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14:11, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Posted by Admiral HackFor group 0
Admiral Hack
GM, 8283 posts
Mon 18 May 2020
at 20:08
  • msg #1


pick up here...
player, 150 posts
Mech-Tech PO 1
Mon 18 May 2020
at 21:01
  • msg #2


Okay folks, Armor unit to the middle hanger doors for test firing and clearing of all weapons.!! He walk with the unit to the designated area, and lets them form in a line as they would. After checking the area for safety, and posting a couple of the QM techs for a firing guard. You guys are cleared for..... before he can finish the line, they began.....
player, 334 posts
Undenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Mon 18 May 2020
at 21:32
  • msg #3


 Meari walked with Slick and the armor team, she watched them closely she was excited to get into one of her own. Meari stayed with Slick, as they began their firing test. Meari watched some of them knew what they where doing others where not heavily trained in combat, but with the right leader and ample training, she thought they could become a formidable force. " Slick they are a little gun happy, but that is good, some need combat training but they good be a force to recon with in time."
player, 151 posts
Mech-Tech PO 1
Mon 18 May 2020
at 21:40
  • msg #4


" Slick they are a little gun happy, but that is good, some need combat training but they good be a force to recon with in time."

  Although my combat experience is very limited, and it was in Mechs, I agree, just need to get some of them into the right spot on the team. I have no idea about that stuff, but maybe you with the right person could set that up. I'm just a support tech, and I do what I can to keep stuff working and hopefully upgrade what we have, but i'm not tactician. Maybe the Sergeant Major?? Maybe Sergeant Maggs over in the Heavy, but that's above my pay grade AND experience. he watches at they fire away and both enjoy and technically check their items.
  Ya know..... If one of them wanted to step out into the black, they could check the breathing system... but I would put a tether on 'em if they did. I dont know, bt I think any test right now would be good. Thoughts?? he said looking her way..arms crossed with a tight thoughtful looking grin on his face.
player, 335 posts
Undenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Mon 18 May 2020
at 21:57
  • msg #5


 Meari nodded and replied," Yes each one will find their place. Oh I could help with training and some tactics, I would be a good second in command, I would choose the Heavy Sgt. Maggs as the leader. I have been in combat, but in the Udenese Commandos I have recently reported to the Hermes after the Space Battle I was transferred by my Granmod War Lord Lilit, I think someone with more ESN experience be the leader Slick."
player, 152 posts
Mech-Tech PO 1
Tue 19 May 2020
at 00:01
  • msg #6


He mumbles a Hmmmm. You might be right, being new and all. I just reported back to the Hermes myself, been gone fer a bit, design'en and all. Good to be back tho, just hope I can make these things work for us.  He walked away to chat with one of the unit that seemed to be working out a way to walk in the suit.  he noticed the guy taking steps and moving around slwowly now and then.
Trouble ??  He reached out to pat the person's shoulder and received a swift spinning back-fist heading toward his head, If he hadn't flinched and the suit wearer catch himself in the swing, Slick would have had a very bad day.
  Oh my god!! I'm so sorry!! I'm so sorry Said the voice form the helmet. It was a female and she was all about catching Slick before he stumbled back and fell over. She caught his arm and stopped him from falling but then he yelled in pain. aaarrghgh,,,, stop!!! let go!!!! She let loose of his arm and he fell to the ground , scrambling to get up clutching his arm and doubled over. Holy 9 hells!!!    He started, and then backed off i his tone and volume, It's alright, it's alright!!  hold on a second. he stood straight up, looking at his arm he asked her, what the trouble was she seemed to be having.... He walked in tight little circle as he asked.
  Oh man, I'm so sorry, I was trying to figure out the fit, it.... well... it's too "tight" she said as she motioned with her hands toward her chest. I'm so sorry she said again as she took the helmet off. Other members who saw or heard it turned to see what was happening.
  Crap, another thing I forgot to let you lady's know about, just go through the fitting system and the suit can relax the pressures in the chest for a better fit. Crap, that was my fault, again. Guess there's a few things to add to the tech sheets for you folks. Listen, He said to Meari, check the others' suits for me, you know, talk to them and see if they need anything, I think I'm going to need to be checked out by the Doc.I'll be right back. He looks at the girl that grabbed him, and said it's ok, not too worry, He'd be fine and be back in a few minutes.

he left for medical
armor folks
Tue 19 May 2020
at 00:46
  • msg #7


  Hack and Hennings  watched.  Hennings  looked with a raised  eye brow at hack

  The Admiral   just   shrugged, one arm across his   waist as  his  left elbow rested on it  and   rinned his  chin.

  Rivets   Just tunred  away  shaking his ehad.

 Bale and Captain si  were  whispering to each orther
player, 336 posts
Undenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Tue 19 May 2020
at 02:55
  • msg #8


 When Slick pretty much agreed with her being new to the Hermes, and then someone lost control of her suit. Then he explains that the females can adjust the chest area so it isnt so tight. She shook her head something else he forgot.

 He then said he was heading to Med Lab and to talk to them about the suits, Meari replied," Sure i hope you are okay, comm me if you are not coming back."

 Meari then mingled with the suit wearers and talked them and got information on how the suits felt. She took notes and also tried to help anyone having problems.
player, 157 posts
Mech-Tech PO 1
Wed 20 May 2020
at 05:15
  • msg #9


Med Section>>>>>>>QM

 Walking back into the area, he sees the unit working their moves and still firing the weapons. He stands to the edge of the area , not wanting to be in the way any further, he just stays back and will answer any questions that may pop up.

  After a few more minutes, he calls the gal that grabbed his arm over to talk to her. Hey listen, It's okay, just a bad bruise and it's sore, not your fault, I shouldn't have come iup on you like that. but let's take this as a learning opportunity shall we?
   She nods her head and again says sorry, which he again blows off but tells her accepted. Now, it was my fault for not mentioning the suits adjustment capabilities for females, but you ladys here are the first I've seen wear them. Yes these are new suits, and yes you're all going to have to learn them, so do it, learn them and the things they can do for you. I know people think that new tech like this isn't going to work, but I think it can work, and work well at that. Be the first to use them, and excel with them, and you'll be the group writing the manual on their usage. He looks at a couple of other of the members that walk over to check on him and to hear their conversation. As he starts to repeat himself one of them speaks up. Hey no need, we heard ya, Penny here, He motions to the one Slick had been talking to She sent everything you've been saying to her over the internal comms. it's one if the things she figured out while you were ahh..... getting yer booboo fixed up. it's all good, we're fixin' to get some training as soon as we can. thanks for the help, hang out and take care of yourself and we'll be in touch if we need anything.
 Slick tells them good job, and tells them they can call on him anytime. He walks back over to Meari and just takes in the sights of his creations being used. :smiles:
This message was last edited by the player at 06:10, Wed 20 May 2020.
player, 337 posts
Undenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Wed 20 May 2020
at 14:49
  • msg #10


 Meari had been working with them closely, Meari was there when Penny figured the internal comms. When Slick shows back up Meari nods to him as she is learning everything she can without a suit on.

 When Slick walks back over to her she nods, smiles and says," They are doing very well, we figured out a few things while you where away Slick. You did good these suits I think will make a big difference, I cant wait to get into one as well. Good job your designs are working great." Meari will still help and work with them taking in all the information for when she gets to don one.
player, 159 posts
Mech-Tech PO 1
Wed 20 May 2020
at 15:15
  • msg #11


Thanking her for the compliment on the suits, they spend a few minutes talking about the failures on his part. I really wasn't ready to show the brass and then all of a sudden be directed to put a team together in the same hour. I mean, these were put through testing for the prototype before these were made, but for actual combat I had no idea I would be involved in it. I figured it would be up to someone that has that training or experience, not the tech that came up with it. I'm sure as hell not happy about the Brass seeing it for the first time and then the mistakes all in a bunch either. But like I said, the mistakes were mine, full responsibility for those fall directly on me. I accept that, I just hope and Pray these are beneficial to the cause that's all.
 Look, if you really want to help, I can send you all the operational capabilities of the suits programming as well since you want to try it out. ?? I if we could have a sit down
:air quotes: class room setting type of instruction, we can get the unit to understand them better.
 He winces as he does the air quotes, but continues on. I realize they may be looked upon as,"just another idea", But I think they could work. he talks as he's watching some of the team taking their helmets off and are chatting.
player, 338 posts
Undenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Wed 20 May 2020
at 15:48
  • msg #12


 Meari smiled at Slick and said," Well you have done a good job and hell we all make mistakes and you where not prepared fully, but we are all learning a lot right now. Also if there are mistakes and things we need to fix rather do it in this setting then on the battle field." Meari smiled she was still watching the suits, and their capabilities.

 Then Slick said he would send her all the operational capabilities, and have a sit down classroom setting of instruction. Meari nodded and said," Yes please send me all the operational programming that would help greatly. Yes a class room instruction setting would be great maybe set up a training program based on what we learned today, and adding the bathroom limitations and how the suit will conform to a female wearing it. I think so far things have gone extremely well, I cant wait to see for myself as well."

 Meari smiled carefully patted Slick on his non hurt side and said," Yes you had a great idea, and I believe they will work and they will save many lives, good job." Meari bends down and gives him a kiss on his cheek and then gets back to working with the troopers and learning as much as she can of the suits.
player, 160 posts
Mech-Tech PO 1
Wed 20 May 2020
at 16:01
  • msg #13


Meari bends down and gives him a kiss on his cheek and then gets back to working with the troopers and learning as much as she can of the suits.

 he isn't ready for the kiss and catches himself fro flinching away, not wanting to offend her, but he does say, Uhhh.. Sergeant, that's a little inappropriate don't you think? let's keep it professional shall we? he gives her a nervous smile and nod, and pulls his vidboard out to type notes to himself about the classroom training opportunities.
player, 339 posts
Undenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Wed 20 May 2020
at 16:08
  • msg #14


 Meari smiled and said," That was a professional kiss, and a thank you all in one. I did not mean to upset you, but you have done a great job." Meari smiles and continues to work with the suits.
player, 161 posts
Mech-Tech PO 1
Wed 20 May 2020
at 16:16
  • msg #15


A professional kiss?? never heard of one of those before, I wasn't issued one, so never seen it. Understood..... and...  Thank you.
player, 340 posts
Undenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Wed 20 May 2020
at 16:24
  • msg #16


 Meari nodded, she got control of herself she had to come up with something she just felt like kissing him on the cheek, she liked Slick but not in a sexual way. She respected him and wanted to thank him for such great suits. " Yes well you have been issued one now Slick, and you are very welcome. Now what other tests can we do here without causing damage, can we have them try and do some hand to hand?"
player, 163 posts
Mech-Tech PO 1
Wed 20 May 2020
at 19:28
  • msg #17


  Well..... I'm not too sure about hand to hand, but maybe just tustling about getting the feel of a push and shove?? the previous tests were very informative, I think they should learn the advantages of the assistances. he thought bout it, and then said, Maybe we should just have them ready to repel boarders and run to the designated hotspots if needed??
 Then he looks at Meari, Well, I've been issued an official ...... inventory item. I'll make sure to let the girl back home know, just so she isn't surprised if she were to find it. :chuckles:
player, 342 posts
Undenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Wed 20 May 2020
at 22:39
  • msg #18


 Meari nods and says," Yes some of them and not heavily trained in combat, and can help with that part easily. I agree lets let them what you say, push and shove, your culture I am still trying to get it all I am sorry if I dont get everything."
player, 2476 posts
In our lord and savior
Larry we trust!
Thu 21 May 2020
at 00:06
  • msg #19


-----> From Hanger sec

Zob approached the cage he had a rather pleased look upon his face, "Need my heavy armor and the 60 cal and as many belts as you can spare... its gonna be a bloody day"
Thu 21 May 2020
at 00:14
  • msg #20


  The  Clerk  smiled a bit,..we don't even know what's out there  yet, SGT?, maybe  its Snake people who prech fire  and Brimstone  well selling tonics?

  she called abck that an order was in..  some other  troopers   were making their  way over to the   cage, but most didn't  seem  in too much of a hurry
player, 165 posts
Mech-Tech PO 1
Thu 21 May 2020
at 00:31
  • msg #21


  Noticing, along with everyone else onboard, the light change to to blinking red, Damn, and me with a trussed up wing. Sergeant Maggs!! You and Sergeant Meari , since you are the ranking members here for the infantry types, should gather your team, I know some of these guys and gals are not infantry, but normal crew members, but maybe get in touch with Security? Maybe be ready to head out where they send you? I don't know, but I need to head back to my duty station. You all will do well! he says to everyone, Just remember he holds up the arm in the sling, You have more than you're used to, use it, be ready to get used to it and use it. Good luck. He nods to Meari and Maggs, and sends a wave and a slight smile to Penny, then turns and moves towards the Mech shop.

>>>Mech Shop

  When he arrives, he waits for Kira or Morgan to let him know what he can do to help, when they notice the sling....he shrugs and says, what can I do to help?

player, 343 posts
Undenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Thu 21 May 2020
at 00:42
  • msg #22


 Meari moved the Sgt Maggs and says," I suggest we give our services to the SM and see where he needs us, I suggest we stay in teams where more combat trained with others with less combat training, that is my suggestion Sgt."

Combat armor
Fri 22 May 2020
at 20:19
  • msg #23


  Maggs   nods  to  Slick , walking over to  Meari....we should talk  with the SM?... If he's not going to use the  Combat Armor this time out,  we'll have to see if he wants any of us on the assault teams, or if  he wants the CA on the hnager Dec?..or both?  pick some of us   for shuttles, and the rest stay here.
player, 344 posts
Undenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Fri 22 May 2020
at 20:29
  • msg #24


 Meari nodded and said," Yes that sounds great lets go see the SM Sgt Maggs." Meari would go with Sgt. Maggs and the rest of the Armor team to the Hanger Dec to report to the SM. Meari will let Sgt. Maggs take the lead and command, he has been on the Hermes longer.

 ---->>>>> To Hanger Dec with the Armor Squad.
player, 173 posts
Mech-Tech PO 1
Sat 23 May 2020
at 23:56
  • msg #25


Mech Shop>>>>> QM

  Slick arrives and talks to the QM at the cage about getting one of the suits out, A heavy please he waits for any replies to the comms he has sent out to Meari, Maggs, and Hawkeye.
player, 347 posts
Undenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Sun 24 May 2020
at 00:20
  • msg #26


 As the Armor group headed for the Hanger Deck to report to the SM, Meari got Slick's post and stayed behind to wait for him. She sees him head back in she follws him in and says," Hello Slick I will assist you, I wish my suit was ready, I would love to join the action." Meari would then assist him donning the armor, she paid close attention and took notes as well.
player, 174 posts
Mech-Tech PO 1
Sun 24 May 2020
at 00:42
  • msg #27


In reply to Meari (msg # 26):

  Well thank you Meari, I appreciate it, truth be told, I'm waiting for the Doc to come chew me out, but I'm not bringin' theis equipment onboard and then not utilize it. I wasn't even interested in being an infantry grunt at ll, but if I can prove the medical portion of the suits designs to help me, i think it'll go along ways. I think this will work just fine, this heavy suit. if I'm not in the fray, I can at least back some of the other guys up if needed. maybe I can carry some ammo or power cells? maybe this could be used for supply runs, or shuttle defense while they're sitting? I don't know, I'm just talking. help me get this together here would you?
 They work together to get the suit ready to donn. I don't want to put it on until the Doc shows up, I need to explain it to her. or at the least, let her scream at me while I'm doing it. :chuckles nervously:
player, 348 posts
Undenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Sun 24 May 2020
at 00:52
  • msg #28


 Meari would look at his injuries, and then thinking the suit should be able to stabilize it from further injury, at least that is what she was reading it could do.
" Well Slick if I am going to have my own the more I practice the better I will get at donning them correct. Yes if you wish to dot his the Heavy would be my choice as well for you." She helps him get is pre-assembled and ready for donning again paying close attention to detail.

 Once it was ready he said he wanted to wait for the Doc, Meari nodded and said," That sounds like the right thing to do Slick, I am sure she will let the suit do it's job Slick." She again wished she was donning hers but she still had to wait.
player, 175 posts
Mech-Tech PO 1
Sun 24 May 2020
at 01:23
  • msg #29


Ya know???? while we're here we could get measurements for your suit. All I nned to make the proper adjustments are limb, torso and head measuremens. but I really think you're going to have a hard time fitting all yer.... tools.:smiles: you really do have maybe too much for the suits. the armor I can make fit, the placements of yer weapons may not go well. I mean, some?? but definitely not all, sorry. but for the most part, we can get started, if you have time and aren;t working with Maggs?
 He looks inside his tool bag that is slung on his belt, and gets the proper tools out.

<<<Waits for Meari>>>
player, 349 posts
Undenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Sun 24 May 2020
at 01:29
  • msg #30


 Meari nods and says," Well with the suit I dont think I need all of the tools, a sidearm that fits, pulse rifle, shotgun and my bow?" Meari thinks about it and says," Well yes lets get me in one and then I can decide what 'tools' I can can carry, yes lets get started, well Sgt. Maggs is in command as far as I am concerned and I am a member of a Armor Squad with no Armor. Lets get me into one Slick shall we."
Hawkeye Price
player, 374 posts
LT (JG) Catrina Price
Combat Surgeon, Med Tech
Sun 24 May 2020
at 01:42
  • msg #31


In reply to Slick (msg # 27):

----From Medlab-->

Hawkeye stalked in, equal parts ready to be impressed and equal parts expecting to see a disaster waiting to happen. "Alright Slick let's see these machines of yours. I assume it's the same that lamed your wing?" A hint of disapproval in her voice as she eyes the suits.
player, 176 posts
Mech-Tech PO 1
Sun 24 May 2020
at 02:12
  • msg #32


At the sound of Hawkeye's voice coming near him, Slick stood straight up from having been squatting looking at something in a crate, and turned. Hey Doc, thanks for coming, and yes..... it is one of them that got 'hold of mee wing. They're hydraulically assisted suits. The tubing..... whatever, I'll explain all that later, here look, He says as he gets his board and brings up the techno info for her. See? this is all hydraulic powered, I was grabbed by a newbie in a new suit. All truth be told, we're all newbies in 'em. I'm the only one that know and understands them right now on Hermes, because I designed the stuff. What I want to show you,   he turns it so they both can see the screen as he shifts to the proper pages. Is this sytem right here. now, I already told the Brass all this can do for medical purposes, and suggested slash requested, :he air quotes: Is the medical divisions input on what needs to be adjusted in the suits. Anyways, these things can adjust the pressure and tightness in a limb section to act like a splint. more pressure, means more stability, blah blah blah...... So..... I'm asking for clearance to suit up for the possible action Doc. I AM NOT going to sit this out for this stupid mistake that happened on my part. I didn't come back to Hermes with this stuff so I can "watch" He flashed an angry set of air quotes
 Raising his eyebrows and throwing his hands in a jerk motion in front of himself, he says. So I'm asking Hawk,and I mean no insult to you or your rank, but you know me, Allow me to suit up now, and write me up after if you want, or get me locked in Security right now. But I've made a couple of mistakes today with the new Armor and I have to be involved to remedy them with the guys and gals of this unit. So.. please allow this.
 He stands ready to get in the suit or be arrested.
This message was lightly edited by the player at 02:20, Sun 24 May 2020.
player, 350 posts
Undenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Sun 24 May 2020
at 14:26
  • msg #33


 Meari set everything up for her armor that she could without donning it, and she looked forward too getting into it after this fight, but for now she will stay out of armor but will assist Slick into getting into his. When Stefi walked in she smiled and said," Welcome Lt. I think the Armor will keep is injures from getting worse I have read all the stats on the Armor Lt., also thank you again for your help on Uden." Meari would find out she was assigned to a shuttle.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:32, Mon 25 May 2020.
Jug (Pronounced 'Joog')
player, 203 posts
Gavan Warrior Leader
Lt. Equivelent
Sun 24 May 2020
at 16:06
  • msg #34


During the wait time Jug would make sure all the Gava would check their armor and needed weapons out.  Each had a pulse weapon and a hard ammo weapon.  Extra grenades and such as well.

(ooc: forgot this step, correcting it)
player, 352 posts
Undenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Tue 26 May 2020
at 16:39
  • msg #35


 Meari will help Slick get into his armor and then head for the hanger deck for the speeches.
player, 182 posts
Mech-Tech PO 1
Tue 26 May 2020
at 18:04
  • msg #36


   With Meari's help, he gets into the suit, attaching the parts and pieces as if from muscle memory, although he had only donned one  a couple of times before, he knew perfectly well where all the attachments were located. Building the suits and wearing the pieces as they were being designed for fit and functionality.
  He looked towards Hawkeye a couple of times waiting, but as he started to get the rush of putting on the suit for the first time where he might see action in one, he was juiced up and ready to go.
 After all the components were on, he put his helmet on, turned on the screens and went through the setup from memory, Comms, Visuals, with his HUD setup for his personal taste, medical check, and then set a modified compression setting on his upper arm, sore and tender, but stable. He then turned and walked to the QM crate of weapons designed for the suits and picked a Large pulse rifle, and then places a spare power cell in an armored pocket on his thigh. he then had his field medic kit strapped to his lower back, in case someone else would need something he wanted it carried.

 He then throws a Crisp Salute to Hawkeye, and a thankful nod to Meari and links his suit to SGT Maggs, and says over the Comms. I'm suited up and here Sergeant, where do you want me? He sends a 'ping' to Maggs so he can 'see' his suit.
Combat armor
Tue 26 May 2020
at 20:30
  • msg #37


  Maggs   COMs  back, well all gather  near the Felrite  flight line, its close to the shuttles  with out being in the way? Once the Shuttles are Gone, Master Chief  will tell us were to set up..
Hawkeye Price
player, 375 posts
LT (JG) Catrina Price
Combat Surgeon, Med Tech
Tue 26 May 2020
at 21:00
  • msg #38


In reply to Slick (msg # 32):

Hawkeye nods, "be careful. Following this I'd like to look into the medical aspects of the suits. And if it starts to give you any problems or you lose pressure I want you out of the fight unless things are dire. Last thing you need is a permanent loss of full function in your arm or hands" She smiles wryly at him recognizing much of the same stubborn streak she herself has been known to show.

"I'll see you at the after party for that drink." She says turning to head back to the medlab

player, 183 posts
Mech-Tech PO 1
Wed 27 May 2020
at 02:32
  • msg #39


In reply to Hawkeye Price (msg # 38):

 Just before putting the helmet on, he listens to the Doc's instructions, You got it Doc, and listen, anytime you want that drink, or any after, you just holler. :smiles: Thank Hawk, I really appreciate it, And I promise, any type of feeling loss or anything goes wrong with the suit, I'm out if possible.
Combat armor:
  Maggs   COMs  back, well all gather  near the Felrite  flight line, its close to the shuttles  with out being in the way? Once the Shuttles are Gone, Master Chief  will tell us were to set up..

  Copy that Sergeant will do.
  Again looking towards LT Price, Thanks.
  He strides towards the unit, nodding hellos and sending his suit ID for location to everyone on the team after they send there's to him. Running Comm checks and power cell checks for the weapon, he settles and waits like the rest.
player, 205 posts
Mech-Tech PO 1
Thu 11 Jun 2020
at 07:10
  • msg #40


Hanger deck>>>>>>>QM

  After he locates, either verbally, visually, or electronically, Slick has found that two of the unit have died, PFC Cinner, Spender and PFC Devolo, Marga. he gets the information to Sgt Maggs through comms. Hey maggs, uh,... we had two that didn't make . Sorry, PFC's Cinner and Devolo. dies fighting the bastards in the passageways, they were trying to head a group off from making into the adjacent compartments, they stopped 'em, but died doing so. I'll have them brought in so we can get them cleaned up and ready for a send off. Sorry Seargent that I didn't help to much, infantry stuff isn't me bailiwick. And too bad we didn't have more trained infantry want to try the suits. I'll see you in the locker in a few.

 he gets help making sure they are moved to the locker so the suits can be removed and the bodies taken care of properly before he gets out of his.
player, 206 posts
Mech-Tech PO 1
Thu 11 Jun 2020
at 22:13
  • msg #41


 After the removal of the suits from the two dead, he and the others removed their own, and after a brief check over of the systems and components for any damage, and after a couple of the people coming to him with damage reports or requests, he heads down to his bunk for a shower and a change of clothes.

Harriet Lynch
player, 2298 posts
Upstart Pilot
Call Me Harry
Mon 15 Jun 2020
at 19:49
  • msg #42


——> Med Tech

Upon entering the stores, Harry would make her over to whoever was manning the cage ”Excuse me, I don’t suppose there’s any chance of getting fitted up for a set of light boarding armour... and a tin of yellow spray paint” she politely asked, adding the paint as an after thought ”...if you guys are snowed under I can come back another time” she then said, not wishing to cause them any problems, after all she’d survived this long without any armour so if she had to go a little longer then so be it.
Mon 15 Jun 2020
at 20:34
  • msg #43


 Outside the cage  , Gai's armor  hung... the left   arm was split and shattered... the chest pirce   was ..elongated .. rather then somehting that would loonh like a chest plate. Her Flight   haled   was  spit in halps, fro  where the Visor started  to the middle of the back.

 a simple sign  hung under it.. "..She is still alive"

  The  Clerk at the  cage window   buzzed the door opened, and   waved her on  to the back.

  In the Back armorers  were working on repairs.. some of the ground troops  took a beating.  bits  and  pieces  were tossed  to recycle, others  were  set up  to get  bits and pieces  fixed and painted.

 ..Lets get you suited up.. I'm surprised  they didn't demand you tyo wear one before!
Harriet Lynch
player, 2299 posts
Upstart Pilot
Call Me Harry
Mon 15 Jun 2020
at 22:29
  • msg #44


"What can I say...I'm stubborn and argumentative" Harry responded to the clerks comment with a shrug as she stepped into the cage and followed her into the back where a group of armourers hurried to try and complete their workload in time for the next jump off "So whats the deal with this it one size fit's all or is it tailored?" she asks, with the closest she'd come to body armour being the flak vest she wore on Delta nights. Though from what she'd seen the boarding armour was a little more specialised than a couple of armoured plates in a Kevlar vest so would probably require some form of fitting work doing to it before she'd be able to wear it.
Tue 16 Jun 2020
at 01:54
  • msg #45


we have  the   base Templates   in differant sizes.. we get your measurements with the scanner  and then  Mold the plating.. takes  about an Hour  for a check plate,..the plates   are secured  to  a  'thicker' enviro-type material, that will regulate  heat, and  keep O2 in as long as  you have your Head  gear on.. almost all the pilots, where thier  Enviro  suit  under it as well.. it will keep you warm  if your  Life support fails..and   keep you dry if you have to POD out   dirtside..

  There is a Tall guy there holdign a Scanner  and  told her to  come over when she's  ready.
Harriet Lynch
player, 2300 posts
Upstart Pilot
Call Me Harry
Tue 16 Jun 2020
at 11:57
  • msg #46


”Hmm not bad...if only it could stop a 37mm round” Harry said in a dry voice that probably explained why it had taken her so long to get a set for herself. Though from what the clerk had told her, having an additional O2 supply wouldn’t hurt.

Walking up to the guy with the scanner, she would follow his instructions as he took her measurements for the template. Once he was finished and was inputting the data she would look between him and the clerk before asking ” what?”
Tue 16 Jun 2020
at 12:49
  • msg #47


  The woman  was just taking out a Heavy  chest plate from the Machine...Lots of ways  to die  in The Black.  Some, you can't do a damn thing you try to eliminate all the other ones...

  The  guy with the scanner  was feeding her stats into the data base.A Mech can't stop a 37 MM round... and APVs? to  complain too much about.
Harriet Lynch
player, 2301 posts
Upstart Pilot
Call Me Harry
Tue 16 Jun 2020
at 18:22
  • msg #48


”Trust me pal, if I get hit by a 37mm round and live to tell the tale I’ll be complaining plenty!” Harry responded to the man’s comment. She fully understood that the more methods of being killed she reduced or eliminated entirely, the the better her overall chances of surviving would be. But considering the vast number of extremely fatal possibilities, like her engines exploding, it all seemed so very futile and a suit of boarding armour wasn’t going to remove the feeling that she was on borrowed time.
Harriet Lynch
player, 2302 posts
Upstart Pilot
Call Me Harry
Wed 17 Jun 2020
at 17:23
  • msg #49


It was as Harry was waiting to see if she was still needed or whether she could leave them to it that she would receive a message from Billie, who was starting to sound a little like a schoolgirl with her first crush. Smiling down at her comms unit she would quickly send a message back to her.

Comms message to Billie: "That's great! Has he asked you out yet? And more importantly have you snogged him yet? :D

After sending her message of to Billie, Harry would turn her attention back to the man that had scanned her "Do you guys need me for anything else? Or are we done here for the time being?" she asked, knowing that her time was in fairly short supply and that she still needed to get some rest at some point.
Wed 17 Jun 2020
at 17:28
  • msg #50


 The  Woman who was attaching the straps  to   the Heavy armor Chest Piece, said, Come Back  , any time, after  an hour, the  armor  will be  formed  and  cool by then, and  we'll have it   secured to the Envro liner
Harriet Lynch
player, 2303 posts
Upstart Pilot
Call Me Harry
Wed 17 Jun 2020
at 18:17
  • msg #51


With her being given the all clear to go and leave them to it, Harry would nod her head in thanks to them before saying ”Ok in which case I’ll leave you guys to it and see you before jump off” she said before heading out the door, fully intending to either go back to her quarters and getting a little rest or sitting with Will assuming of course that the menagerie had moved on.

——> Hangar Dec
Harriet Lynch
player, 2307 posts
Upstart Pilot
Call Me Harry
Thu 18 Jun 2020
at 19:16
  • msg #52


---> Hangar Dec

Sauntering up to the QM's cage Harry would find the clerk she'd spoken to previously before asking "So how are we getting on? Is my armour ready to be taken away and painted bright yellow?" she asked with a smile, fully intending to paint up the armoured plates bright yellow to match her flight helmet, with a little stencil work to add a little personality to it. If she was going to be made to wear armour then she was going to make sure people knew it was her wearing it.

It was as she was waiting for the clerk to check on her armour that she would notice that Billie had replied to her earlier message, with Harry rolling her eyes at the practically chaste response

Comms message to Billie: "What are you? A nun? Just snog him already! and there's nothing to say you can't ask him out if he won't. Also enough of this dying bollocks there's only enough room for one fatalist in this flight and I took that spot long before you arrived love. Trust me you'll be fine. I'll see you on the hangar dec.

After hitting send she would turn her attention back to the clerk to see if she had any news about her armour.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:21, Thu 18 June 2020.
Thu 18 Jun 2020
at 21:09
  • msg #53


   Waving her in they  went back to the  armorer ,..Try it on so we  can get the straps right..I aasume you have an enviro suit  under... some folks wears  uniforms, but that  won't make  you any warmer or lighter?

 The   Guy  adjurtign the straps for  the chest plate  said,..there  may be a littel mor e room  in the chest then most?  but it  won't  effect you  fit too much...  he grinned, can  always  hide   some snakcs in there.
Harriet Lynch
player, 2308 posts
Upstart Pilot
Call Me Harry
Fri 19 Jun 2020
at 12:07
  • msg #54


”Not right now, but I’ll be wearing one when I go back out” Harry said as she took the armour and started putting it on so that they could make the final adjustments to the straps. Hearing the male armourer’s comment concerning extra space in the chest plate she would give him a cold look ”gee...thanks” she he had always been a little sensitive about having a small chest, ever since being teased about it at school, so having a guy pointing it out was perhaps not the brightest move on his part.

Once the armour was on, and properly adjusted she would take a moment to get used to the feel and weight of the armour, with her moving her arms to test its mobility before nodding her head to the female clerk ”yes that feels about right to me, thanks for the help guys” she said, collecting some yellow spray paint and masking tape before turning to leave at which point she would accidentally stamp on the man’s foot ”oh sorry, that was clumsy of me wasn’t it!” she said with a grin before continuing on her way.

——> Officers Quarters
This message was last edited by the player at 17:02, Fri 19 June 2020.
Fri 19 Jun 2020
at 13:36
  • msg #55


  The  Man winced  at Bit, then chuckled,..Geez?.. Is  not like you couldn't look down...

 The armorer  gave hims  a  dark look and shook her head.

 Harry could hear him say as she left,what ?  She's a  pilot, not like she hasn't heard  worse!

 a couple of the brand new Piltos were comign in  as  th clearks ushered them  back to get them  fitted..they already had  some  chest plates in the one was giving the new  guys  a choice on whether they  would wear them
player, 2535 posts
In our lord and savior
Larry we trust!
Wed 8 Jul 2020
at 18:35
  • msg #56


-----> From Hanger Dec

Zob approached the cage he had a reputation of making these poor people work, "The chest piece is gonna need some serious repairs along with the armor on the forearms... the .60 caliber is jammed to all hell"

he then placed the equipment on the cart and handed it over to them among the items was the blade rifle, "You folks get any interesting weapons in recently?" he figured he would ask considering he was already here.
Wed 8 Jul 2020
at 18:59
  • msg #57


 Checkign the card and  itemizing the  things on the cart, the   Clerk said,..not  until just now.. we have been trying  to get those Verian sidearms...but they  are harder to find the an Honest politician

 This is the first Blade  rifle I ahve seen.. they had a coupel they they truned of to the techs to study...
player, 2536 posts
In our lord and savior
Larry we trust!
Wed 8 Jul 2020
at 19:36
  • msg #58


Zob chuckled, "Well if you find yourself with downtime you can take that thing in the back room and shoot some beer bottles or tin cans" he then requested his shotgun and a few slugs considering he was gonna be in close quarters the rest of the evening.
Wed 8 Jul 2020
at 19:41
  • msg #59


  Getting Zobs  shotgun and a bandoleer of   rounds, The  Clerk  truned the Vid Board  for him to sign.

 ..those  weapons are Nuts.. see bits of blades  sticking out of the Mechs... makes  them look like a new breed of  porcupine...
player, 2537 posts
In our lord and savior
Larry we trust!
Wed 8 Jul 2020
at 19:57
  • msg #60


Zob took the board and signed it before handing it back to him, "And that is why I wear reinforced heavy boarding armor... but yeah tinker around with it have some fun gotta go and get ready for the after party"
Thu 9 Jul 2020
at 01:23
  • msg #61


 They waved   he off  as  others  started to trun in  guns  and have Armor   tagged for repair

   Some folks  just Brought   armor over with a  tag attached..that armor  would be recycled
player, 247 posts
Mech-Tech PO 1
Thu 9 Jul 2020
at 01:34
  • msg #62


 >>Comm from Slick/Mech shop>>>>
To the Qm on duty...
  QM staff?? I would like to have all repair notices and anything flagged for the new armored suits sent to me please? I will be working in the mech shop and will be able to double shift on the suits as soon as I get the shop ready for the repairs needed. I believe I already access to supplies and inventories for the suits so am willing to make my own pick-lists as needed, I will send the requests of items after I have compiled them.
 Slick PO1
Thu 9 Jul 2020
at 01:43
  • msg #63


..will do.. we have    4  suits here that are  pretty chewed up from the boarding action...
player, 248 posts
Mech-Tech PO 1
Thu 9 Jul 2020
at 01:46
  • msg #64


<<Comm reply>>

  Copy that, if you have someone send me the work orders, I can start on that.
Fri 17 Jul 2020
at 23:41
  • msg #65


  <<<<<<<<<< from Hanger

 Vaka   steps up to the   cage  door.. he taps on the  Metal part, the  clerk stand s Up and Looks  down whe she  saw a top of a helmet.

 can i help you?

 .. yes.. I have this?  he waves his COM  and hands it to her.

 SEC?..well..Um... Come on in.. head back that way.. we'll get you measured  for uniforms  and   armor?...

 Vaka  smiles   , takes his  COm  and  walks to the back wavign his COM to the next person that asks..

  The Clerk COMs  Roy..her  voice is  about a whisper  as she stepped out of the cage...SM?  This is  PO Aubry Rike? I am the   #2  armor  Tech  in the QM?.... Some little Occui came here..about  6  inches shorter then any Occui  trooper i have  ever seens.. he showed me a  COM from Captain Morris?.. he's  goign to  SEC..or are you guys  jagging us!
Roy Spencer
player, 8348 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Sat 18 Jul 2020
at 04:38
  • msg #66


Roy grinned as he listened, then schooled his face and managed a stern tone.  "PO long have you been aboard the Hermes?  Have you EVER known Captain Morris to draft transfer orders as a joke?  Did you have trouble armoring the Gava?  Because I was under the impression the you people could armor anyone you could measure..."
Sat 18 Jul 2020
at 04:55
  • msg #67


  well?  of  course, SM. Captai Morris  is not a Very joking person..... I..well..SEC?..Look?  we'll dress him up..but dammit, SM...he's pretty  small for a ..what looks like...teenage/young adult  Occui?
Roy Spencer
player, 8350 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Sat 18 Jul 2020
at 05:45
  • msg #68


"Tell me something, PO...when did QM take over recruitment and duty assignments?  He was good enough to make the Occui military, that's a damn sight better than a lot of the new folks we've had coming in lately.  Gear him up, and let me worry about whether or not he can hack it in Security, okay?"  His voice started out testy, then shifted to the too-patient tone of someone who's really trying to avoid his temper getting into the conversation...
Sat 18 Jul 2020
at 13:28
  • msg #69


  Aye, SM, Already Done.... Can't blame a gril for wanting to check though, Rike.. out!

 In the Back the  scans were takign Place, it came as not  surprise  that  Vaka took Lt Boarding  armor they switched out his helmet for an  ESN Helmet with a  Winked   foot on the  side.

 They scanned his  Chip , telling him to come back around  0800 and his unifrom would be ready , so he  could take part in Send off  as a Hermes  crewmember.  Brand  New  Hermes Ball came  with one extra, and a new weapons  belt of  Balck rather then dark brown.

   Rike came back  and nodded at the way he looked.,,ok PVT Vaka?...  go down to Captain Morris   shed..weird lookign metal building   at the   stern end of the flight lines .... He'll have you quarters set up by now...Contact your   old ship  to get your stuff and...

 Vaka smiled a should sad smile,..I called   My SGT to have my thinks sent over..... he said...they...they thought i was dead, and they split up all my weapon and pack are  at that little building you spoke of.... I will collect that... thank you all for being so nice....

 The Little  guy and his sad  smile  walked out of the QMs  cariing his  new  Belt that  fit with a  brand new holster  for his Occui sidearm , his  blade  was on the other  side. His new   helmet under his  arm and his   Hermes  Bap cap proudly on his head.

  Rike  watched him  walk out the slight   passage to the Hanger Dec, Lookign  like a tourist with souvenirs  as his head  swiveled this way and that.

 Rike  got on  the COMs and Asked for the   'Eyes Of Darkness' QM.. when she heard the Occui Voice...she said  , quite  calmly , but coldly,..This is  QM Rike from the   ESN, 351 Hermes... I am the   Number  two armor Master  for the Hermes  QM...

 ..Congrates we have an after Party going on and...

 DAMMIT... you may be Occui..but you're still  ESN..NAME AND RANK!

 the voice  was   taken  aback and said....QM  Pikle... PO.... then....

..alright  Chief  Pickle


 whatever!.... here's what happened.. we have a trooper from your ship, who has transferred to  The Hermes.. one....PVT  Vaka... his stuff  seems to have been..'lost' his SGT  in all the fuss of   people returning to the ship...


 And  what you are goign to do,  is  Send  for Vaka's SGT,, have  him  'FIND' the lost stuff  , and have it shipped  over  to  The Hermes , 5 minutes ago...

 ..Nnow wait here , PO...

 ..SHUT THE 9 HELLS UP!!  the   QM  folks Jumped  as Rike snapped out,..That kid  was on that ball of homemade dirt.. and he transferred to The  Hermes... i don't know why.. but i am starting to understand...

 there was  quiet on both Sides of the COM for a heart beat or two, and Rike  continued...If  i don't see an Occui shuttle from your ship, here  in the next 20 minutes,,, You will be seeing a  shuttle from  The Hermes  in 30 minutes... and on that Shuttle will either be  the SM and the LC..or  one of  the two?...and? keep in mind, they  just came back form two days worth of battle, so they might be a bit more grumpy then me...and  Chief Pickle? make damn sure the kids  creds  are in his seabag too... down to the last chip... are tryign to tell me, The SM or the LC  is  going o come over here  for  some stuff from a rejected...

 ..Lets  play a Game go ahead  and ignore this  COM..right?... and  you keep you eye on your hanger bay door, to see if  a  Hermes  shuttle appears in...oh? look...27 Minutes?  time is slipping away, Chief... I'm sure  you'll find the  kid's stuff...or?  that assault  craft?.. the trooper son it  will find the stuff.... I will also forward the name of that SGT  up the Line to general know him right?.. Provost general?.. They might have to  check, for possible  stealing.. you know what happens to thieves in the a damn shame to survive that  dirty walnut out there.. just to be gunned down by your own people  and  have 'thief' stenciled on your body bag

 Alright , Alright... I'll Contact the   SGT  now... and   Rike?... we should meet on Everest.. we  can settle this   somewhere dark, just to make sure of differences  are  cleared... COM  me when we get there..just becareful what you asked for.. I'm not on The Hermes because i'm pretty...

 Oh?..Pickle... 25 minutes...


  she switched over to Ship COM  and   sent a  COM to  Roy and Shadow...PO  Rike here.. Occui Kid is measured..should have his unifrom him his gear and such... but... The 'Eyes of Darkness'  seemed to have 'lost' his  belongings...  The kids  said, the SGT   said  they thought he was  dead  and split the  stuff up....  called  thier QM  and  reamed him out.. i said the Kid's stuff  needs to be here in 20 Minutes  or  You..or  the LC , or Both  will be  on the  'Eyes' in 30?.. i may or may not have Mentioned  General BAle and the Provosts... Just thought you should know...
Roy Spencer
player, 8351 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Sat 18 Jul 2020
at 17:15
  • msg #70


Roy's voice was unmistakably grim.  "You did good.  Let me know if I need to round up Stoly to go for a little ride..."
player, 270 posts
Mech-Tech PO 1
Sun 26 Jul 2020
at 01:16
  • msg #71


 he goes to the cage and asks for entry into the armor unit area, and for the equipment. After they allow him in ahe begins to setup the equipment for the measurements and production. Gathering the controls and getting it ready, he starts with what he could do withour Meari and begins to piece together the items for the areas not needing the extended sized parts......

 ready for Meari to show, he waits after a few more minutes and heads to get a coffee while the machine is warming up.
player, 486 posts
Undenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Sun 26 Jul 2020
at 02:11
  • msg #72


---->>>> From Hanger Dec

 Meari headed to the QM Lockers, and told them she was here to work with Slick and the Power Armor suits. Once they let her in Meari walks to where Slick is and says," Hello sorry had to talk to Sgt. Call. Shall we get started." She then takes off her Dress tunic and took off her weapon belt and gets ready to be locked into the suit. She will use the restroom before she starts to get in the suit.
player, 271 posts
Mech-Tech PO 1
Sun 26 Jul 2020
at 02:48
  • msg #73


He spys Meari showing up and when she comes in,....
<quote> Hello sorry had to talk to Sgt. Call. Shall we get started.</quote

Yeah, it's no problem, Was getting it ready anyhow. hey listen..... This won't takes long as I thought, the armor plates, pieces and external stuff fits anywhere we place the connectors to attach them, the time to make the tubing will take the rest of the day and part of the evening. maybe past midrats tonight, but you should be able to get a test fit try in the A.M. He waits for her to come back from the head and starts taking measurements, and the wrap sizers for the  tube making machine. after about an hour and a half he thinks he has all he needs for the lengths of the tubes for the torso. he then turns to input them into the machine and tells her. if you want to get something to et or drink, go ahead, I'll be a several hours gettingthe first piece done, the torso section. after that we can work on legs and arms and then the neck, you know?.... what they use to call the 'gorget'? throat and neck up to the helmet. Speaking of helmet, that will be last.  he starts the machine and waits..
 turning to her....he motions that she can take off for a bit if she wants.
player, 487 posts
Undenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Sun 26 Jul 2020
at 02:53
  • msg #74


 Meari does what he asks as he measures her and sets everything up. When he is done she smiles and says," Very well that is all you need from me for now, thank you. Comm me when you are ready for me too suit up Slick, thank you."  Meari smiles nods and heads for the Field where they where having this football practice she at least wanted to watch and she if she could help the team.

--->>> To Field Gym
This message was last edited by the player at 02:57, Sun 26 July 2020.
player, 272 posts
Mech-Tech PO 1
Sun 26 Jul 2020
at 03:03
  • msg #75


  Whoa whoa whoa.... I said the torso..... when you come back and we have the torso section finished, thats when I get the measurements for the legs and arms, I need to see where the connection ports are sitting at your shoulders and waist. that way we have them programmed into the laser system for proper alignment. like I said, grab a bit to eat, take a coupld hours and head this way. If I'm ready before you get back, i'll comm you. He smiled at her for thinking it would be that fast. But he understood as well. the first time we size you, we'll have it in the programming for replacement parts and won't need to go through this again, unless you were to have a serious change in your weight, or height, ot lose an arm or leg. :chuckles: Just go have a break, head this way in a couple of hours.
player, 489 posts
Undenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Sun 26 Jul 2020
at 03:10
  • msg #76



 Meari nods and says," I am sorry I missed understood, I will get something to eat and check on this football practice I will be back, like you said, comm me  if you are done before I get back." Meari then leaves.
player, 273 posts
Mech-Tech PO 1
Sun 26 Jul 2020
at 03:20
  • msg #77


 he waves as she walks off, It's all good Sergeant, no worries here, see ya later

 he turns back to the machine to finish the inpiuts of niumbers. as the machine starts to 'print' the tubing and then weave the materials, he takes a few minute to go to the head himself, and then onto the cart in the hanger for something to drink and a bite to eat. upon returning, he stretches his neck and shoulders as he sits down to monitor the machine.
player, 276 posts
Mech-Tech PO 1
Fri 31 Jul 2020
at 01:40
  • msg #78



 After only a couple of hours, Slick COMMs Meari, hey Sergeant, the machine is finished and I am ready for the rest of the measurements so we can continue. Anytime you you are ready, I will be here. He removes the tubing components that have been completed, the machine had finished the manufacturing of tubes and then moved it, automatically, into the warp/weave machine. The top section of the suit for the sergeant was completed in vest form. While he waited for her to return, he moved to the armorers with her front and back torso measurements for the printing of the armor plates, both lower and upper, front-rear sections.
 he returned to his desk and his 'sketch pad', trying to come up with connections to be added to hold weapon holsters.
   He continued to work......
player, 505 posts
Undenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Fri 31 Jul 2020
at 02:03
  • msg #79


--->>> from rec dec

 Meari walks into the QM lockers and finds Slick, Sorry almost forgot where do you need me
player, 277 posts
Mech-Tech PO 1
Fri 31 Jul 2020
at 05:10
  • msg #80


No worries, he directs her to stand and he helps her put on the chest piece, and begins to take the proper measurements. Stand like this- move your arm here- lift your leg- bend your elbow......... Okay, I think I got it all. I'll get these in the program and start that, what I need now is your weapons carry. let's take the time to show me where-what- and how you want it holstered. Okay? Knife, any guns or clubs, or what-not. After the programing input was completed, he asks her for run-down of the weapons.
player, 507 posts
Undenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Fri 31 Jul 2020
at 05:14
  • msg #81


 Meari lifts, bends, and moves how he asks to get the measurements needed. After he spoke she replied," I have my Udenese encapsulated pulse sidearm, hard ammo sidearm in my boot, combat knife in left boot, Usenese paired knives in boot sheaths, I carry a bow and arrows, and a combat shotgun, oh yes and I have 20 throwing knives. I think that is all my weapons.
player, 278 posts
Mech-Tech PO 1
Fri 31 Jul 2020
at 05:27
  • msg #82


 As he listened to her description of the weapons, he was taking notes and making mental notes, as she indicated where and how they are usually carried. About three weapons into the list he just stopped, looked at her and let her complete the list. then he said,. i think that's enough, don't you?? he said as he chuckled, motioned okay to her and then said, I think we can work with that, it may be a bit much tho, the suit may offer assistance but it does have some limitations for motion. I can help with the armor and a few placements of the clips and holsters, but i really think you're going to need to talk to the armor techs about most of these for attachments and placements. Ummm... when we finish here, we're almost done by the way, you should talk to the tech that runs the armor molding, he should be able to help a lot more than me for that.
 He moved to the table to for more input to the computer, saying. I think I can get this finished tonight, may have to have it deliverd to the tunnel run in the morning for you, not sure if it will on time, but..... we'll see. Taking one last look at the number, and asking her for a minute for a cuople measurements for verification purposes, he tells her he's all done, I'll work on this tonight, thanks for coming by and spending the time with me. i'll comm you as soon as I am completly finished for a test fit.
 he turns to her, gives a small wave and says she can take off, but keep her ears open for a comm.
player, 508 posts
Undenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Fri 31 Jul 2020
at 13:33
  • msg #83


 Meari nodded and said," Very well if it is not ready for the run that is fine I would like som,e time in it before i use it in a run anyways Slick. We can figure out weapons after we get the armor ready how does that sound Slick. Thank you."

---->>>> To TUnnels
player, 279 posts
Mech-Tech PO 1
Fri 31 Jul 2020
at 19:32
  • msg #84


working most of the night, to adjust for minor changes in the printing configurations and allow the machine to get it right, Slick stayed in the QM area , only leaving a couple of times for drink, food, and to use the head. it was almost time for morning reveille when he was able to get it all together, and COMM Meari, Sergeanr, the armor is ready for test fit, and the armorers are expecting you later this morning for testing and placement of holsters and the like. Sorry it took so long, but had to make a few adjustments. Anyway, it's in the QM locker with your ID number on it, since it will probably only fit you, they know it's ready and will issue it when you are arrive.Good luck.
 After sending the COMM and stowing the suit for her and cleaning up, Slick heads to his quarters to get some much needed rest, and to then , again, get ready to go back to work in the mech shop.

[5 blank lines suppressed]

>>>>>> Non-Comm QRTRS
This message was last edited by the player at 21:32, Fri 31 July 2020.
player, 525 posts
Undenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Wed 5 Aug 2020
at 11:04
  • msg #85


--->>> From Rec Dec

 Meari walks into the QM Locker and says," Hello I am Sgt. Meari here to pick up and try on my Power Armor PO Slick got ready for me?"
Thu 6 Aug 2020
at 13:00
  • msg #86


 ...Lets take a Look SGT?... I know the Tech was working on somethign in the back, he  finally went to sleep?... you can check out the suit, if you would like.
player, 526 posts
Undenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Thu 6 Aug 2020
at 13:18
  • msg #87


 Meari smiled and replied,Sounds great thank you. Meari will let the QM person let her in and she heads to the back to check out her suit.
Thu 6 Aug 2020
at 13:32
  • msg #88


  well? there they  are... there is a Tag hanging on  the one he was working on, for you?.. the other suits  over there have Name plates on and belong to one of the  'new unit ' crew?... those   couple over there are from the   dead people,  It was ruled that the suits  were too new to send out into the Black, so they are here  to be restored   or used  for parts... she waves  with a nad  and  then  wraps on hand  around her waist as she shakes her head...

 ..they are like  the....bridge, between Boarding Armor  and mechs... they can get into   Ships better then mechs, and off  a little bit more protection then boarding armor... they might not be as agile as a person in boarding armor, but they  can do that 'jump thing'.... way or they other, they will be goign out on the next jump off..The Admiral wants to see what they can do, other then guarding the Hanger Dec.
player, 527 posts
Undenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Thu 6 Aug 2020
at 13:47
  • msg #89


 Meari walks over to her suit and checks it out. She sees the other suits and then the ones people where killed in. Meari bows her head and then says  Thank you,  yes I hope we can get this suit into real combat and see what they can do.  I have read a lot on them they should help out a lot, like you said smaller than a mech more protective than boarding armor. Do I have to wait for PO Slick to try it on?"
Thu 6 Aug 2020
at 13:51
  • msg #90


  The Tech shrugged,..i don't see what it would hurt to try it on?.. you have to watch?..if you are not healed.. i heard you were on  'limited  duty'.... i wouldn';t  go rubbing about  and lifting things  with it just yet?
player, 528 posts
Undenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Thu 6 Aug 2020
at 15:24
  • msg #91


 Meari nods, feels her side and says,Yes not fully healed yet, I was put on light duty by the Lt. Doctor. Yes no running or lifting, she is already mad at me. I will just try it on, that can't hurt can it. Meari smiles and then remembering helping the others she begins to don the suit, if the QM lady wishes to help Meari will guide her.
player, 529 posts
Undenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Sun 9 Aug 2020
at 18:16
  • msg #92


 Meari took her time to set everything up and don the suit the right way, she knew because of her injury she couldnt do a lot but seeing if it fits and all systems are a go she can do.

 Once completely on she powers up the systems and the Hud and see what happens.
Sun 9 Aug 2020
at 18:18
  • msg #93


  it  seems ok.. afew glitches in the HUd.. the waist seems to turn tight, but that also might be her favoring the  side.
player, 530 posts
Undenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Sun 9 Aug 2020
at 18:25
  • msg #94


 Meari spends time adjusting for a perfect fit she figured the waist would turn tight because of her wound. She will work out the glitches on the hud and get all systems up and running at full power. Meari was pretty excited she liked how it felt, oh damn she could do some damage in this for sure. She wouldnt do anyhting else just make sure all systems had no glitches and where operating at 100%.
Sun 9 Aug 2020
at 18:33
  • msg #95


The QB Clerk    just Nods,..not much more you can do with out taking  it out into the hanger...
player, 531 posts
Undenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Sun 9 Aug 2020
at 18:38
  • msg #96


 Meari stopped and said," Yes you are correct and I wont do that plus want Slick to go over it before I do anything else with it, I know it works and it fits that is a big step. Ok now to get out of this thing." Meari chuckles and begins to power down the suit and start to take it off.
player, 532 posts
Undenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Tue 11 Aug 2020
at 02:44
  • msg #97


 Meari got out of the armor and left Slick a detailed report of how it went, she then headed for her quarters t get some rest.
--->>> To Quarters next day.
Tue 16 Mar 2021
at 19:10
  • msg #98


<<<<<< West from Hanger Dec.

  The Clerk in the cage looked up at   West. She gave him a bit of a relaxed  smile.How can I help you Corp?
John West
player, 25 posts
Tue 16 Mar 2021
at 19:26
  • msg #99


West smiled "Just transferred in, need to get kitted out."
Tue 16 Mar 2021
at 20:02
  • msg #100


   She Opens the Gate,come on in , walk the   yellow  line  back to  the  armor  section, and  we'll get your  Boarding armor .. you'll need to pick your weapons. Standard regs  say side  arm and   some form of  Boot knife is required at all times... One long arm
 may be   stored in you qyarters... anythign esle you get  needs to  be  put in a locker that will have you name  and  Wrist code on.

John West
player, 26 posts
Tue 16 Mar 2021
at 21:03
  • msg #101


"Perfect. Lets get the Amour soughted first then shall we" West said following the yellow line "You been stationed here long?"
Tue 16 Mar 2021
at 22:04
  • msg #102


  About two months ago i transferred in, they lost some folks  to enemy boarders on the hanger dec... we seem a bit   easy to hit, because they say around here.. we are  the 'Tip of  the Spear'

  Chief  Ida  Hanns met West, she was new to the Hermes  as well.well?  lets sort this out?... You'er a trooper, you'll be  doing boarding party,  and  Jump offs  for invasions  as well as Hanger Duty when we have jump offs.... SM gives leeway to troopers  for thier armor?.. Light  boarding  armor, medium  or heavy?... needless to say the lighter the  faster..but..well?  Pulse rounds and hard ammo don't care  how fast you are..  she  brusged   a auburn hair  from her  eyes.
John West
player, 27 posts
Tue 16 Mar 2021
at 23:07
  • msg #103


"Yes the Sargent Major said we see a lot of combat, I think filling someones boots is the single worst thing in any military." West considered his options for a moment, "Fools rush in Chief. Heavy is the way to go."
Tue 16 Mar 2021
at 23:18
  • msg #104


  Right then, step over here, we'll fit it over your will be  tight, ebcause you'll have an envirosuit  on, but that will  save you if your on the Hull of a Cap ship  and  your  armor gets pierced.

 It  took a boog   30 minutes to find the  right chest  and back piece, then the  sealed it  as they  worked on the  legs and arms.. when those wher e settled   the head  fear was handed to him, to hook up   the  COMs  and   Hud...

 a little over  an hour later, Chief Hanns  said...your  set now.. the armor  will hang in here ..when a jump off comes, you should be here  an hour  before  to  gather it up and  suit up... get your  weapons and your done...
John West
player, 28 posts
Tue 16 Mar 2021
at 23:58
  • msg #105


West groaned as he took off the armour and hung it in the designated place. getting fitted was always a chore.

"How good are your weapon stores? I like a decent amount of fire power so I can be the one to make fools of those who do the rushing in." he raised his eyebrows questioningly "Do you have any FN Minimi's hiding back there preferably the British L110A2 Para variant? Bonus points for SUSAT sights. Anything will do as a side arm, I'm used to the Glock 17 but a pistol is a pistol. My great great something grandfather was supposedly in the Gurkhas so if you have a Kukri to hand? I know its not technically a boot knife but."
Wed 17 Mar 2021
at 00:13
  • msg #106


  PO2  Aggie Cox  came  back from the window. as the chief  sat on a  crate  from putting together the armor.

  we have the  FN.. two styles.... hard ammo belt  fed with the canisters.. or  Power  cells  for  Pulse  Bursts.....  It  you take  a Glock, you have the chocie  of  hard  ammo...Power cell, or capsulales  Pulse rounds... Keep in Mind, largrans  have softer  skins, and demons   get 'poisoned' by hard  ammo..but?.. hard  ammo  doesn't last as  long as   power cells..and power  cells  are easier to carry... I think every one mixes and matches.
John West
player, 29 posts
Wed 17 Mar 2021
at 00:38
  • msg #107


That's always a tough call. I think the Power Cell for the FN, they make a decent club when they run out of ammo but work better as supporting fire. And hard ammo for the Glock, nothing is as reliable as a basic chemical reaction.
Wed 17 Mar 2021
at 00:43
  • msg #108


  ..right..  we'll  have it for you you can take the   sidearm and   the  blade now... No grenades  in your quarters..., if you pick any weapons up  during a Jump off, you can keep them in your locker, or sell them to the QM.
John West
player, 30 posts
Wed 17 Mar 2021
at 17:04
  • msg #109


"Do you mind if I borrow a bench for a short while? It was drummed into me in basic, always shine your own shoes and always clean your own gun, while I'm sure it will be perfect already I'll be ansie until it I've done it myself."
Wed 17 Mar 2021
at 18:34
  • msg #110


 Chief Ida nods,//Be  My Giest, but make certain to square everything away. The QM  is  as harsh on  the Cage  being  in order, as Rivets  is  with the Hanger Dec.

 PO Cox  giggles  a bit as she returns to her  post at the Cage Window.
John West
player, 31 posts
Wed 17 Mar 2021
at 19:43
  • msg #111


"Thanks Chief." West said moving to an empty table.
In a few minuets he had stripped the FN down to components laying each out in a on the table in perfect order. Taking each part he visually inspected it before cleaning it and placing it back. Again his fingers moved over the parts in a well practiced dance slotting and twisting each part into place, before long the gun was ready to be used again.
The process repeated with the pistol with just as much care before he moved onto the Kukri, moving it across the whetstone in long strokes the edge getting sharper and sharper until he felt like it could split an atom.
Securing the FN in his locker and attaching his holster and sheath to his belt he spent the next 10 minuets cleaning down the table and surrounding area until the med techs would be happy to use it for an operation.
"Thanks again Chief. Perfect just as I expected. Chief, Petty Officer it has been a pleasure."

-->> Hanger Dec
Harriet Lynch
player, 2832 posts
Call Me Harry
Thu 18 Mar 2021
at 12:28
  • msg #112


——> SEC

Hurriedly crossing the hangar dec with what could only be described as a resigned look on her face and clearly not interested in speaking with anyone she came across, Harry would enter the stores and head straight up to the cage. As soon as someone came to see her she would speak in brisk business like tone that left little room for conversation ”Hi, I would like to requisition a set of medium boarding armour, my sizes should already be on the system, and a hard ammo M5A1 assault carbine, with an ACOG sight, I take it there are no problems with any of this?”
Thu 18 Mar 2021
at 12:54
  • msg #113


PO Aggie Cox, looked at  Harry, and  motioned with one  hand for her   wrist, while she  got the scanner.

  Once Scanned. she looked at the   read out and said,Alright  trooper? {Please come into the cage, follow the yellow  line to the back,, you'll need  a differant Helmet  fitted. Pilot  head gear isn't compliant with  boarding  armor.
Harriet Lynch
player, 2833 posts
Call Me Harry
Thu 18 Mar 2021
at 19:04
  • msg #114


Harry’s brow would furrow in mild confusion as she followed PO Cox into the back room ” Well I kind of figured a helmet would come with the boarding armour, and surely the measurements for my flight gear will suffice? It wasn’t that long ago I was fitted for my light armour” she asked wondering why they needed further details from her as surely the information was stored somewhere and it wasn’t like she’d put on a massive amount of weight “...also if you’re going to insist on using my rank it’s ensign not trooper though personally I’d rather go by Harry” she said preferring not to go down that road if it could be avoided.
Fri 19 Mar 2021
at 18:42
  • msg #115


   PO  Aggie Cox led   Harry back to the armor area of the cage,,,you're  a ground you are a trooper...  the LC is  a Pilot, so he's a pilot...Captain a Pilot... The SM, is a Trooper..that's how   we funnel you people into the system.

 she  stops  and  motions to Chief   Hanns...your   helmet  was a flight helmet... you could run  around with that  but sooner or later   an explosion or  a Lucky round  would  crack it like an eggshell... its meant for  eviro security , like O2   and  Coms  all that...

 boarding armor  and thier matching  helmets are balanced  for the trooper and, the head gear is a bit heavier..more insulation , and a few more HUD circuits .. the  meta glass is thicker  and  we have to make sure the  neck seals  with   Collar seal of your  chest armor...

 Looking at  Harry...what do you want...light, heavy or medium?
Harriet Lynch
player, 2836 posts
Call Me Harry
Fri 19 Mar 2021
at 21:51
  • msg #116


As Aggie explained the reason why she’d referred to Harry as Trooper and the differences between flight gear and combat armour, Harry would wearily wave it off with her having neither the energy or inclination to argue the point with her, with her simply wanting to get it sorted so she could find a quiet corner to sit in. When asked what type of armour she wanted, Harry would just about suppress the urge to sigh as she replied ”Medium please” suspecting that Light would lack the necessary resilience to stop a bullet and that heavy would be too damn heavy for her to move in.
Fri 19 Mar 2021
at 23:08
  • msg #117


   Hanns  measured her  and   a guy helping her  brought the chest parts over   with the  sealing suit  attached under it...

  it  was closing in on 5:00 when  Harry was  done  and her  armor  being   worked on...You're  Done... armor  will be ready  tomorrow sometime.
Harriet Lynch
player, 2837 posts
Call Me Harry
Sat 20 Mar 2021
at 11:52
  • msg #118


Harry would quietly submit to whatever measurements or fitting details they needed from her, with her patiently answering their questions until they had everything they needed from her. Once they were done and had told her when her armour would be ready Harry would simply nod her head as she replied "Ok, in which case I'll see you tomorrow" she said before heading out the door with no real idea as to where she was headed.

---> Hangar Dec
Isobel Sakura
player, 1054 posts
Izzy "Hollywood" Sakura
Tue 27 Apr 2021
at 18:50
  • msg #119


——> Rec Dec

Quickly making her way across the increasingly busy hangar dec Izzy would head straight for the cage and place the damaged arm pieces onto the counter as she spoke to whoever was manning the fort with touch of urgency in her her voice ” bear thing tried to rip my arm off yesterday and well this there anything you can do with it or does it need replacing altogether?” she asked anxiously biting her bottom lip, mindful of how little time she had.
Tue 27 Apr 2021
at 18:59
  • msg #120


 The  Clerk at the Window looked at it, behind him  other  QM  troopers were  hanging  armor  on the rail to be set out  as   people picked them up. will take about 10 Minutes to  put on a new  arm, we don't have time to  fix it..., Take it back, stay on the yellow line or you'll get decked  by a moving suit of armor.
Isobel Sakura
player, 1055 posts
Izzy "Hollywood" Sakura
Tue 27 Apr 2021
at 22:01
  • msg #121


When informed that they would need to replace the arm entirely, Izzy would collect the pieces from off of the counter and move to the yellow line as instructed "I kind of suspected as much, I guess it'll make for a good souvenir" she said looking down at the long, jagged claw marks that had torn right through the armour plating like it was nothing ", isn't going to be an issue is it?" she then asked recalling how the US infantry had had to have her armour specially made and shipped in because as the then quartermaster had said "the army doesn't have a children's section" which was something that had earned her more than a little teasing with comments about getting the gnomes to build it being a favourite along with whether it would have Hello Kitty logo's on it. Personally she thought having Hello Kitty combat armour would have looked kind of cool if a little impractical not that she was ever foolish enough to say as much.
Tue 27 Apr 2021
at 23:29
  • msg #122


  The  clerk  chuckled,..if  worse  comes to worse, we have plently of  Duct tape and carboard...

 he  punched her name in so  some one  would   be waiting.

 at the  end of  the  Yellow arrows, Izzy saw  peopel  hustling, tossing  bits of armor  , helmets and such  to each other with a shout of a Name or  a number.

 The  Chief  Looked at the  chest plate   with the  bits of armor  and ragged  mesh. She  took the  armor and Motioned  for her to sit in the folding chair to the  side. A flew  with  the mark of  a Dermaplast  seal on his  head, was waiting as well.

  Damn Tar Things took my last helmet right off, along with most of my  scalp... its gonna  take a month  to grow back!! A Month!..may was well be living in a  castle on the moors and have a leech  cure me..
Isobel Sakura
player, 1056 posts
Izzy "Hollywood" Sakura
Wed 28 Apr 2021
at 17:16
  • msg #123


After handing over the remains of her armour to the chief, Izzy would take a seat as she waited for the replacement bits to be found, listening as the guy beside her explained why he was here and lamenting how long it would take for his injuries to heal " beats the alternative" she replied, preferring the idea of a few weeks without hair than not having a head "some bear-thing tried to rip my arm off, it's claws went through my armour like it was hot butter...luckily I had a guardian angel with a rifle" she then explained in turn, knowing deep down that had the mysterious marksman not intervened then she would most likely be dead now " idea what's going on?" she asked indicating the flashing lights curious to hear any rumours as to where they were or what they were doing.
Wed 28 Apr 2021
at 17:57
  • msg #124


 The  fellow  shook his head...Not  sure.. but  The Hermes  isn't like  other ships, if her gongs go off, you know  something is up maybe they gota lead on some ships, or  found a  stare moon somewhere?

 he got his  Hear gear, they   made him try it on, then   they handed   Izzy her  cherat plate  with the  mess and  armored sleeves..what do you think.. good  eb=nopugh to kill stuff in?
Isobel Sakura
player, 1057 posts
Izzy "Hollywood" Sakura
Wed 28 Apr 2021
at 21:59
  • msg #125


With the trooper not knowing anymore about the situation than she did, Izzy would nod her head "I figured it wasn't a drill, I just wondered if you'd heard any's hoping it's nicer than the last place" she said with a bit of a smile before settling down to wait. it wouldn't be long after that, that the trooper would receive his new helmet, with him testing it out before leaving, shortly followed by a new chest piece complete with a new set of armoured sleeves "I think this should do nicely" Izzy responded as she took a moment to look it over. Once she was satisfied that it was to the QM's usual high standard she would turn and cheerfully speak to the technician "Well it looks like Cinderella get's to go to the ball after all, thanks guys it's much appreciated" she said with a smile as she gathered up her new armour and made her way towards SEC to find out what exactly was going on.

---> SEC
Harriet Lynch
player, 2922 posts
Call Me Harry
Sat 1 May 2021
at 14:30
  • msg #126


---> Hangar Dec

Seemingly unconcerned with the sudden change in lights Harry would casually walk up to the cage and politely address whoever was on duty "Hi, I'm here to collect my armour and long arm, they were with you for adjustments" she said figuring that she ought to have her armour with her even if she wouldn't be needing it for whatever bullshit duty they lumbered her with. Once she was pointed in the right direction she'd go and find somewhere quiet to change.
Jug (Pronounced 'Joog')
player, 412 posts
Gavan Warrior Leader
Lt. Equivelent/ SEC
Sat 1 May 2021
at 21:35
  • msg #127


Eventually the Gava and Jug got to the gm to get their armor and such, Unno was sent to get their traditional weapons as well.  Noticing Lynch they kept respectful distance.
Sat 1 May 2021
at 22:20
  • msg #128


  The  OM clerk   called back  for harry's  gear.  , when it  came   in he handed it  to hurt with a lopsided  smile...stay safe...

 when the Gava arrived, he  began to  sort out the   lot, containign thier  weapons  , a Cart came out  as the  clerk said,give them  the 9 hells
Jug (Pronounced 'Joog')
player, 413 posts
Gavan Warrior Leader
Lt. Equivelent/ SEC
Sun 2 May 2021
at 01:12
  • msg #129


"Gonna give them all and some more!" Jug said taking the cart aside for others and the squad dove in getting their gear on and including peronal gear from their quarters.  She asked the QM quickly <Purple>"Got any toasters?"</Purpl in a few moments she had 5 and now armed so headed to the felrite shuttle.  soon out into battle.

===> A-B funnel
This message was last edited by the player at 01:40, Sun 02 May 2021.
Harriet Lynch
player, 2923 posts
Call Me Harry
Sun 2 May 2021
at 21:48
  • msg #130


As the clerk handed Harry her armour she would offer him and approximation of a smile as she replied "thanks, you too" before walking away. Moving behind some racking that would offer her a modicum of privacy she would change into her armour before walking back out onto the hangar dec for what would probably be another long and boring shift if the rest of her day was anything to go by.

---> Hangar Dec
player, 1065 posts
Udenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Tue 15 Jun 2021
at 11:04
  • msg #131


---->>>> From Non Com Quarters

 Meari walked up to the QM lockers , she smiled and said," I think my armor is in need of repair." She carefully placed her riddled armor down for inspection."
Tue 15 Jun 2021
at 13:03
  • msg #132


 the  QM  clerk was  frazzled  as   armor and weapons were comign back...she  only hand one arm to use, as the other was in a sling.

 Pick out a crate, but your items   in and  fill out the tag on the  crate.... make sure you don't mess it up, or you'll have the  9 hell's of a time getting suited up for next time!

 there were people in line behind her, and people in line infront. of the conveyer belt.
player, 1066 posts
Udenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Tue 15 Jun 2021
at 13:11
  • msg #133


 Meari nods and replied,Thank you much Meari then carefully got a crate marked it correctly, double checked it, then when it was her turn she placed the crate on the belt and headed to the Hanger Dec too see if she could find Vaka, or the Hemdeil troopers to see how they did.
player, 3413 posts
In our lord and savior
Larry we trust!
Mon 28 Jun 2021
at 02:08
  • msg #134


-----> From Various Places

Zob needed a new suit of heavy armor after the last one was completely destroyed in the last major engagement so he approached the cage, "I need to get fitted for a new suit of heavy boarding armor, i was outgrowing my old suit and obviously it got destroyed in the last engagement"
Mon 28 Jun 2021
at 02:50
  • msg #135


  The Clerk looked up and Zob and Punched in his  history...Comon  back and let the chief scan your measurements , make sure  they haven't  changed, and   She'll let you know what they  can do.
player, 3414 posts
In our lord and savior
Larry we trust!
Mon 28 Jun 2021
at 03:14
  • msg #136


Zob nodded and came on back to where the chief was waiting to get scanned, "Yeah by the time we left the hive ship, i was practically wearing just my clothes it was that beat up" he awkwardly chuckled the armor did a fantastic job of holding up but when hundreds of troopers are focusing fire in your direction well you ain't dodging them all.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:14, Mon 28 June 2021.
Tue 29 Jun 2021
at 01:30
  • msg #137


  The  Chief armorer   had   Zob  stand   as she ran the scanner over him.....Your Thighs  are  bigger... Football must agree with you

 ...Now?...  if we go into Matterhorn Space, we'll be facing , mostly  Empire troops, that means you'll face, mostly pulse  weapons, By the lizards have  hard  Ammo and the Bugs started to make it  as well.....we encounter Earth forces, it will depend on the Commanders... Deltas fleet, everyone uses  what they want except  fore specialists like  grenade launchers  and HW .... so you might face more hard ammo. We  can  put   spray insulation in between the
 inside and outside  plates to help slow down some  rounds.. depends how good the weapon or shooter is... It will make the  armor hotter  when you are  in warm and temperate  Conflict
 Areas.  You want that? or not?

player, 3418 posts
In our lord and savior
Larry we trust!
Tue 29 Jun 2021
at 01:43
  • msg #138


Zob nodded, "Its why i wear the environmental suit underneath to help prevent overheating and keep the body cool, and on top of that the heat never really bothered me i grew up on a hot arid planet after all, so yes add the spray insulation i can take it"
Tue 29 Jun 2021
at 01:48
  • msg #139


   She nodded  and  tapped away on her  Vid  Board, spinning the  'model' of Zob around on the screen,

  we should have  it  done, before Cast  off  from Etna... Hopefully you won't need it on Etna!
player, 3419 posts
In our lord and savior
Larry we trust!
Tue 29 Jun 2021
at 01:58
  • msg #140


Zob sighed a bit he had his demon steel boarding armor but he only wanted to use it if there was no other option, "I do have a back up just in case... but me trotting around in a reinforced demon steel armor is bound to turn heads for the wrong reasons"
This message was last edited by the player at 01:59, Tue 29 June 2021.
Tue 29 Jun 2021
at 02:07
  • msg #141


 She Chuckled,....Like i said,  we should have  it  ready by cast off from Etna. If  we need you suited up  thgere.. we'rte in more trouble then i'd like to think.
player, 3420 posts
In our lord and savior
Larry we trust!
Tue 29 Jun 2021
at 02:22
  • msg #142


Zob laughed, "Ill be suited up... but just a lot more... fancy, but for real thanks will see you around" Zob then set out to the Rec Dec to join with the others.

-----> To Rec Dec
player, 57 posts
Sat 6 Nov 2021
at 23:06
  • msg #143


---->>>> from Hanger Dec

Tulliun walks into the room and looks about for who he needs to talk to he spots the clerk.

Hello there! Sgt Meari and Scarlett suggested I come get some hard ammo for just in case. Can you help me out?
Sun 7 Nov 2021
at 03:09
  • msg #144


  The  Clerk  ( PO1) loked at Tulliun as he approached the Cage.  She  spoun a Vid board around,....Sign in, and tell me what you are lookign for, and  we'll see what we have, and get the QM  to  clear it...
player, 59 posts
Sun 7 Nov 2021
at 03:16
  • msg #145


He smiles at her, reaches over and signs the board.

I've got a standard issue ESN sidearm and a SMG that takes 5.7x28 mm rounds. I need enough for in case, with the jump off. I want to be ready in case I'm on ship when it all goes off.
Sun 7 Nov 2021
at 03:22
  • msg #146


   She  looked over the Board  and  Tapped out the information, ringing a buzzer  in the back. She looked at his  'unifrom' and said.

  Right , Now.. we han give  you  4 Mags for each weapon.  if you have  quarters on the ship, yopu are permitted  one short arm, and one long arm, no explosioves ... should you have  an additional weapon, you will have to stroe it here, or onboard your aircraft...yopu also must have a bootknife of  some kind.
player, 60 posts
Sun 7 Nov 2021
at 03:31
  • msg #147


He self-consciously tucks in his shirt, Well, that works well. I've only got those two and this dagger here. I keep the SMG in the shuttle and the pistol on me. So we're square there. Do you think I'd be amiss keeping a load of pulse for each weapon as well as the 4 magazines?

It was clear that this woman was not up for any small talk. So, he maintained a polite professionalism in his demeanor and tone, but still smiled to show he was still amicable.

I'm new to this "bugs and lizards preparedness" thing.
Sun 7 Nov 2021
at 03:48
  • msg #148


 again her eyes  looked over  his 'uniform'.....yes?  I am , most certain, you haven't  had to prepare  for what we're going into....

  The Pulse weapons  is a  different  thing...  If you have a  pure   pulse weapon, you have   ammo as long as the Cell lasts, and you can recharge it  with a  suncharger, or plug it in.... If you want encapsulated  rounds,  they are boxed  or belted like any other  ammo, but? you do reload, and 'run out" I can give you a Mag or two of  encapsulated   rounds  for your weapons...but...two things.... 1.... your weapon gets  hit, those  pulse  rounds  go off  like  mini pulse  bombs.... and 2? you cannot  mix or match, you have to use one or the  other, and  any one try  having   half  you mag with  hard ammo, and half'll at least be  missing arms...
player, 62 posts
Sun 7 Nov 2021
at 04:05
  • msg #149


His eyes got a little wide at the warning the PO gave him.

Maybe I should stick with hard ammo, just to be safe.

He looks down at his clothes, trying to figure out what else is wrong with his uniform.
Sun 7 Nov 2021
at 21:09
  • msg #150


   another  Seaman came  up with   some mags, of  hard Ammo...There you go.., but ,,well..make sure  you listen to pregame, if you get put into this  Jump off...The Admiral uses   anyone  and  everything, to  pull out a  victory...
player, 63 posts
Sun 7 Nov 2021
at 21:28
  • msg #151


Tulliun takes the mags from the Seaman, and deposits them in his pouches. Thanks! I'll make sure I catch it. Have a good one.

He waved to each of them, with a smile as he turned to head out to the Hanger Dec.

------>>>>>to Hanger Dec
player, 1414 posts
Udenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Sat 20 Nov 2021
at 00:08
  • msg #152


---->>>>>>> From Non-Comm Quarters

 Meari walks up to the QM locker and asks," I need a machine gun with stopping power I can handle wielding on my own, large amount of easily carried ammo works as well.  Is there something you can fix me up with for these lizards and bugs?"
Sat 20 Nov 2021
at 00:39
  • msg #153


  The Clerk shrugs....heavy pulse?.. almost unlimited ammo...but it doesn't seem to have the stopping power...Hard  ammo has  stopping power , but when you run out? all you have is a big club?
player, 1415 posts
Udenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Sat 20 Nov 2021
at 00:45
  • msg #154


 Meari thought it over then said," No need the stopping power of hard ammo, what do you got that I can carry a good amount of ammo for and has stopping power?"
Sat 20 Nov 2021
at 01:00
  • msg #155


 The Clerk spun the  vidboard  around,..30  Cal air-cooled.. most folks can carry a couple  belts  around thier neck? might be able to carry  4?...

 30 cal, may not  get through heavy boarding armor?.. unless you cioncentrate on  a certain area.
player, 1416 posts
Udenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Sat 20 Nov 2021
at 01:45
  • msg #156


 Meari looked at the vidboard, and said," I like that one, do you have one ready?"
Sat 20 Nov 2021
at 02:21
  • msg #157


 It will be  up here in a few Minutes  with  6 belts, you can see if you can carry that meanny and  secure them  for your jump off.
player, 1417 posts
Udenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Sat 20 Nov 2021
at 03:32
  • msg #158


 Meari smiled and looked forward in trying out her new weapon with more stopping power this time around.  Meari waited until her new weapon arrived.
player, 1419 posts
Udenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Sun 21 Nov 2021
at 14:02
  • msg #159


 Meari gets her new weapon and carries as many belts as she can and then heads for the Hanger Dec too see where she was headed. " Thank you very much."

---->>>>> To Hanger Dec
Jeremy Caseman
player, 102 posts
Fri 17 Dec 2021
at 22:28
  • msg #160


---->>> from Admiral's Quarters

Once the Admiral's Briefing had finished JD got directions and headed to the QM, to be fitted for a rush on his Dress snd Duty Uniforms; follow by a Standard kit which wasn't so pressing.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:10, Sun 19 Dec 2021.
Fri 17 Dec 2021
at 23:52
  • msg #161


  at the Cage, the  Seaman that as standing  watched   put teh Vidboard in front of him, for him to sign.. she went to scan his wrist for sizes  and  such, but the scan failed to read..

 That's odd?..., you'll have   to come in and get scanned for your  size... This   insignia? LC? is that right? we don't get too many LCs..

 She  made a note of the  wrist chip problem and sent it to Captain Morris..then began on the   Dress uniform...

 when things  were done, she said,well, Sir?  The Dress unifrom  will be   ready  by 0400..the  Duty  uniform should be ready sometime after Send  Off.
Jeremy Caseman
player, 105 posts
Sat 18 Dec 2021
at 01:00
  • msg #162


Finding this situation interesting JD thanked the pretty lass for her assistance. Nodding at her assessment of Commission, taking in the situation he was now in.

---->>> to the SIMS
This message was last edited by the player at 03:10, Sun 19 Dec 2021.
player, 4079 posts
In our lord and savior
Larry we trust!
Mon 21 Feb 2022
at 21:57
  • msg #163


-----> From Hanger Dec

Zob stepped up to the cage and handed back the shotgun from earlier, "I figure id ask since im here did you folks manage to get anymore of those Verian pistols? if not that's alright just curious" he also inquired if they got anything new in stock.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:58, Mon 21 Feb 2022.
Tue 22 Feb 2022
at 00:58
  • msg #164


  The QM  clerk looked through her inventory list..Nothing yet? The QM  said somehting about 'Hen's teeth"... must be some kind of alien chicken? Earth chickens don't have teeth,,,he's  tryign to track some down...
player, 4080 posts
In our lord and savior
Larry we trust!
Tue 22 Feb 2022
at 02:03
  • msg #165


Zob shrugged he had no idea what it meant either, "That is fine i was just curious, ill just take some ammo for my SMG here then and be on my way" he asked enough to fill 4 magazines.
Tue 22 Feb 2022
at 02:35
  • msg #166


  she  typed in the order...another  seaman came from the Back  with  4  loaded Magazines...

  she looked at the order tag  and pushed the plastic tray  through the   screen to him...4 loaded Mags...and 10  extra rounds from the  box....
player, 4081 posts
In our lord and savior
Larry we trust!
Tue 22 Feb 2022
at 22:16
  • msg #167


Zob took the 4 loaded magazines and placed them into his ammo belt he then released the magazine that was in the SMG and filled it up with the last 10 bullets before placing it back into the weapon, "Will see you around" he then gave a small wave as he took off back home with Orria's fresh fish.

----> To Civie Section
Harriet Lynch
player, 3090 posts
Call Me Harry
Wed 9 Mar 2022
at 13:54
  • msg #168


——> Officers Quarters

It was still relatively early in the morning when Harry stepped into the QM’s store, placing her standard issue ESN pulse pistol onto the counter and patiently waiting for someone to come and see her. With the arrival of one of the clerks she would slide the weapon over to them as she spoke ”I’m after some new Irons, this one no longer cuts it for me…I’m after a pair 9mm automatic’s with holsters and spare mags, Preferably Lexington’s but I’d settle for Glocks or Unity’s if not…I’m also after a combat shotgun, the kind that can cut a charging Larg in half, you got something like that?” she asked figuring that with all of the weapons they had collected over the years from battlefields and Delta Nights that they should have something that would fit the bill.
Wed 9 Mar 2022
at 14:13
  • msg #169


 The Clerk  looked at   Harry,Welocme Your back  and you didn't go on the tunnel run?

she started    tapping her  Vidboard to see what they have in the stores...Got  a pair of glocks?..we also have   some captured, Russian Klovs?  they  have a higher velocity...but  smaller Mag?

 a Voice behind her  and the smell of  fresh coffee hit her, as the QM and another  clerk carried   in a couple boxes of doughnuts  and  20 'rec Dec' coffees  with   fixings in another Tray.

  Don't know  any   weapon that can do that to a full size Larg...Stopping power?  we   got  some  Winston  Pumps, fresh out of  Winston enterprises  on  Etna...Loads   6  rounds, a bit  long?  we tried  sawing off a couple, it  cuts  down on thier effectivness.
Harriet Lynch
player, 3091 posts
Call Me Harry
Wed 9 Mar 2022
at 19:54
  • msg #170


”I had a report to write and needed rest and new Irons” Harry replied with a shrug, not mentioning that the three things she hated most about running; crowds, Largs and Shadow were also a deciding factor ”…depending on how long this takes I might try and tag along with those doing punishment laps” she added before listening to what was on offer, with her taking a moment to consider them before replying ”I’ll take the Glocks and a long barrelled Winston and see if it’s what I’m after” she replied figuring that she could always buy something more to her liking from elsewhere. She had also been tempted by the Russian pieces for a moment but not recognising the name or knowing how they performed had gone for the Glocks ”What about ammo for the shotgun? Anything that can kick the stopping power up a notch?” She asked wondering if such a thing as a HE slug existed.
Wed 9 Mar 2022
at 19:58
  • msg #171


QM  handed off his boxes of doughnuts to wa iting Clerk..he looked over the Vidboard,Not yet Lassie.... you'll have to settle for the Buck shout or pumpkin balls...., you wouldn't be permitted  explosives  round in your quarters  any way.
Harriet Lynch
player, 3092 posts
Call Me Harry
Wed 9 Mar 2022
at 22:07
  • msg #172


She would give an understanding nod when it was pointed out that she wouldn’t be able to have any explosive shells in her quarters even if they had had anything of that nature in stock ”Fair enough, you don’t get if you don’t ask…I’ll take a couple of boxes of buckshot” She said gathering up her new gear before heading out the door.

——> Tunnels
player, 1655 posts
Udenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Tue 29 Mar 2022
at 22:29
  • msg #173


----->> From Hanger Dec

 Meari walked up to the cage, in her Medium Udenese Commando armor, and she said," Hello I would like to get my 30-cal. machine gun and 6 belts please."
Tue 29 Mar 2022
at 22:38
  • msg #174


  The QM clerk put the order in, a few minutes alter  a seaman came out with the belts. askign  Meari if she  wanted the ammo cans to carry them in, or just the belts.
player, 1656 posts
Udenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Tue 29 Mar 2022
at 22:44
  • msg #175


 Meari smiled and begin to wrap the belts around her so she could carry them, and replied," I didnt use the cans last time I just carried them. Thank you very much."
Jug (Pronounced 'Joog')
player, 540 posts
Gavan Warrior Leader
Lt. Equivelent/ SEC
Wed 30 Mar 2022
at 02:33
  • msg #176


Jug and her squad moved in a line at the QM to get their supplies and treats.  They were going down loaded for one never knew.  All would have hard ammo rifles and power cell hand pistols plus their bows and spears.  Jug looked and smiled at Meari "Time to give someone a good asskicking" she said.
player, 1657 posts
Udenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Wed 30 Mar 2022
at 03:33
  • msg #177


 Meari smiled at Jug and the rest of the Gava and replied," Oh yes I am ready to give a big hard ass kicking , have you seen my new 30-cal. machine gun yet Jug?"
Jug (Pronounced 'Joog')
player, 541 posts
Gavan Warrior Leader
Lt. Equivelent/ SEC
Wed 30 Mar 2022
at 04:58
  • msg #178


"No.  Is that it?  If so, it looks impressive" Jug smiled.  Gava, being small certainly would not wield such a weapon, but it was impressive none the less.
Wed 30 Mar 2022
at 21:12
  • msg #179


  The   hustling  Clerks  were bringing up belts, megs and grenades, One  felow   had  meari  weapon in a slightly oiled cloth, rubbing it down as he handed to her.

 Here you go..all set to spray and pray...
player, 1659 posts
Udenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Wed 30 Mar 2022
at 21:40
  • msg #180


 Meari smiled at Jug and the rest of the Gava and she replied as the clerk gave her the weapon," Yes this is my new 30 cal. machinegun, I love it takes down bad guys fast." She turns to the clerk, " Thank you very much and they will need to pray when I cut them down."

 Meari nodded to the Gava and replied," Good luck and fight well, as you always do." Meari then headed back to the hanger dec.

---->>>>. To hanger dec
Jug (Pronounced 'Joog')
player, 542 posts
Gavan Warrior Leader
Lt. Equivelent/ SEC
Wed 30 Mar 2022
at 23:01
  • msg #181


Jug still smiled as Meari headed back to the hangar.  Getting gear the gava armored up, weaponed up and geared up.  Then they would head for their shuttle.  Though small, gava never let that stop them.

===> to hangar dec
player, 4245 posts
In our lord and savior
Larry we trust!
Tue 17 May 2022
at 16:47
  • msg #182


-----> From Hold

Zob sighed as he approached the cage he wasent sure if his suit would be able to be repaired in time but still he had to check, "Hey folks will my heavy armor be repaired in time by the time i have to go back down in a little over 12 hours?"
This message was last edited by the player at 16:48, Tue 17 May 2022.
Tue 17 May 2022
at 16:57
  • msg #183


  The    Techs  look it over...we're not busy now..after the Jump off  is when we get beat up.. we should have it ready in about..6? The Chief  tech put the armor  on a  hover cart and took it into the back.
player, 4246 posts
In our lord and savior
Larry we trust!
Tue 17 May 2022
at 17:30
  • msg #184


Zob nods approvingly, "I lost my heavy pulse gun so i need a new secondary weapon what have you got for shotguns?" he asked while he had other weapons but they were mostly rifles and the blade rifle.
Tue 17 May 2022
at 19:00
  • msg #185


 The   Clerk brought up the screen, spun the vidboard  around.. we have  4 types?.. single  barrel with breech load.. Double barrel  that you need to  break and Laod..two triggers.... Combat shitun  with 10 round Nag, you can use  the pumpkin bal;ls or buck shot.. and the   Drum fedattack weapon, goood  for boarding, and close  quarters...30 round east  through the  Ammo , if you are having a good time...  she grins
player, 4247 posts
In our lord and savior
Larry we trust!
Tue 17 May 2022
at 19:55
  • msg #186


Zob thought it over, "Give me the combat shotgun with the 10 round magazines, ill take two magazines now the rest can be put with the armor when i come pick it up in a few hours... i would go for the 30 round drum but there is just no room for me to carry it with the rest of my kit"
Tue 17 May 2022
at 20:19
  • msg #187


   in a few moments the   Gun came out, the  armsman  showed   some  qucik , disassemble and assembe  for  Zomb,  set down a sling  and  2 Mags...

The  Head cage  cleak had   Zob  sign out the weapon.
player, 4248 posts
In our lord and savior
Larry we trust!
Tue 17 May 2022
at 21:55
  • msg #188


Zob watched carefully as the tech gave some instructions and nodded as he signed out for the shotgun and slung the weapon over his shoulder and placed the magazines on his ammo belt, "Thanks again ill be back in a few hours" with that he headed back over to the com area where Sam and Orria were.

----> To Hanger Dec
player, 18 posts
Corp ESN Med Tech
Save as many as you can
Mon 1 Aug 2022
at 13:26
  • msg #189


----->>>>>>>>>>>> From Hanger Dec

 NA-CE showed up to the QM locker and waited till it was her turn in line. Once to the counter she asked," I need some medium combat armor, a 45 pulse and a 45 hard ammo sidearm, and I need a good SMG with stopping power but light and easy to carry with the rest of my medical gear?" NA-CE looked all business as she waited for the QM people.
Mon 1 Aug 2022
at 13:32
  • msg #190


  The  QB Clerk  waved her through the door as it buzzed... another   Clerk  escorted her back as the  began measurments, and  worked on slight adjustments.

 while she  stood  there  a Pair of   weapons were handed to her to  check, and a double holster  to arry them, on side  had  ptwo pouches for  powercells, the other   side had  three  for mags.

 They gave her a  Choice of a 'Thompson style" SMG  and a  German MP40 style.
player, 19 posts
Corp ESN Med Tech
Save as many as you can
Mon 1 Aug 2022
at 13:41
  • msg #191


 NA-CE walked in and they did their measurements with the two offered she liked them both but decided to go with the German MP40 style a little more compact for her. They both had good stopping power though. She took the belt with the two holsters, and both sets of ammo, pulse and hard she liked that. NA-CE would gear up and waited for them to finish her measurements.

 NA-CE smiled for the first time and said," Thank you how long for the armor we have a run in 1 hour."
Mon 1 Aug 2022
at 13:44
  • msg #192


 The  armomrer  shrugged,Not Long. we have to   heat the chest plate  and round it out, and get the  legs and arms formed as we attach it to the Mesh.. you'll need an envirosuit under this of  course..
player, 20 posts
Corp ESN Med Tech
Save as many as you can
Mon 1 Aug 2022
at 13:47
  • msg #193


 NA-CE smiled and replied," I have one on already under my duty uniform I wasn't sure what to expect so I came prepared. What do you know about this run does the LC do it with all new recruits?"
Mon 1 Aug 2022
at 14:35
  • msg #194


 The  tech shrugs  as  armor is heated  and formed...Access  tunnels   at the top of the lap is  3  Miles.. about  a mile down each side, and  a Half mile  across the beams... its more  for a work out..He makes pilots  do it alot.. SM gives troopers  and SEC options  most of the time...  Malcontents gets sorted out   pretty quickly..

   Rounding out the  chest plate and  it  is fastened to the Mesh...see how that fits
player, 21 posts
Corp ESN Med Tech
Save as many as you can
Mon 1 Aug 2022
at 16:08
  • msg #195


 NA-CE listened, she smiled and nodded at the description of the tunnel run. She actually liked it, running in the field from patient to patient was very good, she was really liking this LC so far. " Well thank you very much."

 NA-CE tried it on and it fit perfectly. she replied," Excellent it fits perfectly thank you."
player, 22 posts
Corp ESN Med Tech
Save as many as you can
Mon 1 Aug 2022
at 23:56
  • msg #196


 NA-CE got all her gear ready and then headed for Captain Morris's shed to get her quarters settled. NA-CE thanked the QM's and headed off to see Captain Morris.

---->>>>> To Morris's Shack
Nicole Rutledge
player, 4055 posts
Ensign; Pilot
Thu 18 Aug 2022
at 07:01
  • msg #197


<=== from Doc Christies lab

Nikki and Haley moved to the other side of the hangar and the Quarter Masters area.  There they waited behind 2 others ahead of them.  Finally their turn, Nikki smile "Hello.  I am wondering if we can put in request for magnetic shelving, rope....maybe 50 ft., not returnable, magnahooks with 100lb. weight strength.  a metal unlidded container about 2 foot by 3 foot if available." she gestured the dimensions.  she knew some would not be returnable and would be docked from her pay, but atleast it was a start.
Haley smiled ear to ear and gave a wave. "Hi!" she said peering over the counter.
Mon 22 Aug 2022
at 16:03
  • msg #198


  The QM   clerk went through the lists.. she marked  what  was  'payable'..which was all the  'non returnable"

  She looked at  Haley and smiled,then to Nikki,you  might be  better  served , waiting until we reach a planet or station to  buy someof this stuff?
Nicole Rutledge
player, 4061 posts
Ensign; Pilot
Mon 22 Aug 2022
at 21:00
  • msg #199


Nikki smiled "I was planning on doing soas well. Thank you." she said gathering and paying for it as well.  She handed Haley some rope to carry that was a tad heavy.  Nikki showed her how to carry it more appropriately, like a mountain climber.  Haley smiled at helping. "There we go.  See If you carry it this way it spreads the weight out so you use your whole body, not just your arms"
To Haley it did seem she could handle the rope better "Oh..oh like walking on an ice covered pond.  Iffen Ah walk on it the ice breaks and Ah get wet, cuz weights on the small spots my feets are on?  But iffen Ah sits and slides on the ice it don't break.  That right?" she figured out.
"You got it Punkin'.  Now you have to learn when it can work and when not, that will come with time" she said gathering the other items after noting the deduction of her account.  "Lets put this in our quarters for now.  I got to find Shadow.  I think he is on the RecDec" using a locating app
"Okay.  can Ah gits a hotdog and chips?  Ooohh...And a banana?"
"Yes, I suppose.  You are turning into a bottomless pit these days.  My growing girl" waving at the QM for now they headed to the lift with their treasures.

====> Officers Quarters
Tarja Vanska
player, 223 posts
Armoured Infantry
Sun 11 Dec 2022
at 17:50
  • msg #200


——> Hangar Dec

Despite her attempts to pull down her uniform jacket Tarja was more than aware that it would look like she was wearing a pair leggings and as much as she liked Andruss checking out her ass it wasn’t something she particularly wanted the rest of the crew to do. And so it was after this rather uncomfortable walk that she would enter the QM’s store and approach the counter, relieved to see  that it was currently being manned by a woman so might gain a little sympathy ”Hi, I would like to requisition uniform items for armoured infantry squad…I would like eight overalls, colour is not important but should have correct insignia and markings for unit, and eight quick release boots with zip down side, I can provide required sizes, and information” she said hoping that her request wouldn’t prove too problematic with her quite prepared to to wait for it if needed.
Mon 12 Dec 2022
at 00:06
  • msg #201


  The 2 striper  behind the cage made a moti9on   for Tarja's vid board,Let me down load  the stuff from your Vid board, set it  up, it will bot alot  faster.

 we'll get you green,so you are not  confused  with  The  Dec  Crew. It will take
 about..10 minutes or  so  to gather  the garments, the  seamstress  will get the patched in about 10 minutes faster that. She doesn't have to  make too many patches  this   time
 of our cruise. its after the first actions, she gets busy.

Tarja Vanska
player, 224 posts
Armoured Infantry
Mon 12 Dec 2022
at 12:43
  • msg #202


Tarja would take a moment to get the correct information up on her vidboard before handing it over, with it listing enough information about the members of her team to get overalls and boots made to the correct size ”please being aware that sergeant is very tall” she said suspecting that they would have to find something a little non-standard to fit Meari. After being informed that it would take around twenty minutes to sort Tarja would give the woman a slightly surprised look as she replied ”That fast, is ok if I wait?” she asked so as to save her having to make another two trips across the hangar dec.

It was as she was waiting that Tarja would look at the message she’d received from Alison causing a sharp intake of breath as she wondered whether she should have left well alone. However deciding that it was too late to back out now she would send her another message.

She would wait around twenty minutes within the QM’s store, checking footage and data on her vidboard as she did so, before the overalls were ready. Needless to say Tarja would change into her new overalls which had her name and rank embroidered onto it along with an assault badge and the mech unit patch. One day the armoured infantry would have their own patch but for now they bore the same patch as the mech riders ”These are very good, compliments to lady that made the patches” Tarja said to the woman behind the counter as she gathered the pile of boots and clothing and thanked her as she walked out the door.

——> Hangar dec
This message was last edited by the player at 12:44, Tue 13 Dec 2022.
Roy Spencer
player, 11358 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Wed 17 Apr 2024
at 05:59
  • msg #203


Roy stopped by the QM on his way to his quarters, having punched up an image on his comm...something he'd heard about once, long long ago, but hadn't been entirely certain was actually legitimate until he found the image.  His face lit up in a smile when he did.

Showing the image to the corporal inside the cage, he said, "I need two of these...preferably for the ball tonight.  Should be pretty simple to fabricate...even if you can't make the full-on patch, a collar pin would work."  It was a single chevron in Marine red and gold, with a lamp centered beneath the peak of the chevron.  The corporal looked at him oddly.

"Is this a real thing, Sergeant-Major?  You didn't just dream this up?"

"It's a legit cadet rank, Corporal, and it should be on file in our systems.  I've got to go get changed for the formalities tonight...that should give you about twenty minutes.  As a matter of fact, I'll make it simpler for you...just get me the collar pin version, doesn't even need to be metal.  You can take your time making the patches.  But I want that pin tonight, even if you have to express-rush it to me at the ball."  He gave a grim-faced nod, and proceeded to his quarters.

Thanks to his precautions before the operation on Fuji, his dress uniform was already out and ready, he just needed to remove it from the garment bag.  A quick shower to refresh himself, and a slow process of dressing to make sure everything was properly aligned and in its place, and he was back on his way.

"Fresh out of the 3D printer," the corporal said, sliding a plastic case across the counter to him.  "The glue for the pin should be fully cured by the time you reach the Ball, ready whenever you want to present it."

Roy gave a grim smile and nod, taking a moment to open the case and look inside before closing it and slipping it into his tunic pocket.  "Good work, Corporal.  Carry on..."  An uncommon look of contentment on his face, he turned and headed for the Hangar Deck.
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