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09:53, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Step 2 - Survivor Creation.

Posted by EntropyFor group public
GM, 8 posts
Wed 17 Apr 2024
at 00:19
  • msg #1

Step 2 - Survivor Creation

You are a Survivor — courageous, skilled, or influential members of a Haven who step forward to face the dangers that threaten the community. The community puts their faith in you to save the Haven from falling into darkness.

You’ll keep track of your Survivor using your Survivor Sheet (see page 300). By the time you complete Survivor creation, your sheet will contain everything you need to begin play. If you’re short on time or simply want to quickly jump into the Broken World, you can also find some ready-to-play premade Survivors available online at


You will use this chapter to create your Survivor, choosing from a range of options and making key decisions about your Survivor’s past and future. It's a good idea to scan through the chapter before you begin, so you know what to expect and can create a Survivor you love.

It’s best to create your Survivors as a group so you can weave their backgrounds together, forging bonds of shared history. You most likely come from the same Haven, and either grew up together or have otherwise been part of the fabric of each other's lives. Your Survivors don’t need to be friends - the Broken World’s unforgiving conditions make it second nature to work together for the good of the Haven, regardless of personal feelings.

Try to cover a wide range of abilities between the Survivors you create. If each Survivor has their own specialism, the group will be effective in a range of situations, and everyone gets time in the spotlight when their skills are called for.

How to Create Your Survivor

1. Choose your Lineage
2. Generate your Lifepath
3. Choose your Class.
4. Assign your Attribute Scores.
5. Complete the Finishing Touches.

Survivior Name
Class & LevelBlank 0
Experience Points0
Decay Save0
Passive Perception0
Passive Insight0

Strength: Score / Bonus
Proficient / ExpertiseScoreSkill
Blank0Saving Throws

Dexterity: Score / Bonus
Proficient / ExpertiseScoreSkill
Blank0Saving Throws
Blank0Sleight of Hand

Constitution: Score / Bonus
Proficient / ExpertiseScoreSkill
Blank0Saving Throws

Intelligence: Score / Bonus
Proficient / ExpertiseScoreSkill
Blank0Saving Throws
Blank0Forgotten Lore
Blank0Local Lore
Blank0Natural Lore

Wisdom: Score / Bonus
Proficient / ExpertiseScoreSkill
Blank0Saving Throws
Blank0Animal Handling

Charisma: Score / Bonus
Proficient / ExpertiseScoreSkill
Blank0Saving Throws

Lineage Traits

Curse of BLANKBlank

Light ArmourY/N
Medium ArmourY/N
Heavy ArmourY/N
Simple WeaponsY/N
Martial WeaponsY/N
Other Proficiencies

Armour Class0
Maximum Hit Points0
Current Hit Points0
Temporary Hit Points0
Total Hit Dice0
Used Hit Dice0
Death Save Failures0 / 3
Death Save Successes0 / 3

NameAttack BonusDamage / Type
Blank00 / Blank

Class Resource

Class Traits

Distinguishing MarksBlank

Memoria DescriptionConnected to...

Important People


Hands / ArmsBlank

Backpack / Storage

Additional Features and Traits

Hit Points0
Armour Class0

Companion Attributes


NameAttack BonusDamage / Type
Blank00 / Blank

Companion Features and Traits

This message was last edited by the GM at 00:12, Tue 23 Apr.
GM, 9 posts
Wed 17 Apr 2024
at 00:22
  • msg #2

Step 2 - Survivor Creation

1. Lineage

There were countless Lineages spread throughout the world before the Breaking, each with their own unique traits and cultures. Many Lineages have long since been forgotten, and those few that remain know little of their history.

Choose one of the Lineages listed below. If you’d rather let chance decide, the Lifepath (see page 26) provides options for determining your Lineage randomly. Your Lineage grants you several benefits but also determines your Curse and how Decay affects you if left unchecked. Each Lineage is explained in detail in the Lineage thread.

• Dwarf: Dwarves are the children of fire and were once great craftspeople and inventors. They bear the Curse of Flame, which causes their skin to blacken and burn as they are consumed by fire from within.

• Elf: Elves are the children of earth and were once immortal beings who lived in harmony with the lands around them. They bear the Curse of Earth, which causes their flesh and bone to crystallise until they are trapped in stone for all eternity.

• Halfling: Halflings are the children of water who once adapted to any situation and built communities and families amongst any culture. They bear the Curse of Water, which causes their bodies to slowly lose shape and melt away, leaving them as little more than intelligent slimes.

• Human: Humans are the children of the wind and once roamed the lands collecting and sharing knowledge and stories. They bear the Curse of Wind, which causes their souls to become trapped, turning them into nightmarish undead revenants.

• The Forgotten: The Forgotten are not a true Lineage, but rather the name given to the few remaining folk that carry the blood of the forgotten Lineages of the Broken World. They are strange and esoteric in appearance and may have thick scales, delicate wings, or countless other unique traits. They all bear the Curse of Oblivion, which causes them to fade and crumble away as their very existence is unwritten.


On a rare occasion, individuals from two different Lineages join together, overcome the biological odds, and birth a child of mixed Lineage. For the mechanical effects of having a mixed Lineage, see page 37.
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:23, Wed 17 Apr.
GM, 10 posts
Wed 17 Apr 2024
at 00:52
  • msg #3

Step 2 - Survivor Creation

2. Lifepath

All Survivors have faced deadly challenges, overcome struggles, and made and lost friends. Your Lifepath describes what you have experienced before your adventure begins, as well as the bonds and attachments with your Haven and community. A Lifepath weaves together the threads of your background to shape who you are:

0. Lineage: If you feel like letting fate determine your Lineage.
1. Family: Who are the important members of your family?
2. Upbringing: How were you raised and how did it affect you?
3. Occupation: What do you do when you’re not adventuring?
4. Defining Experience: What major, life-changing experience have you had?
5. Talent: What unique talent are you known for within the community?
6. Possessions: What tools and objects have you acquired?
7. Allies and Enemies: What friends and enemies have you made?

If you haven’t already done so, create your Haven together (see page 10) before proceeding with your Lifepath. Many aspects of the Lifepath are tied to your Haven, so knowing about your home and the people who live there will allow you to build a history that fits with your Haven.

Involve the other Survivors in your Lifepath, and listen out for where you can feature in theirs. Maybe you share a family with one of the other Survivors or were involved in one of their defining experiences. This shared history will bring your group of Survivors and their Haven to life.

Example: Milo is creating his Survivor, Arturius, and gets the Defining Experience ‘Trailed a Monster through the wilderness to rescue a friend’. He gains Proficiency in Survival, and makes a note to detail the experience later.

Meanwhile, Zoe is creating her Survivor Azza. For her Life Lesson she learned ‘How to survive physical hardships that would kill most people’. She gains +1 Constitution and then tries to figure out exactly what happened. Zoe heard Milo discussing his Defining Experience earlier and decides that Azza learned her harsh life lesson when she was attacked by a Monster. She killed the creature, but would have died from her injuries if Arturius hadn’t found her.

The choices you make grant you increases to your Attribute Scores (see page 34), unique features and equipment, and Proficiency in several Skills and Tools (see pages 121 and 113, respectively). If you would gain Proficiency in a Skill or Tool you already have, you can double your Proficiency Bonus in that Skill or Tool or choose a different Skill or Tool to gain Proficiency with.

1d100I am a...
96-99Mixed Lineage (roll twice, ignoring this result)


In the Broken World, family structures vary hugely. Some are small groups of parents and children, and others are large, extended families. Many families are created through love, trust, and shared experiences rather than blood, and adoptions and fostering are commonplace. Some families are decimated by loss, while others grow larger as they welcome new members.

To determine your family, simply roll or choose from the following tables. You can decide whether family members are parents, siblings, or have another relationship with you. If you want to roll for any family members’ occupations, you can use the tables in the Occupation section (see page 28).

Choose up to three family members who are especially important to you. Roll on the Influential Family Member table to discover who they are.


If you want to make a lone survivor or outcast type of character, they should still be connected to the Haven somehow. Maybe they are an eccentric scout who spends more time in the wilderness than the Haven, or maybe they are a refugee who only recently arrived.

1d100I was raised by...
01-80People of the same Lineage.
81-100People of a different Lineage (roll on the Lineage table).

Influential Family Member
1d12One of my Family Members is...
1A Monster now.
2Severely injured or infirm.
3Lost somewhere in the wild.
4Disgraced or hated in the community.
5Estranged from us.
6Carrying on the family trade.
7Raising another family in another Haven.
8An influential person in the community.
9Always there for us.
10An expert in their field.
11One of the founders of the Haven.
12Obsessed with the pre-Breaking world.

Family Size
1d100My Family is...DwarfElfHalfing or HumanForgotten


Your formative years have a fundamental and lasting impact. Where you sit in your Haven’s hierarchy, your family’s values, a Lineage’s culture, or countless other factors all help shape the person you become.

Roll or choose a result from the Upbringing table to determine what effect the early years of your life had on you.

1d6My Upbringing was...I am...
1Full of hard graft. We were put to work from an early age.Used to graft. Gain +1 Strength.
2Great fun. We played lots of games together.Used to play. Gain +1 Dexterity.
3Harder than most. There was never enough to go around.Used to pain. Gain +1 Constitution.
4Educational. Someone took great effort to school me.Used to learning. Gain +1 Intelligence.
5Dangerous. I always keep an eye out for trouble.Used to fear. Gain +1 Wisdom.
6On the road. We travelled a lot, and I met lots of people.Used to banter. Gain +1 Charisma.


Most Havens exist precariously, and everyone has to contribute to ensure their survival.

To determine your day-to-day role within the Haven, choose or roll on the Occupation table. Your Occupation grants you Proficiency in the listed Skill.

1d100You are a...You are skilled in...
06-11BeastkeeperAnimal Handling
30-35LorekeeperLocal Lore
60-65TinkererSleight of Hand
90-95HunterNatural Lore
96-100ScholarForgotten Lore


Life in the Broken World is a constant struggle for survival. You are plagued by threats and challenges from within and without, and must learn harsh lessons early in life if you hope to survive. Overcoming hardships creates defining moments in every Survivor’s life and teaches them valuable lessons.

Roll or choose a result from the Defining Experience and Life Lesson tables. Your Defining Experience is an important event that happened during your adolescence, and grants you Proficiency in a Skill. Look for places where your fellow Survivors may have been involved in your Defining Experience. For example, if you drove away a band of violent raiders, maybe another party member stood shoulder to shoulder with you. Your Life Lesson is something you have learned over the years through repetition and reinforcement, and grants you an Attribute Score increase.


The Defining Experience and Life Lesson tables offer some examples of major events in a Survivor’s past. However, you are free to create new Defining Experiences and Life Lessons. These events likely took place in adolescence or young adulthood and mark the first time you made a real difference in someone’s life or helped the Haven in a time of strife, so they should be impactful.

Once you have an idea, work with the GM to determine the bonus you gain from the event. If it is a Defining Experience, you gain Proficiency in a suitable Skill. If it is a Life Lesson, you gain +1 in a relevant Attribute.

Defining Experience
1d100You...You learned...
01-06Trailed a Monster through the wilderness to rescue a friend.Survival
07-12Drove away raiders who threatened your Haven.Intimidation
13-18Crossed a dangerous wasteland to warn a Haven of impending danger.Athletics
19-24Cared for people when a plague spread through the community.Medicine
25-30Discovered a nearby Haven and made contact with its people.Local Lore
31-36Followed hidden signs and discovered a pre-Breaking ruin.Perception
37-42Stopped a violent conflict which threatened to split your Haven in two.Persuasion
43-48Scaled a treacherous cliff to harvest a precious resource at its peak.Acrobatics
49-54Tricked an intelligent Monster to leave your community alone.Deception
55-60Disarmed an ancient trap that could have caused great loss of life.Sleight of Hand
61-65Deciphered a detailed record from an ancient pre-Breaking civilisation.Forgotten Lore
66-71Tamed a dangerous wild animal which had made its den near the Haven.Animal Handling
72-77Discovered that a trusted community member was succumbing to Decay.Insight
78-83Infiltrated a rival Haven to determine whether they were a true danger.Stealth
84-89Discovered a new source of food during a time of dire famine.Natural Lore
90-95Solved the murder of a community member all by yourself.Investigation
96-100Created a popular new form of art which brought the community together.Performance

Life Lesson
1d12You learned...You gained...
1To seek out hard work that makes you strong.+1 Strength
2How to pass lightly through the world, evading notice.+1 Dexterity
3How to survive physical hardship that would kill most people.+1 Constitution
4How to think clearly and logically, even under pressure.+1 Intelligence
5To always pay attention to your surroundings.+1 Wisdom
6That sometimes the right word to the right person is all you need.+1 Charisma
7That your body is the only weapon you can truly rely on.+1 Strength
8How to evade dangers both large and small.+1 Dexterity
9How to ignore pain and see your goals to completion.+1 Constitution
10Some secrets of the Broken World others would rather ignore.+1 Intelligence
11Some tricks to finding food and shelter in the wilds.+1 Wisdom
12How to de-escalate conflicts with personality alone.+1 Charisma


Talents are unique abilities and tricks you have learned throughout your life. They are not tied to your Class or Lineage so are more personal to you.

To determine what unique Talent you’ve picked up, roll or choose a result from the Starting Talent table. You also gain additional Talents at Levels 2, 6, 10, 14, and 18. A complete list of Talents can be found on page 95. Some Talents have specific Requirements that must be met before they can be chosen. These are noted with an asterisk (*). If you roll a Talent but do not meet the Requirements, roll again.

Defining Experience
1Artifact Adept*11Home Comforts
2Creature Companion*12Hopeful
3Dark Secret13Hurler
4Decayed14Leader's Favorite
5Decay Resistance15Provider
6Eidetic Memory16Refined Sense*
7Fast Friends17Safe Path
8Fearless18Secret Language
9Genial19Spring Up*
10Hard Worker20Untouched by Decay


You own and have learned to use various tools and weapons to help you survive. Your possessions could include a weapon used to hunt or fight, or a tool that allows you to contribute to the community. Whatever it is, you always know how best to use it.

Roll three times or select three results from the Possessions table to determine an experience you had and what valuable items you have gained from it.

Each possession grants you Proficiency in a Skill, Tool, or Language. Details on the contents and use of various Tools can be found in Chapter 7. Equipment (see page 113). If you gain Proficiency in a vehicle, you do not automatically gain a vehicle yourself, as these are too valuable to a Haven for one person to claim ownership. Instead, it indicates that at least one of these vehicles is in your Haven.

1d12ExperienceYou gained...
1You took part in several hunting parties for the Haven, either making the kills yourself or butchering the carcasses in the field.A Ranged Weapon of your choice, Butcher’s Tools, or Hunter’s Tools.
2You starred in or helped organise performances to bring the Haven together.An Instrument of your choice or Actor’s Tools.
3You created a form of art, either as a pastime or as a way to develop your Haven’s culture.Artist’s Tools of your choice or Scribe’s Tools.
4You learned how to create or repair some form of useful day-to-day objects, either for yourself or the community at large.Tailor’s Tools, Builder’s Tools, or Smith’s Tools.
5You explored your Haven’s surroundings, foraging for supplies or mapping the area.Seeker’s Tools, Herbalist’s Tools, or Prospector’s Tools.
6You studied under or worked with a skilled Maker, learning some of their trade.Alchemist’s Tools or Artificer’s Tools.
7You worked in a communal kitchen, providing food and drink to Haven members as they worked.Cook’s Tools.
8You were involved in a regular gaming group as a pastime, several of which involved telling stories and rolling dice.A Gaming Set of your choice.
9You took part in subterfuge for personal gain or at the quiet behest of your Haven’s leadership.Alchemist’s Tools or Artificer’s Tools.
10You joined the Haven’s militia or trained under a skilled fighter.A Melee Weapon of your choice.
11You learned to pilot a boat or drive a wagon on short journeys around the Haven.A Land or Water Vehicle of your choice.
12You learned the language and customs of a nearby Haven or lost civilisation.A book containing the Language and customs of a nearby Haven or ruined civilisation.


No one grows up in the Broken World without people they can rely on — your survival is too dependent on bonds and connections. Unfortunately, small betrayals or personality clashes in such close confines makes it likely you’ll end up with an enemy of some sort within your community.

Roll twice or choose two results from the Allies and Enemies table to discover details about your ally and enemy. These Allies and Enemies can be new characters, or members of your Family. Once you know why you are allies or enemies, you can give them a name, occupation, or other details as you see fit. An Ally can generally be relied upon to support you as much as possible; some may even be willing to sacrifice themselves to save you. Meanwhile, Enemies are likely to undermine you or act openly hostile towards you within the bounds of your Haven’s social structure.


Some relationships are so complex that the same individual functions as your Ally and Enemy simultaneously. Maybe they relentlessly bully you in front of others but have saved your life numerous times when nobody is around. Or perhaps you were once their closest friend, but the relationship has turned sour over the years. You can make one character both your Ally and Enemy by applying both results to one character.

Allies and Enemies
1You have complementary interests with this person (e.g. you’re a hunter, they’re a butcher), so you’ve built a strong working relationship.You compete with this person (e.g. you’re both hunters, and there’s little game), so you often come into conflict.
2You helped this person leave an unpleasant social situation, such as a bad relationship or role.You got this person into trouble with somebody they relied on, such as family or a romantic partner.
3You shared mutual secrets with this person to comfort them after a tragedy.They learned one of your darkest secrets and shared it with others for their benefit.
4You used to be in a relationship with this person and remained friends afterwards.You used to be in a relationship with the person, and it ended very badly.
5This person saved your life before, and you still haven’t repaid the debt (or vice versa).This person once abandoned you to die and refuses to take responsibility.
6They were a lost survivor from a fallen Haven. You found them and brought them to your home.This person believed it was your responsibility to care for them and that you failed.
7This person taught you important skills or lessons, and you look out for them.Goods or advice you gave this person failed spectacularly, perhaps injuring them or someone they care about.
8You gifted this person a relic, tool, or other useful item when they needed it most.You accidentally broke this person’s prized relic, tool, or another beloved possession.
9You risked your own life to save the life of someone this person cared for.Intentionally or otherwise, you were responsible for the death of someone this person cared for.
10You and this person were raised or taught by the same person, and you’ve developed your skills together for years.Someone this person cares about likes you more than them. This person’s jealousy has grown dark and spiteful over time.

This message was last edited by the GM at 22:43, Wed 17 Apr.
GM, 11 posts
Wed 17 Apr 2024
at 22:47
  • msg #4

Step 2 - Survivor Creation

3. Class

Your Class gives you a clear focus and role in the group. It grants several abilities, gives Proficiency in various Skills and equipment, and a +1 bonus to its key Attribute. Choosing your Class is one of the most important decisions you will make, so be sure you are happy with your choice. If you can’t decide on a Class, refer back to your Lifepath for inspiration on the role you may have taken within the Haven.

Choose one of the following Classes. Each Class is explained in detail in the Class thread.

• Harrowed tap into the corrupting force of Decay to shield others from its effects and use its unnatural power to defend their Haven and protect their allies. Harrowed are invaluable to a Haven, but are often left isolated or ostracised within the community. Harrowed gain +1 Constitution.

• Makers are creators, inventors, alchemists, and smiths. They seek out old and new technology and try to harness it for the benefit of their Haven. There is always more work for a Maker, from repairing equipment, building homes, or inspecting defences. Makers gain +1 Dexterity.

• Sages are members of a Haven with years of experience and knowledge — a priceless commodity in a world that has forgotten so much. They may be scholars, chirurgeons, or historians, but regardless of their profession, they are an honoured community member. Sages gain +1 Intelligence.

• Seekers search for lost Artefacts that can strengthen a Haven and walk the forgotten paths of the Broken World. They handle dangerous relics from the ancient past and must guard against Decay, but their discoveries can be the difference between survival and obliteration for a Haven. Seekers gain +1 Wisdom.

• Speakers are diplomats and storytellers. They work within a Haven to build community and travel to nearby Havens to strengthen bonds and broker agreements. They bolster and inspire their companions, creating new histories and legends in a world that has forgotten its past. Speakers gain +1 Charisma.

• Wardens are protectors and guardians. They are the best-trained fighters a Haven has to offer and are gifted ancestral weapons and armour to defend those who can’t defend themselves. Within the Haven, they train others to protect the Haven in their absence or take on the Warden’s responsibilities in the event of their death. Wardens gain +1 Strength.
GM, 12 posts
Wed 17 Apr 2024
at 22:51
  • msg #5

Step 2 - Survivor Creation

4. Attribute Scores

Your Attribute Scores represent your physical and mental capabilities and are divided into Strength (Str), Dexterity (Dex), Constitution (Con), Intelligence (Int), Wisdom (Wis), and Charisma (Cha). There are two ways to generate your Attribute Scores: using an array or rolling.

• Array: To generate your Attribute Scores using an array, you simply assign values to each Attribute as desired. Broken Weave uses the following array: 14, 14, 12, 12, 10, and 8.

• Roll: To generate your Attribute Scores by rolling, roll 2d6 + 4 six times, and assign the results to each Attribute as desired.


Attribute Scores for Player Characters range from 8 to a maximum of 20, though certain creatures and many Monsters may have scores above or below these numbers. Your Attribute Score determines your Attribute Bonus, as shown in the table below.

Attribute Bonus

GM, 13 posts
Wed 17 Apr 2024
at 23:25
  • msg #6

Step 2 - Survivor Creation

5. Finishing Touches

You are almost ready to venture into the Broken World. There are just a few finishing touches needed.


Countless names have been forgotten or changed and twisted over the years. Once proud names with an ancient heritage have lost their meaning, while new names have been created as different communities and cultures come together. Your Haven may have a particular way of naming new citizens, perhaps drawing on their parents’ names and combining them, picking out key physical features such as hair or eye colour, or naming children for the weather or stars on the day they were born. Each Lineage also includes suggestions of traditional names stemming from the time before the Breaking. Feel free to choose one of these names or use them for inspiration. You can have any name you wish — choose whatever feels right.


Each Lineage has certain common features, such as Dwarves being short and stocky and Elves being tall and thin, but these are just the most common traits — if you wish to make an Elf shorter than most Humans, feel free to do so. Likewise, your eye colour, hair colour, hairstyle, and other distinguishing features are entirely up to you. Clothing, hair and other stylistic choices might be influenced by your Haven’s values and fashions.


Your dream is the ambition that motivates and drives you. It’s the reason you put yourself in harm’s way, take risks, and go outside the relative comfort and safety of your Haven. You might never accomplish your dream, but it is a guiding light in the dark, shaping how you interact with the world and overcome problems. For example, if your dream is to rebuild a Haven, you might believe that a community can overcome any problem. Or if you dream of mastering arcane artefacts, you would likely seek them out at any chance you get.

Choose or roll on the Dreams table, or use them as inspiration to create your own.

1d20You want to...
1Find out what happened to someone you lost.
2Learn how to replicate a legendary Arcane Artefact.
3Rebuild a lost Haven or even a civilisation.
4Found, and lead, a new community with new ideals.
5Locate a specific city from a pre-Breaking civilisation.
6Reverse the Decay afflicting a family member or loved one.
7Find a mythical place untouched by Decay.
8Catalogue every Titan in the Broken World.
9Defeat your sworn nemesis or an elusive Monster.
10Destroy a faction or Haven which harmed you in the past.
11Hunt down a Monster which killed someone you love.
12Somehow find a way to reach the broken moon.
13Undertake a pilgrimage to a god-corpse you dream about.
14Find someone you truly love and start a family together.
15Forge a legend that will last for generations to come.
16Become a master of your profession and pass on your skills.
17Go out in a blaze of glory before you get old.
18Reclaim some precious memories long-lost to Decay.
19Find a lost piece of ancestral equipment.
20Live a long life and pass away in your sleep surrounded by family.


All the Survivors in your group know each other in some way or another — they likely grew up in the same Haven and have crossed paths at some point during their Lifepaths. Review your Lifepaths as a group, and see if you can identify at least one connecting experience that ties you to each other party member to solidify the group’s shared bonds.

Alternatively, you can roll or choose a result from the Connections table.

1____ and I competed in the Haven's yearly games.
2____ and I got into a fistfight.
3I tried and failed to steal something from ____.
4When my home was destroyed, ____ gave me shelter.
5____ and I were punished for putting the Haven in danger.
6____ and I share a phobia of something mundane.
7____ and I grew up together in the same home.
8____ saved me from a Monster in our Haven.
9____ and I found a secret together about our Haven.
10____ caught me stealing resources from the Haven.
11____ and I were in the wilderness together.
12____ taught me a trick that I do better than them.
13I needed ____'s help to solve a problem.
14____ and I killed a Monster which was once our friend.
15I owe ____ some rare materials.
16____ stood up for me in front of the Haven leaders.
17____ knows I betrayed someone dear to me.
18When I was lost in the wilderness, ____ found me.
19Once, ____ and I almost starved to death.
20____ knows I aim to escape the Haven one day.


Survivors risk losing their memories every time they are exposed to Decay. To combat this, Survivors carry Memoria, small trinkets that they emotionally link to an important memory, event, or person. Memoria help people to hold on to their most important memories.

Look back on your Lifepath, Dreams, and Connections and consider which individual people or experiences are most important to you. Choose 3 and create an accompanying Memoria for each one. You can use the Memoria table to generate a random Memoria or come up with one yourself — almost any small, handmade trinket can be a Memoria. Make a note of your Memoria and their accompanying memory, as they are important for resisting Decay (see page 126).

1StoneAn animal's likeness.Part of a larger whole.
2BoneA trail glyph or religious symbol.Faded or frayed at the edges.
3GlassA tool or weapon.Recently repaired.
4ClayA person's likeness.Repurposed from another object.
5FabricAn instrument or game piece.Paired with an identical Memoria.
6WoodenA bottle or container.Decorated with feathers, hides, or scales.
7ObsidianAn abstract shape.Displays incredible craftsmanship.
8MetalA sun, star, or moon.Inlaid with precious metal or gems.
9WaxA tree or plant.Plants or fungi grow on it.
10CrystalA scrap of clothing or armour.In desperate need of repair.


Not even the safest Haven can fully protect you from the influence of Decay. Your starting Decay is equal to the starting Decay of your Haven as decided during Haven Creation.


Your Armour Class (AC) represents how hard you are to hit, and is determined by your Dexterity and the Armour you are wearing. A complete list of armour available in the Broken World can be found in the Equipment thread. If you are not wearing armour, your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity Bonus.


Your Hit Points (HP) reflect how much punishment you can take. Each Class gains a certain amount of HP at each Level, plus additional HP based on their Constitution Bonus. To determine your starting HP, check the Class Features section of your chosen Class.


Passive Skills represent your affinity for certain tasks even when you are not actively performing them.

Passive Perception is your natural awareness of your surroundings. Your Passive Perception equals 8 + your Wisdom Bonus plus your Proficiency Bonus if you are Proficient in the Perception Skill.

Passive Insight is your natural understanding and empathy for people. Your Passive Insight equals 8 + your Wisdom Bonus, plus your Proficiency Bonus if you are Proficient in the Insight Skill.


By now, you should have a good sense of who your Survivor is: what they’ve been through, where their skills and interests lie, and how they’re connected to the other Survivors. With your Survivor and Haven finished, you are ready to play! Remember, the Broken World is dangerous and terrifying, but determination, trust in one another, and hope for a brighter tomorrow can overcome any obstacle you face.
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