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10:22, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

FUJI R&D #2.

Posted by Admiral HackFor group 0
Karl Nilsson
player, 539 posts
Marine air-support pilot
Capt, call-sign 'Specter'
Tue 16 Apr 2019
at 05:39
  • msg #54



Karl nodded as Nikki gave the update on Shadow.  "Figured he would be alive.  A man doesn't survive everything he's done to get taken out by a botched sabotage."  He was thinking about the whole experience with the Wyverns...they were bad enough that there was never a serious chance they'd be considered as replacements for the fleet--which meant that they were actually never good enough to be a serious risk to anyone in the fleet, either.  Part of him was tempted to chalk Koffel's whole thing up to an attempt to sabotage the Delta Fleet fighter wing and assault forces, and part of him was convinced that Koffel was just grossly incompetent and sunk way too much money into building prototypes that never had a prayer of passing muster.

But the test pilot in him also looked at the whole thing from a different perspective...the Wyverns had been designed and built by people who had no appreciation for what combat aircraft went through, and what kind of demands, at a bare minimum, they should fulfill to be taken seriously.  That was the reason the Stolys, and the Deuces that followed them, had done so well...they were built by people who got it, they understood the missions and the demands.  And while he doubted Stolyarev would ever get a chance to make it off Earth and back out to Fuji, he felt like the legacy of the man's program should be protected.  If those shuttles were going to be retired, they needed to be retired in favor of a better bird, not just a newer one.

Mentally, he started building a criteria some point, he'd submit it to the Fleet, and they could show it to prospective contractors, and say, "Your shuttle MUST be at least this good or you've wasted your time and ours."  There was still a chance the products wouldn't live up to their promise...but it beat having any idiot with the credits and the contacts building what he thought would be a good shuttle, especially when that idiot didn't know anything more about the demands of combat than what he saw on a Captain Lightning vid.

Deep in thought, and getting deeper, Karl grabbed what was left of his meal and started walking toward the shuttle back to Fuji...
Henry Christie
player, 3376 posts
Tue 16 Apr 2019
at 08:05
  • msg #55


"I shall be honoured to attend, Lieutenant Deems," said Henry, trying not to giggle at the appellation 'Warrior Prof'.
player, 1202 posts
Blue Angel
Tue 16 Apr 2019
at 15:37
  • msg #56


Teela’s eyes, which had been a rather dull silver, brightened to their normal burnished colour and even appeared to glow slightly. “Sneaky little white elf?” She asked with a smile. “I like it.”

She closed her eyes slightly as he brushed her hair. “Yes, I like it a great deal and I don’t want the sleeping bags to go unused or fail to sit before a healing fire.”

She looked up at him. “And I would hate to lose the chance to spend the evening talking with a good and handsome man,” She said softly.
player, 583 posts
Tue 16 Apr 2019
at 15:41
  • msg #57


Mortica waited until the brass was gone then caught a shuttle to Fuji. She had a surprise in store for Viktor which made her smile at the though of his reaction.

[To Beach. End Flex]
Garrat Wolfrim
player, 5675 posts
field engineer
Wed 17 Apr 2019
at 14:38
  • msg #58


    Garrat smiles "If I see one I'll be sure to send him your way, but till then you may have to settle for  me."

    He places a hand gently on her back.  "Till then I have some loose ends to tie up.  There's a bunch of boys who might get a little antsy If I'm gone too long."

    Theres a pause, where he might have...said "goodby" in a different way, but he forces himself to move.  She has a feeling there is a side to him that's more...sensitive than the man mountain most see.
player, 1204 posts
Blue Angel
Wed 17 Apr 2019
at 15:45
  • msg #59


“I don’t consider it ‘settling’, Garrat. I’ll see you there,” she said as he moved off. She watched him leave before standing to get her bag and catch a ride back to Fuji.

[To Fuji]
Justin Kase
player, 3063 posts
Wed 17 Apr 2019
at 21:06
  • msg #60


Justin assisted with the preparations for the next days demonstrations; then helped tidy up and secure the ROM's.
Wed 17 Apr 2019
at 21:10
  • msg #61


 The   Techs     secured  the  tarps...  4  More   Mantis wpould be  brought  to the  PG  to give even more piltos  a chance to fly...

  The   Fighter  Proctor came over to Justin...You're a Hermes Lad  , right?  I didn't see you take  a  trun on teh Mantis?... No one here  right now?.. want to take one up?
Justin Kase
player, 3064 posts
Wed 17 Apr 2019
at 21:43
  • msg #62


In reply to Justin (msg # 61):

Justin considered the proposal. Not sure Mister. he replied then added I wouldn't want to break your Prototype. Especially since it appears to be doing so well holding up to the things those Experrienced/Hotshot Pilots are doing to them.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:24, Thu 18 Apr 2019.
Thu 18 Apr 2019
at 03:32
  • msg #63


 The Proctor   shugs,..I imagine  you people need to   do that and more?.... Unless you stay on the sidelines  and Miss all the Fun...

 He grins, as he  heads  to  the Billets the proctors  and  ground  crews    have on PG  for the   duration of the  show.
Justin Kase
player, 3065 posts
Thu 18 Apr 2019
at 05:32
  • msg #64


In reply to Justin (msg # 63):

Justin thaked the Proctor then joined te que waiting to have a turn with the Mantis's. Being 64th in line he calculated that he just made it in time and would be the last they would be allowing to have a test flight today.
This message was last edited by the player at 10:03, Thu 18 Apr 2019.
Henry Christie
player, 3379 posts
Thu 18 Apr 2019
at 08:59
  • msg #65


The visit to the Bio-Tech display concluded, Henry and Mila headed off back to Fuji with an eye to going to the beach so Mila could play.
Garrat Wolfrim
player, 5676 posts
field engineer
Thu 18 Apr 2019
at 16:28
  • msg #66


  On his way out garrat drops by the Mech testing ground. "You guys free to let some kids play on the obstacle course before you shut down?  We have some fish mechs you might not have seen though I'll bet you have the Largan mechs mapped inside out.""
Thu 18 Apr 2019
at 16:34
  • msg #67


  the    Proctor  nodded,..this is clean up time, egtting reday for tomorrow..0600 every damn pilto  who get  get passage  is goign to come here to  fly those Mantis..the rest of the  stuff  will be  a side show?.. so?.. go ahead.. maybe an Hor  or two?
Garrat Wolfrim
player, 5677 posts
field engineer
Thu 18 Apr 2019
at 17:14
  • msg #68


I think this is getting flexed
   Garrat gets on the com. "Okay, it's been pretty easy findng the downed pilots here so I want our three best preferred non combatants in the repair mechs and on call for recovering pods.  You are to fall back to the Transport.  we have permission to give the obstacle course a try. They've stopped flying the winged coffins so there shouldn't be many more pod outs.  Every one else beat it double time out here.  I'll be at the transport soon enough."  Garrat climbs into the mech.  Using the paths made by the APC's or the road that is likely to run to the plains staging area he should be able to make good time, passing the scouts in the process.

   In route, "I expect you boys to be on your best behaior at the course.  On any course, the guy heading it up is GOD... your entire future combat carrer relies on you putting in a good showing today.  Listen to orders and play it safe until told to do otherwise.  Then do exactly as you ae told.  There is a possibility they may start looking at you as a potential tester or think about our team as a resource to make their gear better.  Besides, you get the chance to play with the big boys.  Each one of you has it in you to get this done right.  I know it.  Show me what you've got."
This message was last edited by the player at 18:11, Thu 18 Apr 2019.
Garrat Wolfrim
player, 5678 posts
field engineer
Thu 18 Apr 2019
at 17:34
  • msg #69


   Garrat moves the big-ole transport in,  Besides, the mechs would be more likely to help from there and he can drop them off closer to the crash if needed.

   By the time he returns the boys will have been trying out the obstacle course for some time.  He steps up to the representative.  How are they doing?"
Thu 18 Apr 2019
at 19:20
  • msg #70


 The fellow    nods,..not  bad... thy can do  some 'make work'..but if there  were  Empire  people  around, they wouldn't  last long.

 he shurgs,they're  young  yet..
Garrat Wolfrim
player, 5679 posts
field engineer
Thu 18 Apr 2019
at 19:58
  • msg #71


  "True enough, this is the first time they've used those mechs for anything but ripping scrap apartso this trip is very important to them, thank you for the oportunity."  Garrat looks out at the unit, "Those largan mechs are a bit on the largish side for our needs, especially once you but halfway decent armor on them but the screw design servos don't slow down as much with the added weight as you would think.  The design is good, it's just that they are made to use inexpensive parts because the military wants to spend all their money on the guns."  Garrat cocks his head to the side, "We'd be in a bad way iff they ever figured out how to hit and hide.  Thankfully the actuall solders rend to be much dumber and agressive than the engineers."
Justin Kase
player, 3066 posts
Thu 18 Apr 2019
at 22:38
  • msg #72


Being allotted more than the standard fifteen Minutes for a test flight Justin1 ex f  immediately ran through the pre flight check and launch process. Taking to the air he pushed the Mantis to the limits, thrusting directly away from the landing sight he executed a series of pivots turns and sharp changes in direction putting considerable g force pressure on the frame. Inverting and rolling the fighter in extreme manner. Several of the control lights flickered changing from green to yellow and red during the process. Reaching an elevation of 100000 meters away from the landing site he flipped the fighter over changing its vector several times and bringing the Mantis straight down towards the test site repeating the manoeuvres he had on the outward trajectory. Intensifying the process with additional rolls, flips and the like noting even more lights on the display panel changed to red from the extensive punishment he was subjecting the Prototype to.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:51, Sat 20 Apr 2019.
Garrat Wolfrim
player, 5681 posts
field engineer
Fri 19 Apr 2019
at 14:43
  • msg #73


    After his conversation, the fighters finish flying, and the kids get a good practice in, Garrat has them pack up and takes them beck to the LG01 for a cleanup before heading to the Beach for the over nighter with those that are are joining him.

    All other posts here will be in flex, so if Justin has to pod out Garrat's team will be there for him.
Sat 20 Apr 2019
at 13:44
  • msg #74


  The Mantis  behaved like a champ... the  Proctor  signaled him to bring   it  down, so  they could clean it up and put it  to bed  for the others  to  use tomorrow.
Justin Kase
player, 3067 posts
Sat 20 Apr 2019
at 14:04
  • msg #75


In reply to Justin (msg # 74):

Acknowledging the recall Justin came in low bringing the Mantis to a stop in the landing area. After powering down he popped the canopy and nimbly clambered from the pilot seat. Chatting with the Proctor and getting additional details about its capabilities he thanked them, then headed off the field; pausing to check his com for any directives from Hermes.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:20, Sun 21 Apr 2019.
Justin Kase
player, 3068 posts
Wed 24 Apr 2019
at 23:55
  • msg #76


Receiving nothing from the Hermes, Justin decided to head to the beach for a change. Who knows there may be something interesting happening there.
Admiral Hack
GM, 12438 posts
Mon 5 Feb 2024
at 00:51
  • msg #77


 (( using this for    now when we  go to playground))
Justin Kase
player, 4653 posts
Sat 6 Apr 2024
at 03:41
  • msg #78


Captain Omen of the Universal Enterprise Transporter Ardvark reached the Fuji outer marker. Sending a com along with their cargo manifest to their Space Traffic Control requesting permission to dock. Aboard the Ardvark were three configurations of  Skeeter III's to be on display and a fourth fighter ready for any of the Assment Pilot's to test out at their convenience.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:16, Sat 06 Apr.
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