvettes make the squadron flagship the current iteration of corvette, they have a nice mix of both. Toss in two fast assault corvettes, and two heavy assault and you can run anything down and fight your way out of most situations."
Admirals mess
Fri 26 Jul 2019
at 21:52
  • msg #288

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   as they  sat down and  began to eat..   Hack  looked at Hennings  as she  said , offhandly...The  Vamps   Gave  us  enough ship  to Protect Bura, until  either  Beta  or Apha  Fleets  can  sand aid ... but  we have  two  Vampic Heavy Crusiers....  we filled the  regular Crusier... but.. we  seem to be  at a lost, for  an  officer  to take  command  ...  they  are currently lining up Burians   and APF  colonists   on Bura  to be   crews  for those ships..but  we need  an Officer  for the Flagship... All the senior  officers  are either staying put , or  filling  spots   for those  killed in the  encounter...

 he lte  it hang as he Looked  at Sarah with a raised  eyebrow, passing     the potatoes  down.
Sarah McKeon
player, 116 posts
Captain ESN Ironwood
Sat 27 Jul 2019
at 20:52
  • msg #289

Re: Commander's  Quarters

In reply to Admirals mess (msg # 288):

Sarah listened to what Admiral Hack said, and then chose her words carefully, as what she decided would very much determine whether or not she stayed with the fleet. Command of a planetary defense system fleet was a huge step up from her current position as Captain of a corvette. The trade off was she would no longer be on the tip of the spear so to speak, tethered to the planets she was defending.

 "Admiral, I would like to recommend LC Harrington for promotion and put him up for command of one of the destroyers, I would recommend LT Termaine for promotion as well and command of the Ironwood. In alpha fleet we know every part of the effort matters, and while I will miss serving as part of the tip of the spear with the delta fleet, it would be an honor if you'd consider myself for the role of flag Captain of the Burian defense fleet. Additionally I'd like the APF Wing Commanders blessing on transferring LT Mayhew as my wing commander provided he doesn't have any other volunteers or recommendations.

Next to her LT Termaine started a little, he knew she'd recommended him for promotion in his file, but hadn't expected this. Though Sarah hadn't anticipated this situation either. Still it met her objectives of developing those under her as professionals and ensuring they advanced as far as their skills and abilities would take them. Plus given time and success at her job rejoining the fleet wouldn't be impossible. She'd just have to ensure that she trained and prepared the fledgling defense forces and turned them into a force to be reckoned with.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:16, Sun 28 July 2019.
Admiral Hack
GM, 7055 posts
Sun 28 Jul 2019
at 00:18
  • msg #290

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  The Admiral  Looked  at  The Board ,  they seemed  surprised.

   The  Admiral stood   as did the   Captain and the board.Well  Then?.. that   saves   us a bit   of   trouble  ,, Ladies  and  Gentlemen.... In is  my Honor  to present, CAPTAIN  McKeon.. Of  the  BC 100 Cold Stone.... she has   three gun decks  of  5  Cap ship class Heavy  Pulse... if   you want to swap out    for a  few Torpedo Tube, you'll be  able  to do that in orbit., so you can  think on it...

 LT  Termaine.... you may have the  Command of  the Ironwood  as  LC..shoudl you accept  oy..

 ..You may  take the people with you from your ship    and  disperse  them as you see fit... Including  LC  Harrington, who you may  promote  Commander if he  tankes a Destroyer..

 ..I will have  Beth Cut  the orders afte r Send off tomorrow.. we have   about  a little less then a day, before  we  reach Bura.. you will see the  Ships  Bura  has   as  Home defesne.. they are  all captured, I'm afraid.
Sarah McKeon
player, 117 posts
Captain ESN Ironwood
Sun 28 Jul 2019
at 03:31
  • msg #291

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Sarah nods gratefully, "Thank you Admiral, we will move with all haste to bring the Burian defense fleet online and up to date. If at all possible could you set the orders to arrive delayed so I can make the announcement to the crew and senior officers first."

Next to her Lieutenant (Promotable) Termaine, grinned like a fool and leaned over to her. "Thank you ma'am" Then to the board and the table, "I accept sir. It would be an honor."
admiral mess
Sun 28 Jul 2019
at 13:16
  • msg #292

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   The Admiral  smiled a   'knowledgable  smile'.....Aye,  beth won't get to  it until after  the send off  tomorrow... we  can sent  ' eyes  only'.. and yo  may make yor  announcement.. there are alot of  dominos that will fall on the Iron wood  as you  move people around..The Cold Stone Has   a Prize   Crew on  from a few different vessels, you may retain any you wish?... but your job will  be   2  fold...first and foremost, to protect Bura... They have been loyal from the start..they now  wish to  be  a working part in this  war...2nd.. to get  Burian   forces, both   marine and Navy  up to par  with teh Fleet..

  Hennings  nods  as he stabs a  bit of steak,..They have   archers  down there... The  shafts they use  run the gambit from  a wood that grows there.. to  a light   steel that they fabricate.. the shafts  alone  can cause  Demons much harm.. the  arrow  heads , of cours e , can be worse.... we are going to  pick up a unit of Burians  to fill  the empty section we have  for assault teams.. we  already have some on board who have been teaching   archery ... they are quite pleased  with the Aqra Tech we  uncovered  of the Aqra  hunting bows.. the flexible   metal  and the expanding  arrow  heads  will serve  a deadly purpose in thier hands.

  The Captain turned to Termaine, will have to adjust, on the fly... we have some   work to do for the Burians  before the fleet settles  down for a day or two of shore leave....... we may need the Ironwood  for  fast access..
Sarah McKeon
player, 118 posts
Captain ESN Ironwood
Tue 30 Jul 2019
at 01:17
  • msg #293

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Sarah nodded, "I think for tonight I will stay here. In the morning after the send off I will make the announcement. I have full faith in our newly minted LC's planning and execution abilities to run and insertion operation without myself or Commander Harrington's oversight. Once the announcement is made I'll set to work establishing my presence on the Cold Stone, and evaluating the current repair needs of the taskforce.  I look forward to putting to use any and all capabilities the Burians and colonists can bring us. Some times it is the unconventional or even low tech tools that give us the biggest edge.
Tue 6 Aug 2019
at 22:28
  • msg #294

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  <<<<<<<<<<  After Send Off after Glara

   The three  Captains  walked  down the Passage   with  Shadow  and the others trailing.

   The entered the  Admiral's   Mess .    Captain Si   stepped over and Gave MAris a Hug., Hennings  and   Bale greeted him as well. Commander  Miller     came in Leaving the Chair  for Holly. I was Informed by your... "LC"...  it appears  these  Unifroms  aren't  for me?

 Shadow   Burst out   in a LAugh, by silenced himself  at Commander  Si's  shifting eyes.

 Hennings    smiled  a bit soberly,..'Fraid  not... we  don't  do that  in the Delta Fleet... As Fuji is Home Base  for the Fleet, I thought you would know that...

  Please, Sit.... You too  Shadow.. you can at elast have a Cup of  Coffee  with us, before you change  and go to the Rec Dec.

 ..Aye Sir, Of Course, Sir.

  People begin   to sit  Down, Shadow sat at the end near the door,

   Talk started about the Action,   The Admiral  told   some bits of   the boarding action..

 Shadow  made  some sweeping   comments   about the Air   war.

  ..I notcied  Shadow has a Sword  now?....  It was formally taken away from him at Graduation....

 Shadow    just smirked at him

 ..The LC  was awarded his  Blade  after the Battle of the Line.. should have had it much sooner, by  we   fail to   focus on little things like that

 Maris  was on his  3rd glass of wine,.... Always   'earning back things  you lose... don't  ya  Shadow.... Good Offieer s don't lose  things....

  ..Better  Officers  know they have a chance  to close things    out here...but come anyway...maybe   i'll feel differant when  i'm 7 or 8 hundred years old , and become an instructor..

   Maris looked at hi with Glassy Eyes.. his pilots  looked  at Shadow like he was a demon... Careful LC..... I've  been know to settle  differences  outside  the norm...

  ..Good Luck  , with that Captain.... My sword  isn't  an Ornament

 ..Yes..Yes..Quite.,.now..  may  I ask why you  traveled  all this   Way, Jack?

  My Little Girl's Birthday is tomorrow... figured   I'd  celebrate with her  here, since  you seemed fit to spirit her away..... and?..  after the Party... Take her Back to Fuji...

   Captain Si  looked to Hack, who looked to Shadow....Shadow  Just gave his half  smile.
Wed 7 Aug 2019
at 01:32
  • msg #295

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   The Captain reached inside her Tunic  to pull out her   COM.. she  opened it  saying  simply,..Captain  Si..... Yes...he is  here... Having a ..Conversation of  sorts...

 her    slightly  canted   eyes shifted  from  Shadow, who leaned back in his  chair,  fluffing up his  'cocky look'..she smiled... he did this   a lot... draw more anger  that he is ablein other ways.

 Maris  was  wavering.. the  trip  and the  extra  wine he had before he even tried to  eat.. wasn't helping the CAptain..not  at all...

 ..I am afraid  it may take  a bit.....
Captain Si
player, 87 posts
Wed 7 Aug 2019
at 01:51
  • msg #296

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   The Captain's   voice  was relaxed. But  Command  was in the tone...It appears  he  wil be here for your  Birthday.. and ... wishes with you.

  ...Just relax , Ensign... you're  time  to  speak
Wed 7 Aug 2019
at 09:15
  • msg #297

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Shadow got a Beep on his COM  and  read it... He stood  and Bowed to the Admiral  and then  the Captain...Argie   Sent  me a COM  Text.... Troopers  are forming up to leave.. I want to say good  bye..

 MAris  snorted,More your  Type , aren't they... Don't  let us keep you...

 The Admiral GAve Shadow a  nod, the Captain a nod  and a smile... As he   Saluted the table he  said over his  shoulder, have that right , CAptain Maris?..... Combat troops  are more , My people..

 Shadow to  Hanger Dec>>>>>>>>>>>
Wed 7 Aug 2019
at 20:28
  • msg #298

Re: Commander's  Quarters

<  from Hanger Dec.

  The Guards  Never hesitated to allow   Shadow and KArl into the   room. The People Turned, The Admiral smiled,,,,..Captain Nilsson... welcome, find a  chair  and  grabs   something to eat  and Drink.

 ..This  is CAptain   JAck Maris..Dean of  pilots  at   FuJi Academy.... call sign.."Wombat"..His..Um Daughter  is  Also   Lizzy  Maris...

  Captain Maris  sat there  and   nodded, as he took a forkful of eggs,..Greetings.... Captain...

  Really?.. You are Going to stay  seated  during an Introduction....

 The fork Slammed on the Table, MAris stood    to offer his hand...I thought you folks didn't  stand on protocol..

 .. We stand  when  we  greet each other, Save  for Ladies  who may sit... which may have explained why  you sat and...

 ..ENOUGH!... I am Sorry Captain Nilsson.. I have been bothered  by the  fool for many  years..and it seems  i must  put up  with  him for the  next day.... We will be having  my Daughters  Party tomorrow, then   her and I will be taking our  leave...

 ..Or  so  the  'Good Captain'   thinks... If the  decision is left  to me.... Lizzy stays  here... I can't  see me  changing  my mind on this...

  Maris   sits back  down  staring at Shadow,..he is doing this to get  even with me..using my daughter to..

 .. I am doing this for her.. she doesn't want to leave....hurting you is  just icing..

  Monke stands Up, Captain Maris ...  If You do not   demand  satisfaction.. I will...

 Shadow couldn't  help  but  Burst  out  in   LAughter...The Admiral and Hennings    just  shook thier heads.. Rivets  grinned.. Morris  frowned... and  The CAptain  shifted  a sultry look at Shadow.

 Lt  Okeyo stood.....what is so amusing!...
Karl Nilsson
player, 580 posts
Marine air-support pilot
Capt, call-sign 'Specter'
Wed 7 Aug 2019
at 21:25
  • msg #299

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Karl glanced over at the irate lieutenant.  "Sit down, junior, the grown-ups are talking."  It was said with an affable grin...but there was a glint of iron sternest in his eyes that indicated he expected the words to be obeyed.

He turned to Captain Maris.  "I'm curious, Captain...are you in the habit of countermanding orders from your commanding officers?" he asked.  "I mean, your daughters transfer to the Delta Fleet, and then to the Hermes, were approved by Admiral Hack...who is, according to my understanding, the commanding officer for all ESN operations outside the Sol System.  Are you suggesting his judgment isn't good enough for you?"  There was a warning tone in his voice...possibly lost on Maris with all the wine he'd consumed...but the implication was easily picked up...Captain Maris needed to be careful how he answered that question.
Ad Mess
Wed 7 Aug 2019
at 23:47
  • msg #300

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  The Captain  turned  to HAck, then to Si, before lookign at Karl.

  It would not be  the first time, 'special attention' was given  for   certain folks to be transferred...That's  how Shadow  got here... Just enough  ahead  of  Lt Frans, so he would be senior to her. Why Can't  I bring  my Little Girl back Home....

 Shadow   Just Grinned  at him, which made   Maris  even more red faced.

    He looked  to Captain Si  for  some   support.  gut all he  saw was her Glancing at Shadow, then  looking at HAck.

  ..wait?..... You know this  scrub bastard won't let her go... he'll get he r killed, Just to spite me!
Karl Nilsson
player, 581 posts
Marine air-support pilot
Capt, call-sign 'Specter'
Thu 8 Aug 2019
at 00:18
  • msg #301

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Karl's voice hardened.  "You might want to be careful how you speak of my Wing Commander, Captain.  I don't care what your personal opinion of him may be, but he's a damned fine fighter pilot and the lead ace in this war, and he's the first man to volunteer for a dangerous mission.  He is not a 'scrub', and if you continue to use such terms to refer to him, we're gonna have more than just harsh words about it.  Captain to captain, put a lid on it."

His expression didn't soften as he continued, "Your daughter wanted to be part of Delta Fleet.  LC Shadow didn't pick her name off a roll...she put in for the assignment.  He didn't pick her out to transfer to the Hermes...another pilot had family on her ship and she offered to transfer here to open a slot for him to be there.  She may be your daughter, Captain, but she's an ESN pilot and officer,  and capable of making her own decisions."

His face darkened with a scowl as he added,"As her Academy instructor, you should have as much faith in her skills as any pilot you've sent out here.  Are you telling us she's not a good enough pilot?  Did she get through the Academy because you pulled strings for her?  Or did she make it on her own merits?"
ad Mess
Thu 8 Aug 2019
at 01:19
  • msg #302

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   MAris  watched  Shadow  fill a  coffee  cup  and Offer it to KArl, then   fix  one   for himself..cream and  sugar...

  ..She's  as Good  as   i've had.... I'll say that much.. a little head  strong....

 Captain Si's  musical  laugh  echoed.....Head strong?... That sound s Like  a Pilto  to me, JAck.

  Shadow stirred his   coffee. the 'tink' of the  spoon lasting longer then it  should  as he  looked at   MAris...I did notice one thing?.... Lizzy  had  almost twice the log hours   as most  of Fuji Prep  pilots... we  just  sent    two off on thier Last right... another  ..'oil lord'.. is  on his  way to Delta Colonies.....

 Morris   cleared his throat,it was a bit... how shall I say this....'odd'?  that one pilot  would have  so many more hours....

  Taking the spoon out  and Pointing it  at  Captain Morris  before setting it on the saucer got this  Big Ole Station..some  1000  fighters... more being made by the day... and you can't have   fights  of pilots  racking up  flight  hours....strafe  runs on PG...

  ..You have all the answers, don't you  maybe  you should   be the  Instructor?

 ..No Me  Captain.. I lead by example … I  heard Captain Morris  flew  three combat Missions  with one leg.... Captain Si flew  against  Demons   in  a Hammer   III... By  ..WOM....BAT... he spit the words,..used  his skills  to  fly a desk... and , hang out  at the party  circuit..

 .. You?.. You talk about PArties..... that's all we  see in the Vid sof you...
Karl Nilsson
player, 582 posts
Marine air-support pilot
Capt, call-sign 'Specter'
Thu 8 Aug 2019
at 01:51
  • msg #303

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Karl snorted softly.  "Yeah, well...not much room in a cockpit for a news crew, is there?" he replied in a scathing tone.  "I would've expected a man running the Academy flight school to be smart enough to look at the kill totals...especially considering the reputation of the man giving credit for the kills.  Or maybe you think Captain Morris is padding Shadow's tally...?" That would be tantamount to calling Captain Morris a liar...

"So your daughter graduated solidly in the top of her class, with way more flight time than is usually granted for a new pilot...what's your big hangup with her using those skills to help win the war?  She's far too good a pilot, by your own words, to be wasted flying patrol duty around  carrier station or colony."
Thu 8 Aug 2019
at 02:15
  • msg #304

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Morris  covered his  distain by  taking a  sip of tea.

  ..Look?.. One mor epilot  in the delta  fleet isn't  going to make that much differance ..why can  I  keep my   daughter  safe?...

  ..doesn't matter  where you're  at.. earth.... Nivar... Fuji... the  Empire  or thier stooges  will get  what they want, unless you think you can stop   every single   EDT  element around...

  Look?  Except   for  Captain MAris's  Lap dogs?.. I  am seriously under ranked .... I think i will take  my leave.. get  a  Brink on the  Rec Dec., before  checking on my fighter... You know?.. Make sure the Guns fire   real  rounds?..

 He  Got Up,  Lt  Monne   tried to stand up to  Block his  way,  Shadow   just  shoved him down   in his  seat  and kept  walking...

 Commander Miller   sort of Giggled,..go on LT?.. follow him  up... I'm sure he'll give you ... 'satisfaction'...
Karl Nilsson
player, 583 posts
Marine air-support pilot
Capt, call-sign 'Specter'
Thu 8 Aug 2019
at 03:47
  • msg #305

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Karl showed a toothy grin.  "Absolutely, Lieutenant.  Go, chase him down.  Get it over with now, so they have time to sew you back together before your shuttle leaves for Fuji."  He was genuinely amused.

"As for why you can't have your daughter back and safe, how about this...she doesn't want to go.  She has repeatedly expressed an explicit desire to stay with the Hermes.  The only way you're taking her back is against her will...and last I checked, kidnapping is still a crime.  You leave her here, you may lose her or you may not...but if she dies, she'll die loving the father that let her pursue her dreams.  You take her back to Fuji, and you might be able to keep her safe...but she will forever resent you for taking a potentially brilliant combat pilot and turning her into a custodian."  He shrugged, and added, "I know you have a reputation for being hard-nosed and resistant to people telling you 'no'...time to face the fact that you raised a girl who doesn't like being told 'no', as well.  Even more than that, she's got talent and desire and taking her back sends a clear message that you don't think she can keep herself safe.  It says you don't trust her judgment, you don't trust her don't even trust your own training of her.  You think she's gonna keep being 'Daddy's little girl' after you tell her all that?"  He shook his head.

"If that's the case, then you're an even bigger fool than your over-eager lieutenant, there..."
Thu 8 Aug 2019
at 14:01
  • msg #306

Re: Commander's  Quarters

    Captain Maris    was doing  a  /not so slow ' burn,..So?.. If  any of you had a Daughter, what   would  you rather have. An Angry Live one?  Or  a  'happy'  dead one?

  Monne  bristled  in his Chair, Sana Okeyo snorted  at  him as she would let that ...that..Playboy...shame you.. you shame  me..and  Fuji!

 Monne  Looked at MAris   who shrugged.

 Miller smiled,..easy enough to say, Honey?  Why don't the both  of you go and  show that 'playboy' a lesson..

 The woman stood.....I Will!... alone if  I must!...

 she  saluted , glared at  Monne   then stomped  to the  door.

 Hack took a  sip[ of his Coffee  and said  quietly, don't go....The sarcasim  was not lost on  MAris.

 Monne    hurried  after her..
Karl Nilsson
player, 584 posts
Marine air-support pilot
Capt, call-sign 'Specter'
Thu 8 Aug 2019
at 15:30
  • msg #307

Re: Commander's  Quarters

"If I had a daughter, Captain, I would prefer to have a daughter that could take pride in her fa.ily name, not hang her head in shame because her father exploited his connections to take her away from the risks and dangers that so many others faced.  Dammit, man, she's a grown woman!  Stop treating her like a toddler!"  Karl shook his head in open disgust at Maris' open willingness to use political connections.
ad mess
Thu 8 Aug 2019
at 15:49
  • msg #308

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Maris   frowned......Hold that  thought...... Now.... Tomorrow.. I would  like to  rent the Rec Dec  for   My Daughter's party...

 Hack shook his head,..can't  do that, Jack.  Those people who work the Rec Dec  count on those Creds...

 Captain Morris  spoke could  rent  the    Field.. plenty of  room  for   dancing  and   such... tables set up on the turf... its been done before..

 ..The food  will have to come from the Rec Dec  though...

 ..Great...he looks at  KArl,..then  we'll see  if   she  wants to stay...
Karl Nilsson
player, 585 posts
Marine air-support pilot
Capt, call-sign 'Specter'
Thu 8 Aug 2019
at 18:30
  • msg #309

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Karl rolled his eyes.  "Great...another "I can buy my daughter's love" daddy.  I don't need to wait until tomorrow, I heard it directly from her mouth last night."  His voice took on a more angry tone as he continued, "Maybe if you stopped flapping your gums about your has-been war hero status and listened for five minutes, that might soak it's way past all the wine cushioning your brain!"  He stood up.

"Please excuse me, Admiral, Captains...I've had just about all the blind hypocrisy I can stomach.  I'm going to the Rec Deck and enjoy some time with some real warriors."

He paused, waiting for some gesture of dismissal or acknowledgment of his desire to leave.  He very pointedly did not look at Maris.
Thu 8 Aug 2019
at 19:16
  • msg #310

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   Hack stood    and   Nodded to   Karl,.. Carryy on Karl.. it was good of you to   rpound you up, so Captsin MAris  could  meet all the   Captains.. we  Do  have one   of the Assault crew   Members who is a CAptain, he should be  returning   in a  week or  so.. CAptain McCloud  of the   5th..

 ..a Scot?.. they were  Heavy into  EDT , not long ago...

 Indeed they were.. they signed on the ESN  afte rthe  whole   Jonny Blu/Nickerson...thing... Now they are  some of the finest  in our boarding teams..and  fighting trhe  good fight , on Earth..

 Hennings   gave  KArl a  smile,..then  turned to   would  you become  WC of the Hermes...

 Why?  I would  apply for it... i outrank Shadow..I have  more  seniority.. what more would I need.

 Captain Si   shook her head slightly.

 Morris  spoke up,..You would have  to have  the   Wing ready to follow  you into battle..I am unsure  how many would?

 ..well?  I  would be  the Wing Commander.. I would be  in the  war  room dirtection... Frans  is    already AWC.. she  could   rely orders....

 Rivets  snorted,..An  what  'bout   Shadow?

 ..He  can lead his  flight..but i couldn't have  him in the Postion  of authority, to Undermine  me...

 Hack looked  aroudn the Table...and he began to  did  Rivets..and BAle..and Henning..Miller    couldn't hold it  in As Si looked at  Maris...and shook he rhead  with her angel-smile..
Ad Mess
Fri 9 Aug 2019
at 03:23
  • msg #311

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Morris  cleared his  throat.....Begging your  pardon, Admiral...  Med Techs  are being  caled to the   other side of the  elevator?... seems  Captain Morris's Pilots  have had... um...a training accident...

 MAris looked  around at the table.....what about Shadow....

 Morris  looked  at the  report on his  COM.....seems the LC  warned them.... and gave them a chance to retire from the field.. but.. they chose  to    rush him...the chose...poorly..
Admiral Hack
GM, 7153 posts
Tue 20 Aug 2019
at 16:09
  • msg #312

Re: Commander's  Quarters

<< from field party

 etering the  Mess , there were  Cold  cuts  wine, Tea, Coffee and   soft drinks, top go with the   wet bar.

 we''ll have to help  ourselves, Nil sent  the chefs  down to help with the party, they aranged  this  for us.

 He   started  making his  self a  sandwich, and took a couple   small  cakes from the  trays.finally gettign a hot   cup of coffee.

 ..Once we settle in... we'll talk about Bura....
Sarah McKeon
player, 152 posts
Burian Fleet Commander
Captain | Flag:Cold Stone
Tue 20 Aug 2019
at 18:59
  • msg #313

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Sarah (hopefully with Sam following along) and helped herself to a sandwich, and a pint of beer as she waited for Samantha and all the others to arrive.
Samantha Robertson
player, 10 posts
Lt. Comms Officer
Tech Wizard
Tue 20 Aug 2019
at 20:21
  • msg #314

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 ------->>>> From the Field/ Lizzy's Party

Sam followed right behind Sarah, she will also make herself a sandwich but grab a cup of herbal tea. Sam seemed a lot better with a smaller crowd and Sarah will notice the ranks of the other people in the room didn't seem to bother her, it was the large amount of people at the party that bothered her.

 Sam did fix her uniform before she entered the Admiral's quarters. She would follow Sarah and take a seat right next to her. There where a lot of big wigs here but Sam was use to big wigs, most of them where clueless on her job , but Sam saw that these big wigs where the real deal.
She had heard of all of them and they where real life heroes. Sam wasn't going to try an impress everyone she was just going to do her job and answer any questions honestly. Sam actually didn't look nervous in this setting at all.
Sarah McKeon
player, 153 posts
Burian Fleet Commander
Captain | Flag:Cold Stone
Tue 20 Aug 2019
at 20:26
  • msg #315

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Once Samantha had gotten settled, and fixed herself food Sarah took the brief moment to introduce her to Admiral Hack and the rest of the board.

"Admiral Hack, I'd like to introduce you to Lt. Samantha Robertson. She's currently the leading candidate for my communications and information officer. Barring any issues today I'll likely be confirming her transfer to my staff." She explains.
Tue 20 Aug 2019
at 20:57
  • msg #316

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   The Admiral   Bowed his eha d slightly to  Sam,welcome aboard The Hermes....  Your position, is not one to take  lightly.... If beth was here.. should   would be a good person to ask..perhaps  you'll see here  at the Ball tomorrow... not..please take your seats.

 Hack  sat at the head of the table.. Captain Si to his right.. Commander  Miller  sat on the  left  with   General Bale  next to her.. Rivets at next to CAptain Si.. Admiral Hennings sat at the other  end   with Emmie   to his right.. Morris to his left  Stefi was between Genral Bale  and  Emmie.

 The   Admiral took a  bite of his sandwich   and  waved the others  to start as well, After  a  few chews  he started.

  I left  The SM, Shadow , and  Beth  at the party..anything that  is brought up here  they will know  shortly, and they are  quick studies...

 ..The Delta Colonies  are well established... all of the APF races have   continents  and areas  that are thiers  to  cultivate. With the restriction of   over  use of the land... Heavy factories  are   being  built   below the  surface to  cut   down  on wasting food  and living areas.... The Mulls   are all in with the APF, witht he simple catch.. that they will not  mess with the Empires Creds a good thing, because it  keeps   the  flow of  creds going in The Black.... many folks.. GE-FI  for one?  wants to   lock  down the empire  Cred  flow... but that would deal as much damage to the rest of  the  Galaxy as well... The Mulls Know the APF and ESN  will protect them, and they serve  as they always have...

 ..a side bar  from the three Delta Planets, is the Mellon Trees   grow  fast on earth , Astra, and Most every where else....the Sahara  Desert  on earth  is not only a few  100 miles  of   so  wide..  as  the  trees  have been planet and thier  roots reach deep... another  50 years, there  will be no desert... The Gobi  has shrunk as well.. mexico  is almost as  green  as Brazil.. and  outback  is becoming a Jungle, as more  and more  plants  grow in the   safety of those mellon trees...

 ..the Next two important  Gems in the ESN/APF  crown, are Astra  and Bura.... Astra, had  little or not Native population... we aren't sure what was there before we came..but we assume   the Crestians  with  thier UEs  and the  demons  took care of most of them.... Bura... is My favorite..Green, Blue, Lush... the  Burians  are a tough race..if not a tad  'sneaky'.. and the Green Angels there. have  adapted to that world, are  are more like  Burains, then Angels

 ..Fuji  is handling Astra.. with help from Tortuga.. we are here to Help Bura..

 he takes  another bite  as  do others,  then continues   after a sip of Coffee. The LArgrans, Demons  and   Creshians that survived  our last trip here..and the   many many  months of hunting by eager, vengeful Burians.. have managed to   hole up,   in the    am area   that is hard  for the Burians  to attack.. the  few ships they hand , and the left over  fighters we gave them from the  Empire.. isn't enough to dislodge them.... so? comes to us...

 ..If this where an Empire  planet or  even an 'independent'  I would give the planet 30m days to end  it, before  we  bombarded the whole area  from space.....but we can't do that.. this is one of  our  colony worlds  now.. and the Burains  are stepping up to become  100%  APF folks

 ..this is  a very big reason, in having  CAptain McKeon build   the Burian Fleet... we will also be giving over   some  300  Darts, and 100 Mantis  for  bot ground and  orbit assaults..... There may also be a time  when we call on the Burian fleet to help 'gang up' on  , where ever  we go next.....but?  first thing is first.....

 he gets  up  and walks to the Side board , bringing  bah two silver   serving Bowls of  pudding, one  chocolate, one  Vanilla.. he sets them on the table  with   a dozen smaller bowls   with  a ladle in each  bowl, , scooping a  bowl of chocolate  for Si,.. and  raking a bit of each for his own.

  Tomorrow  we  go to the Palce... and have a grand  time... the crews  will  be able to have  a more  enjoyable  time  in the towns  and villages... The High Chairman will tell us  what they want  from us...and   then next day.. we will begin...any quesions?
Samantha Robertson
player, 11 posts
Lt. Comms Officer
Tech Wizard
Tue 20 Aug 2019
at 21:09
  • msg #317

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Sam had her game face on, when the Admiral talked to her she nodded and she listened very intently. Sam had many questions but not about what the Admiral just talked about. She will sit by Sarah's side and wait for her possibly new CO to ask any questions and await further orders or any direct questions. She spent so much time with tech and computers her brain almost works like one. She didn't try to hide her wrist scars as she sat at the table.
Sarah McKeon
player, 154 posts
Burian Fleet Commander
Captain | Flag:Cold Stone
Tue 20 Aug 2019
at 21:35
  • msg #318

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Sarah looked over to Hack when he mentioned questions.

"Admiral, if I may add. At this time I have little information on the nature of the Burian defense fleet. My first priority, until I have a chance to align objectives with the Burian High Chairman, is going to be to actually build the Burian fleet beyond its current state. It may be some time before we are fighting effective as establishing protocols and benchmarks compatible with the Burian government and the APF will take time. Currently I am seeking to mix experience officers and NCOs from the APF ranks. LT Robertson is the start of that as is my incoming WC LC Mayhew. We will be picking up Burian representatives in key roles as well to start so we aren't reinventing the wheel all over again. Currently in addition to whatever Bura currently has we have two battle damaged cruisers and whatever else we managed to grab from that Vampic death fleet."

Sarah says further explaining her position. She glances at Sam, "One of my first objectives outside staffing and training is going to be to attempt to define the exact nature of the threats we will face. For this I'll be working closely with my N2 to not only track communication but also to attempt to locate any planet or insystem threats, and capabilities but also to track and give us good intell on extrasystem threats." She says defining Sam's position a little more. "Additionally we will attempt to stand up a Burian version of the Lights Out to handle the wet works. However, until we've fully explored the nature of the threat, we will be at a slight disadvantage."

She looks over at Sam to see if she has anything to add or any questions to ask.
Samantha Robertson
player, 12 posts
Lt. Comms Officer
Tech Wizard
Tue 20 Aug 2019
at 21:50
  • msg #319

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Sam smiled a little  and then said," Yes Captain we can set up a monitoring system and possibly set up listening posts in this system and possibly nearby systems. I can link these together and be able to monitor them either on Bura or on a Flagship.That way we can hear what is going on around us and plan as required. Captain I will definitely make that my first priority Ma'am. " Sam would then look at the Admiral and say," Thank you Sir it is  pleasure to be here and I would definitely like to meet Beth and talk with her Sir." She will then look at Sarah and nod as if saying she was done for now.

 Sam seemed happy that she got more of an idea of what she was going to do, and she seemed very excited to move forward. She did hold herself in a very business like manner but also very polite.
Sarah McKeon
player, 155 posts
Burian Fleet Commander
Captain | Flag:Cold Stone
Tue 20 Aug 2019
at 21:54
  • msg #320

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Sarah nodded finishing with, "The last major order of business that I'll need to address is the my flagship, and the flagship of the Burian Navy will need a flag Captain." She says looking to Admiral Hack and the board, "I'd be more than willing to take applications unless you had someone in mind to recommend."
Tue 20 Aug 2019
at 23:20
  • msg #321

Re: Commander's  Quarters

    The Admiral  shrugged, at Sarah's words..its  hard to get people to leave thier ships... though there  are some  hungry Officers  who might  jump at the chance to  help start a new fleet

 ..If  I may?.... Some Burian officers  and crew man, might see a better shall i say 'melding'? If yu Pulled   an Burian, or Green Angel  Aboard Morris  gave a  slight smile   and   dipped into   some pudding.

 ..Yes Gonna need  ESN  Hanger folks, nmixed with  some of them little green folks....., once   the Burians start learnin', they can pass it on..

 Hennings  added,..might  want to  start and Academy  down there.. set some  fighters up to be trainers?.... and  get an ESN/APF  Boot  camp going, with the understanding that Burian  fighting be  included.'ll have to see  who all answers the CAll to  transfer to the Bruian   Fleet
Sarah McKeon
player, 156 posts
Burian Fleet Commander
Captain | Flag:Cold Stone
Thu 22 Aug 2019
at 22:10
  • msg #322

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Sarah nodded, "I understand the difficulty, however we miss all the shots we don't take and I'm sure there are plenty of skilled and ambitious or even tired personnel looking to advance or settle down somewhere while still contributing.

One my plans to help integrate is to ensure my Deputy Commander, Adjutant General, Chief of Logistics, and Chief of Shore Establishments are all lead by a Burian officer.

Any schools and training would fall under the Chief of Shore's responsibilities and they'd share control over docking and repair sites with Logistics. I would like to first establish Boot Camps and an Officer Training Academy then three separate Advance training Centers of Excellence for Ground/Boarding combat for Burian and Colonist Marines. Naval Warfare which would train shipboard officers in specializations including medical, and the third would be the flight academy. This would allow us an Officer and Enlist feed of persons full trained then specialized before they either join the home fleet or move outward to Delta and other sector fleets."

She explains her plan in more depth and how she will include the Burians and Colonists.
Samantha Robertson
player, 13 posts
Lt. Comms Officer
Tech Wizard
Thu 22 Aug 2019
at 22:16
  • msg #323

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Samantha will listen and take mental notes, of what her Captain is planning and wishes to get accomplished.  She loves the idea of having training facilities, that will help bring the Burians and the ESN even closer. Sam was also very impressed with Captain McKeon, she likes how she handles herself so far.
Thu 22 Aug 2019
at 23:15
  • msg #324

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  The Admiral steepled his  hands  as he  finished his Pudding. He looked at Sarah and said in a  confident, yet stern way..... The training  will have to  be accelerated   we need  people  in postions. If there are  any more  Vampic Hunter  squadrons out there, they will be   back here  soon enough....

 ..if you have  any , of  world action..expect to lose alot  of pilots  and a lot of troopers ....

 ..Emmie  has agreed  to give over  4 of her  newly acquired  Transports  to be  transport bases  for  the Burian Fleet... it will take a  while to  out fit  them, and arm them.. but  at least you'll have   anywhere  from4000 to 8000   troopers ..... the next batch of  dropship transports we get.. you'll get   4 of those....

  Everest....Etna  and  Fuji, will send    monthly  fighters...never less then 6  each..never more  the 15.. we have alot of mouths  to feed  put here....... YOur  payment  will be scouting the Inside of the Triangle, and  aiding  ships, in the shipping lanes...

 General Bale   nods,..there is goign to be  a sorting..of sorts.. to  get  ESN'APF  troops to yuou as well..not only to and thier experiance and training... but to show the Burians  we won't let the  whither  out here.
Sarah McKeon
player, 157 posts
Burian Fleet Commander
Captain | Flag:Cold Stone
Thu 22 Aug 2019
at 23:50
  • msg #325

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Sarah nods in understanding of Admiral Hack's guidance, "Understood sir, I am familiar with many of the on the job training protocols that you've successfully employed and used a few myself. Of course a full training system like I've described will take time to implement and wouldn't be able to be fully in place until we've filled our ranks. I've heard tell of Shadow's training program for your new pilots, and I've run a similar program aboard the Ironwood. It is my plan to implement regular battle drills and exercises in order to bring the fleet up to speed as rapidly as possible.

The transports will go a long way to bolstering our ranks, and with my deputy Serving in the Chief of Shore capacity I'll coordinate with them to rotate units in and out of the transport bases from dirt side to allow for additional training as it comes on line as well as to ensure there's plenty of resources both in close as well as on patrol."

She glances over to Sam, "Ms. Robertson, I'd recommend speaking with Beth about how she sets up her sensor nets, they've been extraordinarily effective and if we can capture even a portion of that effectiveness in our own net it'll be a great boon to our defenses. Also see to it that your personal belongings are transferred to the Cold Stone as soon as we arrive."

She looks back to Hack and the others, "I am aware at this point heavy casualties are part of the mission, but I see little reason not to try and give ourselves any edge we can, and to take any steps necessary to reduce those casualties."
Samantha Robertson
player, 14 posts
Lt. Comms Officer
Tech Wizard
Fri 23 Aug 2019
at 00:11
  • msg #326

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Sam listens carefully, as Sarah talks, then Sarah looks at her Sam will reply," Yes Captain I will speak with her about that and anything else she has to offer to give us the biggest advantage we can get Ma'am." Then Sarah told Sam to transfer her belongings to the Cold Stone her Flagship. " Yes Ma'am I will have my belongings transferred as soon as we arrive Ma'am."
Fri 23 Aug 2019
at 01:04
  • msg #327

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   The Admiral smiled a have been in actions   enough, Sarah, That i know you  understand, there is  always a butcher's bill to be paid. It , important, that your  people  understand  it... but  carry on  as  well...   I am , not sure, how the Burians will take  to this..They seem stoic.. they seem  ready.. He-La.. DR-NO  are green Angels , they  carry the  stern military  understanding... yet the  Burian carefree mindset....

 ..Indeed... once they see war fro The Black.. The  Native Burians, may be in for a shock... we have seen the   archers  we have, grow a bit more...cold blooded. Hennings  added.
Samantha Robertson
player, 15 posts
Lt. Comms Officer
Tech Wizard
Fri 23 Aug 2019
at 22:43
  • msg #328

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Sam went back in her memory and found, at the Ball you can talk to her. Sam was oh no a Ball, she had nothing to wear, she will turn to Captain McKeon, " Captain Ma'am I don not have anything fancy enough for this Ball other than my dress whites ma'am."
Admiral Hack
GM, 7171 posts
Sat 24 Aug 2019
at 02:03
  • msg #329

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Captain Si Turns to Sam, are boh welocmes to come to my quarters tomorrow to pick ut a dress.., which you may  keep after wards... Oliver likes  me  to thinn out  by hobby...

  ..addiction, is what it is!... But Nil likes to have  the  Hermes Ladies look good,   Take advantage  if you wish...

     The Admiral stood up,..with that?... I think we'll wrap the Night up... thank you  for   trunign up for the  B-day party...The Ensign  was close to us when she was younger, we thought it  would be good to have a bigger bash...

Lt  Robertson?.. I believe  You  are one door  down from Sarah...

 The others headed to the  door .. saying thier Good nights  to  reach thier  quarters in the same  area..
Samantha Robertson
player, 16 posts
Lt. Comms Officer
Tech Wizard
Sat 24 Aug 2019
at 06:31
  • msg #330

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Sam smiles and nods at Captain Si and she says," Thank you very much Captain, I am rather small hope you have one that fits me Ma'am."  Sam smiled and said," That was very nice of you, it seemed the party went well and that cake was amazing Sir."  The Admiral will then tell her where her quarters are, she would reply," Thank you Sir, see you in the morning, what time to come look at the dresses Ma'am?"
Sat 24 Aug 2019
at 14:49
  • msg #331

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  CAptain  Si bows her head with a Little  tilt, will find, LT, that angel  silk  fits the wearer, once your   body heat activates the threads........ I have  More then a few styles....

 Hack  Mumbles 'out loud' say the least...

 Si playfully elbows him as she smiles...I always have some comign in, i see  new cuts and styles...But they do not  do anyone  any good in my quarters...

   Hack GAve Si a  one armed Hug.....her  quarters  is nothing   more then  a Massive   walk in closet...That's  why the LAdies   'stage thier attack on parties' a football team locker  room..
 he  grins  as  Si pushes  him  away...shooing him with a hand gesture.

 when he  goes byt the door  to   say good night to  Rivets and Morris... she says,..he is not far from  wrong... the lasies help   each other choose shoes... dresses..and  work on hair and MAkeup.. My Ladies go into 'battle' prepared!
Samantha Robertson
player, 17 posts
Lt. Comms Officer
Tech Wizard
Sat 24 Aug 2019
at 15:03
  • msg #332

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Sam smiled and said," Oh wow I did not know that about Angel silk, thank you Captain Si for inviting me, I will be there."

Sam will nod to Sarah and say," Good night Captain McKeon I will see you tomorrow, and I am always available if you need me Ma'am." Sam will turn to everyone else wave and say," Good night see you all tomorrow."

 Sam would then head to her guest quarters elsewhere on the Officer's Dec.

----->>>> To Officer's dec
This message was last edited by the player at 15:39, Sat 24 Aug 2019.
getting ready
Sat 1 Feb 2020
at 22:28
  • msg #333

Re: Commander's  Quarters

(( after Uden Battle))

  while the Admiral and the Board were  eating  in Commander Si's quarters. The Admiral's quarters   were being set up for a 'working Dinner' for the  Commanders  of the Fleet sections and   Back ups., tables   pushed together to  form a  Think Rectangle, with  the  sofas and   arm chairs  moved to the perimeter  of the  room, for  relaxing and such. the Admiral's bar was gettign stocked .

 in the passage way  people hustled to  bring tables is, dishes  and such, while also   cleaning   and making  ready, rooms, for those   people who would be staying.
Thu 14 May 2020
at 16:34
  • msg #334

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 <<<<<<<<<  after Cast off from Calimate

 The Admiral opened the doors, the rest of the Board entered at 0600.    The Admiral's stewards had  a breakfast set up, as  a Vid Board Played the    Vids  from Izzy and Wendy side by side.

 The Officers   grabbed   food and Coffee or  tea. Captain Si was sipping coffee  as she  watched and ate.

  Hennings was the first to speak...So what are we going to do about this?

 Hack shook his head  as he   stabbed  some eggs and  said,..I suspect we will have to do nothing. Its an Independent network. We cannot   do anything, but refute thier   'news'.. We  were lucky enoug  to have a full...uncut p[art will take care of itself..

 Bale looked  a bit sideways  at Hack,...what about the reporter?

 Captain Si  said , in a cold  voice  as she  nibbled on a toast...Shadow collects   enemies  like some people gather  berries... He has  bushels of them..but? he has  strong allies  as well... Those allies do not like such attempts at character assassination . No one here, thinks Kray is  straight laced, but we cannot  question his courage  when its

 Rivets  laughs,..we might  question the lad's  sanity, an' that's me  sayin'...

 everyone chuckled.

 Morris , very  polite and    formal as he ate simply said,  whether  miss   Wendy knows it or not, her life is about to change. I for one...will not investigate  any allegations... I will simply tell the   Independent News people, we do not have time to spend on , 'non-military' pursuits.

 Bale   nods his head,Provosts are having thier fair share with 'clean up' after shore leave.. two crewmen from the Fleet are being held  with attempted Rape on Calimate.. the sentence is death....

 Hack looked at Bale,outside of   any verian   recruits , Apefolk  or Sanri, who the  9 hells  can  rape a Calimite or Udenese?

 It appears it was a Joint venture.. they were caught  as the deed  was  about to be done, by a rather Unhappy ESN Marine... The Fellow Pulled one off,  as he kicked the other..The female in question  was have dazed... The Calimate SEC took all 4  to the SEC offcie where the two assailants  were locked up.. the  female treated, and the  Marine got  a commendation..the two  crewman  will be  thrown to some kind of lake creature, that feast on flesh... We cannot  step in since the ESN  Marine  was there for  a witness..any attempt to  'soothe things over', might hurt our standing  with Calimate, Even though  The Warlord might be able to stop it with a wave of her  regal hand..

 Hack shakes his head,let them Carry it out. The Black is a bad enough place, we don't need humans  adding to it...bad enough EDT  and EVOLs, pirates  , salvers are more then enough

 Rivets  looks at the screen that has changed  to The what's the real reason  we're here  , Then? Admiral?

  we sent   4 ships  out to the Edge of deep space, Where the Burians last saw the   ships on this Flank of  Vera.. The Hyrians  saw  something similar, but a bit  further out and   they didn't stay long..

we sent out alot of Misinformation....ship names  and direction, all that.. We sent the Nike, Hydra,Vulcan  and Argus towards the  ships on the left flank of  vera..the same flank we are sailing towards now..  with them is the entire  Fleet's  torpedo craft . They have   2 is to  find  the fleet.. the second is  to  Find out how many ships  and what kind of flagship is there... we have seen what happened in the  Battle of The Field, and we  saw The Nest ship when  we  found  The Mica. Empire  doesn't move that many ships, without a Flag

 Hennings nodded  as he looked over the table.... the torpedo craft  are there  to support the   4 Caps ship, they are not to engage, unless they  have to?.. they are suppose to  retreat to the  fleet as soon as they feel they have been spotted... They are also droping Morrow  Buoys, randomly, to help cover thier approach and ours... The last Information we sent out, has   the fleet steaming to  Everest..we are hoping to catch them by surprise..
Thu 14 May 2020
at 20:39
  • msg #335

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  As   the breakfast went on , the group told   war stories, or academy stories.  Morris  told some tales  of  South America.

 Bale brought up a question, Mostly to Captain Si.

  Nil?  A question has  nagged me since we brought the Provosts into the fleet. We have heard. many times  from captured EDT  folks, especially the Angels one  would assume  they are lies?..but  so many of them match, and Angels are tougher to break under ...harsh..questioning?

 Go on?

 It was  said,  That Earth Could have been in space  50 years sooner..50 years?.. there is alot of  changes  that would have been made..something  that never happened... They  say GE-FI  held us back to prevent  Humans from  rising   higher then he would like?

 Si smiled a sad  smile...It is  true. there were  a handful of  officers ready.. there were  2 'command capable  Captains' we could chose from, but they would have had to be given an Angel Cap ship..Ge-Fi would not permit that, too many secrets..too much power.

 There were Angels who worried  about the Rise of Humans, being of  convict stock... the wars on earth over every little thing, from greed to need..did not help the cause..but..the Military said these were the kind of  fodder we needed..slow the Empire
 down  by choking the  grinder with too much stock...

 Some of  us began to   seep into the academies and bootcamps,  marking   people that showed the right mix of bloodthirsty and Common sense..  Oliver was picked  because he was aggressive, yet seemed to have a grasp of tactics... the Russian was picked truth..the Russains lied about his combat Valor..he  never   fought in a shooting war... while Oliver  was on  Mars with Rivets and a few others on board... The Russian was  in Seattle..wining and dining while his   Keel was being laid... after the 2nd battle of Mars, Oliver was rotated  back to earth and assigned to the San Diego Academy  Under my watch... Americans  put his name forth  as thier choice to command  one of the Cap ships.. His  first thing was to Name the Ship ' Hermes'... 

 Morris looked at   Hack.

 Hack laughed,youthful boastfulness. As I campaigned for Creds, i pointed out we would be sending  a message to those who were once  considered our gods and our demons....and whom better, then Hermes to deliver that message!

 more laughter.

 In the end?... I became  rather  attached to Oliver, enough , to the point that i trusted him with our underground organization..Lights Out.... From that point on, Oilver put every waking moment into training people on one coast, and over seeing  the   construction of the Keel on the other... It is also where  Oilver  picked up  Shadow, Roles, Morrow, and got leads on Frans  and her   followers as well as Flores.... Flores  put
 a  bump in the road when she  went EVOL, but   Captain Morris   took care of that when he signed her  over to the Hermes..

  Hack nodded,hand  picked a few people of the bush.  Miller... Stoy's  Uncle a few others.. the rest..i get names come across my COMs  and we check them out...they don't make it here, they might help on earth....some times..they just die...

 ..My Father was overly worried when the Hermes  , not only Saved the Sanri, but captured  the  Demonic  ship as well... after that, it was   Father  and the EDT trying to hold the Hermes back, while Oliver and Captain Roles strained at the leash..that leash broke, and we gained the Athena.. one  by one ships joined  us... ships were built  for us... and here  we are.... Father is Disgraced to everyone but , most of, the Angel Ruling  caste.... Earth now  knows  they went  from being a prison Colony, to  a prison...there are  dark days  a ehad for earth..and the Angels there will have to balance  fighting  Earth rebels, and still appease the Empire....but..this might be what  the whole of The Black has waited for.... Angels of the Red and Blue  Moons are even now, moving against Paradise... those on Paradise  are not  fools... The Fleet freed  Paradise  from  tribute if  they aren't fighting a civil war now, they will be shortly..that means, the Empire  will be losing its  Angel support as they try to survive thier own people..with no where to run?.... I suspect, the fleet will be  getting an influx of Angel  ships and troops.

  Hack finished his  coffee  and   dabbed his  lips with a Napkin , thanking the Stewards as he roseGE-FI has   tried to subvert us many times over.. my marriage to  Nil  had he off the rails..but the  end  all , is this... Humans, for better or worse, are the standard bearers of this war...and Ge-Fi is  thinking he was right to hold us back, because of what we have become....what he doesn't realize,, had those first  guys went out and got thier asses kicked,, we might be manning  fortresses in space, waiting for the Empire  to charge into  the Sol System...instead.. we are running though The  Black  knocking off  Empire  resources at every turn...he underestimated us..and that's a good thing.... Now?.. let's go see  what  Slick wants us  to see?

>>>>>>>>> Board to Hanger dec
Thu 18 Jun 2020
at 02:22
  • msg #336

Re: Commander's  Quarters

after   first battle of the one-eyed JAcks...before the 2nd))))

  The board sat with   the Admiral, they ate, looked over the Holo Map that   EN Newton Law  was  handling.

  ..Lilly?.. Tell the  Argus to send down the  Limpid  COMs...

 Um.... already

 a Few  Minutes later  they saw  several  blue dots light up on the   surface... when they did m  Hack opened the COMs himself.

 ... Attention..Elipsian Station.... I really don't know who to Talk to.... we have  set up COM links that will connect us  as long as i feel its worth talking... Let's  discuss  what is  about to happen to your station...

 They  is quiet for a good Minute, almost everyone  is watching the Holo Map... Newton pointed...THERE!!!  near the   north..

a red Light blipped, then another... and a Voice  came through.. the  husky sound was Elipsian...

 ..You..have  crippled out  world......what  could you have to speak about....

 Yeah?  well.. that's what happens when you mess with plasma , right?.. Now?... I am goign  to offer you a one time deal?... you can take it  or leave it.... If you take it..alot of your people get to live and I don't have to lsoe  anymore turn it  down... I promise you..we'll kill every  empire, bootlicking scum..thier families  and thier damn dogs....You see?  there is nothing like hoisting someone, from thier own petard...and letting the Empire   station being wiped out to the last person.. well.. that might just  send the message that we are as big and bad  as you are...

The Voice coughed a bit... it said...what are your  terms.... fill every single transport, shuttle and merchant ship you have  in that battered walnut...I'll leave it up to you..who all you get off?.... you want to save it..but your  civies will die... you leave troops behind..they will die..Your ships will have  3 Hours  to leave..en masse  anyone trailing..we blow up... any attempts to attack our vessels  will doom the whole  flotilla....

  the ..ONLY..other choice is to stay and fight..  then.. there will be a mass  slaughter..because  every on that station  has  profited from killing or capturing   APF  folks...and I am not leaving this  station, able to support Empire types...

 how long  do we have to get my people off the  station....

 .. You'll have 3  hours  to  have you Flotilla  form up at the North Pole.... when those   3  hours  are up...well... it won't be good for those who are left behind...

 Permit me to talk with My people....

 I should not?.. I am sure you did not offer such things  to APF people you captured, Killed  and  eaten? least you know?..Only  about half  the APF  races  might  dine on your people.. and No Human who where ESN Blue, would even think of that..Come me back in one Hour..

 ..thank you, Admiral Hack...

 ..don't thank me... The  9 hells are  coming  to your station.... I am giving  you a glimmer of a chance...and I don't know might be the flickers of  humanity that are still won't be long, before those  fires  are gone...The the Empire will truley know, what it is like, to fight itself.

 use the same channel to contact have  One

 Hennings  looked to Hack...Does  Emmie have ships?

 Last Count, she has  10  battered transports  from  captured Pirates and  things like that.... Might be  able to get 100,000 people off there?

 BAle shook his head,and? send them where?

 H1 in the Hillite   sector has  came over to the APF... H2  and H3  have not... we send them to H2 and H3...... Kids  first, with   mothers  or fathers.. once we get them off , we'll  send  wounded    elipsian troops..after that?.. i can't say...

 what do you think the H2 and H3  Hillites  will do?

 they'll either have to   accept them and aid them.. or?  kill them..or.. give them a  section of thier world to live  in...doesn't much matter  after  we send the ships there...we'll let  thier gods decide.....If the station  surrenders... then we don't have to worry about ti...its  a good character study?.... will they  leave  empire troops behind..or will they leave thier  civies behind?

 he snapped his   fingers and Hit the COM,..Lilly?.. I want vids   broadcast of    what batteles there were  on the surface of the  Station, and I want  focus of  apefolk, largs  and  Naragrans?..keep playign them into the feed, like it was  on normal it now...

 already done..Um..Admiral....

 Captain Si  smiled a  twisted  smile,propaganda ?

 ..not  really? because they will see  real thinks that have happened.....let them think about  that if they decide to  sacrifice thier civies

  Bale said , in a worried voice,..and if they don't  worry  about thier   families  and such like  APF folks do?

 ..then we accept they don't give one damn and we  pour it one on our side has tales of  'being spared'... no use  making  too many  of those tales for them

 well... lets  eat and relax  for an hour.... then it will be time, one way or the other.. the light the fires...
Admiral Hack
GM, 8377 posts
Fri 19 Jun 2020
at 22:31
  • msg #337

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  The Hour  went By..another, horse  voiced Elipsian  came over the COMs  in the Admiral's   quarters.

I Am Chief  Med Tech,,Harid 9.. I do not  fully agree  with this  decision... But i was picked to deliver this  answer...

 there is quiet.. then he begins,we have  11 cargo transports.. they are  being   filled  with   our  civies and children... there should be  close  to 200,00 on those ships... the Cargo ships  are only armed with the  typical anti-air  defenses...,, we have   troopers
 and   crews  from teh warships shope have escaped  or  never were able to reach thier battles stations... They all  will stay and fight....

  Harid 9.. you have  chance to win this  fight... i promise you, we will spear no one  who stays  behind and fights our occupation forces.

 ..The Demons  do not think you will do that... I..However.have been watching the Progress of the Delta Fleet since Astra....i do not  doubt   we will all be killed.

 Hack frowned at Hennings then said,..then you have is  sad that you will not be  able to teach others.... Is  the Human called  'Maris" is on the  station.

 ..he is..they are ready to board him and his staff...

 NO!..... He and his staff stay behind.... if  we do not  find him on the station. i will have  each and every transpost you send out, destroyed, to make certain he does not escape

 ..but..I have Little control, I...

 Right now.. you send the  Message that MAris and his staff  must stay, that should be a few more of  you people, like wounded or  something to  evac......

 ..His life  for the Lifes  of 11 cargo ships  worth of  your people... but?.. I will do you one better?..Turn over MAris, within the hour, along  with his staff.. and  I will allow  all those  who were to stay behind  and fight..the chocie to leave...unarmed.. or they may stay  and fight.. the other choice is... let him hide on the station, and we wil kill everyone  we see, until we find him..

 I...I will go tell them.. expect an answer soon...

after the COM closed, Hennings said,..nothing like putting the pressure on...

 They do not know it..but the pressure is on me.... i will give the order to  destroy those  transports... In the end,  they are enemies...and this is total war. But..if we do not have to  wipe them out.. this could sow  a deep seed of doubt in the  Empire's  fringe folks...

 Bale   snorted,You think Maris will surrender?

 Captain Si giggled, a very dark giggle,..he  does not have it in him to give himself over.. I see them forcing him and his staff at  gun point.... they may , very well..turn him over... They get  , whatever  troops  back into thier mainstream  for the cost of one Human traitor and   , however  many staff has..if it was me?  i would make that trade, to save  my troopers  for a fight down the line?

 It would be  worth it in PR  for   that trade to happen... I mean?  if we  just end  up killign him in a gun fight..he comes off  'fighting  for his cause"... if the Elipsians  trun him over, it gives us a chance to have a big PR thing when we  execute him and his staff...but.. the underlying  thing will be..'the Empire gave him up"

 Hennings  chuckled,,,so?... we wait.
Sat 20 Jun 2020
at 14:55
  • msg #338

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   it  took about  30 Minutes.. the CAll came Back.

    This is Harid 9  again... There  are  some  contentions  in our people as to what to do... The Civies   are most most  finished loading....30,000 of our  troops  have  laid  down thie r arms  to follow  them... they will be in an Elipsian  Troop  transport,  the  weapons     will be powered  down....The rest of the Troops will fight.... Our High  Chairman, Volka 3 will remain to  fight.. I am going with the troops  who are leaving,, most of  our Med techs   are going as well, to provide for the  refugees  once were are directed  where to go..

 ..The Human, Maris and his  staff have been detained  and given weapons and Armor... they may chose to fight, or surrender..Volka 3, is a rather  harsh man... our people's lives are goign to be spent, to try to save this  station... your actions  have  caused, overwhelming destruction. Almost 800,000 aliens  and Elipsians  died...that is  counting the   people who were killed  on the surface...

 again..quiet for a breath or so...we have never been brutilized  like this before.... ..I hope your word is good...

 Hack started off  slowly, there was a bit of empathy ,..Go..but please warn your people ..that  military ship?  if its  weapons  Power  up, we will destroy every Civie transport first.,, then we will board that  military vessel and make  each and every  person on board, pay  for the   treachery , in ways that will make the   Demons look  like pacifists

 Understood... you have brought overwhelming, pain  and suffering  to my people..but i do thank you, on behalf of those  who are being allowed to escape...

 they Elipsian signed off...

 Hack hit the ALL COMs  button

 all  crew  assault  teams, and Pilots to the HAnger in one hour.... all Gunnery crews to thier   stations  in 1 hour  30 minutes..that is all...
Sun 12 Jul 2020
at 03:42
  • msg #339

Re: Commander's  Quarters

(( Prisoners after  Elipsian station battle))

 The  Board   entered They all  sat  down at the Tables , Caotain Si , sat close to maris... Zob  chair  would be close to  Kal de Kal.

  when the  seated  Themselves,   The Admiral Motioned   to the Guards..Make sure they, and every   trooper on this dec  gets a plate and a drink... they are missing out on most of the After party  for this

 there was the choice of Steakl or as well as sides.. wines  and beer  where handy.

 Hack looked from one ned of the   table to the other...Eat up Gentlemen , Your  are  my guests  as the enemy Commanders.... Maris?... You live is measured in hours now..may as well enjoy  what's left... i am being , more then generous , by having you alive this moment...

 General  De Kal.. by the time  we finish eating and talking here.. the  fate of you.. the Military  captives  and the refugees  will be decided.. I do not like to think i overly long on such things....especially when i have a send off  coming up...

 The Door  Hissed open  Dusk and Lilit  entered...If Dusk is not  Need.. I will permit her to  visit with her Father and Brother?

 we would delighted  for Dusk to Join us..but, this is more  of  a  sorting out.. she may have more fun with her Father?

 Maris  snorted..Shadow?.. he's no father..

 Captain Si Hissed at him.....he did not try to kill his   children...

 Lilit sat Opposite of Zob..Dusk    Saluted  and went off to the rec dec
Sun 12 Jul 2020
at 21:35
  • msg #340

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  As they ate.. maris   eatign a bit slower then the Others..oftens lookign at Si...who flat out  ignored him.

  Kal Da Kal said,..This  is  Fine food  , Admiral? regardless of the path this takes, I thank you for sharing  this meal with me...

 Rivets  snorted, be  Beef, from Bura..bloody big cows.. one  cow kin add up to 3 of the earth cows, an' they taste much better..I guess all that green stuff in 'em..

 Hack smiled  ,..yes  Kal dad Kal.. You will have to forgive us, we have  no babies  or foes  for you to eat,

 Kal Da Kal laughed....yes.. well.. I have , indeed  eaten a few humans in my day...but  I have not  eaten children.. that is a cult , that follows  Qer La Cal...they use it test those Humans who wish to   join the fight on ourside... It  is popular in the  Demonic Fleet.. Old Guard, such as myself?  we do not  like the  action...

 Hennings looked at MAris...what of you , Maris?... we know damn well you didn't  ern the  stars on you collar , ebcause of your actions in battle..

 Maris slowly looked up.. all  the faces  were staring at him.....yes....yes ..i had to  prove  my loyality...

 there  were  disgusted  snorts... Kal De Kal said.....You would have had  to do ti very elast...once  for Captain..once  for Admiral...and  you were awarded  'Admiral"  after your  Dinner   with the Elipsian  High Chairman....  the demon looked  around the table.....the meal, of

 Hack  only  stopped  for a second as he  cut  his steak...Maris?  Tomorrow you will die.. and that's a fact... it is not until now.. that i have  chosen the way ....Enjoy your meal..drink, until you pass out... this is your last supper...

 Maris looked around.. tears  came out of his  eyes.. Nagy said...don't you cry , you lousy bastard....did  any one  care when those  kids  cried...Sorry Admiral...

 Relax  , Naggs.. enjoy your food.. we couldn't stop it  then..but no more will be used for him...

 maris looked  down and took a bite  of  steak..

 Captain Si  was overly disgusted, but maintained her poise.

  Now... Kal da Kal?... let me ask you this?.... what will happen if  we send you and all those  refugees to Vampra...

 Kal  thought  as  he  worked a mouthful of mashed potatoes  and  'corn'.....if the Gods of the Night  smile... Vampra will accept us, mayhaps  give  us  an area to settle until the war is over...I would assume they would try to recruit  all the  Empire    warriors...

 and if those  gods do not smile?  Morris  asked.

.. the they will  conscript  the Empire  troops  and sue the refugees  for  food?...  Elipsians  and  Young LArgrans?.. even some  Young demons?.. quite a taste   buffet for them... and?..most likely there would  be very little done about if from  Qer La Cal, since   they left the station...  the  demons answered takign a big gulp of wine.

 ..Tell me this?... Why did you stay?  why did those  300 some warriors  stay?..while other warriors  left?

 I had to stay?... My ship was tasken from me by the   Elipsian 'grand Admiral'.. we see how that turned out!  he laughed.

 ..But  a I gave my word... I could have left, if there was a way off, after this  fool killed the High chairman?  but i didn't have a way off.. so?  I decided to die with whatever troops chose to stay... soem stayed..becaus ethy had a home here... others, because of glory..Most..because of me.. those who surrendered  early, we not fools  or cowards... they knew the refugees  would need protectors..and they Gambled on not being  destroyed.

 Then..Kal Da Kal... we will be doing this...and i will tell your straight up.. its against what i do, but..Humans are like that...

 ..the  300  who surrendered, will be sent  to  Vampra., They will be escorted,,,and they will be destroyed, should they veer from Vampra...

   The Admiral takes a deep drink from his  wine and nods to the server to refil it..thanking him when it is done.

 I am sending you..on the military vessel   with the the deltas.... during your transit  you will impress upon  those   Empire  troops  that they will be there to help the refugees... this is no mercy i am giving you?  The Apefolk thrive on the delta Planets... for every  Apefolk you see  in uniform.. there  are 100,000 who have  yet to be chipped and   elevated to 'civilized'.

 .. You try to  take other  land, then what you are allocated... the Ape folks  will over  run you and none will even remember you were there.

 so?  we are prisoners?

 Hack smiled,of  course!... but you  are colonists..much like you and the Anegls have done to Earth, we are doing to the delta's..except..we have  show ourselves not  to be gods.. and we are very much there to aid and protect... You will be   governing a colony of Empire  refugees that shoudl have been wiped out...except for  the flaw of human nature.... but you have to worry about the other  flaw we have?

 what is that?

 Vengeance..... you  betray me on this... the whole of the colony..females, males  and offspring will suffer a fate worse then you could have had on Vampra..

 So?..I am to Govern Farmers?

 you will still need troops.. you'll need to train.. you will have  tech and pulse weapons  delivered there..because you'll need them..and?.. The Empire still tries to attack  the Colonies from time to time... so?'ll have to fight them?..unles they come in with  5 transports to  get every one off the  planet?...Those who are left behind  m will be treated as a failed   Lab experiment and destroyed..

 ..and if  we become 'good little colonists' ?

 Then? Like the other races... you'll have the chance to  grow,, and live, and some of your  people will end up were ESN Blue...Like the Hyrains and  Nivarains

  Kal da Kal  laughed,..i said..if i lived this war out, i would retire....but? what do i do  if my  Colony has  those who do not like thier lot...

 you'er a general? do you handle malcontents?.. or? you can Contact the Colony Central  and those  people will be taken to the Prison Colony , where people work hard and die  fast..

 Kal Da Kal nods...I will do it..for two reasons..1,,is  i wish to see  who wins this war..... and two.. I wish to  see this coward die... he turns to   Zob.....No demon I know, would send his made, who is with child, to die, so he could still the mate of another...i have seen is  cowardice  time and again...and I was made to put up with it..

 ..Now , SGT Zob?  what are your thoughts on this rulings... with your Demonic insight?
player, 2559 posts
In our lord and savior
Larry we trust!
Sun 12 Jul 2020
at 23:28
  • msg #341

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Zob had a stoic look on his face as he took a sip of wine, "The 300 being sent to Vampra will most surely die that i have very little doubt of that i will not lose sleep over..." Zob said rather coldly as he took yet another sip of wine before turning to Kal.

"However the general here could actually be of use, maybe if he shows his loyalty and works hard in the Deltas could be a useful asset in starting the first line of... blue demons, its true not all demons share in the cult of Qer La Cal and its infant eating practices but some demon tendencies don't die off quickly im afraid no matter how much we try and police it but for the sake of a united and stronger ESN and for the black itself i feel its worth trying to undo the wrong Qer and her forefathers instilled in the demonic people"

Upon finishing the wine he asked for a refill from one of the waitstaff, "If such a thing comes to pass then i would request myself Zob De Gro to govern over them as the official ambassador for the ESN... that is my input on the subject matter sir as a member of both worlds"
Sun 12 Jul 2020
at 23:47
  • msg #342

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Kal Da Kal looked   over  as  Zob as he   smacked his lips ,  finishing his own wine.Let us say.. there would be  'Blue Demons".. how would they  be  sent into the Fleet.. if   we sprinkle them about, they will face predujucie ..and it will not be  unearned!.. if  we  put them  in one ship. they will be distrusted...

 Hennings   says,... Hyrains  are sprinkled.. and they also have dropships.. The  Hyrian fleet iteslf   is part of the APF  now?... or did you not   see thier   ships   hitting the  planet station as everyone else  did?..Nivarains have thier own  Navy ships in the Fleet..Demons  could do that as well..once they show they are more interested in Joinign the APF, rather then destroying it...

 again Kal asks,what do you saw?... you were...'sprinkled'
player, 2560 posts
In our lord and savior
Larry we trust!
Mon 13 Jul 2020
at 00:26
  • msg #343

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Zob chuckled, "You think i didin't face prejudice Kal? i earned my spot by busting my ass and showing that im willing to fight for the greater good, and they will have to face those same trials if it comes to it there is no getting around that in the end they will be better off for it"

Zob then frowned a bit, "Our people will always face trials and tribulation not unlike that of the dark skinned humans ive seen... i'm not anymore special then any one else if i can do it so can they... and those that don't wish to try don't deserve to call themselves demons they are just as bad as Maris"
Mon 13 Jul 2020
at 20:59
  • msg #344

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Kal Da Kal  nods,..what do you think Admiral hack... do you think  Hel and  the Sol System can ever  be trade partners after the war?

 hack  laughed a  bit   and had to wait to  swallow his  food,..I could give you a laundry list , on why the won't?..first off... The Empire folks  i  have saved over the copurs eof the eyars, are a weakness on my part..because   the  people showed som bit of wanting to be better then their race...  But i will tell you this?... Straight up?... Unless something  happens on Hel between now  and the time I get there... I'll turn the  think into a charcoal  Briquette...and i will feel the satisfaction, of every 'innocent'  Demon who dies, will make that  of  the APF innocents  that are dying, even as  we sit here.

 what changes would that be?

 Qer La Xal and her regime handed over to me?... with drawing all Demon forces from APF  space..Dissolution of the Empire, so each Race   can decide  for itself if they want to die or not...

 Kal Da Kal laughs,..what do you think, Zob?
player, 2563 posts
In our lord and savior
Larry we trust!
Mon 13 Jul 2020
at 23:48
  • msg #345

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Zob tapped his fingers on the table as he looked around, "Hels days are numbered that much was certain the day they killed my family and banished me to Cinna, we both know Qer will never surrender the empire and herself over to Admiral Hack there is a blood price that must be paid in full"

After having another drink of wine, "There will be no Hel once this war is over only a scorched barren wasteland that will be reclaimed by the Pirlocs and nightmarish creatures that live beneath the mountains that is the harsh reality you must come to accept... what i do know is there can be no everlasting peace in the black while the Qarl still draw breath they have pulled strings from the shadows in demon politics for eons"
Admiral Hack
GM, 8508 posts
Tue 14 Jul 2020
at 01:43
  • msg #346

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   The   orderlies  took the plates  away , Maris  looked   sick..scared...

  dessert  was brought forth.. 'apple' pie... , Chocolate  cake.. Icecream, with toppings..

 maris looked    at the desserts...

 Eat Man?.. you are going to die?  eating or not eating  will not  change that?

 why are you being so Callus! see the Avain  feeder tracks?... they stick naked people in a Grill works... and the   grill travels up the line.. the   Birds   peck out   Chucks, and keep  working.. people scream, cry and beg for mercy..of course.. there is no mercy to be had..

The Captain of the Sol System ship 'prepared '  a child  for the  dinner, heedless of its  wails..while two other  children were in a box, waiting...and? that was a human?

 ..Breeding chambers....larder ships... Imagine how they felt , Maris?.... the cold hand  of death... waiting for them..and all they could do was  hope?..Pray?... but nothing came..until the Delta fleet came.. we know there are still fleets and ships  and  such out there..but at least, we stop what we are able...

 ..Now..Maris?... I heard the Tapes... we all heard the tapes ... Your  wife  sending her Baby away..with Mara's father...Stefi's Mom havign to  do the  procedure..and give out
  drugs to keep the people  fighting until they died ..knowing?  the only way to stop that ship was to ram it, because if they didn't..they would all be your  wife  felt  as she  sat in that chair, shot up with pain killers and  stim juice..wondering if her daughter would live....and How that whole
 crew...watched that demon vessel..get biger and Bigger  unitl the rammed  right into the Gods be damned thrusters...

 Hack  stood   and pointed at Maris...all of them, you could take my wife?..who the Hells  does that!

 Maris started to sob openly...

 Hack Looked at Nagy and Madsen....take him away.. strap him down... no one sees  him, talks to him..nothing... Gods   be damned  Maris.. I can't  bring your wife  back... but  i can damn sure avenge them ...

 Nagy and madsen moved  to  Maris  and  got him up.. maris was a quiver , sobbing  ball as  they carried him out by the shoulders,  asking for  two more troops  to  help...

When they left.. hack   sat back down... he took a sip of  coffee and shook his head,Turning slowly to Kal Da Kal,..everything i said to maris..could apply to any one  on that side of the Line......But you have a tiny window.. to save your race... when  Hel is will be as close to genocide as i can muster....but.. 'the Blue Demons  we collect along the way... will get there chance to take  on one of the  other worlds..and start over... But the Demon race as you know, will be no more... You have a chance to help the Blue  Demons...or  die  and , never know.. You may  Tell Zob on your
 way back to the SEC..or you can wait until after MAris  dies... i will alow you that much, no matter your choice...

player, 2564 posts
In our lord and savior
Larry we trust!
Tue 14 Jul 2020
at 02:15
  • msg #347

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Zob watched as Maris was dragged off to go and die a cowards death, "When the 9 hells come to claim me ill be sure to seek out his soul and torture it for the rest of eternity" he said offhandely to Kal just before Hack spoke once more.

After hearing Hacks words he nodded, "I have one last thing to discuss with you before we depart but it will not be with the general in this room" Zob hinted to Hack that he would like Kal escorted from the room before he would speak.
Admiral Hack
GM, 8509 posts
Tue 14 Jul 2020
at 02:43
  • msg #348

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Kal De Kal smiled at  Zob  Hennings  COMed  SEC.. it was not long before Shoey and Robbins showed up to take Kal  down to SEC.

 Right then.. whar have you on your Mind SGT Zob?
player, 2565 posts
In our lord and savior
Larry we trust!
Tue 14 Jul 2020
at 05:52
  • msg #349

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Zob stood up and presented a image of a frozen planet to Hack by sliding it across the table, "This is Cinia the outcast world of the empire it lies on the outer edge of demon space furthest away from our sun" he then showed Hack where it was, Zob knew demon space really well considering he was born in it.

"Under the frozen surface lies a prison and mass storage facility of slaves and food, the cold perfectly preserves the bodies in a state of suspended animation i think the term is cryo storage... that way the slaves the empire collects on raids don't go to waste, unless they moved it, it was located on the north part of the planet, here to the south is the abandoned city of Kin it is rumored here that a ancient frost pirloc guards a rare vein of focusing crystals that would be super useful in upgrading pulse and plasma based tech any and all who have tried to claim them have perished."

"If you take this planet you will of effectively cut the empire off from its near unlimited food and slave supply and gain rare minerals that the APF could greatly profit from, its where most of the empire gets its funding from"
This message was last edited by the player at 05:57, Tue 14 July 2020.
Tue 14 Jul 2020
at 13:04
  • msg #350

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  The Board looked at the Picture... Captain Si brought up  the  Holo-map of Demon space.  Hack looked at the Map,it would be in  the APF's best interests  then, to try and take that, when the  Planet swings  closest to   allied  space?

 Hennings   took a sip of Coffee,we  we need to go through Matterhorn space or Rainer  space... Both are Unstable..thought  Matterhorn has a firmer base now...

 ... we are going after Vampra  next?... the Bugs and Lizards  are on that side of the  Quads... we can't have them at out back  Bale  said

 alot goes into this... how deep into the system Cinna is... and  the location to Hel... but  we  do have   fish to fry along the way...

 Cap0tain Si spoke up...  After  Send off, Colonel Cummings  is  sending drops ships   down  to the Elipsian  Plation.. as its being  called, for  'planet-Station'... they  are goign to go throught he 5 levels of the construction, and  glean the tech knowledge we maight  learn more about this constuct... we might  find  information about  the Elipsians and
 the  rest of   the Deep Black..

 Hack nodded   as he leaned back  his coffee cup in his hands,..The Time  they spend  there, will be good training... for now?  I suppose  we go to Everest.. get repairs made See hwat peopoe  we can steal from there...and  Replace  fighters...  I also think Everest is spoilign for a rematch of the  football game..

 Captain Si chuckles,so is Commander Miller,  she talked about it endlessly on the Bridge

 people chuckled.

 Well, Zob?  This gives  us something else to look into... it may be something the Demons might not  thing  we will go after.or?.. it  may be  a way to split thier focus.
player, 2566 posts
In our lord and savior
Larry we trust!
Tue 14 Jul 2020
at 17:05
  • msg #351

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Zob looked over the holo map and pointed out a few things, "The insanely cold blizzards kill just about anything by freezing them solid in a matter of minutes and making visibility all but impossible without a guide, that's also when the hostile wildlife comes out to hunt all these environmental hazards is why they use teleportation technology to move the slaves from various demon planets to the underground facility and vise versa"

"Outcasts also live on the planet as well, they are known by some as the white walkers due to there bluish and white skin tones that have adapted to the planets cold, they prey on Empire forces from the the shadows of the mountains"
player, 2567 posts
In our lord and savior
Larry we trust!
Wed 15 Jul 2020
at 11:09
  • msg #352

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Zob opted to pass on the chocolate delicacy having had enough pizza from the rec dec, "That's all I have to say on the subject matter sir, unless you have anymore questions I think I'll see myself out" he said respectfully.
Wed 15 Jul 2020
at 12:56
  • msg #353

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Hack stood  as did all the Others...Aye  SGT.. Go  relax.. we will see you at Send off...

 Hennings looked at his COM.....they need me on the  Hanger Dec.. I Must leave as well...

 Rivets  nodded,I'll be goin' ta the   Rec dec fer about a half  hour or so.. COM me if they needed me , Admiral  Hennings..

>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dinner is  done....
Thu 23 Jul 2020
at 03:45
  • msg #354

Re: Commander's  Quarters

<<<<<<<<<  from Hanger after elipsian send off

  Once   the officer  were in the Admiral's quarters and seated,  , orderlies  came  around with  'Ham'...eggs..bacon hashbrouwns  and  small bowls  of  fruit, and   Rolls with Butter.. Coffee  tea and  sodas were available.

  Vid screens came on with Sanri, Nivar, Occui..Lilit  and Dusk  were at the table.

 we  have   the  divison of the it it. But, first. The Elipsian plastation...  we can't take it into the fleet.. too big..too slow...  I will have  the station stay were it is  as an outpost, but we will need  people from Bura, Calimaye, Uden, verian, and Hyria, as well as  what Volunteers  we get from humans... witht he  soil on top  and the    famr land under the  'living  world' there will be plenty of food and water to go around... reportasfrom the Naragrans and Ape folk say the  Military  dec  still has  some  50 fighters in tact... that will give them somethign ton patrol with   while techs fix  others, and  we get the place into the supply line...

   I want , one member from Bura... Hyria Nivar, The ESN, Sanra  and  Occui homeworld..I want the Apefolk to  be high profile   SEC and Military as far as ground troops go, with Hyrians  handling the   air crops..the Council will  a point  the   Head..and begin getting that ball of  dirt and steel into the APF... I want those names   before  0400 tomorrow..and I want the poeple in the Building were we captured the  Empire leaders.
Thu 23 Jul 2020
at 13:06
  • msg #355

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Those  on the Vids   agreed  to have the  Names  ready within the hour.. Hirg said he would   send    thier   Marine Captain   to them, sinc ehe   had both Combat and   abassador  duties  under his belt through the years.

  Lilit  said  she  would  have   3 People  and an assistant  ready, one set from each planet in her system.

 As they ate,  The Anri ambassador   said,Admiral Hack? That was  an interesting  way  to execute   Admiral  Maris?

  Admiral hack    kept   eating   a slice of  ham and eggs, took a drink of  coffee before dabbing his lips. Everyone  in the APF,,,has  seen what the Empire does.... there are only  2 types of humans who know   what they do...those who were ..are... their  Victims, and those  who joined them...

 people watched  from the screens  and the table...I will first admit? there is personal vengeance  in what i did.... He   sent his   wife and Child off to die,  'saved'  my  wife, so he could take her... but the real revenge  is is for the suicide  attacks  on the Hermes, and the Plasma   fighters...i won't go over it  again, but it does not take much imagination to wonder what a child feels like as they wait to be eaten...AS THEY ARE BEING EATEN... going to be  the Norm, for EDT who do not surrender.... for officers  Captain and higher..Kal Da Kal said The demons  though we would only push out so far, before    we 'settled' for what we had taken and  let a new way of life  settle  into The Black...  Most of the  minor enemies  fear us..some even respect us...some? both. The Largran  Might   drop out , once thier  Home system is  entered and they lose  planets , colonies  and  people... The  Bugs and Birds?  They will eat  and spread thier race across The Black... The Demons? They have ruled  for too long, because the Angels became passive... the Angels..had a responsibility to the Rest of The Black, to fight , and raise  people , such us  us, into  the  way of life, that  we could fight   The enemy rather then  each other...  That Baton has  passed to us.. The HUman race, to help lead our allies... no?.. To give   someone  for our Allies to follow?

 he reached  for  his  empty coffee cup., one of the orderlies  filled it  and he smiled his thanks  , fixing it the way he likes.

 The Sanri and Occui stood  alone  for  centuries..and then we came... I am the first one to admit, i could not grasp the horror  of the Demon way of life.... but, by what ever gods might be out there...I am going to stop it... if   draw and quartering with Plasma   stops   1 out of  every 10 people who might  join the EDT.. then its was well worth  the  spectacle ...

 Captain Si nodded  and raised her  Juice glass   as she said, war....

 Hennings  smiles,..I drop by the rec dec,  a little after we leave the then, most people don't recognize  an Admiral is on the Dec, and they are more themselves.... I spend time  at Shadow's  table  with the SM..and Shade,  and whomever is   visiting him.. he nods to Dusk, she smiles.

 we know, Shadow's  mind  set... if  we had a ship load of Shadows  and SMs.. we wouldn't need the  fleet.... as we talked  about  things, I said "... do under to others.."  and shook my Head.....Shadow   disagreed.... I think it was beth  ,who said, " do unto others  ..AS... they do unto you.."

 Again, Shadow   disagreed  and said," unto others...FIRST...

  I thought about that?.. and he is  right..BUT.. we cannot   be "first'  with our enemies?... We have been first with our friends... The SAnri were the first folk we saved..even if it was the Ambassador and his wife?... we raised   the Apefolk after  10 years or more  of  fighting them... Naragrans are recognized  as beings, rather then creatures..Gava?... who 20 years they could have thier own fleet!.. everyone has  paid the price for  standing against us, has been  taken into the APF...those who did not  want to..have been taken OVER... Aqra...  The Pit..

 Hennings    smiled as he   dipped  some  bread in his eat, matter how  harsh we are to traitors, its nothing , compared to  the  pain inflicted  on by them, or because of them...

 Hack nodded,..if  we  head to Vampra.. we will see this.... our people have   dark  fables and stories  of Vampra kind, when they visited    earth... there isn't going to be  any niceties  offered by them
Sarah McKeon
player, 439 posts
Burian Fleet Commodore
Flag Ship: Cold Stone
Fri 24 Jul 2020
at 02:28
  • msg #356

Re: Commander's  Quarters

In reply to talk (msg # 354):

"Understood Admiral. Also we'll reach back to the home world to send a dedicated contingent of personnel to help staff the plastation operations, do we want to keep a small one or two ship task force here to bolster defenses?" She had a few ideas in mind, and wanted to give them the option to agree  before she submitted the names.

Sarah raises the beer she was having as a toast with Captain Si.

"Indeed, Vampra can't be our only choice spooks or not."
Sat 25 Jul 2020
at 01:15
  • msg #357

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  As  they  sat  down, Hack  had  Pictures   Of  Vessels  pop up on the  Holo-view

  we captured  some  Cap ship vessels.  there  are 5  that are no worth trying to  repair.. we  gave 1 each to the   3  forge  ships.. the other  two go to the plastation to use  for scrap.. we  are hoping the three forge  ships  will have a quick turn around with the scrap they have collected  and  giving them each a Cap ship to use.

  we gave the captured Vessels  numbers  from  E-1 to  E12... They  will be  assigned  proper  numbers    my  thier Fleet commands

 E1..through E-4 are being  given to  the station for home defense... I am hoping   Everest  will send a ship or two to add to that, without me having to order it.

  E 5, 6, 7, 8  will be goign to the to each section. word has been sent  to  the   Carrier stations that we're  going to need crews...

  Sarah?  You fleet will receive  2 vessels   as  will Hirg's fleet.. we are givign you each a demon vessel and a largran vessel.. the Largan's are  a bit  faster and  agile, the demons can take and give more punishment... so we gave you  one of each..Sarah  Gets  E=9 and E10... Hirg  gets   E-ll  and  E-12..are there any questions?

The  Name of the 'new' APF station 'Bastogne'
Samantha Robertson
player, 526 posts
Lt. Comms Officer
Burian Fleet N2
Sat 25 Jul 2020
at 01:31
  • msg #358

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Sam listened and worked on her Vid Board, getting everything set up for the new new ships to join the Burian Fleet. She nodded to Sarah to let her know she was already working on getting the ships set up. Sam pulled the specs for each ship they got and saved it for Sarah to look at later. Sam said," Sir are there any crews on either ship or do we need to fully man them to join the Fleet Sir?"
Admiral Hack
GM, 8549 posts
Sat 25 Jul 2020
at 01:35
  • msg #359

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Hack shook his head  with a  firm, if not sad  smile,each  ship has a prize crew on..  a few of them might  want to stay. but   the cupbaord is bare. The last  two weeks  have   beat the  fleet up.. and  thus far, the enemy doesn't know it.... if  we have to go into a major battle right now.. i would  left 5  ships from each section behind to =recrew  and  steal from them to shore up the ones  we are taken  in to battle... we'll se what happens when we reach Everest
Samantha Robertson
player, 527 posts
Lt. Comms Officer
Burian Fleet N2
Sat 25 Jul 2020
at 01:45
  • msg #360

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Sam nodded and said," I understand Sir, thank you, yes lets hope Everest can help us out Sir." She sent messages to the Fleet to get ready for two new vessels joining the Burian Fleet.
Sarah McKeon
player, 440 posts
Burian Fleet Commodore
Flag Ship: Cold Stone
Sun 26 Jul 2020
at 17:05
  • msg #361

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Not at this time, we'll get the names and take over from the prize crews by end of the day. Hopefully we're very successful at Everest when it comes to recruiting, we're practically running skeleton crews on all our ships, and I have no doubt we're the only ones facing personnel and manning challenges. She says calmly. She'd have to look at sending and additional ship back to the home fleet.
Admiral Hack
GM, 8562 posts
Mon 27 Jul 2020
at 13:40
  • msg #362

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Admiral hack  sat back  , and he   sighed a bit...

 we are heading to  Everest at Cruise speed... we should reach Everest   early morning  another day from now..  There is to be a football game  between Everest Uppers  and  the Hermes at 1200 hours..... The Admiral will be having  her  Ball  at 1800 hours ... and   Shadow  and I will have   our party  oat our Penthouses.... which, will also be used, as always, for lights out clean up..

 Hirg  nods,... we are Goimg back to Homeworld, we  will  link up with you, on your way to people  wish to  see home again..

 Of course, Admiral... Sarah? what of your people, are you heading to Bura, or comign to Everest?
This message was last edited by the player at 13:44, Mon 27 July 2020.
Samantha Robertson
player, 528 posts
Lt. Comms Officer
Burian Fleet N2
Mon 27 Jul 2020
at 17:38
  • msg #363

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Sam smiled and wrote out on her vid board, Commodore I suggest we go to Everest for replacement people and equipment Ma'am , we can send a few ships home but we need replacements Commodore. Sam nodded abd showed Sarah what she wrote.
Sarah McKeon
player, 441 posts
Burian Fleet Commodore
Flag Ship: Cold Stone
Mon 27 Jul 2020
at 21:33
  • msg #364

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Sarah glanced at the note, "this is our fleets first deployment outside Burian system. Let's give the sailors and troopers a chance to see a friendly spot rather than home, and present our friendly faces to Delta home station. We can rotate any that wish to back to Bura as we cycle ships in our fleet. We're still a few weeks out from any reasonable volume of new Burian recruits joining us.

Numbers of volunteers are still high especially after the Delta fleet contributions to Bura itself, but building a program takes time, as does the training needed. If we didn't need the limited merchant capacity that we have I'd have pushed to recruit from the experienced civil sectors.  In about 3 weeks we'll start to see sufficient trainees graduating to quickly replace our losses in this system as well as man back up positions, and provide excess trained personnel to other fleets."
She says in a slightly longer than necessary explanation shedding light on the Burian training efforts.
Sarah McKeon
player, 442 posts
Burian Fleet Commodore
Flag Ship: Cold Stone
Mon 3 Aug 2020
at 22:38
  • msg #365

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Sarah had gotten up early and set to paperwork, with as stretched thin as the Burian fleet was she was leaning heavily on her own abilities to allow her people some brief respite from the bustle as she compiled the reports, requests and the like. With luck they'd be able to at least minimally man every vessel and with some exceptional lucky they'd fully crew the fleet. She'd submitted the personnel to remain on the plation, several able administrators to rotate between the Burian's share of the duties. She was still deciding on names for the new ships, for now they'd maintain their current designations until they could be fully assessed and crewed at enough of a level to make them operational.

Tired of work she decided to head to the recdec.

---Rec Dec--->
Wed 16 Dec 2020
at 14:50
  • msg #366

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 (( Meeting    after cast of  from Everest shore leave))

  Captain Morris  lead the others  to the Admiral's Mess, the   tables  were  Ste  , general Bale  was working with the   stewards  to make  sure  that everything was  read... the   tables were  set up in such a way that   the project  would show the  3-d holo map   for every one  to  see.

 ..Please?  Help yourselves  to  drinks, or  as  one of the  Stewards for help... there are finger  foods, and   we will be having   Roast  Burian Beef, or   Calimate    Bird..which  seems to be a cross between  an Ostrich  and  chicken...
Samantha Robertson
player, 687 posts
Lt. Comms Officer
Burian Fleet N2
Wed 16 Dec 2020
at 20:49
  • msg #367

Re: Commander's  Quarters

---->>> From Hanger Dec

 Sam followed Captain Morris and smiled at him as he showed her the layout, Sam replied," Thank you Sir, oh I will definitely have the Burian Beef." Sam then heads over and gets a class of some juice, Sam felt a little out of place here without Sarah with her, but she was enjoying herself and trying out the finger foods, she will also see who is here and she will smile and do small talk.
Wed 16 Dec 2020
at 21:59
  • msg #368

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Captain Bornberry  talked  with  some of the other Section Leaders , as  well as  the Hyrian  leader., she  excused her self , approaching Sam.

 I am Alaice  Bornberry.. I lead Delta #2 from aboard  the Athena..., how is the Burian fleet doing/
Samantha Robertson
player, 688 posts
Lt. Comms Officer
Burian Fleet N2
Wed 16 Dec 2020
at 22:05
  • msg #369

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Sam smiled at Captain Bornberry and then she replied," Nice to officially meet you Captain Bornberry, Lt. Samantha Robertson N2 for the Burian fleet. Well we took a hit against that planet when we had to sacrifice the Defiance against that planet ship, but the Fleet is doing well, I am just keeping track of our Task Force bringing the rescued children to Bura Ma'am."
Thu 17 Dec 2020
at 08:16
  • msg #370

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Captain Morris   smiled  slightly,..Nasty Business  those    children. When we  friest encountered   this, we thought it  was  just the Avains, but   sevreal  Vids  and   raids   started  showing   the  Empire  feasting?.... it wasn't until  a year ago, we started    hearing  rumors, then finding  proof of the Loyalty feasts.

 Bornberry   makes  a  face,..I hope  The Admiral continues with the  plan to crack hel open like an eggs..there  are some   races   in The Black that need  eliminated.
Samantha Robertson
player, 689 posts
Lt. Comms Officer
Burian Fleet N2
Thu 17 Dec 2020
at 12:34
  • msg #371

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Sam nodded and replied to Morris," Yes Sir and I hope we put a big dent into it, those children will mean a lot to Bura and help us recover a lot quicker Sir, and personally whatever is done to them for these crimes against children is not severe enough for me."

 Sam smiled at Bornberry and replied to her," Ma'am I hope he Eliminates one Empire race after another, they will all begin to get worried as one race after another falls, then we blow up Hel, now that sounds very good to me."
Sun 20 Dec 2020
at 19:56
  • msg #372

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   Admiral Hack, Admrial Hennings, Admiral  Roles  and Captain Si  entered the  Mess, along with Dusk and Lilit.

  sorry to keep you waiting.. I need to start   running more

 Captain Morris smiled,Any Incidents ?

  Sipping from a  cold soda,  The Admiral Nodded,//The LC  brock Lt Crosses  arm,  so he shot Shadow...and Shadow through a K-bar  at him that  stuck in the open spot between the thight plates  and   the chest plate.... but?  they   shook hands  sooo.

 Rivets  chuckled,,,, Me Lad has a bit of a waty witht he new folks.

 Bornberry  askes,what would be the chances of getting him in a transfer?

 Captain Si  laughs,about   the same chance  as you  being Captain of the Flagship of the Largran Con Fed...
Sarah McKeon
player, 552 posts
Burian Fleet Commodore
Flag Ship: Cold Stone
Sun 20 Dec 2020
at 21:06
  • msg #373

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Sarah entered shortly after Admiral Hack, "I also apparently need to hit the track aboard my ship. I got thoroughly whipped out there on the first laps. she grabs an electrolyte heavy drink. Finding her seat at the table.
Samantha Robertson
player, 690 posts
Lt. Comms Officer
Burian Fleet N2
Sun 20 Dec 2020
at 21:38
  • msg #374

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Sam smiled when the rest of the Brass came in, Sam quickly got the updated position and situation on the Cold Stone Task Force, she had been monitoring them closely having a bad feeling that the Empire was really after those children. " Commodore here is the status of the Task Group, we have implemented runs for all ships Commodore."
Mon 21 Dec 2020
at 01:55
  • msg #375

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Hack  laughed a bit. Big Difference   running the track by yourself, and    doing  Shadow's  tunnel  runs... everyone is geared  up to  do well thsoe who fail   tend to be  upset...

 he   motioned for everyone to take a seat...  and Beth   set up the Holomaps..

 ..for not having a  predetermined  target, we have alot goign on....The Burian ships takign the kids   to Bura,  have  a shadow , in the form  of what is  believed..Roussian vessels...

 Born berry snorted, section  all but destroyed the last task force they sent..., they have decent  fighters... but   we have better pilots...

  Hennings    leaned back as  a waiter  put some beef  and potato-ish things in front of him, he nodded his thanks... Your    beating back of the Roussians  was a slap on the wrist, but  we know they have  some kind of working agreement  with the Empire, they have also refused   any  acknowledgment  of   APF membership.... heading to  Russian  homeworld   and  beating them  down, would  really  quiet this Quad  down

 Captain Bruce of the Apollo  spoke up....but are they more important  to deal with then The Vampic.... we know the Vampic  are working with  Elispians....  both races need to be   put  down...

  Captain Morris  spoke up....if I may? we  still have   nests of  EDT  to wipe out on  Etna, and we haven't  ever   docked at Matterhorn?... that whole sector is in flux.. with   the corridor  between E1  and E2    bracketed  by  Anzio on  one  end, and Etna- Matterhorn on the other... Aqura  is ours?... but   we are still fighting for it.. i should thing  the Bugs  and Largrans  might pay a visit  just to  damage   out   supply line of fresh water...E1   and E2..have   alot to give, but  we are still workign on colonies there.

 well?  what i need is  suggestions...numerous people on the outside of the fleet say we should  break the delta  Fleet up and  send the sections....but?.. our big advanatge is   alot  of seasoned   ships , Hammer  one place  flat,  and   eliminating enemy fleets  and task forces...
Samantha Robertson
player, 691 posts
Lt. Comms Officer
Burian Fleet N2
Mon 21 Dec 2020
at 16:36
  • msg #376

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Sam did some heavy thinking, she looked at the space map and then replied," If I may Admiral Sir, I might be biased but I believe maybe we should hit the Roussians, isnt it LC Shadow that has said, " Never keep an alive enemy behind you, they will sneak up and stab you when you are not expecting it, I personally think we should split up the Fleet send half to Bura to make sure the children get there, the other half towards Uden, then both fleets attack Roussian space from different angels, but that is just my untrained observations Admiral."
Sarah McKeon
player, 553 posts
Burian Fleet Commodore
Flag Ship: Cold Stone
Tue 22 Dec 2020
at 14:59
  • msg #377

Re: Commander's  Quarters

In reply to meetings (msg # 375):

Sarah looked over towards Bronberry, "That may be all well and good right now, but they seemed to have learned from the last slap they got. Current reported data shows six Roussian capital ships with four destroyers for support. With the current Task Force disposition, even including the support coming from Bura they're wildly outgunned. I trust my people's ability to fight, but I'm not going to line them up to be slaughtered either."

She nods at Sam's suggestion. "If we wanted to minimize breaking the fleet up, the Burian fleet could split off and move to confront the Roussian's our combined fleet strength plus that of the Task Force and Support Squadron should be sufficient to break the Roussian's or at the very least force them to heavily reconsider their presence around Burian space. We could then move on whatever you intend as the actual target. It strikes me that losing six capital ships and four destroyers would be particularly crippling to the Roussian's strength. Imagine even the combined fleets losing that much firepower."
Tue 22 Dec 2020
at 15:50
  • msg #378

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   Captain Si  said in  a stern, but friendly manner...there  is  no 'untrained' here . You either   have  an opinion, or you do not. We do not call these  meetings   just to share food.

 Admiral Hirg, The Hyrian Admiral  takes a  hefty bit of meat  and  chews it , until he can speak around it, with out being too  'impolite' .... We   and Uden  have    split  the  Verian Space...Aqra only has a defense   fleet? Vampra might be the Biggest threat, as it  can
 mount  at attack on Anzio and Aqra...Etna  can ships  down the    corridor between E1 and E2, or, sweep around, as the Delta fleet did , when it  chased  down the Largrans?... The Roussians  are  between Bura  and  Uden Space... we have  the Bastogne  and its  defesne  ships as a stumbling block  for  anyone tryign to come from that area of deep space.

 there  is a beep  , Beth  frowns,Admiral Hack?  A COM-Vid from  GE-FI....

 Captain Si's  eyes  narrowed. The Admiral says,Put it up,  we  might get a good laugh...

 Admiral hack?... I see i am disturbing a meeting?

 ...Just a celebration of  sorts,  for  punching some  more holes into the EDT waterline.... I mean?  we don't have any kids  on the  platters, I'm sure you may have taken part in some of

 GE-FI looked a bit  insulted then said...... are you able to explain this...

 the Vid Showed Shadow  asking questions  ( which could not be heard) as he systematically, Blew  away  Suits and dresses , and even the  ended  as    Shadow  violently   tore out    the  woman's throat, and fed her to Larry, while the  distraught   Lady V had a melt  down.

  Lirg smiled,,,Dusk looked proud, Lilit laughed. hack  took a sip of  wine as he  said,..looks to me, as if the LC  and the people with him, wiped out  a nest of EDT  scum?... The  EverSEC troops that came  in confirmed this  as they  fought  armed EDT   troopers  on thier way to the spot  the 'dinner' was being carried out.

 GE-FI looked to  Captain SI who truned away in disgust, from her father.

 yes..well... Lady V  has  asked  that earth  and the APF  declare Shadow a war  criminal, and  be brought to justice...Olympus  as  followed through with with this edict .. Earth will arrest him if he is ever  taken  by an SSN unit...I am afraid the  death penalty  will be  handed out...after  a proper trial , of course...

 Admiral Roles   chuckled,..yes?  of Course.... Its  funny, that this comes up.. because  Ambassador  Frans,  You, and Qer La Cal are consider war criminals.. but..the   death penalty  is pre i'd  watch  my back if i were you

 GE-FI glowered at  Roles, then said,..Lady V...despite her great hardship at the  murder of her niece, says she will Gladly rescind  the  death penalty , if you  return the    goods  that were  stolen  from  her  people... it seems those goods a very important to her.  We have Roussians  who have  agreed to ...mediate , they transfer of  those good
 in the may be a very good thing  for  all evolved, to take her offer.

 Dusk  snaps,.... those are not goods.. they are children. Let Lady V send her own people as tribute...As  for my Father?... send   people after him!

 Lilit smiled as she  drank  from her  wine,...Yes..GE-FI.. send  people after   Shadow... it  will be easier  for him to  kill, rather then turning over rocks  to find them....

 ..I am assuming  , Lady V can  either see this, or you will send a recording?.... But let me say this.... Those kids?.... they aren't goods.. they are people....Shadow  wouldn't trade one of them, for you  to remove the title  you want to bestow .

 Hennings  laughed  and said, best watch   what title you give that man.... nothing like being  a criminal to give you a blank check..right?

 Captain Morris  cleared his throat,I should say, I think you bloody well better prepare  for the worse, Ge-FI... Lady V? It may be better   for her to walk out an airlock now, then Let Shadow  catch her alive....

 Rivets nods   and Briskly says,..Yer  time is comin' ta a close ,  ye traitor  ya..... won't be long  afore the skies of Earth a dark  'cause the delta Fleet came'  we'll Send  the LC an' the SM  ta greet' that's me sayin!

 DE-FI's  face was Red......I tried to broker this  , the  best i could... the results... are  going to be on you.... Goodbye, for now...

 the screen went blank... Hack  Looked at Sarah and  Sam...Best get on the COMs  to  that   escort you have....they'll blow  those kids up, before they let us save them.
Samantha Robertson
player, 692 posts
Lt. Comms Officer
Burian Fleet N2
Tue 22 Dec 2020
at 16:21
  • msg #379

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Sam smiled at Captain Si and replied," Thank you Captain."

 Then Ge-Fi called, she listened to everything and she got on her secure vidboard to check on the task force and she said," Admiral Sir we cant let the Empire win this one we need to save these children, I am not sure if we can get them enough support in time, we dont know how many more ships they have." Sam gets her emergency urgent comms to Bura ready to goas she adds," Commodore I suggest we mobilize all Burian Vessels to protect Bura and the Task force, I really think if we can save these children it will hit the Empire more then we know. Why are they going out of their way so much for these specific children is there more to this than we know?" Sam had a feeling there was more to this btu she really wanted to save these children.
Wed 23 Dec 2020
at 09:32
  • msg #380

Re: Commander's  Quarters

<<<<<< from Med tech

  The  door slides open with  Roy and Shadow entering. Bornberry shakes her  head  as she sees Shadow  one shoulder uncovered  with the Derma plast  and the  sling.

 LC  Shadow?.... your  tunnel runs must  be very intense...

 An Orderly  offer  each of the newcomers a Drink.

 Shadow   says  with his half  Smile,..Yes Ma'am.. the   Corners can be  rough...

 Si  chuckled softly, Captain Bruce   says,The SM  doesn't seem worse  for wear?

 Shadow  smiles  as he  accepts a soda,Well, Captain Bruce.. THE...SM is a Marine?.. he  actually broke  his legs, but he  won't them them stay know how Maries  are..

Beth says  you  have  some news?

  we found somehting,  with Stefi's help... he takes a sip of his soda  and nods to Roy.
Roy Spencer
player, 8986 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Wed 23 Dec 2020
at 19:00
  • msg #381

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy gave an amused snort at the comment about his legs being broken, but was otherwise all business."Well, to bring you all up to speed...Orria was monitoring chips as everyone was running today, and she noticed anomalous readings from only displayed standard ID information, enough to get past a standard boarding check.  The LC had our chief medical officer take blood draws on all the new transfers, and it turns out that, despite his chip and personnel records saying that he's human, Lt. LaDiv has Verian blood pumping through his veins.  The CMO's hypothesis is the Vampics have worked out method to turn victims, but use Verian blood instead of theirs, so the victims are not readily identifiable and don't have some of the inherent weaknesses of the Vampics.  The thing in LaDiv's body is currently in isolation in Medical, in an ejection tube, and will be spaced at the first hint of a case of extremely fortunate timing, LaDiv ignored warnings about provoking veteran Hermes personnel...I haven't heard the details...but Sgt. Zobaich decided LaDiv needed some flying lessons and LaDiv failed his landing sequence..."

He gave a gesture of resigned acceptance, and continued, "LaDiv's service record shows that he was assigned to a vessel that was lost and then recaptured from Vampic forces.  I haven't found anyone else in the Hermes group of transfers that shared that assignment, and Stefi didn't get any similar results from the rest of the blood samples.  She's contacting her counterparts throughout the Fleet to inform them and commence blood tests, under the guise of testing for disease, on all of the new transfers."

He had more to say, it could be seen, but that wasn't part of the reporting process.  Report, clarify, then advise, he'd been trained.  The report was done...he didn't know how much he could clarify, but it would get them all up to speed on the matter,  before recommendations for action started being tossed about.
Wed 23 Dec 2020
at 19:22
  • msg #382

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Hack shook his head  in disgust ,buthe Motioned  for  both men to  have  a seat and  eat something.

  Shadow   said,Maybe   a slice of Pie... I have pizza on the  red dec...

 beth  giggle,..what a surprise

  Hack, had  Beth  replay the  conversation   with Ge-Fi.. The LC  just grinned....that's pretty neat!..War Crimminal! ...reminds me of  when the  Casternii family tried to  have warrants put out  for Roles  and I  for murder..

 Bornberry said,..Did you murder anyone?

 Roles   cleared  his   throat as he   finished a bit  of  ..whatever  bird it was... we prefer to think of it  as  Vigilante justice....

 Shadow smiled  as he chewed a mouthful of  Bura berry pie...

  Hack shook his head  again,Between you two..the Mob and saboteurs, it  a wonder the ship was built  at all...

  Captain Si  said,,,they did thin out the Mob and Saboteurs....and   no one really took them seriously.. rough  way to grow up...

 Roles  smiled   at Captain Si.There's a good bet we would not have 'grown up', if  The Admiral and You had  not  'took an interest' in us.

  Hack  Looked at Roy through the banter,  what do you think we should   do?... If  that  isn't LaDiv.. do we study it..or  space it?

 Lilit   and Dusk  kept Looking at Shadow's shoulder, were goig to teach the fellow a lesson.... what did letting him shoot  you  do ? me  mad?... put him in Med tech...and..sorta got my point across... Freddie wanted to eat him..i had to debate   the thought, but made Freddie  back off..
Roy Spencer
player, 8987 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Wed 23 Dec 2020
at 21:01
  • msg #383

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy just shook his head in disbelief at Ge-Fi's message...not that it was sent, but that anyone had thought there was any chance of it being productive.  The propaganda against Shadow...against the Fleet...didn't gain anything from it, except one more meaningless accusation to add to the list, and one that was easily nullified with the footage of the rescued children and the bodies waiting to be served up.  And it wasn't as if Earth was in any way significant to the Fleet's operations...

Hack's question snapped Roy out of his reverie.  "Speaking from a purely practical standpoint, we should pith him like a dissection frog and examine the still-living body...but that's an option of pretty dubious morality and I'm not sure anyone with the appropriate medical skills would agree to it.  But spacing him is definitely a wasted opportunity.  Even if we don't keep him alive, we definitely need to examine him...see if we can figure out the key to the process and create a way to counter it.  Vampics turning victims is a biological process...if we can find a way to interfere with it, we can at least assure ourselves that we won't be fighting Vampic versions of former comrades at some point...might even be able to come up with some kind of Vampic antibody that would trigger an extreme reaction to ingestion of our blood."  He shrugged.  Hack would probably prefer something that acted as a bio warfare agent that actively killed Vampics, but R9y was content with just making sure that none of the Delta Fleet personnel could be turned.

"We also should make some effort to find out what his plan actually was.  Intensive examination to make sure he doesn't have any sort of comm implants...or anything else more directly sinister.  It wouldn't surprise me to learn the Verian had implanted a bomb of some kind, and his job was just to blend in with the crew until an opportune moment arose, although I can't think of a much more opportune moment than the starting line of the tunnel run."  Roy grimaced, thinking of the blow that could have been struck in taking out several Delta Fleet leaders in a single action.

"Based on his behavior thus far, I think he was sent partly as an intelligence-gathering attempt...infiltrating Security would have given him inside details on a lot of the ship's vulnerable points.  He also seemed to be sent as, basically, an agent provocateur...sow discord and break up operational cohesion.  It's a pretty weak attempt...but if they could get him in, it would prove their new technique was valid.  That would open the door to infiltration with other personnel, potentially with more critical skill sets and access to higher-risk an engineer or bridge crew person."

He scowled slightly.  "For now, we need to keep using the blood test as the apparent way of finding them...but our covert people need to know about the chip flaw that gave it away in the first place.  They may find a way to conceal the blood issue, but the chip issue will be as hard or harder to figure out...and that's if they even realize it's a problem.  We can do surreptitious chip scans, like what Orria was doing, and combine that with blood testing...but if they've been doing this a while, they may have people in positions to learn about the blood tests.  I'd say it's a given that he wasn't the only one on Everest, and if they've been at it for a while, there may be infiltrators in the command structure of Everest, Etna...maybe even Matterhorn, Anzio, and Fuji.  We can't just start blood-testing the entire crew of a carrier station without tipping our hand...we can claim blood-borne illness concerns for the Everest transfers, and maybe even Everest itself...but on Etna and Fuji, they need to be able to clear medical staff before they can even consider blood testing.  The chip scan is something that can be done completley passively, as part of regular access control,  by a handful of people we trust."
Thu 24 Dec 2020
at 00:18
  • msg #384

Re: Commander's  Quarters

    Hack    leans  back  talkign a cup of  coffee as he taps a finger on the  cup,well? the Bottom line is, we  got this guy from we need to  have them   check everyone  on the  damn station...

  The COMs  Beeped  Beth Opened  it up..Admiral?  This is  Stefi.... send   warnings out to the other  Chief  Med techs.....they will notify me  if they find anything...or not

 Thanks you Stefi, carry on.

 Shadow took his  plate over to the  cart,..You need  me  for anything esle, Sir?

 Bronberry  asked,LC?... whom do you feel should  be  our  next target?.. The Vampics..or the Roussians...

People all truned and looked at him, he gave a shrug,..the Roussians....

Hennings  looked aroudn the table,why is that?

 ..we should be  able to  cut through them  like a hot knife.... we do that, Uden and Bura  will have that space between the     settled and safe...

 and if  we do not  'cut through them"..say they have  Empire  Backing?

 ..then its  even more  important  to  hit them now and  end the threat.....I mean... L:ady V's  convoys and such were going to Bastonge  with out detection?.... that measn they were in The Deep... if  we take  the Roussian sector... we  closed the back door..don't we///?

 everyone turned and looked at Roy.
Sarah McKeon
player, 554 posts
Burian Fleet Commodore
Flag Ship: Cold Stone
Thu 24 Dec 2020
at 02:58
  • msg #385

Re: Commander's  Quarters

In reply to meetings (msg # 378):

Sarah nodded, aye Admiral. I'm tempted to take my fleet and pay a visit to the Roussians and follow up with Sol and solve the Ge-Fe problem once and for all. she says darkly. Turning to Sam she smiles grimly

I agree, send a message to the task force.

Tell them to transfer all the children to the fastest ship in the task force. Get them all on there I don't care if they're sleeping in the corridors. For the sake of simplicity we'll call it Ark-1. Keep Ark-1 in tight with the formation. When the Roussians make their move the rest of the group stands and fights and delays the Roussians while Ark-1 will go to full emergency power and make a run for it.

Notify the support squadron to link up and provide cover to Ark-1 as a defensive screen. The remaining task force should fight a delaying fight pick off Roussian ships as possible and harry them and slow them to the point they can't catch the Ark-1. I'd say they get those kids over our dead bodies, but I'm sure that's the point. So instead make them bleed for every inch. Failure here is not an option.

Additional orders to the Burian Home Defense Fleet to prepare for hostiles entering Burian space. Stand by to defend.

She sighed, I'm in for hitting the Roussians. At the very least we leave that fleet hunting the children a wasted planet to come back too.
Thu 24 Dec 2020
at 03:18
  • msg #386

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Lilit spoke up,... The Roussians    are decent fighters on the ground,  thier Navy is   fast and well armed, but not well armored... they have  heavy fighters  and Light  fighters... Heavy  fighters have the version of   Roussian hard  rounds... they  are made to expode on
 contact, forcing jagged   pellets into the  target .

 Bornberry spoke up,..The fleet we   hammered  didn't have such weapons...

 that was a merchant fleet... their merchant fleet is armed.. they carry fighters, but they are not of the same  level of  Military fleets.... she uses the   light pen to  point to the roussian fleet...

 ..I should say, this is a  statement..... Nivar and   Roussa, are not friends... Nivar  entering the APF  has made it worse..... The EDT and the Demons have been slapped in the face ...repeatedly.... The roussians  do not  want the children.. they just want to stop the  children from reaching Bura.... This would give them great standing in the Empire....

 Shadow , decided  to pic  up a 'applemelon'  and   take  a bite  as he listen and waited for  Roy.

 Hennings looked at   Hack.. Hack looked  conflicted  as he looked at the many of you  remember the 'people blenders' we found on those   massive Vampic ships  of the line?

 Dusk  said,...from my studies?.. Roussains  only like to eat Gava..and  the occassional  Occui?

 Captain Si said,..i should say, its  because  they are taller then those   races.... its not a far  step  to Mulls and Humans from there..
Roy Spencer
player, 8989 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Thu 24 Dec 2020
at 06:16
  • msg #387

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy listened to the discussion, giving consideration to all the points.  "There are good arguments for any of the destinations we could list...but I feel like the time is right to go after the Roussians.  Outside of the Asteroid Field, they're the only potential support for the Hillites in this sector, now.  Close up the back door, consolidate our position in the sector, and make it that much harder for the Empire to cause any additional problems for Uden or Hyria.  Secure the routes between Everest, Bura, and Fuji."

He gave a bit of an evil grin, and added, "That isn't to say we shouldn't capitalize on the expectation that we'd take advantage of the size of the Fleet and strike multiple targets at once...send Bura's ships as though in reinforcement of the transport mission, send Bornberry's section off in the direction of Vampra, maybe even send some others in the direction of Matterhorn...and then have them all change directions to stomp the Roussians from all points at the same time.  I'm betting they'll forget all about trying to stop Ark-1 when they find the whole damned Delta Fleet kicking in their front and back doors at the same time...they're either going to cut and run, or they're going to fall back...I'm guessing the latter."

He started to lay out a general sort of diagram on the table, using various fruits and dishes to represent the planet and the various groups of ships.  "Better still, if we misdirect attention so they think we're splitting forces...then have each group split into two elements as they approach Roussian the Roussians think they're only facing a portion of the Fleet.  They'll try and hit us with everything they've got...and that's when the second elements come in behind them and we grind them into scrap metal between our various forces."

He looked up from where he'd kind of demo'd his battle plan.  "Granted, the Roussians have, thus far, been little more than a pain in the ass, a burr under the saddle.  But if they're decisively crushed, especially so soon after Vera was, the Vampics are really going to have to make a choice about how committed they are to the Empire...because, tough as they may think they are, they're still obviously subordinate to the Demons or we'd be talking about fighting the Demons as allies of the Vampics, rather than the other way around.  And there's a track record...the Demons didn't help the Hillites.  Didn't help the Hyrians.  Didn't help Nivar.  Didn't help Aqra.  Sent a token force to help their allies make a vague attempt at helping Vera.  The Vampics have to figure they're gonna be on their own fighting us...and we've either ground all the other Demon allies in the sector into mush or turned them to fight alongside us.  I'm pretty sure they can do the math.  At that point, if there are any Vampic forces that are on the fence or fighting the current leadership, they can be invited to join us...we'll curbstomp the rest, and then we can worry about the Elipsians and their damned asteroid field."
Thu 24 Dec 2020
at 11:34
  • msg #388

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Shadow  watched the  things being layed out. he didn't say anything.  He was  just taking it all in as he  munched on the applemelon.

 Admiral hack stands up  to get his own coffee, causing some  dismay    to the orderlies,, the orderlies  began to  hand out dessert for  those who ha d  finished eating. get Ensign  Hock on the  COMs...

 beth said,..already done...

 Ensign Hock, here, Admiral.

  Holly?  Have Ensign  Law  plot     the time, needed  at Flank speed and   at  convoy speed, to Roussa

 Aye  Sir, Already done...  Hack  walked    around the table looking at Roys  fruit, and the Holo map, his left hand in his pants pocket, and right hand   holding his coffee.

 The COMs opened ..Ensign Law  here, Admiral..I have the Numbers..should be    good  within  5 minutes or so of  actual time... of Course. Lt  Lilly would have it  spot on...

 ..That's  fine, Newton. Give us the Numbers....

 Aye Sir... Flank  Speed, lead elements   would reach Rossa in 2 hours   10 minutes....Convoy speed  about  4 hours   23 minutes, Sir...

 Thank you Newton, Carry on...

 Hennings   chuckled  as he watched  Hack think.I've seen him do this over a chessboard.. I hate it whe he does this.

 Hack  Gave a  eye shift and half   smile to Hennings , then looked at the Maps

 Holly  Hock  COMs again,Admiral? Sorry,  But  Eneign law as adamant  about  adding this..

 ..yes  Sir, Sorry Sir?... But i need to add, that out   current heading   will cost us  15 minutes  for  every   5   will continue on this course? I thought  that would  be important...

 It Is...Thank you son,  carry on...

 Looking  up as he  bent over the table  between  Captain Bruce  and his XO...Beth..Your   Bouts  and out  transponders?.... what can the Roussians  know?

 She  shrugs from her chair off to the side,.. They  can't even tell   there are ships  out there, Until they get  into  visual range... they might have some sort of   thermal  scans...but that doesn't  tell them   much..bigger  burns  are bigger ships..that kinda  stuff? They have  to be with in..say?.. 50 miles? to know ship types... they get that close?.. the  buoys and   transponders don't mean much.

   Hack  took  a  Danish from the   stack  on the platter  and took a bite, as he  chewed  and sipped  his coffee ,,he began to nod his head...

 Everyone here  will contact thier sections  as  soon  as  i give the word... beth?.. COM all support ships,  Tell them to  keep thier  Heading for  15 minutes, then  they are to    change course to  follow the  rest of the Fleet...

 Looking at Hirg and his XO,..You will follow the    Support ships, in case  the Vampics    use this  as  a way to try and back door the fleet , or take a shot  at Hyria   or Everest....once   the battle is Joined,  the Hyrian Fleet  can sweep in as well.....

  Turning to  Sarah....Your ships,  break off now, at Flank  speed... It will look  as though you are going to help your own elements ...

  Beth, send   coded    COMS to  general Stone and   Fuji... tell them to have thier  fleets  ready  for defense  , or re-enforcement.. Tell them, any flagged Roussian vessel   should  be captured or destroyed.. i don't  care what type a ship it appears to be... COM the  Cavet..Tel her to have  Nivar's fleet   ready.. and  to send ships  towards   Roussa as soon as she is able,If she wants in on the   prize..

 beth never  answered she  just   typed away like a mad  woman.

 General Bale  spoke up...Admiral? if  I may.... We  do not know what, and How big thier   fleet....How many troopships  and such...

 Aye, but they have been watching  long enough to know  how big we are,,...

 Warlord?   Your Fleet will bend  around   the back of Roussa.. use  as many  of the verian vessels  as you are able... keep  the Udenese  vessels in reserve to   protect  your space, until  they get the Call....You should  send your COMs   Now....

  The Warlord     Nodded , her  and Dusk began to Type away.

 Captain Morris asked,..I say?... won't  our troop ships be somewhat behind us?

 ..That they will, Washington. But   there will be two larg batches  of   ships  coming....three when they can  find the Hyrians..The  Delta fleet  warships are goig to  cut  right through, whatever screens they have up.. we are going to go straight  for  Roussa  and  bombard the 9 hells out of it... when the support ships arrive,   the transport bases  will follow us  through, with  Cummings    sending out Boarding   shuttles   to aid  us  in the battle, and    sending Drop ships  down  to invade Roussa, 

 Bruce  looked gods! are goign to take Roussa!

  Hack smiled and moved the Mouth  full of  danish to one side of his cheek so he could talk,we'll  take it, or leave  so much of it burning, that they have to worry more  about saving thier planet, then  sucking up to the Empire.

 The Warlord looked  up, even  as  Dusk  kept sending orders....there  is more then one planet in Roussian space.. there  are three.. all  are settled.... they all have  Navies...

 Hack  gave a  shrug...   That may be  true, Warlord. But  they aren't   expecting  a Hammer like this, and? unless there is a vast society on the far  side of    Roussian space, that the    Roussians have  terrorized?.. I haven't heard a damn thing  about them, exepct for Bornberry's section, kicking thier  ass.

 This isn't  quite  the same  as Roy's   Idea, but it has the misdirection elements..  The Burian Fleet  doesn't have to portect   Ark-1 , once    it reaches  the rim of  Burian space... Ark-1  just keeps its   ass  movign until the thrusters  fall off.... Nivar?    they'll be  comign in Hot..  verian vessels   coming from the   deep  will confuse the 9 hells out of them.. and  us  rolling over them is going  to send panic...

 Then he  turns to Hirg,and what do you think happens  after our drop ships send the rain  and  the Hyrians  arrive.... if we have to , we'll pound the  9 hells out  of  all three planets..But   Roussa  gets hammered  first...

 Rivets chuckles,all this, for a buncha  kids  that folks  didn't  give one  bloody damn about 24 hours  ago...

 yeah?.. we'll call this,' the Battle of the  Kids'...Beth?  get me the bridge...

Beth signaled him it was open  as she kept typing...Holly?... ask   newton  when  we  will be in range at flank speed  for  effective  ship to ship...

 Already done, Sir...  a  few seconds  went  by..

 Admiral.. if  we  start flank speed , in 5 minutes..  in  the vector that takes us  to Roussa?....  we'll encounter then  in 2 hours   5  minute... for  effective  ship to ship..2 hours   20 minutes...

 Thank you Ensign... carry on...  Give the Word.. Flank speed in 5 minutes, follow all
  deployment options..

  ..beth? Open ships  COMs...

(( Message  on squawk thread))

 Right Then.. After the ships begin to move,  You folks better get back to your  Ships..

 Dusk   Gave     Shadow and Roy a hug  as well as captain Si and Admiral hack Lilit   shook  thier  arms  , the other section  Commanders    saluted  or shook hands..

 Hack  Looked at Roy and Shadow...2 hours rest?... go get some...
Sarah McKeon
player, 555 posts
Burian Fleet Commodore
Flag Ship: Cold Stone
Thu 24 Dec 2020
at 14:20
  • msg #389

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Sarah looks at her board, LT Robinson send the following. her experience as a fleet tactical officer coming in handy for quick calculations.  She begins listing off new headings and power levels for the Burian fleet. It wasn't a reconfiguration of the fleet itself yet but it had the seeds allowing them time to get the fleet correctly positioned for maximum effectiveness.

Once Sam had sent her messages, Sarah rises, Good hunting, but I think it's best I get back to my ship.  Thank you Admiral.  she says with a nod heading towards the door

----Hanger deck-----space--->
Samantha Robertson
player, 693 posts
Lt. Comms Officer
Burian Fleet N2
Thu 24 Dec 2020
at 14:43
  • msg #390

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Sam gets to work, her fingers typing sending out all the orders, once she was done she nodded to Sarah she was all set.

 Sam got her stuff together, " Good day everyone, and lets kick some ass and save those kids." Sam follows Sarah out of the meeting.

----->>>>> To Hanger deck---->> Space
Roy Spencer
player, 8990 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Thu 24 Dec 2020
at 18:39
  • msg #391

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy gave Admiral Hack a distracted nod, as he was keying a comms message on the Security channel...

All personnel, prepare for boarding action.  New transfers, if you haven't done it already, report to QM immediately for boarding armor.  Muster on the Hangar Deck in 100 minutes, armed and armored.

He looked up with a grin.  "I'm sure nobody was expecting us to go directly from shoreleave into a full-out assault.  Guessing that's going to leave the Roussians a little flat-footed in their response.
end meetings
Thu 24 Dec 2020
at 19:08
  • msg #392

Re: Commander's  Quarters

    Shadow   grabbed   an extra   applemelon,well.. best see how much  my fighter is ready...

 captain Si asked,....are you cleared for action?

 Shadow  Looked at  Captain Moris  who found something on his  vid board to keep him from looking at Shadow. He Turned back  to captain Si   and smiled,..I'm not on the  Injury list? tech patched  me up in the Tunnel?  I was in med tech..Stefi never  listed me?  I'm good...

 he  quickly left....

 Bornberry looked  at   Captain Si,..he hasn't been cleared, has he...

 Roles   gave   Alice  a pat on the can't clear some one, who isn't listed.......I'm gettign my armor..  This isn't my ship, but i can still stand on the hanger   dec  with a weapon.

 Beth's Boards  Lit  up.All ships   are making the chance  on Time , Admiral... the  support ships will ping  us  when they turn...

 Captain Bruce   asked,if  out  transponders  and the Beth-buoys  keep us, more or less hidden... why go through this   juggling?

  Because some one is watching... all that tech  doesn't make us invisible.... They are goign to have to sort out which ships are where,, why are the transport bases hanging back?.. and then the Hyrians     Move in with  them as  they  turn...someone..somewhere  will figure it out... but  every minute for that 2 hours  that ticks  away?..means a  bunch of dead  Rossians... Hennings  answered.

 we aren't  Just  sailing in to  comfort them, we are goign right through them to thier home world.... it might get messy there... but they'll be  in disarray, and those  other  two planets, will have  to  ready themselevs and   figure out what to do...

 The  Fleet  Commanders and section leaders left...

 Captain Si  smiled  as she gave Hack a bit of  a Hug as they  left the mess to get thier own armor.,,you wanted  Vampra...

 Yes , Nil, I did. But this war  isn't about  what i want.... and , this is the right move.... if there are any leaders of the Roussians  left, i will have to thank them  for helping  me  make the choice.
Wed 10 Feb 2021
at 14:54
  • msg #393

Re: Commander's  Quarters

(( after Invasion of   Roussa ..after the  stop at the After party))

   The  Board  entered, the Ambassadors  were Milling  around...An Orderly  approached   The Admiral.Admiral Hack, The Hyrians  and Nivarians  will be  here  with in the hour. The ambassadors  for each are here...

 Very Good... I want the Ape Folk Captain here and whom ever  he wishes  to bring,  to go along  with their Ambassadors...

 ..Begging the Admiral's Pardon?  By the  Ape Folk do not have  ship  captains..or....Cap ships?

  They  fill up something like  10  Transportbases?.... I think they should be represented ...

 ..Aye  Sir, Already Done...

 Oh?.. and tom?

 I Sir?

 Please sent  Commadore  McKeon my compliments,  and  please inform her  she is also invited to this  meeting... it  will start in...say.. 90 Miniyes?  If they cannot  make it, we will brief   them on the planet...

 ..Aye  Sir....

 the   Mess  techs were setting up the tables  while the   peoloe  mulled  aroudn   nibbling on snacks and  drinking as they  talked over the invasion and the   results..
Thu 25 Feb 2021
at 13:23
  • msg #394

Re: Commander's  Quarters

(( after  the   'signing' day))

   Poeple milled  around in the Admirals  quarters. Once more the drinks were set out  and finger foods the order of the day. No  official 'sit down' dinner this time.

  Commodore  McKeon  may have some of her  own fleet  thigns  to attend  to... so  we will start this, 'unofficial' meeting, and she  cannot make it, we will forward her the  particulars after  we end.

 Shade  and    Dusk entered the  room.. Shade  still chewing on his   food. The Admiral  nodded  to them... Lilit looked hard at Shade..

 Shade  gave a thumbs up...some people  chuckled softly.

 General Bale...if you please?

 Bale truned from the   food  table , popping  a bit of  a dip covered  vegetable in his mouth from the small  plate he had in his hand.

 As we know.. the rule  'do not leaave  live  enemies behind you'.. is somewhat  in question here?...The Roussains were  never friends of the  APF...and tomorrow..on this vessel , in the hanger Dec  with be the councils from teh other two Worlds...signing thier  entrance into  the APF... As nice as this is.. and the addition of the  vessels  and troops the  fleet  will receive , it is  most paramount , that the Colony of  new Roussa  does not turn into a thorn in out  side..

With that in Mind... Bura, Nivar  and Uden will  more or less. Divide the planet into  three sections...Sout  latitudes... equator, and north laditudes....any  terrorist activity will be dealt  with harshly... any  'counter productive' actions  by  APF  colonists  will be  dealt with  as well...with the threat of the delta Colonies , hanging over thier heads.

  Bura  will have the hardest  overwatch, as they will  be dealing with  the   Refugees communtiy on the   island Continent  known as Roussaland.. that  will be  purebredd Roussians   for the start... I am certain others  will ship over...and maybe they will allow   APF  folks there some day? But for now..its  thier own Land... Computer Data   has it as  some 200,000 Roussians  will be living there,in a space that suggests  room for  1 million...

he shrugs as he pops   a blue-ish baby tomato in his mouth...numbers  suggest, though they will never be 100% accurate, that 1 million more    Roussians   will be scattered around the   world, in towns  and farms and such... these...have agreed to work with the APF  folks, and of course..APF  folks have agreed to aid them as well.

 Admiral  Hennings  spoke up, rather  somberly,...if we do not count the  Tar-things  as Roussians...the numbers show  almost  1 billion Roussians  died..and?needless to say, the liuon's share  were  Civies in the cities we pounded the  crete-dust..the message  was sent, that  it could have been worse, and that  the  Delta Fleet is willing to take this price  for the transgressions  of Roussa over the centuires .... what is  also understood, if things do not work out well...we will finish the job.
meeting end
Sat 6 Mar 2021
at 03:39
  • msg #395

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 As  some of the APF Ambassadors  left, Admiral hack  relaxed in a chair while eating a sandwich he made from some of the leftovers of the dinner-meeting.

 I have   an Idea where we  should go next? But it is just my idea... When you all leave here tonight, I want to you study what's on the table before us. There are  alot of places we can go...that we go... Each planet or system we take, we heave behind  a Home defense, Thus  giving  us a  chance to return  if  The Empire tries to back door us....But
 we have  proven, Thus  far, When the Delta Fleet  arrived, it swings a damn big hammer..

 Recall is  at 2000 hours... cast off is at 2200.. I expect you all back here at 0800 tomorrow, so we  might decide who we get to give the pleasure of our company.
Sat 17 Apr 2021
at 02:47
  • msg #396

Re: Commander's  Quarters

(( leaving Bura after Roussa invasion))

   The Admiral sat down at the table, a  , much Normal, dinner layed out   for   Shade, Lilit, General Bale, Admiral  Hennings, Admiral Hack and  Captain Si.

 on some screens  that Beth set up, were Roles,  Sarah, and  Captains of  the 'flag' vessels that had the Sanri, Occui, Hyrian, Nivarian , and  Reps from  the Apefolk, Gava  and Naragrans.

 everyone was having a working  dinner in thier own fashion.  Beth even had   a set up at the  console , that she control the screens from.

 ..I want to  get this meeting  started now, so we can prepare and set our courses... we have  stops to make before Matterhorn, but   Gamma Quad needs out  full attention...Now.. we have cast of  for  about an hour now.. I want to hear  what is  need in the   quads  around Bura, Nivar, Hillite Space  and  The Pit

 there was   conversations on the screens, The Cavet of the Green moon  spoke up first...There  is  very heavy, very scattered   Pirates  and  transports   in the pace between us, and Olympus.. transports that aren't  escorted  by ESN vessels  are getting attacked, we manage to get  some  prizes?..but  we lose  as many as we get.

A Santi Officer spoke  up,I command the  APF   blockade fleet  in the  Hillite system?..  very few ships  get in, and even less get out...but we have noticed more  activity in Lady V's  asteroid  Cloud?.. We thing she has   found  Nav points out again, after   the  'restructure' you did  the last time...

 A fellow, Human with Captain  bars, lookign tired   and was  in an Office said,We have been attacked  at the Pit, but the Vampic   battleships you left us have  help turn aside enemy vessels, they are still trying to stop the   crystals  and ore shipments to the carrier stations for ship building and Power Cells..., one of the ships  we captured   was sent out  from Olympus...

 Lilit   looked to  The Admiral,...does that mean we  attack Olympus?

 Hack was  finishing a forkfull of steak, he sipped from a glass of  Bura  wine,When we go after  Olympus, we will also have to sweep the rest of  The Sol System... when we do that, there will be a massive  civil war, and     we will have to  fight the Angels  and EDT  who are protecting Ge-FI and his   Mother ships....

 This will lead to our allies  in the Paradise System, to attack  the   Angels homework and  free it  from Ge-Fi's  rule, but.....cause another civil war,... with that going on, the  Empire  can sweep in and  knock off those systems  piece meal  and we will have to use our resources, to 'merely' push them out  of the systems. We have hurt the  Empire, and that's a  fact, but they are still strong enough  in thier own systems  to send put forces  to  do as much damage as possible.... if  we    wait until we  attack   the Hel system, Then Ge-Fi will lose his empire  backing, and we come in and take  the Sol system, then free the rest of the Angel Homeworlds.

 but we cannot let5  the pirates  and  privateers run rampant? the Cavet said

   Admiral Hennings  looked around the table, then to the screens, how are the forces   that hunt the   transport used?...

 The fellow from the Pit  said,we have seen a Mix of  SSN vessels,  and Empire  vessels, sprinkled in by  patched together   transports and such that were repurposed   for pirate vessels.... and they have  Cap ship grade  weapons... we added two of them to the Home defenses.. each armed  with   4 heavy Pulse  and  two hard  ammo  guns,  they both had  two figthers, but they were swatted  down quickly, so now that gives us    two pair of  fighters to use   as  scouts , wile the Vampic battleships  have enough aircraft to turn away alot of   shuttles and such. we have increased the torpedo  planes as well

   they seems to  sail in 3 ship packs..... if  we have the shipping go the long way around, it  adds a month or so to shipments... would seem, we need to go hunting....

 I don't see what good that will do, the  pirates and what not, will run when they see the fleet...

 Hack leans  back , he  has  a bit of a smile,  what if we send.... say.... Delta  #4 to Etna  with the  support vessels.. the  we send  Delta  #2  towards the Pit... Delta   #3 towards  Hillite space.. and  Us , right up the middle  towards   Olympus... it would be castings a wider  Net, and... to be  quite Honest, it won't end  the attacks for good, but it  will crush thier egos  and thier bravery... The  rules of engagement  will be simple.. any ship   that isn't  flagged as ESN or APF.. will be  captured or  destroyed , Ships  we capture  will be added to  The Pit, Nivar, Bura  and  The Hillite   Fleets

 Henning  nodded  as he finished a mouth full of  'mashed potatoes'...It would   damage the  resources  for  the pirates and the Sol system, and    capturing a few SSN  vessels would help   The Home fleets alot...

   Hack  takes   another Bite of steak, he nods his head  as he thinks , then  adds, Here is what i want...  , we are  at the heading right now, to  split  Nivar and  the Hillite  systems.. It will be  an easy matter to send the   support ships and delta  #4 to Etna.while the rest of  us break off off to go hunting, I'll COM  Col  Cummings  and have two drop ships  assigned to   the  Hunting  divison  for use of  boarding and   prize cres... the first attacks will need to be made  buy Cap ship assault craft

 The Sanri asked,what if the Sol system sends   fleets out to attack  your   sections?

 ..I am certain they we would win... almost all of  out chips have been in  Galactic battles..Sol System ships have been pirates and  watch dogs.. anyone of  our sections gets attacked  we only have to COM and the other  two section can come and aid us, as well as a few ships  from Nivar , and Bura. and  a few ships from the Blockade fleet...

 What about the  Pit?

 I would say, if the attack would happen in your space, you might send a ship or two...otherwise , you protect that Rock  with everything you have.

 The Occui ambassador  spoke up.....even a section of the  Delta fleet has a good number of ships?... The  enemy will just run away?

 That would be true enough, Ambassador... But the Morrow Transponders and Bouys , keep us hidden..but?  we need bait...

 people looked at  him, and he turned to Hennings,it will take us   12  hours   to  reach our split  and  sail deep enough to be in the  area of engagement... I want  Emmie's transports to run  with full loads  in 11 hours... tell her to send COMs to   the  Hillite Blockade... Bura  , Fuji , Nivar and Astra...that should  bring the lambs to the slaughter..

 Already done...
Sun 18 Apr 2021
at 21:55
  • msg #397

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 After  desert, The Admiral  let everyone  on the screens get ready for  the  tasks they were goign to carry out... Lilit and Dusk went to visitors  Quarters

  As The Admiral waved beth off  to rest  and get ready as well...

 Hennings    smiled, Quail Hunt>  we  just   sail about  and see  what we can capture or kill?

 That's about the size of it... Theya re getting too bold, and every ship we take from them, hurts  them, even pirates, because that one less batch  boarderline traitors  we  have to deal with..there  is also a bunch  of people  going to be  dying on Earth as Lights out hits  the Famlies of the traitors,everyone  one of the hits  will leave som kind of Evidence, that  the  famlies  were  tainted  bty the  won't  help much, but it will pull the weeds out by the roots,and Give  everyone  on Earth, another  front to worry about

 going to be  fun for our people, 'live practice' against  people who picked on merchnat mean and Curise ships.

 There was a laugh,well if the EVOLs  and EDT  can  send out 'hotshot' pilots how  killed  23  cessnas  with a  hunting rifle  strapped to the wing... we can claim pirates..

 Hennings  laughed..seems pirates will be in season!..what is the bag limit?'

 There is none, they are considered vermin
Sarah McKeon
player, 643 posts
Burian Fleet Commodore
Flag Ship: Cold Stone
Tue 20 Apr 2021
at 01:43
  • msg #398

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Sarah was on the screen, she'd placed Sam to one side and LC Feeken on her other. Behind the camera angle the rest of her staff were arrayed around the table. All had food and drink option available should they choose. Elsewhere ship and fleet operations proceeded as normal as replacements rotated into duty slots and settled in, and veterans went about their business.

Sarah looked at her board. Leaving Bura the Burian expeditionary fleet was looking both bigger but also slimmed down. There'd been some massive overhauls to the fleet structure. First off they were a bit slower on average, but packed a lot more punch and lift. They were also running fewer ships per task force.

She spoke up on her turn, "With Roussa being subdued our biggest regional threat is piracy and merc actions against us. After discussion with the Admiralty Board and consulting our intelligence we've got some plans to we are putting into motion as well. We had intended to mirror a combination of Earth World War II wolfpack style tactics and age of sail piracy tactics to leverage our numerous destroyers against enemy shipping in contested territories with two wolf packs operating both independently and as a united force to cut shipping lines, capture what we can and put those goods to our own use. It seems our thinking matched yours Admiral."

She pauses for a moment. "We can send one wolf pack of a cruiser and two destroyers to both support the Pit, and to act as scouts and skirmishers with any enemy forces in the area allowing the pit to preserve their resources. We'll split any takings 50-50 with them. Introducing our own rovers into the game will complicate and Sol strategies and might position us to pick off either their supply lines, or to harass and counter ambush any wide spread efforts to take our bait.

Our second wolf pack was intended to lurk around the Hillite system and harass or capture anything around Lady V's hideout. They won't go in, but they'll make it difficult to get anything out or in, at some point they'll start to run low on resources.

Other than the wolf packs we have two Burian task forces at your disposal as well Admiral. "

Admiral Hack
GM, 9827 posts
Tue 20 Apr 2021
at 03:49
  • msg #399

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  The Admiral  Listened to  Sarah, when she  was  finished, He  took a sip of a coffee, and said ,.. This area  of  Space  will be  between you and Nivar  to cover , when we pull out? So use  your  wolf packs  as you will, they will have the transponders, so  ESN  vessels  will recognized  them.

 ..once  we  have this  fishing expedition  finished, it will be all yours...
Sarah McKeon
player, 644 posts
Burian Fleet Commodore
Flag Ship: Cold Stone
Mon 26 Apr 2021
at 01:32
  • msg #400

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Sarah nods, "We'll send one pack on loan to the pit and leave the second to bother Lady V. Once the fishing trip is concluded we'll do our level best to make Lady V's life even worse. With a little luck we interdict any bastards trying to bring that piece of Lady to Lady V."
Tue 22 Jun 2021
at 22:12
  • msg #401

Re: Commander's  Quarters

< from Rec dec, after party, Battle of the Funnel)

  The Admiral, Hennings, Bale,Captain Si...Lilit  and  Dusk. Rivets and a Late  arriving   Morris began to  eat a fine dinner as they talked  about  mistakes  both sides  made and the  effect on the outcome of the battle.

  A Vid Screen Lit  up, there was a spilt  screen with Admiral Richards   of  Etna on one  Side  and a  'older looking ' Admiral in all his Angel Finery lookign  from the other.

  Admiral Hack Nodded to Admiral Richards...Admiral Hack. This is   The grand High Admiral ZU-IS...

 Hack  Nodded to the Admiral and introduced all who were there.

 The Angel cleared his  throat and  tightened his collar a bit... First, Admiral Hack, I would like to convey my thanks  for you're liberation of  our  Moons.... and the  pressure you have put  on The Empire, that caused  them to leave out system,,and  allowed us to return to the war... I have a great Many Ideas of what we will do when   we take over Command of the APF  forces, and...


 Richards suppressed a smile.

 ..We are comign back into the war....we know more about ..ANY..enemies then you know about your own people!..I will take over...

 You are turning down  our Aid?

 Hack steepled his fingers in front of him..he was trying to be Calm...Captain Si had a smug look on her face as she watched her husband.  cowered on your damn Homeworld for  over an eon! ... you not only didn't  aid the it was known then, and The delta Fleet..but you tried to rein in  The Blue  and Red Moon!..... Those Moons, are now separate entities ..They Like all the rest of the APF
 may Vote on your  inclusion into the APF....If you want to fight the Empire...The By all the gods, you're going to  fight them my way.

 we will see , after the Ball on Etna... there will be a meeting   to see who leads the APF  forces..some  Human with ..what?  5 years in the Black?  or  Myself.. a veteran of 1000's of years  of battle..

 Hennings  laughed,.. I'll be there to see the Vote..if i was you? I wouldn't brag about how long you have been fighting, when you haven't left your own, gods be damned system!

Captain Si..te;ll your Consort....

  he is not my Consort, nor  am I his...he is  My  Husband, I am his wife... he is My Fleet Admiral, I and the  Fleet Captain... our ship alone, has destroyed  more  Empire Vessels  the  The Paradise  Home Fleet...when you add the victories of all the APF/ESN
 ships, it embarrasses me, that i am of Angel Blood..

 The  Grand High Admiral  clenched his jaw  as   Nil gave her  soft, but stern rebuke...then  answered,I am coming, with   20  ships... they will have Angel Elite..Both Troops and Pilots... I am sure  you will see  the winds of change blow...

 Admiral  Hack  took a  bite of  steak, he chewed  as the Grand High Admiral watched, and he said..Trough out   The Delta Fleet  and the APF  ships  that  are in it... we have  troops of  every race that belongs... some races, do not even have thier own Homeworld, Like the Gava and the Naragrans ..and yet they fight... they  join up... I have seen Angel Elite  before, GHA. They may have skills,  But i have people who knocked the  down a few pegs, then hit them over the ehad with the board.....If you are comign to Distrupt  My  war..stay the 9 hells home, another few years shouldn't  bother you..right?

we Shall see, Admiral Hack...

 ..FLEET,,,, Admiral Hack....

 ZU-IS  cut his feed...Richards looked at  the  others from her screen..My Gods..i don't know how much more  I could take of his constant COM calls...he's been on us  since  the feeds said you were going  after  Planet X...

 There was a disgusted shake of his head, as Hack told her,Make usre your  Lights Out  Agents have the Marks  ready...and  triple  your SEC for the Ball.. i have some people  who do not Like to  treated  as 2nd rate, by  someone who hasn't  been in a shooting war the last  5 1/2  years.

 Way ahead of you Admiral Hack... Elge is setting things Up. Your Man Gresh happened  to fly in from Fuji as well.. great..there will be some windows  broken. When the dust Clears?.. we'll be all the better for it
Thu 1 Jul 2021
at 02:02
  • msg #402

Re: Commander's  Quarters

(( after  Battle of  Funnel send off))

 The Board , Minus  Captain Morris  and Rivets sat  nibbling on  breakfast foods. Admiral Richards  relayed  The Contact   with Admiral ZU-IS.. she   send the COM record , and they listened Admiral hack nodding,There was some chuckles   as he said..Well Done Lana. We have to  put them in their place from the start, there is a small chance the  APF  folks  mine 'remember  fondly' what the   Angels  could  do back in the  day.. but   I haven't seen one of them fire  a a broadside or launch a  fighter... He also told me  he had  20 ships?

Captain Moore  checked  with Nivar when the fleet went past... they have  10  troop transports....

 Tell Fred  i said he did good.... Lana?... I won't like to you... this isn't goign to be nice, and  we'll still have the Ops to run...

 Its understood , Admiral... Have to earn my creds like anyone else...

 Hennings  smiled,we'll be pulling in  under 20  hours  from now... Make sure the Condo's  are ready.

 She Smiled...I have  alot of  Lady officers   Volunteering to hit that Roof top, Admirals....

I bet.... Make sure you have  some  eager  Guys will be a full assualt of Hermes ladies in Angel Silkk...

  Captain Si spoke upYou are invited. bring  a few of your ladies  who your  think   would fit the Ball, and  you may all have a Dress...

 Lana smiled,..I'll be   on your ship , bright  and  early!  Richards..out...

 General Bale  looked over the others.differant kind of war.....

 we need  to win this one, just like any other, or the war  willbe alot  less fun...
Tue 14 Dec 2021
at 05:16
  • msg #403

Re: Commander's  Quarters

(( after Battle of MAtterhorn ))

<<<<<<<< Stefi and  JD from  Rec Dec

 Entering the Quarters .. The Admiral is talking to  Lilit , they both have a Drink. others  are  either  sitting at the table, or  just sitting  down.

  I with me,  to see  if  he might   remember anyhting to tell us..

 Gresh   smiled,Not Often i send you something that can talk...

  The Admiral and Lilit  moved to thier seats,well?  if he cannot   help us?  I would rather you sent us  3 more Hive busters.

 Captain  Si  motions, Have a  seat.. soup or Salad  is comeing   shortyly..

 even as she spoke, the carts   could be heard   rolling from the kitchen
Jeremy Caseman
player, 79 posts
Tue 14 Dec 2021
at 05:18
  • msg #404

Re: Commander's  Quarters

JD noted Stefi's confidence making a mental note to refrain from further familiarity.  Thank you for the heads up; it wouldn't serve to have me mess anything up and end up with egg on my face. and possibly hers by association. JD nodded respectful, to those gathered in order of ranking, taking the seat that was offered.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:35, Tue 14 Dec 2021.
Jeremy Caseman
player, 81 posts
Tue 14 Dec 2021
at 20:38
  • msg #405

Re: Commander's  Quarters

JD glanced about, noting the other attendees, as he waited in anticipation for the next portion of this assembly.
Admiral Hack
GM, 10561 posts
Wed 15 Dec 2021
at 01:56
  • msg #406

Re: Commander's  Quarters

the soups  and  salads  came  around, The Captain took salad , as   did Captain Morris, everyone else to  the 'vegetable' soup.

  Admiral  hack  asked,so?  JD.. what can you tell us about yourself. There are  two other  persons, or bodies   down  on ice in our Tech Lab?... be a damn good  thing to know what  we just thawed out...
Jeremy Caseman
player, 84 posts
Wed 15 Dec 2021
at 04:16
  • msg #407

Re: Commander's  Quarters

In reply to Admiral Hack (msg # 406):

Snippets of memory, which I've an inkling includes Tech Studies, Space & Ground Combat. he replies hopeful his capabilities will be suitably sufficient to provide some Viable use. I could demonstrate the latter in one of your Training Pods if you'd like. he suggests
Wed 15 Dec 2021
at 04:31
  • msg #408

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   The Admiral  gives a  shrug,at the moment, it isn't  quite that important... maybe  some time, after the  ball on Matterhorn, I can Get SM Spencer  to see how your ground  combat skills are..if nothing else, Next Jump off  we could  stick you in a boarding shuttle..

Stefi looked up from her soup,Is that wise? He just popped out of the freezer...

 He has a Unifrom, does he not ?   even if he has  lack of memory, there should be traces of Muscle memory.. might even jog his mind?

Might  get him killed...

 Hack pits  at   JD   with a finger from the hand that holds his did understand the part of him wearing a Uniform
Jeremy Caseman
player, 85 posts
Wed 15 Dec 2021
at 05:11
  • msg #409

Re: Commander's  Quarters

JD shrugged, being an unknown and thus untested it was prudent to assess his capabilities. It's what he'd do if the situation was the same. Would I be permitted to have some sessions in the Sims?
Wed 15 Dec 2021
at 11:13
  • msg #410

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Bale looks up at  JD,..That's a good start.  You remember about SIMs.. so you have been around  ESN  ships before.

 sometime tomorrow , You mat go and   Ask Chief  Oric  for  somwe time in the SIMS...
Jeremy Caseman
player, 87 posts
Wed 15 Dec 2021
at 20:33
  • msg #411

Re: Commander's  Quarters

In reply to Dinner (msg # 410):

JD nodded appreciatively. Will do first thing. I suspect the units are frequently utilised; will I need to make a booking.
Wed 15 Dec 2021
at 20:43
  • msg #412

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Captain Morris  spoke up,..I do not think there will be much traffic for the  SIMs, since  we just  finished a Jump Off, and we are going to be having shore leave... Chief  Orric or one of His  POs  might be there,  , they'll let Civis   use it   as a pass time, when we  do not have  pilots using it.

 Roles,  added,... You might need a handler, if you take  shore leave, if your memory is blanked?

 We will drag him with  The Board, to the Ball..if there  are  any  spies  and such, he will be  an Unknown and , perhaps throw them off  any tasks  , as they try to figure out who he is.
Jeremy Caseman
player, 88 posts
Wed 15 Dec 2021
at 21:27
  • msg #413

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Thank you Captain. several questions popped into mind about the Sims that best be asked later. Looking at Rolls and nodding, he wondered who'd be lumbered with babysitting him. JD suppressed a smile at the Admiral's statement, suggesting the Fleet has to contend with a fair bit of Intrigue
Jeremy Caseman
player, 93 posts
Thu 16 Dec 2021
at 02:39
  • msg #414

Re: Commander's  Quarters

JD chose to try some soup, he wasn't sure he could keep something solid down and it's generally easier to digest liquids. Returning to the allocated chair he sipped the warm meal, as several minor discussions started, prior to the Official Meeting commenced.
Thu 16 Dec 2021
at 03:24
  • msg #415

Re: Commander's  Quarters

     they made small talk, now  and then, some  would ask JD  about his uniform and  what some of the markings  stood  for.

  So, MR  JD..  you can get that uniform cleaned  on board, and  we should see  about getting you a dress uniform for the Ball.

  Gresh watched  JD  and  he said,..there will be some  work do do, in the dark  on Matterhorn,  Admiral Van Ros has somethings  she  couldn't  quite take care of.

 Hack said,..After   send off  tomorrow, we'll go down to SEC  and  you can  talk The LC  and  SM.
Jeremy Caseman
player, 94 posts
Thu 16 Dec 2021
at 03:47
  • msg #416

Re: Commander's  Quarters

In reply to Dinner (msg # 415):

JD was sorry that he wasn't able to answer specific questions about the markings on his uniform; however the offer of a new Kit... Well at least a Dress Uniform was welcom, perhaps his lot was improving.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:24, Thu 16 Dec 2021.
Fri 17 Dec 2021
at 03:20
  • msg #417

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   Admiral  Hack said, again,After   Send off , then JD.... you'll get yourself to the QMs  so they can rush a  Job for a  Dress  uniform and a duty uniform.. We have to  find out what you can do?.. you have to do something, unless you put you in Doc henry's  zoo...

The  Mian course came out.. choice  of  what  looks  like chicken  Or  pasta that ws hot and steaming with  their choice of  white or red sauce to pour over it.
Jeremy Caseman
player, 97 posts
Fri 17 Dec 2021
at 03:36
  • msg #418

Re: Commander's  Quarters

In reply to Dinner (msg # 417):

Thank you Admiral. I'll do just that. he responded confirming AH's message was received. Selecting the pasta with red sauce, he assumed he'd benefit from additional carbs to help recoup any losses he'd incurred in the chamber.
Fri 17 Dec 2021
at 21:56
  • msg #419

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 The Talk was mostly about anything  other then the Battle. There was a brief statement made by General Bale that the deserter should have a pric eon his  head. even though he stole an aircaft that the 'new enemy' had anyway, it would add to the  fact , that the ESN had some strong opinions, and  would make certain  that one does not cross them.

  when the desertt came, a choice of a  red berry pie, and a custard  type... Coffee or  wine, or tea  was offered, and Captain Morris  said to JD.

  ..Your  Quarters will be near  the  elevator on this side ..... The other  side  is  mostly for LTs  and Ensigns, but...The LC likes it he's on the other side of the lift.... we  will ring your Vid screen an hour   before  send off, so you will be ready...

 There was a Nod by The Admiral  as he took a bite of his  custard pie, I know you do not have any real reason to attend?... you were on ice  for the whole of the battle, I am thinking it would  do good, for the crew to see you there, regardless of  how long you stay with us...

 Morris  adds.....the  quarters will have a Blinking   keypad  with  the letter JD.. you may  punch in a password, and  you'll be  secure...I must warn you, SEC may, and will override  door locks. We just had to   do that  with the Aforementioned, ex-crewman 

 As everyone   finished,   and  The Admiral saw  people to the door, he asked  JD if he had  any questions.

 Lilit was  standing outside, what has become  'her quarters'  on the Hermes. as she Saw  The SM  and   Dusk approaching
Jeremy Caseman
player, 101 posts
Fri 17 Dec 2021
at 22:15
  • msg #420

Re: Commander's  Quarters

JD chose a custard pie. Thank you for the Invitation I'd more than honoured to attend thank you.

Are Fleet Operational Protocols, SOP's and the like easily accessible or will I need to drill down through Files to access them?

Fri 17 Dec 2021
at 22:30
  • msg #421

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 The Admiral looked  with a slight  smile,you'll have to be a bit more  specific?  But  we  do have  frame work, that we work along?

  Protocols  tend to change, as  the  situations do...and?  based on the Admiral and/or  The Board.
Jeremy Caseman
player, 103 posts
Fri 17 Dec 2021
at 22:46
  • msg #422

Re: Commander's  Quarters

In reply to done! (msg # 421):

JD smiled Anything that will provide and overview of Procedures and help me from stepping on toes or in nasty surprises.
Fri 17 Dec 2021
at 23:54
  • msg #423

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Admiral Hack smiled,Those are Broasd strokes to paint, and you only have a tiny brush of Time, you may have to 'Hard Knocks it'...Things are  done a bit differant in the delta  fleet, though there are vessels that still seem to be a bit....stern.... You'll  catch on...or you won't?..either way, we should   have things  figured out by then.
Jeremy Caseman
player, 104 posts
Sat 18 Dec 2021
at 00:51
  • msg #424

Re: Commander's  Quarters

In reply to done! (msg # 423):

Nodding in response to AH's advice. To glean what he could, in any situation he found himself, from whoever would provide, whenever the opportunity presented itself and wherever he was at that moment.
Roy Spencer
player, 9882 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Sat 18 Dec 2021
at 04:17
  • msg #425

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy gave Lilit a nod of acknowledgment as they approached.  Inwardly, he felt as if the gesture were too informal...but she was outside his chain of command and as such, a salute wasn't necessarily appropriate, either.

"Warlord," he said, as they got within conversational distance.
Sat 18 Dec 2021
at 04:49
  • msg #426

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Lilit   gave  Roy a bit of a Smile...I see you were competent  enough to  escort my granmod..... You would think her Father would have  done that.

  ..Father Was....

 Do not make excuses  for  an ESN Offcier...Your  brother is in there make corn pop? what ever that is...we will take for a space, and then , need to get rest for the Send off,
 our ship  will awiat us, then we will return for the  Dress fittings  you, so want.

  ................. Capta Morris   was entering his   quarters , giving a Nod to Roy and Dusk..Rivets was headed to the Lifts
Roy Spencer
player, 9883 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Sat 18 Dec 2021
at 05:22
  • msg #427

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy's face hardened at the comment about was at that point that he turned to Dusk.  "It was a pleasure spending time with you," he commented, but his tone of voice had taken on a strained quality.  "If I don't see you before then, I'll see you at the ball."

He took one of her hands in both of his, holding it for a moment, before walking away...pointedly ignoring Lilit the entire time.
Thu 24 Feb 2022
at 03:20
  • msg #428

Re: Commander's  Quarters

(( Meeting  after Cast off. from matterhorn ))

 The  Vid  screens  were set up  The Officers  sat in chairs, like students...they had  Coffee or cold drinks. Across,and down the passage way, the smells of  Lunch for those at the meeting were hard to miss.

  Ms Vassar   clicked  slide shows.....This is the  Mountain... as you can see , our peple have cleaned off  a good deal of the stern, you can see the  damaged  Thrusters, and mach out the flare of the port and starboard side...

 I have to interrupt here?... If that  ship is as big as the tales  say... That might only be part of the stern.. Roles pointed with a  lazar pointer.

 Vassar looked a bit  off balance, but   regrouped.we have been in there, for  roughly a year.... we have  found  supplies that were  still useful, , most of the  things  are still useful...a total of 18 people  have wandered into camp...some young, some older..., who have claimed to be  crew....wrist scans check out...but...there were close to 20,000 colonists as well as  another   15,000 Military  ....The Hanger  Dec,as we understand it, from old   layouts  found on the 3/4 up the ships length ...up from the stern....we haven't   gotten that close.... we have  found   two lifts that lead down several levels.. we have been using  thsoe to  set up footho;ds, to explore and move forward... The only dead we have  found, was  Creshian and Largran

 ..but why does this  concern us?..... Y9ou have hired Mercenary groups...why do you need   The Fleet Dusk asked...The Admniral smiled  at her, then turned to Vassar, lifting an eyebrow.

 The Might of the  fleet?...ground troops  and aircraft  who are used to  taking out enemy forces

 Captain Si said,and we are relatively free.....Tell me  Ms Vassar..where are the people we are supposed to save ?

 As  of when i left, 1 month ago... there were only two ways into the stern...we cut a hole , when the  ship[ meets the rock... and  , what looks like battler  damage near thethrusters... we  fortified  them with  larg  doors...we have  found  three...'sally ports" that we maintain to  slip out  and gather  food and water... if we  could reach thier supplies or rec dec..they would be in good  shape... as of the last time I comed them...we have 6,000 people, more or less  trapped  in the ship..judging from the bodies  we  found when we arrived,,, the largrans  and   bugs have troed a few times, in the past... I talked to them right before the Ball.. I tried to talk to them after  talkig to your.....LC.... but did not get a response

 Hennings   spoke.....well, its clear  we are goign there... we are already  contacting the  Military bases, who confirm having to go on Bug humts and Lizard huts, they beleive there might be   tunnels or caves, but they haven't  found them  yet...

 Ms Vassar... every  arch-tech i have met, things   some artifact is worth more then many people's lives..... I am here to tell you...This  Mission is to rescue your people, then see  about hunting down the   empire types.....when that is over, then your people may try and recover  anything they think is important.. Bale saidfirmly.

 ..but the  work they did and...

 Then try to contact them... tell them  to down load  what they need  on they can cary out a slouder back or  small duffle....But my people aren't  going to  die for bits of history, from  a race of humans  who left the planet and worked  with the  Empire

again , she looked upset,yes..of  course... The people come first..but the research...

 The research will be recovered if  we aree successful.... if  not...well it won't  matter  much....

Vassar's eyes looked at the offciers..darting from one to another...what aren't you telling me...

 IF...we cannot   find the main base  for the Empire's troops... we have to move on...but we cannot leave  the   ship intact..

 wait?...What!...its not intact..its buried in  a gods be damned mountain

 Indeed.... and whatever is in there, that the Empire wants,  is  going to  be  obliterated, if we cannot   find the main base.

 And Orderly   rang a tiny bell...Admiral?... Ma'sms  and Sirs..Please.. follow me to the mess...Te chef  has out done himself...

 Vassar followed along.. Commander  Miller might have thought Shadow  was a soft touch....but gere arenh't  any fools in the command want to know wwhat is  so damned important, that half of your people stayed  behind

 they walked  down the Passage way to the  Mess, where the smells of   some  Bird -like c thigns  were  steaming, and   arather  large  bit of  beef..
Sat 26 Feb 2022
at 03:42
  • msg #429

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  The   dinner  was being held...The Admiral asked them to set  another Palce of Henry. for this incursion , we cannot  balcst the 9 hells out of the place,,,,the resources are worth too much to the   Fleet and the APF....there is  enough empire  troops down there, that the   Outposts bag 2 or three a day...... what we will   start with Aircover to   scout the area...Have the Morning star..have over watch until its needed, and drop down out boarding shuttles...if we   find the people, Big Uglies will come in to remove them.

 The shuttles  need to  land close to the mountain..there are creatures down there, that will make Largs  run and hide..

 Hennings said  , after  finishing a mouth full of  steak..out out[pst have recorded..caprtured and killed a few  nasty Preditors .... If there is  soimethig that scares out largs..we shgould  strat  training them!
Henry Christie
player, 4479 posts
Sat 26 Feb 2022
at 11:19
  • msg #430

Re: Commander's  Quarters

<- BioTech

Henry turned up, Mila at his heels. He was a little surprised to be shown to a place at table for a formal meal. Mind you, plenty business had been done over formal dinners at the High Table in college, back in Oxford.
Sat 26 Feb 2022
at 15:30
  • msg #431

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   The Admiral stood  and Offered  Henry a Hand, the other hand  moved to the  spot at the table prepared for him...he Nodded to the orderly and Pointed to Mila  away well, the orderly gave a slight bow, and went into the kitchen.

 sorry to throw you into a Meeting meal, henry. But  I'm trying to squeeze as much  things into time blocks as i am able...since we are under way.

 Dusk looked around and  held out a lock slice of steak she  had  cut for Mila.

 Vassar looked a Bit upset that Henry was there...

 We are talking about  a rescue mission for Ms Vassar's  people. a Chinese vessel appeared to have   crash laned , and is stuck in a mountain. On E-1.... they pulled  around ..half thier people?

 He Looked  at Vassar., she nodded.

 The rest is under  siege by Largarns  and Creshians. We are  going to land near the site and   pull the  people out...

 ...and get the research....

 Hennings    took a  sip from his coffee, as  an orderly  asked   Henry what he would prefer  'bird'  or steak..the research is secondary to the people, and  we cannot burn to much time on E-1..we need to strike the  Creshains   while they are stunned..

  Captain Si  looked to Henry...when we are done here, if you wish, we can pack some of this  foo for you to take to your family?...Now please, before debate starts  again, tell us  why you needed to speak to us?
Henry Christie
player, 4480 posts
Sun 27 Feb 2022
at 11:21
  • msg #432

Re: Commander's  Quarters

"Steak, please," Henry said to the server.

"Well, I'm sorry to intrude, but when we got back from shore leave we found that all the Bio-Techs had been summoned away to Fuji and had left immediately, leaving all their work undone and animals unattended. It appears that, unlike me who is a civilian employee of the military, they were on secondment from various commercial concerns which withdrew them suddenly and without warning. It all seems rather sudden and leaving the animals completely on their own is not acceptable! At least the zoo animals are all right, as I've hired someone independently to look after them - but those in Bio-Tech have been left unfed, their other needs not met... and I'm sorry but this will not do!"
player, 901 posts
intelligent, loyal
likes to snoop around.
Sun 27 Feb 2022
at 11:22
  • msg #433

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Mila trotted over to Dusk, her tail wagging furiously, and accepted the piece of steak delicately from her fingers.
Sun 27 Feb 2022
at 18:08
  • msg #434

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Captain Si looked  at  Admiral Hack with a raised , delicate  eyebrow.   The Admiral watched the orderly  provide a plate for  henry  with  side  dishes  with in easy reach for him to choose from.

 The Admiral had a look of distaste as he said,If you go back to the maiden Voyage, we have lost  3 sets..counting this the companies that  we hired them from... This last set, it was assumed, would be with us for the long is also apparent that they were   taken with, little or no time to be ask questions, and the SEC Guards on duty  did not have  cause to hinder thier leaving.

 General Bale  spoke to why they  were   recaled... we have some dark news on that....

 Hennings   was about to take a fork full of Mash Potatoes and stopped as he looked at Bale...

 The Papers , passcodes and   discs all seemed  correct, according to our  may have been differant  , had  we made them wait..but   the thoughts  were to let the thing go  , since everyone  was on leave....

 A Provost fighter, from  the Provost Cap ship , challenged  a sloop leaving the   station protected  space... they sent  thier  flight path, and thier  destination as  Fuji, Via Bura?   The Porvost Fighter  reported  it , 'just in case"..the slopp never   came near Bura..and   has since entered into   Sol System space..I believe the people were falt out abuducted.... I gave the SEC who were still on board the  leave to enter  the  quarters of the  4  techs....hardly anything is missing, save  for a small back, or  empty space in a closet , where some  clothing may have hung.They either   thought they were  coming back, or
  were rushed along.... Computers in the quarters have been wiped...We did get one recording that you  chief  Tech made in the lab... seems he opened a general COM record, those who took them, did not think to check that.... This is something  we would have summoned you for..but we thought it best to study the  situation a bit any rate, here is the  record it is short.....

 he  opens  his   COM  and taps something...At first there are some stern Voices heard... Chris  says...who are you!.. no one is allowed in the LAb....You'll have to leave...

 sorry there, but you're being recalled... its  a Fleet emergency, don't you see?..You and her have to go now, the Other two are already on the way to the shuttle...

 No!..I can't just leave..we have  things to take care would be

 ..Look here.. Your Ticket has been recalled,  My people are to get you back to Fuji..and  i won't let anything stop that....lets Move, Now...
there is a  cry from a woman  and some harsh language....then the   record  stops.

 we i first heard that... i was upset that we weren't informed through proper, that i have thought on it..and the  flight path of the sloop?....we can only believe they are headed to Olympus  or Earth..The Fact that the entered  Sol System space at thier first opportunity, says they figured we would call on Bura  to intercept them....entering the Sol System, says they are  welcomed one else would enter  right now,

  Hack  stabbed a bit of steak, perhaps a bit harder then he should have,,,we got you the best people , in thier  area of focus, from the  ESN ranks.... They 'cannot be recalled'...they are there for the duration. But all that is, the barn door-horse thing..,

 Bale looks at Henry,is there anything you were working on that might be of import to our  enemies?

 Vassar  looked   disgusted that  they seemed to have forgotten about her.
Henry Christie
player, 4481 posts
Mon 28 Feb 2022
at 12:07
  • msg #435

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Henry's face got increasingly grim as he listend to Bale's story.

"It's all too easy with hindsight to say 'I would have done this or that differently', so I won't. As for our work, in general we are studying the flora and fauna of each place we visit but we are always looking out for information that is of use to the 'war effort' - things like vulnerabilities in particular species or substances that are poisonous to them. And of course, materia medica - substances that can be used to treat injuries and illnesses in our own people."
Mon 28 Feb 2022
at 12:48
  • msg #436

Re: Commander's  Quarters

    Admiral Hack took a bit of his  steak, his eyes  shifted as a  plastic container was put on the  floor  near the wall for  Mila  to have some  steak cuttings  and  a pair or  round bones.

  If Val  would have been there,  they could not  have taken her, as she is  a military asset...oner would  wonder if they would have left empty handed... dragged her out   in some fashion...or .......made sure she could not have alerted  anyone

 Bale   added,That being said?... we  have sent  COMs through the fleet to make sure  that 'company' doesn't remove any more people.. we have  reports of a few ships who lost tier Bio-techs...

 Hennings   waved a fork,Lights out agents  are, as we speak, raiding the  Companies  HQs on Fuji, Etna  and  Everest..Bren  is   sending out feelers from Anzio....

 Lilit says,None of this  gets  those people back?

Captain  Si shook her head, does not. Sometimes the enemy wins..its  not a taste i like to have in my mouth... so the next step is to make certain it does not happen again..

Dusk asks, there a way to get the people  back?

 It is highly doubtful..we would have to send a  single vessel, amybe two, or go into the Sol System with the Might of the Fleet..neither  one guarantees the return of the  people, and the  2nd options  may lead to the  Empire  Forces behind us, sweepign into the Beta and Gamma   quad... we cannot afford that.
player, 902 posts
intelligent, loyal
likes to snoop around.
Mon 28 Feb 2022
at 13:42
  • msg #437

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Mila wagged her tail at the staffer putting down the container for her, then nosed around in it to see what they'd given her.

She didn't like it when Her Human was upset, but this time there seemed to be some upsides. She enjoyed the scraps then settled down for a good gnaw on the bones.
Tue 1 Mar 2022
at 22:40
  • msg #438

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  The Admiral received a COM text<. excused  himself and answered the COM text.In  40 minutes or so, I am going to the Hanger Dec to Talk with the LC, and perhaps the SM if i can find  them....

 You all May finsih your dinner and have drinks  if you Wish...

 Ms Vassar  said,May i accompany you....

 I don't think that is  wise. It would look i am condoning this   rescue Mission...... we did not send those people down there... they aren't  Colonists, but there is colonists near them...that's the only reasoned   we don't send a drop ship to blow the  thing to the  9 hells.

 Roles cleared his throat,I should thing that option should still be on the table...

 Ms  Vassar  stood , Nodding with a bit of a smile...I understand  your stance, Admiral hack...Thank you for the  time  and the food...

the Men stood  as she walked out, then reseated...she's thinking..all the  time... i can almost see the gears working...

Dusk shook her head,..she is not a verian?

 Lilit  smiled a tiny smile, is a figure of speech humans  use...i do not know why...

 Captain SI asked henry,would you care to  take a meal or two home  for your  family?
Henry Christie
player, 4482 posts
Wed 2 Mar 2022
at 11:15
  • msg #439

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Henry stood with the rest.

"Yes, thank you, Captain Si - they'd appreciate that. It's just Val and Can there at the moment. Val will be rushing around looking after all the animals that have been neglected, Can was busy with his pet fish which the techs had promised to look after for him."

He went over to the servers to arrange for a heated box of food to take back for his wife and son.
Wed 2 Mar 2022
at 12:18
  • msg #440

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   Captain Si  smiled    as shestood  with henry  as the  servers  fixed generous containers of  each food and side..

  she waved  a had   and the Boxes,If you do not   eat them all, you can save them for left overs, or Mila, or even some of the other animals...well. Except The largs, I do not think we had  enough food at the start, of the dinner for largs!...  she  laughed.

  With the Boxes  ready, and Orderly  went with  Henry. The Admiral  stood,  putting 0n his ball cap,I will walk with you as well,  we'll both be getting off the  same  place...

Turning to the   dinning table, he bowed,Ladies, gentlemen, thank you for joining me... I hope this  upcoming  venture  proves short and sweet..

Henry, Hack, the orderly  and Mila  walked  down the Halls. another  orderly came out  with a 'chicken sandwich; and  soda  for the guards  by the Mess...the guards by the Admirals',  and  both sets of guards ob either side of the elevator. After the orderlies  gave the two guards on   'the LC's" side of the  elevator, they left  and   the other  4 went  down to the Hanger Dec  level.

 Hack snorted in thought and said to Henry,..nothing ever  seems to be easy...does it...

 >>>>>>Hack, Henry Ect  to Hanger  dec level
Henry Christie
player, 4483 posts
Wed 2 Mar 2022
at 19:46
  • msg #441

Re: Commander's  Quarters

"No, Admiral, it does not. But you can count on us to have your back whenever required," Henry said seriously.

Beside him, Mila added a quiet "Yip" as if agreeing with him.
Admiral Hack
GM, 10858 posts
Wed 2 Mar 2022
at 20:04
  • msg #442

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  well...if this 'rscue' doesn't  turn into a massive Cluster... you might get some time to go down and  check out E-1. or att least around the  ourposts and such. It's still pretty wild  down there...  Admiral Van Ross  is goign to  put a destoryer or two  to keep watcyh over  E-  and E-2... The  Empire  can't waste a   squadron to even  try to land on either planet.. APF  has   E-2..Earth Colonies or should i say ESN Colomies  have E-1 , with free passage  for  both, to either..I'l contact  you if the chance to do some  filed work  arises...we are taking this much time  off my schdule, another day  shouldn't matter.... Give My Best to Val and Can...
 he Gave   Mila   a healthy   fur  rub 0n both sides of her  head , then stepped out towards the Hanger dec..
player, 904 posts
intelligent, loyal
likes to snoop around.
Thu 3 Mar 2022
at 11:51
  • msg #443

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Mila squirmed and rubbed against the Admiral, licking his hands and wagging her tail furiously.

Then she trotted off with Her Human back to His place.

-> Christie's office.
Thu 30 Jun 2022
at 16:28
  • msg #444

Re: Commander's  Quarters

(( after  E-1..when  Brass left after  Party ))

   Roy and   Dusk arrived  at the  Admiral's   quarters. There was a  sit down dinner, ,  Captain Si  stood   and   motioned for them to take seats  as  orderlies     setvplates  and glasses for  steak or  fish from Nivar.

 The Admiral Smiled  at them..Sorry to Pull The Captain and Yourself from the party. But we are disccussing  our direction.

 Hennings  ( with Emmie  next to him)...we missed a chance to  destroy, or, all but  wipe out those   battered  fleets  of   the Creshians  and Largrans.. The ships   that made it back to  their systems, or their  rally points, will begin to  rebuild...

 Bake   cleared his throat,  Commander Miller  looked to him as he began to speak.... what intel we have  says Hel is   pressuring   the  bugs and lizards to put  more  effort into , distracting us. Vampra   has started to raid  Everest   space,  both, on the Everest-Fuji
 and Everest -Etna  corridors

 Lilit  added,....Uden  is   sweeping  Roussa space...there have been encounters  with  Roussian loyalists, and  EDT mercs and  many  pirates  with Letters of Marque.... My Commanders  on Vera  hane  set up  a defensive   screen  with , what Verian  vessels  were still  Combat worthy ..  we have  some Calimate  ships   with them..Calimate is  trying to turn out more..but they have been hampered for  centuries  by Vera... They are still provinding Marines  to  any and all vessels  that need them.

  Captain  Si sits back down as she adds, because of the attacks  on Matter Horn and  Enta space, we are having the  Station's  fleet  form up defensive screens  and  send out   'seek and destroy' task forces..... any ships  we destroy  will be grabbed for  scrap...those  captured  will be added to , whatever  station  captured them... Fuji   is working overtime  on new Cap ships.. There are two  ready to come off the will got to Nivar, one to Bura.

  Hack  motions  for them to eat and drink...we are looking  at a trip to Vampra.. i feel they need,.. of what siding with the  Empire means.
Roy Spencer
player, 10265 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Tue 5 Jul 2022
at 04:56
  • msg #445

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy grinned a little crookedly at Admiral Hennings.  "It might actually be a good thing that they got a bunch of battered ships back.  They're going to have to divert resources to repairing them, or else they're going to have to take the time to strip them down and use them as resources to build replacements.  It's like the shift in ammunition types during the latter half of the 20th Century, back on Earth...prevailing military doctrine had been that it was the intended function to try and kill enemy soldiers with every shot...until someone realized that if you wounded them, instead of killing them, you rendered one additional soldier useless on the battlefield because someone had to treat the wounded guy, or clear him from the combat zone, so armies moved away from using larger calibers, except as specialty weapons, going to smaller rounds that were lighter...soldiers could carry more ammo, a battle could be won by overwhelming the enemy with wounded troops, instead of dead.  Right now, the Creshians and Largrans have to decide whether to keep working on the new ships they had under construction, or stop and repair the old ones.  They also have to decide whether to break up the crews of those new ships to replenish crew complements of the damaged ones."

He snorted softly, adding, "Yeah, we may have to fight them twice...but with a bunch of green crewmembers aboard, or significant portions of their crew who aren't accustomed to working together, the odds that they'll survive a second battle get slender in a big hurry."

He looked over at Admiral Hack.  "Any word on whether that rebellion within the Vampic aristocracy ever made it past sending out a rallying cry?"  He sounded skeptical of the chances...but if it had happened, Vampic forces would be in a far more compromised status when the fleet arrived.
Tue 5 Jul 2022
at 16:09
  • msg #446

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  There was  a nod  from Hennings, Taht's a good point..   we have to wonder, , beyond  the  Largran and Creshian space, how many colonies are out there..., they  will have to pull  troops from  , 'inside' thier systems..its hard to tell what kind of actions are taking place  way out there...

 There was a  frown and a shake of his head, as Hack said,Not Much known  so far..there are  still Vampic raids  being made against Verian and  Hyrian shipping. They know  that Hyria is APF  now, and they know that Vera has been  gathered into the Udenese systems of  worlds  he waved  at a Vidboard.we have  Mortica out there somewhere, lookign for her  mate. She won't accept he has  been killed, By  Washingnton was the  Vid proof  from  En Rutledge's  Gun Cams...

 Morris cleared his throat.....Trooper  Lynch as been sent away to  the Med Tech ships... if....she recovers, she will either  serve  as a Delta Colony trooper,  or resident...someone   added  'pleasure tech'..i left that on  the  record...I would say, any future  involvement  with her..that we keep the LC away...he is adamant  about her walkig to the med tech ship...

Rivets   nodded.The  Lad was angry, and that's a fact Thouht   we didn['t havta   worry 'bout other people gettin' killed..he has too many friends in SEC, and Shade was Down there...

The  Warlord   scoffed... be nice if he worried  about  all of his  responsibilities   ins such a way...

...Granmod!.... You will still have ASdem around, if not   for Him!

 ..If Not  for  The Admiral. It was his fleet that fell Adem...
Roy Spencer
player, 10266 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Wed 6 Jul 2022
at 05:02
  • msg #447

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy's features hardened.  "Warlord, you make one more crack about LC Shadow's sense of duty, and we're going to have an uncomfortable talk.  Where were your ships when we called for a cordon of outgoing vessels?  The only reason Shadow didn't reach that ship before it left...hell, the only reason the whole Hermes Delta Night detachment didn't make it...was because we had other responsibilities...responsibilities that involved preventing further damage to the ESN and APF, rather than chasing down the remains of fallen comrades.  You come out with us on a Delta Night sometime and see just how easy it is to take care of your own assignment, much less doubling back to clean up because someone else botched theirs."

There was no mistaking the tone of his voice...he was fully serious about potentially challenging her, even knowing what he did about Verian physiology and the distinct advantage she had in terms of body density and relative muscle mass.  "I haven't exactly seen you sending out ships to try and chase down leads on where they may have taken Lady's remains.  Stop using Shadow as a whipping boy for your own inability to make up for losing your daughter.  When you hunt down the people who desecrated her monument and bring back the pieces, maybe then you've earned the right to bitch about Shadow.  Until then, keep your hole shut unless you've got something constructive to say."
Wed 6 Jul 2022
at 08:21
  • msg #448

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Dusk  Gasped, but Giggled.

 Captain Si raised her glass of  a pale blue wine to Roy. Then Looked  at  Lilit.SM  Spencer seems to have  found the right words  for this particular arguement, wouldn't you say?

 ..he  is Shadow's friend....and he is...

 Hack said Sternly,absolutely correct. If  we  want to go further down a very long path... Just thing what a difference, this war  would have been, if someone  had killed   Adem..or even Evert, some 1000 years ago?

 ..  Do you think Mother  would carry on this way, about a  part of her acquired  body? As Father said  when Adem and  Evert used the device to burn mothers, verian-udense body... it was just a shell...

 Captain Morris's   rather  quiet  voice, was stern as  well, as he  sipped  some of the  same was a rather bad show, that piece being taken. But? it is not a secret weapon? It cannot  cause mass destrction is a mere symbol  for  Lady V, or the EDT ..whomever? But that symbol only matters , if  we allow them  to thing  we overly care about  it.....

 General Bale  added,nothing to be  done about it? If we would search The Black for platter  sized bit of metal, what would be the chance of  finding it?. There are bigger  fish to fry...

 Hennings looked around the table...I was  on  Woth..The  Playground? where  weapons are tested  and such. There is a  Piller  with   Stevens  Name on it there? The first   GMH winner ,humans have had..his body ...isn't there, the piller  was  damaged a few times by mishandled  equipment  by   trainees , they just.... I dunno?... Fix it

 what are you saying?

 ..That.... we send out a statement, in ordinary News  Traffic, That the part has been recovered and the   rest of that wing  will be sealed  in a casing... The  monument  is  there now..and will be  forever, I one outside this room, would know that we had  not recovered the  piece...except for those who have it..

 Admiral Hennings?  That piece has Lady's  DNA in it...The EDT or  whomever will wave it around, saying that it is the  missing piece.

  Hennings   smiles...yes... yes they will...won't they...
Roy Spencer
player, 10268 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Thu 7 Jul 2022
at 03:01
  • msg #449

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy clearly had more to say on the subject, but seeing that the conversation was moving in constructive directions, he held his peace.  Unlike Lilit, he didn't feel compelled to keep rehashing issues that had been addressed.

But if Lilit chose to continue arguing the point, he had plenty of opinions ready to offer on her own failings.

"It will definitely put them in a bind...first off, they'll actually have to check to see if the piece they've got has any Verian or Udenese DNA...and I'd imagine not everyone has a skilled geneticist on staff, ready to test metal for such things.  But assuming they do, then they have to decide whether they're secure enough to start disputing claims, knowing that anything they send out increases the odds that we can trace their location.  They're almost certainly going to have to send out pre-recorded messages, knowing that Beth can likely trace any live feed they try to use and data-bomb them within a few dozen seconds...and recordings are rarely as convincing as live feeds, since claims that they're doctored diffuse the impact of the message."

He paused, grinning sadly, and added, "And if it meant increasing the chances that we smoke out Lady V and her toadies, Lady would have gladly surrendered a chunk of her structure to serve as a potential homing beacon.  I saw her risk worse...hell, I was the beneficiary of the combined recklessness of Shadow and Lady on multiple occasions."
Thu 7 Jul 2022
at 03:41
  • msg #450

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  I have heard , that Father and  Mother    had  some big fights, and some odd ways to deal with enemies. Dusk said.

 The Admiral looked  around,I suggest we have our   dessert ,  and relax    for  a while  . The LC  has  an 'all hands '  Tunnel run at 2000  hours,  eat now  and  digest before

 Hennings    said,so?  the plan is to swing back, all the  way to Vampra

 Admiral Hack    gave a rueful smile,yeas.. we make it looks as   if we are  gong to try to  close in on the  Lizards and Bugs..if  we can engage any, so be it.. By  will  zip right by, and   go through ;The Line,  get fresh troops from Everest as we  pass, and  the hit  Vampra..after that Jump off, we'll  swing back to Everest for  repairs and shore leave.The
 goal here is  to devastate  Vampra..there are only the Bugs  and  the lizards  who can offer any real  aid

Roy Spencer
player, 10269 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Thu 7 Jul 2022
at 05:33
  • msg #451

Re: Commander's  Quarters

"The more we can mislead them, make them look like we're going somewhere else after another target, the harder we can hit them at Vampra.  Hopefully, we can keep the media cooperating with us on this one..."  He still had a sour taste in his mouth from the early days of the Fleet, back when it was only the Hermes and the Harvester, and how the media would unfailingly report every move and intended target that then-Captain Hack had settled on.  It hadn't made much difference in the results, as the Demons, in their arrogance, had dismissed the potential threat of two Human ships...but similar reporting, now, could spell disaster if the Demons and their allies actually got their collective acts together and utilized the free intel...
Thu 7 Jul 2022
at 21:22
  • msg #452

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Hennings  added, looking to Roy,Delta 4 is already   spreading out as if   forming for Advancement, Dealt   3  is   moving to   , what would be 'thier   flank' if we were in Battle formation.. Dealt 1 and Delta  2 wil form up, some time  tomorrow , as the   support ship top of  of water  and such from E-1

The door opened,  Admiral Roles  entered.. he smiled   and  gave a   Salute as he walked to the bar,  pouted a  tall whisky and drank it  down.

 Too Late to eat?  Captain Si  smiled, take a seat.. we have  plenty.. as he  sat and pointed to the steak , mashed potatoes, and 'corn' as well as a few rolls,  He began to cut into the  meat  as soon as if was set in front of him.

 Alright, This is  what we   found...E-1  had pockets of  Lizards and Creshians.. the  wreck was  making Hybrds..doing a damn good  job...from what we   found in a Lab?..3 of every 5 became humanoid  Creshains,  they  were still deformed in some way.// the other  2 of those
 five, began those spider-human things.. about  two steps up from a UE.

  eating   a few bites  and  taking a  sip of coffee, he smiles and Looks at the we   seeded amor  Morrow  Buoys  between her  and  Anzio, closer to the  Creshian side of the   corridor.. we  picked d up Vampic   Corvette.. we let the   Run..but you can bet they are around Hyria and The Line.

 we're going to  pay a Visit to  Vampra Space.

 I didn't think you sent us out there , just  to snoop..we  did  catch EDT signal   on the   far side  of Vera?..  I don'ty know what's out there... but they might have thier won corridor  to  Vampra.
Roy Spencer
player, 10270 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Fri 8 Jul 2022
at 07:11
  • msg #453

Re: Commander's  Quarters

A sly grin crept into Roy's eyes, although it made it little further than that.  "If we're lucky, we'll catch a significant EDT detachment in Vampic space, as well...although I really have a hard time seeing what anyone in the EDT could offer the Vampics.  The Demons could at least utilize the threat of overwhelming force--whether or not they could actually deliver doesn't matter, as long as the threat is plausible.  The EDT isn't strong enough to be threatening...and in spite of all her ill-gotten gains, I can't see Lady V being wealthy enough to buy the Vampics' loyalties..."

His voice tapered off as he realized he was drifting from the original point.  "But I'd imagine any EDT forces going through Vampic space would regard themselves as pretty secure against an attack by us.  That's the best time to kick 'em in the ass."
Fri 8 Jul 2022
at 15:01
  • msg #454

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 General Bale, clears his throat  as he starts on his  dessert of  some Burian Berry  pie.

 From the Information i receive from Provost agents,  Together with   What Captain Morris  receives from  Lights Out Agents. The EDT  is becoming, or has become  ...'dark Ops'  arm of the Empire.

 Captain Morris agrees,This is true, and it is a very intelligent  move on their  part. The Big Three  of  Demons, Largrans and Creshians, cannot  walk around   other races  planets and holdings  , unless they happen to be wearing ESN or  APF  Uniforms?... Even  at that, COM pictures  are taken   by someone, and fed to the  Nearest SEC ....

 They seem to recruit Malcontents  and fringe  folk , from the  dominate  Race  of whatever  planet or holding it is. Humans though, are like the Norway Rats  of the sailing ship days. We tend to pop up everywhere  and adapt.

 Looking around the table, he continues,If you remember the 'ill-fated' Earth return we  had, when  The Hammer V was supposed to be the Next best thing?... EDT  was thought to have infiltrated the Angel Military as they  had  , many Black Uniformed  Angel Elite with them. It  turned out, as  we  saw  with  Captain Si's ...late sister... that the Angels  not only  recruited the EDT, but gave them much  support and power to spread. Now? every time  we dock somewhere. The first thing I must  do is  send a coded  message  to our Agents , to see who or what need to be eliminated... Then we send out  the LC, SM and  eager volunteers  to remove  those  marks..we have been getting lax of late, as we have had   some  people  , several  ball up their missions.

 Dusk speaks up....but  all legs of  lights  out tend to have some problems? Do they not?

 Indeed, Captain Shadow. We expect such turn of events, since intel is fleeting between the time we get it, and the time we act. The Biggest problems is when our  Volunteers , make  mistakes of thier own...  our people  normally , can adjust to whatever the Mark's  defenses  are, and what changes they have made....but it is hard to make up forfoolish and stupid acts by our people.... we send out teams, for a reason..

 does not your  LC  go out  on missions  alone.

 There are times the LC goes  out  after a Mark , by himself. It is  normally because the MArk  has the same skill set  as he. One must understand,  Our Lights out Agents  aboard this ship, have been confirmed after   a few  Delta Night  Missions...

 Roles is  about halfway done with his steak,Shadow  and  I were  recruited   to be  Lights Out... we were lights  out before we were recruited... I mean..not officially?.. we  killed folks  to balance the ledger, and  help folks..Beth  is in the same Boat, but she  handles the things   Kray and I wouldn't have a clue to do?...

 Hack added,Our Black Hanger is home to  the 'Hermes Lights Out"..very few  people  are  admitted there...and yes? we  made  mistakes, but we tend to shorten the lifespan of those mistakes.

 Captain Si clears her throat,getting back to the point?... EDT is there to Help Vampics... their main service, would be as always.. the Funneling of  Humans  and  other  APF  people into the Larders of the Vampics... The Vampics, in turn, can sort out  the  'foodresources. Those they can Turn, will add to their genetic  versatility , and make the Vampic  stronger. There is a reason  Demons punish any Vampics that hold  Demonic  captives..a Vampic-Demon  hybrd, would be  harder to deal with in  Combat, and even worse in dark ops.

 Lilit  looks from  ack to  Si...Is there a reason, neither  of you take part in Delta  nights?

 forks  hei the table all around.

 Captain  Si too  a deep sip of her wine, and cocked her head   slightly...Lilit? I have never , formally asked you what you allowed Adem and Evert to run wild  in your section of Space...your  fight with them , goes back further then  The Angel-Demonic war...another  sip and a straightening of her head,As  a LT in the ESN  and  instructor at SanDiego Academy,  My Husband  and I  culled out recruits , not just for Lights Out. But  for the Hermes.. Roles, Beth. Lyri  and Shadow  are , our most  successful

 Rolls   lifts  a forkful of mashed potatoes to  Lilit and winks.

 I served   to  infiltrate  agents, and  evac them, along with other candidates who would fly shuttles, drive  cars... Oliver   was a flight instructor, as a  side  job, while he over saw  the Hermes   building...    His  actions were more  'in house', as certain other Instructors, or   ranking Officers  had  accidents to prevent them from  aiding the enemy, or ...simply  taking  advantage of   recuirts....

   Roles sipped his coffee...we liked doing that too... made us feel like we were back in New York

  Hack breaks in...sadly? we are too high profile. So we use that? There is always The   Balls that  the    Home port puts on for the fleet, this, in turn  has  parties  all across the planet of Station, we  make sure   the people involved  are seen at the right places, and can leave  with just the right reasons. You have stood along side  as , at many of these  occasions

Captain Morris adds,we used to try to   hide  some of our...for want of a better   word..'Aliens'... but we have found out, the   images of  a dark figure , that resembles  a demon, or  Hyrian, or  Sanri..not to mention a  Short Undenese -Verian can cause   all kinds of  worry , among our enemies...The damage  and  Kills we  do on Delta Night, is but a fraction of what we net  from  vessels   leaving   a port, to escape...  fighters and
 picket ships   detain , or destroy them, depending on  how the react to boarding...many of the smaller  vessels we capture , are sent to  The Pit, Nivar, Bura, Astra, and Aqra to add what  defense they  are able.

 Captain Si smiled a condescending Smile at you see, Warlord . We know what we  are doing, and we know there will be  mistakes...whatever  distain you seem to have  found for   The LC... you must remember , he is the Father of Lady's   children, regardless, of how his DNA  was used. For My part,  Shadow, Roles  and  Beth are  like  my children..  they  gained our Interest, we tried to help them, then recruited them, to help us..

 Roles  nodded,Angel  made Pasta, with these light  rolls?.. it was worth it  to run the streets, knowing you would be getting a meal like that!

Si Smiled. Hack Chuckled.

 Lilit   straighten  as she  said.....indeed, that  serves you well, since you cannot have your own offspring...

 Si Looked like she had Been slapped...Hack  put both hands on the table...most folks  were shocked...  Dusked  shouted in Anger.. 'GRANMOD"!


 Lilit    was shaken for a moment.
Roy Spencer
player, 10271 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Sat 9 Jul 2022
at 06:06
  • msg #455

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy was dumbfounded for the barest of moments...but one didn't survive twenty years of sniper duties by being slow to adapt to changing situations.  Shaking his head slowly, he spoke in the pause.  "Warlord, I'm beginning to understand why Sergeant Meari has such a hard time understanding humans, even after this much time around them."  It was the slow, "can you really be THAT stupid" drawl of a drill instructor...and it suddenly turned cold and hard.

"Before you start casting aspersions on anyone who sits in any leadership capacity in the Fleet, you better make sure your record is better than theirs.  With regards to your question about why the Admiral and Captain don't participate in Delta would be really stupid to take the brains that fought the Demons to a standstill in the Delta Quadrant and built the Delta Fleet from two warships into the most lethal armada in the Black, and put them at risk chasing a bunch of lackeys and errand boys.  The operators that lead Delta Night are there for one or two reasons...either they were expendable and volunteered, or they're REALLY, REALLY damned good at it.  Keep in mind, LC Shadow beat you, three out of three, in contests that YOU chose, and he did it by unconventional means.  When he goes out on Delta Night, he's not a pilot who's going out to chase bad guys...he's a cold-hearted butcher who happens to know how to fly.  He's probably killed more people in Lights Out missions and Delta Nights than you have in your entire combat history, and you've had a thousand years or more head start on him.  That's why he goes out...well, that, and he gets a perverse joy out of making bad guys suffer.  I go out because I'm good at making dead bodies out of live ones, and not always at long range with a high-velocity projectile."

He gestured over at the ranking brass in the room.  "They may or may not have the skills to do Delta Night, but it doesn't matter.  They have other skills that none of the rest of us have.  There's plenty of pilots and groundpounders in the fleet...we're redundant, aside from our experience.  There's not one person, Human or alien, in this fleet that could do what Admiral Hack has done.  So why the hell would we put him at risk in a Delta Night situation when we've got a few dozen operators who are just as good as him at that kind of work?"

He gave her a frank look, and shook his head again.  "It's a damned good thing for Uden that you're a helluva warrior, because your strategic sense obviously didn't help much in trying to protect the planet, if your questions and comments here are any indicator of how much you grasp the greater picture.  But even then...if it was just you leading the war effort, where would Uden be right now?  It wasn't Uden's forces that beat Adem and Evert.  You've got a LONG way to go before you earn the right to start asking those kinds of questions to the people who liberated your world."
Sat 9 Jul 2022
at 14:30
  • msg #456

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Lilit stood.. she  was shaken by the 'lack of respect'( in her  eyes).I have had  many...'get'...Captain Morris. you mythical book hints  briefly as the lands  That were mine, after    Removing myself  from Adem's  Tyranny .

  She looked to  Roy,The APF is   better, with the Delta Fleet..... after  the  war?... we will ahve to see what  is done with it... I will take  My leave, I am  goign to take part in your  'Tunnel Run"

as she turned to leave, Hack said,most of us will take part in the run,  Just remember Lilit... This  Run is  Shadow's  gig? . Check your   rank and Ego at the  stairs leading up to the will be treated no better then any trooper or pilot during that time..

 ,,indeed.. Thank you for the  Dinner  , Nil, Oliver...Dusk? are your  coming?

...not  now  , Granmod. I am hoping to go to the Rec dec  with   Roy, for a bit.  I have not talked  with Shade much.

  Lilit  left... Dusk looked around at the  Table as she  said quietly,...Granmod is...out of sorts. The theft of  Mothers fragment has  hurt her more then any loss  she has suffered... I have heard he speak with  other  ....higher..ranking Undenese  officers., She  is not pleased, that  My brother  and I have  come from the DNA of  Fathe... Adem's  using Mother  to  'infiltrate' the  Earth, backfired, as Mother became , more  and More attracted to  Father. I believe, if  Mother would have access to her  real body, she would have left the fighter, and  tried to become Father's   Mate...

 she tapped her head...Adem tried to remove  any traces of  Mother from my programmed memory... it  did not work, and Evert would not allow, him to 'fix ' me.... I know. That Shade  would have been disassembled  by Adem  and Evert..They say he was  too 'broken'... I learned quickly, that  they feared  he had 'too much' human in him....

 She smiled, perhaps a bit Sadly,one of the first things  Father showed me, when i came back from  Vera. Was Shade  protecting my egg..he gave up so much to do that... I do not know if  that is father's  DNA, or Mothers, or if the combination is what drove Shade to hatch himself  early.  I have seen, on Vera. Hatchlings, that  'do not make it'..they are mere armatures of a verian, and look, only slightly different, from Shade.I can never  repay Shade for what he tried to do. Thinking   we....I...was in danger. And how  i acted,when
 i was  with Adem and Evert.. I  think i understand  Granmod a bit because of that...She was...'Warlord'..and now, she is   just the leader  of  Undenese  System, as she followed the Admiral

 She Stood  and   said to   Captain Si...Thank you and  The Admiral for the   Dinner... I will go to the rec dec  for a bit, before i  get ready for the tunnel run.
Roy Spencer
player, 10274 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Tue 12 Jul 2022
at 06:05
  • msg #457

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy stood up, with a mildly apologetic smile to the Captains and Admirals.  "Apparently, that's my cue to be going.  Can't have the Udenese flag captain be made a liar so soon after she declined the Warlord's invitation..."  While the wink never made it to his eye, it could be heard in his tone...less a tease of Dusk and more a slight jibe at Lilit, but he said it in good humor, just the same.
Tue 6 Dec 2022
at 13:34
  • msg #458

Re: Commander's  Quarters

(( luncheon after leaving Bura...))

The Admiral's  quarters   had the  smell of  what might be  Ham and Turkey, at least to humans.

 The table was  set in the Living room area, Vis screens were on showing news from other Quads.

Ambassador Lix, of the Skith  was in the  Room talking with Captain Si.  The Sanri ambassador  and Occui   had come over  and were   sitting in stuffed chairs, drinking a hot drink as they  spoke. It was  early  yet.
Samantha Robertson
player, 1365 posts
Lt. Comms Officer
Burian Ambassador
Tue 6 Dec 2022
at 17:33
  • msg #459

Re: Commander's  Quarters

----->>>>>>>> From Officer Quarters

Sam left her Quarters then headed down towards the Admiral's Quarters, she smiled at the guards and walked in. She looked around looking very nervous. She wasnt sure where to sit and what the procedures where so she went and got some coffee and some food.
Roy Spencer
player, 10505 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Wed 7 Dec 2022
at 05:29
  • msg #460

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy arrived shortly after the Sanri and Occui ambassadors, just in time to catch Sam's arrival.  "Ambassador," he said, with due formality...and just a hint of a comforting grin.  "Come on in, meet the others..."

He turned to the Sanri and Occui ambassadors.  "I don't believe you've had the opportunity to meet Ambassador Robertson?  She'd the delegate from Bura..."
Wed 7 Dec 2022
at 05:50
  • msg #461

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  The Occui   smiled and offered his  hand,ahhh..yes... you are Burian Fllet..yes? Well it  will be good  for   some one with Combat in thier  blod...too many   desk people involved any more!
Wed 7 Dec 2022
at 06:04
  • msg #462

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Dusk was  Introducing   Shade to   those who haven't met him in person, or, if they had  seen , him , never approached him before.

AZ-EL  was there in her Dress uniform  for the  Mons, she talked to Dusk and Shade, with Dusk filling in what  Shade  said
Samantha Robertson
player, 1366 posts
Lt. Comms Officer
Burian Ambassador
Wed 7 Dec 2022
at 14:06
  • msg #463

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Sam smiled at Roy and replied," Thank you SM." Sam smiled and raised a hand to the Occui delegate. Sam smiled at the Occui and replied," Well I guess I am both, I use to run a desk but since I joined the Burian Fleet I have seen a lot of combat I even shot bad guys on Roussa.  So I can see it from both perspectives." Sam smiled at Roy for helping her out, she then migled with the other delegates until it was ready to get started.
Thu 8 Dec 2022
at 02:03
  • msg #464

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  May I have your attention.  This is  a luncheon with 2 reasons.. The First is , in honor of our new Bura Ambassador. Lt  Robertson.....

There was clapping  all  around. Holding up  his  glass,he  says,To the Ambassador...

  everyone   raised thier glasses of what ever  drink they had.

 The  Second  part, is, If she will forgive me.. a tad  more important. Please sit and select your food, this  is a  'eating, meeting..

Rivets and Morris  sat  together..  Shade  sat  next to  Lilit..Dusk on the other  side, with Roy next to her.. Lix  sat with the Sanri and Occui and Nivarian  ambassador.AZ-El sat across from Roy, and  Captain Muska  sat  one  chair down

 Muska  raised  his  massive arm..Hack Nodded to him as he took a bite of  steak and Noodles.why are not the Hyrians here..and Gava and naragrans? and where is    The LC...

 The Hyrians  are atentding to shipboard Business.. there   Cptain of their Flagship  will be on the    Monitoe to the will the Gava  and Naragrans..we would have  had to have this meeting on the Hanger  dec to inclue the   Naragrans.. but we canot  as  Captain O'Rielly's people are very busy,As  for the LC, Captain Morris  has al the information aboiut the airwing.

  and? you do not  need a Bullet to know its destination, you just pul the tigger and send it on its way... Lilit  said.

 Shade grined  and whilrl..Lilit  seems shocked.

 Dusk said,The  Amabassador  made a comment of wht he things   Wartoed   Lilit  shoud  do with her  response.....

there was  some laughter    as Shades  eyes    rturned to grey from Black.
Samantha Robertson
player, 1367 posts
Lt. Comms Officer
Burian Ambassador
Thu 8 Dec 2022
at 02:35
  • msg #465

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Sam cheered, and then said," Thank you everyone, it is a honor to be selected as the Byrian Ambassador thank you again. Yes of course sir." Sam got some food and listened to the start of the meeting.
Roy Spencer
player, 10506 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Thu 8 Dec 2022
at 05:44
  • msg #466

Re: Commander's  Quarters

"That's a somewhat short-sighted viewpoint," Roy commented drily.  "Bullets are only good against opponents that you can actually extend the range over the horizon and you need artillery that can lay down indirect fire, or aerial support...and in either case, you need precise directions to make sure the shot lands where you want it.  But the Udenese don't really favor indirect fire, from what I understand."  He paused for a moment, then added, "In fact, I was under the impression that your people preferred pulse rounds, rather than hard ammo..."

It was all spoken with casual dismissal, as if he was discussing a trivial subject...and without waiting for any response from Lilit, he tucked into the steak dinner he'd selected for his meal...almost as dismissal of her.
Thu 8 Dec 2022
at 06:09
  • msg #467

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Shade  whirled and Bleeped..

  The Ambassadoe  feels you may still be angry  over being  beaten but  father  in the three challenegs

 Your Father  cheated on the range.... the  Sims, are only sims, and the HAnd to hand , i almost killed him...

 Captain Si said,and if that Vibra Blade would have  been his trench would you have fared? were there? How badly , did the  LC cheat in those trails..

every9ne  turned to Roy.
Roy Spencer
player, 10507 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Thu 8 Dec 2022
at 06:19
  • msg #468

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy cleared his throat, taking a moment to wipe the corners of his mouth.  "Well, in all honesty, the only 'cheating' he did was strictly abiding by the terms of the contests.  It's not his fault that you thought they were supposed to be one-on-one direct challenges.  The terms were laid out, the Warlord agreed to them, and then Shadow fulfilled them, by staying focused on the actual objective of each encounter, rather than getting distracted by efforts at displaying some perceived superiority."

He gave Lilit a level gaze, unflinching in what was undoubtedly her growing ire, and added, "He won because he kept his ego out of the way, whereas you kept tripping over yours."
Thu 8 Dec 2022
at 12:44
  • msg #469

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Captain Si  gave Lilit a tilt of her  head an a smile, something she must have picked up from human women.

 be that as it may? Had he  adhered  to the rules  as they were  written, he would  have lost the range, he may have still beat me in the Sims, and the Outcome of the  Hand to hand  would have been Much differant

 Shade  said  something   holding up a Hand , with   1 finger  raised.

 The Ambassador  said  That you would have still lost, and  father   had  out maneuvered you in Hand to hand

  Rivets  raised a hand...lookit. I 'ave a 'anger  ta run,  let us move of  from the Warlord gettin' her  ass kicked, to something that matters, Like..what are we gonna do  and how we getting there..

 People laughed ( except   Lilit) Shade's eyes  were green. as was Dusk's

 The Admiral  smiles  as he  takes  another bite of his meal, after  sipping  some coffee he says.Rivets is  right.. that is one of the purposes of the meet and eat.. What we are goign to do, is By Pass  Fuji...  and  steam close to Astra... BU's from astra  will  be waiting in orbit  with more  fresh food  and  water as needed , they will supply us on the run...., From astra  we  will sail  directly to the  Blue Moon, to pick  up angel troops for each ship and at least one transport of angel troopers, The Felrites  are  sending a squadron over to help protect the Moons  when we cast off from there., and we  will put a  full on course  for  Paradise Prime...The  other two planets, Shangri-la and Nirvana, will get to witness what we do  to Paradise prime. we are not  going to 'blockade them.. we are goign to kick their asses, and show the  , the horrors of  war

 He nods to Lix...They  Skith is are loanign us   4 Cap ships and  4  transportbases of troops. The Angels and the Skith are not the closest of friends. By the Skith have held the Qarl at bay for  centuries  The sight of  Skith in our Van guard, will send the message, that we  not only fill that the   Qarl are  contained, but will add, that the Skith  have sided with us after  Paradise  brought us into this war.

 Lix  added, The Angel moons have been good to us. many times  we had  damaged Vessel able to , put into the moons for repairs. Those inside the blockade would   turn down any  attempt made, for us to aid them by running the was as if they were afraid of what the Empire  will do...   the faces on the Vid board of   Hyrians, Gava. naragrans and Felrites nodded in agreement, though the Gava might have been lost in what he spoke of.

 There are still  2 fleets of  Empire  vessels, a mix of the  main three races... they  are in space, around   the other two planets.  if they come to the Aid of the Paradise fleets, we must be ready... if they do not, and we subjugate  Paradise, we  need to eliminate their presence, one way or the  Other..

 we will be  ready for that, I should think. I do not think we  will get out of this
  with out losses, we are attacking   the Prime planet of a system that has been ruling over The Black for almost 2000 years

AZ-El shakes her head..Maybe the  1st 1000, the rest of the  time they sent out for aid, and  filled transports  with   their own people  to decorate the   dinning  tables of the  Demons.

  Sims   waved his   fork....let us hear feed back
Samantha Robertson
player, 1368 posts
Lt. Comms Officer
Burian Ambassador
Thu 8 Dec 2022
at 13:26
  • msg #470

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Sam smiled and listened, she didnt see the contests between the LC and the intimidating Warlord, she would have to check out those vids if they had any thats for sure.

 Sam then added her input," Sounds like an excellent plan to me Admiral, maybe with those 2 Empire fleets in the area, we could put together a Burian, Udenese, Hyrian battle group to watch those fleets and to blindside them if they attack and try to protect Paradise Prime. Also Admiral how are we attacking Paradise Prime, ae we going to shell them into the Stone Age or are we actually going to do foghter and ground assaults?"
Thu 8 Dec 2022
at 14:10
  • msg #471

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  We , have a Playbook, Ambassador Robertson... we will sail into thier  space.  if we are approached  we wil give them due warning   as what we are going to will be  up to them, what choice they make. We  will Hack into their Planetary COMs..if  Beth  cannot...

 beth   snorted...not bloody likely...

 Hack gave  her a side eye  and continued,we  will address the people of  Paradise, and see what they  do in reply as well...if  the answers  are unsatisfactory, we  will  engage, whatever vessels  they send against us. If  we can capture a few, that would be great, but our  people come first, so , when it  doubt, blow them up...scrap comes in handy too.

After  we deal with the  Navy,,,we will shell the 9 hells our of the planet from orbit, we will concentrate on bases  and the  Capitol.... we wil then  have a  second wave  of  shelling...before the air corps  go in cleansing up AA  installations <Red>  and    finishing off  any 'easy to see' bases..... Capt Nilson will have a large  part of that... we have  3?

Morris held up  4 fingers...4 Morningstars left out  of the 200  we had  before Aqra... they will get their day in the  sun..After wards.. we put troops  on the ground with  Air  take the Capitol , while other  groups   land  at any Military  installations and   take them over

 we will go over  all the beachhead areas before Jump off.

The Occui raised his  handAmbassador   Divik?

The Male Occui said.what time frame are we looking at.

it comes down to resistance.. Paradise  system hasn't  fired a shot in anger, inside thier  system, since  people on my planet were  fighting  with chariots and  swords.. They will face the hard truth of war. The  people on the surface will see  many of thier most prized structures  destroyed, and..yes..there will be  millions of   non combatants  killed

Captain Morris  made a face of distaste,it is easy enough to look the other way, when friends and neighbors  are taken away. You tell yourself  its for the betterment of your species . That is why a few of  our operitives.,take, no small pleasure, in the deaths of folk like that
Samantha Robertson
player, 1369 posts
Lt. Comms Officer
Burian Ambassador
Thu 8 Dec 2022
at 14:21
  • msg #472

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Sam listened and the plan seemed very good, but Paradise was going to pay dearly, and Sam saw it as payment to all those years of feeding the Empire with lesser Angels, even amongst themselves there was superiority among the Angels themselves.

"Admiral Sir what about Angels who want to join our fight if there are any will we give them a chance or would we think they were all spies Admiral Sir?"
Thu 8 Dec 2022
at 14:53
  • msg #473

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  The  Admiral waited until he   finished  his latest bite.... When we address the Paradise people. There will , indeed, be a message to those who did not  agree with the  feeding of their own to the Empire. And yes..there will be   spies  seeded in those  people who take our offer....Just like  we have people  blowing up ships and   bases  in the Sol System... what the Empire and her  friends do not naragrans.

 he looked over the Table,  on the screen the NAragran Ambassador  raised  both spindle claws.

 They will have their Minds  Read, those who are  spies, will be eliminated on the spot....those who are adamant  of   freeing Paradise from the Empire, will continue  on to form  troops   who will join us  in freeing their    planet, and...if they wish, help us as  we  eliminate other  Empire  Holdings.

AZ-EL says,The  Moon Angels will help integrate them. But  we will not  allow them to act superior towards us.

 Captain Morris   looked  down the way at Roy,when the time  comes. you will need to pick  your assault forces... we must be ready to board, and be boarded... then we will sort out the   ground objectives, after the Shelling...

 are you saving anything for reserves?

 One  Third of the ships in each  section will be held back, along with the  transportbases. as we capture ships, the transport bases  will be called up to crew any thing we capture... when the Shelling starts,   all ships  will take part... of course,  as I see your worry, and  Ambassador Robertson pointed out... should  we  need  re-enforced we will call them up, . Bura's   fleet is   cleaning up the  space  in the  two nearest  Funnels, making sure  there aren't any   fool hearty , or  'brave' Sol System  squadrons around.  The Udenese  and Hyrians   may be used  for flanking the Empire fleets , if they dare to approach..The Felrites  won't be far away, at the Moons. There maybe  be  only a squadron or two from the Cats. But that  outweighs a whole fleet of Empire troops.
Roy Spencer
player, 10509 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Fri 9 Dec 2022
at 07:55
  • msg #474

Re: Commander's  Quarters

"This probably goes without saying, Admiral, but experience has taught me it's best to say it anyway.  If and when bombardment of Paradise begins, we should really have a priority list of targets.  Hit military installations first, ship and weapon production facilities next...we can bomb them into submission, I'm quite sure, but we should make it plain from the start that our dispute is with the Angels who lured us into this war and then turned coat on us and aligned with the Empire, rather than the general populace.  Angel leaders are no doubt going to try and paint us as mad-dog killers, ready to terrorize the entire's in our best interest to show them to be the liars we've all learned that they are.  Obliterate their ability to wage war, if they decide they want to try...but unless there's a general uprising against us, we should spare civilian targets.  They already think of us as barely-trained savages...we should really try to prove them wrong, and give them a chance to realize that."

Anticipating protests, he held up one hand.  "I know, "Total War..."  But there's an old saying on Earth..."You catch more flies with honey than vinegar."  We don't lay siege to the system, agreed.  We DO go in there and make sure that they no longer have the option of fighting...they can either ally with us, or they can be left crippled and defenseless, and we won't shed a single tear of regret if their Demon allies swoop in after we leave them and scoop them all up as feasting fodder...but we should make sure they understand that it is the Demons, and not us, that will erase them from existence if they choose to fight against us."  He grinned and shrugged.

"Don't let them know that we intend to extend any degree of mercy, of course.  Let them know that we're...well, "annoyed" is a little too mellow, but something along those lines, that we were brought into this fight BY THEM and they're now siding with the beings they wanted us to fight.  Gut their fleet, destroy their defensive capability...and then let them know that we're not here to kill them, just to make sure they can no longer stab us in the back.  The smart ones will realize really quickly that if they can't stab us, they also can't stab the Demons when THEY come sniffing around.  They can decide who they want to take their chances with from there."  He shrugged again, looking at Admiral Hack.

"That's my recommendation, sir.  We'll go anywhere you need us to go, but I think we'll get more mileage over the long haul if we don't shell the entire planet back to their Stone Age.  Extending the olive branch at strategic moments has won us some pretty solid allies, sir...the Ape-Folk and Hyrians have both weighed in at key moments in several battles and had a massive impact of the outcome.  And, in spite of recent events, we have had a lot of solid help from the Nivarians, as well.  Despite the fact that they've spent the last millennium sitting on their collective ass, we all know that the Angels have some pretty impressive tech that could lend itself well to our cause, so it would be prudent to give them a chance to hoist the white flag before we turn them into nomads on their own world."
Samantha Robertson
player, 1370 posts
Lt. Comms Officer
Burian Ambassador
Fri 9 Dec 2022
at 13:09
  • msg #475

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Sam listened to Roy and then responded," Yes SM I say we hit military targets, blow up or capture their ships, but stay away from civilian targets. I love the idea of destroying their military and then saying ok have a nice day and good luck with your new Empire allies. I do have one slight problem with that though, what if we leave the Angels for the Empire, then THEY get all their tech and resources, and we don't. I have to add if we can't secure Paradise Prime, we don't let anyone have their resources to use against us, I know this sounds cruel but like the SM said if we give them a chance at first maybe they will surrender but we can't let the Demons get their tech, more than they already have."
Fri 9 Dec 2022
at 16:59
  • msg #476

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Admiral  Henning and Bale  where the last of the people to arrive. They sat in  the back  next to Hennings, as Roy was giving his  take on the matter.

 Hennings said from his spot.Its hard to tell if the computer model will be accurate? But the studies  show  , Paradsise  won;t  surrender  until 2 things happen..One? is they get thier asses kicked  and be afraid they will 'lose everything'...the  second part, is they call for  help from the  Empire... Should they do that, we will see  one of the fleets  from  the other two planets, and, most likley, , The Sol System, for them to 'prover  how worthy of the Empire they are...

he looks at his vidboard and  add,The Qarl can send a few ships, much like the Skith as done for us.. Jump drives on a handful of ship, can make a big difference

 Bale  speaks,This   hurts me to Bring up, but it is  something  we may need to do...The LC is not here.?

Lilit  snapped...NO, he is not!

Bale looked at her a bit confused  and continued we will have to face thier Navy,  I am sure the  are holding out hope that navy can keep us at Bay.  There must be Angel people saddened  by   seeing  transport after transport, take  loved ones  away, knowing the very best they can hope  for, is hard labor..the very worset, of course, is  the dinning room table..but there are all kinds of  horrors in between.

we may need to incite Angels to  bring down their own leaders, or  at least, enough to cause  confusion in the ranks of those who are serving on the front lines...if indeed, they have ever  served on an honest front line...

 Hack nodded slowly,we may, indeed have to do that.. we will start that with Beth sending out  propaganda and  Vids, that i am sure , most people in their system have not seen or heard. . This is a Race, that  has  Ruled The Black  alongside the Demons, to pick and choose what they wanted,, and what they would do with them. They don't need  us  to frighten them, they need us to  crush them

 Captain Si speaks,..Angels respect  power  and  Intellect. Demons  respect power  and strength... The demons are back on their heels, perhaps  trying to rally for an attack on us, or  setting up thier own 'paradise' wall of ships

 Lix  raises his hand,there is a  chance, a few Qarl ships  could make their way through... but the problem with Jump Drives, is the  power down when you appear again... That is whenall such  ships  are helpless for  1 second..maybe  2, for a Cap ship..they cannot sail the whole  way  to  Paradise sysetm  in jump drive...and the more youuse it, the longr it  takes to power be ready for one or two ships, I would not fret about more then  that, Our People will bring them down, and also warn the Feltites  who have very fast vessels.
Roy Spencer
player, 10510 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Sat 10 Dec 2022
at 06:44
  • msg #477

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy nodded at General Bales' commentary, but said nothing until the others had responded (although he did spare a scornful look at Lilit for her outburst.)  "Inciting them is precisely what I had in mind, General.  Ask the general populace why the leaders that sent people to Earth to bring Humans into the battle are now siding with the same forces that those leaders wanted us to fight against...the same forces that have been collecting tribute from Paradise for centuries, taking Angels in the prime of their youth and promise.  The leaders who once shielded half the galaxy from the calling those same Demons to come rescue them.  What price will the Demons demand this time?"

His voice warmed to the topic as he spoke, and he continued fluidly, "You can be damned sure that the leaders of the Paradise System are not the ones paying the price...that falls on the rank and file, the artisans, craftsmen, and foot soldiers, and there is no reason they should be forced to continue paying for the cowardice of their leadership."

He looked around the room for a moment as he stated that last line with finality.  "We give the leaders the message of gloom and doom, sure..."Give up now if you want to live.  But we're perfectly fine with killing you, so we won't be too fussed if you reject the offer."  But the rest of the populace?  Show them what their leaders' allies have been doing, remind them exactly who's been paying the price for Paradise being unmolested for the last thousand years, and remind them that they, too, are Angels, and should be worthy of better than they've been getting."

He shrugged.  "Maybe even remind them what the truly intelligent move would be...become equals in the APF, or remain pawns in the Empire.  It's a pretty simple choice, to me.  Angels and Demons aren't meant to be together...their very genetic makeup is hostile to each other."

He glanced over at Sam.  "And, in the event that they decide they don't want to join the APF and want to stay with the Empire, we reduce their technology level a few millennia.  Paradise isn't the only source of Angel Tech...we can get what we need from the Moons, if it comes to that."

He shifted his gaze to Hennings, nodding as he added, "And I suggest we go in there expecting Demons and SSN to try and ambush us.  Paradise probably doesn't have very accurate intel on just how large the Fleet has become...if we take the first section in to confront Paradise, and keep the other three sections just outside sensor range of their system, ready to swoop in, we're still taking a pretty formidable fighting force in against the Paradise home fleet.  Remember, they've been pretty much bottled up in their own system for the past thousand years...and have been held there by the Demons.  Their fleet can't be THAT large, in the first place, or they could have fought their way out.  Second, it's been hundreds of years since most of them have been involved in any sort of significant combat action.  Those of us who've been with the Fleet long enough remember just how quickly their Elites that visited the Hermes were put down...those were supposed to be the best of their best, and their captain was sent home on life support while Shadow suffered little more than a dislocated knee, if I remember correctly.  We've had four years of hard fighting since then, while they've been pondering how to keep feeding the Demons without losing their own families.  We're ready for a fight, and they only dimly remember what a fight is.  That means any technological edge they have in that fight is dubious, at best.  Doesn't matter how good your weapons are if you don't know how to use them under fire.  Earth history is full of examples of so-called superior forces who got fought to a standstill by smaller, less developed enemies.  We're not smaller...and I'm pretty sure we're not that much less developed, no matter what the Angels may think of us.  So I don't think our first section is actually going to need to call in reinforcements, but if we do, they're there.  And if we hit hard and fast, we can have the Angel fleet decimated before any help arrives for them.  That's going to be the key to it...put them out of commission before we find ourselves facing a second force.  I'm guessing the Demons won't honor a call for help...we've blitzed them too many times in the past and they'll almost certainly know that by the time they arrive, even from nearby, they'll be too late to try and put us in a crossfire, and I'm guessing they aren't real eager to face us in a stand-up fight, given the way we've manhandled several of their allies recently."

He scowled slightly, and added, "I'm also equally convinced that the SSN WILL rush forces to try and aid Paradise, if they have enough left to muster a task force.  If Ge-Fi loses Paradise, he's literally alone and stuck between us and the Empire, so he's pretty much got to gamble on rescuing, if he saves Paradise from the Delta Fleet, he gains political clout, maybe even enough to overturn his exile to Earth.  That's a pretty big carrot to dangle in front of his nose.  But we've also seen that the SSN isn't up to a fight with the Delta Fleet.  We've handily mopped them up every time we've encountered them, even when they had help, so if they send help, they'll be sending a LOT of help...and that's when the other three sections pounce and we cripple THEIR fleet, too."

He shrugged.  "Granted, that's a lot of speculation on my part.  The Demons could come running.  The SSN might actually show up with officers who know their own ass from a hole in the ground and present a real threat.  The Angels might have some superweapon that makes the Nivarian orbital defenses look like a pop gun.  But absolutely nothing we've seen so far makes any of that seem likely, or even plausible."  He paused half a beat, then said, "We take a bare-bones task force to Paradise, we kick in the door and belt 'em in the teeth, and if and when any resistance tries to push back, we bring in the rest of the Fleet and rain hell."
Sat 10 Dec 2022
at 14:49
  • msg #478

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  People were silent for a bit. For  those  not   ESN Delta  Fleet..the wieght of  the upcoming Jump off was massive. This wasn't  Russsa, or even Vera. This was Paradise . The home  of the Angels.

  Sten, the Sanri Ambassador   rose his  hand and spoke.Humans have  been actively fighting  this was fo  almost 6 that time, planets  were freed, or  conquoered , even when the Delta Fleet  was hit hard, they  managed to beat our enemies . The Battle of The Black, when the Hades  lead the enemy? The Delta Fleet  survived. That was  with The Hades Captain, privey to all the training that was put into the ESN at the time... The worse  that could hapen, is  we get repelled. I will be on this   Vessel    with My wife... I will not fear of our lives...

Hennings  speaks up. General Bale, Captain Morris  and Myself, have looked through  any Vids we  could get, on past  Conflicts the Angels  fought without aid....whether they were  propaganda, or real combat footage...

Bale hands him a  clicker  and  another  screen comes to life... There aren't any...... This is  a battle..say> 400 years ago?.... Paradise  ships  with Sanri and Occui... this one...around the same era... Paradise  with  Felrites.....

The Felrite on the screens  spoke up...That was the first, and only time, Paradise  gave  aid against the Qarl... they with drew near the end of the battle,  but we managed to eek out  a stand off, ...that lead to some  talks over the century..and  let the door open
 to  the  EVOLs decades  later, as  more humans  spilled into The Black... The turning point
 was most of those EVOLs assassinated By  the ESN, and the   fight with the Qarl vessels that were still in our space.   They chased the Qarl away . They even   proved to be as
 good  as Felrites  in some trials  we had... Our Popel have  no problem with following them into Paradise

 Lilit said,If that is the  case, Ambassador Kelo..perhaps your  flag ship, can take the place of Mine, and we will protect Zolth  and you can  'enjoy beating' the Angels.

 Kelo  smiled a   fanged  filed   cat-smile.we would  enjoy nothing more. But i cannot understand your  wiliness , not to take part in this  endevor?..If this is the Case..My flag ship  can  meet The Fleet at  Astra... I will bring a  ship or two extra..but... you will forgive me if i leave enough ships  behind, In case  Uden wants to retreat?

 Lilit  stands...You Dare!

 Kelo's  ears  twitch, her smiles  stays as she laughs a cat laugh.

Litit was  Pulled  down, not gently, By  Sade, who whirled  and grinded, loudly.

The Ambassador   says   Granmod  shames  us.... fear oif  failure is  good, it keeps you focused...but to give into the fear and   run away, is  inexcusable.

to that  end... Admiral Hack.  I tender my  transfere  request to The hermes, or  whichever Vessel you think i may aid... I will not  run from this fight, that  the  Fleet, My brother  and  my father  are  diving head long into!

 Lilit was  shocked to her eyes  flickering from white to grey.

 several of the alien  ambassador ( even those  on CAM) stood and  clapped  for   Dusk's  proclamation

  Captain Si finished a bite of her  food , followed that with a sip of water.What say you to that, Warlord. Shadow was left out of this meeting on your  behalf...

 Lix. was the first of many to  spout a word of surprise... they all looked at Lilit.

 ...  Shadow, is nothing more the  a weapon that can talk.... he would eagerly fly into Paradsie   alone.  without thinking  of   what could go wrong, when he fails... I wanted my granmods to make their choices on Thier won...with our  a crazed  killer's input.

 Shade   grinded   and bleeped loudly. Lilit looked shocked.

Ambassador Shade, says , he has never been more proud to be part Human... I am also of that  thought. Vera  fell, because Adem and Evert, tried to  stay out of the way, and  do humans say it? grab the low hanging fruit? They feared, what  became, My brother  and I.To not, follow My Father into battle, is something i could not live with...The shame would kill me, as easy as  a Draconian  Pulse round.

 Captain Si looked  around the table, she  saw the looks, and the smiles, whether they  were large, or just a hint.Id that is your  Wish, Captain Shadow, speak with Captain Morris after the meeting and your transfer to The Hermes wil be written out   today. Once on board here  with your belonging, we will see if you wish to stay, or find a ship  That you may command on your own.

 Lilit  looks at would leave me?

No Granmod, you are leaving me... I am staying  with Father.

 lilit's eyes  grow a bit darker as she looks at Roy.That is not the only reason you want to stay. is not... Dusk smiled a bit  at Roy

 Admiral Hack interrupted,Then? this is what will be.. Lilit  will break off from the  fleet in her flag ship. The Felrites  will send thier  flagship, and any, if  any? Ships that want to take  Part.  Once the Warlord leaves,  Captain Shadow and I will have talks  with the Undenese vessels, if  none are comfortable  swithc  Captains at this moment in time, Captain Shadow  will stay on the Hermes , until a vessel needs a captain.... Ambassadoe  Kelo? You will have    someone in commanded of the 'backdoor support, to  protect Astra, Zolth and  the Moons.. Lilit  will be there  to help Co-Ordinate... we will give any Undesne ships  the  choice of  following   Lilit, or staying the course...

 Lilit seemed dumbfounded, at what just occurred...

 Rivets looked down the table...see that , Warlord..didn't make no never mind, that me Boyo wasn't here... His kids   have  the same backbone....maybe twice that, considering  who their mum was...

Captain Morris sipped his  tea, he  gave Dusk a bit of a smile and wink.
Samantha Robertson
player, 1371 posts
Lt. Comms Officer
Burian Ambassador
Sat 10 Dec 2022
at 16:36
  • msg #479

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Sam listened and when Warlord Lilit chickened out she added," Admiral Bura is behind this 100 percent, I will contact Burs to see if we can spare any ships to help in protecting the Delta fleet sir." Sam turns to Warlord Lilit, " I thought the Udenese were supposed to be protectors of the black not the biggest cowards of the black except the Paradise Angels of course."
Sat 10 Dec 2022
at 22:56
  • msg #480

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Lilit stood.Then.. I will take my leave. You may send  my orders  for   the  Protection fleet... Dusk... Listen to your Commanders  well... she looked at  Shade, but didn't  say a  thing, turning her back on him as she left the  Admiral's.

 Shade  watched her  leave...then took the  rolls from her  butter plate,  and began to eat it.

  Hack looked around.Well?  At least the  LC can't be blamed for that?

 Washington?  You'll get the    best guess  at the  Paradise  vessels    when  the Blue Moon reps get here. You can  go over  them with the LC.... Captain Si  will take to the section flags...

 SM? You will selcet   3 shuttles  full  for  boarding. , I would like us to do the normal... Engine room, Brighe and  amidships, but that will be your  call , once we are in that situation....

 Captain Shadow? you will  think this  over, and either   return to your ship,  or have your things  sent over. You will  be with the Command , until  we find you a ship.

 any questions?
Roy Spencer
player, 10511 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Sun 11 Dec 2022
at 06:19
  • msg #481

Re: Commander's  Quarters

"Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out," Roy muttered, when Lilit announced her departure.  It wasn't loud enough to be heard throughout the room...but Dusk, for certain, and a few others at the table could likely have understood what he said.

He listened, nodding as orders were laid out.  When the call for questions was given, he hoisted a hand for a moment.  "Admiral, does that three shuttles include the mechs and armored infantry unit, or are they intended to be used as a separate force?"  He clarified, with the barest moment of hesitation before he spoke, "I know the mechs have always piggybacked on the assault shuttles.  I don't think Corporal Vanska's unit is equipped to clamp on in similar fashion for the ride through the battle to the boarding site.  Will they have their own shuttle, or do I need to include them in figuring the shuttle load-out rosters?"
Sun 11 Dec 2022
at 08:06
  • msg #482

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Hack  nodded at   Roy's  question...

 The  Mechs  will be  on the outside... you should be  able to   squeeze in  2 , to 4  AI into the  shuttles.....we have already sent  word to Astra    to try to get us  an extra shuttle or  two.. we'll have to park them in the Hold though. we can't   take more the  2 , unless  we  put the rest up one the spine.

 we'll have to see if the  AIs work out?, if they do, we'll send a  message to Fuji  to help   get  as  slightly bigger shuttles....but we won't see them this Jump off.
Mon 12 Dec 2022
at 03:48
  • msg #483

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 People  stood  up  and Moved  around the  Admiral's   quarters.

 Lix  approached  Roy  , Dusk and Shade.The  young  ambassador   is very assertive  with   Warlord is no small feat. I am also very   surprised  at the Way she defers to The Admiral will.. That has not  happen in The Balck, for  centuries.

Shade   whirled and Bleeped., Lix  looked to  Dusk.

..My Brother saays, Admiral hack put  him in the Ambassador's spot  to help foil Adme and Evert. He is not Ambassador, to make sure the ESN and APF can thrive.. Granmod is not happy with the way things  have unfolded..she....tend to blame..My Father.

 Lix  laughs,I would  have liked to meet the LC. I hear he can be  entertaining. SM Spencer... you have been on the Hermes  from the start. Does the though of  facing the Angels cause you concern?
Roy Spencer
player, 10512 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Mon 12 Dec 2022
at 06:42
  • msg #484

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy grinned cautiously.  "The thought of facing anyone gives me concern, Ambassador.  Even a squad of crippled Mulls can potentially get off a lucky shot and cost a life.  But I thought I made my thoughts on facing the Angels pretty clear, already.  We've faced a few of them...we're here and they're not.  Some of them went back home for extensive medical treatment...and some of them just never made it off the Hermes alive.  The Angels who had much will to fight went to the Moons, or have mostly left Paradise already to work with the EDT.  We're going to be facing the ones who gave up the fight a long time ago, and the only reason they're looking to fight now is because they've realized that their vaunted reputation doesn't cut it anymore...if they want to be taken seriously by anybody at this point, they've got to put up or shut up.  That might make them desperate, sure...but they haven't faced combat in centuries, and no matter how good you were, muscle memory fades and instincts get clouded if you don't keep them in practice."

He gave Lix an even gaze and answered, "This fight might cost us some...but I have no doubt about the outcome, and if their allies are dumb enough to answer the call for help, this will gain us some massive strategic wins that will tie up the Sol System and Vicrock for a long time, trying to recover."  There were potential gains against the Demons to be had, as well...but he was fairly certain that the Demons would stand back and watch, rather than come to the Angels' aid.
Tue 13 Dec 2022
at 21:46
  • msg #485

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Lix  offered  his  arm  to shake. I intende to be on The Hermes when this starts. Its been too long snice the ESN and Skitch killed ebenies at the same time. I want to  tell our  hatchlings, I was there.. even if its  just holding a Pulse  rifle on your Hanger Dec.I am Sure to see you again...

 He Bowed to  Dusk and went off.

 Dusk   smiled as  she said,well?  we had  food? I wil have   t send  for my things, From Lady's Revenge are there  things for  you to take care of. If  so? I will go to the Lady's revenge  and say good bye to the crew and bring my things back. otherwsie? I will stay  and
 ask them to send them over.

Samantha Robertson
player, 1372 posts
Lt. Comms Officer
Burian Ambassador
Wed 14 Dec 2022
at 16:40
  • msg #486

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Sam mingled with the others, getting to know the other ambassadors. She would try to meet all of them, she saw Lix talking to Dusk and the SM, she walked over to Lix and introduced herself." Hello Lix, it is a honor and a pleasure to meet you I am Lt. Sam Robertson the new Burian Ambassador."
Wed 14 Dec 2022
at 16:55
  • msg #487

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Lix  stopped  and   smiled  the wide toothy smile,Hello..i have seen you the other  meeting on your planet...yes..this will be  a grand turn of  events, one way or the other.

 it is god to see Bura  rise from subjugation, and then help fight for others.
Samantha Robertson
player, 1373 posts
Lt. Comms Officer
Burian Ambassador
Wed 14 Dec 2022
at 17:10
  • msg #488

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Sam smiled and replied," Yes that is true one way or the other after this the Black will be very different. Yes the APF and Delta fleet help liberate Bura. Now Bura wants to stand up with the other races and help liberate other planets and destroy the Empire. Burians are thankful for their liberation and will fight with all our heart to free the black. We have a good fleet but our determination, loyalty and heart will do us well in this fight."
Wed 14 Dec 2022
at 20:07
  • msg #489

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Lix have a  salamander-like frown...The Angels  lost thier way. They were once  a power of good,  Colonies like EArth..Qusa..and Entor we set to  not only  use   the  crimminals  to a higher  Purpose, but to raise  lesser  beings  to enter The Black as  citizens...of Course, all the races had  access to these colonies, and  those who were in charge fell to the darker side, to become 'gods'...both good and Evil. but in the end> when you have  people praise you, just because  you did not kill them? That is not a goodly person...
Roy Spencer
player, 10514 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Thu 15 Dec 2022
at 05:03
  • msg #490

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy gave Dusk a smile, but there was a tightness to it.  "You should go say your farewells to your crew...not just because it's the good thing to do, but also to make sure that they understand that this is YOUR choice, and why you chose it.  If it's left to Lilit to pass the word along, there's no knowing what might be said by way of explanation of your absence."

He grimaced slightly, and added, "And I have a Security detachment to oversee.  Yes, I have competent people...but I'm the one in charge, and seeing me there, sharing the duty with them, helps stifle resentment and sharpens the execution of their duties.  Most are unlikely to complain about processing collected intel if I'm there, sifting through all the materials with them, facing the same questions about what may or may not be relevant.  And if they do complain about it, I want to be there to know about it first-hand...such things can easily be misrepresented in second-hand accounts, and either made more serious or more trivial than they really were."  He chuckled and shrugged, adding, "I know I can't be there ALL the time, but I like to be there when I can."
Thu 15 Dec 2022
at 05:20
  • msg #491

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Dusk nodded   as   they headed to the door...then let us go to the   Hanger Dec. Granmod is  staying on board, until we get  to  Fuji, if i understand it,  II will be able  to  bring my gear.....and your   People can see you.

Roy, Dusk, Hanger dec>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Samantha Robertson
player, 1374 posts
Lt. Comms Officer
Burian Ambassador
Thu 15 Dec 2022
at 13:58
  • msg #492

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Sam shook her head and replied to Lix," Yes they did, their superiority complex is really kicking their ass now, they will soon find out they are not the 'GODS' they thought they were. It has been a pleasure talking with you Ambassador Lix, we will speak again, good day." Sam smiled shook his hand and then mingled a little more then decided it was time to go to work,

----->>>>>>> To SEC

Sun 16 Jul 2023
at 16:32
  • msg #493

Re: Commander's  Quarters

(( After  Send off  of Paradise  Invasion))

 The  Board  was there ,,,  And  TR-DE a Female  Blue moon angle was the ambassador.. Her  escort was  a Male Captain CO-NS.

   As   Shadow and  Roy  walked in,  The Captain Motioned to  seta near  General Bale  and  Admiral Hennings,, Shade  and Dusk were across  the  table  from them, with other s filling in, The Admiral was  at the  far end, with Si at his Right, Morris on His left and Rivets  next to Moriis.  Sam  could choose   where to .. Commander Miller   was   also there

  As  we start, y9u have  yiour choice between Steak.. of  some Burian Fish. Something like  Salmon , on earth all the sides  are the same, this will be a working  brunch, As  Nil has Ladies to get dressed for the ball.

 TR-DE  asked,Nil? I do not understand this  fascination you have with  dressing these people up?.. frankly, some are Not  fit  to  wear  Angel  silk.

 Captain Si's eyes  darken  just a bit, but she kept her smile.Early on, I saw how   some of our ladies marveled  at those dresses.. how the few who got to wore  them were thrilled.. so i began to Invite more of  our people.. Many of them are troopers  and Pilots, There are even some Special  civis.  These people, even the Civis, may never get to wear Angel silk, much less own it.. I make it possible for both, One never  knows  when  , the next  send off, has you on the  wrong end of a black bag.

 Shadow didn't  like either choice  but  settled on a steak  heavy of  the mashed potatoes  and gravy. so> since  The SM  and I  are here, I assume this is  about a  detla night?
Samantha Robertson
player, 1506 posts
Lt. Comms Officer
Burian Ambassador
Sun 16 Jul 2023
at 17:02
  • msg #494

Re: Commander's  Quarters

------->>>>>> From Hanger Dec

 Sam walked in and took a seat next to Rivets smiling, she was moving a lot better but everyone could tell she was still nursing a injury. Sam got the Burian fish, rice and mixed Burian veggies. She just sat and listened for now.
Sun 16 Jul 2023
at 17:43
  • msg #495

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Admiral Hack  took a bite of steak.Let's start off  with what you will need...TR-DE

  she nods to her  Captain who had  taken the fish.As you knw, there are always problems  for Locla  SEC, ebcause of the pepoe involved   have ties to the local people. We can only arrange, so many accidents. My SEC  offcie   will back    4-6 Marks  we need taken out.. There  may be  a spot ot two outside the  city..I am tiold yoiur  people have no problems with that
Samantha Robertson
player, 1507 posts
Lt. Comms Officer
Burian Ambassador
Sun 16 Jul 2023
at 21:18
  • msg #496

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Sam listened carefully and made mental motes of the situation. Sam had her eyes go to her new purple heart when she felt the soreness of her almost healed injuries.
Admiral Hack
GM, 11946 posts
Sun 16 Jul 2023
at 22:09
  • msg #497

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 TR-DE Looked at Shadow.LC Shadow.. I..have heard  of some of your past missions? Is it possible  for you..NOT.. to burn my planet down

 No Promises, Ma'am... but he wasn't laughing.

 Captain Si  rose..Ladies? Its    Time to get dresses,  Please  report across the hall to  my  quarters. I am sending out the    warning to the rest of the ladies,,

 Ladies  to Caotain Si's quarters.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Roy Spencer
player, 10881 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Sun 16 Jul 2023
at 23:12
  • msg #498

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy kept his bites of the steak small, allowing him to chew and swallow in a hurry if something came up that he needed to respond to.  It wasn't like this was a battlefield meal, after all...there was no reason to rush through it.  "In all fairness, most of the occasions where LC Shadow's...flair for the dramatic, let's call it...has resulted in heavy collateral damage can be laid squarely at the feet of local contacts who utterly failed to collect critical intelligence about the target and locations involved."  He shrugged slightly and added, "If you walk into a place having been told that there's only one or two other people there, and find out it's more like fifteen or twenty but they're all obviously working for the same bad people, you do what you can to make up the difference.  Delta Nights would be a lot more complicated if we went everywhere packing gear for a full-scale assault, so we tend to look at the intel and pack a little light, based on that.  When you have to improvise, the results get...imprecise."
Kray Shadow
GM, 2859 posts
fighter jock
Lt Commander
Mon 17 Jul 2023
at 01:46
  • msg #499

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 LC  and the other s  stood  up as  Captain Si and the Ladies  left.  Retaking his  his, Shadow Looked at the two Angels he   began, after a  coupe   fork fuls of  mashed potatoes were gone.

 I Like, delta  nights... you now why?..because a regular Jump off, there are a bunch of peope out there  i have to kill, who are only out there m because som dumbass hiding behind a desk, sent them, there... Now Detal  Night?  The poeple and things  we go after,  are The  'Big Bads'.. I have kileld rooms  ful of  peoe  That  Ldy V got to see.  I have left some
 guys live, because  some one who was ...'supposed' to be one of us. sent me there to Kill them..So.. As  a way of discalimer? When   Delta Nights  hapen, y9u don['t get to say 'how"

Samantha Robertson
player, 1508 posts
Lt. Comms Officer
Burian Ambassador
Mon 17 Jul 2023
at 01:48
  • msg #500

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Sam smiled at the others and followed Captin Si to her Quarters.

------->>>>>>> To Captain Si's Quarters
Wed 19 Jul 2023
at 01:30
  • msg #501

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 The LC and SM  left the   Admiral and  big brass to finish out there diner and wines.

  Shadow shook his head as he held his hands out  in disbelief M<an? Yoiu burn a few  measle  city blocks, and  right away its. "mr  shadow ppelase don't burn my planet down"..

 he looked  at  Roy  as if perplexed.

 One of the lady Guards from across  the way came over..begging your  Pardon, LC  and SM..I am still not  certain its  for real..but, I ...i..think the   Captain wants  you two , to come in and look at the ladie's  dresses?.. I will take you do the  door and Confirm...

 Shadow and Roy Caotain Si's  quarters>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Wed 29 Nov 2023
at 03:17
  • msg #502

Re: Commander's  Quarters

((  day after   Paradise invasion  brass   'working lunch"))

 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Captain Si..  Traci Caphsaw  from  Si's  quarters

  As  Captain Si  and  Captain Capshaw  entered, , Si moved  the head of the  table where   Admiral Hack sat,,she  sat at his  right hand at the other  end of the  table , Hennings  Sat with  bale  and Morris on  either side.the rest was   Filled in with the  section Admirals  and  their Flag Captains Beth and Roles  sat  on the left of   Hack.

 Rivets and the QM stood  while they ate  and Listened,, there  job was to comment  on resources  and such..Rivets didn't mind  as he was closer to the  drinks.  Stefi and Major TA-Li where  with them..

  thank you all for coming... and please do not be  shy about  eating.  I  will offer this to you all, since you are welcome to stay  aboard  the Hermes   over night if you wish. But the  LC  has a tunnel  run at 8:00pm ships time.. you are all invited if   you feel the urge  for  some  work out,,

  The reason we  are here, and have not invited  the APF leaders  to  screen-in with us. is because there  are too many places  to go  I want  to  Visit Vampra.. Aqra  seems to be  getting  some movement   from the Largans, which  means, the Largans  and chreshians
 may be  seeking to liberate Aqra  has  the  4  Aqra battleships  we  captured as orbital defense.. and  8 cap ships  from  Everest and  well  as  6  Caps  ships from Hyria.. they looks decent enough, but the  colonists and  bases on the ground  will   hve to deal  with Aqra attacking  , with  Empire  assets   coming in

 beth  stood up  as  Hack nodded to her...we also pulled in  information of  Roussa sailing  the back side of   Vera,,,there  may be something going on there.. and  we  intercepted   rumors of movements  of Roussa wanting to strike back at nivar for joining the APF
Wed 17 Jan 2024
at 03:56
  • msg #503

Re: Commander's  Quarters

(( two day out  from Blue Moon shore leave))

   Shadow arrived with   Roy.. most of the  brass where there. The Board, Captains Morris,  Rivets  and Capshaw  Roy and  Shadow sat  at the  near  end of the  table, next to each other where captain Si  sat...The Admiral was at the other  end..the board   on either  side of Him. Roles had  been added to the board, since the Harvester  was if  full operation again, he was only  a  10 minute shuttle  run away, at worst .

one the other  side, facing   Shadow  and  Spenser were two Hyrians , a Hyrain  Mavi with a   scar  down  the right side of his  face, the his  grey-black  fur make the pale  6 inche scar stand out.  New to him a Hyrian  Captain, red-brown fur. Shorter   then  the Major, with more of a 'fox' then  wolf. Capshaw  and Bornberyy   where on the  side with the Hyrians.

 Foodcarts where  Moving in a clock wise  motion..Creamed   Chicken,  or  fried chicken   with  Mshed potatoes   and  Astra grown corn.

  breadsticks    or  rolls  where available as well.. Shadow   would take  a  tall Cola...the others  took   wine or beer..  Coffee  and teapiots  were set   along the  tables  with fixing such as   Milk, sugar and  Honey from Bura.

 Thank you all for  coming.. we will get into  the nest step in our Operations.. But first, lets  enjoy  the food.

 Shadow   would bread a bread  still, and  dip it into his bowl of creamed  chicken and take a Bite.

 The  Hyrian  Major, in his guttural voice  Looked across  at Shadow and  Roy..I am Major Gosk... we fought  against you at  The Line...Your  people impressed  us  far more then  those of Everest...

 The  Reddish-brown Captain, his  Voice  a bit  lighter,I am  Captain  Lorg..I  am  a different Breed of   Hyrian. most o us never  see too high of a rank. But in the APF, I am Captain of the Fur Raiser APF H002... I was an ensign at the Battle of the line. at that time , i had the pride  of  damaging  an Everest  vessle  with  By  Gunnery  crew... as i see how the  war had  changed  I am sad, that i killed future  allies, But i am Glad    That i now sail with the  fight a common  foe.

 we are here to add to discussion . we cannot  say mauch until ask.. SM Spencer...  about  half the troops  i command, fought  on the Line..They ha d some  interesting  words  for how  humans   attacked out outposts on the  moons.
Roy Spencer
player, 11169 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Wed 17 Jan 2024
at 06:01
  • msg #504

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy raised a surprised eyebrow when the Hyrians began their introductions by explaining they had fought at The Battle of the was a given that they had been, no Hyrian of their age would have been absent...but the expected recriminations were instead words of respect, from both of them.  Roy shot a glance at Shadow, wondering if the LC was likewise pleasantly surprised to have allies show up with words of respect and even praise after having so many of their own transfers come in sounding like they'd just been transferred to a shit assignment...

"Thank you, Major...Captain. We've had the honor and privilege of having one of your people serve aboard the Hermes since shortly after The Battle...he's been a mainstay of our heavy-weapons troopers.  And the Hyrians that have been serving in the Fleet since you joined the APF have been truly formidable, and acquitted themselves in ways that bring honor and glory to your whole people."  He gave a slightly formal nod, then slipped a sly grin and asked, "What do they say about us?  Your troops, I mean..."  He was expecting anything from accusations of despicable dishonor and deception to descriptions of them fighting like some kind of nightmare creature out of Hyrian mythology...but he was curious.
Wed 17 Jan 2024
at 06:21
  • msg #505

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  he Major  chuckled  as he  sipped  a beer,The Ones   who survived    brought back words  Of  anger  and surprise.,.. you were  like  the Felrites  with  your cunning, buy  like demons when you attacked... some say there was a  little   Hyrian type...with white fur, that  was with the units  when they attacked. Since that time, our  units  have  watched  , or fought close to Human units on  Aqra  and Paradise and a few places  more.... But the word is most talked about  is 'heart'.. watching   humans   2/3s  our size  standing there   fighting, to the  point of   hand to hand.. If  demons  try to escape that... The  feeling is, as long as there is a Hermes . The Demons  cannot  win
Roy Spencer
player, 11171 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Thu 18 Jan 2024
at 00:13
  • msg #506

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy gave a grin.  "We have been at war for pretty much all of our history, with only a few brief lulls here and there.  Unlike the Demons and Angels and many others, our wars weren't against some abstract enemy that we only occasionally saw face to face...we learned to fight by fighting each other, and while a lot of people in our history have tried to make victory about having the best technology, most of the time it's come down to who had the strongest resolve.  It takes a lot of will for a society to agree to deprive itself of some of the luxuries so that the money saved can be put into developing and producing new weapons...took even more will for societies to rise up against leaders who were more interested in making their own fortunes than in the welfare of their people."

He gave a little shrug, and smiled.  "I've told more than a few of our allies, AND our enemies, that nobody out there fights harder, pound for pound, than a determined human.  And most of us on the Hermes were chosen for our assignments due to a combination of fighting prowess and raw determination.  The only way we won't see this war through to the end is if someone kills us all first."
Thu 18 Jan 2024
at 01:25
  • msg #507

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Both Hyrians   laughed  and nodded..Then?  Let us  hope, that they do  not kill all of you first!

 what of the humans  who fight   for the Empire?  Does this  not give them an edge  as well? Lorg asked.

Shadow shook his head.we kill them , just  as  easy as  we  kill traitors  of  any race.. we have  EDT, there  are slavers  and Blackmarket folks who aid the enemy, we have deserters, whose finalend  is known to them, as soon as a ESN   troper sees them...but no? they humans who fight  for the Empire, are not made of the same stuff  the  Humans out here are.

 Gosk looked  at Shadow, then  at Roy...LC Shadow..we know of  your prowess in the air.. you name is  atop  all aces of thsie   war  and you threaten  those who  fought in combined  wars

 I'd  be lying if  i said  i didn't like the  Kill count.. it makes  me feel like  i'm doping something..

 The Fox-like Hyrian  grinned,maybe..if you  were on the Ground Like the  would  feel differant   of how many   enemies  you face,and kill..

 Shadow Just   chuckled... Captain  Si let out a  small giggle as she   badded her lips  from an escaped  sip of  wine.
Roy Spencer
player, 11172 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Thu 18 Jan 2024
at 05:48
  • msg #508

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy stifled a grin at the comment about Shadow's outlook changing if he were on the ground.  In truth, it probably would...while he was an excellent infiltrator and assassin, his marksmanship would make him absolute shit as an infantryman.  "We all have our individual strengths.  I feel safe in saying that the LC would probably be far more deadly on the ground than I'd be behind the controls of a fighter, but we'll never find that out."  His tone of voice implied that he meant he'd never be at the stick in a fighter...which was true.

"As for the humans who fight for the Empire...they all share one fatal flaw.  No human we've ever crossed paths with was fighting for the Empire because they thought it was the right thing to do.  They were fighting for the Empire because it was making them money, or they had been promised power and prestige...all the causes that drove all the worst failed despots and tyrants of human history."  He flashed a feral grin and continued, "They don't have heart.  They've got the weapons, and the training...but they lack the will.  They're fighting for the prospect of their own comfort and luxury, so the notion of the kinds of sacrifices that make for the most dangerous warriors is foreign to them."  He gestured around the table at the humans assembled there.

"They look like us...but they're pale imitations, hollow shells."
Thu 18 Jan 2024
at 12:46
  • msg #509

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Shadow  snorted, they aren't   hollow,  they are full of...

  LC!... we are eating...

  Shadow looked around sheepishly..sorry folks, i have noi rom in my heart for taitors, deserters, slavers , and  the Empire. I tend to get a bit....'coarse'

he    began to dip somemore bread into his   creamed chicken

 The Admiral chuckled,eat and  talk, then  we  wil discuss what we are doing.
Roy Spencer
player, 11174 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Fri 19 Jan 2024
at 02:39
  • msg #510

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy stuck with the fried chicken.  Messy as it was to eat, he just couldn't bring himself to try the creamed chicken, even knowing that the Hermes kitchen staff would turn out top-notch food, especially with visiting dignitaries.  But creamed...anything, really...was too strong a visual reminder of the slop they had dished out during boot camp...and while it had kept them all alive and nourished, it ranked near the bottom of his culinary experiences.

Knowing the Hyrians were unlikely to be dainty eaters, he wasn't timid about digging into the chicken with gusto, knowing his example would make them feel more comfortable with their natural eating habits.  He stopped short of chewing on bones, however...he lacked both the jaws and the teeth to do that properly, and he had to draw the line somewhere.
Sat 20 Jan 2024
at 04:49
  • msg #511

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  Talk continued  a   bit, Capshaw  tossed  questions down to the SM and LC about , eliminating some of the people  whom SEC  could not  reach on planets  and   stations.

 Shadow danced around those  questions  without Looking at  The Admiral or the  Captain, leaving Capshaw  with a slight  smile   as she ..did..glance at  the Admiral and Captain from time to time.

 Dessert came, mostly frozen confections in bowls  with Choies of  flavored  syrups, but there  was  ..honest to the gods, chocolate cake!

 Shadow   took a high stemmed   glass bowl  with something akin to ice-cream, but it glistened  with  ice..he poured  chocolate and cherry syrup on it.

as they enjoyed , whatever they had  taken for dessert  The Admiral began..he had   the  cake  and  added  whip cream on top of the  icing.Right  now..we are sailing  in the direction of Fuji.   allies  and friends  alike see us going there..and we  will. The  bigger  question on everyone's
 mind is ..'where  do we  go from there? '

Bornberry    said..I would like to know that myself... there were chuckles.

 Vampra...Roussa..and   Aura, are  problem spots , or   will be... I want to crush Vampra.... Roussa and Vera, seem to think , when we  made them sign   treaties, it was meant  to bind them to it.. and   the Damn Fish   have been calling  for help from the Lizards  and the Bugs... we cammot leave them actively  hostile at our backs while we go elsewhere, Paradise  did us a favor. The  Skyth   have total control of   Paradise  2 and 3.. They 'leak' some  vids as to what's happening to the angels there, to  Paradise Prime, and that's keeping the angels there in check.. The
 Skyth now  patrol the Paradise  system.. any ship..any ship at all that isn't flagged as  APF.. either  gets boarded and captures..or  gets  blown to scrap for the foundry ships...

 he  taps  his   glass    and  two orderly's  roll out  a  table  , turning on a Holo of the   know systems.

 he gets   up  with his bowl of cake,  and stands  by the   holo as you the top is where  the Skyth and Qarl play  their games.... the  Qarl between the skyth and the Demon's  systems... but  now, The Skyth  hold  power in Paradise.. APF folks  on  Paradise  Prime   govern that colony... and they aid   the Skyth when they need to  dock and get supplies... in turn, the  Skyth will gift them with a vessels..I think the Rule of thumb is   'one out of three" they capture. so the APF  fleet grows  slolwy  ,but each one adds  to the defense...and  support for the  Skyth..

 The  Skyth  have been making  forays , into  Zeta Quad... the ESN  folks  On Taranaki  have been fending of all manner of  pirates and out right attacks..  They lost three  colonies   since  we left earth the first time... The Admiral of   Taranaki is Admiral Dente  Frosh. He was born in Spain, went through the academy there, came into  San Diego when i was an ensign..he   commanded  an early destroyer  at the Battle of  Mars  1 and II . his ship recorded  3  Victories.. 1 was a transport. that  must have had  close  to  30,000 demons on it.. he also destroyed a water
  Container vessel, and  a demon Destroyer.. he was tabbed to take  Taranaki as the Hermes  was being built . he has  held the  station  for the last  3  years, after the last colony fell.. Skyth and Paradise  Prime  will aid him...needless to say, we are going to have to clear  that  Quad,

  he frowns...but...not now.  The Skyth  have said , they will at very least, 'hunt ' in that quad, Until the delta  Fleet can go there... we..need to  exact  discipline on our problem  children at out back.. we are going to load  up on Fuji.. have  some house cleaning there as well .. once  we leave there, we are headed to  Russa, and ...that will include  Vera... from there  we  wil sail Through Hyrian space
 to Vampra... then swing  a bit  to  come into  Aqra  space.. to see whose  asses we have to kick. I have no idea how long this will take. But were are not Going to be diplomatic  about this... Enemies    who  have seen how well we treat those who  have become part of the APF  family, Know the good things about us...Roussa... Vera ..they are about to  find out  what you don't fuck of the ESN/APF ..Vampra   was smug? thinking  we would not waste time on them while they continue their raids  and attacks. 2 days ago, a Hyrian outpost on an asteroid, near  Kaos.. and I think they have people on Oasis  as well...

Lorg  nodded..

 we  have  colonies on Both..all the Hyrians there Votes to join the APF,  after the delta  fleet  came  back to  help, undo  the  damage done.. to us..but, the Vampic   did not take  kindly to that.. they are, much like your Admiral  Frosh..surrounded...they have a  'pipeline' of sorts  between them, they have lasted this long, because  Vampra  does  not  consider them a threat..there is a deep hate between   The  Vampic's
 and   Wolf   People..even on earth  there were encounters  between them as they fought over human prey.

 well.. the whole of the Black is  about to find out , Just how serious   The delta Fleet is when  we have to  come back a 'second time"
he  returned to his chair.

 Now.. Major  Gosk and Captain  Lorg..what we need from you is help... we need to know   the lanes  Vampra  uses  for  supplies  and  where then send their  ships out  from ..we also  need to know where their  Colonies are...and You have  until we beat the ever loving 9 hells out of vera  to get me that information...we  also need   a few ships as a show of  force, from Hyrian to  add to the defense of   Aqra..

 any questions
Sun 21 Jan 2024
at 16:00
  • msg #512

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  The Hyrians   listneds and agreeds.

 we will send out  missives  from our ships, to appear as if we are worried  or checking on them..we will relay any information to you Multicolored Hair  Girl..

 Captain Si  spoke up...Beth...Lt  Beth Morrow..yes, see that the   information goes through her.

  General Bale says,As  we leave  Fuji,  we will....leak...information of the  Fleet  coming to Roussa... Vera  will not get the warning, but if they have smart beings there, they will figure  out....that we have figure out...

  The focus on  Roussa, will be reflected on Vera... this will drawn all eyewsto  Uden Space.. The warlord  will have to get off her
 ass....meanwhile... we will assess our damage  after this action, and  proceed to  Aqra. This will be  seen  as our relief   efforts.. but in truth, we  will  sail right past  Aqra into Vampic space ...  the   goal will be  two fold. !.. to subjugate Vampra,,, and  2.. to provide   security  for the Hyrian  Colonies in that space.
  Hennings   shrugged.

  Capshaw  asked,But , those  colonies are in Vampra  Space?  Can we  just 'sail in and  pounded them to box wood"?

Balke was about to answer.   Hack stopped him and said we are  around 6 years  out in this  fight. I have  seen   other races, do terrible  things, not only to us, but each other... God and Bad   are just words out here...

Hack points to Shadow and  Roy,Most Humans..and  even Most  APF races  View  these two as heroes...good  people. Those who serve the Empire..they  view them as Monsters.. Lady V? To us  is the  Most corrupt  human to  walk the  stars...but she is hailed  as  a great leaders   by the Empire  and EDT...she Views  both these men as if they were a disease. So, Captain?  Here is your  answer..  Not  only  'can we"... But  'We will'

a Motion with his hand to the Hyrians. when we first faced off agai8nst the Hyrians, we thought them  in the same  vein as  Demon and Creshians  and Largrans. But they showed   forms  of  honor, and when we saved ,  what we thought  was a 'minor  bit' of the poeple. The Hyrians  thanked us ... the treaty was  signed, and we sent   people to try to undo most of the Damage to their home world...since then , they have become  a  force  with in the Fleet, and the APF...and yes? there are Hyrians   who serve the Empire  still. But? So do Humans, Sanri and many other races.. We have only seen one Vampic that showed  any signs  of what i would call 'humanity' and she is not here. Vampra  will get a heavy dose of kickass when we get there..but..we must deal with things in turn. and hope  The Skyth will start weakening Zeta  Quad, and our  People   around Aqra  can give  support to those, Until the Fleet, comes to bear on that sector,
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:43, Mon 22 Jan.
Mon 22 Jan 2024
at 19:56
  • msg #513

Re: Commander's  Quarters

  With the food   finished  and the Meeting over. The Adamiral says,  we should arrive  at Fuji around 2000 hours    tomorrow  night...  The ships  that  still need  'dock ' repairs, will  settled into the orbiting  Docks, the rest of  us will slide into  docking arms  and repair what is needed

 LC..SM... first  night fun  as we always do, See   what   Delta Night has to clean up.... the  next  day,  we will be  going to the   Playground to see what's  going on there.  You two can Carry on...

 Shadow Saluted the Admiral and the Rpoom,  as  they left, Shadow told Roy, I'm going to the Hanger Dec, see  if those  new folks  tried to  do anything  with the  pool aircraft.. then check the  flight lines.

Shadow to hangr Dec>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Roy Spencer
player, 11177 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Tue 23 Jan 2024
at 05:59
  • msg #514

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy had very nearly bitten through his tongue by the time mention was made of Uden dealing with Vera.  It had been, after all, the expectation that Lillit would keep Vera in line that had led to Vera remaining an Udenese holding instead of becoming another APF colony, but the Warlord had apparently forgotten all her warlike ways as soon as Vera had been pacified.

But knowing that others were asking similar questions kept Roy from bringing up anything further about it.  He gave a slightly dissatisfied nod, acknowledging there would be a Delta Night on Fuji, keeping his annoyance in check.  The fact that Fuji had traitors in place didn't bother him, was unavoidable.  The fact that the Hermes had to keep cleaning them up DID bother him...the SEC people on Fuji should be more than capable of carrying out their own black ops and creating plausible deniability, and the fact that they kept turning to the Delta Fleet to clean up their more unpleasant messes just encouraged further proliferation.

"If I may, Admiral," he began, after snorting softly at Shadow's comment about checking up on the new transfers.  "It might be advantageous to us to send in a detachment for the Delta Night operations AHEAD of the Fleet.  We've seen that EDT and their friends have long since stopped being caught completely unawares at our arrival, and the last few times we've gone out, they've either been in the process of bugging out or have gone to ground and bunkered in to wait for us.  If we can get a unit to Fuji a couple of days ahead of the Fleet, arriving incognito and unannounced, we can catch them with their guard down...and maybe see why it is that FujiSEC has to keep throwing their deepest cesspits to us to clean up, instead of grabbing their own damned shovels.  And we can maybe collect some decent operational intel on the ones that we can't catch with their pants down, so we don't end up with our teams walking into meat grinders.  One of these times, they're actually going to be smart enough to really prepare for an attack, and we're gonna lose a lot of good people.  Anything we can do to keep them off balance will delay that day."
Admiral Hack
GM, 12389 posts
Tue 23 Jan 2024
at 06:16
  • msg #515

Re: Commander's  Quarters


   Admiral hack sipped his beer,  a  tilt , left and Right of His head. we  could  do that.. But  keep in mind, the Ball happens the  day after  we  arrive, which means you would have to leave in 4 hours or  so...  to have  roughly  a day to do what you can do...yes..we  still have to do the Ball, because  it  is  a ESN/APF  tradition, and  we need to let the folks know we aren't changed  by out  beatings  we get and  dish out...If you wish to do this... get a  group... say?...10-12  people  grab  gear  and  we'll call for a  supply shuttle to take you in.
Roy Spencer
player, 11179 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Tue 23 Jan 2024
at 06:22
  • msg #516

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy nodded.  "We'll also need to get our target information from FujiSEC covertly.  If there's any EDT connection in FujiSEC...and there almost has to be, for them to stay a step ahead of all the efforts to root them out...any formal request for information to be delivered to an advance team would tip them off and pretty much defeat the purpose."  He stood up, already making a list in his mind of personnel that he wanted on what was, essentially, a scouting mission.

"I'll talk to a few people and see what kind of a team I can come up with.  If I can't find volunteers for it, I'll let you know to cancel the shuttle."  He gave an informal salute to the Admiral and Captain Si, and nods to the others, before he turned and left.
Admiral Hack
GM, 12391 posts
Tue 23 Jan 2024
at 06:32
  • msg #517

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 Hack  gave  a easy salute,Going in on a supply shuttle, I get  Gresh to  have you met there  by a  FujiSec contact. between  the two of them you should get  some priority   Marks.
Admiral Hack
GM, 12551 posts
Mon 1 Apr 2024
at 03:04
  • msg #518

Re: Commander's  Quarters

 With Si  entertaining the Ladies, as they get geared up for the   Delta Lady invasion.

    Admiral Hack, Admiral  Hennings  and   Admiral Roles  looked  at a  Table that  had a   holo-sphere if  some points  marked  in   Red, green and Blue. With Beth  either In  Si's quarters, , or on her  way,   The Admiral sent his own COM...Tis is   Main Swith..... do we  have  any reports  on if ther  power  outages  were taken Car of., we hear their might be  some lights out.

the COM was sent to Roy
Roy Spencer
player, 11336 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Tue 2 Apr 2024
at 06:16
  • msg #519

Re: Commander's  Quarters

Roy's comm came back shortly.  "Lots of bad lighting units are out of commission.  A few blown power transformers, as well.  The repair bill for this one is going to be significant...but the effects were all highly localized.  A few electricians got zapped, but no permanent damage to the crew.  We're just trying to decide whether to go get something to eat or come back into the central station and see if there are any other emergency calls to answer."
Admiral Hack
GM, 12557 posts
Tue 2 Apr 2024
at 11:10
  • msg #520

Re: Commander's  Quarters

   Very  Good. Management  will be glad to hear that  the  problems were  taken care of. I guess  get the
 trucks  back to the barn and takes some well deserved time off. If  any of you wish to stay   on call, you know where we have reservations.

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