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10:42, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

FUJI R&D #2.

Posted by Admiral HackFor group 0
Viktor Grimm
player, 123 posts
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 13:19
  • msg #4


Viktor patted Roll on the top of his head and smiled, “Yes, of course. You can play with your friends.” Looking to Mortica he spoke, “See you later then at the beach.” With that he put his hand on Roll’s back and lead him away from the investigation to towards the beach.
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 13:26
  • msg #5


      ...Hack here?...  Teela  has  wounds  to her  wings... from  protecting Shadow   as he  dove out of the   POD.. he..shot his way out.. with that  SAnri hand cannon he carriers  around... Ensign Teela used  her  blades to help  weaken the Metaglass...  Ambermoon , Melia  and  Myself were outside the  APV when the fighter went critical..

 then he adds, as  an After thought....the LC  shoudl very much like to chat with Herr Koffel..

 ..Thank You Oliver .. tell the LC  and  Ensign we are Glad the are Safe..

 Rivets looked at  Koffel ..ahh..Laddie... it   isn't  goin'  mean a snake's  chance in  Ireland fer ya now....Yer gonna   have ta  come up with a good reason , why the LC shouldn't  take ye apart..

 he jerks his ehad to   Zob,..or . iffen he  ain't up ta it..maybe   let  SGT  Zob  finish what he started..

 Morris  cleared  his throat and Loked  around  at those  gathered... this  wasn't Everest..Etna or  Olympus..This was Fuji... The Home of the  Delta Fleet..Koffel would  find  very little, if  any support here...I should think,  alot of people might   want  to...'chat ' with Mr  Koffel ..but let us wait for the Admiral and  The  rest to return...

 some how, the cultured  voice  and    outwardly calm look of the older Captain, seemed to convey  more  chill, then any who spoke  thus far.

 ..he shot his  vay out of der   Pod?... Thatv is ....impossible!.. the Meta Glass  is designed, not to allow  small arms  fire  to penetrate .... I think, der  Admiral  es  covering up  der  death of  the   LC....

 Flores    took her  helmet off , an eyebrow raised,we'll find out shortly....

 off int the  distance  the Plume of   dust   was getting closer  as the  APV  sped its  wat towards  them
player, 1195 posts
Blue Angel
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 13:55
  • msg #6


Teela took the hand Shade offered and stood with a grimace and slight hiss of pain. “I’m just glad I got to you in time and that you’re all right given the alternative.”

She sat and let the medics work on her wings until it was time to go back to see the man responsible. She climbed into the ATV with the rest, wings spread as much as possible.
Melia Kristensen
player, 1338 posts
Combat Corpsman
Petty Officer 1st Class
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 13:59
  • msg #7


In reply to Crash site  1 (msg # 3):

Melia started on Shadow first, "this is going to hurt... a... bit!" she said as she reset his shoulder in the socket. "you're getting a full scan at the med tent, any sign of concussion and you're grounded until Stefi signs off on you." Melia said to Shadow. She sets to work on Teela's wings offering the angel some pain meds before she sets to work in the back of the APV. You're grounded as well.  You'll also get a head scan,  but I also want a scan of your wings. We need to be sure there's no microfracture in your wings. The hand scanner lacks the resolution to be sure. Neither scan takes long, and there's no point in risking further damage for a training and test day." she says to Teela as they bounce along. Once she finishes bandaging up the two of them she checks for any other injuries, and monitors Shadow and Teela wrapping then in a blanket and giving them fluids to treat for shock.
on the way back
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 14:10
  • msg #8


  Shadow  Just winced   and   set a frim hard line  as Melia    got the shoudler  in place  again.

 as the  road.. Shadow was  quiet..he held the helmet in his hands , spinning it form time to time..

 ..You know, Son.. you can't just outright kill him...

 the  others    looked at Shadow , who nodded a bit.....not right now?.... But?  the  sun won't stay up for ever....Night comes to Fuji just like anyother place.

 Hack snorted a  short  chuckle.....Ineed....
player, 1196 posts
Blue Angel
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 14:16
  • msg #9


Teela grumbled a bit but didn’t argue. “At least you’re more gentle than Stefi,” she said, grimacing as the ATV hit another bump.
Kira Ambermoon
player, 285 posts
Chief Petty Officer
Mech Rider Leader
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 14:20
  • msg #10


Kira who had taken over driving the APV was hauling ass back, "Sorry back there, im pushing this thing to its limits... as for the Mechs they are good but will chat later about it... lets get you back first" she tried to avoid any further bumps if possible.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:49, Mon 15 Apr 2019.
Harriet Lynch
player, 1175 posts
Upstart Pilot
Call Me Harry
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 14:27
  • msg #11


”That was a damn lucky shot Frans and you know it” Harry said not for the first time as she brought her Mantis in to land. Though in truth she’d over estimated how tightly she could turn meaning that Frans had been able to take advantage of Harry’s miscalculation and put a tag in her side bringing their aerial ballet to an abrupt end. However regardless of the outcome one thing was for certain, she wanted a Mantis even if it meant she had to buy the thing herself!

Harry had barely climbed out of her cockpit when all hell broke loose, with the two remaining Widows going down with a team quickly going in search of Shadow who had been unable to Pod out due to a fault. Meanwhile the beginnings of an angry mob had formed around Koffel who had seemingly taken it upon himself to sabotage Shadows pod which in her humble opinion was about as dumb a move as you could make, especially seeing as Shadow had survived and was on his way back.
player, 721 posts
The best knife is the
unseen one.
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 14:32
  • msg #12


The Fuji sec and the people had backed off of him at this point now that Koffel was in serious trouble he then glanced to Rivets then to Koffel, "I was being gentle, you don't want me to really hurt you... ill let those in charge decide your fate... better start praying though it isn't by my hands"
This message was last edited by the player at 14:36, Mon 15 Apr 2019.
player, 579 posts
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 14:40
  • msg #13


“I’ll see you both later. I’ll comm and let you know when I’m clear,” Mortica told Viktor in the calm, controlled voice he knew meant she was absolutely furious and ready to rip someone in half.
Melia Kristensen
player, 1339 posts
Combat Corpsman
Petty Officer 1st Class
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 14:57
  • msg #14


Melia gently took the helmet from Shadow replacing it with a small bottle of an electrolyte beverage. "We'll take care of accounts payable later. Shadow I need you to focus on finishing that bottle before we get back. I don't want you going into shock." She hands another bottle to Teela, "the same goes for you too."She says watching both for visual signs of a concussion and shock, setting the helmet on the seat next to Shadow.
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 15:04
  • msg #15


  Frans Got    out  she  was smiling  as  she  Put an arm around    Harry  as they walked to the  mob...My gods  that was  fun!..If  we don't but these things..  I'm putting in a transfer to someone who does!

 her    smile  fades and she  removed the    hug-arm,  as she  got bits and pieces of  Information.

 Meanwhile ,   Fitz and He-la,  as well as Gia  and  Waggles  took  the     Mantis  craft up for  a spin

 when they Arrived , the APV  had  stopped  about   20 Yards  from the   group. the    FUJI SEC  trooper  got out, weapons   ready... Hack, was the first out,,  With Melia    aiding  Teela.. Shadow  came out      still with  a half bottle  in his  Had..  ..Morris ( thankfully)  let Shade  Go   who  ran towards  Shadow  and     slammed into him for a Hug.. .. the LC  Grimaced  a  bit,,but  returned the Hug.. his left arm, obviously  stiffer then his right..

   The SGT     grabbed   Koffels  by the  collar and stood him up..he did not   let loose the Collar.

  Koffels looked more then a little frightened...

 anyoe makes  fun of  my   Sanri Blaster again... well.. we  might have words....  he began slolwy....

 taking a sip of the   drink and  pointing , slowly..painfully to  Koffel.....tell me again..why... i was supposed to take that fighter? was.... safer? had only went  up one time before...

 Shadow lowered his  arm  and chuckled,well..we see that's not the case.. where's  the Cred King?

  Rivets  shrugged.. the Proctor shouted over from his  booth,..the Mech people  are  out there.. and  we have  FUJI SEC out there as well.. they'll get him..his POD Cleared...

 what do  we  do  Now, LC?.. seems like you have a  greater  stake  in  this  then we...

 suddenly a   big smile  came over the LC.....well..Nothing? I mean... I'm sure Fuji SEC and the  ESN..and the APF  will get together  and    figure out  what fines to  level on Koffel's  company?.. but..its  Not Like he shot me down..right?... I think the  widows need   shut  down... It's clear who the contracts  should go to.....Shuttle  folks can call    and   ask for Updated  duces and such... that's not my  area... as  far as fighters?.. I'd  say we Go with the  Mantis.

 Koffel looks  at   Shadow,..Vhat  vill be   done mitt  me?

   Shadows    smile  could have been at the rec De  with a fresh Pizza,..Nothing?.. Your a losey  engineer?...  From what I understand.. My   Friend Zob punsihed you for that..right?...

 he walked over  to  Koffel  and placed    his  left arm..slowly and painfully on  the man's  left shoulder.....but   I'll tell you what?... alot of folks on Fuji like me?... they might not see things  ..real know?... so.. If I was you.. two  of these nice  FUJI SEC troopers  will take you home... you're  done for today... in the future.. i would make damn sure  to   run your  aircraft through the wringer..before having  fronline  combat pilots take them Go?.. if you're  real smart?  you stay  at your place, until the Fleet leaves.. you never know when a fan of mine..might  want to show..'just how much they care..."...  he winked  and Grinned..

 Hack Looked at   Commander  Si who looked  dumbfounded.

  Koffel  nodded  rapidly  as he was lead  away by teo  FUJI  SEC  to the    air park.

   Rivets  handed him  the   collar for him to look at,Zob saw him drop something..Mortica   found it...

 Shadow put the thing in his Pocket  and  Nodded...  Lord Foxmoor   came  running over  , all excited.....will you get to  fly my Machine, LC!...

 Shadow looked sad....doesn't look like  today..  I have to get checked out..but i have a feeling  , I'll be flying   one soon...

  the    derma plast on his  forehead ws darker  as it had  absorbed  some of the blood.

  ..lets  go, Wings and Things.... Time to Let Melia     earn her creds...

 Shade walked along,..You can stay..enjoy watching the others... don't think there'll be any more crashes..

 Shade gave Shadow  another HUg  and a Thumbs up  as he went towards Zob.


 Abby looks at  Harry, ya gotta  catch me up all on this.... I mean..if the  scum bag  did something ..why doesn't  Shadow least beat the 9 hells out of him..instead? he's lettin' him go?
player, 722 posts
The best knife is the
unseen one.
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 15:37
  • msg #16


Zob listens to the exchange between Shadow and Koffel and grumbles a bit when Shadow decided to let him go but he had a gut feeling it was far from over as Shadow most certainly wasn't gonna just let him get away with the attempt on his life.

Zob then glanced over to Lord Foxmoor, "Congratulations you two for making a quality product, told you it would work itself out" he chuckled glad that things worked out in favor of both of them it was then he turned to see Shade approaching him.
Kira Ambermoon
player, 286 posts
Chief Petty Officer
Mech Rider Leader
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 15:42
  • msg #17


Kira exited the APV and apologized to the former driver for commandeering his ride, her face was still bleeding from the shrapnel so she made her way over to the med tent with the others and flagged down a Med Tech to plast up her face.
Melia Kristensen
player, 1340 posts
Combat Corpsman
Petty Officer 1st Class
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 15:57
  • msg #18


Melia escorted Teela, to the med tent sending looks at Shadow to ensure he found his way there as well. As she guides Teela towards one of the scanner units she orders a MTBI scan on Shadow, as well as a scan on his shoulder.  At her machine she quickly scans Teela her wings and her head for additional injuries as will as checking for brain trauma, and microfractures in Teela's wings. " what areas hurt more than others, and does anything feel off outside the pain?" she asks gingerly applying  demaplast to the wounds around Teela's feathers trying to avoid getting then stuck in the adhesive.
Garrat Wolfrim
player, 5665 posts
field engineer
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 16:14
  • msg #19


   Garrat got the message to find the pod, "Already done sir,"  To his unit "Move out again.  Same pattern.  Let's see if we can do this with some haste." He  heads in the direction of the pod and ship,

    On the way there, "Simon," he coms one of the boys at camp, "Can you load the other guys in the Fish transport and escort the APC if it's cpming?"

   Garrat gets on site.  Is the pod opened yet?
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 16:39
  • msg #20


     as they  near the other   crash site.. the   aircraft  is  burning  from all the   Lube  and plastic   ect.. the PowerCell ha s  already  erupted     , almost upon  impact.

   the Pod  was   laying   like an egg. the Metaglass   pointing to the west.. it was still closed.

   The      FUJI SECT  troops  COMed   Garrat,supposed to make sure the Pilto  gets  back... to make sure he's  alright.....take him to Med Tech... That Shadow  guy and that chick with th  Wings   have been taken there  as well..
player, 1197 posts
Blue Angel
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 16:40
  • msg #21


“The areas shrapnel impaled me and I was burnt are rather painful. My head hurts and my thoughts are somewhat muddled so I wouldn’t be surprised if I had a concussion from the blast. Otherwise I feel fine,” Teela said with a wry grin.
player, 580 posts
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 16:43
  • msg #22


Mortica looked at Shadow rather incredulously. “He sabotaged your fighter and you’re just letting him walk away? May I ask why, LC?
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 17:00
  • msg #23


   Shadow looked at Mortica, he  had his half smile, we  all here  don't really know we?... I mean?  it looks bad  for him sure...It's not the worst thing  folsk tried to  do to me on shore  leave..right?... I'm sure  Gresh will  Have FUJI   SEC  look into it.....right now?  we have  more important things.. Like a beach party...tonight...


   Shadow     looked to a Med Tech,..give me a  Tissue Boost in my left shoulder...

 the Med Tech looked at Melia.....don't look at her?.. I didn't say to give her the shot...

 ..but LC.. its  In place?..  normal Meds  will have it  moving by tomorrow...

 ..I want it  moving by tonight.. we have a party  on the Beach.... you can come if you want?

 the Med tech  frowned  as he went to  the Cabinet for the tissue  boost.
Garrat Wolfrim
player, 5668 posts
field engineer
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 17:12
  • msg #24


   Garrat straightens in his seat,  "Roger."   Garrat isn't happy. Looking at the pod he sets one foot on the frame to right and stabilize it and pulls the top off. "Anyone still alive here?"
Melia Kristensen
player, 1342 posts
Combat Corpsman
Petty Officer 1st Class
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 17:13
  • msg #25


Melia looked at the scan results. "looks like you got pretty lucky Teela. Mild concussion, and lacerations but no stress fractures in your wings. You'll still need to stay off them for 2 days to give the cuts time to heal. Other than that take it easy and make sure some one checks on you if you decide to take a nap within the next 12hrs. If you have any pain or problems after 2 days stop by the med lab and we'll set you right." she says finishing up. To the Fuji med tech she calls out while wrapping up the final wound PM Teela. Do it, medic. If anyone gives you grief that can take it up with, Stefi, or the Admiral. And while your over there remove the stick, and come out to the party later you look like you could use a couple CCs of fun." Melia begin cleaning up the station now that Teela has been fixed up proper
med tech tent
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 17:30
  • msg #26


 Te   Pilots  face   was  Bloody.. his head  hit the Console   as well.. but he  didn't have the experiance  to  be  ready for it..

 he was out.. but looked  like he might be  alive.


   Shadow took off  his   jacket.. too  all the    stuff out o hi  Pockets  and told the Tech  to   toss it.....damn Jacket  Company  is getting rich off me..

 he Pulled off  his  tunic.. the  Tech  stared at some of the scars.....I thought you were a Pilot...those are  MArine  type scars...

 well.. Piltos get shot  down... the Lucky ones   get scars...

 the   med tech rubbed some  numbing agent  around the discolored area  of his shoulder,what do the Unlucky ones get?

 empty black  balls  with the spare helmet wired to it..

 The   MedTech    slipped the  needle in his shoulder  ,   Shadow  winced    and  looked off  into the distance... she tried to take his  mind off the pain,..I thought  some were  from Jealous Husbands...  she giggled.

 ..never  said they weren't....  he tried to  wink..but the pain was too much....gods be damned!..  did you  go to the  'Stefi  school of shot  making"

 ..told you, you should have  waited... 12..16 hours   yhou would have  been stiff   ,. maybe  sore..but no pain like that...

 ..well.. I gotta be  at  my best tonight.. ya  know?...gotta  be able to dance...

 Flores  was  at the door,..then she  should have    have you a  shot in the Hips

 The Med  Tech   giggled   again,..get dressed.. you'er done.. I'll show up at the Party... Hermes   right?

 Shadow    pulled his Tunic  on  , Looked at Teela,..thanks.... just remember.. those  wings are to help you  fly?... not   be used  as  targets!.. see you guys  at the party.. I'm gonna go look at stuff  then  maybe  leave if the  Admiral doesn't need  me..

 as they went out of the Tent.. the  Med Tech   took  Shadow's  jacket.. held it  and  tucked it in her duffle  bag.
player, 1198 posts
Blue Angel
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 17:39
  • msg #27


“They got me to you quick enough to keep there from being Shadow bits all over Fuji. If anyone shoots at me I’ll shoot them back.” Teela climbed out of the van still wrapped in the blanket and drinking her medicinal drink. “Thank you, Melia. I appreciate your deft and gentle hands.”

She walked over to the place Hack, Si, and the others were standing.
Garrat Wolfrim
player, 5669 posts
field engineer
Mon 15 Apr 2019
at 18:07
  • msg #28


In reply to med tech tent (msg # 26):

   Garrat tended his wounds and loaded him imto his mech.  As thye were probably closer to the proving grounds based on where he went down and Garrat wanted to see Teela any way, Garrat reported his actions and set the kids to clean up, then made haste straight to the proving grounds and walked to the med tent.  "Special delivery, one unconcious pilot complete with derma plasted head wound."  After handing down
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