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00:34, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Vents with allowed responses - 3.

Posted by GamerHandle
member, 952 posts
Mon 6 May 2019
at 04:30
  • msg #1382

Re: I don't get people anymore.

What? A vague message in a Vents thread isn't enough for you? People and their entitled attitudes these days...

<Grin> Just checking.
member, 626 posts
Thu 9 May 2019
at 08:16
  • msg #1383

I'm in a weird mood today.

Its probably lack of sleep (rough night last night - long story) but this morning I've woken up in a weirdly empty and reflective mood. By all intents and purposes I should be pretty content. Things are slowly improving for me in my offline life (especially career wise) and as far as roleplaying is concerned I'm actually really busy in some great games with some great writing partners. But I actually feel pretty empty and unsatisfied.

I don't have that many face to face friends. This is partly due to be just being stupidly busy and partly due to the fact I don't live in the friendliest city in the world. So I tend to value the people I meet online perhaps more than most. And again, things are great in that regard. I have a few online friends. I am starting to make a few more. I have begun to reconnect with two people from my past (I actually tried to reconnect with more but I think quite a few people I used to know have left rpol) and one friend in particular that I've known for a few years now I value quite highly. They  are cool, funny, highly intelligent. Like a walking encyclopedia of knowledge and only one hour difference from me in time zone. So again I have no reason to feel unfulfilled.

One of my biggest regrets I think is that I burned my bridges with another close online friend who I also knew for years. I left rpol a few years ago and before I did it almost felt like we were the Bonnie and Clyde of roleplaying. We bounced off each other so well. Ran games together, played alongside each other all the time. When I returned things were different and instead of accepting that and just allowing things to be the way they were I reacted wrongly to it. It was exacerbated further by me arguing with them over game ownership (I had been gone a long time and two of my best games got transferred to them). I should have let it go but I didn't and it cost me my friendship.

A word to the wise: pick your battles carefully and make sure that what you stand for is worth what you could lose as a result.

And I did it again yesterday. Somebody replied to a (quite old actually) gpia thread (which I've now bumped) and their reply, although just a query got taken the wrong way by me. Luckily that got sorted quite quickly once I realised how much of a jerk I'd been but it highlights the fact that even when I have a chance to just think before I write anything I can still let my own insecurities screw myself over.

Another word to the wise: Think, think and think again before using your emotions to dictate your responses.

Maybe I'll feel better tomorrow, maybe not. But one thing I know is this unsatisfied feeling I've had has been with me for a long time now and never seems to go away.
member, 723 posts
Wayfarer of the
Western Wastes
Thu 9 May 2019
at 15:38
  • msg #1384

I'm in a weird mood today.

In reply to Starchaser (msg # 1383):

Chase your dissatisfaction down and conjure with it, man.  You are trying to tell yourself something important.  Look at this as a rare opportunity.  Don't really go at it trying to "fix" you -- just try to understand what is making you feel that way and the rest will likely come naturally.

I've been there (dissatisfied with my life) lately my-*durian*-self, so I get it to some extent.  So much to do already, and so little time (and everybody seems to want something I don't have time for lately).
member, 1556 posts
Thu 9 May 2019
at 21:42
  • msg #1385

I'm in a weird mood today.


Some guy hit me with a car a while back, not even 2 months ago.

My car is getting fixed and so I'm driving a rental.

Naturally, some guy hit me again. Rear-ended me on the highway, probably totalling the rental car.
member, 627 posts
Fri 10 May 2019
at 05:41
  • msg #1386

I'm in a weird mood today.

In reply to DarkLightHitomi (msg # 1385):

Well since it's the other car's fault hopefully their insurance should pay the rental company for any damages. I hope you weren't hurt?

In reply to Horus (msg # 1384):

Thanks, mate!
member, 724 posts
Wayfarer of the
Western Wastes
Fri 10 May 2019
at 06:08
  • msg #1387

I'm in a weird mood today.

In reply to Starchaser (msg # 1386):

Hey, what are friends for?
member, 1557 posts
Fri 10 May 2019
at 09:17
  • msg #1388

I'm in a weird mood today.

In reply to Starchaser (msg # 1386):

I'm not hurt, but insurance usually only pays current value, while rentals usually charge replacement cost, leaving a major gap.
member, 725 posts
Wayfarer of the
Western Wastes
Fri 10 May 2019
at 17:46
  • msg #1389

I'm in a weird mood today.

In reply to DarkLightHitomi (msg # 1388):

Sad story.  Several years ago, my wife rented a car while I was offshore working, and neglected to get rental insurance.  She subsequently loaned this car to her sister, who promptly hit a deer with it, totaling the vehicle.

I paid for that vehicle.  Moral?  Always get rental insurance - it's cheap, and it covers you for unforeseen accidents like this.

Unless you specifically declined it, it should be part of your standard rental contract.  Check your paperwork:  you may be covered.
member, 796 posts
Sat 11 May 2019
at 00:18
  • msg #1390

I'm in a weird mood today.

In reply to DarkLightHitomi (msg # 1388):

Assuming you're American...

If you are insured, and the other driver was insured, and it is the fault of the other driver - most insurance companies will consider this proven if there was a ticket issued to the other driver, but try nevertheless, nothing to lose-

Ask your insurance company to subrogate all damages to the other company, tell them you want the other company to pay for all the damages from the rental company.

Generally, if you're just talking material losses and not medical, the other insurance company will not fight it, they will just say "whew!" and pay up.

If the damages are subrogated they are responsible for 100% of the damages, not just what you are covered for.  they will pay your deductible, and whatever is billed to you by rental company.
member, 1558 posts
Sat 11 May 2019
at 03:22
  • msg #1391

I'm in a weird mood today.

That's what I'm hoping for.
member, 32 posts
Sun 12 May 2019
at 22:04
  • msg #1392

I'm in a weird mood today.

In reply to DarkLightHitomi (msg # 1391):

GRRRRRRRRR  I got another slap on the hand.

'Off Topic'

My point was if you are the ST/DM and either don't like or understand a rule, don't sweat it. It is your game and your world.

I know, I'm a bad old geezer and now the stones can be thrown.
member, 1394 posts
"Hugs for the Hugs God!"
- Warhammer Fluffy-K
Mon 13 May 2019
at 02:17
  • msg #1393

Re: I'm in a weird mood today.

If you are insured, and the other driver was insured, and it is the fault of the other driver - most insurance companies will consider this proven if there was a ticket issued to the other driver, but try nevertheless, nothing to lose-

This depends heavily by state. I think Michigan is a no-fault state where everyone just pays their own damages. Some states have clear cut fault, others assign values like 90/10 or 80/20 etc.

Bottom line is you can work with your insurance company to work with other insurance companies to get it all covered. I think if you're not liable for any damages it won't impact your insurance rates but I'm not 100% if that depends on which company you're using.

No matter what most major insurance companies get notifications of claims from other insurance companies (they work together to avoid fraud) so there isn't a lot of point in trying to hide it unless you're going completely under the table and cutting out insurance completely.
member, 797 posts
Mon 13 May 2019
at 19:27
  • msg #1394

Re: I'm in a weird mood today.

This depends heavily by state. I think Michigan is a no-fault state where everyone just pays their own damages. Some states have clear cut fault, others assign values like 90/10 or 80/20 etc.

It's more confusing than that.  "No Fault" compels YOUR insurance company to pay YOU regardless of fault.

It does not necessarily prevent OTHER insurance company from paying you, or paying your insurance company, when THEIR insured has caused the damage.

In such circumstances you can recover through subrogation IF its clear that their insured was at fault- hence, if they were issued a citation and you weren't, it works.

It might depend on local laws, I have done this twice in my life, both times in "no fault" states, and it has worked.  (Once, it got me to switch insurers, the guy who rear ended me had State Farm, which was easier to deal with for me and far more helpful than my OWN insurance company at the time, so maybe there's a sales angle to it!)
member, 405 posts
Mon 3 Jun 2019
at 16:09
  • msg #1395

Re: I'm in a weird mood today.

So I LOVE the Eclipse Phase game but I seem to have an ENTIRELY different idea of how people would react given the absolute immortality that the game provides.  I often get told that gear is basically pointless because the characters are going to egocast everywhere, this is ridiculous for two reasons in particular.

A) People are immortal, they aren't in a hurry anymore.  Why rush to get somewhere when you are going to live forever (in most cases)?

B) Egocasting is stupidly expensive.  It takes 20,000 credits to egocast anywhere.  This takes a MAJOR favor every single time you do it (for someone).  Considering that any character only gets one of those every couple months I have issue believing that most people would be willing to do that.
member, 1262 posts
Tue 4 Jun 2019
at 12:49
  • msg #1396

Re: I'm in a weird mood today.

In reply to PCO.Spvnky (msg # 1395):

That point of view I can see what your saying. On getting anywhere, depends on how driven the character is. Not everyone will take it slow because they have a long life span.
As for the other, the complaint sounds like people who don't know the mechanics of it or just don't think it applies to Them.
I don't know anything of the game, I do know a little bit about people. (one does not role play for 30+ years and not learn a few things about people after all.)
member, 655 posts
Tue 4 Jun 2019
at 15:29
  • msg #1397

Re: I'm in a weird mood today.

In reply to PCO.Spvnky (msg # 1395):

Well, in answer to A, there are any number of reasons.  If you've been hired to protect Facility 125 on Mars, which is under threat from anarchist/rebels/etc., and it explodes before you get there, well... you might have wanted to hurry there.

And no, you are not immortal.  Yes it's really cheap to keep you "alive", by shoving you into a hard drive somewhere.  Physical things can be lost/destroyed.  And is it really living, sitting in stasis, or worse, being active but unable to do anything other than serve as an information ego?

Sometimes you gotta go fast.  Sure, you might not rush to have your bloody vengeance on the six fingered man who killed your father... but there's still tons of reasons to have to rush somewhere.
subscriber, 88 posts
Mon 10 Jun 2019
at 15:43
  • msg #1398


What is with people who can't be bothered to read or pay attention to posts made by other players or the GM, then make mistakes in their post (because they didn't read or pay attention), and are then unable to roll with their mistakes and wind up turning a minor IC issue into a giant OOC fight?*

I mean, if it's important to you that your character never, ever does anything untoward or put a foot wrong, shouldn't you be actually paying attention to things to make sure that's the case? The posts are all there, all you have to do is re-read them to be sure! It's not like trying to remember what happened from one tabletop session to another.


*-Side vent: Holy crap, it's not cool to edit a post after a bunch of other posts reacting to it have been made.
Isida KepTukari
member, 277 posts
Elegant! Arrogant! Smart!
Tue 25 Jun 2019
at 01:01
  • msg #1399


Good gray groinking grief!

Because management thinks that stretching my work team thin as possible to have more modes running on our machines will somehow magically make more material be processed when they can't be bothered to give us the personnel we need, I am about to scream.

We're down two people because two people moved to day shift, and the people training on days to take their place are being held back at least until the next shift change (5 weeks from now).  Except I heard they want to hold them back until they have learned all 15 positions on the machines.  (Which took me 18 months.)  And somehow they still want us to run as many modes as possible.

Nevermind that when they pull stunts like this, we can't train people who aren't qualified on certain positions, limiting our flexibility. When people aren't trained, all it takes is one person calling off or being on vacation, and suddenly we are very limited in what we can do. Nevermind that when I, the team leader, was constantly working on the line, we kept getting complaints that there were crises going on that I never got a chance to help or fix because I couldn't fix a crisis on one line without shutting down the other (because, oddly, I can't be in two places at once).

The instant we get enough people in on overtime for me to be free of the line so I can catch up on all the paperwork they think is so precious or help in problems on the line, they want to run more modes.

We don't need to run more modes. I have people who have been asking to be trained on certain positions for months, and I can't free them up to be trained because if we have more than one spare person because then management will insist on firing up the other ding-dang line.

I understand that the customers have needs too, but I have 6-8 people who need training on 15 different positions, and I can't have them train once every two weeks because they'll forget everything!  We can run the one mode well and get our people trained, or we can have a bunch of overwork and slow people peck out work on multiple modes, but the extra little bit of production we eke out cannot possibly be worth this aggravation!
This message was last edited by the user at 01:02, Tue 25 June 2019.
supporter, 1075 posts
Tue 25 Jun 2019
at 12:41
  • msg #1400


Is this situation, mistakes or injuries are almost inevitable. That will cost more than staffing adequately.
member, 2186 posts
Wed 26 Jun 2019
at 00:30
  • msg #1401


In reply to OceanLake (msg # 1400):

I'd expect all the best people leave too, since they are the ones most likely to be able to get another job.
member, 46 posts
Sun 30 Jun 2019
at 23:11
  • [deleted]
  • msg #1402


This message was deleted by a moderator, as it was against the ToU, at 02:40, Mon 01 July 2019.
member, 1263 posts
Tue 2 Jul 2019
at 02:43
  • msg #1403


What is it with hospitals leaving you feeling worse than when you went in.
I went in to the hospital friday evening, with a temp of 102.8.
They broke the fever and all nicely, but kept me till today for observation, during that they completely effed up my diabetes medication and kept trying to give me meds for conditions I don't have, have NEVER had, or give me things I am listed as being allergic to. Also seem to think the regiment of insulin and lantis my doctor worked out to work for me was Wrong and gave me 1/10th dosage on my long lasting one and half dosage on my other one. Except my glipizide, a pill that I am supposed to get 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening. either gave me 1 then all 4 at the same time.
I went in to the hospital with a blood sugar of 187, came out with a blood sugar of 400. I feel like Crabapples.
member, 2187 posts
Tue 2 Jul 2019
at 03:40
  • msg #1404


ShadoPrism: That sounds like a lawsuit in the making!

In my life - my diabetic cat has been in remission since shortly after she was diagnosed, but all of a sudden her BP is high again.  Both of us are unhappy, we don't like that nasty needle, despite having become fairly accustomed to the lancet for testing.

And our lemon of a van is probably destined for the wreckers, despite being the only vehicle I have to drive, and the only one for both of us in the winter.  We've had a lot of work done on it in the last few months, but now the brakes are pretty much done, something has been loose for a while in the exhaust system, and now it's bleeding several kinds of fluid all over the driveway.  J's fancy Camaro isn't suitable for winter driving, nor for a disabled person even as a passenger.  If he has to sell it, his heart will be broken, it's his pride and joy, his boy toy but I don't know how else we will get another vehicle.  Even J can't walk everywhere he needs to go, and I can barely walk down the driveway on a good day.  *sigh*
member, 70 posts
I've Been Touched By
His Noodly Appendage
Sun 7 Jul 2019
at 21:28
  • msg #1405


Dear stranger: I am perfectly happy to talk to you about my car, I just don't want to do it standing in an uncovered parking lot while it's raining. And no, I don't think it's rude of me to ask you to walk back the 20 feet to the store entrance instead of inviting you into my car for a chat.

I don't care that you're a Nice Guy and you just came out of the store. I'm a solitary female being approached by a complete stranger. If you can't accept that, you're not as nice as you proclaim to be.
member, 1264 posts
Sun 7 Jul 2019
at 23:39
  • msg #1406


In reply to seraphmoon (msg # 1405):

Strangers who try to invite themselves in to your home / car are rarely nice. Preditory more than likely, creeps at the very least.
Good Bye stranger, don't need to spend time with the likes of you. (You go Seraphmoon!)
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