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14:31, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Posted by Admiral HackFor group 0
Harriet Lynch
player, 2308 posts
Upstart Pilot
Call Me Harry
Fri 19 Jun 2020
at 12:07
  • msg #54


”Not right now, but I’ll be wearing one when I go back out” Harry said as she took the armour and started putting it on so that they could make the final adjustments to the straps. Hearing the male armourer’s comment concerning extra space in the chest plate she would give him a cold look ”gee...thanks” she he had always been a little sensitive about having a small chest, ever since being teased about it at school, so having a guy pointing it out was perhaps not the brightest move on his part.

Once the armour was on, and properly adjusted she would take a moment to get used to the feel and weight of the armour, with her moving her arms to test its mobility before nodding her head to the female clerk ”yes that feels about right to me, thanks for the help guys” she said, collecting some yellow spray paint and masking tape before turning to leave at which point she would accidentally stamp on the man’s foot ”oh sorry, that was clumsy of me wasn’t it!” she said with a grin before continuing on her way.

——> Officers Quarters
This message was last edited by the player at 17:02, Fri 19 June 2020.
Fri 19 Jun 2020
at 13:36
  • msg #55


  The  Man winced  at Bit, then chuckled,..Geez?.. Is  not like you couldn't look down...

 The armorer  gave hims  a  dark look and shook her head.

 Harry could hear him say as she left,what ?  She's a  pilot, not like she hasn't heard  worse!

 a couple of the brand new Piltos were comign in  as  th clearks ushered them  back to get them  fitted..they already had  some  chest plates in the one was giving the new  guys  a choice on whether they  would wear them
player, 2535 posts
In our lord and savior
Larry we trust!
Wed 8 Jul 2020
at 18:35
  • msg #56


-----> From Hanger Dec

Zob approached the cage he had a reputation of making these poor people work, "The chest piece is gonna need some serious repairs along with the armor on the forearms... the .60 caliber is jammed to all hell"

he then placed the equipment on the cart and handed it over to them among the items was the blade rifle, "You folks get any interesting weapons in recently?" he figured he would ask considering he was already here.
Wed 8 Jul 2020
at 18:59
  • msg #57


 Checkign the card and  itemizing the  things on the cart, the   Clerk said,..not  until just now.. we have been trying  to get those Verian sidearms...but they  are harder to find the an Honest politician

 This is the first Blade  rifle I ahve seen.. they had a coupel they they truned of to the techs to study...
player, 2536 posts
In our lord and savior
Larry we trust!
Wed 8 Jul 2020
at 19:36
  • msg #58


Zob chuckled, "Well if you find yourself with downtime you can take that thing in the back room and shoot some beer bottles or tin cans" he then requested his shotgun and a few slugs considering he was gonna be in close quarters the rest of the evening.
Wed 8 Jul 2020
at 19:41
  • msg #59


  Getting Zobs  shotgun and a bandoleer of   rounds, The  Clerk  truned the Vid Board  for him to sign.

 ..those  weapons are Nuts.. see bits of blades  sticking out of the Mechs... makes  them look like a new breed of  porcupine...
player, 2537 posts
In our lord and savior
Larry we trust!
Wed 8 Jul 2020
at 19:57
  • msg #60


Zob took the board and signed it before handing it back to him, "And that is why I wear reinforced heavy boarding armor... but yeah tinker around with it have some fun gotta go and get ready for the after party"
Thu 9 Jul 2020
at 01:23
  • msg #61


 They waved   he off  as  others  started to trun in  guns  and have Armor   tagged for repair

   Some folks  just Brought   armor over with a  tag attached..that armor  would be recycled
player, 247 posts
Mech-Tech PO 1
Thu 9 Jul 2020
at 01:34
  • msg #62


 >>Comm from Slick/Mech shop>>>>
To the Qm on duty...
  QM staff?? I would like to have all repair notices and anything flagged for the new armored suits sent to me please? I will be working in the mech shop and will be able to double shift on the suits as soon as I get the shop ready for the repairs needed. I believe I already access to supplies and inventories for the suits so am willing to make my own pick-lists as needed, I will send the requests of items after I have compiled them.
 Slick PO1
Thu 9 Jul 2020
at 01:43
  • msg #63


..will do.. we have    4  suits here that are  pretty chewed up from the boarding action...
player, 248 posts
Mech-Tech PO 1
Thu 9 Jul 2020
at 01:46
  • msg #64


<<Comm reply>>

  Copy that, if you have someone send me the work orders, I can start on that.
Fri 17 Jul 2020
at 23:41
  • msg #65


  <<<<<<<<<< from Hanger

 Vaka   steps up to the   cage  door.. he taps on the  Metal part, the  clerk stand s Up and Looks  down whe she  saw a top of a helmet.

 can i help you?

 .. yes.. I have this?  he waves his COM  and hands it to her.

 SEC?..well..Um... Come on in.. head back that way.. we'll get you measured  for uniforms  and   armor?...

 Vaka  smiles   , takes his  COm  and  walks to the back wavign his COM to the next person that asks..

  The Clerk COMs  Roy..her  voice is  about a whisper  as she stepped out of the cage...SM?  This is  PO Aubry Rike? I am the   #2  armor  Tech  in the QM?.... Some little Occui came here..about  6  inches shorter then any Occui  trooper i have  ever seens.. he showed me a  COM from Captain Morris?.. he's  goign to  SEC..or are you guys  jagging us!
Roy Spencer
player, 8348 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Sat 18 Jul 2020
at 04:38
  • msg #66


Roy grinned as he listened, then schooled his face and managed a stern tone.  "PO long have you been aboard the Hermes?  Have you EVER known Captain Morris to draft transfer orders as a joke?  Did you have trouble armoring the Gava?  Because I was under the impression the you people could armor anyone you could measure..."
Sat 18 Jul 2020
at 04:55
  • msg #67


  well?  of  course, SM. Captai Morris  is not a Very joking person..... I..well..SEC?..Look?  we'll dress him up..but dammit, SM...he's pretty  small for a ..what looks like...teenage/young adult  Occui?
Roy Spencer
player, 8350 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Sat 18 Jul 2020
at 05:45
  • msg #68


"Tell me something, PO...when did QM take over recruitment and duty assignments?  He was good enough to make the Occui military, that's a damn sight better than a lot of the new folks we've had coming in lately.  Gear him up, and let me worry about whether or not he can hack it in Security, okay?"  His voice started out testy, then shifted to the too-patient tone of someone who's really trying to avoid his temper getting into the conversation...
Sat 18 Jul 2020
at 13:28
  • msg #69


  Aye, SM, Already Done.... Can't blame a gril for wanting to check though, Rike.. out!

 In the Back the  scans were takign Place, it came as not  surprise  that  Vaka took Lt Boarding  armor they switched out his helmet for an  ESN Helmet with a  Winked   foot on the  side.

 They scanned his  Chip , telling him to come back around  0800 and his unifrom would be ready , so he  could take part in Send off  as a Hermes  crewmember.  Brand  New  Hermes Ball came  with one extra, and a new weapons  belt of  Balck rather then dark brown.

   Rike came back  and nodded at the way he looked.,,ok PVT Vaka?...  go down to Captain Morris   shed..weird lookign metal building   at the   stern end of the flight lines .... He'll have you quarters set up by now...Contact your   old ship  to get your stuff and...

 Vaka smiled a should sad smile,..I called   My SGT to have my thinks sent over..... he said...they...they thought i was dead, and they split up all my weapon and pack are  at that little building you spoke of.... I will collect that... thank you all for being so nice....

 The Little  guy and his sad  smile  walked out of the QMs  cariing his  new  Belt that  fit with a  brand new holster  for his Occui sidearm , his  blade  was on the other  side. His new   helmet under his  arm and his   Hermes  Bap cap proudly on his head.

  Rike  watched him  walk out the slight   passage to the Hanger Dec, Lookign  like a tourist with souvenirs  as his head  swiveled this way and that.

 Rike  got on  the COMs and Asked for the   'Eyes Of Darkness' QM.. when she heard the Occui Voice...she said  , quite  calmly , but coldly,..This is  QM Rike from the   ESN, 351 Hermes... I am the   Number  two armor Master  for the Hermes  QM...

 ..Congrates we have an after Party going on and...

 DAMMIT... you may be Occui..but you're still  ESN..NAME AND RANK!

 the voice  was   taken  aback and said....QM  Pikle... PO.... then....

..alright  Chief  Pickle


 whatever!.... here's what happened.. we have a trooper from your ship, who has transferred to  The Hermes.. one....PVT  Vaka... his stuff  seems to have been..'lost' his SGT  in all the fuss of   people returning to the ship...


 And  what you are goign to do,  is  Send  for Vaka's SGT,, have  him  'FIND' the lost stuff  , and have it shipped  over  to  The Hermes , 5 minutes ago...

 ..Nnow wait here , PO...

 ..SHUT THE 9 HELLS UP!!  the   QM  folks Jumped  as Rike snapped out,..That kid  was on that ball of homemade dirt.. and he transferred to The  Hermes... i don't know why.. but i am starting to understand...

 there was  quiet on both Sides of the COM for a heart beat or two, and Rike  continued...If  i don't see an Occui shuttle from your ship, here  in the next 20 minutes,,, You will be seeing a  shuttle from  The Hermes  in 30 minutes... and on that Shuttle will either be  the SM and the LC..or  one of  the two?...and? keep in mind, they  just came back form two days worth of battle, so they might be a bit more grumpy then me...and  Chief Pickle? make damn sure the kids  creds  are in his seabag too... down to the last chip... are tryign to tell me, The SM or the LC  is  going o come over here  for  some stuff from a rejected...

 ..Lets  play a Game go ahead  and ignore this  COM..right?... and  you keep you eye on your hanger bay door, to see if  a  Hermes  shuttle appears in...oh? look...27 Minutes?  time is slipping away, Chief... I'm sure  you'll find the  kid's stuff...or?  that assault  craft?.. the trooper son it  will find the stuff.... I will also forward the name of that SGT  up the Line to general know him right?.. Provost general?.. They might have to  check, for possible  stealing.. you know what happens to thieves in the a damn shame to survive that  dirty walnut out there.. just to be gunned down by your own people  and  have 'thief' stenciled on your body bag

 Alright , Alright... I'll Contact the   SGT  now... and   Rike?... we should meet on Everest.. we  can settle this   somewhere dark, just to make sure of differences  are  cleared... COM  me when we get there..just becareful what you asked for.. I'm not on The Hermes because i'm pretty...

 Oh?..Pickle... 25 minutes...


  she switched over to Ship COM  and   sent a  COM to  Roy and Shadow...PO  Rike here.. Occui Kid is measured..should have his unifrom him his gear and such... but... The 'Eyes of Darkness'  seemed to have 'lost' his  belongings...  The kids  said, the SGT   said  they thought he was  dead  and split the  stuff up....  called  thier QM  and  reamed him out.. i said the Kid's stuff  needs to be here in 20 Minutes  or  You..or  the LC , or Both  will be  on the  'Eyes' in 30?.. i may or may not have Mentioned  General BAle and the Provosts... Just thought you should know...
Roy Spencer
player, 8351 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Sat 18 Jul 2020
at 17:15
  • msg #70


Roy's voice was unmistakably grim.  "You did good.  Let me know if I need to round up Stoly to go for a little ride..."
player, 270 posts
Mech-Tech PO 1
Sun 26 Jul 2020
at 01:16
  • msg #71


 he goes to the cage and asks for entry into the armor unit area, and for the equipment. After they allow him in ahe begins to setup the equipment for the measurements and production. Gathering the controls and getting it ready, he starts with what he could do withour Meari and begins to piece together the items for the areas not needing the extended sized parts......

 ready for Meari to show, he waits after a few more minutes and heads to get a coffee while the machine is warming up.
player, 486 posts
Undenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Sun 26 Jul 2020
at 02:11
  • msg #72


---->>>> From Hanger Dec

 Meari headed to the QM Lockers, and told them she was here to work with Slick and the Power Armor suits. Once they let her in Meari walks to where Slick is and says," Hello sorry had to talk to Sgt. Call. Shall we get started." She then takes off her Dress tunic and took off her weapon belt and gets ready to be locked into the suit. She will use the restroom before she starts to get in the suit.
player, 271 posts
Mech-Tech PO 1
Sun 26 Jul 2020
at 02:48
  • msg #73


He spys Meari showing up and when she comes in,....
<quote> Hello sorry had to talk to Sgt. Call. Shall we get started.</quote

Yeah, it's no problem, Was getting it ready anyhow. hey listen..... This won't takes long as I thought, the armor plates, pieces and external stuff fits anywhere we place the connectors to attach them, the time to make the tubing will take the rest of the day and part of the evening. maybe past midrats tonight, but you should be able to get a test fit try in the A.M. He waits for her to come back from the head and starts taking measurements, and the wrap sizers for the  tube making machine. after about an hour and a half he thinks he has all he needs for the lengths of the tubes for the torso. he then turns to input them into the machine and tells her. if you want to get something to et or drink, go ahead, I'll be a several hours gettingthe first piece done, the torso section. after that we can work on legs and arms and then the neck, you know?.... what they use to call the 'gorget'? throat and neck up to the helmet. Speaking of helmet, that will be last.  he starts the machine and waits..
 turning to her....he motions that she can take off for a bit if she wants.
player, 487 posts
Undenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Sun 26 Jul 2020
at 02:53
  • msg #74


 Meari does what he asks as he measures her and sets everything up. When he is done she smiles and says," Very well that is all you need from me for now, thank you. Comm me when you are ready for me too suit up Slick, thank you."  Meari smiles nods and heads for the Field where they where having this football practice she at least wanted to watch and she if she could help the team.

--->>> To Field Gym
This message was last edited by the player at 02:57, Sun 26 July 2020.
player, 272 posts
Mech-Tech PO 1
Sun 26 Jul 2020
at 03:03
  • msg #75


  Whoa whoa whoa.... I said the torso..... when you come back and we have the torso section finished, thats when I get the measurements for the legs and arms, I need to see where the connection ports are sitting at your shoulders and waist. that way we have them programmed into the laser system for proper alignment. like I said, grab a bit to eat, take a coupld hours and head this way. If I'm ready before you get back, i'll comm you. He smiled at her for thinking it would be that fast. But he understood as well. the first time we size you, we'll have it in the programming for replacement parts and won't need to go through this again, unless you were to have a serious change in your weight, or height, ot lose an arm or leg. :chuckles: Just go have a break, head this way in a couple of hours.
player, 489 posts
Undenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Sun 26 Jul 2020
at 03:10
  • msg #76



 Meari nods and says," I am sorry I missed understood, I will get something to eat and check on this football practice I will be back, like you said, comm me  if you are done before I get back." Meari then leaves.
player, 273 posts
Mech-Tech PO 1
Sun 26 Jul 2020
at 03:20
  • msg #77


 he waves as she walks off, It's all good Sergeant, no worries here, see ya later

 he turns back to the machine to finish the inpiuts of niumbers. as the machine starts to 'print' the tubing and then weave the materials, he takes a few minute to go to the head himself, and then onto the cart in the hanger for something to drink and a bite to eat. upon returning, he stretches his neck and shoulders as he sits down to monitor the machine.
player, 276 posts
Mech-Tech PO 1
Fri 31 Jul 2020
at 01:40
  • msg #78



 After only a couple of hours, Slick COMMs Meari, hey Sergeant, the machine is finished and I am ready for the rest of the measurements so we can continue. Anytime you you are ready, I will be here. He removes the tubing components that have been completed, the machine had finished the manufacturing of tubes and then moved it, automatically, into the warp/weave machine. The top section of the suit for the sergeant was completed in vest form. While he waited for her to return, he moved to the armorers with her front and back torso measurements for the printing of the armor plates, both lower and upper, front-rear sections.
 he returned to his desk and his 'sketch pad', trying to come up with connections to be added to hold weapon holsters.
   He continued to work......
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